THE BULL`S ROAR - Lamborghini Club of Australia
THE BULL`S ROAR - Lamborghini Club of Australia
THE BULL’S ROAR The Official Newsletter of the Lamborghini Club of Australia Issue 61, March 2013 FEATURED ARTICLES Lamborghini Aventador Roadster International Launch - Miami, Florida Lamborghini Restoration Resource Centre 12 44 4 February 2013 18 Veneno Press 4 March 2013 27 by Paul Cooke (VIC) Release Amelia Island 2013 by Mark Jansen (QLD) 18 The Celebration of the Motor Car 16 December 2013 30 12 by Michael Hill (WA) Lambo, Porsche & Friends 3 March 2013 32 by Mark Jansen, et al. (QLD) 38 The Big Al’s Poker Run by Michael Hill (WA) 27 9 February 2013 40 Movie Stars Take by Michelle Jansen (QLD) Two REGULARS 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 6 8 14 48 C2 Editorial Committee/State Coordinators Advertising Rates New Members Club Merchandise Magazine Publishing Dates Past President’s Report President’s Report Secretary Says Club Calendar New Member Application Back Issues ADVERTISERS C1 10 11 17 27 47 C3 Lamborghini Brisbane Lamborghini Melbourne Nushots Motorclassica 2013 Sports and Classic Car Services Help Wanted - Advertising Guru Currans Accident Repair Centre 1 32 40 Editorial LAMBORGHINI CLUB OF AUSTRALIA PO Box 138 HAMILTON QLD 4007 COMMITTEE/STATE COORDINATORS President Michael Warshall M: 0411 232 232 [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Paul Cooke M: 0411 746 897 [email protected] Committee Member/Public Officer Gary Overs M: 0413 877 025 [email protected] Committee Member Mark Jansen M: 0417 828 569 [email protected] VIC Coordinator Paul Cooke M: 0411 746 897 [email protected] NSW Coordinator TBA SA Coordinator TBA QLD Coordinator Warwick Donsky M: 0433 178 832 [email protected] WA Coordinator Michael Hill M: 0401 103 150 [email protected] Club Magazine Editor Michelle Jansen M: 0417 916 529 [email protected] Welcome to the March 2013 issue of The Bull’s Roar. I’m always saying this but I apologise for the delay in this issue. This time it has related entirely from my end as I have been in the middle of setting up two new businesses. For those who’ve been involved in doing that and shop fitouts, I’m sure you can appreciate that your time quickly disappears - especially when you are a mother as well. For the more astute readers, you can be excused for thinking the dates and issue numbers in last magazine were all over the place. They were. In preparing updates to this issue it seems I was having a bet each way in a number of places. For this I apologise. I have some exciting news. Although I will prepare the next issue (June 2013 - largely because I’ll be on the European tour) we will have a new editor from September 2013. James Hodge (Canberra member) has very kindly agreed to step into the role of the new editor then. He recently changed Lambos - to the lime green Gallardo Balboni (the only one of that colour in Australia to my knowledge). I had eyes on that car for some time while it was for sale here in Brisbane and it is just a magnificent beast. James will bring not only his enthusiasm for the Lamborghini marque but also his IT expertise to the magazine. Plus he writes beautifully. Thanks so much James. Keep up the content members. You are all fabulous. I already have some material for the next issue and I thank you for getting it ‘off-yourchest’ quickly. Regards Michelle Jansen Editor LCA Magazine Mobile: 0417 916 529 Copyright © 2013 The Lamborghini Club of Australia. Not for reproduction in any form without permission from the Lamborghini Club of Australia. Contact the secretary for permission. Secretary: Paul Cooke M: 0411 746 897 [email protected] ADVERTISING RATES $500 Full Page $350 Half Page $200 Quarter Page Gallardo Balboni 2 New Members The club welcomes the following new members and we look forward to their active participation in coming events. John Kopcheff– Perth, WA (Gallardo) Phil Longfield – Sydney, NSW (Espada) Chris Gray – Sydney, NSW (Murciélago) Nat Bylund – Brisbane, QLD (Gallardo) Larry Kestleman – Melbourne, Vic (Murciélago) Richard Jolly – Brisbane, QLD (Gallardo) Club Merchandise Polo shirts with club logo are available to members for $50 each. Two styles are available for both men and women in a variety of colours. Black caps with club logo in yellow are available to members for $20 each. TO ORDER, CONTACT MARK JANSEN ON 0417 828 569 OR [email protected] Magazine Publishing Dates We print four issues a year but to help us achieve this goal, we need help from you. Please send us any articles, photos, etc., that you think are worthy of being published in the magazine by the appropriate date below. If the article is original and respectful, we will print it. If you have sent us something but haven’t seen it in the magazine, call us! No article is too small—everything can fill a space. Our preference is for text to be sent to us in Microsoft Word format and images to be sent separately in JPEG with a resolution of 300 DPI and a print width of 20 cm. This allows for the images to be re-sized without loss of quality. And if none of this makes sense, simply contact the editor, Michelle Jansen, and she can help you. (0417 916 529 or [email protected]). Issue Final Articles to Michelle Jansen Completion Date/ Send to Printer Return from the Printer Mailed out June 2013 Wednesday 5 June Wednesday 19 June Wednesday 26 June Friday 28 June September 2013 Wednesday 21 August Wednesday 4 September Wednesday 11 September Friday 13 September December 2013 Wednesday 20 November Wednesday 4 December Wednesday 11 December Friday 13 December March 2014 Wednesday 19 February Wednesday 5 March Wednesday 12 March Friday 14 March 3 Past President’s Report W elcome to Issue 61 of The Bull’s Roar. Well here we are, well and truly into 2013 – the year that marks the golden anniversary of Lamborghini. Automobili Ferruccio Lamborghini S.p.A was founded by Mr Ferruccio Lamborghini back in 1963, 50 years ago. Mr Lamborghini was born on the 28th April 1916 so he was 47 years old when he founded the Lamborghini car company. Like many of you I’m sure, I have pulled out a number of my treasured Lamborghini books from my library to re-read them, re-live some of that history and the stories of Lamborghini from the good old days. How the company ever survived is a miracle, however it did and I think that the entrepreneurship, drive and pure genius of Mr Lamborghini engrained a culture within the company that helped it survive through the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Under Audi’s ownership Lamborghini has gone from strength to strength and it is now recognised the world over as one of if not the ultimate manufacturer of exotic cars. March. I think the pictures tell the story . . . wow what an amazing looking car . . . imagine driving that thing! I write this Presidents Report as my last. Most of you will be aware that back in December I announced my decision not to renominate for the President’s role again in 2013. As I mentioned by email at the time I have been thinking about the future of our Club for some time and for me to carry on in the role would be doing so for the wrong reasons. I am as passionate about Lamborghini (and our Club) as ever before and genuinely excited about all of the events planned for 2013 to celebrate 50 years of Lamborghini, however, I just think the time is right for a change. I think it’s Lamborghini being Lamborghini had to do something special for their 50th Anniversary. Following the launch of the Aventador Roadster I think everyone was focussing on the events to celebrate the 50th Anniversary and then out of nowhere they launched the Veneno at the Geneva Motor Show in Ferruccio Lamborghini 4 time for some fresh blood and some fresh ideas to enable to Club to take the next step and to continue to grow. There is no doubt that that the future for The Lamborghini Club of Australia is all about the news cars and like all of the others clubs around the world the challenge is to embrace the history and heritage of Lamborghini and ensure we continue to get the owners of the older cars to bring them to club events and participate on runs etc. I am delighted to advise you that Michael Warshall has been elected as your new President and Paul Cooke as the Secretary / Treasurer. Gary Overs remains on the committee Past President’s Report ... continued and I have also been elected onto the Committee for 2013 which will enable me to complete a smooth transition with Michael. I would like to thank our outgoing Secretary / Treasurer Alan Rettke for his hard work over a number of years, to all our State Coordinators and to everyone involved with the Club who has done their little bit. It all helps, thank you. I also must say a big thank you to my better half Michelle for all her time and effort to put together our magazine - The Bull’s Roar. Thanks xxx :-). Australia is a big country and the Club magazine is our life line which I think keeps the national club together. There is no doubt our magazine is world class. Editing the magazine is a time consuming thankless job and we need to support her and encourage her to keep going for just a wee bit longer! from NSW, Vic, QLD and WA, which is a great spread. From memory five people are shipping cars, four are hiring cars and one is shopping in Europe as I write this! Of this, five or six will be joining The Bull’s Roar Tour IV. There will also be a number of other people from Australia who will be there to support those of us participating and even though they are not bringing a car it will be great for them to be there. Can’t wait! So, onto the 50th Anniversary. The official Lamborghini event – the Grand Giro is oversubscribed and now closed. I’m told in excess of 350 cars will be attending. No more plugs from me, if you are going we’ll see you there if not you can read all about it in the motoring publications across the world, including The Bull’s Roar! By the time you read this Auto Italia will have been and gone which is our first opportunity to celebrate 50 years of Lamborghini in Australia. I’m delighted to advise you that we have (at least) ten people participating in the Lamborghini Giro from Australia. We have people RACQ Motorfest to be held in Brisbane on Sunday 14th July and of course Motorclassica. Motorclassica is Australia’s premier concours d’elegance and classic car show and will be held in Melbourne from 25 – 27 October 2013. This will also be the weekend for our national meet and we are promising some big surprises and some very special cars . . stay tuned! All Lambo owners MUST make the effort to attend this event . . . with their car. Take care – safe motoring! Mark Jansen Other events planned to celebrate 50 years of Lamborghini include the Veneno 5 President’s Report I write to you as the new President of the Lamborghini Club of Australia. I am honored to be elected and I am looking forward to working with the rest of the committee to bring you, the members, opportunities to get together and share our mutual passion about cars and especially Lamborghini. Let me tell you a little about myself. I studied Chemistry, did not like it and decided to be a professional photographer instead. My parents were not impressed and asked me how I was going to eat, as they could not see how one could earn a living from this profession. am also the Executive Director of the Nulab Group who specialize in high end printing, signage and design not only for professionals but also for consumers under our Nushots brand. Portrait photography is my other passion besides cars, and it has been good to me. I have travelled the world, meeting and photographing incredible people from Mother Teresa to Rod Stewart. I get a buzz as my portraits hang in some of the best homes and palaces around the world. My love of cars started back in school and my first car was a lime green XU1 Torana, which I took to drag races and track days. I then progressed to GT Falcons and finally acquired my first Porsche in my mid 20’s. Over the years I have owned and driven many fine cars. Over the years my business evolved and now besides photography I I am not a collector but a user. My first experience 6 with a Lamborghini was in the mid 1970 where I sold my Porsche Turbo and purchased the Urraco P250. What a beautiful looking car. I went to pick it up from the dealer, drove out of the yard, put the indicator on and the stalk came off in my hand. Had the car for about one year and I think I drove it for only about 2 months. There was always something wrong. Car got sold and I went back to the German reliable cars. But the Urraco was such a beautiful car especially for those times. President’s Report continued When Audi took over Lamborghini, there were visible improvements, or as I would say the cars became Germanized. My car is an everyday drive, and it is easy to drive and works all the time. What a change from the old days. I seem to keep my cars for 18-24 months and then get a new one. After the Porsches, I had multiple Ferraris, Maserati’s, Aston Martins, Bentleys, Rolls Royce’s, BMW’s, and Mercedes to name a few. of events, especially track days to enable our members to “stretch the Bulls legs as they say” The last five cars have been Gallardo’s with the current one a Metallic Green Performante Convertible. Michael Warshall Currently the rest of the stable are M3, C63 AMG and a Range Rover Supercharged to carry the dogs in the family. President Lamborghini Car Club Being involved in several car clubs, I am going to try and co-join a number 7 Secretary Says L amborghini on the rise? prices I’m delighted to take over from Alan as Secretary / Treasurer and support Michael as President. I was asked the other day if I thought owning a classic car was a good investment. The answer of course is - sometimes. What is interesting is the current rise in quality / premium classic vehicles. This could be a function of international investors increasingly fed up with fixed interest performance or renewed confidence as a result is the improved stock market conditions. I am sure experts like Mark Jansen and Jeff Dutton will have strong views on this topic. Like many of you, I read Car and Classic, Octane and Classic and Sportscar magazines. They regularly make reference to the HAGI index. I was only vaguely aware of the HAGI index but I thought it might be of interest to club members. the sector and create the initial foundations for an investment infrastructure into this long established area of ‘passion’ investment. HAGI runs a proprietary database of actual transactions in the sector for rare classic cars. Data is sourced from four areas: Private transactions, dealer transactions, marque experts and auction results. HAGI describes itself as an “independent research house and think tank with specialised expertise in the rare classic motorcar sector”. The Historic Automobile Group International (HAGI) is a London based research organisation in the area of rare historic motorcars and collectors’ automobiles. HAGI is known for its classic car market indices, which have been calculated since December 2008, based on a proprietary market capitalisation formula called “survivor weighting”. Founded in 2007 HAGI has strong established links with members of the financial industry. The purpose of the research initiative is to improve transparency in HAGI claims more than 300 individual members from more than 15 countries. The group has developed a set of professional indices (HAGI Indices) and releases index data on a monthly 8 basis for four indices. Refer to the table on the next page for the February 2013 data. Now in the real world, what does this mean? Ferraris tend to be a leading indicator for Lamborghini and other premium marques and helps explain the huge rise in the top end models (Miura, Early Countach, 400 GT etc) - these have permanently priced in their investment grade status. It also explains other early cars increasing now Isleros are now $150k + ( up from $80k a few years ago). I think other early V12 cars are now showing early signs of appreciation (i.e. Espada, Jarama ). Partly its a HAGI trickle down effect, partly a function of their restoration costs ( @ double their current sale value) and reminder of their relative rarity. Their production volumes are minuscule compared to current models or similar period Ferraris ( that are valued double the equivalent Lamborghini). right one! Regards Paul Cooke So it’s probably not a bad time to consider an early car for the collection. Just don’t ask me to pick the Index Period Price % change/month % year-to-date HAGI Top HAGI P HAGI F HAGI Top ex. P & F HAGI MBCI** S&P Global 1200 February 2013 February 2013 February 2013 February 2013 February 2013 February 2013 175.74 182.84 172.18 177.69 128.39 1572.76 3.94 8.57 6.17 0.33 11.14 - 0.21 9.72 8.11 12.70 7.94 14.99 4.55 *HAGI Inception values 100 on 31.12.2008, **HAGI MBCI 100 on 31.12.2011 1. The HAGI Top Index is our overall market measure for exceptional historic automobiles. 2. The HAGI P Index is measuring the rare Porsche automobile market. 3. The HAGI F Index is measuring the rare Ferrari automobile market. 4. The HAGI Top ex P&F Index represents the HAGI Top Index without Porsche and Ferrari. 9 10 NuShots Our specialist product range includes superior quality floating acrylics, canvasses, prints, posters and presentation boxes in addition to photobooks, calendars and greeting cards. We ensure that your treasured memories last a lifetime. With a string of International and Australian printing awards, you can be assured our expert production team will provide you with products crafted to the highest quality available, because we understand your efforts to get the perfect photo and we reward you with a stunning end product at an exceptional price. NuShots Make your photos memorable NuShots Download Our Software Our free software gives you all the tools needed to design and create a range of beautiful premium printed products from your images. To download the software, go to Be Creative Choose a product and photos. Add layouts, text and photo borders to create a breath-taking masterpiece that will be treasured for many years to come. Upload Your Order Order one or many. Generous discounts for multiple orders, delivered to your doorstep two weeks later. FOR LAMBORGHINI CLUB MEMBERS RECEIVE A 30% DISCOUNT ON FIRST ORDER OF ANY OF OUR PRODUCTS CODE - Lambo30 11 LAMBORGHINI BRISBANE 632 Wickham Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Ph: (07) 3252 9099 Lamborghini Aventador Roadster International Launch – Miami, Florida February 4 2013 saw the official international launch of the hot new Lamborghini Aventador Roadster. Two very lucky Brisbane Lamborghini staff descended upon Miami for three days to partake in the festivities and experience this awesome new Bull firsthand. Upon arrival at the W Hotel, Miami, a Bianco Canopus Aventador Roadster, or Matt White in easy terms, greeted the guests, setting the scene for the days ahead. Monday Day 1 was mostly spent looking around South Beach with a bit of Jet Skiing in the Atlantic before joining some members of the Lamborghini Factory for dinner and drinks and a presentation of things to come for 2013. By this stage everybody was eager to get behind the wheel of the Roadster but that would have to wait until the following day where everyone headed to Miami International Speedway. In true Lamborghini style we were transported in a completely black bus with police escort - sirens and all. Very dramatic. While we waited we were shown some new products coming for Lamborghini in the form of exhausts systems for both Aventador and Gallardo. We also had a static presentation of the new Roadster and had a chance to see how easily the new roof system is removed and installed as well as how well it can stow away in the front hood compartment. Tuesday Day 2. Everyone arrived at Miami speedway and was greeted by 12 Aventador Roadsters in various colours along with a large contingent of Lamborghini staff decked out in the new Lamborghini Clothing. We were split into groups and unfortunately our group would have to wait until after lunch before we hit the track! Lunch came and in Italian style nobody seemed to be in a hurry. It looked like rain clouds were forming and we were eager to jump in before they came any closer. Luckily the weather stayed perfect and we got our chance to drive the cars. What an experience! 12 The Aventador Roadster is an LAMBORGHINI BRISBANE 632 Wickham Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Ph: (07) 3252 9099 amazing car to drive and felt every bit as stable and solid on the road as the Coupe version. Unlike most other open top cars there is no noticeable difference in the handling of this car and we were able to test at some pretty high speeds. Although Miami Speedway is a banked oval track with a small infield section we could still reach speeds of 160mph (over 250kph!) in some sections and got to experience both slow and high speed corners. We tried several different Roadsters throughout the afternoon and had to be dragged away at the end so they could close the track. This car will not disappoint those fortunate enough to own one and we cannot wait until we have a car in our showroom. As a fitting end to the day the Lamborghini GT3 factory driver took us for some hot laps in the 2013 Super Trofeo Racecar and this car is very impressive given the age of the Gallardo. Cannot wait to see what replaces this car in 2014! We finished the day with a dinner at a very exclusive Italian Restaurant in South Beach and were joined by some of the top people at Lamborghini including Stephan Winkelmann. Overall this was truly a once in a lifetime experience, and one that will be very hard to top with any other car launch. The hype already generated both locally and globally with this latest offering from the Home of the Bull is quite amazing, and it won’t go 13 unnoticed once it hits the Australian shores later this year. Brisbane Lamborghini is currently taking pre-orders for this new beast – call Franco Giammattei on 3252 9099. Club Calendar 2013 New South Wales For more information, drive notes, etc. please contact Jeff Lee on 0401 138 812 or the named event organiser. PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE ASAP. Month APRIL MAY JUNE JULY Date Description TBA TBA TBA TBA NOTE *** Please note events subject to change at any time without prior notice *** We are currently looking for a NSW coordinator. If you have an interest in organising a few events for the year, please get in touch with Michael Warshall on 0411 232 232 or [email protected]. Club Calendar 2013 Queensland For more information, drive notes, etc. please contact Warwick Donsky on 0433 178 832 or the named event organiser. PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE ASAP. Month Date Description APRIL Sunday 21st Lambo laps at Queensland Raceway JUNE Sunday 2nd BULL RUN - Classic Car Picnic Mt Tamborine JULY Sunday 14th DISPLAY DAY - RACQ Motorfest NOTE **** Please send Warwick an email on [email protected] if you have other suggestions for suitable venues or Bull Runs - your feedback is greatly appreciated! **** 14 Club Calendar 2013 South Australia We are currently looking for a SA coordinator. If you have an interest in organising a few events for the year, please get in touch with Michael Warshall on 0411 232 232 or [email protected]. Club Calendar 2013 Western Australia For more information, drive notes, etc. please contact Michael Hill on 0401 103 150 or the named event organiser. PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE ASAP. Month Date Description APRIL Sunday 28th BULL RUN - Whiteman Park Classic Car Show MAY Tuesday 7th to Saturday 11th BULL RUN - 50th Anniversary in Italy MAY Saturday 25th BULL RUN - Lunch in Mandurah NOTE **** Please send Michael or Tony an email if you have other suggestions for suitable venues or Bull Runs - your feedback is greatly appreciated! **** 15 Club Calendar 2013 Victoria For more information, drive notes, etc. please contact Paul Cooke on 0411 746 897 or the named event organiser. PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE ASAP. Month Date Description MAY TBC BULL RUN - Castlemaine run - lunch at The Empyre. JUNE Sunday 2nd We are planning on RV’ing at Kateen in South Yarra then onto Healesville for a quick coffee before driving on the Black Spur before stopping for lunch at Badgers Brook in Coldstream SEPTEMBER Sunday 15th WINTON RACEWAY - Joint Drive Day - Ferrari Club and Lamborghini Club Costs split 50/50 between both clubs. Costs include all management, security and first aide costs. Event Timings - TBC. Realistic target of 20 plus cars makes day very affordable at $200 or less/ per car. We will ask for $300 a car booking and will credit back to members the surplus funds (based on booking numbers) on the day. Bookings to be made by 31 May Questions - please call or email Paul Cooke (0411746897, [email protected]) NOTE **** Please send Paul Cooke an email on [email protected] if you have other suggestions for suitable venues or Bull Runs - your feedback is greatly appreciated! **** Club Calendar 2013 National Events of Interest Month OCTOBER Date Friday 25th to Sunday 27th Description EVENT - RACV Motorclassica. Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, Australia For up-to-date calendar information please see the website: from time to time other informal Sunday drives and lunches will be organised on an ad hoc basis in your state, so please keep in contact with your state coordinators. 16 17 18 19 VENENO LAMBORGHINI VENENO - A RACING PROTOTYPE AND ROADGOING SUPER SPORTS CAR 04 March 2013 Geneva/Sant’Agata Bolognese, 04.03.2013 – In the year of its 50th anniversary Automobili Lamborghini is presenting an extremely exclusive model at the Geneva Motor Show 2013. Only three unique units of the Lamborghini Veneno will be built and sold. Its design is consistently focused on optimum aerodynamics and cornering stability, giving the Veneno the real dynamic experience of a racing prototype, yet it is fully homologated for the road. With a maximum output of 552 kW / 750 hp, the Veneno accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in just 2.8 seconds and the top speed for this street-legal racing car stands at 355 km/h. It is priced at three million Euros plus tax – and all three units have already been sold to customers. The Lamborghini Veneno features a twelve-cylinder power unit with a displacement of 6.5 litres, an extremely fast-shifting 7-speed ISR transmission with 5 driving modes and permanent all-wheel drive, as well as a racing chassis with pushrod suspension and horizontal spring/ damper units. Above all, however, the Veneno benefits from the very special expertise that Automobili Lamborghini possesses in the development and execution of carbonfibre materials – the complete chassis is produced as a CFRP monocoque, as is the outer skin of this extreme sports car. The inside, too, features innovative, Lamborghini-patented materials such as Forged Composite and CarbonSkin. Fully in keeping with the tradition of the brand, the name of the Veneno originates from a legendary fighting bull. Veneno is the name of one of the strongest and most aggressive fighting bulls ever. He is also famous for being one of the fastest bulls in the history of bullfighting. His name became popular in 1914, when he fatally wounded the famous torero José Sánchez Rodríguez during the bullfight in the arena Sanlúcar de Barrameda’s, Andalusia, Spain. The Design The Lamborghini Veneno brings the aerodynamic efficiency of a racing prototype to the road. Every detail of its form pursues a clear function – exceptional dynamics, optimum downforce with minimal drag and perfect cooling of the high- 20 performance engine. Yet the Veneno is unmistakably a Lamborghini; it sticks firmly to the consistent design philosophy of all the super sports cars from Sant’Agata Bolognese. That includes the extreme proportions, as well as the powerfully arrow-shaped front end and the interplay between razor-sharp lines and precise surfaces. The entire front end of the Lamborghini Veneno has been laid out for perfect airflow and downforce. The front end works as a large aerodynamic wing. Large channels guide the air to the outlets in the front hood and in front of the windshield, as well as to the front wheels. Characteristic for Lamborghini is the Y shape of the angular headlamps that reach well into the fenders as well as the scissor doors. The division of the fenders from the car body is a reference to the world of sport prototypes and optimises at the same time the aerodynamic flow. The side line of the Veneno is therefore dominated by enormous sills and the mighty wheel arches front and rear. Here, too, sophisticated aerodynamics ensure perfect airflow to the large openings for engine cooling and intake air. Just like the front end, the rear of the Veneno has also been optimised for underbody aerodynamics and high speed cornering stability. The smooth underbody transitions into a substantial diffuser framing the four sizable exhaust pipes divided by a splitter to increase the level of downforce peak. Large openings serve to ventilate the engine bay and manage the airflow to the rear wing, with the only sealed area at the rear being reserved for the license plate. The rear lights, including brake lights, indicator lights and fog lights, pick up the Y theme as well. The engine cover sports six wedge-shaped openings, with the focus here, too, on optimum dissipation of heat from the engine. The engine cover extends into a large central “shark” fin, which improves efficiency during braking and rearend stability, by delivering additional downforce at high yaw angles and thus increasing the high-speed cornering performance. The adjustable rear wing’s design is the product of Motorsport experience and extensive aerodynamic simulation to ensure the best performance of rear wing interaction with rear diffuser air flow. The exclusive alloy wheels measure 20 inches at the front and 21 inches at the rear and are equipped with center mountings. Their design is also determined by aerodynamic functionality – a carbon-fibre ring around the wheel rim works like a turbine to deliver additional cooling air to the carbon-ceramic brake discs. The Veneno is painted in an allnew, grey metallic-look color with individual parts gleaming in the black of the visible carbon-fibre structure. The only car to display all three colors of the Italian flag as an accent is the car shown at Geneva, the unit which will remain property of Lamborghini. The three cars sold to customers each feature a single color of the Italian national flag, together a triology in green, white and red accents and thus representing each a unique piece. The Technology The Veneno is further proof of Automobili Lamborghini’s unique competence in CFRP-based lightweight design. A monocoque made from carbon-fibre reinforced polymer forms the basis of the Veneno. It is largely similar to the Aventador monocoque – as are the aluminum sub-frames front and rear – although its form has been adapted to the new design. All exterior parts are made from CFRP. The Veneno meets all safety and registration requirements worldwide, and naturally also incorporates a full complement of safety systems from airbags through to the adapted ESP 21 handling system. Carbon fibre dominates the interior of the Veneno, too. The carbon fibre monocoque becomes visible inside the car in the area of the central tunnel and the sills. The two lightweight bucket seats are made from Lamborghini’s patented Forged Composite. The woven carbon-fibre CarbonSkin® is used to clad the entire cockpit, part of the seats and the headliner. This unique material is soaked in a very special kind of resin that stabilises the fibre structure, while allowing the material to remain supple. Like a hi-tech fabric, this extremely fine-looking carbon-fibre matting fits perfectly to any form, and it reduces weight. The racing personality has been transferred also to the instrument panel. It has been completely redesigned and now, thanks to an aggressive graphics and to the introduction of some additional features like the G-metre, provides all necessary information to the driver for control of the car. The systematic, carbon-fibre, lightweight design of the Veneno is not only visible, it is also evident on the scales: With a dry weight of just 1,450 kilograms (3,190 pounds), the Veneno is even 125 kilos (275 pounds) lighter than the already extremely lean Aventador. The highly beneficial power-to-weight ratio of 1.93 kg/hp (4.25 lbs/hp) guarantees a performance that is nothing short of mind-blowing. Even the stunning acceleration figure of 2.8 seconds cannot adequately describe it. Despite an aerodynamic setup configured for extreme downforce, the Veneno possesses exceptionally low wind resistance which allows it to reach a top speed of 355 km/h (221 mph). 22 The twelve-cylinder with a displacement of 6.5 litres is a thrilling combination of absolute high-revving frenzy and phenomenal pulling power. Its output has been raised to 552 kW / 750 hp, facilitated through enlarged intake paths, optimised thermodynamics, a slightly higher rated rpm and an exhaust system with even lower back pressure. The ISR manual gearbox, permanent all-wheel drive and pushrod suspension have all been specifically adjusted to meet the demands of the Veneno. The Lamborghini Veneno celebrates its first public appearance at the 2013 Geneva Motor Show. The vehicle on show is the number 0, the Lamborghini test vehicle. Its future has not been determined yet, but it will allow Lamborghini to continue its activity of testing and innovation, both on the road and on the race track. The trilogy made of three unique vehicles will be produced in the course of the year 2013 and handed over to their future owners. 23 24 24 VENENO 25 INDEPENDENT LAMBORGHINI SERVICES Our offer includes: • Australian distributors for kevlar Pega Clutch to suit Lamborghini, Ferrari and Maserati. (kevlar clutch assembly has up to 60% longer life than standard organic clutch) • Throttle body reconditioning service (we fit contactless potentiometers) • Instrument cluster repairs • Same day spare key cutting, coding and remote learn. • Reconditioning of leaking lift system shock absorbers and repair electronic faults in Koni systems. • Recondition e-gear actuators (Gallardo pre 2008 only) • We have diagnostic tools to handle most Lamborghini electronic systems. Placzek Pty Ltd, Sports & Classic Car Services and Independent Lamborghini Services Address: Factory 8, 202 Governor Road Braeside Victoria 3195 Australia Website: Find us on facebook Telephone: 03 9587 3423 Fax: 03 9587 3424 26 Amelia Island 2013 Amelia Island was the first major event to celebrate Lamborghinis golden anniversary. Held in Florida every year in March, Amelia Island is becoming a landmark event on the world concours d’elegance and auction calendar. 27 Lamborghini had a new Aventador Roadster displayed alongside the fabulous Miura Roadster which was a nice touch. Other Lambos on display included a very early Miura, the prototype 3500GTZ, 350GT, 400 GT 2+2, Espada, Islero, Countach LP400 and Countach LP5000QV. The Best in Class Lamborghini was won by Malcolm and Naomi Barksdale’s gorgeous 1966 Lamborghini 350GT. 28 29 The Celebration of the Motor Car Cottesloe Civic Centre Sunday 16 December 2012 This is a charity event for Kalparrin which helps families of children with disabilities and special needs. It was a great location overlooking the coast. I have also included a few photos of some of the other nice cars that attended. 30 People that attended were: Steve Tyrls in his Gallardo Mike, Tim & Jess in the Espada S2 John Torrance in his Jalpa 31 Lambo, Porsche & Friends Words - Mark Jansen - Pictures - Warwick Donsky, Donna Beard, Michelle Jansen, Et Al. Brisbane has endured a very very wet few months. Sunday 3rd March turned out to be no exception. Throughout Friday and Saturday the phone rang, test messages and emails were exchanged. “Has Sundays Bull Run been cancelled?” they all asked. Maybe I’m getting soft but I thought we should cancel. Warwick said “No . . . the show must go on!” Apparently the Porsche guys are made of sterner stuff and a little rain wouldn’t deter a Gallardo, Murciélago or an Aventador for that matter! Not so sure about a Countach, Espada or a Urraco though . . . To fess up the bottom line is I don’t like driving my classic cars in the wet. So at 5:00pm Saturday afternoon it was decided we were going. The weather was looking half decent (Ed: it was only drizzling as opposed to torrential rain that fell for most of the day!) It was to be a family run so the Espada was to be the chariot of choice. We’d invited some friends along in a Ferrari 365 GT 2+2 (also family friendly) and I kind of liked the idea of the two early 70’s GT cars spending some time together. I have to admit that I actually owned this 32 Ferrari for a period of time and became quite fond of it so it was going to be interesting watching the car from the cockpit of my Espada. the meeting point was Lamborghini Brisbane and as always Franco was on hand to fire up his fabulous coffee machine. Thank you! Sunday morning came and the weather looked okay, cloudy but no rain. After a quick shower (for me . . . in the bathroom) the car was given a quick once over and I then decided to go and fuel her up. Half way home the heavens opened up and I thought “. . . what are we doing?” Given the weather would we go the scenic route to Toowoomba, being out along Waterworks Road, then over Mount Neebo and Mount Glorious to Lake Wivenhoe, through the Lockyer Valley joining the main Toowoomba Highway near Plainland . . . or the main highway? It was unanimously decided to take the scenic route so off we went. Anyway we had committed to go, so off we went. As usual, We were so concerned about the weather I’m honestly not sure how many cars and people we had. I think there were about six Lambos, a dozen Porsches, a Ferrari and a few other jalopies who tagged along for good measure. Interestingly what I do remember was that apart from the Espada and the 365 GT 2+2 there was only one other “older car”, being a 70’s 911! Now let me set the scene here. For those of you who watch the news you may have heard of the Lockyer Valley. Yep, probably a place not to go given all of the rain we’d had in Brisbane. But we did and it was “very interesting”. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed the drive up over Mount Neebo and Mount Glorious. It was raining, thankfully not heavy, just a light mist and it was quite eerie as we drove down through the valleys and then up over the hills more often than not into a cloud and then out the other side. We followed the Ferrari for this part of the trip which was also quite enjoyable. It was there and just as quickly it was gone, disappearing into the mist as it rounded another bend. We had a pit stop along the way and with all present and accounted for we kept going. All was good and apart from a few water leaks (Ed: yeah . . . the windscreen not the radiator) the Espada was running well. Things started to get more interesting as we hit the Lockyer Valley. There were many roads closed due to flooding and the water level under some of the bridges we crossed was alarmingly high. We hit one stretch where the road was flooded and we needed to decide whether to drive through or turn back. It probably looked worse than it was but all I can say is there is absolutely no way I would have gone through this in the Countach! We were in the second group of cars and clearly the first group had all successfully gone through. Ma and Pa Kettle went through in their Commodore, the Ferrari followed at a safe distance and we then followed behind. I’m not sure how deep the water was, in fact I don’t really 33 want to know, other than to say the Espada did draw a reasonable bow wave! It was probably a 30m stretch and it was certainly a relief to safely get through to the other side. After a few false starts we eventually found our way on to the Warrego Highway for the final leg up the range and in to Toowoomba. An enjoyable buffet lunch was had at the Weis Restaurant and it was good to catch up with friends old and new. By mid-afternoon the heavy rain had really set in and we got absolutely saturated just getting back to the car! A little rain was no deterrent for the reliable Espada and she chewed up mile after mile as she cruised back down the range and down the highway back to Brisbane. It was an adventure of sorts and it was good fun. So the moral to that story is don’t let a little rain deter a good car day out. Just think of those poor folk in England or Melbourne! 34 34 35 36 37 The Big Al’s Poker Run By Michael Hill (WA) On Saturday the 9th of February, we participated in the Big Al’s poker run to Taylor Reserve. Cars from all car clubs started arriving at 8:30am and everyone tried to find shade under the trees. It was a hot day at around 39 degrees. (Luckily there were lots of trees.) There must have been 400 or so cars in attendance. We joined up with Phil’s brother; Charlie from the Mustang club. I brought the Jalpa along and Phil and his son Karl 38 brought his Gallardo. There were a lot of other interesting cars so I’ve included a few other photos. It was a long day. At 4pm, the cars all took off on a run to Kingsway Oval before heading home. 39 Movie Stars Take Two By MIchelle Jansen 40 41 Well what’s that saying; It’s been a long time between drinks? Back in September 2009, I wrote an article titled “Movie Stars” in which I discussed “Lamborghini’s in the Movies” and I had made a promise to continue that idea in another issue. Finally - here it is. Back then, we covered The Italian Job, The Man Who Haunted Himself, The Cannonball Run, Miami Vice, Dumb and Dumber, Bedazzled, Die Another Day, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and Goal II. This time, we are covering Herbie – The Love Bug, Novios 68, Sisignore, L’Homme orchestra, Rocky IV, Rainman, Rumble in the Bronx, Southland Tales and Redline. in a minor scene. Strangely enough, Herbie smashes into the Lamborghini but a Jaguar E-Type is used as a stand-in (perhaps that is good and any car enthusiast will detect it immediately) so all you see is a smashed up Jag. You can view this (I think in Italian) scene at http://bit. ly/124G0Qa. Did you know that even the Lamborghini 400 GT Monza has been caught on celluloid? In the 1967 Spanish movie “Novios 68” (Boyfriends 68), the car appears in the background of a scene inside a car showroom. In the foreground you see two of the film’s characters getting into a silver Lamborghini Who remembers “The Love Bug” movie of 1968/69? Given I was born a little after this, I can vouch for not seeing it on release but I do remember seeing it on more than one occasion as a child. The Love Bug was the first Herbie movie and set in motion the immortalisation of the Volkswagen Beetle and car number 53 in the movies. Herbie (I hate to cite Wikipedia but here goes) “has a mind of his own and is capable of driving himself, and is a serious contender in auto racing competitions. Throughout most of the franchise, Herbie is distinguished by red, white and blue racing stripes from front to back bumper, a racingstyle number “53” on the front luggage compartment lid, doors, and engine lid, and a yellow-onblack ‘63 California license plate with the lettering “OFP 857”.” So how does a Volkswagen relate to Lamborghini? It just so happens that in the movie, a red Lamborghini 400 GT 2+2 is also featured albeit Miura P400 (which we think is the pre-production 1967 Geneva Motor Show car). The film has the character Emilio with three girlfriends: Gela, Teresa and Susan. Apparently Emilio is not a traditional playboy; just a lovesick puppy who suffers from ... hmmm ... you tell me. Eventually he marries the girl who is more in love with him. In 1968 and in the film “Sissignore” (Yes Sir) we see a yellow’ish 1967 Lamborghini Miura P400 pitted against a red Ferrari 250 California GT. A bit of a race ensues with a 42 guy in the Miura and a gal in the Ferrari. The two cars spin out and manage to survive – just – but a red bus gets sent over the edge of the cliff and down into the ocean – as you would expect! The film is also known by the title “Dismissed on his Wedding Night” and is about a businessman nicknamed “L’avvocato” and his driver, Oscar, who is a yes-man. When L’avvocato has a crash while driving his car, Oscar is put in jail in his place. When Oscar gets out, he finds himself married to the beautiful Maria, but he can’t even touch her: she is L’avvocato’s lover. And from there the plot thickens... In 1969/70 and in the film “L’Homme Orchestra” starring Louis de Funès (who was a popular French actor of Spanish origin who became one of the giants of French comedy) there is a hilarious clip from it on YouTube ( In this clip, de Funès can be seen driving a little red Fiat 124 Sport Coupé and he ends up in a bit of a drag race with a yellow Miura without giving too much more away, you have to watch it! In 1985, “Rocky IV”, Sylvester Stallone can be seen driving his Lamborghini Jalpa although in much of the scene that I’m thinking about we simply see him in flashback sequences whilst driving the car so you mostly see the steering wheel and gearstick. featured a gold Countach replica being run over by a hovercraft. The driver of the car gets out to inspect the damage (missing wing and a few scratches) only to have the car taken by Jackie Chan (doors are both up), driven under Tales”. You have a nuclear attack, world war III, paranoid governments, ex porn stars, a super power generator and earth on the brink of blowing up... all in the one movie. So how then does the Murci come into it? It appears that Krysta (ex XXX star now creating a TV reality show) owns the car and can be seen driving it in a few scenes in the movie. Krysta becomes intertwined in the quest to save the world. Hmmm. Yes – I can imagine you are all rushing out to grab this movie – despite the Lambo (etc.) connections. Pass. In 2007, the movie “Redline” features a race between a replica Lamborghini Diablo and a Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren. The purists would hate the race scene that ensues but if you take it lightly, it will get your heart racing. In the end, the replica Lambo wins but sadly, the driver dies. Let’s just say the replica just doesn’t stack up to the real thing. If you want to understand why and see it for yourself, visit Shot in the dark, you don’t get a good look at the car but there are still shots that I’ve found showing a black car with SOTHPAW as the number plate. In this still shot, we can also see a red 1982 Lamborghini Countach LP 500 S in the background. In 1988, “Rainman”, in the opening sequence of the film, Tom Cruise can be seen inspecting several Lamborghini Countach LP 5000 S’ although talk on the Internet a truck (doors no longer attached) and then end up in a race to catch the hovercraft. Needless to say it didn’t take long for the Countach (replica) to catch up and Jackie Chan to catch all the baddies. In 2006, a Lamborghini Murciélago Roadster was used in “Southland suggests one might be a LP 400S. It is hard to tell. There is a white one, two red ones and a black one. In 1995, Jackie Chan starred in a movie called “Rumble in the Bronx”. One of the scenes 43 Lamborghini has featured in many movies but these days, they are probably paying for the privilege rather than the other way around. This would certainly be the case if we are talking big budget movies. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll write a third article in this series. Stay tuned! Lamborghini Restoration Resource Centre By Paul Cooke So you are silly enough to consider doing a restoration. Where do you go? Outline below is a list of the suppliers I used that I would recommend. It might help save some hours on the Internet. Eurospares - - Wrecking cars and newer car parts Ebay - especially USA site for used Lamborghini parts / tools Lambostuff - - preeminent parts portal Lambotalk - excellent advice and assistance on parts sources Bill Thompson rubber - Hpc - [email protected] Lamborghini Melbourne - [email protected] Highwood Motor Company - Bursons - - consumables Abs brakes - - complete brake parts HSY - - ATE brake fluid / German parts suppliers New life repair - 0408342042 - plastic and vinyl repairs Bayless Fiat - parts - Fiat Parts Accott Race Craft - 03 9740 4022 - Machining / engineering Wurth - [email protected] - quality consumables Gary Blackman - [email protected] - leather trimming White racing products - - vintage Miura parts - Lamborghini key ring Auto Italia - - lights Sports and specialist trimming - 0414535072 - Tool roll Mercbits - 03 9543 5050 - door locks Bob Jane - - best value / service for tyres B&M fuel systems - excellence in carburettors Southern bearings - 03 94291222 - bearing supplies Steve Varasso - 0417594164 - best auto electrician in Melbourne Road Parts - [email protected] - air filters for early Lamborghinis Recar - - hydraulic repairers -zf experts Martin Benham - [email protected] - used Lamborghini / tools Thomastown sandblasting - 03 9466 3228 - parts preparation / restoration Maseratisource - - mechanical parts Metro bolts - 03 94293099 - every bolt, screw and nut you’ll ever need Power Track Brakes - - Girling Brake Specialists Top performance - 0398731722 - Koni shock absorber rebuild specialists Bearings and industrial supplies - 03 9587 9822 - Bearing suppliers Cicognani - - OE rubber supplier ( all models) Mr powder coat - 03 93992955 - parts restoration specialist Hydroblast - 03 95970387 - wet abrasive blasting Orger engines - [email protected] - block and crank testing/polishing X19 Parts - - x19 Parts ( suitable for Lamborghinis) Sodablast - 0352779209 - Daryl Suter for paint stripping Parts Collector - - Rene has good selection of used parts Books 4 Cars - - parts/ owners / service manuals Italian Car Parts - - selection of Lamborghini Part If anyone is stuck finding a part supplier or specialist repairer, please give me a call and I will happily help with the search so we have a more complete supplier list for members. 44 45 Save the date LAMBORGHINI 50TH ANNIVERSARY GRAND TOUR THE LARGEST LAMBORGHINI REUNION EVER Milan – Forte dei Marmi – Rome – Bologna – Sant’Agata Bolognese May 7-11, 2013 1,200 km through the most fascinating Italian landscapes and cities concluding in a once-in-a-lifetime event at the factory Be part of Lamborghini history... Join the ride. More information coming soon. 46 HELP WANTED The Lamborghini Club of Australia Needs You! Advertising Sales Guru We do get funds through membership fees, however, we need advertising to fund the costs of producing our magazine. We would like to promote our club more, increase membership and indulge in activities that require more funding. To help solve this problem we will create an advertising position in the club in the anticipation that it would bring in more advertising and hence more funds. The person who has this position would ideally: 1. b e chatty, outgoing and have a friendly nature, 2. be good at sourcing new advertising leads, 3. not mind cold-calling, and 4. be good at chasing up advertising leads. Experience in the industry would certainly be beneficial but not mandatory. We currently sell advertising in this quarterly produced The Bull’s Roar magazine but there is also opportunity to sell advertising on the website and /or to consider other ways of seeking advertising/ sponsorship opportunities which will bring in muchneeded funds for the club. The position would be voluntary. No remuneration would be provided. If you are interested in this position, please contact the club president Mark Jansen on 0417 828 569 or [email protected] 47 The Lamborghini Club of Australia New Member Application January 2010 PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY PERSONAL DETAILS Name: Mailing Address: Email: Phone Home: Phone Business: Phone Mobile: VEHICLE DETAILS (add additional cars or other data on separate page) Make Model Chassis # Engine # #1 #2 #3 External Colour Internal Colour Year FEES & AUTHORISATION Membership In Australia International Joining fee and 12 months membership (in Australian dollars) $170.00 $190.00 Please pay by cheque (drawn on an Australian bank in Australian dollars) to the “Lamborghini Club of Australia” or by direct deposit into our bank account. If you pay by direct deposit, please ensure you leave your surname as a reference and also mail or email your completed application form. Our account details are: Bank:Commonwealth BSB:062 003 Account Number: 1002 4418 I authorise the club committee in its full discretion to release name/mail/email/telephone details to Lamborghini affiliated organisations (unless advised otherwise in writing by the member). Signed _______________________ Date _______________________ Lamborghini Club of Australia PO Box 138 HAMILTON QLD 4007 AUSTRALIA Telephone: 0417 828 569 Email: [email protected] 48