mlsn and nolan painting - Main Line School Night


mlsn and nolan painting - Main Line School Night
D AY • E V E N I N G • W E E K E N D
McCurry Photos
at Michener
Creutzburg Center
It’s Pumpkin Time
Current Affairs
6 1 0 . 6 8 7. 0 4 6 0
Join us to honor the *STARS* of
lifelong learning…
STUDENTS: Share your recommendation
of an instructor whose work embodies the
hallmarks of lifelong learning: passion,
expertise… and perhaps a pinch of patience.
INSTRUCTORS: Identify a student or two
whose curiosity and perseverance make
teaching so rewarding!
Nominate someone who made your
experience at MLSN especially meaningful by
emailing [email protected].
Deadline for nominations is September 2.
Invitations with details of event will be
sent in September.
Dear Friends,
On behalf of the Board and staff of Main Line School Night, we are delighted to welcome you
to a new semester of life-long learning, community enrichment and personal development.
The classes offered in our fall catalog reflect Main Line School Night’s vision to be the most
diverse, robust and accessible community learning resource for students of all ages.
Main Line School Night truly is a community of learners, and it takes the combined efforts of
many to offer the outstanding programs you’ll see in this catalog. As a Board, we recognize
the diverse talents of our expert speakers and faculty — more than 175 individuals who share
their special gifts with the community. The MLSN staff inspires us with their creativity in
assembling over 800 courses each year. Our students enrich every class with their experience,
enthusiasm and insights. And special thanks to MLSN’s sponsors, donors and members,
whose contributions allow Main Line School Night to grow and thrive.
Of special note: In September, Wendy Greenfield will join MLSN as Executive Director and
Claudia McBride will become MLSN’s Director of Special Projects. You’ll hear more about this
transition just before Labor Day.
We invite you to join us in our mission of life-long learning. As we say at Main Line School
Night, I’ll see you in class!
Kathleen Watson, Chair, MLSN Board of Directors
Election 2016 with Jeff Greenfield....... 2
Membership Program......................... 3
Spotlight: MLSN and Nolan Painting.... 4
Special Events................................... 4
Game Day.......................................... 5
Antiques Seminar.............................. 6
Icelandic Interlude
& the Northern Lights......................... 7
Joining us for a special appearance will be writer and filmmaker Todd Komarnicki,
who wrote the screenplay for Sully, a film directed by Clint Eastwood and starring
Tom Hanks in the title role of pilot Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, whose “miracle on
the Hudson” — the emergency landing of US Airways flight 1549 — captivated the
nation. Sully will be released in September 2016.
Todd is a graduate of Radnor High School and grew up a stone’s throw from MLSN’s
Creutzburg Center in Harford Park!
Art Appreciation.................................... 8
Computers.......................................... 10
Cooking, Food & Wines........................ 15
Dancing.............................................. 21
Fitness, Health & Exercise.................... 22
Hobbies & Creative Arts....................... 28
Home & Garden................................... 34
Investing & Money Management........... 36
Language & Foreign Cultures............... 38
Literature, History & Current Affairs..... 43
Music, Film & Performing Arts.............. 47
Personal Development........................ 50
Professional Development................... 54
Sports & Games................................... 55
Trips, Tours & Outdoor Adventures....... 58
Writing & Communication.................... 61
Volunteer Opportunities...................... 69
WAYS TO REGISTER.............................. 70
Committed to enhancing community life by providing area residents with opportunities to
pursue lifelong learning through a wide selection of affordable, stimulating classes and programs.
Cover Photo: Steve McCurry (b. 1950), Afghan Girl, 1984. Photo courtesy of Steve McCurry ©
Special EVENT
Join MLSN for an
intelligent discussion about
Election 2016!
with Jeff Greenfield
Veteran Political Reporter and Analyst
Join or renew and enjoy benefits for a full year. Please know your membership helps MLSN
continue to provide the precious gift of lifelong learning across the Main Line community. All dues
are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
SCHOLAR.............................................. $60
ALL MEMBERS will enjoy the following
»» Discounted members’ pricing on MLSN courses
»» Waived registration fees
»» Invitation to complimentary annual Members
Event (Spring 2017)
SENIOR (65+)........................................$55
SCHOLARS (COUPLE).......................$115
SENIOR (65+) COUPLE................... $105
MLSN is pleased to host five-time Emmy winner Jeff Greenfield, who has covered
every national political convention since 1988 and has served on network news
and CNN as a lead analyst for primaries, presidential debates and election nights.
One of the most highly-regarded political journalists of our time, Jeff is also a
bestselling author, a columnist for The Daily Beast and POLITICO, and a contributing
correspondent for Newshour on PBS.
Sustaining members are invited to use a pass to take a course, complimentary!
Look for the owl throughout the catalog for courses offered this semester. Designated
courses only, and as space allows. Phone registration required. Call 610.687.2145.
ARTISAN........................... $250
Members and Member Guests
Only Wine Reception
5:45pm: Presentation and Discussion
Presentation and discussion. . . . . . . . . . $32
members $24
Members wine reception $24
Sat, 5 pm to 7 pm, 10/1
SF62005, Bryn Mawr College, Goodhart
Hall (parking instructions and other
details will be sent to registrants)
Reception space is limited.
Note: Wine Reception is reserved for
MLSN members and their guests. The
Presentation and Discussion portion of
the event is open to the general public.
Artisans receive GENERAL BENEFITS for TWO
adults, plus:
»» TWO complimentary passes per year for use
at MLSN special events, speaker presentations
and select gatherings and to take a designated
course, space allowing.
»» Acknowledgement as an MLSN supporter in
printed catalog and website.
DISCOVERER................... $500
Discoverers receive GENERAL BENEFITS for
family (or friends!) for up to four individuals, plus:
»» FOUR complimentary passes per year for use
at MLSN special events, speaker presentations
and select gatherings and to take a designated
course, space allowing.
»» Acknowledgement as an MLSN supporter in
printed catalog and website and social media.
AND LEADERS............. $1000
Circle of Learners and Leaders receive
GENERAL BENEFITS for family (or friends),
up to four individuals, plus:
»» EIGHT complimentary passes per year for use
at MLSN special events, speaker presentations
and select gatherings and to take a designated
course, space allowing.
»» Preview copy of course catalog & two-week
pre-registration for courses (each semester)
»» Named sponsorship of two courses or special
events per year
»» Prominent acknowledgement as an MLSN
supporter in printed catalog, website and
social media
Celebrate National Game and Puzzle Week 2016
The Creutzburg Center is MLSN’s home to its day program and executive offices. This lovely
“Stick” style former summer residence was designed by the firm of Furness and Evans and built in
1880 for the family of Judge John Innes Hare, also a founder of the Union League of Philadelphia.
Fast forward to present: MLSN wishes to thank all those who contributed in time and treasure
to have the Creutzburg Center painted inside and out (with much more to be done)! Staff, board of
directors, individual donors, McLean Contributionship and Radnor Township board of commissioners
all pitched in to make the Center an improved and more attractive community resource.
Special thanks to Nolan Painting, and the Nolan family, for their support of Main Line School
Night’s mission and home.
About Nolan Painting
Nolan family outside the shop, from
left to right: Wife Mary Fran, daughters
Colleen and Claire, sons Kevin and
Chris, and Kevin Nolan.
Kevin Nolan started painting homes between classes at Villanova
University. Now, after more than 37 years, Kevin credits his success
to loyal customers and employees — including his first hire, brotherin-law Jack McLaughlin, who is still with the company as a Senior
Crew Leader. Over the years, other members of Kevin’s family have
lent their talents and skills as Nolan Painting employees. Kevin’s
two sons, Kevin and Chris, are Crew Leaders. Daughter Colleen is
Director of Human Resources and daughter Claire is the Community
Coordinator for Nolan in the Neighborhood, a community-based
program that supports local organizations and events with a total
anticipated commitment of donating $1 million over the next decade.
Pearl Harbor: Codes,
Conspiracy and Catastrophe
This year marks the 75th anniversary of
Japan’s bombing of the U.S. Pacific Fleet at
Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The
“surprise” attack catapulted the United States
into World War II and the subsequent war in
the Pacific. Some research and conspiracy
theories point to intentional provocations of
Japan by Washington — in collusion with
Britain - and FDR’s advance knowledge of the
attack that was not relayed to the commanders
at Pearl Harbor. Learn about what may have
been going on behind the scenes to justify
U.S. involvement in the war, against public
sentiment, and how this led to the date which
would “live in infamy.”
Marc Gallicchio, Professor of History,
Villanova University
Mon, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm, 12/5
LH11068 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $34
member $28
includes lunch
Memorable Election Films
with Steven Rea
During this 2016 election season, enjoy clips
from some of Philadelphia Inquirer movie
critic Steven Rea’s favorite election-themed
films and discuss parallels to the issues,
personalities and tactics of the current
campaign. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,
The Candidate and Bulworth are some of the
memorable films included that turn their
eye to the ambitions, challenges and hoopla
surrounding the race for our country’s most
powerful leadership positions.
Steven Rea, Inquirer Movie Critic; Author,
Hollywood Café: Coffee with the Stars and
Hollywood Rides a Bike
Fri, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, 9/16
MT52001 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $56
member $48
includes light dinner buffet
with wine and dessert
at the Creutzburg Center
9:30 AM – 12:30
»» The Evolution of Board Games:
Ancient to Modern
9:30 am – 10:30 am
Board games have been played in most
cultures and societies for thousands of years.
Learn about ancient — even prehistoric —
games dating back to over 7,000 years ago,
some of which are still played today, plus
familiar modern tabletop games influenced
by the recent “Euro” gaming movement.
Instructor to be announced; and Jay Fox,
Gamer and Founder, Jay’s Basement
founder of a group that has steadily grown
over 15 years, will offer tips to starting and
successfully growing your OWN game group
for fun, sociability, some friendly competition
and even family-friendly, game-oriented
events and vacations.
Jay Fox, Gamer and Founder, Jay’s Basement
SP71003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28
»» Parent & Child: Puzzle Cookies
9:30 am – 11 am
Sometimes you just want to play with your
food. You and your little one will get a chance
to eat your puzzle cookie creations after
decorating and putting them together. Clever
ideas for puzzle cookies for holidays and
special occasions will be shared. Please, no
children under the age of 5. Price is for one
adult and one child; additional child: $17.
SP71001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36
»» Designing Board Games for
the Contemporary Market
11 am – 12:30 pm
Local tabletop game designers — or inventors
— share their knowledge on taking your
idea for a game from concept to market.
Learn how to create a prototype; test, collect
feedback and revise your creation; find
and pitch to publishers; and, ultimately,
manufacture, distribute and sell to the public.
Instructor to be announced
CW71001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$38
»» Crafting with Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces
11 am – 12:30 pm
Bonnie Neubauer, Author and Board Game
Designer; Dan Cassar, Published Game Developer
SP71002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40
»» Start and Grow a Game Group
11:00 am – 12 N
Within the past few years, groups for board
game enthusiasts have proliferated, meeting
in shops, cafes, libraries and homes. Jay,
In this class you will create new treasures
using old jigsaw puzzle pieces. Learn ideas
for repurposing the pieces to make unique
bracelets, holiday ornaments and picture
frames. For adults and children over 8.
Materials included.
Kelli Eckert, Education Coordinator,
JoAnn Fabrics
HCW71001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33;
children 8 to 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20
1 PM – 3 PM
• L earn about and play some of today’s
Afternoon Gaming (For ages 8 and up)
• Win prizes in the Ticket to Ride tournament
• Have fun with friends and family
• R enew the child in you with good,
SP71004………………………… $12
includes unlimited gaming with
snacks and refreshments
hottest table games
old-fashioned non-digital gaming fun
M A KE I T A DAY! Add the Afternoon Gaming session (1 pm – 3 pm) to your morning class
and receive a FREE BOXED LUNCH!
Now in its 11th year, The
Main Line Antiques Show is
the only antiques show on
Philadelphia’s Main Line.
The 2016 show features 40
distinguished dealers offering
a wide selection of fine and
decorative arts, jewelry,
furniture and folk art for both seasoned
and new collectors.
Prepare for The Main Line Antiques Show
at a special evening seminar featuring
informative lectures with two respected
show dealers: Hollie Powers Holt, owner of
Hollie Powers Holt Fine Art and co-owner of and John Hutchinson,
owner of Rose Valley Restorations.
Antiques Seminar:
Collecting and Cocktails
Monday, September 19
5 pm: Antique Prints and Maps
6 pm: Wine Reception
6:30 pm: Antiques Restoration
Location: Creutzburg Center
The Main Line Antiques Show
Saturday, October 1 (10 am – 7 pm) and
Sunday, October 2 (10 am – 3 pm)
Location: The Dixon Center at Cabrini University,
610 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, PA (Use
Upper Gulph Road entrance for Dixon Center)
includes weekend pass to The Main Line Antiques
Show, guided tour of the show, access to all show
events on Saturday and Sunday, MLAS gift bag
March 30 – April 4, 2017
From steamy hot springs to top-notch spas,
magnificent scenery to world-class art museums,
this unique land is the perfect place to relax,
recharge, and explore. Reykjavik has a population
of 170,000 and offers a unique mix of culture and
local village roots. Where else can you explore the
impressive Great Geysir, glaciers, magnificent
waterfalls and icecaps, as well as a program of
outstanding city attractions? The combination of
remarkable natural features and cultural offerings
makes Iceland a rejuvenating experience.
AA12001 . . . Seminar and Antiques Show, $59
member $49
• Round trip airfare from New York,
including all customs fees and airport taxes.
• 3 nights’ accommodation in a first-class
hotel. All hotel taxes and service charges
• All ground transportation.
• 4 breakfasts and 2 dinners.
• Services of a local tour guide throughout
the tour.
• Entrance fees to all sites as detailed in
the itinerary.
But perhaps the greatest draw is the Aurora
Borealis — the Northern Lights. This is the best
time of year to see them because it has to be
totally dark to get the best effect — and this is
a country where the sun never sets in the
summer! On our arrival day, local expert Svanur
Thorkelsson will give us a presentation on the
aurora and that evening we’ll head out to try
and see the real thing (weather permitting).
If we don’t succeed we’ll try again the next night
and the next.
The price of this trip INCLUDES international
air from JFK.
Trip price, per person, based on double
occupancy: . . . . . . . . . $2,280 MLSN Members
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,380 Non-Members
• MLSN host (if minimum number of travelers
is met).
Itinerary available on MLSN’s web site: or call 610.687.2145.
sophisticated art of one of the twentieth
century’s most influential artistic periods.
Fans of Downton Abbey, Phryne Fisher
and The Great Gatsby rejoice, as we explore
the fine and decorative arts, sleek design
sensibility, fashions, music, literary creations
and film of the 1920’s and 1930’s. Learn
how Art Deco forms a continuum with other
creative movements from Art Nouveau and
the Bauhaus through Mid-Century Modern.
»» Art, Architecture & Archaeology
of Mesopotamia
NEW Located in the “Fertile Crescent”
between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in
modern Iraq, Mesopotamia is described as
the “cradle of civilization” because it gave rise
to the world’s first cities, temples, law codes
and systems of writing. Explore these critical
developments in human history through the
archaeological evidence of Mesopotamian
civilization from its nascence to the height of
the Babylonian empire (ca 4000-500 BCE).
Discuss issues of cultural heritage preservation
as these monuments continue to be threatened
by modern extremist groups like ISIS.
Maggie Beeler, PhD Candidate,
Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology
Thu, 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm, starts 9/15
AA41054 Creutzburg Center . . 4 sessions, $64
member $57
»» Archaeology of Ancient Greece
NEW Ancient Greek culture, its history and
its people are brought to life by examining
what they left behind in this four part series
taught by an archaeologist who has recently
returned from the field. Look at the pottery,
sculpture and literature of Greek civilizations
from the Dark Ages to the Hellenistic Period
and see how they tell stories about the
people who created and used them, providing
evidence of “vital passages in the narrative
of our past.” Studying these archaeological
materials will give you insights into
understanding the rise and fall of ancient
Greek civilizations and the impact of these
events on the course of history.
Holly Pritchett, PhD Candidate, Classical &
Near Eastern Archaeology, Bryn Mawr College
Thu, 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm, starts 10/20
AA41055 Creutzburg Center . . 4 sessions, $64
member $57
»» Archaeological Journey Through
Peru: the Land of Enigmas
NEW Come on a digital journey to Peru —
a country full of puzzles and mysteries left by
the ancient inhabitants of the land. Take a
glimpse of ancient archeological sites of Peru
accompanied by a slide show presentation
(all photographs made on-site by presenter).
Rituals and traditions of the ancient Peruvian
inhabitants, such as sacrifices, burial practices
and mummification will be discussed. One
will be able to “communicate” with long gone
people who left a wealth of iconography for
us to decipher their stories.
Tatiana Young, PhD Candidate, Department of
Archaeology & Anthropology, Temple University
Tue, 11 am to 12 N, starts 9/20
AA21013 Creutzburg Center . . 4 sessions, $64
member $57
»» The Art of Michelangelo
One of the most productive artists of his time,
Michelangelo is renowned for his work as a
sculptor, painter, and architect. His towering
personality dominated the Italian Renaissance,
and his art both influenced and challenged
artists after him. These illustrated lectures
explore a selection of Michelangelo’s sculpture
and paintings made throughout his long career.
Carolyn Muir, PhD, Associate Professor
(Emerita), University of Hong Kong
Thu, 2 pm to 3 pm, starts 10/6
AA41025 Creutzburg Center . . 5 sessions, $88
member $75
»» Caravaggio: Rebel Painter of Rome
Amy Anna, Esq, Artist, Author
NEW The development of Italian Baroque
painting owes a great deal to Caravaggio. His
works -- with their forceful naturalism, intense
drama, and striking light and dark contrast —
continue to appeal to art-lovers today. This
illustrated lecture will explore his art.
Carolyn Muir, PhD, Associate Professor
(Emerita), University of Hong Kong
Wed, 11:15 am to 12:30 pm, starts 11/30
AA31016 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $46
member $38
»» “Icons” of American Art:
1600 - 1900
NEW Begin with the self-taught portrait
painters who captured the likenesses of early
colonists, and end with American Impressionist
art at the turn of the 20th century. Some of
the many things that will be explored along
the way are the Civil War, the frontier and
its native inhabitants, the beauty of the
American landscape, still lifes that will amaze
you with their realism, Victorian-approved
subjects, and artistic rebels including James
McNeill Whistler.
Sat, 10:30 am to 12 N, 10/22
AA61026 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $39
member $30
»» Art on Film
Experience new ways of looking at art using film
to explore the endlessly evolving permutations
of human creativity. Discuss familiar and
unfamiliar forms of art from around the globe
and enhance your understanding of film as a
medium of expression. Be entertained,
surprised and enlightened as you view inventive
movies of all kinds and learn about the amazing
people who created them. All new movies.
Amy Anna, Esq, Artist, Author
Wed, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm, starts 9/21
AA31012 Creutzburg Center . . 5 sessions, $106
member $94
»» Size Matters: Big Art, Big Ideas
NEW Some artistic creativity can’t be
expressed in small works of art. Explore some
of the most wonderful pieces of outsized art
ever created, today and in the past. Learn why,
where and how people create huge artworks
of all kinds, including those meant to be
permanent as well as those that are designed
to last only a short time. Consider the different
qualities which accompany large art projects,
for the artists and for the audience.
Amy Anna, Esq, Artist, Author
Wed, 11:15 am to 12:30 pm, starts 11/2
AA31014 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $46
member $38
Everything Art Deco!
NEW Celebrate the beautiful design and
Mariann Smith, MA, Arts Historian
Tue, 9 am to 10:30 am, starts 10/18
AA21003 Creutzburg Center . . 4 sessions, $77
member $67
“Spirited” Halloween Art
& Culture
NEW Enjoy cider and munchies while you
listen to stories about ghosts, witches, devils,
skeletons, monsters, and other spooky
creatures from various cultures that inhabit
this time of celebration and superstition. Meet
the Hindu lord of the dead, visit the Egyptian
afterlife, hear the story of the ghost ship
Flying Dutchman, see Japanese ghost scrolls,
experience the 19th c fascination with psychics
and mediums, and much more! Included will
be work by Francisco Goya, William Blake,
Albert Pinkham Ryder and Albrecht Dürer.
Mariann Smith, MA, Arts Historian
Thu, 3:30 pm to 5 pm, 10/27
AA41009 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $34
member $26
»» Windows 10 Made Easy
Learn what’s new in Windows 10, including the
return of the start menu, and how to access
multiple programs, organize files, change
computer settings, arrange your desktop and
open, save and print documents. PC Users
David Grauel, Computer Consultant
Mon, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 9/19
CO12007 Creutzburg Center . 2 sessions, $138
member $121
»» Mac OS X El Capitan
NEW Utilize all the power Mac OS has to
offer. Learn to sync all of your devices, work
in multiple apps at the same time, and keep
favorite websites a single click away with
Pinned Sites. The dynamic power of the
Mac’s finest operating system awaits. Students
must bring their laptops.
Greg Cazillo, Cazillo Photography
Thu, 10 am to 11:30 am, 9/22
CO41025 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $71
member $59
»» File Management
Learn to save documents, photos or graphics;
move them to files; put them into folders;
and organize them for easy retrieval. Rename
and delete files or move them onto, or from,
disk or flash drive. Manage files from My
Documents or from Windows Explorer. This
class is taught on PC’s.
»» Website Design for Non-Techies
»» The Wifi World and You
Find out how and why the average computer
user connects to a wireless network. Desktop
computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets
all access wireless when available and needed.
From home to the coffee shop and everywhere
in between there’s Wi-Fi. Learn the basic
advantages and disadvantages.
Nancy White, Computer Consultant
Tue, 1 pm to 3 pm, 9/20
CO21016 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $51
member $41
»» YouTube
NEW YouTube is a revolutionary new way to view,
share, rate and comment on some of the most
popular videos on the internet. Learn how to use
YouTube for fun, entertainment and learning.
You will be pleasantly surprised and delighted by
what your instructor has in store for you!
Nancy White, Computer Consultant
Tue, 1 pm to 3 pm, 10/18
CO21019 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $51
member $41
»» How to Sell on eBay
Get all the facts you need to be successful
including how to use the seller account, how
PayPal works and much more. Prerequisites:
ability to use the Internet, an eBay ID and a
PayPal account. Materials fee ($5) payable to
Paul Paluba, Computer Consultant
Nancy White, Computer Consultant
Tue, 10 am to 1:15 pm, 11/1
CO21032 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $83
member $71
Tue, 2 pm to 4 pm, starts 10/25
CO21020 Creutzburg Center . 2 sessions, $138
member $121
»» Cloud Computing
Discover the meaning of cloud computing and
its usefulness for ordinary computer users.
Learn the benefits and drawbacks of the cloud.
Receive easy and practical skill development
exercises to use with Google Apps and Microsoft
Windows Live.
Nancy White, Computer Consultant
Mon, 1 pm to 4:15 pm, 11/7
CO11022 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $83
member $71
Learn the basics of building your own
customized blog or website. Create an
account, set up your homepage and menu,
and add content to your website. Discuss
best practices before and after you launch
your new site, apply search engine optimization
and use of social media.
Nancy White, Computer Consultant
Tue, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 11/15
CO21024 Creutzburg Center . 2 sessions, $138
member $121
»» LinkedIn: The Basics and Beyond™
Novice LinkedIn members will learn critical
profile secrets, drill deep into settings to
optimize personal exposure, communications
and security, use a variety of custom
communications and networking strategies
that deliver great results. We finish up with
Q&A time. Students are best served by bringing
their own laptops (no mobile devices). This
IS NOT a profile writing workshop. It IS a
personal optimization process to maximize
networking results.
Thomas M. Firchow, LinkedIn Trainer,
Marketing Strategist, Video Productions
Mon, 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm, 10/17
CO11029 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $83
member $71
»» Got Data?
Get a handle on 21st Century techniques for
sharing your photos and files. Discover easy
and effective ways to transfer large data files
by using cloud-based programs like Dropbox
and Google Drive. Other file sharing strategies
will be discussed as well.
David Grauel, Computer Consultant
Mon, 1:30 pm to 3:45 pm, 10/10
CO11008 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $74
member $68
»» Social Media for Seniors
NEW Social Media isn’t just for kids anymore.
Seniors are starting to reap the benefits of
plugging into the information age, and becoming
some of the most savvy Social Media participants
on the internet. Grandchildren beware.
Thomas M. Firchow, LinkedIn Trainer,
Marketing Strategist, Video Productions
Mon, 10 am to 12 pm, 9/19
CO11028 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $51
member $41
»» Social Media for Business
NEW Creating a Social Media presence
for your business is not just another
communication platform that can be ignored
anymore; it’s a requirement. Gain the upper
hand by discovering how to utilize the latest
technology and secure the benefits of having
a Social Media strategy that gets results.
Melissa Alam, Social Media Strategist and
Creative Director, Blog Bloom Philly
Mon, 6:30 pm to 9 pm, 10/10
CO12014 Creutzburg Center . . . . 1 session, $56
member $45
»» All About Social Media
Become a Social Media expert when you
learn how to connect with people personally
and professionally. Distinguish which media
platforms you should use and how they work
as you take your online communication skills
to the next level.
Melissa Alam, Social Media Strategist and
Creative Director, Blog Bloom Philly
Mon, 6:30 pm to 9 pm, 11/21
CO12015 Creutzburg Center . . . . 1 session, $56
member $45
»» The Power of PayPal
NEW Join the online payment revolution!
PayPal is a fast and secure way to send
money worldwide. Learn how to harness
this unique payment system for your online
purchases. Merchant accounts will be
addressed as well.
Nancy White, Computer Consultant
Tue, 1 pm to 3 pm, 11/8
CO21023 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $51
member $41
»» Bluetooth & You
NEW Learn how to use wireless technology
to access all sorts of fantastic music and
entertainment. Easy step-by-step instruction
will guide students through the process of
connecting to media directly from mobile
devices. No experience required. Your
instructor will make it easy, entertaining,
and fun!
Nancy White, Computer Consultant
Tue, 1 pm to 3 pm, 10/11
CO21018 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $51
member $41
»» iPhone Level I
Learn how to get the most out of this
powerful device. Navigate the user interface,
understand basic settings, create folders and
explore the iPhone’s built-in applications.
(for iPhone users only)
Karen Strauss, MA, Technology Coach
Wed, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 9/28
CO31002 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $82
member $74
»» iPhone Level II
»» iPad Level II
Get indispensable tips for using your device.
Explore the ever-growing world of available
apps, including the iPad’s own camera app.
Karen Strauss, MA, Technology Coach
Wed, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 11/16
CO31005 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $82
member $74
»» iPad Level III
NEW Our most advanced iPad class to date!
Explore some of the iPhone’s more advanced
capabilities. Learn about the latest and most
popular apps while browsing the app store
for hidden treasures.
Individual areas of student interest will be
addressed along with updating your iPad
operating system, in-depth instruction
on photography, music and other popular
Karen Strauss, MA, Technology Coach
Karen Strauss, MA, Technology Coach
Wed, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 10/19
CO31003 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $82
member $74
Wed, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 11/30
CO31006 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $82
member $74
»» Smartphone 101
Become familiar with your smartphone’s
features, personal settings and computing
capabilities. Discover how to navigate the
system and perform simple tasks. Learn
about the world of “apps.” Bring your device
to class. (for Android users only)
Nancy White, Computer Consultant
Tue, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 9/27
CO21017 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $90
member $79
Thu, 2 pm to 4 pm, starts 11/3
CO41021 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $90
member $79
»» iPad Level I
Learn how to efficiently set up and run your
iPad. Understand how to use the web browser
and the apps that come with the device as
well as the maps and email applications.
Karen Strauss, MA, Technology Coach
Wed, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 11/2
CO31004 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $82
member $74
»» Voice-Activated Technology:
Make Your Wishes Their Command
NEW Discover how to operate computer
programs by using your voice rather than
typing. Technology is getting easier to use!
Learn some of the voice activated commands
on Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad and
Amazon Echo. A demonstration of Dragon
Dictate for personal computers will also
be included.
Karen Strauss, MA, Technology Coach
Mon, 1 pm to 3 pm, 10/24
CO11001 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $51
member $41
»» Protecting Your PC: Routine
Maintenance & Security
Discover the most effective ways to maintain,
service and protect your computer. Speed
up response times and improve your overall
performance. Learn about Trojans and worms
and the most effective virus and malware
protection/removal tools. Build better passwords
and guard against “phishing.” Learn how to
increase your machine’s memory.
Paul Paluba, Computer Consultant
Mon, 6 pm to 9 pm, 11/14
CO12033 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $83
member $71
»» iMovie: Film Editing
NEW This powerful movie making app
allows users to unleash their inner Spielberg.
iMovie can create Hollywood-style trailers
and shorts that look spectacular. Friends and
family will love the edited films of cherished
events, and with iMovie they are easily shared
and organized. iPad or iPhone required.
Greg Cazillo, Cazillo Photography
Thu, 11:45 am to 1:15 pm, starts 11/3
CO41027 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $71
member $59
»» Photo Editing: Intro to Adobe
Photoshop CC
Learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop CC and
Adobe Camera Raw. Beginning workflow,
editing & Raw processing will be discussed.
Review the basic tools and steps for a quality
final image. Students must bring a laptop
with Adobe Photoshop CC already installed.
Greg Cazillo, Cazillo Photography
Thu, 11:45 am to 1:15 pm, starts 9/22
CO41026 Part One Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 sessions, $71
member $59
Thu, 11:45 am to 1:15 pm, starts 10/13
CO41038 Part Two Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 sessions, $71
member $59
»» Publishing with MS Word
NEW Explore the new features of MS Word
that are often overlooked by the novice.
MS Word can be an essential part of any
publishing project.
Paul Paluba, Computer Consultant
Mon, 6:30 pm to 9 pm, starts 12/5
CO12034 Creutzburg Center . 2 sessions, $110
member $95
»» Intro to Excel
Learn to create an Excel worksheet, use the
autofill command, establish conditional
formats for text, and how to construct a
formula. PC Users
Paul Paluba, Computer Consultant
Mon, 12:30 pm to 3:45 pm, starts 9/19
CO11030 Creutzburg Center . 2 sessions, $138
member $121
Mon, 10 am to 1:15 pm, starts 10/10
CO11031 Creutzburg Center . 2 sessions, $138
member $121
»» MS Office 2013: Overview for
Job Seekers
Study the essential programs required by
most employers. Course includes MS Word
(CO11010), Excel 1 (CO11011), Excel 2
(CO11012) and PowerPoint (CO11013)
Individual components of MS Office are also
available. Register for what you need, when
you need it! Class size limited to 10.
David Grauel, Computer Consultant
Mon & Wed, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, starts 11/7
CO11009 Creutzburg Center . 8 sessions, $392
member $348
»» MS Word 2013
Produce letters, labels, invitations and more.
Create, edit and format text, saving your
work as you go.
David Grauel, Computer Consultant
Mon & Wed, 9:30 am to 10:45 am, starts 11/7
CO11010 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $99
member $85
»» Excel: Level 1
Use formulas and work with various tools to
analyze data. Organize table data, present data
as charts; enhance the look and appeal of
workbooks by adding instructional graphics.
David Grauel, Computer Consultant
Mon & Wed, 11 am to 12:30 pm, starts 11/7
CO11011 Creutzburg Center . 2 sessions, $107
member $99
»» Excel: Level 2
Work with complex formulas, custom
charts, pivot tables, data filters, conditional
formatting, V-look-up, hyperlinks, data
validation and more.
David Grauel, Computer Consultant
Mon & Wed, 9:30 am to 10:45 am, starts 11/14
CO11012 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $99
member $85
»» PowerPoint
Create professional-looking multimedia
presentations. Learn to position, edit and
format slides, as well as inserting graphics,
sound and slide transitions. Prerequisite
knowledge of Windows and word processing.
David Grauel, Computer Consultant
Mon & Wed, 11 am to 12:30 pm, starts 11/14
CO11013 Creutzburg Center . 2 sessions, $107
member $99 13
MLSN partners with Springhouse Education & Consulting Services in Exton to offer low-cost,
professional level computer courses. Springhouse is a fully accredited, Microsoft-certified Technical
Training Center that qualifies for tuition reimbursement. Reschedule by notifying Springhouse at
least 10 business days prior to the start date. After that, a $50 rescheduling fee is charged.
»» Windows 10
Mon, 9 am to 4 pm, 9/26
CP11021 Springhouse . . . . . . . . 1 session, $215
member $210
Mon, 9 am to 4 pm, 11/7
CP11022 Springhouse . . . . . . . . 1 session, $215
member $210
»» QuickBooks Pro
Thu, 9 am to 4 pm, 9/29
CP41015 Level 1 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Thu, 9 am to 4 pm, 11/10
CP41016 Level 1 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Mon, 9 am to 4 pm, 12/19
CP11017 Level 1 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Fri, 9 am to 4 pm, 9/30
CP51018 Level 2 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Fri, 9 am to 4 pm 11/11
CP51019 Level 2 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Tue, 9 am to 4 pm, 12/20
CP21020 Level 2 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
»» Excel 2016
Tue, 9 am to 4 pm, 9/13
CP21001 Level 1 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Thu, 9 am to 4 pm, 10/6
CP41002 Level 1 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Thu, 9 am to 4 pm, 11/17
CP41003 Level 1 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Wed, 9 am to 4 pm, 9/21
CP31004 Level 2 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Tue, 9 am to 4 pm, 10/11
CP21005 Level 2 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Mon, 9 am to 4 pm, 11/21
CP11006 Level 2 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Thu, 9 am to 4 pm, 10/13
CP41007 Level 3 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Mon, 9 am to 4 pm, 11/28
CP11008 Level 3 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
»» PowerPoint 2016
Thu, 9 am to 4 pm, 9/8
CP41009 Level 1 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Tue, 9 am to 4 pm, 10/18
CP21010 Level 1 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Fri, 9 am to 4 pm, 12/2
CP51011 Level 1 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Thu, 9 am to 4 pm, 9/15
CP41012 Level 2 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Thu, 9 am to 4 pm, 10/20
CP41013 Level 2 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Fri, 9 am to 4 pm, 12/2
CP51014 Level 2 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
»» Word 2016
Wed, 9 am to 4 pm, 9/28
CP31023 Level 1 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Wed, 9 am to 4 pm, 11/9
CP31024 Level 1 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Fri, 9 am to 4 pm, 9/30
CP51025 Level 2 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
Fri, 9 am to 4 pm, 11/11
CP51026 Level 2 Springhouse .1 session, $215
member $210
»» Cooking Basics
Get hints and advice to demystify cooking. This
step-by-step course covers sautéing, braising,
roasting, poaching and blanching. Discuss how
to select meats, fish and vegetables, useful
knife skills and basic kitchen equipment. Class
is great for beginners, young couples or those
looking to hone their cooking skills.
Adrian Hope Seltzer, Owner/Chef,
Creative Catering by Arianne
Tue, 6:15 pm to 9:15 pm, starts 9/20
CW22014 Lower Merion HS . . . 2 sessions, $76
member $65
»» Sauce Up Your Menus
NEW Take sauces to the next level! Join Chef
Andy as he prepares a variety of flavorful and
creative sauces with international influences.
Enjoy the next generation of globally-inspired
sauces paired with simple, rustic and seasonal
dishes. Master sauces to conquer the recurring
question “What’s for dinner?”
Forget the takeout! It can be special and speedy
to eat at home. From fanciful finger foods to
do-ahead dishes, Ann’s creative menus will add
dinners to your repertoire that can be ready in
about 30 minutes. You’ll learn the principles of
quick cooking, planning appropriate menus
and selecting the right foods.
Ann Hazan, Culinary Professional and
Cookbook Author
Mon, 10:30 am to 12 N, starts 9/12
CW11023 Creutzburg Center . . . 3 sessions, $79
member $67
»» Everything But the Turkey
As every Thanksgiving host knows, the turkey
is the easy part! Learn to make delicious and
complimentary appetizers, side dishes and
desserts that keep timing and work issues to a
minimum and make the cook so very grateful
for an easier (than usual) Thanksgiving feast.
These dishes will be perfect all season long and
great for winter holidays too! All new recipes.
Teaching Chef Andy Marin,
Philadelphia Art Institute
Ann Hazan, Culinary Professional and
Cookbook Author
Mon, 6:30 pm to 9 pm, 9/26
CW12041 Madsen Design Center . 1 session, $45
Mon, 10:30 am to 12 N, starts 10/31
CW11025 Creutzburg Center . . . 3 sessions, $79
member $67
»» One Dish Meals
From French country cuisine to Italian style
Tuscan stews, one dish meals are an excellent
way to simplify your meal preparation and do
things in advance. Drawing on regional
specialties, Adrian brings fresh ideas and
flavors for your dinner-in-a-pot soups,
casseroles, braised dishes and more.
Adrian Hope Seltzer, Owner/Chef,
Creative Catering by Arianne
»» Fast & Fun Weeknight Suppers
Tue, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm, starts 9/27
CW21083 Creutzburg Center . . . 3 sessions, $69
member $58
»» Flavor Your Meals with
Herbs & Spices
NEW The flavors of the world are just around
the corner and are readily available in many
local markets. Explore dishes that are simple
to execute using the trendiest new spices
and herbs.
Chef Ann-Michelle Albertson
Mon, 6:30 pm to 9 pm, 11/7
CW12045 Madsen Design Center . 1 session $45
»» Winter Soups, Salads and
Sandwiches, Oh my!
NEW Looking for new, creative ideas for lunch
and dinner options? Ann will show you how to
prepare a healthy meal with warming winter
soups paired with super salads and sensational
sandwiches. Start with a classic broth, bisque
or stock, incorporate a variety of fresh,
seasonal ingredients and aromatic herbs to
make hearty soups; each soup matched
perfectly with a salad or sandwich to complete
the meal. Vegetarian options included.
Ann Hazan, Culinary Professional and
Cookbook Author
Mon, 10:30 am to 12 N, starts 1/9/2017
CW11027 Creutzburg Center . . . 3 sessions, $79
member $67
»» Decorate Cakes Like a Pro
Discover how easy cake decorating can be.
Learn and practice all the basics including
frosting, writing and edging techniques.
Make decorative flowers. Supply list ($25-$40)
handed out at first class.
Charlene Healy, Cake Decorator;
Wilton Class Instructor
Wed, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 9/14
CW32088 Creutzburg Center . . . 4 sessions, $66
member $57
»» Parent & Child: Frosting Goofy
and Ghouly Cupcakes
Have a devilishly good time frosting and
decorating cupcakes with the child in your life.
Charlene provides the cupcakes, the icing and
all sorts of silly toppings. You take home your
creations. Please, no children under the age of
5. Price is for one adult & one child; additional
child: $17.
Charlene Healy, Cake Decorator;
Wilton Class Instructor
Sat, 12 N to 1:30 pm, 10/22
CW61066 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $39
member $31
Sat, 2 pm to 3:30 pm, 10/22
CW61067 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $39
member $31
Parent & Child: Frosting
Thanksgiving Themed Cupcakes
»» Fabulously Flavorful & Healthy
Too: Classic Mediterranean Menus
NEW You’ll give thanks for the all the enjoyment
you and your child will have making some fun
and delicious fall and Thanksgiving themed
cupcakes! You take home your creations.
Please, no children under the age of 5. Price is
for one adult & one child; additional child: $17.
NEW We knew it all along! A recent study
Charlene Healy, Cake Decorator;
Wilton Class Instructor
Sat, 12 N to 1:30 pm, 11/19
CW61077 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $39
member $31
Sat, 2 pm to 3:30 pm, 11/19
CW61078 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $39
member $31
»» Flavorful Carrot Cake
NEW Carrots have been used in sweet cakes
since medieval times however the origins of
carrot cake is disputed. Spend an evening
baking incredible, moist and flavorful carrot
cupcakes you will enjoy and take home.
James will share his personal version of Amish
Carrot Cake and give tips to tweak the recipe
to make it your own.
James Reese, Retired Professional Baker
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, 11/15
CW22012 Lower Merion HS . . . . 1 session, $48
member $43
»» Mastering Pie Crusts —
Just in Time for the Holidays
NEW Learn the proper techniques to mix,
handle, roll and decorate classic pie crusts —
all butter flaky crust, easy graham cracker
crust and sweet cookie-like tart crust. Two
delicious seasonal pie fillings, pumpkin and
walnut pecan, will be demonstrated. You will
take your pie crusts home with you, ready
to use or freeze for the holidays, along with
recipes for the crusts and fillings, plus the
knowledge and skills to successfully make
gorgeous pies at home.
Dianne Dillman, Graduate, Culinary Institute
of America; Pastry Arts Instructor
Mon, 6 pm to 9 pm, 11/14
CW12046 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $68
member $56
»» Fall Bounty: A Focus on the
Season’s Best Anti-Inflammatory
NEW Flavor, fiber and antioxidants abound
with the fall harvest! And the evidence is
clear that certain anti-inflammatory foods
can regulate the immune system and
positively impact our bodies and our lives.
Learn basic, no-fuss tips for quickly preparing
great tasting, cleansing, bone-building, guthealing veggies, herbs and spices that will
tantalize your tastebuds plus help revitalize
a more sustainable you!
Sandy Gargus, Health & Lifestyle Coach;
Owner, Nourish to Renew
Sat, 1:15 pm to 3:45 pm, 10/22
CW61003 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $72
member $61
»» Quick and Healthy Indian Cooking
Learn how to prepare easy, quick, healthy and
delicious Indian recipes. Shailu demonstrates
preparation techniques and explains the
use of spices making this style of cooking
accessible to all. Dishes include Baingan
Bhartha (eggplant), Rajma (kidney beans)
and Keema Matar (turkey with green peas).
Enjoy the meal in class.
Shailu Jaswal, Indian Cooking Expert
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, 11/1
CW22077 Lower Merion HS . . . . 1 session, $49
member $43
confirms that a Mediterranean diet, rich in
plant based, anti-inflammatory foods and
healthy fats has unlimited health benefits.
Explore the sunshine cuisines of Southern
Italy, Greece, Turkey and other countries
bordering the Sea. Learn simple preparation
techniques incorporating the “basics” of
the Mediterranean diet: fresh fruit, veggies,
whole grains and fish. Find out that it’s the
combination of foods (not just one) that
make it a healthy way to eat.
Adrian Hope Seltzer, Owner/Chef, Creative
Catering by Arianne
Tue, 11:15 am to 12:45 pm, starts 10/18
CW21084 Creutzburg Center . . . 3 sessions, $69
member $58
»» Mastering the Art of Italian Cuisine,
a cookbook by Lidia Bastianich
NEW Join Jim as he prepares exciting recipes
from the empress of Italian cuisine and host
of popular PBS cooking programs. Enjoy
scrumptious appetizers, satisfying soups
and salads, cheese-drenched pastas designed
for love and comfort and lusciously simple
desserts. This is Italian cooking at a lofty
level. The class will be both demonstration
and hands-on to give you a chance to fully
experience these delightful dishes. A copy of
Lidia’s comprehensive cookbook is included
with this class.
Jim Musumeci, Owner; Flavor the Moment
Wed, 6 pm to 9:15 pm, starts 10/19
CW32014 Creutzburg Center . . . 2 sessions, $89
member $81
includes cookbook
»» Tasty Thai Cooking
Experience the flavors of Bangkok. Learn how
to prepare your favorite Thai recipes. Discover
exotic spices. Find out where and how to
buy the necessary ingredients to create these
dishes at home. Enjoy a Thai entrée each
week. New recipes for returning students.
Tom Voravolya, Professional Restaurateur
Mon, 6:15 pm to 7:15 pm, starts 9/12
CW12031 Creutzburg Center . . . 3 sessions, $77
member $65
»» A Kitchen Affair
»» Luscious Latkes
NEW Using a few common ingredients, you’ll
learn how to create scrumptious versatile
meals that will have your family thinking you
cheated! Straight off the boat from Italy,
Chef Antonella Santacroce brings contagious
passion to the kitchen, blending rich ethnic
cuisine, simplicity, and an overabundance of
love in every dish. Philly media personality
Lorraine Ranalli will also join the affair, adding
colorful commentary, fun, and games. You’ll
leave satisfied from a nice Italian dinner and
with a copy of Lorraine’s book Gravy Wars:
South Philly Foods, Feuds & Attytudes and other
gifts—a truly memorable affair to bring back to
your kitchen!
Antonella Santacroce, Chef; Owner,
Antonella’s Italian Kitchen
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, 10/18
CW22085 Lower Merion HS . . . . 1 session, $78
member $69
»» Gyoza Dumpling &
Wakame Cucumber Salad
NEW Learn how to make delicious hand-
made gyoza dumplings and spring rolls and the
flavorful sauces that accompany them. Shrimp,
crabmeat, chicken, shiitake mushrooms,
scallions, cabbage, bean sprouts, nira (Asian
chives) and fresh ginger are used as ingredients.
Fay Toyozato, Chef, Japanese Cooking
Sat, 1:15 pm to 3:15 pm, 11/19
CW61004 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $57
member $47
»» Tastes of Taiwan:
Wine Pairing Dinner
NEW Discover the traditional and authentic
roots of Taiwanese cooking with influences
from Spain, Portugal and Japan. A champagne
reception with hors d’oeuvres precedes a fivecourse dinner featuring a diverse array of
flavors, fresh presentations and tantalizing
food. Perfectly paired wines accompany each
course. Complete menu emailed early January
(dietary requests respected.)
Award-Winning Chefs, Yangming
Wed, 6:30 pm to 9 pm, 1/11/17
CW32024 Yangming Restaurant
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $115
»» Dumplings, Dumplings &
More Dumplings
Learn to fold and make scrumptious
dumplings: meat and vegetarian, traditional
and modern; steamed, pan fried and deep
fried. Get ready to be “stuffed” with a feast of
succulent “pockets of goodness.”
Those frozen circles of potatoes that you
find in the market resemble a fast food hash
brown more than crisp delicate latkes, which
are surprisingly easy to make. Adrian shows
you how to minimize the chance that the
potatoes will turn brown and other secrets to
making these delectable holiday favorites.
Adrian Hope Seltzer, Owner/Chef,
Creative Catering by Arianne
Tue, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, 11/15
CW21085 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $24
member $19
Yoon Lee, former owner of an award-winning
restaurant; Personal Chef; Food Critic
Tue, 7 pm to 9 pm, 11/29
CW22038 Lower Merion HS . . . . 1 session, $65
member $59
»» Korean BBQ
Spice up your normal barbecuing routine
with mouth watering flavors of Korean BBQ.
Sizzling beef (bulgogi), spicy pork and the
side fixings wrapped in a lettuce wrap with
“ssamjang” — a miso pepper paste sauce.
Yoon Lee, former owner of an award-winning
restaurant; Personal Chef; Food Critic
Tue, 7 pm to 9 pm, 11/22
CW22037 Lower Merion HS . . . . 1 session, $65
member $59
»» Tantalizing Appetizers &
Delectable Desserts
Don’t despair the next time you’re asked to
bring an appetizer or dessert. Learn the
secrets of creating enticing, easy-to-prepare
dishes using innovative combinations of
ingredients. From delectable hors d’oeuvres
to tantalizing desserts, Ann’s recipes are sure
to become favorites for parties at home and
potlucks with friends.
Ann Hazan, Culinary Professional and
Cookbook Author
Sat, 10 am to 12 N, 10/22
CW61001 Creutzburg Center . . . . 1 session, $53
member $49
»» Coffee: Grinders and Brewers
Explore the importance of coffee equipment
from grinders to brewers with Pour Richard’s
Coffee Company. Which equipment produces
the best cup? What is the least expensive way
to produce a quality cup of coffee that does
not diminish the potential of the coffee bean?
Learn about grind/brew characteristics of each
piece of equipment while tasting the difference
and find out how to end up with a superb cup
of coffee that you can enjoy at home.
Richard Berman, Owner, Pour Richard’s
Coffee Company
Wed, 5 pm to 6:30 pm, 10/19
CW32071 Pour Richard’s . . . . . . 1 session, $33
member $25
»» Coffee: Single Cup Brewing
»» It’s Pumpkin Time
NEW Pumpkins, squash, sweet potatoes:
delightful, delicious, delectable. The holidays
are a time for family, friends and pumpkins.
Jim will prepare exceptional holiday recipes,
easily created with the simplest of ingredients.
Whet your appetite with luscious soups, sides,
appetizers and desserts, all made from the
Halloween mascot. The class will be both
demonstration and hands-on to give you a
chance to fully experience these delightful
dishes. Join Jim for this morning of feasting
and fun.
NEW During this class and coffee tasting at
Pour Richard’s Coffee Company, six single
brewing methods will be introduced and the
taste properties and economics of each will
be reviewed. Taste the difference as you
experience the same coffee bean brewed six
different ways and determine which single
brewing method is right for you.
Richard Berman, Owner, Pour Richard’s
Coffee Company
Wed, 5 pm to 6:30 pm, 11/16
CW32072 Pour Richard’s . . . . . . 1 session, $33
member $25
Jim Musumeci, Owner; Flavor the Moment
Sat, 9 am to 12 N, 11/19
CW61002 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $61
member $51
»» Coffee: Origins and Processing —
Bean to Cup
Wed, 5 pm to 6:30 pm, 9/21, 10/19 & 11/16
CW32073 Pour Richard’s . . . . . 3 sessions, $89
member $69
NEW This informative discussion will go into
depth about the origins and processing of
coffee from farming and harvesting practices
to direct trade and roasting. Cup a few of
Pour Richard’s Coffee Company’s 22 select
specialty coffees while sharing conversation
and indulging in a tasting experience that will
leave your taste buds jumping for joy.
Richard Berman, Owner, Pour Richard’s
Coffee Company
Wed, 5 pm to 6:30 pm, 9/21
CW32070 Pour Richard’s . . . . . . 1 session, $33
member $25
»» Pinot Noirs of the World
NEW It is no surprise that Pinot Noir is the
most popular wine in the current wine market.
It’s always been one of our favorites even now
that everybody’s gotten into the act because
of the popularity of Sideways. We will start in
France, the traditional home of Pinot Noir and
trace its journey around the globe to show the
development and success of it in other climates.
Rob Peters and Richard Unti, Wine Connoisseurs
Wed, 7:30 pm to 9 pm, 10/26
CW32066 Beaumont . . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $58
member $48
»» Italian Wine Stars
NEW We return to Oenotria, the Greek name
for Italy, translated as the land of wine. Italy
has over 900 wine grapes but we will be
concentrating on some of the best known
and revered offerings. Wines like Amarone,
Barolo and Brunello will be featured along
with some new stars on the scene from all
around the boot.
Rob Peters and Richard Unti, Wine Connoisseurs
Wed, 7:30 pm to 9 pm, 11/9
CW32065 Beaumont . . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $58
member $48
»» Champagne and Sparkling Wines
Try sparkling wines, affordable to premium,
from old world and new world producers
including France, Italy, Spain and the US.
Rob Peters and Richard Unti, Wine Connoisseurs
Wed, 7:30 pm to 9 pm, 12/7
CW32069 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $58
member $48
»» Mulled Wines
NEW The Romans started making mulled wine
in the 2nd century, and as they conquered
and traveled all over Europe, they took their
vines and wines with them. Mulled wines are
still very popular all over the cold regions of
Europe, known, for example, in Germany as
Glüwein (“glow wine”). Taste and learn how to
make several versions of this delicious elixir to
delight your friends and family during the
season’s holidays and comfort yourself during
the coming chilly nights.
»» South African Wines
NEW South Africa has made beautiful and
unique wines for hundreds of years. After
decades of isolation from world wine markets
due to trade sanctions, South Africa has
re-emerged on the international stage in a
big way. Stellenbosch, Constantia, Paarl are
some of this country’s iconic wine regions.
They have their own unique grapes as well as
unique expressions of international varietals.
See how this energized wine industry is
starting to live up to its tremendous potential.
Gain confidence in easy to learn basic steps
for traditional weddings and special occasions.
Learn swing, ballroom (waltz, foxtrot, cha cha,
one step, merengue) and more. Expect to
change partners during class.
Kelly Ray, Dance Instructor
Tue, 6 pm to 7 pm, starts 9/13
DA22029 Lower Merion HS . . 6 sessions, $102
member $90
partner $45
Vicki Miller, President, Vinocity
Wed, 6:45 pm to 8:15 pm, 11/16
CW32006 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $58
member $48
»» Mediterranean Wines & Cheeses
NEW Plan ahead for your own entertaining!
Fall in love with gems from the Mediterranean!
Rob Peters showcases an exquisite selection
of wines available at PA Wines & Spirits,
Ardmore. Chef Ann-Michelle Albertson, our
cheese expert will turn you on to new and
old world flavors that pair perfectly with the
selected wines. These invaluable pairings
will ensure that your next party or romantic
night is flawless!
Rob Peters, PA Wine & Spirits, Ardmore &
Chef Ann-Michelle Albertson, igourmet Cheeses
Sun, 2 pm to 4 pm, 11/6
CW71075 Yangming Restaurant
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $55
»» Wine & Cheeses Values to Beat
the Winter Chills
NEW Experience a guaranteed cure for
Cabin Fever! Wine guru, Rob Peters, pairs
soul-warming wines with exquisitely delicious
igourmet cheeses in this fun and educational
seminar. Explore exciting new pairings. Come
solo, bring a friend or reserve a table for 6 or 8.
Vicki Miller, President, Vinocity
Rob Peters, PA Wine & Spirits, Ardmore &
Chef Ann-Michelle Albertson, igourmet Cheeses
Wed, 6:45 pm to 8:15 pm, 11/2
CW32005 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $58
member $48
Sun, 3 pm to 5:15 pm, 1/22/17
CW71080 Yangming Restaurant
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 session $55
»» Dancing with Confidence
NEW Enjoy the richness of salsa music and
dance. Learn the important foundations of
salsa dance technique/rhythm and progress
into more complex footwork and partner
combinations. No partner necessary.
Kelly Ray, Dance Instructor
Tue, 7 pm to 8 pm, starts 9/13
DA22031 Lower Merion HS . . 6 sessions, $102
member $90
partner $45
»» Swing & Social Dancing
Dance is a great form of exercise for both
body and brain. Swing dancing is an upbeat
fun dance, while waltz and foxtrot provide
elegance on the dance floor. The cha-cha is
an energetic Latin dance with a steady beat.
Learn as a new hobby or for an upcoming
special occasion. Intermediate class is for
those who taken a class with Sandy or have
basic knowledge of the dance moves.
Sandy Forman, Dance Instructor
Mon, 7 pm to 8 pm, starts 9/19
DA12021 Beginner Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 sessions, $138
member $123
partner $59
Mon, 8 pm to 9 pm, starts 9/19
DA12022 Intermediate Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 sessions, $138
member $123
partner $59
»» Soul Line Dancing
Get fit and have fun as you dance to R&B, jazz,
the Philly sound, classic oldies and the latest
soul favorites. It’s easy and good exercise.
Gloria Kingcade, Soul Line Dance Instructor
Tue, 8 pm to 9 pm, starts 10/18
DA22023 Lower Merion HS . . . 6 sessions, $89
member $78
»» Tap Dancing with Gail
Loosen up. Tap your feet. Swing your arms.
Look, sound and feel great! Improve balance
and coordination while enjoying healthy
aerobic exercise, learning simple routines
and having a great time.
Gail Oldfield, Former Radio City Music
Hall Rockette
Fri, 9 am to 10 am, starts 9/16
DA51006 Beginner Devon Manor
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 sessions, $145
member $129
Fri, 10 am to 11 am, starts 9/16
DA51007 Intermediate Devon Manor
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 sessions, $145
member $129
»» Tap Dancing with Debbie
Limber up in lively company. Learn grace and
fleetness of foot. Beginner class is for those
with no previous experience. Experienced
class, for Debbie’s continuing students or
with her approval, moves at a faster pace,
emphasizing terminology and counting.
Debbie Smith, MLSN Dance Instructor
for over 25 years
Tue, 6 pm to 7 pm, starts 9/13
DA22025 Beginner Lower Merion HS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 sessions, $134
member $125
Tue, 7 pm to 8 pm, starts 9/13
DA22037 Experienced Lower Merion HS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 sessions, $134
member $125
»» Zumba
»» Awesome Abs and Thighs
Get in shape with this super program of toning
exercises. Focus on abs and thighs for a leaner,
tighter, more toned body. Learn effective ways
to flatten your tummy, firm your fanny and trim
inches from your waist, hips and thighs.
Julie Seville, Lifetime Fitness
Mon, 9:15 am to 10:15 am, starts 9/12
FH11019 Creutzburg Center . . 12 sessions, $151
member $135
Mon, 9:15 am to 10:15 am, starts 1/9/2017
FH11020 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $88
member $75
»» Power Tone & Tighten
Blast away those soft spots! Sculpt a leaner,
stronger body with resistance exercises using
hand-held weights, Dynabands ($5 from
instructor) and your own body weight. This
total body conditioning class is fun, easy-tofollow and effective. Enjoy more energy,
stamina and looser clothes!
»» 45-Minute Express Workout
Squeeze in a non-stop, high-energy class.
Combining low impact aerobic exercises, muscle
sculpting weight exercises and abdominal work,
this fat-burning workout boosts energy and
increases strength, stamina and overall fitness.
Julie Seville, Lifetime Fitness
Fri, 9 am to 9:45 am, starts 9/16
FH51051 Creutzburg Center . 12 sessions, $141
member $123
Fri, 9 am to 9:45 am, starts 1/13/2017
FH51052 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $83
member $74
»» Kickboxing
NEW Focus on aerobic-cardio fitness and daily
functional strength by using the choreography
of traditional kickboxing techniques. Includes
push ups, crunches, lunges and body weight
strengthening exercises. Burn calories while
improving balance and coordination. Learn
basic self defense moves such as jabs, punches
and kicks. A “knock-out” workout!
Julie Seville, Lifetime Fitness
Lynn Preston, Lifetime Fitness
Wed, 9:15 am to 10:15 am, starts 9/14
FH31031 Creutzburg Center . . 12 sessions, $151
member $135
Wed, 9:15 am to 10:15 am, starts 1/11/2017
FH31033 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $88
member $75
Tue, 6:20 pm to 7:20 pm, starts 9/13
FH22080 Lower Merion HS . . 9 sessions, $124
member $118
»» Total Body Conditioning
Lose fat and inches, increase your
metabolism and strengthen your muscles
in this comprehensive fitness class. You’ll
use bodyweight exercises, power drills,
balance work and core strengthening
routines to accomplish your personal goals.
Sandi Kirschner, MEd, Certified Group
Fitness Instructor
Tue, 6:15 pm to 7 pm, starts 9/13
FH22018 Lower Merion HS . . 9 sessions, $116
member $101
»» Water Aerobics
Use water’s buoyancy and resistance for
maximum results with minimum risk of
injury. Includes warm-up, aerobics and aqua
abdominals. Trim and tone, improve endurance
and increase flexibility. Excellent for those
who find traditional, land-based exercise too
stressful. Enjoy a soak in a hot tub after class.
Staff, Lifetime Fitness
Mon, 7 pm to 8 pm, starts 9/12
FH12033 The Quadrangle . . 10 sessions, $154
member $137
Wed, 7 pm to 8 pm, starts 9/14
FH32032 The Quadrangle . . 10 sessions, $154
member $137
Designed for all shapes, age groups, and
exercise levels, Zumba uses easy-to-follow
dance/fitness moves performed to Latin,
international and pop music. It combines
cardio with strength training for an
exhilarating workout.
Geni Roskos, Certified Zumba Instructor
Mon, 6 pm to 6:45 pm, starts 9/12
FH12046 Creutzburg Center . . . 6 sessions, $93
member $84
Thu, 11:45 am to 12:45 pm, starts 9/15
FH41045 Creutzburg Center . . 10 sessions, $141
member $126
Thu, 11:45 am to 12:45 pm, starts 1/12/2017
FH41043 Creutzburg Center . . 5 sessions, $88
member $75
»» Zumba Gold
This invigorating Latin-inspired, dance-fitness
program includes merengue, salsa, cha cha,
cumbia, belly dance, tango and rock-and-roll
is geared for beginners and active older adults.
Lisa Welsh, Certified Zumba Instructor
Mon, 9:30 am to 10:30 am, starts 9/12
FH11083 First Position . . . . . 10 sessions, $141
member $126
»» Zumba Toning
Take Zumba to the next level, utilizing an
innovative muscle training protocol and light
weight toning sticks. Use the sticks to enhance
rhythm, build strength and tone all other
target zones. This is not a beginners class.
Lisa Welsh, Owner, First Position Dance Studio,
Certified Zumba Instructor
Monday, 7:15 pm to 8:15 pm, starts 9/12
FH12083 First Position . . . . . 10 sessions, $141
member $126
»» Bollywood Dance Fitness
Experience the perfect combination of exercise
and the latest Bollywood dance moves. Burn
calories while you shake your body through
the infectious dance moves from Bollywood,
Bhangra, Salsa, Hip-Hop and more. This is a
unique fusion of the fundamentals with light to
medium cardio routines. Turn exercise into a
celebration! Class is suitable for participants of
all ages and fitness levels.
Mitali Das, Accomplished Dancer, AFAA Certified
Group Fitness and Zumba Instructor
Tue, 6 pm to 7 pm, starts 9/13
FH22032 Lower Merion HS . . 9 sessions, $116
member $101
»» Women and Teen Self-Defense
Learn powerful skills for your body, mind and
spirit. Develop street smarts, personal safety
strategies and confidence based on practical
self-defense techniques for women of all ages.
The first week class is held in a classroom to
cover the concepts of situational awareness
to help you stay out of bad situations and
the second week class meets in the gym for
practice with the physical techniques to use if
you find yourself in them.
Jennifer Morris, State Certified EMT Instructor
Tue, 7 pm to 9 pm, starts 9/20
FH22056 Lower Merion HS . . . 2 sessions, $43
member $35
»» Basic First Aid Certification
Get hands-on training in basic first aid
including testing and certification card.
Course covers medical emergencies
including cardiac, respiratory, diabetic and
allergic reactions; injury emergencies such
as fractures, dislocations and bleeding;
environmental emergencies related to cold,
heat, bites and stings; dealing with specialty
population patients including pediatric,
geriatric, learning disabled, chronically ill
and specialty equipment.
Jennifer Morris, State Certified EMT Instructor
Tue, 6 pm to 8 pm, starts 11/1
FH22051 Lower Merion HS . . . 2 sessions, $59
member $49
»» CPR Certification
Learn basic emergency response procedures
including, but not limited to, CPR, response
to conscious and unconscious choking and
Automatic External Defibrillator usage. Upon
successful completion, you will receive a twoyear Red Cross CPR certification card.
Valerie C Grant, Red Cross Certified
CPR Instructor
Sat, 10 am to 3 pm, 10/22
FH61037 To be Performed on Adults
Creutzburg Center . . . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $115
member $107
Sat, 10 am to 3 pm, 11/19
FH61038 To be Performed on Infants/Child
Creutzburg Center . . . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $115
member $107
»» Align Your Spine & Balance
with Feldenkrais
Practice interesting and engaging patterns
using the Feldenkrais Method to help you
move with better balance and flexibility.
Learn how to overcome debilitating habits
that cause lower back pain, hip trouble and
tension in your neck and shoulders. See how
using the mind/body connection will improve
your physical and emotional well-being.
Evelyn Jacobs, Certified Feldenkrais
Tue, 1:15 pm to 2:15 pm, starts 11/1
FH21035 Creutzburg Center . . 5 sessions, $82
member $73
»» The Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique is a simple and
effective method to become aware of and
release unwanted tension and pain. The
process enables you to listen to yourself and
become familiar with unnecessary holding and
compensating that is causing discomfort and
disease. In each class you will be guided
through simple and gentle movement patterns
and sequences to help you feel balanced.
Discover how to move in a way that is more
aligned with your new nature. No experience
necessary. New and returning students
»» Back Care: Yoga Therapy for
the Spine
Designed to gently and mindfully cultivate
increased function, mobility, flexibility and
relaxation in movement. Improve posture and
facilitate balance in the spine, pelvis and
related structures. Classes integrate guided
yoga, qigong movements and rehabilitation
Wed, 6:15 pm to 7:15 pm, starts 9/21
FH32086 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $92
member $86
»» Posture Workshop
Identify causes for postural deficits and use
exercises to begin correcting them, including
stretching and/or strengthening supporting
Valerie C Grant, Best of Philly’s Posture Coach
Thu, 10:45 am to 11:45 am, starts 9/22
FH41044 Creutzburg Center . 6 sessions, $117
member $104
Wed, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, starts 10/26
FH31038 Creutzburg Center . . . 4 sessions, $74
member $69
Laughter Yoga
NEW Come play and learn the philosophy
behind Laughter Yoga, a fun and unique
health and wellness concept from India based
on the scientific fact that the body cannot tell
the difference between genuine and fake
laughter. Develop a daily laughter practice
for a healthy body, peaceful mind and joyful
spirit through simulated laughter and
Pranayama (Yogic Breath Work) combined
with playful laughter exercises to stimulate
the brain’s release of hormones and chemicals
to make us feel better. Good general health
required. Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
Tue, 7 pm to 8 pm , starts 9/13
FH22043 Lower Merion . . . . . . 9 sessions, $119
member $105
»» Eating for Beauty
NEW Simple and easy tips that will help you
»» Better Health with Gentle Karate
Fri, 10:30 am to 11:30 am, starts 10/7
FH51057 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $71
member $57
Emily Smith, LMT Myofascial Release Therapist
Ernie Oktay, Laughter Yoga Teacher
Mon, 1 pm to 2:30 pm, starts 10/10
FH11021 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $97
member $86
Sensei Takamichi Maeshima, 6th Degree
Black Belt Shotokan Karate, 2nd Degree Black
Belt Judo
Using the principles of massage, myofascial
release and stretching, undertake body rolling
(moving and stretching on foam rollers and
balls) to treat your own muscular tension and
myofascial restrictions. Improve flexibility,
strength and posture. Alleviate pain naturally
and disconnect from stress. All levels welcome.
Michael Hillenbrand, Chiropractor;
Acupuncturist; Myofascial Therapist
Melody Schaper, Registered Movement
Therapist; former Associate Professor at USC
in Movement
This highly-tailored program uses slow and
flowing Karate-based movements to help
older adults maintain balance, mobility,
strength and cardiovascular health in a fun,
mentally-refreshing, and safe way. Learn
modern approaches to exercise through the
traditional techniques of Shotokan Karate.
»» Self-Myofascial Release/Massage
& Stretching
»» Aikido for Beginners
This Japanese martial art was founded on
the basis of self defense without the necessity
of violence and direct confrontation. Use
evasion, timing, joint locks and the attacker’s
power and momentum to neutralize the attack.
Learn how to remain positive, centered and
calm in the midst of chaos and negativity and
strive to achieve harmony both personally and
look and feel young and radiant in no time.
Learn what to eat to promote abundant
health, vibrant energy and glowing skin.
Leave with a handout outlining action steps
you can start right away, recipes and a special
gift that will help you feel relaxed and
»» Break the Sugar Cycle
NEW Sugar is one of the most addictive
substances we can put in our bodies. Most of
us eat far more sugar than we realize and way
more than is healthy. Detox from sugar, reset
your cravings and lighten up in this 21-day
group program. You’ll be supported as you
crowd out this unhealthy habit. Learn the
surprising places where sugar lurks and find
ways to replace it with other, more fulfilling
sweets. The results are reduced cravings,
freedom from the highs and lows of the sugar
cycle and improvement in overall sense of
well-being. It will amaze you.
Jodee Hetzer, MA, Certified Health Coach
Mon, 10 am to 11:15 am, starts 10/10
FH11042 Creutzburg Center . . 4 sessions, $69
member $59
»» Qigong for Health & Healing
NEW Qigong, the “mother” of tai chi, is an
ancient Chinese health care system that can
do wonders to rejuvenate your body, mind and
spirit. Learn the “Taoist Five Yin Organ Qigong”
that integrates physical postures, breathing
techniques and focused attention to improve
the functioning of your entire body. See how
this slow and graceful moving meditation
improves physical and emotional balance
giving you calmness and renewed energy.
These movements are easy to do yet challenge
your mind to grow new pathways. This
enjoyable medical Qigong form will benefit
new and experienced practitioners.
Rona Cordish Satten, Nationally Certified
Advanced Qigong Instructor; Medical Qigong
Tue, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, starts 9/20
FH21026 Creutzburg Center . 9 sessions, $119
member $110
Janna Hasbrouck, CHC, AADP; Private Coach
Tue, 7 pm to 8:30 pm, 9/27
FH22044 Lower Merion HS . . . . 1 session, $32
member $26
Michael Hillenbrand, Chiropractor;
Acupuncturist; Myofascial Therapist
Tue, 7:15 pm to 8:15 pm, starts 10/18
FH22088 Lower Merion HS . . . 6 sessions, $75
member $63
»» Staying Healthy with the Seasons:
Philosophies of Chinese Medicine
»» Deep Stretch & Rebalancing Yoga
Gentle energizing postures are combined
with methodical stretching and twists to
soothe the nervous system, steady the mind
and prepare your body for the day. Build your
strength and flexibility, strengthen your
immune system and increase your energy.
NEW Discuss the practical uses of Chinese
medicine’s perspectives on health, well being
and healing. Each week we will investigate one
of the seasons and elements and explore ways
to live in harmony with each season; discussing
simple actions to add and subtract from daily
life. Participants will make personal health
inventories and create goals for transformation.
Learn simple mindful practices; qigong,
nutrition, conversation, and exercise, with the
goal of awakening your inborn capacity to live
life in a balanced and skillful way.
Bob Weisbord, Professional Acupuncturist,
Nationally Board Certified
Dawn Weisbord - Professional Acupuncturist,
Nationally Board Certified
Certification in Chinese Herbal Medicine,
Certified QiGong Teacher
Thu, 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm, starts 10/6
FH41072 Creutzburg Center . 5 sessions, $119
member $105
»» Introduction to Reiki
NEW Reiki is a natural, simple, safe, effective
healing system that uses spiritually guided
universal energy, the energy which permeates
our entire universe and all living things. This
energy is channeled through the hands of the
practitioner into the body and aura of the
receiver. In this class explore the fundamentals
and the benefits of Reiki, exploring your
chakra system, aura cleansing, crystal healing,
and meditation.
Tracie Ullman, Reiki Master Teacher;
Owner SoulScapes; Empowerment Coach
Thu, 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm, starts 10/20
FH42055 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $35
member $29
»» Evolving Pilates
Learn the core fundamentals of Pilates in this
functional whole-body workout. Breathe,
release, lengthen, mobilize and strengthen
using your body, the floor, wall, chairs, foam
rollers and resistance bands. Learn how to
optimize simple human movement for
alignment, posture and balance of mobility
and strength. Move easily through the
activities of daily life. Class themes evolve
out of students’ goals. All levels welcome.
Emily Smith, LMT Myofascial Release Therapist
and Pilates Teacher
Wed, 10:20 am to 11:20 am, starts 9/21
FH31036 Creutzburg Center . . 12 sessions, $151
member $135
»» Pilates for Back Pain
Take charge of your back pain by learning
Pilates/Feldenkrais based exercises and
stretches focused on strengthening the
muscles that are weak and stretching the
muscles and fascia that tighten to contribute
to back pain. Homework handouts will be
provided to keep you moving with less pain in
direct proportion to your adherence to the
exercise program.
Valerie C Grant, Certified Personal Trainer,
Pilates and Feldenkrais
Thu, 6 pm to 7 pm, starts 9/29
FH42041 Creutzburg Center . 6 sessions, $103
member $91
»» Yoga/Pilates Fusion
Combine benefits of yoga and Pilates to obtain
greater strength and flexibility, improved
balance and posture, deeper relaxation, greater
awareness of the body and an overall sense of
well-being. May also improve circulation, lower
blood pressure and reduce chronic back, neck
and shoulder pain.
Lynn Preston, Lifetime Fitness
Tue, 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 9/13
FH22048 Lower Merion HS . . 9 sessions, $124
member $118
Charo Cabello, Certified Hatha Yoga Instructor,
Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate
Tue, 10:15 am to 11:15 am, starts 9/13
FH21023 Creutzburg Center . . 13 sessions, $169
member $148
Tue, 10:15 am to 11:15 am, starts 1/10/2017
FH21025 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $88
member $75
»» Yoga
Yoga offers a time-tested and scientifically
sound method to combat a tired and tense
body, obesity and insomnia. Effective
breathing exercises, gentle stretching
postures and relaxation techniques are
conducive to radiant health.
Charo Cabello, Certified Hatha Yoga Instructor,
Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate
Tue, 8:45 am to 10 am, starts 9/13
FH21028 Creutzburg Center . . 13 sessions, $179
member $159
Tue, 8:45 am to 10 am, starts 1/10/2017
FH21030 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $97
member $83
Hari Zandler, Master Yoga Instructor
and Practitioner
Thu, 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, starts 9/22
FH42045 Creutzburg Center . 9 sessions, $119
member $107
»» Rx Therapeutic Yoga
Learn how yoga can provide a natural way
for improving your overall health. Address a
specific problem each week: back pain,
indigestion, arthritis, stress, insomnia and
your immune system. Practice stretches and
poses that give you more energy, strength,
balance and flexibility.
Charo Cabello, Certified Hatha Yoga Instructor
»» Gentle Yoga
Practice a wide range of relaxing and
energizing poses. Emphasis is on moving
gently with deep, controlled breathing. This
less physically demanding class is for all
levels and ages.
Hari Zandler, Master Yoga Instructor
and Practitioner
Tue, 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, starts 9/13
FH22042 Lower Merion HS . . 9 sessions, $119
member $107
Marie Roberts, MA, MS, Author
Wed, 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm, starts 9/14
FH31032 Creutzburg Center . . 12 sessions, $159
member $141
Fri, 9:50 am to 10:50 am, starts 9/16
FH51053 Creutzburg Center . . 12 sessions, $159
member $141
Wed, 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm, starts 1/4/2017
FH31034 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $88
member $75
Fri, 10 am to 11 am, starts 1/6/2017
FH51054 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $88
member $75
»» Tai Chi
Longevity and rejuvenation are the primary
goals of this gentle, centuries-old system of
exercise. Ideal for those of any age who want
to maintain or improve flexibility, energy,
balance, coordination and tranquility.
Beth Perry, Tai Chi Instructor
Tue, 6:45 pm to 7:45 pm, starts 9/13
FH22039 Lower Merion HS . . 9 sessions, $117
member $101
Andrew Heckert, Germantown Tai Chi
Study Group
Thu, 9:15 am to 10:15 am, starts 9/22
FH41047 Beginner Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 sessions, $153
member $138
Thu, 10:30 am to 11:30 am, starts 9/22
FH41048 Advanced Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 sessions, $153
member $138
Tue, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, starts 9/20
FH21027 Creutzburg Center . . 5 sessions, $82
member $70
Charo Cabello, Certified Hatha Yoga Instructor
Tue, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, starts 11/1
FH21029 Creutzburg Center . . 5 sessions, $82
member $70
»» Drawing Your Way: Beginners
If you want to draw and think you can’t, this
beginner class will help you develop ways of
seeing and constructing drawings using new
techniques and your own strengths. Working
with a variety of materials, sample charcoal,
pencil, graphite, conte crayon, etc. before
settling on the medium that is right for you.
Discover your own hidden artist!
Peter Brian Smith, Muralist; Freelance Artist
Tue, 9:15 am to 11:15 am, starts 9/20
HC21053 Creutzburg Center . 8 sessions, $142
member $131
»» Drawing for Beginners
Translate your ideas into visual form. Learn the
basics of line drawing, form, composition and
proportion. Focus on special techniques with
charcoal, pen and ink, and crayons. In Beyond
Beginners hone your developing skills, explore
new issues like perspective and new mediums
like ink and wash.
Jack Stagliano, MFA, Associate Professor of
Studio Art, Villanova University
Tue, 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, starts 9/13
HC22049 Lower Merion HS . . 9 sessions, $146
member $133
Tue, 7:40 pm to 8:40 pm , starts 9/13
HC22050 Beyond Beginners Lower Merion HS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 sessions, $146
member $133
»» Adventures in Painting and Drawing
Receive technical guidance, individual
attention and coaching in the fundamentals of
color, line and contrast. Choose subjects and
method of development, and work at your own
pace in a relaxed, supportive environment.
Work with portrait models and still life set-ups.
Joe Krush, Philadelphia College of Art,
Freelance Artist
Wed, 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, starts 9/14
HC31006 Creutzburg Center . 10 sessions, $175
member $156
»» Drawing With Pastels & Other Media
For students familiar with their media, this
class will provide a deeper understanding of
creative techniques. As in the works of Degas
and Cassatt, who used monoprinting and
watercolors to create a background for their
pastels, students will have the opportunity to
further their skills while working from still lifes,
landscapes, figures and photographs.
Nancy Frankel-Halbert, MFA, Professional Artist;
Member, Muse Gallery
Thu, 10 am to 1 pm, starts 9/15
HC41060 Creutzburg Center . 12 sessions, $279
member $229
»» Explorations in Drawing
Train and strengthen your “sightseeing” skills in
order to reach your full potential. Learn to sketch
and draw, use a variety of media, including
watercolor, pen, and pastels to explore gestures,
contours, values, negative-positive space, and
shading. Examine master drawers and techniques
for inspiration and meet your artistic goal. All
levels welcome.
Nancy Frankel-Halbert, MFA, Professional Artist;
Member, Muse Gallery
Mon, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 11/14
HC11036 Creutzburg Center . 5 sessions, $110
member $101
»» Intro to Watercolor Painting
No hang-ups in this class — students will learn
this versatile medium in a supportive and
nurturing environment! Focus will be on
demonstrations and individual attention as we
explore the basics of color mixing, brush
handling and composition while painting a
variety of subject matter. Drawing experience
helps, but not required.
Nancy Frankel-Halbert, MFA, Professional Artist;
Member, Muse Gallery
Monday, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 9/12
HC11012 Creutzburg Center . 8 sessions, $175
member $156
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 10/18
HC22013 Lower Merion HS . . 6 sessions, $131
member $117
»» Secrets of Watercolor Painting:
Develop confidence, fluidity, and consistency
and your individual style in this instructional
course. Through demonstrations, individual
attention, critiques, this class will dive into
developing colorful and strong compositions
using a variety of watercolor techniques.
Drawing and watercolor experience helpful.
Nancy Frankel-Halbert, MFA, Professional Artist;
Member, Muse Gallery
Monday, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, starts 9/12
HC11032 Creutzburg Center . 8 sessions, $175
member $156
»» Painting Projects in Oil & Acrylic
Paint with confidence while focusing on your
own individual style. Get a solid foundation
and understanding of the creative tools with
demonstrations and explorations in composition,
value, color, materials and techniques using
medium, palette knives and surfaces on a variety
of subjects.
»» Abstract Experimental
NEW This fun, relaxing, but exciting
workshop focuses on learning a wide variety
of experimental watercolor techniques,
applicable to each artist’s own unique style,
while creating vibrant, exciting, abstract
composition. A sampling of techniques such
as creating textured painting surfaces, using
collage elements, gesso washes, watercolor
printing, luminous paints and powdered
pigments will be explored, as well as unique
surfaces to paint on. Designed for those
familiar with watercolor, but not necessarily
beyond beginner. All materials included.
Deena S Ball, Teaching and Exhibiting Fine Artist
Wed, 6:30 pm to 9 pm, starts 9/14
HC32010 Creutzburg Center . . . 2 sessions, $87
member $75
Nancy Frankel-Halbert, MFA, Professional Artist;
Member, Muse Gallery
Mon, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, starts 11/14
HC11041 Creutzburg Center . 5 sessions, $115
member $101
»» Oil Painting Workshop
Express yourself in oils. Learn about this rich
medium, develop skills and paint in a supportive
environment. Try your hand at a variety of
subjects including still lifes and figures.
Alice Dustin, PhD, Professional Artist and Teacher
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 9/13
HC22055 Lower Merion HS . . 9 sessions, $159
member $143
»» Painters’ Studio
Advance your painting skills while working
at your own pace in your choice of subject
matter and medium. Positive constructive
direction from experienced painter. This is not
a beginner class.
William Greenwood, Pennsylvania Academy
of Fine Arts, Professional Artist
Mon, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 9/19
HC11055 Creutzburg Center . 12 sessions, $189
member $169
Mon, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 1/9/2017
HC11056 Creutzburg Center . 6 sessions, $105
member $97
»» Contemporary Botanical
Learn to draw and paint botanical art through
lectures, demonstrations and individual
instruction. Begin by illustrating in graphite
pencil and advance to watercolor painting.
Work at your own pace. Supply list (~$30) sent
with confirmation.
Marylyn Waltzer, NY Botanical Gardens,
Certified Botanical Illustrator
Tue, 12:45 pm to 2:45 pm, starts 9/20
HC21059 Creutzburg Center . 6 sessions, $123
member $107
»» Guided Open Studio
Bring your favorite media and experiment
with varied techniques and concepts. Learn
how to develop a work into a unified
composition as you strengthen your unique
style. Take part in discussions about artists
and their influences.
Nancy Frankel-Halbert, MFA, Professional
Artist; Member, Muse Gallery
Mon, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, starts 1/9/2017
HC11058 Creutzburg Center . 4 sessions, $114
member $101
»» Clay Sculpture
Look at art in a new way as you work in three
dimensions with the expressive medium of
self-hardening clay. You’ll look at art in a whole
new way. Practice alignment, proportion and
the use of tools. All levels welcome. Material
fee ($10) payable to instructor.
Vittia Horwitz, Tyler School of Art,
Exhibited Sculptor
Tue, 1:30 pm to 3:15 pm, starts 9/27
HC21061 Creutzburg Center . 8 sessions, $112
member $99
»» Knitting
»» Jewelry Design: Right Angle
Weave Picot Necklace
NEW Spend an afternoon creating a lovely
statement necklace using needle/thread &
beads. Choose your own beads & colors to
create a unique, one-of-a-kind piece. All levels
of experience welcomed. Material costs $18
and higher depending on beads.
Staff, The Bead Garden
Thu, 12 N to 3 pm, 10/13
HC41050 The Bead Garden . . . . 1 session, $38
»» Lapidary Workshop:
Gemstone Cutting
»» Jewelry Design & Silversmithing
Learn the basics of jewelry making using
traditional methods: sawing, filing, cold
joining and soldering. Different techniques
demonstrated each class. Beginners and
advanced students welcome. Individual help
Pamella Reimers, Professional Jewelry
Designer and Producer
Tue, 7 pm to 9 pm, starts 9/13
HC22062 Lower Merion HS . . 9 sessions, $143
member $127
»» Jewelry Making:
Soldering Made Simple
Create jewelry designed from silver and other
metals with inset stone. Learn the basic skills
of sawing, filing, soldering, forging, and stone,
bead and pearl setting. Develop four different
pieces during class. Materials fee ($25)
payable to instructor.
Pat Halsey, Member, PA Guild of Craftsmen
Wed, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 9/21
HC31062 Creutzburg Center . 8 sessions, $125
member $111
Thu, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 9/29
HC42063 Creutzburg Center . 8 sessions, $125
member $111
Experience an exciting weekend making
something beautiful out of rough rock! Learn
how to shape and polish rounded gemstones
called cabochons. Use a diamond trim saw as
well as diamond grinding, sanding and
polishing equipment. A variety of natural
materials such as jaspers and agates will be
available for your use or you may bring your
own rough. Lots of individual attention given.
Staff, Tuscarora Lapidary Society
Sat & Sun, 9 am to 5 pm, 10/22 & 10/23
HC61007 Tuscarora Lapidary Society
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 sessions, $169
»» Crochet
For beginners and those who know the basics
of crochet and would like help in reading
directions and completing a project. Discover
the basic stitches and learn to make shells,
Vs., ripple stitches and motifs, including the
classic granny square.
Sue Hilger, Knitting and Crochet Designer
Tue, 1 pm to 2:30 pm, starts 9/27
HC21066 Creutzburg Center . 8 sessions, $136
member $121
»» Sewing Basics
New to sewing or just need to dust off your
skills? Learn simple sewing techniques along
with sewing machine basics to create a tote
bag. Pattern fee ($3) payable to instructor.
Kelli Eckert, Education Coordinator;
Sewing Instructor, Joann Fabrics
Tue, 6 pm to 8:15 pm, starts 9/20
HC22075 Lower Merion HS . . . 2 sessions, $54
member $49
Discover the joys of knitting. Create your own
blanket, sweater or scarf. Learn all the basics
you need to get started. Enjoy the benefits
of individual instruction in a relaxing setting.
All levels welcome.
Elizabeth Wright, Knitting Coach
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8 pm, starts 9/13
HC22072 Lower Merion HS . . 9 sessions, $133
member $121
Tue, 8 pm to 9:30 pm, starts 9/13
HC22073 Lower Merion HS . . 9 sessions, $133
member $121
Sue Hilger, Knitting and Crochet Designer
Mon, 6:30 pm to 8 pm, starts 9/26
HC12070 Creutzburg Center . 10 sessions, $147
member $131
Wed, 10 am to 11:30 am, starts 9/28
HC31073 Creutzburg Center . 10 sessions, $147
member $131
Wed, 11:35 am to 1:05 pm, starts 9/28
HC31074 Creutzburg Center . 10 sessions, $147
member $131
»» Secrets Behind Great
Image Making
Street photographer Steve Miller shares
the secrets behind twenty of his most
compelling images, some in the Smithsonian’s
permanent collection. This workshop is for
photo enthusiasts with all levels of experience.
Experience the selection, editing and
presentation process and leave knowing
how great images are made, from picking up
a camera to hanging the end result.
Steve Miller, International Photographer
Wed, 6:30 pm to 9 pm, 9/21
HC32009 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $68
member $59
»» iMovie: Film Editing
NEW This powerful movie making app allows
users to unleash their inner Spielberg. iMovie
can create Hollywood-style trailers and shorts
that look spectacular. Friends and family will
love the edited films of cherished events and
with iMovie they are easily shared and organized.
iPad or iPhone required.
Greg Cazillo, Cazillo Photography
Thu, 11:45 am to 1:15 pm, starts 11/3
CO41027 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $71
member $59
»» Digital DSLR Photo Workshop
Explore the possibilities offered by digital
technology and improve your ability to
produce high-quality photos. Focus on color
management, image acquisition and
manipulation. Discuss menus, settings,
shutter speed, and aperture. Part two delves
into advanced focusing & metering techniques
along with flash and portrait posing. Practice
shooting on the Creutzburg grounds and
review results. Students should be familiar
with their user manual.
Greg Cazillo, Cazillo Photography
Thu, 10 am to 11:30 am, starts 10/6
HC41076 Part 1 Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 sessions, $71
member $61
Thu, 10 am to 11:30 am, starts 10/27
HC41077 Part 2 Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 sessions, $71
member $59
»» Photo Editing: Intro to Adobe
Photoshop CC
Learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop CC
and Adobe Camera Raw. Beginning workflow,
editing & Raw processing will be discussed.
Review the basic tools and steps for a quality
final image. Students must bring laptop with
Adobe Photoshop CC already installed.
Greg Cazillo, Cazillo Photography
Thu, 11:45 am to 1:15 pm, starts 9/22
CO41026 Creutzburg Center . . 3 sessions, $71
member $61
Thu, 11:45 am to 1:15 pm, starts 10/13
CO41038 Creutzburg Center . . 3 sessions, $71
member $61
»» Digital Photography:
The Basics and Beyond
Get the most from your camera using lighting,
composition and background. Discover
professional techniques for great color shots.
DSLR cameras required (no point-and-shoot
digitals). A field trip to Scott Arboretum.
Owen Biddle, Professional Photographer
Tue, 6 pm to 9 pm, starts 10/18
HC22032 Lower Merion HS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 sessions & field trip, $116
member $99
Tue, 6 pm to 9 pm, starts 11/15
HC22034 Lower Merion HS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 sessions & field trip, $116
member $99
»» The Art of Smartphone
NEW If you have a smartphone there is no
reason to regret leaving your camera at home.
Gain many tips and techniques for taking
stunning nature photographs and pleasing
portraits. Learn about exposure, noise, color,
sharpness, accessories, camera features,
zooming, archiving and more. The hierarchy
of camera quality, from phone to DSLR, is
explained as well as the advantages and
disadvantages of each. Discuss Google’s free
app, Snapseed and other apps including
Photoshop, Image Blender, Photo Texture,
ScratchCam fx, Noir Photo. We will look at a
few of the top phone photographers, as well
as photo sharing sites.
Anthony Wood, Professional Photographer
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 10/25
HC22046 Lower Merion HS . . . 2 sessions, $75
member $64
»» Coaching Your Photographic
NEW Discover your visual “voice” and evolve
from taking nice pictures and snapshots to
creating strong visual statements in this
class. Different styles including journalism,
documentary, fine art and various commercial
purposes will be discussed and we will look for
inspiration in the work of great photographers.
Widely published photographer, Steve Ladner,
will also guide you through a hands-on portrait
exercise. Basic camera skills needed. Bring your
camera and 5 of your best photographs to class.
Steve Ladner, Fashion, Beauty, Portrait, and
Lifestyle Photographer
Sat, 11:30 am to 4:30 pm, 10/22
HC61088 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $90
member $76
»» Candlemaking
Get your hands hot and sticky in this interactive
class. Learn about the art of candlemaking
and leave with some interesting candles. All
materials included.
Cindy Novack, Owner, Candles and
Sat, 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm, 10/22
HC61086 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $59
member $50
»» The Joy of Art Journaling:
Discover your Creative Self
Astronomy: The Night Sky
Ever wondered what that “bright star” is or
tried to find an asterism other than the Big
Dipper? Learn all about the night sky and its
many wonders, from the moon and planets, to
far-away star clusters, nebulae and galaxies.
Astronomical equipment is also discussed.
Mike Tucker, Observing Chair, Delaware Valley
Amateur Astronomers
Mon, 7:15 pm to 8:45 pm, starts 10/10
HC12033 Creutzburg Center . . . 4 sessions, $86
member $76
»» Calligraphy: Italic
The beautiful, flowing Italic hand is appropriate
for invitations, poems, posters, certificates,
family trees and other valued personal
documents. It is a perfect first alphabet,
following every calligraphic principal, giving
pleasing results yet challenging enough to
allow the most accomplished scribe room for
improvement. Appropriate for beginners and
continuing students. Bring supplies or
purchase at first class, (~ $42).
Deborah Kaplan, Calligrapher; Illustrator
Fri, 11 am to 12:30 pm, starts 9/16
HC51082 Creutzburg Center . 10 sessions, $151
member $135
NEW This fun, lighthearted class will teach
»» Homemade Holidays:
DIY Essential Oils Gifts
NEW There is nothing sweeter than a gift
from the heart. Create homemade gifts
using high-quality essential oils and other
ingredients. These gift ideas are great for
friends, family, teachers and others. When you
add essential oils to homemade recipes you
are truly adding ‘drops of love’ into your gift.
All materials included.
»» Pysanky: The Art of Ukrainian
Egg Decorating
Deborah Kaplan, Calligrapher; Illustrator
Cynthia DeStefano, Ukrainian Egg Artist
Fri, 12:30 pm to 2 pm, starts 10/7
HC51083 Creutzburg Center . . . 5 sessions, $78
member $71
Sat, 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, 10/22
HC61035 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $64
member $56
Make your own cold-processed soap from
oils available in your local grocery store. Stir
up a big batch, scent and color it with natural
ingredients and take home a shoebox full
of soap. All materials included.
Cindy Novack, Owner, Candles and
Sat, 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm, 11/19
HC61085 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $59
member $50
Fri, 10 am to 12 N, starts 10/7
HC51084 Creutzburg Center . . 4 sessions, $71
member $59
Sat, 1 pm to 3 pm, 11/19
HC61060 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $45
member $39
This course will cover the Hebrew alphabet
as well as the basics of calligraphy. Useful
for calligraphers who need to incorporate
Hebrew into their repertoire, as well as for
students who want to learn to write Hebrew
beautifully for any reason. Knowledge of
the language is not a prerequisite. Bring
supplies or purchase at first class (~$42).
»» Natural Soap Making
Bridget Hanley, Artist; Calligrapher; Designer;
Owner, Little Conestoga Picture Framing
Paula Sam, Wellness Advocate; Owner,
Sama Center
Charo Cabello, Certified Hatha Yoga Instructor,
Reiki Master Wellness Advocate
Learn the history and symbolism of pysanky
and the techniques for decorating these
beautiful Ukrainian eggs. Choose traditional,
contemporary or upcoming holiday motifs
and practice utilizing tools, dyes and wax to
design and decorate several of your own eggs.
Continue the tradition at home with friends
and family using your own starter pysanky
kit and instructions. Get a jump on your
holiday decorations or gifts. Beginners and
experienced artists welcome! Materials fee
($20) payable to instructor.
»» Calligraphy: Hebrew
you how to keep an art journal documenting
events, thoughts, and inspirations using
several different themes, creative techniques
and mediums including paint, collage,
calligraphy and clippings. Guidance will be
offered on designing your cover, organizing
your thoughts into a creative process, using
the power of color and how to choose and use
appropriate materials. Bring a journal with
you. Materials fee ($10) payable to instructor.
»» Blacksmithing: From Colonial
Times to the Present
Practice blacksmithing at Harriton House
and learn about the history of the craft. Enjoy
making your own ironwork hardware, using
a coal-fired forge, a leg vise, an anvil and all
the necessary tools. All materials included.
Bruce Gill, Executive Director, Harriton
Sat, 9 am to 3:30 pm, 11/5
HC61080 Harriton House . . . . . 1 session, $105
Drones: From Buying to Flying
NEW With the explosion in popularity of
drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs),
learn about what they are, how they work,
who uses them and the various functions
they can serve, including aerial photography.
Current regulations and safety concerns
will be discussed, plus factors to consider
when purchasing one for your personal
use. During the field trip (11/5 Sulpizio Gym),
flying skills and techniques will be
demonstrated and taught, using the
instructor’s and students’ personal drones.
Evan Panek, Videographer; Co-Owner of
CAP Aerial
Sat, 3 pm to 4:30 pm, 10/22
HC61087 Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 session and field trip, $61
member $52
Field trip (11/5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sulpizio Gym
»» Interior Design
Learn the basic steps to create a beautiful
interior room. Gain knowledge of scale, texture,
form and function combined with a workable
floor plan. Planning is the key and this course
will provide the tools used from start to finish to
complete a well designed room.
»» All About Bulbs
Learn how to create and maintain a beautiful
succession of bulbs with dramatic compositions
of color, texture and heights. Find out which
varieties will naturalize and spread and how to
extend your spring display by selecting early,
mid and late bloomers. Discover new and
unusual bulbs.
Andrea Hallmark, Landscape Architect
Fri, 9:45 am to 10:45 am, starts 9/23
HG51070 Creutzburg Center . . . 2 sessions, $61
member $51
Gardening for Fall and
Winter Color
Introduction to Backyard
Backyard beekeeping is fascinating, fun and
good for the environment! Learn how to set
up your own hives and order bees in time
for spring 2017. The life cycle of a honeybee,
life in the hive, tasks required of a backyard
beekeeper and threats to honeybees’ health
and well-being will be explored through a
combination of media, discussion, “show and
tell” plus a talk by a local mentor and
beekeeping expert.
Jane E Tausig, Backyard Beekeeper
Wed, 9:30 am to 11:30 am, starts 1/11/2017
HG31001 Creutzburg Center . . . 4 sessions, $74
member $62
Discuss fall planting of trees, shrubs and
perennials for wonderful color, texture,
variegation and berries to attract birds.
Find out what to prune, divide, transplant
and feed now.
Andrea Hallmark, Landscape Architect
Fri, 9:45 am to 10:45 am, starts 10/14
HG51091 Creutzburg Center . . . 2 sessions, $61
member $51
»» Creative Floral Arranging with
Herban Design
Learn the secrets of creating unique floral
designs that express your passion. Jim
demonstrates the latest trends and shows
you how to combine old favorites with newer
arrivals. Make a variety of arrangements
and take home results. Materials fee ($30)
payable to instructor.
Jim Bevlock, Owner, Herban Design
Tue, 7 pm to 8:15 pm, starts 11/15
HG22089 Lower Merion HS . . . 3 sessions, $55
member $47
Mary Ann Kleschick, Interior Designer
»» Downsizing: Conquering Clutter
Do you look around your home and think,
“It’s all too much?” Stop making excuses and
learn how to control your stuff. Have fun as
you learn how to define (what is this stuff?),
consign (find a new home for it) and design a
home (and a life?) that has only the things
you need and love in it.
Patricia has combined her design and real
estate experience to create a step-by-step
approach on how to best present a home to
today’s potential buyers. Learn how to
showcase the architecture of the home, the
best paint colors, do’s and don’t’s of furniture
placement, keeping vs. decluttering, use of
accessories and plants and lighting the home.
Learn and discuss the best return on home
improvement investments.
Patricia G Ahlqvist, Interior Design
Professional; Licensed Realtor
Tue, 7 pm to 9 pm, starts 10/25
HG22006 Lower Merion HS . . . 2 sessions, $59
member $51
»» Turn, Turn, Turn: Intro to the Lathe
Everything from salad bowls to staircase
spindles can be made on the lathe with a little
instruction. Turn a ballpoint pen or candlestick
to take home and gain experience in tool
sharpening. All materials included.
Carol Seelaus, Professional Organizer
Bruce Gill, Executive Director, The Harriton
Sat, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, 11/19
HG61098 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $59
member $51
Sat, 10 am to 3 pm, 11/12
HG61088 Harriton House . . . . . . 1 session, $81
»» What Do I Do With All
These Papers?
Do you have piles of paper everywhere?
Learn what you need to keep and how and
where to keep it. Set up a filing system that
fits your own personal work style. Discover
how long something should be kept, what
needs to be shredded, and how to prevent a
lot of it from coming in the door in the first
place. Learn how to manage all this stuff
instead of letting it manage you.
Carol Seelaus, Professional Organizer
»» Staging your Home to Sell
Tue, 7 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 10/18
HG22051 Lower Merion HS . . 5 sessions, $105
member $92
Tue, 6:30 pm to 9 pm, 10/25
HG22092 Lower Merion HS . . . . 1 session, $45
member $37
»» Home Organization Room
by Room
Go room by room developing a plan to
organize and maintain every corner of your
home. Reduce stress, save money and live a
better life when your home is under control.
Leslie Robison, Certified Professional Organizer,
Certified Coach
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 11/15
HG22103 Lower Merion HS . . . 2 sessions, $59
member $49
»» Good Dog, Great Pet!
NEW Training dogs is easy — the tough part
is training ourselves! Learn how to motivate your
dog so he’ll want to do what you’re asking, along
with handling specific behavioral issues such
as pulling on or biting the leash during walks,
jumping on visitors, excessive barking, and what
to do with a dog who doesn’t like other dogs.
Two class sessions without your dog (9/29 and
10/6) will highlight practical techniques you can
use right away, followed by an in-home visit (to
be arranged with instructor) where the trainer
will work with you and your dog.
Carin Ford, CPDT-KA; Co-Founder and Trainer,
DogsHome rescue
Thu, 6:30 pm to 8 pm, starts 9/29
HG42001 Creutzburg Center . 3 sessions, $114
member $99
Dismantling The Seven
Roadblocks to Financial Success®
Whether you are an individual or small businessowner, come learn practical strategies to
dismantle the “seven roadblocks” preventing
many from reaching their financial goals. Use a
workbook to assess your financial situation and
cover investment concepts, retirement planning,
tax management, estate conservation and more.
»» Powers of Attorney &
Advance Medical Directives
Learn about Financial Powers of Attorney,
Healthcare Powers of Attorney and Advance
Medical Directives/Living Wills. Prepare your
own living will in compliance with Pennsylvania
law. Also covered: the consequences of not
having these documents in place and who
should retain them for you after they are signed.
Michael J. Briglia, MBA; ChFC®, CFP®,
Financial Advisor; Member, AICPA
Carol Ryan Livingood, Esq., Davis Bennett &
Spiess LLC
Tue, 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm, starts 10/18
IM22017 Lower Merion HS . . . . 2 sessions, $85
member $74
Thu, 9:30 am to 11 am, 10/27
IM41024 Creutzburg Center . . . . 1 session, $49
member $41
»» How to Invest: Key Skills to
Develop a Winning Plan
NEW Get a comprehensive overview of
investment principles. Topics include financial
and risk profiling, budgeting, investing,
diversification, allocation and retirement
goal setting. Learn the necessary skills to
put together an investment and retirement
strategy that works for you then develop
your own winning plan. All investment and
knowledge levels are welcome.
Ronald Lang, Principal, Atlas Wealth Mangement
Thu, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 11/3
IM42018 Creutzburg Center . . . 2 sessions, $49
member $42
Allen Heffler, ChFC; CLU; President,
MyMedicareAdvisor, Helping People with
Their Medicare Decision
Mon, 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm, 10/17
IM12001 Creutzburg Center . . . . 1 session, $35
member $29
»» Who Should You Trust with
Your Financial Life?
NEW What is the most important question to
ask when investing? It is not what you might
expect. The critical question is how to find
guidance that is trustworthy, knowledgeable
and will put your best interest above all
others. Join us for a discussion on how to
identify the kind of guidance you need.
We will examine hidden fees, self interested
advice, and conflicts-of- interest of every
kind- even some that don’t involve money.
Professor Blum will also review some
fundamental principles of investing and
answer all of your questions.
Steven Blum, Esq, Author, Negotiating Your
Investments; Lecturer, Wharton School
Thu, 9:30 am to 11:30 am, 11/3
IM41011 Creutzburg Center . . . . 1 session, $39
member $31
Discover why everyone should have a will.
Who are fiduciaries and what do they do? Get
an overview of estate administration, including
state inheritance tax, taxable assets vs probate
assets, and federal estate and gift taxes. Recent
changes to the law are explained.
Carol Ryan Livingood, Esq., Davis Bennett
& Spiess LLC
Thu, 9:30 am to 11 am, 10/20
IM41009 Creutzburg Center . . . . 1 session, $49
member $41
»» Transition to Retirement:
How to Create Income that Lasts
Discuss the complexities of buying a home:
choosing a realtor, finding a home, financing
and closing. Demystify the mortgage process
and the intricacies of qualifying for a loan. Topics
covered: property type, income and debt, credit,
different mortgage programs, amortization
terms and homeowners’ insurance.
Benjamin Witmer, 5 Year Philadelphia Magazine
Five Star Mortgage Professional
Andrew Herron & Kevin J. Manning, CFP®;
Managing Partners, Stone Pine Financial Partners
Mon, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, 9/26
IM12014 Creutzburg Center . . . . 1 session, $33
member $27
Tue, 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm, starts 11/15
IM22012 Lower Merion HS . . . . 2 sessions, $51
member $43
partner $20
The Medicare process can be extremely
confusing and getting into the right Medicare
plan can be a daunting task. It doesn’t have
to be that way. For those people turning 65
in the next six months, learn how Medicare
works, dissect all options and review a real
life example of the Rx “donut hole.” For those
people currently on a Medicare plan, learn
how to save on your Medicare insurance,
using real life examples.
»» Estate Planning: Getting Started
Use a simple process to organize and coordinate
your finances as you prepare for retirement.
Discover the different strategies to safely
withdraw money and create income. A good
retirement income plan should be simple and
easy to understand. Empower yourself to
take control of your finances, avoid the common
mistakes, and then get busy enjoying your
»» FAQ: First Time Home Buyers
»» Medicare 101
The Quadrangle’s support of life long learning and
celebrates its dynamic community of students!
»» ESL: Conversation
Learn to use English in real life situations.
Improve your speaking ability. Learn about
sentence patterns. Work on pronunciation
and understanding spoken language.
Materials fee (~$15) payable to instructor.
Harrington Crissey, ESL Instructor
Tue, 7 pm to 8:15 pm, starts 9/13
LF22097 Lower Merion HS . . . 9 sessions, $126
member $111
»» ESL: Grammar & Composition
Study grammar, usage, sentence structure
and punctuation to improve reading and
writing skills. Develop a fluent writing style.
For more rapid improvement pair with
conversation course. Materials fee (~$15)
payable to instructor.
Harrington Crissey, ESL Instructor
Tue, 8:15 pm to 9:30 pm, starts 9/13
LF22099 Lower Merion HS . . . 9 sessions, $126
member $111
»» ESL: Accent Reduction
Frustrated with people looking at you
strangely when you speak or asking you to
repeat yourself constantly? Larry will identify
your difficulties and teach you standard
American English pronunciation, stress and
intonation through oral drills, readings, role
play, and natural conversation.
Lawrence Minisci, Corporate Language and
Intercultural Trainer
Tue, 1 pm to 2 pm, starts 9/20
LF21007 Devon Manor . . . . . 10 sessions, $121
member $107
»» ESL: Intermediate Conversation
& Grammar
Learn to handle more complex real-life situations
and talk about a variety of topics with ease.
Expand your vocabulary and knowledge of
grammar and idioms. Improve your listening and
speaking skills, as well as your pronunciation.
Materials provided by the instructor.
Lawrence Minisci, Corporate Language and
Intercultural Trainer
Tue, 2:05 pm to 3:05 pm, starts 9/20
LF21008 Devon Manor . . . . . 10 sessions, $121
member $107
»» French Language & Culture:
Continuing Beginners
Learn practical, everyday vocabulary you
will find useful in real life situations in a stepby-step approach to French. This class is
appropriate for students who have had
minimal exposure to this language. Learn
basic grammar and verbs, simple vocabulary,
pronunciation and sentence structure while
exploring French culture.
Michele Archawski, Native French Speaker
Fri, 9:30 am to 11 am, starts 9/23
LF51006 Creutzburg Center . 11 sessions, $183
member $164
»» French Language & Culture:
Advanced Beginners
Learn to improve your listening, conversational
skills and pronunciation by expanding your
vocabulary, your knowledge of grammar and
verbs tenses (le futur et l’Imparfait...reflexive
verbs and more) through a variety of stories
and written exercises.
Michele Archawski, Native French Speaker
Thu, 9:30 am to 11 am, starts 9/22
LF41069 Creutzburg Center . 11 sessions, $183
member $164
»» French Language and Culture:
If you are familiar with the seven major French
verbs tenses and some of the complex aspects
of the grammar, but need reinforcement and
practice, this might be the class for you. You
will receive in class instruction, handouts and
worksheets to do at home. Also read a novel
selected by the instructor with students’ input.
Several chapters will be assigned each week
and will be discussed during the following
class. Conversation and paragraph writing are
also part of this class. French will be exclusively
Christiane de Boisseson, Native Speaker;
Former Instructor, The Baldwin School
Thu, 11:30 am to 1 pm, starts 9/22
LF41008 Creutzburg Center . . 10 sessions, $168
member $150
»» French I: Beginners
Learn to speak French covering basic
sentence structure, grammar and vocabulary
in an engaging, supportive environment.
Textbook ($20) available from instructor.
Muriel Harmon, Native Speaker; French Instructor
Tue, 6 pm to 7 pm, starts 9/13
LF22010 Lower Merion HS . . 10 sessions, $141
member $126
»» French II: Beginning
Expand your vocabulary and increase your
knowledge of basic grammar. Part 2 improves
your conversational skills, while introducing
new vocabulary and grammar. Part 3
includes grammar and vocabulary to develop
conversation and comprehension skills. Part 4
introduces the past tense and new vocabulary
while reinforcing your skills in grammar,
conversation and comprehension.
Muriel Harmon, Native Speaker; French
Tue, 7 pm to 8 pm, starts 9/13
LF22011 Lower Merion HS . . 10 sessions, $141
member $126
Tue, 8 pm to 9 pm, starts 9/13
LF22012 Part 2 Lower Merion HS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 sessions, $141
member $126
Wed, 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, starts 9/14
LF32012 Part 3 Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 sessions, $141
member $126
Wed, 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 9/14
LF32013 Part 4 Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 sessions, $141
member $126
»» French III: Intermediate
Focus on everyday speech through listening,
speaking, role-play, grammar, reading and
discussion designed to give you a native
speaker’s feel for the language. Learn to
express yourself in the present, past, and
future tenses. Prerequisite: solid knowledge
of grammar.
Muriel Harmon, Native Speaker; French Instructor
Wed, 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm, starts 9/14
LF32014 Creutzburg Center .10 sessions, $141
member $126
Lawrence Minisci, Corporate Language
and Intercultural Trainer
Thu, 7:40 pm to 8:40 pm, starts 9/22
LF42017 Devon Manor . . . . . 10 sessions, $141
member $126
»» French IV: Advanced
Conversation & Reading
This lively conversation group is for those with
well established French skills. Improve your
speaking skills, grammar, vocabulary and use
of idioms and slang. Discuss cultural topics
and current events using a variety of texts,
including newspaper and magazine articles.
Vincent Lartigue, Native Speaker; Cultural Trainer
Tue, 9:30 am to 11 am, starts 9/20
LF21020 Creutzburg Center . . 10 sessions, $168
member $150
Lawrence Minisci, Corporate Language
and Intercultural Trainer
Thu, 6:35 pm to 7:35 pm, starts 9/22
LF42021 Devon Manor . . . . . 10 sessions, $141
member $126
»» Exploring French Literature
Read and discuss famous French poems and
short stories on different topics. Discussions
will be in French. Prerequisite: solid knowledge
of the French language.
Muriel Harmon, Native Speaker; French Instructor
Wed, 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm, starts 9/14
LF32011 Creutzburg Center .10 sessions, $141
member $126
»» French Club: Un Peu de Tout
Read, write, speak and listen to French in
this advanced class. Sample a variety of
contemporary materials, short stories, fulllength French films and articles from leading
publications to improve your communication
skills. Modest fee for materials.
Nancy Gabel, MA, French
Wed, 9:30 am to 11 am, starts 9/14
LF31042 Creutzburg Center . . 9 sessions, $168
member $148
»» German: Beginners
Join us if you know 15 words of German or less
and want to take giant steps in communicating.
Culturally we go to the center of Europe, then
to Frankfurt and finally join a Sportverein.
Kommt mit, kommen Sie mit!
Anne Harris, MEd; MA, German, Duke University
Mon, 6 pm to 7:30 pm, starts 9/19
LF12013 Creutzburg Center . . 10 sessions, $168
member $150
»» German: Intermediate
This intermediate level class provides an
integrated listening, speaking, reading and
writing curriculum with structured participation
to enhance communication. Wir reisen nach
Deutschland und Oesterreich.
Anne Harris, MEd; MA, German, Duke University
Mon, 7:35 pm to 9:05 pm, starts 9/19
LF12014 Creutzburg Center . . 10 sessions, $168
member $150
»» German Conversation & Culture
Join this lively and supportive class for those
who have had one or two semesters of
German or the equivalent. Learn more about
German culture, activities and travel as you
continue with grammar, vocabulary and
Helga Halbfass, PhD, University of
Mon, 11:45 am to 1:15 pm, starts 9/19
LF11023 Creutzburg Center . . 12 sessions, $171
member $153
»» Italian for Travelers &
Language Lovers
Tony will cover basic grammar, essential
tourist phrases and pronunciation to help you
get around on your trip.
Anthony Russo, Italian Language Faculty (Ret)
Conestoga High School
Fri, 11:15 am to 12:15 pm, starts 9/23
LF51025 Creutzburg Center . . 11 session, $144
member $126
»» Italian for Beginners
New to the language? Learn practical
vocabulary and phrases for real life situations.
Covers basic grammar, pronunciation and
Lawrence Minisci, Corporate Language
and Intercultural Trainer
Tue 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm, starts 9/20
LF21026 Devon Manor . . . . . 10 sessions $144
member $128
Thu, 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm, starts 9/22
LF42024 Devon Manor . . . . . 10 sessions, $144
member $128
»» Italian: Beginning Conversation
Increase oral proficiency, grammar, verb use,
vocabulary and conversation for travel and
pleasure. Best for those who have taken
Italian at MLSN, heard it at home or stayed in
Italy for a bit.
Lawrence Minisci, Corporate Language
and Intercultural Trainer
Tue, 6 pm to 7 pm, starts 9/20
LF22029 Devon Manor . . . . . 10 sessions, $144
member $128
»» Italian: Intermediate
Conversation & Reading
Develop language and communication skills
with an emphasis on situational conversations,
reading and discussion of a short novel and
Italian culture. Improve fluency in the present,
past and future tenses through conversation,
role-play, reading and writing.
Lawrence Minisci, Corporate Language
and Intercultural Trainer
Tue, 7:05 pm to 8:05 pm, starts 9/20
LF22031 Devon Manor . . . . . 10 sessions, $144
member $128
Thu, 2:35 pm to 3:35 pm, starts 9/22
LF41031 Devon Manor . . . . . 10 sessions, $144
member $128
»» Spanish I: Beginners
»» Italian: Advanced Intermediate
Conversation & Reading
This conversation group is for those with
well established Italian skills who wish to
improve listening, speaking, vocabulary and
knowledge of grammar and idioms. Includes
discussion of cultural topics, current events
and issues using various texts such as short
novels, fables, music, cultural readings and/or
newspaper articles.
Whether you are new to Spanish or would like
to review basic grammar and pronunciation,
this course, which uses the book Step By
Step, will help you develop your listening and
speaking skills. Through vocabulary building
exercises you’ll also learn practical phrases
useful in real life situations. Text ($15)
available from instructor.
Cynthia Foxworth, retired HS Language Teacher
Wed, 12:45 pm to 2 pm, starts 9/14
LF31037 Creutzburg Center . . 10 sessions, $147
member $131
Lawrence Minisci, Corporate Language
and Intercultural Trainer
Ilcedes Faro PhD, native of Venezuela;
30 years teaching experience
Tue, 8:10 pm to 9:10 pm, starts 9/20
LF22033 Devon Manor . . . . . 10 sessions, $144
member $128
Thu, 11:10 am to 12:10 pm, starts 9/22
LF41034 Devon Manor . . . . . 10 sessions, $144
member $128
Tue, 7:20 pm to 8:35 pm, starts 9/13
LF22038 Lower Merion HS . . . 9 sessions, $121
member $111
»» Italian: Grammar Review
Intermediate and advanced intermediate
students review complex grammar points
and common mistakes through oral drills,
conversation, reading and written exercises.
Take this class alone or in conjunction with
any other Italian class.
Lawrence Minisci, Corporate Language
and Intercultural Trainer
Thu, 10:05 am to 11:05 am, starts 9/22
LF41027 Devon Manor . . . . . 10 sessions, $144
member $128
»» Italian: Advanced Conversation
& Reading
»» Spanish I: Continuing Beginners
Take your basic Spanish skills one step further
by continuing to build your comprehension
and understanding through interactive
dialogue and exercises. Improve your comfort
in listening and speaking and practice using
direct and indirect object pronouns and
verb tenses. Appropriate for advanced
beginners students who have taken Spanish
at MLSN, or those who have some basic
Spanish knowledge. Text is available from
instructor ($15).
Cynthia Foxworth, retired HS Language Teacher
Wed, 2:10 pm to 3:25 pm, starts 9/14
Creutzburg Center . . . . . . . . . . . 10 sessions, $147
member $131
This lively conversation group entirely in
Italian is for those with well-established skills.
Improve your listening and speaking skills,
grammar, vocabulary, use of idioms and
proverbs. Discuss cultural topics, current
events and issues using a variety of texts,
including excerpts from contemporary
literature, music, newspaper and magazine
Lawrence Minisci, Corporate Language
and Intercultural Trainer
Thu, 9 am to 10 am, starts 9/22
LF41036 Devon Manor . . . . . 10 sessions, $144
member $128
»» Spanish II
NEW This is an ideal class for those who have
taken a beginning or continuing beginners
class. Improve your listening and speaking
abilities starting with the past tenses and
review object pronouns while introducing
new vocabulary and grammar. Gain
confidence with your communication skills.
Cynthia Foxworth, retired HS Language Teacher
Wed, 11:15 am to 12:30 pm, starts 9/14
LF31035 Creutzburg Center . . 10 sessions, $147
member $129
»» Spanish Conversation:
Intermediate to Advanced
El objetivo de este curso es practicar y
perfeccionar el español a través de
conversaciones sobre temas de actualidad
y cultura de países de habla hispana. Para
estudiantes que tienen un buen dominio
de la lengua española.
Ilcedes Faro PhD, native of Venezuela;
30 years teaching experience
Tue, 6 pm to 7:15 pm, starts 9/13
LF22041 Lower Merion HS . . . 9 sessions, $121
member $111
»» The Latin American Short Story
in Spanish
Improve your Spanish while reading and
discussing short stories from Latin America in
their historical, political and social contexts.
The focus is on exploring examples of Latin
American literature while deepening your
understanding of both written and spoken
Spanish. For students who can read and
speak at an intermediate to advanced level.
Katie Schroeder, MS, Spanish Literature,
Georgetown; Spanish Instructor, St Joseph’s
Tue, 7:20 pm to 8:50 pm, starts 10/18
LF22032 Lower Merion HS . . . . 5 sessions, $92
member $81
»» Arabic Language & Culture
Learn the basics of modern Arabic including
the alphabet, vocabulary and grammar. Learn
how to read, write and converse in this lively
language and master useful tips for travel.
Practice speaking Arabic in real-life situations.
Become familiar with the culture of modern
Arab society while enjoying background Arabian
music in class. Beginners and advanced level
students are welcome. Textbooks (~$36)
available from the instructor.
Juliet Najdawi, PhD, Native Speaker and
experienced teacher
Tue, 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 9/13
LF22066 Beginners Lower Merion HS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 sessions, $127
member $111
Tue, 6 pm to 7:15 pm, starts 9/13
LF22067 Continuing Lower Merion HS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 sessions, $127
member $111
»» American Sign Language
Gain the benefits of learning from and signing
and practicing with an accomplished user of
ASL. Get an introduction to principles of ASL
and deaf culture as well as beginning level
ASL instruction and interaction.
Elizabeth K Koch, MEd, Deaf and Hard of
Hearing; experienced ASL instructor
Tue, 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, starts 10/18
LF22044 Lower Merion HS . . . 6 sessions, $102
member $90
»» Celtic Language Sampler:
Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Cornish,
Manx, Breton
NEW Which of the following ISN’T Celtic —
Bryn Mawr, Ardmore, or Swarthmore? This
Celtic language sampler will use local place
names and history as a path to discovering the
six modern Celtic languages. Each session
includes basic conversation, pronunciation
tips, useful words for travelers and Celtic
vocabulary in literature and folklore.
Roslyn Blyn-LaDrew, PhD, Irish Literature
Thu, 11 am to 1 pm, starts 10/6
LF41022 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $118
member $105
»» The Presidential Nominating
Conventions of 2016
NEW During the 2016 nominating
conventions, ideas were put forward that
will directly influence 21st Century politics.
Events occurred, messages spun, smoke
blown. What meanings can be extracted
from these rhetorical extravaganzas? What
do the conventions suggest about the future
of American democracy? Participants will
discuss topics addressed in Stanley Cutler’s
collection of essays, Two Conventions.
Copy of book included.
Stanley Cutler, Novelist; Management
Consultant; Former Faculty Member,
Penn State University
Wed, 1:30 pm to 3 pm, starts 9/28
LH31038 Creutzburg Center . 7 sessions, $118
member $99
»» Topics in the News at Home
and Around the World
Join our discussion group that continues
to wrestle with issues of the day. Whether it
is the economic crisis, immigration, climate
control, the Middle East or the U.S. role in
the world, no issue is off limits. We try to
understand the complexities of the issues,
and then consider what could or should
be done and what probably will be done.
Interesting advance readings will be provided
from journals such as Foreign Policy, American
Interest and The Atlantic.
Ken Sklar, Former Radnor HS Teacher of
Global Issues; and Tom Bang, Former VP,
Roche & Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Thu, 9 am to 10:30 am, starts 10/20
LH41051 Creutzburg Center . 8 sessions, $147
member $131
»» Culture Wars: Politics vs Principles
In this moderated, but loosely structured
class, we wrestle with values-based issues
and debate whether, in our complex
democracy, seemingly irreconcilable views
can be addressed in a civil manner. Weigh
in with your views on immigration policies,
integration and assimilation of different
cultures, the interaction of religion and
politics, acceptance of scientific advances,
political correctness and other topics
suggested by members of the class.
Stephen Cohen and Jerry Henige
Tue, 1 pm to 2 pm, starts 10/18
LH21050 Creutzburg Center . . 5 sessions, $99
member $85
»» Forensic Psych and the
Serial Killer
Everyone seems fascinated by the serial killer,
who is popularized in novels, television and
film. What makes this tiny number of killers
unique? What features do they have in
common? What is the truth vs. fiction? Find
out by exploring the psychological evidence
and the information gleaned about these
killers by psychologists and FBI profiles.
Examine the common links across childhood,
genetic and biological factors. This material
may be intense for some, though we shall not
focus on the gore, but the scientific research
and its application.
Jill McCracken, retired teacher of History,
International Relations & AP Psychology,
Mandel Fellow
Tue, 7 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 9/13
LH22026 Lower Merion HS . . . . 3 sessions, $68
member $57
»» The Crime Solvers’ “Club”
Join like-minded sleuths to discuss and
debate famous crimes and cases. Make
MLSN your center of operations as you share
expertise, theories, suspects, and forensic
findings. Who done it? Why and how? Was
justice served? You investigate and decide,
for both modern and historical wrongdoings.
Ann Mills, Educator, Entrepreneur
Thu, 11:15 am to 12:15 pm, starts 10/6
LH41036 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $92
member $81
»» Deconstructing Supper:
Film Screening and Discussion
NEW This little gem of a film takes us from a
five star gourmet restaurant in Canada, through
genetic engineering labs, down supermarket
aisles, to farms across North America and India.
This thought provoking look at food production
in the age of GMOs and industrial agriculture is
informative and startling. A Q&A session will
follow the movie and non-GMO snacks will be
provided. Get updated on what is happening in
regards to the GMO labeling campaign in Pa.
Karen Stark, Co-Founder, GMO Free PA
Sat, 1:30 pm to 3 pm, 10/22
LH61006 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $10
member free
»» World Religions
Examine the world’s religions with an emphasis
on the great monotheistic/Abrahamic
traditions (Judaism, Islam, Christianity and
Zoroastrianism). Also explore those religions
founded in India (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism)
and the religious philosophies of China, Japan
and Korea (Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto).
Surveying the histories, doctrines, traditions,
conflicts and present situations of each will offer
an appreciation of the relationship between
religion and culture, politics, ethics, and the
deepest desires of the human heart.
Rev David A Fisher, Faculty Member, Philosophy
and World Religions, Rosemont College
Mon, 9 am to 10:30 am, starts 9/19
LH11067 Creutzburg Center . 8 sessions, $128
member $110
»» Religion and Culture in the Middle
East: Whose Holy Land is it?
NEW Since the dawn of civilization the
Mediterranean Basin (Mesopotamia, the
Levant, the Fertile Crescent, the Holy Land)
has seen the rise and fall of empires and
has been the birthplace of many religions.
Explore the relationship of the Holy Land to
the three Great Abrahamic Religions —
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — and
examine how each began, how this land is
considered sacred to each, and how they coexist today peacefully…or not so peacefully.
Rev David A Fisher, Faculty Member, Philosophy
and World Religions, Rosemont College
Sat, 1 pm to 2:30 pm, 10/22
LH61007 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $39
member $30
Culture Conflicts:
Art, Religion, and Politics
NEW This course analyzes historical and
contemporary debates about the power of
images in society and how they are used to
enflame political and religious responses.
Class highlights current cultural cases where
competing political, religious, and ethical values
underlie divergent interpretations of visual
objects or representations. We will begin with
Plato and the Peloponnesian War and conclude
with controversies involving the art of Robert
Mapplethorpe and Andres Serrano with a slight
detour to Nazi Germany and Franklin Pangborn.
R Barry Levis, PhD, Professor Emeritus, History,
Rollins College
Mon, 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, starts 9/19
LH11009 Creutzburg Center . . 5 sessions, $74
member $65
»» The Reformation
This sixteenth c­ entury religious cataclysm tore
asunder Christian unity in Western Europe. It also
generated significant political, social, economic
and cultural changes whose impact are with us
today. Examine the causes and consequences of
the Reformation and explore some of its colorful
events such as the Inquisition and several wars,
as well as a cast of rather intriguing characters.
R Barry Levis, PhD, Professor Emeritus, History,
Rollins College
Tues, 6:45 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 10/18
LH22066 Lower Merion HS . . . . . 5 sessions, $83
member $72
»» The First Plantagenets
NEW The family of King Henry II stands out as
the most dysfunctional among the many chaotic
domestic relations of English royalty. While Henry
II contributed much to the growth of royal power,
his constant struggles with family occupied much
of his attention. His obstinate wife, Eleanor of
Aquitaine, continuously plotted and rebelled
against him, even from the prison cell where he
had confined her. Two of his sons and future
kings — Richard the Lionhearted and John of
Magna Charta fame — joined her in insurrection.
This course will examine the tortured history of
these familial dealings.
R Barry Levis, PhD, Professor Emeritus, History,
Rollins College
Mon, 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, starts 10/31
LH11007 Creutzburg Center . . 5 sessions, $74
member $65
»» Perspectives on Presidential
NEW The tumultuous and precedent-shattering
nature of the nomination and convention
presently unfolding is a reflection of an
unpredictable campaign cycle in some ways
unrivaled by anything in the past. We’ll explore
historical perspective on the contest for the
presidency, including disputed elections and the
roles of the Electoral College, the House of
Representatives, the Senate and the Supreme
Court in determining the “winner.” An analysis
of possible outcomes will provide insights into
what will evolve as November 8th approaches.
Michael Ludwig, Retired History Teacher,
Civil War Tour Guide
Fri, 10:30 am to 12 N, starts 10/14
LH51082 Creutzburg Center . . 3 sessions, $69
member $58
»» Lost in Time: Legacy of Rome
NEW Trace the long and tumultuous
history of the vast Roman Empire. While the
decline and fall of the Empire in the 5th c
CE has been described as “one of the most
dramatic implosions in the history of human
civilization,” the legacy of its institutions, art
and culture continues to impact the modern
world. See how the Eastern Roman Empire
transformed into the Byzantine Empire and
how the Empire became the vehicle for the
transfer of Greco-Roman culture from east to
west plus much more.
Richard Donagher, PhD; Professor Emeritus,
Rosemont College
Wed, 9:45 am to 11 am, starts 10/5
LH31009 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $79
member $71
»» Paris: 1913-1919
NEW The “Belle Epoque,” a golden era of
art and culture, gave way to WWI and the
rapid occupation of France by Germany.
We’ll explore the culture, lifestyle and fashion
trends of this fascinating time — including art
and artists, les Ballet Russes, and even the
introduction of Chanel’s famed No. 5 perfume
— and how everything changed in less than
six years.
Therese Casadesus Rawson, PhD, French
Language and Literature
Mon, 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm, starts 9/19
LH11037 Creutzburg Center . . 5 sessions, $74
member $65
»» Glimpse Into Victorian Britain
NEW Journey back in time to Victorian
Britain, the century of emerging parliamentary
democracy, the epic duel between Gladstone
and Disraeli, and the heyday of the great threevolume novels of Charles Dickens, Anthony
Trollope, George Meredith and others. Start in
1815 when Britain emerged from two decades
of war until she was plunged into World War I.
The century between these two cataclysms
was marked by Britain’s supremacy in the
industrial world and her dominant position
at the center of the greatest empire the world
has ever seen.
George D Wrangham, MA, Cambridge
University; Former Head, History Department,
The Shipley School
Wed, 11:45 am to 1:15 pm, starts 9/21
LH31076 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $83
member $73
»» Looking Back 25 Years:
Fall of the Soviet Union
NEW The wonder is not that the Soviet system
died, but that it had managed to survive almost
eighty years from the days of Lenin and Stalin
to its final implosion in 1991. Trace the steep
decline in the health of Party Secretary
Brezhnev in the 1970’s to the succession in turn
of Andropov and Chernenko. See how not even
the brilliant and energetic Gorbachev could
sustain the system. Enter Yeltsin’s 90s decade
and finally Putin, the harsh and bullying patriot.
George D Wrangham, MA, Cambridge
University; Former Head, History Department,
The Shipley School
Wed, 11:45 am to 1:15 pm, starts 11/9
LH31077 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $46
member $38 45
»» Short Order Literature:
Best American Short Stories
of the Century
Enjoy lively discussions as you gain new
insights into the minds of American writers.
Read selected stories from The Best American
Short Stories of the Century, 1999 edition
selected and edited by the late John Updike.
It promises happy as well as lugubrious stories;
food for thought, discussion and laughter.
Bring your insights and points of view to the
Anne Slater, Retired Circulation Librarian,
Canaday Library, Bryn Mawr College
Wed, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, starts 9/21
LH31061 Creutzburg Center . 8 sessions, $114
member $99
American Innocence
NEW In the age of Donald Trump and Hillary
Clinton, it is difficult to remember that there
is a strong theme of “American Innocence”
in United States history and literature. The
Puritans defined their American project as
“a city on a hill,” an antidote to the religious
corruption of Europe. Discuss short works and
novellas by writers including Herman Melville,
Henry James, Richard Wright and Ralph
Ellison and consider their varying depictions
of innocence. Is it defined by some polar
opposite: experience, understanding,
disillusionment, guilt or evil? Is it a way of
describing optimism or faith in the possibility
of change?
Caren S Lambert, PhD; Instructor, Templeton
Honors College, Eastern University
Wed, 9:45 am to 11:15 am, starts 10/5
LH31043 Creutzburg Center . 6 sessions, $111
member $98
»» The Restaurant Critic’s Wife
NEW Join Elizabeth LaBan, author of
The Restaurant Critic’s Wife and real wife of
Philadelphia Inquirer Restaurant Critic, Craig
LaBan. Enjoy a glass of wine, light appetizer
and enticing discussion about writing
and living with a “fact-crazed, anonymityobsessed restaurant critic.”
Elizabeth LaBan, Author and Albertson’s
Cooking School
Wed, 7 pm to 9 pm, 10/19
LH32042 Yangming Restaurant . . 1 session, $50
»» From the 1916 Easter Rising to
the 2016 Abbey Theatre Tour:
Ireland on Stage
NEW Ireland’s Abbey Theatre is coming to
Philadelphia and Dr. Blyn-LaDrew will “set the
stage” for viewing the classic Irish drama, The
Plough and the Stars, by Sean O’Casey. This
class will provide a background to the Rising
itself and O’Casey’s work, the origin of the
Abbey Theatre, and the controversial tours in
the US, including Philadelphia, in the early
20th century.
Roslyn Blyn-LaDrew, PhD, Irish Literature
Thu, 2:30 pm to 4 pm, starts 10/6
LH41056 Creutzburg Center . . . 2 session, $44
member $39
»» Symphonic Ovations: Overture
to Yannick’s Fifth Season!
Understanding great music is much easier
when you know what to listen for! Explore
classic and new works from Maestro Yannick
Nézet-Séguin’s fifth season. Learn to recognize
the instruments and their place in the
development of the modern orchestra.
Focus on the stylistic elements and forms
to enhance your listening.
»» 50 Years A-Trekkin’ — Star Trek’s
History, Fandom and Future
NEW How many of Gene Roddenberry’s
ideas have come true since the first Star Trek
episodes? Medical scanning? Universal
translators? Automatic doors? More women
in science? We’re still waiting for food
replicators and beaming down to planets but
Roddenberry really was ahead of his time.
Look at his inspiration for creating Star Trek,
its reception in the 1960s and continuing
success today, and how its fans are
celebrating its 50th.
Roslyn Blyn-LaDrew, PhD, Irish Literature
Sat, 11 am to 1 pm, 10/22
LH61055 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $39
member $30
»» Jane Austen: Emma at 200
NEW Jane Austen said of Emma that she’s a
character that “no one but myself will like.”
She does grow and change and, by the end,
we might find her “likable enough.” While
not a mystery, this novel is full of riddles,
games, anagrams and puzzles which need to
be solved to get to the central themes. It’s a
whopping good love story too! We’ll read
about 60 pages a week and view film clips of
various TV and film versions of Emma,
including Clueless, which many think is the
best adaptation of all.
Susan Weisgrau, MA, English Literature; member,
Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA)
Tue, 10 am to 11:15 am, starts 10/25
LH21055 Creutzburg Center . . 5 sessions, $79
member $71
Elizabeth Cochran, AB, Bryn Mawr;
New School of Music
Mon, 1:30 pm to 3 pm, starts 9/19
MT11066 Creutzburg Center . 10 sessions, $152
member $136
Four Influential Record Labels:
Their Key Roles in the Evolution
of Jazz, Blues & Early Rock & Roll
NEW King, Chess, Blue Note and Atlantic
Records released some of the most iconic,
groundbreaking jazz, blues and rock & roll
music. Who were the owners, producers and
artists of these labels and how did they
influence the evolution of American music?
You’ll listen to many of the most important
recordings of these imprints and discuss how
these entrepreneurs and artists changed
music history. Join like-minded individuals to
learn about and enjoy this wonderful music.
Jerry Gordon, Founder, Third Street Jazz &
Evidence Records; Radio Host, WPRB
Wed, 7 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 9/14
MT32083 Creutzburg Center . . . 5 sessions, $59
member $50
»» Pop Music of the Early ’60s:
Spotlight on the Girl Groups and
their Songwriters
NEW The rise of the girl groups in the early
‘60s was fueled by a remarkable string of hits
written by a small number of wife/husband
songwriting teams. The girl groups portended
the women’s movement and female
empowerment, preceding the publication
of The Feminine Mystique. Learn the history
of these songwriters and the artists who
benefitted. This was a very special, short-lived
period in American music that would end with
the arrival of the British Invasion. Join likeminded individuals to learn about and enjoy
this wonderful music.
Jerry Gordon, Founder, Third Street Jazz &
Evidence Records; Radio Host, WPRB
Wed, 7 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 10/26
MT32099 Creutzburg Center . . . 5 sessions, $59
member $50
»» The Art of Listening:
Classical Music
This class is designed to enhance your
understanding and pleasure of the great
masters of classical music. Brush up on your
Beethoven; heighten your Haydn. Sharpen
your listening skills. Taught by a real-life
conductor. Open the doors to classical music
appreciation you thought were closed for
good. Sensational videos will round out a
compelling picture of music’s great geniuses.
For newbies, novices and connoisseurs.
New material for returning students.
Karl Middleman, Artistic Director,
Philadelphia Classical Symphony
Mon, 7:30 pm to 9 pm, starts 10/10
MT12025 Creutzburg Center . . . 4 sessions, $59
member $51
»» Introduction to Adult Improvisation
NEW Adults get a chance to let out their
»» Films for the Adventurous
inner actor in this improvisational course.
In a relaxed and supportive environment,
instructors will lead participants through
improv games, character development, and
the power of saying “yes”! The class will be
customized to serve the strengths of the
ensemble, so bring your ideas and interests
and get ready for an adventure!
Experience a provocative assortment of features
and documentaries from around the globe.
These stimulating and unconventional works
will challenge your notions of the world and
yourself. Each screening is followed by a lively
discussion in which we explore and debate
the themes of each film and the artistry of
filmmaking. This course is perfect for anyone
who loves to think “outside the frame.”
Brandi Burgess, Actor, Director and
Teaching Artist
Jennifer Steinberg, Documentary Curator,
Philadelphia Film Festival
Mon, 1 pm to 2:30 pm, starts 9/19
MT11007 Wolf Performing Arts Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 sessions, $180
member $160
Wed, 7 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 9/21
MT32084 Wolf Performing Arts Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 sessions, $180
member $160
Mon, 11 am to 1 pm, starts 9/19
MT11062 Creutzburg Center . 8 sessions, $135
member $120
»» Getting Paid to Talk:
An Introduction to Professional
Voice Acting
Explore numerous aspects of voice-over
work for television, film, radio, audio books,
documentaries and the internet. Cover all
the basics, including how to prepare a demo
and earn income in this exciting field. Hear
professional demos and then record a
commercial script in class.
Staff, Creative Voice Development Group
Thu, 6:30 pm to 9 pm, 9/22
MT42011 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $55
member $47
»» Make Money in Voice-Overs
Break into the lucrative field of commercial
voice-overs. Get pointers on preparing your
voice, inflection, pacing, using the microphone
and marketing your talents. Learn how to
create your demo. Materials fee ($10) payable
to instructor.
Ted Feldenkreis, Advertising and Private Video
Coach and Manager
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8 pm, starts 9/13
MT22066 Beginner Lower Merion HS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 sessions, $88
member $77
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8 pm, starts 10/18
MT22067 Advanced Lower Merion HS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 sessions, $88
member $77
»» Introduction to Theatre
»» A-Choiring Skills: Sight Reading
& Vocal Technique for Singers
NEW Do you sing in a choir or wish to join
one? This course provides thorough instruction
in music sight reading and vocal technique
to help new and experienced singers perform
confidently in a choir. If you are eager to refine
your skills in a fun and nurturing environment,
this course is for you! Workbook required, fee
($5) payable to instructor.
Jonathan Flowers, Mindful Music, LLC;
Choral Conductor; Pianist; Composer
Tue, 7:45 pm to 9:15 pm, starts 9/13
MT22020 Lower Merion HS . . 9 sessions, $128
member $112
»» Songwriting
NEW Write songs but don’t know how to
basic acting techniques for students of all levels,
emphasizing relaxation, partner and ensemble
exercises, character work, cold readings, scriptanalysis, and creative play. Class will stress the
importance of theatre technique and will work
towards building confidence and joy in the
performance setting.
get them down on paper? Have melodies
running through your head, but don’t know
how to structure a song? Learn the basics
of music theory and musical notation as well
as the role of chords and their relationship
to each other to turn any musical ideas into
memorable songs. Writing music is as easy as
I, II, III ( chords). Learn these chords and a lot
more and have fun in the process.
Daniella Vinitski Mooney, PhD
Theatre artist/educator/scholar
Sally Weinstock, LCSW, Founder of
Pennington Arts
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 10/18
MT22040 Lower Merion HS . . 6 sessions, $133
member $118
Tue, 7:45 pm to 9:30 pm, starts 10/18
MT22014 Lower Merion HS . . 6 sessions, $124
member $108
NEW This course will introduce and re-affirm
»» Vocal Technique 101
Do you love to sing? Have you been told your
voice is inconsistent? Off pitch? Lacks range?
Is weak? Vocal technique teaches you how
to sing properly so these issues do not occur.
Explore the mechanics of singing. Delve
into how various parts of the body are used
to produce lovely singing. The voice is an
instrument. Does yours need tuning?
Challenge yourself to discover your true voice!
Jean E Johnson, experienced teacher,
classically trained coloratura
Tue, 6 pm to 7:30 pm, starts 9/20
MT22013 Lower Merion HS . . 8 sessions, $124
member $108
»» Guitar for Beginners
Learn to read basic chord forms, simple
melody lines and musical notation. Soon
you’ll be playing chord accompaniments to
popular folk, rock and country songs.
Robert Hekking, Owner, Rob Hekking’s
Guitar Studio
Tue, 6:15 pm to 7:15 pm, starts 9/13
MT22068 Lower Merion HS . . 9 sessions, $126
member $119
»» Guitar: Folk, Pop, Rock, Country
& Blues Jam
Build confidence, learn new songs, explore
new concepts, play more competently and
with greater freedom. Exciting songbook
available from instructor ($30), features
classics to contemporary, from the Beatles
to Bruno Mars. We play ’em all!
Rebeka Karrant, Musician
Wed, 7:30 pm to 9 pm, starts 9/14
MT32070 Creutzburg Center . 10 sessions, $146
member $131
»» Hand Drumming
Learn exciting and mesmerizing rhythms and
techniques. Whether you are experienced and
tired of playing the same old patterns or if you
just want to try something new, drumming is
fun and can be a form of meditation.
Joseph Tayoun, Internationally Known
Tue, 7:30 pm to 9 pm, starts 10/18
MT22072 Lower Merion HS . . . 6 sessions, $89
member $77
»» Painless Piano
Learn a new skill or renew one in this fun
and stress-free class. Combine the finesse
of Mozart and the delivery of Elton John
while making new friends and merry music
together. Dust off your keyboard and bring
it to class.
Maxine Koenig, MA, Music Education
Tue, 8 pm to 9 pm, starts 9/13
MT22074 Lower Merion HS . . 9 sessions, $126
member $119
»» Bluegrass Jam
If you know the basics of acoustic guitar,
banjo, mandolin, bass, fiddle, dobro or
harmonica; like traditional bluegrass music
and want to play with others; join our group.
All skill levels are welcome. It’s a great way to
meet people, socialize and exercise your vocal
chords in a relaxed atmosphere. Practice
with simple songs to build confidence, learn
to take breaks (solos) and work towards an
informal performance.
Paul Magee, Musician; Jam Leader
Thu, 7:30 pm to 9 pm, starts 9/22
MT42072 Creutzburg Center . 9 sessions, $123
member $115
»» How to Hear and Heal with
the Archangels
NEW Do you believe in or hear Angels?
Have you always had a love for them? The
word “Angel” means “messenger.” It can be
challenging to recognize messages from
Angels; some say they can provide healing
messages that will help you discover your life’s
purpose, understand romantic relationships,
heal from emotional pain, and make crucial
life decisions. Discover your own spiritual
communication style to more easily identify
the visions, words, thoughts and feelings you
receive. Understand the difference between
divine messages and the voice of the ego. Tap
into how angels help you everyday through
hidden messages in books, music, language
and numbers. Bring a “Healing with the
Angels” oracle card deck to class.
Tracie Ullman, Empowerment Coach
Thu, 7 pm to 9 pm, starts 10/6
SE42055 Creutzburg Center . . 5 sessions, $109
member $89
»» Dreams and the Dreamer
NEW Dreams, “the royal road to the
unconscious,” can also be the royal road to
integrating lost moments or lost parts of the
self. Join us as we explore what dreams mean
and help you uncover your own truth, healing
old wounds or recapturing what was once
yours. Don’t remember your dreams but want
to? We will include tips and tricks for tapping
into the dreamtime.
Nancy Boxer, RN (Psychiatry) and CCHt
(Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist)
Thu, 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm, 9/22
SE42076 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $36
member $28
Mon, 9:45 am to 11:45 am, 11/14
SE11001 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $36
member $28
»» Mindful Meditation
Throughout the ages, meditation has helped
people find peace of mind and balance in
daily living. Today, modern medicine uses
meditation to help reduce stress, lower
blood pressure and improve mental outlook.
Practice a variety of meditation techniques
and find one that works for you.
»» Strengthen the Voice of Your
Inner Coach
Would you benefit from more self-confidence?
Want more courage to express yourself? Wish
you were free of self-doubt and more effective
at managing stress? Discover strategies to
empower yourself in the workplace and in your
personal life. Learn techniques to help you
counteract the Inner Critic’s negative self-talk,
access positive self-talk, decrease worry and
stress, build and sustain resilience. Apply
strategies for Inner-Coaching™ to your life.
Beth Weinstock, PhD; Clinical Psychologist;
Leadership Coach
Tue, 7 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 10/18
SE22050 Lower Merion HS . . . . 2 sessions, $46
member $37
Marie Roberts, MA, MS, Author
Hari Zandler, Master Yoga Instructor
and Practitioner
»» Chakras: Your Personal
Energy Center
Chakras are vital energy centers that reside
in our bodies. Gain a clear and practical
understanding of the roles and functions of
the Chakras in our daily lives. Topics include:
an explanation of each Chakra and how they
affect the quality of our health (physical,
emotional, psychological, spiritual), how the
health of the Chakras affect our relationships.
Learn the basics of energy anatomy, how to
feel the energy of the Chakras and simple
exercises to cleanse and energize them.
Corey Sokoloff, certified Pranic Healer,
student of Arhatic Yoga
Tue, 6:45 pm to 9 pm, 11/15
SE22051 Lower Merion HS . . . . . 1 session, $35
member $29
Healing From Within:
Qigong Meditation
NEW Besides relieving stress and quieting
the mind, Qigong meditation connects you
with the inborn natural healing capacity of
your body. Explore Microcosmic Orbit and
Inner Smile meditation techniques and feel
more energized and calm as you practice,
balancing your physical body and emotions.
Begin the study of Bone Breathing designed
to rejuvenate your bones and blood. These
ancient healing practices, based in Chinese
medicine, are beneficial for individuals at
any level of health.
Rona Cordish Satten, MCAT; MQT-Certified
Qigong Instructor; Sheng Zhen Instructor
Thu, 10:15 am to 11:15 am, starts 10/13
SE41039 Creutzburg Center . . . . 6 sessions, $91
member $80
»» Enneagram Insights: Guide to
Understanding Yourself & Others
Fri, 11 am to 12 N, starts 9/16
SE51078 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $91
member $80
Fri, 11 am to 12 N, starts 10/28
SE51088 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $91
member $80
Tue, 7:45 pm to 8:45 pm, starts 9/13
SE22077 Lower Merion HS . . . 9 sessions, $119
member $105
Thu, 7:45 pm to 8:45 pm, starts 9/22
SE42075 Creutzburg Center . . 9 sessions, $119
member $105
»» Discover the Magic of
Personal Retreats
NEW Retreats give you space and time to
revive your perspective and enhance wellbeing. Leaving home, exploring a new place
and finding quiet time for self-reflection can
reveal answers to long held questions or
deep needs. Learn 6 essential elements of a
personal retreat, how retreats are beneficial
for your body, mindset and creativity, and how
they support you during life transitions, and
aid in defining dreams and goals. Discover a
variety of ways to create your own personal
retreat or choose the right retreat for you
including, possible destinations, intentions for
your retreat and essential practices for clarity
and health.
Jennifer Schelter, Founder, Mindful Strategies
for Living; Radiant Retreat
Tue, 7 pm to 8:30 pm, 10/18
SE22012 Lower Merion HS . . . . . 1 session, $29
member $22
The Enneagram is a personality typology, a
dynamic map of nine basic ways of viewing
the world. In these fascinating classes,
discover which one of the nine patterns you
most identify with and gain insight into the
other eight types. Learn ways to maximize
your talents, strengths and gifts and
strategies for overcoming the vulnerabilities
of your particular type. Along with increased
insight into yourself, you will leave with tools
to improve all of your relationships.
Lennie Perrott, MS, Licensed Psychologist
Tue, 11:15 am to 12:30 pm, starts 10/18
SE21023 Creutzburg Center . . 6 sessions, $97
member $84
»» Getting Past Guilt
NEW Guilt helps us to act right. But what if
you feel overly guilty for small transgressions,
things that were accidental, or not really
your fault? Some people are more guilt-prone
than others. Explore where guilt comes
from and why it can get in our way. Then use
re-framing, relaxation, and the wisdom of
Classical Yoga to help tame an overactive
tendency to feel guilty. No yoga experience
necessary; all movement and breath work
done in your chair.
Ilene S Rosen, MEd, CYT
Thu, 11 am to 1 pm, starts 11/3
SE41087 Creutzburg Center . . 2 sessions, $54
member $45
»» Interpersonal Communication —
or “That’s not what I said!!”
NEW Communication can be fascinating,
frustrating, fruitful! This class will consider
communication strategies (and pitfalls)
when two people are trying to create shared
meaning. Look at some of the concepts that
drive human communication in relationships
such as male/female and subordinate/
superior plus explore intercultural dilemmas
that impact meaningful communication.
In this interactive class you will learn things
you never knew, get to practice some skills,
and have a lot of fun!
Andrea Mitnick, PhD, Professor Emeritus
Wed, 7 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 10/19
SE32001 Creutzburg Center . . 4 sessions, $80
member $67
»» Tarot Card Reading
Explore this symbolic language while learning
how to read the cards for yourself and others.
Practice techniques that help you develop
your intuition and access inner wisdom.
All levels welcome. Materials fee ($10)
payable to instructor. Bring a Rider-Waite
Tarot deck (~$20).
Carolyn Guss, Certified Tarot Reader
and Instructor
Tue, 7 pm to 9 pm, starts 10/25
SE22054 Lower Merion HS . . . 6 sessions, $101
member $87
»» The Power of Patience
NEW In today’s world, faster is perceived as
better — yet often times this pace leaves us
exhausted, confused and unavailable for the
opportunities around us. Kate shares a unique
perspective on practical and usable strategies
to cultivate patience and the space to act in
clarity and kindness to ourselves. This class
is based on life learning and will include
insightful, fun writing prompts, and self
inquiry and simple exercises to make
significant change.
Kate Brenton, EdM, RYT, Lomilomi Practitioner
Tue, 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm, 10/18
SE22053 Lower Merion HS . . . . . 1 session, $35
member $27
»» Understanding Chronic
Disorganization: Compassion
& Solutions
Wonder why some people have a harder
time keeping things together? Discuss the
fundamentals and underlying causes of
chronic disorganization, as well as techniques
and strategies to help those challenged by
this common issue to make positive changes
in their lives and relationships. Numerous
resources for continued learning and
support provided.
Leslie Robison, Certified Professional Organizer,
Certified Coach
Tue, 6 pm to 8 pm, 11/29
SE22075 Lower Merion HS . . . . . 1 session, $25
member $21
»» Transitions: Caring for
Aging Parents
NEW Of course your aging parents prefer to
stay at home and fortunately, there are things
you can do to help them do this. In elder care,
an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound
of cure! Thus, helping prevent a crisis or injury
is one of the best ways you can contribute to
your aging parents’ well-being. Learn how to
promote safety in the home, how to look for
warning signs that your parent may need help
and discover available services to assist. Also
discuss transitioning from independent to
assisted nursing home options when faced
with these decisions.
Joanne Stiteler, Advanced Certified Aging Life
Care Manager; Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Tue, 1 pm to 3 pm, 11/1
SE21015 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $36
member $28
»» Divorce Common Sense
NEW For those contemplating or already
involved in divorce, find out how to protect
yourself before filing a divorce complaint, choose
and speak to a lawyer, negotiate a top-notch
settlement including custody and support
matters, and manage the money you receive.
Learn invaluable strategies for getting through
your divorce in a cost-effective manner.
Sheila Brenna, MEd, Divorce Coach,
Preparation & Guidance for your Divorce
Tue, 7 pm to 9 pm, 10/25
SE22040 Lower Merion HS . . . . . 1 session, $41
member $32
»» The Art of Moving On
NEW Are you separated or divorced? Are you
feeling depressed, distraught and dreading
the future? Discover “The Art of Moving On!”
Learn how to survive heartbreak and prepare
yourself for a new, exciting relationship.
Shed your negative past and launch yourself
on a journey of self-discovery. Become
empowered, one step at a time, and create
a new life on your own.
Nancy Plummer, MEd; President & Founder,
All About Connecting
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, 11/15
SE22020 Lower Merion HS . . . . . 1 session, $35
member $27
»» Manly Mistakes Men Make
NEW Are you wondering where all the good
women have gone? Our 3-step dating process
will reveal the mistakes most men make on, and the best strategies to make
online dating easy and successful. This class
will include professional photos you can
use for your profile, great tips to insure dating
is inexpensive and fun, plus secrets we’ve
learned from women about what they want
while dating. This class is for men only.
Nancy Plummer, MEd; President & Founder,
All About Connecting
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, 11/1
SE22025 Lower Merion HS . . . . . 1 session, $35
member $27
»» Women Over 50: What’s Next
You’ve spent years preparing for your career,
why not plan for what pundits are calling
your “second adulthood”? The years between
50 and 75 offer an opportunity to “rewire”
and pursue new (ad)ventures: change of
job, career, or location; more education;
volunteering; or the “bucket list.” Using
exercises and discussions, you’ll craft a plan
for the future, and leave with the resources
(many of them local) to define your “power
years,” (not your traditional retirement). Meet
like-minded women and begin the journey.
»» The Secrets of Body Language
NEW Do you know what messages your
body is sending others? Learn how to read
body language to know what others are
secretly saying. Discover how to use specific
body language to get noticed, be heard
and gracefully persuade others. This class
is for women only.
Nancy Plummer, MEd; President & Founder,
All About Connecting
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, 11/22
SE22023 Lower Merion HS . . . . . 1 session, $35
member $27
»» Sophisticated Secrets to
Online Dating for Women
Are you “unlucky” at finding love? Our 4-step
dating process will teach you how to stand
out from the rest. Learn sophisticated dating
secrets, vital safety information to ensure
dating is fun and amazing and profile photos
taken to get you noticed. Get first date
do’s and don’t’s to help you become an
empowered woman. Materials fee included
in price.
Nancy Plummer, MEd; President & Founder,
All About Connecting
Tue, 6 pm to 9 pm, 11/29
SE22021 Lower Merion HS . . . . . 1 session, $55
member $46
The Art of Moving On (11/15), Secrets of
Body Language (11/22), Sophisticated
Secrets to Online Dating for Women (11/29).
Tue, SE22024 Lower Merion HS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 sessions $115
member $95
Carol Seelaus, Professional Organizer
Tue, 7 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 11/1
SE22091 Lower Merion HS . . . 3 sessions, $105
member $93
»» Fashion Business Boot Camp
»» Boating Safety Certification
»» Canasta: Beginners
For fashion designers or their business
partners who are ready to take their product
to market. This boot camp will introduce
you to the important concepts of the
current fashion business. Class will cover
merchandising, strategic marketing and the
top 5 retail concepts for emerging designers
such as crowd-sourcing, pop-up shops,
fashion trucks, e-commerce and design
co-ops. You will also learn key strategies
for business development and creating an
advisory board.
Elissa Bloom, Executive Director, Philadelphia
Fashion Incubator; Designer/Owner,
Bloomin Designs
Sat, 10 am to 4 pm, 10/22
ES61042 Creutzburg Center . . 1 session, $130
member $118
»» Franchise Ownership 101
NEW Small business owners have to navigate
their way through a minefield of complex legal
issues. This interactive, practical class reveals
some of the legal problems that you are most
likely to experience, how to avoid them and
grow your company confidently. Modules
include: Forming Your New Business Entity,
Understanding Contracts, and Employment
Law Basics. Learn to properly insulate yourself
and your family from your company’s liabilities,
how to negotiate and evaluate contracts before
you sign them and how to build a productive
staff while minimizing messy and expensive
lawsuits by employees. Workbook included.
»» Social Media Q & A for Business
NEW How many Social Media presentations,
workshops, and classes have you left with all
of your questions answered? Probably not
many. Everyone comes to a class with their
own level of understanding. What if you could
attend a session that was LITERALLY designed
entirely around answering YOUR questions? It
might sound more like consulting than a class,
right? EXACTLY. Come prepared to this unique
unconference to get YOUR Social Media
questions answered. Jeff has worked with more
than 70 companies and we’re thrilled to be able
to offer his expertise to you.
Jeff Gibbard, President & Chief Strategist,
True Voice Media
Tue, 7 pm to 9 pm, 10/18
ES22004 Lower Merion HS . . . . 1 session, $53
member $48
Tue, 7 pm to 9 pm, 11/1
ES22005 Lower Merion HS . . . . . 1 session $53
member $48
»» How to Write Clear, Concise Emails
that Get Read and Get Results
NEW Are you tired of writing business emails
that don’t get a response? Would you like to
learn to draft emails that express your point
concisely and clearly, and that people answer?
In this class we’ll look at how to formulate your
message and then communicate it. Students
are encouraged to bring in an email or two that
they’ve written, or received, for in-class
feedback and revision.
Joan B Winchester, President/CEO,
Franchise Advise, LLC
Susan Tabor-Kleiman, JD; Owner,
Your Professional Writer; Lecturer, Wharton
School of Business
Tue, 7 pm to 9 pm, 10/25
ES22011 Lower Merion HS . . . . 1 session, $35
member $29
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, 11/1
ES22015 Lower Merion HS . . . . 1 session, $35
member $29
Basic boating class for power, sail & PWC
operators. Meets the education requirements
for certification in PA, NJ, DE and MD. Cover
types of boats, boating law, safety equipment,
handling, boating problems, navigation and
more. Successful completion earns you PA
($10 fee) or NJ State Operator Certification.
Official manual and exam included.
Staff, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
Tue, 7 pm to 9 pm, starts 10/18
SP22082 Lower Merion HS . . . . 4 sessions, $89
member $78
»» Coast Guard Sailing Certification
If you own a medium size sailboat or plan a
charter, this course will get you ready. Learn
the basics of sailboat maneuvering. Topics:
reaching, running, tacking and jibing,
highway signs, navigation, advanced rigging,
advanced sail trim, handling catastrophe,
electronics and knots. Textbook ($30) payable
to instructor. Successful completion includes
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Certificate.
Staff, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
Wed, 7 pm to 9 pm, starts 9/21
SP32078 Creutzburg Center . . 8 sessions, $131
member $115
»» Boating Skills and Seamanship
This officially certified Coast Guard course for
recreational boat operators covers rules of the
sea, safe boating procedures, charts, navigation
and more. Successful completion earns PA State
Operators Certification and Basic Skills and
Seamanship Certification. Meets requirements
for PA, NJ and MD safe boating education laws.
Text ($30) available from instructor.
Staff, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
Wed, 7 pm to 9 pm, starts 9/21
SP32083 Creutzburg Center . . 8 sessions, $131
member $115
Learn the fundamentals of play and strategy of
this form of rummy established in
South America in the 1930’s. Gain a strong
foundation and enough knowledge to spend
many enjoyable hours playing with friends.
Donna Bronstein, Experienced Canasta Teacher
Thu, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 9/22
SP41042 Beginner Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 sessions, $121
member $107
Sue Laskin, Experienced Canasta Teacher
Fri, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, starts 10/7
SP51042 Beginner Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 sessions, $121
member $107
Mon, 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm, starts 10/10
SP12047 Beginner Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 sessions, $121
member $107
Tue, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 10/18
SP21041 Beginner Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 sessions, $121
member $107
Tue, 1 pm to 3 pm, starts 1/10/2017
SP21081 Supervised Play Creutzburg Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 sessions, $63
member $55
»» Mah Jongg: Beginners
This ancient Chinese tile game involves skill,
concentration and luck. Learn the rules of the
game and winning strategies, then play the game
with hands-on instruction. Official Mah Jongg
card (large print) available from instructor $9.
Leah Feigenbaum, Mah Jongg Enthusiast
Thu, 2 pm to 4 pm, starts 9/22
SP41091 Creutzburg Center . 6 sessions, $116
member $103
Thu, 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm, starts 9/22
SP42092 Creutzburg Center . 6 sessions, $116
member $103 55
»» Mah Jongg: Supervised Play
This class is for those who already know the
game. Come play with others who enjoy the
game while honing your skills and working
on strategy. Official Mah-Jongg card (large
print) available from instructor $9.
»» Bridge: Beginners
Learn the mechanics of bidding, winning
tricks, and playing with a partner. Practice
evaluating hands, bidding for contracts,
playing the hands and scoring the results.
Textbook ($15) available from instructor.
Leah Feigenbaum, Mah Jongg Enthusiast
Ann Morris, Bronze Life Master
Thu, 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm, starts 11/3
SP42093 Creutzburg Center . . . . 3 sessions, $72
member $63
Thu, 2 pm to 4 pm, starts 11/3
SP41094 Creutzburg Center . . 3 sessions, $72
member $63
Tue, 6:15 pm to 7:45 pm, starts 9/20
SP22083 Lower Merion HS . . . 8 sessions, $112
member $101
»» Mah Jongg: Supervised Open Play
NEW For those who already know the
fundamentals of the game. Come play with
those you know or meet new enthusiasts.
Enjoy getting all of your Mah Jongg questions
answered. Official Mah-Jongg card (large
print) available from instructor $9.
Leah Feigenbaum, Mah Jongg Enthusiast
Thu, 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm, 1/19/2017
SP41095 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $20
member $15
Mon, 10 am to 1 pm, 1/23/2017
SP11096 Creutzburg Center . . . 1 session, $20
member $15
»» Bridge: Beginners
NEW This class is designed to introduce a
new player to the game of bridge. Lessons
will include hand valuation, bidding, opening
leads, and play of the cards. Hands will be
prepared in advance, then bid and played to
coordinate with the new lesson. No previous
experience necessary. Textbook ($15)
available from instructor.
Sharon Segal, ACBL Certified Instructor
Fri, 10 am to 11:30 am, starts 9/23
SP51010 Creutzburg Center . . 8 sessions, $112
member $101
»» Bridge: Novice Bidding and
Play of the Hand
Class is ideal for novice players who would
like to get more experience at bidding and
playing hands. Players will receive assistance
during the bidding auction, as well as
declarer and defender play of the hand.
William A. Black, Silver Life Master
Tue, 7 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 9/20
SP22085 Lower Merion HS . . . 8 sessions, $145
member $129
»» Bridge: Intermediate
For intermediate players who are using the
more advanced conventions, come practice
your techniques and get pointers on your
bidding and play from an experienced
instructor, while meeting new people who
share your interest.
Jeanne Thompson, ACBL Certified Instructor
Wed, 2 pm to 4 pm, starts 9/21
SP31086 Surrey Services . . . . 8 sessions, $161
member $145
»» Bridge: Supervised Play
For intermediate and stronger players who
wish to strengthen their game in competition
at clubs and tournaments come practice
your techniques and get pointers from an
accomplished instructor while playing in a
relaxed setting.
Ala Hamilton-Day, Diamond Life Master,
ACBL Certified Instructor
See page 5 for more information.
Tue, 12 N to 2 pm, starts 9/13
SP21004 Creutzburg Center . . 7 sessions, $141
member $129
Tue, 12 N to 2 pm, starts 11/29
SP21014 Creutzburg Center . . 7 sessions, $141
member $129
»» Bridge: Advanced Play of the Hand
If you are an advancing player and play
duplicate bridge, take your game to the next
level with instruction focusing on Squeeze
Play, Losing Trick Count, Cue Bids, Unblocking,
and Preempts. Review the key elements of
the game and test your skills.
Ala Hamilton-Day, Diamond Life Master,
ACBL Certified Instructor
Tue, 10 am to 11:30 am, starts 9/13
SP21003 Creutzburg Center . . 7 sessions, $125
member $115
Tue, 10 am to 11:30 am, starts 11/29
SP21013 Creutzburg Center . . 7 sessions, $125
member $115
»» Ice Skating
Learn basic skating skills. It’s great fun and
terrific exercise. Half-hour lesson begins
each session. Then practice what you’ve
learned on the rink. Fee includes admission
and skate rental.
Jane Searfoss and Karen Boornazian,
Teaching Professionals, The Skatium
Sun, 3:05 pm to 4:05 pm, starts 9/11
SP71091 Skatium . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 sessions, $95
member $86
»» Golf at Paxon Hollow
Improve your golf game in these clinics
designed with intermediate, beginner and
first-timers in mind. Learn golfing basics: grip,
posture, swing mechanics, alignment, club
selection, etc. Practice hitting your driver and
irons on the natural turf range, chip and putt on
the practice green, all under the watchful eyes
of PGA professional Dan Malley and his staff.
Dan Malley, Paxon Hollow Country Club
Thu, 8:45 am to 9:45 am, starts 9/8
SP41008 Paxon Hollow CC . . . 6 sessions, $145
member $129
Thu, 10 am to 11 am, starts 9/8
SP41009 Paxon Hollow CC . . . 6 sessions, $145
member $129
Thu, 11:15 am to 12:15 pm, starts 9/8
SP41010 Paxon Hollow CC . . . 6 sessions, $145
member $129
»» Squash Clinic
Learn or brush up on the basics of this fastpaced game including: stroke technique,
strategy, drills in groups and solo, rules and
scoring methods. Facilities usage included in
course fee. Protective eyewear, rackets and
balls provided.
Staff, Berwyn Squash & Fitness Club
Wed, 7:45 pm to 9 pm, starts 10/19
SP32079 Berwyn Squash & Fitness Club
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 sessions, $131
member $121
»» Beginner Horseback Riding
Learn ground handling and basic riding skills.
The riding ring at Valley Forge Academy is
indoors and spacious and home to the most
convenient riding school on the Main Line.
Non-refundable horse facilities fee ($400)
payable to the instructor.
Sara McCoy Palmer, Director of Horsemanship,
Mon, 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, starts 9/12
SP12009 Valley Forge MA&C . . 10 sessions, $115
member $101
»» Tennis at Narberth Tennis Club
Improve your strokes through drills and
skill-building exercises. Practice footwork
and see results in your on-court movement.
Focus on improving your game versus simply
changing it. Class is for students who play
at a modest level.
Teaching Professionals, Julian Krinsky School
of Tennis
Thu, 10 am to 11 am, starts 10/6
SP41021 Narberth Tennis Club
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 sessions, $147
member $131
»» Moonlight Canoe Trip with Dinner
»» Mullica River Kayak Adventure
NEW This scenic river rests in the heart of
Break out of your mid-week routine and enjoy
an evening of spotting wildlife and dining
along the edge of the water. Paddle down the
Schuylkill as the sun sets, then portage to the
canal for dinner on the outside deck of the
Fitzwater Station Restaurant. Return via the
canal as the moon rises and the stars emerge.
the New Jersey Pinelands, a truly unique
ecosystem. The Mullica River is lined with a
variety of pines and plenty of wildlife, including
bald eagles, ospreys, beavers, and turtles.
Explore side channels and islands while
paddling this calm river.
Staff, Great Valley Nature Center
Wed, 8:30 am to 6 pm, 10/5
TT31054 GV Nature Center . . . . 1 session, $65
Wed, 5 pm to 10 pm, 9/21
TT32037 GV Nature Center . . . . 1 session, $67
»» Kayaking: Get Started!
Staff, Great Valley Nature Center
»» NJ Pine Barrens Kayak Adventure
Kayak down the twisting Wading River through
the Pine Barrens, a fragile ecosystem in
southern New Jersey — a unique location of
historic villages and vast oak-pine forests.
Enjoy diverse species of plants and animals as
you travel through this special place.
»» Birding with MLSN & Radnor
Experience the exciting hobby of bird watching.
Find out what you need and what’s new in field
guides and electronic gadgets. Discuss the art
and science of bird identification, as well as
where and when to go.
»» Owl Prowl with Dinner
Join us for a fun evening of dinner, live
animals and an outdoor night hike. Begin
with dinner followed by a live demonstration
of owls. Then go on a short hike to call to,
listen for and watch for owls.
Staff, Great Valley Nature Center
Thu, 5:30 pm to 9 pm, 11/17
TT42039 GV Nature Center . . . . 1 session, $55
Thu, 5:30 pm to 9 pm, 1/26/2017
TT42040 GV Nature Center . . . . 1 session, $55
»» MLSN Hiking Club
Staff, Great Valley Nature Center
Staff, Great Valley Nature Center
Experience the richness and diversity of
Delaware Valley’s natural environment. Make
new friends while exploring nearby 3 to 5
mile scenic and historic trails. Meet at the
Creutzburg Center to get acquainted and learn
hiking procedures, then caravan to first hike.
Subsequent classes meet at designated trail.
Thu, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm, 9/22
TT41014 GV Nature Center . . . . 1 session, $55
Thu, 8:30 am to 6 pm, 10/13
TT41017 GV Nature Center . . . . 1 session, $65
Cathy & Bill Siegl, Hike Leaders; Marge and
Art Miller, Hike Leaders
Learn the basics of kayaking and see how easy
it is to participate in an enjoyable sport that
can take you near and far. Practice on land
before heading to the Schuylkill Canal for inwater instruction followed by an easy paddle.
»» Kayaking on Beltzville Lake
NEW Beautiful scenery awaits you at
Beltzville State Park. The steep, rocky cliffs
and wooded landscape that surround this
large lake are home to an abundance of
wildlife. Explore small coves and have lunch
beside a beautiful waterfall.
Staff, Great Valley Nature Center
Tue, 9 am to 4 pm, 9/27
TT21018 GV Nature Center . . . . 1 session, $55
»» Sassafras River Kayak Adventure
Paddle this calm waterway where kayaks can
easily maneuver and search for wildlife. Great
blue herons, bald eagles, osprey and hawks
are commonly seen. Paddle through side
channels with breaks along the way to enjoy
the scenery.
Staff, Great Valley Nature Center
Fri, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, 9/30
TT51020 GV Nature Center . . . . 1 session, $65
»» Kayaking on Elk River
NEW Paddling in this tidal river offers many
chances to see birds and other wildlife up close
and personal. Herons, bald eagles and ospreys
are seen along this waterway. Navigating
through the marshes and open waters of Elk
River offers a paddle suitable for beginners as
well as seasoned paddlers.
Staff, Great Valley Nature Center
Mon, 9 am to 5 pm, 10/17
TT11012 GV Nature Center . . . . 1 session, $65
»» Lake Nockamixon Kayak
NEW Lake Nockamixon is a large reservoir
that sits in the rolling hills of northern Bucks
County. Explore a section of the lake, looking
for wildlife and enjoying the beautiful autumn
colors from the water. This paddle is great for
beginners as well as seasoned paddlers.
Staff, Great Valley Nature Center
Wed, 9 am to 4 pm, 10/19
TT31036 GV Nature Center . . . . 1 session, $59
Tue, 9:30 am to 12 N, starts 9/27
TT21024 Creutzburg Center . . 5 sessions, $61
member $53
»» Hiking with MLSN & Radnor
Get “off the beaten path” and hike hidden
trails right in Radnor! Learn about wild plants
along the way and explore some of the
historic mill ruins along Darby Creek.
Mary Coe, Friends of Radnor Trails
Sat, 1 pm to 3 pm, 10/29
TT61066 fall foliage
The Willows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $15
member $10
Sat, 1 pm to 3 pm, 11/12
TT61067 tree identification
The Willows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $15
member $10
Sun, 1 pm to 3 pm, 12/4
TT71068 Radnor ruins
The Willows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $15
member $10
Phil Witmer, President, Delaware Valley
Ornithological Club
Sat, 8 am to 10 am, 9/10
TT61063 The Willows . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $15
member $10
»» Steve McCurry Photographs at
Michener Museum & Mercer Tiles
at Moravian Pottery and Tile Works
NEW A docent-led tour of the James A.
Michener Museum of Art’s special exhibition,
Unguarded, Untold, Iconic: Afghanistan through
the Lens of Steve McCurry, will highlight the work
of the artist best known for his 1985 National
Geographic cover photograph Afghan Girl. Both
new and familiar images taken throughout his
decades-long relationship with Afghanistan, its
landscape and, most importantly, its people,
will offer insight into Afghanistan through
McCurry’s “thought-provoking and visually
arresting lens.” Lunch is on your own with some
time to explore quaint downtown Doylestown,
recognized by the National Trust for Historic
Preservation as one of its “Dozen Distinctive
Destinations.” Then enjoy a tour and watch
artisans work at the Spanish-mission-style
Moravian Pottery and Tile Works, a National
Historical Landmark and “working history”
museum where handmade tiles and mosaics
are still produced in a manner similar to that
developed by the pottery’s founder and builder,
Henry Chapman Mercer, a major proponent of
the Arts and Crafts Movement in America.
Arlene Kaufman and Chris Smith, Escorts
Thu, 9 am to 5 pm, 9/22
TT41015 Radnor Financial Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $85
member $72
»» Chanticleer Off the Beaten Path
Take a guided tour along the recently restored
secondary paths which are full of seasonal
surprises. Enjoy the open drifts of bulbs,
flowering trees, colorful containers and
beautiful areas around the ponds. A brief tour
of the ground floor of the 1913 Rosengarten
main house will add to the flavor of this
wonderful site which imaginatively combines
the old with the new.
Staff, Chanticleer
Thu, 5:30 pm to 7:15 pm, 10/13
TT42055 Chanticleer . . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $45
member $38
»» Taste Your Way through the
Italian Market
Enjoy a leisurely walking tour exploring Philly’s
famed 9th Street along with the merchants,
tantalizing food and colorful history of nation’s
oldest (100+ years) outdoor market. Find great
bargains, special discounts.
Staff, Albertson’s Cooking School
Sat, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, 10/22
TT61040 Italian Market . . . . . . . . 1 session, $50
»» Not Your Usual NYC Museums:
Asia Society & Cooper Hewitt
NEW These wonderful venues provide a new
perspective on the NYC museum scene. Enjoy
the Asia Society in the 60th year of its founding
by John D Rockefeller 3rd and experience
one of the most notable collections of Asian
Art in the US. On your guided tour see
groundbreaking exhibitions of both traditional
and contemporary arts. Then travel to the
newly renovated Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian
Design Museum where “old and new crash into
each other beautifully” in a glorious Carnegie
mansion. It is America’s only museum devoted
to historic and contemporary design where
innovative, interactive exhibits “provoke
visitors to think about what design really is.”
On your guided tour you’ll see works by
Tiffany, learn about creative recycling
techniques and engage in By the People:
Designing a Better America. You’ll have time to
visit, on your own, the nearby Jewish Museum
or Guggenheim. Lunch is on your own.
Nancy Gabel & Caroline Cuthbert, Escorts
Sat, 8 am to 7:30 pm, 10/8
TT61026 Radnor Financial Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $95
member $86
»» Inspired DC Art Tour: Private
Kreeger Museum & Renwick Gallery
NEW Described as a “national American
treasure,” the private Kreeger museum is located
on 5-1/2 acres of sculpture-filled gardens on the
outskirts of Washington DC. This Philip Johnson
designed museum is a celebrated masterpiece
of modern architecture. On your guided tour
see significant 19th and 20th c works by Monet,
Cezanne, Picasso, Miro and others, including
outstanding examples of traditional and African
and Asian art. Then venture into the city where
you can explore the Mall’s rich arts and cultural
scene. Your afternoon tour will introduce you to
the newly re-imagined Renwick Gallery. Part
of the Smithsonian’s Museum of American Art,
the Gallery features arts and crafts from early
America to the present. Innovative exhibits
highlight how extraordinary handmade objects
have shaped the American experience and
continue to impact our lives. Lunch is on
your own.
Nancy Gabel & Caroline Cuthbert, Escorts
Sat, 7:15 am to 7 pm , 11/5
TT61027 Radnor Financial Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $110
member $95
»» NY Holiday: Cathedral of St John
the Divine & Met Museums
NEW Called “a grand oasis in the hustle of
the city,” St John the Divine will show you
its majesty, decorated chapels, spectacular
stained glass windows and enigmatic
sculptures. After a guided tour of the world’s
largest cathedral, travel to the Met and enjoy
holiday festivities and special exhibits. Your
admission ticket will allow you to visit both
the flagship 5th Ave campus as well as the Met
Breuer, the Museum’s recently opened annex
for contemporary art. Located in the Whitney’s
former iconic headquarters on Madison Ave, it
features renovated exhibition space designed
to showcase modern and contemporary art
through the lens of history — “mingling
under-known and under-sung art from many
cultures.” Has this somewhat controversial
approach been successful? See for yourself.
Lunch is on your own.
Nancy Gabel & Caroline Cuthbert, Escorts
Sat, 7:30 am to 7:30 pm , 12/10
TT61025 Radnor Financial Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 session, $110
member $95
»» Autobiographical Writing
If living your life is an adventure worthy of
any hero, writing your life story is finding
where you’ve been and what battles you’ve
won. Begin with a few lines, a poem, a story
or a book. Join a group of friendly writers
ready to share insights.
Virginia S. Newlin, MA, Creative Writing,
Published Writer & Poet
Mon, 9:30 am to 11:30 am, starts 9/19
WC11096 Creutzburg Center . 12 sessions, $166
member $148
Poetry Writing Workshop
“Only poetry inspires poetry,” wrote Emerson.
Grow as a poet in a supportive environment.
Read and discuss one another’s poetry
for inspiration, deeper appreciation and
Virginia S. Newlin, MA, Creative Writing,
Published Writer & Poet
Mon, 1:15 pm to 2:45 pm, starts 9/19
WC11099 Creutzburg Center . 12 sessions, $152
member $136
»» Fiction Writing Bootcamp
An exploration of the elements and processes
of creating fiction, from short stories to novels,
and from contemporary to genre fiction. Each
class combines lecture, discussion of readings,
prompts & exercises in and outside of class
covering topics such as good beginnings, rich
characters, voice, narrative strategies, editing
and revising, and publishing. Come prepared
to write.
Gregory Frost, award-winning and bestselling
author of fantasy, science fiction, and historical
thrillers; Director, Fiction Writing Workshop at
Swarthmore College
Tue, 7 pm to 9 pm, starts 10/18
WC22095 Lower Merion HS . . 6 sessions, $165
member $147
»» Writing Workshop:
Images and Motion
Images and Motion explores the basic elements
of expressive writing, using the Amherst Writers
& Artists method to write, read, and grow as a
creative writer. Participants will read a variety
of poetry and prose pieces, and engage in writing
prompts that involve the forms of imagery
and motion.
K Riley, BFA, Writing; Leadership Certificate,
Amherst Artist & Writers
Tue, 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, starts 9/27
WC21092 Creutzburg Center . . . 4 sessions, $87
member $76
»» Jumpstart Your Creative Writing
Whether you’ve been writing for a while or
are just getting started, develop the skills and
work habits that lead to good creative writing.
Come away with fresh ideas and techniques
to apply to your own work. All levels welcome.
Vivian Grey, MA Columbia University, Author,
Elected Member, NJ Literary Hall of Fame
Tue, 10 am to 11:30 am, starts 10/25
WC21082 Creutzburg Center . . . 5 sessions, $85
member $73
»» Memoir: Examining the Lives
of Others and of Ourselves
According to Abigail Thomas, “Writing a
memoir is one way to explore how you became
the person you are. It’s the story of how you
got here from there.” Read a number of short
memoirs, selected for their different themes
and writing styles. Trace your own stories,
reflecting on the events of your life and
exploring the meaning within those events.
Work as a class, in small groups, with a partner
and on your own.
Richard House, MA, Head, Middle School (Ret),
Germantown Academy
Wed, 9:30 am to 10:45 am, starts 10/19
WC31097 Creutzburg Center . . . 6 sessions, $85
member $73
»» Writing and Publishing a
Non-Fiction Book
NEW Are you interested in writing and
»» Letters: Writing to Ourselves
and to Others
NEW Letters are a wonderfully diverse and
having your non-fiction book published?
Sarah Robinson and her husband Paul have
written three non-fiction books and are
currently developing a TV series based on one
of their works. In this class, Sarah will guide
you through the process of building a solid
non-fiction book plan including: defining
your topic; development of the scope;
finding the materials; and how to seek out
a publisher.
extraordinarily effective way to communicate.
They can be intimate or formal, carefree or
heavy-hearted and speak to the future or recall
the past. They can be addressed to a loved
one or to a complete stranger. They can be
intensely private or openly political. And they
can allow us to reach into ourselves to explore
who we were and/or who we hope to become.
Join us as we read, write and share letters.
Gayle B Samuels, Author; former Director,
Women’s Project of New Jersey, Inc
Sarah Robinson, Legal Researcher; Co-Author,
Pirates, Prisoners and Lepers: Lessons from
Outside the Law
Thu, 7 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 10/20
WC42005 Creutzburg Center . . . 2 sessions, $47
member $38
Wed, 7 pm to 8:15 pm, starts 9/14
WC32001 Creutzburg Center . . . 4 sessions, $76
member $65
»» This is Your Life
Have a fascinating family history? Have you
visited exotic countries? Have a unique hobby?
Experienced a tragedy that you could share
with others? Have a humorous beat on life?
How many times have you thought you should
write a book? Through a number of interactive
writing sessions Vivian helps you structure your
life story to communicate your memories and
experiences in a creative way. Each interactive
session combines lectures, discussions, writing
prompts and ways to create a story using your
own life as the basis. Writers of all levels
»» Writing from the Senses
NEW We see, hear, taste and feel the world
around us. Or do we? Explore the sensory
experience to connect and disconnect us from
the world around us. Led using the Amherst
Writers and Artists method to write, read, and
grow as a creative writer.
K Riley, BFA, Writing; Leadership Certificate,
Amherst Artist & Writers
Tue, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 9/13
WC22091 Lower Merion HS . . 6 sessions, $177
member $149
Vivian Grey, MA Columbia University, Author,
Elected Member, NJ Literary Hall of Fame
»» The Writing Life: How to Do
Your Best Writing
Tue, 10 am to 11:30 am, starts 1/17/2017
WC21099 Creutzburg Center . . . 4 sessions, $85
member $73
NEW The writing life is one of authentic
perspective and sensibility. A writer witnesses
the weird, wonderful, beautiful and wild secrets
of life and puts them on the page. But how to
do your best writing? How to best communicate
through your senses? Leave space for readers
to have their own experiences? This course will
focus on 3 mindsets to support your creativity,
5 structures to do your best writing and 3 criteria
to identify your best work. No previous writing
experience necessary. All levels welcome.
Jennifer Schelter, Founder, Mindful Strategies
for Living, Radiant Retreat
Tue, 7 pm to 8:30 pm, starts 11/15
WC22011 Lower Merion HS . . . . 3 sessions, $68
member $57
Public Speaking
Most people would rather get root canal
than speak in public, yet it’s a skill crucial
to personal confidence and professional
success. There are key components of all great
speeches, regardless of the setting. So, whether
you’re planning a TED talk or a toast at your
child’s wedding, learn how to “wow the crowd”
in just one powerful class session.
Ellen Trachtenberg, Braintree Publicity; Book
Publicist; Public Speaking Coach
Tue, 7 pm to 9 pm, 10/25
WC22041 Lower Merion HS . . . . 1 session, $36
member $30
Rosemary & Rick Browne
Anne & Jim Carino
Helene & Steve Cohen
Judy & Luigi DiFilippo
Carolyn & Gard Edgarton
Kathleen & John Einspanier
Gerry & Marshall Fisher
Janet & John Haas
Mary & Wes Hardin
Margaret & Michael Hino
Anne & John Iskrant
DruEllen Kolker
Monika Krug & George Edel
Diane & Michael Mayer
Arlene Olson &
Stanley Muravchick
Mary & Frank Tatnall
Joan & Steve Trachtenberg
Nina Robinson Vitow
Kathleen & Richard Watson
Jo Babich
Nan Barash & David Schwartz
Nancie & Ted Burkett
Constance Clery
Rachel Dalinka
Jill Feninger
Ellen Frost
Susan & Robert Glazer
Jaime Gusdorff
Gretchen Guttman
Sharon Harris
Martin Hoban
Jo Jensen
Ginger Joyce
Albert Kaplan
Catherine Lafarge
Karen & Sheldon Lisker
Lee & Simon Manonian
Patricia Migliori
Marge & Art Miller
Barbara & Geoffrey Mynott
Bonnie Shuman
Cathy & Bill Siegl
William Susskind
Patricia & Robert Thomas
Constance West
Phyllis Belzak
Marcia & Greg Coleman
Fay & Bernard Edelson
James Govatos
Margaret Healy
Sue Hilger
Allan Jacobson
Hermie & Norman Kranzdorf
Mary & Bob Lawler
Eleanor & James Lee
Richard Moyer
Ann Orr
Patricia Osiecki
Suzanne Spain
Elizabeth & James Thornton
Ada & Frank Warner
MLSN is grateful for the support of all our students, members and friends. The above list includes donors
and sustaining members, June 30, 2015 through July 1, 2016. We regret any errors or omissions.
MLSN gratefully acknowledges the support of:
Connelly Foundation
McLean Contributionship
Radnor Township
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Special thanks to our Sponsors and Partners:
Beaumont at Bryn Mawr
Nolan Painting, Inc.
Arbour Square
Beneficial Bank
MLSN gratefully acknowledges the in-kind support of:
Joseph Cirelli
James Musumeci
Radnor Financial Center/Brandywine Realty Trust
Devon Manor
The Uncommon Individual Foundation
Creutzburg Center
Headquarters of Main Line School Night
260 Gulph Creek Road, Radnor, PA 19087
Claudia McBride....................Executive Director
Judy Chance...........Data Management Director
Amy Conard........ Program/Operations Director
Mike Zavorski.............Creutzburg Site Manager
Caroline Cuthbert.............Program Consultant
Tracy Amendola............ Office/Finance Director
Arlene Kaufman......................Program Director
Jane Rutman.........................Marketing Director
Renae Buono.........Administrative Coordinator/
Director, Lower Merion Program
Chris Smith....................................Volunteer and
Membership Director
Joseph White................Program Administrator
Directions: On Lancaster Ave. going west from
Villanova, pass on-ramp to Rt. 476 North. Take
the next right onto King of Prussia Rd. Cross
Matsonford Rd. At the bottom of hill, turn right
onto Gulph Creek Rd. Go 1⁄2 mile then turn right
at sign for Harford Park and Creutz­burg Center.
Follow road for 1⁄4 mile to Center.
Class Locations
The Bead Garden
2122 Darby Rd
Havertown, PA 19083
Harriton House
500 Harriton Rd
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Darby & Manoa Roads
Havertown, PA 19083
Beaumont Retirement
601 N Ithan Ave
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Italian Market
S 9th & Carpenter Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147
Eagleview Corporate Park
707 Eagleview Blvd, Suite 207
Exton, PA 19341
Lower Merion High School
Berwyn Squash & Fitness Club 315 E Montgomery Ave
625 Cassatt Rd
Ardmore, PA 19003
Berwyn, PA 19312
Madsen Design Center
Bryn Mawr College
2901 Springfield Rd
(Goodhart Hall)
Broomall, PA 19008
150 N. Merion Ave
Narberth Tennis Club
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
614 Montgomery Ave
786 Church Rd
Wayne, PA 19087
Devon Manor
235 Lancaster Ave
Devon, PA 19333
First Position Dance Arts
19 W. Lancaster Ave
Ardmore, PA 19003
Great Valley Nature Center
Route 29 & Hollow Rd
Devault, PA 19432
Narberth, PA 19072
Paxon Hollow Country Club
850 Paxon Hollow Rd
Broomall, PA 19008
Pour Richard’s Coffee
36 Berkley Rd
Devon, PA 19333
The Quadrangle
3300 Darby Rd
Haverford, PA 19041
Radnor Financial Center
150 N Radnor Chester Rd
Radnor, PA 19087
Check for maps and directions.
Surrey Services
60 Surrey Way
Devon, PA 19333
Tuscarora Lapidary Society
24 Upland Rd
Brookhaven, PA 19015
Valley Forge MA&C
1001 Eagle Rd
Wayne, PA 19087
The Willows
490 Darby Paoli Road
Villanova, PA 19085
Wolf Performing Arts Center
1240 Montrose Ave
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Board of Directors Officers
Kathleen Watson........................................ Chair
John (Jay) Einspanier........................Vice Chair
Anne Carino.......................................... Secretary
William Susskind................................. Treasurer
Board Members
Frederick L. (Rick) Browne.. Newtown Square
Stephen D. Cohen............................Penn Valley
Judy L. DiFilippo.......................................Devon
Carolyn Edgarton...................................Malvern
Gerry Fisher.......................................Penn Valley
Carrie Frey.......................................... Bryn Mawr
J. Wesley (Wes) Hardin.........................Malvern
Michael S. Hino........................................Radnor
DruEllen Kolker ................................. Bryn Mawr
Monika Krug.............................................Berwyn
Stephanie Lantz-Goldstein....................Wayne
Michael P. Mayer......................................Berwyn
Maureen McAleer.................................Villanova
Marie-Dominique Ortiz-Landazabal...Radnor
Arlene Olson.................................... Wynnewood
Bonnie Shuman........................................Wayne
Claudia McBride (ex officio)
Main Line School Night has a dedicated
and growing team of volunteers who perform
many important functions. Working in a
creative environment with a supportive staff is
just one of the many benefits volunteers enjoy.
Volunteers are compensated with discounted
rates for classes, special events, waived
registration fees, and most importantly, a
great way to meet like-minded education
enthusiasts. If you would like to contribute
your time, enthusiasm and skills to MLSN,
please contact Chris Smith, csmith@ or call 610-687-0460.
Join us Tuesday, September 20, from 1 pm
to 3 pm to learn more about volunteer
opportunities at Main Line School Night.
Refreshments will be served, and guests
are encouraged to enjoy a casual tour of our
recently renovated home, The Creutzburg
Thanks to the volunteers who last year
contributed many hours to help make our
MLSN community thrive — we couldn’t do it
without you!
Yangming Restaurant
1051 Conestoga Rd
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Call (610) 687-0460 to purchase
a Main Line School Night Gift Card
1. Online:
2. In person at the Creutzburg Center
3. Mail in registration form
4. By phone: (610) 687-0460
1. Web:
2. Facebook:
3. Twitter:
4. Sign up for our email alerts on our website
General Policies
MLSN is an equal opportunity organ­ization
committed to providing equal opportunities to all,
without discrimination, regardless of race, color,
sex, religion, creed, national origin or disability.
Code of Conduct
It is the responsibility of all MLSN instructors and
students to: 1. Foster an education community
supportive of continued learning; 2. Maintain
the safety and welfare of all members of the
community; and 3. Respect the rights of others,
engage in civil discourse, and refrain from any
unlawful harassment or discrimination.
MLSN reserves the right to remove instructors
and students who engage in any disruptive,
disrespectful, and/or unlawful behaviors.
Students take courses at their own risk and agree
to waive and release MLSN administrators and
staff from any and all claims.
The opinions and recommendations expressed
by instructors are personal. MLSN is not
responsible for faculty views.
Access for students with disabilities varies by venue.
Please let us know if you have limitations climbing
stairs or have difficulty walking. Alerting us will help
us make adjustments to the extent possible.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance is available for some courses,
but does not cover fees for books or supplies.
School Closing Information
Check, MLSN’s Facebook
and Twitter accounts or call (610) 687-0460. If
Radnor School District is closed, classes at the
Creutzburg Center are cancelled. If Lower Merion
School District is closed, classes at Lower Merion
HS are cancelled.
Administrative Offices
Creutzburg Center
260 Gulph Creek Road
Radnor, PA 19087-4519
(610) 687-0460
MAIL: Main Line School Night | 260 Gulph Creek Road | Radnor, PA 19087
Registration Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday.............................. 9 am – 4 pm
Friday.................................................. 9 am – 2 pm
Registration Policies
To qualify for a credit voucher, you must call MLSN
(610-687-0460) during registration office hours.
No email withdrawals will be accepted. MLSN credit
is transferable and is valid for one year. It may be
used toward any of our courses.
Withdrawals before course begins:
You will receive MLSN credit (less a $10 charge),
ONLY if we are notified 24 hours before the starting
date of your course.
Withdrawals after course begins:
You will be charged a minimum of $15 for each
session (based on the cost of the course) that has
taken place at the time of notification regardless
of whether you attended. The balance remaining
will be given as a MLSN credit. NOTE: No credit will
be issued for one-session courses.
Trips You will receive MLSN credit (less a $10 charge) ONLY
if we are notified at least three weeks in advance.
Textbooks & Supplies
Textbooks and supply purchases are non-refundable.
MLSN welcomes students 18 years and older,
unless otherwise indicated.
Course Cancellations
MLSN reserves the right to cancel courses as necessary.
If a course is cancelled, a refund will be issued.
Make-up Classes
Every effort will be made to reschedule classes
cancelled due to weather or other emergencies.
Guest Passes
Guest passes ($15) are available for courses of four
sessions or more at Creutzburg Center and Lower
Merion High School. They must be purchased
on-site the evening/day of the course, subject to
space availabilty. The guest pass fee will be credited
toward tuition for the course if you register. Some
restrictions apply.
student name
phone (
course number 40-49
course title 65+
course fee
Yes! I would like to support Main Line School Night’s program with a tax-deductible gift . . . . . . . . . $__________
(to help maintain the Creutzburg Center and to offer assistance for those experiencing financial hardship).
I would like to discuss a bequest and/or planned giving opportunities.
Enclose check payable to MLSN or use
I have mobility issues.
Total $__________
card number
exp. date
MAIL: Main Line School Night | 260 Gulph Creek Road | Radnor, PA 19087
member name
phone (
General Membership
$60 Scholar
$115 Scholar (couple)
$55 Senior Scholar (65+)
$105 Senior Scholar Couple (65+)
Sustaining Membership
$250 Artisan
$500 Discoverer
$1000 Circle of Learners and Leaders
Membership Dues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________
Additional Gift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $__________
Enclose check payable to MLSN or use
Total $__________
card number
exp. date
See page 2 for description of benefits. If your membership extends to others, please attach contact information
for each additional name. Questions? [email protected]
Kayaking on Elk River, p. 58
Not Your Usual NYC Museums, p.60
Inspired DC Art Tour, p. 60
Cathedral of St John the Divine & Met Museums, p. 60
All About Social Media, p. 11
Abstract Experimental
Watermedia, p. 29
The Secrets of Body
Language, p.53
Public Speaking, p. 62
A Kitchen Affair, p.18
Fast & Fun Weeknight Suppers, p. 15
It’s Pumpkin Time, p.19
Luscious Latkes, p.19
Drones: From Buying to Flying, p.33
Transition to Retirement:
How to Create Income that Lasts, p. 36
Franchise Ownership 101, p.54
Writing and Publishing a Non-Fiction
Book, p. 62
Check out our one to three session daytime, evening & weekend
Pop Music of the Early ’60s:
Spotlight on the Girl Groups
and Their Songwriters
2 47
Election 2016 with Jeff Greenfield
Icelandic Interlude
& the Northern Lights
Visit for expanded listings and added classes!
260 Gulph Creek Road
Radnor, PA 19087-4519
PERMIT #1239
Bellmawr, NJ