River Queen Open Column Launch Engine Plans
River Queen Open Column Launch Engine Plans
Send for the NEW Edelstaal handbook exclusively devoted to miniature machining BOOKLETNO. B·'OO ® River Queen Open Column Launch Engine Kit Plans MIniature Machining Techniques Is the o n ly instruct ion manual exclusive ly devoted to machining small paris accurately_ WIth over 200.000 book!> already In use, this Is a brand new edi tIon, wrillen by J ohn Burroughs. lamaus machine 1001 and workshop author. Written in easy-Io-read , simple " how-to" language, the hondbook describes e .... ery type 01 metal machIni ng o perati on in minute deta il , with more complex sct-ups or procedures clearly illustra ted thru 192 photograph, and d rawings . " A compl.'. t.d Iha lwill enable beg;nne, to mast., the art 01 precision machine work and model mlllllng." TUR NING WOAK BETWEEN CENTEAS. SPECIAL LATHE OPERATION S! VERTICAL SPINDLE MACHINING' USING UNIMAT AcceSSORIES! M INI ATURE WOOD-WORKING ON UNIMAT! II J .eJefence book lor .ngineers Ins1rumen1 make's maChinists a,C"hlltCll jewel.,. retealch ,clent;S1, Clme'a'\ opUc.] 'epa irmen c ' .itsm en watchmakel' .Iect,onlc dl!tlgners R &. 0 te<: hnicl an. --------------------S.ncI to. rOl.l' c;opr 0 1 . del"u'" Minl.lu •• Mach ining T.chn lq .... IoCIorAllow 3 ...-eeks dehvery, 0' add SO cenrs e~ tra 10 ' '''sl cla ss POSlige. AMERICAN EDELSTAAL INC_ Tenally. New Jersey 07670 Pn'l1ld In USA ENGINEERING MODEL SERIES PutII_o,-r.... EDELSTAAl TECHN ICAL INSTITUTE BUILDING A WORKING-MODEL OPEN COLUMN LAUNCH ENGINE INTRODUCTION Working models of old·lime steam engines ha~e enduring fascInation lor anyone interested in mechanics. Building a miniature version 01 a ch ugging prime mover of years past is a very satisfying project, and It's a job thai even beginning modelmakers can easily accompllsh successfully If they work with reasonabl e care. 01 the many types of engine that utilized steam (beam, oscillating cylinder, slide valve mill engine, eIC.). the light open column ma rine engines wide- Iy used in the lale 1800s to power tl at black paint and secure the engine on its base wilh small dabs 01 epoxy_ ElleJstaal material kits lo r more ad'laMed model steam engines machined Irom castings are available, and the line also Includes model can non k its and other interesting pro jects Ihat can be machined o n your Unimal. See these new kits al your Edelstaal dealer, or write to Americ an Edelstaat. Inc.. 1 Atwood Avenue. Tenafly, New Jersey 07670, for literatu re. i3 small steam launches are perhaps simplest to model. The 1/ 2" ·OOre singleacling engine shown on these pages Is an engine of this type. Laun ch steam engines ordinarily were built with single vertica l eylln· ders supported on lour upright col· umns, or pillars, with the connecting rod crank-driving a short main shaft lilled with a heavy small-diameter Ilywheel. Th is arrangement permitted mounting the engine tow in the hull 01 the launch with Ihe engine shaft • Copy'iOht 1972. EDHSTML TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 2 the kit A machined copper or brass elbow lilling can be used to make the bend in the steam tine. I! you want to mount yo ur engine lor display, cut a 3/4·'-thick walnut block w ith 10 degree edge-bevels lor a sub base. Rou ting recesses in Ihls block lor th e nuts and screw -heads on the bollom 01 Ihe engine·s baseplate will permit mounting the model lIat on lhe btock. After sanding the wood s mooth. give the sub-base two coats 01 flat va rnish or Ht'rc's thc finished engine 11 EQUIPMEIIT _EEDED: Basic Unlmat J-jaw or 4-jaw spindle chuck Machine vise Drills. laps and dies Hand tools Drill chuCk fk "d lire r()1/ lu denr the r.rrlllli disr. ends 01 the soIl coppcr -Iube steam line supplied with the ki t. Bend Ihe tube to a neat curve with your linge rs , takin!] care not to collapse iI. and screw Ihe lop end into the cy linder. using pipejoint compound on the thread s. To screw the bottom end into the valve housing, disassembl e lhe engine. screw the valve hou sing all the end of the tub e. and reassembl e. Cuttin g and threading short copper-tube nipp les and screwing the m into the va lve block 's inlet and exhaust ports will simplify conne cting steam or air lines to the engine. Make sure thaI the ends of lhe copper lubes do not bind the valve. You ca n run your engine either wit h steam from a smal l boiler or wi th comp ressed a:r Irom a paint-spraying comp ressor. A well-bul\! engine at first runs stiffly. but its bearing surfaces will soon wear in. Keep the Iront bearing oiled , 011 the valve through its exhaust port and oil the cylinder bore from the bot- 10 tom , The engine's direction of rotation can be reversed by interchanging inlet and exhaust lines, II you want to paint your engine , paint the baseplate. valve housing and front bearing b lock with a spray can , leaving all other parts brighl-finished. The COlor tradition ally used on steam engines was flal medium-olive-dra o green . Small steam engin es have surprising power lor the ir size. and a 1 /2"- bore eng me Will drive a mode l boat up to two feci long. To mount Ihe engine on stringers In the hull of a model launch. bolt two lengths of angle stock to the bollom 01 the baseplate and bolt these mounting fittings through the stringers_ Don 't hesitate 10 modify the design 01 Ihis engine to suit yourself, If you preler a more clo sely-coupled engine , simply shorten the oaseplate and shaft. If you prefer brass bearin g blocks. substi tute ora,s for the steel supplied in Th(' lIIateria/,s kil include!; CII I lIIeted (fir all {x/rts. scrf'/L'S and drawings aligned with the craft's propeller shall The slow-speed engine then could drive the propeller directly through a flex ible coupling _ A coal-, cordwoodor oil-Ii red boiler (burni ng the fue l most readily available locally) mounted amidships supplied steam to the en gine at around 150 Ibs_ working pressure, wi th a valve in the steam line serving as a throttle_ Probabl y the most familiar example 01 a steam launch of th is kind is the River Oueen Th ese launch engines were not particularly efficien t their boilers consumed abeut 1 Y2 Ibs. of coal per horsepower per hour - but they were robust and reliable _ Engines 01 th is type remaine d In use until early In this century , when the intern al combustion englne made the picturesque steam launch oosolele. The simplified model launch engine this booklet describes was designed especia lly lor novice machinists to ma- chine on th e Edelstaal Unimat All parts can be readily machined from metal in stock shapes , and the easy-to-lit rotary valve on the engine's shalt makes the many small parts other types of val ve require unnecessary. The materials kit lor the engine, which includes rough-cut metal for all parts together with all fastenings , is lower in price than engine kits with ready-machined components. Although the parts drawings give exact dimensions, it Isn't necessary to machine this engine's parts to close dimensional tolerance. Instead, parts can simply oe machined to fit. For example, the cylinder bore needn't measure exactly 1/2" in d iameter; It can be slightly larger or smaller than nominal size provided the piston lits the bo re. Similarly, the exact si ze of the valve housing's bore isn 't important provided th e valve is turned to closely fit the housing. 3 PoiiRhillg t he ellgille's shaft CONSTRUCTION 8 egln with the e ngine's shall. Th e stock supp lied is p roper diameter and ready lor polishing, With the Unimat se t up as a lathe, chuck the shalt and ce nte rdr ill ooe end, Then, gripping one end of the stock in th e drill chuck and support ing th e centerdrilled end wi th the tallstock center. polish the shalt smooth with very fine 600-gri t si licon carbide paper, removing no more metal than necessary. Next turn the flywheel , which is machined from 1 V2~-diam . steeL. Grip the stock securely in the Unimat's 3jaw c huck, tapping it as you tig hten th e chuck's jaws until the ou ter end runs tru e, and face the wheel's side. Since steel Is a hard-to-cUI material, sharpen the lath e's tool bit need lesharp. Set the tool at a right angle to th e work and feed th e facing cuts from the center oul, using the Unimal's slowest sp indle speed and laking very light cuts (abou t .002" deep, or one mark on the leed handwhee1's hub) to avoid ch aller. II you have a slow-speed attachment lor you r Unimat. you can use slill slower spindle spee d and ta ke deeper cu ts. Turning shallow recesse s , D rillill#: t he fl ywheel In the s ides 01 Ihe wheel as shown in the pholos improves Its eppearance. A fter finish-tu rning the wh eel's diameter for hall ils width, reverse the work in the chuck and fa ce the opposite sIde similarly. Then cen terdriU and drill a pilot hole through the whee l with an 1/ 8" twist drill held In the drill chuck mounted on Ihe Unimat 's tal1stock, dri1ling al slowest spindle spee d. Withdraw the drill frequently as th e hole deepens to clear c hips from the lIutes and llood the hole with light machine oil. Then en large the 1/8" pilot hole with a 3/ 18" d rill. using a new d rill to avoi d dri lling th e hole oversize. To drill the hole for the lIywheel's selscrew, set Ihe Unimat up as a d rill press and grip the whee l In the machine vise. With the flywh eel fixed o n the end of the shalt with its setscrew, c huck the sha ft In the lathe and true the flywheel's d iameter with a very light l inishing cut. Then polish th e wheel with fine abrasive c loth. Next th read the opposite end of th e sha ft with a 10-32 die fo r the screwed· on c rank d isc , (II you lack the 10-32 tep and die, tum the shaft end to a shouldered tenon that ca n be Inserted Saibing cerrl erlirl e,~ fur llflir'e grool;es th e ce nterline for each groove th ro ug l1 th e top porI. Hold the sc riber again st the c ylinder si de of the port to scri be the inlet groove's cenlerline and against the lIywheel side 0 1 Ihe porI to scribe the exhao.Js t groove's cen terline. Each groove ru ns half-way aroun d Ihe valve. Esta blish beginning and ending points for each groove as shown in the valve o pera tion dIagram. T he steam in let groove provides a steam passage that connects the side Inlet port with the top cy linder port during Ihe l irSI half of each revotullon of the valve. The steam exhaust groove p rovides a steam pa ssage that connec ts the top cyl1nder port with the side exhaust pori d uring th e second haff 01 each revolution of the valve. II you have an indexing and d ividing head lo r you r Unimal , you can mi ll these two grooves with nice preCision using a 1 11 6~-d iam . miniature end mill. Lack ing the Inde)ting head. you can cut the grooves satis facto rily by hand using a hacksaw blade and kni fe-edged file. Th e two grooves should have squ a re ra ther than V-shaped cross-section . Avoid marring the working surface of .the va lve as yo u c ut th em. Mcas uri11j! le118 ,h for con necting rCld FINAL ASSEMBLY Now beg in final fitting. Sc rew the valve assembly and front bearing to the baseplate. Then screw th e lour hexagonal suporting colu mns into the bottom 01 the cyli nder and lower the cylinder assembfy over the c r ank d isc. Thi s done. measure the proper length fo r the connec ting rod. which should be cut to fil. With the piston Just clearing the cy linder head and the c rank d isc's pin at top ce nter, measure the d istance between the p iston's wrisl pin and the crank pin , center to cente r. Drill 1/ 8" holes spaced this distance a part In the 1I 16"-thick stock supplied fo r Ihe connecting rod and then grind o r file the rod 10 the profile sho wn. Bending the rod to a slig ht ollset ellows It 10 clear the crank disc. Shorten the c rank pin with a Iile just enough to c lear th e columns. Timing the engine Is simply a matter 01 holding the piston al top dead center and rotating Ihe va l ve o n the engine's shall urltil th e leading end of the valve 's steam -inlet groove ca n be seen through the top cy linder po rt. Lock the valve in th is position wUh Its se tscrew, Finally, cut to length and th read the 9 btocks will be at identical height. Use slowest spindle speed whe n drilling the blocks, l irst drilling small pilot hol es an d then enlarg ing the pilot holes with progressively larger drills. The bearing block has a 3/16" hole. T he hole in thE va lve housing Is 5 / 16"' in diameter and must have a s mooth finish . Drill this larger hole slightly undersize and then rea m ii, using either a chucking reamer or a 5 / 16"' end mill run al the Unimat's slo west spindle speed. Squirt on c utting oil liberally When drilling or reaming steel. When the blocks are bored, se t up the Unl mat as a drill press and drill the Ihree steam ports in the valve housing block. Locate the top port. which supplies steam to the cylinder, on the block's centerline. The centers 01 the two side ports, inlet and exhaust. are offset 1 11 6'" Irom the blOCk's centerline. The inlet port is offset 1/ 16'" towards the cyli nder end of the engine. and th e exhaus t port is offset 1/ 16"' toward s the flywheel end. After tapping these three ports 6-32. carefully scrape away burrs lelt Inside the val~e housing 's bore. Then turn the ~alve to an accurate , sliding fil in the ~al~e housing. Finish the working surface of Ihe ~al~e carefully, taking ~ery light cuts with a sharp lathe bit and red ucing diameter ~e ry gradually unti l the ~ al~e turn s freely in the housing but has no play. For satiSfactory seal the ~al~e must fil the housIng's bore preCisely, (II you s hould cut the ~al~e too small, try aga in with a new piece of stee L) When the val~e fits , lace the end and Shoulder and drill the 3 / 16"' center hole before remo~ing the part from the chuck. Then reverse the val~e and face the oposite end. With the valve drilled and tapped for its 4-40 setsc rew , slide the ~al~e housIng , ~al~e and front bearing block on the engine shalt an d clamp the assem bly temporarily in place on the baseplate. making sure that the shafl aligns with the plate's centerline. Then mark locations fo r mounting screw holes on the two blocks through the holes in the baseplate _ Drill and tap the holes in th e blOCks 4-40. Always use cuttln\,! oil when tappi ng stee l. Next screw the va lve assembly on the plate and mark th e ~alve's two steam passage grooves . ro tating the val~ e in its housing and lightly scribing thro ugh the hole In the crank d isc and ri~eted o~er.) Turn the hubbed c rank disc from the piece of mild steel supplied and drill and tap its cen ter hole 10-32. To drill the offset hole for the crankpin, set up the Unlmat as a drill press and grip the disc in the machine ~ise by its hub. Tap the pin hole 6-32. Then screw the crank disc firm ly on the shaft, stake the threads (or sme ar them with filled epoxy cement) to pre~ent unscrewing, and with the shaft chucked in th e drill chuck on the lathe spindle, true the disc with very light finishing cuts and polish it with line abrasi~e Cloth. Then thread the end of the crank pin and screw it into the disc. staking the pin's threads similarly . Leaving the pin o~er length w ill permit tri mming It to exact length when the engine is assembled. It 's important 10 make sure before machining the engine's cylinder that the Unimat 's headstock is precisely aligned with the bed , since it would be Impossible to fit the piston satisfactorily in a tapered cylinder bore. Also before turning th e cylinder, c huck the length 01 1/2·' -d iam. steel inclUded in the kit (both piston and ~al~e a re cut from Pulis hill/-! th e cmull !li.f;e this stock) in the Unimat"s 3-jaw c huck, face one end. an d take a very light tru ing cut on the stock's diamete r the length 01 th e piston. r emo~ing no more metal than necessary. Smooth off buns and polish the turned surface with fine abrasi~e c loth . This stock now can be used as a plug gauge fo r boring the cylin der, aller which the piston will be slolled and cut off. The cylinder is turned from free -machining aluminum. First turning a short 3/4"-diam. tenon that can be gripped in the 3-jaw chuck on one end of the aluminum slug and centerdrilling the opposite end for the lathe's dead center will simplily turning the cylinder's outer diameter and central recess. After turn ing. bore the cylinder without remo~ing it from the chuck. Drill through the work lengthwise with a 3/16" drill , using slowest spindle speed and withdrawing the drill frequently to c lear ch ips. Then enlarge the hole using successi~ely larger drills to about 3/B" in diameter. Finally, finish-bore the hole accu rate ly to size until the piston lits with close sliding fit - with a boring tool. (If you tack a boring tool for your Unimat , you can TurllinR pi:;loII for u.~c (L~ Illug gauge 5 Drilling the cn glllc's niummum cylinder Boring the cylinder to accept piston 6 grind one lrom a blank 1001 bit or lenglh brokefl from afl old round or triangu lar lile,) As the bore nears Iinish size, set the Unlmat's carriage movements up snug ly a nd feed the final cuts slowly and continuously to machine the cylinder wall to a perfectly smooth linlsh, Work patiently, taking extremely light fina l cuts to lit the pison as carefully as you can, for the piston has no rings and must lit the bore closely, When the cylinder is bored, turn off the chucking tenon, Next complete the piston , slotting It and cross-drilling for the wrist pin, You can saw the slot for the connecting rod using a slitting saw blade mounted on the Unlmat's saw arbor, or you can do the job satisfactorily by hand with a fi fle-toothed hacksaw blade. That done, tu rn the aluminum cylinder head, which has a locating boss that should closely l it the cylinder bore, Having linish-turned the head , layout centers lor six screw holes, spacing them equally on a 3/4"-dlam. circle with dividers and centerpunchlng lig htly, Convert the Un imat to a drill press and grip the head by its boss In the machine vise to drill these s ix 7164" holes, Then use the drilled head as a temp late to locate matching No, 43 holes In the top of the cylinder, Drill the holes In the cylinder as deep as possible without breaking . through the end shOUlder and tap them 4·40, start· ing the threads with a taper tap and fin ish ing th~m with a bottoming tap, (Lacking a bottoming tap, you can simply grind off some 01 the tapered end 01 the taper tap.) Next make the engine's steel base plate. The edges and rough-cut ends 01 the plate can be nicely finish-ground with a cup wheel Ofl the Unimat's grinding arbor, or you can square them with a file, To smooth up the top and bottom faces , rub the plate on mediumgrit abrasive cloth placed Ofl a lIat surface, Then layout and centerpunch the plate's eight screw holes, measuring carefully and using a small square to scribe accurate centerlines, To drill Ihe holes, sel up the Unimat as a drill press and grip the plate in the machine vise with its top lace fl ush with the vise Jaws, Drill the holes at the Unlmal's slowest spin'dle speed , Having drilled the plate, use It as a template to mark locations of the four tapped holes in the bottom 01 the cylinder for the four supporting columns, Onll these holes with a No, 36 drill, taking care no! to drill through the cylinder's end shoulder, and tap the holes 6-32, Use a bottoming tap or ground-off taper tap to thread these holes lull-depth. The four hexagonal steel columns supporting the engine's cylinder have tumed-down ends threaded to shoul· ders, Threading the column's ends will be Quite easy if you have a thread· chasing atachment for your Unlmat. Lacking the thread-chasing atlachment, you can thread the ends satislactorlly with a 6-3 2 die if you reverse the die after the threads are well started to cut them close to the Shoulder. (II you have difficulty thread ing the columns, simply turn them off square, drill and tap the ends, and cement In studs cui from 6-32 screws with filled epoxy cement.) Having threaded the top ends, measure and mark the length of the co lumns from the top shoulder and turn and thread the bottom ends. The four columns must be exactly equal in le ngth , shoulder to shoulder, to support the cylinder squarely, You can finish ·machi ne the engine's Iront bearing and va lve housing blocks by gripping the rough stock in the lathe 's 4-jaw chuck and lacing each side, or you c an surface-grind the blocks with a cup grinding wheel. The easiest way to bore the holes through the two blocks is to set up the Unimat as a ho rizontal boring mill, mounting a drill in the drHl c huck on the lathe spindle and clamping each b lock in tum squarely on the carriage with a stud clamp_ This w ill insure that the c:enlerlines of th e holes in the two Tapping !;leam port in cylinder Drilling the ba.~epiate's screw holes 7 For Unimat owners. kits)You can build. ndalittle These unique and beautifu l kits were des igned by the same people who make the Unimat precision lathe, and every one is a masterpiece of design and engineering. For the beginning Unimat user, these kits are an idea l way to become familiar with the Unimat, its accessories and mac hining techniques. For the K·l 00 River Queen launch Engine This is' the perfect kit for the fledgling machin ist. It's simple, easy to make, yet gives a rea l working model of the kind of engine used to power small steam launches in the late 1800's. Wt. 18 oz. skilled hobbyist, they offer a rewarding challenge. Every kit contains pre-cut, ready-ta-machine metals, instruction booklet and easy-ta-follow drawings. For the amateur or the pro, there's a kit to match your skills, K·200 Steam-powered pickup truck Steam-powered pick-up truck actually operates, is only 41/4" long, comes complete with engine, boiler and gear drive. Kit includes a model pick-u p truck, rough·cut bronze and stain· less steel for all pari s and fa stenings, plus complete plan drawings and step·by·step instruction book to construct the model. Not for beginners. Wt. 28 oz. STEAM ENGINE COLUMN ALL DRAWINGS ACTUAL SIZE 1/811 TH'Be 10-32 ~~==~~2~1~/2~"~~~i>"i~I . 'J I\;" '--JLi-L--""~ I _ U~~ I ------I DRILL NO. 36 3/16" ~ TDRILL 3/16" I 5/8 11 FOA SHAFT /"-r--, SHAFT' ~ I CRANK DISC -- ,:r THREAD BOTH ENDS 6·32 9/13±l1~=.'f3/8" H WRIST PIN '" :::; ~-'1_;'j +-=:::: ~ - ,'" 1 / 16" SLOT (4 REQUIRED) m,-._-_--'~ to::r \ltJ PORTS OFF'S£' 1/16" 1 OIL HOLE " } '~ I I ... ,l i'- 'I~ ~ :: i: -, j' +- ~l/"':3:!../~16~'~'~' '~'j-it-Jf;=--~I _-,~~T:A?AP a:: a: • ~ '" '"_ ;r ·r 3 1 32 " ~/3.3" J 5/1611 ~:O:;: =='=L~. l 1rr1/411 1/4" H - -oj 3/8" 4-40 112" I CYLINDER AND HEAD ~ , ~ 00 00 1/2" ' IL 'i- <~ ww » \' -@- , PISTON T ,-"~C:7'L.---f:J-:jHEEB CRANK PIN FLYWHEEL 7/16" !:- 3/16" ~ ' ~W33:jft-3/4" 16" AND TAP 6-32 = ~i ~41' , ...L.:. '">-<r0 ~ .. . N M ~ c _ ," ...I Ult ~M ,~~~ I 8------0+ J&.:':;r~'j:'~-lm ,- '-;;::~~::-----,;:-rfj.LtLl~te.--i~'-----'--m~--'-" 1_/_2.'_' -_-I',L.' EACH FRONT BEARING ROTARY VALVE I VALVE HOUSING BASEPLATE ROTARY VALVE FRONT BEARING 1'" t., -. -r I .~ I T SECTIONS THROUGH VALVE AND VALVE HOUSIN A~ T GROOVE A AND paR A SECTIONS THROUGH VALVE ) . ANb VALVE HOUSING AT GROOVE B and PORT B ) , BASEPLATE VALVE HOUSING ~ 'J_ V> :> t: ~ ?L'- :;,. 0 ~ l- ~F1~~) POSITION J VALVE OPENING TO ADMIT STEAM TO CYLINDER TO CYL.1NOER \05 ., posmON M "~ ' POSITION L STEAM VALVE JUST CLOSED NO STEAM FLOW "l!J - -'I POSITION K POWER STROKE STEAM FLOW - h V . II p~SITlaN . 5/16 1/ 1611 , NO STEAMK • CONNECTING ROD EXHAUST ITION J STEAM LINE nnn rTUl POSITION K POSIT! Ot1- L I '';/ , PISTON , CONNECTING ROO AND CRANK DISC SHOWING RELATIVE POSITIONS OF PISTON AND VALVE POSITIONM ~ NO STEAM IN L 11 . M FLOW L~ I !\ I o . ALL VIEWS FROM CYLINDER END OF ENGINE LOOKING TOWARDS FLYWHEEL. DIAGRAMS SHOW Cl.OCKWISE ROTATroN WITH STEAM INLET AT LEFT AND EXH AUST AT RIGHT. VALVE HOUSING'S TOP PORT IS CONNECTED TO THE CYLINDER aX THE STEAM LINE. THE VALVE IS FIXED QN THE SHAFT AND ROTATES AS THE ENGIN j RUNS. VALVE OPERATION \ 0 ) ASSEMBLY I ~ I POSITION J EXHAUST VALVE JUST CLOSED NO ST Et"" FLOW -~ "