Zilele Carierei in Timisoara


Zilele Carierei in Timisoara
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Zilele Carierei
25 - 26 martie
Universitatea Politehnica Timişoara organizeaza în perioada 25 - 26 martie 2015 a
sasea ediţie a evenimentului ,,Zilele Carierei în UPT”, manifestare destinată
studenţilor, masteranzilor şi absolvenţilor, dar şi companiilor, instituţiilor de profil
interesate să ofere oportunităţi de carieră pentru tineri.
În zilele de 25 - 26 martie 2015, la etajul I de la Restaurantul Universitar
Politehnica, peste 60 de companii naţionale şi internaţionale vor expune
la standuri, oferte de carieră pentru studenţi şi absolvenţi (oferte de practică,
oferte de locuri de muncă precum şi alte posibilităţi de colaborare).
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Companii participante si ofertele lor:
Adresa: [email protected]
Telefon: 0356434963
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.aciworldwide.com/
Prezentare firma
ACI Worldwide, the Universal Payments company, powers electronic payments
and banking for more than 5,000 financial institutions, retailers, billers and
processors around the world. ACI software processes $13 trillion in payments and
securities transactions for more than 250 of the leading global retailers, and 21 of
the world’s 25 largest banks. Through our comprehensive suite of software
products and hosted services, we deliver a broad range of solutions for payments
processing; card and merchant management; online banking; mobile, branch and
voice banking; fraud detection; trade finance; and electronic bill presentment and
ACI SCholarship - apply by March 26th
ACI Internship- apply by March 26th
JoinSQL- Database Seminar
Register here joinsql.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139069428
For more details see the movie below and visit our booth.
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Adresa: Calea Buziașului, nr. 26, Timișoara - România
Telefon: 0256222200
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.aem.ro
Amplasata in partea de vest a Romaniei, la Timisoara, AEM a fost fondata in anul
1970 ca producator national de aparate electrice de masurare.
De la momentul fondarii si pana in ziua de azi, AEM este recunoscuta atat pe tot
teritoriul Romaniei cat si peste granite ca un producator de aparate de masurare de
talie globala.
In prezent AEM este o companie cu capital integral privat, lider national in
productia unei game ample de aparate de masurare atat pentru uz industrial cat si
pentru uz privat.
AEM Timisoara ofera produse de ultima generatie pentru masurarea energiei
electrice, a gazului, a energiei termice si a apei, corpuri pentru iluminatul stradal,
echipamente pentru informarea traficului rutier si sisteme de afisaj electronic
precum si servicii aferente acestora
Toate produsele sunt realizate conform normelor si standardelor nationale si
europene. Produsele sunt proiectate si dezvoltate in propriul department de
cercetare-dezvoltare al companiei. Intregul proces de proiectare este rezultatul
eforturilor cumulate ale unor specialisti de top. Acestia, alaturi de propria
expertiza utilizeaza sisteme computerizate performante si aplicatii dedicate
proiectarii asistate de calculator.
Activitatea de proiectare si toate activitatile ce tin de productie sunt integrate.
AEM a investit in modernizarea si tehnologizarea proceselor peste 44 de milioane
de euro. Cea mai mare parte a acestei investitii a fost realizata cu scopul de a
retehnologiza procesele de productie precum si infrastructura.
Nivelul de integrare al procesului de fabricatie este in acest moment de 100.
Flexibilitatea si implementarea rapida a solutiilor moderne in procesul tehnologic
de fabricatie al companie a condus la o crestere a rolului AEM in productia si
furnizarea de solutii de „contorizare inteligenta” in toata lumea.
Ca parte esentiala a programului de satisfacere a nevoilor clientilor, la AEM s-a
adoptat o politica proprie in domeniul calitatii. Aceasta politica s-a nascut din
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
dorinta constanta de a atinge asteptarile clientilor dar si nivelul standardelor
internationale in vigoare. Politica AEM de calitate este una centrata pe respect
fata de colaboratori si pe efortul constant de a depasi orice norma existenta si se
aplica fara exceptie tuturor produselor realizate si serviciilor prestate.
Sistemul de management al calitatii este certificat SRAC
Oportunitati de angajare:
- Inginer calitate
- Inginer hardware
- Inginer software
- Inginer mecanic
- Inginer proces
- agent comercial export
- montator subansamble
- tehnicieni electronisti
Contact: [email protected]
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Adresa: str. Gh Lazar, nr 9, Timisoara
Telefon: +40 256 30 31 00
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.alcatel-lucent.com
Prezentare firma
Alcatel-Lucent invents and delivers the innovative networks of tomorrow. Every
success has its network.
Alcatel-Lucent is the leading IP networking, ultra-broadband access, and cloud
technology specialist. We believe that networks are the foundation of our ultraconnected world. They need to be built to achieve the potential of every customer
with flexibility, speed, and trust.
Our people are our greatest asset. We support them by instilling a highperformance culture. By maximizing the use of their talent. And by continuing to
invest in training and skills upgrades.
Our work is transforming the way that people live, work, play and interact.
Innovation is our passion. We’re shaping the future of communications.
Alcatel-Lucent has been present in Romania since 1991 and has been developing
in Timisoara one of its global Centers of Excellence which now has over 1500
Timisoara is one of the three global 4G/LTE R&D centers, as well as one of the
global R&D centers for IP Platforms including software development and Big
Network Analytics.
Our Global Network Operations Centre in Timisoara is managing fixed and
mobile networks of large European operators.
Our promise
A career at Alcatel-Lucent is your opportunity to help shape the future of
communications. To add your skills to a globe-spanning team that’s dynamic,
diverse and committed to innovation. To be part of a company that’s recognized
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
the world over for delivering technologies that transform the way we live, work,
play and interact.
Mission description and context :
Integration Professionals (IP) are involved in domestic and international (EMEA
Region mainly) projects.
The IP activities are mainly focusing on design, installation & commissioning,
configuration & integration, end to end testing and customer acceptance of
Alcatel-Lucent's solutions such as IMS, OSS/BSS, Payment&Charging.
Main tasks to achieve :
• Develops test strategy, designs test case, executes test plans, writes fault reports
on the basis of trouble shooting and reports results into the project
• Designs & integrates the solution into the network and IT systems in line with
the specifications
• Performs solution integration tests and maintains the integration and the
consistency of the solution over the whole project cycle.
• Performs on-site consultancy of a customer network
• Maintains & tracks the evolutions of the Solution configuration along the project
• Manages technical relationships with 3rd party suppliers, Alcatel-Lucent
business divisions to integrate the solution with existing networks, platforms,
support and business systems.
• Bachelor's and/or Master's degree in Computer Sciences, Computer
Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Telecommunications or
• General knowledge of telecommunication and information technologies.
• IP networking and Internet technologies
• Operation systems (Unix/Linux, Solaris etc.) and Databases
• Network troubleshooting and analysis tool, e.g. Wireshark
• Available for domestic and international travel
• Written and Spoken English
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Mission description and context :
Looking for a highly motivated senior software engineer for Solutions
development team. We use our expertise with fixed and mobile networks, devices
and latest software development technologies to implement end-to-end customer
experience software solutions for the world’s top service providers. From backoffice to call center and mobile device configuration, our solutions help service
providers to build stronger, longer lasting and more profitable relationships with
Main tasks to achieve :
• Participate in the design, implementation and testing of various software
• Design and implement WebService integrations with different servers
• Use Development Tools to design and implement business logic
• Work with Product Manager to refine product requirements and with Architect
to define product design
• Participate in the Agile product development using test driven development
• Analyze and identify root cause of the problems occurring in solution
• BS in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering or equivalent experience
• 4+ years’ experience with Java, Javascript, XML, XSL and HTML
• Experience with integration technologies: JMS, SOAP, REST, Webservices,
• Experience with: J2EE, SQL Databases (Oracle)
• Ability to work independently and adapt quickly with a positive attitude
Young & Dynamic International Team
International Work Environment
Professional Development Opportunities
Competitive Salaries & Benefits Health & Wellness
Meal tickets
Relocation package non residents
• Written and Spoken English - Mandatory
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Mission description and context :
The position is for a development and integration engineer, who would be
involved in development and integration of third party OSS applications such as
Comptel, Oracle, Amdocs, IBM Tivoli/Netcool, etc. and Alcatel-Lucent
proprietary OSS applications.
These applications would be delivered by the ALU OSS team to worldwide
Required experience :
Min 2 years of development and testing experience in IT Software solutions.
Main tasks to achieve :
• Understanding Business and Functional requirements
• Prepare / validate effort estimate
• Produce relevant design documents
• Provide support/resolution to design related issues during development, test and
• Produce support documentation to enhance understanding of the solution
• Development in Java, SQL / PLSQL and 3rd party configuration, programming
and scripting languages
• 3rd party OSS software configuration, customization and integration: IBM
Tivoli/Netcool, Comptel Fulfillment, Oracle Communication (OSM,UIM,NI),
Amdocs Cramer, BMC Remedy, CA Oblicore
• Work independently without the need for extensive supervision
• Perform on-site activities upon project needs: acceptance, training, start-up
Mandatory technical skills
• Standard software languages (Java , SQL, PLSQL, scripting)
• Software Development/Test Process
• Software Test and Development Tools (HP QC, Eclipse, Defect Tracking Tools,
Configuration Management Tools)
• Operating systems: UNIX/LINUX
• Written and Spoken English - Mandatory
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
• Monitor the network, events and execute pre-defined scripts in case of alarms
and incidents reported by network management systems.
• Monitor network traffic and analyze service performance while maintaining
high level of customer satisfaction by providing services fully compliant with the
Service Level Agreements (SLA) and minimizing impact on customer service.
• Drive complex outage from a technical side and restore the services in
synchronization with the customer, partners and Technical Support Operations
• Play the role of Outage Manager, if required, to ensure effective coordination of
resources involved in trouble resolution.
• Provide prompt and appropriate follow-up with regular feedback to customers in
relation to on-going issues.
• Bachelor's Degree in Engineering, Engineering Technology,
Telecommunications, Computer Science or Information Technologies
• Knowledge of ITT (infrastructure, technology & telecommunications)
• Ability to document information
• Adaptability, Analytical skills, Customer focus
• Languages: English
• Experience in telecom technical domains
• Knowledge of NOC tool and processes: REMEDY, NetCool, Nerve Center and
other platform tools
• Languages: French, Spanish
• Passion! We hire engaged engineers who have a passion for making things
• Willing to contribute with creative, out-of-the-box solutions, to problems arising
in a dynamic environment, under high pressure
• You will often have to juggle with multiple tasks and prioritize them
• Positive attitude, engagement and desire to take over challenging assignments as
part of a team
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
• Job type: Full time, Part Time, Flexible hours.
• Benefits: meal tickets, meal allowance, gift tickets, medical services, risk
insurance, sports and wellness, children education, transportation and parking,
benefits from agreed partners
• Monitor the network, events and execute pre-defined scripts in case of alarms
and incidents reported by network management systems.
• Monitor network traffic and analyze service performance while maintaining
high level of customer satisfaction by providing services fully compliant with the
Service Level Agreements (SLA) and minimizing impact on customer service.
• Drive complex outage from a technical side and restore the services in
synchronization with the customer, partners and Technical Support Operations
• Play the role of Outage Manager, if required, to ensure effective coordination of
resources involved in trouble resolution.
• Provide prompt and appropriate follow-up with regular feedback to customers in
relation to on-going issues.
• Bachelor's Degree in Engineering, Engineering Technology,
Telecommunications, Computer Science or Information Technologies
• Knowledge of ITT (infrastructure, technology & telecommunications)
• Ability to document information
• Adaptability, Analytical skills, Customer focus
• Languages: English
• Experience in telecom technical domains
• Knowledge of NOC tool and processes: REMEDY, NetCool, Nerve Center and
other platform tools
• Languages: French, Spanish
• Passion! We hire engaged engineers who have a passion for making things
• Willing to contribute with creative, out-of-the-box solutions, to problems arising
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
in a dynamic environment, under high pressure
• You will often have to juggle with multiple tasks and prioritize them
• Positive attitude, engagement and desire to take over challenging assignments as
part of a team
• Job type: Full time, Part Time, Flexible hours.
• Benefits: meal tickets, meal allowance, gift tickets, medical services, risk
insurance, sports and wellness, children education, transportation and parking,
benefits from agreed partners
• analysis and review of subsystem specifications and understand customer
• estimation of development cost taking into account mandatory quality
requirements for software submission
• daily tasks include all regular aspects of professional software development:
o software design and development tasks
o preparation of sunny and rainy day test scenarios
o development of unitary tests and automated functional test cases
o code review sessions, static code analysis
o investigate defects and bug reports, fix, analyze root cause as part of the
product’s maintenance
• technical experience of 3 years in software development
• Bachelor's Degree in Engineering, Engineering Technology,
Telecommunications, Computer Science or Information Technologies
• C++ or Java experience
• strong object-oriented skills
• knowledge of design patterns, software quality metrics and static code analyzer
• languages: English (read, write, speak)
• experience in black-box testing and white-box testing for state machines
• experience with large systems software design and development
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
• understanding Agile development methodologies: test driven development,
continuous integration, code coverage, code analysis
• passion! We hire engaged engineers who have a passion for making things
• willing to contribute with creative, out-of-the-box solutions, to problems arising
in a dynamic environment, under high market pressure
• you will often have to juggle with multiple tasks and prioritize them
• positive attitude, engagement and desire to take over challenging assignments as
part of a team
• Job type: Full time. Flexible hours.
• Benefits: meal tickets, meal allowance, gift tickets, medical services, risk
insurance, sports and wellness, children education, transportation and parking,
benefits from agreed partners
• analysis of system specifications
• preparation of test plan and test description
• preparation of tools and tests scenarios
• development of automated test cases and campaigns
• run manual or automated tests on dedicated test beds in end to end system
• work "upstream" in partnership with design and other system
integration/validation engineers to review designs and plans, recommend
enhancements, and improve product quality before it reaches customer
• results analysis; description of fault reports; feedback with designers; tests of
• reproduce and investigate fault reports coming from customer
• field support given during “first-off” and acceptance testing
• validation of customer documentation
• technical experience of 3 years in test domain
• Bachelor's Degree in Engineering, Engineering Technology,
Telecommunications, Computer Science or Information Technologies
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
• expertise in black-box testing, experience in white-box type of testing
• knowledge of telecom protocols, IP and networking
• knowledge in software technology: basic tools on PC, Unix/Linux (scripting)
• languages: English (read, write, speak)
• experience in end to end feature test, system/cluster level test, network level test,
or FOA test, including test planning, design, coordination
Adresa: Str. Gheorghe Lazar nr. 11 A, Timisoara, Timis
Telefon: 0256 201370
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.aquatim.ro
Societatea Aquatim furnizează servicii de alimentare cu apă şi de canalizare în
Timişoara şi mai multe localităţi din judeţul Timiş. Activitatea din judeţ este
coordonată de sucursalele din oraşele Buziaş, Deta, Făget, Jimbolia şi Sânnicolau
Mare. Principalele noastre responsabilităţi se îndreaptă către siguranţa şi confortul
clienţilor şi protecţia mediulu. Pentru a asigura acest lucru, am implementat, în
staţiile de tratare şi în staţia de epurare din Timişoara, tehnologii moderne de
proces şi sisteme automate de monitorizare şi control. Un dispecerat central preia
la orice oră, sesizările clienţilor. Calitatea apei este verificată în fiecare zi în
Avem în derulare un program de investiţii de circa 119 milioane de Euro, prin
care vom moderniza, la standarde europene, infrastructura de apă şi canalizare în
12 localităţi din judeţul Timiş. Respectarea angajamentelor de calitate asumate de
companie este certificată şi prin sistemul de management integrat calitate, mediu,
sănătate şi securitate ocupaţională, implementat din anul 2005, şi licenţa de
operare clasa întâi, eliberată de autoritatea naţională de reglementare.
Momentan, compania nu are locuri de munca disponibile, ci organizeaza vizite la
sectiile de lucru si stagii de practica.
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Atos IT Solutions and Services
Adresa: Mures nr. 116 A, Timisoara
Telefon: 0746012031
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: ro.atos.net/ro-ro/
Prezentare firma
Atos is an international information technology services company with annual
2013 pro forma revenues of EUR 10 billion and 86,000 employees in 66
countries. Serving a global client base, it delivers hi-tech transactional services,
consulting and technology services, systems integration and managed services.
With its deep technology expertise and industry knowledge, it works with clients
across the following market sectors: Manufacturing, Retail, Services; Public,
Health & Transport; Financial Services; Telecoms, Media & Technology; Energy
& Utilities.
Atos is focused on business technology that powers progress and helps
organizations to create their firm of the future.
It is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for the Olympic Games and
is quoted on the Paris Eurolist Market. Atos operates under the brands Atos, Atos
Consulting and Technology Services, Atos Worldline and Atos Worldgrid.
Atos has entered the Romanian IT market in July 2011, following the takeover of
Siemens IT Solutions and Services by Atos Origin, the French-based IT services
Currently, Atos Romania operates in Bucharest, Timisoara and Brasov and
counting over 1000 business technologists.
We believe in accountability, trust, operational competitiveness, service,
innovation, social wellbeing, excellence.
Come and join our Business Technologist team in Romania and achieve your
personal bests.
Together, we embark on a new journey that will shape the future of IT !
Over 200 job openings in the areas of system administration, database
administration, customer service management, coordinators for change or
projects, project management, operations management in the following IT
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
· AD Windows · SQL · Citrix · Oracle/MSSQL · Exchange · LINUX / UNIX
· Lotus Notes · NETWORK · SAP BASIS · SCCM · Storage and Backup
· Windows Server management
Social Skills and competencies:
Strong interpersonal skills in order to work in a dynamic and fast-paced
environment ;
Excellent customer service skills;
Team player but also able to work independently without direct supervision;
Responding with a sense of urgency;
Foreign Languages: Proficient in Business English; German
Adresa: Str. Coriolan Brediceanu, nr.10
Telefon: 0256408900
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.autoliv.com
Prezentare firma
Less than a generation ago, the idea of a car that could see in the dark or use onboard radar to avoid collisions would have seemed like a futuristic dream. Today,
thanks to the pioneering work of Autoliv, it’s a reality.
Autoliv has built its reputation innovating safety systems that save lives on the
road. We help prevent accidents from happening. And that’s not some futuristic
We are driven by a quest:
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Adresa: Str. Republicii, nr.9, etaj 1, cam. 101-106
Telefon: 0771165183
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.beespeed.ro/
We are working in the area of Embedded Software Testing and Software Tools
development for one of the market leading suppliers from the automotive
Mission statement
Our goal is to ensure the safety of the Slip Control Systems. We will achieve this
ideal through continuous monitoring and compliance with the following set of
Final Customer: All department activities are aimed at ensuring safety of the
Products: The quality and variety of the tests (and support tools) will improve
Technology: On going research projects are and will continuously be conducted
in the area of the testing and supporting of the SCS technologies, in order to
ensure that we are able to provide the expected quality level once the products are
on the market
Orientation towards growth: We are striving to support the continuous expansion
of sales in conditions of profitability
Concern for members of the firm: Our goal is to motivate and encourage
continuous professional and personal development of our employees
We are always searching for new members to join our team!
If you are interested to wirk in a dynamic environment among professionals,
please submit your CV at the following email address:
[email protected].
We are looking for:
Software Testers - Control algorithms of the ESP controller
Software Developers - Software tools and embedded programming
Internship Students - Junior Software testers and developers
We are looking forward to work with you!
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Adresa: Str. Lugoj no. 4, DN6 Km 550,7 Ghiroda, RO 307200 Romania
Telefon: 0040-256-225223
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.berg-computers.com/ro/cariere
Berg COMPUTERS was established in 1991 by a Romanian-German partnership,
combining enthusiasm with managerial and organizational experience.
Our team is formed out of software engineers, design and economics specialists
that work together for each result to be better than the prior one. The will to
become better, more efficient and better prepared is the impulse that generates the
The product portfolio cumulated over time turnkey and custom software
programs, internet applications or software development outsourcing projects.
The quality standards are object to daily concerns, as well as the effort to
permanently adapt to the newest trends and technologies. This way berg
COMPUTERS can respond to every challenge the software development market
launches day by day.
berg COMPUTERS is represented by its offices in: Timisoara, Bucharest, Lugoj
and Oradea.
Adresa: Budafoki ut 91-91, 1117 Budapest
Telefon: +36 20 250 98 70
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.btplc.com/Careercentre/
BT Group plc, trading as BT, is a British multinational telecommunications
services company with head offices in London, England, United Kingdom. It has
operations in around 170 countries. Its BT Global Services division supplies
telecoms services to corporate and government customers worldwide, and its BT
Consumer division supplies telephony, broadband and subscription television
services in Great Britain to around 18 million customers.
In 2007, BT announced the opening of its Regional Operations Centre in Hungary
- supporting customers and internal business partners across Europe. At the 2008
World Investment Conference in La Baule (France) the BT venture was named
‘Best European Investment of the Year’.
Today the centre employs more than 1300 highly qualified, multi-lingual
professionals across two locations (Budapest and Debrecen) and has become the
strategic service centre of BT for Europe. In the last couple of years the ROC has
grown to become one of the biggest, most complex business support centres in
Hungary serving BT affilliates, internal business partners and more than 3,000
customers across Europe.
Our service portfolio includes Service Assurance, Service Delivery, Finance
Shared Services, Service Design CoE, Technical Design Centre, Contract
Delivery Shared Services and various other business support services.
Purpose Of Role:
• Front line, technically-aware customer service agents who demonstrate excellent
customer care skills (e.g. owning, driving, communicating/updating) such that
customers that they call/call them are left ‘delighted’ with the experience.
• The role has high impact on customer satisfaction and retention.
Key Responsibilities:
• Works on the customer service helpdesk and answer and pro-actively make calls
to resolve customer issues.
• Manage supplier activities (e.g. really driving/escalating 3rd party agents to
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
dispatch and repair faults to meet our service level agreements).
Business Impact:
• High impact on customer satisfaction and retention.
• Higher education is an advantage, but not a must.
• Fluent English, plus one of the following European languages is essential
(German, French, Italian, Dutch)
• Must understand the BT products and services that they represent to a solid
‘basic’ level (e.g. same as Sales roles) and in depth BT's operational/service
processes. These people are not 'script-driven'.
• Ability to work in shifts (7/24)
What we offer:
• Supportive corporate culture
• Inspiring working teams
• Competitive salary and benefit package
• Professional development programs, trainings and educational support
Purpose Of Role:
Front line people performing all the functions of the 'Customer Helpdesk' role and
additionally providing in-depth technical support to customers through network or
equipment monitoring, localisation and remote repair.
Key Responsibilities:
- Technically aware customer service agents who demonstrate excellent customer
care skills (e.g. owning, driving, communicating/updating and all 5 BT values)
such that customers that they call/call them are left ‘delighted’ with the
- Manage supplier activities (e.g. really driving/escalating 3rd party agents to
dispatch and repair faults to meet our service level agreements).
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
- Higher education is an advantage, but not a must.
- Fluent English, plus one of the following European languages is essential
(German, French, Italian, Dutch)
Requires 6 -12 months of in depth technical training plus several years of
experience (e.g. 'expert' depth on 2-3 technologies or 'high' depth on 8-15
technologies). Example CCNA/CCNP Cisco level.
Must understand the BT products and services that they represent to a solid
‘basic’ level (e.g. same as Sales roles) and in depth BT's operational/service
processes. These people are not 'script-driven'.
What we offer:
- Supportive corporate culture
- Inspiring working teams
- Competitive salary and benefit package
- Professional development programs, trainings and educational support
Purpose Of Role:
• The role holder is responsible for providing effective support of projects/
operational support tasks, dealing with all relevant issues under the guidance of
the manager.
• He/she provides support in the formulation of network, technology, systems and
information strategy and evolution plans, and operational support policies and
• The role holder provides assistance in meeting business objectives, solving
business problems and furthering business success by applying industry,
applications and technical knowledge through the definition of high level
solutions on projects or the development of operational processes and procedures.
• The role holder should leverage the experience of the relevant BT wide
professional communities to discharge these responsibilities, thus ensuring
knowledge sharing extends beyond the functional boundary of the role. The role
holder may also play a key part in the BT wide professional communities.
Key Responsibilities:
• To provide analytical and innovative input to projects/operational support tasks
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
as well as support negotiations.
• Assists transformation strategy for a network or technology discipline in own
area of expertise.
• Would normally lead on a specific deliverable of a small/medium scale project
or implement smaller less complex projects to achieve required business benefits
and manage to budget, timescales and quality.
• Could be responsible for direct line managing and developing of Analysts, but
more likely to indirectly manage people to deliver specific tasks or projects.
• To contribute to the development and implementation of policies and
• To ensure operational procedures are in place, maintained and followed as
• To input to cost/timescale solutions/options and manage expectations as
appropriate with customer or Business Unit/LoB teams and may have
responsibility for setting up work packages.
• May involve liaising with internal, external and third party suppliers.
• To personally participate in and contribute to BT wide professional community
activities where applicable e.g. knowledge sharing, best practice within BT and
external industry.
• To use the relevant BT wide professional community framework to raise their
skills and those of their team to the recommended PC standards.
• May have a degree qualification (engineering/science) or has served a technical
apprenticeship and/or obtained NVQ and/or further education technical
qualifications (i.e. HND).
• Qualified to be and possibly member of a professional engineering/science
institution and working towards chartered engineer accreditation. Relevant
professional experience.
• Good understanding of procedures and application of procedures and concepts
within own subject area (and understanding them in the context of the business).
• Experienced and competent in own area.
• Shares own expertise with others.
• Provide guidance and support to others. Completes own role independently or
with minimal supervision/guidance.
• Has developed specialist knowledge in one area.
• Applies knowledge/skills to a range of standard and non-standard activities.
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Interprets client needs, assessing the full requirements.
• Identifies solutions to non-standard tasks/queries.
• Awareness of internal/ external business issues and best practice in own
discipline which is then applied to own role.
• Takes action to monitor and control costs within own work horizons.
• Identifies key issues and patterns from partial/conflicting data and can take a
broad perspective to problems and spot new, less obvious solutions. Manages own
time to meet agreed targets.
• Develops plans for specific work activities in own area over the short-term,
which may include forecasting resource requirements.
• Adapts information/style to the audience, explaining difficult issues clearly, to
establish consensus and gain agreement.
• Creates informal networks with key contacts within own area.
• Has a comprehensive understanding of professional communities relevant to the
LOB and uses the PC development framework to maximise the potential of
themselves, their team and the wider BT team.
What we offer:
- Supportive corporate culture
- Inspiring working teams
- Competitive salary and benefit package
- Professional development programs, trainings and educational support
Purpose Of Role:
Under limited supervision, responsible for the engineering and introduction of
new Broadband, IP & Data or Satellite functionality/products or PSTN/Voice
products and services to be delivered to the market place. This role may also have
management responsibilities for a team.
Key Responsibilities:
• To provide technical expertise and support on switch upgrades and projects that
impact the requirements of the network.
• Resolves (technical) faults on the network and liases with technical solutions
teams in the vendor community, acts as an internal expert.
• Deals with technical support and escalated support issues including proposals to
ensure systems availability to customers.
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
• Deploys and supports IT infrastructure, systems and application software,
network services to both internal and external customers.
• Responsibility to commission and configure Networks.
• Problem diagnosis/resolution and testing, integrating and managing components
and models.
• May also have responsibility for support contracts, e.g. managing the supplier
base to ensure delivery against contractual and commercial commitments, manage
the 'in-life' contract supplier performance, working with technical experts to
define contractual performance requirements, maximise business benefits through
commercial/performance framework, working with colleagues across the business
to define the strategic direction for supplier support.
- Higher education is an advantage, but not a must.
- Fluent English,
Will have an appreciation of and/or participation in the design of systems
architecture and network systems.
What we offer:
- Supportive corporate culture
- Inspiring working teams
- Competitive salary and benefit package
- Professional development programs, trainings and educational support
Purpose Of Role:
• The role holder is responsible for providing effective support of projects/
operational support tasks, dealing with all relevant issues under the guidance of
the manager.
• He/she provides support in the formulation of network, technology, systems and
information strategy and evolution plans, and operational support policies and
• The role holder provides assistance in meeting business objectives, solving
business problems and furthering business success by applying industry,
applications and technical knowledge through the definition of high level
solutions on projects or the development of operational processes and procedures.
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
• The role holder should leverage the experience of the relevant BT wide
professional communities to discharge these responsibilities, thus ensuring
knowledge sharing extends beyond the functional boundary of the role. The role
holder may also play a key part in the BT wide professional communities.
Key Responsibilities:
• To provide analytical and innovative input to projects/operational support tasks
as well as support negotiations.
• Assists transformation strategy for a network or technology discipline in own
area of expertise.
• Would normally lead on a specific deliverable of a small/medium scale project
or implement smaller less complex projects to achieve required business benefits
and manage to budget, timescales and quality.
• Could be responsible for direct line managing and developing of Analysts, but
more likely to indirectly manage people to deliver specific tasks or projects.
• To contribute to the development and implementation of policies and
• To ensure operational procedures are in place, maintained and followed as
• To input to cost/timescale solutions/options and manage expectations as
appropriate with customer or Business Unit/LoB teams and may have
responsibility for setting up work packages.
• May involve liaising with internal, external and third party suppliers.
• To personally participate in and contribute to BT wide professional community
activities where applicable e.g. knowledge sharing, best practice within BT and
external industry.
• To use the relevant BT wide professional community framework to raise their
skills and those of their team to the recommended PC standards.
• May have a degree qualification (engineering/science) or has served a technical
apprenticeship and/or obtained NVQ and/or further education technical
qualifications (i.e. HND).
• Qualified to be and possibly member of a professional engineering/science
institution and working towards chartered engineer accreditation. Relevant
professional experience.
• Good understanding of procedures and application of procedures and concepts
within own subject area (and understanding them in the context of the business).
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
• Experienced and competent in own area.
• Shares own expertise with others.
• Provide guidance and support to others. Completes own role independently or
with minimal supervision/guidance.
• Has developed specialist knowledge in one area.
• Applies knowledge/skills to a range of standard and non-standard activities.
Interprets client needs, assessing the full requirements.
• Identifies solutions to non-standard tasks/queries.
• Awareness of internal/ external business issues and best practice in own
discipline which is then applied to own role.
• Takes action to monitor and control costs within own work horizons.
• Identifies key issues and patterns from partial/conflicting data and can take a
broad perspective to problems and spot new, less obvious solutions. Manages own
time to meet agreed targets.
• Develops plans for specific work activities in own area over the short-term,
which may include forecasting resource requirements.
• Adapts information/style to the audience, explaining difficult issues clearly, to
establish consensus and gain agreement.
• Creates informal networks with key contacts within own area.
• Has a comprehensive understanding of professional communities relevant to the
LOB and uses the PC development framework to maximise the potential of
themselves, their team and the wider BT team.
What we offer:
- Supportive corporate culture
- Inspiring working teams
- Competitive salary and benefit package
- Professional development programs, trainings and educational support
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Adresa: str. Avram Imbroane, nr. 9, 300129 Timisoara, Jud. Timis
Telefon: +40 256 305 200
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.conti-online.com
Prezentare firma
With sales of €32.7 billion in 2012, Continental is among the leading automotive
suppliers worldwide and currently has approximately 177,000 employees in 46
countries. The Tire division includes the Passenger and Light Truck, the
Commercial Vehicle Tire and the Industrial Tire business units, as well as the
Two-Wheel Tire activities. As one of the world’s leading tire manufacturers with
more than 38,000 employees, the division achieved cumulative sales of more than
€7.2 billion in 2010. The Tire division currently has 22 production and
development locations worldwide. The broad product range and continuous
investments in R&D make a major contribution to cost-effective and ecologically
efficient mobility.
Continental Automotive Romania SRL
Adresa: Str. Siemens nr. 1, 300704, Timisoara
Telefon: 0256/251100
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.romania.careers-continental.com
Prezentare firma
Continental dezvoltă tehnologii inteligente pentru mobilitatea oamenilor şi a
bunurilor acestora. În calitate de partener de încredere, furnizorul internaţional de
componente auto, producătorul de anvelope şi partenerul industrial oferă soluţii
durabile, sigure, confortabile, individuale şi la preţuri accesibile. Prin cele cinci
divizii ale sale, Chassis & Safety, Interior, Powertrain, divizia pentru anvelope şi
ContiTech, concernul a înregistrat în anul 2014 o cifră de afaceri preliminară de
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
aproximativ 34,5 miliarde de euro şi are în prezent aproximativ 200.000 de
angajaţi în 53 de ţări.
Până la sfârşitul anului 2013, Continental a investit peste 830 de milioane de euro
în activităţile din România. Toate cele 5 divizii Continental sunt reprezentate în
România. Continental deţine șapte unităţi de producţie și trei centre de cercetare şi
de dezvoltare în Timişoara, Sibiu, Carei, Nădab, Brașov şi Iaşi. Continental este
partener al unui joint-venture în Slatina şi are un centru de distribuţie al
anvelopelor pentru Europa de Est, în Săcălaz. Continental avea la finalul anului
2013 peste 13 000 de angajaţi și își va mări echipa cu aproximativ 1500 noi
membri în România.
La Continental Automotive în România, peste 7500 de oameni lucrează în
centrele de cercetare şi dezvoltare din Timişoara, Sibiu şi Iaşi şi în unităţile de
producţie din Sibiu, Timişoara şi Braşov. Inginerii noştri dezvoltă soluţii
software, hardware şi de design mecanic pentru aplicaţii în interiorul maşinii,
pentru siguranţă, motor şi transmisie, cât şi sisteme de navigaţie şi instrumente de
bord pentru viitoarele maşini şi camioane.
Programe pentru studenţi
• Job-uri part-time şi full-time;
• Practică de vară;
• Burse private;
• Proiecte de diplomă;
• Cursuri pe diverse domenii automotive susţinute de specialişti din cadrul
companiei în universităţile partenere;
• Vizite de companie, workshopuri şi competiţii.
Dacă îţi doreşti un job provocator într-un mediu multinaţional, cu oportunităţi
excelente de dezvoltare a carierei atât din punct de vedere tehnic cât şi
managerial, cu tehnologie de ultimă oră, în cadul unei echipe tinere, motivate şi
dinamice, îţi oferim salarii competitive şi un pachet important de beneficii.
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
E-Education SDC SRL
Adresa: [email protected]
Telefon: 0356 881833
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.digital-education.com/
Digital Education is part of Macmillan Publishers Ltd. The focus of our work is to
empower learning and scientific discovery - whether that is by developing highquality content, investing in new ideas and creating the latest technology.
In Timisoara we operate a software development center with focus on Agile
practices and use of new technologies and processes. We have various
development areas: Ruby on Rails and PHP on web development, iOS mobile
app, Android mobile app or System Operations.
Passion, quality, innovation and diversity are emblematic for Digital Education
Timisoara and we aim to find these values in each and every one of our
colleagues. In exchange we offer a friendly environment in which responsibility is
appreciated and reworded with freedom of decision, the possibility of continuous
development and unlimited resources.
Working together we aim to create links to your future while putting heart in
every bit !
Internship opportunities
Web Developer (PHP & Ruby)
Mobile Developer (Android & iOS)
Front End Developer
Quality Assurance Engineer
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Adresa: DN6 Lugoj - Timisoara km 551+330 M Ghiroda, 307200 Romania
Telefon: +40 256 499 899
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.elstersolutions.com/
Elster Electricity, with about 1.400 employees in 19 countries and 400 mUSD
revenues in 2013, delivers complete end-to-end Smart Metering and Energy
Management Solutions that drive energy efficiency, operational improvements
and cost savings for utilities, industrial customers and consumers. Its multi utility
offerings, which are interoperable by design, include distribution monitoring and
control, advanced Smart Metering, demand response, networking and software
To further strengthen our team in TIMISOARA we are looking for:
Firmware Engineers - Embedded C / C++
Firmware Test Engineers - Test automation (Python, Visual Basic)
Software Engineers - Java SE
Software Engineers - C#
Software Test Engineers - Manual testing
HW Engineer
Summer Practice 2015
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Adresa: Str. Gh. Lazar, nr. 24, CP 17, 300081, Timisoara
Telefon: 0040256244134
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.haufe-lexware.ro
Hello, We are Haufe-Lexware Romania!
We are a software development company, part of the family-owned German
Haufe Group. Our products range from accounting and talent management to realestate software and many more.
As part of our team of professionals, you will be working either on web-based or
desktop products, having access to the best IT equipment and learning platforms
on the market. If you wonder what the technologies used in our playground are,
you should know that our spectrum ranges from different JAVA flavors, C++/C#
languages to test automation.
Our working atmosphere can be pretty fun! So if you’d like to alternate your
learning and working with playing on Xbox, taking a table tennis break or
challenging someone to a fuss-ball game, we guess that you would love to be our
Traineeships for 3 weeks during the summer: July 2015. Main topics: testing,
web development and Java development
We can help you coordinate your graduation thesis
Starting with the 1st of August, we offer you the opportunity to start working
part-time on one of our projects, on the topics mentioned before
Our current available jobs are:
Java EE Developer
A middleware project for the Haufe group infrastructure, with JEE 6 for backend,
REST and Soap services. The project includes license management, user and
identity management.
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Job requirements:
Implement software according to functional and qualitative specifications
Maintain existing products
Participating in defining the development plan strategy (Agile Methodology)
Active MQ, SOLR, SOAP UI, Selenium is a plus
Java developer
Continuous development of one of the company’s main projects, the entry point
into the Haufe world (www.haufe.de).
- Implement software according to functional and qualitative specifications
- Maintain existing products
- Participating in defining the development plan strategy (Agile Methodology)
Job requirements
- JSP & Servlets with Apache Tomcat
- Unit Test with JUnit
- Build-Management-Tool Apache Maven
- Spring Framework ideally Spring MVC
- Relational Databases (Postgres)
- Varnish Webproxy
- Apache Solr and optimally L4 Search (with Applikation Elastic Search and
- Use of agile methodologies, and continuous integration
Senior Java developer
Backend and frontend development for one of our projects based on a CMS
platform called Liferay: suite.haufe.de/.
Job Requirements
- Very good communication skills in order to overpass the issues that could
appear in a multi-site team
- Excellent experience with Java-web-development
- Excellent experience with html, css, Javascript, jsp, jspx, servlet, portlet, jquery,
- Long-term experience with Linux, Tomcat, MySQL
- Good experience with xml, xslt, xpath
- Good experience with Rest-/Web Services
- Experience with Maven
- Experience with JPA, Hibernate
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
S.C. IT Vizion RO S.R.L.
Adresa: Strada Salcamilor, Nr.8, Etaj.1, Localitate:Timisoara, JUDET:TIMIS
Telefon: +40 757 575 878
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.itvizion.com
Prezentare firma
IT Vizion, Inc., este o companie privată multinaţională, care furnizează soluţii şi
servicii în domeniul Tehnologiei Informaţiei. Compania este axată pe crearea şi
furnizarea de soluţii tehnologice inteligente şi rapide, în vederea creşterii
eficienţei în afaceri.
Succesul nostru, ca şi firmă, se datorează echipei noastre. Suntem un grup divers
de oameni creativi, motivaţi, cu o pasiune pentru tehnologie.
IT Vizion înseamnă colaborare. Încurajăm comunicarea şi lucrul în echipă prin
grupuri mici compuse din oameni cu diferite specializări.
Credem în a excela - de la început!
De la început, i-am ajutat pe clienţii noştri să îşi alinieze strategiile IT cu
obiectivele afacerii, astfel încat să aibă un mediu sigur şi eficient. Prin experienţa
şi calificările pe care le avem, ne ajutăm clieţii să înţeleagă cum pot obţine
beneficii prin intermediul investiţiilor în domeniul IT.
Printre domeniile în care ne specializăm sunt industriile de Gaze Naturale, Petrol
şi Energie. IT Vizion oferă soluţii complexe şi integrate bazate pe cunoştiinţe şi
expertiză în Operatiuni, Implemenatare, Automatizare şi Tehnologia Informaţiei
în Afaceri.
Compania a fost fondată în SUA, iar pe piaţa din Romania s-a lansat în anul 2012.
Astăzi, IT Vizion are 4 locaţii internaţionale şi continuăm să creştem!
Printre clienţii noştrii se numără: Shell, Siemens, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Suncor,
SPRC, WesternRefining, BP, BHP Billiton, 3E, SunRich, DOW.
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
IT Vizion is growing and looking for bright, motivated and dedicated individuals
that want to succeed both professionally and personally!
1. C# .Net Software Engineers
We are searching for C# .Net Software Engineers with Enterprise Application
Development experience to join our Timisoara office
As a C# .NET Software Engineer you will be involved in the following activities:
• Research, design, and develop software solutions to meet specifications, either
individually or in a team with other developers
• Develop the SW according to software development life-cycle procedures
• Assist the application maintenance by monitoring and correcting software
• Provide on-going support for production applications
• Evaluate and review new and existing software applications and technologies
• Identify systems solutions to support business strategies and objectives
Competencies (required skills, experience and knowledge)
• Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or similar
• Strong C# and SQL language skills
• Hands-on experience in ASP.NET MVC applications
• Experience in API development, including Rest and SOAP Web Services
• Good skills to communicate technical concepts to other engineers and users
• Able to work in multiple application / projects simultaneously
• English is mandatory in both verbal and written form.
2. User Interface Developer
We are searching for an experienced User Interface Developer to join our
Timisoara office
As a User Interface Developer you will be involved in the following activities:
• Take charge of the development of the front-end and UI of the company's nextgen metrics and analytics product.
• Create and execute user interface workflows that optimize the user experience
and work seamlessly with the core infrastructure and back-end systems
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
• Build from scratch the new UI version of the company's metrics and analytics
platform, with a focus on data visualization and responsive web design.
• Contribute to discussions regarding architecture, UI/UX, technologies, and the
development processes
• 100 Front-end, Full-lifecycle Development Responsibilities
Competencies (required skills, experience and knowledge)
• Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or similar
• JavaScript
• JQuery
• AngularJS
• Bootstrap
• Good skills to communicate technical concepts to other engineers and users
• Able to work in multiple application / projects simultaneously
• English is mandatory in both verbal and written form
Following experience and knowledge are considered an advantage:
• RESTful web services
• D3.js or similar data visualization libraries
• Other JavaScript UI frameworks (e.g., Backbone.js, Knockout.js, Ember.js)
• Big Data (e.g., MongoDB, NoSQL, Node.js, ElasticSearch)
• Git source control
3. Software Quality Assurance Engineers
IT Vizion is actively looking to hire a few good Software Quality Assurance
Engineers for Software Testing
• Work on software testing activities to meet defined schedules and in acceptable
• Review business, feature and functional requirements
• Develop and maintain test documentation such as test plans, test designs, and
test cases
• Execute manual and automated tests and report results
• Creates bug reports and overall status reports
• Follow test procedural directions from the Software Test Manager or Software
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Test Lead
Competencies (required skills, experience and knowledge)
• Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or similar
• Preempt potential problems and provides effective problem reports in reaction to
application of concepts, techniques, knowledge or processes.
• Display original thinking in applying principles, theories, and concepts on a
wide range of Quality Assurance related activities
• Typically 1+ years of successful experience in related field and successful
demonstration of Key Responsibilities as presented above
• Strong technical background in Software Testing
• Good working knowledge of Software Development and Agile methodologies
• Strong analytical and multitasking skills, responsive, and keeps commitments
• Results Oriented: Ability to estimate risks and meet deadlines
• Team player and contributes towards team goals.
• English is mandatory in both verbal and written form.
4. Java Software Developer
As we grow, we are searching for a few talented, experienced and dynamic Java
Developers. As a Java Software Developer you’ll be knowledgeable and
passionate about technology, enjoy pairing with other smart people and use agile
to ensure your projects succeed.
• Develop, maintain and support existing or new software solutions with
minimum supervision
• Collaborate with customers and other engineers in requirement gathering and
• Strive for continuous improvement within the team
Competencies (required skills, experience and knowledge)
• Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or equivalent industry experience
• Solid understanding of Object Oriented Programming and concepts
• Java, SQL, Hibernate, Spring, Ant, Maven
• Delivery experience within an agile project would be beneficial
• Ability to make decisions, show risk awareness, and evaluate options and
• Team player and contributes towards team goals.
• Communication Skills: able to articulate own thoughts convincingly in both
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
verbal and written form
• English is mandatory in both verbal and written form.
5. PHP Developer
IT Vizion is looking to add an experienced, self-motivated, eager to produce PHP
application developer to our team. The ideal candidate should think outside of the
box, be able to work independently and also have an understanding of the mobile
• Develop, test and maintain customer applications based on requirements
• Plan, prioritize, and document functional changes, as well as enhancements and
updates to code
• Coordinate with US counterparts and provide daily hand-off
Competencies (required skills, experience and knowledge)
• Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related field experience
• Development experience using PHP with jQuery
• Knowledge and experience with a least one PHP framework
• Good knowledge of OOP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS
• MySQL experience
• Good English skills both written and spoken (mandatory)
• Nice to have knowledge: JQuery Mobile, Linux, Unit testing, and Git experience
Come join us and take your career to another level...
We offer our employees a dynamic and challenging work environment (including
Business Trip opportunities) and a competitive compensation package based on
your personal skills, desire and ability to contribute to the success of IT Vizion.
Please send us your resume at the following e-mail address: [email protected]
- Application Support Engineer
Come join us and take your career to another level...
We offer our employees a dynamic and challenging work environment (including
Business Trip opportunities) and a competitive compensation package based on
your personal skills, desire and ability to contribute to the success of IT Vizion.
Please send us your resume by e-mail at: [email protected]
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Saguaro Technology , Inc.
Adresa: [email protected]
Telefon: 0356 101.962
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.saguarotech.net
With corporate headquarters in California, USA, and technical operations in
Timișoara, Romania, Saguaro Technology was founded to create a new and better
way to meet the technical engineering resource challenges faced by North
American enterprises. Saguaro maintains a tight-knit community of software
engineering, quality assurance, and support professionals that provide the highest
standards of software engineering, professionalism, and ethical behavior, and do
so, within our unique ‘Ownership Model’.
Why the ‘Ownership Model’?
Many fast-paced enterprises, seeking additional software engineering developers,
have had difficulties finding stable, affordable and committed resources. In
response, Saguaro pioneered the ‘Ownership Model’. Under this Model, our
employees commit to fully owning our client’s goals and objectives and our team
members behave just like fellow employees, align with the client’s corporate
culture, and embrace the same standards and outcomes set by our clients.
Saguaro’s skilled, talented workforce is assembled by and for each specific client,
and team members are completely integrated with the client’s internal technical
For more information, visit www.saguarotech.net.
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Our Internship Project themes will teach you how to:
- develop complex software components to manage and control bioStores
(requirements: Java/ JavaScript / HTML5)
- tomorrow's new technologies can be created faster and more reliably through
semiconductor production automation (requirements: C#, C++ skills)
- develop complex software modules for high speed and multipurpose printing
devices (requirements: Linux, C/C++, scripting)
- develop and validate software libraries which allows complex customizations for
various printing jobs (requirements: Java / C++)
- enhance and maintain the code for the most utilized print server in the world
(requirements: C/C++)
- enhance modules of a print server widely used on the commercial printing
industry (requirements: Java / C++)
Please APPLY before APRIL 10 by sending your CV to
[email protected]. Only suitable and qualified applicants will be
SC AdVa Software Engineering SRL
Adresa: [email protected]
Telefon: 0356428993
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.adva-software.com
Company Description:
AdVa Software engineering is a technology consultancy company and service
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
provider specialized in Model Based Development of Embedded Systems for the
Automotive industries.
We are working with advanced theologies in the area of software modeling
(Matlab / Simulink / Stateflow, Statemate, Rapsody UML) autocoding (
TargetLink, Statemate, MicroC, Rhapsody in C) advanced formal verification and
test generation (EmbeddedSpecifier / EmbeddedValidator / EmbeddedTester).
Our Main target is to give our customers efficient and high quality work results
in-line with the industry safety standards ISO 26262, DO178B / DO178C,
Our core activities and expertise are focused on:
- Providing consulting on development and test process improvements in order to
fulfill the safety standards;
- Supporting the organizations to roll-out the model based technologies and safety
standards in new projects;
- Managing and executing projects in the area of model based development and
model based testing.
Junior Model Based Software Engineer
Summer Practice
Diploma Projects
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Adresa: Timisoara, Bdul Liviu Rebreanu, nr 76-78
Telefon: 0356710170
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.atoss.ro
Prezentare firma
Automatica si Calculatoare
Electronica si Telecomunicatii
as a leading player and outstanding innovator in the workforce management
growth market for more than 25 years. With advanced software solutions and a
comprehensive service portofolio we organize the working worlds of our
customers. Whether enabling smooth flight handling or improving the customer
orientation in the retail sector, our solutions add value. Worldwide, more than
4.500 companies such as Coca-Cola, Deutsche Bahn, Douglas, HORNBACH,
Lufthansa, Puma or Sixt rely on ATOSS solutions.
SC ATOSS Software SRL, Bdul Liviu Rebreanu, nr 76-78, 300755, Timisoara
F+40 356 710170, [email protected], www.atoss.ro
• Internship JAVA Developer
- Studii in curs (pe domeniul IT)
- Cunostinte de programare in Java
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
- Limba engleza la nivel conversational
• JAVA Software Developer
- Studii superioare in domeniul IT
- Cunostinte de programare Java
- Limba engleza la nivel conversational
• Front-end Developer
- Studii superioare in domeniul IT
- Cunostinte avansate de programare in JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- Limba engleza sau germana la nivel avansat
• Ruby on Rails Back-end Developer
- Studii superioare in domeniul IT
- Cunostinte avansate de programare in Ruby on Rails si baze de date (de preferat
- Limba engleza sau germana la nivel avansat
• Software Test Engineer
- Studii superioare in domeniul IT
- Cunostinte de testare software
- Limba engleza la nivel conversational
• IT Support Specialist
- Cunostinte excelente de limba germana si engleza
- Bune cunostinte ale sistemelor de operare Windows client si server
- Orientare catre client si servicii, comunicativ si cu dorinta de a invata
• IT Product Manager
- Studii superioare in domeniul IT
- Cunostinte excelente de limba engleza (limba germana reprezinta un avantaj)
- Experienta profesionala in dezvoltarea de solutii software
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
SC Huf Romania SRL
Adresa: Zona Industriala Vest, Strada IV, Nr. 7, Arad, 310491
Telefon: +40 257 220 110
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.huf-group.com
Firma Huf Romania este o investiţie a grupului de firme Huf International GmbH,
care este lider în dezvoltarea şi producţia sistemelor de acces, închidere şi
imobilizare pentru industria autovehicolelor.
Mulţi şoferi care privesc mai atenţi cheile maşinii lor, vor descoperi pe partea
metalică a cheii sigla Huf. Statisticile spun că tot a treia maşina deţine mânere,
încuietori, sisteme de ghidaj, carduri electrice de acces precum şi telecomenzi,
toate fabricate de Huf. În anul 2013, cifra de afaceri a companiei a depăşit suma
de 1.1 miliarde de Euro.
Noile sisteme electronice de deschidere şi pornire, Passive Entry şi Passive Start,
sunt produse şi dezvoltate de către Huf în exclusivitate pentru Daimler AG.
Astăzi numele Huf este sinonim cu inovaţie şi calitate.
Grupul Huf are locaţii în 19 ţări pe 3 continente (Europa, America şi Asia) şi
7,000 de angajaţi.
Dacă sunteţi interesaţi să aflaţi mai multe informaţii despre compania noastră sau
doriţi să vă alăturaţi nouă, ne puteţi contacta la următoarele adrese:
Huf Romania Arad
Zona Industriala Vest, Strada IV, nr. 7, 310491
Tel: +40 257 220 178
E-mail: [email protected],
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
R&D Centre Timisoara
Piata Consiliul Europei, Nr.1, Etaj 6, 300627
Tel: +40 356 229 911
E-mail: [email protected],
Oportunitati de cariera in cadrul Huf Romania:
Oferta pentru studenti in Timisoara:
Stagiu de practica
Lucrare de diploma
Oferta pentru absolventi in Timisoara:
WhiteBox Tester
BlackBox Software Tester
Software Developer beginner
Senior Software Developer
Oferta pentru absolventi in Arad:
Specialist Injectie mase plastice
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
SC SoftVision SRL
Adresa: Business Center Romcapital Timisoara, Bld. Mihai Viteazu Nr. 30B
Telefon: 0256 220 846
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.softvision.ro
Noi aducem viitorul cu un pas mai aproape.
Cu peste 1200 de colegi, suntem lideri pe piața românească de consultanță și
software outsourcing. Furnizăm clienților noștri (atât start-up-uri din Silicon
Valley, cât și companii din Top Fortune 500) calitate ireproșabilă, prin servicii
personalizate de software.
Dezvoltăm proiecte în toate limbajele de programare existente pe piață (.NET,
Java, Web, PHP, C/C++, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Python, Ruby on Rails
etc.) și lucrăm mereu cu cele mai noi tehnologii. Echipa noastră dedicată de
testare este specializată atât pe manual, cât și pe automation; atât pe Mobile Apps,
cât și pe Web și Desktop.
Și pentru că ne perfecționăm continuu, prin programul intern “SOFTVISION
University” toți colegii au posibilitatea să se dezvolte profesional. Este un centru
de cunoștințe și expertiză, este locul unde ne ajutăm reciproc și unde întrebările
noastre își găsesc răspunsul.
1.JavaScript Engineer
A true technologist with passion for creating quality code
What’s in it for you?
• Over 1200 highly qualified professionals
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
• Offices in all major cities in Romania, New York and Silicon Valley (USA)
• Work with worldwide renowned clients
• Cutting edge technologies
• Access to major international conferences
• Competitive salaries, full benefits and perks such as free lunch, sports and a lot
• Endless career development opportunities
A day in the life of a JavaScript Engineer
• Develop and provide solutions on JavaScript frameworks
• Develop high-traffic, flawless web applications using JavaScript
• Use various JavaScript frameworks/libraries such as Node.js, Angular.js,
Backbone.js and jQuery
• Code with performance, scalability, and usability in mind
• Work on new tools in leading industry trends, with new and emerging
technologies, prototypes and engineering process improvements
• Work closely with next generation architecture development teams using cutting
edge approaches and technologies
• Work closely with other engineers and business users in a highly collaborative
• Everyday opportunity to make an impact and develop really cool software
What you need for this position
• Expertise in JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, JSON
• Experience with front-end development
• 3+ years of JavaScript Development experience
• JavaScript frameworks / Libraries (Node, Angular, Backbone, Amber, jQuery)
• JavaScript unit testing frameworks (prefer Unit.js, Mocha, QUnit)
• Single Page Application (SPA) design and implementation
• Agile experience (Scrum, Kanban)
Extra awesome
• Experience in building highly scalable enterprise systems
• Consultative personality (able and willing to offer the best technical solutions)
2 .NET Web Engineer
Everyday opportunities to make an impact and develop really cool software
What’s in it for you?
• Over 1200 highly qualified professionals
• Offices in all major cities in Romania, New York and Silicon Valley (USA)
• Work with worldwide renowned clients
• Cutting edge technologies
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
• Access to major international conferences
• Competitive salaries, full benefits and perks such as free lunch, sports and a lot
• Endless career development opportunities
A day in the life of a Senior .NET Web Engineer
• Develop highly scalable enterprise systems
• Participate in code and design reviews to ensure consistency in architecture and
design/code practice.
• Code with performance, scalability, and usability in mind
• Develop high-traffic, flawless web applications using ASP .NET
• Work on new tools in leading industry trends, with new and emerging
technologies, prototypes and engineering process improvements
• Work closely with next generation architecture development teams using cutting
edge approaches and technologies
• Work closely with other engineers and business users in a highly collaborative
Wat you need for this position
• 5+ years of experience in C# .NET Framework 3.5, preferably 4.0+
• ASP.NET experience
• Experience with .NET Frameworks: MVC 4.0, Entity Framework and
• Experience in unit testing and continuous integration
• Experience in using source control tools such as: GIT, SVN
• Agile experience (Scrum, Kanban)
Extra awesome
• Expertise in JavaScript and JavaScript frameworks and libraries: Angular,
Knockout, JQuery
• Experience with either WCF Service, WebAPI or Web Forms
• Consultative personality (able and willing to offer the best technical solutions)
3.QA Manual Engineer
If you think that testing is organized skepticism, you’re expected in our QA
Team. Are you up to the challenge?
What’s in it for you?
• Over 1200 highly qualified professionals
• Offices in all major cities in Romania, New York and Silicon Valley (USA)
• Work with worldwide renowned clients
• Cutting edge technologies
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
• Access to major international conferences
• Competitive salaries, full benefits and perks such as free lunch, sports and a lot
• Endless career development opportunities
A day in the life of a QA Manual Engineer
• Relevant experience writing test cases, including smoke testing, progression
testing, core regression suites, and more
• Performs testing against highly detailed specifications
• Provides test results to management and customers that are clear and concise
• Records defects (using bug tracking software), including documenting
information useful in the debugging process, evaluating test data, problem
discovery, tracking and resolution
• Responsible for recognizing and creating awareness of process or quality
• Researches and develops an understanding of the marketing and/or industry
requirements for the product feature being tested, including how the users use the
feature and their performance requirements for the features
• Works closely with other departments such as Support, Development, Product
Management and DevOps
• Identifies & proposes QA process improvements
What you need for this position
• Experience in creating functional and technical documentation
• Knowledge of testing methodology
• 2+ years of experience in manual testing
• Expertise in functional testing with the ability to design and execute test cases
• Ability to communicate with technical and non-technical customers
• Basic Linux or any Unix related OS knowledge
Extra awesome
• Experience with Jira
• Familiarity with automation testing
• Strong analytical, creative thinking
• Consultative personality (able and willing to offer the best technical solutions)
• Agile experience (Scrum, Kanban)
4.IT Network Engineer
Battle both with soft and hardware to win the war of connection
What’s in it for you?
• Over 1200 highly qualified professionals
• Offices in all major cities in Romania, New York and Silicon Valley (USA)
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
• Work with worldwide renowned clients
• Cutting edge technologies
• Access to major international conferences
• Competitive salaries, full benefits and perks such as free lunch, sports and a lot
• Endless career development opportunities
A day in the life of an IT Network Engineer
• Stand your ground as a pillar of our secure network, providing prompt
• Bring to the table fantastic troubleshooting and problem-solving skills to the
service of our development team
• Constantly review and upkeep the network and company standards and
• Keep a sharp eye on the network infrastructure to make sure it is fully
documented and performing as required
• Effortlessly utilize network monitoring tools on a daily basis
• Permanently keep contact with high availability technics and network
redundancy protocols
What you need for this position
• 3 or more years in networking or related role
• Experience of working in high impact environments based on ITIL best practice
• Knowledge of network security concepts, VLANS, IPSEC VPN, AAA, firewalls
• Good understanding of TCP/IP protocol stack
• Static routing, dynamic routing (BGP, OSPF, EIGRP)
• 802.11 Wireless technologies
Extra awesome
• Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) or equivalent experience and
• Basic Linux Administration and troubleshooting skills
5.Linux Sys Admin
Relentless problem solver that saves the day, everyday
What’s in it for you?
• Over 1200 highly qualified professionals
• Offices in all major cities in Romania, New York and Silicon Valley (USA)
• Work with worldwide renowned clients
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
• Cutting edge technologies
• Access to major international conferences
• Competitive salaries, full benefits and perks such as free lunch, sports and a lot
• Endless career development opportunities
A day in the life of a Linux Sys Admin
• Be an excellent problem solver respecting ITIL standards and an ingenious
mentor for the team, willing to roll up your sleeves to tackle any issue thrown
your way
• Adroitly create and continuously maintain consistent support system information
and detailed documentation
• Permanently enhance processes through automation of common procedures and
implementation of standards, processes and checklists
• Artfully install projects and ensure the correct set-up of monitoring systems
• Be passionate about designing and developing reliable infrastructure and
automation solutions for solid infrastructure support environments
• Perform vigilant system monitoring, attentively verify the integrity and
availability of all hardware, server resources, systems and key processes, minutely
review system and application logs, and thoroughly verify completion of
scheduled backups
What you need for this position
• 4+ years’ experience with configuration management, systems management and
• Hands-on knowledge and experience with Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems
administration and troubleshooting
• Ability to use various scripting technologies (Shell, Bash, Perl, Batch, Python,
• Thorough understanding of virtualization technologies
• Cloud and Storage array experience
• Extensive performance analysis and monitoring skills
• Well-documented and exercised troubleshooting abilities
Extra Awesome
• Any of the following: LPIC or RHCSA or RHCE Certification or equivalent
Linux certification
6.Windows Sys Admin
Technology addict who strives on building, monitoring and innovating systems
What’s in it for you
• Over 1200 highly qualified professionals
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
• Offices in all major cities in Romania, New York and Silicon Valley (USA)
• Work with worldwide renowned clients
• Cutting edge technologies
• Access to major international conferences
• Competitive salaries, full benefits and perks such as free lunch, sports and a lot
• Endless career development opportunities
A day in the life of a Windows Sys Admin
• Be an excellent problem solver respecting ITIL standards and an ingenious
mentor for the team
• Eagerly participate in technical research and development to enable continuous
innovation within the infrastructure
• Be prompt and inventive at maintaining flawless documented procedures for
Windows environment
• Improve the fault-tolerance of our systems, making it “self-healing”
• Willing to roll up your sleeves to tackle any issue thrown your way
What you need for this position
• At least 4 years of professional experience in building, configuring and
managing Microsoft Windows-based servers
• A thorough understanding of Active Directory as well as hands-on experience in
managing user accounts, containers, objects and using group policy objects
(GPOs), DNS, Domain Controller replication, and organizational unit
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Adresa: Timisoara, City Business Centre, Str. C. Brediceanu 10 C/5 cod 300011
Telefon: 0356 229 002
Adresa de email: [email protected]
Pagina web: www.visma.com
Visma Group
VISMA este o companie leader pe piata din Europa in dezvoltarea de programe
pentru automatizarea si gestionarea proceselor de afaceri in cadrul
Visma are o expertiza puternica pe produsele de gestiune ERP, acoperind o gama
larga de clienti, de la intreprinderile mici pana la cele foarte mari. De asemenea,
portofoliul nostru mai cuprinde produse complementare necesare in mediul de
afaceri ca de exemplu POS, CRM, produse bancare, plati on-line, magazine online, telefonie mobila. Cele mai multe din aceste produse s-au conceput prin
utilizarea platformei de dezvoltare Microsoft.
Visma contribuie la dezvoltarea continua a afacerii in alte companii oferind
aplicatii software, servicii externalizate, solutii comerciale, solutii IT in domeniul
retail si consultanta. Peste 340,000 de clienti in Europa de Nord utilizeaza
produsele si serviciile, iar altii 330,000 de clienti sunt parteneri. Venitul total al
grupului Visma pentru anul 2012 a fost 5749 milioane NOK.
VISMA este o companie internationala cu peste 5500 de angajati care isi
desfasoara activitatea in 6 tari. Credem cu tarie ca produsele foarte bune care le
oferim sunt rezultatul unui organizatii motivate si foarte bine pregatite profesional
care lucreaza in echipe si aplica cele mai moderne si bune practici disponibile in
industria de software.
Grupul Visma este impartit in 6 divizii:
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Software: Aceasta divizie ofera programe software si servicii pentru
managementul afacerilor, automatizare in facturare, managementul de proiect,
analiza datelor de afaceri, CRM, HRM și zonele de salarizare de specialitate.
Servicii externalizate (BPO): aceasta divizie ofera suport extern pentru efectuarea
serviciilor de contabilitate, salarizare, consultanta financiara, juridica si servicii de
Soluții de achiziții publice: Aceasta divizie ofera servicii și soluții de automatizare
inclusiv sisteme de automate, management de achiziții publice, propuneri de
afaceri și de gestionare a investitiei.
Retail IT: Aceasta divizie ofera o soluție completă pentru lanturile de retail hardware, software si servicii. Oferta include terminale integrate (POS), rafturi
electronice, si dispozitive mobile pentru angajati. Solutiile Visma permit
deasemenea automatizarea logisticii si managementul lantului de aprovizionare.
IT Consulting: Visma Consulting ofera solutii IT cu valoare adaugata pentru
sectorul public, firme de asigurari de pensii sau de viata cat si pentru unele
companii private.
Hosting: Divizia de hosting a Visma ofera servicii de gazduire web de inalta
calitate, inclusiv administrarea domeniilor, e-mailul, siturilor web sau Microsoft
Office 365, la preturi competitive atat pentru clientii din Tarile Nordice cat si
pentru cele din Europa Centrala.
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Alte companii participante
Investeşte în oameni !
Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013
Axa prioritară nr.2 „Corelarea învățării pe tot parcursul vieții cu piața muncii”
Domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. ”Tranziția de la școală la viață activă”
Titlul proiectului: „Practica nu-i efemeră, e un pas în carieră!”
Cod contract: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/141118
Beneficiar: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara