LAUDER REUT Celebration of Lag BaOmer


LAUDER REUT Celebration of Lag BaOmer
JUlY, 2005
Celebration of Lag BaOmer
Where does the name come from?
The Day is given its name by its count in
Sefirat HaOmer, which is thirty-three. How so?
- You ask. Like so: The numerical equivalent of
the Hebrew letter “lamed” is thirty. Similarly, the
numerical equivalent of the letter “gimmel” is
three. By higher mathematics, and the use of a
high-powered calculator, the sum is thirty-three.
The “lamed” has the “l” sound; the “gimmel”
has the hard “g” sound; the combination is written
as “Lag,” with the “a” having the pronunciation
of the “o” in “hot.”
“BaOmer” consists of two components:
1. Ba , which is a combination of a preposition
(yipes! Grammar? - not to worry) and the “definite
article;” specifically, in (the preposition), and the,
the definite article. Together: in the
Omer, which refers to the Grain Offering,
called the Omer, which was brought in Temple
times, and the day on which it was brought, the
sixteenth of Nisan, is Day One of the Sefirat
HaOmer, the Count of the Omer.
The “Omer” Offering - “Something Old,
Something New”
“Yashan” and “Chadash”
What the Torah Says
Some Words of Explanation
What the Torah Says
The Torah says, in the context of introducing
the commandment of “Sefirat HaOmer,” the
following: (Vayikra 23:9-14)
“And G-d gave this instruction to Moshe, to
communicate: Speak to the Children of Israel and
say to them, ‘When you enter the Land which I Am
giving to you, and you harvest its crops, you shall
bring the “Omer,” (the Omer is a dry measure,
containing the volume of 43.2 average eggs. It is
the amount of barley flour that had to be brought,
and is also the name of the offering) the first of
the harvest, to the Kohen. And he shall move
the Omer forward, backward, right, left and upand-down, before G-d, as an expression of your
free will, on the day after the ‘Shabbat,’ shall the
Kohen move it in the manner described.”
2. “And you shall make, on the day of the ritual
movement of the Omer, a lamb, unblemished, in
its first year, as a burnt offering to G-d. And its
associated grain offering should be two tenth”ephahs” (another dry measure) of fine barleyflour mixed with oil, a burnt offering to G-d, with
a pleasant aroma, and its libation of wine, one
fourth of a “hin” (a liquid measure). And you
shall not eat bread, nor roasted kernels, nor full
kernels, until this very same day, until you bring
the offering to your G-d; an eternal statute for all
of your generations, wherever you may live.”
Suntem poeţi
La club
E minunat să fii jurnalist,
Un căţel Maltez
Poţi aduna informaţii pentru ştiri,
Ele sunt făcute de oameni (să nu te miri!).
Reporterii lucrează separat,
Dar împreună fac un articol muninat!
Căţeluşii sunt diferiţi,
Sunt foarte curajoşi
Şi frumoşi.
E mai bine decît să fii colonist.
Aduni informaţii pentru ziar,
Iar asta poate face şi un şcolar.
Floricica albastră
Floricică albastrică,
Ajută un cîine francez.
Un dalmaţian
Se joacă cu un băiat Fabian.
Marisa Ofrim
Clasa a III-a
A Good Day
Good morning, Sun!
Iulia Mihai
Clasa a III-a
Ring, ring, ring!
Sună clopoţelul.
Nu pot să-l ating
Pe el, mititelul.
We have fun.
Good afternoon!
We’ll play soon.
Good evening, Moon!
We’ll go to bed soon.
Eşti înaltă, subţirică,
Ai petale frumuşele
Cum n-au alte floricele.
Eşti frumos mirositoare
Şi la chip încântătoare.
Am să mi-te-aduc în casă
Să te-aşez frumos pe masă,
Şi-am să-ncerc să te pictez
Şi-n tablou să te aşez.
Să te ţin ca amintire
Ca pe un semn de iubire.
Alexandra Hermelin
Clasa a III-a
- Copii, intraţi în clasă,
spune profesoara.
- Hai rapid la masă,
adaugă Clara.
Oana Erbaşu
Second grade
Ştefania Grosu
Clasa a II-a
Summer Vacation Plans
In my summer holiday I would like to go to
Paris with my parents. There I would like to go
to Disneyland. After that, I’d like to go shopping.
That would be the best holiday ever!
And then I’d go at the seaside. There I’d
like to stay at a three star hotel. Wow! What a
I will go in the country and have a lot of fun
there. I’ll swim in the pool and stay in the sun.
Then I’ll visit Rome. Rome is a very beautiful
city because it has many old and interesting
buildings. I’ve already seen the Colloseum,
Vatican, Bocca de la Verita, Basillica de San Paolo,
the Column of Trajan, and the Roman Forum, but
I would like to see them again. I love Italy not
only because of its buildings but also because of
its tasty food like pizza and spaghetti.
Marisa Ofrim
Third grade
During my summer holiday I will finish my
homework first. Then I will go to the Fagaras
Mountains to spend some time there playing,
climbing the mountain, and reading some books.
After coming back from the mountains, we
will go to the seaside. There I will play in the sand,
swim in the sea, and read some more books.
After I arrive home, I will watch cartoons
and play tennis.
I shall sleep a lot to be relaxed at the beginning of the 3rd grade. My parents will take me to
play and have fun in the park. We all will visit my
grandparents at Snagov where I shall play a lot in
their large garden.
I think it will be a very nice summer holiday!
Oana Erbaşu
Second grade
I will spend my summer holiday in America.
There I will go to Disney Parks. I will ride and
play with lots of children, see a lot of new and interesting things. I will visit my friend Arthurana.
I think this will be the best holiday ever!
Miruna Cranta
Second grade
I will go to Italy and play volleyball with my
father this summer. There will come many relatives and I think it will be the best vacation I ever
Ştefania Grosu
Second grade
că el se bucură că a găsit-o. După ce i-a explicat
din nou, au pornit împreună s-o caute pe prinţesa
După multe căutări au găsit-o. Fetele s-au
bucurat că s-au reîntâlnit şi au aflat că sunt surori
gemene. Şi aşa au trait fericite până la adânci
Second grade
The dragon
Classified Bananas
have a banana staying on my hand. Her name
is Ingrid. She knows to ride a bike, to play
football, to play tennis, to write, to read, and
to talk. I love my banana! When I tell Ingrid that
I love her, she says that she loves me, too.
She is a very quiet and intelligent friend.
Sometimes when she drinks wine I have to
put her in bed to calm her down.
Then she becomes calm and wants to tell her
that I want to eat her. And I’ve eaten her because
I like bananas so much!
Mother has given me another banana. This
banana’s name is Ingrid the Second. She is longer and older that the first Ingrid. We like each
other, and had a long talk about friends, parents
and teachers. At last I have thought that she is a
very talkative friend so I have eaten Ingrid the
Second, too.
I am sure that I shall eat all the bananas my
parents will buy for me. Even if they are small,
big, short, long, yellow or greenish, they will
feed me because I am very fond of any kind of
Second grade
nce Mina, Wally, Iulia, Tony, Comy, and
Haylay went to the Mall. In a pet shop
they saw a baby dragon. It costed 19$.
“Small price, big/growing animal”, they thought.
So they got it. It was blue with greenish spots.
They went out of the shop. And then something
strange happened. A witch appeared. The dragon
grew bigger and bigger and started to blow fire.
The girls woke up screaming – it was just a
Third grade
Bressy, my dog
y dog Bressy was going to the Vet.
On the street she saw a black and pink
animal that was crying: “Why are you
crying?” asked Bressy. “I’m sad because I don’t
have any friends”, answered the strange animal.
“What is your name and why are you here?”
“My name is Pinky and I’m an alien. I am here
because I was on a trip with my parents and I did
something bad and they left me here”, he said.
“I could take you with me but I have to go to the
Vet. But come with me and then we’ll go home.
Maria, my master will be more that happy to take
care of you, too”. Now Bressy had a friend that
she could play with.
Second grade
Printesa si sarmana
fost odată o fată săracă şi frumoasă care
nu avea părinţi. În ţara ei, era o prinţesă
frumoasă şi ele arătau la fel, ca nişte
Într-o zi, un slujitor de la palat a găsit-o pe
fată şi a crezut că e prinţesa. Fata sărmană i-a
explicat că este o confuzie. Slujitorul i-a răspuns
ca arată ca prinţesa, că aceasta fusese răpită şi
Escaping from the
ornelia was captured in Nerisa’s Castle.
Will, Hay Lin, Irma and Tara tried to save
her. Nerisa was in the balcony. “She is
mine! Now I can take her powers!”, she said.
“Oh, no, you won’t! We will save her!”, answered
The girls transformed themselves into powerful witches. They took Cornelia in the air and
destroyed the bad Nerisa. Then they all went for
a coffee.
S-a terminat înc-un voiaj
S-a sfârşit încă un an
Mereu de briză străbătut şi de curenţi puternici
Din când în când de câte-un uragan
Parcă am împlinit eu un an în plus.
În acest an cu toţii ne-am schimbat:
La graniţa dintre copil şi-adolescent
Cu-nflăcărare ne-am dorit o doză-n plus de
What hovid creature sent onto this Earth
Not quite as pretty as at birth
Not sylphlike as all other creatures
Not containing all those beautiful features
Imperfect but so pure of heart
Deep inside those eyes there is sorrow and
Lay inside your lonely cocoon
You shall be reborn soon
Now, spread those breath taking wings
And go in search of meaningful things
And with hurtful memories just burned
Cometh by all painful daggers
You all are now innocent by-standers
As cunning as a fox you are
And brightly shinning like a star.
Profesorii exclamă: „Vai, ce copil
Deşi aşa au fost şi ei odată.
Nu cred că voi uita vreodată acest an
Ca şi toţi ceilalţi ani de şcoală, de copilărie
Sunt anii dulci şi-atât de scurţi, când printre
Se dezvăluie dorinţa de distracţie, ca o
Măcar acum, căci mai târziu se stinge.
În acest an, pentru mine s-au creat
Adevărate prietenii ce simt că vor dura
Cu întâmplări care nu-mi sunt indiferente.
Ce provoacă dorul dar şi fericirea este
În acest an mai ales.
Clasa a VII-a a fost primul meu an în şcoala
Lauder. Pentru că am venit din alţă ţară, unde
nu se vorbeşte româneşte, la început, mi-a fost
foarte greu să mă adaptez. Dar, cu sprijinul unor
profesori minunaţi, am trecut peste greutăţile de
limbă. De aceea, aş vrea să le mulţumesc pentru
înţelegere, pentru ajutorul pe care mi l-au dat,
pentru răbdarea lor de a-mi explica tot ce era nou
pentru mine, cât şi pentru prietenia de care au dat
Nu în ultimul rând, aş vrea să mulţumesc
Oanei, diriginta noastră, pentru un an în care
a reuşit, cu tact şi înţelegere, să mă ajute să
depăşesc dificultăţile, m-a apreciat şi a reuşit
chiar să îmbine utilul cu plăcutul.
Vreau să mai amintesc faptul că, deşi m-am
despărţit de prietenii mei din Israel, cu care am
fost împreună timp de şapte ani, în această clasă
am reuşit, în timp, să îmi fac câteva prietene la
care ţin şi cu care cred că voi mai petrece încă
multe momente de bucurie.
Vacanţă plăcută!
Nu voi uita niciodată acest an alcopilăriei, ce
în viitor va deveni probabil refugiul problemelor
insolubile şi al nostalgiei.
Ca adolescent cred acum că nimic nu e mai
uşor de comunicat şi de înţeles decât ce spun şi
simt acum. De comunicat probabil că da, dar de
Clasa a VII-a a organizat în data de 9 iunie 2005 o seară specială pentru elevi, părinţi şi
profesori, la restaurant, cu prilejul finalului de an.
Cu această ocazie am urmărit împreună un program excelent pregătit de elevi şi catedra de
ebraică: scenete, schiţe, dialoguri dramatice care au încălzit atmosfera şi au apropiat oamenii în
discuţii interesante.
S-au făcut planuri despre viitor, liceul Lauder, confirmându-se din nou că acest colectiv al
clasei a VII-a este un deschizător de drumuri, cu elevi inimoşi şi părinţi care au înţeles să susţină
cele mai îndrăzneţe proiecte ale noastre.
Părinţi şi profesori au interacţionat frumos, s-au rememorat evenimente ale acestui an şcolar,
iar elevii au promis să continue să ne mulţumească deopotrivă în plan academic şi uman.
Le mulţumim pentru participare şi aşteptăm clasa a VIII-a cu emoţie şi curaj!