Weekly Bulletin - St. Mary`s Romanian Orthodox Cathedral


Weekly Bulletin - St. Mary`s Romanian Orthodox Cathedral
St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral
A parish of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
Weekly Bulletin
3256 Warren Road Cleveland, Ohio 44111
Phone: (216) 941-5550 Office - Fax: (216) 941-3068
E-mail: [email protected] - www.smroc.org
Very Rev. Dr. Remus Grama, Parish Priest
Rev. Deacon Nick Neagoe
Bulletin Sponsors
Corina Bica IMO my beloved
grandmother, Paraschiva of
OCTOBER 16th, 2016
NO. 42
SPIRITUAL CALENDAR: 21st Sunday after the Pentecost (Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council).
8:30 A.M. Matins (Utrenia); Tone 8; Mat. Gos. 6; 9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy (Sf. Liturghie)
Epistle: Galatians 2:16-20; Titus 3:8-15. Gospel: Luke 8:5-15; John 17:1-13 (Prayer of Jesus).
Martyr Longinus the Centurion
Altar Boys: Daniel Contiu, Gabriel Ciobanu
The Gospel
For the Orthodox Christians, the word “Gospel” represents the
perfect truth, holiness, the very Word of God itself. It is the
witness made known to the world by Jesus Christ, the Son of God
The message of salvation disclosed to us by the Lord Jesus Christ
is mostly contained in the four Gospels of the New Testament
which is addressed to each one of us and draw us into the
Kingdom of God.
The word Gospel (Evangelion) means “the good news” and it
brings to us the news of salvation of the entire mankind, through
Jesus Christ, the Son of God and our only Savior. He is the One
Who redeems us from the slavery of sin.
Though God is the author of the Gospel, the four texts were
written by the following divinely inspired writers:
Evangelist Matthew, who wrote it in Hebrew, addressed his
Gospel to the Jews. Its symbolic image of a man reminds us that
he insisted on the humanity of Christ-the new Adam. Saint Mark
addressed his gospel to the Romans, and his emblematic sign is
the Lyon, for Christ overpowered the devil like a Lyon. The holy
physician Luke wrote his gospel to the Greeks, and his symbol is
the Taurus. This reminds us of the self-sacrifice of Christ. Finally,
Saint John, who wrote his Gospel later in the first century, had a
more universal scope. His emblem is the eagle, for he pointed to
the divinity of Christ and his Theology soared high.
The Gospels are central to our faith and for this reason we need to
read them at all times. Our services are centered on the Gospel
truth as well. The Gospels present to us the life, teaching,
miracles and the person of Christ-the Word. The book of the four
Gospels is always placed on the Holy Altar and not only do we
read or listen it, but we carry it in processions and also revere it as
the very presence of Christ.
Do you have a Bible in your home? Do you read it? Do you
follow God’s Word? The Lord says: “Blessed are those who hear
the word of God and keep it” (Lk. 11:28), for “the love of God is
perfected in him” (1 Jn. 2,5).
Fr. Remus Grama
Cuvântul “Evanghelie” reprezintă pentru Creştinii Ortodocşi
adevărul deplin, sfinţenia şi însuşi Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu. Ea este
mărturisirea făcută în lume de Însuşi Hristos, Fiul lui Dumnezeu.
Mesajul mântuirii, care ne-a fost descoperit de Domnul Iisus
Hristos, este cuprins în cele patru Evanghelii ale Noului
Testament. Ele ne vorbesc fiecăruia dintre noi şi ne atrag
înspre Împărăţia lui Dumnezeu.
Cuvântul“Evanghelie”înseamnă vestea cea bună care aduce
lumii întregi ştirea bunei-voiri a lui Dumnezeu, împlinite în
Iisus Hristos, Fiul lui Dumnezeu şi unicul Mântuitor al
nostru. El este Acela Care ne răscumpără din robia păcatului.
Deşi Dumnezeu este autorul Evangheliei, cele patru texte ale
acesteia au fost scrise de următorii autori dumnezeieşte
inspiraţi: Sfântul Apostol şi Evanghelist Matei, care a scris în
evreieşte, pentru evrei. Simbolul acesteia este omul, pentru că
el a insistat asupra umanităţii lui Hristos-noul Adam. Sf.
Marcu şi-a adresat evanghelia sa Romanilor, iar emblema sa
este Leul, căci Hristos, ca un leu a biruit pe diavol. Sfântul
Luca, medicul, a scris pentru Greci, iar simbolul este un taur,
care ne aminteşte despre jertfa sângeroasă a lui Hristos. În
fine, Sf. Ioan Evanghelistul a scris textul său cu un scop
amplu, adică adresat tuturor creştinilor, la sfârşitul primului
veac. Simbolul lui este vulturul, deoarece el a punctat spre
divinitatea lui Hristos, teologia sa fiind deosebit de înaripată.
Evangheliile sunt centrale credinţei noastre şi, pentru aceasta,
se cade să le citim frecvent. Serviciile bisericii sunt axate, de
asemenea, pe adevărul acestora. Evanghelia le înfăţişează,
aşadar, viaţa, învăţătura, minunile şi persoana lui Iisus
Hristos. Cartea ferecată a celor patru Evanghelii este nelipsită
de pe sfântul Altar, iar noi nu numai că o citim sau ascultăm,
ci o şi purtăm în procesiuni şi o cinstim ca pe însăşi prezenţa
personală a lui Hristos între noi.
Tu, oare, ai o Biblie în casă? Citeşti din ea zilnic? Urmezi
Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu? Evanghelia ne spune:
“Binecuvântaţi sunt cei ce ascultă cuvântului lui Dumnezeu
şi îl primesc” (Lc. 11:28) pentru că “întru acela iubirea lui
Dumnezeu este făcută desăvârşită” (1 In. 2,5).
Pr. Remus Grama
SUN., Oct. 16 : 8:30 am Matins; 9:30 am Divine Liturgy;
11:30 am Parastases: Neagu & Spanu Families & Brateanu
Family; 12 pm Pastry Fair – Ladies Auxiliary – Fund Raising
for Vatra Generation Collection.
MON., Oct. 17th: 7 pm Finance Committee Meeting –
Rescheduled from last week.
TUE., Oct. 18th: 7 pm EOWG – Fundraising Dinner – Holy
Trinity Orthodox Church – Parma.
WED., Oct. 19th: 7 pm Parish Council Meeting.
SAT., Oct.22nd: 11 am Parastases: Trutza/Neumann IMO Jeff
Neumann & Sarsama Fam. IMO Silvia Sarsama & Sarsama Fam.;
2 pm Cultural Hall Rental.; 5 pm Vespers & Confessions.
SUN., Oct.23rd: 8:30 am Matins; 9 am PROKOMEDIA;
9:30 am Divine Liturgy; 11 am – Church School FALL
FESTIVAL; 11:30 am Parastas Turc Family; 1 pm Baptism
Aveline Simonca.
TUE., Oct. 25th: 7 pm CRACL Meeting.
WED., Oct.26th: (+) Great-Martyr Demetrios – 9am Divine
THU., Oct. 27th: (+) Ven. Dimitrie the New – 9 am Acatist;
SAT., Oct. 29th: 12:30 pm Baptism Junia Bold; 2:30 pm Baptism
Alessandra Bejan; 5 pm Vespers & Confessions.
Nursing Home
Radu Petrescu
Ana Pravitchi
Angela Netcu
Royal Oak
Diplomat (N. Royalton)
Eliza Jennings
Assisted Living
Sylvia Cantor
Harbor Court
Virginia Gib
Brookdale (Middleburg Hts.)
John W. & Victoria A. Morin
Greenfield at Oak Ridge, TN
Ruth Lazar
Royalton Woods
Philip & Elizabeth Klie
Westlake Rehabilitation
Teofania Cristoloveanu
Westlake Rehabilitation
Altar Boys (October 23 ): Nicholas Spanu, Marcus
Durlesteanu, Matthew Trimbitas, Charlie Christopherson,
Alexandru Ciuta
Simona Cismas IM tatalui Ioan.
Victoria Popescu IMO family members.
Carmen Pătruţ IMO my mother Georgeta.
Fam. Inoan IM tatălui, bunicului Loghin, bunica şi străbunica
Raveca. Dumnezeu să-i odihnească în pace!
Ileana & Radu Conţiu pentru sanatatea lui Ioan Pumnea
bolnav grav şi pentru întreaga familie.
Livia IMO brother, Dan-Mihail.
Victor & Elena Muntean IM celor decedaţi din familie. (2).
Viorica Pandrea IMO husband and father George.
May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu să-i odihnească!
Mirela Dobre IMO Mircea Brăteanu.
Ileana & Radu Conţiu IM Maria Gabriela Counţiu, Daniel
Pumnea şi bunicii.
May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu să-i odihnească!
Mihaela Popescu - Heavenly Father, thank you for all the
blessings bestowed upon me. Guide me always, Lord.
Teodora for the good health of Teofana, Theodora, Dan, and
family friends.
Gărgăriţă fam. pentru sănătatea familiei şi copiilor călătorie
uşoară şi să vină sănătoşi acasă.
Corina Grosu for special intentions of Corina.
Alex & Florica Cotrău pentru sănătatea nepotului Noah pentru
ziualui de naştere! Happy Birthday!
Gabriela pentru sănătatea familiei, ajutor şi mulţumire de la
Ana Popa IM soțului meu Traian Popa.
Simona IM tatălui meu Ioan și a tuturor celor decedați din
Saveta Roșu IM soțului meu drag, Dimitrie.
Cornelia Bicescu IMO my husband Ovidiu Bicescu.
Mariana Tarla - IM iubitului meu soț, Gheorghița (Nicu), fie-ți
îngerii aproape și somnul dulce; și pentru toți cei răposați din
Afrodita, Irina, Magdalena & Sophia IM părinților Victor şi Paula
Rozalia Buta IM soțului meu drag, Toma, și a neuitaților
părinți,Toma, Eva, Iosif, Maria. Dumnezeu să-i ierte!
Victoria Popescu IMO family members.
Ileana & Radu Conţiu for the good health of family and everyone;
for the speedy recovery of Ioan Pumnea and for good luck at
Carmen Pătruț IMO my mother Georgeta. May God rest her soul
in peace! For travelers Traian and Carmen. May God watch over
Elena Keta IM soţului meu Petar Keta.
Viorica Pandrea & children IMO husband George and daughter
Roxana. Rest in peace! (2)
Dumitru & Paraschiva Vasu Fam. IMO mother & grandmother
Paraschiva Sarbu on her name day. Always in our hearts.
Memory Eternal!
May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu să-i odihnească!
Ileana & Radu Conţiu in honor of Adriana Conţiu on her 15th
birthday. Happy Birthday!
Letiţia & Florin Postelnicu for the good health of Nicolae Streza.
Elena & Viorel Oancea for the good health of our family.
Angela Voiculescu – please God look over my daughter Sonia.
Protect and bless her.
Mihaela Hetruc pentru sănătatea familiei, succes Lorenei-Cristina
la şcoală şi mulţumiri lui Dumnezeu pentru ajutor; si pentru
sănătatea vecinului Nicolae.
Dumitru & Paraschiva Vasu Family for the good health of our
family, God’s blessings and special intentions.
George, Eleonora & Marcel Alexandru pentru sănătatea Dnei.
Cismas, Simona & Vasile Meterna; şi pentru sănătatea familiilor
noastre şi a nepoţilor Ştefania şi Denis. (2)
To Whom Should We Pray?
Prayers to Your Patron Saint
Parish Priest:
Fr. Remus Grama
(216)-941-5882 home
Parish Council
Ladies Auxiliary
Vasile Peicu
Mariana Miron
(216) 240-3299
(440) 360-0839
Karoly Rakoczi
Mihaela Hetruc
(440) 527-1572
(216) 941-5550
Hall Rental:
Cantor & Choir:
Mihaela Hetruc
Gheorghe Lateș
(216) 213-5367
(216) 973-8812
Saint (Name), Holy Mother of God and all
the saints, who have pleased God in Your
lives; pray to Christ my Lord that I might
live this day in peace love and humility.
Pray unto God for me, O Holy Saint (Name),
well-pleasing to God: for I turn to you, who
are a speedy helper and intercessor for my
Bulletin Sponsors 2017
If you would like to sponsor the
weekly bulletin, please call the office
at 216-941-5550; or, e-mail us at:
[email protected]
You can do that in honor or in memory of a loved one,
for the good health, or for any other reason, for a $40
donation ($80 Holy Pascha & Christmas). Available
dates: January 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; February: 5, 12, 19, 26;
March 5, 12, 19, 26; April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; May: 7, 14,
21, 28; June: 4, 11, 18, 25; July: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30;
August: 6, 13, 20, 27; September: 3, 10, 17, 24;
October: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; November: 5, 12, 19, 26;
December: 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. We thank all who have
supported and sponsored our bulletins over the years.
This definitely helps reducing the expenses of our
informative weekly newsletter.
OCTOBER 19, 2016
7 PM
Church Council
7 PM in the AROY Room
Do You Love God?
At the beginning of this month, we sent out to you
our Good Shepherd. We included an envelope not
only to remind our members that the parish has
needs, but to challenge each one of us to show our
love for God. So far, five envelops came back and I
was happy, and hope that others may feel like these
blessed five parishioners who returned the envelopes.
May He who gave us His life on the Cross, bless each
one of us to learn to follow Him not only in receiving
but in giving also!
Fr. R.Grama
The Parish Garage Made New
Last spring we sent a signal to
you that the roof of our parish
garage was collapsing and the
walls were severely cracked.
The Council heard this pleading
and several men of the parish
volunteered and put a new roof on it. Others came now
and finished the electric installation and embellished the
old garage in vinyl siding. It was great to see such
infusion of faith and energy!
Although the work was mostly done with volunteers, the
expense for the materials and some of the work is
$3,500. Any small donation to help cover the cost of
this project is appreciated. For those interested in
making a donation, please mention the word “garage”
when you give the donation or write it on the check’s
memo. All checks must be made payable to “St. Mary
Romanian Orthodox Cathedral.”
Îl Iubiţi pe Dumnezeu?
La începutul acestei luni, în publicaţia lunară, Bunul
Păstor, pe care aţi primit-o în poştă, a fost inclus un
plic adresat bisericii noastre. Acest plic nu are doar
menirea de a reaminti credincioşilor de plata
membriei, ci şi scopul unei schimbări în poziţia
fiecărui credincios faţă de Casa lui Dumnezeu. Nu
putem să ne arătăm dragostea faţă de Dumnezeu dacă
nu considerăm Casa Lui ca pe propria noastră casă.
Cum casele noastre solicită cheltuieli, la fel şi Casa
Domnului. Am fost foarte încântat să văd căci
credincioşii noştri au realizat acest lucru şi că cinci
binecuvântaţi credincioşi au trimis donaţia lor. Fie ca
El, cel ce ne-a dăruit viaţa Sa pe cruce, să
binecuvânteze pe fiecare dintre noi să învăţăm cum să
Îl urmăm nu doar atunci când avem nevoie, dar şi
atunci când trebuie să dăruim!
Pr. R.Grama
Now the work is almost done and the old ragged garage
looks brand new. So, it can be done and much more
could be accomplished if just more of us would
volunteer their time, talents and money. Thank you,
volunteers and supporters! May the Lord bless you!
A Library Donation Is Needed
Due to the increase of our parish
library, we need to build extra
shelves in the Sunday School
Building. We need about $1,000 for
the materials and we hope that with the help of a few
families we could do it quickly. Our library is a
reference library for the
Romanian community in America.
Let us support and promote it!
You may do it in honor or in
memory of someone you love.
Thank you for your help!
Priestly Vestments to Be Blessed
A set of priestly vestments was donated
by the families of Alex & Florica
Cotrau, Cristian si Mary Cotrau and
David si Cristina O’Connell together
with their children and grandchildren.
They will be blessed Sunday, November
6th, after the Divine Liturgy. May God
bless the generous donors!
Sfinţirea Veşmintelor Preoţeşti
Mulţumiri familiilor Cotrău şi O’Connell care, prin
mărinimia lor, au donat un set de haine preoţeşti.
Sfinţirea va avea loc după Sf. Liturghie din 6
noiembrie. Să fiţi binecuvântaţi pentru dărnicie şi
iubire faţă de Hristos!
The Sunday School teaching team invites all
students to spend quality time among their
brothers and sisters in Christ on
After the
in the
Cultural Hall (church school building)
Children, Children, Children
The education requires discipline, perseverance, effort
and constancy. To train strong orthodox Christians and
build reliable characters for the Church, we must do
our best to equip our children with love for God and
Church, the tools of the Faith and the zeal of the
Please, bring your children to Sunday School. They
need to grow with their generation of orthodox
Christians and get saved together. Some say: But my
child is too small, go in the class with him. Our school
is made by people such as you. As a matter of fact, we
always need help. Others: My child goes to soccer, he
cannot come to church! You weigh out, what’s more
important! The soccer will not keep your child afloat
in the time of his spiritual need. Let’s not neglect the
most essential part of his/her formation. Teach them
with love and zeal, teach them over and over again and
teach them by example!!!
Fr. R.Grama
Our sonship to God is a matter of spiritual faith, love and
discipline. Our discipleship is based on imitation. Thus,
in a parish, as Saint Paul teaches, we call the Priest
“father” because he gives us a new birth in Christ.
Parents should never forget this and bring the children to
church, enable them to develop a relationship with their
pastor, who is called to represent and present Christ to
us. Because the priest feeds us with God’s Word and
with the heavenly mysteries of Christ, all of us become
his children and the word is also attributed to the adults
as well. At their turn, they likewise call the Priest
Father. The priest is God’s sent among us, and who
receives him and his ministry receives Christ. To instill a
closer relationship in the heart of our Sunday School
students, this fall our students will come in church and
meet the Priest together with their teacher. Last Sunday,
for instance, the grades 5-8 came and asked questions
and Father answered them. Based on this experience, in
a near future, our students will share their learning with
all our parishioners. We hope this will remind all of us
that we are indeed God’s children and that we must
always strive to grow in faith and in spirit.
The Liturgy begins at 9:30 AM!
Did you know that the church opens at 8:30 AM when
we begin the Matins? During this service the bells call us
a few times to the main service, the Liturgy. The Divine
Liturgy begins at 9:30 AM. By this time, the entire
congregation must be in the pews, ready to enter the
sacred service.
What a sad picture it is when people come late and even
then, keep talking or ignoring that Christ is in our midst.
He first comes to announce the Gospel, then He goes on
Golgotha for each of us and then He rises and ascends to
heaven. He imparts His Body and Blood as heavenly
nourishment, but so many are not prepared to receive
There are so many questions to be asked: Why do we
come to church? Why do we neglect the gift of God and
why are we disturbing others who are given to prayer?
Don’t you think it is time to change? I do and I invite
you to do likewise. Remember, the meaning of
repentance is all about our desire to change, become
better and closer to God!
Father R. Grama
Liturgical Lesson for Everyone
The Preparation for the Liturgy
Sunday, October 23, at 9 am, Father Remus Grama will
service in the nave of the
church, to enable our
faithful to learn how the
oblation service is done.
This is the service which
precedes the Divine
Liturgy. It is usually
done at 8:00 AM in the
Holy Altar by the Priest alone. At that time the bread and
wine offered by the faithful are set on the paten and
respectively on in the chalice with proper prayer,
remembering the Nativity of Christ in the manger and
His sacrifice on the Cross. During this service, particles
of bread are placed in remembrance of the
hierarchs/clergy, civil leaders, and founders. Then the
names of the living and the departed are commemorated
and thus included in the great Sacrament yet to come.
We invite our faithful, adults, parents and children to
come early and participate in this, explained service,
which will be punctuated also by brief explanations.
O Lecţie Liturgică:
Duminică, 23 octombrie, orele 9 dimineaţa, Părintele va
oficia proscomidia în faţa credincioşilor, oferind
explicaţii. Vă chemăm cu drag să participaţi!
Sfânta Liturghie începe la 9:30
Ştiţi că uşele bisericii se deschid la 8:30 am când începe
Utrenia? În acest timp, se trag clopotele bisericii care ne
vestesc de câteva ori că se face pregătirea pentru Sf.
Liturghie care începe la ora 9:30 dimineaţă. Înainte de
începerea Sf. Liturghii, fiecare trebuie să fie deja în
băncile bisericii. Este neplăcut când se întârzie si când
enoriaşii vorbesc şi ignoră faptul ca Iisus Hristos este în
mijlocul nostru. El vine mai întâi să anunţe Sfânta
Evanghelie, apoi se urcă pe muntele Gologota pentru
fiecare dintre noi, apoi El se ridică şi se Înalţă la ceruri.
El împarte Trupul şi Sângele Lui ca mâncare cerească,
dar câţi sunt pregătiţi să o primească?
Sunt multe întrebările pe care trebuie să ni le punem: De
ce venim la biserică? De ce neglijăm darurile sfinte de
la Dumnezeu şi deranjăm din rugăciunile lor pe cei ce
vin la timp? Nu credeţi că e timpul să vă schimbaţi? Vă
invit să meditaţi la cele de mai sus şi să se vadă o
schimbare în rândurile de bănci în timpul liturghiei.
Amintiţi-vă că semnificaţia pocăinţei trăieşte şi depinde
doar de dorinţa fiecăruia, cât de mult îşi doreşte să se
apropie de Dumnezeu!
Părintele R. Grama
Library Cataloguing Begins
Our office is currently working
on the Parish Directory 2017
edition in pocket book format.
This Directory is the list of
names and addresses of our
parish members. Since we
printed the first edition, it
became a handy tool among
our parish members. If anyone
noticed any errors in the
previous edition, please notify our office.
Through the effort of our
college student Lorena
Cristina Hetruc and under
administrative secretary, Mihaela Hetruc, the
cataloguing of the parish library has begun. The
books were first organized in the last years and now
we enter a new phase. If any other student wishes to
help, please call our office. Thank you!
Only the names of the parish members are included
in this Directory. Dear Members, if you wish to be
included, please make sure that your membership
dues are paid before December 2016. If you are not
a member yet and want to be included in the
Directory, this is the time to become one.
În prezent se lucrează la Carnetul de Adrese ai
Membrilor Parohiei, Ediţia 2017. Adresele şi
numerele de telefoane ale tuturor membrilor
parohiei noastre vor fi listate în această carte.
Aceast carnet s-a dovedit a fi foarte folositor printre
membrii parohiei încă de la imprimarea primei
ediţii. Dacă cineva a observat vreo greşeală în
numărul trecut al carnetului, vă rugăm să notificaţi
biroul parohial.
Doar numele membrilor vor apărea în acest Carnet.
Dragi Membri, dacă doriţi să fiţi incluşi, vă rugăm
să vă plătiţi membria înainte de luna Decembrie
2016. Dacă încă nu sunteţi membri şi doriţi să fiţi
incluşi pe listă, acesta este încă un moment când
puteţi lua decizia de a deveni membru.
George Enescu Choir
We are back in action. Are
you with us? Though our
prayer is always burning for
the love of God, without
your voice, we may not always sound perfect.
Come, help us improve the tone of our prayers.
Don’t we all want God to look down with favor and
smiling to us? See you Sunday, in church!
Our museum was visited again last
week by a bus from JKL Tours.
Our guests are always impressed.
Father reminds our parishioners
who may own museum quality items or ethnic
costumes and special memorabilia to please
consider donating them to our museum.
Muzeul nostru etnic a fost
vizitat din nou de un grup de
pelerini de la JKL Tours.
Vizitatorii sunt totdeauna
plăcut impresionaţi când ne
vizitează obiectivele turistice a parohiei. Părintele
doreşte pe această cale să reamintească tuturor celor
care au obiecte demne de un muzeu etnic (ex.,
costume populare vechi, lucruri casnice, ustensile,
etc.) să considere a le dona la muzeul nostru.
Thank you! ~~~~~Mulţumiri!
We Need Bulbs for Perennial Flowers
Every fall we kept adding perennial flowers on our
property. This is the season to plant for next year. We
still need red tulips and canna flowers to be planted
around the church, in front of the Social Hall, on the
islands of our parking lot, in Pomutz Garden and by the
Caritatea Pavilion. Let’s contribute and make this
world a bit more colorful than we have found it! Will
you please call us?
Many Thanks!
KNOW that every second
Wednesday of the month the Senior Citizens meet,
have lunch and different other activities in our
social hall? Their group used to have over 200
members, but now their number is down to a little
over 30 members.
WHO CAN COME? Any retiree that would
like to make friends and spend a wonderful day
among them, are welcome to join the club. Other
ethnicities are also welcomed.
decided to join the club, call the parish office for
ŞTIAŢI CĂ în fiecare a doua Miercuri a lunii,
membrii Clubului Seniorilor se întâlnesc, servesc
prânzul şi organizează diferite activităţi? Această
organizaţie a avut un număr de peste 200 membri.
Din nefericire, acum au mai rămas doar puţin peste
În fiecare toamnă adăugăm flori pereniale pe
proprietatea bisericii. Acum este momentul oportun să
plantăm pentru anul viitor. Încă avem nevoie de lalele
roşii şi flori de Canna care vor fi plantate în jurul
bisericii, în faţa sălii sociale, in Grădina Pomuţ şi
Pavilionul Caritatea. Hai să contribuim cu toţii să facem
această lume mai colorată decât am găsit-o!
Mii de mulţumiri!
CINE POATE VENI? Oricare persoană de
vârsta pensionării care doreşte să facă prieteni noi şi
să petreacă o după-amiază frumoasă în compania
lor, se poate înscrie în acest club. De asemenea,
puteţi să aduceţi şi persoane de alte naţionalităţi.
CUM SĂ DEVIN MEMBRU? Dacă doriţi să
deveniţi membru al acestui club, sunaţi biroul
parohial pentru informaţii.
Masă cu
Reverse Raffle
Saturday, November 5th,
Sâmbătă, 5 Noiembrie,
Marele Premiu: $2,000
Grand Prize Cash: $2,000
Peste 35 de alte premii de
$100, $50, $15
Over 35 more prizes of $100, $50, $15
6 P.M. Aperitive
6 P.M. Appetizers & Cocktails
7 P.M. Servirea Mesei
7 P.M. Full Course Dinner
Preţul Biletului: $60/persoană
sau $75 pentru 2 persoane
Contribution: $60 per ticket
additional guest dinner ticket
Mâncarea şi băutura sunt
incluse în preţul biletului
All food & drinks are included
Pentru rezervări
contactaţi pe:
For tickets & reservations please contact:
Cristian Spanu – (440) 716-8312
Constantin Draganoiu – (216) 854-0325
Gerge Ittu – (216) 513-5497
Pentru mai multe informaţii contactaţi
For more information please contact
the church office at:
biroul parohial la:
[email protected]

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