May 15, 2016
May 15, 2016
St. Bridget & St. Stanislaus Kostka Churches We are on the web. Visit us at MASS SCHEDULE St. Bridget Church Daily: St. Stanislaus Kostka Wed. & Fri. 8:30 am Daily: St. Bridget Tues. & Thurs. 8:30 am 12 Church St. West Rutland Saturday Vigils St. Stanislaus Kostka 4 pm St. Bridget 5:30 pm Sunday: St. Bridget 9 am CONFESSIONS Sat. St. Stanislaus Kostka 3:pm Sun. St. Bridget 8 am Or By Appointment DEVOTIONS Daily Rosary 8:15 am First Friday Adoration— St. Stanislaus Kostka 9:30 am—Noon Infant Jesus of Prague Novena and Divine Mercy Chaplet— St. Stanislaus Kostka, Monthly from 17th to 25th, 2:30 pm (excluding Sundays) St. Stanislaus Kostka Church 11 Barnes St. West Rutland Pastor, Rev. Romanus Igweonu Music Ministry, Mrs. Angela Lundrigan Mrs. Olivia Boughton Administrative Office: 28 Church Street West Rutland, VT 05777 PHONE: 802.438.2490 Email: [email protected] Parish Office Hours: M & W 1pm– 4pm T & TH 8am—3pm Sacramental Preparation Baptism – Parents or guardians seeking to have a child baptized should contact the rectory prior to the desired Baptism date to attend a Baptism preparation workshop. RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. If you are interested in what it means to be Catholic, please contact Fr. Romanus Marriage – Registered parishioners need to make an appointment with the pastor six months prior to the requested date of marriage. Anointing – Anyone who is seriously ill, anticipating surgery or weakened because of prolonged illness or advanced age is encouraged to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Please contact the priest. St. Bridget, St. Stanislaus Kostka, Sacred Heart Cemetery: The cemetery located on Main Street opposite St. Stanislaus Kostka Church is situated on more than ten acres in a lovely, quiet, tree-lined neighborhood. The tranquility is enhanced by majestic pine trees and monuments dating back to the mid-nineteenth century. Our primary goal is to carry out the sacred religious functions of burial and care for the resting places of the deceased. The Catholic Church regards the burying of the dead as a deep spiritual significance and a Corporal Work of Mercy. Our cemetery has been serving the West Rutland area for more than 150 years. It was consecrated in May 1865 by Bishop Louis DeGoesbriand, the first Bishop of Burlington, and is one of the oldest, active Catholic cemeteries in the diocese. St. Bridget and St. Stanislaus Kostka Pentecost Sunday Sat./Sun., May 14/May 15 Pentecost Sunday 4:00 PM (SSK) In Memory of Anthony Godzik Requested by Mary Nemeth 5:30 PM (SB) In Memory of Anthony & Emily Pokrywka Requested by Carolyn Wos 9:00 AM (SB) For a special intention Tue., May 17— Weekday 8:30 AM (SB) In Memory of Rita Gallipo, Requested by her husband Wed., May 18– Weekday 8:30 AM (SSK) In Memory of Joseph Wysolmerski Requested by Mania Wysolmerski Thurs., May 19– Weekday 8:30 AM (SB) In Memory of Rita Gallipo Requested by her husband Fri., May 20– Weekday 8:30 AM (SSK) In Memory of Frank Salengo, Sr. Requested by Margie & family Sat./Sun., May 21/May 22 The Most Holy Trinity 4:00 PM (SSK) In Memory of Sisters Prudence & Sophie Chrusciel Requested by Mary Nemeth 5:30 PM (SB) In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mumford and Marilyn Cotrupi Requested by Betty Mumford 9:00 AM (SB) In Memory of Frank Bruno Requested by the family Sunday Stewardship Collections, May 8, 2016 Collection Weekly Goal St. Bridget $ 1,929 .00 $2,799.04 SSK $ 1,204 .00 $1,495.53 West Rutland, Vermont Our Thoughts and Prayers Are With... Sick and Infirmed: Emily Czachor, Sandy, Thomas Pawlusiak, Marie Wysolmerski, Sandy Place, Kathy Phillips, Sophie Krysztofik, Stanley Borowy, Elizabeth, Marie Frankiewicz, Beverly Staruski, Tiffany Marquis, Drew Richard, Peg Patch, Helen Dydo, Deidy Forte, Reilly Jakubiak, Frank Baginski, and those who are homebound or in nursing facilities. Our Military Members: Gr egor y Foley, Michael Gould, Ross & Brittany Lowell, Kody McFarren Extraordinary Ministers Extraordinary Minister Schedule May 21-4 PM (SSK):(EM)M. Nemeth (L) P. Kulig May 21-5:30 PM (SB):(EM) J . Ander son (L) S. Densmor e (S) L. Courcelle (S) M. Harte May 22-9 AM (SB):(EM) J . McPhee (EM) J . Rousseau (EM) P. Mayer (L) M. Dubray (S) E. Paquin (S) S. Paquin Bishop’s Fund In Pew Commitment Weekend A reminder that this weekend, we are asking for your commitment to the 2016 Bishop’s Fund Annual Appeal. In a Holy Year of Mercy we are all thankful for all of the ways God has extended his Mercy to us. One way to extend his mercy to others is by offering financial support to the far-reaching ministries funded by the diocese. Please remember, if pledges are made this weekend or next, there is a very large cost savings so that the diocese can be good stewards of gifts! If you are unable to make a commitment this year, you may also indicate this on your pledge card, but all are encouraged to participate. Next weekend will also serve as a second follow-up opportunity. Thank you! Notice from Parish Secretary Sanctuary Candle Sponsors for SSK May — For Anthony & Emily Pokrywka Requested by Carolyn & John Wos, Josie & Bauer Sanctuary Candle Sponsors for St. Bridget May—For Rita Gallipo Requested by Lawrence Gallipo Christ the King School Enrollment for 2016-2017 available now, Pre K—8th grade. We offer traditional academic subjects plus Music, Art, Physical Education, Computer Science, Spanish, Latin and Lifetime Sports. 1:1 Chrome books for all students grades 6-8. Please contact the school at (802)773-0500 for more information and to take a tour of our school! I will be stepping down as parish secretary as of March 19th. I have been given an opportunity to explore other job options and have decided to accept a position that I feel will benefit myself and my family. I wanted to let you know that I am thankful for the opportunity I have had here at the church to serve you. We are so blessed to have these parishes and all our wonderful volunteers. My best wishes to you all! Calvary Cemetery Memorial Day Mass A memorial Mass will be celebrated on the grounds of Calvary Cemetery in Rutland on Monday, May 30 at 9:00 AM to pray and to remember those who served our nation, as well as to pray for the souls of family and friends buried at Calvary Cemetery. In the event of inclement weather, Mass will be held at St. Peter Church, same date and time. Pentecost Sunday Pentecost Sunday Sunday is the great feast of Pentecost, the bir thday of the Church. The readings and the whole Church celebrate the coming and ongoing presence of the Holy Spirit among us. The Apostles who had been so frightened are now on fire. Now they can speak clearly, so everyone can understand them. In John's Gospel, Jesu s breathes on his jitter y followers and tells them, “Peace be with you” and fills them with courage, giving them the mission to forgive and sending them to carry out his desire that we all be one. The first reading during the week is from the Book of James. It continu es to offer instru ction for living our lives in Christ. "Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." In Mark's Gospel this week we have wonderful stories. Jesus drives a demon out of a man and says that it took faith and prayer. As they continue on the road to Jerusalem, he tells them of his passion, death and resurrection, but they fail to see the meaning for them. They are arguing over who is the greatest. He tells them again what it means to be a disciple: to welcome little ones. Jesus tells them, “whoever is not against us is for us.” In a series of sayings Jesus warns his disciples about scandalizing little ones, and calls them to remove any obstacle to their following him. The Pharisees ask him about divorce, to test him and turn the people from him. Jesus clearly responds about the sacredness of marriage. Because the disciples were discouraging people from bringing children to Jesus, Jesus embraces and blesses the children. Next week begins with Trinity Sunday, w hich always follows a week after Pentecost. It celebrates the un-knowable relationship between the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit - and their loving support for us in our lives. “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth Taken from the "Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer" on the Creighton University's Online Ministries web site: http:// Used with permission. May 15, 2016 Seeking Parish Secretary This position offers clerical support and assistance for the parish office. The individual is expected to maintain a welcoming and helpful atmosphere by providing exceptional customer service to the pastor, priest(s), employees, board members, departments and visitors. The individual frequently works with sensitive or confidential material; which requires an individual with tact, integrity and the ability to maintain absolute confidentiality. The parish secretary must exercise appropriate initiative and judgment in working independently and with a team. Bookkeeping experience preferred. Contact the rectory for more information. We Honor our Parishioners . . . Happy Birthday to our May Babies SB: Tess Bartlett, Lorreta Canales, Christina Center, John Center, Marilyn Coloutti, Stefano Falco, Susan Farrell, Savannah Fredette, Richard Fredette, Brian Harrington, Jefferey Harte, Abigail Harvey, Stanley Jakubiak, Patrick Loughan, Richard Marchinkoski, Colleen Pawlusiak, Louise Pfenning, Dean Pierce, Richard Sheldon, Margaret Slack, David Smyrski, Helen Steele, Carl Wener SSK: Bonnie Chmielewski, Stanley Jagodzinski, Henry Wasik, George Miglis, Jalissa Edwards, Janelle Edwards, Mary Nemeth, Stephen Bania, Frances Miglis, Ann Hughes, Betty Wos, Elaine Dydo, Ralph Ford, Ann Watts. Happy Anniversary to our May Couples SB: Richard & Katy Fredette, Stan and Michelle Jagodzinski, Daniel & Maxine Hurlbut, John & Susan Farrell, Albert & Carol Zakrzewski, Tom & Colleen Pawlusiak SSK: Jeff and Teri Wos, Michael & Ceil Scott, Tom & Vicki Bania. If your Birthday or Anniversary is missed, we do not have your information in our database. Please let us know so we can include you too! Safe and Sacred Program for Volunteers Letters about the Safe and Sacred program were sent out to volunteers. Please return your paperwork or “opt-out” form no later than May 15th. Extra forms are in the vestibule of each church. Thank you for your time and talents in all you do as volunteers. You are all truly amazing! 2016 Remembering and Praying . . . Prayer Group Welcomes New Members Each Tuesday after 8:30 am Mass at St. Bridget, people assemble in the church hall for a weekly prayer group. All are invited and welcome to attend. Come and experience the power of prayer! St. Bridget: Peter Bianchi, Rourke Harte, Barbara Wiskoski, Robert Tyminski St. Stanislaus Kostka: Micheal Godek and Marie Kramarz, Helen Czachor, John Godzik, Helen Colananni, Helen Nienaltowski, Viola Sherowski, Gertrude Haick, Stella Grabowski
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May 8, 2016 - St. Bridget and St. Stanislaus Kostka
Happy Birthday to our May Babies