June 2013 Volume 128 • Number 6
June 2013 Volume 128 • Number 6
Volume 128 • Number 6 Hospital Day June 2013 Chang the Chinese Dragon was fascinating to the children - just when they made friends, the dragon would sneeze on them! Potentate Don Harmsen with Auxiliary members Linda Roussopoulous and Elizbeth Ekholm. Dr. Cary Mielke was officially named Chief of Staff . Here he’s being presented with some of the hats he will need from his predessor, Dr. Ken Guidera. Dr. Ryan Bortolon, Anesthesiologist, shows Dick Thompson PP the difference between Shriners and other hospitals. June 2013 Volume 128 • Number 6 Os m a n Sh r i n e O f f i ce r s 2013 Diva n Donald Harmsen (Terrie) Potentate [email protected] Roger Berge (Jennifer) Chief Rabban [email protected] Directors Staff, Winona Area Shrine Club, Crown Jewel Jeffrey Olsen (Julie) Assistant Rabban [email protected] Osman Cycles, Pipe Band, St. Paul Zagalas Bruce Thomas (Terri) High Priest & Prophet [email protected] Drum & Bugle, East Central Shrine Club, Friendly Valley Shrine Club, Mighty Mites Rich Purcell (Sharon) Oriental Guide [email protected] Blooming Prairie Shrine Club, Cannon Valley Shrine Club, Clubs & Units, Provost St. Cloud Go-Karts Captain Mike Yankovec wrestling this elephant at the Shrine Circus. He almost had her pinned! Russell Christofk (Pauline) Treasurer [email protected] Tom West (Rose) Recorder [email protected] Mike Nehm (Sandy) 1st Ceremonial Master [email protected] Austin Oriental Band, Austin Area Shrine Club, Clowns, Patrol Anders Haugen (Adriana) 2nd Ceremonial Master [email protected] St. Cloud Go-Karts, St. Cloud Shrine Club, St. Cloud Zagalas, Legion of Honor Larry Norte (Audrey) Marshal [email protected] Chanters, Hi-Hats, Mankato Shrine Club, Mankato T-Birds, Sheiks Sean Gardiner (Tracy) Captain of the Guard [email protected] Alexandria Shrine Club, Alexandria Calliope/Four Wheelers, Nomads Club, Cigar Club Mark Galloway (Lori) Outer Guard [email protected] Albert Lea Shrine Club and Cars, Rochester Cycles, Rochester Dragons, Merry Medics, Rochester Shrine Club, Rochester Zagalas Everything is a dollar! DOLLARONE $$ Convenient $$ Economical $$ Owned by Shriner Mark Sandstrom! Located next to Hibachi Grill at 1201 Robert Street Suite 18, W. St. Paul 651-207-6278 Pote’s Notes The month of May was amazing. On the third we had snow then eleven days later we got up to ninety eight. I heard that there is only one other place on earth that has such weather extremes. We sure are lucky we live here. We started out with a great fish fry and Masonic information evening at Tussler Summit Lodge. The food and fellowship were second to none. Then on Saturday the 4th, we had the spring ceremonial. We had two new Nobles join Osman. The weather and the construction that is going on In This Issue . . . Stated Meeting - 4 Ceremonial - 5 Hospital Day/Hospital Birthday/Hospital Report - 6 Picnic - 8 Fish Fry - 8 Club & Unit Reports - 9 Parades by Osman Units - 20 J u n e 2 0 1 3 around our warehouse prevented the ceremonial team from getting the trailer with all the equipment and props. But in true Osman fashion they put on their tuxedos and did a fantastic job. Thanks again, guys. On the 10th, Terrie and I attended the installation of officers for the Osman Cycle Corp. What a great group. We ate and shared a few beverages and talked about the old times and what we hope will be many more years of good times. Then I got a terrible summer cold and was unable to attend the club and unit head meeting. Our Assistant Rabban, Jeff Olsen, covered for me and I later heard he did a great job. Thanks Jeff, I owe you one. I also missed the steak fry down in Albert Lea. I heard that was really fun as well. I got better just in time to attend the joint Osman/Zuhrah Divan dinner. This is a dinner that was started by my Shrine father Mike Hildebrand and his Zuhrah counterpart Bill Larson. This has been a great event to share Saints Game - 23 World Record Clowns - 23 Osman Womens Auxiliary - 24 Daughters of the Nile - 26 Birthdays June - 27 MSA Duluth - 28 Paper Supporters - 29 Calendar of Events - 30 Parade Pictures - 31 Casino night - 32 Good stuff! Potentate Don Harmsen enjoying the Fish Fry/Membership Event at Tusler Summit Lodge. with our brothers across the river. I’m sure Mark and his counterpart will keep the tradition going. The 17th brought Hospital Day and that was a great day as well. They were prepared for the rainy weather we had and had the event in the upper level of the parking garage. I always learn more and more about what great things go on at the Shriners Hospital for Children. When the patients come and talk about the great care and the loving attention they get, it’s hard to keep a dry eye. We sure are lucky to be Shriners. Es Selamu Aleikum Don Harmsen, Potentate 2013 Official Monthly Publication of Osman A.A.O.N.M.S. 2750 Sibley Memorial Highway, St. Paul, MN 55121 (651) 452-5660 • Fax (651) 683-0231 osmanshrine.org • E-mail: [email protected] All communications regarding editorial content or advertising should be addressed to the Editor at the address above. Published in the interest of Osman Shrine. Osman Shrine Office Staff Doreen Lynch Ellen Maine Office Manager Assistant Office Manager [email protected] [email protected] P a g e 3 Osman Shrine Stated Meeting June 11, 2013, 6:30 p.m. Osman Shrine Center/Lost Spur Buffet dinner before the meeting Notice of vote Due notice is hereby given that, at a Stated meeting of Osman Shrine on June 11, 2013, the following will be voted upon: As required by Osman Bylaws, the Nobility will vote on the 2014 fundraiser. ere shall be a 2014 fundraiser for the Osman Shrine, a Circus to be held at the State Fair Coliseum. Notice of Expenditure from Pilgrimage Fund ere shall be appropriated from the Pilgrimage Fund the sum of $8,000.00 or as much thereof as is necessary, for the Divan, the Nobility, and the seven elected Midwest Representatives to attend the Midwest in Duluth, MN, August 15-17, 2013. ere shall be appropriated from the Pilgrimage Fund the sum of $2,500.00 or as much as is necessary to send the Imperial Representatives to attend the Imperial Session in Indianapolis, IN, June 30-July 4, 2013. Attest. Donald Harmsen, Potentate omas West, Recorder Meeting starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. Professional Service with a Personal Touch Real Estate, Business, Estate Planning, Elder Law, Probate Matters Suite 801, Rosedale Towers 1700 West Highway 36 Queen, Daughters of Roseville, Minnesota 55113 651-636-5473 • Fax: 651-636-0437 the Nile Mat Sha Temple 2009-2010 [email protected] • www.janejlarson.com P a g e 4 Brian Beermann Jackie Beermann embracing and assisting positive change Jackie: (651) 379-2823 Brian: (651) 379-2822 Fax: (651) 379-2821 KELLER WILLIAMS ® I N T E G R I T Y R E A LT Y email: [email protected] www.beermannpartners.com J u n e 2 0 1 3 Scott Paulson cleanses the candidates while his father Hank looks on. The Paulson trio: Scott, Hank and Dan. Tony Cicchese, Gary Wettschreck, Jerry Payne and Mike Werth making their entrance. Ceremonial Two new Shriners were initiated into the Shrine on May 4. Above left, Wayne Borneman, whose first line signer was his father Charles Borneman; and Jeffry Seaberg, whose first line signer was Sean Gardiner. We welcome these new Shriners and look forward to seeing Assistant Rabban Jeffrey Olsen, HP&P Bruce Thomas and Chief of Staff them at some of the many activities coming up. Mark Sandstrom. Osman’s renowned Ceremonial Team’s prop wagon was “snowed in” so they performed in tuxedos. Left to right, Eric Bishop, Chester Affolter, Scott Paulson, Mike Werth, Tony Cicchese, Scott Rich, Henry Paulson PP, Gary Wettschreck, Jerry Payne, John Davenport, Dan Paulson, Mark Dreyer and Sean Gardiner. J u n e 2 0 1 3 P a g e 5 2013 Hospital Day Dr. Cary Mielke is congratulated by Potentate Don Harmsen as he became an Osman Shriner at the Club & Unit Head Seminar in February. Cary Mielke named Chief of Staff Chairman Raymond McCabe announced that the Board of Governors of the Twin Cities hospital unanimously approved and ratified the recommendation of the Joint Boards to appoint Cary H. Mielke, M.D. Chief of Staff. Dr. Mielke is a graduate of Macalester College and received his Medical Degree from the University of Minnesota. He completed his residency at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and a fellowship in pediatric orthopaedic surgery at the University of Utah and Shriners Hospital for Children in Salt Lake City. In 2006 Dr. Mielke left the world of private practice to join the Twin Cities medical staff as Assistant Chief of Staff. Dr. Mielke is certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery and is a member of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America. His areas of special interest include lower extremity reconstruction and the care of children with cerebral palsy. Dr. Mielke is involved with outreach efforts abroad to Guatemala . “I am excited to apply the principas I have developed in practice with my patients on a large scale,” states Dr. Mielke. “Shriners Hospital for Children - Twin Cities is an outstanding specialty hospital, and I am proud that they have chosen me to help with continued improvement in Dave Tabor with PP Roger performance and Robinson. patient care. P a g e 6 On Friday, May 17, Board of Governors Chairman Raymond G. McCabe welcomed approximately 350 Shriners and their Ladies as well as representatives from the Womens General Auxiliary, Daughters of the Nile, donors, and friends of the Hospital to Hospital Day 2013. e afternoon program was highlighted by patient and family stories as well as a presentation by staff on “What Makes Us Special”. Despite the weather, the program was hailed a success and the day was capped off when KSTP News Anchor Megan Newquist announced the 2013 Rainbow of Hope Award recipients. Two current patients and one former patient were chosen to receive the award this year based on their attitude, positive outlook on life and track record of giving back to others in need. Each of these recipients has proven themselves to be a role model within their community—despite the challenges they live with each and every day. is year’s recipients were Hope Lilly Borman, a 7-year old who already knows the importance of “paying it forward” by collecting and donating well over 1,000 toys to the hospital; Tabitha Henke, a 13-year old ambassador of triumph and joy who, through her “Tabitha Hug” program has raised over $6,000 for flat screen television sets for patient rooms; and former patient Derrick Perez, who, despite many physical challenges, has become a decorated Patrolman and Narcotics K-9 handler and has received citations for bravery in the line of duty as well as an Honorable Service Medal award for bravery involving personal risk to life. e Rainbow of Hope program is supported through the generosity of Osman Shrine Center and supported through the generosity of Osman Shrine in memory of William Ash, former Board Gary Winter, Russ and Pauline Christofk listen Member at the Twin Cities to updates at Hospital Day. hospital. 90th Anniversary Celebration Shriners Hospitals for Children—Twin Cities celebrates 90 years of high-quality care this year. On May 18th, a Carnival-themed party was held on hospital grounds. What was planned to be a fun day on the front lawn ended up being even more enjoyable in the parking garage and inside the hospital. e world’s shortest parade started the day and guests enjoyed a petting zoo, tours, grilled hamburgers and lots of entertainment. ank you to each individual who helped make this event special. We couldn’t have done it without you. Here’s to 90 more! J u n e 2 0 1 3 Can I still sponsor a patient? New patients are no longer required to have a Shriner sponsor because we believe all children deserve an opportunity to be treated at Shriners Hospitals for Children. e hospital still relies on your referrals of new patients to Shriners Hospitals for Children (see example of new referral card on right). When families schedule their appointment, they are asked how they heard about the hospital. By including your name on their referral card, new patients will reference you as their referral source when they call to schedule their first appointment and you will be noted in their file. Facts and Figures: Shriners System Nationwide Treat more than 122,000 children a year Employ more than 5,000 healthcare professionals Affiliated with some of America’s top medical schools ree parts to our mission: worldrenowned clinical care, professional education and innovative research Four specialty areas: orthopaedics, burns, spinal cord injuries and cleft lip and palate Holistic approach to care; manage all aspects of surgery, rehabilitation and psychological support throughout a patient’s childhood and adolescence Facts and Figures: Shriners Hospitals for Children – Twin Cities 2012 Pediatric Orthopaedic Specialty hospital Celebrating 90 years of expert service 40-bed hospital and outpatient clinic Treated 7,609 children in our clinic (783 new patients) Performed 702 surgeries Built 300 custom prostheses (artificial limbs) Created 2,548 orthoses (braces) 397 patients treated at six Outreach Clinics in 2012 In-house physical and occupational therapy Onsite radiology and laboratory Organized multiple specialty camps for Patient stories: Sharon, Jacob & Nathan Ritter tell patients their tale. Jacob and Nathan are fabulous pianists and entertained Hospital guests during lunchl J u n e 2 0 1 3 Women’s General Auxiliary had a busy shopping area during Hospital Day. P a g e 7 ANNUAL OSMAN SHRINE PICNIC e Annual Osman Shrine Family Picnic will be held this year on Sunday July 28th, at the Central Park in Eagan, 1501 Central Pkwy, Eagan from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm. Potentate Harmsen encourages all Osman Shriners, their families, Minnesota Masons and guests to attend this fun event. We will be having hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, and beans. Games and prizes for all ages. PLEASE call the Osman Shrine office by July 19th and let them know if you are planning on attending the picnic. (651-452-5660) Jerry Payne and John Cook Kay Moss and Lady Marlene FISH FRY Norm Hodge and John Thordson P a g e 8 David Park PP The Divan sings their famous birthday song for Rich Johnson. Peter Ekholm PP and Dan Flicek. J u n e 2 0 1 3 Osman Club & Unit Heads - May 14, 2013 Corps, Director Staff, Drum & Bugle Corps, Friendly Valley Shrine Club, Legion of Honor, Mankato Shrine Club, Nomads, Provost, Sheiks, St. Cloud Area Shrine Club, St. Cloud Go-Carts. 22 other units not in attendance. 5. Minutes Approval 6. Treasurer’s Report presented by Secretary/Treasurer Brent Metcalf a. Balance $ 1,373.53 L to r, Anders Haugen, Mike Nehm, Jim Moore, Ricque Beslin, Rich Purcell and Bob Golder. n Meeting called to order: President Dave Tabor called the meeting to order e following was done in order as listed: 1. All members and guests were welcomed C&U President Dave Tabor. 4. Roll Call was taken by Vice President Mike Yankovec a. Groups present: Alexandria Area Shrine Club, Alexandria Calliope & 4Wheelers, Cigar Club, Clowns, Cycle J u n e incentive program and mentoring program 13. a. i. ii. Old Business Discussed fundraising ideas Windshield Washer Fluid sales. Concession Trailer. Bob Golder will put an article telling about the trailers’ availability a. Twelve Members on the Good Cheer Report 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Invocation by Rich Purcell b. e following clubs and units still owe their $10 for 2013 dues: Chanters, Clowns, Cycle Corps, Director Staff, Past Potentates, Rochester Merry Medics, Rochester Zagalas, Sheiks, and Winona Area Shrine Club. 7. Good Cheer Report Making the trek from Alexandria, Ron Williams, Jim Gratias and Mike Denke. 2 0 1 3 8. Black Camel Report a. 3 Members on the Black Camel Report b. a moment of silence was observed after the reading of their names. 9. Club & Unit equipment request a. No requests 10. Chief of Staff Report presented by Mark Sandstrom a. Reviewed calendar of events and parades as printed in the Osman. 11. Circus update from John Davenport a. final numbers are not in yet, but it is looking like a very successful 2013 Circus. 12. Membership Committee report by Warren Lynch a. Discussed member Chief of Staff Mark Sandstrom. 14. New Business a. Kid’s Holiday Party: December 8, 2013 b. Discussed lack of attendance at meeting. i. Considered possibility of issuing fines ii. Considered change in program to include a speaker c. Potentates Gala: September 14th 15. Jeffrey Olsen delivered message from the Potentate a. We are under 300,000 members nationally b. Potentate’s Trip: October 23-28, 2013 to Las Vegas 16. Next Clubs and Unit Heads Meeting is July 9, 2013 17. Meeting Adjourned P a g e 9 Club & Unit The Chief’s Corner e Hospital day went well on Friday and the Minnesota Twins game was a good game with some great double plays by our Minnesota Twins, but they couldn’t pull it off; they lost 3-2 to the Red Sox. It was a wet day for the 90th Birthday of our Shriners Hospital. Our next stated meeting is on June 11th at the Osman Event Center. Social at 6:00pm. Meeting starts at 6:30pm sharp. Don’t forget the Alexandria Circus on June 21st at the Douglas County Fairgrounds, 2:30pm and 7:00pm. At the end of the month is the Imperial Session June 30th – July 4th in Indianapolis. Our Club and Unit meeting is on July 9th at the Osman Event Center, social at 6pm and meeting starts at 7:00pm. We would like to see nobles from ALL the clubs and units. You don’t have to be an officer to attend, is is where you get information on what’s happening with all the activities in Osman Temple. en the Family Picnic comes on July 28th. It was a great turnout last year and fun was had by all. I must say it was fun to try and dunk the Divan in the dunk tank, I had no success but others were successful. MSA Duluth is August 15th-17th. Looks like it will be a great time. Please make sure you register ASAP for your hotel reservations (see page 28). Stated meeting on September 10th. en comes the Potentate’s Gala on September 14th at the Osman Event Center. Times will be in the next Osman. VIVA Las Vegas is the Potentate’s trip on October 23rd-28th. Join Potentate Don Harmsen and Lady Terrie on this Las Vegas vacation. e NHRA will be in town along with a ton of other attractions that Vegas provides. Here are the Summer Temple Parades • South St. Paul Kaposia Days, June 28th Friday, Oasis at Mattie’s Bowling Lanes on Concord Exchange. Line up at 5:30pm Step off at 6:30 pm • White Bear Ave., July 10th Wednesday. • • • • Park at Aldrich Arena before the parade, catch a ride with the Director's Staff and Chanter's Wagon to Mark the line up area. Line Sandstrom up at 6:00pm. step off at 7:00 pm. Oasis VFW North St. Paul Lakeville Pan-o-Prog, July 13th Saturday. Oasis at Legion. MSA Duluth, August 15th ursday (Oasis at end of parade) MSA Duluth August 17th Saturday (Oasis Proctor Community Center) River Falls To Be Announced Fraternally Yours, Mark L. Sandstrom, Chief of Staff [email protected] Cell: 651.248.9541 Mighty Mites Greetings from the Mighty Mites Nothing like a parade or a circus will bring people together in the name of fun. While we Wally Larsen love to see the many families during the busy parade season, nothing brings smiles to the children’s faces more than circus clowns, cats, elephants, and the many performers at a circus. What an honor it is to be a part of the annual circus that serves our community. e Mighty Mites membership answered the call from our Temple to work the circus as did the other clubs and units of Osman. If there is one event that draws our members together, it’s the circus. Circus week starts with setup P a g e 1 0 Monday, booth setup Wednesday, with shows ursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with tear down on Sunday night. During this special week, we are all afforded the opportunity to serve our Temple while spending time with fellow members that have chosen the Shrine as a group of guys that we all call brothers. e call to serve Osman was made for the 90th time with the same response. Members of the Mighty Mites responded with the same energy and passion that clubs and units have displayed for the last ninety years providing our community with a quality entertainment experience. While the Mighty Mites are a relatively new unit in the history of the Osman Circus, each member of our group understands how important the circus is to our Temple, community and the mission of this great organization. John Watson, the Mighty Mites Crew Chief, would like to extend his thanks to each Mighty Mite, their Ladies, family members and friends that volunteered Ted Johnson chats with a their time to patient and her mom at make the “90th” Shrine Hospitals Birthday. Shrine Circus a success. Was the 2013 Shrine Circus a success? One only had to take the time to see the faces of the many families in attendance this year. Grandparents, parents, their kids and grandkids displayed their “Happy Face.” e true test in this case, is in the eye of the beholder. With that in mind, I would say fun was had by all those that were in attendance, and those of us that were there to work. Did I say work? It’s never work when you are having fun in the name of Osman! Wally Larsen J u n e 2 0 1 3 St. Cloud Go-Karts On May 1st we held our first practice. As in years past, some of the Karts required a few more pulls than others to get them running. After sitting idle this past winter, a few Karts needed new batteries and a couple had flat tires. The Karts are Legion of Honor Welcome to the dog days of Summer!! Mother Nature clearly does not know what she wants these days, but as long as we get some cooperation from her on Parade days, we can't ask Rique Beslin for much more than that can we? A big ank You to all who were able to attend any part of the 90th Anniversary events for the Shriners Hospitals. We are always blessed to learn about the new and exciting things taking place at our hospitals when we attend these events. We were also privileged to participate in the shortest parade ever when we marched along the driveway of the hospital on Saturday. A wonderful Anniversary celebration was planned and everyone attending had a great time. Our annual tradition of Presenting the Colors as well as escorting wreaths on Memorial Day at Acacia Park continues. is year was just a little more special for me as my oldest daughter, Stephanie, was also a part of the ceremony as one of the Job's Daughters that performs the living cross (they close all their meetings with this, and it's really something special). If you have never attended this Memorial Day ceremony you really owe it to yourself to include it in your activities next year. Our June meeting will be held at the J u n e 2 0 1 3 Provost Our May 20th meeting was held at the Lost Spur and our June 17th meeting will be held at e Little Venetian. Social hour is at 6:00pm, dinner at Eric Seavey 6:30pm and meeting at 7pm. July’s meeting will be the Provost Picnic. Please try to attend our meetings to out and socialize as well as to continue to make ready for the Provost a great unit. Stated Meeting is June 11th at the season. 6:30pm and Provost Nobles are encourPractice aged to attend and help with tyling. starts e First Parade of the year will be Wednesday the South St. Paul Kaposia Days at the Parade on Friday June 28th. Please Eagles. plan to come out to escort the Potentate and Divan. e Provost Picnic will be coming up on Monday, July 15th; 5pm social, Warehouse - though this is always subject 6pm meal. Location will be Spooner to change, depending on how the progress Park in Little Canada. Watch for MSA Summer Session of the construction near the access road Hotel Registration in the Osman for goes. the Duluth hotel. e hotel must be e summer is shaping up to be a busy reserved through Osman Shrine with one. We will be participating in the South a July 1 deadline. St. Paul parade on Friday, June MSA registration Who’s wearing white 28th, step off is at 6:30, White will be online socks with a black tux? Bear Avenue parade on July 11, through the Aad Lakeville Pan-o-Prog on July website. e 13th. Don't forget Imperial is MSA Summer relatively close in Indianapolis Session will be and there is a very large parade held in Duluth there scheduled for July 1 - you August 15-17. can fulfill your desire to be a Erik Seavey, clown and march in that parade Secretary as a clown! And the Family erik.seavey@ Picnic will be July 28th at gmail.com Central Park in Eagan. Phone: 608738-3789 If you have any interest in the See page 18 Legion of Honor, please feel free to contact myself or any other member of the LOH, we would be happy to share what we do with you! Until next month, stay cool and stay safe! With Pride and Honor, Needed: A few good men to provide a Color Guard for all Rique Beslin, Osman official parades and ceremonials. We are also a social group and work at the Circus. Call Jim at 651-455-3110. Commander P a g e 1 1 Rochester Shrine Club Greetings Nobles and Ladies, Well we are having some very different weather this year; go from way too much snow in the beginning of Larry Norte May, to flash floods in the middle of May. I’m not sure what will be next. I hope this all straightens out for parade season. June Meeting Cookout hosted by the Dragons. June 7th cookout at Larry and Audrey’s house. Address is 2526 85th Street NW, Oronoco. Call if you need directions, 507 250 1855. We plan to have social hour starting at 5:30pm , and dinner at 6:30pm. Please let me know if you can make it so we have enough food for everyone. Rochester Area Shrine Club 2013 Schedule June 7, 2013 - Cookout - Hosted by Dragons July and August - No Meeting August 15 -17 - Midwest in Duluth September 4 - Wine Tasting Hosted by Zagalas October - Semi-annual fundraiser October 2 - RASC Board meeting Clarion Inn Shrine Room November 4 - Hufli/Turkey Shoot November 6 - Annual Meeting Clarion Inn Shrine Room November 8-9 - Herberger Community Days December 20 - Christmas Ball Note: Shrine Club meetings are at 7:00 pm the first Wednesday of each month at the Clarion Inn Shrine Room unless otherwise noted P a g e 1 2 2013 Dues Cards are Available Secretary/ Treasurer Russ Billings has the dues cards for 2013. Dues were due on January 1st; the cost is $15.00 per year. If you have not yet paid your dues, please get them to Russ soon. Good Cheer Nobel Jerry Wrubel is undergoing some chemotherapy. Please keep Jerry and his family in your thoughts and prayers. If anyone is missing a fez, there was one left at Dick Tiede’s visitation at Ranfranz & Vine. If you are missing your fez, please let me know so I can get it back to you. Fraternally, Larry Norte, RASC President Austin Area Shrine Club & Oriental Band e first part of May has been busy for the Nobles in the Austin area. Pancake breakfasts, Scholarship Dinner at Fidelity Lodge, Community Night at the Pizza Ranch, and our Neil Hanson monthly meeting on May 9th at George’s in Geneva. Considering we were competing with an Austin Artist Series Concert we still had a respectable turnout. Mike Nehm, 1st Ceremonial Master and our Divan Representative attended and brought greetings from Potentate Donald Harmsen. In addition, he thanked us for our participation in the sale of Circus Banners and Plaques and in the promotion of activities to benefit the Shrine Hospital. Other guests were Tim Bass and his Lady Sandy from Blooming Prairie. Congratulations to Tim for joining the Austin Shrine Club and Oriental Band. We look forward to your participation. Correspondence included a thank you from the Shrine Hospital Auxiliary for the leadership of Noble Charles Van House in collecting pop cans and pop tabs for their use toward the purchase of wheelchairs, etc. In April, almost $600.00 was generated from this project. Also, a communication from Frank Peterson regarding the Kenyon parade was read and discussed. e Kenyon parade is on the same date as the 2013 Midwest Session. e Band will discuss this situation and communicate with him about our status with the parade. Upcoming events include the participation of the Oriental Band in the Memorial Day parade May 27th. Parade time is 8:45 a.m., with line-up near the VFW in Austin. Noble Hanson distributed a Tentative Parade Schedule with confirmed and pending dates. It was explained that some of the communities had not mailed information at this time, but contacts had been made. It is possible that we may not have the same number of confirmations as last year. e next meeting will be the Annual Steak Fry to be held on June 6th, and it will be held at the Conservation Club located on Hwy 218 just north of Austin. Social time beginning at 5:00 p.m. Members are asked to bring a dish to pass or a dessert. e calling committee will be contacting members. Neil Hanson, Business Manager We are looking for new members that will be available to contribute and participate in parades and other Clowning events. We will teach you everything you will need to know to become a clown. Rick “Trickie” Arends Phone 763-755-5508 [email protected] J u n e 2 0 1 3 Cycle Corps Osman Cycle Corps members, l. to r., front row, Bill Weinand, Henry Paulson PP, Jeffrey Olsen and Steve Davis. Standing, Al Reider, Frank Spevak PP, George Johnson, Dan Girard, Doug Senn, Andy Ellis, Moe Detroyer, Dennis Sherwood, Larry Furman, Dave Gagnon and Leonard Smith. Maureen and Moe (studmuffin) Detroyer Bill Weinand, Dennis Sherwood and Steve Davis. Henry Paulson PP and Dan Girard. Jackie Sherwood, Barb Weinand and Julie Olsen. J u n e 2 0 1 3 P a g e 1 3 Nomads Hello to all Nobles & Ladies We in the Nomads would like to first say thank you to all the people who attended the Casino Night. e event showed lots of success for Scott the Nomads Club. We Osterberg were very grateful for the opportunity to do something fun with the nobility. It appeared that everyone there had a wonderful time. is has opened the door for many more possibilities and we look forward to having other fun events for all to enjoy. We also would like to announce that this year we will be working with any club or unit interested in using the Concession trailer. We have people available to bring the unit to you as well as staff to help ensure that your needs are covered. Anyone interested should contact Nomads President Bob Golder at (651)491-3196 or email [email protected]. e Nomads Club is a great place for all new and existing nobles to come offer ideas, socialize, and just plain old have a good time. We encourage all to join us in [email protected] 952-994-9808. Scott Osterberg, [email protected] 612-221-5595 Respectfully submitted, Scott Osterberg, Secretary/Treasurer [email protected] 612-221-5595 Logan Swedberg got to throw the first pitch at the Twins/Red Sox game May 17. Logan’s dad Todd is in the Legion of Honor, and his grandfather Kent is a member of the Directors’ Staff. Logan is everybody’s favorite patient at Shriners Hospital Twin Cities. GOODn St. Paul Zagalas making this a great year. If you have any questions, please contact us; Bob Golder Nomads President; [email protected] 651-491-3196. Joe Kivens Nomads Vice-Pres., Diane Johnson, Al Fellerman, Darlene Strain and Mike Johnson at the Zagalas dinner April 29. P a g e 1 4 CHEER Bob Beuc Russ Christofk Marv Edelstein If you know or hear of a sick or deceased Noble, please call Doreen at the Shrine office 651-452-5660 Email [email protected] or send a fax 651-683-0231. J u n e 2 0 1 3 Chanters Great news! e Chanters may have two new members from the Ceremonial on May 4th. We look forward to seeing them. e Chanters did not sing at the Ceremonial, as we do not have an accompanist as yet. We need you, Osman members, to recommend somebody who is able to do that for us. We are going to sing at Acacia Park on Memorial Day again this year. is is always a great time. Too bad there aren’t more people in the audience for such a lovely program to honor those who have served and also those who are no longer with us. Hospital Day was May 18th and what a good crowd. Shriners from all over the upper Midwest and Canada, all came to see and hear about the work that is done at our hospital. Miracles are performed daily. We should all be very proud to be a small part of those things done to improve the physical and mental healing of those children. What a full weekend – with a baseball game, Hospital Day, and Casino night at the Lost Spur. Sure was a fun filled weekend. anks to the Pote for all the planning that went into it. Last but not least is a reminder of the Stated Meeting on June 11th. Dinner is available before the meeting. Hope to see you all there. For each petal on the shamrock This brings a wish your way, Good health, Good luck, and Happiness For today and everyday. Es Selamu Aleikum The Scribe Dean Strand and Glen Anderson welcome new Shriner Wayne Borneman at the May 4 ceremonial. Alexandria Shrine Club and 4 Wheelers As the temps keep rising, so does the anticipation of the start of the parade season! Speaking of parades our first parade is on ursday, May Brion Golde 30th. On Saturday, May 7th we had our clean up day at the Alex Shrine building. It was a bit windy and chilly but got just about everything done that needed to be done. Everything is running and ready to go for the parade season. I would like to thank everyone that came to help. You were all appreciated dearly for your help. ere are now new steps on the motor home—no more sagging when you step on them! As the parade season is approaching, we are looking for anyone who would want to be a part of the parades. Whether you have ridden a 4-wheeler or if you want to, please contact John Phillips and he will get you hooked up. If you don’t want to ride a 4wheeler but still want to come, you are more than welcome to ride in the motor home! J u n e 2 0 1 3 Potluck and Fish Fry If you can’t believe its circus time, you 9/17/2013-Luau Potluck and Ham better start believing it! e Alex Circus is Respectfully Submitted, just about a month away. e date is Brion Golde, Secretary Friday, June 21st with show times at 2:30pm and 7pm. Set up will start roughly around 8 that morning. Any and all help is highly appreciated with the entire day, from set up to tear down. With spring and summer coming, it means it’s time for our potluck meals and meetings, all at the Alex Shrine Building and are all on the third Tuesday of each month starting with 6:00 social and 6:30 dinner. Just a few other reminders: if you haven’t paid your 2013 dues, please do so and also to bring toys to the meetings for the hospital! Summer meeting schedule, all at Alex Shrine Building: 5/21/2013ALExANdRIA, MN Potluck and Steak Meeting the Third Tuesday of Every Month 6/18/2013Potluck and Turkey 7/16/2013Potluck and Hamburgers and Brats 8/20/2013- Alexandria Shrine Club & Four Wheelers P a g e 1 5 Rochester Dragon Patrol After the world’s shortest (and possibly wettest) parade, Chang makes his way to the 2nd level to greet children and guests. Dragon marchers didn’t notice when Chang tripped the “You’re Too Tall” marker on the way up, and found Chang’s ears didn’t fit under the rafters. Some creative “tipping” and he was on his way! Dragons Doug Brick, left and Dan Rasmussen met up with some clowns - Dan carried lipstick marks the rest of the day! This might have been the only Dragon in a parking garage in the State of Minnesota that day! P a g e 1 6 Chang is out of hibernation. In fact he has participated in his first parade at the 90th anniversary at the Shrine Hospital on May 18th. It rained, but none the less the nobles had fun and I understand there was some lipstick left behind! It has been an interesting spring, when Chang was taken out we found out that the truck, cart, and Chang's sound batteries were all bad, they are now replaced and ready for the first parade in Arcadia WI. ere was a lot of TLC done to the truck and trailer to ready it for parade season. Dragons Doug Brick and Al Shufelt doing the We have “toss the stuffie into the basket” game with the plenty of Daughters of the Nile. parades lined up - over 30 requests so far, requests continue to come in weekly. Check out parade schedule on our website. We are looking for help from nobles, anticipating them to sign up for parades. We want to offer special thanks to Noble Brad Stout from Austin who brought over the Oriental Bands bus to tow our Dragon Patrol Trailer. is was done to see how their bus would handle the 28 foot trailer. It worked fine, so we will now continue to prepare our recently purchased bus for the Dragon Patrol. ere is plenty of work to be done before it will be ready for parades. We have 11 Nobles signed up for Midwest in Duluth. We are looking forward to heading to this great lake city. See you all soon! Congratulations to noble Bill Hubbard who was recently installed as grand organist for the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. Check us out at www.rochester dragon.com or Rochester Dragon on Facebook. Kids were fascinated by Chang’s teeth. Dan Rasmussen shows a couple of future Shriners J u n e 2 0 1 3 Albert Lea Shrine Club and Albert Lea Cars Greetings Nobles, Ladies and Friends, e ALSC has another new Noble. At the May 4th Spring Ceremonial our Club gained another Noble. Noble Wayne Borneman was fezzed by his father Noble Chuck Borneman. e Ceremonial was at the Masonic Center Plato and a GREAT job was done by the Osman Ceremonial team. e work was wonderful, the fellowship was fun, and the lunch was good. What a great order the Osman group is. Welcome aboard Noble Wayne!!! Noble Richard Paul and his Lady Kathy at the Steak Fry At the Steak Fry Our Club also had our annual Spring Steak Fry May 15th. Attendance was good, the food was great, the weather was wonderful, and the fellowship was inspiring. We were honored to have our Divan rep. Outer Guard Mark Galloway and his Lady Lori present. He brought us greetings from our Potentate Donald Harmsen and the Divan. New Noble Wayne Borneman and father Noble Chuck Borneman Two father/son combinations At the ceremonial: Greg Morfitt, Wayne Borneman, Chuck Borneman and Derald Morfitt. Parade season is here and rolling. We have fifteen parades at this time and adding more. I for one look forward to all those smiling faces. Greg Morfitt, Secretary, ALSC Mankato Greetings to our fellow Nobles & Ladies Mankato Shrine Club & T-Birds kicked off the 2013 parade season with the annual spring banquet April 19th, at the Eagles Club. All 39 Nobles & Ladies who attended enjoyed a 4 meat buffet, with beverage of choice. We were especially pleased to be joined by Marshal Larry Norte and Lady Audrey considering we had 8 inches of heavy wet snow the night before. Marshal Larry Norte installed 2013 officers, Mankato T-Bird President – Michael Meyer, Mankato Area Shrine Club President – Steve Igou and Secretary/ Treasurer – Dave Peterson. Winters are quiet in Mankato Shrineland as we have many snow birds. Steve Igou, Michael Meyer & Dave Peterson attended the officers meeting at the Shrine Hospital in early February. North Mankato American Legion again had their sharing tree, which netted a van load of toys for the Shriners Hospital in J u n e 2 0 1 3 the Twin Cities, delivered in December. Mankato donated $2,000.00 for the Parade of Glory. Our restoration program limited the amount we could contribute. We repainted 8 cars and replaced 6 motors this winter. Hope all have a great parade season this year. Fraternally yours, Secretary/ Treasurer Dave Peterson Left to right: Secretary/Treasurer Dave Peterson, Mankato T-Bird President Michael Meyer, Mankato Area Shrine Club President Steve Igou, and Osman Marshal Larry Norte P a g e 1 7 From page 11 Directors Staff Greetings Nobles and Ladies, Our May meeting was held at Joseph’s restaurant in St. Paul with a general order of business and discussed what items Ron Clarstrom need attention for the 2013 season. anks to those who turned out to wash, wax and prepare the vehicles for the 2013 season. Check the Osman for Parade Schedules. Our June meeting (18th) will be at the warehouse. Planning to BBQ or grill something, more on this later. No meetings are scheduled for July and August due to parade schedules. A reminder to register for the MSA in Duluth, MN, Aug. 15-17 if you haven’t already done so. Application is in this issue if needed. I have it from good authority that there will be a Camel Herders degree at the MSA. Any new Nobles who are looking for a unit to join, should seriously consider the Directors Staff. We don’t march, we ride. Directors’ Staff member PP Marv Edelstein is at Bethesda Hospital in St. Paul and is hoping to be released to rehab soon. Keep Marv and his family in your thoughts and prayers. Hope to see you at the events. Have a great month Keep on rollin' with the Director's Staff Ron Clarstrom Ceremonial cast member Gary Wettschreck didn’t get the email about doing the May 4 ceremonial in tuxedoes, so Tom West hurried home, got him his spare tux. Unfortunately, Tom forgot to get dark socks. It was either the dorky white socks, or the curly toed red shoes! Looking good, Gary! Merry Medics Nobles, Ladies, and Friends As I write this we all have a heavy heart with the passing of a great clown and a great Brother, Bob Witt. Bob will be missed by all and this parade season will not be the same without him behind the an Ryan Collig wheel of the ambulance. Bob enjoyed participating in parades and rarely missed one. Last year he received the well deserved Clown of the Year. Bob was very involved in the Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rite and the Osman Temple and Shrine Club. He spent many summer weekends with the Merry Medics Clowns, a group of Rochester Shrine Club members that used their participation in regional celebrations and parades to raise awareness for Shriners Children's hospitals. We all will miss his knowledge and all the great stories shared while on trips. I personally enjoyed meeting Bob and P a g e 1 8 parading with him last year, I only wish I could have had a lot more years to hear more stories and learn much more from him. Bob was a true Brother and we all are better men to have crossed paths with him. Parade season is gaining speed with a couple under our suspenders. We were honored in participating in the 90th anniversary Shrine Hospital-Twin Cities parade. It was Merry Medics Patrick Johnson, Ryan Colligan and fun to see all the different units Kenny Monaghan met up with a couple of Zuhrah parading for the kids, that's what it's clowns, and tried to keep dry at the Hospital birthday party all about. We also had two parades on June 9th with the Merry Medics thank all that participated. We have plenty in Adams, MN and e Cannon Valley more parades to partake in this month and Clowns in Pine Island, MN. I want to it's never too late to join in on the fun. If you are interested in clowning with us, please contact me. We can never have too many clowns! Free shirt and first years dues on us! Until next time, I hope to see you on the street ere are no strangers, only friends you have not met yet. — Robert 'Bob' Witt We’ll miss Bob Witt’s smiling encouragement at the parades this summer. Fraternally, Ryan Colligan, President Rochester Merry Medics J u n e 2 0 1 3 CLUB & UNIT HEADS OFFICERS President: Dave Tabor 651-206-8574 [email protected] Vice President: Mike Yankovec 320-493-0776 [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer: Brent Metcalf 651-739-3653 [email protected] CLUBS & UNITS ALBERT LEA SHRINE CLUB ALBERT LEA CARS Clarence Schroeder, President 507-373-2778 [email protected] ALExANdRIA AREA SHRINE CLUB Mike Denke, President 320-491-8381 [email protected] ALExANdRIA CALLIOPE & FOUR-WHEELERS John Phillips, Captain 320-762-0474 [email protected] AUSTIN AREA SHRINE CLUB AUSTIN ORIENTAL BANd Brad Stout, President 507-433-8294 [email protected] BLOOMING PRAIRIE SHRINE CLUB Andrew Weiss, President 507-528-2533 CANNON VALLEY SHRINE CLUB Dennis Monroe, President 507-789-6399 CHANTERS Dean Strand, President 651-770-2159 CIGAR CLUB Mike Ordorff, President 612-919-0475 anawesomecarpenter@ yahoo.com ACACIA P ARK CEMETERY A non-profit perpetual care cemetery serving all faiths since 1925. Stop by to view our picturesque grounds, the old stone chapel and our impressive Veterans Memorial. You’ll like our majestic view. 2151 Pilot Knob Road Mendota Heights, MN 55120-1198 651-452-1555 [email protected] • Fax 651-452-2986 J u n e 2 0 1 3 CLOWNS Wade Brooks, President 952-447-5702 [email protected] PROVOST Gary Winter, Captain 651-484-1763 [email protected] dIRECTORS STAFF Ronald Clarstrom, President 763-754-5547 [email protected] ROCHESTER AREA SHRINE CLUB Larry Norte, President (507) 250-1855 [email protected] dRUM & BUGLE CORPS Dean Brown, Captain 612-963-9159 [email protected] ROCHESTER CYCLE PATROL Josh Allen, President 507-272-7323 [email protected] EAST CENTRAL SHRINE CLUB Don Vaughn, President 320-358-4040 [email protected] ROCHESTER dRAGON PATROL Doug Brick, President 507-254-6715 [email protected] FRIENdLY VALLEY SHRINE CLUB Jim Smith, President 651-459-8320 [email protected] ROCHESTER MERRY MEdICS Ryan Colligan, President 507-250-2730 [email protected] LEGION OF HONOR William Beslin, Commander 651-322-4562 [email protected] ST. CLOUd AREA SHRINE CLUB Roger Robinson, President 320-420-8142 [email protected] MANKATO AREA SHRINE CLUB Steve Igou, President 507-546-3827 [email protected] MANKATO T-BIRdS Michael Meyer 608-395-7609 [email protected] MIGHTY MITES John Watson Crew Chief 651-639-9357 [email protected] NOMAdS Bob Golder, President 651-777-3781 Email [email protected] OSMAN CYCLE CORPS Dennis Sherwood, Captain 952-937-5054 [email protected] PAST POTENTATES Mike Awada, President 612-723-4864 [email protected] PATROL George Carlson, Captain 651-774-7793 ST. CLOUd GO-KARTS Mike Yankovec, Captain 320-493-0776 [email protected] SHEIKS Steve Hoyer, Captain 651-487-1089 [email protected] WINONA AREA SHRINE CLUB Robert Stedman, President 507-454-7209 [email protected] ZAGALAS – ROCHESTER CHAPTER Steve Groteboer, President 281 467-9333 [email protected] ZAGALAS – ST. CLOUd CHAPTER Roger Robinson, President 320-420-8142 rrobinson@ global-continuum.com ZAGALAS – ST. PAUL CHAPTER David Gagnon, President 651-436-6765 [email protected] Attention Clubs & Units: Make sure you have a person appointed to make a monthly report to The Osman. Return your report by the deadline (usually around the 15th of the month) to [email protected] or mail to 2750 Sibley Memorial Highway, St. Paul 55121 (651) 452-5660 • Fax (651) 683-0231 P a g e 1 9 A parade wouldn’t be a parade without Shriners! We checked with some of the Osman Units and got this tentative list of parades scheduled for this summer. Though far from complete, this list is impressive. Reminder: your Temple dues need to be paid before you can participate in any parades, as you will not be covered by the Temple insurance. Alexandria Rochester Dragon Patrol Austin Oriental Band Albert Lea Cars Mighty Mites Rochester Dragon Patrol Osman Cycle Corps Mankato T-Birds St. Cloud Go-Karts Albert Lea Cars Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Zagalas Merry Medics Merry Medics Austin Oriental Band Mankato T-Birds Albert Lea Cars Alexandria Mankato T-Birds Rochester Zagalas Rochester Zagalas Rochester Cycle Patrol Austin Oriental Band St. Cloud Go-Karts Osman Cycle Corps Albert Lea Cars Mighty Mites Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Zagalas Rochester Cycle Patrol Austin Oriental Band Mankato T-Birds Alexandria Albert Lea Cars St. Cloud Go-Karts Rochester Zagalas Alexandria St. Cloud Go-Karts Rochester Dragon Patrol Austin Oriental Band Alexandria Albert Lea Cars P a g e 2 0 Clarkfield Morristown Morristown Morristown Roberts WI Eleva, WI Roberts, WI Mapleton Sartell SummerFest Glenville Pine Island Pine Island Pine Island Adams Waterville Waterville Waterville Wadena Redwood Falls Lewisville Zumbrota Zumbrota Alden Avon Farmington Faribault Lewisville Osseo, WI Elgin Elgin Janesville Janesville Kensington Janesville Foley Fun Days Rochester Alex Shrine Circus Sauk Rapids Granada, MN Gr. Meadow Granite Falls Medford 5/30/13 5/31/13 5/31/13 5/31/13 6/2/13 6/2/13 6/2/13 6/8/13 6/8/13 6/8/13 6/9/13 6/9/13 6/9/13 6/9/13 6/9/13 6/9/13 6/9/13 6/13/13 6/14/13 6/15/13 6/15/13 6/15/13 6/15/13 6/15/13 6/15/13 6/15/13 6/16/13 6/16/13 6/16/13 6/16/13 6/16/13 6/16/13 6/16/13 6/16/13 6/19/13 6/21/13 6/21/13 6/21/13 6/22/13 6/22/13 6/22/13 6/22/13 Thurs 7:00 pm Fri. 7:00 pm Fri. 7:00 pm Fri. 7:pm Sun. 1:00 pm Sun. 1:30 pm Sun. Sat Sat 11:00 am Sat 10:am Sun. 2:00 pm Sun. 2:00 pm Sun. Sun. Sun. 1:00 pm Sun. Sun. 1:00 pm Thurs 7:00 pm Fri. Sat 5:00 pm Sat 6:00 pm Sat 6:00 pm Sat 7:00 pm Sat 8:00 pm Sat Sat 6:30pm Sat 5:00 pm Sun. 1:00 pm Sun. 1:30 pm Sun. 1:30 pm Sun. 1:00 pm Sun. Sun. 1:30 pm Sun. 1:pm Wed 7:30 pm Fri. 6:15 pm Fri. 2:30 & 7:00 Fri. Sat 2:00 pm Sat 2:00 pm Sat 1:00 pm Sat 4:30pm Mighty Mites Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Cycle Patrol Merry Medics Mankato T-Birds St. Cloud Go-Karts Osman Cycle Corps Albert Lea Cars Mighty Mites Rochester Cycle Patrol Merry Medics Alexandria Austin Oriental Band St. Cloud Go-Karts TEMPLE PARAdE Rochester Cycle Patrol Merry Medics St. Cloud Go-Karts Osman Cycle Corps Rochester Cycle Patrol Merry Medics Austin Oriental Band Albert Lea Cars Mighty Mites Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Zagalas Rochester Cycle Patrol Rochester Cycle Patrol Rochester Cycle Patrol Merry Medics Merry Medics Austin Oriental Band Austin Oriental Band Mankato T-Birds Mankato T-Birds Alexandria St. Cloud Go-Karts Osman Cycle Corps Osman Cycle Corps Osman Cycle Corps Albert Lea Cars St. James Winona Winona Winona Nicollet Osakis Parade North Branch St. Clair South St. Paul Rochester Rochester South St. Paul Rochester SSP Kaposia Days South St. Paul Lewistown, MN Grand Meadow Granite City Days St. Cloud LAKE CITY LAKE CITY Albert Lea Albert Lea Eagan Austin Blooming Prairie Blooming Prairie CANNON FALLS Blooming Prairie STEWARTVILLE, MN Austin Blooming Prairie Austin Blooming Prairie St. Peter Elysain Park Rapids St Joe Annandale Delano Chanhassen Blooming Prairie 6/23/13 Sat 6:00 pm 6/23/13 Sun. 12:30 pm 6/23/13 Sun. 12:30 pm 6/23/13 Sun. 6/23/13 Sun. 6/23/13 Sun. 6/23/13 Sun. 6/23/13 Sun. Noon 6/28/13 Fri. 6:30 pm 6/28/13 Fri. 6:15 pm 6/28/13 Fri. 6/28/13 Fri. 6:30 pm 6/28/13 Fri. 6:15 pm 6/28/13 Fri. 6:30 pm 6/28/13 Fri. 6:30 pm 6/29/13 Sat 6:30 pm 6/29/13 Sat 6/29/13 Sat 11:00 am 6/29/13 Sat 6/30/13 Sun. 2:00 pm 6/30/13 Sun. 7/3/13 Wed 6:00 pm 7/3/13 Wed 6:00pm 7/4/13 Thurs 10:00 am 7/4/13 Thurs 11:00 am 7/4/13 Thurs 2:30 pm 7/4/13 Thurs 2:30 pm 7/4/13 Thurs 11:30 am 7/4/13 Thurs 2:30 pm 7/4/13 Thurs 6:30 pm 7/4/13 Thurs 7/4/13 Thurs 7/4/13 Thurs 11:00 a.m. 7/4/13 Thurs 2:30 pm 7/4/13 Thurs 7/4/13 Thurs Thurs 5:00 pm 7/4/13 7/4/13 Thurs 7/4/13 Thurs 7/4/13 Thurs 7/4/13 Thurs 7/4/13 Thurs 2:30pm J u n e 2 0 1 3 Mighty Mites Alexandria Rochester Cycle Patrol Alexandria Mighty Mites Mankato T-Birds Alexandria Osman Cycle Corps TEMPLE PARAdE Rochester Cycle Patrol Mighty Mites TEMPLE PARAdE Rochester Cycle Patrol Merry Medics Austin Oriental Band Mankato T-Birds Mankato T-Birds St. Cloud Go-Karts Albert Lea Cars Rochester Cycle Patrol Austin Oriental Band St. Cloud Go-Karts Austin Oriental Band St. Cloud Go-Karts St. Cloud Go-Karts Albert Lea Cars Mighty Mites Rochester Cycle Patrol Merry Medics Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Zagalas Rochester Zagalas Rochester Cycle Patrol Merry Medics Austin Oriental Band Mankato T-Birds Mankato T-Birds Mighty Mites Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Zagalas Rochester Cycle Patrol Augusta, WI 7/6/13 Sat Villard 7/6/13 Sat 2:00 pm Augusta, WI 7/7/13 Sun. 1:30 pm Bemidji 7/7/13 Sun. 1:00 pm White Bear Ave 7/10/13 Wed 7:00 pm Minnesota Lake 7/10/13 Wed White Bear Ave 7/10/13 Wed 7:00 pm White Bear Ave. 7/10/13 Wed White Bear Ave 7/10/13 Wed 7:00 pm MAZEPPA,MN 7/12/13 Fri. 7:00 pm Lakeville, MN 7/13/13 Sat 5:30 pm Lakeville 7/13/13 Sat LAKEVILLE, MN 7/13/13 Sat 5:30 pm New Richland 7/13/13 Sat New Richland 7/13/13 Sat 5:00 pm North Mankato 7/13/13 Sat New Richland 7/13/13 Sat Litchfield Watercade 7/13/13 Sat Blue Earth 7/13/13 Sat 5:pm Trempealeau, WI 7/14/13 Sun. 2:00 pm All Masonic PIcnic 7/14/13 Sun. Monticello Riverfest 7/14/13 Sun. 1:30 pm MN Lake 7/17/13 Wed 7:00 pm Sherburne Co. fair 7/19/13 Fri. Richmond 7/20/13 Sat 7:30 pm Elmore 7/20/13 Sat Truman, MN 7/21/13 Sun. 5:00 pm BYRON, MN 7/21/13 Sun. 6:00 pm LEROY 7/21/13 Sun. Madison Lake 7/27/13 Sat 1:00 pm Truman 7/27/13 Sat 5:00 pm Truman 7/27/13 Sat 5:00 pm Wabasha 7/27/13 Sat 6:00 pm Wabasha 7/27/13 Sat 6:00 pm Wabasha 7/27/13 Sat Truman 7/27/13 Sat 5:00 p.m Madison Lake 7/27/13 Sat Truman 7/27/13 Sat Little Canada 7/28/13 Sun. 12:30 pm Montgomery 7/28/13 Sun. Noon Hayfield 7/28/13 Sun. 2:00 pm Hayfield 7/28/13 Sun. 2:00 pm Behind the Kart-riding, clowning and horn-tooting, these Units are spreading the message of Shriners’ philanthropy: “We parade so they can walk.” There are hundreds of parades throughout Minnesota and surrounding states each summer, and through the efforts of dozens of Shrine Units, many will have at least one Shrine Unit participating. Check over the list, and if you have a spare afternoon or evening, come to a parade! Better yet, join a Unit so you can participate! J u n e 2 0 1 3 Merry Medics Austin Oriental Band Mankato T-Birds Alexandria Albert Lea Cars Alexandria Alexandria St. Cloud Go-Karts Osman Cycle Corps Osman Cycle Corps Rochester Cycle Patrol Austin Oriental Band Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Cycle Patrol Merry Medics Austin Oriental Band Albert Lea Cars Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Zagalas Merry Medics St. Cloud Go-Karts Austin Oriental Band Mighty Mites Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Zagalas Rochester Cycle Patrol Alexandria St. Cloud Go-Karts TEMPLE PARAdE Albert Lea Cars Mighty Mites Mighty Mites Hayfield 7/28/13 Sun. Montgomery 7/28/13 Sun. 12:00 noon Montgomery 7/28/13 Sun. Glenwood 7/28/13 Sun. 1:00 pm Montgomery 7/28/13 Sun. Noon Watkins Calliope #1 8/3/13 Sat 10:30 am Brandon Calliope #2 8/3/13 Sat 10:30 am Watkins Kraut N Wurst 8/3/13 Sat Watkins 8/3/13 Sat Pine City 8/3/13 Sat Lanesboro 8/4/13 Sun. 1:30 pm Lanesboro 8/4/13 Sun. 1:30 pm LeSueur 8/4/13 Sun. 1:00 pm Chatfield 8/10/13 Sat 1:00 pm Chatfield 8/10/13 Sat 1:00 pm Chatfield 8/10/13 Sat Chatfield 8/10/13 Sat Chatfield 8/10/13 Sat 1:pm Kasson 8/11/13 Sun. 1:30 pm Kasson 8/11/13 Sun. 1:30 pm Kasson 8/11/13 Sun. Kimball 8/11/13 Sun. 3:00 pm MSA Duluth 8/15/13 Th-S MSA Duluth 8/15/13 Thurs MSA Duluth 8/15/13 Thurs MSA Duluth 8/15/13 Thurs MSA Duluth 8/15/13 Thurs MSA Duluth 8/15/13 Thurs MSA Duluth 8/15/13 Thurs MSA duluth 8/15/13 Thurs Kenyon 8/17/13 Sat 4:pm MSA Duluth 8/17/13 Sat Kenyon 8/17/13 Sat 5:30 am contact the office with your email and you will get the parade blast P a g e 2 1 Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Zagalas Rochester Zagalas Rochester Zagalas Rochester Cycle Patrol Merry Medics Austin Oriental Band Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria St. Cloud Go-Karts TEMPLE PARAdE Austin Oriental Band Mighty Mites Merry Medics Rochester Cycle Patrol Austin Oriental Band Mighty Mites Rochester Zagalas Rochester Zagalas Merry Medics Rochester Cycle Patrol Rochester Cycle Patrol Austin Oriental Band Rochester Zagalas Merry Medics Alexandria Alexandria Rochester Dragon Patrol Rochester Dragon Patrol TEMPLE PARAdE Alexandria Mighty Mites MSA Duluth MSA Duluth Kenyon Sleepy Eye MSA Duluth KENYON Kenyon MSA Duluth St. Paul Park Kenyon MSA Duluth MSA duluth Goodview Kasson PLAINVIEW St. Charles St. Charles Goodview Goodview St. Charles St. Charles MABLE, MN KELLOGG, MN Mantorville Mantorville MANTORVILLE Willmar Circus Willmar Circus Blaire, WI Warren, WI River Falls River Falls, WI River Falls, WI 8/17/13 Sat 8/17/13 Sat 8/17/13 Sat 8/17/13 Sat 8/17/13 Sat 8/17/13 Sat 8/17/13 Sat 8/17/13 Sat 8/17/13 Sat 8/17/13 Sat 8/17/13 Sat 8/17/13 Sat 8/18/13 Sun. 8/18/13 Sun. 8/18/13 Sun. 8/25/13 Sun. 8/25/13 Sun. 8/25/13 Sun. 8/25/13 Sun. 8/25/13 Sun. 8/25/13 Sun. 9/7/13 Sat 9/8/13 Sun. 9/8/13 Sun. 9/8/13 Sun. 9/8/13 Sun. 9/13/13 Fri. 9/14/13 Sat 9/15/13 Sun. 9/29/13 Sun. tba Sat tba Sat tba Sat She is ‘Titanium’ 4:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 10:00 am 11:00 am 4:00 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:00 pm 1:00 pm 1:00 pm 1:00 pm 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 1:30 pm 1:30 pm 9:30 am 1:00 pm Noon 10:00 am 10:00 am If you’re heading out to watch your favorite unit, double check with them to make sure this parade appearance is confirmed. The Osman Shrine Cycle Corps is a precision drill team made up of Shrine Masons with a passion for riding and performing. If you’re interested in joining us, call the office 651-452-5660 P a g e 2 2 By Deb Gau, Marshall Independent As Shriners Hospital in the Twin Cities celebrates its 90th year, Micayla Murphy is one beneficiary that can speak to the importance of the childrens’ hospital Micayla Murphy is a dancer. Not just in the sense that the Marshall middle-schooler loves being part of the Just For Kix program - her mom says it's hard to get her to stop dancing, period. "I'm also a sprinter, too," Micayla Murphy said. at's why the past six months have been tough, as Micayla has recovered from surgery that helped correct curves in her spine. While she talked, Marshall fifth-grader Micayla Murphy hugged a monkey toy given to Micayla Murphy her during recovery for back (photo by Deb Gau) surgery in December. Scoliosis had made it hard for Murphy to participate in dance, one of her favorite things to do. Back in December, she spent almost a week at the Shriners Hospital for Children in the Twin Cities. Both Micayla and her mother Carrie Colvin-Murphy said this week that they're counting down the days until Micayla can officially go back to being her active self. "As of next month, she'll get all of her activity back," Colvin-Murphy said. It's been a long journey, going all the way back to last spring. Colvin-Murphy said she and other family members noticed something didn't seem right with Micayla's posture. "Mom would say, 'Micayla, stand up straight,' and I'd be like, 'I am standing up straight,'" Micayla Murphy said. Wearing a plaid shirt one day showed that something definitely wasn't right, Micayla said. e lines in the fabric pattern were curved over parts of her back where she seemed to be growing lumps. Micayla was diagnosed with scoliosis, which was causing her spine to curve in an "S" shape. One of the curves was sharp enough that it was also putting pressure on her lung and making it harder to breathe. "She would start dancing, and her endurance was not what it should be," Colvin-Murphy said. e only option to help Micayla was back surgery, ColvinMurphy said, and there were two children's hospitals in Minnesota where the surgery could be done. One was the Shriners Hospital. Colvin-Murphy said she applied for a referral there, partly because it worked with a surgeon from the Mayo Clinic, and partly because she had family and friends who are members of the Shriners organization. Shriners Hospital for Children-Twin Cities, located in Minneapolis, is celebrating its 90th anniversary this year. e hospital specializes in offering orthopedic care for children around the country. "If it hadn't been for the Shriners Hospital, I don't know what we would've done," Colvin-Murphy said. e surgery costs were steep, even with help from insurance. "ere was a huge application form," Colvin- Murphy said. She said patients could get referrals from either a physician or J u n e 2 0 1 3 from a local Shriners group. "ank goodness, we had both." Micayla was scheduled for surgery on Dec. 4. "We went up there on Dec. 3," Micayla said. Part of the preparations weren't just for the surgery but to make her hospital stay afterward more comfortable. "ey gave me an iPad, and they had a lot of movies you could pick out to watch." "ey worked really hard to make sure that the things that scared her the most wouldn't be there," Colvin-Murphy said of the hospital staff. But, Micayla Murphy said, it was still hard not to be nervous. "I was pretty scared," Micayla said. "When they first came up with the (surgical) bed, I was just bawling." Micayla went into surgery at 8 a.m. and didn't come out until around 5:30 p.m., Colvin-Murphy said. She had two titanium rods screwed to her spine, to help keep it straight. During the next few days, Micayla worked with therapists to help her get moving and breathing deeply again. It was hard at first, Micayla said. She couldn't manage more than walking from her room to the hall and back. "Right after I got up, I was like, 'I don't want to do this,'" she said. After Micayla was released from the hospital, there were still months to go in the recovery process. For a long time, she said, she wasn't allowed to do more physical activity than walking around the track at the Marshall YMCA. It was important that her spine had plenty of time to grow strong around the rods and screws, Colvin-Murphy said. It wasn't easy being stuck at home, Micayla said, but she had a lot of support from friends, family, and teachers. She was able to come back to school after the winter holidays. "I got this really huge card that had all the fifth-graders and teachers' names on it," she said. She also found a whole bunch of get-well cards that had been slipped into her locker. School desks, on the other hand, were harder to deal with. "ose chairs weren't comfortable at all," Micayla said. "I had to get up a lot." Colvin-Murphy said Micayla is now down to just 15 days before the last doctors' restrictions come off for physical activity. "It's so far away," Micayla interjected. She said it will be exciting to go back to dancing. Micayla already has a song picked out for a solo routine, Colvin-Murphy said. It's called "Titanium." Reprinted courtesy of Independent of Marshall Osman Shrine / St. Paul Saints Game/Prospect Event Saint Paul Saints vs. Winnipeg Goldeyes Tuesday August 20th • 5:00pm Tailgating/meal • 7:05 pm Game time Midway Stadium • 1771 Energy Park Dr • St. Paul, MN 55108 Family Event: Cost $12.00 per person includes ticket, meal & refreshments prior to game. Children under the age of 2 are free Bring a prospective member and their Lady, and their evening is paid for compliments of Osman Shrine. RSVP to Osman Shrine 651-452-5660, by July 31st to reserve your meal/ticket Mackelboar e St. Paul Saints are heading into their 21st season of providing affordable, family entertainment to the Twin Cities. Known for innovative promotions and a "Fun is Good" attitude, the Saints have been recognized locally and nationally for their creativity and customer service. Where else can you watch a live pig deliver baseballs to the umpire, get a massage from an 80-year-old nun, sit on a bill board in right field, or yell "Train!" as they pass behind the left field wall. It's an experience like no other. Richard N. Purcell, Divan J u n e 2 0 1 3 Dennis W. Boom PP Earl J. Holcomb P a g e 2 3 Dear Auxiliary Members and Friends of the Auxiliary, ank you to all who attended our May event at the historic St. James Hotel in Red Wing. We had such a fun afternoon. We enjoyed a delicious lunch, a beautiful setting, great conversation and lots of laughs. It was great to have several of our Auxiliary members from Rochester and Kenyon in attendance in addition to Donna Pavlish, Terri Thomas, Elvie Thompson and Sue Doty at the St. James Hotel event. all of our Ladies from the Cities and the guests brought by our members. It was also wonderful to have one of our new members, Donna Pavlish, attend this event. Our guest speaker was Char Henn, Director of the Goodhue Historical Society in Red Wing. e topic of Char’s presentation was “Beneath Kathy Flicek, Rose West, Marjorie Park and Elizabeth it All.” She shared the Ekholm hosted an information table at the Tusler history of ladies’ Summit Fish Fry/Membership event. undergarments dating back to the 1800’s up to course of the last month. Charles also present day. She showed us some of the included a one dollar bill with the last “old” undergarments and literally had us check as someone had put the dollar bill in in “stitches” with her humorous and the pop tab collection. ank you so educational presentation. She really was a much, Charles. We really appreciate all fabulous presenter. A very special “thank your efforts to continue to raise money for you” to Linda Johnson and Marjorie Park the Osman Womens Auxiliary which is for planning and hosting this great event. used to provide mobility equipment for ank you also to Betty Porter for making the children at Shriners Hospital for and donating the very creative and Children – Twin Cities. We are always beautiful floral centerpieces which had amazed and thankful for all of the support tiny undergarments in them. ere were we receive from the Osman Shriners and drawings for the centerpieces. ank you their Ladies! also to Kathy Flicek for helping Marjorie On May 3, Osman Womens Auxiliary Park make the fancy table favors was honored to participate in the all Charles Van House continues to be one Masonic information meeting and Fish of the Osman Womens Auxiliary’s Fry at Tussler Summit Lodge. e strongest supporters. Charles is a member Auxiliary set up a booth and shared of the Austin Shrine Club, and he is information about the works of the absolutely amazing. He has set up two Auxiliary. collection sites in the Austin area where he Hospital Day was very inspiring. It is collects cans and pop tabs. He takes the always so interesting to hear about the cans and pop tabs to the recycling facility new treatments and techniques that our which issues a check to the Osman highly skilled Medical and Hospital staff Womens Auxiliary which Charles then perform. An added bonus is to hear from forwards to us. We have received three checks during the Scott Hippert - Service Dept. Direct: 507-424-1957 [email protected] Scott Hippert - Service Dept. Direct: 507-424-1957 [email protected] 4642 Hwy. 52 North Rochester, MN 55901 P a g e 2 4 Marjorie Park, Linda Johnson, and Betty Porter hosted the event at the St. James Hotel. Here they are pictured with Char Henn, presenter of “Beneath It All.” J u n e 2 0 1 3 FUN NIGHT Hosted by Osman Womens Auxiliary Thursday, June 13 Dinner: 6:00 PM • Bunco: 7:00 PM Games on the hospital front yard were rained out for the 90th Birthday Celebration, but Osman Auxiliary Board Member Kathy Flicek joined other groups on the 2nd floor of the parking garage. Here she is showing the ropes of fishing for prizes. some of the children and their families about their experiences and the progress they have made. We, as Auxiliary members are very proud of the contributions we are able to make toward the well being of the children. It was fun to participate and share in 2013 AC T I V I T I E S June 13 - Thurs. Eve Auxiliary Hosted BUNCO Party Osman Event Center/Lost Spur Sept. 14 - Saturday High Tea / Luncheon Lake Elmo Inn 11:30 a.m. 3442 Lake Elmo Avenue North Oct. 12 - Saturday Luncheon - 11:30 Doug Ohman, Pioneer Photography Lost Spur/Osman Event Center Dec. 14 - Saturday Holiday Luncheon - 11:30 AM Lost Spur/Osman Event Center J u n e 2 0 1 3 OSMAN EVENT CENTER/LOST SPUR The cost is $18.00 per person and includes a “build your own sandwich” dinner and prizes for the participants. the 90th Birthday Reservations: Kay Skoog 651-653-0814 celebration for Shriners Hospital for Children – Twin Cities. e General Womens Auxiliary is also celebrating 90 years of helping children at our Hospital. It was fun to see so many people attend this BLACK CAMEL great event. n George W. Moline 4/24 Please mark your calendar for the next n Robert Witt 5/11 Auxiliary event which will be the second annual Auxiliary hosted BUNCO party n Robert Morin 5/15 on June 13, ursday evening, dinner at n Lawrence Atkin 5/18 6:00 PM, BUNCO at 7:00 PM, at the Lost Spur/Osman Event Center. is event is for everyone, men and women. Bring a guest. We will again have a “make Please print or type q Memorial Gift your own sandwich and salad” buffet q Honorarium Gift prior to playing BUNCO. You do not need to know how to play BUNCO to Made by _________________________ attend this event— we will teach you how to play! ________________________________ Again, it is a pleasure and honor to In Memory of In Honor of (circle one) serve as your Chairman, and thank you for all of your continued support. If you ________________________________ have any questions or concerns, please Send acknowledgement to: contact me. Rose West, Chairman ________________________________ rwest330@ hotmail.com Name 651-459-3813 ________________________________ Address Men’s Suits/Tuxes/Blazers/Sports Coats Make checks payable to: Osman Womens Auxiliary. Send check along with this form to: Elizabeth Ekholm, Memorial Chairman. 1703 Lilac Lane. Mendota Heights, MN 55118 P a g e 2 5 Mat-Sha Temple No. 62, Daughters of the Nile Greetings from MatSha Temple No. 62 Daughters of the Nile. May has proven to be a busy month at MatSha. We celebrated our Past Queens at our first session on May 11th. Supreme has approved Sara Malewitz, our by-law changes and Queen they were printed in the 2013-2014 Directory which has been distributed. PQ Gooch Krastins-McKinnon and PQ Heather Krastins-Lambert attended a Supreme Temple Action Team training in Rockford, IL. ese events are meant to foster the educational growth of our Temples. Princesses travel from all over the U.S. and Canada and enjoy a weekend full of training and fellowship. I encourage any member of our Order to attend these trainings if they have the opportunity. e Flying Colors Temple Flag Unit has begun practicing. e Unit is practicing on Saturdays in preparation for Supreme Session. You do not have to attend Supreme Session to be a member of the Flag Unit. If you wish to join us or would like to help with sewing and preparations contact Pr. Sarah Mobroten, Captain of our Unit. All members of the Temple are welcome to be a part of our Flag Unit. e Ladies of our Temple had a great time celebrating at the Annual Hospital Day and the Twin Cities Hospital's 90th Anniversary Event. e Flying Colors marched in the parade, we shared a “Stuffy toss” game with the kids and enjoyed the fellowship of so many people who share a Supreme Session “100 Years of Nile ... Texas Style” June 16-20, Grapevine, Texas Supreme Queen’s Tour of Shriners Hospital Tuesday, August 13. 5:00 pm, potluck welcome party for Supreme visitors, Ladies of the Household and Guests at PQ Heather Lambert’s residence. Official Visit of the Supreme Queen Wednesday, August 14 • 3:00 pm Ceremonial, 6:30 pm Banquet Midwest Shrine Association Convention August 15-17, Duluth, MN Official Visit of the Supreme Queen Sunday, August 18 • 2:00 pm Lotus Temple, Duluth Stated Session Saturday, Sept. 21 • 10:00 am Disney / Fairytale Princess meeting At the May 11 meeting, Past Queens were honored. Left to right, Judy Moon 2012; Lois Purrington 2010; Jane Larson 2009; Sara Malewitz 2013; Donna Erickson 1996-7; Ann Wall 2008; Arline Carlson 1988; Gooch McKinnon 1999, 2004; Heather Lambert 2011; Pat Lamon 2009; and Harriet Ellis, 1978, 2008. Princess Royal Sarah Mobroton manned an information booth for Nile at the Tusler Summit Fish Fry May 3. P a g e 2 6 love for the patients of Shriners Hospital®. In an effort to better serve the needs of the Ladies of our Household, we have moved to providing correspondence via email. is includes communications that were previously made via telephone and some snail-mail. e “Telephone Committee” has now become the “Correspondence Committee.” Ladies who have an e-mail address on file with Pr. Recorder receive these e-mail messages. If you would like to receive communications via e-mail, please contact Pr. Recorder Princess Sarah Mobroton, Queen Sara Malawitz, PQ Mary Clawson and PQ Jane Larson marched in the world’s smallest (and wettest) parade at the Hospital’s birthday. J u n e 2 0 1 3 At Hospital Day, Queen Sara was introduced by Board Chair Raymond G. McCabe, and gave an informative speech on Daughters of the Nile’s activities on behalf of the Shriners Hospital. Heather Krastins-Lambert ([email protected]). We have also changed the procedure for telephone messaging. Only Princesses who request Temple Annual Session. Ladies Night Out will be June 28th – It is Fajita Night at e Wild Onion. You won't want to miss the Pool Party and Luncheon on July 20th. e party room (for the pool party) is air conditioned. Come enjoy a Hawaiian themed event, fun for the whole family (even the aquaphobic). As we move into the summer months, we anxiously await the visit of our Supreme Temple Dignitaries. e Official Visit of the Supreme Queen to Mat-Sha Temple will be on Wednesday August 14th at 3pm. e Ceremonial will be followed by a banquet at 6:30pm to honor our Supreme Queen. e Supreme Queen's Hospital Visit at Shriners Hospital Twin Cities is Tuesday, August 13th in the afternoon. After the Hospital visit (5pm) everyone is invited to share in an informal pot-luck dinner at Past Queen Heather and Grant Lambert's Home. is event is open to everyone, and promises to be a fun Queen Sara with some of our “Toss the Stuffies” game winners at the Hospital’s 90th birthday party. opportunity for fellowship. It is my sincere hope that many of the Ladies of our Household will share in these opportunities to meet our Supreme Queen and the Ladies who travel with her. It will certainly be a wonderful week! I wish you all a wonderful summer full of fun and sun. Sparkles of Nile Love, Sara Malewitz, Queen JUNE BiRTHDAyS: Queen Sara visits with Nile members from Duluth, Queen Linda Tukanen, Pr. Royal Elvina Shatto PQ, Mary Ward PQ at Hospital Day May 17. telephone reminders of Sessions and events will receive a call. If you wish to receive these calls, please contact a member of the Correspondence Committee. June provides lots of opportunities for the Daughters of the Nile to show our love for our Organization and the work we do. June 1 is the Glitz and Glamour Fashion Show, showcasing clothing from Sears. We will share in a delicious luncheon and be able to shop a bunch of great vendors, many with goodies you can purchase and take home the day of the event. June 16th through the 20th you will find many of us in Grapevine, TX celebrating “100 years of Daughters of the Nile, Texas Style” at the Supreme J u n e 2 0 1 3 Orvis Alberts • Joshua Allen • Roger Amundson • Lee Anderson • Walter Ask Sr. • Timothy Beck • Brian Beermann • Gary Behrendt • Lynn Berven • Paul Bibeau • Thomas Bramwell • Allen Brandt • Daniel Burstein • Jason Carey • Donald Carlson • Robert Carlson • Bruce Cedarholm • John Cedergren • Ralph Christofk • Stephen Claybourne • Ryan Colligan • Rick Dohrn • Gordon Eddy • Chris Elmquist • Ronald Erickson • Donald Fackler • Marvin Felderman Jr. • Donald Flood • Michael Fogarty Sr. • John Fox • James Gannon • Dale Graff • Carl Grewe Jr. • Paul Griffin • Aaron Guetter • David Hakes • Richard Hall • Harris Haugen • Richard Hawkins • Claus Hildesheim • Bob Holly • Darrell Johnson • Darrin Johnson • Alan Jones • Allan Kauppi Sr. • Glenn Kiecker • Michael Kothenbeutel • Lamoyne Krohnberg • Kenneth Kumm • Jamie Kyllo • Jerald Lagro • Gerald Launderville • Ervin Leifheit • Wallace Mccarthy • Harold Mceuen • Brian Mckenna • Mark Mckenna • Kerry Mcknight • Dean Mertesdorf • Kenneth Monaghan • Gregory Morfitt • George Nick • Eugene Oswald • Thomas Pavelich • Roger Payne • Merrill Pedersen • Robert Peltier • J Ryan Perkins • James Pierce • P.P.Gerald Plachecki • Carl Quast • Jeffrey Redmon • Charles Richter • Darel Roinestad • Clarence Russell • Joseph Saad • Thomas Schultz Jr. • Robert Schuster • Jeffrey Seaberg • Douglas Shrewsbury • David Singewald • David Sloane • Robert Smith • Sigvard Stene • Norrin Storelee • David Tabor • David Toushin • Gary Vanalstine • Joe Viavattine • Ronald Wallgren • Clint Watkins • Gerald Wrubel • Kenneth Zerves • John Zeverino • P a g e 2 7 Midwest Shrine Association Summer Session Duluth in 2013 e MSA registration will be on-line again this year, www.aadshrine.org. Hotel reservations must be made through Osman, using the form at the right. Noble registration $75.00 Lady registration $65.00 August 15-17 Use this form to reserve your hotel rooms through the Temple Counterparts, and others who need to be in Duluth early may wish to arrive on WEDNESDAY! As in previous years, your hotel registration needs to be given to your Club or Unit and, in turn, your Club or Unit Treasurer will send in all hotel registrations with one check payable to Osman Shrine to cover all members going. Deadline July 5. SCHEdULE OF EVENTS Bus transportation $40/person round trip from Osman Shrine Center (pick up point in Rochester). Wednesday, August 14th UNIT OR CLUB __________________________________________ 6:00 PM Counterparts Dinner, AAD Shrine Building Cost $40/person NOBLE’S NAME Thursday, August 15th SHRINE NUMBER (on 2013 dues card) ________________________ ________________________________________ 9:30 AM - 1 PM Counterparts Ladies Brunch AAD Shrine Building ROOMMATE’S NAME (Noble) ________________________________ 10:30 AM Chiefs of Staff Competition Meeting, Holiday Inn HOME ADDRESS ________________________________________ 1:30 - 3:30 PM Past Potentate's Reception, Pickwick Restaurant Cost - $25/past potentate, cash bar ______________________________________________________ 6:30 PM Parade and Oasis Superior, WI Oasis after parade at University of Wisconsin-Superior (UWS) PHONE (_________) ____________________________________ EMAIL ________________________________________________ Live Music by the "Bugs" starting at 8PM at the Oasis Friday, August 16th ARRIVAL DATE ________________________ DEPARTURE DATE _____________________ 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM Shrine Competitions See below Hotel Rate 11:00 AM - 2 PM Ladies Luncheon, DECC Cost - $35/person 7:00 PM Pardigras DECC Cost - Included in Registration Entertainment: Jumbo Ya Ya Band Saturday, August 17th 10:30 AM Parade & Oasis, Proctor, MN. Oasis will take place at Proctor's Klang Park q Comfort Suites on Canal Street $150.00/night (tax included) Circle choice: DOUBLE QUEEN - SINGLE KING Bus ($40 per person) Circle choice YES Total hotel NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$_______________ Total bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$_______________ TOTAL ENCLOSED . . . . . . . . .$_______________ Osman has a total of 60 rooms at this hotel, which is in a beautiful location right on the lake. Both K and QQ rooms, with elevator, 15 rooms available on Wednesday night. View of Lake Complimentary Superior continental hot from the Hotel. breakfast, indoor heated pool, and two whirlpools. 100% smoke free, free coffee, free hi-speed internet, microwave and refrigerator, flat screen cable TV and free HBO. Contact Alan Christofk (651)274-9017 or [email protected] or Doreen Lynch (651)452-5660, if you have any questions. P a g e 2 8 J u n e 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 3 O S M A N PA P E R S U P P O R T E R S MEMORIALS Warren & Doreen Lynch In Memory of PP Mike Hildebrand, Dick McNary, PP Tom Huppert & Doris Plachecki Leonard Schrade In Memory of Carole Schrade Wayne Longwell In Memory of Jerry Longwell & Richard K. Brown Osman Cycle Corps In Memory of Dale Roberge Kathleen Foster In Memory of Jim Foster Jerry & Nancy Payne In Memory of PP John Brockman St Cloud Shrine Club In Memory of all departed St. Cloud Shriners Marvin Felderman Jr. In Memory of Lon Levitz, Billy Pinnell and Dick McNary Rochester Zagalas SC In Memory of PP John Brockman Tom & Rose West In Memory of PP Lloyd F. West of El Riad Ernie Flury & Becky In Memory of PP John Brockman PP Tom Huppert PP Jerry Plachecki Dennis & Elaine Boom Alexandria Area SC Albert Lea SC In Memory of PP John Brockman PP John & Pat Perkins PP David & Marjorie Park Peter & Dolores Kloskowske Alyn & Anna Dull Arthur & Janice Lingo John E. Raymond In Memory of Albert E. Raymond (Tim) PP Roger Robinson Neil & Mary Hanson PP Jim & Joan Sweitzer Leonard Hislop Russ & Bev Boogren Brian Sigstad In Memory of Harold & Pearl Sigstad Edward & Audrey Highum Dean & Marcella Strand PP Peter & Elizabeth Ekholm Kathy & Dan Flicek Corrine Bergstrom In Memory of Robert "Bob" Bergstrom Dorothee Angel In Memory of Past Chaplain Harold Angel Cannon Valley Shrine Club Henry L Gleason In Memory of Henry L. Millis & Charles R Gleason Hank Brimmer In Memory of PP Charles P Brimmer & PP William Dodge Jan Konkler In Memory of Jim Konkler Bill & Bonnie Newell In Memory of Heidi & Carter Newell Joe & Carol Burnham In Memory of Dale & Lee Burnham & Chester & Phyllis Perry Russ, Ralph & Alan Christofk In Memory of Joe Christofk, Father & Russ & Bev Boogren Grandfather In Memory of Russ Stauffer Rochester Zagalas SC In Memory of Dick Tiede Russ & Alan Christofk & David Langer In Memory of Robert Morin SUPPORT YOUR OSMAN PAPER Honoraria and Memorials are $35.00 and a Supporter is $25.00. Call the office at (651) 452-5660 • Fax (651) 683-0231 • [email protected]. Thanks! 2 0 1 3 Heather Krastins Lambert Tom & Diane Brockman In Memory of PP John Brockman Kent & Karen Swedberg In Memory of Kenneth Swedberg J u n e Herbert & Jerine Erickson Ray & Dianne Hobot Daughters of the Nile Mat-Sha Temple # 62 Trudy Harper In Memory of Oscar Olin Pat Huber In Memory of Bill Huber Don & Terrie Harmsen Esther Olson Matthews In Memory of PP Robert G. Olson Marian Evans In Memory of Wayne Evans, past member of the Dragon Patrol Art Lemke In Memory of Shieks and Mighty Mites SUPPORTERS PP Frank & Bev Peterson Provost St Cloud Zagalas Russ & Pauline Christofk Art Lemke Lu & Ed Gerads Gary & Sharon Wettschreck John & Patricia Drake Brad & Sandra Drake Van & Jan Kellogg Legion of Honor Osman Drum & Bugle Corps PP Mike & Linda Wilk P.P. Larry & Julianne Riemenschneider –Zor Mankato T-Birds Herb & Marcia Bernick Mankato Shrine Club David R. Olson George & Arline Carlson PP Rahn & Ann Lund Chet Harvey Osman Hi-Hats PP Mike Hildebrand HONORARIA Jerry & Nancy Payne: In honor of Rich Johnson finally being awarded the welldeserved Osman Temple Jewel by Ill. Sir Frank Spevak Ernie & Becky Flury: In honor of Nancy Fish and Jerry Payne for all they do for Osman Shrine Darwin & Barbara Korum In Honor of Past and Present Chanters Jerry & Nancy Payne: In honor of St. Paul Winter Carnival King Boreas LXXVI Steve Cortinas and Lady Joy, also Osman Shriners. Directors Staff In honor of Gene Dunne Jerry & Nancy Payne: In honor of 2013-14 Queen Sara Malewitz, Daughters of the Nile, Mat Sha Temple #62 Glenn Wiessner In Honor of Robert A Wiessner, George & Valorais Wiessner P a g e 2 9 Sunday 2 JUNE 2013 Monday Tuesday 3 9 Wednesday 4 5 St Cloud Zagalas drum & Bugle Osman Cycle Corps 11 Stated Meeting 16 Father's Day 17 6 Shiners International Awareness day Chanters 10 18 Austin Oriental band 12 13 Zalagas Rochester noon Austin SC Clowns Austin Oriental band 19 20 Provost Alexandria SC, Alexandria 4wheelers 24 25 Albert Lea SC, Albert Lea Cars 26 30 Imperial Session Jun 30 – July 4th S M 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 Shrine Sunday Fun Days Due to lack of interest Shrine Sunday Fun Days have been canceled. Thank you, photographers: Photos are what make this magazine fun to look at. anks to additional photographers this month: Art Pavlish, Greg Morfitt, Rose West, Mike Yankovec P a g e 3 0 Sa 4 11 18 25 S M 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 July 2013 T W Th F 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 30 31 Mighty Mites (8th) 15 Flag Day 22 June Solstice Alexandria Circus 28 29 Austin Oriental band If your Club or Unit would like your activities listed on the calendar please contact the Osman Shrine office 651-452-5660, [email protected] Upcoming Events JULY Imperial Session 1st-4th Club & Unit Meeting - 9th Osman Family Picnic - 28th SEPTEMBER Stated Meeting 10th Potentate’s Gala 14th Rochester Shrine Club Picnic Kaposia Days Parade Sa 6 13 20 27 AUGUST Midwest Summer Session 15th-17th 7 21 Cigar Club, May 2013 T W Th F 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 Saturday 1/8 Mighty Mites 27 Rochester dragon Patrol Friday 14 St Cloud Go-Karts, Legion of Honor, Sheiks, East Central SC, Austin Oriental band directors Staff 23 Thursday OCTOBER Potentate’s Trip 24rd-28th NOVEMBER Fall Ceremonial - 2nd Hufli - 4th Club & Unit Meeting - 12th dECEMBER Stated Meeting 3rd Childrens Holiday Party 8th Club & Unit Parade To Glory 10th J u n e 2 0 1 3 Parade season is here! See pages 20-22 and join your Shriner friends in doing what Shriners do best - parading proudly to support the Shriners Hospital. R O O F I N G . S I D I N G . S H E E T M E T A L . S n o w a n d i c e s t e e p s l o p e B C 6 3 1 3 8 2 d a m n r e m o v a l , o r f l a t r o o f s . Mike Nehm PROJECT MANAGER 651.269.2826 651-795-8875 A D VA N C E D D E S I G N C O N T R A C T I N G L L C . C O M Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAId Twin Cities MN Permit No. 264 2750 Sibley Memorial Highway St. Paul, MN 55121 651/452-5660 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Left, Bob Golder picks a drawing winner. Casino Night Pete Lokhorst deals blackjack. Ken Arehart deals to his Lady Mary Lynn and Jerry Payne s d r o w y B PRINTING Dave Singewald and Lady handled the roulette wheel. After 8-1/2 years, this Osman newspaper is the last to be produced by Bywords. We want to send thanks and good thoughts to all the people we’ve met and worked with on this journey. We’ll see you at the next event!
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