
DEC / JAN 2010
22 Wayne Dyer Interview
Dr. Wayne Dyer Opens Up About His Film, His Life
by Arielle Ford
26 Montel Williams
Taking Responsibility for Living Well
by Donna Caruso
42 Susanne Somers Speaks Out
Against Conventional Cancer Industry
by Mike Adams
60 Oneness With All Life
by Eckhart Tolle
62 Quantum Biology
by Dr. Fred Bell
Page 22
12 Down To Earth Astrology
by Tim Gunns
24 Sweat Lodge Deaths & Self-Help Gurus
A Question of Accountability
by Jonathan Ellerby, Ph.D.
33 Serious Vaccine Reactions - A ‘Coincidence’?
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
37 Something Unknown - DVD Review
41 In Memory of Elizabeth Clare Prophet
44 Transform Youir Life Through Handwriting
45 The Movie Mystic: The Blind Spot
by Stephen Simon
Page 42
66 Mystical Stones: Creedite
by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian
67 Making Geothermal More Productive
69 Deep Solar Minimum
Page 26
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Book Reviews
Yoga Listings
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Cover Art
Spirit of the Elements
by Josephine Wall
“Throughout my career, I
have always sought to
produce images which are
not only pleasing to the
eye but also have either a
message or a thought-provoking statement within.
Hence, many of my paintings contain scenes from
nature, the preservation of
which is a subject close to
my heart. It is also important to me that purchasers
of my work do not become
bored with the image. This
is why I like to paint in
such detail and nearly
always hide creatures,
faces and other items
within the painting thus hopefully - providing years
of enjoyment. As people
have become used to my
style of work, they often
find things that are not
intentionally there.”
For information on product
availability and licensing
opportunities, please contact Art Impressions at
Visit Josephine’s website:
Earth Star Up Front
Colliding Galaxies Captured by Hubble Space Telescope
wo galaxies crashing into each
other at thousands of miles an
hour have been captured on
camera by the Hubble Space Telescope.
The galaxies, about 250 million
light years away in the constellation of
Cancer, are in the final stages of collision, forming a single, giant body called
NGC 2623.
As the two galaxies drew closer,
their mutual gravitational pull ripped
huge clouds of gas from each other into
their centre, forming one colossal galactic nucleus.
Stretching out from the nucleus,
where hundreds of billions of stars have
hurtled together, are two long tails of
young stars. This is further evidence that
they were once two galaxies—the powerful exchange of gas and energy in the
merger has kickstarted star formation.
Also visible in the tails, especially
the lower, larger tail, are many prominent star clusters, brighter than anything
in our own region of space. Filled with
very young stars and clouds of gas
where stars are born, these may have
been formed from debris from the
collision falling back into the nucleus.
The collision has created an “active
galactic nucleus” (AGN), where the
supermassive black hole at the centre of
one of the original galaxies attracts
matter around it, forming a violently
herry fruit extract is commonly used to alleviate
the symptoms of gout. Purine is contained in
RNA and DNA, and is released when proteins,
high in DNA and RNA, are digested. When purine itself is
processed in the body, it forms xanthine and hypoxanthine
that are in turn converted by the enzyme xanthine oxidase
into uric acid. Normally uric acid
passes through the kidneys and is
eliminated in urine.
However, if too much is produced, or the kidneys do not eliminate it properly, it passes into the
blood plasma and can be deposited
in crystalline form in the joints,
causing a painful form of arthritis
known as gout. Gout is commonly
associated with the big toe, but it
can also appear in other joints.
Fight Inflammation:
Cherry fruit extract contans anthocyanadin flavanoids that
possess strong anti-inflammatory properties, and also
maintains the health of connective tissue such as collagen.
It also maintains the pH balance needed to metabolize uric
acid more effectively and maintain healthy levels in the
blood. Its anti-inflammatory properties relieve the inflammation and pain of gout, and all in all cherry fruit extract is
an excellent support for a low purine diet in the prevention
spinning disc. The rapid motion heats up
the disc to incredible temperatures, sending vast amounts of radiation into space.
The infrared and X-ray radiation
that is given off is detectable by certain
telescopes, and allows astronomers to
discover more about the collision than
they could see using visible light alone.
—Science Daily.
of gout.
Painful inflammation can manifest itself in many
different ways, but most people experience it in joint pain.
By consuming cherry fruit on a daily basis, one can
successfully reduce uric acid production in the body and
easy their pain from with out harmful drugs.
Cherry fruit extract can help you to
retain your youthful looks by preventing the action of the various
agents that destroy skin cells, and
not only age you naturally, but can
also do this prematurely. Have you
never wondered why those that live
in very sunny climates tend to age
faster, developing wrinkled leathery
skin quicker than most others?
Because of free radicals that damage
the skin.
Fight free radical damage with cherry fruit. Cherry fruit
is high in antioxidants which can help prevent the formation
of free radicals which may aid in the slowing of the aging
process. Research suggests that free radical damage
accelerates the aging process, by reducing free radical
damage in the body, one can help the body stay younger
longer. Have you had any cherry extract lately?
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Donna Caruso • Jonathan Ellerby
Arielle Ford • Tim Gunns • Josef Mercola
• Robert Simmons • Stephen Simon
Eckhart Tolle
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must be accompanied by a self-addressed,
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Volume XXXlI, No. 191 — December / January 2010
Earth Star Up Front
Decoding the Genome's Instruction Manual
or a decade, scientists have been
trying to decipher what they call
the human “epigenome”, or the
pattern of chemical switches in all two
hundred types of human cell. The prefix
“epi” means “on”, because the chemical
switches stick on to genes. Until now,
they had only a vague idea of what the
epigenome looks like.
A team led by Joseph Ecker at the
Salk Institute in La Jolla, California,
studied human skin and stem cells to
produce the first complete map of the
human epigenome. By comparing this
with the epigenomes of diseased cells,
scientists will be able to work out how
glitches in the epigenome lead to cancers and other diseases.
“This knowledge will be extremely
valuable for understanding diseases
such as cancer and possibly even mental
disorders. Right now we just don’t know
how the epigenome changes during the
ageing process or how the epigenome is
impacted by our environment or diet,”
said Ecker, whose paper appears in the
journal Nature.
If the genetic code were a keyboard,
the epigenome would be the pianist.
Different chords become the various cell
types, and all the notes have to be played
perfectly to produce a healthy human
being. Damage to the epigenome—the
pattern of chemicals that controls our
genes—has been linked to medical
conditions as diverse as asthma,
schizophrenia and cancer.
—The Guardian, UK
Acupunture Can Help Women’s Condition
olycystic ovary syndrome, a
common condition among
women, can be relieved by the
use of acupuncture and exercise. This
is the conclusion of a recent study at
the Sahlgrenska Academy, University
of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Nearly ten percent of women of
reproductive age have polycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS). The syndrome
expresses itself as a large number of
small immature cysts on the ovaries
that cause a disturbance in the production of hormones and an increase in the
secretion of the male sex hormone.
This means that many women with the
condition do not ovulate normally, and
the syndrome may lead to infertility.
The women run an increased risk of
becoming obese, developing type 2
diabetes, or developing cardio-vascular
“We do not know for certain what
causes the condition, despite it being
so common. We have seen
that women with the syndrome often have high activity in that part of the nervous
system that we cannot consciously control, known as
the ‘sympathetic nervous system’. We believe that this may
be an important underlying
factor in the syndrome,” says
Elisabet Stener-Victorin, who
has led the research at the
Sahlgrenska Academy.
During the study,
one group of women with
polycystic ovary syndrome
received acupuncture regularly
for four months. They
received a type of acupuncture known as ‘electroacupuncture’, in which the
needles are stimulated with a
weak low-frequency electric current,
similar to that developed during muscular work. A second group of women
were provided with heart rate monitors
and instructed to exercise at least three
times a week. A control group was
informed about the importance of
exercise and a healthy diet, but was
given no other specific instructions.
The study showed that activity in
the sympathetic nervous system was
lower in the women who received
acupuncture and in those who took
regular exercise than it was in the
control group. The acupuncture
treatment brought further benefits.
“Those who received acupuncture
found that their menstruation became
more normal. We could also see that
their levels of testosterone became significantly lower, and this is an important observation, since elevated testosterone levels are closely connected
with the increased activity in the sympathetic nervous system of women,”
says Elisabet Stener-Victorin.
— Science Daily
Earth Star Up Front
Airport Trials NAKED-IMAGE Security Scans
riginally, passengers had to
remove their jackets when
passing through airport security. Then it was belts, and soon shoes
had to come off too. But those who
feared that losing one’s trousers was
the next logical step will find scant
comfort in the news that an x-ray
machine that produces “naked” images
of passengers was recently introduced
at a British international airport.
As well as enabling staff to instantly spot any hidden weapons or explosives, the full-body scanner being trialled at Manchester airport will leave
little to the imagination of airport security staff. It will reveal a clear outline of
passengers genitalia, as well as any
false limbs, breast enlargements or body
Travelers can refuse to undergo the
virtual strip at Terminal 2 and choose a
traditional “pat down” search instead,
according to the airport, which admits
that some travelers may feel uncomfortable about using the new technology.
The scan’s black and white image
will be seen by one officer in a remote
location before it is deleted, said Sarah
Barrett, head of customer experience at
the airport.
“Most of our customers do not like
the traditional ‘pat down’ search, they
find it too intrusive, but they still want to
be kept safe. This scanner completely
takes away the hassle of needing to
undress. The images are not erotic or
pornographic and they cannot be stored
or captured in any way,” she said.
As passengers will not have to
remove their coats, shoes or belts, the
scanner will—in theory—speed up the
check-in process. Frequent flyers will
not be at risk from the low-level radiation, which is twenty thousand times
less powerful than a dental x-ray, Barrett
“Passengers can go through this
machine five thousand times a year each
without worrying, it is super safe and
the amount of radiation transmitted is
tiny,” she said.
The scanners, made by the firm
RapiScan Systems at a cost of £80,000
each, were trialled at Heathrow airport
in 2004. The Department for Transport
will decide whether to install them permanently at the end of the trial, which is
expected to last for a year.
Electromagnetic waves are beamed
on to passengers while they stand in a
booth, and a virtual three-dimensional
“naked” image is created from the
reflected energy. Security officials in the
US have pioneered the use of the
scanners at New York and Los Angeles
airports and they are gradually being
introduced at other airports in the
country. —Guardian, UK
TAI CHI May Be an Effective Treatment for Dizziness, Balance Issues
ai Chi, a form of Chinese
martial arts often practiced
for its health benefits, may be
an effective treatment option for
patients who suffer from dizziness and
balance disorders (also known as
vestibular disorders).
In a paper presented at the 2009
American Academy of Otolaryngology
—Head and Neck Surgery Foundation
(AAO-HNSF) Annual Meeting & OTO
EXPO in San Diego, researchers evaluated the utility of Tai Chi in managing
patients with vestibular symptoms who
have failed conventional vestibular
therapy. It could include individualized
physical therapy or different sets of
physical maneuvers that a doctor performs on a patient.
Researchers conducted a question-
naire study from April 2008 to March
2009 at an outpatient rehabilitation
program, utilizing the activities-specific
balance confidence scale and dynamic
gait index survey, both prior to therapy
and at the conclusion of an eight-week
course. A total of twenty-one patients
(eighteen females, three males) completed the study to date. Patients
reported subjective improvements in
their vestibular symptoms.
Researchers theorize that the technique may be effective because Tai Chi
promotes coordination through relaxation, rather than muscular coordination. —Science Daily
Earth Star Up Front
What Happened To GLOBAL WARMING?
his headline may come as a bit
of a surprise, so too might that
fact that the warmest year
recorded globally was not in 2008 or
2007, but in 1998.
But it is true. For the last eleven years
we have not observed any increase in
global temperatures.
And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon
dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible
for warming our planet, has continued to
So what on Earth is going on?
Climate change sceptics, who
passionately and consistently argue that
man’s influence on our climate is overstated, say they saw it coming.
They argue that there are natural
cycles, over which we have no control,
that dictate how warm the planet is. But
what is the evidence for this?
During the last few decades of the
20th Century, our planet did warm quickly.
Sceptics argue that the warming we
observed was down to the energy from
the Sun increasing. After all ninety-eight
percent of the Earth’s warmth comes from
the Sun.
But research conducted two years
ago, and published by the Royal Society,
seemed to rule out solar influences.
The scientists’ main approach was
simple: to look at solar output and cosmic
ray intensity over the last thirty to forty
years, and compare those trends with
the graph for global average surface
And the results were clear.
“Warming in the last twenty to forty years
can’t have been caused by solar activity,”
said Dr Piers Forster from Leeds
University, a leading contributor to this
year’s Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC).
But one solar scientist Piers Corbyn
from Weatheraction, a company specialising in long range weather forecasting,
He claims that solar charged particles
impact us far more than is currently
accepted, so much so he says that they are
almost entirely responsible for what
happens to global temperatures.
If proved correct, this could revolutionise the whole subject.
Ocean cycles
What is really interesting at the moment is
what is happening to our oceans. They are
the Earth's great heat stores.
According to research conducted by
Professor Don Easterbrook from Western
Washington University last November,
the oceans and global temperatures are
The oceans, he says, have a cycle in
which they warm and cool cyclically. The
most important one is the Pacific decadal
oscillation (PDO).
For much of the 1980s and 1990s, it
was in a positive cycle, that means
warmer than average. And observations
have revealed that global temperatures
were warm too.
But in the last few years it has been
losing its warmth and has recently started
to cool down.
These cycles in the past have lasted
for nearly thirty years.
So could global temperatures follow?
The global cooling from 1945 to 1977
coincided with one of these cold Pacific
Professor Easterbrook says: “The
PDO cool mode has replaced the warm
mode in the Pacific Ocean, virtually
assuring us of about thirty years of global
So what does it all mean? Climate
change sceptics argue that this is evidence
that they have been right all along.
They say there are so many other
natural causes for warming and cooling,
that even if man is warming the planet, it
is a small part compared with nature.
But those scientists who are equally
passionate about man’s influence on global warming argue that their science is solid.
The UK Met Office’s Hadley Centre,
responsible for future climate predictions,
says it incorporates solar variation and
ocean cycles into its climate models, and
that they are nothing new.
In fact, the centre says they are just
two of the whole host of known factors
that influence global temperatures.
In addition, say Met Office scientists,
temperatures have never increased in a
straight line, and there will always be
periods of slower warming, or even
temporary cooling.
What is crucial, they say, is the longterm trend in global temperatures. And
that, according to the Met office data, is
clearly up.
To confuse the issue even further, last
month Mojib Latif, a member of the
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change) says that we may indeed
be in a period of cooling worldwide temperatures that could last another ten to
twenty years.
Professor Latif is based at the
Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at
Kiel University in Germany and is one of
the world's top climate modellers.
But he makes it clear that he has not
become a sceptic; he believes that this
cooling will be temporary, before the
overwhelming force of man-made global
warming reasserts itself.
So what can we expect in the next
few years?
Both sides have very different forecasts. The Met Office says that warming
is set to resume quickly and strongly.
It predicts that from 2010 to 2015 at
least half the years will be hotter than the
current hottest year on record (1998).
Sceptics disagree. They insist it is
unlikely that temperatures will reach the
dizzy heights of 1998 until 2030 at the
earliest. It is possible, they say, that
because of ocean and solar cycles a
period of global cooling is more likely.
One thing is for sure. It seems the
debate about what is causing global
warming is far from over. Indeed some
would say it is hotting up. —BBC News
Earth Star Up Front
Grad Student's Electric Bike Praised
twenty-two-year-old entrepreneur from Asheville spent his
final college semester designing
and building an electric motorcycle
from the ground up.
Tom Miceli, a recent graduate of
Appalachian State, unveiled his futuristiclooking Ion Electric Sportbike at the
recent Southern Energy & Environment
Expo. Since then the sleekly designed
bike, which releases no emissions and
has a top speed of eighty mph, has
received national attention from and AutoBlog Green.
When Miceli dreamed up Ion for
his senior project at Appalachian, his
professors said he’d never be able to
finish in time. He wound up getting an A.
“I told him he had no idea what was
involved, but he was headstrong about
it,” said Miceli’s father, Frank, an
instructor with Asheville-Buncombe
Technical Community College’s Global
Institute for Sustainable Technologies.
“I originally wanted to design an
electric car,” the younger Miceli said.
“But we quickly learned that would be
too big and too expensive of a project. If
it wasn’t for the help we got from A-B
Tech, we wouldn’t have been able to finish it as quickly as we did.”
A-B Tech’s sustainable technologies program provided many of the
materials for Ion, including the batteries,
motor and drive components. The pro-
gram was formed
in 2006 with a mission of training
green-collar workers and promoting
clean-energy technologies.
T h o u g h
Miceli built the
bike in his basement, the finished
product does not
have the look of an
amateur project.
Based on a
platform, the streamlined
body gives the bike
a polished and professional look.
“Forming the fiberglass was probably
the hardest part,” said Miceli.
LED lamps replace the traditional
headlight, providing the same visibility
with increased efficiency. A touchscreen display provides all the information one would find on the typical
gauges of a bike, save for the gas gauge
—no need for that.
Ion plugs into a wall outlet and
receives a full charge after six hours,
good for up to sixty miles. The windshield was molded and baked in
Miceli’s own conventional oven.
His final college project completed,
Miceli is still looking for a job. Of
course, he is open to the idea of finding
a commercial producer for the bike.
“I wouldn't mind it if a manufacturer
looked at it,” Miceli said.
Till then, he and his father will keep
“We’re working on a new transmission, as well as a computer-designed
battery system,” said Frank Miceli. “The
goal is sixty miles at eighty miles per
hour. There’s no telling when we’ll get
there, but we’ll work at it as we have
time and money.”
—Asheville Citizen-Times
r. James Palmer, associate professor of chemical
engineering at Louisiana Tech University, is collaborating with fellow professors Dr. Yuri Lvov,
Dr. Dale Snow, and Dr. Hisham Hegab to capitalize on the
environmental and financial benefits of “biofuels” by using
nanotechnology to further improve the cellulosic ethanol
Biofuels will play an important part in sustainable fuel
and energy production solutions for the future. The country’s
appetite for fuel, however, cannot be satisfied with traditional
crops such as sugar cane or corn alone. Emerging technologies are allowing cellulosic biomass (wood, grass,
stalks, etc.) to also be converted into ethanol.
Cellulosic ethanol does not compete with food production and has the potential to decrease greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions by eighty-six percent over that of today’s fossil
fuels. Current techniques for corn ethanol only reduce greenhouse gases by nineteen percent.
The nanotechnology processes developed at Louisiana
Tech University can immobilize the expensive enzymes used
to convert cellulose to sugars, allowing them to be reused
several times over and, thus significantly reducing the overall cost of the process.
Savings estimates range from approximately thirty-two
million dollars for each cellulosic ethanol plant to a total of
seven-point-five billion dollars if a federally-established goal
of sixteen billion gallons of cellulosic ethanol is achieved.
This process can easily be applied in large-scale commercial
environments and can immobilize a wide variety or mixture
of enzymes for production.
The innovative research taking place at Louisiana Tech,
along with an excellent growing season, a strong pulp/paper
industry, and one of the nation’s first cellulosic ethanol
demonstration plants, has the state of Louisiana well positioned to become a national contributor in cellulosic ethanol.
— ScienceDaily
Earth Star Up Front
Sprinkling SUGAR On
Wound Heals It Faster
ubbing sugar into wounds
could cure painful infections including bedsores,
research shows.
The traditional African remedy
is being trialled in British hospitals
after a study led by a senior nurse
raised in Zimbabwe.
As a child, Moses Murandu
watched his father put crushed sugar
cane on villagers’ wounds and grew
up thinking it was a widely used
Sugar is used as a traditional
healing remedy in Zimbabwe
When he moved to England he
was surprised to find doctors did not
use it.
His six-month study involved
twenty-one patients at Selly Oak
Hospital in Birmingham whose
wounds had not responded to conventional treatment.
It showed that pouring granulated
sugar on to bed sores, leg ulcers or
amputations before dressing can kill
the bacteria that prevents healing and
causes chronic pain.
Bacteria need water to survive
but sugar draws water from the
wound into the dressing.
Mr Murandu believes the technique, which was passed down from
his great-grandfather, could save the
NHS billions.
'The village where I grew up
was very small and we didn’t have a
great deal of medicine available to
us,' he said.
‘Doctors here tend to forget the
traditional medicines that have been
working for thousands of years.'
Bosses at the Selly Oak
Hospital in Birmingham have been
so impressed that he has been awarded twenty-five thousand pounds to
treat up to one hundred more
patients with sugar. —Daily Mail, UK
hen the first of two full
moons in December
culminates late on the
1st (PST / 2nd, EST) in
11° of loquacious
Gemini, one’s everyday physical circumstances
may in some way come into focus. Release
unhelpful notions or philosophies that no longer
serve you. Observe how you communicate for
ways in which you may improve interpersonal
Mercury enters the discipline-oriented world of
Capricorn on the 5th, till Feb 10th, 2010, where
our thoughts become more serious, and turn
toward business, career and practical considerations. Ambition is fueled, while patience and
mental discipline are seasier to come by.
A day of stops and starts and potential surprises
is on tap for humanity on the 14th, when the sun
squares Uranus, then sextiles Jupiter. The sun’s
square (90° aspect) to Uranus can cause sudden
disruptions in one’s daily routine; while the
potential for seismic activity exists. One’s personal needs may have to yield to more pressing
demands or constraints beyond your control.
Don’t try to “buck the system” just now;
instead, cultivate patience. However, with the
more uplifting influence of the sun’s sextile
(60° aspect) to Jupiter, if you can visualize very
clearly what you want, you just might get it!
Expand your intellectual and occupational horizons. Journeys for business, foreign investments, and legal affairs are all supported,
although they may be subject to the influence of
the earlier aspect, which will reverberate
through the ethers for a day or two.
Nonetheless, pursue business, educational, or
creative goals with renewed fervor. Seek favors
from those in authority. Plan or take a long-distance trip.
Following December’s New Moon, which
occurs early on the 16th, in 24°40' Sagittarius,
review or upgrade educational objectives, and
expand your occupational horizons.
Acknowledge and release any past fears of failure that may have been holding you back from
realizing your full potential. Connect with progressive people or groups with whom you
share common goals, or beliefs.
When Venus trines Mars early on the 17th, it’s
thrills galore—a day tailor-made for romance.
Seek funding for a pet project now. This aspect
favors most forms of creative self-expression.
Celestial warrior, Mars, officially beats the
retreat by stationing retrograde in 20° Leo on
December 20th, commencing a rare backward
trek through the zodiac till March 10th, 2010,
temporarily diminishing the traditional Martian
assertiveness factor. In this reverse mode, Mars
is more reluctant to act, instead, holding back
energies that might actually be better off
expressed. Thus, hostilities can erupt as pent up
energies accumulate, evolve into acute frustrations, attain a critical mass and go ballistic.
This is, in fact, a most appropriate time to seek
a compromise with an antagonist, as people
may be more conciliatory, or especially patient.
Nevertheless, impulsive tendencies exist, and
motivations need to be questioned—your own,
as well as those of others. This is not the ideal
launch window for a new venture, or for making a major purchase, as the motive force
required to get a project off the ground may be
insufficient to overcome the inertia, while
financial prudence could be in short supply.
Instead, check your moral compass, your game
plan, and, most importantly, your motivations,
and focus on tasks requiring patience in the
Jupiter and Neptune, co-rulers of dreamy
Pisces, align precisely in conjunction for the
third time this year on December 21st, in
24°17' of tropical Aquarius, their energies
merging in a spiritual and religious paradigmshifting union. Their previous alignments were
on July 10th, in 26°01' Aquarius, and May
27th, in 26°28'Aquarius. Review events of
these time frames for clues as to how this alignment may express itself in your life now.
Spiritual and philosophical studies are favored,
and may, in fact, have great appeal, while
Aquarian idealism is stimulated. One’s sensitivity to the needs of others increases, and altruism, kindness and compassion abound.
Spiritual awareness—or confusion—around
the world receives a major boost.
The winter solstice arrives as the sun enters
Capricorn on December 21st, that magical time
of year when the sun apparently stands still (the
literal meaning of solstice) for about three days
at its southernmost declination (the Tropic of
Capricorn) before beginning its travel north
again on Christmas Eve! Profoundly symbolic,
“the light of the world” (sun) now returns to the
Northern Hemisphere.
As the sun aligns in conjunction with distant
Pluto on the 24th, in 03°02' Capricorn, willpower and assertiveness intensify, and the wise
will avoid ego clashes, or any attempts at coercion. An encounter with the darker side of life,
or of self, is possible now. A strong sexual
stimulus also pervades the ethers. Much creative potential is available while this alignment
holds sway, so utilize it to expand your professional horizons.
Currently a morning star, Venus enters
Capricorn on Christmas Day (25th) till January
18th, 2010. Material objectives assume greater
importance now, while creativity requires a
practical outlet. Emotions are more restrained
as a sense of “business first” takes over. A new
source of investment capital may appear, or a
previous source may dry up.
Down To Earth Astrology
A sobering square between the sun and Saturn
perfects later on the 25th. With this aspect, the
natural dynamism and vitality of the Sun is
restrained and often frustrated by Saturn, so
patience could be a rare commodity just now.
Indeed, extra self-discipline may be called for,
as duties or responsibilities could weigh heavy.
In fact, this may well be a time to just roll up
your sleeves and put your shoulder to the wheel
[of karma]. However, if you persevere, steady
progress can be made through disciplined work
and effort. Meditate on cheerfulness and joy.
Mercury begins its last retrograde phase of
2009 on the 26th, in 22° Capricorn. Many of
you may know the drill by now, but to recap:
refrain from signing anything formally binding, or from initiating new enterprises until
after January 15th, when the cosmic messenger resumes direct motion. Instead, review,
rewrite or edit previously created works and
data for errors or inconsistencies. Search for
lost items. Research and investigations could
also turn up trumps now.
December’s second full moon culminates on
the 31st, in 10°15' Cancer, and is also a partial
lunar eclipse. While domestic responsibilities
may be pressing, the need to take care of business could also be strong. Strike a healthy balance between home and business or career
When the sun conjuncts Mercury retrograde
on January 4th, in 15° Capricorn, consider
how you might act on your new ideas. Prepare
to set into motion plans for improving your
career potential, and implement them after the
15th, once the cosmic messenger resumes forward motion.
Mercury, still retrograde, conjuncts Venus on
the 5th, in 13°26' Capricorn. Renegotiate business agreements or transactions now.
Redecorate your work place. Get some intellectual or cultural stimulation.
On the 11th the sun conjuncts Venus, in 21°32'
Capricorn, when the need for peace and harmony becomes paramount. Social activities,
the fine arts, and public relations are now well
starred. Show appreciation for those you love.
Saturn, planet of career and lord of karma, stations Retrograde on January 13th, in 04°39'
Libra, till May 30th, 2010. Take the time, now,
to review your professional ambitions; if necessary, seek vocational guidance. Issues from
the past could resurface for resolution. Much
personal growth can occur during this phase
from acknowledging, then releasing, what you
once considered to be limitations or fears.
The first new moon of 2010 arrives late on the
14th (PST / early on the 15th, EST), in 25°01'
Capricorn, and is also a solar eclipse. Creative
impetus exists for planning practical, new
business ventures that help to educate people.
Surf the Internet for progressive business
opportunities, contacts or timely information.
Communicate with family and friends at a
After Mercury stations Direct on January 15th,
in 05°33' Capricorn, mental processes begin to
accelerate. Any sudden bursts of inspired
thought should be recorded for later reference.
Move ahead with plans or domestic projects
now, but continue to refrain from making snap
decisions, as there’s a tendency towards impatience and impulsive behavior. Nonetheless,
communications are now getting back on track.
Jupiter enters the mysterious realm of tropical
Pisces on the 17th, till June 5th. Thankfully,
the jovian giant is quite at home in Piscean
waters, portending a period in which self-sacrificing behavior and kind-hearted actions will
become more commonplace, and many will be
inspired to seek a closer connection with their
spiritual nature. This is an exceptionally swift
transit for Jupiter, as it moves through Pisces in
barely six months when it would normally take
a year to travel through an entire sign!
As Venus makes her grand entrance into gregarious Aquarius on January 18th, an urge to
socialize often develops, while affection is
more freely expressed. Relationships can take
an unconventional or surprising twist. Seek
financing for a pet project.
When the sun enters the progressive, revolutionary environment of Aquarius on the 19th,
till Feb 18th, reassess your goals, hopes and
ambitions to determine whether you are still
on target.
Seek financial support for personal projects
when Venus trines Saturn on January 21st. A
reestablishment of past ties during this transit
may have karmic implications. Constructive
artistic work is favored now. If you’re considering an investment, look into art, precious
metals, or real estate.
Progress can be made towards career goals on
and around the 24th when the sun trines
Saturn. Being both practical and creative
achieves best results under these planetary
auspices. Advice from an elder or authority
figure could prove helpful at this time.
Avoid financial extravagance when Venus
opposes Mars on January 26th, as the urge to
splurge could quickly drain precious
resources. Sensuality is powerfully heightened
now. This aspect often provides an opportunity
to test one’s ability to cooperate with or adapt
to the desires or wishes of others. Romantic
encounters could be rather disappointing.
Some vigorous physical exercise can help to
work off any frustrations.
Shortly before January’s full moon occurs, as
emotional intensity builds, the sun moves into
a precise opposition to Mars on the 29th,
auguring a time when ego drives, motivating
forces and impulses are operating from unconscious levels. More than ever, be accountable
for your actions around this juncture. There
could be a parting of the ways, perhaps after a
heated exchange. On the other hand, much
constructive progress can be made with
creative endeavors if these dynamic energies
can be properly harnessed and channeled.
As the Leo full moon culminates late on the
29th (PST / early 30th, EST), in 11° Leo, it
is likely to inspire a great deal of playful
exuberance, enthusiasm, and colorful
emotional dramas. It could also be a very
productive time, when much can be accomplished, especially through teamwork.
Saturn squares Pluto on January 31st, for the
second time in as many months—their previous precise alignment was on November 15th,
This rare series of square aspects between
these planetary heavyweights (which last
occurred in late 1993 and early 1994) can
create delays and frustrations in business and
career matters, which compel us to reassess
our allegiances, work methodologies, and priorities. Both challenges and opportunities, in
terms of one’s career aspirations, may present
themselves “out of the blue” so be ready to
quickly assess them, and then act. They will
align in a precise square once more on August
21st. After that, this aspect will not occur again
until June 23rd, 2028!
Following is a general overview of how the
planetary trends for December/January, 2010
apply to each sun sign. If you know your
rising sign (Ascendant), read that, too, for
additional insights.
Down To Earth Astrology
(March 20—April 19)
Your thoughts and ideas carry a powerful emotional
charge early in December, when you may be inspired
to share your notions and musings with a wider audience. Travel
now could be both enjoyable and rewarding, while your creativity
can be fuelled by what you learn at this time. Take every
opportunity to advance your career or educational objectives, as
your prospects are looking up as the holiday season approaches.
By year's end, you could have a new professional goal in your
sights. However, take your time over important decisions as both
Mars, your sign’s ruler, and Mercury turn retrograde this month
(on the 20th and 26th, respectively). Certain details, of which you
may have been unaware, could come to light during the next few
weeks, which might have an impact on your eventual
determination. Nonetheless, opportunities for professional
advancement could have you giving serious consideration to a
change in career direction—one that would allow your creativity
free rein.
(April 19—May 20)
Take steps to safeguard your assets and resources as
the holiday season approaches. Consider the future
viability of any investments you may have; if necessary, make
adjustments to your portfolio during the first half of December.
New horizons may beckon in the weeks ahead, and with a strong
sense of security you'll feel more at liberty to take advantage of
any opportunities that may lie before you. Seek constructive outlets through which to channel your emotional energies and enthusiasm throughout this forecast period, when you’re likely to develop—and maintain—a considerable head of steam. Use it to keep
the wheels of progress turning in pursuit of your goals. Be tolerant
with the antics of family members if you want to keep the peace
around the home; your fuse is way too short to be inviting trouble
now! Busy yourself with tasks or projects around the house;
there’s sure to be plenty of them.
(May 20—June 21)
You will accomplish more by including others in your
plans and personal projects than by trying to go it
alone at this time. The contacts, skills and know how a colleague
or partner can bring to the table could provide the momentum
necessary to keep you moving forward. Indeed, it might be to your
advantage now to forge new alliances with creative and motivated
individuals, as they may have access to financial resources that
you lack. You’re certainly keen to share your ideas and information
with a wider audience. However, be sure to temper your
enthusiasm with wisdom, by recognizing when to be quiet and just
listen to those who may be more knowledgeable and from whose
viewpoint you or your projects might benefit, especially while
your sign’s ruler, Mercury, is in retrograde, from Dec 26 through
Jan 15. Seek to stabilize your financial position, so that you feel
more in control. This will help to give you greater peace of mind.
(June 21—July22)
There may be plenty of opportunities to excel at work
these days, and to demonstrate your worth to your
employer. Indeed, your industry and application on
the job could bring you substantial financial reward, an incentive
that eggs you on to redouble your efforts. Perhaps your greatest
challenge of this period will be in maintaining stability in a
primary relationship, where the dominance of a partner can, at
times, adversely impact your own self esteem or sense of security.
This situation could come to a head during the holidays, when
your resolve may be severely tested. Fortunately, your progress
and productivity at work provides a measure of satisfaction that
lifts your spirits, while providing a welcome boost to your selfconfidence, and your income. You could turn the corner in a
relationship later in January, when your need for greater control
over mutual resources could be realized through a new
understanding. A new professional partnership is also possible in
the weeks ahead.
(July 22—August 23)
With an abundance of energy and enthusiasm currently
at your disposal, you’re keen to get a creative project
off the drawing board and into production in double quick time.
However, you are wise enough to realize that you will need the
collaboration of others to help move things along, and that you
will benefit more by being cooperative than by trying to go it alone
now. Besides, although you can be highly individualistic by
nature, you also enjoy being part of a team with a common goal.
Be open to the give and take of ideas and feedback with
colleagues, as others may not always share your views. This would
also be an appropriate juncture at which to review your physical
fitness and nutritional regimens, or to address any chronic health
concerns. Your state of mind can play a major role in your overall
well being, so it’s important to maintain a positive outlook.
(August 23—September 23)
(September 23—October 23)
Working at your own pace behind the scenes suits you
just fine right now, particularly if you’re allowed to
flex your creative muscles on a project in which you
also have a strong emotional—and maybe even financial—
investment. Pay attention to intuitive prompts, as your instincts are
especially keen throughout this forecast period. Dreams, too,
could prove revelatory, if you tune in to their symbolic messages.
Instability in a key relationship could bring both emotional and
financial issues to the fore that may have an impact on your sense
of and need for security. Identify your deepest needs, and any
behavioral patterns that might be ripe for change, that play into
this scenario. Expect what you value most to be put to the test from
time to time. The wheel of karma keeps on turning, and as it does
so the stakes become higher. Be sure that the choices—or
investments—you make are made only after careful consideration.
With celestial taskmaster and lord of karma, Saturn,
conjunct your solar ascendant between now and next
summer, it’s time to be more disciplined about pursuing and
attaining personal goals and ambitions. The ringed planet last
visited your sign in August 1983, so the challenges Saturn will
most assuredly bring your way may be new to many of you. Fear
not, however, as the lord with the rings can function exceptionally
Down To Earth Astrology
well in the domain of the Scales clan, where lessons he brings can
be more readily grasped and understood. First up will be to come
to grips with then cast out those inner demons that only serve to
hold you back in life. Who and what you are has great value, while
your thoughts have much influence on your sense of self worth.
Saturn will bring experiences your way during this forecast
period, very likely through your interactions with others, which
will help you to realize this. Seeds can be sewn now for new and
enduring emotional growth.
(October 23—November 22)
Seeking ways to add to your cash flow is given a high
priority during December, when your worldly ambitions are on the rise. New ideas and creative notions regarding
professional aspirations begin to solidify in your mind now, and
throughout the winter months, and you're keen to act upon them.
However, during Mercury’s retrograde phase, from Dec 26
through Jan 15, certain facts or figures of which you were
unaware may come to light, requiring some minor but necessary
adjustments in your plans. Your flexibility and adaptability now
will be important factors in your eventual success. Innovation and
inventiveness come easily to you now, fuelled by the novel
notions flowing freely from your wellspring of creativity within.
Be sure to harvest the fruits of your ingenuity by taking note of
these inspirational gems for future action.
(November 21—December 21)
December begins on a decidedly “up” note as Venus
crosses your solar ascendant into your sign on the 1st,
lifting your spirits and possibly bringing some good
fortune your way. Your mind is focused on expanding the
boundaries of your world, as you actively pursue plans for the
future. You can make progress with personal projects now, while
your energy and drive are in high gear. Work on increasing your
level of physical fitness as the holidays approach, as this will help
sustain you in your quest. Seek novel ways to augment your
income, to ensure that your various projects are adequately
financed. Be more disciplined in your approach to attaining goals,
and in planning for the future. Make sure that you have the
necessary resources for your strategies and ambitions to succeed.
Indeed, this would be an appropriate juncture at which to conduct
a thorough review of your financial situation, your assets, and
your prospects.
(December 21—January 19)
You are in the midst of a metamorphosis, from which
you will eventually emerge stronger and better able to
pursue your ambitions. In the meantime, take advantage of the
current impetus to get your life in order. That may include, for
some, a complete makeover—of your appearance, your physical
fitness levels, and your general outlook on life. You will ultimately
emerge like the butterfly from its chrysalis, ready and willing to
take flight, viewing life from a new, higher perspective. A new
career path could appear before you in the weeks and months
ahead, one that may allow you to express your talents and abilities
in an entirely new way. Or it may be that you will make a well-
considered decision to seek out new professional opportunities,
after finding yourself at a metaphorical, or indeed, professional,
fork in the road. Give some thought to your future financial needs.
You may be strongly motivated to increase your asset holdings, to
provide a greater sense of security.
(January 19—February 18)
You may be seeking novel and innovative ways to add
to your income as the holiday season draws near, and
receive much encouragement from a partner or friends who are
supportive of your quest. Planning for the future could be
assigned a higher priority now, as you look to provide a greater
sense of security for yourself and your family. There is no such
thing as an impossible dream to Aquarius natives, for whom all
things that can be conceptualized can also, given time, be made
manifest. Indeed, your dreams—even daydreams—now, could
provide practical insights into ways of improving your lot in life.
Pay attention, too, to subconscious prompts, and give more
credence to your instincts, for they could, quite literally, be right
on the money now! Tread lightly as you navigate key relationships
early in the new year, lest you stumble into a minefield. If logic
and reason seem to temporarily desert you, let your intuition be
your guide.
(February 18—March 20)
You may have several reasons to celebrate as the
holiday season approaches. For one thing, your
professional prospects appear brighter than of late,
with the possibility that new doors will open to you in the weeks
ahead—something, perhaps, for which you've been actively
working towards. Another uplifting influence to which you may
recently have become attuned is the imminent arrival of expansive
Jupiter, your sign’s co-ruling planet, to the cusp of Pisces and your
solar ascendant. It’s been nigh on a dozen years since the jovian
giant last graced your sign, to confer its inspirational cosmic
resonance upon you, and it will do so once again on January 17th.
Your dreams and meditations could be particularly vivid,
providing insights and clues to future events. This would be an
appropriate juncture at which to make peace with your past, and
to release any outworn philosophies or mindsets that now serve
only to hinder your personal growth and worldly progress.
Tim Gunns is an astrological consultant,
conference coordinator and producer,
formerly program director of the
national Whole Life Expos, and is
currently program director of the
Conscious Life Expo.
Tim prepares personalized no-nonsense interpretations of Natal
Horoscopes ($40), Future Forecast Transit Reports ($75 for 1 full
year), and Relationship Compatibility Reports ($45). Shipping is
free. Send: Name (as you'd like it to appear on the chart), Date of
Birth, Time (as close as possible), Place of Birth (city/country,
etc.) for each person, and your return address, phone# and check
to: Tim Gunns, c/o110 Hilltop Drive, Waynesville NC 28786.
(828) 452-7885. Consultations by phone may also be scheduled.
Earth Star Up Front
he secrets of a lost city that
may have inspired one of the
myths—the fable of Atlantis—have
been brought to light from beneath the
waters off southern Greece.
Explored by an Anglo-Greek team
of archaeologists and marine geologists
and known as Pavlopetri, the sunken
settlement dates back some five thousand years to the time of Homer’s
heroes and in terms of size and wealth
of detail is unprecedented, experts say.
“There is now no doubt that this is
the oldest submerged town in the
world,” said Dr Jon Henderson, associate professor of underwater archaeology
at the University of Nottingham. “It has
remains dating from 2800 to 1200 BC,
long before the glory days of classical
Greece. There are older sunken sites in
the world but none can be considered to
be planned towns such as this, which is
why it is unique.”
The site, which straddles thirty
thousand square meters of ocean floor
off the southern Peloponnese, is
believed to have been consumed by the
sea around 1000 BC. Although discovered by a British oceanographer some
forty years ago, it was only this year that
marine archaeologists, aided by digital
technology, were able to properly survey the ruins.
Lost Greek City Found That May
Have Inspired Atlantis Myth
What they found surpassed all expectations. Thanks to shifting sands and the
settlement’s enclosure in a protected bay,
the exploration revealed a world of buildings, courtyards, main streets, rock-cut
tombs and religious structures. In addition, the seabed was replete with thousands of shards of pottery.
“We found ceramics dating back to
the end of the stone age, which suggested
that the settlement was occupied some
five thousand years ago, at least twelve
hundred years earlier than originally
thought,” said Henderson, who codirected the underwater survey.
“Our investigations also revealed
over nine thousand
square meters of
new buildings. But
what really took us
by surprise was the
discovery of a possible megaron, a
monumental structure with a large
rectangular hall,
which also suggests
that the town had
been used by an
elite, and automatically raised the status of the settlement.”
More than
any other underwater site so far, the
find offers potential
insights into the
Mycenaean society.
“It is significant because as a submerged site it was never reoccupied,”
said Elias Spondylis, who co-directed
the survey as the head of Greece’s
underwater antiquities department. “As
such it represents a frozen moment of
the past.”
Marine geologists have yet to work
out why the settlement sank. Theories
include sea level changes, ground subsidence as the result of earthquakes, or a
“It is very likely a combination of
the first two,” said Dimitris Sakellariou,
at the Greek Institute of Oceanography.
“As the world’s oldest submerged city it
is truly amazing. It not only shows how
people lived at the time is also of great
interest to natural scientists because the
waters around it are so shallow.”
Locals in the nearby town of
Neapolis are delighted. “Older generations always knew something was there
but we had no idea about the extent of
it,” said Neapolis's mayor, Yiannis
It is the first time a sunken city has
been found in Greece that predates the
time that Plato wrote his allegorical tale
of the sunken continent of Atlantis.
“Atlantis was a myth but it is a
myth that keeps underwater exploration
going,” said Sakellariou. “Less than one
percent of the world’s ocean floors have
ever been surveyed. This is an extraordinary find but there is still a lot more
down there that has to be found.”
—The Guardian, UK
Earth Star
he past is very much the present at the Arkansas Department
of Emergency Management.
Namely what happened nearly two
hundred years ago, when what became
northeast Arkansas, along with other
states, were rocked when the New
Madrid fault line saw multiple earthquakes that ranged from an estimated
7.2 to 8.1 on the Richter scale, according to the United States Geological
David Maxwell, the agency director, said last week that his agency, based
at Camp Robinson, was making preparations for what he called a “national
level exercise” in May 2011 for another
major earthquake along the fault line.
Arkansas would be joined by seven
other states that make up the Central
United States Earthquake Consortium,
along with federal agencies.
“We are preparing for a catastrophic earthquake,” Maxwell said. “The
potential, the amount of damage. You
have a lot involved with a catastrophic
The model that Arkansas is using is
for an earthquake of 7.7 or what Maxwell
called the “worst-case scenario.”
Sheila Annable is the preparedness
division director for the agency and the
model estimates that 13,977 Arkansans
would be injured to the point of requiring medical attention if the New Madrid
were to have another quake, while the
same model says 574 would be killed.
Some 127,000 people would be displaced in what makes up the thirty-fourcounty earthquake zone in Central and
Northeast Arkansas.
This map compares the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and
the 1811-1812 New Madrid shakers. Even with very similarly
sized events such as these, New Madrid region quakes will
cause wider damage over larger areas because of the geology’s flat layers and lack of complexity. There is little here to stop
seismic waves so they can travel much further and cause wider
damage. Intensity reports from places shown as blue dots.
only reflect
and do not
include the
nearly one
million people who live
in Memphis
and Shelby
Te n n e s s e e
nor any of
who live in
and around
the fault line.
“ T h e
numbers are
Annable said
of the impact
to the region.
the concerns
expressed by
Maxwell and
Annable would be disruption to the natural gas lines that supply much of the
northeastern United States with fuel for
winter heating. Also the national electric
grid might be knocked off line that
could cause a black out from coast to
coast, along with the bridges that cross
the Mississippi river that could cause
national transportation problems.
Then you have liquefaction.
w h e r e
with earthquakes
across the
soil and
causes the
rich farmland of the
Delta to
what Annable called “quicksand.”
The soil becomes more sandy and
can’t be farmed.
With Arkansas as the number one
producer of rice, a New Madrid earthquake could disrupt the global food
chain, Annable said.
Another pressing concern of liquefaction is that the land could no longer
support the roadbeds making evacuation
by vehicle nearly impossible.
While northeast Arkansas has heard
earthquake concerns before, namely in
1990 when a major quake was predicted
to the day that came and went, Maxwell
said the goal wasn’t to “hype this” and
“we are just saying it is going to happen
one day.”
He added, people need to have
emergency kits prepared for all manner
of events from tornadoes to ice storms
and even earthquakes.
—The Times; North Little Rock, Ark.
Winter Reading
The Future of the
Ancient World
Essays on the History of
By Jeremy Naydler
The Future of the Ancient World sheds new
light on the evolution of consciousness
from antiquity to modern times. The twelve
essays in this book examine developments
in human consciousness over the past five
thousand years that most history books do
not touch. In ancient times, human beings
were finely attuned to the invisible world of
the gods, spirits, and ancestors. Today, by
contrast, our modern scientific consciousness regards what is physically imperceptible as unreal. In this book, Jeremy Naydler shows how
the consciousness that prevailed in ancient times may inspire us toward
a future in which we once again reconnect with invisible realms.
A Dictionary of Gnosticism
By Andrew Phillip Smith
An amazing storehouse of information, A
Dictionary of Gnosticism, contains nearly
1,700 entries, from Aachiaram, an angel
in the Secret Book of John, to the
Zostrianos, a third-century Gnostic text
that recounts a series of revelations on
the successive stages of the soul’s
ascent. With an easy-to-read introduction
explaining who the Gnostics were and
what Gnosticism is, Andrew Phillip Smith
delivers a whirlwind tour through the ancient and diverse history of
this captivating movement. As editor of The Gnostic magazine and
author of several books on apocryphal scriptures, Smith draws on his
extensive knowledge of Gnosticism to provide a succinct yet thorough compilation for scholars and spiritual seekers alike.
Quest Books. Paper, $19.95.
Inner Traditions. Paper, $19.95.
The Science of Happiness
Wild Attraction
The Energetic Facts of Life
By Paul and Patricia Richards
This book is a survey of a previously
uncharted, energetics-centered view of
romantic love. Written for singles and couples, Wild Attraction presents 50 concise
“Energetic Facts of Life” that address the
almost universally neglected effects of subtle energy on the process of intimacy and
healthy relationships. Weaving in their personal story of extraordinary love and their
two decades of experience training others
in this model, the Richards portray relationship not merely as a source of
individual gratification but as the most fundamental force available to the
human race for collective betterment.
Chelsion Press. Paper, $16.95.
By Julia Heywood
Miracles Are Made of This is a contemporary story about wisdom; the one and
only ingredient that enables miracles to
happen. The central character is female
and, with the help of a mentor she
refers to as The Barefoot Indian, she has
finally found wisdom. It was, apparently,
there all along, in the one place she had
never previously looked; within her. In
this thought-provoking book, lifechanging wisdom bubbles to the surface. Readers can easily identify with
the everyday situations and interact with
them. Miracles Are Made of This is profoundly inspirational, whilst at the
same time light hearted, with generous amounts of humor.
O Books. Paper, $16.95.
The Science of Happiness presents Master
Okawa’s ten essential principles that can
serve as a compass for a spiritual life:
Happiness, Love, the Mind, Enlightenment,
Progress, Wisdom, Utopia, Salvation,
Reflection, and Prayer. Master Okawa, a living Buddha, provides the tools necessary
to transform one’s inner world to be receptive to true happiness and enlightenment.
He also reveals other extraordinary spiritual truths, such as the
secrets of the ancient continents of Mu and Atlantis and the structure
of the spirit world.
Destiny Books. Paper, $14.95.
As a Man Thinketh
Miracles Are Made of This
10 Principles for Manifesting
Your Divine Nature
By Ryuho Okawa
Keepsake Edition
By James Allen
This handsome lifetime edition of
the beloved and bestselling inspirational classic features the complete original text plus a special
bonus work: Eight Pillars of
Prosperity, James Allen’s final and
most practical work. Few modern
books of inspiration have touched
as many lives as James Allen’s As
a Man Thinketh. It is a truly transcendent work that has sold millions of copies since it first
appeared in the early twentieth century, and continues to reach
countless readers in the twenty-first. Now, in time for the holiday
season, this devotional landmark receives perhaps its most beautiful
publication ever with this special keepsake edition.
Tarcher Penguin. Hardcover, $14.95.
The Way Home
Making Heaven on Earth
By Madis Senner
The Way Home examines the mystical
world, our dynamic relationship with
each other, and with Mother Earth.
Madis Senner shows readers how our
thoughts create our reality; that we
have trapped ourselves in the physical
world and in doing so made ourselves
strangers to our own true self. Senner
explains how we can use the power of
our positive thoughts to free ourselves
from the snares that we have created.
And how bad thoughts or violent actions can create blockages that disrupt the proper functioning of our planet’s subtle body that, in the longer
term, can lead to natural catastrophes and disasters. The Way Home is,
essentially, a road map for positive personal and planetary change.
Dialogues on the Nature of
the Universe and the
Search for Reality
By Stephan Martin
In this lively and engaging collection of
interviews, astronomer Stephan Martin
talks with some of today’s most innovative
and cutting-edge thinkers on the nature of
the universe and our relationship to it.
Scientists, mystics, indigenous elders, and
cultural creatives all share their unique
voices on the nature of reality, the interplay
of science and religion, the future of humanity, and the role of each
person in a mysterious and evolving universe. A compelling journey
from the farthest reaches of outer space to the innermost realms of
the human heart, Cosmic Conversations will change the way you look
at the universe—and yourself—forever.
New Page Books. Paper, $16.99.
O Books. Paper, $24.95.
Pagan Astrology
Spell-Casting, Love Magic,
and Shamanic Stargazing
By Raven Kaldera
Traditionally, magically oriented astrology has
focused on Sun-sign horoscopes while modern Western astrology has focused on attempting to become as “scientific” as possible in
hopes of aligning with its sister science of
astronomy. In Pagan Astrology, Raven Kaldera,
a practicing astrologer and Pagan shaman,
uses the commonalities and strengths of Western astrology and Pagan
green magic to introduce a hands-on astrological practice that incorporates intuition, spells, and other modes of folk magic into astrology.
Destiny Books. Paper, $18.95.
Jacques Cousteau
The Sea King
By Brad Matsen
Jacques Cousteau opened up the undersea world as no one has done before or
since. But not generally known is the fascinating and compelling individual behind
the acclaimed television personality. Now,
Brad Matsen gives us the first full picture
of this remarkable life. Here is Cousteau
working for the French resistance during
World War II; developing the regulator that
made scuba diving possible; running the
world’s largest scuba equipment manufacturing firm; becoming a legendary catalyst of the worldwide environmental movement; starring in
The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau and in hundreds of documentaries; and publishing more than fifty books. Matsen paints a luminous portrait of a man who profoundly changed the way we view, and
treat, our planet.
Pantheon Books. Hardcover, $27.95.
Cosmic Conversations
Confucius from the Heart
Ancient Wisdom for Today's World
By Yu Dan
As one of China’s all-time bestsellers,
Confucius from the Heart unveils the wisdom of The Analects, a major text of
Confucian philosophy that has dominated
China’s intellectual and spiritual culture for
more than two millenia. Yu Dan helps
readers attain spiritual happiness and harmony. Her simple, conversational prose
finally makes the ancient wisdom of
Confucius accessible to all, ultimately
unveiling the immense value of Confucian
teachings. In today’s increasingly demanding world, Confucius from
the Heart is a beacon of light, ready to soothe our souls with wisdom
that has guided a whole culture and withstood the test of time.
Atria Books. Hardcover, $22.00.
The Purposeful Universe
How Quantum Theory and Mayan
Cosmology Explain the Origin
and Evolution of Life
By Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D.
Using recent findings within cosmology,
coupled with his broad understanding of
the Mayan Calendar, biologist Carl Johan
Calleman offers a revolutionary and fully
developed alternative to Darwin’s theory of
biological evolution. He shows how the
recently discovered central axis of the universe correlates with the Tree of Life of the
ancients. This provides an entirely new context for physics in general and especially for the origin and evolution of
life and suggests that we look upon ourselves as parts of a hierarchy
of systems that are all interrelated and evolve in a synchronized way.
Bear & Company. Paper, $20.00.
The Inside Track
By Dr. Fred Bell
Based on his extensive background work in the government,
military, aerospace, physics, and
health and nutrition, Dr. Fred Bell
shares ways to counteract dangerous new technologies and take
back control of your own health
and life—in accord with the universal “right to life”. You will learn how
to protect your mind and body
from hidden hazards intentionally
placed into our environment. This
is a critical book for understanding
science, history and what’s happening as the result of breakthrough discoveries in quantum physics,
advanced technology, and medical and biological conspiracies—all illuminated for what they truly are and how they affect us all. The Inside
Track provides an important map of future events. This masterpiece is a
must read for all prepared, informed readers.
Pyradyne Publishing. Limited First Edition, paper, $88.00.
The Way of Beauty
Five Meditations for
Spiritual Transformation
By François Cheng
In The Way of Beauty, François Cheng
begins his teachings with the intrinsic
sense of beauty revealed by the landscape,
symbolized by the staggeringly beautiful Lu
Mountain of his native province in China.
His five meditations carry the reader from
the understanding of beauty being in the
mind of the beholder to its intimate relationship with the sacred, both from a
Western and Taoist perspective. He shows
that the most telling indication of the importance of beauty in human life
and for individual spiritual realization can be grasped by simply imagining
a world without it.
Inner Traditions. Hardcover, $18.95.
Return to Your First Love
A Journey Back To God
By Teresa E. Jones
Return to Your First Love is an inspirational
story about one woman’s life that will give
even the avowed atheist pause for thought.
Author, Teresa R. Jones has believed in God
her entire life. But as she embarks upon
adulthood, she commences a part-time relationship with God in order to indulge her
carnal desires. By her late twenties, she is
weary and battered by worldly struggles and
the instability of living a double life. At this
defining moment, she reembraces the close walk with God she relished as
a child. As a result, she experiences a multitude of blessings.
Waverly Media Group Inc. Paper, $19.95.
The Cynical Idealist
A Spiritual Biography of John Lennon
By Gary Tillery
John Lennon’s spiritual death and rebirth
crystallized a global anthem of planetary
peace and love that transcends labels,
dogma, and social expectations, offering the
gift of hope for the coming generation.
Praised and ridiculed in equal measure,
investigated by the FBI, hounded by the
media and ultimately assassinated, Britain’s
“Man of the Decade” ignited a revolution of
our consciousness. More than a mundane,
temporal biography covering Lennon’s life, music, and death, The Cynical
Idealist is a soulful portrait of John Lennon’s very being, illuminating the
spiritual transformation of a man who influenced the world in a way few
others had during the course of the twentieth century.
Quest Books. Paper, $15.95.
The Temples of Light
An Initiatory Journey into the
Heart Teachings of the
Egyptian Mystery Schools
By Danielle Rama Hoffman
Foreword by Nicki Scully
In The Temples of Light, Danielle Rama
Hoffman opens up sacred rites of passage
that historically have been kept secret to
forge a relationship with the temples of
Egypt as allies and spirit guides. For example, the temple of Sakkara is associated with
abundance; the temple of Abydos with
remembering. The initiations in this book
awaken intuition, allowing connections to the power, magic, and wisdom
of such sacred symbols as the Flower of Life. Hoffman’s guided meditations, rituals, and exercises also raise the reader’s vibration level. The book
also includes a 50-minute CD of a guided journey of the Sphinx.
Bear & Company. Paperback book with CD, $20.00.
Oneness With All Life
Inspirational Selections from
A New Earth
By Eckhart Tolle
In Oneness With All Life, Eckhart Tolle
has picked the essential phrases and
paragraphs—the gems of the book—
that he feels are most important and
reorganized them so readers can
focus on the most powerful ideas.
Beautifully packaged with evocative
artwork and design, it is the perfect
gift for anyone with a well-worn copy
of A New Earth who wants deeper
insight into this seminal work. The
purpose of this book is to bring about
a shift in consciousness, or in his words, an awakening. An essential
part of this awakening is the recognition of the ego, and our attachment to things, the past, and enemies.
Plume. Paper, $16.00
Winter Reading
The Elixir of Immortality
A Modern-Day Alchemist’s
Discovery of the Philosopher’s Stone
By Robert E. Cox
The mysterious material-spiritual science
of alchemy was once pervasive throughout the ancient world, spanning the globe
from China and India to Egypt and
medieval Europe. In The Elixir of
Immortality, Robert Cox reviews the
alchemical lore of these traditions and the
procedures each used to produce this
fabulous elixir. Using his own alchemical
research, Cox then reveals secrets that
have been kept hidden for millennia uncovered in his own modern-day
quest to rediscover this long-sought elixir of life.
Inner Traditions. Paper, $16.95.
We Are Not Alone
A Guidebook to
Interdimensional Cooperation
By Atala Dorothy Toy
In the early 1990s, Atala Dorothy Toy went
through a near-death experience that took
her on a journey and showed her a new
way of perceiving energy, one in which all
objects in the universe—machines, stones,
and trees—are alive, conscious, and willing
to cooperate with humans to fashion a
healthier, more holistic world. Now in this
easy-to-read book she teaches the deceptively simple art of how to communicate
with any object or life form. Whether it's a
pet, tree, gemstone, power line, computer, nature spirit, extra-terrestrial,
angel, or inner guide, the process is the same. All it takes is knowing you
can do it and then learning how.
Weiser Books. Paper, $17.95.
The New Optimum
Nutrition Bible
By Patrick Holford
This Revised and Updated edition of
The Optimum Nutrition Bible presents
the latest research from Britain’s top
nutrition expert Patrick Holford, with
new chapters on stimulants, water,
eating right for your blood type, detox,
homocysteine, and toxic minerals.
Readers will learn to analyze symptoms, lifestyle, and eating habits in
order to formulate a personal ideal diet
and vitamin regimen. Once optimum
nutrition is in place, you can look forward to a consistent high level of energy, emotional balance, alertness, physical fitness, resilience against
infectious diseases, and longevity.
Crossing Press. Paper, $19.95.
Flying Saucers and Science
A Scientist Investigates
the Mysteries of UFOs
By Stanton T. Friedman, MSc.
Flying Saucers and Science is a comprehensive look at the scientific data
on the flying saucer phenomenon.
Nuclear physicist and lecturer
Stanton T. Friedman has distilled more
than forty years of research on UFOs,
and shares his work on a wide variety
of classified advanced nuclear and
space systems. He answers a number
of physics questions in layman’s
terms, and establishes that travel to
nearby stars is within reach without
violating the laws of physics. Readers of Flying Saucers and Science
will never feel the same about UFOs again.
New Page Books. Paper, $16.99.
Beyond Reincarnation
Experience Your Past Lives
& Lives Between Lives
By Joe H. Slate
This introduction to reincarnation examines the mind/body/spirit connection and
the existence of the ageless soul. Also
presented here are Dr. Slate’s simple,
laboratory-tested strategies for exploring
the nonphysical world. Readers can learn
how to probe past lives and preexistence
through self hypnosis, astral travel to new
spiritual dimensions, and communication
with spirits through table tipping. The
author’s own fascinating experiences,
along with personal accounts of his subjects who have tested his techniques, are also included.
Llewellyn. Paper, $14.95.
Greening Your
Small Business
How to Improve Your Bottom Line,
Grow Your Brand, Satisfy Your
Customers—and Save the Planet
By Jennifer Kaplan
Greening Your Small Business is the
definitive resource for those who want
their small businesses to be cuttingedge, competitive, profitable, and ecoconscious. Filled with stories from small
business owners of all stripes, Greening
Your Small Business addresses every
aspect of going green, from basics such
as recycling, reducing waste, energy efficiency, and reducing the IT
footprint, to more in-depth concerns such as green marketing and
communications, green business travel, and green employee benefits.
Prentice Hall Press. Paper, $19.95.
D r. Wa y n e D y e r
Opens Up About
His Film,
His Life
By Arielle Ford
r.. Wayne Dyer, who is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans, began his career
as an author in the early 1970’s by
traveling the country alone and
selling his first book, Your Erroneous Zones, from
the trunk of his car. That book went on to sell
more than thirty million copies, and became the
best selling book of the 1970’s. Despite a childhood spent in orphanages and foster homes, he
has overcome many obstacles to make his dreams
come true. Today, he spends much of his time
showing others how to do the same.
As an internationally renowned author and speaker
in the field of self-development, he has written
more than thirty books, eighteen of which have
been national bestsellers. Several of his books
have been featured as PBS specials, which has
resulted in raising over $150 million for national
public television.
There is now a film that encompasses his core
teachings, The Shift, which is available through Dr. Dyer appears
as himself, along with a star-studded cast. In The
Shift we discover that every life has a turning point,
a shift, a choice to make about what really matters.
AF: What’s the most important, life-changing Forrest Gump and A Man for All Seasons.
thing that you’d like people to walk away with
after seeing this film?
You’ve recently been diagnosed with Chronic
Lymphocytic Leukemia. What can you share
WD: That everyone has a dharma, a destiny, a “call- about this experience?
ing of the soul.” Every bird, every tree, every person
comes into this world with something it is destined to When you come into this world with big dharma,
do. All of the creatures on the planet don’t get con- you get big challenges. This is just another one of
fused about this. They are what they are.
them. As a child I lived in an orphanage. My parents
Human beings, because they take on a false self, left me when I was little. My wife left me. I have
or ego, start to believe that what they do or what they had serious addictions in my life that I have let go
have defines them. The
of. I will be able to
Shift illustrates that
understand it, make it
when you are at peace
work for me, and help
and you let go, you
other people. I haven’t
will be guided into
judged it or been angry
your dharma. You will
with it. I am not worried
be living a life of
about healing it. I am
meaning rather than
working to live with it. I
ambition. That is the
think when you fight
anything, you weaken
yourself. I am inviting it
What’s a memory
to stay in peace and harthat stands out about
mony with me or leave.
the making of the
It’s up to it. It’s just
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
At one point, after I
said, “When you shield
had done a scene many
the mountain from the
times, I realized that I
windstorms, you will
was trying too hard. I
never see the beauty of
was trying to be an
the carving.”
actor and remember
my lines. Then I remembered that the words in the You can receive The Shift plus three great short
script were guidelines. I just needed to be myself. At films for FREE when you sign up for a trial memthat moment the movie shifted from being a trial to bership of Spiritual Cinema Circle (just pay a small
allowing myself to just be me.
shipping fee). This is the only DVD service dedicated to films about love, compassion and inspiraWhat are some of your all-time favorite movies tion. Simply go to:
that have touched or inspired you?
My very favorite is Déjà Vu by Henry Jaglom (featured in Spiritual Cinema Circle’s Vol. 10 – 2007)
I’ve seen it fifty times. This film opens up all the
possibilities about life, love and fate—you begin to
realize that this universe has endless possibilities.
Brother Sun, Sister Moon, the story of St. Francis of
Assisi is my second favorite movie. I also loved
For more information about Wayne Dyer, his books and workshops, please visit his website,
Arielle Ford is the bestselling author of The Soulmate Secret:
Manifest The Love of Your Life with The Law of Attraction.
of Her websites include and
Sweat Lodge Deaths & Self-Help Gurus:
A Question of Accountability
By Jonathan Ellerby, PhD
A Tragic Call To Attention
he recent and tragic events that involved
three deaths and more than nineteen
injured and emotionally traumatized at a
James Ray “Spiritual Warrior Retreat”
deserves to be treated with some gentleness for this is more than a news item, but a horrific experience of loss and suffering that is impacting far more people than only those who were there. It is also a criminal
investigation and a man’s career under scrutiny. This
“event” brings up some critical issues in our society, and
this is one of those important times where we can either
learn something that will serve everyone, or fall into the
kind of blame and stereotyping that helps no one.
Sweat Lodges: Good,
Cultural Appropriation: Bad
To be clear, ceremonial steam baths are a part of many
traditions across the world and have been around for
thousands of years. They are health promoting, safe
environments for personal growth, spiritual reflection
and physical detoxification—if done properly and
according to protocol. There is an important place for
this powerful tradition in the modern age. Each type of
Sweat Lodge, however, has its own unique history, protocol and procedures that are essential to their impact
and safety. Not just anyone should run a Lodge or make
one up.
Interfaith, non-Native Lodges, must be treated with as
much respect, reverence and care as traditional Native
Lodges. The act of “borrowing” or “copying” Native traditions by non-Native people, without permission, guidance or extensive forms of supervision is just stealing
and selling someone else’s culture. Native American
people have endured this kind of abuse for more than
five hundred years now and it needs to stop. A selfrespecting therapist, healer, or spiritual teacher must find
their own innovative and culturally appropriate ways to
conduct ceremony—they don’t have to fake it or steal it.
That can be dangerous.
Recently, I asked a friend of mine who had lived and studied in a Tibetan Buddhist temple for five years if she’d
come to my place of work and teach a session on a specific form of Buddhist mediation that she had learned. Her
reply was worth noting: “There are certain things I can
and will share based on my experience, and something
that I am able to teach, but don’t. Just because I know how
to do something doesn’t mean it’s my place to teach it to
others. In the Tibetan tradition there are certain rules that
determine who can teach what and when. I have to honor
those because I honor the tradition, and myself. Being a
spiritual teacher should not serve the ego.”
Muhammed in the cave—all practiced austerities that
would make the average American cringe. Most of the
great spiritual teachers who have made a positive impact
on the world, Gandhi and Martin Luther King included,
undertook training and retreats that would make the
local police chief and medical authority suspicious.
People do these things because they work. I support that.
The problem lies in how we do them, who guides us and
why. We need to expect more from our leaders: accountability and credibility—not just great marketing. We also
need to expect more from ourselves.
Accountability in the World of Self-Help
Who Is A Self-Help Guru?
The media is quick to call
James Ray a “guru,” which is
precisely why most people
today are afraid of that word.
It is often used in connection
with “negative” media stories. I have published a few
things on the complexity of
credentials and spiritual leaders, and in Return to the
Sacred I included an entire
chapter on the pros and cons
of working with a guru
because it is such a delicate
matter. The mere mention of
the word causes many people
to recoil, but “Guru” simply means a “teacher” to whom
students are devoted in an equal relationship of power.
The teacher is also devoted to the students and stands by
them no matter what. It is a selfless role—ideally. It is
great to find a teacher or a mentor. The difficult part lies
in sorting out who claims to be a guru from who truly
deserves the title.
Extreme Spiritual Practices
In my research for a chapter on extreme spiritual in
Return to the Sacred, I found a complex history of misuse and abuse. Yet, things like fasting, deprivation of one
kind or another, staying up without sleep, and other
physical types of austerities can lead to very real and
meaningful experiences and personal healing. They have
been at the heart of our religious traditions as long as we
have record. Think of Jesus in the desert, Moses up the
mountain, Buddha beneath the tree, and even
Each teacher and each student must take as much
responsibility as possible to live,
act and choose with accountability.
That means integrity, credibility,
proper training and humility. There
is a line between trusting another
and ignoring your intuition and
safety. This sad event calls us see
that our world is out of balance and
people need retreats and self-help
leaders more than ever. But we
also need more discernment, more
caution and more accountability in
such things than ever before.
Spiritual practices are more powerful than most people will ever
know, I have spent my life learning
that first hand. But anything with power, even medicine,
has the ability to hurt as much as it has the ability to
heal. It’s time we expect more accountability from the
world of self-help.
Dr. John Ellerby has studied sweat lodges and numerous other
spiritual practices around the world for over twenty years.
Blending extensive periods of mentoring with academic,
research, and professional
experience Jonathan brings
a rare perspective and credibility to the world of selfhelp and spirituality. He is
the author of Return to the
Sacred; Your Spiritual
Personality and works as
the Spiritual Program
Director for the highly
acclaimed Canyon Ranch
Taking Responsibility
for Living Well
By Donna Caruso
o one, absolutely no one, tells Montel
Williams what to do. Not even a doctor.
And especially not a doctor who tells
him he has multiple sclerosis (MS) and
should start preparing to die.
It’s about ten years since Williams, fifty-two,
received his diagnosis of MS. In that time, he has not
only transformed his life with the use of supplements,
replacement hormones, a healthy diet, exercise, and
spiritual practices, he also continues to lead an exceptionally active life. Williams is truly a role model not
only for those with MS, but for anyone facing a serious
illness or health problem. His method in a nutshell:
inform yourself and fight back!
In the process, Williams, a renowned Emmy awardwinning talk show host for seventeen years, has expanded his career to become an author, health care advocate,
and living example of what being your own person can
accomplish. His new book, Living Well Emotionally
(New American Library, 2009), a follow-up to the earlier
best-selling Living Well, explores the powerful connection between mind and body, pointing the way to a more
positive, healthy lifestyle.
“The Worst Day of My Life”
In an interview with Life Extension magazine, Williams
talks about what he calls the “worst day of my life,” the
day in 1999 when he received the MS diagnosis. “The
doctor looked me in the face,” recalls Williams, “And
said that I’d probably be in a wheelchair in less than
three years and that I should stop working, give up exercise and everything stressful in my life because, as he
put it, ‘You just have to face it, my pal, this is what you
will be like.’ I almost smacked him in the face!”
But Williams is a man with a sharp mind, strong
will, and inquisitive nature who, after this initial shock,
began to analyze the situation. It struck him that even
though the doctor barely knew him, he presumed he
could readily outline the rest of his patient’s life. “So I
went out to learn everything I could about my illness,”
says Williams. “I started seeing doctors all over the
world, from one of the foremost experts on MS at the
Karolinska Institute in Sweden to experts at Harvard and
Johns Hopkins Medical Schools.” Today, Williams has a
team of doctors he trusts and works with, but emphasizes that he is still very much in charge.
“I realized that I alone am responsible for my
health,” Williams explains, “And as much as we like to
believe that doctors know everything, they don’t. We are
responsible for knowing as much about what’s going on
in us as any doctor.”
Williams also recognized that he had probably been
having MS symptoms for twenty years without realizing
it and without ever receiving a proper diagnosis. As a
decorated former naval intelligence officer, Williams, a
graduate of the Naval Academy, remembers being one of
a hundred men who received a faulty diphtheria-typhoid
shot in 1980 that accidentally gave him twenty to thirty
times the prescribed dose.
“I became immediately sick,” he says, “And was
taken to the hospital. I went blind in my left eye and was
spastic in my left leg,” but none of the doctors suspected
MS, which at that time was thought to be mainly a disease of Caucasian women over thirty. His symptoms
abated, but over the next two decades, Williams continued to experience bouts of pain, weakness, twitching,
and vision problems, none of which was ever correctly
diagnosed. Today, it is known that an estimated 250,000
to 350,000 Americans have MS, most who are diagnosed between the ages of twenty and forty. But it is still
unknown whether the shot Williams received is directly
connected to his condition.
A Plan For Optimal Health
Williams describes his health regimen as a “Life
Extension-type program.” It includes a menu of carefully
chosen supplements, replacement hormones, a diet rich
in fruits and vegetables, a vigorous exercise program,
and daily conscious efforts to cultivate positive thoughts
and actions. The results have been just short of miraculous.
“I happen to supplement,” explains Williams,
“Because I have learned that there are supplements I
need to balance my body. There is enough anecdotal and
written material out there about the effects of some on
neurological disease, so I’m going to take them.”
Williams’ supplements include vitamin D3, magnesium,
DHEA, vitamin B12, iron, zinc, aloe vera, pregnenolone,
DHA, and DIM.
“I’ve been on this supplement regimen for about
nine years,” Williams says, “And I feel good. Whenever
necessary, I adjust it, I tweak it, I’m constantly looking
for ways to make it better.” His program includes blood
tests every forty-five to ninety days to determine nutrient
levels; he and his doctor make changes when warranted.
Williams also takes two daily hormonal replacement
shots, along with a third shot of a costly prescription
medication he feels is helping him. “I’ve decided to
make sure that my arsenal is full with every type of
weapon I can use to fight this war,” he explains, adding
that he would prefer to avoid medication, but feels he
needs this one right now.
His supplement and hormonal programs are closely
tied to the dramatic dietary changes Williams has made
since his diagnosis. A typical junk food eater before MS,
Williams is now meticulous about everything he puts
into his body. He begins his day with a green drink,
along with a mixture of various organic vegetables and
fruits, including apples, oranges, carrots, spinach, kale,
cantaloupe, broccoli, collard greens, and beets, that are
rotated. He says the drink energizes and refreshes him,
providing antioxidants, phytochemicals, fiber,
flavonoids, and polyphenols that reduce chronic disease
and make you feel “spectacular.”
Around 1990, Williams began dietary changes when
a teacher told him that he was “eating garbage,” and then
taught him how to eat for better health. A serious bodybuilder at the time, Williams continued eating this way
when he experienced positive results. Before long, he
had given up white flour, sugar, table salt, and red meat,
and switched to whole grain bread and cereal, salad,
fish, and olive oil. After 1999, Williams adds, “I fell in
love with raw foods,” discovering that they relieved the
often profound depression that had set in after his diagnosis.
But as with everything in his life, Williams’ diet is a
work in progress and today, he says, “I am on a diet that
is sixty to sixty-five percent liquified, emulsified food
and twenty-five percent cooked food. I’ve added a lot of
raw foods and a lot of high antioxidant foods. And here
I am, fifty-two years old, I have MS, I’m walking, I’m
thriving, I’m working every day, and I believe that this is
what does it for me.”
Taking Responsibility for Living Well
Williams has been “an exercise junkie” for much of his
life, and it was his strenuous exercise program that doctors often blamed for what he now believes were MS
symptoms. “I was a kind of bodybuilder,” he explains,
“A very big weightlifter, and I weighed about 230
pounds for a while and used to squat around 520 pounds.
So when I saw a doctor and talked about nerve problems, he would look at me and say, ‘Well, look at all the
weight you’re lifting. That’s what’s wrong with you,’
and he would write it off to that, so I did, too.”
Today, Williams starts off his day with sixty to
ninetty minutes in the gym. He lifts weights, rides a stationary bike, swims, runs, does martial arts, and most
recently, has become devoted to snowboarding.
, Ph.D.
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Combined with supplements and
diet, he says, “The result is that I’ve
transformed my body and rejuvenated my spirit, and I now perform
at a much higher level of intensity
in all areas of my life.” He also
states that, “The right dietary pattern combined with exercise is a
potent, powerful disease fighter,”
citing what he claims, “Could be
the most important article you’ll
ever read:” “Effects of exercise and
diet on chronic disease,” by
Christian K. Roberts, PhD and R.
James Barnard, PhD published in a
2005 issue of the Journal of
Applied Physiology and available
Finally, Williams credits his
efforts to change his thinking as an
essential part of his battle to stay
well. Although he uses a twentyone-day program of change in his
books, Williams says studies show
it takes only seventeen days to
change a habit, even one that is
deeply ingrained. “You can change
a habit in your brain,” Williams
points out, “And start to change the
way you think negatively and turn
that to thinking positively.”
His desire to share the dramatic
results of his own changed thinking
led to his current book, Living Well
Emotionally. His theme: “You create your own happiness by how you
think and what you do.” By nature,
Williams is a talker, a man with a
keen insight into people, and a
powerful desire to help them live
better lives. In this new book, his
goal is to help people turn the
American epidemic of depression
and sadness into happiness and a
positive outlook on life. “You are
the master of your emotional destiny,” he observes, urging us to go
beyond Freudian psychology to
reap the benefits of cognitive therapy, an approach that involves
changing your thinking and has
been successful with many suffer-
ing from depression.
Williams’ depression following
his diagnosis is understandable—in
fact, it’s hard to imagine anyone
who would not be depressed facing
such a difficult future. But Williams
has found cognitive therapy a boon
and says he makes strong conscious
efforts every day to change any negative thoughts into positive ones.
“Here’s what I do,” he says.
“Every night before I go to sleep, I
think about what I did that day that
is worth talking about tomorrow. I
think of three good things that I did.
Like when I walked into a building
and that woman rudely bumped into
me, I didn’t react, I held the door for
her and let her go in.” He also advocates keeping a gratitude journal in
which you write down things you
are grateful for every day. And he
talks about making a “Gratitude
visit, just walking up to friends and
handing them a card or paper with
ten or twenty sentences telling them
how much you appreciate them,
thanking them for being a part of
your life. Those little single things
like that,” he says, “Are the things
that make a person who would normally spiral into an abyss spiral
back out.”
But why is being nice to others
good for your physical health?
Because, says Williams, your emotions directly affect your body, negativity and stress weaken your
immune system. “People can have a
great day but if one negative thing
happens, that’s what they focus on,”
he says. And if you focus on negativity and carry that load around
with you all the time, “It starts to
affect everything from your heartbeat to your respiratory rate to your
blood pressure,” he notes.
The solution? Be kind, be compassionate, try to help others.
“When you help somebody else,
something is going to come back to
you like you’d never believe,” says
Williams. “I believe it, I live it, I feel
it, I understand it. That’s what’s
helping me walk, that’s what’s helping me battle the spasticity in my
legs, that’s what’s helping me battle
the twitching at night. Because the
happier I am, the more I am emotionally free of stress and the better
I deal with every aspect of my life.”
Williams says his multifaceted
program also enhances longevity
and that he has felt a dramatic difference in the severity of his symptoms, with fewer bad days, less
pain, and far more energy.
The American Medical System
As we’ve seen, Williams has been
intensely involved in our medical
system for the past decade and certainly has some strong views on the
subject. His experiences with physicians, from his time in the military
to his MS diagnosis ten years ago,
have been very disappointing. But
after a determined search for the
best possible medical care (which
he can fortunately afford), Williams
now feels that the partnership with
his team of health professionals is
helping him successfully contend
with MS.
“I have always believed in my
ability to find my own answers,”
Williams tells us. “One of the basic
things in my life, a drive I’ve had
since I was seven years old, has
been my belief that I own the definition of who I am. No one else will
define me. I will define me.” So
when that first doctor tried to paint a
dismal picture of his future with
MS, Williams said his response was
“How dare he try to define who I
“We had better understand that
we are responsible for our own medical care,” he continues, “Because as
much as we love to put it in their
hands and relegate and delegate our
authority to doctors, we have to take
Continued on page 32
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Montel Williams... Continued from page 29
authority and assume it and turn around and direct
Williams has frequently encountered doctors who
were not receptive to his program of supplements,
hormone replacement, and diet. “Those who aren’t
receptive don’t need to get my money,” he proclaims,
adding that, “Whether we like it or not, medical care in
our society is a capitalistically driven mechanism,”
meaning all of us may have to go through a long list of
doctors in order to find the right one for our needs.
“Because,” says Williams, “If I don’t believe in my
doctor and my doctor doesn’t believe in me, there’s no
way he or she could possibly treat me.”
Williams anticipates serious changes in health care
delivery in the near future, especially with assuming
greater control over the system. But he also feels
positive about the greater interest among health professionals in a more holistic approach. “They’re doing it,”
he remarks, “Because they’re starting to see the results.”
Even so, progress can seem painfully slow at times.
Williams mentions MS patients who were diagnosed at
the same time he was who, when he sees them, are not
doing well. “I see how they’re doing,” he says, “And I
see how I’m doing and I’m glad I’m on this regimen.”
But don’t they want to know what he’s doing? Don’t
they want to do it, too? “All of them say, ‘My doctor told
me I shouldn’t.’ So what can I say? Some people are
afraid. When a doctor tells you, ‘That’s just snake oil,’
what are you supposed to think?”
And what about the doctors, how do they respond?
“The impression I get from the doctors who see me is ‘I
don’t necessarily know if I would recommend this for
my patients, but I look at you and I can’t tell you to
Montel Williams: Living Well Emotionally
When Williams’ long-running television talk show came
to an end last year, he began work on many different
projects, one of which is about to come to fruition. It’s a
new kind of television he calls a “talkmercial.” “I’ve created a symbiotic merger between a talk show and an
infomercial and it’s very exciting because it’s growing
so quickly,” Williams explains. With his own distribution
and syndication company, he hopes the one-hour show
will be broadcast in prime time this spring. “We have an
issue, a solution, and a product tied together,” he says,
“So it means the advertising is integrated.” Williams is
also a publisher, actor, film producer, and a powerful
motivational speaker whose talents are widely in
demand, especially in light of his achievements in his
fight against MS, and his popular books about his life
and discoveries regarding better health. It all goes back
to his mantra of taking control of your life.
“No matter how you’re living right now, no matter
what your individual situation,” says Williams, “You can
take charge and flourish in times of adversity.” Montel
Williams is the living proof of the truth of these words.
For more information on Montel Williams, check his
website at
Reprinted with permission from Life Extension
Current Projects
Following his MS diagnosis, Williams created the
Montel Williams MS Foundation ( to help
keep the public up-to-date on findings, provide support
and inspiration for those with MS, and raise money to
find a cure.
Another project dear to his heart is the Partnership for
Prescription Assistance (PPA) program, for which
Williams has been a national spokesperson. Helping
those in need obtain free medication with the assistance
of participating drug companies, Williams is very proud
of his contributions to this important cause, which has
given away an estimated ten billion dollars in products.
Serious Vaccine Reactions
to Now Be Called ‘Coincidence’?
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
very day Americans wake up to news
reports that warn us about the dangers of
influenza, especially the new H1N1
“swine flu”.
But swine flu is mild for most people and the virus
is not mutating into a more serious form.
Millions of people around the world have recovered
from swine flu, and millions more will get sick with
fevers, body aches, nasal congestion, cough and sometimes diarrhea and vomiting and recover from it this year
and next year without any complications.
Nonetheless, wide-scale vaccination is being
encouraged—even though swine flu vaccines have been
tested on only a few thousand healthy Americans for a
few weeks. There is little or no information about how
safe the vaccine is for pregnant women and chronically
ill or disabled children.
If you or your child are injured from getting a flu
swine flu shot, you are on your own. Congress has
shielded the vaccine manufacturers and any person giving swine flu shots from lawsuits if people get hurt.
There is no funded government vaccine injury compensation program for swine flu vaccine.
Do NOT let a doctor or anyone else tell you that a
serious health problem you or your child experiences
after vaccination is a coincidence and allow more shots
to be given until you know for sure.
The most tragic cases of vaccine injury occur when
vaccine reaction symptoms are dismissed as a ‘coincidence” and more vaccines are given that result in more
severe symptoms—and sometimes end with permanent
brain and immune system damage or death.
But while Americans are still debating whether to
roll up their sleeves for a swine flu shot, companies have
already figured it out: vaccines are good for business.
The most tragic cases of vaccine injury occur
when vaccine reaction symptoms are dismissed
as a ‘coincidence” and more vaccines are given
that result in more severe symptoms—and
sometimes end with permanent brain and
immune system damage or death.
Drug companies have sold $1.5 billion worth of
swine flu shots, in addition to the $1 billion for seasonal
flu they booked earlier this year. These inoculations are
part of a much wider and rapidly growing twenty billion
dollar global vaccine market.
“The vaccine market is booming,” says Bruce
Carlson, spokesperson at market research firm Kalorama,
which publishes an annual survey of the vaccine industry.
“It’s an enormous growth area for pharmaceuticals at a
time when other areas are not doing so well,” he says, noting that the pipeline for more traditional blockbuster
drugs such as Lipitor® and Nexium® has thinned.
As always with pandemic flus, taxpayers are footing
the $1.5 billion check for the 250 million swine flu vaccines that the government has ordered so far and will be
distributing free to doctors, pharmacies and schools. In
addition, Congress has set aside more than $10 billion
this year to research flu viruses, monitor H1N1’s
progress and educate the public about prevention.
Drugmakers pocket most of the revenues from flu
sales, with Sanofi-Pasteur, Glaxo Smith Kline and
Novartis cornering most of the market.
But some say it’s not just drugmakers who stand to
benefit. Doctors collect copayments for special office
visits to inject shots, and there have been assertions that
these doctors actually profit handsomely from these
Dr. Mercola’s Comments:
The vaccine market is booming right now. Already,
drug companies have sold $1.5 billion worth of swine
flu shots, in addition to the $1 billion for seasonal flu
they booked earlier this year. In addition to that,
Congress has set aside more than $10 billion this year to
research flu viruses, monitor H1N1’s progress and educate the public about prevention.
But there is still some good news in the midst of all
this, and that is that more people than ever before are
finally beginning to sit up and take notice, and are beginning to consider the risks versus benefits of flu vaccinations.
As I recently reported, a new poll by Consumer
Reports shows that nearly two-thirds of American parents plan to either hold off on vaccinating their children
against the H1N1 (swine flu) virus, or won’t vaccinate
them at all.
In fact, quite a number of surveys, polls and studies
are showing that more and more people are refusing the
swine flu shot for themselves or their children over
health and safety concerns.
And even a recent New York Times article acknowledges this site as playing an important role in educating the
public about vaccine safety concerns, which has contributed to a less than wholehearted embrace of the government’s recommendation to rush out and get vaccinated.
The NY Times reports that, “The popular Web site is urging parents not to get the flu vaccine
...”, with the result that the majority of parents are now
planning to refuse to let their children get these shots.
Largely as a result of this Web site’s posting the
information, and your sharing it with your friends and
relatives, we have together created MAJOR doubt in the
minds of many consumers about the value of these
vaccinations. Many people are now coming to the realization that flu vaccinations can cause serious health
Together, we are making a difference! A difference
that is likely saving people’s lives and preventing
permanent and irreversible health consequences.
Have You Thought About This?
Barbara Loe Fisher with the National Vaccine
Information Center brings up several important points to
consider in her blog, Vaccine Awakening. I highly recommend you read her article in its entirety, but here are
a few of the highlights:
• Getting vaccinated in a non-medical
setting can be very dangerous.
The swine flu vaccine is now being
offered all over the place; in pharmacies,
stores, schools, and even drive-by kiosks.
Getting vaccinated in a non-medical setting
like this can be very risky. For example, if
you drive away immediately after getting
vaccinated and suffer an unexpected allergic
reaction or collapse, it could be deadly, not
only for you but also for innocent bystanders
and others sharing the road with you.
These places also do not have the ability to properly evaluate your medical history,
nor perform the necessary follow-up, should
you have any adverse reactions.
• If you get vaccinated and suffer
health complications, REPORT IT!
This is a crucial element of vaccine safety,
and diligent reporting of all adverse reactions can help save the lives of others. As Fisher recommends, insist that the health care worker who gave you
the vaccine immediately files a report with the US federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
(VAERS). If they, for whatever reason, won’t do it, you
CAN file it yourself!
To file a report yourself, simply go and follow the instructions.
• Don’t accept “coincidences” when it comes to
vaccine reactions.
I strongly agree with her concern when she says:
“Do NOT let a doctor or anyone else tell you that a
serious health problem you or your child experiences
after vaccination is a coincidence and allow more shots
to be given until you know for sure.
The most tragic cases of vaccine injury occur when
vaccine reaction symptoms are dismissed as a ‘coincidence” and more vaccines are given that result in more
severe symptoms and sometimes end with permanent
brain and immune system damage or death.”
• There is NO safety data or precedent for receiving 3-4 flu shots in one season.
Even though the media and government pronouncements sound confident and authoritative it’s
vital to realize that the current recommendations by
doctors and health officials are unprecedented, and
highly experimental.
Some people, including children under the age of
ten, are urged to get as many as four flu shots this year:
two shots for seasonal flu and one or two more for swine
flu, depending on a few different factors.
Never before have this many flu shots been given in
a single season, and there is absolutely no information
about the safety of doing so.
• Standing up for health care workers’ right to
choose could save you from mandatory vaccination
down the line.
As of right now, the swine flu vaccination program
is still voluntary—unless you’re a health care worker
that is… New York and other states have already implemented laws that force their health care workers to get
the swine flu vaccine in order to work.
According to a recent report in Time Magazine, this
includes not just NY doctors and nurses who care for
patients, but also administrative staff, including house-
keeping and food-service personnel.
What does that tell you about the possibility of
mandatory vaccinations for the rest of us?
Anti-Virals Now Pose Serious Health Threat
from Environmental Sources Too
According to a Japanese study published in the
September 28 issue of Environmental Health
Perspectives, the flu drug Tamiflu is now contaminating
rivers downstream of sewage-treatment facilities.
The source? Urinary excretion from people taking
Tamiflu® (oseltamivir phosphate).
Researchers are quite concerned that birds exposed
to these waterborne residues could develop and spread
drug-resistant strains of various types of flu.
Science News reports:
“Once ingested, virtually all Tamiflu will end up in
the environment in the active form, notes environmental
chemist Jerker Fick of Umeå University in Sweden. The
reason: Tamiflu becomes active once the body converts
it into a carboxylate form.
Roughly eighty percent of an ingested dose becomes
this OC, which your body eventually excretes. Your body
sheds the remaining twenty percent of Tamiflu in its
original form, but this phosphate form is immediately
turned into the active, carboxylate form when it reaches
a water treatment plant, he says.”
Making matters worse, previous studies have confirmed
that water treatment removes ZERO percent of this drug,
and appears to have a half-life of approximately three
weeks, once exposed to sunlight.
I bring this up to demonstrate the long-term dangers
inherent in our current drug-based paradigm.
Each time you take a drug like Tamiflu, you not only
expose yourself to potentially serious health risks,
you’re also contributing to a growing problem of ever
more drug-resistant flu strains that can affect countless
others. The willy-nilly administering of anti-virals goes
far beyond just the immediate health risks – it affects the
environment and every living thing in it, including the
human race at the top of the food chain.
The fact remains that there are many FAR BETTER
alternatives to anti-viral drugs and vaccines. These drugs
are not essential for human health—nutritious food,
clean water, and an overall healthy lifestyle are.
I’ve listed my top recommendations for avoiding the
flu on many occasions.
quite a number of
surveys, polls and
studies are showing
that more and more
people are refusing
the swine flu shot
for themselves or their
children over health
and safety concerns.
In addition, should you be forced to take the swine
flu shot, please review Dr. Blaylock’s recommendations
on what to do in that situation.
The Time to Act is Now
I urge you to join NVIC and become a grassroots vaccine safety and informed consent advocate in your community.
“Stand up for the human right to make informed,
voluntary health care choices, including vaccine choices, today - so your children and grandchildren and all
Americans will have that right tomorrow.”
—Barbara Loe Fisher
If, like NVIC says, we don’t stand up for our rights to
choose now, there is no doubt in my mind we’ll all be
paying for it, both financially and physically, in the
years to come.
Dr. Mercola is the founder of the
world’s most visited natural
site, You can
learn the hazardous side effects of
OTC Remedies by getting a
FREE copy of his latest special
report The Dangers of Over the
Counter Remedies by going to his
Report Page.
Something Unknown
Is Doing We Don’t Know What…
New Documentary Film Reveals the Science Behind Psychic Phenomena
an we predict the future? Can our thoughts and
intentions affect the physical world? Can we be
spontaneously “healed “from fatal illnesses? Do we
have the power to read minds? Are we “energetically” connected? Is there a guiding force orchestrating the universe?
In a new award-winning documentary film, Something
Unknown is Doing We Don’t Know What… (Beyond Words),
Dutch filmmaker Renée Scheltema explores these questions
and more with a fascinating look at the world of psychic phenomenon. In her film, the world’s leading experts, authors,
psychics, frontier scientists, Parapsychologists, physicians
and more reveal the cutting-edge scientific studies behind paranormal experiences and psychic phenomenon.
“A series of strange and curious
incidents happened to me over a very
short period of time that could not be
explained by rational thought or coincidence,” shares Scheltema. “I was baffled and wanted to know is this real?
How and why did it happen?” Her personal quest to understand these curious, pychic events resulted in her
inspiring and original film which has
been selected and screened at various
film festivals worldwide including the
Sante Fe Film Festival and the SmithRafael Film Center in San Rafael, CA.
Something Unknown features
impressive stable of expert contributors
including; Professor Charles Tart, Dr.
Dean Radin, Dr. Eric Pearl, Dr. Larry
Dossey, Dr. Roger Nelson, Dr Rupert Sheldrake, Stephen
Schwartz, Dr Edgar Mitchell, Dr. Eric Pearl, Dr. Hal Puthoff ,
Psychic Detective Nancy Meyer, John of God, and author
Arielle Ford.
According to Professor Tart, Prof. Emeritus at UC Davis
and currently a professor at The Institute of Transpersonal
Psychology, “There are hundreds of experiments demonstrating the reality of psychic experiences; the ones that are
acknowledged by any reasonable criteria of science I call the
Big 5.” Tart explains that there are rigorous and controlled scientific experiments documenting the BIG 5 which he identifies as:
Telepathy—mind reading or mind to mind communication.
Clairvoyance (Remote Viewing)—the psychic ability to perceive remote places, objects or people.
Precognition—the ability to predict or “see” the future.
Psycho-kinesis (Telekinesis)—mind over matter or the ability to
move/effect objects with the power of thought or intent.
Psychic Healing—a spiritual practice that may incorporate
energy and is known for miraculous cures outside of traditional medicine.
Something Unknown explores these five areas of psychic phenomenon and investigates, the power of energy healing,
remote viewing, psychic archaeology, faith healing, Random
Number Generators, psychic detective work, therapeutic
touch, mind reading. Woven with
intriguing personal accounts it sheds
light on the mysterious world of the
paranormal previously disregarded or
ignored by mainstream western science
revealing that science and spirituality
are no longer mutually exclusive.
Whether you call it zero point,
spirit, universal energy, G.O.D or universal
Unknown uncovers this unseen force
and seeks to redefine consciousness as
we know it. It takes on a spiritual journey where the boundaries of the
unknown and known are merging and
providing us with the leading studies
and evidence pointing towards an
understanding or truth that perhaps we
are all interconnected and part of something greater than ourselves.
As the sixth man to walk the
moon, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, founder of the Institute for Noetic
Science shares his profound epiphany in space, “Returning to
Earth from space I realized that the molecules of the my body
and the stars are the same, I had this life changing feeling of
connection with the star systems that created the matter in our
bodies and felt a bliss I had never known…I have come to
realize this… Perhaps this is our evolutionary destiny, provided we survive that long.”
Something Unknown is now available on DVD and can be
purchased by visiting . Running
time: 105 minutes.
Renée Scheltema is a Dutch documentary filmmaker and photographer. For twenty-five years Renée has worked for Dutch
television as a director, producer and camera-person. Some of
her documentaries were selected at international film festivals.
events workshops
festivals classes
Top Photo
12/11-12/12: Scullers Jazz Club presents
vocal/guitar jazz duo Tuck & Patti, Fri-Sat.
Show: $25, Dinner & Show: $63. Shows: 8pm &
10pm. Tickets & info: (617) 562-4111.
12/10: The Other Side of the Circle - Spirit
Communication with Ellen Donovan
Townsend, 7:00pm-9:00pm. Cost $50. Preregister & Prepay by 5 days prior, Early
Registration Discount cost $35. Tap into the
blessings from beyond the veil. Your loved
ones are ready with messages for you and
also offer help with the parts of your life you
seem to be stuck in. In a SAFE setting ;
come and enjoy those offering insight and
assistance, in a circle of sharing and peace.
Blessed Be Ellen 4 Student Min - 13 Max.
(781) 843-8224,
12/19-12/20: Reiki I Certification with
John Harvey Gray and Lourdes Gray,
Ph.D., Jaffrey, NH. Awaken your healing
skills! The John Harvey Gray Center for
Reiki Healing is recognized and acknowledged as a leader in the field of Reiki training for its commitment to excellence in
Reiki education. Two days of learning,
hands-on practice and no cut corners certi38
fies you immediately to work on yourself,
others and pets. 13.0 CEUs Visa/MC. Call or
go online to sign up now. (603) 899-3288,
12/21: Shamanic Drumming Circle with
Susan Baltozer, 7:30pm-9:30pm. $15,
Walk-in, Braintree. Learn the art and practice of shamanic journeying and healing. In
this circle you have the opportunity to develop a deep relationship with your guides and
clear, cleanse, heal and transform yourself
through the practices of Shamanic
Journeying, drumming, sound healing, and
movement. Bring a rattle or drum if you
have one and if you can an open heart. (781)
12/25: Footsteps Towards Freedom: A
Christmas Day, led by Seth Castleman.
Experience mindfulness meditation in a
Jewish context. The retreat includes sitting,
walking, and eating meditation; instructions;
teaching; and individual sessions with the
teacher. With a focus on intention and atten-
tion we can open the door to sanity and
sacredness, cultivating balance and wellbeing in our lives. Jewish meditation practice becomes the pathway to a wholesome,
loving relationship with ourselves, each
other & God. Friday, Dec. 25 , 10:00am4:00pm, at Temple Beth Zion, 1566 Beacon
St., Brookline, MA 02446. $60 early registration. $72 at the door. Scholarships available. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Please bring a vegetarian lunch. (617) 5668171, ext. 20, email, [email protected].
12/28: Beginner & Intermediate Belly
Dancing (coed) with Teresa Vangeli.
Prepay: 8 Weeks, $80 or $12 Walk In (No
Holidays). Braintree Store. Join us for a fun,
relaxed class. Participants learn the basic
moves of belly dancing while improving
their flexibility, coordination and selfimage. All ages welcome. Class is Coed.
(781) 843-8224,
Earth Star Calendar
1/23-1/24: Reiki I Certification with John
Harvey Gray and Lourdes Gray, Ph.D.,
Jaffrey, NH. Awaken your healing skills!
The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki
Healing is recognized and acknowledged as
a leader in the field of Reiki training for its
commitment to excellence in Reiki education. Two days of learning, hands-on practice and no cut corners certifies you immediately to work on yourself, others and pets.
13.0 CEUs. Visa/MC. Call or go online to
sign up now, (603) 899-3288,
4/30-5/22: Company One is proud to continue its commitment to producing new
work with this world premiere by local playwright, director and company member Lois
Roach. An examination of life before and
after the Emancipation Proclamation, The
Emancipation of Mandy and Miz Ellie
brings together two souls whose fates are
determined by the purchase of one for the
other. A touching and relevant journey about
a complicated heartfelt friendship featuring
live percussion and Boston’s own
OrigiNation dance troupe! At Boston Center
for the Arts, Plaza Theatre. Tickets & info:
(617) 292-7110.
Food As Medicine Workshop, Sharon A.
Kane, Instructor. Live Superfoods can
repair the intestinal damage associated with
celiac, gluten intolerance, candida, IBS,
leaky gut and food allergies. This 8-session
course teaches simple techniques to create
low cost live food at home. Kombucha,
kefir, gluten free bread, lacto-fermented
pickles. For complete info call
Sharon A. Kane, (508) 881-5678 or
email [email protected].
Exquisite Energysm for Healers.
Relax and get a dose of the good
stuff for yourself. Easy movements
from qigong and hands-on healing
with Cerridwen. Third Saturdays
Sanctuary, Littleton, MA. (978)
486-0248. $20. Call ahead.
Reiki Certification, Boston and
Wilton, NH. Libby Barnett,
MSW. 26 years experience. Reiki
Notebook, pin, certificate awarded.
Visa/MC accepted. CEU's. Call 1888-REIKI-4-U or (603) 654-2787.
12/6: HT Productions announces “An
Evening with Rickie Lee Jones”
Sunday, December 6 at 7:00 pm, celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Chuck E’s In
Love at Berklee Performance Center, 136
Massachusetts Avenue, Boston. Tickets at
$50 (golden circle), $38 and $33. For more
information, call: (617) 747-2261.
Exquisite Energysm for Women.
Center, ground, and open to the
flow. A nourishing, feel-good event.
Cerridwen guides easy movements
from qigong and hands-on healing.
Second Thursdays 7:30pm-9:30pm,
Aquarius Sanctuary, Littleton, MA. (978)
486-0248. $20. Call ahead.
Buddhist Meditation Group with Peg
Travers, Ordained Priest, Buddha Heart
USA, Sunday evenings, Haverhill, MA,
5:00pm-6:00pm. Learn and practice the
ancient arts of meditation, chanting,
QiGong, Buddhist Yoga & Reiki. Call the
Center for Spiritual Development, Haverhill
MA, (978)-372-5173 or online at
Drumming Circle with Kristine Malpica
(of Imagine Studios) on third Friday of each
month. 7:00pm-8:30pm. Center for Spiritual
Development, 15 Kenoza Ave, Haverhill,
MA. (978)-372-5173.
Shamanic Drumming Circle, founded
1993. Usually Second and Fourth Fridays of
every month, 7:00pm. Quaker meeting-house,
Cambridge. Open to all, but please call first
for full details and directions. Terrence (978)952-2704 or Emily (781)-641-3980.
Multidimensional Healing and Healing Art
offered at the Natick Community Organic
Farm, by Joyce Cerutti. SMH may be
thought of as an expansion of the energies
we know as Reiki. No prior attunements
necessary. Healing Art classes offered for
both individuals and families, combining
energy healing and art healing for greater
benefit. Call for dates, times, and further
information. Intuitive healing paintings also
available. (508)-380-8273.
Earth Star Calendar
12/31: Scullers Jazz Club presents another incredible
New Year’s Eve Celebration, this year with Legendary
Vocalist Bobby Caldwell. Shows 8pm: $50 & 11pm: $60.
For all reservations, tickets and info call (617) 562-4111.
Workshops for Pain Management and
Improved Wellness. Offerings for
Bodyworkers, athletes, Personal Trainers,
Coaches and general pain-sufferers.,
or call Barry Bailey at (978)-897-0110
for information and brochure of current
Empowerment Workshops, go to for our latest
programs and walks or call (401)-847-6551
for more information. Facilitator Trainings,
site consultations, workshops for schools,
hospitals and businesses.
Christ Church Unity - Experience the
healing power of music, prayer and meditation, every Wednesday at 7:00pm. Daily
Word Discusion Sundays at 10:00am.
Sunday Service, 11:00am. Corner of
The Deadline for listings in the
February/March ‘10 issue
is January 25th
1/9-1/10: Scullers Jazz Club presents Grammy Award
winner James Cotton's Super Harp Band, SatSun. Show: $25, Dinner & Show: $63. Tickets and info:
(617) 562-4111.
Colchester & Chapel Streets,
Brookline, MA 02466. Call (617) 2324548 for more information or visit:
Free Energy Healing in Arlington.
Johrei healing is available each
Wednesday evening from 7:00pm9:00pm at 81 Cleveland St. in
Arlington, MA. Johrei purifies the
spirit through the channeling of divine
light, restores inner spiritual balance
and eases physical, mental, & emotional distress. There is no charge for
Johrei. Please call (781) 646-0614 for
directions or information on other area
Stress Management, Imagery, and a
range of Reiki programs, with CEUs
for nurses, led by holistic nurse educators. Centered in Amesbury, MA with
other locations in Maine, New
Hampshire, and Massachusetts. Visit or call: 1(888)-TLC-8485.
4/30-5/22: At Boston Center for the Arts,
Plaza Theatre. Tickets/info: (617) 292-7110.
In Memory of
From The Los Angeles Times
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, retired spiritual leader of
the Church Universal and Triumphant, which was
based for several years in a Calabasas headquarters
called Camelot and gained notoriety in the late 1980s
for its followers’ elaborate preparations for nuclear
Armageddon, has died. She was seventy.
Prophet, who had Alzheimer’s disease, died on
Thursday, October 15th in Bozeman, Montana., her
legal guardian, Murray Steinman, told the Associated
The church’s beliefs combined aspects of the world’s major
religions, mixing Western philosophy with mysticism. Despite
Prophet's illness, her videos and
writings continued to dominate
teaching in the church, which has
transformed into a New Age publishing enterprise and spiritual
Prophet was called “Guru
Ma” by her followers, who believe
she received “dictations” from
such “ascended masters” as Jesus,
Buddha and St. Germain. She
retired in 1999 from an active role
in the church, which once had
about fifty thousand members.
Elizabeth Clare Wulf was born April 8, 1939, in
Red Bank, N.J. She grew up in a Christian Science
environment, she told The L.A. Times in 1980, but by
age nine had gone “to every church in town” only to
find that none taught “the whole truth. . . . I found that
within the self.”
She was a political science student at Boston
University when she met Mark L. Prophet, who in
1958 founded the Summit Lighthouse, which teaches
practical spirituality using the world's major religions.
After earning her bachelor’s degree, they were
married in 1963.
In 1966, Summit Lighthouse moved to Colorado
Springs. Mark Prophet died in 1973 and Elizabeth
Clare Prophet assumed the leadership of Summit
She founded the Church Universal and
Triumphant, as well as Summit University and
Summit University Press. The church moved to
Pasadena in 1977 and bought the estate in Calabasas
the next year.
In 1981, the church purchased a remote, twelve
thousand-acre site in Montana adjoining Yellowstone
National Park from magazine publisher Malcolm S.
Forbes. Prophet, close associates and followers started
moving to Montana in 1983, she said. “We felt we
were divinely led here,” she told The Times in 1987.
“You know it is easier to meditate here than it is in Los
Angeles. You have ten million auras
in Los Angeles and here you have
wide open space.”
The Calabasas property was
sold to Soka University in 1986.
The same year, a former church follower who had been expelled in a
dispute over money was awarded
$1.5 million in a suit against
Prophet and the church. Gregory
Mull alleged that he had been subjected to a form of thought control.
Prophet’s then-husband, church
official Edward Francis, said the
jury got inaccurate information and
that the church and its beliefs “had
been put on trial.”
In the late 1980s, news reports said Prophet
expected a nuclear attack by the Soviet Union, and at
least two thousand church followers headed to the
Montana ranch, stockpiling weapons and supplies.
The ranch included a large underground bomb shelter.
Prophet told The Times in 1991 that newspapers
had distorted her statements, “literally fabricating that
I had predicted the end of the world. Even if there is a
nuclear war, I believe we can survive it. I don't think
it's the end of the planet.”
Prophet's books included Climb the Highest
Mountain with Mark Prophet in 1972 and The Lost
Years of Jesus in 1984. She also founded, with Mark
Prophet, a school based on the Montessori educational principles.
She is survived by her children, Erin, Moira, Tatiana,
Sean and Seth.
Against the
Cancer Industry:
vs. Alternative
By Mike Adams
s the author of the New York Times
bestseller, Knockout: Interviews with
Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer,
Suzanne Somers is making waves
across the cancer industry. Her powerful, inspired message of informed hope is reaching millions of readers who are learning about the many safe,
effective options for treating cancer that exist outside the
realm of the conventional cancer industry (chemotherapy,
surgery and radiation).
Recently, Suzanne Somers spoke with NaturalNews
editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, to share the
inspiration for her new book Knockout. “People are just
starving for some new information... for other options,
for hope in [treating] cancer,” she explained.
In it, Somers explains why she’s so concerned about
the current course of the cancer industry:
“In 2010, cancer will be the biggest killer in the
world. I fear for everybody walking into the present cancer protocol. It’s going to make billions and billions of
dollars for the industry, which is already a $200 billiona-year business. It’s going to bankrupt families. It causes expensive deaths. It emaciates people and they die
anyway. Why not look into the options that are offered
in Knockout? Why not look into Dr. Burzynski out of
Houston? Why not look into Dr. Gonzalez in New York
or Dr. Forsythe out of Nevada? [They] have a different
protocol that doesn’t require harsh chemicals or degrading the body.”
Suzanne also explains the limitations of chemotherapy and why the cancer industry has failed the people:
“There are only three kinds of cancer that respond to
chemotherapy: Testicular cancer, childhood leukemia,
some lymphomas including Non-Hodgkin’s,” she says.
“For all of us who have raised money marching, going to
black-tie fundraisers, we’ve thrown billions and billions
of dollars at pharmaceutical companies and the FDA to
find a cure, and it has failed. They do not have a cure.”
Mammograms causing more harm than good
Somers also discusses the problems with mammograms.
When asked for her thoughts on the US government’s
sudden change in position that now says women under
fifty should never receive mammograms, Somers
“I have information so shocking in Knockout about
mammograms that I have been reluctant on television to
even bring up, because to say anything negative about
mammograms is going against the gold standard. So I
was thrilled when I saw this report. Nobody’s saying the
real truth [about the harm caused by mammograms].
They don’t want to open Pandora’s Box mean a lot
of the women who faithfully had mammograms got their
cancer from mammograms?”
What’s in the “Knockout” book
Suzanne Somers’ book presents a collection of interviews from leading doctors who have developed and
now apply natural cancer therapies to patients, producing outstanding results. To gather information for her
book, Somers explains, “I called doctors, I interviewed
their patients, I talked to hundreds of people, I interviewed science writers, Ph.D.’s, neuroscientists, nutritionists... even the scientific advisory board of Life
And rather than preaching to people about what they
should or shouldn’t do, Somers’ book simply provides
new information and new options to men and women
who want to know more before making a potentially
deadly decision about chemotherapy. “You’ve got to get
smart and connect the dots and ask yourself, with all the
money going into [conventional] cancer, do they have an
answer? The answer is no. We’re on our own, so let’s
look at these independent doctors who are having
success,” Somers says.
The information presented in Somers’ book, not surprisingly, has raised the ire of the conventional cancer
industry and all their powerful allies (including more
than a few organizations in the mainstream media).
That’s why Somers’ message has been viciously
attacked by conventional cancer and chemotherapy
pushers who see the information presented in Knockout
as a threat to their authority (and repeat business). “My
message interferes with Big Business’s bottom line,”
explains Somers. “But until what Big Business is doing
is good for us, and for the betterment of our health and
mankind, then I think people have to speak out about it.”
“The war on cancer is a dismal failure,” says
Somers. “If this were a military project, the people in
charge would be fired. It’s not working.”
But there are real solutions for cancer, and there are
doctors delivering “alternative” cancer treatments right
now that are producing astonishing results (putting con-
v e n t i o n a l
chemotherapy to
shame). Suzanne’s
book lists a wealth
where you can
find more information about natural cancer treatments and the
clinics that offer
Here’s a short
list of some of the
health experts she
mentions (many
more are listed in
her book):
Dr. Julian Whitaker, Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Burzynski, Houston, TX
Dr. Gonzalez, New York, NY
Ralph Moss
Dr. Russell Blaylock
Dr. Forsythe, Nevada
Chemotherapy is extremely toxic to the human body. It
causes permanent damage to the brain, heart and kidneys. Mammograms harm ten times as many women as
they help. Don’t your loved ones deserve to know about
the options available right now that can treat and reverse
cancer without destroying their health?
That’s what you’ll learn in Suzanne Somers’
Knockout book. Inform yourself, and help empower others with knowledge—the kind of knowledge the cancer
industry would prefer people never had access to.
Mike Adams is a natural health researcher and author with a
passion for teaching people how to improve their health. He is
the Editor of
Transform Your Life through Handwriting
How Your Pen Can Unlock Your Soul’s Potential
f you changed your handwriting, could it change
your life?
Yes, according to Vimala Rodgers, author of the new
interactive learning kit Transform Your Life Through
Handwriting. Because it is the subconscious mind that
moves the pen, each time we inscribe a letter formation
on the page, we are making a subtle statement about who
we say we are: our strengths, our self-imposed limitations, and our attitude toward ourselves and the world
around us. Where and
how we cross the letter
“t”, how we shape a midzone oval “a”, our autograph—and thousands of
other permutations of our
This isn’t a course in penmanship or graphology—
think of it more like a
self-help course in personal growth, a new meditative practice, an inexpensive tool you can
combine with your current daily journaling—
even a motivating reason
to start a new journaling practice. Even though we spend
most of our days communicating via keyboard, handwriting has the potential to make a difference. It can help
us unlock the gift our soul is meant to manifest.
“If your life is working the way you want it to,” says
Vimala, “don’t change your handwriting—because once
you do, your life will open up in the most extraordinary
Five Noble Truths serve as the foundation. Keep them
handy and refer to them often.
1. There is no such thing as good or bad people. Each of
us is a Child of God; some of us just cover it up better
than others. There is no such thing as good or bad handwriting; if you consider your handwriting “atrocious,”
smile—and refer to it as “casual.”
2. The frequency with which a writing habit occurs in
your writing is the frequency with which the quality it
represents occurs in
your life.
3. In looking at the
handwriting of someone with whom you
are in a relationship,
both your handwriting and the other person’s are required if
you want to find out
how buttons are getting pushed and what
is activating them.
Truth Number One.
4. The degree of difficulty in mastering a
stroke change is directly proportional to the value it will
have in your life. The greater the difficulty, the greater
the value.
5. The moment you declare with your pen that you are
willing to bring an issue in your life to completion, that
issue will confront you immediately and clearly in the
form of a person, a situation, or a relationship.
These truths do not vary.
The Five Noble Truths of Handwriting
The letters of the Alphabet are the building blocks from
which to construct your new and exciting future; the
The Interactive Learning Kit by Vimala Rodgers
includes 2 CDs, a 97-page guidebook, 26 cards, and an
84-page blank journal, available from Sounds True.
The Movie Mystic
emember what it was like to
go to a movie and cry and
laugh and applaud and feel
great about just being alive when you
walk out of the theater?
I do. And you will too when you run
as fast as you can to a neighborhood theater to see The Blind Side, one of the
most touching, wondrous, uplifting, and
miraculous movies of the last several
years. And, what makes the experience
even more delicious is that the film is
based on a true story.
Michael Oher was a homeless
teenager in Memphis, Tennessee. His
father had disappeared when he was a
small child, and his mother was such a
hopeless drug addict that the state had
removed Michael from her custody. He
ran away from several foster homes and
simply disappeared off the state radar.
Michael was, even as a young
teenager, huge and athletic. Through a
distant relative, Michael was admitted to
a small private high school because the
football coach saw Michael’s potential
as a football player. The coach persuaded the school administration to admit
Michael even though his test scores
were well below admission standards.
Struggling to understand his new envi-
ronment, Michael
was a gentle soul
lost in a new
world, with no family and nowhere to
call home.
Enter Leigh Ann Tuohy, a fiercely
independent and outspoken mother and
wife, who not only marched to her own
drummer, but who heard the music of a
completely different band. A chance
encounter with Michael on one cold
night convinced Leigh Ann to take the
shy teenager under her wing, and into
her home and family.
A shy, homeless, and frightened
African-American teenager moves into
the home of a white, wealthy Southern
family, changing all of their lives forever.
The film is absolutely hilarious,
touching, engrossing, and brilliant as it
follows Michael through his experiences
in high school. (The Blind Side refers to
the position that Michael learns to play
in football. An offensive tackle whose
job it is to protect the blind side of the
quarterback.) The family’s relentless
love and belief in Michael helps him
overcome his learning challenges. He
also becomes such an incredible athlete
that several major universities recruit
him. SPOILER ALERT: if you don’t
want to know more of the story before
you see the film, please don’t read the
rest of this paragraph. The story does
indeed have a fairy tale ending.
Michael becomes an All-American at
Ole Miss and a first round draft choice
of the Baltimore Ravens. Today, he is
the starting blind side tackle for the
NFL Ravens. Over the closing credits,
we see photos of the actual Michael
and the Tuohys.
Sandra Bullock was BORN to play
Leigh Ann and she is sensational in
the role, as is Tim McGraw as her husband, and newcomer Quinton Aaron
as Michael. The entire cast is brilliant
as is the script, the direction, the photography, and everything else!
The Blind Side is quite simply my
favorite movie of 2009 and the kind of
film “they’ used to make. It makes me
absolutely crazy when I see the
lamestream critics laud dark, cynical
movies and turn up their noses at pos-
By Stephen Simon
itive, inspired looks at the loving, kind,
gentle, and compassionate aspects of
our humanity. If that’s now considered
“sappy”, then I am a human maple tree
and proud of it!
The Blind Side is a throwback to a
time when movies illuminated the beauty of life, rather than glorifying its ugliness. It should be an Oscar contender for
Best Picture and I will certainly use my
vote in the Academy to nominate it as
Please see it right away. Tell your
friends and family, too. I absolutely
guarantee you that you will laugh, cry,
and feel goose bumps for two hours.
And you just may love being human a
little bit more when you walk out of the
theater. What a gift. What a movie.
Stephen Simon co-founded www. He also produced such films as Somewhere In Time
and What Dreams May Come, and both
directed and produced Indigo and the film
version of Conversations With God.
Earth Star Up Front
Psychic Computer Shows Your Thoughts On Screen
cientists have discovered how to
“read” minds by
scanning brain activity and
reproducing images of what
people are seeing—or even
Researchers have been
able to convert into crude
video footage the brain
activity stimulated by what
a person is watching or
The breakthrough raises the prospect of significant
benefits, such as allowing
The telepathic abilities that feature in the film X2 are a step closer to reality
people who are unable to
The discoveries come amid a flurry
move or speak to communicate via visu- what they were seeing based on their neuof developments in the field of brain scialisation of their thoughts; recording peo- ral activity alone.
Remarkably, the computer pro- ence. Researchers have also used scanple’s dreams; or allowing police to identify criminals by recalling the memories gramme was able to display continuous ning technology to measure academic
footage of the films they were watch- ability, detect early signs of Alzheimer’s
of a witness.
and other degenerative conditions, and
However, it could also herald a new ing—albeit with blurred images.
In one scene which featured the actor even predict the decision a person is
Big Brother era, similar to that envisaged
in the Hollywood film Minority Report, Steve Martin wearing a white shirt, the about to make before they are conscious
in which an individual’s private thoughts software recreated his rough shape and of making it.
Such developments may have concan be readily accessed by the authorities. white torso but missed other details, such
troversial ramifications. In Britain, fMRI
Jack Gallant and Shinji Nishimoto, as his facial features.
Another scene, showing a plane fly- scanning technology has been sold to
two neurologists from the University of
California, Berkeley, last year managed ing towards the camera against a city sky- multinational companies, such as
to correlate activity in the brain’s visual line, was less successfully reproduced. Unilever and McDonald’s, enabling them
cortex with static images seen by the per- The computer recreated the image of the to see how we subconsciously react to
son. Recently they went one step further skyline but omitted the plane altogether.
“Some scenes decode better than
In America, security agencies are
by revealing that it is possible to
“decode” signals generated in the brain others,” said Gallant. “We can decode researching the use of brain scanners for
talking heads really well. But a camera interrogating prisoners, and Lockheed
by moving scenes.
In an experiment which has yet to be panning quickly across a scene confuses Martin, the US defence contractor, is
reported to have studied the possibility of
peer reviewed, Gallant and Nishimoto, the algorithm.
“You can use a device like this to do scanning brains at a distance.
using functional magnetic resonance
This would allow an individual’s
imaging (fMRI) technology, scanned the some pretty cool things. At the moment
brains of two patients as they watched when you see something and want to thoughts and anxieties to be examined
describe it to someone you have to use without their knowledge in sensitive locavideos.
A computer programme was used to words or draw it and it doesn’t work very tions such as airports.
Russell Foster, a neuroscientist at
search for links between the configura- well.
“You could use this technology to Oxford University, said rapid advances in
tion of shapes, colours and movements in
the videos, and patterns of activity in the transmit the image to someone. It might the field were throwing up ethical dilembe useful for artists or to allow you to mas.
patients’ visual cortex.
“It’s absolutely critical for scientists
It was later fed more than two hun- recover an eyewitness’s memory of a
to inform the public about what we are
dred days’ worth of YouTube internet crime.”
Such technology may not be con- doing so they can engage in the debate
clips and asked to predict which areas of
the brain the clips would stimulate if peo- fined to the here and now. Scientists at about how this knowledge should be
University College London have con- used,” he said.
ple were watching them.
“It’s the age-old problem: knowlFinally, the software was used to ducted separate tests that detect, with an
monitor the two patients’ brains as they accuracy of about fifty percent, memories edge is power and it can be used for both
good and evil.” —The Sunday Times, UK
watched a new film and to reproduce recalled by patients.
natural home and garden
Furoshiki Rug
Ceramic Speakers
he geometric seams of the Furoshiki Rug follow the folding
patterns of the traditional Japanese furoshiki—a wrapping
cloth designed to transport goods—and if we could walk on
this one hundred percent New Zealand wool rug, we would no
doubt be whisked comfortably away to living-room heaven.
usic can't make much of an impact unless it
can be heard, and tunes that are played like
they're meant to sound—rich, deep, clean—
can be a revelation. San Francisco–based product
designer Joey Roth created these porcelain speakers
with ceramic, cork, and Baltic birch, simple materials
complemented with high quality electronic design that
will bring out the sonic beauty in any album you put on.
$495.00 from,
Raised Garden Box Kit
or those who have always wanted to plant at home but never had
the nerve to assemble the necessary accoutrements, Scout
Regalia has done the pre-dirty work and put together this
Raised Garden Box Kit complete with the brackets and stainless steel
hardware needed to get growing. Four corner brackets, two middle
brackets, forty stainless steel screws, and a handy instruction guide are
included, so once you pick up salvaged local wood or reclaimed lumber
in your neighborhood to fit your space, you’re all set to construct your
own customized bed for flowers and edibles. $85.
ometimes you just need to write in a journal. The new Ecosystem line of journals,
planners and sketchbooks, available at
Barnes & Noble, lets you feel good about what
you’re writing on. The books are made in the U.S.
of 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper
and are easily recyclable.
Classic Low-Flow
Wellness Water Wand
portable fix for unhealthy, chlorinated water, the wand is only
slightly larger than a ballpoint pen,
perfect for creating clean, refreshing water
in restaurants, conference rooms, hotels
and more. Just swirl it in your glass for a few
moments, and it instantly removes chlorine
and chloramines and adds negative ions.
$25.00 from,
ade in the USA of solid brass with a
chrome plate finish, this low-flow showerhead delivers a vigorous, well-controlled
water spray pattern for a truly satisfying shower. This
head can save a family of four up to $250 a year.
Unique Gift Ideas
Gift Heifers Equal Hope
good dairy cow can produce four gallons
of milk a day—enough for a family to drink
and share with neighbors. Milk protein
transforms sick, malnourished children into healthy
boys and girls. The sale of surplus milk earns
medicine, clothing and home
Better still, every
gift multiplies, as
the animal’s first
passed on to
another family—
then they also
agree to pass on
an animal, and
so on. And because a healthy cow can produce a
calf every year, every gift will be passed on and
eventually help an entire community move from
poverty to self reliance. Now that’s a gift worth giving! Gift of a Heifer $500; Share of a Heifer $50.
Details at,
The Gift of Bees
rom Uganda to El
Salvador, bees from
Heifer International
help struggling families earn
income through the sale of
honey, beeswax and pollen.
Placed strategically, beehives
can as much as double some
fruit and vegetable yields. In this
way, a beehive can be a boost
to a whole village. Although
most Heifer partners keep bees
as a supplement to family income, beekeeping can be a family’s livelihood. Your gift can help Heifer provide a family with a package of bees,
the box and hive, plus training in beekeeping—and this unique gift will be
passed on to another family in need. Gift of Bees, $30.
Keep the Children Occupied
Classic Gyroscope
maze your children as
the metal gyroscope
performs gravity-defying tricks. Once they master this
remarkable toy, they’ll be able
to spin it on a string tightrope,
on their finger, or even on the
lip of a drinking glass. The
Gyroscope maintains its relative
position, no matter how its base
is moved. Plastic pedestal,
string and instructions included.
$6.95. from,
Christmas Tree LED Candles
hese realistic old-world candles provide the
romantic effect of flickering candlelight with
none of the danger. Simply plug into existing
string of lights and clip to tree branches. Stay-cool
LED lights eliminate need for bulb replacement. For
indoor use only. Pack of 3 candles, $13.95.
natural home and garden
Auto Bingo Games
he perfect cure for road trip boredom. Watch for objects
outside (train, barn, mailbox, etc.), then close the plastic
window when you spot one. The first player to complete a
row of 5 wins. Sturdy cardboard cards will last for years. Set of 4,
assorted titles and colors, for 2 or more players (reading age and
up) $9.95. from,
New England’s Premier
Professional Resource Guide
Astrological Consulting ....................50
Bookstores & Awareness Centers ...50
Centers ...............................................51
Classes ...............................................51
Healing & Bodywork .........................51
Herbs ..................................................51
Medical Health Care Services ..........54
Metaphysics .......................................55
Psychics .............................................55
Psychology & Transformation .........56
Readings ............................................57
Schools & Institutes ..........................57
Profiles of businesses,
centers and individuals
that offer holistic services
that nurture and support
the body, mind and soul.
Astrology and Esoteric Psychology — Monique Pommier,
Astrology illuminates one’s psychological
landscape and journey. It times life developments
and reveals their designs for the soul.
I offer astrological services and ongoing
psychospiritual counseling with astrology,
Jungian and esoteric psychology as a comprehensive ground of exploration and guidance
on current issues and lifelong questionings.
M.A., Ph.DE
By accessing the deeper order of your life,
you gain transformative insights into the evolutionary
significance of particular challenges and new perspectives to direct your choices, clearing pathways
for heightened vitality and fulfillment.
I bring to this work 25 years of experience and
lifelong education in Esoteric Psychology (MS) and
Philosophy (PhD), Western and Eastern spiritual tradi-
Astrologer and Clairvoyant – Serena Wright-Taylor
Serena gives readings that touch your soul.
She blends the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology with her remarkable intuition to help you
use perfect timing to bring joy and fruition to all
areas of your life.
She is highly sought after by celebrities, business executives, speakers, and authors. She
has made numerous appearances on TV and
tions and Jungian depth psychology.
Services include:
* Astrological Consultations for Individuals
and Couples
* Rayology
* Psychospiritual Counseling
For information or appointment,
please call:
(617) 524-7072
“Serena’s work is extraordinary—a
stunning blend of mind, heart, and soul,”
says Judith Orloff, M.D., author and
clairvoyant psychiatrist.
Serena gives readings by telephone
all over the country.
radio and you may have recently heard her
name on Coast to Coast AM.
Serena has been gifted since childhood
with the ability to see many dimensions of
life. She has spent many years in spiritual
practice and enjoys working on her own
healing and evolvement so that her service
to others is of the highest quality.
Serena Wright-Taylor
10 Boothbay House Hill
Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538
Largest New Age Store in New England!
We’ve knocked through a wall and doubled our space! New coffee, tea and
dessert bar with eye-of-newt scones.
enlarged clothing section featuring
Geetah & Sacred Threads; Celtic &
Renaissance-style clothing, including
reversible floor-length capes in velvet
and satin; Dirks, knives & swords; Crystal
balls and bowls; Scrying mirrors & wiccan supplies; Magic wands; Magic spells;
Harry Potter; Candles, candles & more
candles. Eastern incense & Native
American sage, cedar & juniper; Drums
& rainsticks; Large variety of pipes &
Grateful Dead memorabilia; Extensive
New Age/metaphysical book section;
300+ tarot decks; runes; Egyptian
canopic jars & statuary; Eastern religious
items & statuary–Buddha, Ganesh, Quan
Yin; Fabulous fountains & fantasy statuary of all kinds; angels & fairies, puppets
& dolls, dragons, frogs, & gargoyles;
Meyda Tiffany lamps; Hundreds of
chimes; Cards & calendars; Crystals, jewelry, gems & minerals; Massage & essential oils; Henna; Body jewelry; Tapes &
CDs; Psychic readings. Don’t miss our
second store “Enchantment Too” right
across the street!!!
Open daily . . . call for hours!
Visit our website:
Kriya Yoga is a complete holistic health management system
Institute For Personal Development, Inc.
A Kriya Yoga Ashram
Classes, Courses, and Personal Training
652 Lafayette Rd. - Hampton, NH 03842-3348
[email protected]
IPD Web Site -
Private Residential Retreat & Personalized Programs
Weekends and longer plans available as low as $44 a night
Call toll free 1-888-545-8597 ask for:
Kenneth Toy (Swami Jayananda)
Call for Prices on your personal program
Uniting Science with Religion
“Reiki speaks to our heart and deepens our connection to self and others.”
Libby is a gifted, knowledgeable Reiki
Master with 26 years experience. She is
coauthor of Reiki Energy Medicine,
Bringing Healing Touch into Home,
Hospital, and Hospice - over 55,000 copies
sold in seven languages.
Use Reiki to create more joy and ease in
your life. Let Libby’s warm, heart-centered approach help you to take your next
step toward self-love and inner peace.
Reiki brings balance and harmony, supporting you doing the work you were
born to do. Reiki facilitates transitions,
promotes creativity and wisdom, and
accelerates spiritual growth, helping you
manifest your magnificance.
Libby Barnett, MSW
Libby has taught medical and nursing
students at Harvard, Brown, Tufts, and
Yale as well as staff at Massachusetts
General, Beth Israel, Mt Auburn,
Reiki Master
“Love is the healer and
Reiki is love.”
Southern New Hampshire, New York
Foundling, and New York Columbia
Presbyterian. Libby was featured in a Reiki
segment for the PBS nationally televised
series, Body and Soul. For the past seven
years, Libby has conducted Reiki classes at
the University of Maryland School of
Social Work and at Kripalu Center for
Yoga and Health. One of Libby’s current
passions is teaching hospice staff and volunteers. Fueled by Reiki energy, their healing touch is enhanced, affording greater
effectiveness in calming agitation, soothing
pain and providing comfort.
In class, a powerful slide presentation captures the essence of Reiki. You hear the
Reiki story, receive attunements and practice giving and receiving Reiki. You leave
class with an illustrated notebook, certificate, and pin, fully trained and certified to
do Reiki on yourself, family, friends, and
“My commitment to teach the Usui System
of Reiki Healing in the authentic, traditional manner inspired me to visit Japan
to retrace the roots of Reiki. I am dedicated to teaching this sacred healing art to
promote health and conscious living on the
planet. I invite you to give yourself the gift
of Reiki. It is an easy, effective way to love,
heal, and empower yourself. I look forward
to meeting you and sharing Reiki.”
Boston area New Hampshire classes:
Please call or check our website
for current class schedule
To register, call the Reiki Healing
Connection: 1-888-REIKI-4-U
(1-888-734-5448) or (603) 654-2787.
Visa/MC accepted. Social Work and
Nursing CEU’s available. Reiki Master
Training information avaliable on request.
Reiki Healing Connection • phone (603) 654-2787 • fax (603) 654-2771 • email [email protected] •
Rolfing© is a deep bodywork method
developed by Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D., in the
1940's, which frees, releases and
reshapes the body to bring it towards
greater balance and verticality.
Through Rolfing©, body structure is
restored and improved, stress is
reduced, and movement becomes more
fluid, efficient, and graceful. Freedom
and range of movement are enhanced,
and breathing becomes fuller and easier.
As out of balance parts of the body
are brought into alignment, chronic
aches and pains often disappear. Gravity
becomes an ally, rather than an enemy; it
is no longer an effort to hold oneself up.
In addition to the physical results, Dennis Bailey, Marshfield (South Shore):
(617) 472-2699
clients often experience the release of old
emotional traumas, an enhanced self Garret Whitney, Brighton, Concord,
image, increased spontaneity of expres(978) 371-2188
sion and increased agility to be assertive Eric Jacobson, Arlington:
and nurturing in relationships.
(781) 643-6874
For information about Rolfing contact Beate Gottschlich, Cambridge:
these certified practitioners:
(617) 661-9291
Boston Area Rolfer Group:
Out of State:
Aline Newton, Cambridge:
Kevin Frank, Holderness, Concord, NH;
(617) 661-6409
Norwich, VT: (603) 968-9585
William Redpath, Bedford, Cambridge:
(781) 861-0184
Holistic Vision Improvement
Rosemary Gaddum Gordon,
How we see can be affected by
our frame of mind, state of
health, and environment. In
response to Life we may begin to overfocus at one distance and lose clarity at
another, or exhaust our eyes so they can't
focus comfortably anywhere, or even let
one eye drift in and out. These adaptations
may become chronic. We use muscles to
focus our eyes. You can learn techniques
to relax and coordinate them so that you
can see comfortably and clearly again.
Your dependence on glasses or contacts can be prevented, eliminated, or
reduced. Rosemary draws on her twenty years experience and training in
orthoptics, the Bates' Method, Gestalt
Psychotherapy, and EducationalKinesthetics to form a comprehensive
approach to vision improvement. She
offers individual and group sessions for
adults and children.
D.B.O., M.A.
(617) 354-8360
(207) 439-9821
Betty Solbjor has been practicing and
teaching Reiki since 1996, and in 2002
became a Karuna Reiki® Master, a Bach
Foundation Registered Practitioner, and was
ordained as an interfaith minister. She has
extensive experience using Reiki on both
people and animals to gently treat many
Betty L. Solbjor, BFRP illnesses and emotional problems. Reiki
brings about a deep sense of relaxation and
Usui Reiki Master
inner peace. Combined with Magnified
Karuna Reiki® Master
Healing, crystal singing bowls, and guided
Interfaith Minister
meditation, a session can help to restore
balance and harmony to body, mind and soul.
Services offered:
Reiki treatment sessions and training
for all levels of Reiki and Karuna Reiki
Bach Flower Essence® consultations
and creation of custom formulas
Weddings and other ceremonies
(781) 258-7712 Waltham, MA
email: [email protected]
Member, International Association of Reiki
Professionals and Better Business Bureau®,
Serving Eastern Masschusetts
Call or e-mail to schedule an appointment
or inquire about classes.
Genesis Alternative Health Center is
committed to restore and maintain the
“inner ecology” of your body, conquering
food cravings and controlling symptoms Genesis Alternative Health
that keep you from experiencing optimal
172 State Street
health and the joy of living, through the
Newburyport, MA 01950
cleansing method of Colon Hydrotherapy
and simple step-by-step guidance to eat
your way to better health. Owner Ezhra
Tel. (978) 463-8800
Martin, C.B.C., is a certified Body
•Headaches •Bloating •Joint & Muscle Pain Ecology Counselor and certified Colon
Hydrotherapist of 25 years through I- see:
•Depression •Gas •Menstrual irregularities
•Skin rashes •Diarrhea •Digestive problems ACT and the National Board for Colon Body Ecology Counseling in MA
Hydrotherapy, using only FDA registered
•Sensitivity to tobacco, chemicals and odors
•Cancer •AIDS and other immune-related disorders equipment Footbath detox and cultured
foods available.
If you experience pain, discomfort, food
cravings, fatigue, or other symptoms that
won’t go away regardless of what you do,
chances are you’re one of the tens of millions
unknowingly suffering from a systemic fungal
The results of an imbalance that begins in
your “inner ecosystem”, fungus/yeast infections can be a key factor in:
Body Energy Balancing
Waltham, MA
deep relaxation
physical well-being
personal and spiritual growth
A Traveling Colon Hydrotherapist
Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonic
Irrigation) in the comfortable
surroundings of the Lydian Center
for Innovative Medicine.
The Key to Living
The Natural Path
Alternative, Inc.
The Center is located inside the
Professional Arts Building of
Sancta Maria Hospital.
Services Offered:
• Colon Hydrotherapy
• I-ACT Certified Practitioners
• FDA Registered Instruments
• Slow and Continuous Fill (simulates
gravity flow) systems available
• Over 20 years of colon hydrotherapy
• Iridology is the science and practice of
analyzing the Iris, pupil and sclera of the eye
to determine inherited and accumulated
health patterns.
Joya Z. Baynes
• I-ACT Certified
• Over 6 years Experience
• FDA Approved PPC-101
“The Traveler” Instrument
• Closed System
• Herbal/Nutritional Consultation in
which an herbalist/pharmacist with over 10
years of experience creates individualized
cleansing, fasting, and wellness programs
using herbs specified for the client.
• 3 and 7 day cleanses
• Kidney cleanses
• Liver & Gall Bladder cleanses
• Weight Loss cleanses
• Lymphatic Therapy is a therapy used to
help move the lymphatic system, an integral
part of our immune system. High-Frequency
617-710-1337 or 617-876-6777
[email protected]
and Manual Therapy available.
• 10-Day Cleanse Program
• 30-Day Detox/Rejuvenation Program
The Natural Path Alternative, Inc.
214 Market Street
Brighton, MA 02135
[email protected]
America’s Most Experienced Reiki Teachers
John Harvey Gray has been a Reiki
Master instructor since 1976, actively
teaching and practicing Reiki longer
than any other living teacher in the
He took his entire Reiki training with
Hawayo Takata, who brought Reiki to
the West from Japan. John has conducted over 850 Reiki workshops, teaching
more than 15,000 students, and was
named the 1994 Interface Presenter of
the Year.
Lourdes Gray, Ph.D., his wife, is a
Master instructor certified by John.
John Harvey Gray She brings
years of extensive experience
& Lourdes Gray, Ph.D. using Reiki to treat degenerative diseases
such as arthritis, cancer, HIV/AIDS, as
well as emotional problems.
Questions? Call or write for information
about workshops or private Reiki sessions. Third Degree/Master Instructor
training available.
Reiki 1st Degree Program (13.5 CEU credits available.)
• Dec 19-20
Jaffrey, NH
• Jan 23-24
Jaffrey, NH
• Feb 27-28
Jaffrey, NH
Reiki 2nd Degree Program
• Dec 5-6
Belmont, MA
• Jan 30-31
Jaffrey, NH
• Mar 13-14
Jaffrey, NH
Read our new book!
Hand To Hand
Available now at, local bookstores
Reiki Master Program
• Aug 15-Dec 13
Jaffrey, NH
15 Dolly Lane, Rindge, NH 03461
Regressions into Past Lives
• Mar 27
Jaffrey, NH
Register online!
Learn To See Auras
• Mar 28
Jaffrey, NH
Visa/MC accepted for all courses.
Contact Hours available
Ayurvedic Wellness Evaluations for Mind-Body Balance
Are you feeling out of balance? Ayurveda
offers time tested ways to restore balance
to your mind, body, and emotions. An
Ayurvedic Wellness Evaluation with our
Maharishi Ayurveda expert (Vaidya)
from India helps to identify imbalances at
the root of your current or potential
health problems. The Vaidya will examine
your health history and assess your current state of mind-body balance using the
traditional Ayurvedic pulse reading
method. You will receive personalized
program including diet, lifestyle recommendations, and herbal supplements.
Maharishi Vedic Health Center
679 George Hill Road,
Lancaster, MA, 01523
Cleansing for the body, the mind, the spirit
Experience colon hydrotherapy
in a safe, relaxed environment
using state-of-the-art
FDA registered equipment.
flows where
Nancy Ames, a graduate of the Bancroft
School of Massage Therapy, has been a
massage therapist for over 16 years. She is
also a member of the American Massage
Therapy Association.
Nancy offers many different styles of
massage modalities including: relaxing Swedish
massage, therapeutic deep tissue, trigger
point therapy, myofascial release and Reiki.
Stephanie Dumas,
I-ACT certified
Colon Hydrotherapist, Owner
Lexington Medical Building
16 Clarke Street
Lexington, MA
[email protected]
(781) 860-5116
Her treatments include luxurious hot
towels placed on tight and sore muscles
that help to relieve tension and stress.
Nancy tailors her massage sessions
to meet her clients’ needs.
Visit her on the web at:
Or you can email her at
Nancy Ames
Massage Therapy
481 Great Rd. Suite 9
Acton Ma.
(978) 263-6886
[email protected]
Stop Smoking in One Session & Lose Weight Naturally
George W. Mephis, Ph.D.
George W. Mephis, Ph.D., worldrenowned Russian healer and spiritual
teacher with 25 years of experience in helping people stop smoking, lose weight
and achieve freedom from addiction slavery.
He has been called The Miraclemaker
for his phenomenal ability to cure incurable
diseases. He is the founder of the HypnoEnergetic Movement. This powerful
technique stimulates the brain to produce more pleasure hormones, naturally
creating a positive state of consciousness and at the same time erasing the
negative memories related to addictive
behavior. Mr. Mephis helps people
quit smoking in one session, lose
weight and control their appetite,
eliminate pain, stress, anxiety,
Rolfing® produces lasting improvements in
posture, breathing, movement, and overall
relaxation. The Rolfer uses manual pressure
to help you feel into and let go of rigidities in
the connective tissue that wraps every muscle and bone. As you let go the tissue
changes state, becoming more elastic and
conductive of energy. This enhances freedom of movement, sensation, and circulation. Rolfing is done in specific patterns
throughout the body to allow a more erect
posture, easier breathing, improved balance, and more graceful movement. These
changes lead to a more positive self-image
and increased confidence. Once elasticity
has been restored it will remain unless the
Eric Jacobson, Ph.D.
is re-injured subjected to emotional
Rolfing® * Craniosacral Therapy area
trauma or very long-term tension, so the
benefits are relatively permanent.
Mark Levin
George W. Mephis, Ph.D.
Market Street Health
214 Market Street
Brighton, MA 02135
Other Benefits:
Increases ability to sense emotions and
other energetic states.
Releases negative emotional memories.
Accelerates progress in psychotherapy
or spiritual practice.
Restores flexibility and circulation to
scar tissue and joints, both post-injury
and post-surgical.
Craniosacral Therapy gently increases
the mobility of the bones in the head, spine
and pelvis. This is especially effective in
relieving cranial compression from head
injuries. Patterns of distress and dysfunction going back as far as birth and childhood can be treayed. Benefits include relief
from chronic pain and tension in then head,
neck, or lower back, and the release of
negative emotional memories.
My Background includes training in
Rolfing with Ida Rolf, and in
Craniosacral Therapy with John
Upledger. I am a graduate of the
Gestalt Training Center of San Diego
and the Cambridge Family Institute
and have a private practice in psychotherapy. I am certified as an
Advanced Rolfer by the Rolf Institute,
and have practiced in the Boston area
for the past 35 years.
For free literature or an appointment:
10 Ramsdell Court,
Arlington, MA 02476
Mark Levin was able to create very powerful For an office appointment or to place
healing processes for hundreds of satisfied a remote healing request please call
clients both within physical realm of his office
and remotely throughout entire world.
Energy Healer
Certified Hypnotherapist
Reiki Master
Devoted to Helping You Feel Better
depression, addictive behavior and
various other physical disorders in
a unique and miraculous way.
Specializes in: Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Polarity
There are many clinically documented cases of
Therapy, white light healing, remote healing.
spontaneous healing performed by him.
By combining traditional healing methods
121 B. Tremont Street, Suite #19
such as Reiki, hypnosis, polarity therapy with
Brighton, MA
his original white light healing therapy,
In urgent cases, please call
Major credit cards accepted.
Hsing M. Wu, M.D.
Internal Medicine
Hsing M. Wu, M.D. is a visiting
professor of medicine from the
Chinese Academy of Medical
Science, Beijing, China. He is a
Research Fellow in pulmonary
medicine at the V.A. Medical
Center in Boston.
We integrate the Western and
the Oriental Medicine with
their cultures to help people to
get better health rewards and a
happy, long life.
Beacon Medical Center
1842 Beacon Street, #207
Brookline, MA 02445
Tel: (617)
Holistic Dental Practice grows to Biologic and Physiologic Dentistry
Herbert S. Yolin, D.D.S.
“I am committed to helping people
keep all their teeth all their lives.”
Dentistry for the 21st Century — Today!
Gum surgery is history, say goodbye to
the drill, the pain, the noise and the needle.
Miracle Bite Tabs™ (MBT) &
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT),
are used to treat Dental Distress Syndrome
(DDS) as written about by Dr. Hans Selye
MD, Dr. Fonder, a dentist, & others.
Your teeth and jaws are an extension
of your brain and spinal cord. Any imbalances caused by improper alignment of
the jaw (commonly referred to as dental
proprioception) can play a major role in
all disease and pain. Faulty dental proprioception can cause improper neurological feedback to the brain affecting
most, if not all body functions. Temporary
relief is easy and inexpensive, and can
enhance your present treatment whether
it is Chiropractic, Acupuncture,
Massage, Physical or Neural Therapy,
Pain Management, and TMD/TMJ.
There are over 230 positive studies from
81 universities in 37 countries involving
24 different dental procedures with an
astounding 94% success rate. This
included procedures as sensitive teeth,
pain control, speed of healing, periodontal disease, and others.
Carisolv™ a 5 yr. old gel from Sweden,
approved by the FDA(2001) that softens
decay so it can be scraped out without
drilling, causing less pain and discomfort.
Add this to Micro-dentistry and Air
Abrasion and it becomes true needle
free, mercury free filling procedure.
Dr. Yolin has offered an alternative to
traditional periodontal surgery for more
then 15 years and now adds a Soft
Tissue Laser for enhancing the sterilizing of the diseased gum pockets. He
is a certified member of the Academy of
Laser Dentistry (exam based). Phase
contrast microscopy, bacterial cultures
and anti-microbial natural oils are used
in the never ending commitment to
avoiding unnecessary gum surgery.
Mercury (Hg) in your saliva from
chewing? Take the chewing test and
have your saliva analyzed for Hg at a
very reasonable cost. You may not need
them removed. Defective amalgams are
removed following IAOMT protocol.
Dr. Yolin has been trained in the
specialty of Prosthetic Dentistry but does
not limit his practice. He utilizes hypnotherapy for dental phobic, cosmetic
dentistry, oral devices for snoring and
sleep apnea, 28 years experience in
treating head/neck facial pain syndrome,
metal free crowns wherever possible,
and extensive training in dental implantology.
His treatment philosophy is
based on the fact that at the end of every
tooth is a human being and although he
fixes teeth, he treats human beings. And
that will never change.
Call now for a consultation
and share the excitement at:
Northeast Dental Associates
Herbert S. Yolin, D.D.S.
1842 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02146
(617) 730-8989
a mercury free office
Margo Roman D.V.M. is a 1978 graduate of
Tuskegee Veterinary School. She interned at
Angell Memorial and was on the teaching staff
Main Street Animal
at Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine. She
Services of Hopkinton
studied homeopathy with Luc DeShepper of
the Renaissance Institute of Classical
Homeopathy. Dr. Roman is a member of the
Homeopathic, Holistic &
American Veterinary Medical Association and
the American Holistic Veterinary Medical
Traditional Veterinary Medicine
Association as well as International Veterinary
Acupuncture Society and Massachusetts
Margo Roman, D.V.M.
We are truly a whole health center, Veterinary Medical Association. Dr. Roman has
also offering surgery, diagnostics, completed Tufts Veterinary advanced Herbal (508) 435-4077 or (508) 435-MASH
and Chiropractic courses.
vaccination/titering, and x-Rays.
72W. Main St. - Hopkinton, MA
At M.A.S.H. we feel that complementary
Main St. Animal Services of Hopkinton medicine is state of the art health care for
your pet. We offer homeopathy, acupuncture, nutrition, chiropractic care, body
work, physical therapy, and Reiki as part
of your pet’s whole health program. Our
caring staff is dedicated to guiding you
toward total health for your pet.
Now offerinig ozone therapy.
Est. 1983
Please call for a holistic consultation today!
Experience The Healing Power of
Christ Church Unity
is affiliated with Unity
School of Christianity ,
Music, Prayer & Meditation
Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.
Sunday Service
Daily Word Discussion Sundays
11:00 AM
10:00 AM
publisher of the Daily
Word and Silent Unity
Cnr. Colchester & Chapel Sts.
Brookline, MA 02446
(at the Longwood T on the Green Line
D Train)
Listen to Our Radio Program “Peace Be Still”
Sundays 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m
Christ Church Unity
WBIX 1060 AM
New Zealand Native, Shannar, has traveled
extensively throughout the world sharing her gifts
of the Sacred Language of Light. From a very
early age Shannar was aware that the other
realms were contacting and working with her,
this began her own spiritual journey into the other
worlds through Clairvoyance/Clairaudience and
Mediumship for Grief Therapy. Her psychic ability has touched the hearts of all her clients both in
the USA and Overseas and her varied live experiences have greatly assisted those that have
sought her Life Coaching methods.
The Sacred Language of Light is a very special
tool for resolving our patterns by connecting with the
cellular memory and healing the agreements that we
made in this and past lives. The Sacred Language of
Light comes through in the special pieces of symbolic art form known as the pictographs. Each pictograph is a Star Gate Map into our cellular encodings and contains Sacred Geometry, Symbols,
Musical Harmonics, Ancient and Star Languages.
Shannar is able to speak the Sacred Language,
hears the stories in poetry form and performs the
pictograph symbols with her hands.
Life Coaching
Grief Counseling
For further information:
PSYCHICS continued
Astrologer and Clairvoyant – Serena Wright-Taylor
Serena gives readings that touch your
soul. She blends the ancient wisdom of
Vedic astrology with her remarkable intuition to help you use perfect timing to bring
joy and fruition to all areas of your life.
She is highly sought after by celebrities,
business executives, speakers, and authors.
She has made numerous appearances on
TV and radio and you may have recently
heard her name on Coast to Coast AM.
Serena has been gifted since childhood
with the ability to see many dimensions of
life. She has spent many years in spiritual
practice and enjoys working on her own
healing and evolvement so that her service
to others is of the highest quality.
Serena gives readings by
telephone all over the country.
Serena Wright-Taylor
“Serena’s work is extraordinary—a stunning
blend of mind, heart, and soul.” Says Judith
Orloff, M.D., author and clairvoyant psychiatrist
Become the change
you want to see
in the world.
Become who you are
Let me guide you in life-changing
Lacanian analytic sessions. Learn
more how to hear your soul speak
rather than your ego so that you
can place this deepest knowing
at the center of your life.
• Relationship issues
• Grief
• Loneliness
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Divorce
• Career Issues
• Trauma
• Spiritual Crises
• Weight Loss
Therapy Should Take Hours Not Years
Read What Former Clients Say About Ross Miller
Migraines, a Thing of the Past...
“I can’t believe you got rid of my migraines. At
first I didn’t believe you when you said it was
due to a past life when I was a soldier and got
shot in the head. No wonder the doctors couldn’t help me.” —Donna M., Hartford, CT
Anger, Grief & Guilt Transformed...
“In the course of one (two-hour) session
with Ross, I was able to release and heal
the deep, dark feelings of anger, grief, guilt
and shame that had their origins in several of my past lives." —Brian D., Cranston, RI
Depression and Anxiety Attacks Gone...
“Dear Ross, I’m going to name my first child
after you. You’ve succeeded where 8 years of
therapists and innumerable pain medications
have failed. My depression and anxiety attacks
are gone, gone, gone. Forever grateful.”
—Roz S., Attleboro, MA
Fybromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Gone...
“By the end of the third healing session
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Harvard Square
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What is Regression Therapy? To go back
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(617) 527-3583
Email: [email protected]
Sonny is available for ongoing client-centered therapy in a compassionate setting
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Sonny Rose, M.A.C.P.
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With All Life
By Eckhart Tolle
Inspirational Selections from A New Earth
Selected Excerpts
large part of many people’s lives is consumed by an obsessive preoccupation with
things. Whatever the ego seeks and gets
attached to are substitutes for the Being that it cannot
feeL You can value and care for things, but whenever you get attached to them, you will know it’s the
ego. And you are never really attached to a thing but
to a thought that has “I,” “me,” or “mine” in it.
Whenever you completely accept a loss, you go
beyond ego, and who you are, the I Am which is consciousness itself, emerges.
the last moments of their life, they then also realize
that while they were looking throughout their lives
for a more complete sense of self, what they were
really looking for, their Being, had actually always
already been there, but had been largely obscured
by their identification with things, which ultimately
means identification with their mind.
To end the misery that has afflicted the human condition for thousands of years, you have to start with
yourself and take responsibility for your inner state at
any given moment. That means now. Ask yourself,
“Is there negativity in me at this moment?” Then,
become alert, attentive to your thoughts as well as
Many people don’t realize until they are on their your emotions. Watch out for the low-level unhappideathbed and everything external falls away that no ness in whatever form, such as discontent, nervousthing ever had anything to do with who they are. In ness, being “fed up,” and so on. Watch out for
the proximity of death, the whole concept of own- thoughts that appear to justify or explain this unhapership stands revealed as ultimately meaningless. In piness but in reality cause it. The moment you become
aware of a negative state within yourself, it
does not mean you have failed. It means that
you have succeeded. Until that awareness
happens, there is identification with inner
states, and such identification is ego.
With awareness”, comes disidentification
from thoughts, emotions, and reactions.
This is not to be confused with denial. The
thoughts, emotions, or reactions are recognized, and in the moment of recognizing,
disidentification happens automatically.
Your sense of self, of who you are, then
undergoes a shift: Before you were the
thoughts, emotions, and reactions; now you
are the awareness, the conscious Presence
that witnesses those states.
Emotions and even thoughts become depersonalized through awareness. Their impersonal
nature is recognized. There is no longer a self in
them. They are just human emotions, human
thoughts. Your entire personal history, which is ultimately no more than a story, a bundle of thoughts
and emotions, becomes of secondary importance
and no longer occupies the forefront of your consciousness. It no longer forms the basis for your
sense of identity. You are the light of Presence, the
awareness that is prior to and deeper than any
thoughts and emotions.
If in the midst of negativity you are able to realize
·”At this moment I am creating suffering for
myself” it will be enough to raise you above the
limitations of conditioned egoic states and reactions. It will open up infinite possibilities which
come to you when there is awareness—other vastly
more intelligent ways of dealing with any situation.
You will be free to let go of your unhappiness the
moment you recognize it as unintelligent.
Reprinted from Oneness With All Life, by Eckhart
Tolle, with permission from Plume Books.
Negativity is not intelligent. It is always of the ego.
Whenever you are in a negative state, there is
something in you that wants the negativity, that perceives it as pleasurable, or that believes it will get
you what you want. Otherwise, who would want to
hang on to negativity, make themselves and others
miserable, and create disease in the body? So,
whenever there is negativity in you, if you can be
aware at that moment that there is something in you
that takes pleasure in it or believes it has a useful
purpose, you are becoming aware of the ego directly.
The moment this happens, your identity has shifted
from ego to awareness. This means the ego is
shrinking and awareness is growing.
An Introduction to
The New Spooky
Way of Life!
By Dr. Fred Bell
emote viewing, paranormal experiences, absent healing, déjà vu and
many other out of the ordinary experiences are finally finding a common,
understandable and reasonable explanation. As a matter of fact, these phenomenon are now
being, although not fully understood, scientifically
accepted, by major collegiate, medical, scientific, and
governmental establishments.
I would venture to say, having worked in this field
myself for over thirty-five years, that, the governmental
establishment has had a bit of a handle on this for quite
some time. I have always said that the body is physical,
chemical, electrical—all of which were controlled by a
higher intelligence, which in my terminology was, for
many years, called, “the science of electrical precursation”. As time went on, classical physics and science
advanced from strong physical properties, to nuclear,
and finally became quantum. On the biological side, a
few years ago, Barry Sears wrote a book called The Zone
which became very popular. In it he introduced the
“eicosanoids” in which was the precursor to various
groups of “hormones”. I have long defined the hormone
as “The first Unit of Biochemistry that produces
In my brief description of how consciousness is brought
to conscious mind, a trail of events happens first. The
body absorbs Minerals that control 95% of all the body’s
metabolism. Minerals control enzymic functions that
latch proteins together, which daisy chain in neuro-hormones and other hormonal functions, such as energy and
sexual cycles. The entire process is governed by vibration, which now has micronized inself in to physics, and
is known as the “String Theory”, where vibration transmutes into matter. Within this process, Quantum bridges
appear, once called Einstein Rosen Bridges, which allow
particles to instanteanously move from one place to
another, called quantum teleportation. In nature, you can
witness this phenomenon as a large school of fish
instantly changing direction in perfect harmony, or a
large flight of birds may do the same.
With the quantum side of life becoming more readily
apparent to us, we begin to realize the very narrow bandwidth to which we have become accustomed and given
the term, life. For example sound as interpreted by most
humans is between approximately 80 Hz to 10 kHz,
depending upon the clarity of the immune system, which
is the foundation stone of consciousness. Yet sound itself
goes below 1 Hz and continues on well beyond 100 kHz,
which is a common communiqué frequency for dolphins
and whales. On the visual side, the average human see’s
between infrared (700 nm) and ultraviolet (400 nm). The
actual photon itself, which provides the instrument of
vision, is capable of frequencies far beyond the ones that
we see. Looking again at nature, the bee sees into the
infrared region, whereas the butterfly sees into the ultraviolet region. The infamous area known as the astral
plane, or place where we go during our dream state,
begins its vibratory frequency in the ultraviolet region
and continues on well into higher frequency ranges.
The next area of interest deals with quantum gravity
waves. Our entire reference of time is based on our terrestrial gravity waves. If we come in contact with another
strong planetary influence, its gravity waves will influence our perception of time. Most of you have probably
noticed by now that time appears to be speeding up. This
is due to the fact that we are quantumally becoming
aware of the influence of other strong gravity-creating
objects, existing in nearby space and time. An example
of this would be the dark star, and it’s circling planet,
Nibiru, which crosses our path every 3600 years.
Scientists, such as Doctor Kip Thorne, are currently
working on projects to measure these changes with a
program called LIGO (Laser Interferometer
Gravitational wave Observatory). For more information
see Kip currently holds the
Richard Feynman chair in theoretical physics. Doctor
Feynman, himself, was a leader in the opening salvo of
the study of quantum mechanics when he brought forth
the theory of QED (quantum electrodynamics) for
which he won a Nobel Peace Prize for in 1965.
Now, to follow through in the genre of quantum entanglement, lets look at a few basic concepts. Matter is the
present energy, posturing in time. Antimatter is the
opposite potential occurring just out of the present time.
Time therefore is a current within Akasha. Akasha is the
all-encompassing medium that underlies all things, as it
becomes all things. It contains within it a DNA-like
intelligence that can survive eternally through all forms
of creation that are called Big Bang’s, that eventually
collapse into a large Meta-verse’s and reemerge, having
gained intelligence and growth from prior incarnations
of itself. The Akashic records can be found in the Quartz
Kingdom in the form of crystals. Because of man’s constant growth in consciousness, this energy is transmitted
into Quartz, and as a result it grows .01% of its weight
every ten years—even when removed from the ground.
When a quartz crystal becomes entangled to its owner, it
often becomes clear, after having been originally found in
a cloudy state. In modern physics, Akasha is called real
vacuum. Nichola Tesla, a well known scientist at the turnof-the-20th century, called this the “original medium”.
Time therefore is a current within akasha that synchronizes itself in the quantum manner. The attraction of
matter and antimatter becomes the pathway of spirit;
spirit itself exists outside of the all-encompassing hologram of existence. Because Spirit had lessons to learn
wherein it could be trapped by ignorance, when the universe first formed, there was a larger balance of matter
than antimatter, therefore creating a matter universe.
Prayala, a Hindu term, is a place where the universe
was, before its creation. It is always accessible and present
as a pathway during quantum entanglement. Therefore
there is no distance between entangled quantum
pairs. Time here is seen as a magnetic element of the duration of strong and weak nuclear forces, thereby aligning
waves to be processed which are proportional to the
momentum of gravity, and the gravity of consciousness.
As conscious energy is forced into atomic structure, the
levels of the electron motion around the nucleus, protons, neutrons, etc., are forced into a rhythmic change,
releasing photons, which then change the bonding
action, which then institutes molecular (chemical)
change. This, then, causes interference patterns, which
determine all chemical systems. Following that, we have
in our bodies energy pathways called meridians.
Recently, science has discovered that these meridians
actually are physical microtubules that conduct energy
transfer instantaneously to all parts of the body simultaneously. Thus, when there is a quantum transfer, all parts
within a cell, all cells within an organism, receive this
intelligence at the same time, and at a speed well beyond
the speed of light. Simultaneously, the effector synaptic
sites in the brain begin to contract or expand, thereby
changing the size and shape of the molecules that they
process, so-called “effector proteins”, therefore shaping the hormonal structure, which then—as
stated earlier, hormones are the first
unit of chemistry to possess consciousness—creates a consciousness shift.
You can practice, by knowing with
absolute certainty who is calling you
when the telephone rings. Or you can
be certain that when something magical occurs in your life, that the entanglement process is the magic.
Gradually, you will develop a new
understanding of how the universe
We (Pyradyne) were leading the
curve on this science back in 1981
when we developed the “Nuclear
This may sound new to you at this
Receptor”. It became a tool for many
point but science has made this a front
Nuclear Receptor
thousands of people that were being
and center study. An example of
affected by the harshness of the toxically polluted envi- research going on along these lines can be found at
ronment, whereby radioactive water has been creating Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Group
breast cancer in human females, and prostate cancer in (PEAR), which has been active for over three decades
human males, satellite induced microwave warfare cre- under the aegis of Princeton University’s School of
ating mental health problems, and the list goes on. The Engineering
Nuclear Receptor ameliorates these effects.
Our first major breakthrough in quantum biology was
the creation of the Andromedian Projector which we
brought to the marketplace about four years ago. It clearly
demonstrated that once you are quantumally connected,
this becomes a permanent state. In remote healing, the
healer has to have a non-localized connection to his
patient. The process of making this connection is called
quantum tunneling. The tunneling process sometimes is
a process of trial and error. But once the process is complete, the entanglement process is initiated and the healer
and the patient become one. This allows a corrective
energy transfer directly to the DNA in cells of the person that is experiencing a non-harmonious condition in
the body requiring outside assistance, thus the healer.
This process also occurs when making a wish for something or someone. The first rule to start the entanglement
process is to go into the non-localized state. This means
you tell no one what your wish is. The second process is
the tunneling process, which falls in physics under the
Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This says that you can
locate something, and be able to determine where the
object is, but not the momentum of your energy towards
it. Or you may not be able to locate the object, but you
can determine your energy momentum towards it. I
know this may sound a little strange, but once you get
used to the principles involved it will be like second
nature. After you feel comfortable with either the location or the momentum, you have to let it go completely.
Again, this does take discipline, but the results are
100%, and the results of the action are instantaneous and
often overwhelming.
More information can be found in my new book, The
Inside Track: The Complete History of Science - and
how it became deadly on the watch of the One World
Order, and how to sidestep their activities, available at We can also discuss this on my
radio show, live on Thursdays at 5:00pm Pacific Time, at
Dr Fred Bell began his experience early, at the age of 14, at
the University of Michigan. His work there brought him into
the world of Nuclear Physics and the Paranormal. For the next
twenty years, he not only worked for the Government, but witnessed mind control programs, ET reverse engineering programs, and had a career with NASA. Following that, he spent
years with Tibetan Masters, founded Pyradyne, and currently
hosts a world wide radio program at For
more info type “Dr Fred Bell” in any search engine!
Excerpted from The Book of Stones,
by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian
Keyword: Expansion of awareness, activation of upper chakras in
conjunction with the heart
Element: Storm
Chakras: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th),
Transpersonal and Etheric
(8th through 14th)
Akashic records, ‘opening the files’ in
record keeper crystals, understanding the
messages of spirit guides, interpreting
oracles such as the tarot, and channeling
the messages of spirit beings. It can help
meditators make the quantum leap to
higher domains of consciousness, clearing any blockages in the third eye, crown
reedite crystallizes
white, colorless, orange
sometimes purple crystals. The
orange Creedites often form in
porcupine-like balls that bristle
with spiny crystals going out in
all directions. Creedite is a rare
mineral, and the best specimens
come primarily from Mexico.
The Orange Creedite ‘porcupines’ occur in the same mine in
Mexico where rare Pink
Fluorite is found.
One’s first impression of
Creedite is that it quickly and
powerfully activates the upper chakra energies, particularly the
third eye, crown chakra and
those above. There is a vivid
sense of expansion of one’s
field of awareness and a euphoria in which one experiences a
kind of floating uplifiment. As
one continues to resonate with
this stone, one senses a deepening of the connection down through the
body, particularly at the heart. This sensation signals an anchoring of the
expanded awareness into the heart,
which can bring a feeling of satisfaction
to the heart’s eternal yearning for full
connection with Spirit.
Creedite is an access-key stone for
all kinds of encoded spiritual information. It can assist one in attuning to the
chakra or the etheric chakras above the
head. Creedite is a stone of the Light of
the angelic realm, and it can help one
manifest that Light in one’s everyday life.
For some people, Creedite should be
used in conjunction with grounding
stones such as Black Tourmaline. Those
who need this will know who they are,
because they will tend to float away and
have difficulty feeling fully in the body
after working with Creedite.
For opening the portals to the higher
spiritual realms, Creedite resonates well
with Azeztulite, Scolecite, Phenacite,
Natrolite, Clear Apophyllite and/or
Herderite. Jet and Black Tourmaline help
those working with Creedite to purify
their energy fields and stay grounded.
Combining Carnelian, Orange Calcite,
Zincite and/or Amber with
orange Creedite will
increase its enhancement
of one’s creative energies.
Creedite and Moldavite
work together to bring one
experiences of spiritual
awakening and transformation. Nuummite can be
used with Creedite to
ground one’s memories of
dreams and meditation
experiences and to bring
Light into experiences of
spiritual darkness.
Creedite’s powerful
frequency immediately
begins resonating through
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frequency of the energetic field.
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More Productive
niversity of Utah researchers will inject
cool water and pressurized water into a
“dry” geothermal well during a five-year,
ten-point-two million dollar study aimed
at boosting the productivity of geothermal power plants and making them feasible nationwide.
“Using these techniques to increase pathways in the
rock for hot water and steam would increase availability
of geothermal energy across the country,” says geologist
Ray Levey, director of the Energy & Geoscience
Institute (EGI), which is part of the university’s College
of Engineering.
EGI geologist Joe Moore—who will head the
research effort at U.S. Geothermal Inc.’s Raft River
power plant in southeast Idaho—says most geothermal
power in the United States now is produced west of the
Rocky Mountains, where hot rocks are found closest to
the surface.
“Hot rock is present across the United States, but
new methods have to be developed to use the heat in
these rocks to produce geothermal power,” says Moore.
“We want to use oil and gas industry techniques to cre-
ate pathways in the rock so that we can use the heat in
the rocks to generate electricity.”
“There’s incredible potential in Utah and other states
for geothermal development,” he adds. “Engineered geothermal systems [in which water is injected to enhance
natural cracks in the rock] could provide a means of
developing these resources much faster.”
The U.S. Department of Energy on September 4th
signed an agreement with the University of Utah and
EGI to pay almost seven-point-four million dollars of
the project’s cost.
The University of Utah is providing one-point-one
million dollars through the Office of the Vice President
for Research. Another one-point-seven million dollars
will be provided by discounts or cash or in-kind donations by two of EGI’s partners in the project: U.S.
Geothermal, Inc. of Boise, and Apex HiPoint, LLC, of
Littleton, Colo.
Moore says the university’s contribution will help
fund involvement of graduate and undergraduate students from the College of Engineering and College of
Mines and Earth Sciences.
Experiment at Raft River
“We’re going to take a geothermal field and improve its
productivity,” Moore says.
“We’re going to test the techniques on one well at Raft
River. We’re testing methods
to take wells that are not productive and make them productive.”
Department of Energy did
geothermal research for three
decades at the site, located
eleven miles from Interstate
84 in southeast Idaho,
halfway between Boise and
Salt Lake City. Raft River is
now a U.S. Geothermal
power plant producing 10.5
to 11.5 megawatts of electricity—enough for roughly ten
thousand homes. The power
is sold to Idaho Power Co.
Some estimate the site
may be capable of producing
110 megawatts of power.
Researchers believe production can be increased because
underground temperatures
measure 275 to 300 degrees
Fahrenheit at depths of four
thousand five-hundred to six
thousand feet.
The Raft River plant currently has five “production”
wells that produce geothermal energy and four “injection” wells where water from
the production wells is returned to the underground
geothermal reservoir. Water must be re-injected to maintain pressure in a geothermal power system.
One well drilled in recent years did not produce
enough hot water to be used as a production well
because it did not connect with enough of the underground cracks that carry the hot water.
“Geothermal wells are like oil wells—some wells
produce and some don’t,” Moore says. “Drilling wells is
expensive. That is why we need to develop low-cost
techniques to improve their productivity.”
If the experiments run by EGI work, U.S.
Geothermal eventually will operate the test well and put
it into service.
Stimulating Geothermal Power
by Cracking Hot Rock
To produce geothermal power, hot rock is not enough.
The rock also must be permeable to the flow of water
and-or steam, says John McLennan, an engineer at EGI.
Many geothermal reservoirs have heat, but the rock is
impermeable, which is the problem at the Raft River
well known as RRG-9.
Continued on page 74
Deep Solar Minimum
The sunspot cycle is behaving a little like the stock market.
Just when you think it has hit bottom, it goes even lower.
Above: The sunspot cycle from 1995 to the present. The jagged curve traces actual
sunspot counts. Smooth curves are fits to the data and one forecaster’s predictions of
future activity. Credit: David Hathaway, NASA/MSFC.
008 was a bear. There were no sunspots
observed on 266 of the year’s 366 days (seventy-three percent). To find a year with more
blank suns, you have to go all the way back
to 1913, which had 311 spotless days: plot.
Prompted by these numbers, some observers suggested
that the solar cycle had hit bottom in 2008.
Maybe not. Sunspot counts for 2009 have dropped
even lower. As of March 31st, there were no sunspots on
seventy-eight of the year’s ninety days (eighty-seven
It adds up to one inescapable conclusion: “We’re
experiencing a very deep solar minimum,” says solar
physicist Dean Pesnell of the Goddard Space Flight
“This is the quietest sun we’ve seen in almost a
century,” agrees sunspot expert David Hathaway of the
Marshall Space Flight Center.
Quiet suns come along every eleven years or so. It’s a
natural part of the sunspot cycle, discovered by German
astronomer Heinrich Schwabe in the mid-1800s.
Sunspots are planet-sized islands of magnetism on the
surface of the sun; they are sources of solar flares,
coronal mass ejections and intense UV radiation.
Plotting sunspot counts, Schwabe saw that peaks of
solar activity were always followed by valleys of relative calm—a clockwork pattern that has held true for
more than two hundred years: plot.
The current solar minimum is part of that pattern. In
fact, it’s right on time. “We’re due for a bit of quiet—and
here it is,” says Pesnell.
But is it supposed to be this quiet? In 2008, the sun
set the following records:
A fifty-year low in solar wind pressure: Measurements
by the Ulysses spacecraft reveal a twenty percent drop in
solar wind pressure since the mid-1990s—the lowest
point since such measurements began in the 1960s. The
solar wind helps keep galactic cosmic rays out of the
inner solar system. With the solar wind flagging, more
cosmic rays are permitted to enter, resulting in increased
health hazards for astronauts. Weaker solar wind also
means fewer geomagnetic storms and auroras on Earth.
A twelve-year low in solar “irradiance”: Careful
measurements by several NASA spacecraft show that
the sun’s brightness has dropped by 0.02% at visible
wavelengths and 6% at extreme UV wavelengths since
the solar minimum of 1996. The changes so far are not
enough to reverse the course of global warming, but
there are some other significant side-effects: Earth’s
upper atmosphere is heated less by the sun and it is
therefore less “puffed up.” Satellites in low Earth orbit
experience less atmospheric drag, extending their operational lifetimes. Unfortunately, space junk also remains
longer in Earth orbit, increasing hazards to spacecraft
and satellites.
A fifty-five-year low in solar radio emissions: After
World War II, astronomers began keeping records of the
sun’s brightness at radio wavelengths. Records of 10.7
cm flux extend back all the way to the early 1950s.
Above – Chart: Space-age measurements of the total solar irradiance (brightness summed
across all wavelengths). This plot, which comes from researcher C. Fröhlich, was shown by
Dean Pesnell at the Fall 2008 AGU meeting during a lecture entitled “What is Solar Minimum
and Why Should We Care?”
Radio telescopes are now recording the dimmest
“radio sun” since 1955. Some researchers believe that
the lessening of radio emissions is an indication of
weakness in the sun’s global magnetic field. No one is
certain, however, because the source of these longmonitored radio emissions is not fully understood.
All these lows have sparked a debate about
whether the ongoing minimum is “weird”, “extreme”
or just an overdue “market correction” following a
string of unusually intense solar maxima.
“Since the Space Age began in the 1950s, solar
activity has been generally high,” notes Hathaway.
“Five of the ten most intense solar cycles on record
have occurred in the last fifty years. We’re just not used
to this kind of deep calm.”
Deep calm was fairly common a hundred years
ago. The solar minima of 1901 and 1913, for
instance, were even longer than the one we’re experiencing now. To match those minima in terms of depth
and longevity, the current minimum will have to last
at least another year.
In a way, the calm is exciting, says Pesnell. “For the
first time in history, we’re getting to see what a deep
solar minimum is really like.” A fleet of spacecraft
including the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
(SOHO), the twin STEREO probes, the five THEMIS
probes, Hinode, ACE, Wind, TRACE, AIM, TIMED,
Geotail and others are studying the sun and its effects on
Earth 24/7 using technology that didn’t exist a hundred
years ago. Their measurements of solar wind, cosmic
rays, irradiance and magnetic fields show that solar minimum is much more interesting and profound than anyone expected.
soho mdi 10/03/09
Modern technology cannot, however, predict what
comes next. Competing models by dozens of top solar
physicists disagree, sometimes sharply, on when this
solar minimum will end and how big the next solar maximum will be. Pesnell has surveyed the scientific literature and prepared a “piano plot” showing the range of
predictions. The great uncertainty stems from one simple fact: No one fully understands the underlying
physics of the sunspot cycle.
Pesnell believes sunspot counts will pick up again
soon, “possibly by the end of the year,” to be followed
by a solar maximum of below-average intensity in 2012
or 2013.
But like other forecasters, he knows he could be
wrong. Bull or bear? Stay tuned for updates.
Reprinted from [email protected]
Above: An artist’s concept of NASA’s Solar
Dynamics Observatory. Bristling with
advanced sensors, “SDO” is slated to
launch later this year—perfect timing to
study the ongoing solar minimum.
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Geothermal.. Continued from page 68
The experiment will try to make RRG-9 into an
effective injection well because U.S. Geothermal must
inject more water into the ground to increase the productivity of its existing production wells. Moore says all
the water-injection “stimulations” will be done during
2010, with the well monitored over the rest of the fiveyear study period. All the water will come from production wells, not from streams.
Researchers will first let cold water flow into the hot
rocks around the six thousand-foot-deep well, hoping to
crack them extensively, and then pump water into the
ground under high pressures to force the cracks to open
wider. The goal of this “hydraulic stimulation” is to create a network of underground conduits that connect the
well with underground cracks that already carry hot
“When the cold water reaches the hot rock it will
crackle,” Moore says. “Stimulation is the process of generating new cracks.”
Apex Petroleum Engineering, Inc. of Englewood,
Colo., will help design the water injection operations to
create “hydraulic fractures.” Apex HiPoint’s monitoring
equipment will listen to microseismic activity in the
rural area to determine the extent of the cracking and
thus the growth of the underground geothermal reservoir. Groundwater flow and pressures will be monitored.
Moore says three “stimulations” will occur. During
the first two, relatively cool water (40 to 135 degrees
Fahrenheit) will flow into the well to crack the rock at a
depth of six thousand feet. Then, a third “stimulation”
will involve pumping large volumes of water into the
well at high pressure to expand the cracks and keep them
open to the flow of water and steam.
The lower half of the well is uncased by piping. The
researchers will insert more piping so that the injected
water will flow to the depths where it is needed.
McLennan says semi-sized trucks carrying large
pumps will come to the well site and may pump as much
as 4,200 gallons of water per minute into the ground during each “stimulation.” The total amount injected “could
be on the order of 1 million gallons” for each of three
“stimulations,” he adds.
The goal, says Moore, is “to create a complex fracture network over an extensive area.”
The Department of Energy wants to develop methods
that can “stimulate” geothermal production in various
geological environments with various rock types, Moore
says. If the techniques used at Raft River prove effective,
they could be used anywhere rock is hot.
“It will definitely be an advantage to Raft River if
they can improve the productivity of the well, but the
Department of Energy is funding this as a research program because hot rock exists
everywhere,” Moore says.
Geoscience Institute is a
contract research organization. Levey says that in
terms of the number of participating companies, EGI is
the largest university-based
research consortium working with the energy exploration and production industry. In addition to their positions at EGI, Levey and
Moore are research professors of civil and environmental engineering at the
University of Utah, and
McLennan is a research professor of chemical engineering and civil and environmental engineering.
Reprinted from U News Center,
The University of Utah.