our winners 2012-2013 - Lauder


our winners 2012-2013 - Lauder
The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation
celebrated its 25-year anniversary
Berlin, October 23-24, the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation
celebrated its 25-year anniversary with leaders of Jewish
communities, as well as European, American, and Israeli
state officials
President&Founder Ronald S. Lauder with Tova Ben NunCherbis, President&Founder of the Romanian affiliate
Over the course of two October days, Berlin
hosted a remarkable event of significant importance
for Jewish education on the European continent:
the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation celebrated 25
years of existence, dedicated to revitalizing and
perpetuating Jewish education in Central and
South-East Europe, the regions that were most
devastated by the Nazi and Communist regimes.
Starting in the 1980’s, the Ronald S. Lauder
Foundation succeeded in reestablishing Jewish
education in 13 Central and East European
countries. It founded 40 kindergartens, schools,
and universities, which have been attended by
over 35,000 Jewish students over the last quarter
The event in Berlin gathered together all
national project directors - Romania was represented
by Tova Ben-Nun Cherbis, the president and
manager of the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation
and the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex in
Bucharest. It also brought together the presidents
of 13 European Jewish communities (including
Russia) of which the Foundation is present, as
well as the presidents of the main Jewish-American
communities. Israeli officials and members of the
German parliament also attended the event.
The Federation of the Jewish Communities
in Romania was represented by its vice president,
Mr. Paul Schwartz. He was extended an exclusive
invitation to have breakfast with Mr. Ronald
S. Lauder. During this time, they discussed the
collaboration between the Ronald S. Lauder
Foundation and the Federation of the Jewish
Communities. They both expressed their support
and satisfaction regarding the collaboration
between the two institutions. Mr. Paul Schwartz
pointed out that, during its 16 years of activity, the
Lauder-Reut Educational Complex established in
Bucharest by the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation,
has become an elite educational institution that
surpassed initial expectations and has turned
itself into a benchmark of quality and good
entrepreneurial private education practices.
The events and anniversary ceremonies
included the rededication of the historical Jewish
school Rykestrasse-Lauder Beth Zion, the gala
dinner in honor of the founder and president of
the Foundation, Ronald S. Lauder, and the festivity
dedicated to establishing a new educational center
in Central Europe.
The most impressive moment in the program
was led by student representatives from the 13
countries in the Lauder educational network. They
told family stories that intertwined their narrative
with that of the schools that host them, offering
the support and the tools they need in order to
cultivate their Jewish identities.
Eng. Paul Schwartz, VP of the Jewish Federation Romania,
Rabbi Joshua Spinner, Executive VP&CEO of the Ronald S.
Lauder Foundation and Tova Ben Nun-Cherbis
POLAND: April 7th-9th, 2013: For the
second consecutive year, the Ronald S.
Lauder Foundation brought together
Romanian high school students to
participate in “March of the Living”
The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation in Romania, in collaboration
with Sector 3 City Hall, the Jewish Community Federation, the
Bucharest School Inspectorate, and the Elie Wiesel National Institute
for Holocaust Studies, organized a special event for five Bucharest high
schools and for students from the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex:
the second trip to March of the Living International.
The Romanian delegation was made up of 31 students and teachers
from Lauder-Reut, CN Mihai Viteazu, CN Matei Basarab, Alexandru
Ioan Cuza, Decebal, and Benjamin Franklin high schools.
All the students were History enthusiasts and many of them
received recognition in History Olympiads. They were accompanied
by their teachers and by Mrs. Tova Ben Nun Cherbis, president of
the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation in Romania and of the LauderReut Educational Complex, but also by prominent members of the
Romanian government and the Jewish Community Federation, and
by teams of journalists from Pro TV, Realitatea TV, B1 TV, and “Ziua
si Realitatea Evreiasca”.
Carmen Bejinaru,
Projects Director & PR
BA, LLB, University of Bucharest
continued in page 3
Congrats to our Magna Cum Lauders!
The Romanian delegation joined the 10,000 participants
from all over the world who experienced hands-on learning
about a uniquely-atrocious event in the history of humanity. They
commemorated the victims of the Holocaust through emotional
ceremonies, visited concentration and extermination camps, old
Jewish quarters and ghettos, as well as religious and commemorative
continued in page 5
Cristina Georgiana Popa
BA - University of Michigan, 2010
English Teacher
THE lauder friendship gala
of the future building for the
Lauder-Reut High School.
Many of our students –
primary school, middle school,
and high school- were given
prizes during the Friendship Gala
for their “Magna Cum Lauder”
academic performances, by the
Ronald S. Lauder Foundation.
The prizes were awarded by
Prof. Ecaterina Andronescu, the
Minister of Education, and by Mr.
Robert Negoita, Sector 3 mayor.
Mayor Robert Negoiță & President Tova Ben-Nun Cherbis,
awarding one of our many winners
His Excellency, Mr. Dan Ben
Eliezer, the Israeli ambassador
The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation in
Romania – president Tova Ben Nun Cherbis, to Romania, awarded prizes to students with
together with Prof. Ecaterina Andronescu, special performances in the Hebrew language,
PhD, Minister of Education and Mr. Robert while Prof. Constantin Trăistaru recognized
Negoita, Sector 3 mayor, students and teachers those with accomplishments in music and
at the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex arts.
In her speech, Mrs. Ecaterina Andronescu
- celebrated the lighting of the 4th Hanukah
candle, as well as the Christmas candles, at the deemed the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex as an elite learning institution and one of
11th edition of the Lauder Friendship Gala.
The event took place in the
evening on Tuesday, December
11th, 2012 at the Marriott Hotel.
The program contained modern
and traditional dances and songs,
short plays, as well as music
and ballet recitals performed
by Lauder-Reut students. The
highlight of the evening was
the recital of the beloved Israeli
performers, from the Yiddishpiel
Theater in Tel-Aviv, Monica
Romanian Schools’ General Inspector, Constantin Trăistaru,
(Moldes) Vardimon & Anat
congratulating our students & staff
The fourth Hanukah candle was lit by the best schools in the country. Likewise, Mr.
the Tozman family, whose children attend Robert Negoita declared that Sector 3 City
the Lauder-Reut school. Mr. Robert Negoita, Hall supports and appreciates the quality of
Sector 3 mayor, lit the candles on the education offered at Lauder-Reut and showed
Christmas tree, as well as the scaled model his support for the extension of the LauderReut campus, in appreciation
for 16 years of continued quality education and a successful
future for its students.
The event was attended
by 350 people, including
members of the Presidential
diplomats (ambassadors from
Israel, Germany, Austria, Czech
Republic, and Netherlands),
and many others.
Message to the parents on
the occasion of the 11th
Friendship Gala
In the name of the Ronald
S. Lauder Foundation and
the Lauder-Reut Educational
Complex, thank you for
joining us for the 11th edition
of the Friendship Gala, on
the evening of December
11th, 2012.
Your involvement has
pleased and honored us at the
same time. We hope that you
had an enjoyable evening,
alongside our honorable guests, but especially alongside
Prof. Ecaterina Andronescu, Minister of National Education,
your multi-talented children
awarding our champions in school competitions
– out students. Above all else,
they are the ones who have entertained us, while making us feel happy and proud at
the same time. Once again, the quality of the education we strive to offer your children, their exceptional results, and your involvement as parents in supporting the
Ronald S. Lauder Foundation and the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex, were recognized by the Romanian authorities and the academic community.
In her message, Mrs. Ecaterina Andronescu deemed the Lauder-Reut Educational
Complex as an elite institution and one of the best schools in the country, congratulating
us for everything we do, for our exceptional results, and wishing us the best of luck in
the future. Likewise, Mr. Robert Negoita declared that Sector 3 City Hall supports and
appreciates the quality of education offered at Lauder-Reut and showed his support
for the extension of the Lauder-Reut campus, in appreciation for 16 years of continued
quality education and a successful future for its students.
We thank you warmly for
everything you’ve done and we
congratulate you for choosing
us to educate your children.
We are looking forward to seeing you again, at future editions
of the Lauder Friendship Gala.
Tova Ben-Nun Cherbis
President & Founder
The Ronald S. Lauder
Foundation Romania /
The Lauder-Reut
Educational Complex
THE lauder friendship gala
În fiecare an, Gala Prieteniei îi reuneşte pe aceia care şi-au dat mâna în realizarea
unuia dintre cele mai curajoase si puternice proiecte educaţionale din România. Sub egida
Fundaţiei Ronald S. Lauder şi având-o ca gazdă pe doamna presedinte Tova Ben NunCherbis, anul acesta festivitatea s-a desfăşurat la Hotel Marriott. Evenimentul a beneficiat de
prezenţa unor persoane importante din Ministerul Educaţiei, printre care doamna ministru
Ecaterina Andronescu, inspectori şi directori în inspectoratele de specialitate, oameni
politici, personalităţi din lumea culturii, părinti şi elevi de la Lauder-Reut.
În prim-planul evenimentului s-au aflat elevii de la Lauder-Reut, care învaţă zi de zi
aici pentru a deveni buni specialişti - mai ales în diplomaţie, media şi bussiness. Au fost
premiaţi şi felicitaţi atat de numerosii nostri campioni, care au obţinut premii şi menţiuni
speciale la olimpiadele si concursurile şcolare desfăşurate în anul 2011-2012. La rândul lor,
copiii au oferit invitaţilor un spectacol agreabil, alcătuit din momente de muzică şi de dans.
Atmosfera relaxată şi prietenoasă a încălzit inimile tuturor, în ciuda ninsorii si viscolului
puternic ce au luat în stăpânire Bucureştiul.
prof. Daniela Piţigoi
prof. Lavinia Petre
„Am fost la Gala Prieteniei cu ceilalţi colegi de clasă şi ne-am simţit foarte bine, urmărind
spectacolul organizat pentru acest eveniment. Unii dintre noi chiar au fost actori în acest
spectacol: la gimnastica ritmică, la dansuri israeliene, la pian. Alţi colegi au fost premiaţi
pentru rezultatele excelente obţinute pe parcursul anului în şcoală sau la concursuri din
afara şcolii.” (Anna
Maria Ligor, clasa
a VII-a)
„Gala Prieteniei
a fost, ca în fiecare an,
un eveniment foarte
interesant. În atmosfera veselă şi festivă
s-au desfăşurat spectacole, însă cel mai
mult m-a impresionat
olimpicilor.” (Irina Asandi, clasa a VII-a)
Nu la mare distanţă de şcoală se
află Hotelul Marriott – animat anual
de celebra Gală a Prieteniei, organizată
de nimeni alta decât Fundaţia Ronald
S. Lauder România.
„Tradiţia” spune că, dacă afară
ninge abundent şi nu poţi ajunge
acasă, Gala Prieteniei are cu siguranţă
loc. Ca orice eveniment important,
acesta este întâmpinat cu surle şi
trâmbiţe cu mult timp înainte.
Anual, şcoala Lauder îşi XIIth grade student David Morărescu - Ist prize at the Hebrew
demonstrează abilităţile artistice prin language contest, and one of the future undergraduates of the
intermediul cercurilor. Anul acesta nu Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy, Israel
a fost o excepţie de la această regulă nescrisă. Îndrumați de profesorii Rodica Doija, Victor
Diacicov, Bogdan Lifşin, Svetlana Zotina, Raluca Stefan şi Felicia Sebastian, elevii noștri au
impresionat audienţa. Doamna Ecaterina Andronescu şi domnul Robert Negoiţă au distins
invitaţii cu discursurile lor.
Într-un total spirit ecologic, dorim să nu uităm să prezentăm şi inovatorul patent a trei
copii din extraordinara clasă a VIII-a, printre care ne numărăm şi noi doi. Invenţia tinerilor
copii, ce viza captarea şi utilizarea energiei eoliene, a uimit publicul prin ingeniozitate şi
După acest moment deosebit au fost invitate pe scenă interpretele israeliene Monica şi
Anat. Odată ce recitalul a luat sfârşit, mândriile complexului Lauder, olimpicii naţionali, au
fost poftiţi pe scenă. Cei 20 de elevi care au excelat în domenii diverse au fost încântaţi de
noile lor tablete multimedia, primite cadou din partea complexului.
Seara a fost încheiată cu discursul Tovei Ben Nun-Cherbis, care le-a mulţumit invitaţilor
pentru prezenţa lor.
Fondurile strânse pe parcursul serii urmează să fie folosite pentru a clădi noul liceu
Lauder. Noi, elevii şcolii, dorim să le mulţumim părinţilor, copiilor, invitaţilor şi personalului
şcolii şi al hotelului pentru implicare, în speranţa că ne vom întâlni şi anul viitor, într-un
peisaj parcă desprins din poveşti, la Gala Prieteniei.
Teodora Ungureanu şi
Radu Tolontan
Clasa a VIII-a
The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation celebrates
its 25-year anniversary
continued from page 1
“I was our school student representative
for this anniversary and I call myself ‘the lucky
one’ for that reason.
For the first time in such an occasion, the
main act of the evening was created by the
children. Who were these children?
They were students from all the Lauder
Schools in Europe. One representative from
each school.
All of us told the stories of our families, our
Jewish communities and our Lauder Schools.
Togheter, we created the story of Lauder
Education in Europe in the last 25 years.
For me, taking part of such an event was
not only an honor but a great, beautiful experience too. I believe that meeting
new people ,and getting to know them ,is one of the most amazing things about
our lives.So,meeting and interacting with the other students,most of them close
to my age ,all from different parts of the world,was incredible. I made new friends
and exercised my Hebrew skills with some of them.I am happy to say that now i
have a friend in different capitals of Central Europe, which I am so excited to see
soon,in one of my trips.”
Mara Cristina, 11th grade
The Lauder-Reut Educational Complex in Bucharest,
Romania, was represented by Mara Cristina-Rosenfeld, the
descendent of a Jewish family from Moinesti of the Bacau
county, the small native shtetl of the regretted chief rabbi
Moses Rosen.
Mara has been studying at Lauder-Reut for 13 years.
She was three years old when she first began attending
our school and continues to study here, as an exceptional
11th grade student. In her speech, she talked about her
parents, who needed to come to Bucharest in order to
continue their studies and live among members of their
community. She talked about their joy in hearing that the
Ronald S. Lauder Foundation had established the first
Jewish kindergarten in Romania, after almost half a century
of interdictions and persecution.
Once Mara was old enough to
attend kindergarten, her parents
registered her for the school that
would become like a second home.
The program also included
the reunion of the national project
directors. Here, the Lauder-Reut
Educational Complex stood out
through the uniqueness, topicality,
and complexity of its educational
projects: the accreditation of studies
in the Hebrew language, starting
in kindergarten and ending with a
Hebrew Baccalaureate diploma (one
of a kind in Europe); the e-learning
platform for Hebrew and Judaic
tradition classes, mathematics,
biology, natural sciences, media
and communication, and English;
early education, accredited by the
Ministry of Education and elite
academic partners, in business, media, and diplomacy
(created using the multidisciplinary model of school
founder Ronald S. Lauder, famous diplomat and wellknown businessman who invests in European media); the
international project “March of the Living for Romania”,
Tova Ben-Nun Cherbis, Ronald S. Lauder & Paul Schwartz
dedicated to Holocaust studies; the 2Day Ambassador
project, an annual Lauder conference for promoting
diplomatic and international business studies for high
school students; the Cannes Lions project – participating
in the biggest advertisement and publicity festival; and
many others.
Last, but certainly not least, the entire team –
economic and educational- of the Foundation’s center
in Romania, as well the Lauder school and kindergarten,
were congratulated for their activity and exceptional
performance over the years.
Perhaps this is the reason why the cover of the
anniversary album created by the Ronald S. Lauder
Foundation shows a photograph of Lauder-Reut
kindergarten students preparing challah for Shabbat, in the
shape of the word LAUDER.
senior High School
The March of the Living International Project
Their journey began with a march, “March of the
Living”, along the notorious road from Auschwitz to
Birkenau. The march was homage to those who perished
in the Holocaust and a promise that the march of death
will be forever replaced by the march of the living.
The Ronald S. Lauder foundation initiated this
educational project –the only one of its kind in Romaniain order to educate young Romanians about the history
of the Holocaust in the places where it all took place, by
Holocaust survivors, in order to step into the future with
the conviction that these kinds of atrocities will never
happen again.
This trip was especially significant for Lauder-Reut
teachers and students because they were fortunate enough
to meet with the founder of the school, Mr. Ronald S.
Lauder. The meeting, which took place in the Auschwitz
concentration camp, was a true testament to the living
Jewish tradition, which will be forever perpetuated
through schools like the Lauder-Reut Educational
Complex, by remarkable people like Mr. Ronald S. Lauder.
At the end of the second edition, the project “March
of the Living” has thus far included over 12 high schools
in Bucharest.
“This event teaches the world a lesson: that society
has changed. It shows us the wrongs of the past so that we
won’t repeat them in the future. It gathers people from all
around the world to spend time together and show their
free will to pass through the gate to Auschwitz.” –Mihaela
Raileanu, CN Mihai Viteazu
7 years of Diplomacy and International
Relations at Lauder-Reut
Undoubtedly, a major strength of the Lauder Reut
High-School module of Diplomacy and International
Relations (DRI) is its solid practical component.
Periodic meetings with top-level diplomats
Apart from the classroom courses, the program includes
periodic meetings with top-level diplomats (among whom
were, this year only, the ambassadors of the United States,
Israel and Argentine, as well as the Chinese Embassy’s
cultural attaché), students’ participation in academic
conferences on International Politics and multiple MUN
(Model United Nations) events, in Romania and abroad,
as well as study trips to Brussels and in Israel.
2Day Ambassador - The Lauder Conference on
Diplomacy & Int’l Affairs for high schools
The yearly apex
of the Diplomacy
and International
Relations program
Ambassador event.
This year, it took
place on March 13
and 14. It was am
ample and elaborate
undertaking, which
Matthijs van Bonzel,
consisted in two
Netherlands ambassador to Romania
parts: first, on
March 13, visits by groups of Lauer Reut students to seven
embassies in Bucharest – Argentina, Czech Republic,
Germany, Israel, The Netherlands, South Africa and the
United States. Other than general information about the
embassies’ day-to-day work and challenges, the students
topics high on the
agenda of bilateral
relations between
those respective
on March 14, at
the Parliament
Palace, in the Daniel Apostol, general director Money Channel TV
presence of about 100 students of various Bucharest highschools and of high-raking executive and parliamentarian
officials (including the Ministers of Education and
Research, and of Culture) the previous days’ knowledge
was synthetically presented within a mock diplomatic
conference: mandated representatives of each group gave
brief presentations of their established topics, acting as
diplomats of those respective countries. The presentations
were ranked by a public vote, on a ballot system. The
first three places were rewarded with valuable books on
diplomacy and international affairs.
A Public Speaking Module
Yet this one-hour long diplomatic session was itself
only a part of a larger Public Speaking module, which
also included an outstanding workshop led by two
world-class Debate experts from the Inter-Disciplinary
Center of Herzliya (Israel). Besides, the day’s program
included a rich array of talks regarding International
Politics and Diplomacy. Representatives of the several
foreign diplomatic missions were present in the audience,
including the ambassadors of The Netherlands and South
A Yearly Study Trip to the European Parliament
And there is more. The yearly study trip to the European
Parliament in Brussels took place in May.
A Lauder Model United Nations Conference
& the Annual Awarding Ceremony
at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
In May 29th and 30th, the first dedicated Lauder Reut
Model United Nations (MUN) conference was organized
in cooperation with UN Youth Association of Romania.
This was also part of the closing project of the School’s
Diplomacy & Int’l Relations module, which ended
ceremoniously, according to a 7 years-long tradition, in
the Gafencu Hall at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
All in all, Diplomacy and International Relations at
Lauder Reut has grown into a remarkably articulated and
attractive educational program, through which students
acquire and train skills and knowledge valuable to a
diversity of walks of life.
Radu Dudau, PhD
Associate professor, teacher of Diplomacy &
International Relations
senior High School
Diplomacy&International Affairs Studies
2Day Ambassador Conferința Lauder de
diplomație și afaceri
internaționale pentru
elevii de liceu
Liceenii şi elevii clasei a VIII-a din Complexul
Educaţional Lauder-Reut au luat parte la un eveniment
deosebit de important pentru elevii din Bucureşti,
Conferința Lauder 2Day Ambassador.
March 12-14th, 2013. The Second Edition of the
Lauder Conference on Diplomacy and International
Affairs for High School Students, was held
Bucharest high school students, ambassadors for two days
Remus Pricopie, Minister of Education
Evenimentul a avut loc în hotelul Marriott şi a constat
în discuţii despre situaţia din Orientul Apropiat, având
în vedere starea situaţională a Israelului şi relaţiile sale cu
ţările arabe vecine. De asemenea, copiii au participat la o
prezentare despre diplomaţie şi arta dezbaterii.
Invitat special
a fost domnul Jonathan Fine, profesor
la Institutul Herzlyia din Israel şi
expert în relaţiile
Israelului cu ţările
vecine. În urma
discuţiei cu domnul Fine, elevii au
ascultat prezentarea a doi absolvenţi
ai Institutului Herzlyia,
experţi în dezbatere, iar elevilor leau fost date sfaturi
Daniel Constantin Barbu,
Minister of Culture
pentru a putea avea
o dezbatere coerentă şi eficientă.
În urma celor două evenimente, copiii au avut
oportunitatea de a discuta personal cu cei trei invitaţi
despre diplomaţie şi despre arta vorbitului.
În următoarele doua zile de activități, colegii noștri
mai mari din liceul Lauder-Reut au efectuat câte o zi de
practică la sediile a șapte ambasade străine importante,
apoi au participat la workshopuri, întâlniri și dezbateri cu
oameni foarte importanți, la Palatul Parlamentului.
Pentru noi proiectul, 2 Day Ambassador a fost o
experienţă educativă care ne-a dat şansa de a fi alături de
alţi elevi din şcoli şi licee de elită din Bucureşti.
Andrei Pintea, clasa a VIII-a
Between March 12th and 14th, 2013, Lauder-Reut high school
students, together with students from 12 other schools and high
schools in Bucharest, participated in the second edition of the
“2Day Ambassador” Conference, dedicated to diplomacy and
international affairs.
On the last day of the conference, in the magnificent Duca
Hall of the Parliament building, participants heard speeches
about diplomacy and public communication, from prominent
experts in the field: Remus Pricopie, Minister of Education;
Daniel Constantin Barbu, Minister of Culture; Bogdan Aurescu,
Secretary of State for Strategic Affairs within the Romanian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Bogdan Prisecaru, adviser to the
adjunct director of the Romanian Secret Service (SRI); and his
Excellency Mr. Dan Ben Eliezer, Israeli ambassador to Romania.
Tova Ben Nun-Cherbis, president of the Ronald S. Lauder
Foundation in Romania, thanked the participants for accepting
to mentor those students interested in a career in diplomacy.
65 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and Israel
Bogdan Aurescu congratulated the participants for choosing
a diplomatic career so early in life and explained that international relations have become incredibly dynamic. The Secretary
of State also mentioned that this year marks 65 years of uninterrupted diplomatic relations between Romania and Israel,
and that Romania is the only country in Central Europe that
has maintained uninterrupted relations with Israel. At the same
time, His Excellency Dan Ben Eliezer, Israeli ambassador to
Romania, reaffirmed the
fact that Israel is an important partner for Romania and that Romania
is an equally important
partner for Israel. His
that he wants to act as
a connection between
young generations in
these two partner countries.
Bogdan Aurescu also talked to the students about the
qualities of a good diplomat, explaining that diplomacy is a
career that is hard to learn and that it’s difficult to enumerate
the qualities a person needs in order to be a successful diplomat.
“Where there’s a will, there’s a way”, explained the Secretary of
It’s easier for a country to take action when part of an alliance
Mr. Pieter Andries Swanepoel, South African ambassador to Romania
& Tova Ben Nun-Cherbis, President of the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex
Bogdan Prisecaru, adviser to the adjunct director of the
Romanian Secret Service (SRI), told the students that he wishes
he had been offered their same opportunities when he was
young. Additionally, he explained that it is easier for a country
to take action when part of an alliance. “It is more fruitful to take
action together than individually”, declared Bogdan Prisecaru. Ecaterina Andronescu, ex-Minister of Education,
concluded the ceremony. During the conference, students learned about the daily
lives of diplomats, the satisfactions of this profession, and had
the chance to participate in interactive workshops where they
were the diplomats.
The conference was organized by the Ronald S. Lauder
Foundation in Romania - the Lauder-Reut Educational
Complex - and took place under the patronage of the
Romanian Parliament, the Chamber of Deputies, the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National
Education, the Ministry of Culture, Sector 3 City Hall, the
Bucharest School Inspectorate, as well as the Israel, USA,
Argentina, Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic, and
South Africa embassies in Bucharest. The event was aimed at promoting the study of diplomacy,
public communications, and international business among
all high school students. Among those invited to talk to the
students about what it means to be an ambassador, as well
as about the challenges and satisfactions of this career, were
Jonathan Fine, academic adviser at the prestigious Lauder School
of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy (the Interdisciplinary
University Center in Herzliya, Israel), international expert in
anti-terrorism and security; Bogdan Aurescu, Secretary of State
for Strategic Affairs within the Romanian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs; Bogdan Prisecaru, adviser to the adjunct director of
the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI); Daniel Constantin
Barbu, Minister of Culture; as well as their Excellencies Mr.
Dan Ben Eliezer, Israeli ambassador to Romania, Mr. Pieter
Andries Swanepoel, South African ambassador to Romania,
Matthijs van Bonzel, Dutch ambassador to Romania, Josef C.
Karl, adjunct to Germany’s diplomatic mission to Romania,
and Gabriel Eduardo Puente, adviser for the Argentinian
Embassy in Romania. The students also learned about
diplomacy and public communication from Alon van Dam
and Ben Gladnikoff - international champions in debate/
public speaking competitions - both graduates of the Lauder
School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy.
Carmen Bejinaru
With Dr. Jonathan Fine, academic adviser at the prestigious
Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy (Israel),
Alon van Dam and Ben Gladnikoff - international champions
in debate/public speaking competitions
4 Years of Academic PArtnership
The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Six students from Lauder-Reut High School and
their mentoring teacher represented Romania in the final
stage of the applied physics competition, organized by the
prestigious Weizmann Science Institute in Israel.
The Romanian students’ project was one of 42 projects
that advanced to the final stage, from a total of 90 projects
submitted to the competition. For almost two decades, the Weizmann Science
Institute has been organizing annual applied physics and
science competitions for high school students from all
over the world. The theme of the contest is cooperation
in building a safe with a lock that can be opened by teammembers in less than 10 minutes, but that can also resist
adversary teams’ attempts to break in for over 10 minutes.
Students use simple materials and physics principles in
order to plan and build this safe.
The jury, which is made up of university professors and
scientists, choose the winner based on the safe’s resistance,
its originality, the efficiency of the utilized concepts, and
visual aspect. The six participating students from Lauder-Reut High
School, grades IX through XI, were: Costin Stet, Oana
Erbasu, Robin Scrieciu, Tomer Mozafi, Mihai Vrabie, and
Andrei Florescu. Mentored by their Physics teacher, Mr.
Teodor Florea, this team of students created a safe using
geometrical optics and mechanical conservation (Gauss’
tunnel) principles. The design of the safe was original,
inspired from themes in Star Trek.
The results obtained by the Lauder-Reut students in
this international contest of applied sciences, organized by
the Weizmann Institute in Israel, is a testament to their
constant presence in international academic competitions.
In fact, Lauder-Reut High School is the only high school
that represents Romania in international contests organized
by the Weizmann Science Institute, beginning with the
2011-2012 school year.
This year, our partnership with the Weizmann
Institute has continued to include 20 middle school
students, who are registered for math and sciences online
clubs: Math by Mail and Science by Mail. Between April
13 and 19, these participating students will visit the
Weizmann Institute as part of a themed science camp
“Science Camp”. This is the third year when our students
are able to take advantage of all the institute has to offer.
The warm welcome they received last year, the opportunity
to meet prominent scientists (notably, Ada Yonath, Nobel
Prize winner in crystallography), and the experiments in
which they participated, which put their knowledge and
imagination to the test - all these aspects brought massive
interest from students this year. The online clubs have
extended to include weekly chats about math and sciences,
accompanied by daily “open-ended” problems that tickle
the students’ curiosity and creativity.
Our students’ success (middle school and high school)
is the result of their hard and constant work at the LauderReut Educational Complex, mentored by wonderful people
who have dedicated themselves to molding young minds.
Our partnership with the Weizmann Institute represents a
bridge to new ways of learning.
The Lauder Reut Young Researchers
– in Science Camp at the Weizmann
Institute of Science, Israel
Already a yearly traditionthis year our study trip to the
Weizmann Institute of Science
took place between 13-19 of
Thirteen students (5th, 6th
and 7th grade) and 5 teachers
– Cristina Păunescu, Marilena
Vîlciu, Ioana Rill, Claudia Voicu
and Yaron Darmon – have
participated to this visit.
Not only that we enjoyed
the real experience of Israel
- from ancient history to the
latest technology, from the
nature conquering to the
-200 m to +1000 m, from the
Holocaust tragedy to the joy of
the Independence Day, from the
drama of some people who fight
with the darkness and eternal
silence to their humor which
provoked laughter through our
tears, but...
In the Weizmann Institute of Science, our students
had the opportunity to interact with well known
scientists and experts in Chemistry, Physics, Biology,
Mathematics, Ecology –who directly involved them
in different experimental activities and initiated the
children in the mysteries of research work.
With the help of an unusual interactive relation
student-teacher, innovative methods and key-questions,
both our students and teachers shaped and played with
polymers and glass, studied special microscopes, solved
puzzles of the mind, ate ice-cream made from liquid
nitrogen, launched rockets made by themselves (out of
soda bottles!). Through highly attractive experiments,
all our students understood the laws of physics; also, the
tour in the Garden of Science and all the activities from
Mini-Ecosphere had a great impact on them.
We hope that all our students and colleagues will
enjoy the same unique experience in the years to come.
Cristina Păunescu, BS, Teacher of Biology
Head of Biology & Science Department
Marilena Vîlciu, BS,
Head of the IT Department
EXChange programS with israel
Boker Tov Ve Shalom
Rav Bet Sefer, Ort Beniyamina!
It is a great honor for the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex to be here with you on this
very special day for all the Jewish people.
For all our students -from the 3 year olds in kindergarten to the 18 year olds- preparing
for bagrut be ivrit, Lauder-Reut is a piece of Israel where they can share and enjoy Jewish
traditions and culture. Every day we feel the strong connection to Eretz Israel through the
Jewish celebrations we have, the Hebrew language we study and the special projects we
develop- like March of the living (MITSAD HA HAIM) in Poland – just a week ago.
A very important part of our curriculum and identity, is the study of Jewish culturetraditions, language and its millenia history, including the history of modern Israel.
This very moment we speak, our students have a ceremony for YOM HAZIKARONremembering the great sacrifice of the Israeli soldiers for the State of Israel. Tomorrow they
will celebrate YOM HA ÁTZMAUT, singing, dancing and serving the Israeli traditional
food that is so widely tasted by people all over the world: HUMUS, PITA VE FALAFEL.
Despite the distance between Romania and Israel, our hearts are always close to your
hearts. We feel honoured and proud to be your guests today and to share with you these very
special moments. Thank you for this great opportunity!
Dear Ruth,
Now that we got back home and we started to build on the memories we gathered during our visit, let us take a moment
and acknowledge your effort to organize our stay there and to make us feel welcome. We would like to thank you for the time you took to make sure everything goes according to the plan. We would like to thank Tal for opening the door of her office and the door of the school for us, making us feel as we
belong there. We would like to thank Irit and Aviva (and their husbands!) for making our stay in Israel the best hosting experience
Last but not least, on behalf of our students and their families, we would like to thank your students and their families
for opening their homes and offering our children a memorable experience of everyday life in Israel. One they will always
remember, one they can’t seem to stop talking about!
We really hope our exchange program will continue
towards new phases and, in time, it will become a beautiful
tradition of our schools and a great way for students from
both countries to get to know each other’s culture, country
and life. We truly believe this program goes beyond the
academic experience and it finds a warm place in everyone’s
heart, addressing the very concept of friendship, Reut, as
the name of our school states. We wish everyone all the best and we are looking
forward to talking again! Dan Sandru, M Sc IT, Principal
Claudia Moldoveanu, BA English,
Head of English Department
Victor Diacicov, BA, Teacher of Music & Arts
Head of Music & Arts Department
Where the Past
Meets the Present
There are many kinds of experiences someone can live, but
very few of them can give you the feeling of happiness and
It is hard to find the best words to describe a trip. Not a
usual one. A trip to a land that is a source of energy- the Land
of Israel.
We took off on Saturday evening, very anxious to discover
things we knew from books, postcards, or from stories.
The visit to The Museum of the Holocaust opened the
series of the moments we lived. It was a tough lesson about what
human mind can do when it loses its sense. The celebration
of the past continued with the ceremonies dedicated to the
Memorial Day and the Independence Day. Great moments of
deep respect were shared in the memory of many young and
old people, men or women who sacrificed their lives for peace
, freedom ,and justice.
The next stop that enchanted us was the Majestic
Jerusalem. To visit it, was like going up and down into an
endless avalanche of pictures coming from the past and
melting into an overwhelming present.
We continued with Tel Aviv. Later, Haifa- a beautiful
harbour where peace governs the streets and the Baha’i
Gardens guard the beauty of the city .A journey on the Lake
Kinneret (Galilee Sea)at the sunset was a marvelous view.
The trip continued with Tzfat – an old town full of history
where old buildings and customs go along with people who
preserve traditions.
Last, but not least, the trip ended with a two day visit at
Weitzman Institute. After so many days of history, we finally
got to a place of the present , but also a place dedicated to the
future. Our students proved, one more time, the very high level
of their knowledge they have, interacting with PhD students in
Chemistry, Physics, and Biology.
And as if it hadn’t been enough, we took part in a special
visit to the Children’s Museum , a museum dedicated to the
old people. Old people with a vast experience of life, helped
us live and understand aspects of the old age. Everybody could
reflect on problems we generally consider not very important,
just because they belong to old people, who are not young
anymore. After that touching visit, it was very clear that youth
is in our souls ,and it is very much up to us what we choose to
do with our lives.
The show “We Don’t Live Only by Bread” was a final
lesson about life we learnt on this trip: everybody can see,
hear, or speak in spite of any disability as long as people around
you understand you and are ready to help.
The entire trip was a lesson that taught us that nothing is
possible to be built in present without a respectful past.
Claudia Voicu, BA Philology
Head teacher, primary school
The Hebrew and Jewish
Studies Department
Tu B’Shvat higia, hag la
ilanot! (Tu B’Shvat is here,
the festival of trees!)
Yom Ha’atzmaut Happy birthday, Israel!
The Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shvat brings praise
to mother nature to whom we are all grateful.
During the week of February 21–25, the
Lauder School students learned about different
species of trees, about their seeds and fruits,
being able to identify them; they also listened
to stories featuring different tree-characters and
then presented them during the biology classes.
The week ended with the Tu B’Shvat Seder
filled with a great variety of fresh and dry fruits.
On the halls of the school, we had an exhibition
which comprised very creative trees designed by
the pupils of the first to the seventh grade.
One of the great joys of Tu B’Shvat is the
planting of different kinds of flowers so that all
the children from kindergarten and school got to
bring home a beautiful daffodil in a pot.
The older students had a fun afternoon
dancing, singing and tasting the traditional fruits.
We thank
the Art Cathedra – the teachers Marius Fratila and Razvan
also the Biology Cathedra,
teacher Cristina Paunescu,
for their wonderful help and
kind support.
Congratulations to the
Hebrew Cathedra for the enthusiasm and
devotion the
Hebrew teachers showed in bringing the celebration of Tu BShvat to all the students.
The next day, the 16 th of April 2013, the Lauder Reut Educational Complex celebrated the 65 th
anniversary of the State of Israel.
For the primary school, during the Hebrew
lessons, there have been tree decoration activities
(with the symbols of Israel) and the Israeli flag
confection. The students from the gymnasium
played mini golf, draw graffiti (using the white
and blue colors), while the primary school students played different sport plays using small Israeli flags.
Mi she-nihnas Adar marbin besimha! The one that enters the
month of Adar is full of joy!
For two weeks, between February 1st and March
18th, the Lauder school and kindergarten celebrated
Purim, the festival of costumes and joy for the Jewish
people all around the world.
During this time, Purim was the main topic of
the Hebrew and Jewish traditions classes. Every day
of the second week was a “special theme costume
day”: Baby day, the upside down day, the Animals
day, Hats day and Pajamas day.
All the activities ended with the Purim party at the
JCC, where some of the teachers and a few students
performed in an original and very funny Purimspiel.
Then, there was the famous Talent Show for the most
gifted and bravest Primary school students…and they
were quite many! Finally, all the children exchanged
beautifully wrapped gifts (Mishloah Manot).
The Lauder-Reut students
celebrate Passover
Between March 11th and 22nd the Educational
Complex Lauder Reut celebrated Pesah, the greatest
holiday of all Jewish holidays.
During the special classes of Jewish traditions,
the children learned the story of the Exodus (Yetziat
Mitzraim). The 7 graders put together a play about
baby Moses and performed for the Primary school
students, who very much enjoyed the show.
The Hebrew Cathedra organized a cooking day
and prepared together with the students traditional
and special foods for Passover, such as charoset and
coconut chocolate matza balls.
Before the Seder, the children cleaned their
classrooms and then they searched for the hametz
in a very fun treasure hunt – like game. Each class
worked on making themed decorations for the Seder
Finally, everybody was ready and happy to
participate in a School Seder with all the teachers and
students and, of course, we also had a winner who
found the well hidden afikoman!
Passover as well as the spring coming are always
a joy for all the Lauder students and staff!
All the students took the traditional meal of
this day (falafel, humus, salads) in the courtyard
and listened to the specific songs of the Independence Day.
Like every year, these two days – the first day –
a sad one, the Memorial Day and the second day –
a happy day, the Independence Day, were actually
noted with respect in the Complex. One again, we
tried to identify ourselves with the Jewish people
and all the families from Israel.
A Special Jolly Day – The Luna Park Day
During the Purim celebration, the Lauder school
has been organizing for the last 10 years, a special and
uncommon day – The Luna Park. On March 1st, the
school was transformed into a 15 station zone, where
the Primary and Secondary school students and their
teachers turned their classrooms into: the Ping Pong
room, the Lauder fitness & spa, Sponge Bob room,
Mini golf, Shanty Room, Horror Storyteller, Hansel &
Gretel room, the Sandwich Bar, Lauder Style Make Up
Salon, Spring Design workshop, March 1st (Martisor,
a traditional Romanian festival), the Scary Forrest,
Dracula’s Hospital, China Town, and Charlie Chaplin
Cinemateque. At the school entrance, we opened a Gift Shop with a great deal of amazing objects, that could be
“bought” with special tickets that the children collected
as they visited each station.
For half a day, the Lauder school looked totally
different, with all the students going in and out the
stations, experiencing what each one of those had to
offer – from relaxation music in the Shanty room to
the yummy-funny sandwich at the Sandwich bar or the
Chinese lamps in the Chinatown, and many more.
We thank all the students, the Hebrew cathedra,
all the school teachers and Mrs. Perah Cohen for their
The Hebrew and Jewish
Studies Department
Nizkor ve-lo nishkach!
(The Memorial Day for the fallen soldiers of
the IDF and for the victims of the terror attacks)
Yom Hazikaron
On Monday, the 15 th of April 2013, the students
and the teachers of the Lauder Reut Educational
Complex gathered together for two minutes in the
memory of the soldiers who were killed on their
duty to defend Israel and in the memory of all the
victims of the terrorist attacks. Two ceremonies took
place, one ceremony for the primary school, and the
other for the gymnasium. In this special day, more
than anytime during the year, we gathered with the
mourning families, who had a great suffering for the
loss of their dear person (girl or boy, husband, sister
or brother).
The program included poetry, dances,( whose
choreography belongs to Raluca Stefan, the sport
teacher) and songs. The ceremonial ended with the
song “Elohim natan leha be matana” (God gave you a present) which was sang also by the Hebrew teachers,
the other teachers and formmasters who attended the ceremony.
A special moment was dedicated to Blondie, a teenager who was killed in a terrorist attack (a bus which
exploded near Haifa), when one teacher read a letter written to the boy’s father. Blondie wanted to see the
world, after his military service release, but unfortunately he could not make it. The father promised (after
his son death) that he will bring stones to his grave, stones which symbolize the places in the world he hadn’t
Here is the letter:
To Mr. Yossi Zur
My name is Adina and I am 21 years old from
Jerusalem. I spent the last six months in the far east.
before going I saw the publication in the internet in
"LaMetayel" site about your request for stones.
I must say that it touched me immediately, I, as
many other young people went in order to forget, to
enjoy, to see beautiful places and to disconnect.
And with all, your special request to collect
stones for your son brought some added value to the
trip. In every new place I arrives I thought about
Blondi. I never new him nor heard about him and yet
it was important to keep him in my thoughts during the trip.
To tell you why - I really don't have a definitive answer, maybe simply because he symbolized to me the
link to Israel and to the day to day reality. Simply because he added more depth and meaning beyond the
personal satisfaction and personal fulfillment.
I just wanted to say thanks, thanks for the opportunity to do something for someone, even if small and
symbolic as a stone.
I wish you and your family only joy and happy days.
...‫ חג לאילנות‬,‫ט"ו בשבט הגיע‬
‫ד התבקשו לעצב‬-‫תלמידי כיתות א‬.‫ד צפו בהצגה האורן הבודד‬-‫בטו בשבט תלמידי כיתות א‬
‫ העצים שהתלמידים הכינו היו מרהיבים‬, ‫עץ מיוחד שישתתף בתערוכה ובתחרות של עצים‬
‫ כמו כן התלמידים שתלו שתילים‬,‫ביופיים ועד היום הם מקשטים את מסדרונות בית הספר‬
.‫וכמובן ערכנו את סדר ט"ו בשבט המסורתי ואכלנו הרבה פירות יבשים‬
?...‫הקתדרה לעברית מי‬
?...‫? איך‬...‫מה‬
‫שנה זו הייתה שנה מבורכת של עשייה ולמידה‬
.‫בבית הספר‬
‫הקתדרה לעברית בבית הספר אחראית על‬
:‫מספר רב של תחומים‬
‫ראשית מורי הקתדרה מלמדים בכיתות‬
.‫הלימוד את השפה העברית‬
‫הקתדרה אחראית על כל הפעילויות הקשורות‬
.‫ללימוד המסורת היהודית בבית הספר‬
‫במהלך השנה הקתדרה לעברית ארגנה מספר‬
.‫אירועים מרכזיים חברתיים וחוויתיים‬
‫בחג הסוכות נערך ביקור בסוכה של הקהילה‬
:‫סגל הקתדרה‬
‫קרן דרמון‬
‫רלוקה גי'ורגסקו‬
‫קרן גידלוביץ‬
‫ירון דרמון‬
‫מי שנכנס אדר מרבין‬
‫ד הוזמנו לג'יי סי‬-‫בחג הפורים תלמידי כיתות א‬
‫סי ושם צפו בהצגה "המלך אחשוורוש" שהציגו‬
,‫ התלמידים הגיעו מחופשים‬,‫מורי בית הספר‬
‫נערכה הופעה של כישרונות צעירים והתלמידים‬
‫ז' הוזמנו‬-'‫ כיתות ה‬.‫החליפו ביניהם משלוחי מנות‬
‫ללגונה הכחולה שם הם הציגו הצגות שהם חיברו‬
‫הקשורות לסיפור פורים ומחנכות הכיתות ארגנו‬
.‫לכבוד התלמידים משחקי חברה יפים ומהנים‬
‫‪The Hebrew and Jewish‬‬
‫‪Studies Department‬‬
‫חג האורות‪ ,‬חג החנוכה‬
‫חג פסח שמח וכשר!‬
‫ערכנו בבית הספר סדר פסח מסורתי עם‬
‫מיטב המאכלים המאפיינים את החג כגון‪:‬מרק‬
‫קניידלך ומצה‪.‬‬
‫עם הגעתו של חג הפסח התלמידים נהנו לצפות‬
‫בהצגה שהציגו תלמידי כיתות ז' אשר סיפרה‬
‫את סיפור יציאת מצרים‪.‬‬
‫‪- 10 -‬‬
‫בחג חנוכה צולם בבית הספר קליפ אומנותי עם השיר‬
‫‪ , LIGHT UP THE NIGHT‬כמו כן אורגן יום‬
‫מיוחד שנקרא "חנוכה פארק" בו התלמידים בישלו‬
‫והכינו סופגניות‪ ,‬הקימו ומלצרו ב"מסעדת בית‬
‫המקדש"‪ ,‬שיחקו בסביבונים‪ ,‬למדו על ההיסטוריה‬
‫וענו על שאלות טריוויה‪ ,‬עיצבו חנוכיות ומנורות‬
‫השנה נערך טקס קצר ביום השואה התלמידים ונהנו כמובן ממאכלי החג (סופגניות ולביבות)‪.‬‬
‫למדו ושמעו סיפורים הקשורים לנושא השואה‬
‫ואף צפו בסרטים הקשורים לנושא‪.‬‬
‫ביום הזיכרון לחללי צה"ל ולנפגעי פעולות‬
‫הטרור והאיבה‪ ,‬נערך טקס זיכרון בבית ספרנו‬
‫‪ ,‬נשמעה צפירה בת ‪ 2‬דקות‪ ,‬הטקס היה מלווה‬
‫בקטעי קריאה ‪ ,‬קטעי ריקוד‪ ,‬קטעי שירה ונגינה‬
‫על כינור‪ .‬לאחר הטקס נערך דיון בכיתות לגבי‬
‫התחושות והרגשות של התלמידים‪.‬‬
‫חגיגות חג הפורים!‬
‫וכמובן בית הספר המשיך כמיטב המסורת‬
‫בארגון חגיגות הלונה פארק המסורתי ‪ .‬השנה‬
‫התלמידים נהנו ממגוון אטרקציות מיוחדת‬
‫כגון‪ :‬מיני גולף‪ ,‬היער המכושף‪ ,‬המזרח הרחוק‪,‬‬
‫מגדת עתידות‪ ,‬חדר איפור‪ ,‬בית עמי ותמי‬
‫וכמובן חנות ההפתעות והמתנות‪.‬‬
‫מדינת ישראל בת ‪ !65‬יום הולדת שמח!‬
‫את חגיגות יום העצמאות ה‪ 65‬חגגנו בחצר בית‬
‫הספר התלמידים הכינו גרפיטי בצבעי הדגל‬
‫של ישראל‪ ,‬רקדו ריקודי עם ‪ ,‬שיחקו משחקי‬
‫ספורט הקשורים לדגל ישראל ‪ ,‬עשו עבודות‬
‫יצירה וכמובן אכלו אוכל ישראלי טיפוסי כגון‬
‫פלאפל פיתה עם חומוס וטחינה‪.‬‬
‫זוהי השנה השלישית בה אנו עתידים לצאת‬
‫למחנה קיץ בכריסטיאן ללימוד השפה‬
‫העברית‪ .‬התלמידים לומדים מהי עבודת‬
‫צוות‪ ,‬מהי הישרדות בשטח ומחנאות שדה‪,‬‬
‫התלמידים לומדים מושגים רבים הקשורים‬
‫לשפה העברית ‪.‬וכמובן התלמידים נהנים‬
‫מהטבע הנוף והאוויר הצח של ההרים‪.‬‬
‫בסוף השנה אנו עתידים לקיים את תחרות‬
‫ה"לאודרויזיון השנתית בה כל כיתה מופיעה‬
‫ומציגה ריקוד ושיר בעברית ‪ .‬הכיתה המנצחת‬
‫עתידה לקבל את גביע הניצחון‪.‬‬
‫בחודש יוני יערך זו השנה הרביעית בחינת‬
‫הבגרות בשפה העברית‪ .‬בחינה זו מוכרת‬
‫על ידי משרד החינוך הרומני כשפה לימוד‬
‫נוספת וחלק מן הבגרות הלאומית הרומנית‬
‫הקתדרה לעברית גאה להמשיך לארגן ולהפיק‬
‫אירועים בבית הספר‪ ,‬אירועים אשר ישארו‬
‫זכורים לילכם בלב‪.‬‬
‫אנו מאחלים לכולם הצלחה והמשך למידה‬
‫צוות העברית‬
senior High School
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The cannes lions international festival
17th-23rd of June, 2012: Lauder-Reut Senior
High participates with their young advertisers,
communicators and marketers, at the Cannes
Lions International Festival of Creativity
For the second year consecutively, a delegation of 11 students from our Lauder-Reut senior
high, namely 5 girls: Sara, Mara, Ana, Alexandra, Naomi and 6 boys: Stefan, Andrei George,
Tudor, Marius and Mihai-attended the 63rd Edition of the Cannes Lions International Festival of
The participation at the Cannes Lions International Festival is part of a long-term exclusive
educational partnership between the Lauder-Reut senior high and the Cannes Lions Office.
Partnership is meant to consolidate and enrich the 3 years courses in communication, media
and marketing offered within our senior high also by our exclusive academic partner - the Media
In this youngest delegation ever at the Cannes Lions Festival, I had that delightful discovery
of finding some of the freshest, most active un - inhibited minds with a genuine passion and
openness to creativity.
I assume and I trust that some of these fine Lauder-Reut girls and boys will go further and
excel in exploring their creative and professional limits, at the Young Lions competitions next
year. I totally declare myself on their side and I became their supporter instantly, when seeing
them at work in the festival’s seminars, master classes and workshops; they did not wasted one
second of their full week entry at the Festival.
Mara Cristina
Highlights Of The Cannes Lions 2012: The World ‘s Symbol of Excellence in Sport,
Nadia Comaneci, Awards the Strive for Excellence in Education at Lauder-Reut
- “Meet my young creatives, Patrick” said Nadia Comaneci proudly, when introducing our
students to Patrick O’Neil (the TBA/ CHIAT/DAY Los Angeles Executive Creative Officer),
just before she personally congratulated and awarded each one of them, with the Participation
Diplomas to the Cannes Lions Festival.
I left the Festival, which stays indeed as the highest expression of celebrating and inspiring
at the same time, creativity of the human mind; I said, I left the Festival in a certain state of
tranquility. Tranquility given by confidence. Confidence that our students fit in so naturally in
the world’s number 1 event in advertising and creative thinking; they fit in not only for their
creative potential, but also for their early, yet consistent education in communication, media and
marketing given by the Lauder-Reut senior high.
The Cannes Lions Project for Lauder-Reut
Cannes Lions Reviews
1.The Huffington Post
The main ideea of this semminar was the presentation of a
new medium in which The Huffington Post is going to delliver
information ,news and entertainment starting this summer.Their
way of better engaging is by using a video platform.
I enjoyed listening to Arianna Huffington ,President and
Editor-in-Chief of The Huffington Post Media Group.She is an
extremly good public speaker,she has a usefull nd pleasent sense
of humor and is obviously an extremly open-minded visonary
She first of all presented the hole concept of The Huffington
Post, some background information and their initiative of
better connecting with users and staying in touch with the latest
technology.She also talk about The GPS for the Soul,which is
another new concept soon to be lounched by them. It followes the
tren «Using technology to dissconnect from technology» and gives
users tips and ways of relaxing,dissconnecting while still being
online and finding resources for keeping in touch with themselves.
Another speaker was Roy Sekoff,The Huffington Post›s
Founding Editor wich presented the new video platform in detail,
with all the benefits of using it to comunicate with other people
sharing same passions and engaging in different talk shows with
comments and arguments by using information on the topics
discussed present given by the website.
Sara Pufan, clasa a XI-a
Starcom MediaVest Group & TED - Inspire Me for the Future
The speakers of this seminar were a little bit unconventional
because they weren’t exactly famous, but a group of young creative
young people with new ,different things to say. Eric Berlow is an
ecologist and network scientist who specializes in not specialising,
presented the relation between nature, it’s beauties and colors as a
resource for creative idea and good advertising. Rachel Armstrong
designs sustainable solutions using new technologies. She is a
pioneer of synthetic biology - the rational engineering of living
systems - and smart chemistry. She Presented synthetic biology
as a resource for advertisers which are usually using synthetics
instead of using the pure and unrespectable natural resources.
E Roon Kang lives and works in New York, where he operates
an interdisciplinary design studio, Math Practice. He showed the
possibility of achieving more complex and more creative designs
by using algorithms.
Facebook-The Psychology and Creativity of Sharing
The speaker of this seminar was Paul Adams the Global Head
of Brand Design at Facebook. He talked about the opportunity
that social media created for advertising and about the fact that
people cannot understand yet how to use this type of advertising.
Peoplee have always taken existing media and applied it to new
types of media. He advised advertisers to make social interaction,
based their ideas on real fundamental social principles and last,
take face book as new type of advertising medium ,something
totally different!
Olinescu Marius
Ogilvy and Inspire: Also one of the most interesting seminars,
even if the speaker didn’t revealed anything about marketing, he
spoke about art, creativity and concepts. Even if most concepts and
especially concepts about art and creativity are influenced about
every single person’s point of view, they were very interesting to
me and I felt like having a new view over the world, as he said: “Art
is what we are living and dying for.” and then his explanations.
Google: I want to say that this was the most disappointing
seminar in the whole festival. I expected something big and
interactive making you unable to move your eyes from watching
the speaker and the screen. But it were five retired advertising
agents that were hired by Google in a new projects about a new
brand of advertising: The interactive advertising. I can’t say it was
boring or something but I expected something bigger and more
interesting from Google.
Ana Trufasila, clasa a X-a
Chris Capossela, the chief marketing officer from Microsoft, spoke
about Windows, office and about the new devices. Then he
started speaking about windows 8 not only on a computer, but
also on tablets, and about the photo passwords, and then about
the windows phone. I enjoyed how CC spoke about the new
products, but if the products and Windows 8 wouldn’t look so
good and if the videos weren’t so convincing, he couldn’t convince
anybody to buy them.
Tudor Nedelcu, clasa a X-a
Coca-Cola marketing concepts
While listening to this seminar, early in the morning, I
noticed for a second time the need for involving consumers
in promoting and sharing experiences, stories, about the
products, Coca-Cola in this case. It is vital for a company
to be creative in the beginning, to create a “versatile” set of
concepts related to the product, in order to let the public
do the rest, spread the brand or “shared values” as the
presenter insisted. At the same time, the company tries to
inspire optimism and happiness through commercials and
marketing strategies.
Andrei Cercel, clasa a XII-a
1.The Saachi & Saachi reeling:
On Thursday, in the Grand Auditorium, the guys from
S&S organized a quite remarkable session of trailers, short films
and sketches made by their creative department. What was most
impressive was their intro which consisted in a combination of
electronic music and a number of lit flying objects which bleeped
in perfect synchronization.
2.The Amusement Park Entertainment seminar
Although no more than 30 people attended, it was by far
one of the best seminars that took place. The main guest was
Jimmy Smith the CEO and CCO of the APE and the creator
of the Tupac hologram appearance at the Coachella 2012
together with his Dr. David Martin, the founder and chairman
of M-CAM and Phillipe Krakowsky, executive Vice President,
Chief of Strategy and talent officer at Interpublic Group. What
impressed me most is their open-mindedness and the fact that
they were extremely sociable. I was sitting in second row all
alone, both Jimmy and engaged in conversation with me.
Tinerii din Lauder-Reut participanti la Cannes - mai bine
pregatiti decat multi profesionisti din business-ul autohton [...] Cea mai mare bucurie la Cannes nu mi-a adus-o festivalul, ci
elevii scolii Lauder.
Am realizat ca exista multa valoare in randul generatiei tinere.
Cand scriu aceste randuri, imi tot vine sa ii numesc studenti. Si
mereu am avut o problema in a constientiza ca nu sunt inca decat
liceeni, avand intre 15 si 17 ani.
Tinerii de la liceul Lauder au vanat cu pasiune cat mai multe
seminarii. Am remarcat o seriozitate care m-a surprins. Alta surpriza
placuta a fost faptul ca informatia noua avea un fundament pe care
sa se aseze. De 9 ani sunt Publisher al singurei reviste de Marketing
din Romania, iar in presa de business lucrez de 15 ani. Cunosc foarte
bine domeniul marcomm. Iar acum, dragi elevi, profesori, parinti,
urmeaza o bomba:
Exista cativa tineri in grupul de la Cannes din 2012, care sunt mai
bine pregatiti si ar performa mai bine decat unii marketing manageri
ori oameni de PR pe care i-am cunoscut in business-ul autohton. [...]
Mi s-a parut total iesita din tipare si implicarea scolii si initierea
unui proiect de asemenea anvergura, cu un asemenea impact. Un
eveniment precum Festivalul de la Cannes in CV-ul unui student ar
fi extraordinar. In cazul unui liceean […]
Paul Cristian Ștefănescu
Publisher, Brand4Brands
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senior High School
The Business, Media&Diplomacy Studies
Big Sibs, Little Sibs - The Business & Negotiation Skills Program
In the Internet age, information is available to
everyone. The difference is no longer made by the ones
who hold the information, but rather by the ones that
succeed in using it smarter or quicker. Gradually, school’s
role is shifting: from an information transfer towards
students, to offering learning opportunities based on the
existing information.
The school curriculum is starting, little by little, to
adapt to the new learning needs and to diversify the
opportunities offered to students.
Lauder-Reut Educational Complex has very well
noticed these changes in society. It is one of the reasons
for which, as of last year we have started together the
Business Skills program for a group of students.
While implementing this program I have felt always
very close connected with teachers, head teachers and the
school leaders. Our ideas, no matter how out-of-the-box
they were, have received both moral and material support
from the representatives of the Lauder-Reut Educational
The program offers modern learning opportunities
with a focus on business simulation and practice, so that
business enthusiasts have a competitive advantage straight
from school years.
The training and simulation modules offer
students the basics into the main areas needed to start
a business: Seizing Opportunities, Project Management,
Finance Skills, Branding and Promotion, Selling Skills,
Presentation Skills.
This year we are running the second edition. I am
impressed with the energy, creativity and idea’s freshness
that I have seen during the past modules.
As an entrepreneur, I think this is a good opportunity
for me to learn also. As a parent, it is an excellent occasion
to be closer to the new generation and to understand it
Enhance your potential through Lauder Reut –
Public Speaking classes
In the past 16 years I managed teams of young
graduates, hundreds of them - I have seen some of their
challenges to sell their strengths within an interview, to
sell their ideas in front of an audience, to stand up an
speak clear or to be engaged in constructive debates.
Interacting in my work with customers from 51
countries of the world and other educational systems - I
have realized how easy was for them to speak in front
of an audience, to express ideas, to argument their
opinions and I wondered WHY? The secret is called
EDUCATION, the secret stays in developing public
speaking skills starting with early stages.
Dear students, your real life exams will not be in
the virtual world – Facebook, Twitter or other social
networks - your real life exams will be most of the time somewhere on a stage where you will be on the spot. You will have
to know how to express your ideas in front of an audience, you will have
to bring the right arguments, you will have to convince, you will have to
fight for your careers or for your dreams.
School cannot anticipate how our future will look like in 10 years
from now – but since last year, Lauder Reut Educational Complex
understood the importance of offering to its students the opportunity
to increase their public speaking skills, in order to be better in facing life
As a result Lauder Reut Students who followed public speaking
classes are able to stay on any stage and to fight with their fear of public
speaking, to transmit clear and strong messages to a diverse audience
using different public speaking techniques. As a part of this program we
organized this year Lauder Reut High School Conference where students
showed us their progresses in terms of public speaking and they did a very
impressive job. Also we used public speaking classes in order to improve
our students performance within The Ambassadors event held this year –
where students held their speeches on various diplomatic themes.
I congratulate Lauder Reut School for their focus in making a
system and also I congratulate all the students who followed this
year successfully the Public Speaking classes!
Amalia Sterescu
Founder of Ready4Life Programs
Mentor Honoris Causa & Volunteer Teacher - Lauder-Reut
Public Speaking Program
As a parent of a Lauder-Reut student, I hope
to continue and even develop such opportunities for
children of the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex. I
hope in a growing involvement in the creating of such
extracurricular learning opportunities.
Sabin Gilceava
Senior Partner - TREND Consult
Mentor Honoris Causa & Volunteer Teacher Lauder-Reut Business Skills Program
At Lauder-Reut, preparation
for Baccalaureate and
National 8th grade
Examination remain a priority
We find ourselves facing the end of a school year, but also
a new beginning for the 12th grade students who are preparing to face the world of European and Israeli universities. In
order to begin their university careers on good footing, our
students need to pass the Baccalaureate in June with very
high marks.
If we look to the past, our students’ results make us feel
Their exceptional grades do not surprise us: this is the
third graduating class from the Lauder-Reut Educational
Complex that brings honor to our school, but also to private
education in Romania. The average grade for the Baccalaureate (9) over the past three years has consistently placed us
in the top of the best private schools in the country.
Due to their exceptional results, our students were accepted to prestigious universities in the country and abroad:
The Interdisciplinary Center of Hertzliya-the Lauder School
of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy Israel, the Lauder
Business School of Vienna,Austria, the Marangoni Istituto
in Milan, Italy, University of Arts College in Bournemouth,
UK, University of Hull, UK, Univeriste Libre des Brussels,
Belgium, along with the Romanian "Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie “Carol Davila” , "Universitatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism “Ion Mincu”," Academia de Studii Economice" in Bucharest, and many others.
For the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex, preparation for the Baccalaureate exam and for the National 8th
grade Examination are priorities. Classes that make up the
mandatory curriculum are matched by classes during which
students prepare based on their individual levels, forming a
special educational system, which familiarizes students with
real-life exam conditions. They are constantly evaluated
through simulations, as well as written and oral examinations, which are meant to familiarize students with the atmosphere of the exam, as well as gage their real-life academic
We are proud that our students consistently choose to
take the Hebrew Baccalaureate exam and their results are
excellent. Our high school students have been trained for
this through preparation for Cambridge and IELTS exams,
giving them the opportunity to obtain certificates that attest
their linguistic skills at an international level.
We are sure that this year’s Baccalaureate examination
results will be just as good as past ones and that they will set
high standards for generations to come.
Dan Constantin Sandru, M.Sc. IT
Director of Studies
senior High School
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The Business, Media&Diplomacy Studies
7 ani de studii media & comunicare la Lauder-Reut
Educația timpurie este o formă de creare și stimulare a
valorii fiecărui elev, începând din clasa a noua, de modelare
precoce a viitorului prin dezvoltare de abilități, competențe,
prin achiziții fundamentale din aceste domenii.
În domeniul media, este un format original în
spațiul preuniversitar din Romania, inițiat și încurajat
constant de Tova Ben Nun-Cherbis, președinta Fundației
Ronald S. Lauder și a Complexului Educațional LauderReut.
„Elevii care sunt absolvenți ai acestor cursuri au o consistentă
pregătire teoretică, dublată de o experiență practică în diferite
companii de media și publicitate, ca și de călătorii de studii
în țară și în străinătate. Unii dintre ei aleg să-și consolideze
cunoștințele la nivel universitar, în facultăți prestigioase din
Europa și din Romania”. (Tova Ben Nun Cherbis)
Studiile media reprezintă una dintre cele trei componente
valoroase ale programului opțional pentru elevii de la acest
liceu, fiind acreditate de Ministerul Educației și confirmate
prin diplomele acordate anual de partenerii academici,
interni și internaționali: Universitatea Media, Fundația
Pro, Cannes Lions Office Romania și, începând de anul
acesta, Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative
Studii media este un termen global care desemnează
cursuri de comunicare, media, publicitate, PR, marketing,
cursuri susținute de profesori titulari la instituțiile academice
Ne-am implicat, ca profesoare, încă de la început, în acest
complex program, dezvoltând forme flexibile de îmbinare
a teoreticului cu practica, prin proiecte și produse media.
Acestea au antrenat entuziasmul și creativitatea elevilor.
„Ora de media este singura în care sunt nevoită să ies în
totalitate din zona mea de confort, să mă desprind de orice
unitate de măsură și să îmi las ideile să zboare. Sunt încurajată
să am încredere în ideile mele și învăț să le pun în practica.
Orele mele preferate sunt cele în care lucrăm la proiecte care
au potențialul de a deveni realitate. Faptul că ideile noastre ar
putea fi folosite pentru o campanie reală, reprezintă o motivare
excepțională pentru mine.” (Mara Cristina, clasa a XI-a)
„Am creat, am văzut cum se creează și am fost învățată să
creez.” (Mira Sultana, clasa a IX-a)
„Este o trăire minunată să învăț atâtea lucruri chiar de
la cineva care lucrează în domeniu și care ne instruiește din
propria sa experiență.”(Ana Trufășilă, clasa a X-a)
DNA Day - cel mai recent proiect
Cel mai recent proiect de celebrare a creativității în cadrul
acestui format de cursuri îl constituie parteneriatul, exclusiv
pe partea de media, cu DNA Day Romania, eveniment
organizat pentru prima oară la noi în țară, în zilele de 25 și
26 aprilie.
Elevii din clasa a XI-a au dezvoltat un brief, oferind
soluții creative pentru componentele slogan, poster, flyer,
invitație eveniment, iar cei dintr-a X-a au realizat un film de
scurt metraj, intitulat „Cheia care deschide ușa...”, în care
au surprins cunoștințele pe care le au elevii din Lauder-Reut
despre ADN și genomul uman. Filmul a fost prezentat în
cadrul Galei DNA Day și apreciat de publicul, în majoritate
tânăr și foarte
De remarcat
și că un elev din
grupa de media
din clasa a IXa, Vlad Stănculescu, a primit
mențiune la concursul național
de eseuri organizat cu acest prilej.
Trei participări consecutive
la Festivalul „Cannes Lions”
2013 este al treilea an în care o echipă de elevi de la LauderReut este prezentă la Festivalul International de Creativitate
de la Cannes, pentru a beneficia de oportunitățile de învățare
din seminarii, workshop-uri cu specialiști în comunicare,
dar și decidenți din companiile de top ale lumii. Până acum
au fost cei mai tineri participanți din istoria festivalului.
Anul trecut, Nadia Comăneci, simbolul internațional al
excelenței în sport, a felicitat și oferit personal diplomele de
participare celor zece tineri publicitari.
Pentru elevi, proiectul Cannes Lions este o experiență
inedită, plină de emoții și de satisfacții.
„Unele dintre cele mai captivante momente au fost cele de
la seminarii, unde exemplul celor care vorbeau în public m-a
făcut să cred că, dacă ei reușeau să vorbească în fața a sute de
persoane, și eu aș putea să-mi depășesc teama de a vorbi în
public. Dacă ei pot, și eu pot!” (Ana Trufășilă, clasa a X-a).
Filmul ca proiect educațional
Avantajul competitiv al acestor cursuri pe piața liceelor
din Romania este legat și de elementele de conținut, acestea
fiind prezentate într-o manieră interactivă, bazată pe studii
de caz, prezentări în Power Point, scurte filme informativilustrative, schițe, exerciții individuale și de grup, dezbateri,
simulări, jocuri de rol, concursuri. Acest curriculum creează
premisele unei modalități moderne de instruire, prin
învățarea activă și formarea de multiple experiențe.
„Am învățat cum se face un vox-pop, dar și cum să exprimi
un mesaj cu ajutorul limbajului trupului.” (Alexandru Lungu,
clasa a X-a)
„Vox-pop-ul a fost o experiență interesantă, în care pentru
prima data am fost în ‚pielea’ jurnalistului.” (Andrei Mina,
clasa a X-a)
„Mi-a plăcut să fac pe jurnalistul și să interacționez cu
oamenii.” (Ioana Ilie, clasa a X-a).
„M-a atras partea jurnalistica. Mi-am dorit sa aflu cum
lucrează jurnaliștii și cum sunt prelucrate știrile.” (Alexandru
Selea, clasa a IX-a)
Elevii de la grupele de media-comunicare au lucrat, timp
de 7 luni, în 2010-2011, la proiectul pe teme ecologice
„European Schools for a Living Planet”, realizat împreună
cu școli din țările riverane Dunării.
Ei au prezentat rezultatele activității lor la reuniunea de
la Viena, Lauder-Reut fiind singurul liceu privat angajat în
acest proiect. Cu acest prilej, elevii au realizat și un film de
scurt metraj, „From Grey to Green, Bucharest - yersterday,
today, and tomorrow”, care rezumă problemele și propune
De altfel, filmul documentar constituie o altă zonă de
manifestare a creativității elevilor de la grupele de mediacomunicare. Cei din clasele a IX-a și a X-a s-au implicat în
toate procesele de producție ale unor filme de scurt metraj:
conceperea scenariului, filmările propriu-zise, montajul,
ilustrația muzicală.
O asemenea producție de referință este „1 Decembrie Ziua în care noi toți contăm”, în care elevi și profesori de
la Lauder-Reut vorbesc despre ce înseamnă pentru ei Ziua
Națională a României. Amintim și „Turcia și aderarea
la Uniunea Europeană”, film-investigație prezentat
la Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, în cadrul festivității
de acordare a diplomelor de absolvire a cursurilor de
diplomație, media și comunicare, și, cel mai recent, „Cheia
care deschide ușa...”, pentru celebrarea Zilei ADN-ului.
„Realizarea unui film este o experiență extraordinară,
filmările propriu-zise fiind momentele cele mai
incitante.” (Mihai Vrabie, clasa a X-a)
„Cum se face un film este cel mai captivant subiect pe care
l-am putut studia.” (Miruna Stancu, clasa a IX-a)
Pasiunea pentru film, îmbinată cu preocuparea pentru
drepturile omului și combaterea manifestărilor de intoleranță
și xenofobie, au fost puse în valoare prin participarea elevilor
noștri la Festivalul de film documentar „One World
Romania”, ediția 2013. De notat că Matei Gaginsky, elev în clasa a X-a, a fost
desemnat de organizatori, în urma unui concurs de eseuri,
membru în juriul festivalului.
În culisele jurnalismului și ale publicității
O componentă esențială a programului de mediacomunicare este dată de diversitatea vizitelor la canale de
televiziune (Nașul TV, studiourile Buftea) și agenții de
publicitate (Tempo Advertising), a diferitelor prezentări și
discuții cu personalități din domeniu: Christian Mititelu
(membru în CNA, fost director al BBC-Romania), Teodora
Migdalovici (ambasador al Festivalului Cannes Lions în
Romania), Ada Ludmila Nicolae (project manager DNA
Day Romania), cu publicitari romani care merg la Festivalul
de la Cannes.
Mara Cristina, elevă în clasa a XI-a, a fost selectată să
participe la cursurile The Alternative School of Thinking
(fondator Teodora Migdalovici) menite să formeze
profesioniști pentru industria de comunicare și publicitate
din Romania.
„Am văzut câteva din secretele televiziunii.” (Alex Petru
Lungu, clasa a X-a)
„Am aflat care sunt calitățile unui jurnalist și în ce constă
activitatea lui profesională.” (Vladimir Pripp, clasa a IX-a)
„Am văzut cum este sa fii jurnalist.” (Bianca Boanca, clasa
a IX-a)
Oferta educațională de excepție a Școlii Lauder-Reut
în ceea ce privește studiile media, abordarea individuală a
fiecărui elev și, deopotrivă, încurajarea lucrului în echipă au
condus la performanțe notabile și, spun elevii, la satisfacții
cognitive și aplicative unice.
Conf. univ. dr. Liana Ionescu
Dr. Alina Cătăneț
Catedra de Media, Business și Diplomație
Complexul Educațional Lauder-Reut - 14 -
junior High SCHOOL
“A Chance For Your Future /
O şansă pentru viitorul tău”
“A Chance For Your Future” is a scholarship programme sustained by The LauderReut Educational Complex together with the 3rd District City Hall and with the
direct help of the 3rd School Inspectorate.
The programme consists of granting 10 full scholarships to future high-school
students, from grade 9 to grade 12. It provides the best students in the 3rd district
with a real chance to study in a competitive educational environment and to
become a member of the Lauder- Reut family.
The programme has proved to be very successful. For the past two years, many
students coming from the most prestigious schools in the district have been
competing against each other in order to win one of the ten scholarships granted
by The Lauder-Reut Educational Complex. The contestants were challenged to
prove their communication skills, both in Romanian and in English and to ace the
written test (an interdisciplinary test - Romanian – English – Mathematics). It was
not an easy examination, but the students did well and the committee had a hard
time deciding the winners. The best of them are now our students and, as we are
very near the end of the school year, we take pride in the choice we made. And we
are certain that our new students are happy with the choice, as well.
To many more scholarships, for many more years!
A “Ministerial” Visit
On 15th of November 2012, we were delighted with the visit of the two representatives
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, who wanted to have a talk with Romania’s
“future diplomats.” In the gym, the high school graders, along with 8th graders, took part
in a free discussion about Israel, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of this country and the
connection between our school and this ministry.
At the beginning, there was a little conversation about Lauder-Reut and how it unites
us with Israel, through many trips and giving us the opportunity to become friends with
the children from there.
After the Ministry representatives talked about their job, we had the opportunity to
ask questions and to find out more information or to clarify our concerns. They work for
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, managing the South of Europe, Bulgaria and Romania
in particular. Their plan is to understand how other countries see Israel and improve the
relationship between them.
After the discussion, we got to a better understanding of the relationship between
Israel and Romania, with everything that has been happening in Israel lately. This was a
very interesting meeting.
Diana Cojocaru – grade 8
Raluca Dolofan, Deputy-Principal
Consumer Protection
In our school, Lauder-Reut, we always have interesting,
fun and educational activities, which teach us many things
that we can use in the real world, but this one has impressed
us the most. A few weeks ago, we had the opportunity to
learn more about Consumer Protection and the importance
of the bills and the tickets. An employee of The Consumer
Protection Association came to talk to our class and we were
fascinated by how much we learned.
She also showed us what a ticket and a bill are supposed
to look like and what happens if there’s a mistake on them.
She gave us information about consumer complaints, what
we are supposed to say, where we need to call in case we have
a problem with a product and she also told us how to make
some better choices at the marketplace. At the end of the
activity we had to complete a quiz and the winner won a big
prize. It was such an interesting quiz...
We enjoyed a full hour of interesting subjects to talk
about and everyone loved it. We were really glad that we
found out more about the secrets and traps we can fall in the
markets and we hope we’ll have more activities like this one.
Diana Marineanu, Grade 8
Cum am
petrecut de Hanukah
Cu ocazia zilei de Hanukah noi, elevii clasei a VIII-a, am
organizat o super-staţie pentru colegii noştri mai mici, de
decorare a lumânărilor specifice acestei frumoase sărbători
evreieşti! Aceştia au contribuit prin aducerea a unei lumânări,
urmând ca apoi să o decoreze în diferite feluri, în funcţie de
dorinţele fiecăruia.
Dacă a fost nevoie de ajutorul nostru pentru a crea o
lumânare, l-am a’oferit cu mare plăcere, în calitatea nostră
de „fraţi” mai mari. După ce copiii şi-au finalizat operele de
artă, acestea au fost mai întâi expuse în şcoală, să bucure şi
privirile celorlalţi, urmând ca apoi să fie luate acasă! Copiii
s-au simţit foarte bine, iar activitatea a avut un mare succes!
În orice caz, ceea ce contează mai mult este că cei mici s-au
distrat pe cinste.
În opinia noastră, activităţile organizate de şcoala noastră,
Lauder-Reut, sunt unele amuzante şi în acelaşi timp educative!
Aceste activităţi sunt potrivite şi pentru cei mici, dar şi pentru
cei mai mari.
Gabi Ruţă şi Tudor Halac
- clasa a VIII-a
Google Romania Presentation
I was very happy to find out that the leader of Google Romania would come and visit our school. I prepared my questions
very carefully, knowing that one day, I would become an employee in a well-known company such as Google…
The day of the visit came fast, and there we were, all the eighth graders in the gym hall, waiting for the high-school students
and for Mr. Dan Bulucea, leader of Google Romania. As you might know, Google is the most known internet search engine in
the world. Also, Google expanded its domain into other products and programs, such as phones and tablets using the Google’s
programs, but they are collaborating with well-known smart-phone brands, such as Samsung, HTC, LG, that use Google’s
technology. Another well-known program that Google has developed is Google Earth, known for the possibility to see every
road and place, also having options such as seeing various landforms and buildings in 3D format.
During the meeting, which I decided to call “Google Day”, we discussed
the future implementations of Google in Romania, such as Google Earth, smartphones, like Google Nexus 4, as well as Google’s current concept, Google Glass.
Google Glass is a unique pair of glasses, as they combine the everyday smartphone with a great variety of options and a simple pair of glasses with lenses. Of
course, there were questions from both directions, from our students and from
Mr. Bulucea addressed to the students, including me. A little emotional at the
beginning, I plucked up the courage and started to answer every question, knowing
that I couldn’t be wrong, since I use Google almost every time… And I wasn’t.
The meeting wasn’t long enough… But it ended in Lauder style, with a groupphoto and a friendly and warm “Goodbye, hope we will see each other again!” I am
sure that there will be a second time…
by Andrei Chirnogeanu
Visiting Speaker Dan Bulucea, General Manager Google Romania
Ziua Naţională
a României
Cine a zis că participarea la un concurs nu este
un prilej de mare bucurie? În niciun caz elevii şcolii
Lauder. Ştiu asta sigur, pentru că pe 29 decembrie,
întreaga şcoală, cu mic cu mare, ne-am bucurat şi
ne-am mândrit din nou că suntem români.
Cei mici au cântat şi au câştigat premii în
cadrul unui concurs de interpretare tratat cu
multă seriozitate de un juriu profesionist format
din profesorii noştri de muzică: Victor, Rodica şi
Bogdan. Cine nu s-a simţit pregătit să cânte a avut
ocazia să recite sau să deseneze, iar cei cu talente
creatoare au participat la concursul de creaţie
Entuziasmul celor mici, a fost atât de mare,
încât i-a cuprins şi pe elevii gimnaziului care s-au
întrecut la rândul lor într-un concurs de creaţie
artistică . De data aceasta, au lăsat computerul
şi tehnica şi au creat postere. Şi cel mai cusurgiu
turist s-ar fi înghesuit sa viziteze România şi să-i
cunoască istoria, dacă ar fi văzut creaţiile elevilor
de la clasele V-VIII. Profesori si elevi s-au adunat
în sala de sport pentru a participa la ceremonia
de premiere. Cel mai greu lucru a fost să alegem
câştigătorii. Marius Drăguş şi Diana Gherasimiuc
au moderat festivitatea la sfârşitul căreia am spus
cu toţii “ Ce bine e să fii român!”.
Prof. Diana Gherasimiuc
- 15 -
junior High SCHOOL
Stațiile de Purim
Aşa cum v-am obişnuit în toţi anii de când am luat
fiinţă, noi, Lauder Reut, desfăşurăm activităţi distractive şi
totodată educative pentru toate vârstele, de la cei mai mici
până la cei mai mari.
Aş vrea să vă povestesc despre o întâlnire extrem de
interesantă care s-a desfăşurat în companie doamnei Ada
Ludmila Nicolae, care, întâmplător, este şi sora mai mare
a unui fost elev foarte bun al şcolii noastre. Extrem de
prietenoasă şi deschisă, ne-a introdus într-o atmosferă
plăcută, convingându-ne să participăm la un concus legat
de ADN. Doamna Nicolae a fost foarte încrezătoare şi sunt
şanse mari ca unul sau, de ce nu, chiar mai mulţi elevi din
şcoala noastră să câştige marele premiu pus în joc în cadrul
concursului. Toate aceste aspecte ne-au captat complet
atenţia şi de aceea a fost o strânsă comunicare între noi şi
doamna Nicolae. În cadrul întâlnirii s-au adresat foarte
multe întrebari, iar Ada a fost foarte bucuroasă să răspundă
la toate, fără doar şi poate.
În concluzie, această activitate, precum şi subiectul neau plăcut extrem de mult şi sperăm să ne bucurăm de multe
alte activităţi de acest tip, ca şi până acum…
1 martie. Mărțișor și stațiile de Purim. O zi surprinzător de însorită pentru prima zi de primăvară. Pentru prima
dată în opt ani, această clasă a opta organizează stația sa în curtea școlii. Pășesc hotărâtă în incinta complexului, nerăbdătoare ca ziua să înceapă. Dau „Bună dimineața!”, ca de obicei,
portarilor amabili și merg până la mesele aranjate strategic
cu o zi înainte de către Radu. Fanioanele cu „Mini Golf ”
sunt puse între mese, cu intenția de a mima o intrare. Abia
mai târziu voi fi aflat că fanioanele respective vor ajunge
înapoi de unde au plecat, mai exact pe masă. Colegii se adună încetul cu încetul în curtea școlii,
unul mai senin decât altul. După un lung șir de „Primăvară
frumoasă!”, mărțișoare împarțite călduros și Andrei
Pintea care are de împărțit dragoste eternă și îmbrățișări,
bomboanele Dianei Cojocaru se camuflează perfect în
pretextul mărțișorului, când biata fată aștepta un simplu
„La mulți ani!”, căci în acea zi sărbătorea împlinirea
frumoasei vârste de 15 ani. Până în ora 9, cand stațiile aveau să înceapă, iar copiii aveau să se dezlănțuie, clasa a opta primește crosele și peticele
de teren de mini golf realizate cu succes de băieții de la administrativ. Încântați, spiritul copilului care tocmai a văzut o
jucărie nouă se naște în colegii mei, grăbindu-se să ia o crosă și să probeze noile „daruri”. După ce ne jucăm un pic cu crosele, primii noștri „clienți” vin la stația noastră. Fiind în tura mea, îi notez pe foaia
matricolă, iar la capitolul „semnătura copilului”, descopăr că elevul cu pricina nu știe să scrie. „Deocamdată” mă anunță
el mândru, așa că îi spun piciului să deseneze un copăcel. Apoi, primește o crosă și este învățat să lovească mingea. Tot ce pot să spun este că mai departe, vizitatorii stației noastre cresc exponențial pe oră ce trece. Văzând că stația
merge bine și că Ovidiu, Miki și Răzvan au situația sub control în tura lor, mă decid să vizitez și eu celelalte stații. O iau
pe Orit de braț și intrăm în școală. Aici, veșnicul freamăt al copiilor cu ocazia stațiilor de Purim se face simțit. În holul principal, profesorii catedrei
de ebraică schimbă jucării și bomboane în schimbul tichetelor, făcând copiii fericiți. Mai departe, urc scările și, cu un
zambet pe buze, privesc școala cu ochii minții, reamindindu-mi de primele mele dăți când am participat la sărbătoarea
de Purim. Parcă mă și văd, alergând de la stație la stație, cu tichete fluturându-mi în mână și mă bucur că tradiția se
păstrează și că noile generații ale școlii au parte de ce am avut și eu. După ce am trecut cu vederea toate stațiile, mă întorc afară, iar în scurt timp descopăr că distracția a luat sfârșit.
Stațiile se închid, iar toți elevii ajung afară, așteptând masa. După un prânz copios, ne dăm seama că ziua se termină. Ne
luăm ghiozdanele în spinare, spunem „la revedere” și plecăm. Prima zi de primăvară, ultima stație organizată de noi. 1 martie. Stațiile de Purim si Mărțișor. Ilinca Manolache, Classa a VIII-a
Mădălina Milinschi
“Big Sibs,
Little Sibs”
For as long as I can remember, we have been taught
to think in time “distances”, in intervals of time between
major events. Naturally, at the end of these events there is
always going to be some sort of challenge.
I believe this is what Lauder-Reut is all about, shaping
young personalities towards some sort of challenge.
Preparation. Serious preparation, often implemented in
ways previously unknown to the Romanian academic
The “Big SIBS, Little SIBS” project is a programme that
lasts for an entire school year, with a multitude of goals to
be reached. Falling in line with the business and diplomacy
profile of the Lauder highschool, this project is basically an
introduction to the methods and aspects of business.
The program is named “BIG Sibs, Little SIBS” due
to the fact that it proposes a bond-forming experience
between the 8th graders and the 9th graders in preparation
for the exams the 8th graders are going to sit later this year.
Thus every student of the 9th grade is assigned a student in
the 8th grade, the couple becoming “BIG Sibs, Little SIBS”.
In the beginning of this article, I’ve mentioned the way
everything has a final goal. Well, the “palpable” goal of the
“BIG Sibs, Little SIBS” project is a fair that is going to be
organized inside the Lauder-Reut high-school at the end of
this school year. The fair is going to be an entrepreneurial
project that is going to test all the techniques gathered
throughout the year.
Ovidiu Rogalsky
Junior Achievement Microsoft
Junior Achievement-Microsoft was an event
successfully organized by the Lauder-Reut
Educational Complex. This event consisted in a
presentation of approximately an hour, made by
one of Microsoft Romania’s directors. There were
presented several aspects regarding the products and
platforms of Microsoft, like the well known X-Box
console and the new OS for mobile phones, Window
The students showed their interest during the
entire presentation and discussion and they addressed
questions to the director of the company. One of the
questions regarded the steps one is supposed to take
towards becoming the Director of such a big company
as Microsoft. The director explained us all the steps in
order. He also said that is a hard and difficult path, but
in order to reach the top you need to climb the ladder
of success and in the end it will all be worth the effort.
I believe that all the students that participated at
this presentation had a lot to learn. This presentation
made the majority of students to think about their
future. All this wasn’t possible if we weren’t in a school
like Lauder-Reut. I am grateful to the Lauder-Reut
Educational Complex for all the information that
was offered by the teachers and by all the guests that
sustained presentations or lead other types of activities
in our school. Personally, I had a lot to learn and it
made me think of a future in such an extraordinary
company like Microsoft.
by Andrei Bulearca, Grade 8
Cursul de prim ajutor
La sfârşitul lunii februarie, la Lauder-Reut a avut loc
un curs de prim ajutor, în care elevii din clasele V – VII
au învăţat câteva reguli în acordarea primului ajutor, parte
important a medicine de urgenţă.
Primul ajutor reprezintă un gest generous al omului,
prin care pot fi evitate diverse accidente, cauzate de înec,
electrocutare, hemoragii sau lovituri corporale extrem de
grave, chiar şi decese.
Elevii au primit lecţii de la un “profesor” de medicină
specializat în situaţiile de urgenţă. Acesta ne-a povestit
despre activitatea lor, precum şi despre SMURD, un
serviciu datorită caruia supravieţuiesc sute de oameni.
Elevii au fost extrem de interesaţi de această prezentare,
au purtat veste de salvare, iar colegul meu, Marius Tatarici,
a interpretat rolul accidentatului, prefăcându-se că se află
într-o stare foarte gravă. Sperăm să mai avem astfel de
Matei Vlădescu – clasa a V-a
- 16 -
junior High SCHOOL
Ilinca Manolache,
The Night
clasa a VIII-a
O mulţime de
Linii frânte,
Linii curbe,
Linii întrerupte.
O mulţime de
Oameni simpli,
Oameni obişnuiţi,
Oameni obosiţi.
Printre ei toţi,
Îmi găsesc şi eu un loc.
O linie simplă,
Un om frânt.
O linie obosită,
Un om întrerupt.
O idee,
Un gând,
Mâncate de forme geometrice.
Un moment,
O melodie,
Devorate de lume.
Şi-mi înghit
O lacrimă uscată
De regrete,
De minciuni,
De promisiuni.
Am făcut o ciorbă.
Le-am pus pe toate,
Fără culoare,
Fără miros,
Fără gust.
Am pus toate liniile
Frînte, curbe, întrerupte.
Am pus toţi oamenii
clasa a VIII-a
Fără să știu
Nu sunt nimic din ce par a fi,
Nu sunt nimic din ce aș fi vrut
să fiu
Dar fiindcă m-am nascut fără
să știu,
Sau prea curând, sau prea
M-am resemnat ca orice bun
Și n-am rămas decât....
Cea care sunt!
Simpli, obisnuiţi, obosiţi,
Iar acum
Nu mai vreau
Să manânc.
Aşa că,
Flămândă, înghit în sec,
Simţind lacrima
Ce tot acolo este.
Arunc ciorba
Şi mă decid
Să fac alta,
În care lacrima
Nu mai este focul,
Ci ingredientul.
Plus şi minus
Două eternităţi,
Separate, unite de nimic.
Fără nimic,
Ar fi totul.
Iar eu stau aici,
Lipită de peretele rece
Al subconştientului meu alb.
Întorc capul după lună:
Stânga, dreapta,
Iar luna după mine:
Dreapta, stânga.
Când mă opresc din zbucium,
Mă ridic şi te caut.
Şi caut în peşteri
Şi caut pe soare.
Şi caut peste tot,
Neştiind că, de fapt,
Tu stai rezemat
Lângă mine.
Fără tine
Fără tine imi e fig
N-am ințeles niciodată
Cum simte aerul
Că ai plecat.
Tu n-ai să știi vreodată
Și n-ai de unde ști
Ce greu e fără tine
Când nu te văd o zi.
Și noaptea câteodată din somn
când mă trezesc
Pierdută-n intuneric
La tine mă gândesc.
Și apari în mintea mea,
Clipe nenumărate rând pe
Mă fură iarăși somnul
Și-adorm cu tine-n gând.
Așa mi se intâmplă
Și mi se va întâmpla
M-am învățat cu tine
Și nu te pot uita!
ilustrații de Diana Cojocaru, clasa a VIII-a
Something was watching me. Not a leaf moved. Not a bird called. A chilly gale rustled through the
dry, sunburnt grass, whistling eerily and making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. A thin,
silvery mist was slowly gliding between the large, square houses on either side of the street.
Cold. A cold such as I had never known before. Thin strands of ice were slithering across the black
pavement, wrapping themselves around me like icy, deadly snakes. I could hardly breathe. I could
hardly think.
Then, as swift and silent as a shadow, something large, as large as the dustbins on the right side
of the road, darker that the night itself, moved across the street, making the fog ripple in the soft,
yellowish light cast by a solitary streetlamp. It scurried under a car and remained stationary.
Two round, glittering eyes were staring at me from the gloom underneath the vehicle, blinking
slowly, gazing intently at me. I heard a soft intake of breath, followed by several quick rushing noises;
the thing, whatever it was, was sniffing me cautiously. Then, just as soundlessly as it had crossed the
street, the creature crawled out of its hideout. Next second, a huge, wolf-sized, pitch black, hairy dog
was glaring at me from across the road, its large orb-like eyes fixed upon me.
For a few moments, it felt as though the Earth itself had stopped turning round. I was no longer
aware of the piercing cold. The only real things in the world were those enormous, unearthly eyes,
growing steadily darker in the absolute stillness of the night.
Then, just as I was standing there, unable to move a muscle, transfixed by the sight of that
nightmarish creature, white mist came sliding by once more, swirling in silvery sinuous waves. Within
seconds, it had lain itself down upon the street, making it impossible to see anything but dusty-white
steam. The black dog was, just as everything else, completely drowned in the sea of smog. After what
seemed like hours and hours of totally obstructed view, the curious mist vanished into thin air. But
now, the neighbourhood was a completely different sight: there was no longer that deadly, ominous
stillness in the air; instead, a cool summer breeze was finding its way through the leafy treetops. My
ears were filled with the sound of a nightingale’s song. An insect was softly humming close by.
I suddenly realized that I was slightly lightheaded: I had forgotten to breathe. I took a deep, slow
breath and allowed the sweet summer air to fill my aching lungs. I looked around; the great black mutt
was nowhere to be seen.
I slowly began to walk home, wondering if it had all been just my crazy imagination…
by Irina Asia Asandi, Grade 7
This is not a story about Earth. This is not Earth. This is not even close to Earth. This is much, much
farther than Earth. Further than the Sun, the Moon. Even further than our galaxy. So far away, in fact,
that it doesn’t exist. So unknown, that it is invisible. And so are we to them.
We do not know them. But they know us. They know us better than we know ourselves. Of course
they do, for they are our creators. We are living throughout their universe, into their eyes. Without
them, we cease to exist.
This is not Earth. It’s not even close. But if it were, we wouldn’t be. Now, after all this, in spite of my
recent discoveries and theories, I have to go. I have to run away, far from here. In a place so far away
that it won’t exist. Therefore, I won’t exist. I know too much. And they know I know too much. I know
about them. I know everything. And now that I’m through with Earth…with humans, I have to run.
I am not worthy of living on Earth. If I live, they all die. I guess that I’ll just go. That’s what I’m best
at…going. But now, more than ever, more than I’ve ever been in my life… I feel enlightened. As if we
all shine through a different star. Through a different Universe, through different eyes. As if we live
because we’ve got nothing else to do. As if we are alive. And now that we know…that they know… we
can finally get some answers. Why Earth? Because Earth is so far away, that it doesn’t exist.
by Orit Itzikovich, Grade 8
Barbie nu e moartă, Barbie se conservă!
Întoarcere în viitor, mumia Barbie
Intrată pe piaţa jucăriilor şi în viaţa copiilor acum mai bine de 50 de ani, Barbie a trecut prin multe ipostaze
şi chiar crize existenţiale. A căpătat mii de outfit-uri şi a fost chiar protagonista a numeroase filme. Ce fetiţă nu
are cel puţin o Barbie în casă? Ba, aş zice eu, chiar şi unii băieţi, cei mai curajoşi. Obişnuită cu greul, dar şi cu
binele, Barbie nu s-ar fi aşteptat însă la ceea ce avea să i se întâmple la ora de istorie: urma să fie mumificată.
Cea mai mare provocare pentru profesorul de clasa a V-a este sa îi îndemne pe cei mici să înveţe cu
seriozitate, să scrie repede, să ţină pasul cu tot ceea ce li se întâmplă fără prea multe întreruperi şi cu minim de
comentarii. Datoria sacră a unui profesor este să îşi facă elevii să îi iubească materia, iar pentru mine, ca profesor
de istorie, misiunea asta pare să fie nu foarte grea, deşi în combinaţie cu o bună stăpânire a limbii engleze, în
care se desfăşoară orele, devine o provocare.
Egiptul Antic este unul dintre cele mai populare subiecte ale clasei a V-a, iar anul ăsta nu părea să fie deloc
diferit: toţi copiii aveau cel puţin o carte cu mumiii şi una cu piramide. Atunci mi-a venit ideea de a experimenta
mumificarea unui personaj important, căci numai oamenii de vază erau mumificaţi şi puşi în morminte scumpe.
Mi-a fost milă să îl mumificăm pe ursuleţul de pluş cu care sunt sigură că toţi dormeau când „erau mici”, aşa
că m-am gândit la Barbie. Echipele stabilite au adus borcane, care într-o clipită au devenit borcane canopice,
au adus cutii de carton transformate în sarcofage, iar Barbie a fost mumificată şi pusă la loc de cinste, sperând
ca la sfârşitul călătoriei în barca lui Ra, să fie transformată şi primită în veşnicie, exact cum erau faraonii. Încă
aşteptăm veşti de la ea..
Clasa a V-a a lucrat cu dedicare şi a fost aşa de încântată de transformarea lui Barbie încât nici nu şi-au dat
seama că s-a terminat ora. Aşa da copii!...
de prof. Diana Gherasimiuc
- 17 -
“School in a Different Way”
Despre... Clasa pregătitoare
Colaborarea dintre şcoală şi familie constituie una din
sarcinile importante īn activitatea educativă şi instructivă
a şcolii, intrucat comunicarea eficientă dintre profesori şi
părinţi se reflectă în dezvoltarea copiilor. Acesta este motivul
pentru care invatatoarele clasei pregatitoare din Complexul
Educational Lauder-Reut, impreuna cu elevii inscrisi in
aceasta clasa, au lasat deschisa usa pentru parintii elevilor,
invitandu-i la cat mai multe activitati menite sa incurajeze
si sa dezvolte o colaborare cat mai stransa si cat mai sincera
intre ei si cadrele didactice; totul pentru a darui copiilor ceea
ce merita: bunatate, incredere, fericire, curaj, responsabilitate
si multe alte valori atat de importante pentru dezvoltarea lor.
Cel de-al doilea proiect realizat cu ocazia implinirii
primelor 100 de zile de scoala s-a desfasurat, bineinteles, in
ziua cu numarul 100, adica pe 26 februarie 2013. Sarcina
pe care am avut-o cu totii de indeplinit pentru acest proiect
– parinti, copii, director adjunct, invatatoare – a fost sa fim
cat mai creativi in realizarea unor colectii de 100 de obiecte
de acelasi fel. Fiecare colectie a depasit granitele imaginatiei
folosindu-se materiale precum nasturi, bomboane, mozaic,
„praf magic”, poze, flori din hartie creponata, piese de lego
si multe altele. Toate colectiile au fost expuse in holul scolii
pentru a fi admirate de toata lumea.
Acum, la final de an, ne simtim mai bogati, mai impliniti
si mai apropiati unii de ceilalti.
O altfel de şcoală
În perioada 3-5 aprilie 2013 clasa a III-a A a
participat la programul „Să știi mai multe, să fii mai
Cele trei zile au însemnat un prilej de a petrece
timpul împreună în locuri în care am luat contact cu
istoria României- Curtea Domnească de la Târgoviște,
cu frumusețile țării noastre-Rezervația de zimbri
Am avut, de asemenea, onoarea de a participa
la sărbătorirea celor 163 de ani de la înființarea
Jandarmeriei Române, când am onorat invitația
Unității Speciale 76 Jandarmi din București.
Cele trei zile au fost un alt fel de prilej de a petrece
timpul împreună, dar și de a învață lucruri noi.
Prof. Claudia Voicu și Anamaria Plopeanu
Prof. Livia IOANA, Laura GEORGESCU,
Activitatile organizate in acest scop au debutat la
inceputul anului scolar printr-o activitate menita “sa sparga
gheata” cu titlul “Un pas spre prietenie” , desfasurandu-se
in continuare pe doua planuri, unul sub forma unui proiect
intitulat “Profesor pentru o zi” si celalalt organizat cu ocazia
implinirii primelor 100 de zile de scoala.
Proiectul “Profesor pentru o zi” a fost dedicat parintilor
curajosi, care au raspuns invitatiei noastre de a desfasura in
fata colectivului de elevi ai clasei pregatitoare o activitate liber
aleasa. Toti parintii care au vrut sa participe s-au descurcat
foarte bine, realizand lectii atractive, distractive si foarte
interesante, proiectul dovedindu-se a fi un succes.
1st Seeds To Grow
Pentru elevii clasei I A școala a început ca o aventură placută.
Profesorii nu s-au ascuns în spatele carților și caietelor, iar părinții au „muncit”
foarte mult alături de copii cu scopul de a stimula perseverența, creativitatea, spiritul
de echipă, toleranța și voia bună.
Prof. Simona Petre si Iuliana CIOTÂNGĂ
doamnei Adela
Țica pentru că
ne-a învățat cum
f i g u r i n e
Proiect: ,, O nouã poveste, un alt povestitor’’
Mulțumim doamnei Tomescu pentru ca ne-a
invățat cum sa ne jucăm și să ne simțim bine împreună,
copii, profesori și părinți.
Lectura, ca activitate intelectuală, deține un rol important în dezvoltarea personalitații
copilului, îmbogațindu-i orizontul cultură, dezvoltându-i gândirea, imaginația, capacitatea de
comunicare și oferindu-i exemple de conduită morală.
Pentru stimularea interesului și a dragostei pentru lectură am inițiat programul ,, O nouă
poveste, un alt povestitor’’care se va desfasura în fiecare zi de joi, în intervalul orar 15-16.
Susținători și parteneri în acest proiect sunt profesorii școlii care iubesc lectura și doresc să
le citească elevilor clasei I B povești, povestiri, basme ori fabule. Fiecare profesor are libertatea
de a alege lectura și de a o prezenta elevilor sub orice formă doresc: citire expresiva, audiție,
prezentare Power Point ș.a., însă într-o formă cât mai atractivă pentru copii. Singura regulă
impusă va fi aceea de a nu le citi povestea integral, elevii fiind astfel nevoiți să continue
singuri, seara, înainte de culcare, pentru a afla finalul acesteia. De asemenea, profesorii îi vor
îndruma pe copii să gândescă critic, determinându-i să analizeze logic șirul evenimentelor, să
argumenteze celorlalți propriile idei, să adreseze întrebări și să caute răspunsuri, să găsească
alternative pentru finalul poveștii.
A doua zi elevii vor discuta pe baza lecturii din ziua precedentă, vor adresa întrebari, își
vor împartași impresiile despre aceasta și vor realiza un desen relevant pentru secvența care le-a
plăcut cel mai mult, motivând alegerea.
Doresc prin aceast proiect să cresc interesul pentru lectură al fiecarui elev din clasa I
B, precum și de a le dezvolta acestora imaginația, creativitatea, dorința de documentare și
dragostea pentru lectură.
Prof. Simona Dobrin
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Have You Ever Heard About the Toys’ Hospital?
The recipe for a successful charity activity: we’ve heard
about this unique project, our students, as usual, got
happily involved and managed to collect a lot of toys
(broken or used ) and then donated them to “The toys’
hospital”. “The doctors” who “work” there are going to
fix and donate them to kids who are less fortunate or
happy than they are.
Our gesture was more than appreciated. We even
got a diploma to be shown, with great pride.
Once again our kids, parents and teachers proved
to have very big, warm and kind hearts.
Ioana RILL
Programul „Să știi mai multe, să fii mai bun !”
„Să știi mai multe, să fii mai bun!” a reprezentat un
moment cu adevarat plăcut pentru clasa a IV-a. Elevi
și profesori împreună s-au bucurat de zilele cu noutați,
surprize, jocuri, plimbări și...multă voie bună. Iată câteva
din desenele și gândurile celor pe care, în curând, nu-i vom
mai putea numi deloc...mici!
Prof. Mihaela Cucu și Livia Straub
„Sa stii mai multe, sa fii mai bun!” a reprezentat un
moment cu adevarat placut pentru clasa a IV-a. Elevi
si profesori impreuna s-au bucurat de zilele cu noutati,
surprize, jocuri, plimbari si...multa voie buna. Iata cateva
din desenele si gandurile celor pe care, in curand, nu-i vom
mai putea numi deloc... mici!
A fost o zi super! Chiar daca e scoala...altfel, poti face
lucruri legate de scoala care sa fie interesante si amuzante.
(Andra Ortan)
„Clap-clap, tap-tap-tap” si jocul cu pahare incepe. Am
invatat un joc pe care il voi transmite... mai departe. (Dana
Am invatat un joc nou si il voi transmite mai departe.
(Barak Azor)
Mama (Darei) a facut o prezentare de mare succes. Am
invatat multe despre arta contemporana, despre nenumarati
artisti, sculptori, despre creatiile lor. Am invatat cum sa
realizam si noi lucrari ca ale lor. (Dara Ioviţu si Andrei
Sa invatam un cantec de leagan pentru... papusi!
Concluzia: ne-am distrat invatand un cantec nou. (Patricia
Alexe si Miruna Mladin)
Unul din cele mai placute momente a fost cand ne-am
jucat in sala de sport cu cei de la alte clase. Am invatat ca
un joc inseamna mai mult decat sa castigi! Inseamna sa te
distrezi si sa ai ce impartasi cu prieteni, parinti, colegi sau
rude. (Una Toma si Toma Moisescu)
Curtea domneasca de la Targoviste ne-a impresionat
prin dimensiuni. Ni s-a parut interesant sa vedem cum erau
lucrurile pe vremea aceea. Am devenit mai buni afland mai
multe despre istoria tarii noastre si despre arhitectura acelor
vremuri. (Daria Goldenberg si Calin Vasilescu)
Am fost la Biserica din cadrul Curtii domnesti. Mi-a
placut foarte si am aflat lucruri interesante. (Tiberiu Truter)
Tipografia Curtii domnesti din Targoviste! Acum stiu
mai mult despre trecut: diaconul Coresi a tiparit prima carte
in romana. Ca sa faci o carte treabuia sa urmezi o procedura:
folosesti literele din lemn, le pui invers intr-o presa, ca sa
pui coperta folosesti o alta presa... (Rashida Stirbu si Mihai
Am vizitat Turnul Chindiei, am urcat cele douazeci si
doua de trepte. Cand priveam in jos, vedeam toata Curtea
domneasca. Cand priveam inainte, vedeam tot orasul.
(Matei Cohen)
Am vizitat Rezervatia de zimbri din Targoviste. Aratau
ca niste tauri, doar ca aveau… coama. A meritat pentru ca
am vazut un animal nou… pentru noi. (Ionut Cazacu si
Maria Stanculescu)
Am vizitat Muzeul Tehnic din Viena in interiorul
caruia am vazut chiar un vagon de tren. M-a impresionat cu
adevarat! (Teodor Tender)
Am mers cu metroul pana la Aviatorilor! A fost
palpitant! Totul parea ca se zguduie si mergeam cu cel putin
120 km/h. (Eliza Tolici si Horia Niculae)
In Parcul Herastrau am vizitat Acvariile. Am vazut niste
pesti transparenti! E prima oara cand am stat atat de aproape
de o pisica de mare sau o anghila! A fost un adintre cele mai
frumoase experiente! (Luca Olariu si Vlad Marinescu)
In parc ne-am jucat si un fel de „Adevar si provocare”.
Prindeai mingea, primeai o porunca nostima! Am invatat
astfel sa ne distram cu prietenii si sa comunicam. (Maria
Saguna si Adina Serafinceanu)
La sfarsitul zilei, Mihaela si Livia au comandat pizza. A
fost foarte buna! Am invatat ca surprizele sunt surprize: nu
se dezvaluie pana la sfarsit! (Elton Dinca)
How Was School
In Your Days?
The life of a student in the primary school at Lauder
Reut Educational Complex, from learning the first letters
in preparatory class to preparing for a very important
examination in English and of maturity (PET Cambridge
Examination) in the 4th grade, is a COMPLEX one.
From 8.00 - 8.20 in the morning, when the bell rings
for the first class, until 5 or even 6 o’clock in the afternoon,
every child in our school must give 100% of his/her
attention towards every teacher.
A primary school student learns and speaks (also
reads and writes) three languages (Romanian, English,
Hebrew), and he studies all the subjects in the Romanian
Curriculum, plus others presented in the club offer. This
year our educational offer includes various subjects such
as: other foreign languages (German, Spanish, Russian),
learning about magic tricks, theatre, ballet, arts &crafts,
handmade techniques, karate, robotics, how to play an
instrument (piano, violin), art club, computers etc. To all
these you have to add homework time and other activities
proposed by the class teachers or school events.
How would you feel to constantly being asked to do
something: to write, to design and present your project
for English/Science using the computer, to read, to find
answers to all kind of tricky questions (all teachers like
to ”torture” their students with), to sing, to run, to jump,
to give definitions, to perfectly and creatively glue or fold
pieces of paper or other materials, to be nice to all the
classmates, to find solutions to all the difficult situations,
to sit properly in your desk, to raise your hand, to speak
or not to speak, to do your homework for at least three
subjects every day ?!?!? And the list could go on and on…
Of course teachers and parents are there for the
students. Most of the time they support children’s efforts,
but sometimes they are too demanding in asking these
young creatures for perfect behavior, results or essays…
In the end (at the end of each semester or school year)
all this hard work is paid off.
As you readers will be able to see in the pages of this
newsletter, kids who work hard every day succeed in getting
outstanding academic results, which are recognized in
important local or international contests.
So, dear readers, this is my tribute to each and every
student, fellow teacher or parent in the school for being
able to rise up to very high standards Tova, the heart and
soul of the school, sets every day and every year here, at
The Lauder Reut Educational Complex.
Congratulations to all,
Deputy principal for primary school,
Ioana Rill
Africa – land of dreams, of breath taking beauty, of
reaches beyond imagination. But here, in C.E. LauderReut, we all tried to discover Africa – a land of hope…
hope for those who starve, for those who are not always
loved, hope for those in prison.
Teodor Tender, student in the 4th grade, along with his
parents, coordinated a programme to help those in need.
They invited students in our school and their families to
get involved and they collected clothes, money, toys, and
good words for children in Africa. Everything mattered
and represented an important help. The words were also
sent to comfort and make some of the sorrow disappear.
Teo shared a few thoughts about his experience
visiting children in African prisons. “What touched me
the most was that the mothers did not take any food for
themselves. They preferred to give it all to their children.”
“I met the children during a break. When they saw
me, they jumped up on me and hugged me. I talked to
their teacher and gave her the notes from my classmates.”
Here are a few thoughts that the 4th graders sent!
Dear children,
I’m very surprised
and I want to have your
courage and power that
are very hard to get. I
think that all of you will
like my clothes and toys.
Be brave and fight with all the hard things in life!
With respect,
Dear children,
Most of you don’t
have a house or a
family, but I want you
to know that we care about you. I think that you will enjoy
the toys!
- 19 -
I hope you will like
the toys. We have all
kinds for you. I wish I
had more toys and also
more clothes to give you.
Good wishes,
My name is Miruna.
I brought some toys for
you. I hope you’ll
enjoy them! Be sure
that Lauder students
love you very much!
With love,
Your friend
Dear children,
I know that most of you
don’t have parents. I’m sorry
for these difficult times. I hope
that you will have better lives.
We really care about you.
Soarele își face loc printre norii
cenușii. El trimite câteva raze spre
întinderea argintie. Haina albă a
pământului se destramă în firicele subțiri.
- Cling! Cling! se aude un glas
- Cine ești? l-am întrebat curioasă.
- Cum? Nu mă recunoști? Sunt
ghiocelul, vechiul tău prieten.
- Nu-mi aduc aminte.
- Bine, atunci îți voi spune povestea
mea: Demult, când iernile erau geroase,
fiica cea mică a soarelui a coborât pe
pământ și a readus florile la viață. Fără
să vrea ea mi-a rupt corpul firav cu trena
ei aurie. S-a întors și m-a vazut sfâșiat.
Mi-a cerut scuze și a vrut să știe care este
dorința mea. Eu i-am spus că doream să
fiu prima floare care înflorește. Zâna mi-a
îndeplinit dorința, așa că eu am devenit
astfel vestitorul primaverii.
La aceste vorbe grădina s-a umplut
cu ghiocei. Într-un cor ei au strigat:
- A sosit primavara!
Ana-Maria Scutelnicu,
Clasa a III-a B
Vrăjitoriile muzicii
Pentru copilul de azi, care are o predispoziţie pentru audio-vizual, a participa
activ la reuniunea artelor, muzică, poezie, teatru – e un dat. Aşa că, „SĂ MERGEM
Şi, pentru o zi de iarnă, în ajunul sărbătorilor, un strop de elixir al dragostei este
numai binevenit!
Aşa ne-am decis noi, cu toţii, să mergem împreună, ca o familie mare ce
suntem, la spectacolul Vrăjitoriile lui Dulcamara, o adaptare după opera Elixirul
dragostei, de Gaetano Donizetti. De la cei mai mici de clasa I la cei mari de clasa a
VII-a, cu toţii am purces la premiera ce avea să fie de mare succes.
Într-adevăr, echipa de artişti ai Operei comice a dat dovadă, la cea mai înaltă
cotă, de mare performanţă şi rafinament artistic. Ce-am văzut ne-a încântat mult:
profesionalism, tinereţe, voci educate, balet expresiv, un joc scenic modern şi o
scenografie sugestivă. Deşi este o companie de curând înfiinţată, actul artistic a
fost foarte sudat şi cu mare priză la public, elevii fiind angrenaţi în desfăşurarea
O întâlnire emoţionantă a fost cea cu regizorul spectacolului, marea soprana
Felicia Filip, care incurajat pe copii şi le-a urat cele mai frumoase gânduri.
Este emoţionant să vezi sute, sute de copilaşi ovaţionând şi aplaudând nişte
personaje de care nu au auzit niciodată şi care în doar 50 de minute devin amicii
lor. Personajele, cu Donizetti în frunte, Nemorino şi Adina, Belcore şi inegalabilul
doctor Dulcamara ne-au mai învăţat că nu găseşti sentimentul de iubire într-o
sticluţă cu licori, ci că el este chiar în fiecare din noi, gata să fie descoperit.
Pe curând, dragi artişti!
Prof. Rodica Doija
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Discovering The Amazing
World Around Us
Side by side for the same goal
Jean Jacques Rousseau,
one fo the greatest thinkers of
the Enlightment revolution,
once said: “Let the child
know something not because
you told him, but because
he has understood it himself.
He doesn’t have to learn the
science, he has to discover it”.
If you want to teach kids about
nature, take them out into
the woods, take them out in
a boat, let them see, feel, and
smell to excite their curiosity.
„Make your pupil attentive to
the phenomena of nature. Soon you will make him curious”. The science activities provide
useful and necessary information to the children and they have the possibility to explore the
world they are in connection with the help of their teachers.
A tradition for Lauder Reut Kindergarten is to discover interesting things about science
on special days organized at the initiative of children. The world of animals, a dynamic and
joyful world, always awakens the children’s interest. This is why, the Small Group children
decided to explore the wonderful and
amazing world of the turtles, finding out
together many interesting things about these
fantastic creatures. The kids observed real
turtles, discovered the great variety around
the world through photos and watched
a documentary about Central American
turtles, finding out about their way of living
and the way they lay eggs. And of course we
all crawled along with the baby turtles that
came out of the eggs and found their way to
the sea by themselves. In the end everybody
made their own drawings with baby turtles
and assembled different kinds of materials
on the back of the turtle shell, creating great
It was fun and exciting to discover the
world of the turtles and also to see how
contemporary Rousseau’s thoughts are even
after more than two centuries.
Parents and teachers are on
the same team since they work
together for the same mission: to
educate and train children and
help them to develop socially,
emotionally and spiritually. It’s
important to communicate with
parents on a regular basis, to
establish an open relationship
in the best interest of the child.
It’s well known that when
parents are involved in their
children and parents are likely
to benefit: children’s self-esteem is enhanced, their achievement grows, relationships are
improved and most of the parents develop positive attitudes towards school and a better
understanding of the schooling process.
At Lauder-Reut parents are an important part of the educational program. They
give us support when it comes to working with their children. Parents participate in
their children’s school life by joining us in the Parent Teacher Forum, participating in
parent-teacher conferences, receiving and responding to written communications from
the teachers, working as volunteers for classroom activities or trips and also many other
This year, during the Career Week in kindergarten, parents were invited to present
their occupations in front of the kids. Middle Group had two parents as guests and the
children found out many interesting things about constructions and buildings and about
the psychological support offered to the others. Mrs Dincă, Pietro’s mother presented a
short movie on how a house is built and the materials which are used: bricks, cement,
sand etc. Kids even built a small wall by themselves, using real bricks and concrete. Mrs
Stănescu Boţan, Eden’s mother, explained the children that the psychologist is a doctor
who helps people in difficult
moments and also also
played games making them
realize how many things
they can do with their legs
and hands
The children had a great
time and a lot of fun, and also
the two mothers enjoyed the
time spent in kindergarten.
They received a diploma
as a sign of appreciation
and gratitude and we look
forward to continuing this
project next year.
“Parents are universally accepted as a child’s first teacher”
(David Flatley, Change.org)
Encouraging Creativity
In Kindergarten Through Visual Arts
Creating an encouraging environment for
preschoolers is one of our main priorities in Lauder-Reut.
From unstructured play to visual arts, our kindergarten
offers a stimulating and friendly environment for
to access more creative ways of seeing the world around
us, be focused and gain the optimism to succeeed. At
this age creativity focuses more on the process and less
on the finished products. Research shows that children
who work more with different writing and drawing
tools do better in reading and math and focus better on
learning tasks in school. During the process we must
adjust ourselves to children’s ideas rather that forcing
them to fit to our ideas. Accepting unusual ideas and
suspending judgement are great ways to stimulate
initiative and success.
Our garden in spring
kids to develop creativity and self-confidence. These
activities boost motor and thinking skills, but also
self-confidence in emotional expression and social
interaction. Our kids experiment color, texture, space
in various art products, enjoying experimenting both
indoors and outdoors.
We are aware of the fact that teachers and parents
can not give talent to children, but we can teach them
Sporul casei
Children must be encouraged to try new ways
of doing things and we musnt’t be afraid of the mess
Children’s ideas
must be respected
and they must
be given the
great present of
Vegetable Art
- 21 -
Our Heritage - Cultural Traditions
A Multicultural Perspective
things about the meaning of the celebrations, tasted
the special food prepared and enjoyed traditional
songs and dances.
These shared learning experiences built common
knowledge and relationships among teachers and
kindergarten students, enhanced the positive feeling
toward multicultural experiences and tolerant attitudes in a divers world.
The concept of a school partnership recognizes
the value of sharing experiences for improving
educational outcomes. Kindergarten teachers and
students overcome barriers and build common
knowledge and as they develop relashionships to
ensure positive attitudes towards the diversity of the
cultural background.
Kindergarten teachers from Lauder-Reut
Complex and Kindergarten Number 3 joined
together to develop a partnership based on sharing
jewish and christian traditions and celebrations
throughout the annual calendar. The program
followed two major action steps: 1) providing joint
professional opportunities for kindergarten teachers
to develop a base of shared knowledge and mutual
respect; 2) establishing ongoing opportunities for
kindergarten kids to observe special events and
learn about other culture. The Big Group from The
Lauder – Reut Kindergarten answered the invitation
on two different occassions: Christmas and the 1st of
March and also became hosts for their colleagues on
Hanuka and Purim Day. All the kids learnt a lot of
A Touch of Israel
Learning Hebrew in a fun way
‫נגיעה ישראלית בגן הילדים‬
‫ללמוד את השפה העברית בכיף‬
When I first arrived from Israel to
the Lauder-Reut School in Bucharest,
Tova asked me to be Hebrew teacher for
the kindergarten and I was very happy
because it gave me the opportunity to
explore the field of teaching Hebrew
language in early childhood.
In the beginning I didn’t know how
to deal with this but soon and with Anca’s
help-the principal of the kindergarten and with the support of all the teachers
I started to realize that the most important things when working with children is to create
experiential encounters with the language through songs, dance, stories, games and art
&crafts, bringing it into their lives in the most natural way.
Many of the children don’t hear Hebrew at home so one of my basic goals was to make
them feel comfortable with the language through joyful and fun activities. The children,
learned to count to 10, to name all the colors of the rainbow and the body parts, to identify
fruits and vegetables, farm and wild animals by name and many other things.
They became familiar with all the
characters in the family – Mom, Dad,
Grandma, Grandpa, brothers and sisters,
being able to say: ma “shlomkha”/“shlomekh”
(how are you?), “toda” (thanks) “be-teavon”
(bon apetit), “shalom” when we meet and“lehitraot ve-neshikot” before leaving. All
children can name the season when they
have their birthdays.
For each Jewish Holiday in the annual
calendar I tried to tell the story behind the celebration and to illustrate the period through
costume and decorations: we were “Hasmonai” fighting against the Romans in Hanukkah,
we became a tree on Tu B’Shevat, we exposed the wicked Haman on Purim and we ran away
from Egypt, crossing the Red Sea on Passover, and at the end of the year, in Shavuot we
brought an offering to the Holly Temple in Jerusalem.
For me these two years spent in Lauder-Reut were a wonderful experience, I fell in love
with children and learned a lot from everyone.
Thank you for the wonderful experience… Lehitraot ve neshikot/Pupici și la revedere,
‫ מנכ''לית בית ספר ביקשה ממני‬- ‫ טובה‬,‫רעות בבוקרשט‬-‫כאשר הגעתי מישראל לבית הספר לאודר‬
.‫להיות מורה לעברית בגן הילדים‬
.‫כי זאת הייתה הזדמנות עבורי לחקור את תחום הקניית השפה העברית בגיל הרך‬, ‫מאוד שמחתי‬
‫ אבל לאט לאט ובעזרתה של אנקה מנהלת גן הילדים ובתמיכתם‬,‫בהתחלה לא ידעתי איך להתמודד עם זה‬
‫של כל המורות המלמדות את קבוצות הגיל השונות בגן הבנתי שהכי חשוב בעבודה עם ילדים הוא ליצור‬
‫יצירות אמנות‬, ‫ משחקים‬,‫ סיפורים‬,‫ ריקודים‬,‫מפגשים חווייתיים עם השפה העברית באמצעות שירים‬
.‫ועבודות יד‬
‫הבנתי שזאת הדרך הטובה ביותר והטבעית‬
.‫ביותר לחבר את הילדים לשפה זרה‬
‫מכיוון שרבים מהילדים לא חשופים לשפה‬
‫ היה לי חשוב ליצור פעילויות‬,‫העברית בבית‬
‫שמחות ומהנות ולגרום להם להרגיש בנוח עם‬
‫תוך כדיי פעילות מסוג זה הילדים למדו לספור‬
‫ ואת חלקי‬,‫ למדו את כל צבעי הקשת‬,10 ‫עד‬
‫ חיות משק וחיות‬,‫הם למדו לזהות פירות וירקות‬
- ‫בר הם למדו להכיר את כל הדמויות במשפחה‬
‫ לברך‬:‫ ולהיות מסוגלים לומר את הברכות השונות על אם הדרך‬,‫ אחים ואחיות‬,‫ סבא‬,‫ סבתא‬,‫ אבא‬,‫אמא‬
‫ ולהגיד‬.‫ לברך בתאבון לפני הארוחה‬,‫ מה שלומך? ולענות טוב תודה‬:‫ לשאול‬,‫לשלום "כאשר נפגשים‬
.‫להתראות כשנפרדים‬
.‫ באיזה עונה הם נולדו‬:‫ ולאמר‬,‫ קיץ חורף סתיו אביב‬:‫הילדים למדו גם לציין את שמות העונות‬
‫ ניסיתי להעביר את הרקע ההיסטורי של כל חג ולהמחיש‬,‫בכל החגים היהודים בלוח השנה העברי‬, ‫כמו כן‬
‫לילדים את הסיפור באמצעות תחפושות‬
‫ בחנוכה נלחמנו כ"מכבים" נגד‬:‫ותפאורה‬
‫ בפורים ניצחנו‬,‫הרומאים בט"ו בשבט הפכנו לעץ‬
‫ בפסח ברחנו ממצריים וחצינו‬,‫את המן הרשע‬
‫ בחג השבועות הבאנו‬,‫את ים סוף ובסוף השנה‬
.‫מנחה לבית המקדש הנמצא בירושלים הקדושה‬
‫רעות היתה‬-‫בשבילי השנתיים הללו בגן לאודר‬
‫ אני התאהבתי בילדים ולמדתי‬,‫התנסות נהדרת‬
‫המון מכולם תודה לכולכם על חוויה כה נפלאה‬
.‫ מהדס באהבה‬,‫שלום להתראות נשיקות ותודה‬
2012 Alumni
- 22 -
It’s hard to put into words everything I feel, everything
I want to tell you. Now that my first year at university is
over, my thoughts return to the people who guided me
onto this path and to the place that was my home for four
years. Thank you, thank you for the warm welcome into the
Lauder family! Thank you for everything you taught me.
Thank you for „raising me”!
Ioana Popescu, 2012 Lauder-Reut Alumni,
undergraduate of University of Leeds
Int’l Relations & Peace Studies
Congratulations to our
Kyokushin Karate students!
This year, my students at LauderReut took part in multiple
competitions, with very good
results. Below you can see the
result of their hard work. I
congratulate them for working
and fighting well and I am sure
that in the future they will train
with even more determination for
future exams and competitions. I
would also like to congratulate
their parents and the LauderReut Educational complex for
their unending support.
November 17th, 2012 – Budo
Master Cup at Atlantis Fitness &
Lifestyle in Pipera: Tetruashvili
Daniel, 2nd place; Andronesi
Mathias, 3rd place; Tica Armand, 2nd place; Dumitrascu
Mihnea, 2nd place; Balaci Alexandru, 3rd place; Moisescu
Toma, 3rd place; Truter Tiberiu, 3rd place; Marin Radu, 2nd
place; Focsa Ana, 2nd place; Cretulescu Eric
January 5th-11th, 2013 – Kyokushin Karate Camp
in Tarlungeni, admitted through belt examination:
Dumitrascu Mihnea; Diaconescu Sara
February 2013 – Kyokushin Karate National
Winter Camp, successfully passed the belt examination:
Tetruashvili Daniel, Bahna Maria, Marin Radu, Balaci
Alexandru, Stirbu Rashida, Marin Irina. This camp also
hosted the Romanian Cup for Children, where Tetruashvili
Daniel took 1st place and Bahna Maria 3rd place
February 10th, 2013 – belt examination at World
Class America House. The following students successfully
Valentin Dimitriu
Mihnea Macovei
passed: Gileava Leia, Kehaiyan Maria, Sterescu Stefan,
Nitu Dara, Zamfirescu Andrei, Tica Armand, Focsa Ana,
Hartenis Theia, Andronesi Mathias, Constantin Tudor,
Moisescu Toma, Scutelnicu Ana Maria.
February 25th, 2013 – Purim Sameah demonstration
at the JCC, in which the majority of the Lauder-Reut
Karate Club participated.
March 10th, 2013 – Sala Polivalenta – Oyama
Children’s Cup – Marin Radu, 3rd place
March 17th, 2013 – belt examination at World Class
American House, admitted: Truter Tiberiu, Anghel
Ciprian, David Adrian
April 27th, 2013 – Budo Master Cup. Participants:
Gaga Carol, 3rd place; Balaci Alexandru, 3rd place; Tica
Armand, 1st place; Andronesi Mathias, 2nd place in Kumite,
2nd place in Kata; Focsa Ana, 1st place; Truter Tiberiu, 3rd
place; Tetruashvili Daniel, 1st place;
Cohen Matei, 1st place in Kumite, 3rd
place in Kata; Moisescu Toma
At the end of May, we will participate
in the National Championship for
Children, where we will continue the
Lauder-Reut tradition and earn some
medals, especially 1st place!
Nicu Stoian
Sensei 3 Dan-multiple
European champion
I can pride myself with the fact that I was one of the
first children to register for the Lauder-Reut Kindergarten,
in 1997. I attended primary school, middle school, and
high school at the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex. I
graduated from high school as valedictorian, together with
my classmate Yardena. In September 2012 I started studying
International and European Law at the University of
Groningen. I also study Law in the Honors College. In both
universities, classes are taught in English – formal, academic
English, where simple language just doesn’t cut it. Professors
expect us to speak like natives, but it was easy for me to meet
their high demands because I studied English intensively at
Lauder-Reut. I often found myself at an advantage because
many of the subjects we study in university are also taught
in Bucharest high schools. The two universities I chose are
not easy, but I am taking classes that bring me satisfactions
every single day. The knowledge with which I graduated
from Lauder placed me among an elite group of students in
foreign universities, something that I will forever be grateful
for to the teachers at Lauder (whom I miss very much) and
to the management, to Tova and Mr. Dan Sandru, who
supported me and helped me build the base for a road that
I am lucky and happy to be on.
Amalia Guliman, 2012 Lauder-Reut Alumni,
undergraduate of University of Groningen
International and European Law & Law in the
Honors College
“Today I started my second month of classes at the Lauder Business School of Vienna. The campus is very beautiful,
the atmosphere resembled that of the Lauder-Reut school.
The professors and the staff are all very welcoming. Classes
seem easy, except for Accounting and Economics, which are
new subjects for me. I have to thank you for everything you
gave us during 4 high school years - it’s been a great help. I
am especially proud of my English level, which has proven
superior and includes marketing and business administration knowledge and vocabulary. More so, I even received
credit for the Business English class offered at Lauder, in
collaboration with the British Council.
All the best from Vienna,
Vlad Dorobantu, Lauder-Reut High School
graduate, class of 2012. Presently, he is studying at
the Lauder Business School in Vienna
Our Winners 2012-2013
- 23 -
* This Newsletter includes only students who obtained prizes with 90 points or more.
Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest.
Second stage, Romanian Language
Evaluation; 1st prize, Second stage,
Maths Evaluation; 1st prize, Third
stage, Euclid Maths Contest. EVA
BIRIŞ, 3rd prize, Second stage,
Romanian Language Evaluation.
Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest.
Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest.
SOFIA ENE, 2nd prize, Second stage,
Romanian Language Evaluation; 1st
prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths
Contest; 2nd prize, Third stage, Euclid
Maths Contest. FRIDA FESUS, 1st prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest. AMOS GOLDENBERG, 3rd prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest. RAREŞ
JEJERAN, 1st prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest. MAIA MANOLACHE, 2nd prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest. SARAH MILOŞ, 3rd prize, Second
stage, Euclid Maths Contest. MIHNEA STAN, 2nd prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 3rd prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest. ANDREI TENDER, 1st
prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest. ARMAND ŢICA, 2nd prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest. LARA TOMESCU, 2nd prize, Second stage, Euclid
Maths Contest. ANDREI ZAMFIRESCU, 3rd prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 1st prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest
IONEL BARBU, 1st prize, District level, Piano Contest; 2nd prize, Piano Contest “Iulia Hasdeu”. MATEI BRATU, 1st prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 3rd
prize, Piano Contest “Talente împlinite”. ALEXANDRU BURLACU, 1st prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest; I B, 3rd prize, Second stage, Romanian Language
Evaluation. SOPHIE DAUTEUIL, 1st prize, District level, Vocal Contest – Solo; I B, 2nd prize, District level, Piano Contest. TUDOR GEORGESCU, 1st prize, Second
stage, Euclid Maths Contest. VLAD MOCANU, 1st prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest. VLAD NĂMOLOŞANU, 1st prize, Second stage, Maths Evaluation;
2nd prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 1st prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest. RAISA PORUBIN-LĂZURCĂ, 3rd prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths
Contest. DARIA RAICU, 1st prize, Second stage, Romanian Language Evaluation; 1st prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest. MARA STĂNCIULESCU, 1st
prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest. ADAM ZIZOVI, 3rd prize, Second stage, Romanian Language Evaluation; 3rd prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest
Our Winners 2012-2013
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* This Newsletter includes only students who obtained prizes with 90 points or more.
ARIADNA ALBU, 3rd prize, First stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 3rd prize, District level, Piano Contest. MARIA BAHNĂ, Honorary Mention, Final stage, Arhimede
Maths Contest; Honorary Mention, Second stage, Arhimede Maths Contest. ILINCA DUMITRESCU, 3rd prize, Second stage, Romanian Language Evaluation.
ILINCA MAXIM, 2, Honorary Mention, First stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; Honorary Mention, Second stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; Honorary Mention, Final
stage, Arhimede Maths Contest. IULIA NIȚU DARA, Honorary Mention, Final stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; 2nd prize, Second stage, Maths Evaluation. ROBERT
STĂNESCU, Honorary Mention, Final stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; Honorary Mention, First stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; 3rd prize, Second stage, Arhimede
Maths Contest; 2nd prize, First stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 3rd prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest
ANA FOCŞA, 3rd prize, First stage, English Language Evaluation. IACOB MIHAILESCU, 3rd prize, First stage, Euclid Maths Contest; Honorary Mention, First stage,
Arhimede Maths Contest; 1st prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest. ALEXANDRA ROCEANU, 1st prize, First stage, English Language Evaluation; 1st prize,
Second stage, English Language Evaluation; 2nd prize, Second stage, Romanian Language Evaluation
Our Winners 2012-2013
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* This Newsletter includes only students who obtained prizes with 90 points or more.
MĂDĂLINA BARBU, 1st prize, District level, Piano Contest; 2nd prize, First stage, English Language Evaluation; 1st prize, Piano Contest “Iulia Hasdeu”. PHILIP
DIMA, 3rd prize, First stage, English Language Evaluation; 3rd prize, First stage, Euclid Maths Contest. ANA MIHAI, 3rd prize, Second stage, English Language
Evaluation. MICHAEL GEORGE MULLNER, 3rd prize, District level, Piano Contest; 1st prize, First stage, English Language Evaluation; 1st prize, First stage, Euclid
Maths Contest; 3rd prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest. MIHAI NEGREA, 3rd prize, First stage, English Language Evaluation; 3rd prize, Second stage, English
Language Evaluation. MARCUS PISO, 3rd prize, First stage, English Language Evaluation; 2nd prize, First stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 1st prize, Second stage, Romanian
Language Evaluation. ANA-MARIA SCUTELNICU, 2nd prize, District level, Piano Contest; 3rd prize, First stage, English Language Evaluation. LARA ȚIFUI, 3rd prize,
District level, Piano Contest; 1st prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 2nd prize, First stage, Euclid Maths Contest
MATEI COHEN, 1st prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 3rd prize, Second stage, Romanian Language Evaluation. ELTON DINCĂ, 1st prize, Fencing, Riposte
Cup. DARA IOVIȚU, 1st prize, District level, Vocal Contest-Duet. MIRUNA MLADIN, 1st prize, District level, Vocal Contest-Duet. MARIA ŞAGUNA, 3rd prize, First
stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 3rd prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest. ADINA SERAFINCEANU, 3rd prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 3rd prize, Second
stage, English Language Evaluation. TEODOR TENDER, 3rd prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest. UNA TOMA, 3rd prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest
Our Winners 2012-2013
- 26 -
* This Newsletter includes only students who obtained prizes with 90 points or more.
CARLA DÎRMINĂ, 3rd prize, First
stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; 1st
prize, Second stage, English Language
Evaluation; 2nd prize, First stage,
Euclid Maths Contest; 3rd prize,
City level, Romanian Language
Olympiad; 1st prize , District level,
Romanian Language Olympiad; 2nd
prize, Cangurul lingvist, English
1st prize, First stage, English Language
Evaluation. FELIX FIRESCU, 1st prize,
National level, French Language,
Knowledges Olympiad. ANTONIA
GROSU, 1st prize, First stage, English
Language Evaluation; 1st prize, Second
stage, English Language Evaluation;
1st prize, National level, French
Language, Knowledges Olympiad;
2nd prize , District level, Romanian
Language Evaluation. ANTONIA IONESCU, 1st prize, National level, French Language, Knowledges Olympiad. FILIP IOVIŢU, Honorary Mention , City level,
“Terra” Geography National Contest; Honorary Mention, District level, “Terra” Geography National Contest. ELENA OSAIN, 1st prize, First stage, English Language
Evaluation; 1st prize, Second stage, English Language Evaluation. MARIA PROGLOFF, 3rd prize, National level, “Terra” Geography National Contest; 3rd prize, City
level, “Terra” Geography National Contest; 1st prize, District level, “Terra” Geography National Contest. CLAIRE RAICU, 3rd prize, City level, Romanian Language
Olympiad; 2nd prize, District level, Romanian Language Olympiad. ŞTEFAN ŞAGUNA, 1st prize, First stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; 1st prize, Second stage, Arhimede
Maths Contest; 1st prize, Final stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; 3rd prize, Second stage, Maths Evaluation; 2nd prize, First stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 2nd prize, Second
stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 1st prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 2nd prize, Special Prize, Arhimede Maths Contest. ALEXANDRA ŞERBAN, 3rd prize, Second
stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 2nd prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 1st prize, National level, French Language, Knowledges Olympiad. DAVID STĂNESCU,
Honorary Mention, First stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; Honorary Mention, Second stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; Honorary Mention, Final stage, Arhimede
Maths Contest; 3rd prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 1st prize, MiniBaschet Expand Health4Sports Cup. MATEI VLĂDESCU, Honorary Mention, Final stage,
Arhimede Maths Contest; 3rd prize, City level, Romanian Language Olympiad. EVE ZARIK, 1st prize, National level, French Language, Knowledges Olympiad
ANDREI ALBU, 3rd prize, Second stage,
English Language Evaluation. IOANA
BOUREANU, 3rd prize, Second stage,
English Language Evaluation. PAUL
BRICMAN, 1st prize, First stage, English
Language Evaluation; 1st prize, Second
stage, English Language Evaluation; 2nd
prize, First stage, Euclid Maths Contest;
3rd prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths
Contest; 2nd prize, National level, French
Language, Knowledges Olympiad; 2nd
prize, First stage, Arhimede Maths
Contest; 1st prize, Regional competition,
World Robot Olympiad. VALENTIN
DUMITRIU, 1st prize, Regional
competition, World Robot Olympiad.
MARTHA GOLDSTEIN, 1st prize, First
stage, English Language Evaluation; 1st prize, National level, French Language, Knowledges Olympiad. MIHNEA MACOVEI, 3rd prize, Second stage, English Language
Evaluation; 3rd prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest. ARIANA SERAFINCEANU, 1st prize, Second stage, English Language Evaluation
Our Winners 2012-2013
- 27 -
* This Newsletter includes only students who obtained prizes with 90 points or more.
prize, Second stage, English Language
Evaluation; 1st prize, First stage,
Romanian Language Evaluation; 1st
prize, First stage, Euclid Maths Contest;
1st prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths
Contest; 3rd prize, Third stage, Euclid
Maths Contest; Honorary Mention,
City level, Physics Olympiad; 1st prize,
District level, Physics Olympiad. DAN
ARBĂNAŞU, 3rd prize, First stage,
Euclid Maths Contest; 3rd prize, Second
stage, Euclid Maths Contest. IOANA
PAVELESCU, 3rd prize, First stage, English Language Evaluation; Honorary Mention, City level, “Gelu Naum”, National Poetry Festival; 1st prize, National level, French
Language, Knowledges Olympiad; Qualified, National level, Romanian Language Olympiad; 3rd prize, City level, Romanian Language Olympiad; Honorary Mention,
District level, Romanian Language Olympiad. DANIEL ŞTEFAN, 3rd prize, First stage, English Language Evaluation
IRINA ASIA ASANDI, 1st prize, District
level, English Language, Creativity
Olympiad, 1st prize, City level, English
INES BRATASANU, 1 prize, District
level, Vocal Contest - Solo. IRINA
DAMIAN, 3rd prize, City level, French
Language, Knowledges Olympiad.
ALEXA DOBRIN, 3rd prize, City level,
Spanish Language Olympiad. ANNA
DOUGLAS, 3rd prize, District level,
English Language, Creativity Olympiad;
1st prize, City level, English Language,
DRĂGHICI, 2 prize, Piano Contest,
1st prize, District level, Piano Contest;
2nd prize, First stage, English Language
Evaluation; 2nd prize, City level, French
Language, Knowledges Olympiad; Qualified, National level, “Terra” Geography National Contest; 3rd prize, City level, “Terra” Geography National Contest; 3rd prize,
District level, “Terra” Geography National Contest. ANNA MARIA LIGOR, Honorary Mention, City level, French Language, Knowledges Olympiad; 1st prize, National
level, Spanish Language Olympiad; 1st prize, City level, Spanish Language Olympiad. MIHAI MINA, 3rd prize, First stage, English Language Evaluation; 3rd prize,
Second stage, English Language Evaluation. ANDREI NICULAE, 2nd prize, National level, French Language, Knowledges Olympiad; 1st prize, Basketball, National
Championship. ANDRADA PANTELIMON, Honorary Mention, First stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; 3rd prize, First stage, English Language Evaluation; 3rd prize,
First stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 3rd prize, City level, Biology Olympiad; 2nd prize, District level, Biology Olympiad. VESCU VICTOR, 3rd prize, First stage, Arhimede
Maths Contest; 2nd prize, District level, Piano Contest; 3rd prize, First stage, English Language Evaluation; 3rd prize, First stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 2nd prize, Third
stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 1st prize, National level, “Terra” Geography National Contest; 1st prize , City level, “Terra” Geography National Contest; 2nd prize, District
level, “Terra” Geography National Contest; 2nd prize, City level, Biology Olympiad; 1st prize, District level, Biology Olympiad; 1st prize , District level, English Language,
Creativity Olympiad
Our Winners 2012-2013
- 28 -
* This Newsletter includes only students who obtained prizes with 90 points or more.
MICHAEL BEHAR, 3rd prize, First stage,
Arhimede Maths Contest; 1st prize, First
stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 2nd prize,
Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 3rd
prize, District level, History Olympiad.
COSMINA CERNESCU, 3rd prize, City
level, French Language, Knowledges
Honorary Mention, District level,
Physics Olympiad. TUDOR HALAC, 3rd
prize, District level, English Language,
Creativity Olympiad; 3rd prize, City
level, English Language, Creativity
Olympiad. SARA LAKATOS, 2nd
prize, District level, English Language,
Creativity Olympiad; 3rd prize, City
level, English Language, Creativity
2nd prize, First stage, English Language,
Creativity Olympiad; 3rd prize, Second
stage, English Language, Creativity Olympiad; 2nd prize, City level, English Language, Creativity Olympiad; Honorary Mention, City level, Spanish Language Olympiad;
3rd prize, District level, English Language, Creativity Olympiad; 3rd prize, District level, Romanian Language Olympiad; 1st prize, City level, “Gelu Naum”, National
Poetry Festival; Mention, National Poetry Festival “Ana Blandiana”. DIANA MARINEANU, 1st prize, National level, French Language, Knowledges Olympiad; 3rd prize,
City level, Spanish Language Olympiad. MĂDĂLINA MILINSKI, 1st prize, National level, French Language, Knowledges Olympiad. OVIDIU NICOLAE ROGALSKI,
3rd prize, District level, History Olympiad; 3rd prize, District level, English Language, Creativity Olympiad; 1st prize, City level, English Language, Creativity Olympiad.
RĂZVAN RADU, 2nd prize, First stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; 3rd prize, Final stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; 1st prize, First stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 1st prize,
Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 3rd prize, City level, French Language, Knowledges Olympiad; Bronze Medal, RFS, National level, Physics Olympiad; 2nd prize, City
level, Physics Olympiad; 2nd prize, District level, Physics Olympiad; 3rd prize, District level, Maths Olympiad; 2nd prize, District level, English Language, Creativity
Olympiad; 1st prize, City level, English Language, Creativity Olympiad. SILVIA SCHECHTER, 1st prize, District level, English Language, Creativity Olympiad; 1st prize,
City level, English Language, Creativity Olympiad. RADU TOLONTAN, 2nd prize, Second stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; 1st prize, First stage, English Language
Evaluation; 3rd prize, Second stage, Maths Evaluation; 1st prize, First stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 2nd prize, Third stage, Euclid Maths Contest; Honorary Mention, City
level, Physics Olympiad; Honorary Mention, District level, Physics Olympiad. TEODORA UNGUREANU, 1st prize, First stage, English Language Evaluation.
Mention, City level, English Language
Olympiad; 2nd prize, District level,
English Language Olympiad. BIANCA
IACOB, Honorary Mention, District
level, Biology Olympiad. TUDOR
NICODIN, Honorary Mention, District
level, English Language Olympiad.
RALUCA PETRE MELINTE, 3rd prize, District level, English Language Olympiad. IOSIF ALEXANDRU SELEA, 3rd prize, District level, Biology Olympiad; Honorary
Mention, District level, Computer Science Olympiad
Our Winners 2012-2013
- 29 -
* This Newsletter includes only students who obtained prizes with 90 points or more.
IOANA ILIE, 2nd prize, District level, Biology Olympiad. TUDOR NEDELCU, 1st prize, Second stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; 1st prize, City level, English Language
Olympiad; 2nd prize, District level, English Language Olympiad. MARIUS OLINESCU, 3rd prize, First stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; 2nd prize, Second stage, Arhimede
Maths Contest; Honorary Mention, Final stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; Honorary Mention, City level, Physics Olympiad; 1st prize, District level, Computer Science
Olympiad; 2nd prize, District Level, Information Technology Olympiad. COSTIN ŞTEŢ, 2nd prize, Second stage, Arhimede Maths Contest. ANA TRUFĂŞILĂ, Honorary
Mention, District level, English Language Olympiad. MIHAI VRABIE, 3rd prize, First stage, Arhimede Maths Contest; 2nd prize, Second stage, Arhimede Maths
Contest; 3rd prize, First stage, Euclid Maths Contest; 1st prize, Second stage, Euclid Maths Contest; Honorary Mention, City level, Information Technology Olympiad;
2nd prize, District Level, Information Technology Olympiad
JESSICA BUJOR-GRECU, Honorary Mention, District level, Geography Olympiad. ELENA CĂMĂRĂSCU, 3rd prize, City level, History Olympiad; 1st prize, District
level, History Olympiad. ALEXANDRU LUNGU, 3rd prize, City level, Information Technology Olympiad; 1st prize, District Level, Information Technology Olympiad
Our Winners 2012-2013
- 30 -
* This Newsletter includes only students who obtained prizes with 90 points or more.
11th GRADE
DENISSE CONN TUBACU, “Let’s Go Digital’ Prize, Transilvania International Film Festival TIFF 2012, “It Sees You” movie.
12th GRADE
ANDY JUGĂNARU, Honorary Mention, National level, Geography Olympiad; Honorary Mention, City level, Geography Olympiad;
Honorary Mention, District level, Geography Olympiad
senior High School
- 31 -
The Diplomacy&International Affairs Studies
25th-27th of May, 2013
- The Annual Study Visit to the European Parliament
The message of MEP Mrs. Daciana Sarbu, wife to
Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta, to the LauderReut students & staff
„It has been a great honor to host you at the European
Parliament; you have been our special guests highly
trained students and teachers that are so comitted to their
educational work. I hope this visit will be the beginning of
a fruitful collaboration in the future. I congratulate you all,
for your impressive achievements, for your involvement
and the perspectives you offer to the young generation.
You have my entire appreciation and support for the
development of education and its special projects.”
An overview from the students
“The trip to Brussels was a great opportunity to
discover the diplomatic world. Even though it was a short
period we engaged to do a lot of activities and I believe
that this trip is a crucial point for our diplomatic future.
Vlad Stanculescu
“The trip to Brussels has become one of the most
interesting experiences in my life (..) that has opened my
eyes to the world and enhanced my passion for diplomacy.
Raluca Petre Melinte “The trip to Brussels was a wonderful experience, as I
had the opportunity to visit the European Parliament, find
out its purpose , learn more about its members, relations,
procedures. I am certainly lucky for experiencing this
opportunity and I wish to repeat it again next year”.
Oana Erbasu
“To start I’d like to say that the trip to Brussels was one
of the most interesting trips I have ever been on. The idea
of the trip was to learn more about diplomacy since it was
organized thanks to our diplomacy teacher and school.
We landed in Brussels and there we were warmly greeted
by Mr. Sabin Cutas, Romanian MEP, at the airport. Then,
we left our bags at the hotel and soon afterwards we began
exploring the wonderful European capital. We ended
up in the Grand Plaza, where we walked around and
shopped for various sweets and gifts. The second day we
visited Mini Europe and I was amazed by all the beautiful
replicas. Later on, we went to the Parliamentarium where
we learned a lot about history and various facts about
the European Union. On our last day we visited the
Parliament, spoke with Mr. Cutas about the latest events
happening around the world and of course we had lots of
fun. I look foreward to another trip.”
Bianca Boanca
“The trip to Brussels represented a wonderful and
unique experience that combined both theoretical and
practical stuff. On the first days, we visited the old center of
the city, allowing us to make a good idea about its history,
traditions and people. On the last two days we visited
the Parlamentarium, had the tour of the magnificent
institution. We also had the opportunity to meet one of the
Romanian member of European Parliament, who taught
us about their responsibilities, purpose in the institution
and about European institutions in general. To sum up we
not only visited a very important city but we also gained
new and useful knowledges.”
Andrei Mina
“We had a great time. I didn’t imagine that going to
Brussels for the second time would be so different, but I
was totally wrong. The first day was amazing as we visited
the center of Brussels and we were able to see the city hall.
On the second day we visited the Parlamentarium and
found out the importance of the European Union. We
realized how hard it was for the countries to regain their
position after World War II. On the third and last day we
went to the European Parliament in order to talk to few
representatives. All in all, it was an amazing experience
which should be totally repeated.”
Ioana Ilie
29th-30th of May 2013: The First Lauder Model United
Nations Conference & the Annual Awarding Ceremony
at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Between 29th and 30th of
May, the first dedicated
United Nations (MUN)
conference was organized in
cooperation with UN Youth
Association of Romania.
The Conference registered
a great success, much
appreciation and flattering
credentials, both from the
UN Youth Association
-who openly declared
that the Lauder-Reut students are the best ones they have worked with so far!- and
the University of Bucharest-Faculty of Philosophy and The Institute for Diplomatic
The Lauder MUN Conference
was a part of the closing project of
the senior high school’s Diplomacy &
International Relations module, which
ended ceremoniously, according to a 7
years-long tradition.
Thus, on May 30th, in the
illustrious Gafencu Hall of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, Mr. George Ciamba,
Secretary of State for European Affairs
handed over the annual certificates in
diplomacy & international affairs to our 33
graduating students.
„I congratulate the students who chose
to study diplomacy & international relations
and I encourage them to continue in this
direction. I thank all the participants in the
diplomatic module and I reafirm, on Behalf
of the Minsitry of Foreighn Affairs, our involvement and interest in organizingf utuire
Lauder conferences on diplomacy & international affairs for high schools. I am firmly convinced that many of your model
conferences have helped you in many ways to understand the United Nations
system. I am also confident that in the next future we can also organize such
model conerences and sessions of the European institutions (…) which could undoubtely represent an added value to
the diplomacy and international
relations studies” said Mr. George
At the same time, Secretary of
State for European Affairs George
Ciamba congratulated the LauderReut team and management, who
helped and guided the students
on the path of diplomacy and
international relations.
related by
Carmen Bejinaru
Parent-Teacher Forum
The Message to the Parents from Mrs. Tova Ben Nun-Cherbis,
President&Founder of The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Romania
Dragi părinți, dragi prieteni ai Complexului Educațional Lauder-Reut,
Dear parents and friends of the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex,
In May 22nd, 2013, our last Parent-Teacher Forum of this school year took place.
We shared very special moments together: celebrating a milestone, the highlights of our activity
and planning the future together.
The milestone is the month of June 2013, when the last generation of our founder students
will graduate the senior high and open their wings and minds to the wide world.
All of them will study in prestigious universities here and abroad. These fine, highly educated young
boys and girls have grown alongside with us, in the whole run of 16 years since the establishment
of this institution; they’ve been with us since our start in 1997 when they were only 3 years old,
students of the small group at the Lauder-Reut kindergarten, until now in 2013, when they will take
the Baccalaureate... with remarkable results, for sure, just like their fellows of the 3 generations of
Lauder-Reut alumni.
Nonetheless, this 16th year of existence has brought the most prizes and distinctions in our history,
in school and extra school Olympics and contests. 155 students in our school have obtained 335
prizes, besides the many winners in extra school competitions, in sports or arts contests. More
diplomas and prizes than the total number of students!
That was the key reason why us, the team of the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex, wanted
to meet with you, the parents of these magnificent children, within a special session of the Parent
Teacher Forum. We wanted to share together the privilege and pride of contributing to the education
and success of these children; to share the satisfaction of having our efforts as educators and yours as
parents, rewarded in such remarkable way.
Another reason of our meeting was to make an overview of this school year’s activity, but also
of the 16 years under the patronage of the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation.
The Lauder Reut Educational Complex -be it the Lauder-Reut kindergarten, primary school,
junior or senior high school -has reached notable performances, guaranteed both by the educational
offer and the individual approach of each student, by highly profiled native Romanian, British,
American and Israeli teaching staff.
Let’s not forget that, besides the accredited national curriculum with humanistic and scientific
bilingual sections (Romanian-English), the 100% success in the Baccalaureate exams and the
National Evaluation, we have a specific profile expressed in unique projects of great potential for the
future of the children: early certified studies in business, media and diplomacy (following exclusive
academic partnerships with The Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Ro­manian Diplomatic Institute, The
Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy , Israel, The Raphael Re­canati International
School, Israel, The Lauder Business School - University of Applied Sciences in Vienna, Austria,
The Weizmann Insti­tute of Science, Israel, The Cannes Lions Office Romania, The British Council
Romania and starting this year, the National School of Politics and Administration and the Faculty
of Philosophy –University of Bucharest); a Hebrew Baccalaureate diploma (Lauder-Reut is the only
high school in Europe to offer such degree); a Hebrew accredited curriculum (for all students of age
group 3 to 19); an E-learning school platform (for English, Hebrew, Math, Physics, Geography,
Biology, History, Media & Communication, Marketing, ICT classes); international projects and
partnerships such as the Cannes Lions, the March of the Living International, the 2Day Ambassador
Conference; study visits, students and teachers exchange programs with schools in Europe and Israel.
Lauder-Reut is also the only private school in the country to run European Educational Projects and
we have a rich, attractive extracurricular offer expressed in many clubs (of foreign languages -English,
Hebrew, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, photography, informatics, arts, drama, dance,
musical instrument, mathematics, chess, karate, sports etc)
None of this could have been achievable without our team’s genuine commitment to the Lauder
mission and values in education and without the permanent support of the parents. To enhance
and capitalize the parents’ involvement and energy, an Executive Committee within the Parent
Teacher Forum has been proposed:
Mrs. Nicole Tender, Mrs. Georgeta Serban, Mrs. Lia Doru, Mr. Mugur Stet and Mr. Lucian
Dan Vladescu, Mr. Lucian Anghel and Mr. Sabin Gilceava.
The Executive Committee will be the nucleum of the parents’ active involvement in the life
of the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex, to the benefit of the children’s education. They will
identify, propose and implement the ideas meant to maintain and enhance the educational
process and the overall activity of our Complex, side by side with the Lauder-Reut team.
The Executive Committee of the Parent Teacher Forum will be the core of the parent-teacher
active networking, for the sake of quality education that all of us want for our children.
I strongly believe only together we can keep up the good work at Lauder-Reut. Thank you all
and congratulations to our wonderful children, parents, teachers and support staff.
Editor in Chief - Carmen Bejinaru
Managing Editor, Layout & Design - Marius Geller
Pe data de 22 mai 2013, cu ocazia ultimei reuniuni a Forumului Părinți-Profesori (PTF) din
acest an școlar, am celebrat împreună momente unice.
Primul dintre acestea a fost un eveniment aniversar, căci 2013 este un an jubiliar, deosebit
de important pentru istoria instituției noastre de învățământ: în iunie 2013, ultima noastră
generație de elevi fondatori va absolvi liceul și va susține examenul de maturitate, pentru a-și
construi mai departe drumul în viață și a-și completa educația în universități prestigioase din
țară și străinătate.
Acești tineri minunați au crescut și s-au format odată cu această instituție de învățământ, care
împlinește 16 ani de existență; au fost aici la înființarea ei, în anul 1997, ca elevi ai grupei mici a
grădiniței, pe când aveau numai 3 ani; și vor absolvi liceul nostru anul acesta 2013, vor lua cu brio,
fără doar și poate, examenul de bacalaureat, la fel cum l-au luat și colegii lor mai mari, aparținând
celor 3 promoții anterioare de absolvenți ai liceului Lauder-Reut.
Nu mai puțin, am avut prilejul să ne bucurăm împreună de cel mai bogat an din istoria
noastră, din punctul de vedere al premiilor și distincțiilor obținute de elevi, în olimpiadele și
concursurile școlare. Vorbim despre 335 de premii și victorii obținute de 155 de elevi, fără a
socoti distincțiile obținute în competiții extrașcolare și concursurile de arte plastice sau sportive.
Avem în acest an, un număr mai mare de premii decât dublul numărului de elevi!
Aceasta a fost rațiunea principală pentru care noi, membrii echipei de la Lauder-Reut, am dorit
să vă întâlnim pe voi, părinții acestor copii extraordinari. Ne-am dorit să ne bucurăm împreună
de privilegiul și mândria de a fi contribuit la educația și succesul acestor copii; de a trăi împreună
satisfacția de a vedea răsplătite, în acest mod remarcabil, eforturile noastre ca educatori, și ale voastre,
ca părinți.
O altă temă pentru reuniunea noastră în cadrul PTF, a fost bilanțul anual de activitate, dar
și al celor 16 ani de existență a Complexului Educațional Lauder-Reut sub patronajul Fundației
Ronald S. Lauder.
Indiferent dacă vorbim despre ciclul preșcolar, primar, gimnazial sau liceal, Complexul
Educațional Lauder-Reut a atins performanțe notabile, garantate atât de oferta educațională și
pregătirea individualizată a elevilor, cât și de corpul profesoral, format din cadre didactice de înaltă
pregătire, nativi români, britanici, americani sau israelieni.
Să nu uităm că, pe lângă un curriculum național acreditat, de profil uman sau real, bilingv,
pe lângă succesul 100% la examenele de bacalaureat și evaluare națională, Complexul Educațional
Lauder-Reut oferă un curriculum specific, exprimat în proiecte unice, cu mare potențial pentru
viitorul copiilor: educație timpurie în domeniile business, media și diplomație (prin parteneriatele
educaționale exclusive pe acre le avem cu instituții prestigioase: Ministerul Afacerilor Externe,
Institutul Diplomatic Român, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, Israel,
Raphael Re­canati International School, Israel, Lauder Business School - University of Applied Sciences
in Vienna, Austria, Institutul de Științe Weizmann, Israel, Cannes Lions Office Romania, British
Council Romania și, începând din acest an, Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative sau
Facultatea de Filosofie a Universității București); diplomă de Bacalaureat la limba ebraică (LauderReut fiind unica școală din Europa care oferă o astfel de atestare a limbii ebraice); un curriculum
acreditat de limba ebraică pentru elevii între 3 și 19 ani; o platformă de E-learning (pentru disciplinele
Engleză, ebraică, matematică, fizică, geografie, biologie, istorie, media și comunicare, marketing și
IT); proiecte și parteneriate internaționale cum ar fi Cannes Lions, March of the Living International,
Conferința Lauder de diplomație și afaceri internaționale 2Day Ambassador; vizite de studiu,
programe de schimb pentru elevi/profesori cu școli din întreaga Europă și Israel. În plus, Lauder-Reut
este și singura școală particulară din România care derulează proiecte europene de educație și are o
ofertă extracurriculară bogată, atractivă, exprimată printr-o multitudine de cluburi (de limbi străineengleză, ebraică, franceză, spaniolă, italiană, germana și chineză; cluburi de fotografie, informatică,
matematică, arte, teatru, dans, instrument muzical, șah, karate și altele).
Niciuna din toate aceste realizări nu ar fi fost posibile fără angajamentul autentic al echipei de la
Lauder-Reut față de misiunea și valorile promovate de Fundația Ronald S. Lauder în educație, și nici
fără sprijinul permanent al părinților.
Pentru a potența și valorifica energia investită de părinți în viața școlii și grădiniței noastre, a fost
înființat un Comitet Executiv al Forumului Părinți-Profesori, având următoarea componență: Nicole
Tender, Georgeta Șerban, Lia Doru, Mugur Ștet, Lucian Dan Vlădescu, Lucian Anghel și Sabin
Comitet Executiv al Forumului Părinți-Profesori va constitui nucleul implicării și
contribuției părinților în activitatea Complexului Educațional Lauder-Reut. În strânsă
cooperare cu echipa de la Lauder-Reut, Comitetul va identifica, propune și implementa ideile
pornite de la părinți pentru menținerea și dezvoltarea procesului educațional. În alte cuvinte,
acest Comitet va fi un centru activ de networking între comunitatea de părinți, cea a profesorilor
și managementul Complexului, în scopul comun al asigurării unei educații de cea mai înaltă
calitate pentru copiii noștri.
Cred cu putere că numai împreună cu dumneavoastră, părinții, vom putea continua cu
succes procesul educațional performant de la Lauder-Reut.
Vă mulțumesc tuturor și, încă o dată, felicitări minunaților noștri copii, părinților,
profesorilor și întregului personal!