Welcoming New Members by Rabbi Jordan Goldson Shabbat
Welcoming New Members by Rabbi Jordan Goldson Shabbat
Eternal Light Volume 72, Issue 2 October 2013 Shabbat Schedule Fri., October 4, 6pm Gates of Prayer Story Telling & Potluck Dinner Parasha - Noach Fri., October 11, 6pm Union Prayer Book Parasha - Lech-Lecha Fri., October 18, 6pm Music Shabbat with Jessica Yellen & Michael Roth Parasha - Vayera Fri., October 25, 6pm Union Prayer Book Parasha - Chayei Sara Fri., November 1, 6pm Gates of Prayer New Member Shabbat followed by Pot Luck Dinner Parasha– Toldot Shabbat Morning Minyan Shabbat Morning Services & Torah Study are held every Saturday morning from 10am — 12pm WelcomingNewMembersbyRabbiJordanGoldson On Friday, November 1st, we will welcome and bless new members of Congregation B’nai Israel. Our new members, like new born children, give us our strength, our purpose, our very mission; to build the best Jewish community we can. The ancient prophets, whose teachings have been an essential part of our mission as Reform Jews, lived during the time right before and after the destruction of the first Temple in Jerusalem by the Babylonians (586 BCE). They emerged during perhaps the greatest threat to Jewish continuity and survival in our history. That is because it fell to them to explain to the Israelites why, after their land was conquered and their temple destroyed, they should continue to exist as a people. This was an unprecedented test of the Jewish people, for no other people had previously survived such devastation. Before the Israelites, if you lost your country and your place of worship, you simply ceased to exist. But not the Jews. Because of the creative force ignited by those tumultuous times, the prophets, the Pharisees (who emerged in the 2nd century BCE), and later the rabbis, invented something that never existed before: portable religion. They conceived of a religion that was not dependent on a specific piece of land, a specific place of worship, nor an inherited priesthood. Rather, they developed a religion that could be practiced anywhere, based on a book (Torah), and whose leadership was the learned class which was open to all. In other words, these geniuses invented the very notion that saved Judaism and insured our survival: the religious community. Rabbi Eric Yoffie, the previous President of the Union for Reform Judaism, described the importance of the synagogue as follows: “The synagogue is the heartland of the Jewish world. It is the foundation of our communal existence and the center of our collective life. It is a place where we make room for God and the Jewish spirit. It is where Jews find comfort and refuge from the insecurities of their existence. It is the home where Jews build community, reinforce the bonds of the Jewish family and keep alive the three things on which our existence depends: Torah (Jewish study), Avodah (worship), and Gemilut Chasadim (acts of loving- kindness).” Page 2 Volume 72, Issue 2 President’sMessagebyMarcSager I wasreadingtheNewYorkTimesa coupleofweeksagoandcameacross anarticleaboutBarandBat Mitzvah’s.Hereisaninteresting quotefromthearticle,“Familieshave beentreatingthisriteofpassagenot asanentrytoJewishlife,butasa graduationceremony:turn13,read fromtheTorah,haveapartyandits over.Manyleavesynagogueuntil theyhavechildrenoftheirown,and manyneverreturnatall—acycle thatJewishleaderssayhasbeenunderminingorganizedJudaismforgenerations.” Thisthoughthitmelikeatonof bricks.Withhavingjustgone throughthiswithmyownsonin February,Ire(lectonwhatmakes someonebecomeengagedinour Jewishcommunitybeyondthis wonderfulevent? AtCBIwedoagreatjobofengaging ouryouth,withatopnotchreligious school,JuniorYouthGroup, BARFTYandofcourseHenryS JacobsCamp. Evenwithallwehavetoofferwe can’tignorethenationaltrends.A studybyJackWertheimer,a professorofAmericanJewish historyattheJewishTheological SeminaryofAmerica,showedthat morethanathirdofreligiousschool studentsdroppedoutafterthe seventhgrade,and85percentby the12thgrade.Thesenumbersare staggering.Ibelievewearebucking thisnationaltrendfornow.Our kidsfeelasenseofbelongingnot onlyintheirJudaism,butalsoinour congregationalfamily,servingas helpersduringreligiousschooland aselectedof(icersinlocal,regional andnationalyouthgroups. Rabbi’sMessagecontinued Howeverwecan’trestthinkingthat thiswillremainlikethisforever. Sothatbringsmebacktotheinitial question,whatdoweneedtodoto engagenotonlythechildrenbutalso theparentsthatcomealongwith them?Howdowemanagethenew complexliveswearealllivingand transcendaneventthatcanbringthe entirefamilybackintothefoldofour belovedtempleandkeepthemhere? Ibelieveitgoesbacktoavalue proposition.Whatvaluedoyouplace onthetemple?Whatareyoulooking forwhenyouarehereatthetemple? Wearetryingsomanydifferent thingsatCBItokeepthingsfreshand upbeat!Keepinmindwearen’t perfect,andarealwayslookingfor newsuggestionsofthingsthatwill engageyoutoourcongregationfrom generationtogeneration. Marc Congregation B’nai Israel is a direct descendant of this creative brilliance. You can see why we expend so much of our energy in community building. And although we have a dynamic Religious School and we offer a good variety of activities for a congregation our size, there is so much more that we need to do. We know that there are many Jews who live in our area who are not affiliated with a synagogue. That fact offers us a challenge that we should address. What does it take to entice Jews to the synagogue? How do we get back those Jews who once affiliated who no longer do so? There are no easy answers. But Rabbi Yoffie also urged us “to create a synagogue whose message of Torah is inspiring, whose spiritual energy is transforming, and whose web of kinship and caring is so embracing that no one who enters its gates will ever consider forsaking the holy community that it provides.” We need to find new ways to contribute to the sacred task of welcoming and nurturing synagogue affiliation. In an effort to do this, we are starting a number of committees that will look at the way we do things with new eyes. And it will be important that many of us are part of this. If you were once involved in the Temple but have not been for a while, we invite you to join one of these committees. If you have never before been involved in the Temple, please consider getting involved now. In the coming weeks, you will hear more about these opportunities to become more active in our community. For now, if you have an idea and want to get involved please call me or Temple’s President, Marc Sager. This is a new year. And it is going to be an exciting year to be a part of Congregation B’nai Israel. I look forward to seeing you soon. Rabbi Jordan Tishrei-Cheshvran October October 2 October 11 October 25 B’nai Mitzvah Prep, 4pm Talmud Class, 7pm Shabbat Evening Service, 6pm Union Prayer Book Shabbat Evening Service, 6pm Union Prayer Book October 12 October 26 Shabbat Service & Torah Study, 10am Shabbat Service & Torah Study, 10am October 18 October 30 Shabbat Evening Service, 6pm Music Shabbat B’nai Mitzvah Prep, 4pm Talmud Class, 7pm October 4 Shabbat Evening Service, 6pm Story Telling & Potluck Dinner October 5 Shabbat Service & Torah Study, 10am October 19 October 6 Confirmation, 11:30am Shabbat Service & Torah Study, 10am October 8 October 20 Board Meeting, 6pm Confirmation, 11:30am October 9 October 23 B’nai Mitzvah Prep, 4pm Talmud Class, 7pm B’nai Mitzvah Prep, 4pm Talmud Class, 7pm November November 1 November 9 November 20 Shabbat Evening Service, 6pm New Member Shabbat Story Telling & Potluck Dinner Shabbat Service & Torah Study, 10am B’nai Mitzvah Prep, 4pm Talmud Class, 7pm November 10 November 22 Confirmation, 11:30am November 2 November 12 Shabbat Evening Service, 6pm Music Shabbat Shabbat Service & Torah Study, 10am Board Meeting, 6pm November 23 November 13 Shabbat Service & Torah Study, 10am November 3 Confirmation, 11:30am Sam Glaser Concert, 4pm Israeli Folk Dancing, 7pm November 6 B’nai Mitzvah Prep, 4pm Talmud Class, 7pm November 8 B’nai Mitzvah Prep, 4pm Talmud Class, 7pm November 24 November 15 Confirmation, 11:30am Shabbat Evening Service, 6pm Gates of Prayer November 27 November 16 Shabbat Service & Torah Study, 10am Shabbat Evening Service, 6pm November 17 Union Prayer Book Turkey Train, 11:30am Israeli Folk Dancing, 7pm First Night of Chanukah November 29 Shabbat Evening Service, 7pm Gates of Prayer November 30 Chanukah Party, 7pm Page 4 Tishrei-Cheshvran byJessicaYellen WehavesharedmanybeginningsinReligiousSchooloverthelastmonth. StartingthenewschoolyearandthenewJewishyearof5774coincidedat thesametimethisyear.TheHolyDaysgaveustheopportunitytore(lect onthepastandlookforwardtothefuture.Theblastsoftheshofarcallour attentiontowhowehavebeen,whowearenowandwhowewanttobein theyeartocome.Theshofarisblownfromthenarrowtothewideend, teachingthatwebegintheworldwithourindividualandimmediateneedbasedconcerns(hunger,sleep,etc.)andgrowbeyondourownneeds, feelings,andcomfortstoalsobeawareoftheneeds,feelings,andcomforts ofothers.Kolyisraelarevimzehbazeh,allofIsraelisresponsibleforeach other! Mostparentscanattesttothefactthatchildrengrowfromthenarrowend oftheshofar(theworldrevolvesaroundme)tothewideendoftheshofar (attendingtotheneedsofothers)atvaryingdegreesandinconsistently. Justwhenwethinktheyhavemadehugestridestobecompassionate becausetheysharedatoyorcomfortedadistressedfriend,theyfollow-up withaninappropriatecommentorgesture.Thisisthedanceofgrowth. Thisisthetugofwarinestablishingboundariesandtheirplaceinthe world.InReligiousSchool,wehavetheprivilegeofnotonlywitnessing thechildren’sgrowthovertheyears,wehavetheopportunitytobe parent’spartnersinfacilitatingspiritualandreligiousdirectionduring thesedevelopmentalyears. Thisyear,theReligiousSchoolthemeisV’ahavtal’rayachakamocha,Love yourneighborasyourself.TheTorahcommandsusto“love”intwo places:loveyourneighborasyourself(Leviticus19:18)andYoushalllove theEternalyourG-d(Deuteronomy6:5).Therabbisbelievethatthetwo areconnected;lovingG-dandlovingeachother.Howwepracticeone,affectsourrelationshipwiththeother.Throughouttheyear,wewillseekto developcompassionandtakeactiontoshowresponsibilitytowardseach other.Throughbuildingawarenessofhowtoloveourneighborwewill alsohavetheopportunitytodevelopourrelationshipwithG-d.NextRosh Hashanah,whenweheartheShofar,howdifferentwillourtemple, community,andworldbewhenweallpracticethismitzvah? TODAH RABAH To Laurie Brandt, Maureen Corcoran, Aileen Dampf, Cathy Labens & Linda Levy for their help with High Holy Day Setup Page 5 Tishrei-Cheshvran FallReligiousSchoolDates October 2 4:00pm B’nai Mitzvah Pet Blessing October 6 9:30am Religious School 11:30am Confirmation Sunday,October27 11:45am-12:30pm October 9 4:00pm B’nai Mitzvah CongregationB’naiIsrael ParkingLot October 13 9:30am Religious School October 20 9:30am Religious School Preschool Family Breakfast with Rabbi Jordan 11:30am Confirmation 1:00pm B’nai Mitzvah Family Seminar October 23 4:00pm B’nai Mitzvah Tza’arBa’alayChayim: KindnesstoAnimals October 27 9:30am Religious School 11:45am Pet Blessing October 30 4:00pm B’nai Mitzvah Bringoneofthefollowingitemstodonateand engageinthemitzvahofbeingkindtoanimals: Oldsheets,blankets,andtowels [email protected]. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL WISH LIST: Automated external defibrillator (approx. $2,000) Rem e Con mber t o ch gre Isra gation eck th Cal el we B’na e i e b cur ndar fo site r e r n a ww w.b t event ll naib s! r.or g Tishrei-Cheshvran Page 6 Tishrei-Cheshvran Page 7 77 Page Page Tishrei-Cheshvran Page 8 ADULT EDUCATION CLASS UnmaskingtheHiddenBeautyoftheTalmud Wednesdays7:00pm-8:30pm October2,9,23,30November6,13,20 Fee:ForCBIMembers$18 This course, consisting of 7 classes, will explore Talmudic stories as literary constructions, the obvious meanings of which often hide deeper subversive messages. We will learn to identify literary patterns, motifs, symbols, language, and structure, the presence of which point to an artful process of creative editing. This class is for beginners as well as those who have had some experience studying Talmud. TOREGISTER,CALLOREMAILTHETEMPLEOFFICE 225-343-0111 [email protected] It is a Tree of Life . . . . . And there is no better way to memorialize those monumental events in our lives than with a leaf or a stone. Tree of Life Leaf: Leaf $250 Tree of Life Stone: Stone $1,000 To purchase an honor, please contact the office at 343.0111 Tishrei-Cheshvran Page 9 Tishrei-Cheshvran Page 10 October4 MiriamSchwartz,motherofSandyBertman MurielNemiroff,grandmotherofJessicaYellen SelmaMayer,motherofJamesMayer LowellHeisey,fatherofMayleeSamuels LeonBinder,fatherofDoreBinder MayWolffWeill,grandmotherofLee,Byron&MikeKantrow AlexWatsky,fatherofMathileAbramson VioletFalkLoeb,grandmotherofStevenLoeb RoseMarionBerg,motherofLeeMichaelBerg JoshKantrow,grandfatherofLee,Byron&MikeKantrow October11 JosephSamuelCicero,fatherofNickCicero&MimiWeinstein AaronLevine,fatherofBetteLevine IrvingRedler,husbandofBettieRedler AdolphElgutter,grandfatherofBertRosenbaum LawrenceMann,fatherofDr.LarryMannandgrandfatherofChipMann JimPickholtz,sonofLarry&AletaPickholtz HenriWolbrette,fatherofBettyAkchin EdnaFriedman,sister-in-lawofDorisChesler LouiseBergeron,motherofElaineSimon October18 HarryRazafsky,grandfatherofDoreBinder Dr.AlbertAbramson,fatherofDr.StevenAbramson &brotherofTonetDardenne BebeFrey,cousinofRichardLipsey MoyseKahn,fatherofJackKahn JoeBrooks,UncleofRickBrooks PatriciaSchneider,wifeofDickSchneider HenryJacobs,fatherofBettySchwartzberg LenaKanter,grandmotherofEllenFolks RechaElgutter,grandmotherofBertRosenbaum DanBolner,fatherofAnneBolnerMeltzer JettyPressburg,motherinlawofGretchenPressburg October28 SarahRazafsky,grandmotherofDoreBinder JohnDardenne,husbandofTonetDardenne, fatherofJayDardenne ElayneBressler,sister-in-lawofSylviaWashauer Robert“Bobby”Bressler,brotherofSylviaWashauer FreddieMiller,fatherofRobbieRubin. May their memory be a blessing Tishrei-Cheshvran Yarzheits YarzheitsaretraditionallyreadduringtheFridaynightserviceprior tothedateoftheyarzheitsunlessotherarrangementshavebeen made. Healing MiShebeirach,theprayerforphysicalandemotionalhealing,isrecitedat theFridayeveningShabbatservice.Ifyouareillandwouldlikeami shebeirachrecitedonyourbehalf,pleasecalltheTempleof(iceat 343-0111beforenoononThursdays,sothecongregationmayofferits prayersforyou.Ifyouknowanotherpersonwhoneedsthesame,please asktheindividualforpermissiontoreadhis/hernamebeforecallingthe of(ice. Visiting Those Who Are Ill CongregationB’naiIsraelwantstomakesurewecareforourmembers andtheirfamilies.Ifyouhaveafamilymemberorknowofsomeonein ourcongregationwhoisinthehospital,hasbeeninanaccident,orisill andrecuperatingathome,pleasecalltheTempleof(iceat343-0111so RabbiJordancancontactthemandarrangeforavisit. Page 12 Page 12 BuildingFund RichardLeibowitz David&RobbieRubin,inmemory ofEdwardPeal Sidney&AnnDreyfus,inhonorof RayWeil’s90thbirthday CemeterySecurity An off-duty officer will provide security at the cemetery every 2nd Sunday of the month from 10:00am until 2:00pm. GeneralFund NancyRounsefell,inhonorofthe beautifulHighHolyDaymusic DavidSafer,inmemoryofMikeSafer Marvin&JoAnnBender,inmemory ofLenaBrookner Camille&JoelForrest,inhonorof theNewYear You may donate to the Temple in many ways. The designated Temple funds are listed below with a brief description of each. When making your donations, please designate your fund of choice. Building Fund: for Temple maintenance, repairs & improvements. Camp Scholarship Fund: for student scholarships to Jacobs Camp, Kutz Camp or Reznikoff Day Camp. Cemetery Fund: for cemetery repair, improvement & maintenance. Endowment Fund: for temple operating expenses (interest income). General Fund: for current expenses. Judge Alvin Rubin Ner Tamid Fund: for post Confirmation class student classes to further their Jewish education. Sandy Sager Beautification and Garden Fund: for outdoor Temple beautification. Library Fund: to purchase Temple library books and supplies. Memorial Fund: to be used at Temple board discretion. Prayer Book Fund: to purchase prayer books. Sisters in the Sukkah Rabbi's Discretionary Fund: used to support worthy charitable organizations, pay for special religious, educational and cultural temple programs, and to assist members in need. Sylvia Steiner Religious School Fund: to help defray Religious School tuition for needy students and to purchase supplies. Gary Weill Youth Room Fund: for Youth Room improvement and maintenance. Peggy L. Blumberg Fund: to be used to support WCBI in its endeavors. The following memorials or dedications are also available: Tree of Life Leaf: $250 Yahrzeit Memorial Plaque: $250 Tree of Life Stone: $1000 Sanctuary Pew (1/2 side): $1500 Tishrei-Cheshvran Women of Congregation B’nai Israel byLindaLevy Calling all cooks!! All the home-prepared dips, cookies, cheese balls, etc., that were donated for the Rosh Hashana oneg and for our Sisters in the Sukkah potluck meal were outstanding, and I’d like to collect all the recipes. If you made something special for either of these events, or if you have something in mind for the upcoming Shabbat potluck on October 4, please send me a copy of the recipe. I will compile them all and pass them out at our next WCBI meeting. No date has been set yet for our fall meeting, but we will try to schedule something in October or November. Thanks again for your overwhelming response to our requests for food and help during the High Holy Days. Thanks also for your support of WCBI through your payment of dues and participation in our events. BaRFTY byErinDean Happy New Year! BaRFTY enjoyed hosting children's services for Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur, and we appreciate all those that came out. This past month, BaRFTY kicked off the year with our annual freshman initiation. The freshman reluctantly got out of bed as BaRFTY board members came unexpectedly to pick them, and even though they were tired, we all had a good time. Later all of BaRFTY came together for breakfast and some icebreakers. BaRFTY also celebrated Sukkot with the LSU Hillel. We are also looking forward to the BaRFTY trip to the 13th Gate, which is always a fun one! Israeli Folk Dancing withDavidKirshner Sundays,7pmto8:30pm Dancers,experiencedornovice,singles,couplesorfamilies,youngoryoung -at-heart,areinvitedtoattendfreeofcharge.Or,ifyoupreferto,justcome andlistentothelovelymusicofIsrael. Classesare:October6,20;November3,17;December1,15 Toregister,callDavidat756-5291 Page 14 Page 14 Tishrei-Cheshvran Advertiser Spotlight: Haspel, LLC. DatingbacktoNewOrleans1909,haberdasherJosephHaspel,Sr.beganmakingsuits inlightweightfabrics,allowingmentoremaindressedtothenineseveninoppressive climates.Knownastheinventoroftheseersuckersuit,JosephHaspelremainedinnovativeincreatinglightweightgarmentsforyearstocome.JosephHaspel,Jr.(fatherof SusanHaspelLipsey)alsoremainedveryactiveinthecompanyuntilhesolditin1977. TheLipsey/Haspelfamily(Richard,Susan,Laurie,Wendy)repurchasedtheHaspel brandinthemid-1990's.Forseveralyearsfollowing,thefamilybroughtthepopular garmentsbacktothemarketplace.FastforwardtotodayandthebrandisbeingrevivedbyJosephSr.'sgreat-granddaughterLaurieAronson.Sheisgivingthelabelnew energybybringingallaspectsofthebrandin-house:design,sales,anddistribution.EvenallofthemanufacturingwillbedoneintheUS!Thegarmentswillremain truetoherancestor'svaluesofmaintaininganelegantappearance,butthedesignwill beupdatedandfresh. ItwasthosevaluesmarriedtoqualityworkmanshipandclassicstylethatledtoHaspel beingfavoredbythelikesofpresidentsCalvinCoolidge,HarryTrumanandFranklinD. Roosevelt,aswellasdappermoviestarslikeHumphreyBogart,GregoryPeck,who woreHaspelseersuckerinToKillAMockingbird(1962),andCaryGrant,whosported HaspelsuitsinCharade(1963). HaspelwilllaunchitsbrandinSpring2014.HaspelDaysareHereAgain! Laurie is a lifelong resident of Baton Rouge and is currently President of both Haspel, LLC and Lipsey’s, LLC . She also serves as CEO of Lipsey’s, LLC. Laurie is married to Mark and they have two children, Anna and Marla. Laurie, named one of Baton Rouge’s Most Influential Business Women and Top 15 Rising Stars is active in the local community serving on boards for Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center and Baton Rouge Physical Therapy, along with several other local and national civic and business organizations. CongregationB’naiIsrael 3354KleinertAvenue·BatonRouge,LA70806 AddressServiceRequested Eternal Light The official publication of Congregation B'nai Israel Rabbi Jordan E.Goldson Rabbi Emeritus Barry L. Weinstein Religious School Director Jessica Yellen Asst. Rel. School Director Julie Tepper Office Administrator Cathy Duplechin President Marc Sager Past-President Diana Mann Vice-President Deborah Sternberg Treasurer Lisa Binder Secretary Jay Jalenak Sisterhood President Linda Levy Men's Club President David Spivak Inquiries and submissions may be directed to Congregation B’nai Israel 3354 Kleinert Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Tel: 225/343-0111 Fax: 225/343-0653 Religious School: 225/383-6810 http://www.bnaibr.org [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Distribution of the Eternal Light is free to members and friends of the Congregation. Jewish Singles If you are a Jewish Single (over 45), you are cordially invited to join our casual group for monthly coffee and conversation, synagogue and community service projects, and cultural activities. Please contact Heidi Shapiro at (225) 924-2597 or Nancy Rounsefell at (225) 927-3161 or at [email protected]. Please put J"ewish Singles"in the subject line of your e-mail.