sales kit - ASD Las Vegas
sales kit - ASD Las Vegas
SALES KIT At the center of the largest general merchandise event in North America, SOURCEDIRECT provides global access to thousands of decision-makers. March 1–4, 2015 • August 2–5, 2015 Las Vegas Convention Center – North Hall SALES KIT ä 9, 000+ IM PORTE RS, dis trib u te rs, w h ol e s a l e rs, a n d ma j or re ta il e rs ä 2, 600+ e x h ib itors ä 88 c ou n trie s atte n din g ä 50+ ye a rs in b u s in e s s SOURCEDIRECT at ASD—the only destination in the U.S. for Importers, Distributors, Wholesalers, Product Development and Production Professionals to connect with factories from around the world. As part of ASD, the western hemisphere’s largest general merchandise trade event, there is no other destination to reach global buyers and provide the unique opportunity to source across multiple product lines. SOURCEDIRECT provides an expert team including concierge and attendee relations, a business matchmaking service to match buyers to suppliers, along with a digital platform (ShowPlanner) to extend the opportunity to do business before, during, and after the show. FIND NEW MARKETS. REACH U.S. BUYERS – HERE. Attendees from every distribution channel and retail market segment come to ASD with an open-to-buy intent. Our aggressive marketing campaigns will target more importers, more distributors, and major retailers. No other show spends the marketing dollars we will to deliver a strong buying audience to this very important market. quic k fac t s a b ou t a s d ä Total number of ASD attendees: 45,000+ ä 80% of all current exhibitors source products internationally ä ASD is ranked #18 and #19 largest trade shows in the United States in 2013 ä ASD March was one of the 50 fastest growing shows in 2013. – Trade Show Executive ä 40% of retailers source directly from international exporters ä ASD March & August – Gold 100 in 2013 ä TWO shows annually in Las Vegas, Nevada ä Emerald Expositions was awarded as top trade show producer in the USA in 2012 ä 50+ years in business – Trade Show Executive MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 2 SALES KIT co mpa ny overv i e w Leading owner and operator of 50+ tradeshows in the U.S. SOURCING gift, Home, & General merchandise sports & apparel licensing Design Jewelry, Luxury & Antiques e-commerce photography healthcare military MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 3 SALES KIT Lead ing U.S. B 2B T r a d e s how O p er at o r Emera l d’s I n dus try L e a d i ng S c a l E ... 4.6 2.8 NSF sold for shows in top 100 2.0 11 Number of shows in top 100 7 3 ...Lea ds t o I m po rta nt A dva ntag e s ä Larger tradeshows have strong brand recognition and loyalty ä Larger tradeshows generate higher profit ä Larger tradeshows can leverage their scale to: • Drive down the cost of decorator expenses. • Negotiate discounted airfare, hotels and other expenses on behalf of their exhibitors. MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 4 SALES KIT Emerald Announces the Appointment of a New International Sourcing Team New Strategic International Initiatives Launching Across Entire Emerald Portfolio Los Angeles, CA (June 18, 2014)—Emerald Expositions announces the appointment of a new International Sourcing Team intended to establish strategic international initiatives across the Emerald portfolio. The combined experience of the new Sourcing team will serve to enhance this valuable resource by identifying and developing new opportunities, and streamlining the process of connecting Importers, Distributors, Wholesalers, Designers and Production Professionals directly with manufacturers and factories from around the globe. “We are thrilled to bring this team of professionals together to concentrate on this valuable asset,” explains Karalynn Sprouse, Executive Vice President of Merchandise Group and International Sourcing, who will be spearheading the newly formed team. “We are confident that our team’s experience will eliminate any confusion there is in the marketplace, and will be instrumental in the expansion of this initiative across our entire portfolio.” The newly established team includes: Karalynn Sprouse Stephen Stagliano International Business Development Manager Dean Cechvala Camille Candella Winnie Liu Pam Thompson David Pennes Linh Vu EVP of Merchandise Group & International Sourcing Vice President of Marketing International Sourcing Group Sales Director International Business Development Manager Attendee Development Attendee Development International Marketing Manager Emerald Expositions is the largest producer of Business-to-Business trade events in the United States, connecting over half million buyers and sellers across a variety of 8, diversified end-markets that include: • • • • • • • • Gift, Home & General Merchandise Sports & Apparel Design Jewelry, Luxury & Antiques Photo Healthcare Military eCommerce For more information on the new Sourcing team, please contact David Pennes at Tel: (323)817-2246 or [email protected] MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 5 SALES KIT THE POWER OF T HE A S D S HOW Held twice a year in Las Vegas, Nevada for more than 50 years, ASD brings the widest variety of merchandise together in one efficient consumer-goods trade event. & AFFORDABLE FOOTWEAR SEVE N SHO W S I N ONE 1 Gift & Home 4 Health & Beauty 2 Fashion Accessories, Apparel & Affordable Footwear 5 Toys & Novelties 3 Jewelry & Cash + Carry 7 SOURCEDIRECT 6 Value & Variety (General Merchandise) MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 6 SALES KIT ATTE ND EE profi l e ä Importers ä Chain Stores ä Distributors ä Exporters ä Wholesale Companies ä ASD 2,600+ Exhibitors ä National Retail & International Chains ä Sourcing Agents ä Buying Groups ä Mass Merchants ASD hosts several buying groups each show. Buying groups are groups of collective retailers that represent hundreds of retail stores. Buying Groups include: 1000+ hospital gift shops AHVRP (Association for Hospital Volunteer Resource Professionals) 77 stores Coach House Gifts 7,000 stores in 44 States Family Dollar 350+ stores Ideation 3,000 college stores NACS (National Association of College Stores) Represented in the US, Canada, and 34 other countries. 120 store memberships Sierra Pacific Crafts Fills nearly two million feet of retail space and 360 million dollars in retail sales. National retailers, drug stores, supermarkets and wholesale distributors Sourcing Edge Supplies men’s, women’s and children’s apparel, accessories, home goods and other items to the wholesale industry. 150+ members representing U.S. gift shops Southwest Buying Group 300+ department stores in Mexico Waldo’s Merchandising Services MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 7 SALES KIT H IGHLIG HTS Sourc ing sem i na r s Learn more. Earn more. Located on the show floor, we produce an educational track focused on sourcing, logistics, importing, etc. B Usine ss mat chm a k i ng s e rv i c es We provide a business matchmaking service on the show floor to help align buyers with the right suppliers. This is a great opportunity for exhibitors to highlight their company and product lines to buyers who are looking to source directly from factories. By providing the necessary materials (company info, brochure, product line sheets etc.) pre-show, our experienced sourcing team will be able to match the right buyers to you. co ckta il hou r Increase your presence through any of our sponsorship/advertising opportunites such as sponsoring an event or purchasing a display case to promote your products. MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 8 SALES KIT b e s t b oo th awar d s – August 2014 Six winners were chosen from each section of the show to be awarded for their creative booth designs. T h e Winn ers Top’s Handbags Fantasia Travel Time Woodmark Zaer Shanghai Design (SOURCEDIRECT) bo o t h s Top’s Handbags – Style & Beauty Fantasia – Smoke Travel Time – Value & Variety Woodmark – Jewelry Zaer – Gift & Home Shanghai Design – SOURCEDIRECT MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 9 SALES KIT wh at attende e s s aY “We were very happy with our experience at the SOURCEDIRECT show. We are putting together a program to do more direct importing and SOURCEDIRECT was an excellent chance for us to make new contacts. We found new vendors and will probably order from at least four factories within the next few months. The Matchmaking service was incredibly helpful. It allowed us to focus on vendors which were more likely to be relevant to our lines of business therefore saving us time and frustration. We are a College Book Store that typically attends Book Store tradeshows. At the other tradeshows, we do not see companies like the ones at SOURCEDIRECT; all in one place making it very convenient to shop. We were pleasantly surprised to find a number of vendors who could do small quantities at very good prices. We are definitely planning to attend SOURCEDIRECT at ASD again!” – S. Miller, General Merchandise Buyer, The Duck Store at the University of Oregon “We registered specifically to attend the SOURCEDIRECT show. Overall, we had a good experience and were able to do business at the show. We found 2 new factories and are planning to place orders with them. The Matchmaking service was very helpful by pointing out all the exhibitors who manufactured the products we were searching for. It saved us a lot of time not having to search the entire show ourselves. Thank you!” – R. Dizon, Purchasing Manager “We had an excellent experience at the [SOURCEDIRECT] show. The Matchmaking specialist at the show matched us with the right exhibitors; saving us a lot of time. We also found and met with several fashion jewelry factories that would do smaller minimums for future purchases. We did not realize how huge SOURCEDIRECT and the ASD show was and did not have enough time to shop the entire show. For March 2015 we will definitely plan to arrive on Sunday.” – C. Nelson, Owner, Echo Lake Gifts MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 10 SALES KIT W H A T E X HIBIT OR S S A Y “We manufacture sporting goods’ products. We had a great show at SourceDirect and will expand our booth space for the next show. We wrote 2 large orders onsite and have a few leads for future orders. One of our orders were for 5000 pieces. We look forward to coming back to SourceDirect” – N. Du, Balon “We had a great show. We saw 50+ buyers including big buyers from chain stores that were interested in placing large orders as well as container load orders of our products. My boss is very happy and the company will definitely will be back next show. We love our booth location and will look to expand our exhibit space.” – Representative on behalf of K. Chan, Sheen Ray International LTD. “This was our first time at [SourceDirect]. We had a successful show. We wrote orders onsite and saw a lot of buyers who were very interested in our products. We have leads to follow up on when we get back to our office. We will be back next show.” – V. Yu, Export Business Manager, Hang Zhou Meilisheng Color Printing Co., LTD. MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 11 SALES KIT AS D ove ra ll A t t e nda nce 45,000 total attendance 2,600+ exhibiting companies r etail c ha nn e l t yp e s r e p r e s en ted at asd Internet / Catalog: 27.9% Kiosk / Cart: 9.5% Physical Store: 62.5% Import / Distributor: 19.5% Non Retail Buyer: 6.1% Retail Buyer: 74.4% MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 12 SALES KIT Do mestic att e nda nce ASD remains a national show compared to many other regional events. 37.3% attendees West 30% 20% attendees attendees Mountain Central 12.7% attendees East Top state s in at t e nda nce 1. California 5. Florida 9. Washington 2. Nevada 6. Utah 10. Colorado 3. Texas 7. New York 4. Arizona 8. Illinois MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 13 SALES KIT per centag e s of t he t ota l i nter n ati o n al au d i en c e 88 countries attending. Other Countries: 7.8% Central/South America, Caribbean, Other Latin American Territories: 32.9% Canada: 21.7% Mexico: 37.6% MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 14 SALES KIT ASD A UG UST 2 014 S a m p li ng of I m p o r ter s/ D i st r i b u t o r s Annual Sales Volume of Over $10 Million A & S WORLDWIDE TRADING INC ABC DISTRIBUTORS ABC TRADING CO. ACCESSORIES NOW ACE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY ACE TRADING ACM TECHNOLOGIES, INC. ACTION IMPORTS LP ADDISON ELECTRONICS ADENAT INC ADVANCED DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. AJ WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS INC AL MASHGHOONI TRADING CO. LLC ALMACEN EL CANAL ARCTIC COOLING INC ATEX USA AVI ENTERPRISES LLC AXIOM INTERNATIOANL, INC. BABA PERFUMES, INC. BABY BLUE IMPORTS BEACH CLUB PROMOTIONS BEE SALES CO. BEKMEZ INTERNATIONAL INC. BENHALEX CORP BEST BUY TOBACCO CORP BEST UNDERWEAR LINE BODY TOOLZ INC BOOKS ARE FUN BOWER ENTERPRISES BUZIA INC CALIFORNIA IMPORTS LLC CAPITAL TECHNOLOGY CAPPEL’S INC. CARDINAL DISTRIBUTING CARRIBEAN GIFTS AND THINGS CELLULAR SUPPLY, INC. CENTER LINK MEDIA CHERRY HILL SALES CO CHEZ TESSA CLOSEOUTS & OVERSTOCK INC COKEM COMMON CENTS DISTRIBUTORS COMTRON INTERNATIONAL CONTINENTAL BEAD SUPPLIERS CORONET JEWELRY COMPANY COSMETICSTECH CSI SPORTING GOODS D S P TRADING INC DAS INC DEM HOLDINGS INC DGL GROUP LTD DINOVA DIRECT SOURCE DISTRIBUTORS DISTRIBUCIONES REMBAO, S. A. DE C. V. DISTRIBUQUIK DM FRAGRANCES & COSMETICS, INC DOLLAR ENTERPRISE DOLPHIN BEAUTY DOWNTOWN WHOLESALE DP & COMPANY INC DUO AMERICA LLC DY SUPLIDORES DIVERSOS EARL DOESCHER CO INC EASTON ENTERPRISES EAT REAL CANADA LTD. ELECTRO MAVIN ELI WHOLESALE EMBO 12 EPICUREAN INDUSTRIES, INC. ESI ENTERPRISES INC ESTELLE FRAGRANCES INC EXOTIC IMPORTS USA EXTREME SPORTS, INC. FAIRWAY MANUFACTURING CO FANTI-GLOBAL RESOURCES FDC STORES SA FINK PRODUCTS FIRST WIRELESS X FLAT RIVER GROUP LLC FLORA CLASSIQUE FNT INC FORMA ITALIANA FRANKIES IMPORTS INC FUJI NAILS & BEAUTY SUPPLY FVC WHOLESALE FYS GROUP CORPORATION G2 TRADING GROUP INC GAGA WHOLESALE GALAXY DIST. GEO F. NOVEY, INC GIFT & WORKS USA INC GLE SALES & MARKETING GLOBAL MERCHANDISE GNS TRADING GOLDEN STAR IMPORT LLC GRITON IND INC GRUPO ENBA H&H WHOLESALE SERVICES INC HEBRON IMPORTS HI WAY DISTRIBUTING HOMETRONIX HUBBLY BUBBLY HUNTER PRICE INTERNATIONAL LTD I & Z DISTRIBUTORS INC ICC ICD IMAGO TRADING LLC IMPULSORA EURO S A DE C V INTERNATIONAL DIAMOND CLUB INTERNATIONAL GEMS & MINERALS INC INTERNATIONAL TRADING HOUSE INTER-PACIFIC TRADING CO. INTERSTATE EQUITIES INC INTERTRADER EUROPE LTD INVERSIONES PARNA S A IX CORPORATIVE SA DE CV J & K DISTRIBUTORS J R S DIAMONDS & JEWELRY J&S MARKETING JC INTERNATIONAL LLC JENERE SALES CORP JH DESIGN GROUP INC JOIA TRADING INC K-1 PACKAGING GROUP KANDY KAYS INC KAPAN-KENT CO INC KB SALES PTY LTD KITTRICH CORPORATOIN L & B CO LA CENTER CLOSEOUT LAKE INDUSTRIES LAURENS WHOLESALE LERMAN DECOR LIBERTY DISTRIBUTORS LIBERTY WHOLESALE LIBRERIAS GANDHI SA DE CV LISA STYLES INC CHINA LN WHOLESALE, INC. LO FLORIST SUPPLIES LYNCO DISTRIBUTION INC LYNCO PRODUCTS M & J DISTRIBUTING INC M J S INDUSTRIES INC M.E.T. WHOLESALE LTD MAGIC SCARF/DIVA S LIMITED MAGMA MARKETING MANDALAY INTERNATIONAL MANKUNG ENTERPRIS CO LTD MARKETING IMPACT MARMEL INTERNATIONAL INC MARS DISTRIBUTORS INC MARVAC ELECTRONICS MARYFER MASS SALES CO MASTER TOYS & NOVELTIES, INC MECHANICAL SERVANTS METRO TRADERS, INC. MGI WHOLESALE MIAMI PERFUME JUNCTION MIDAS SALES MIJO TRADING PTY. LTD MIRACLE TRADE 1 MIRAGE EYEWEAR LTD MISS CHOCOLATE INC MITSUI BUSSAN INTER-FASHION MJB & ASSOCIATES MMP SOLUTIONS MODERN HOUSEWARE IMPORTS INC MOUNTAIN MAN NUT & FRUIT CO. MQ NETWORKS MULTILINE IMPORTS MUNSO IMPORTACIONES N STYLE DIRECT NAVAJO MANUFACTURING CO NEW DIMENSIONS NEW TECH INDUSTRIES NORTHEAST WHOLESALE INC NORTHSTAR ALASKA NWT ENTERPRISES LTD OCEAN DESERT SALES ODASH INC. ONPOINT WORKS ORGANICIX, LLC ORIENTE10 PACIFIC TPU, INC. PARAMOUNT PACIFIC INTL PARTY CENTER PERSONAL SECURITY PRODUCTS PHOENIX SALES & DISTRIBUTION INC. PINNACLE PITCO FOODS PJS PLAY INC PLANTLIFE NATURAL BODY CARE PLATINUM MICRO POWER PROMOTIONS LLC PRIDE PRODUCTS CORP PRIME DEALS INTERNATIONAL LTD PRIMEUSA, INC. PROACTIVE DISTRUBTION PRODUCT MAKETING GROUP US PROSERIES INC PTL DIST &SUPPLY LLC QUAILTY FRAGRANCE GROUP R FASHION RAINBOW DELL RAY INC RCNJ READER’S WORLD WHOLESALE RED PARROT DISTRIBUTION REEVES BOOMLAND & DIST RELIANT SALES RETAIL MARKETING DIST CORP RICH HORIZONS MARKETING RISONA INC PERFUMES/COLOGNES RIVOLITE LUGGAGE ROBERTSON ENTERPRISES ROYAL GEMS ROYAL HOSIERY CO., INC. RYTHIMALOUNFING APPARELS S & A WHOLESALE S MULCHAND & SONS (S) PTE LTD SANDOL DBA BETHEL INTERNATIONAL SARINA IMPORTS INC SARVODYA OVERSEAS SATI WHOLESALE SCENT SENSES MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM SCENTS OF STYLE INC SERVICIO GLOBAL SESSIONS SPECIALTY CO SHARP EDGE ENTERPRISES SHERALVEN ENTERPRISES LTD SHETLER HOUSEWARES SHETLERS WHOLESALE CO SHIFA LLC SHILOH STABLES & TACK, INC SHIRJEN INTERNATIONAL LLC SHOE SHACK SHYE WORLDWIDE SIDDIQUE ENTERPRISES SIERRA PACIFIC CRAFTS SIGNATURE BRANDS SIMCO FOODS SMART BEAUTY SNAREZ IMPORTS SO CHEAP WHOLESALE SOC IMP JPT LTDA SOLARAY CORPORATION SOUTHERN WHOLESALE SPECIALTY PREMIUMS PLUS SPEEDY FLAGS SPORTS ART COLLECTION STAR DISTRIBUTORS SUPERIOR AUTO EXTRAS SURPLUS USA TCT LLC TED TOBACCO TELECARD NETWORK TEXAS WHOLESALE THE SOURCING SOLUTION THE TOPLINES TINCHE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED TOBACCO CARTEL INC TRAM DISTRIBUTING TRANSACTION HOLDINGS TRENDSOURCE DISTRIBUTION TRENTON TRADING CO TRI-STATE SOUVENIR & NOVELTY TRUE VISION, LLC TUNDRA GLOBAL SOURCING INC UNITED WHOLESALE GROUP UNITIME IMPORTS UNIVERSAL BRAND MERCHANDISING UNIVERSAL EXCHANG INC UNME GROUP INC US ALLIANCES USA COMMERCE, INC. USA HOMEMAX INC VALLEY FORGE AUCTION & WHOLES VERITUS VK WHOLESALE2 INC W HOLDING LLC WAREHOUSE TRADING INC WGV INTERNATIONAL WHOLE SALE SMOKE SHOP WHOLESALEWHOLESALE COM WILDBILL WHOLESALE WIPOL ASIA CORP LTD WIRELESSLINK GROUP INC WOOFER ELECTRONICS DISTRIBUTOR WORLD BUYING GROUP YAQUBIAN INTL TRADING CORP YELIMEL IMPORT S.R.L YOCUP COMPANY ZANDERS SPORTING GOODS 15 SALES KIT ASD A UG UST 2 014 S a m p li ng of R ETAI L ER S Annual Sales Volume of Over $50 Million NDS IN BUILDING MATERIALS 99¢ ONLY STORES A GACI LLC A.C. MOORE ABC APPLIANCE INC ACADIA WHOLESALE ACCESSORY HOUSE ACE HARDWARE AJ LIQUIDATION & WHOLESALE ALMACENES DE PRATI ALPEMUSA S.A. AMERICAS KIDS AMERIMARK DIRECT LLC AMMAR’S, INC. ANSAR GALLERY APAC SALE GROUP INC ARETTE ACCESORIOS SA DE CV ART.COM INC ATID S.A AXIS BUSINESS PARK BARSTOW STATION BEALLS OUTLET BELK BIJOU MEXICO SA DE CV BLAYLOCK MARKETING LLC BOSCOVS DEPARTMENT STORE BROADSTREET ARMY AND NAVY BUNZL RETAIL/KEENPAC BURLINGTON COAT FACTORY CAESARS ENTERTAINMENT CALIMAX CAMP-OUT INC CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION CASA LEY CATCH OF THE DAY CEC ENTERTAINMENT CELESTIA GROUP CHEAP AS CHIPS CHRISTMAS TREE SHOPS CIRCLE K CITI TRENDS INC COMERCALIZAO ORA TREASURE HUNT S.A. COPPEL COUNTRY JUNCTION CPL GROUP CURACAO DAISO CALIFORNIA LLC DANICE STORES DAVID M. MANGELSEN’S DD’S DISCOUNTS DISCOUNT DANCE SUPPLY DISTBELL DOBA DOLLAR TREE STORES INC DOLLARAMA DON QUIJOTE DORIANS DR. LEONARD’S HEALTHCARE DURAN SALES EASY PICKINS E-FILLIATE INC EL MACHETAZO ESSEX BARGAIN HUNT ETAILZ INC. EVIKE.COM E-Z MART STORES FAMILY FARM AND HOME FARMACIA’S ARROCHA FCNQ FHC ENTERPRISES LTD. FIVE BELOW FORMAN MILLS INC FOUR SEASONS HOTEL FRAGRANCENET COM FRANCESCA’S HOLDINGS CORP. FREEPORT DISTRIBUTORS INC. GABRIEL BROTHERS INC GERLANDS CORP GET AWAY TODAY GIANT TIGER STORES LIMITED GIFTS FROM AFAR GLASSHOUSE GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND GORDMANS GORDMANS INC GRANGE SUPPLY CO GROCERY OUTLET GRUPO OLGAMI GRUPO SPIEGEL S A HAMRICKS INC HANA WHOLESALE HARDWARE & LUMBER LTD HARLOW INC HARMON GROUP HARMON STORES INC HART DEPT.STORES HD SUPPLY HEARTLAND AMERICA HMV CANADA HOME OWNERS BARGAIN OUTLET IMAGINACION Y GLOBOS J&K DISTRIBUTORS JAPAN HOME, INC JEWELRY CHANNEL, INC., THE JOHNSON SMITH COMPANY JOSTENS, INC. KADIMA S A KEEFE GROUP L&E INTERNATIONAL SERVICES INC LA MARQUESITA LARRYS HARDWARE LEBLANCS FOOD STORE LEE VALLEY TOOLS LEWIS DRUG LEWIS STORES LIQUIDATION CHANNEL LONDON DRUGS LTD LOVES M&C DRUG STORE LTD M&F WESTERN PRODUCTS MAGIC GIFT BOUTIQUE MARDEN S MARSHALL RETAIL GROUP MARVIN’S BUILDING MATERIALS MASQUERADE FUNDRAISING MEDIEVAL TIMES MEYKOS MGM RESORTS MI FARMACIA MORONGO CASINO MUEBLERÍA LA AURORA MVC SALES CORP / FCIA MAGDA MY CHEMIST AUSTRALIA NATIONAL STORES INC NATIONAL WHOLESALE STORES NEW YORK NEW YORK HOTEL & CASINO NEWCOMB OIL/FVE STAR NOVEX S A OCEAN STATE JOB LOT INC. OLLIE’S BARGAIN OUTLET OPERADORA FUTURAMA S A DE C OVERSTOCK.COM PARTY CITY PINE COUNTRY GIFT SHOP PITUSA STORES PONTE USA PREMIER AMUSEMENTS PRINCESS AUTO LTD QUEST USA CORP QUICKIE CONVENIENCE STORES RAINBOW APPAREL COMPANIES RETEX LLC RICHMOND MASTER DISTRIBUTORS RICKER ENTERPRISES RIISER ENERGY ROSS ROSS ASSOCIATES R-RANCH MARKETS S&S WORLDWIDE MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM SAM MOON GROUP SAPP BROS TRAVEL CENTERS SATO AMERICA SCHNUCK MARKETS SCIENTIFIC GAMES SCS DIRECT SEARS OUTLET SEDESCO INC SEVEN & ONE FOODS SHALOM S A SHOPPERS WORLD LTD SPARTAN NASH STAGE STORES INC STAPLES STARCREST PRODUCTS OF CA SUPER SAN FRANCISCO DE ASIS SWEET ILLUSION, INC. TACOMA GOODWILL INDUSTRIES TARGET TFO THE DIY SHOP CORPORATION THE NORTH WEST COMPANY THE PAPER STORE THE REJECT SHOP THE WAREHOUSE THORNTON’S TIENDAS CHAPUR TIME PASSENGER TJX TJX CANADA TODO MODA TRS TRS TRADING TUESDAY MORNING, INC TYRRELL LIMITED U-GAS INC. UNIFORMES LA AMISTAD UNITED FASHIONS OF TEXAS URBAN RESEACH CO.,LTD VALU MERCHANDISERS VALUE DRUG MART ASSOCIATES VEO WORLDWIDE SERVICES SRL VORANA WALGREENS WAL-MART WALMART CENTROAMERICA WOOT YERBERIA AZTECA INC ZIYA WHOLESALE ZULILY 16 SALES KIT sam ple of sp e ci a lt y s t or e s MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 17 SALES KIT Sam pling of I nt e r nat i ona l R e tai l er s Bodesa - La Marina No. of Stores: 4 Department Stores, 1 Boutique, 40 Furniture Stores Annual Sales: $50 Million Type of Store: Department Coppel No. of Stores: 1071 in Mexico, 14 in Argentina, 14 in Brazil Annual Sales: $ 6.2 Billion Type of Store: Department Store Super San Francisco De Asis No. of Stores: 44 locations Annual Sales: 240 Million Type of Store: Convenience Store Grupo Todo A Dollar No. of Stores: 34 Annual Sales: $20+ Million Type of Store: Dollar Store EDUVIE SA de CV y POVISA SA de CV No. of Stores: 12 Annual Sales: $12 Million Type of Store: Specialty Store (Apparel and Accessories) Librerias Gandhi No. of Stores: 40 locations Annual Sales: $360 Million Type of Store: Books & Gift MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 18 SALES KIT 41% of attendees said they import direct from factories overseas. 39% source directly from China Other Countries: 35% Europe: 6% South America: 3% Mexico: 8% India: 8% 51% of attendees are looking to source over 1,000 pieces/items. No Response: 3% 5,000+: 28% 1-499: 32% 3,000-4,999: 6% 500-999: 14% 1,000-2,999: 18% MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 19 SALES KIT exhibitor pr ofi l e Exhibit Participation August 2014: 250 Exhibitors from 9 Countries Exhibit Participation March 2014: 125 Exhibitors from 6 Countries Countries Represented: • China • Taiwan • Bahamas • Hong Kong • India • United States • Vietnam • Mexico • Pakistan • Germany Exhibitor Product Categories: STYLE VARIETY Apparel & Footwear Affordable Footwear, Fashion Apparel, Lingerie, Fashion Hosiery, Resort, Blanks, T-Shirts, Swim/Cover Ups, Work Wear Business Services Website, Advertising, Point of Purchase, Store and Business Services. Fashion Accessories Bangles, Belts, Bracelets, Earrings, Eyewear, Furnishings, Gloves, Handbags, Hats, Headwear, Jewelry, Leather Accessories, Luggage, Necklaces, Scarves, Tote Bags, Umbrellas Style & Beauty Cosmetics, Color Care, General Beauty Enhancement, Hair, Lips, Lotions, Skin Care, Nails GIFT Gift & Handicrafts Art, Candles, Clocks, Crystal, Decorations, Figurines, Gifts, Gift Bags, Gift Wrap, Holidays, Lighting, Office Accessories, Party Supplies, Picture Frames, Special Occasion, Stationary, Tchotchke Consumer Electronics Cases, Covers, Ear Buds, Fans, Headphones, PDA, Tablet, & iPhone Fashion Accessories, Speakers, Watches Outdoor Athletic Accessories, Balls, Bats, Boards, Camping, Caps, Clubs, Exercise, Gloves, Hike, Sporting Goods, Tactical Knives, Shoes, Uniforms Toys Games, Novelty, Plush, Toys Volume & Variety Chain Store, Discount Variety Products, Dollar Store, Promotional, Seasonal Miscellaneous Adult Novelties, Energy Drinks, Smoking Accessories HOME Home & Garden Bath, Bedroom, Ceramics, Glassware, Home Décor, Hard Goods (Pots/Pans/Utensils), Home Textiles, Hospitality, Linens, Plastic Goods, Table Top, Throws MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 20 SALES KIT ä RAW BOOTH ONLY (10' X 10') $3,100 B O O T H PAC K AG E • 10’ x 10’ space • Aisle carpet • 300 lbs free drayage • Online directory listing • Product description and three (3) category listings in the Show Directory ä STANDARD BOOTH (10' X 10') $4,100 STAN DAR D PAC K AG E • 10’ x 10’ space • 8’ high backdrop, 3’ high divisional sides • Carpet • 2 chairs • 1 plastic-top covered table • 300 lbs free drayage per 10’ x 10’ • Online directory listing • Product description and three (3) category listings in the Show Directory Pipe and drape will not be included for island and peninsula booth(s). Standard package will vary depending on location of booth. Please consult with a SOURCEDIRECT sales representative. ä HARDWALL BOOTH (10' X 10') $5,100 H A R DWA L L PAC K AG E • 10’ x 10’ space • 8’ high backwall 2–40” high returns • 2 shelves • 2 arm lights • 2 plastic contour chairs • 1 electrical outlet: 5a/500w, 1/4HP 120V • 1 Header ID sign • Carpet • 1 plastic top covered table • 300 lbs free drayage • Online directory listing •Product description and three (3) category listings in the Show Directory MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 21 SALES KIT see yo u at th e n e xt s how ! March 1 – 4, 2015 • August 2 – 5, 2015 LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER, NEVADA USA Contact us S ales Ma rke tin g & b u s in e s s m at ch m a k i n g David Pennes International Sourcing Group Show Director Tel: +1.323.817.2246 [email protected] Stephen Stagliano International Business Development Manager Tel: +1.323.817.2227 [email protected] Winnie Liu International Business Development Manager Tel: +1.213.430.2300 [email protected] Linh Vu Marketing Manager Tel: +1.323.817.2229 [email protected] Pamela Thompson Attendee Relations Tel: +1.623.544.0371 [email protected] Dean Cechvala Show Coordinator Tel: +1.323.817.2245 [email protected] exec utive Karalynn Sprouse Executive Vice President – Merchandise Group & International Sourcing Tel: +1.323.817.2244 [email protected] Camille Candella Vice President of Marketing Tel: +1.323.817.2221 [email protected] MARCH 1–4, 2015 • AUGUST 2–5, 2015 • LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER • ASDONLINE.COM 22
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