Prociotto naturale - Centro Legno Di Lorenzo
Prociotto naturale - Centro Legno Di Lorenzo
Prociotto naturale, pressato da segatura di abete senza [eganti. Èlflr' ;È ; :,-' ,i '!' Un riscatdamento semplice Con Euro Pel.tets riscatdare diventa confortevote. I pel.tets di legno sono pronti att'uso, confezionati in sacchi o forniti su camion. La manipolazione è sempticissima, it petl"et - Euro Peltets è adatto per caldaie, per stufe / caminetto a pettet ad aria ed acqua. Descrizione det Prodotto It pettet EURO PELLETS è prodotto datta ditta Enerles d.o.o. che è stata fondata datlAzienda Gozdno Gospodarstvo Postojna. Dat 1o gennaio 2007, Enertes è stata inglobata, come unità operativa, all'azienda madre GGP, d.o.o. ln un anno di attività, LAzienda ha costruito a Pivka una fabbrica per ta produzione di di Legno che, a metà del 2005, ha iniziato con l'attività di prova. Oggi ta fabbrica funziona a pieno regime e produce annualmente 60.000 tonnetlate di petlet. divenendo il. maggiore produttore di di legno in Slovenia e uno dei più grandi nelta regione det['Europa Centrale. It catore di Euro Peltets Euro Pettets viene prodotto esclusivamente da aziende certificate. Una quatità sutta qua[e puntare. Protezione del ctima Euro PetLets viene prodotto da puro legno di abete. Ne[ta combustione i[ pettet cede soto tanto C02 quanto gti atberi hanno assorbito nelta loro crescita. Chi riscatda con Euro Petlets fornisce un contributo attivo atla protezione del ctima. ir ;fl € * .T '§ 4 rd;+#,ts Economicamente interessante II confronto dà sicurezza: con Euro Petlets si riscalda in modo più economico che non con altri sistemi di riscatdamento finora sostenuti. lnottre avete [a convenienza dei prezzi stabiLiti e [a sicurezza di disponibil.ità nel tempo. Pettet certificato EN Plus: DATI TECNICI: Tipo di Iegno: Abete lAOa/o Potere calorifico: ca.5,3 kwhlkg Formazione cenere: < 1,O0 o/o Umidità: 18o/o Diametro:6 mm Lunghezza: uniforme Densità apparente: 660 kg/mst Additivi: assenti I M BALLO: Confezione: sacchi da 15 kg 1 bancale: 70 sacchi da 15 Kg cad. (24 bancali) otfcrnr Certification Body ofi-CERT ofi Technologie & lnnovation GmbH Arsenal, Obtekt 213, Franz-Grill-Stra8e 5 1030 Vienna AUSTRIA ZerùrtZhrunEuste//e CeÉificate granting the right to use the seal ENp,," with the certificate number 0191 / S1001 àn a cooperation agreement between the European Biomass A.ssociation (AEBIOM) and the certification as well as the compliance with the requirements in the for the certification of wood pellets for heating purposes of the European Petlet Council (EPC), which iance with EN 14961-2, the holder of the cerlificate is granted the right to use the seal EN,,,, for the |ofi Technologie & innovation GmbH (ofi-CERT) Wood Pellets for Heating Purposes with the Class A2 , Gozdno gospodarstvo Postojna,. d.o.o. Vojkova ulica I Sl-6230 Postojna SneZni§ka cesta 16 S14257 Pivka executed by the manufacturer and the initial type-testing as well rn body ofi-CERT had been performed according to the requirements in the pellets for heating purposes of the European Pellet Council (EPC), which is ,ggrtificate confirms, thai all requirements of the riL .r of Wood Pellets for Heating Purposes (Version 20f 1) the prescribed requirernents. .81 and is valid lill 2afi-12-31 Dl Udo Pappler Head of certification body ofi4ERT information about the validity of the certifìcate or a pos- ,'r'i:,1, ,:t'x:l;. I i'i, r;i:r HOLZ FORSCHUNG AUSTRIA This certificate attesb fiat for fte produc{ion of Wood Pellets for Heating Purpose§ Quality class A2 goduced by GOZDNO GOSPODARSTVO POSTOJNA D.O.O. §1S230 Foatoina, Voikova ulica I atthe sit§ §1.6257 Pivka, $neini§ka cecb {6 an initial inspection tanas canied out and a conthuoue surveillance is perfonned regarding the imp}*mentation of he tequimm€nts of the European Pellet Council Handbook forthe Cert*ca§on of Woocl Pellets for Heating Purposes (April 2013) in the respocttve arnent version and that Forfie validity tte poduct meeb qualtty class 42. of this certificate see El{plus lD: S1001 Certificats numbar: HFA-ENplusOO50 Dato of Dats of Valid :26.112014 11.2014 .2017 7i i1 §ignatory t;ii;i;,ìllr h[a( Ol,: @xtsL ASSOCIAZ]ONE ITTd.IANA ENERGIEAGROFORES-T&I Si iltustn cfle {e aW{oy & pM dffioffiiilnte oiln6{Es», *SI! PeI[*', uPhswa t" oCatntnucin[,Pwld , "Btffi*', , T ormnanpeIfÉsu,'l{Rro gel{xs' e{ -uropel{*' pro{otrE dilf adede G.G.P. s ùno fr eostoryr- (S{arysn) yrw e dL Fsnna{dsde. e Rsdiost*lw*ìL e rnnforT ù a$snormstlNl F-ll L4961-2, dasseAL, daf regofanwn p e{t* GoH" soddisfuria L rquisn y Ahfinffia quinni d ywa e $, dirJwr are cfie te yroduaoni sry e indknte fianxlo ottme$s d runwo dd wrciw Pe{te go[il t0nA . ùb Itpresa*c at*estntu fisvn{idxtà diun $ffio {safvodwas*{*go{d,ir). GOLD rlJl -I -r d(( CL\ ouelrrA ul J É :) lZ o z(9 UI -, o F IIl 1 0/08 J IU a- CONTROTLATA @ MsrinoBe,t,,/L XestdmnAtrL I*y*rc (W),U*SW2§11" AIEL Asmciazbrre lbliana €netgie Agroforeslali Male dell'UniversiÉ, 14 - 35m0 LEGNARO/PD lli t HOLZ FORSCHUNG 'i rti AUSTRIA : .t RE PO RT - Contracl no. 181012014 Gustomec Gozdno Gospodarstvo Postajna d.o.o. Voikova ulica g Sl€230 Pcstoina §ubied: RTB 2§.11.2014 HAAJKAA lnitial inspectlon and certlftmtion of the waod pellet producticn accordirq to Europeon Petlet CounciL ENplus - Handbock forthe Certificatisn of Wood Pellets for Heating Furposes at the site of $l€2§7 Pivka, SneÈni§ka ceeta 1§ r Date of corÉract: 30-0§.2014 (mnhac,t) Eate of sample dellvery: 26.0s.2814 Date of service: 25.09.20'14 Period of valldity: Until tfte next inspec,tion, at the latest end Fages: I Enclosures: Z0I§ Wal=IOLZ BffiT,q*?^CHUNG 'X. Gontract contract: contact perssn: date of person resp. for quality 30.0§"2014 (contract) Mr. Bost.ian Jez eontrol: person resp. for intemal monitoring 2" tests: Mr. Bostjan Jez Mr. Bos{an ..!ez lnspection of pneduction site inspection: inspeetion carried out by: attended by: date of 25"CI9.2014 Mr. DlA" Haider Mr- B. Jez 2.1" lnspection aceerding to the fotrlouring standards and certification programs - European Fetlet Counci[: ENplus - Handbook for the Certlfication of Wood Fellets for Heating Purposes {April 2013} 2,2. trescription of the production process and production facilities nurnber of peltet Fresses: 5 type of pellet presse§: flat die pres§ origin and ssurce of raw rnaterial: (aceording to 0ENORM EN 14961-1. Tab.1| 1.2.1 chemicatly r.lntreated tnrood residues (sCI%), 1-1.3 stemwood {80%} haded fann: sawdust, woad chfps, stemwood raw material stor,age: hali, sila, outdoor storage used additives: no additives separation of contaminants and irnpurities: sieve and rnetaXseparator steps in production process: 1: cfripping, grindin'rg 2: drytng 3: separation of contaminants 4: milling 5: conditioning 6: pelletizing 7: ccoling 8: bagging low quality batches: 1810#014 - RTB For lourr quality batches a rnanual Page 2 of8 Ifrffiffi.HUNG separat[on directly after the presses is possible hut usualtry low quatity batches are separated after the silo before they go to the baggirs station. 2-3. §ustainahility share of raur material frent certified sourses: dedaration of sustainahility ENplus: 2.*. 2.5. 50 % F§C certlfied availahle and slgned by cornpany Csntrol of ttte pellÉt sbrage fsr intennediate storage before type and nurnher of storage facilities: sifio storage of lovrr quati$ batches {no*-certtfied goods}: baggfng and starage hallfor bags Low quatity batches are stored In a container and ften are retumed in the praduction pro6Éss. Loadingfhagging, fires removal and labelltng loadingfhagging fines removal tabelling bags sieve and suction sletem at bagging station after intennediate storage in sile according to EHplus Sampling for lab analysis during inspectian out of storage: 2.7. lntemal quatity assuratrce 2.7-1. Quatrity control rnanual 10 x approx" 1 lltre out of 3 bags from storage I x t hag {€oks}From storage For the fiollowing quatity relevant prCIsesses written eperaling instuuctions are available approrcd hy the quality representative. The implementatian of these operating instructions was checked durtng the inspection at randorn: e . . r r r incoming and outgoing goods service of testing equipment implernentation of rnonitaring tests cornpetenee,responsibility sustorner complaints training cf ernployes 181012014 - RTB Page 3 of I ffiF8*ttnu*o 8"ffi!ausrRln 4. §ummary and evaluation The wsod pellet production of the company Gozdno Gospodarstvo Postoina d.o.o- at the site of §l-6257 Pivka meets the requirements of European Pellet Cauncil: ENptrus Handbaok for the Certification ef Waod Pellets for Heating Pt"trposes {April 2013}, quality class 42. 4"{. Ohservations The foltowing obsenrations are no deviations but non observance of them can lead to deviatians, It's recommended to cornect the observations irnmediately- status chapter description 2.7.2 The detennination of fines should be performed 1 x per day frorn a whole 15 kg bag (net just fronn a subsample of a hag) to get a significant result. HOLZFORSCHUNG AU§TRIA /d* DIl&Iilfried Pichler Auffron:sed sEnafory 1810I20'n4 - RTB §d^^ fu,*, DlAndreas Haider Iecftmrbai consulfanf Page 6 of8 ffiffit,{uNG Accreditation is given for the futlouiing proqe'duree.' iiì* n"t iUor*A Is use included acereditatisn rnarks for onfln Furpose§ Òt-{oRtfr ÉN14774-2 Ònonu EN 14?75 Òruonh{ Et{ l4gtg Òruonro EN 151CI3 oNcRIrd EhI15210-1 Òt1onu EN t§011885 ÒruoRm EN 16127 European Fellst Ceuncil ENplus - Handbook for the Gertifrcatisn af Wood Pellets for Heatirq PurPoses ttre tested materials, the present information and The results and §taterfients given in this document relae only ta Investigatiantime sf the the state of the art at HcÉzforsdrung AustriaÈunfi"ution in excerpts is onfy getrnmei"with the wri§e* apptoval of t8lrllro14' RTB Page 7 of8 ffiHOLZ Elg# FORSCHUT TG E'ffiausrela 5. Evaluation and certification Austria approves the issuance After evaluation of the resutts of this report Holzforschttng of the certiticate. of the centification The confqrmity of the production of wood pellets with. the requlrernents cf Wood Pellets Certification scheme European p;il;icou;"il: EFlplus - I-{andbookforthe Furposes {April 2013i is confirrned" NG AUSTRIA Accreditation is given fortfre foltosring procedures' marks fcr otim puryo§e§' It is not allowed iq use included accredltation accr,edltation rnark type of accreditation certifica§on procedurels European Pellet Csuncil ENptus - Handbook forthe Certification of Wood Feltrets for Heating PurPoses the te§ted materiats. the present information and The results and statenrents given in this document retate onty to the state of the art at the time of investigation' publkation in excerpts i" à*y p**itt*o utitft the written approvat af Hsldorschung Austria' 181012614 - RTB Page I of I