May 10, 2015 - St. Joachim Catholic Church


May 10, 2015 - St. Joachim Catholic Church
St. Joachim Catholic Church
21250 Hesperian Blvd, Hayward, CA 94541
Iglesia Católica de San Joaquin
Happy Mother’s Day
Feliz día de la Madre
did not respond... I began to dream
of a day when I will be without
her. So I studied hard, got a chance
to go abroad to study. Then, I got
married. I bought a house of my
From the Pastor’s Desk:
own. I had kids of my own. I was
happy with my life, my kids and
While Father is on Vacation, we are
the comforts. Then one day, my
printing a past Mother’s Day Pastor’s
Mother came to visit me. She
Desk — Happy Mother’s Day!!
hadn't seen me in years and she
My mom only had one eye. I hated didn't even meet her grandchildren. When she stood by the door,
her.... She was such an
my children laughed at her, and I
embarrassment. She cooked for
yelled at her for coming over
students and teachers to support
the family. There was this one day uninvited. I screamed at her, 'How
dare you come to my house and
during elementary school where
my mom came to say hello to me. scare my children!' GET OUT OF
I was so embarrassed. How could HERE! NOW!!!' And to this, my
mother quietly answered, 'Oh, I'm
she do this to me? I ignored her,
so sorry. I may have gotten the
threw her a hateful look and ran
out. The next day at school one of wrong address,' and she
my classmates said, 'EEEE, your disappeared out of sight. One day,
mom only has one eye!' I wanted a letter regarding a school reunion
came to my house. So I lied to my
to bury myself. I was so angry at
wife that I was going on a business
my mother so told her, “Mom,
why don't you just die?' My mom trip. After the reunion, I went to
Sunday Mass in English
Saturday 4:30 PM,
Sunday 7:30, 9:00,10:30 AM
and 12:15 PM
Daily Masses
7:00 and 8:30 AM
(Saturday 8:30 AM)
Saturday 3-4:00 PM
Misas Dominicales en Español
Sábado 6:00 PM, Domingo 2:00,
6:00 PM
Misas en Español
Miércoles 7:00 PM
Miércoles 6-7 PM, Sábado 3-4:00
Parish Office 783-2766
Parish Fax
Parish Email ~~
[email protected]
Parish Office Hours ~ Bilingual Available
T,W,F— 4—7:30
St. Joachim Catholic Church
10 AM– 4 PM
12PM– 4 PM
Rev. Joseph Antony Sebastian, SVD
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
10:00 am to 12.00 pm
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm (with appointment)
lunes, martes, miércoles, y viernes
0:00 am a 12:00 pm
5.00 pm a 8.00 pm (con cita )
Rev. Mario Olea SVD Parochial Vicar
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm (with appointment)
lunes, martes, miércoles y jueves
10:30 am a 12:00 pm
5:00 pm a 8:00 pm (con cita)
Ariel Mayormita
Music Director/Director de Música
Phone Ext. #223
E-Mail [email protected]
Flor Herce ……...………..Bookkeeper
Pat Ludwig …Administrative Assistant
Faith Formation Office
Oficina de Formación de Fe
Glenda Aragón
Director of Faith Formation
the old shack just out of curiosity.
My neighbors said that she died. I
did not shed a single tear. They
handed me a letter that she had
wanted me to have. 'My dearest
son, I think of you all the time. I'm
sorry that I came to your house
and scared your children. I'm sorry
that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you were
growing up. You see........when
you were very little, you got into
an accident, and lost your eye. As
a mother, I couldn't stand watching
you having to grow up with one
eye. So I gave you mine. I was so
proud of my son who was seeing a
whole new world for me, in my
place, with that eye. With all my
love to you, being mother I have
never regretted donating my eye to
an apple of my eye!!
Your Mother.
Love + Sacrifice = Mother.
Happy Mother’s Day.
Email …..…. [email protected]
Abraham Gonzalez …... Faith Formation
Coordinator /Youth Minister
550-6878…[email protected]
Bertha Cruz…….Administrative Assistant
Departamento Especial de Educación
Religiosa en Español
St. Vincent de Paul 783-0344
Office hours 1:30-3PM ONLY
San Vicente de Paul
Gary Enos
St. Joachim School 783-3177
Escuela de San Joaquín
Armond Seishas Principal
Sandra Garzon School Secretary
St. Joachim Pre-School 783-0604
Marisa Melgarejo Director
Sunday Mass in English
Saturday 4:30 PM,
Sunday 7:30, 9:00,10:30 AM
and 12:15 PM
Daily Masses
7:00 and 8:30 AM
mueres?' Mi mamá no
respondió...yo empecé a soñar sobre
el día que yo me liberaría de ella.
Estudié muy duro, tuve el chance de
ir a estudiar afuera del país.
Después, un día, mi mamá me vino
Nota de nuestro pastor
a visitar. Ella no me había visto
Mientras que el padre está de vacaciones, desde hace años y ella ni siquiera
estamos imprimiendo turística del pasado conocía a sus nietos. Cuando ella se
de la Madre Día Pastor - el día de madre paró en la puerta, mis hijos se rieron
de ella y yo le grité por haber
feliz !!
llegado sin invitación. Yo le grité,
'Cómo te atreves a venir a mi casa y
Mi madre sólo tenía un ojo. La
asustar a mis hijos!' VETE DE
odiaba .... Ella era una vergüenza
AQUI! AHORA!!!' Y a esto, mi
tal. Ella cocinaba para los
madre silenciosamente respondió,
estudiantes y maestros para
'Oh, lo siento mucho. Yo debo de
mantener a la familia. Un día
haber tomado la dirección
durante mi escuela primaria mi
incorrecta,' y se desapareció de mi
mamá vino a saludarme. Me dio
tanta vergüenza. Cómo me pudo
Un día, una carta sobre una reunión
hacer esto a mí? Yo la ignore, le
miré con odio y me fui corriendo. de ex alumnos llegó a mi casa. Le
mentí a mi esposa que iría a un viaje
Al día siguiente en la escuela uno de de negocios. Después de la reunión,
mis compañeros dijo, 'EEEE, tu
yo fui a la casa vieja por curiosidad.
mamá solamente tiene un ojo!' Yo
Mis vecinos me dijeron que ella
quería enterrarme. Me enojé tanto
había muerto. No derramé ni una
que le dije, “Mamá, porqué no te
lágrima. Ellos me dieron una carta
que ella quiso que yo tuviera.
'Mi hijo querido, yo pienso en ti
todo el tiempo. Siento mucho haber
ido a tu casa y asustar a tus hijos.
Siento mucho que era una vergü
enza constante cuando estabas
creciendo. Ves........cuando eras muy
pequeño, tuviste un accidente, y
perdiste tu ojo. Como una madre, no
resistía verte crecer con un solo ojo,
así es que te di el mío.
Yo me sentí tan orgullosa de mi hijo
quien miraba todo un nuevo
mundo por mí, en mi lugar, con ese
ojo. Con todo mi amor para ti,
siendo madre nunca me he
arrepentido de haber donado mi
ojo a la cuenca de mi ojo!!
Tu Madre.
Amor + Sacrificio = Madre.
Feliz Día de las Madres.
St. Vincent de
Food offering
for next week:
Vicky Gabriel
Alzira Seishas
Ralph Nicholas A. Barreto
Florentina Corpus
Leticia Garcia
Dawn Michelle Major
Michael Diamond
Carol Esperanza Colon
Michael Avalos
David Sanchez
Maria Rossman
Josephine Alvarez
Juanita Estrellas
Rachel Pangilinan Caruz
Kathryn Noel Major
Elisa Butschy
Michael Joseph Major Jr.
Eugenia Hunter
May 3 , 2015
The Total amounts for
$ 8,382.70
Canned Spaghetti, Sauce
or Macarroni & Cheese
Spaghetti, Salsa par spaghetti
o macarron con queso
the plate collection
EFT collection
Other Amt. dropped
off at the Office
$ 9,093.70
We hope you enjoyed the museum last month as well
as the lunch.
This month we will stay closer to home~~ The Hall.
Come join us on Friday, May 15 for Pizza, Salad and
THE HORSE RACING GAME. We will meet at
the church hall at noon for food, games and fun. To make reserva-
tions call Lorry or Ken Goode at 276-9338 before May 12.
Iglesia Católica de San Joaquín
Monday 7:00am
The Community of St. Joachim
Monday 8:30am
The Community of St. Joachim
May 9-16 , 2015
Tuesday 7:00 am
The Community of St. Joachim
Saturday 4:30pm
Florentina Bersabe (healing)
Manuel Piccio (healing)
Elmer & Mary Ann Kriewaldt V,
Gregorio V. Sampaga V, (anniversary)
Crecensio & Carolina Piccio V,
Rudolfo Mendoza Jr. V, (1st anniversary)
Tuesday 8:30 am
Maurilio F. Gonzales V,(9th anniversary)
Anthony Tony Kilayko V,
Limuell Orlina ( V,- birthday)
Saturday 6:00pm
Luis F. Centeno M. V, (aniversario)
Esperanza Muratalla V,
Salvador Gonzalez V,
Simona Araujo V,
Wednesday 8 :30 am
Lazaro Arquero V,(anniversary)
Joe Dominguez (V,- birthday)
Ramon G. Garcia V,
Antonio Manio V,
Carolina Sarzaba V,
Dr. Gliceria Gonzalo ( V, birthday)
Sunday 7:30am
Rosalinda Saquilayan (birthday)
Luciana Teodoro V,
Sunday 9:00 am
Patric Solis (thanksgiving)
Lucia Joo (thanksgiving)
Julie Chae (thanksgiving)
Ligoria Fernandez ( thanksgiving)
Alan de la Cruz (healing)
Antonia Lizing (healing)
Adelaida Temporal V, (anniversary)
Sabucdalao Artates V, (anniversary)
Modesta Fernandez V, (anniversary)
Sunday 10:30am
Antonia Joyosa (birthday)
Joe Gonsalves (healing)
Sunday 12:15pm
Ralph Nicholas Barreto (special intention)
Jose Luis Cabrera V, (5th anniversary)
Wednesday 7:00 am
The Community of St. Joachim
Wednesday 7:00 pm
Jose Salgado Mendez V,
Thursday 7:00 am
The Community of St. Joachim
Thursday 8:30am
Mora Family (thanksgiving)
Edna & Ramon Garcia (thanksgiving)
Orlando Ebalo Sr. V,( anniversary)
Carolina Sarzaba V,
Readings for the Week of
May 10, 2015
Acts 10:25-26, 3435, 44-48/1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1
Jn 4:11-16/Jn 15:9-17 or Jn
Mon/Lunes: Acts 16:11-15/Jn
Tues/Martes: Acts 16:22-34/Jn
Acts 17:15, 22-18:1/Jn 16:12-15
Thurs/Vier: Acts 1:15-17, 2026/Jn 15:9-17
Acts 18:9-18/Jn
Acts 18:23-28/Jn
Next Sun/Dom: Acts 1:1-11/Eph
4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13 or
Eph 1:17-23/Mk 16:15-20
Acts 9:26-31/1 Jn 3:18-24/
Jn 15:1-8
Friday 7:00 am
The Community of St. Joachim
Friday 8:30 am
Carolina Sarzaba V, (1st anniversary)
Saturday 8:30am
Remedios & Eugene Manio (thanksgiving)
Sunday 2:00 pm
Carmen Rodriguez V,
Paulita Rodriguez V,
Elvira Villanueva V, (aniversario)
Luis Mendoza V, (aniversario)
Juan Valzquez V, (aniversario)
Sunday 6:00pm
John Stuart V,
Isabel Higareda V,
Guadalupe Garcia V,
St. Joachim Catholic Church
Saint Joachim
Catholic Church
We will be collecting Mi Pueblo
receipts again. We recently
negotiated with Mi Pueblo and we
are happy that they will once again
offer us this great program. Keep
you Mi Pueblo receipts and bring
them to the office or place them in
the boxes at the doors of the
When we turn the receipts over to
Mi Pueblo they will then give us a
percentage of all purchases made as
a rebate check to the church. This
is an easy way for you to help
contribute back to your church.
Vatican Corner
Archbishop Chaput says
that when Pope Francis comes to
Philadelphia for two days at the end
of September, his pastoral mission
will have a dual purpose. The Pope’s
participation in the closing of the
World Meeting of Families
conference is one key element and the
other is reinvigorating the
Philadelphia archdiocese and the local
churches themselves - battered in
recent years by financial woes,
closure and consolidation of churches
and schools, and the painful clerical
abuse scandal.
An outdoor public mass by Pope
Francis along Philadelphia's Benjamin
Franklin Parkway -- near the iconic
"Rocky" steps of the Philadelphia Art
Museum -- is expected to draw so
Archbishop says "I'm most excited
and anxious at the same time, because
we have a lot of responsibilities for
protecting the Holy Father and
protecting the people who come to see
By the end of August 2014, nearly
all was set, the church was chosen,
hall booked, flowers picked, the
groomsmen’s tuxes and the brides
maids dresses selected, planning was
going smoothly for Brittany Lowell, a
26-year-old legal secretary and dance
instructor, and her future husband,
Jeff Doney, for their upcoming
wedding in Philadelphia on Saturday
Sept. 26. Then last November they
found out that Pope Francis would be
in the City on the same day. “As soon
as that happened I went into panic
mode” said Lowell. It’s not the
serious influx of visitors or the traffic
or the increased security that is
causing the problem, rather, finding a
place for the newlyweds-to-be and
their guests to stay. Anticipating the
pontiff’s trip, hotels blacked out large
portions of the 30,000 rooms in the
Philadelphia region to accommodate
visitors for the Catholic conference
and historic visit. The couple called
hotels around their venue. Each time,
they were told there was either no
room at the inn or they needed to
book extended stays. Lowell and
Doney have guest traveling a long
way, but at $300 a night with a
three-night minimum, “No one’s
going to pay $1,000 to stay for our
wedding.“ She says, she is concerned
even for those within driving distance,
who would be driving home after the
nuptials. Lowell was able to secure a
small room block about 30 miles
away, but expects her 200-person
head count to drop. They included a
warning to their guests about the
Pope’s visit in the Save the Dates
cards. “Something that’s so positive
for the city and so positive for
Catholics is turning out to be not so
positive for me,” she said. “I’m
honestly surprised that the priest
hasn’t called to cancel.” Some
couples in the same situation have
been able to move their wedding date
without penalty and the ten months’
notice has helped. All the wedding
couples interviewed agreed that Pope
Francis’ visit is great for the city and
they’re trying to make the best of the
situation. to be continued…
Sources: Religious News Service,
St. Joachim Catholic Church
Faith Formation Registration: Catechism, Confirmation & RCIA 2015-2016
Registration dates for the 2015-2016 Faith Formation year - held in the Hall:
June 10th, 16th, 19th, 24th, 30th ~ 6-9pm
Registration Requirements:
1. Must be a Registered Member of the Parish. Out-of-Parish/non-registered members will be accepted, if space
is available, at a different tuition rate.
2. If this is your child’s first year, a copy of his/her Birth, Baptism and First Communion Certificates
(for Confirmation registration) will be required at the time of registration.
3. If this is your child’s second year, tuition for their first year must have been paid in full and copies of
Birth, Baptism and First Communion (for Confirmation registration) Certificates must be already in
the office before registration as a continuing student.
Tuition Fees (same as last year):
1 Child
Out-of-Parish/non-registered member
2 Children
Out-of-Parish/non-registered member
3 Children or more
Out-of-Parish/non-registered member
There will be a $10 discount if you register and pay your tuition in full on any
of the above registration dates. Late registrations (after 6/30) will be accepted
if space is available. There will be a $10 late fee assessed on late
registrations. Tuition MUST be paid in full at the time of registration.
If needed, payment plan is available — a 50% deposit will be required at the
time of registration.
PLEASE NOTE: There will
ALL students MUST register.
Inscripciones para clases de Catecismo, Confirmación y RICA 2015-2016
Inscripciones para las clases de Formación de Fe del año 2015-2016 en el Salón Social:
Junio 10, 16, 19, 24, 30 ~ 6-9pm
Requisitos para la Inscripción:
1. Debe de ser un miembro registrado en la Parroquia — Miembros de otra Parroquia o los que no están registrados serán aceptados, si hay espacio, a un costo diferente.
2. Si este es el primer año de su hijo/a, una copia de su Certificado de Nacimiento, Bautizo y
Primera Comunión (para inscripción de Confirmación) es requerida el día de la inscripción.
3. Si este es el segundo año de su hijo/a, la matrícula del primer año debe de haber sido pagada
en su totalidad y copias de su Certificado de Nacimiento, Bautizo y Primera Comunión (para
inscripción de Confirmación) debe de estar en la oficina antes de la inscripción para continuar su
segundo año.
Costo de Matricula (igual que el año pasado):
1 Niño/a
2 Niños/as
3 Niños/as o mas
Miembro de otra Parroquia o no-registrado $125.00
Miembro de otra Parroquia o no-registrado $145.00
Miembro de otra Parroquia o no-registrado $165.00
Habrá un descuento de $10 para los que se inscriban y paguen la matricula en su totalidad en cualquier
fecha de inscripción. Inscripciones después del 30 de Junio serán aceptadas si hay espacio. Habrá una
multa de $10 para las inscripciones después de la fecha límite. La matricula DEBE de ser pagada en su
totalidad en la fecha de inscripción. Si necesita, puede hacer pagos mensuales dejando un
deposito de 50% el día de la inscripción.
ATENCIÓN: NO habrán inscripciones automáticas. TODOS los niños DEBEN de inscribirse
St. Joachim Catholic Church
Let us pray for the children receiving their First Holy Communion this weekend
Oremos por los niños que recibieron su Primera Comunión este fin de semana
Taytum-Cali Luz Advincula
Isabella Sophia Alvarado
Marlon Mikhail Bocalan, Jr.
Nathan Mateo Brenes
Stephen Moises Connolly
Gabriella Maria Everix
Liam Mason Lacanlale
Matthew Tacazon Laforga
Raelynn Keala Leal
Maleah Kaylani Leones
Adriel Markyle Fulgueras Luna
Joshua James Mansalay
Ruben Antonio Meraz
Rigoberto Mora
Izaiah Joseph Nand
Jayden Andres Paz
Ian Nicholas Leal Sarmiento
Amanda Trinity Sauceda
Ricardo Geronimo Scarborough
Samantha Sison
Isabella Sophia Soto
Cynthia Michelle TapiaBarrios
Emma Lauren Tongson
Damien Leigh Valenzuela
Eva Ixchel Varela
Rafaela B. Vergel de Dios
Kelsey Lilibeth Acosta
Isabel Maria Hernandez
Elizabeth Mei Ling Hill
Kyce Princess Cunanan Mendiola
Alexia Jeanette Navarro
Ariana Lissette Navarro
Aldrake Jarligo Panlaqui
Mariah Natasha Pulido- Estrada
Julianna Piamonte
Daisy Azadeh Araujo Rahnama
Ayana Ramirez-Cassini
Marco Antonio Rubio, Jr.
David Joseph Torres, Jr.
Yubi Aguayo
Samantha Aguilar
Gustavo Aldana Gonzalez
Roxanne Aldana Gonzalez
Humberto Baltazar
Ignacio Baltazar
Diego Barcenas
Erik Barcenas
Guadalupe Davilla
Karina Duarte-Ramirez
Arturo De Leon
Leonel Estrada
Juan Fajardo
Salvador Garcia
Angel Galvez
Diego Galvez
Anahi Gomez
Edgar Gomez
Guadalupe Gonzalez
Jessica Gonzalez
Edwin Hernandez Avina
Henry Hernandez Avina
Giovanni Herrera
Esmeralda Jimenez
Ruby Jimenez
Eric Larrieta
Angel Mendez
Daniel Mendez
Lilly Mendez
Ernesto Navarro, Jr.
Fernando Navarro
Guadalupe Nochebuena- Mendez
Leslie Ortiz
Salvador Ortiz
Angel Osorio
Belem Osorio
Jaylen Perez
Eduardo Ramos
Erik Renteria
Efrain Rios
Luz Elena Rios
Jackeline Rodriguez
Fernando Santiago
Nancy Salazar
Mauricio Solis
Williams Solorio Rodriguez
Natalie Tijero
Edgar Torres
Natalia Teresa Villanueva
Alexis Zacapa Alavaz
Quetzalli Natali Zacapa
Juan Sebastian Zepeda
Yarely Sujey Zuniga Mojica
Earthquake Assistance for Nepal
Bishop Barber has asked all parishes in
the Diocese to take up Special
Collection during the month of May to
help our brothers and Sisters in Nepal
as they try to recover from this
devastating earthquake,
For More information on ways that
you can help the victims of the
earthquake in Nepal
We will be taking up this special
collection next weekend—May 17th.
You may go to the Catholic Relief
Services website —
Please prayerfully consider a donation
to this cause.
You may donate by phone to —
St. Joachim Catholic Church
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[email protected]
or (800) 678-4574 x4034
A 2C 05-0653
04-16-2015 14:30:08