)(-9ienres x-#flI MANUAL {EHiH,EEfr x-32 Thanks to your choice of our factory remote world products, and grateful, Before you enter the remote world, to telling you a number of related knowiedge and precautions to ensure that you can in the process of learning more Handy. Berore operation, be sure to read this manual, I believe we can take you a great help, also please keep this manual for futher reference. E T *iEffi *riEEtF FyJF,?, iEti$fi " iiEliEtti[ FzBli,l. 6* ifr ff i+ * ffi xE! fi iR 5 * H FrF, t\ffi R'{A ffi ff &+' A! iS E + # lE,L.ro+. &*h#ff zffi , iH*,$i+rH t iiEE fr , tfrE - ftffi& hfa# E* * ffi * *i # cr,, ^ uiFr6*E.f*€i* *i.H EH #, t;]ft h a E 6 I. ml Thank you for choosing Our productsl This is a stunt aircraft suitable for indoor , in order to bring more convenientce and easy to use,please carefully reading this manual before operating this aircraft,you properly preserved thismaunal, adjustment and maintenance for reference in the future. tsiffrgitlq^I-Fffl BE-eE'Ets&4'BFlntiA!++,in{iE$, )!7it1eEfE, E+5lEH, iEre'FlEtfli* This product is suitable for indoor,please choose a place without obsiacle,and keep distance from crowd and pets,don't play it under unsafty,for instance,heat source,wite or electonic power source,in order not to be damaged by cotlision landing,entanglement and lead to a fire,electric shock and cause losses of lives and property. AFffiiEAEfiS€-r{iH!iEEn{iEE, -(iTEtC*EEit}+rlt*{+9JEtrSl4rr}t, #-5/\f+ElfvJ+'l*r+iE* F.P, +nrtil!4*.+fiisqT+eif, tEr*;H' E!t' €;[E++, ,){fr-(lilEtrrE. igB' !']!effi51&^^' e Fl,rt Can be hurt because of negligence ofthese instruclions and wrong using. E}lffi Ai* *{f riEE, m{tH#iiElf,EiEfr \t FfrX*.P-ffi* " Can be dangercus because ofthe negligence ofthese instrutions and wrcng using. E.bfih&it,&+t{f iifan, m{FE#EEIE'EEfr ft h. Aircraft internal is composed by a number of sophisticated electronic componenls,it must absolutely prevent moisture or water vapor,avoid use in bathroom or wet weather to prevent water vapor into the internal baody parts and electronic components caused by failure caused by unexpected accidents'.. -v+Esh*nueai+tffisE!tsr+I+cE!+,Efr,, fr.t\,xfrfrr'IH!ffirt*n)Edzl<,i, iBft,ariEdFExr't{qH' Flrtzl<ri,i*z\tJtB t*t gltfli +trt tl+&E++trtt[gm E &;FEJInffi ffi Hrl' ! I ort ( S Do not attempl under any circumstances &ElirHrr6isfr T,igzHit*{t " The product is a sophisticated hobby product but not a toy.Although small, it still poses certain risk factors that should not be over looked.Please follow safety and operation recommednsations to ebsure correct operation of this helicopter.The use of this helicopter beyond itsintended purposes and disassembly may cause unforeseen adanger,and shoule be avoided. 6Fff+iFIIE, Ef*Effi4'H!n{iEE, {EEflf*H-EHiE[6tt, Please do not remove or any reforin at any processing,any of the modified or upgrade maintenance, please use the original product catalogue of parts, to ensure the safety of the structure. Please confirm the product boundary operation,do not overload use, and not used for safely,decrees,the other illegal purposes. iEfEH'FrP ffi tr *H! E1+, t){tfr '{*# iEa Ea+frfrit *.EaetEtur, EFIHTJ+4Bi iFffi ititF o-o F IjR t4 #.ff , }Ez ii+Ji{E ffi *A fr fA *.*.' X+rl'x E iF *H iA, ffirH! *44l|t, ' 4t. iH'E.ffqAiIf;rFU5r*,tfi.H,FE*E{6A.!.ftH iZ{H4, {+EEt&*rfiffi*{EHZTEU&r{FffiHiZr*#, t[rlE'EEfrZiElfnffiiEh{f,rl', iih#,E." Manufaclurer and dealer assume no liability for accidental damages by abnormal wear fo parts, improper assembly, or operation in unsafe manners.This product is intended for use by age 14 years or older.Please ensure the product is operated under safe environment. ;*H! {lFriE}Snti#tilEH, fr|liEH46ri5HEfi,tx.J{EH*ts4{+ifrHAitEftSH, rH*Zig*Tt+HiSB t*lEFfr&,tZH.9l.ri{+fEIA{+" tFeiEH+ff+1 4Er\L, iEffi{*EAEiFAiStiT*'lt, Pa'qESE6/z^\al{8 We recommend that you seek the assistance or an experienced pilot before attgmpting to fly our products for the first time. A local expert is the best way to properly assemble, setup, and fly your model for the first time. The requires a certain degree of skill to operate, and is an item subject to normal woar and tear. Any damage or dissatisfaction as a result of accidents or modifications are not covered by any warrantoe and cannot be returned for repair orreplacement. Please contact our distributors are not covered by anywarrantee and cannot discounted rates when you expeilence problems during operation or maintenace. tH4HffilETffiEi*{f&^-E )!;i5**t+Hffi, tEatF+{EffiE, +iEd7F+'tt)E+,t+r8ffi, EiEttHtH)nFfEfrE ff7ia*zi)ftH, lgE,*Fa'1+E+{+6Er4tfiff*iEE, tuiEaEH*.ltlEftt"tM, saa+€r}aa*ftrElgfE {*#^tEE, ++{ +{+t*trEe#. Make sure the batteries are jnstalled based of different chemistry/spec. Please take out avoid potential leakage which may damage according to local laws and ordinances. Do on polarity indicated in the case and no not mix batteries the batteries if you are not going to use for a long time to the transmittel Please dispose depleted batteries not dispose improperly. S*r.1iF6ftiltrftt&'fnE, #ilBEitiEZEr'J;Effit)Ift.70F1ts;b#ih" E&EJIEJZi{*ffi*Fo'o' iEqlH €;&, r){ft,iEfr,€itffi i&, ft [+. E E'tG';Ei&{i)fi,iFAt{tH. E+*! E'&, iE'{&ffi iaE ffi E a *ft E *i E #ryr,EEr*+ E'lt, q a itrH.*# t\ft;5*I[ tH " Li-Po batteries poses higher operational risks compared to other battery chemistry,thus it is imperative to follow its usage instructions.Manufacturer and dealer assume no liability for accidental damages caused by improper usage. Do not use charger other than the factory supplled unit to avoid potential fire and explosion. Do not crush,disassemble,burn,and reverse polarity. Avoid metallic materials to come into mntact with battery"s polarity and cause it short and never puncture batteries to avoid fire hazards.Battery charging musst be done under supervision at all times, and at location out of reach by children.Please stop the use or charge of the baftery should there be an unusual increase in battery temperature after usa.Continue use of this battery may cause it to expand, deform,explode,or even result in fire haxards. Please dispose depleted batteries according to local laws and ordinances.Do not dispose improperly. E*$tmH{&E,t€EEr=HlEht+, {fr HBiifiEl'i+i*rfEflqTr{it#grn{tHAE;t, *AA{e 4x,Ji+{i]Tirg{*ffiFfiEfiH!}E=ftfi" F+{FHl,f,TL)rrFk!tE€tff{TnE' Ulft,&B*8fEE^6!86" I"+Efr. +fiffi, iEftinEr*' ,€**$t, iB4.6Evro-pifi*H€,tiEftt&iEfi*8ffF. #iFFrt*$t*ivrfr l,)ll*f,4slE!fttr, uft.E+tuw. E,t{tHEtE€&l&tr)8, F#ft,E, Efllj+iEfr Et&n#Ef ' S4' H'}E iE5*Er(,ftH, fr lht fr MF *!E+ " E+ Hi E,t, ifr F+Fffi flHiA Effi E *frtuAfi E*MfrE)*+ E r&, ;5*SH" A CAUTION z.: S II ;+ e ll Fly oniy in safe areas away from other peole Do not operate stunt aircraft within the vicinity of prowds people. Stunt aircraft are prone to accidents,fajlures, and responsible for their actions and damage or injury occurrec during pilot error,and radio interference,pilots are responsible for their actions and damage or injury occurred during the operation or as of a plane of R/C aircraft models. iBh&4ni,r, ++riniiE*EiTEF0,l+8fi, n{iEt*aiEE/\E+, ,^.a!E*4Est/t,l+rEr6, B+refrlliEaziEu& iEdBlirf;fl.2ft{+" R/C models are made of various forms or plastic. Plasticis very susceptible to damage or deformation due to extreme heat and cold climate. Make sure not to store the model near any source of heat such as an oven,or heater. lt is best to store the model indoors. in a climate-controlled, room tem perature environment. EI tttgB giE* r'&,IH. E EE. I'}l&ft €76 flp h ntiBF UPA g+#**Zffi tr H;Effi q ilrE effi stEifr i! Er6E. r+E -1- , i*Mf+6, -2- A The products are suitable for more than 14 years old age,at the beginning it will have some certain difficulty in learing, suggestion guidance by exprienced when playing. iEH +U+14E r)r-t, iEr4++fi -t,it#E+, ilJwa*-EiErE, tEil.€ltcofi!,^.+E#,E'e @l *Fff tF{u\l?" E;;.t d;""".til"1 l#r{1HrEffi r=. *) \ USB Charger USBf Speed: Slu3oo/otlr,ledium /Quick100% Throttle Trim tsiI 600/o i*E(30p/ox60%x1mo/") tHilAff1trlE rill | Pitch FoMard/Reverse Trim BiEA,{ftrffi Throttle-LefURight Rotation Trim Directional Control Stick FoNard/ Ard/Reverse Lefl:/Right E+t/ a+1/ fritt/EtE/EN/ *ftB#rlt+ BladeX4 4H]IIFI AfrI'8f;il'E+T LeluRight roll trim LefuRight Rotation Trim EEfl|l-I,ffiiE E6ffi+fffiiE - Power switch +,rq+* Styrofoam shell :u- @ E;"k;;;.br"-l >W l+rretmm I Battery lid fl,tH Figure first battery cover is op6n fuE*H€,!HfTf X /]\ , Conect Disposal of this product. This marklng lndicates that this product should not be disposed wlth othor household wastes throughout the EU. To prevent possibls harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste dlsposal,racycle it responsibly promole to the sustainable reus6 of material resourc€s. To return your used device, please use the rotum and colloction systems or @ntiact the retailer where the prcduct was purchased. They Gn take this product for environmental safe recycling. - -3- -4- CAUTION RISKOFEXPLOSION IF MNIRY IA REPUCED BY AN INCORRECT ryPE, DISPOSE OF USED 8ffiERIE6rcCOROINO TOTHE INSTRUCTIONS Aircraft placed in a flat position, the batteries accoding to the diagram shown in Dirction pushed into the electrical outlet to the positioning of the motherboard light is blinking Do not Then move the the body, so that the remote control on the frequency and gyroscope read the neutral point. Li_poBatterv l+-t,tiiEE++rE&EE, €ruffiElFfiarFH#/\Bffi +E*Biu EEt'E,+.tE+EzrfTl:\l[fift8.]6Et#Arfl9,EiE 3.7vs00mAh B;*x'rffislEB{!.i*B+nH. Charge of the factory and distribution of the flying saucer special charger. plane power switch to position C'FF, the charger into a power outlet;The USB is red lighting when the USB connect the power source.After connect the batterythe red lighting willbe goes out.When the battery charging is finish,the USB will be red lighting As shown. H*TMiXE!NflI?HTEtsEfits. #Eidft'tsEusBfr*r#,x, g ipEFf fr ttsEfrE*afl" 'E-(+JtH!E;J'f'fitrfiH,.I*'+-Tfl*M)ft6, TEE;F'8,^.H,iHffiEI USBfitTE, E The throttle stick to lowest power on the remote conrtol. ,+* lt rE+TrEE f; ,{ft . +r#iE+eEs E;H. For safety concerns, battery charging must be done under superuision at all tiomes. Red lisht *^tn *";?'H[*'--i: .4, /v\I ldie and Charge Completion When the end of the flight,unplug power cord. Full Voltage tE€,i tfi,\ ,f;H-[{ir't, f&uEffi,En. f,,8ts8 ll a mnrurucll Charging 4.2 5OOMA 110-240V ftrE'F fr.F.F"fr, Charging Current lnput r lE+ 0.03V ! E __ll Waming: Battery plug is not pulled out, will causo the batery to excessive discharge, and even cauge a risk of {ire. - ts,uffirt*r&&, t++sE,uigEtrEfrrrirT, iEdE*m,4H!fth. Battery type Battery Specifi@tion Usage DuEtion Charg6'l'ime fEruM+ B'USH EIEEFJIEI tBFFmrni4 Li-Po battery *xe,u 3.7V500mAh tlme 1{i**-r,{iEJiel Aircraft flight 5-7 minutes 5a7r}S tE Power down the remote control. lf rtansmi$er i6 not to be used for a long duration, pleass removo the batery for storage. +<EtrEJTEffi r.Ii#1+iiErgli *rrliErAEE ilH, H;UEH#*=i*€. About 1-0 hours !t1.04\ffEE ll r wanrurucll lEl_!_r_ll Carbon-Zinc (Non Rechargeable) ffii+E;u(,FEIETU) 1.5V (GP 15G R6P) Transmlttsr Operatlon Tlme f;Efitt*tlsttbl 18 Hours 1 84\rl Non Rechargeable AFJf,fE lEngmltler is not to be used tor a long duration,please remov€ the bstlery for storage. t !t rEl,F ft H HitiSiErs #I(r{*f -5- . iE E,ury & -6- Waming: lf lefr connected in the flight vehlclc fot long duration,the battery may be damagod f,fa hazards. E,u*ilT, 1++tr€,tiEEilEEmfirfi, EsiEEtE^fiHA!fth. @ Make sure that no people or obstructiohs in the vicinity. You must frist praciice hovering for flying safety. This is a basic flight action. (Hovering means keeping the flight vehicle in mid air in a fixed position) @ Please stand approximately 2 m diagonaliy behing lhe flight vehicle. @ @ [fr Before you are famillar with the flight vehicle, pleasure don't set it fly, read the instrustion carefully. perform your Get familiar with all kinds of direction @ntrol and keep repeating until you can play it as you i,,\.$Eil E1!I @ E EH& fi rr$Gi+2. . 5{, FJ,' iHiAft -({;;EE)52a\F. wishes l.Pla@ the flight vehicle a clear open ,ield and the tail of heli@pter point to youEelt' 2.PEctice to opBrate the throttle stick(as below illustration) and repeat practicing "Throttle high/low', ?ilercn lsfvrighf''Rudder lefuright", and "Elevator up/down"' 3.The simulation flight practice is very important,please keep practicing until the fingeB move natumlly when you hear operation opeeration orders being mll out. F#*tl-tti, &,4&€f ffintitE*td{fEti+#it, iFflni*iiEE#, *l**mf fMod;-l ffi Esl+rtEr*6Etrefr)a#affueh a. 1. E-t{';*fi &s'Erfii&r, +Enlii9E',trHExt,* E ts" z. Aa*lixm;rmgrg+T (*d,lftii*{fEfrtuTE) , *EaE^tJfrt1a/1ft. BJXE/6.. ,tBBtHf/E&rHmE/A&fffi*," 3. iHflt-r{iEi6, ffi E E*, iFEE6' tEUTffi lllustration Mode E,B*, +rEeE E t*p6Hd& 6!#+#drEft|J. Bfr lllustration I t Fly foruard Entr + r/odel I ,f-lf-\\ Ascent ffi Llt IJ TE* + Enti#HiuE, ,+r*6, nffE*,r juEtfl-fi TEE3lIfi HtE'*irrsf;ritEl|n. Efr Descent Edd;irE-l when the flight vehicle begins to lift-off the ground, slowly reduce the throttle to bring the flight vehicle back down. keep practicing this action until you control the throttle smoothly. tEtEl4.lft ,Hirffi nfi#EFT. TLIIEI]IJ Mode lEre"atq+*/trEl 0+ _fl_ Hg!}+f4+TffiEt!EF' ++ +r> UEUi 1. 1E1E+fra)tsi]r*&I 2. {En{?EEfr ,Ez\, A!E H AA'El] Efi uE" @ @ l.Raaise the throttle stick slowly. 2.Move the flight vehicle in any direction back, forward,left and right,slowty move the aileron and elevator sticks in the opposite direction to fly back to its original position. #dt6tE / Hffi / rhtslrEa, E,lE SU'H * 'IK'EIT+1+NGE**E lfthe nose ofthe flight vehicle moves,please lower the throttle stick and land the flight vehicle. Then move your position dlagonally behind the flight vehicle 2m and continue practicing. flight vehicle flies loo far away trom you,please land the flight vehicle and move your position behind 2m and @ lf the Fly backward @ntinuepracticing. EE @ @ Check if the screws are firmly tightened. Check if the transmitter and receivers are fully charged. l.Slowly raise the throttle stick. z.Move the nose of the flight vehicle to right or left,and then slowly move the rudder stick in the opposite direction to fly back to its original position. 1.,IElE,|EfilrrEF 2. txffiitit*rrE6fdE? gnffi#ffiBr.J, tt&F{ft;&i]#EHE, titEEilH eHnft rEtJ-tffiB*fi!EEE2AF.E#g*r) 18tu-t{itt*tf tiE. if, ft HE-r{ilE. +Eil-rtritEE2a\R ts*t6 r. \4\11 # EEWA, *t E'lElt E E laffi 4fr trJf#,++, *ftW Al " €@" NEE*.Ef;. TTIETfiE'&TE€'UEfrE,B. When arriving at the flying field. iFEr*€ ,^.&tr*+t HltErE6-[(i. When you want to change ths aircraft of the blade,you can see the picture as above.Pl6aso pay attention on the picture of the letter which conslstont wlth the blade of the letter.This to avoid the aircraft can not fly. q{6Hilr*n{it$,nrlfi , fiEEffiSE, ilHEIDl'f, -7- EltgflHrn Effi m, EU+ffi i'xtH*it-t{is*nziE*. € I{t -8- T After you are familiar with all actions from step 1 to 3, drcle on the ground and practice within the circle to increase your accuracy. u\H Ei&t @ E H+tsi* tffi E H! S E 6l * i,iHlsstep 1 -3;Jr'lE** *r\11, 7, ,E{6+*}4ft!)&fifi'8. @you can reduce the size of the circle as you become familiarized with the control reflexes. o g {fi Er!, 1fi ,* ffAft BdI r\@E4'Ht EIE , Tho re@iver light keeps flashing operation " Ert[tf ,Efr ,tTffi !*N*fi , *ff ft Ery' Repeat the power up initializing process. Unable to bind to transmitter dr, iEEtFS r*'lltE*r.Jffi iHEtrr[{iiEreSE-5*&eaidffi 1.P(rer b transmiter and re@iver 2.Ch6ck tEnsmlter and The alrcraft not any rgactlon After you are familiar with step 1 to 4,stand at side of the flight vehicle and continue practicing sterp 1 to 4 Ther repeat the step 1 to 4 by standing in front of the flight vehicleifi E n{iEEffi,; €F-*W*A " T rt#Er'Jnf it$,flJE}F 9S3*S n step 1 * 16H{Estep 1 4 A'ffi 3 + Slowly raise the throttle stick and just as the flight vehicie lift-off the ground, you can use the trim to correct the cation if the flight vehicle leans in a differnt direction. q Effi 'HfrMrtaff ir **++, E nti€Fmt Bt Efi r&E E J, E ntt;Effi H T E E E, i'ee*ex .Tum on lransmutter and battery is {trillEfimilu{itt!€E ['&&Biltri eNuE fright vehicl6 insrted prcperly. 2.Use tully charged batteries. 3.Resat the battery 2 <= 1 volbge. 3,P@r @ntacl on batlery t€mlnal8. -rtifi)alE$rE& 4E' ** l@iwr and ensure good @tac{ b€tw6n battgry @ntacls. 2. i tE.\-rti;EB,tEEtt ttHE+t€fEtrH!€'u 3. Iffilffi^Eit, [fri €it 1 fl ,r&r.rti-5ffi FIu;e&h6!,*t&EEEIH Motor does not Fully charge the batteryor replace with a receiver LED fully charged battery $4,*ilffi Blpond lo lhrottl. ltlck, flarhct. iTFf S,tTlt, .&r*UtrI n'll # t6E'Uf €frEtrtE-thEeru i5irrffi. l!k.olt, d,G,f ltil-l blads Main rotor spins but unabla to l,Drfgmcd maln blad€s. l.Repla@ main -litEE*ffi la#,Ilt 2 Fllghl vohlclo battory d€pleted 2.Charge or repla@ with fully charged $,Not d6l.c1od hortzontal point. battery 1t.tfrS*.W. 3.Placed on the f at 2 " llilltiuEr4E ll *lQfiIrjrx+A 1. Er*tfrfrra 2. r+E.rdf E*E+fr g@nd,reb@t E-+ttEi!B;u 3.fit3!J+8fr8, lEffi+ln Right l.Rotation around Trim tsEffi4tffirA just before the flight vehicle lift-off, the nose /---> EntiEgE=tsnE l, nt]at+f EE fr fr te)ffi*. HAffilIEJ, ffi1JBIAEffiE. / affi. l.Replace main blados 1. lean lefUright... When rotation right,adjust the trim to left rotation. When rotation left,adjust the trim to fight rotation. I Left . affi. l.Dmrood tall rcio6 'l.Repla@ main or inconsistent 3p66d durlno lolt/rlghl 2,Dm.ood 16llddw motor 2.Reda@ the main motor pirouette. 3 Nol d!t6c1od hodzontal point 3.Plac€d on the lEUtl*ftt. &fi2fi & iE&T-& lean lefuright... When rotation right,adjust the trim to left rotation. When rotation left,adiust the trim to fight rotation. iEr&tll 2.1$t*4in 2. Er&tqa 3 *,&nfrDkrFH 3.itftsll+1EsE. E 1.Oyrcpo adjustmont durlng hov6rt. r,mifl+ATfi ,r/Elf, mldpolnt not B nti?*Egfrunfi , n{i#+nEiiE fi lElR& Effi{EAEN, ffilJAHtslJAE. EE{HBE.J, 1illlBEAiEg. I ta* Bac*ward l.Rotation around Trim tsE{IinffirEJ iust before the flight vehicle lift-off, the nose lean lefUright... When rotation right,adjust the trim to left rotation. When rotation left,adjust the trim to fight rotation. lrg tqatBwlt, ffiraHEffig. FtEtRWEt, ffiiBIEfirEl#. -9- iat gound,Eb@t 1. Flight vehlcle Btlll wonder! loNard 6ltor lrlm -tEttf,*tititfr blads tnlsfll 1 IMod-el 1 .Rotation around Trim HiiEtr'lf ffi iE just before the flight vehicle lift-off, the nose Erfr+rEx Tail still ofitrim aner tEb adiu.tm.ni. EBfEErAfiil, Ettsft4€E.L ffiErqalEle. dlf -10 - tffi*fl 2 EX* 1 Styrofoam shell Receiver board *{!fi 1 fll4 1 FEme 4 Batery 5 Battery Box 'a;U fEru€ 2 A AMFt 7 The blades B B,&FT I Motor blok €+r1B 4 Motor gilr 4 10 Motor @ver fEflT# 4 t1 Carbon fiber &4 4 The front wh@l @mponenl Hti*t9EF I The rear wheel @mponent E*.nfr 2 Ten type lixed frame X4EE* 1 14 15 LED l-ight LEDTT The blades 12 2 4 The contents of the packaging of materials, specifications or parts of this manual for information. The Company will not be liable for printing material transaction is responsible for and can not take the initiative to inform consumers, any updates or transactions, mainly in the Company's website +iEEE$HitJE, flfiE*+{+@* zfrdu]E#g€. t/a\rli+Tx,I E, BlEIEffi *FA, iH'}6A\A MEIE " -11 - trElfrrluz*atftfi' &frittiliiEs;Hfi