newsletter - Franklin Park Borough
newsletter - Franklin Park Borough
BOROUGH OF FRANKLIN PARK NEWSLETTER FALL 2013 2344 West Ingomar Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 • Phone: 412-364-4115 • Fax: 412-366-4406 Website Address • E-mail Address: [email protected] FESTIVAL IN THE PARK Hot but beautiful weather provided the perfect back drop to the Festival in the Park, held on Saturday, June 22nd at Blueberry Hill Park. A wide array of festivities kept adults and children entertained all day long. Face painting, water balloon toss, inflatables and bingo were among the highlights. Live music filled the air throughout the day by JJ Bickle & The Liberator and NOMAD and the East End Kids dance studio performed. Local community offices provided information and emergency services groups shared and displayed their apparatus. Food vendors offered a wide variety of refreshments. Car enthusiasts shared their vintage vehicles with the community. The day concluded with a beautiful display of fireworks! Thank you to the borough staff and volunteers from the Recreation Board that put in many hours to bring the festival to fruition and created memories for many of our residents and friends alike. It was a great event and provided a day of family fun and entertainment. What a wonderful way to begin the summer. See page 17 for more pictures of the event and a list of the event sponsors that made the day exceptional. WARD AND VOTING DISTRICT CHANGES In 2012 the Borough revised its Ward and Voting District Map. The revision was the first since the early 1980’s, some 30 years ago. Even though the map had been coordinated with the Allegheny County Office of Elections an unanticipated problem arose. In dividing wards and districts the map followed local recognizable roads and landmarks. The requirement mandates that wards and voting districts follow census tracts or census blocks. The map has been revised as shown on page 16. The proposed map has also been reviewed by Mark Wolosik, of Allegheny County Office of Elections. After Borough Council takes action to adopt the map, it will be forwarded to the Elections Office. The map along with the fact sheet identifying the number of voters in each ward and voting district will then be presented to the Court of Common Pleas for approval. The revisions will go into effect for the 2014 Spring Primary Election. Given that development in the Borough will likely be slower in the future than in the past, we expect the proposed ward and voting district map to be in effect for at least the next 30 years. The map revision equalizes the number of voters in each ward. Also, the revision creates a third voting district in Ward 2. This change will eliminate the delay that currently takes place at St. Brendan’s Church, Voting District 2-1, especially during presidential election. During the last presidential elections a certain number of voters left the long line because of excessive delays and other commitments. BRING YOUR BATTERIES NEW RECYCLING OPPORTUNITIES! Some new recycling opportunities have been made available to Franklin Park residents. First, in April of this year we started recycling all household batteries such as, AA, AAA, C, D, and 9 volt batteries. For the convenience of our residents there are boxes located in the Municipal Building, at the Activity Center in Blueberry Hill Park and at the Clover Hill Golf Course Clubhouse. Secondly, important changes have been made regarding the Waste Drop Off site in Blueberry Hill Park. Effective July 1, 2013 grass clippings are no longer permitted to be placed at the site and leaves now must be placed at the site in biodegradable bags. (See Yard Waste Drop Off Site article on page 11.) Finally, recycling receptacles have been placed in all of our parks for plastic bottles and cans. Franklin Park Borough would like to encourage all residents and guests in our parks to recycle the appropriate items and place only those items in the recycling receptacles with the recycling symbol on the side. All other trash should be placed in the garbage cans that are throughout the park. Placing the appropriate items in their designated cans will assist our Parks Department employees in maintaining a quality recycling program. These are just some of the opportunities that are available to residents. Please see page 10 of this newsletter for more recycling news! HIGHLIGHTS RECREATION PROGRAMS START ON PAGE 22 Page Scholarship Golf Outing Highlights...........................................................................2 Old Orchard Park...........................................................................................................................5 Stone Mansion...................................................................................................................................6 Public Works Department Update .................................................................................7 Recycling & Refuse Information..................................................................................10 Clover Hill Golf Course .........................................................................................................12 Police Department.....................................................................................................................12 Helpful Information and Crime Prevention........................................................12 Firefighters Update .................................................................................................................15 Real Estate Taxes.......................................................................................................................20 Ambulance Authority Update .......................................................................................21 Northland Library.....................................................................................................................21 Fall/Winter Recreation Programs.............................................................................22 Recreation Registration Form........................................................................................31 1 Winning Team – Generational Dental Associates/Dr. Morrow Team - Left to Right: David Belsito, Bart Morrow, Casey Morrow, Trent Karlik SCHOLARSHIP GOLF OUTING On Wednesday, July 31, 2013, Franklin Park held its 11th Annual Scholarship Golf Outing. Over 50 golfers signed up for the charitable event. While the final tabulation is not complete, the funds raised should enable the Borough to award ten (10) $1,000 dollar scholarships in 2014, the same number awarded this year. Thank you to all who donated and made this year’s drive a huge success! Golfers enjoyed continental breakfast and lunch, a putting contest, prizes at each hole, a chance to win $10,000, 50/50 raffle, auction and a chance to win numerous door prizes. Participating in the golf outing for the first time, Generational Dental Associates, Dr. Bart Morrow’s Team, took the first place prize this year! Their names will be added to the Ben Franklin Cup, they received a $600 gift certificate to the Shannopin Pro Shop and more importantly one year of bragging rights! Batykefer & Associates won second place honors and won a $400 gift certificate. Last, but not least, The Garrett Team won third place honors and collected a $300 gift certificate for their efforts. It takes many individuals to make the golf outing a success. Thank You to the Borough employees who coordinated the activities and worked behind the scenes to put on a wonderful event. A special thank you and acknowledgement goes to the Shannopin Country Club for their continued support, contributions and outstanding hospitality! If you are interested in receiving information for the 2014 Scholarship Golf Outing, please comtact Ambrose Rocca at 412-364-4115 Ext 310/ [email protected] or Bill Schweitzer at 412-364-2447/ [email protected]. Thank you to all the teams that participated in the 2013 Golf Outing. Your contribution will help award scholarships to many outstanding young adults. 2 Baierl Family YMCA Batykefer & Associates Bernie Rossman Team Case/Sabatini, Accountants Christopher Garrett Team Generational Dental Assoc. HDH Group, Inc. Logi-Tek Solutions Rocca/Vucina Team Schellhaas Funeral Home Senate Engineering Co. Vescio Asset Management, LLC William Schweitzer Team SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS At the May 15, 2013 public meeting, Borough Council and Mayor awarded ten $1,000 scholarships to graduating seniors from our community. Council President Amy Sable announced the winners and Mayor Dennis O’Keefe presented each recipient with the scholarship voucher. Thanks to the generosity of our residents and businesses all funds used for the scholarships came from private donations. The Scholarship Program began in 2004 when four $750 scholarships were awarded. It has grown since and the staff is seeking ways to increase it further. To date, the Borough has awarded 83 scholarships to well deserving recipients. After applications are received they are turned over to the Scholarship Selection Committee consisting of seven members from our community. The Committee evaluates the applications based on community service, employment, school activities, a one page essay, grade point average and SAT scores. This year 29 applications were received, and they were all outstanding. Given the competitiveness of the applications, the Committee had its work cut-out. The students that were chosen demonstrated a high level of academic performance, an exemplary involvement in their school and community and provided countless hours performing volunteer work to benefit others. The 2013 Scholarship Winners are: Ashrith Balakumar Lily Zhang Ashley Gottschalk Margaret Gunn Jacob Nikituk Meaghan Baranowski Joshua Borza Meagan Grzyb Katherine Zhou Stephen Siclari To help students prepare for the scholarship, the application and selection criteria are available on the borough website. ADS IN THIS NEWSLETTER HELP RAISE MONEY FOR THE COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM SCHOLARSHIP GOLF OUTING SPONSORS DIAMOND SPONSORS - $1,000 Baierl YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh Ridge Forest Developers, LP/CJ Betters Ent. GOLD SPONSORS - $500 Dragun Landscaping Supply Hopey Heating and Cooling Law Offices of Ira Weiss Lindy Paving Inc. Point Park University Schneider Downs Wealth Management Advisors SILVER SPONSORS - $350 M. Kirsch Plumbing Soergel Orchards PATRON SPONSORS - $250 AA Scholze & Company Inc. Ingomar/Franklin Park Athletic Association Laura Coombs, Council Member Little Hill Methodist Church Youngworld, Inc. Bulldog Office Products, Inc. Case/Sabatini, Accountants Code.sys Cranberry Supply Co. Generational Dental Assoc./Dr. Bart Marrow Goehring, Rutter & Boehm HDH Goup, Inc. Piper Jaffray & Co. Ray Donch Body Werks Rocca’s Italian Foods Schellhaas Funeral Home Senate Engineering Company TEE SIGN SPONSORS - $150 Traffic Control Equipment & Supply Co. The Meritage Group Vescio Asset Management LLC Walker Supply Inc. Wine Concrete Products Inc. DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS The business community has done its part in support of this year’s Scholarship Fund, through advertisements, tee signs and the golf outing. Now it is the individual citizen’s turn to show his or her pride in our community. Please consider donating $10 toward the Scholarship Fund. The names of contributors will be published in the next edition of the Newsletter on the Community Scholarship Honor Roll. Contributions may be made on behalf of your family, children, grandchildren or anyone else. Help teach your children the importance of community involvement, participation and support. Please join Council, Mayor, Borough Manager and other Franklin Park citizens in supporting the Community Scholarship Fund. All proceeds will benefit Franklin Park graduating high school seniors. 2013 Community Scholarship Honor Roll Greentree Printing, Inc. Robert & Amy Grzyb Richard & Marlene Hartman Michael & Jane Hopey Catherine Matlack Rathna Nanjundappa Dennis & Marjorie O’Keefe Gerald & Barbara Owens Terry & Ambrose Rocca Alan & Amy Sable Please include my name in the 2014 Community Scholarship Honor Roll. I have enclosed $_______________ representing _______________ $10.00 contribution(s) Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ City, State & Zip ________________________________________________________ My Contribution is made on behalf of: ___________________________________________ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: F.P.B. Community Scholarship Fund c/o Franklin Park Borough 2344 West Ingomar Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 3 4FF6T'PS"MM:PVS Landscape Products! 4&"40/&% '*3&800% Retaining Walls & Pavers 5FDIP#MPDt6OJMPDL 7FSTBMPLt0NOJ4UPOF Eldorado Veneer 2458 ROCHESTER ROAD, FRANKLIN PARK, PA 15143 see directions below 412.635.8441 t&MEPSBEP7FOFFS t3VCCFS.VMDI t/BUVSBM%ZFE.VMDIFT t(SBWFM4BOE t1POE%FDPSBUJWF4UPOFT t#PVMEFST'MBHTUPOF t$FSUJöFE1MBZHSPVOE.VMDI t4DSFFOFE5PQ4PJM t.VTISPPN.BOVSF t"MVNJOVN&EHJOH t1FOO4UBUF(SBTT4FFE 1JDLVQPS%FMJWFSZ $100 OFF ® (minimum $1000) %JSFDUJPOT #SBOEU4DIPPM3PBE/PSUI -FGUPO8FYGPSE#BZOF3PBE 3UF8FTU (PNJMFT %SBHVOTPOMFGU or follow Rochester Road UP8FYGPSE#BZOF3E MULCH $3 off per yard Cannot be combined with any other coupon or offer. Retail sales only. Good now through March, 2014 Walls & Pavers 5FDIP#MPDt6OJMPDL 7FSTBMPLt,FZTUPOF Belgard FREE DELIVERY of mulch products (8 yards or more) Cannot be combined with any other coupon or offer. Retail sales only. Good now through March, 2014 Cannot be combined with any other coupon or offer. Retail sales only. Good now through March, 2014 Transforming Our Neighborhood, Transforming Lives Academic Excellence. Quality Student Experience. Community Engagement. Managed Growth. These principles guide Point Park University on a daily basis. With more than 50 undergraduate programs and a variety of graduate programs to choose from, students enroll in our dynamic University for a practical and professional education. This positive change doesn’t stop at our doors. Point Park is energizing our neighborhood — Downtown Pittsburgh. Learn more about us. 4 OLD ORCHARD PARK Located in the Southern part of Franklin Park Borough, Old Orchard Park was purchased from North Allegheny School District in October 1994. This 16.4 acre neighborhood park currently offers a walking trail (3,000 ft long) and a 200’ x 200’ multi-purpose field. It is a welcome green space for adjoining neighborhoods and has become a wonderful walking trail for local residents. “In 2005 the Borough held several meetings to receive feedback from residents about what they would like to see in the park. Residents were encouraged to attend and help to develop a master plan for the park.” stated Jim Watenpool, Parks and Recreation Director. At the October 18, 2006 council meeting, Borough Council congratulated Ms. Susan Driver for submitting the winning entry to name the park: Old Orchard Park. Ms. Driver remembered the days when almost every Franklin Township farm had its own orchard and thought “Old Orchard” was the perfect fit. The initial development of the park in 2007 included the tree lined serpentine entrance road and the walking trail. Along with this development, the open field areas were mowed in order to establish the existing turf areas. Numerous trees were donated by Franklin Nursery and planted throughout the grass areas. In the spring of this year a beautiful sign was erected at the entrance to the park with the masonry work being completed by Public Works Department employee, James Hirt. A local Eagle Scout, Joe Abriatis, constructed the benches along the cinder walking trail which provides restful stops for anyone using the park. The Parks and Recreation Department employees erected a bridge over the intermittent stream to connect the outer loop of the trail. Senate Engineering Company was enlisted to provide aerial photos of the park to establish the contours of the property and enable staff to better address drainage issues. Borough Council has budgeted for several projects to be completed in the park in the near future. Once details have been approved the construction of a pavilion, a modern bathroom facility, adjoining playground, and a grass volleyball court will begin. “It is our intention to maintain the character of Old Orchard Park and the surrounding neighborhoods while providing the area with a family-friendly neighborhood park. To achieve this, all of the natural buffers surrounding the park will remain intact,” indicated Mr. Watenpool. Although, still a work in progress, Old Orchard Park is becoming a beautiful addition to the four other parks in Franklin Park Borough. If you have any questions about the park or any suggestions, please feel free to contact Jim Watenpool at 412-364-4115 ext. 318/ [email protected]. 5 ROBERT WOODSIDE’S STONE MANSION Surrounded by modern office buildings next to a busy interstate highway, the Stone Mansion transports visitors to an era when intricately carved mahogany, richly colored stained glass and highly decorative fireplaces graced the homes of wealthy Pittsburghers. Before its transformation from an upscale restaurant into a funeral home, Stone Mansion was the residence of attorney, politician and military hero Robert G. Woodside (1876-1964). The son of a Presbyterian minister, Woodside served in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. After attending the University of Pittsburgh Law School, he entered private practice and became active in Allegheny County politics. Woodside was instrumental in creating the national Veterans of Foreign Wars organization and during WWI, volunteered for a second tour of duty for which he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, Purple Heart and Silver Star. Woodside was elected Allegheny County Sheriff and served as Pennsylvania’s Deputy Auditor General before being elected Allegheny County Controller. As a Brigadier General, Woodside commanded the state’s National Guard during WWII. In recognition of his position within the VFW, President Warren Harding appointed Woodside Vice-Chairman of the American Battle Monuments Commission, a position he held until 1954 when (in retiring from public life), Woodside was awarded the Medal of Freedom by his former army instructor, President Dwight Eisenhower. As a commission member, Woodside worked to establish overseas U.S. military cemeteries as well as creating the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington, Virginia. While serving as County Controller, Woodside purchased the former Ford Farm on Wexford-Bayne Road (1934) and built the Stone Mansion, a distinctive U-shaped dwelling resembling three stone cottages standing end to end. Elegant interiors from Pittsburgh mansions set for demolition were carefully moved to the home and restored to their former grandeur. Decorative fireplace mantels, including a twenty-foot high carved pink sandstone fireplace from France, were featured in the three level dwelling along with numerous stained glass windows. After retiring from county government, Woodside sold the property (1948) to the William Hess Webb family who named the 80 acre estate Rolling Hills Farm. In time, the property was divided and Robert Woodside’s Stone Mansion would be occupied by three different restaurants before being transformed into the Schellhaas Funeral Home. STONE MANSION RESTORED Remembered as a long time Franklin Park restaurant, the Stone Mansion recently underwent restoration before opening as the latest Schellhaas Family Funeral Home. Restored woodwork, leaded glass and decorative fireplaces continue to grace the building’s elegant interior while modern technology offers 21st century amenities, including a state of the art video/audio system with broadcast capabilities for internet viewing. Visitors will remember the coat room as being the former wine room. The home’s original living room, which features the distinctive twenty-foot tall carved fireplace, is now part of the chapel used for memorial services and a former dining room is now a reception area available for wakes or luncheons. The tasteful blending of old and new has preserved this 1930s architectural treasure for future generations. HELP WANTED! Part Time Park Facility Supervisor Franklin Park Borough is actively seeking to hire a part time Park Facility Supervisor to work at the Blueberry Hill Park. The successful applicant will be required to work some evenings and weekends. Responsibilities include the supervision of the Activity Center, Maple Grove Pavilion and the Gazebo at Blueberry Hill Park. For more information regarding the position contact Rochelle Barry, 412-364-4115 Ext. 347 or [email protected]. To apply, please complete the Franklin Park Borough application found on-line at events/job opportunities or visit the Municipal Building located at 2344 West Ingomar Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. A background check and child abuse clearance is required and will be provided by the Borough. 6 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL NEWS Although several personnel changes have taken place in the Public Works Department this year, the quality of work and excellent services, remain intact. Bernie Rossman – In February 2013 Bernie Rossman was hired as Public Works Superintendent. Bernie comes to Franklin Park Borough after 32 years with Allegheny County’s Department of Public Works. Prior to leaving Allegheny County, Bernie held the position of Deputy Director of Public Works. “Bernie brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Public Works Superintendent’s position. That know-how has made his transition into borough employment relatively seamless. Based on the first six months of Bernie’s employment, our Public Works Department should continue to be as productive in the future as it has been in the past,” stated Ambrose Rocca, Borough Manager. Familiar with the North Hills area, Bernie has resided in Ingomar for 34 years with his wife Sandee. All three of his children are North Allegheny School District graduates. As Public Works Superintendent, Bernie will continue to oversee all aspects of the Public Works Department and will continue to strive to serve the residents of our Borough. “This is a great community with excellent facilities. There is strong growth with both residential developments and park facilities. The administrative staff, police, borough council, and public works staff have been very helpful in the acclimation process. Additionally, having known my predecessor, Ron Merriman has been very valuable in my transition,” Mr. Rossman said. SNOW REMOVAL REMINDERS Help reduce the possibility of broken mailbox posts. While plow operators take precautions to avoid hitting mailbox posts, experience has shown that reduced visibility during a storm can make it difficult for a driver to see a post in time to avoid striking it or pushing it over with plowed snow. Any structure within the street right-of-way, including a mailbox, is placed there at the owner’s risk. Posts should also be checked for deterioration to reduce the possibility that the weight of the plowed snow could simply topple the post. If possible, wait until the road in front of your house has been plowed before cleaning out the end of your driveway since there is no practical way for the Borough to plow its roads without depositing snow into your driveway. Do not shovel snow into the road or have your driveway plowed into the road. This can cause serious traffic hazard and subject the property owner to a fine. If possible, it is best to place snow on the side of the driveway opposite the direction that the Borough’s plow travels. By doing this technique, the plow will carry snow away from your driveway rather than into it. Larry Bolland – At the June Borough Council meeting, council members accepted the resignation of Larry Bolland. Larry has lived in Franklin Park Borough for 28 years and was hired by the Borough in January 1990. He retired June 28, 2013 after 23 years as a skilled laborer with the Public Works Department. Larry indicated he will continue to call Franklin Park home and will remain a life member of the Franklin Park Volunteer Fire Department. When asked what he would be doing now that he is retired Larry answered, “If I am not hunting or fishing in my spare time, you will find me at some flea market selling turkey calls.” Thank You Larry for your years of service to the Borough. You will be missed along with your contagious smile. Joseph Yakich – Although newly employed by Franklin Park Borough Joe is no stranger to the area having grown up on Pine Creek Road in McCandless. Both he and his wife Roberta are graduates of North Allegheny School District. Joe brings many years of mechanical experience to Franklin Park Borough from McKain Ford in Wexford, US Airways at Pittsburgh International Airport and Highway Equipment in Zelienople. Hired as a Mechanic in April 2013, his main responsibility is maintaining the fleet of police and other borough vehicles. Welcome Joe! The Borough would also like to remind residents that Ordinance No. 202-13 prohibits the parking of vehicles on Borough roads during periods of snowfall, ice accumulation and inclement weather. Finally, a frequently asked question: Who is responsible for removing snow from sidewalks? The ordinance states: Every person in charge or control of any building or lot of land fronting or abutting on a paved sidewalk, whether as owner, tenant, occupant, lessee or otherwise, shall remove and clear away or cause to be removed or cleared away, snow and/or ice from so much of the sidewalk as in front of or abuts on said building or lot of land. Such work shall be completed within a reasonable time, but not later than 12 hours after the cessation of any fall of snow, sleet or freezing rain. 7 8 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT UPDATE The summer season has allowed the Borough to begin its paving program. The program started in early June and will continue into the fall. The total mileage of the roads to be paved equals four and one half miles. The following roads are scheduled for paving this year. State Game Lands Road King James Drive King David Drive Sunny Hill Road Weinman Road King Charles Drive Woodview Drive Ingomar Heights Road King Albert Drive Walruth Lane Broad Hill Drive Wexford Run Road LEAF BAG COLLECTION The Borough will only collect leaves in biodegradable paper bags. Please refrain from putting rocks, sticks, plastic bottles, etc. in the bags. These items will contaminate the mulch. The bags should contain only leaves. Do not close leaf bags with duct tape! Duct tape is not biodegradable and therefore should not be used. Please leave enough room at the top of the bag so you can either fold or roll it closed. Biodegradable bags are available at the municipal building at a cost of $.40/each, or you may purchase them at retail stores. The leaf mulch will be available at Blueberry Hill Park, near McDevitt Road in the spring. Fall Collection Dates: Mondays only – October 28th/November 4, 11, 18 and 25, 2013 (All bags must be placed at the curb. Pick-up begins at 6:00AM) Spring Collection Dates: Mondays Only – April 14, 21 and 28, 2014 (All bags must be placed at the curb. Pick-up begins at 7:00AM) BRUSH CHIPPING Our Public Works Department provides brush-chipping service twice a year. All brush (1/2” to 4” in diameter only) must be placed at the curb by 7:00AM. Fall Collection Begins: Monday, November 4, 2013 (All brush must be placed at the curb by 7:00AM) Spring Collection Begins: Monday, March 31, 2014 (All brush must be placed at the curb by 7:00AM) Collection will begin on the dates listed above. The chipper will pass through the Borough one time. If your brush is not out at the curb when the chipper passes, you have two options: (1) take your brush to the yard waste on Blaine’s Way in Blueberry Hill Park. (2) wait until the next collection date. If you are interested in the first option, a permit is required and must be obtained at the Borough Office. The chipping service may take one or two weeks to get to all areas of the Borough depending on the amount of brush placed at the curb. Although we cannot provide specific dates, they will get to your area as soon as possible. It is imperative that all residents have your brush at the curb on the first Monday of the chipping season! Please cut and place your brush perpendicular to the curb with the butt end out. This service is provided for brush and tree trimmings only. No thorn bushes will be accepted. If you have a tree or trees to dispose of, you must contact a private contractor. Borough crews will not spend more than 15 minutes chipping brush at your home. Please cut and place your brush accordingly. Chips and compost are free to Borough residents only. The wood chips and leaf compost will be located at the south end of Blaine’s Way in Blueberry Hill Park, near McDevitt Road. NO DUMPING OF ANY KIND IS PERMITTED IN ANY BOROUGH PARK. CHRISTMAS TREE CHIPPING Christmas trees should be placed at the curb on Monday, January 6, 2014 and January 13, 2014, by 7:00AM. The public works crews will only make one trip for each scheduled collection. Please do not leave any plastic around the tree. If you miss the date for pick-up by our Public Works Department another option is to take your tree to Blueberry Hill Park. Place the tree in the designated area, near the log house, along with those collected by our Public Works Department. These trees will be used for our Winter Bonfire Activity on January 18, 2014. See page 29 for more details. 9 COMMERCIAL RECYCLING Pursuant to PA Act 101, Franklin Park Borough adopted Ordinance No. 377-91 requiring Franklin Park business establishments, office buildings, churches, schools and other non-profit organizations to recycle the following materials: High-grade office paper • Corrugated card board • Aluminum and bi-metal beverage cans • Plastic containers • Glass *IMPORTANT NOTE* If you are the owner of a business, commercial/office building and/or apartment building and you currently do not have a recycling program, it is your responsibility to establish one. If your hauler does not offer recycling, you will need to find one that can meet this requirement. If you do not currently have a recycling program in place, you are in violation of Ordinance No. 377-91 and could face fines of not less than $25 nor more than $1,000, plus the cost of prosecution for each and every offense. If you have any questions concerning the requirements of Franklin Park’s Recycling Ordinance, please feel free to contact either Donna Platt or Ambrose Rocca at 412-364-4115. RESIDENTIAL REFUSE AND RECYCLING INFORMATION AND GUIDELINES WASTE MANAGEMENT is currently contracted by Franklin Park Borough to haul our residential waste and recycling. The customer service phone number for Waste Management is 1-800-866-4460. Recycling Guidelines: We ask that you join in the Borough’s efforts to increase recycling and improve the environment. To increase our efforts recycling is being picked-up weekly. The following is a list of items that can be recycled curbside and their guidelines: • Plastic numbered 1-7 can be recycled. Any food containers with the acceptable number must be free of any food, e.g. peanut butter and mayonnaise containers, etc. • Paper (including but not limited to newsprint, junk mail, phone books, magazines and catalogs) and cardboard food boxes or similar can be placed in your recycling bin with your plastic, glass and cans. Please make sure the papers are secure either by placing them under your other items, placing them in a brown paper shopping bag or placing them in their own bin. • Corrugated cardboard can be placed at curbside if it is cut into 14” x 14” pieces or if the cardboard fits inside the recycling bin. Corrugated cardboard can also be placed in the four (4) dumpsters at the Municipal Building in the parking lot near the Police Department. All cardboard must be broken down before placing in dumpster. • Bi-metal, steel and aluminum cans, with any food debris removed, may be placed in the recycling bin with your ‘ other recycling. • Brush, leaves and yard waste, in accordance with DEP regulations, are no longer permitted to be placed at curbside. We ask that you utilize both our Spring and Fall curbside leaf pickup and brush chipping. Leaves will ONLY be collected curbside during these collection times. During the Spring and Fall curbside collections the leaves must be placed in brown biodegradable bags to be composted. Any other time you have two options 1) create a compost pile in your back yard or 2) take your yard waste to the drop off site at Blueberry Hill Park. (See the article “Yard Waste Drop Off Site” on page 11 ). Grass clippings can no longer be taken to the Yard Waste Drop Off Site at Blueberry Hill Park. You can do any of the following: 1) mulch your grass during the cutting process, 2) backyard composting, and 3) place your grass in plastic bags and discard with your weekly trash to be collected on your scheduled pick up day. • Tires are no longer collected by the refuse hauler curbside. • Please do not place any of the following out for recycling: batteries or Styrofoam or any kind, light bulbs, unnumbered plastics, wax coated paper or cardboard and any material with food debris such as pizza boxes. Refuse Guidelines: Garbage should be placed at the curb after 4:00PM on the evening before your scheduled pick up day. Residents should place all refuse in plastic garbage bags to avoid garbage from falling out on to the street. To avoid garbage bags from being torn into by animals and having garbage all over the street, you can place your bags in a trash can. The number of bags our hauler will pick up each week is based on your type of service. If you use the sticker service then only items placed at the curb that contain a sticker will be taken. If you subscribe to the unlimited service then the hauler is required to take an unlimited number of bags from you each week. Garbage cans must be removed from the curb no later than 10:00PM the day of your garbage collection. The “Snow Bird Clause” allows a resident to suspend service for up to five (5) months while they spend the winter months elsewhere. The resident must notify Waste Management in writing 30 days prior to the start of the suspension of service. The written notification should include the approximate date of return. Please see the refuse hauler’s flyer on our website at for further information regarding your refuse and recycling collections. If you have any questions you can contact Donna Platt at 412-364-4115 Ext. 301 or by email at [email protected]. 10 YARD WASTE DROP OFF SITE – BLUEBERRY HILL PARK The drop off site is only to be used for items such as tree or brush trimmings, leaves (placed in brown biodegradable bags) and weeds. The same restrictions apply to both curbside brush chipping and the drop off site; only trimmings that are up to 4” in diameter can be accepted. The borough also asks that you please utilize the April and November curbside brush chipping and leaf collection whenever possible. A permit is required and can be obtained by completing the Yard Waste Drop Off site application available at the Municipal Building or on our website at The permit will be for yard waste, such as leaves and weeds and brush/tree trimmings from the address listed on the permit. This site is for residential disposal only, commercial use is prohibited. The Yard Waste Drop off site is in Blueberry Hill Park and is open March 1st to December 1st of each year. **IMPORTANT** The following materials are not permitted to be placed at the Yard Waste Drop Off site: grass clippings, tree or brush trimmings larger than 4” in diameter, stumps, logs, asphalt, concrete, dirt, mulch, clay, stone, construction material or anything that won’t degrade. Placing yard waste in any dumpster or other areas of the park is strictly prohibited. Please contact Donna Platt with any questions at 412-364-4115 Ext. 301/[email protected]. FREE ELECTRONIC RECYCLING EVENT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 10:00AM TO 2:00PM This recycling event will take place at the Franklin Park Municipal Building at 2344 West Ingomar Road in the parking lot in the rear of the building. This event is sponsored by Goodwill of Southwestern PA. Recycle unwanted computers, monitors, printers, fax machines, VCRs, stereo systems, cell phones, digital cameras, microwaves and more! All items will be accepted at no charge. At this event you will not be able to recycle TV’s. Goodwill offers free, safe, easy and environmentally responsible recycling of computers and electronics. Computers are either dissembled and recycled or are refurbished to be sold at Goodwill stores. Donating your computer not only helps keep e-waste out of landfills and helps families buy used electronic products at an affordable price, but brings the power of work to someone in your community. Goodwill is not responsible or liable for personal data on hard drives or other storage media. Newer computers have the hard drives wiped exceeding Department of Defense standards and the hard drives of older computers are destroyed. Ultimately Goodwill cannot take responsibility for confidential information. If you wish to remove data before donating, a number of free services are available online that will completely erase hard drives. PA DEP Permit No. WMGR081D011 The Bryant Seal of Approval shows Hopey Heating strives for excellence. $89 Furnace or A/C Maintenance Check Or $169 for full HVAC System Check which includes maintenance on furnace, air cleaner, humidifier and air conditioner. Air cleaner filters, humidifier pads, and any necessary service parts are extra. PA 6139 Penn Power has extended their HVAC Rebate Program. $60 rebate offer to their customers for A/C maintenance. (One rebate per air conditioner or heat pump every seven years) Weather permitting for system check. Offer expires December 31, 2014 YOU CAN’T ARGUE WITH QUALITY. (412) 366-5692 11 WHAT’S NEW AT CLOVER HILL GOLF COURSE As the 2013 golf season starts to wind down at most golf courses, Clover Hill Golf Course remains open daily year round from dawn until dusk, weather permitting. This season the fee schedule was modified for the first time in seven years. Now residents and non-residents pay the same fee. The change provided a slightly higher increase for residents but to offset the increase a golf loyalty program was put in place. This program rewards residents with a free round of golf after five paid rounds. Utilizing the program brings the cost of a round of golf to $10.00 or a $.50 increase over past years. This program also applies to junior and senior players. Junior and senior fees were combined this year with the cost of golf being $10.00. When they participate in the loyalty program their net fee is $8.33 per round which is actually less than they paid the previous seven years. A substantial number of residents participated in the loyalty program this year and we hope to expand this into the next season. Also, we have extended our e-mail (E-SPECIALS) program this year. These emails offer discounts of $2.00 off a round of golf or two for one specials at various times. Signing up is simple through our website, or simply by stopping by the golf course. Patrons can now “like us” on Facebook and view information, posts and receive specials we offer to our followers. Tee times can also be made through our website; this is a great way to quickly schedule your next round! Progress has also been made on the reconstruction of the first and fifth holes. An aerial mapping and topography was completed and the architect is completing the design work at this time. These changes are going to enhance the overall performance of the course and provide new challenges for our golfers. The 2014 golf season will be a milestone for Clover Hill Golf Course as we celebrate our 25th anniversary. Various events are planned to thank our many loyal patrons for their support throughout the years. These will be promoted at the golf course, through our website, Facebook and in the Spring Borough Newsletter. Always keep the golf course in mind for small outings and gatherings. We offer an excellent junior program in conjunction with Pine Creek Driving Range. Please call the golf course or visit our website for detailed information. Clover Hill Golf Course is a great place to spend time with family and friends, a place to spend quality time with your children and build a relationship for a lifetime. So come out and play today! POLICE DEPARTMENT The Police Department wishes to thank the residents, Mayor and Council past and present for their continued support. We are committed to providing a professional service to our ever changing community. Through the education of our officers, continued cooperation with neighboring departments and taking a proactive approach to crime we feel we can maintain a safe and viable community. Some of the most frequent calls officers respond to are listed below along with “What to do” and suggested tips to prevent you from being a victim. For additional information on these and other topics please visit the Franklin Park Police Website at: Also, don’t forget to sign up with NIXLE, a free service that sends alerts to your email or cell phone with news from the police department. Register at the company’s main website: There you can also access their frequently asked questions. HELPFUL INFORMATION AND CRIME PREVENTION SPEEDING – Speeding vehicles are still the number one complaint from our residents. Please observe posted speed limits. If you live in a plan, the residential speed limit is 25MPH. Please be a good neighbor and observe the speed limit. Officers will be making extra efforts to enforce speed limits. We also will utilize the use of radar trailers. Speeding is the number one cause of fatalities in Pennsylvania. HIGH BEAM SAFETY – When driving at night, use low beams as soon as you see another vehicle approaching in the oncoming lane, as high beams can “blind” the other driver. Pennsylvania law requires you use low beams whenever you are within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle and when you are following a vehicle within 300 feet. THEFT FROM VEHICLES – Unfortunately, this crime most often occurs from unlocked vehicles! Taking the time to lock your vehicle and removing any valuables from easy view are huge steps in helping prevent a criminal’s interest in targeting your car. The second part is contacting the Police Department. Call 911. IDENTITY THEFT – This continues to be an increasing crime. Criminals can get your information over the Internet, over the phone or even from your trash and you won’t know they are using it until you receive a bill. Be careful how you use your credit cards and to whom you give your personal information. In some cases, the criminals have obtained the victim’s social security and driver’s license information. Be careful with your personal information! Destroy or shred any paperwork you throw away and try to pick up your mail as promptly as you can. 12 THEFTS FROM RESIDENCES/BURGLARY – Residents should never let anyone into their homes without first checking identification and being certain they are legitimate. It is rare for utility workers, government employees or anyone else to have a legitimate reason for wanting to enter your home. An unscheduled stop coupled with a request to enter your home, are signs that you should call police. Senior Citizens are always a target. Don’t be afraid to ask for identification. If you suspect anything, close and lock your doors and call 911. The police will respond to check and identify the individual(s) in question. Residents hiring domestic help should make sure that the company and employees are screened and references should be provided. The police have investigated many thefts from homes in which jewelry has been found missing months later. Residents should do their homework before they hire housecleaning or yard service providers. Remember to keep your valuables in a home safe. The inconvenience may save you the anguish of losing valuables and keepsakes that most likely will not be recovered. DRUGS - The Police Department has continued concern with the rise in drug use among our young people. We believe that drug use and consequently the need for drug money, is the motivation behind many of the thefts that occur. If you suspect drug activity in your neighborhood, please call the Police Department. Your identity can be kept confidential at your request. If you are unsure what ‘drug activity’ is, please feel free to contact us and we can make sure you understand the patterns and activities involved. Parents should be mindful of what their children are doing and with whom they are associating. If you need help with your child, you can inquire at your school or call our office for assistance. CRIME PREVENTION – Our Crime Prevention Unit is looking for residents who want to be active in their neighborhoods and form or contribute to their Neighborhood Watch. Please contact us so that we can assist you with information and resources. We also offer some of the following programs for your neighborhood, church or any organizational gathering your might have: • Station Tours • Personal Safety Programs • Boy/Girl Scout Presentations • Identity Theft • Sr. Citizens Safety • Business Safety • Drug Presentations for School/Parents/Teachers ALARMS – Residents are asked to please be careful when using home alarms. We have an over abundance of false alarms which are accidental. We ask you to use the alarms but be familiar with their functions. False alarms are a waste of manpower and resources. PARKING – Residents should keep in mind that the Borough has an ordinance that prohibits parking on the streets between the hours of 2:00AM and 6:00AM. Please remember not to block intersections or fire hydrants. Fine: $5.00-$75.00 dollars. This is critical in the winter months so that the public works department can properly clear your street. MOTOR VEHICLE LAW – PennDOT enacted a new law which requires motorists to leave a 4-foot “cushion of safety” when passing a bicyclist. To achieve this cushion, drivers may cross a roadway’s center line when passing a bicycle on the left, but only when opposing traffic allows. Drivers attempting to turn left must also yield the right of way to bicycle riders traveling in the opposite direction. The new law also calls for bicycle riders to use all reasonable efforts to avoid impeding the normal flow of traffic. As always, bicyclists and motorists should obey all traffic signs and signals. PennDOT also recommends bicyclists always ride predictably and signal their intentions before proceeding so that motorists have a chance to react. A reminder to bicyclists, you too must obey all traffic regulations which includes stop signs. Failure to do so could result in a traffic citation. In addition, motorists should remember when it rains to turn on their headlights and always yield to emergency vehicles. DOG LAWS – The Police Department would also like pet owners to abide by the law and keep your pet secured on your property as required by law. If your pet becomes lost, please notify the dispatch center at 412-473-3056 or the Franklin Park Police Department 412-364-1227. Most of the time, the pet has been taken to the police station kennel or to our pet control service. We can then assist you with a speedy return of your pet. The Police Department was given 4 AVID chip readers, which can quickly identify a pet and its owner. The AVID chip is a small electronic device, the size of a grain of rice that contains the pet owner information. The chip is placed under the skin of the pet, usually between the shoulder blades. Most local veterinarians offer the AVID chips and can answer any questions you may have. We are encouraging our residents to make sure they have identification information on their pets whether it is an AVID chip or ID tag. Franklin Park Borough has contracted with Animal Control Services to provide service to our community for lost and found pets. To contact call 724-746-4344 or visit their website that offers a wealth of information SCHOOLS – The Police Department performs daily school patrols at our elementary and middle schools. It keeps the Police Officers visible and approachable for the students and teachers. The Crime Prevention Unit is working with teachers for the next school year and plans on offering numerous presentations to every grade level in both schools throughout the year. We want to give the students and teachers a sense of having a safe environment in which to work and learn. We also want residents to feel comfortable using the NA Tip line for sharing any confidential information they feel is important for the Police Department to know: NA Tipsline 724-933-TIPS (8477). SCHOOL BUS SAFETY – As the school year gets underway it is important to remember Pennsylvania has special rules you must follow when you drive near a school bus. These rules protect the children and drivers. Failure to stop for a school bus with a flashing red light and extended stop arm will result in a 60-day suspension of your driver’s license, five (5) points on your driving record and a fine. When a school bus is preparing to stop, its amber (yellow) lights will begin flashing. When the bus stops with its red lights flashing and its stop arm extended, you must stop at least 10 feet away from the bus whether you are behind it or coming toward it on the same roadway or approaching an intersection at which the school bus is stopped. Remain stopped until the red lights stop flashing, the stop arm has been withdrawn, and the children have reached a safe place. HUNTING – Residents are reminded that very few areas of the Borough are open to hunting. Hunters are required to maintain 150 yards from an occupied structure. All hunters are to have written permission from landowners to hunt on private property. Residents are encouraged to report any violations to the Pennsylvania Game Commission or the Police Department. Gun Safety is also a big concern for the Police Department and we would ask residents to keep this utmost in their minds when storing guns in the home. The Police Department will supply free gun locks to any resident who wants them – just give us a call. Rimfire Rifles, shotguns, bow & arrows and cross bows are the only hunting implements permitted in Allegheny County. Hunting season generally runs from September to January. There is absolutely no hunting permitted in any Borough park or property. Non-hunting residents are encouraged to wear safety vests while walking in wooded areas during hunting season. TARGET SHOOTING – Residents should be advised that by ordinance target shooting using a firearm, air or spring loaded rifle or pistol is prohibited. You can log onto the Borough website to read the ordinance under Firearms and Target Ranges. The Police Department has investigated serious incidents in which firearms were discharged in residential areas at targets. This does not apply to hunters who are legally hunting and following the hunting laws of the PA Game Commission. 13 RESIDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS The Borough maintains an Emergency Operation Plan to assist in responding to various emergencies. In part, the Plan requires the Borough to maintain the names of individuals who are non-ambulatory; non-English speaking or otherwise would need assistance in case of an evacuation order. If you or a member of your family fall into one of these categories and would need help in case of an evacuation order please call 412-364-4115. Indicate your name, address, type of disability, and language spoken. The Borough will incorporate the names into the Operation Plan so that help can be rendered in case of emergency. BOROUGH WEBSITE The Borough strongly encourages residents to visit the Borough’s website: to get answers to frequently asked questions concerning garbage collection, borough services: chipping, leaf collection, recycling events, upcoming programs and facility rental information. Add the Borough home page to your “favorites” folder and check periodically for current events and bulletins that are posted regularly. It is our hope that you find the website both useful and informative. DIGITAL SIGN Located at the intersection of Brandt School Road and Route 910 our electronic display provides information, advertising and other messages. A new display sign was added earlier this year. After some unforeseen problems, the sign is operational and continues to provide another outlet for the Borough to convey information to our residents and neighboring communities. If you are a for-profit business and are interested in having your company advertise on the display sign give us a call at 412-364-4115 ext. 302. DOG LICENSE INFORMATION A dog license can be purchased online through the Allegheny County Treasurer’s Office at The application form is also available on line through Allegheny County and can be obtained at the borough office although all information needs to be submitted to the County Offices. HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATIONS The Borough maintains a list of all Homeowners’ Associations and their presidents names. The list is utilized when it is necessary to quickly provide information to the residents of a given neighborhood. Gas leaks, crimes and safety concerns are examples of when the list is utilized. We update this information annually. Each homeowner’s association president or key contact will receive a notice seeking updated information. We ask that you respond to this request promptly. If your Association does not receive such a request, please contact Donna Platt at 412-364-4115 ext. 301 or by email at [email protected] and provide the contact information for your association. This information is especially needed for all new plans established in Franklin Park Borough within the last five years.. REMINDER – SENIOR CITIZEN TAX RELIEF PROGRAM In November 2004, Borough Council passed Ordinance No. 531-04 adopting the Senior Citizen Tax Relief Program. This program entitles all qualified senior citizens, living in the Borough of Franklin Park, to a flat 30% discount of the real estate tax on their primary residence. To qualify for this program, the applicant must fill out an application form, meet three criteria, and forward the application to the Allegheny 14 County Treasurer. After Allegheny County approves the application, the discount will be applied as a reduction on the borough tax statement. Noted: Senior Tax Relief. Below are the requirements necessary to qualify: • Property Ownership: Must have owned and occupied a primary residence in Allegheny County continuously for the past 10 years. A property owner who has moved within the past 10 years and has continued to own and occupy the new property as a primary residence shall be eligible. • Age: ▪ Must be age 60 or older, or if married either spouse must be age 60. ▪ Be a widow or widower age 50 to 60 years ▪ Permanently disabled and age 18 to 60 years. • Income: Gross household income must be $30,000 or less. For calculating income use only 50% of your Social Security Benefit, SSI and Railroad Retirement Tier 1 Benefits (except Medicare benefits). A qualified applicant continues to receive tax relief as long as the applicant is the property owner/occupant, and the household income does not exceed $30,000. Please feel free to call Allegheny County Supervisor, Mike Roach at 412-350-3875. As of February 2011, (147) Senior Citizens have taken advantage of this program. . RENTAL PROPERTIES If you are the owner of a rental property or a renter of a property in Franklin Park Borough you are required to inform the Borough of all tenant information. In accordance with Ordinance 96-71, landlords are required to keep Borough records up to date with information regarding tenants or occupants. You are required to report any changes in tenants or occupants within thirty (30) days of the change. This information is required whether actual rent is collected or not. Borough files must contain names of all tenants or occupants living within the Borough. Please contact Donna Platt at 412-364-4115 ext. 301 or by email at [email protected] to notify us of new and/or changes to existing rental property. If you are a tenant you must be registered with the Borough for tax purposes. If you are not registered with us please inform Donna Platt so that we can place this property on our renters list and keep our records up to date. A request for updated renter information will be mailed to the owner of any rental property in April of each year. The forms must be completed and returned to Franklin Park Borough by the stated deadline. LAURA A. COOMBS BOROUGH COUNCIL 2ND VICE PRESIDENT CONGRATULATES THE 2013 FRANKLIN PARK BOROUGH SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS FREE WEATHERIZATION PROGRAM The Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) is funding a Free Weatherization program. This program is geared primarily to provide the necessary repairs to an eligible unit to reduce the amount of air infiltration “out of” and “into” the home. Approved contractors do the necessary weatherization repairs that make the unit energy efficient, such as: caulk/weather-striping around windows, replace cracked or broken glass in windows, insulation of attic area and more. Visit for more information about income eligibility guidelines. SOLICITATION PERMITS Borough residents are advised that commercial solicitors must obtain a borough issued permit prior to knocking on your door or placing door hanging advertisements. Applicants are screened with a background check. However, any non-profit organizations; charitable, religious or political, are not required to obtain a permit according to a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court. We do ask exempt organizations and/or their solicitors to inform us of who they represent, the dates they will be in the Borough and the names of each solicitor; however they are not required to do so. If a solicitor comes to your door without a Borough issued permit (orange laminated card with photo) please contact Donna Platt at 412-364-4115 Ext. 301 or our Police Department at 412-364-1227, during normal business hours, to verify if the organization is legitimate. The issued permit should be visible on each solicitor. If you do not wish to have commercial solicitors approach your door we do maintain a “No Solicitation” list and offer “No Soliciting” stickers to be placed on your door. Commercial solicitors are required to abide by this list however, the non-profit solicitors are not. If you would like your address placed on the “No Solicitation” list or to verify that your address is on the list, please contact Donna Platt. A sticker is available to you upon request. If you would like to be placed on the “No Solicitation” List you can complete the following form and return it to the Municipal Building. FRANKLIN PARK FIREFIGHTERS UPDATE The executive officers of the Franklin Park Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 for 2013 are: President – Charles (Skip) Wilker Vice President – Bill Boucek Secretary – Bob Waldron Treasurer – Rob Gross Financial Secretary – Sabrina Presser Corresponding Secretary – Jack Hurley Directors – Ed Maus, Bill Smith, David Voderick and Randy Frazier The fire officers are: Chief - Gary Scheller Assistant Chief/Fire Official - Ron Merriman Deputy Chief - Bob Neugebauer Captain - Bill Chicots Assistant Captain - Bill Miller Deputy Captain - Scott Merriman Lieutenants - Bob Jarvis, Bob George and Jason Thompson Engineer - Ryan Drozinski Communication and Training Officer - Andy Nock Safety Officer - Mel Henning Fire Police Officers - Captain George Martin and Lieutenant Bill Smith During 2013 the following members will be recognized for years of service: • Bert Beatty – 60 Years • Bill Boucek – 40 Years • Ron Holmes – 45 Years • Renny Clarke – 35 Years • Reed McCrea – 45 Years • Jim Neugebauer – 30 Years • Gary Scheller – 40 Years continued on page 18 If you have any other questions regarding solicitation permits please call Donna Platt at 412-364-4115 ext. 301 or by email at [email protected]. REQUEST TO BE PLACED ON “NO SOLICITATION” LIST Please add my address to the “No Solicitation” List and send me a sticker to be placed on my door. Name:_____________________________________ Address:____________________________________ _________________________________________ Complete, cut out and return to Donna Platt, Franklin Park Borough, 2344 West Ingomar Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. 15 Hu ntin gto n Ct P hy llis Ln er t R d r D d t Clearvue Rd Meadow Rd Dr ce e ran Te mp nry D r He Ki ng King Ge lb Broad Hill Dr King Charles Dr R idg e C t Dr t er Dr Dr Sh ad ow Dr Prince And es Sa in w t m m Vi e Ri d ge C Be a c k Ct St Dr wa rd Ed 2-3 st Val l e y Sc he lle r Ln Ct W oo d V ie w D Kin g David Dr in d Ar nd tR d As hw oo d oo d n Ki g Ja n d re w s tA Kin gW il lia g White Oak Ct Panno Ln Ct ar d D r Dr r Green View Ct Ea g le w c le Clover Hill Golf Course Ct A u gu st a D C ir King A Stu es C rb r id Pinehurst Ct 1-2 Orchard Hill Church Ar c W oo d r a Dr Country Club Dr Kin gri dg e rs t C lub to Dr nC t Ki n g Ct ge Fie ld Farm in g i ch or R hn Jo Alaqua Dr Ln B on ne ert D Milb Ct u ro ta C t Sa nd hu Haven Dr Fairlawn Dr Traci Dr Dr Do ra l os Po K in WARD 1 ei n M Ct C ha le t Ln ro Alydar Dr Rosemary Dr Rd Bellmon te Sc arl e Sh Mor ro w Ln N Shev lin Rd Fern Hill Ln Village Dr t t R id ge Dr e vli n Ct Dr lers er Ct Sh ak Shepard Ln Kuhlview Dr Dr S ett I- 7 9R d d nR ols o Nic h Sterling Ct r Dr Pio ne er Ho lm es Ct C La t Field C lub C in e Cole Rd W est ive Dr n ve Derby Ct r Dr se ou bh Clu s P o int Ct te r n N Scarlett Oak Dr Ct d Dr d oo G le nw Briar Ct Dr Phea sa n t R u n Hun ters Poi nt ou s e R i Gr Mck inne y Rd w y 85 6 State H an rm No r C hrista Ct wn D Da Acc ess Road ne La M a r bl e Summitt Ln Ct ut es tn Sec re t a Rid ge t ic Ln ins a rt ge Nicholson Rd Aldon Dr Georgetown Dr Dr ar t H M E lkrid Stone Mansion Dr Weinman Rd Rd wn Ln rr y B la e Rd 2-2 A Rd th er e be Ct Ct Cl over Hil l Rd Willow Ln St. John Neumann r Fo am G e at rk wn Rd ro Ch Walruth Rd s s Ct _ ^ Old Orchard Rd an Pa I-79 Ramp Stu rbridge Sa G ra King ridg e al l t ee rV ld C w A lm Reis Run Rd fie Ca Sa le m Dr n F rank l in D r in g os Crestview Dr yC t le af L n m Bri e ry Sylvan Oakridge Ln Col on m br oo k n Mo n tg om _ ^ Ingom ar Middle School a r H eights R d ha Lenora Dr om in d _ ^ In g W Franklin Park Municipal Building d Duncan Dr d en James Dr d ol Ashbury Ln Antrim Ct Wilvan Ln _ ^ Dalton Dr r rR O ak McAleer Rd aL Van Dr Jenkinson Dr D Ro c he s t e G Rd W Ingomar Rd at e Daffodil Ln t t t Dr Trimble Rd rC G e r nD ek w ie W e st v v iew Dr W es t g to R e an te Q ua r r y L es Ct r P in e C r Brimfield Dr uc oo d d iD 3- 3 Lois Ln lR gw r rin Ba Nevin Dr R id d D i c en z o Ln oo D og w o o Do Robertson Dr od en wo o Wo Ln Henry Rd av le st Dr Oa k en Birchwood Ct Cre Acorn Ct w ay Ami ci ti WARD 2 d R un Rd s le sW o v Ha Interlak en C t b Ab am R Cin d a k Dr lO ya D 1-3 Orchard Hill Church or gh Ln 3- 2 Charle s Wray Dr Hil r Ct Fairway Cir Bellwood Dr Jasmine Ct Neuhart Ln lo G Ro 1-1 Franklin Park Baptist Church xf t Minglewood Ln T im b er g ey b ria r C Bellwood Ct A bb y R n R ll Va Fox . 2-1 ey Polling Areas o o ke Pine Ln HaEpiscopal Church St. Brendan’s Squire Ridge Dr Voting Districts We b Suzanna Ln Citation Ct t ve nD or a tt erh r Ln ^ _ Go ldb au Ct d e Si d te rR d R ic h ry r n e Dr od Dr Dr Sylm ar xt M c D e vitt Rd Wards _ ^ bu sk ulo r iD y Hw 79 E i ne B la d t Dr Legend (6/19/2013) Br Trinity Lutheran Church Tara Ct R Ford Ln o c he s Pa L in P R ts M G Morrison Ln ge D r Chelsea Ct I2 e b ur n H e ig h lC n ia Franklin Fields Dr a le Ln Ma ge in tC ck 3- 1 Dr n Kelly Ln Dr C o lo Dr Wheatfield n yL ip le Sh rs tle Colon i al La Pla ce Ct I- 79 ot D r Ri Dr k oo br Dr Little Sewickley Creek Rd Ch e vi Se t ow ad Sh t. r r Ct on M att erh o r Dixon Ln r Gib s Carriage Ln re y D ew o 1-3 tD e dg We dg Ln d ne y y ia iva Lind enw ood Dr M Ln Parko Baptist Church Franklin o Valle Ex W h ar r e C ou n t e ll Sh Rd d oun t Dr e ri n g B arn w o o d Lane ttail ge Sp D Elkrid R Lon gm Ca Ma Fairhill F arm s Rd Ln il La n e ic n Ct n t L ne ra T Locu s t Rd Laurel Dr _ ^ ll Ct SL rgl Dr Ct Dr Ro se m Ct an i el d s t o F Rd no ond D Br ground Fairh ill Pla y st r Mark l e y D d Fairhill Rd on e EM le n Ti m be er y an Rd rg ov C y t. n rR Ex de Hid te d el R u ch Ple d t M R C es e wn Ct m ag e Di M to ch Ro 1-1 Henry Ln Theo dora Dr st le dg Waterleaf Dr a le ad Arm Ha n K Ca u ks Dr Frazier Ln Ln Duff City and Camp Meeting Rd C a mp M ee tin g R d Tw in Oa I-79 or Ln dy an H S ha zM m ar Rd Ku n t F rt r ch in e Me C hu Rd s d r es t er 1-2 Ln Peghe r hR D kin s oc h rc Rd t wn H op R hu to ge o nt C m Fair Doughty Ln tC r eo B Bradsberry Ln Quail R idge Ln Ln en Asp R ol s Ru r be nD Orchard Hill Church Singer Ln cr e do w Law Lane E ast Gantry Ct T im t wC tv ie ^ _ Pollar Dr G Law Lane nd Bra M ea Watson Ln a ns Ln te D o ra c k O ak Ct d ar m o Lo r Bla ho Sc Br Co rp Savannah Ln Dr n Fran kli r g le Timbe Rd Ct S ton Ct Hu nting ch English Oak Car m o d y dt an Br ur Rd iv e East Dr s Ch W Rd e yn r ick L n And ne B ay rd e x fo Ba n t Ln rd R v pk in Lo Ho et fo Dr Fox Chase Dr St k oo nbr ex Dr ek Li W Foun tain Hills te r re yC Rd Bowman Ln Dr Gle nc h es Rd le t Ln ds Willow Oak Dr dm on le ck an W oo i ew eL n s da S I-79 Bi g La W ar B ay rend n e ale Rd S un nyh i ll R d PROPOSED FRANKLIN PARK BOROUGH WARDS AND VOTING DISTRICTS MAP est R d cr W orth We ntw 2-1 St. Brendan’s Episcopal Church Ct 2-2 St. John Neumann Ct ge D Ma r n Rd Washingto Cla re Dr Sheffel Rd Louise Dr 0 1 inch = 800 feet 16 ita Kare n D r 3-1 Trinity Lutheran Church 3-3 Ingomar Middle School n R un r He WARD 3 3-2 Franklin Park Municipal Building n es Ln kli Fran Wible Ln 2-3 St. John Neumann Festival in the Park SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR 2013 FESTIVAL IN THE PARK SPONSORS Matt Mertz Plumbing, Inc Pittsburgh Central Federal Credit Union Comcast Allegent First Student Bus Auto Service Mall Ray Donch Body Werks 17 continued from page 15 Early this summer fire company member Paul Hague passed away. Paul was a member of the Fire Company for 73 years. During those years Paul held many positions within the FPVFC, including Chief from 1960-1962. Even after retiring from firefighting, Paul remained a productive member of the FPVFC by attending meetings and giving advice from all of his experiences. Paul’s father was a founding member of the FPVFC. In 2012 the Fire Company responded to 223 emergency calls. Most of the actual emergencies continue to be vehicle fires and accidents on I-79 and I-279 and service calls such as wires down, trees blocking roadways, gas and water leaks. Fortunately, less than 20 percent of the emergencies were due to an actual fire situation. There are fewer major structure fires today due to the much broader use of smoke detectors and security systems in homes and businesses. By being alerted when a fire first gets started, home and business occupants and the fire company have been able to get fires under control very quickly, many times before major damage can occur. A smoke detector is also a wise investment, not only for personal safety but by helping to detect a fire situation before it gets out of control. Many new residents to our borough are surprised to learn that the fire and rescue services in our community are provided by an all-volunteer fire company. The Franklin Park Volunteer Fire Company is always accepting new members. To be a firefighter or fire police officer, you must be at least 18 years of age, in good health and complete state certified training consisting of classroom and practical exercises at the Allegheny County Fire Academy located in North Park. If you do not want to be a firefighter or fire police officer you can still join the fire company as an associate member, work on the building and grounds, vehicle maintenance or fundraising. Interested parties can stop by the fire station located on Rochester Road, Thursday evenings at 7:00PM, call our business line 412-364-5670 or call Chief Gary Scheller 412-443-4085. Paul Hague Jr. (1920 - 2013) Member Franklin Park VFC for 73 years. Circa 1930’s, young Paul Hague pictured right front of fire truck. SANTA’S ANNUAL VISIT The annual visit of Santa Claus sponsored by the Franklin Park volunteer fire fighters will be held on Sunday, December 22, 2013 from 1:00PM – 5:00PM. Santa will be riding on the fire truck and will travel over all the streets and roads in the borough. Parents should listen for the fire truck siren and escort younger children to the truck to receive a candy present from Santa. Santa’s visit is a borough tradition that has continued for many years. The members of the fire company sponsor Santa’s visit to express their appreciation to the borough residents for their financial support. 18 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE FRANKLIN PARK VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY • Dial 911 for all Emergencies • Keep the fire hydrants clear of high grass, tree branches and snow • Our fire company is 100% volunteer • Less than 40% of borough residents support the Franklin Park Volunteer Fire Co. • Donations can be sent to the FPVFC several ways – Mail in a check – donate on the website – donate through the United Way. • Visit web page at or friend us on Facebook • Approximately 6,500 man hours were accumulated in 2012 responding to emergency calls and training. The devas tating los The devastating losss of the 19 firefighters in Arizona reminds reminds us of Arizona sacrifice that our the sacrifice Franklin Park own Franklin firefighters make make daily. Thank to the many Thank you, y many volunteer volunteer firemen and and women and and their families who dedicate their time and efforts to keep community keep our commun ity safe. The safe. T he service service you you provide is valued and and appreciated! 19 REAL ESTATE TAXES The Real Estate Tax Collector is responsible for the collection of Franklin Park Borough real estate taxes and the North Allegheny School District real estate tax for the Franklin Park area, as well as the $10.00 school per capita tax paid by every adult (21 years of age and older) residing in the district. The tax collector does not determine the “Fair Market Value” of your property; this is calculated by Allegheny County Assessment Department (412) 350-4600. IF YOU, AS THE HOMEOWNER ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING YOUR OWN REAL ESTATE TAX…AND DO NOT RECEIVE THE STATEMENT…YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING OR STOPPING INTO THE OFFICE AND OBTAINING ONE. 2% Discount Face 10% Penalty Franklin Park Borough Tax Borough Tax is mailed by May 1 North Allegheny School Tax School tax is mailed by July 1 May – June 30 July – August 31 After August 31 July - August 31 Sept – October 31 After October 31 Linda Avolio, the real estate tax collector, ([email protected]) has office hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00 to noon, as well as Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings in June and August from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Franklin Park Municipal Building located at 2344 West Ingomar Road (or by appointment). Any resident with a question regarding their real estate tax should contact Linda Avolio at 412-364-4848. Residents are encouraged to use the convenient drop-box located on the left side of our Borough building (a receipt will be sent). If you mail your payment and wish a receipt, please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope. Current Millage: Borough School County Total = 1.077 17.4039 4.73 23.2109 (Operates on a Calendar year) (Operates on a Fiscal year) (Operates on a Calendar year) HOMEOWNER … IF YOU HAVE REFINANCED … IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE TAX COLLECTOR OF THE NEW MORTGAGER’S NAME Important Contacts: Allegheny County Board of Appeals 412-350-4600 Allegheny County Board Tax Office 412-350-4100 Franklin Park Real Estate Tax Office 412-364-4848 Allegheny County Web Site Borough of Franklin Park Web Site Linda Avolio, Tax Collector [email protected] PLEASE BE ADVISED By Pennsylvania State Law, the School District MUST offer installment payments. Only those properties deemed eligible for the Homestead or Farmstead exclusion by the Allegheny County Assessment office will be permitted to make installment payments. NO TAX DISCOUNT IS PERMITTED FOR SCHOOL TAXES WHEN PAYING BY INSTALLMENT. Under the Installment Plan, the full amount is due in three installments. The exact amount of the first payment and due date will be listed on the tax bill (by August 31). If (N/A) appears in the installment box, it means your property is not eligible for installment payments. The payment of the exact amount of the first installment by a taxpayer on or before the first installment due date, shall show intention to pay school taxes on the installment plan. The remaining installment coupons will be mailed to you after the first payment is received. Installment due dates: By August 31, 2013; October 31, 2013 and December 31, 2013. Installments must be paid by the due dates listed above or a 10% penalty will be added to any installments that are late. A taxpayer who is delinquent shall be ineligible for the installment payment option in the following school fiscal year. NO TAX DISCOUNT IS PERMITTED FOR ANY TAXES WHEN PAYING BY INSTALLMENT. NON-HOMEOWNERS (RENTERS/OCCUPANTS) PER CAPITA TAX - All residents of the Borough of Franklin Park over the age of 21 are required to pay this North Allegheny School District tax. Franklin Park does not impose this tax; we collect it for the school district. This is not a new tax, it has existed for centuries. Owners of rental properties are required to notify the Borough of Franklin Park of all occupants (over the age of 21) living in the home whether paying rent and/or occupying the house. Please call 412-364-4115 to give the name(s) of additional occupants to our receptionist. 20 GOOD NEWS…MCCANDLESS – FRANKLIN PARK AMBULANCE AUTHORITY HAS A WHEELCHAIR VAN SERVICE Are you able to sit in a chair but have difficulty getting to your medical appointment? Our wheelchair van service may be the answer to your dilemma. Many of our Franklin Park residents have a genuine need for transportation assistance to and from their medical appointments. However, they do not require an ambulance. Indeed, Medicare will no longer pay for transport to medical appointments! Our wheelchair van service may provide a good transportation alternative for Franklin Park residents. NORTHLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY The residents of Franklin Park Borough, along with the residents of the Borough of Bradford Woods, Marshall Township, Town of McCandless, and Ross Township are directly served by the Northland Public Library. Nearly 40,000 people currently hold a library card which allows them access to over 200,000 items in the Library’s collection of books, DVDs, audio books, CDs, and its ever-growing collection of e-audio and e-books. The library also features more than 40 computers with free Internet access and is equipped for wireless Internet/printer use. Northland supports computer literacy by offering free adult computer classes for all skill levels and interests. Every day, neighbors and friends of the Library come together for the great variety of services and programs for all ages offered at Northland Public Library. Helpful medical and health related seminars, leisure learning workshops and programs, book discussion groups for all interests, a film series that features travel and foreign movies, knitting circles and an opportunity for sharing ideas on current events through our twicemonthly Conversation Salons are some of the free programs offered for adults. The base rate for the wheelchair van is $45 for a non-ambulance subscriber and $35 for a ambulance subscriber. We endeavor to keep this service as economically reasonable as possible since it is separate from the ambulance service and NOT covered by the ambulance subscription. If you wish to have more information or find out if you meet the criteria for our wheelchair van service, please feel free to contact us at 412-367-5883. When you see the wheelchair van in your neighborhood you will understand the service we are rendering to Franklin Park residents. returns are located at the Marshall Municipal Building, Ross Township Community Center and the Baierl Family YMCA. For more information about Northland Library and our programs, call 412-366-8100, or visit our website at There are many ways to support your library through volunteering, shopping the Book Nook for gently used books, CDs, DVDs and magazines, and through our book giving programs. For more information on current library initiatives and the various giving opportunities, please contact the Northland Public Library Foundation at 412-366-8100, extension 104. Mission Statement: Northland Library enables, empowers and encourages lifelong learning and discovery. The very youngest of Library users may visit the Playful Parenting Room with their caring adult for imaginative play and attend special storytimes designed for babies and toddlers. The programs for preschoolers, school-aged children, tweens and teens include storytimes, teen movie nights, puppet workshops, chess classes and tournaments as well as arts and crafts workshops. Our Summer Reading Clubs for children, teens and adults feature activities and special events throughout the summer months. The Library’s meeting rooms featuring plasma televisions with DVD and computer presentation capabilities are available for community organization and club meetings. Northland Public Library extends its reach with the latest in library lending technology with the automated NOMAD lending kiosks. Located at the Baierl Family YMCA and at the Ross Township Community Center, the NOMADs (Northland’s Offsite Modern Alternative Dispenser) allow borrowing of a selection of books, DVDs and audiobooks with the swipe of your library card. For your convenience, 24 hour accessible material 21 FALL/WINTER RECREATION PROGRAMS RECREATION PROGRAM REGISTRATION INFORMATION Please pre-register for the programs early to ensure your participation in the program and to provide us the necessary time to properly prepare and purchase needed supplies. To register for the programs, you can obtain a registration form from the Borough website ( or pick one up at the Borough Building or the Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center. You may also contact the Borough office at 412-364-4115. The Parks and Recreation Department is now accepting online registrations and credit card payment! TODDLER & CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS STORY TIME WITH A SOCCER BALL HappyFeet is the nation’s number one youth soccer development program. Recently available in Pittsburgh, the successful franchise’s proven techniques of “story time with a soccer ball,” engages children in a fun weekly activity that is committed to helping them form healthy exercise habits by using the world’s most popular sport… soccer! Trained HappyFeet soccer coaches will provide 30-minute classes over a six (6) week span. The coaches will challenge the children to gain coordination and skills through gaining mastery of their own soccer ball. They will develop bravery, creative leadership, and character by gaining unique training at a young age. Through exemplary coaching, this program also gives the children a tremendous head start in their technical soccer skills. PLACE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center AGE REQUIREMENT: 3 - 6 years old RESIDENT FEE: $70.00 WHEN: Thursdays, September 19 - October 24, 2013 TIME: Age 3-4 ½ (5:00PM – 5:30PM) Age 4 ½ - 6 (5:30PM – 6:00PM) NON-RESIDENT: $75.00 START SMART SOCCER Prepares children ages 3 to 5 for organized soccer in a fun, non-threatening environment. Start Smart allows children to work one-on-one with a parent. This program teaches children a variety of soccer skills including: dribbling, kicking, passing, trapping, throw-ins and agility. Exercises become increasingly more difficult as the class progresses and children show improvement. Start Smart Soccer sessions are held for one hour a week for six weeks. Parents must participate. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: September 9, 2013, Minimum 8, Maximum 20 participants WHO: Children ages 3 – 5 years WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park – Lower meadow area (meet at Pavilion) WHEN: Saturdays, September 21-October 26 TIME: 9:00AM – 10:00AM RESIDENT FEE: $65.00 NON-RESIDENT: $70.00 INSTRUCTOR: Coach Dave Gray- Certified Sports Instructor/Coach NAYS, NYSCA START SMART FOOTBALL Start Smart Football teaches children ages 4 to 6 the basic motor skills necessary to play organized flag football while they work one-on-one and spend quality time with their parents. The program focuses on teaching children, and their parents, skills in throwing, catching, kicking/punting, and running/agility without the threat of competition or the fear of getting hurt. Start Smart Football sessions are held once a week for six weeks. Each week the exercises become increasingly more difficult as the class progresses and the children show improvement. This program is NON-CONTACT Football. Parents must participate. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: September 9, 2013, Minimum 8, Maximum 20 participants WHO: Children ages 4 – 6 years WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park – Lower meadow area (meet at Pavilion) WHEN: Saturdays, September 21-October 26 22 TIME: 10:15AM-11:15AM RESIDENT FEE: $65.00 NON-RESIDENT: $70.00 INSTRUCTOR: Coach Dave Gray- Certified Sports Instructor/ Coach NAYS, NYSCA START SMART BASKETBALL Before entering organized basketball, children must learn basic motor skills necessary to successfully compete. Start Smart Basketball (a program of the National Alliance for Youth Sports) prepares children ages 3 to 7 for organized basketball in a fun, non-threatening environment. The program focuses on teaching children and their parents a variety of basketball skills including: dribbling, ball handling, shooting, passing, catching, running, and agility. Start Smart Basketball sessions are held one hour a week for six weeks. Each week the exercises become more intense as the class progresses and the children show improvement. Parents must participate. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: December 30, 2013, Minimum 10, Maximum 20 participants WHO: Children ages 3 – 7 years RESIDENT FEE: $65.00/Session WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center NON-RESIDENT: $70.00 WHEN: Saturdays, January 11-February 15 TIME: Session 1 - 9:00AM -10:00AM, Session 2 – 10:15AM – 11:15AM INSTRUCTOR: Coach Dave Gray – Certified Sports Instructor/Coach NAYS, NYSCA PLAYGROUND PROGRAM Bring your preschool children out to enjoy a morning of playground fun. The program is designed for children who have not yet entered first grade. It will include storytelling, action songs, arts and crafts, games, simple sports and supervised playground activities. Each week’s program is based on a specific theme. A staff member will coordinate and supervise the program but volunteers are needed to assist in helping the children. Advanced registration is required. Class size is limited, so register early to insure your child’s participation. The program will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Maximum 15 participants WHO: Boys and Girls Ages 3-4 WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center – Lower Level WHEN: Tuesdays and Thursdays September 10 – October 17, 2013 TIME: 9:00AM – 11:00AM RESIDENT FEE: $50.00/child NON-RESIDENT: $55.00/child 23 YOUTH AND TEEN PROGRAMS WINTERFEST 2013 Join Coach Dave Gray of Ultimate Sports & Entertainment, as we host the fun side of winter in our annual Winterfest! There are indoor and outdoor activities from Sled Riding to Flag Football in the snow, there is something for every kid to enjoy! Be sure to bring your own sled. Pre-registration is REQUIRED, space is limited. WHO: Boys and Girls Ages 6 – 12 years RESIDENT FEE: $40.00 WHEN: Monday, February 17, 2014 INSTRUCTOR: Coach Dave Gray WHERE: Meet at the Activity Center NON-RESIDENT: $45.00 TIME: 10:00AM – 2:00PM DEK DAWGS – DEK HOCKEY LEAGUE "Heeee Shoots and Scores"...Dek Hockey is an excellent way to learn the fundamental and advanced skills of hockey without having to know how to skate. Stick handling skills and teamwork will be advanced through this fast paced, high action sport. Each player must provide their own stick, hockey helmet and pads. All players will be matched by age and skill level; ages 7-12yrs old. Start stretching out and get your friends together for all of the Dek Hockey fun you can handle. Advanced registration is required. WHO: Boys and Girls Ages 7 – 12 years RESIDENT FEE: $40.00 WHEN: Saturdays, November 2-November 23 INSTRUCTOR: Coach Dave Gray – Certified Sports Instructor/ Coach NAYS, NYSCA NON-RESIDENT: $45.00 WHERE: Acorn Park Dek Hockey Court TIME: 9:00AM – 11:00AM YOUNG CHAMPIONS CHEERLEADING This program has existed for 15+ years in surrounding states and now it is in its development stage here in Pennsylvania. It is designed for boys and girls ages 4-15 to help promote and instill self-esteem, self-confidence, coordination, physical fitness, flexibility and team work wrapped up in a fun and exciting program. This is a “pay as you go” program with a onetime non-refundable registration fee. The non-refundable registration fee is $7.00 and each class is $7.00 per week. (Participants must purchase a uniform to participate in competitions.) Advanced registration is required. WHO: Boys & Girls ages 4-15 years WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center WHEN: Registration and first class is Wednesday, September 18 Fall Session: Wednesdays, September 18, 2013- January 22, 2014 (No Class 11/27, 12/25, or 1/1) TIME: Level 1 (ages 4 – 6) Level 2 (ages 7 – 9) Level 3 (ages 10 and older) 6:00PM 7:00PM 8:00PM It is possible to test out of each level with skill tests. FEE: The registration fee is $7.00 and each class is $7.00 per week. Register upon arrival on September 18th INSTRUCTOR: Young Champions Cheerleading CHAMPIONS FLAG FOOTBALL LEAGUE Flag football is an excellent way to learn the fundamental skills of football without the physical contact. Passing, receiving, running the ball, and offensive/defensive skills will be enhanced through this fast paced, high-action sport. Champions Flag League is open to boys and girls ages 6 to 13. All players will be matched by age, and compete on teams of up to ten players. The season will include playoffs and a championship game. So start stretching out and get your friends together for all the football fun you can handle! REGISTRATION DEADLINE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 (Must be registered by deadline to receive a game jersey!!) Space Limited – Advance registration is required WHO: Boys and Girls ages 6-13 years RESIDENT FEE: $65.00 per player – Includes Game Jersey WHEN: Sundays, September 22-October 27 INSTRUCTOR: Coach Dave Gray – Certified Sports Instructor/ Coach NAYS, NYSCA WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Lower Field 24 TIME: 12:00PM – 4:00PM NON-RESIDENT: $70.00 – Includes Game Jersey PIONEER LIVING - HANDS ON HISTORY PROGRAM Come experience pioneer living in a real log house. During our one day camp kids will learn about how the pioneers’ came west, as well as experience everyday life for a pioneer child. We will play with pioneer toys and make a cup and ball game. After we get our own water, we will make lunch. Our lunch will consist of some pioneer favorites such as stew, fresh cornbread (we will grind our own corn), and butter that we will churn. After lunch we will make dessert-ice cream! Minimum 8, Maximum participants 12 WHO: Children ages 6 – 11 years RESIDENT FEE: $40.00 WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Log House NON-RESIDENT: $45.00 WHEN: Saturday, September 28, 2013 INSTRUCTOR: Leah Schram, Certified Teacher TIME: 9:00AM – 2:00PM FPS GAME DESIGN Using a special program called Shootmania, students will learn how to create and edit game maps, allowing for exciting gameplay in environments they design. Shootmania is also kid-friendly because the more violent aspects of the typical first person shooter game have been eliminated. Students play an advanced version of laser tag in the worlds they create. Students will also learn how to record and share videos of the action in their worlds! WHO: Boys and Girls Ages 9 – 13 years TIME: 5:00PM – 6:30PM WHEN: Mondays, September 30-November 4, 2013 NON-RESIDENT: $120.00 WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center Lower Level RESIDENT FEE: $115.00 VIDEO GAME DESIGN How would you like to create your own video game for you and all your friends to play? Students in this program will learn how to use computers and specially designed software to create their very own video game. Students will follow the same process real video game designers use to create the games they play at home. WHO: Boys and Girls Ages 7 – 10 years TIME: 6:45PM – 8:15PM WHEN: Mondays, September 30-November 4, 2013 NON-RESIDENT: $120.00 WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center Lower Level RESIDENT FEE: $115.00 PUNT, PASS & KICK You are invited to participate in the 2013 NFL Punt, Pass & Kick Competition, hosted by Franklin Park Borough. The Punt, Pass & Kick program is open to boys and girls ages 6 to 15, competing separately against their peers. In addition, Punt, Pass & Kick is a free program with no entry fee or purchase required to enter. Our local competition will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2013 at 1:00 PM. Participants will compete at the Blueberry Hill Park Football Field. Sectionals will be held in October. Winners will have the opportunity to compete at a Team Championship, taking place at half time during an NFL game! Please pre-register by visiting 25 ADULT AND SENIOR PROGRAMS TUESDAY MORNING ZUMBA Ditch the workout, join the party with FitWell Studios! Join FitWell Studios’ certified ZUMBA instructor for the “Feel Happy Workout” to melt those stubborn pounds away! ZUMBA Tone combines highenergy dance moves with sculpting exercises to chisel lean muscles. This class will rev up your metabolism and tone your entire body! Register by September 24 and save $$$! Minimum 6, Maximum 25 participants ***FREE CLASS – SEPTEMBER 24, 2013*** ● FREE CLASS is filled on a first come, first serve basis. Space is limited. ● Email [email protected] to secure your spot in the free class! WHO: All Fitness Levels WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center, Upper Level WHEN: Tuesdays, October 1 – December 10, 2013 (No Class 11/26) TIME: 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM RESIDENT FEE: $90.00 (Receive $10.00 Discount if Registered by 9/24) NON-RESIDENT: $100.00 (Receive $10.00 Discount if Registered by 9/24) INSTRUCTOR: FitWell Studios’ Instructor - AJ WEDNESDAY MORNING PILATES Transform your body with FitWell Studios’ Pilates! Join FitWell Studios’ certified Pilates instructor for an invigorating Pilates mat class. Pilates effectively targets the deepest muscles in the body to create a strong core, toned and sleek muscles, improved balance and coordination, and increased flexibility. Pilates is the best exercise for all fitness levels and is used as cross-training for many athletic activities such as golfing, cycling, and running. Register by September 25 and save $$$! Minimum 6, Maximum 25 participants ***FREE CLASS – SEPTEMBER 25, 2013*** ● FREE CLASS is filled on a first come, first serve basis. Space is limited. ● Email [email protected] to secure your spot in the free class! WHO: All Fitness Levels WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center, Upper Level WHEN: Wednesdays, Oct. 2 – Dec. 11, 2013 (No Class 11/27) TIME: 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM RESIDENT FEE: $90.00 (Receive $10.00 Discount if Registered by 9/25) NON-RESIDENT: $120.00 (Receive $10.00 Discount if Registered by 9/25) INSTRUCTOR: FitWell Studios’ Instructor - Linda WEDNESDAY EVENING PIYO STRENGTH FitWell Studios—Gain Strength & Flexibility with PiYoTM Join FitWell Studios’ certified PiYo Strength instructor for an invigorating Pilates mat class. PiYo Strength is a unique class designed to build strength and gain flexibility. The moves fit perfectly together to form a class filled with intense choreography that’s fun, challenging and will make you sweat. It’s about energy, power, and rhythm. Think sculpted abdominals, increased overall core strength, and greater stability. In a nutshell, PiYo will rock your world! You'll be able to lead others down the fun path to healthy living! Register by September 25 and save $$$! Minimum 6, Maximum 25 participants ***FREE CLASS – SEPTEMBER 25, 2013*** ● FREE CLASS is filled on a first come, first serve basis. Space is limited. ● Email [email protected] to secure your spot in the free class! WHO: All Fitness Levels WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center, Lower Level WHEN: Wednesdays, Oct. 2 – Dec.11, 2013 (No Class 11/27) TIME: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM 26 RESIDENT FEE: $90.00 (Receive $10.00 Discount if Registered by 9/25) NON-RESIDENT: $100.00 (Receive $10.00 Discount if Registered by 9/25) INSTRUCTOR: FitWell Studios’ Instructor -AJ FRIDAY MORNING BOOT CAMP FitWell Studios—Lose weight, feel great! Join Fitwell Studios for a high-energy class packed with fat blasting exercises. This class is a great way to jump-start your fitness program. Now’s the time to lose weight, increase your strength, and tone your body! Register by September 27 and save $$$! Minimum 6, Maximum 25 participants ***FREE CLASS – SEPTEMBER 27, 2013*** ● FREE CLASS is filled on a first come, first serve basis. Space is limited. ● Email [email protected] to secure your spot in the free class! WHO: All Fitness Levels WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center, Lower Level WHEN: Fridays, October 4 – December 13, 2013 (No Class 11/29) TIME: 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM RESIDENT FEE: $90.00 (Receive $10.00 Discount if Registered by 9/27) NON-RESIDENT: $100.00 (Receive $10.00 Discount if Registered by 9/27) INSTRUCTOR: FitWell Studios’ Instructor - Dawn ADULT RECREATIONAL BASKETBALL The over-22-adult basketball program at Franklin Elementary Gymnasium on Thursday evenings from 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM has had good participation throughout the years. We have been playing four or five full court games each evening with plenty of exercise and friendly competition. This program will continue at the school from September 19, 2013 through May 15, 2014. Anyone over the age of 22 interested in playing some hoops, getting some exercise, and meeting some new people, is encouraged to join us on Thursday evenings. LINE DANCING Come and join us in the fun as we begin a 10-week line dancing class. Line dancing is very popular all over the world right now, and you will love learning the classics as well as the popular new dances. At Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center, we are offering two levels of line dancing: Beginner and Intermediate. If you are a new line dancer, or a seasoned line dancer who prefers to dance the easier dances, then you will want to sign up for the beginner level class on Thursday mornings. If you have been line dancing for several years now, and want to be on the cutting edge, learning the hottest and most challenging line dances out there, then join the intermediate level on Monday evenings. Both levels of classes will be dancing to cha cha, rumba, east and west coast swing, waltz, tango, nightclub two-step and batchata rhythms. Don’t miss out on a chance to kick up your heels. Sign up today! PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED Minimum 12 Participants WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center WHEN: Fall Sessions: Mondays, September 9 – November 11, 2013, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Thursdays, September 12 – November 14, 2013, 9:00 AM -10:30 AM Spring Sessions: Mondays, March 10 – May 12, 2014, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Thursdays, March 13 – May 15, 2014, 9:00 AM -10:30 AM RESIDENT FEE: $52.00 per session NON-RESIDENT: $57.00 per session INSTRUCTOR: Shirley Shultz SHALL WE DANCE BALLROOM DANCING FUN! FUN! FUN! Come join us once a month for the fun and delight of dancing. Doors open at 7:30 PM, dancing starts at 8:00PM. With a beautiful, large, hardwood dance floor, it will be the perfect atmosphere to dress up a bit – therefore, NO JEANS. Gentlemen should dress in slacks and a dress shirt and ladies should wear dress slacks, a skirt, or a dress. There will be a variety of great dance music. The best in Smooth, Rhythm, and Swing! WHO: Everyone WHERE: Blueberry Hill Activity Center WHEN: Saturdays: October 19, 2013 TIME: Doors open at 7:30PM and dancing starts at 8:00PM Dancing ends at 11:30PM FEE: $10.00 per person November 16, 2013 December 7, 2013 December 31, 2013, News Years Eve Party January 18, 2014 February 15, 2014 March 15, 2014 27 FRANKLIN PARK SENIORS AND FRIENDS – OVER THE BLUEBERRY HILL GANG Our Senior Program, held the second Thursday of every month at 11:00 AM, has been very successful and well attended. Many seniors enjoy the monthly programs, socializing, meeting new friends, and experiencing a variety of delicious food. Scheduled programs are as follows: • • • • • • • September 12 – Debby Rabold with the History of Franklin Park WHO: Anyone age 55+ November 14 - Barbershop Quartet WHEN: 2nd Thursday of Each Month October 10 – Real Estate and Organizing by Lorraine Easton WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center December 12 – Ingomar Middle School Choir TIME: 11:00AM – 1:00PM January 9 - TBD FEE: $10 yearly dues, and $2 each program (includes lunch) February 13 - TBD March 13 - TBD See for details on entertainment each month. CRAFTERS CORNER Join us the first Thursday of each month to work on your project and socialize with other crafters. All crafts welcome (scrapbooking, knitting, etc.). There will be a swap table to leave any extra materials you no longer need that somebody else may be able to use. Remember to bring a lunch! WHO: Everybody TIME: 11:00AM-2:00PM WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center WHEN: 1st Thursday of Each Month Beginning October 3, 2013 FEE: FREE FAMILY PROGRAMS KARATE The practice of Karate tones the body, develops balance and coordination, quickens reflexes and builds stamina. But moreover, the serious practitioner develops composure, greater self-control and confidence. Each class is conducted in a disciplined fashion, but focused on fun. Pittsburgh Shotokan will teach the course. The primary instructor for the course will be Pat Heffley a member of the teaching cadre and a 2nd Degree Black Belt. Three other black belts will assist in the training. The course will allow for various levels of proficiency and is open to all ages and both genders. WHO: Adults and Children ages 6+ WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center WHEN: Fall Session: Thursdays, September 19 – December 19, 2013 Winter Session: Thursdays, January 9 – April 17, 2014 RESIDENT FEE: $30.00 per person NON-RESIDENT FEE: $35.00 INSTRUCTOR: Pat Heffley & Mike Natoli TIME: All kids: 6:30PM - 7:30PM Advanced kids: 7:30PM - 8:15PM Adults: 7:30PM - 8:30PM PUPPY KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS The puppy training class is for puppies ages 10 weeks to 5 months. The puppies and their master will learn sit, down, release, stay, recall and attention training. The instructor will review and discuss biting, barking, jumping up, housebreaking and socialization. Requirements for class: bring items you are currently using or other items will be available for purchase at the class. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Class size is limited. WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center (lower level) WHEN: Fall Session: September 12 – October 17 Winter Session: November 7 - December 19 (No Class 11/28) 28 TIME: 8:00 PM – 8:45 PM FEE: $80.00 INSTRUCTOR: Margie Sarver, Experienced Instructor ADULT DOG TRAINING The adult dog training class is for dogs ages 6 months and up. The class will incorporate positive conditioning review and teach heel/sit, stay/down, come by name and recall direct. Behavior modification, body language and how to respond to your dog/correct body language, will be included in all classes. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Class size is limited. WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center (lower level) WHEN: Thursdays Fall Session: September 12 – October 17 Winter Session: November 7 - December 19 (No Class 11/28) TIME: 7:00 PM – 7:45 PM FEE: $80.00 INSTRUCTOR: Margie Sarver, Experienced Instructor AIKIDO Aikido is a martial art that uses graceful movements derived from Japanese swordsmanship (we use wooden swords and staffs), as well as redirection of the attacker’s energy, to carry out throws and locks. Students of any age and any physical ability can practice Aikido, since it emphasizes proper form over an opponent’s strength. The class is open to students of all levels with or without martial arts experience. WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center WHEN: At the beginning of any month of your choice – held on Tuesdays TIME: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM FEE: On-going program $30 per month SENSEI: Dr. Yoram Vodovotz - Fourth Degree Black belt in Aikido with 35 years experience in martial arts WINTER BONFIRE AND ACTIVITIES Everyone is welcome to enjoy s’mores and hot chocolate while you keep warm with your friends around a large bonfire. Don’t avoid the great outdoors this winter, enjoy it! Youth groups, scouts, families, or individuals are invited to create a snow sculpture (weather permitting) that will be judged. A prize will be awarded for the best sculpture. You will also be able to enjoy a carriage ride through the park with your family and/or friends. Bring your sled and enjoy our thrilling sled-riding hill. We are requesting that each person attending bring canned goods or some other non-perishable items for admittance. These products will be donated to a local food bank. WHO: Everyone WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park (near log house) WHEN: Saturday, January 18, 2014 TIME: 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM – Grand Lighting at 5:30 PM FEE: Canned Goods or monetary donation HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY The Recreation Board’s Annual Halloween Costume Party is scheduled for Sunday, October 27, 2013, at Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center. The fun begins at 1:30 PM with a variety of Halloween games for the children to play. Treat bags will be provided for EVERYONE in costume! DRESS-A-PET COSTUME DUO This event will be held in conjunction with the Costume Party held on October 27, 2013. This event is open to all ages and will welcome pets of all types. Judging for this particular category will be held at approximately 2:30 PM. A prize will be awarded to the best-dressed owner and pet duo. So whether you choose to dress as an Indian and a teepee or Santa and Rudolph, originality is the key. Good Luck to you and your pets! (Please note that pets do not have to be dressed up as some sort of animal) REMINDER: Halloween Trick or Treat Night will be held on October 31st from 6:00PM-8:00PM 29 SAVE ON FAMILY WINTER FUN WITH DISCOUNTED TICKETS The Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society, through Franklin Park Borough, is offering discounted tickets for Seven Springs ski resort. Call 412-364-4115 Ext. 0 for more information. HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR Join us at the Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center on November 9 from 9:00AM – 1:00PM for one-of-a-kind homemade arts and crafts that will make wonderful gifts for your family and friends. If you are interested in selling your crafts, contact Rochelle at 412-364-4115 ext. 347 LUNCH WITH SANTA CLAUS Come and have lunch, make a cute holiday craft and sit on Santa’s lap (be sure to bring your camera so you don’t miss these classic pictures!) Maybe Santa will share some milk and cookies with the “good” boys and girls! Be sure to bring your list for Santa! All families must be pre-registered and pre-paid by December 2nd. For more information call (412) 364-4115 Ext. 347. (Maximum 150 people) *PLEASE MARK ON YOUR REGISTRATION SHEET IF YOUR FAMILY PREFERS A VEGETARIAN LUNCH* WHO: Entire Family WHERE: Blueberry Hill Park Activity Center WHEN: Sunday, December 8, 2013 TIME: 1:00 PM RESIDENT FEE: $5.00 per person NON-RESIDENT FEE: $6.00 per person WATCH FOR THESE UPCOMING PROGRAMS Look for more information on and as it becomes available. *Family Dance Fitness* *Get Fit Franklin Park* *Self Defense* *Disc Golf* *Scrapbooking for Kids* *Walk Across Pennsylvania* *High School Athlete Strength and Conditioning* and More! LIGHT-UP CELEBRATION Round up the family and join us for the 3rd Annual Franklin Park Borough Light Up Celebration!!! We will be holding a "Fill Up the Fire Truck with Toys" to benefit the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. We will also have the main tree lighting, bonfire, cookie decorating, crafts, holiday songs, food and plenty of other goodies, and of course SANTA!!!! Please bring an unwrapped present, if you are able to, so we can fill up those fire trucks and bring smiles to the faces of many at Children's Hospital!!!! Let's start the 2013 holiday season off right and enjoy our neighbors at this Annual Light Up Celebration!!!! SPECIAL NEEDS WINTER FAMILY FUN DAY Come out and enjoy an afternoon of activities designed specifically for people with special needs and their families. Activities will include a variety of indoor games and crafts as well as some outdoor activities, depending on the weather. The activities are conducted on an individual basis with the person with special needs and their “Buddy”. This is a recreational day for all participants with special needs to have fun regardless of their abilities. All activities are user friendly and easily accessible. Volunteers are a vital part of this program, so please consider volunteering for registration, food service, or to be a “Buddy”. For registration forms or more information, please call 412-364-4115 Ext. 347. 30 RECREATION REGISTRATION FORM Complete this form and send with the appropriate payment to Franklin Park Borough, 2344 West Ingomar Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 or REGISTER ONLINE at Please make checks payable to FRANKLIN PARK BOROUGH )DPLO\¶V/DVW1DPHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB$GGUHVVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Home Mobile E-mail Address: __________________________________ Phone ___________________ Phone__________________________ Participant First Name Program Time Gender D.O.B Right or Left Handed Male/Female Right / Left Male/Female Right / Left Male/Female Right / Left Male/Female Right / Left Male/Female Right / Left Male/Female Right / Left Program Fee Emergency Contact Name ________________________________ Phone Number_________________________________________ If the participant has any medical concerns that the instructor should know, please list them : ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LIABILITY WAIVER - Please read and sign below ,QFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIP\RUP\FKLOG¶VSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQDOORIWKH)UDQNOLQ3DUN%RURXJK5HFUHDWLRQDO3URJUDPDFWLYLWLHVLQZKLch I or my child participate(s), I, intending to be legally bound, do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release, acquit and forever discharge the Borough of Franklin Park, or the %RURXJKRI)UDQNOLQ3DUN¶V5HFUHDWLRQDQG3DUNV'HSDUWPHQWRUDQ\RIWKHLURIILFHUVDJHQWVYROXQWHHUVZRUNLQJXQGHUWKHGLrection of the Borough, firms and corporations, whether herein named or referred to or not, from any and all future rights, claims, causes of action, civil claims, demands, costs, attorney fees, loss of service, expenses, compensation, third party actions, suits at law or equity, including suits for contribution and indemnity, of whatever nature, and all consequential damages on account of, or in any way associated with the abovementioned program or with arriving to and/or returning from any activity associated with the program. Photo Release: By registering for any Franklin Park Borough Program, class, or event you are agreeing to allow publication of any photos taken of you and or your child(ren) at any program, class, event, or facility of the Parks and Recreation Department. I/we further state that I/we have carefully read the foregoing release and know the contents thereof, and I/we sign as my/our own free act. I/we acknowledge that signature by either parent or by one guardian hereby binds all parents and/or guardians of any minor participant. I have read and fully understand the Liability Waiver and program policies on this form. Signature of Participant/Parent/Guardian___________________________________________________________ Date__________________________________________ PROGRAM REGISTRATION INFORMATION Priority Registration Policy Please register early. Programs are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Waiting Lists When programs reach their maximum enrollment, interested participants are placed on a waiting list in the order registrations are received. These lists provide us with a name and phone number in case of cancellations or the addition of new classes. Program Cancellations or Changes The Borough reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or change the time, date, cost or location of programs or to make any revisions that may be necessary. Refunds Refunds will be granted according to the following guidelines: If a minimum number of participants are not reached, the program will be cancelled and a full refund will be issued. If a maximum number of participants are reached, the program will be closed and a full refund will be issued. If for any unforeseen reason the Borough has to cancel a program, a full refund will be issued. All requests for refunds must be submitted in writing to the Borough at least one week prior to the program start date. No refunds will be issued after that time. A processing fee of $10.00 or 25% of the program fee, whichever is less, will be deducted from the refund amount. Please allow 2-4 weeks for refunds to be processed. *All information you provide us will be entered into Rec1 Online Software. You will receive a confirmation receipt or waitlist receipt by email once we receive your registration form and full payment. 31 BOROUGH OF FRANKLIN PARK NEWSLETTER 2344 West Ingomar Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 Members of Franklin Park’s various boards donate hundreds of hours of their expertise to the Borough each year. As of August 2013 they are: MAYOR AND BOROUGH COUNCIL Mayor: Dennis E. O’Keefe [email protected] Borough Council: Ward 1 Laura A. Coombs, 2nd Vice President [email protected] David J. Quatchak [email protected] Ward 2 Richard H. Hartman Jane A. Hopey, Vice President [email protected] Ward 3 James W. Lawrence [email protected] Amy E. Sable, President [email protected] Jr. Councilperson: Robert Dunbar [email protected] Work Session is held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM Regular Meeting is held on the third Wednesday of each month at 8:00 PM. A pre-meeting is held prior to the regular meeting at 7:15 PM and a post-meeting may be held immediately following the conclusion of the regular meeting. REAL ESTATE TAX COLLECTOR Linda R. Avolio Office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10 AM to noon and 5 PM to 7 PM in June and August or by appointment. BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS Edward J. Ambrass, II Mark A. Lindsay Karl P. Sieg Keith Stewart Meetings are held on an as-needed basis. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISION Lawrence J. Baldasare, Chairperson Frank M. Greco Gerard P. Horn Meetings are held on an as-needed basis SCHOLARSHIP SELECTION COMMITTEE Bernardine V. Battle Annette Blanar Nancy S. Hamilton Janet G. Harner William H. Kipp Barbara M. Owens Marianne Stearns ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Angela R. Baehr Bernardine V. Battle Richard L. Bowen, Jr. Brian S. Malkin, Chairperson Regina A. McCarthy B. Denise Rose Stephen T. Winikoff Meetings are held first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM. PLANNING COMMISSION Janet M. Demma Stephen H. Donaldson William H. Kipp, Chairperson Samuel G. Liberto Mark A. Lindsay Robert J. Salvatora Robert C. Schupansky Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at 8:00 PM. RECREATION BOARD Troy A. Bonte Betty Gail Dietz Kevin J. Lingenfelser Lori R. Merriman Samuel E. Perry Chad H. Peterson Robert R. Peterson, Jr. Maureen H. Poisker, Chairperson Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. (locations may vary) ZONING HEARING BOARD Suzanne C. Bernett Michael Fives James S. Harper Charles P. Hamilton Charles F. Perego, Chairperson Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM. VACANCY BOARD Charles P. Hamilton 32 Meetings are held in the Borough Building and are open to the public. All residents are invited to attend. Agendas and minutes for meetings of Borough Council, Planning Commission and Environmental Advisory Council are available on the Borough’s Web site: