LYON COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA JUNE 9, 2015 COMMISSIONERS MEETING ROOM LYON COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX 27 SOUTH MAIN STREET YERINGTON, NEVADA (Action will be taken on all items unless otherwise noted) TO AVOID DISRUPTIONS DURING THE MEETING, PLEASE PLACE CELL PHONES IN THE SILENT MODE OR TURN THEM OFF. NOTES: This is a tentative meeting schedule. The Planning Commission reserves the right to hear items in a different order, combine items for consideration and remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to any item at any time to accomplish business in the most efficient manner. Items scheduled at a specific time cannot be heard earlier than at the scheduled time per Nevada Open Meeting Law Requirements. 9:00 A.M. - DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE REVIEW AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA (for possible action) APPROVAL OF THE MAY 12, 2015 MINUTES (for possible action) PRESENTATION AND READING OF MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Members of the public who wish to address the Planning Commission may approach the podium and speak on matters related to the Lyon County Planning Commission, but not on items appearing on the Agenda. Speakers are asked to state their name for the record and to sign and print their name on the form at the lectern. Comments are limited to three minutes per person or topic. The Commission reserves the right to reduce this three minute time limit, as well as limit the total time for public comment. If your item requires extended discussion, please request the Chair to calendar the matter for a future Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission will not restrict comments based on viewpoint. The same applies to public testimony on each Agenda item. The Chair may reopen public participation at any time during the meeting. No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this item of the Agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda, as an item upon which action may be taken. 10:00 A.M. – TIME CERTAIN – Discussion and possible action regarding the review of the draft Lyon County Land Use and Development Code, with special concentration on Chapter 15.336 (for possible action) PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. RIVERPARK PHASE 4, UNITS 3 & 4 – TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP (for possible action) continued from the February 10, 2015, Planning Commission meeting – Request for a Tentative Subdivision Map for Riverpark Phase 4, Units 3 & 4, a proposed 97 lot single family residential development, on two parcels totaling approximately 35.63 acres; located off of Stratton Drive, Dayton (APN 16-025-30 & 29-564-01) PLZ-14-0029 2. KIT KAT RANCH / D & S, LLC – SPECIAL USE PERMIT (for possible action) - Request for a special use permit for the continued operation of an existing brothel under new ownership; located at 54 Kit Kat Drive, Mound House (APN 19-072-05) PLZ-15-0020 3. SAGEBRUSH RANCH / SAGEBRUSH, LLC – SPECIAL USE PERMIT (for possible action) Request for a special use permit for the continued operation of an existing brothel under new ownership; located at 54 Kit Kat Drive, Mound House (APN 19-073-05 and 19-073-07) PLZ-15-0021 Most decisions rendered by the Planning Commission may be appealed to the Board of County Commissioners. If you disagree with the decision of the Planning Commission and you want to appeal its action, call the Planning staff immediately at 775-463-6592. You will be informed of the appeal procedure, application fee, and the time in which you must act. Appeal periods vary five (5) to thirty (30) days, depending on the type of application. Lyon County Planning Commission Agenda for June 9, 2015 Page 2 4. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION TO REVISE LYON COUNTY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 10.04.03 – (for possible action) - An Ordinance amending Lyon County Code Title 10 – Land Use Regulations; by amending: Chapter 4 – Nonresidential Districts, revising Section 3 – M-1, General Industrial District; by removing Churches as an allowed use; and other matters properly related thereto. 5. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION TO REVISE LYON COUNTY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 10.03.01.F – (for possible action) - An Ordinance amending Lyon County Code Title 10 – Land Use Regulations; by amending: Chapter 3 – Residential Districts, Section 1–General Provisions, revising Subsection F, to revise the provisions regulating Animals and Pets to permit rabbits, potbelly pigs and female chickens and ducks on Single-Family Residential parcels smaller than one acre in size; and other matters properly related thereto. 6. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION TO REVISE LYON COUNTY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 10.04.03 – (for possible action) - An Ordinance amending Lyon County Code Title 10 – Land Use Regulations; by amending: Chapter 4 – Nonresidential Districts, adding Section 11 – SCMU, Suburban Commercial Mixed Use District; to establish the standards and criteria for the new Suburban Commercial Mixed Use Zoning District; and other matters properly related thereto. RECESS TO CONVENE AS THE LYON COUNTY PUBLIC LANDS MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD 7. Public participation 8. Future agenda items for discussion and possible action (for possible action) 9. Board member comments 10. Public participation ADJOURN TO RECONVENE AS THE LYON COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 11. STAFF COMMENTS AND COMMISSIONER COMMENTS PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Members of the public who wish to address the Planning Commission may approach the podium and speak on matters related to the Lyon County Planning Commission but not on items appearing on the Agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes per person or topic and will not be restricted based on viewpoint. No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this item of the Agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an Agenda as an item upon which action may be taken ADJOURNMENT I, Kerry Page, Planning Assistant, do hereby certify that I have posted or caused to be posted, a copy of this agenda at the following locations on or before May 29th, 2015: Lyon County Courthouse; Lyon County Administrative Complex; Yerington City Hall; Yerington Main Street Post Office. Kerry Page For further information A complete packet of supporting materials for this agenda is available for public inspection at 27 South Main Street, Yerington, NV. These materials may be reviewed at this location during regular office hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, or, upon request, a copy can be delivered via electronic mail. Members of the public requesting Planning Commission meeting supporting materials may contact Kerry Page at [email protected], or call 775-463-6592. We are pleased to make reasonable accommodations for those members of the public who need assistance and wish to attend the meeting. If special arrangements are necessary, please notify the Lyon County Community Development Department in writing at 27 South Main Street, Yerington, Nevada 89447 or call 775463-6592. 24 hours notice is required. Most decisions rendered by the Planning Commission may be appealed to the Board of County Commissioners. If you disagree with the decision of the Planning Commission and you want to appeal its action, call the Planning staff immediately, at 775-463-6592. You will be informed of the appeal procedure, application fee, and the time in which you must act. Appeal periods vary from five (5) to thirty (30) days, depending on the type of application. Lyon County 1 Title 15 Land Use and Development Code Chapter 15.336 Performance Standards for Conditional Uses 2 3 15.336.01 Introduction 4 The purpose of this Chapter is to describe the minimum performance standards for uses that may be 5 permitted through the approval of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with the requirements of 6 Chapter 15.230 of this title. 7 8 15.336.02 How to Use this Chapter 9 Land Uses that require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) are listed in Table 15.336-1. Column 1 identifies 10 the specific land use requiring a Conditional Use Permit, Column 2 identifies the zoning districts in which 11 a CUP is required prior to establishment of the land use, and Column 3 provides a reference to the 12 standard(s) applicable to the land use. 13 14 In many cases, the minimum standards for a Conditional Use are the same as those established in 15 Chapter 15.335 for permitted uses. Where no specific reference to a standard appears in column 3, the 16 approving authority may establish specific conditions of approval applicable to the specific use. 17 18 In addition to the minimum use standards listed on Table 15.336-1 conditional uses must comply with all 19 requirements of this title and applicable development standards. 20 21 Table 15.336-1, sections 15.336.03 et seq. identifies specific requirements for the review and approval of 22 certain CUPs. 23 24 Uses that do not meet the minimum performance standards of this Chapter may not be permitted. 25 26 Prior to the establishment of any conditional use the user shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 27 15.230 of this title. 28 Revised: 5/28/2015 1 Lyon County 1 2 Title 15 Land Use and Development Code 15.336.03 Conditional Uses Table 15.336-1 Conditional Use Reference Table Conditional Use Zoning Districts Reference Residential Uses Mobile Home Park Organizational house (sorority, monastery, etc.) Residential Care Facility for elderly Group Home, 11 or more residents Rooming or Boarding House HMU-R, RMU, TC-R, TC-S RR-20, CMU-R, HMU-R, TC-R, SR-2, SR-1 RR-2,RR-1, CMU-R, HMUR,SR-2, SR-1, RMU, CC, CMUS, SR-12000(H), SR-9000(H) HMU-R, SR-2, SR-1, SR-1/2, MFR, RMU, CMU-H, EMU CMU-R, HMU-R, EMU 15.352 15.330 15.335.03 NN 15.330 15.335.03 NN 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 Public, Institutional and Civic Uses Government administration and civic uses CMU-R, HMU-R, RMU, NC, CC, RC, CMU-S, HMU-S Social, fraternal lodges EMU Public Assembly, including churches RR-2, RR-1 Adult Day Care, 6 or fewer clients Adult Day Care, 7 or more clients Hospital Intermediate Care Facility, Nursing Home, Rehab Center RR-2, RR-1, CMU-R, EMU CMU-R, HMU-R, NC, MFR, EMU, CMU-H CMU-R, HMU-R, CC, RC, CMU-H, SI, EMU HMU-R, RMU, CC, RC, HMU-S, SI, EMU, CMU-H Equestrian Facility RR-10 Private Residential recreation facility TC-R, EMU Golf Course or Driving Range Outdoor Concerts, Special Events Revised: 5/28/2015 RR-20, RR-10, RR-5, RR-2, RR1, PL, TC-R, SR2, SR-1, SR-1/2, SR-12000, SR9000, RMU, SI, EMU RR-20, RR-10, 15.330 15.335.03K 15.330 15.335.03JJ 15.330 15.330 15.330 15.330 15.330 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.335.03T 15.330 15.360 15.330 2 Lyon County Title 15 Land Use and Development Code Conditional Use Zoning Districts AG, NIA, RL, PL, TC-R, CMU-S Shooting Range, outdoor AG,NIA, RL, PL Shooting Range, indoor HMU-R Skeet/trap shooting range or course AG, NIA, PL, TCR Archery Range AG, NIA, PL, TCR Paintball Facility, indoor HMU-R, TC-R Paintball Facility, outdoor AG, NIA, PL, TCR Indoor Recreation/sports/fitness facility RMU Campground School, K-12 Post-Secondary , trade or technical education AG, NIA, PL, TCR, TC-S RR-5(H), RR2(H), RR-1(H), RR-2, RR-1, CMU-R, HMU-R, PL, SR-2, SR-1, SR-1/2, SR12000, SR-9000, NR, RMU, CMUS, HMU-S CMU-R, HMU-R, CC, RC, CMU-S, HMU-S Agricultural Uses Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation, Small, 25 to 249 AUE Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation, Medium 250 to 999 AUE Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation, Large, 1,000 or more AUE AG, NIA, RL, LIR, HI-R AG, NIA, RL, LIR, HI-R AG, NIA, RL, LIR, HI-R Stable RR-10, RR-5 Milk Processing AG, NIA Agricultural Tourism RR-20 Farm Market RR-20, RR-10 Reference 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.335.03XX 15.330 5.360 15.335.03 YY 15.330 15.360 15.335.03YY 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.330 16.360 15.335.03 HH 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.330 15.330 15.336.11 15.330 15.336.11 15.330 15.336.11 15.330 15.335.03AAA 15.330 15.336.04 15.330 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 Commercial Uses Kennel Veterinary clinic/hospital, large animal Revised: 5/28/2015 RR-5, HMU-R, HMU-S, EMU HMU-R, AG, NIA, CC, RC, CMU-S, 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 3 Lyon County Title 15 Land Use and Development Code Conditional Use Veterinary clinic/hospital, small animal without outdoor kennel Veterinary clinic/hospital, small animal with outdoor kennel Zoning Districts HMU-S CMU-S CMU-R, NC(R), HMU-S Animal Rescue Facility Zoo Event or Conference Center RR-20, CMU-R, AG, NIA Bar or Nightclub NC(R) Lodge or Inn SI, EMU Guest/Dude Ranch RR-20, AG, NIA, RV Park TC-R Office, greater than 1200 sf CMU-R Movie Theater CMU-R Performance Hall CMU-R Grocery Store CMU-R Convenience Store/deli TC-R Reference 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 15.330 15.360 Industrial Uses Mining: sand, gravel, mineral Crushing, batch plants, ore milling and processing RR-5, RR-10,RR20,, AG, NIA, RL, PL, LI-R, LI-S, HI-R, HI-S RR-5, RR-10,RR20,, AG, NIA, RL, PL, LI-R, LI-S, HI-R, HI-S Wind Energy Conversion, commercial RR-20, AG, NIA, RL, PL Geothermal generating systems RR-20, AG, NIA, RL, PL Solar Generation, commercial RR-20, AG, NIA, RL, PL Power transmission lines Power Substations Revised: 5/28/2015 RR-10, NC, CC, RC, TC-S, HMUS RR-10, SR-2, SR-1, SR-1/2, SR-12000, SR9000, NR, NC, 15.336.05 15.330 15.370 15.330 15.336.05 15.370 15.336.06 15.330 15.370 15.336.07 15.330 15.370 15.336.08 15.330 15.370 15.336.09 15.330 15.370 15.336.10 15.330 15.370 4 Lyon County Title 15 Land Use and Development Code Conditional Use Fossil Fuel generating facility, commercial Small Agricultural Production/ Food Production Facility` Small Poultry/Small Meat Processing Facility Zoning Districts CC, TC, TC-S, HMU-S RL, PL AG, NIA, RL, LIR, LI-S, HI-R, HIS AG, NIA, RL, LIR, LI-S, HI-R, HIS Meat Processing Facility Reference 15.330 15.370 15.336.12 15.330 15.370 15.336.13 15.330 15.370 15.336.14 15.330 15.370 1 2 Note: The uses identified in this table may be “permitted uses” in zoning districts other than those 3 listed. See Tables of Allowed Uses 15.320-1 through 15.320-5 for a complete list of permitted, 4 conditionally permitted, and prohibited uses by zoning district. 5 6 15.336.04 7 8 15.336.05 Exploration, Extraction and Processing of Minerals and Construction Materials 9 A. Purpose 10 The purpose of this subchapter is to establish reasonable and uniform limitations, safeguards, and 11 controls for exploration extraction and processing of minerals and construction materials (referred to 12 collectively as “mining operations”) in Lyon County that allow wise utilization of natural resources, mitigate 13 both on and off-site environmental and visual impacts, manage the extraction of mineral resources in a 14 responsible manner while conserving other natural resources, ensure compatibility with surrounding land 15 uses, protect the safety of the community, promote beneficial post-mining land uses, and protect the tax 16 base of the County. 17 18 B. Applicability 19 Exploration, extraction and processing of minerals and construction materials are permitted in the 20 following zoning districts as a conditional use: Agricultural (Ag), Non-Irrigated Agriculture (NIA), Resource Revised: 5/28/2015 5 Lyon County Title 15 Land Use and Development Code 1 Land (RL), Public Land (PL), Light Industrial-Rural (LI-R), Heavy Industrial-Rural (HI-R), Light Industrial – 2 Suburban (LI-S), Heavy Industrial – Suburban (HI-S), and Rural Residential Districts RR-20, RR-10, and 3 RR-5, in accordance with the limitations contained in the Tables of Permitted Uses of this title and this 4 subchapter. 5 Underground mining activities may occur in any zoning district subject to a conditional use permit 6 provided the surface components of the underground mining are restricted to the above listed zoning 7 districts. 8 This subchapter applies to all surface and sub-surface mining activities carried out in unincorporated 9 areas of Lyon County, including exploration and mining of locatable metallic minerals, including but not 10 limited to gold, silver, lead, copper, platinum, zinc, nickel, etc.; nonmetallic minerals, such as fluorspar, 11 mica, limestone, gypsum, titanium and gemstones; and exploration and mining of saleable minerals. This 12 subchapter applies to other associated uses, including crushing, milling and mineral processing. 13 For the purposes of this subchapter mining operations within any Lyon County portion of the Virginia City 14 National Historic Landmark District established by the National Park Service, and/or in the Comstock 15 Historical District, as established by the Comstock Historic District Commission pursuant to NRS chapter 16 384 include: the exploration for locatable and saleable minerals using mechanical equipment such as 17 drilling and/or earth-moving machinery; the construction of new roads or the improvement of historic 18 roads and trails; the storing, stockpiling, or displacement of rock or soil or land disturbance of any kind 19 which exceeds 500 cubic yards or 1,000 square feet of surface disturbance, and the milling or processing 20 of any ore, historic waste rock, tailings, or newly extracted mineralized material. 21 The following activities are exempt from the provisions of this subchapter: 22 1. Recreational and casual use exploration and mining including gold panning and sluicing activities 23 using hand tools and non-motorized machinery ; 24 2. Limited construction material extraction of 500 or fewer cubic yards per year without 25 compensation and where no additional processing is conducted; 26 3. Limited construction material and locatable mineral exploration on privately owned property 27 located outside of a historic district resulting in cumulative disturbance of less than 500 cubic yards or Revised: 5/28/2015 6 Lyon County Title 15 Land Use and Development Code 1 cumulative surface disturbance not exceeding 5 acres within a 1 mile radius, provided notice of the 2 activity is provided to the department before exploration is initiated. 3 4. Construction, reconstruction, or maintenance activities within a road right-of-way; 4 5. Excavations by a landowner for purposes of construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of 5 access roads, excavation or grading in the process of farming, or other on-site construction unless 6 more than 5,000 cubic yards of material are removed from the property for compensation; 7 6. Excavations and removal of extracted materials for compensation when the activities are carried 8 out in conjunction with a building or grading permit and 9 7. Exploration activities for locatable minerals or construction materials, including the use of 10 mechanical equipment such as drills and or earth moving machines of any kind; the construction 11 of new roads or the improvement of existing roads or trails when such activities are regulated by 12 an Exploration Notice of Intent or Exploration Plan of Operations approved by the Bureau of Land 13 Management (BLM) for activities on Public Lands and/or an Exploration Reclamation Permit 14 approved by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection-Bureau of Mining Regulation and 15 Reclamation (BMRR). All exploration notices, plans, or permits shall be provided to the director 16 prior to commencement of exploratory activities. 17 C. General Development Standards for Mining Operations 18 The following standards, in addition to applicable development standards contained in Appendix B of this 19 title and the performance standards for industrial uses contained in Chapter 15.370, shall be applicable to 20 mining operations subject to this subchapter: 21 1. Access and transportation aspects of the mining operation shall be in conformance with the 22 requirements of Appendix B, Division XX and: 23 a. The weight of trucks on public roads shall not exceed federal, state or county imposed road 24 and bridge weight capacity limits without prior approval from the Countyand other agencies with 25 jurisdiction. 26 2. Primary and alternate access and haul routes shall be designed to avoid to the maximum extent 27 feasible residential and commercial areas, environmentally and visually sensitive areas, schools, and 28 other civic buildings. Timing of truck traffic may be regulated to prevent congestion, adverse noise, or Revised: 5/28/2015 7 Lyon County Title 15 Land Use and Development Code 1 safety risks. Prior to the commencement of mining and processing operations, the applicant shall 2 prepare a Transportation Plan for the project site(s) and activities. The plan will be developed with 3 participation of and review and approval by the Lyon County Public Works Department, Lyon County 4 Road Division, fire protection district with jurisdiction, Lyon County Sheriff’s Department, Lyon County 5 Engineer, and Lyon County Community Development Department. 6 3. Prior to any ground disturbance other than disturbance resulting from exploration activities, the 7 operator will provide the county with air quality baseline information required by the Nevada Division 8 of Environmental Protection, Quality-Bureau of Air Pollution Control (BAPC) and comply with all 9 applicable federal and state requirements regarding air quality; operator will obtain an Air Pollution 10 Control Permit (if required) from the BAPC. Mining operations shall take all necessary actions to 11 prevent loss of loads and fugitive dust emissions resulting from excavation, processing and transport, 12 including load covers and dust mitigation measures such as dust suppressants, watering, oiling and 13 paving. 14 4. Significant cultural, historical, and archeological resources identified on the site of a mining 15 operation shall be maintained and preserved in accordance with state and federal requirements. 16 Upon request by the county, the operator shall provide evidence or certification of compliance with all 17 applicable state and federal requirements including the National Historic Preservation Act and Native 18 American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act; and adhere to performance standards required by 19 CFR 3809.420(b)(8) protect cultural resources during mining activities. Operator will supply the 20 County with the results of baseline water quality information supplied to the BLM and BMRR. 21 Operator will comply with all applicable federal and state requirements and under CFR 22 3809.420.(a)(6) all operations will comply with all applicable federal and state water quality 23 standards. Prior to the commencement of mining operations a stormwater management plan shall be 24 prepared in accordance with state and federal requirements. 25 5. Prior to the commencement of mining and processing operations, the applicant shall prepare a 26 Safety and Emergency Plan for the project site and activities. 27 participation of and review and approval by the fire protection district with jurisdiction, Lyon County Revised: 5/28/2015 The plan will be developed with 8 Lyon County Title 15 Land Use and Development Code 1 Sheriff’s Department, Lyon County Office of Emergency Management, Lyon County Local Emergency 2 Planning Committee, and Lyon County Community Development Department. 3 6. Adverse visual impacts of mining operations shall be mitigated where feasible by: 4 a. Minimizing the total area of disturbance; 5 b. Phasing the disturbance; 6 c. 7 d. Utilizing natural topography, preservation of existing vegetation, berms, landscaping or other 8 buffers to screen mining operations and stockpiles from off-site visibility where feasible. 9 7. Based on the location of the mining operation fencing may be required to prevent access to Expediting reclamation consistent with the BMRR reclamation permit; and 10 potentially hazardous and unsafe areas by non-employees, livestock, and wildlife including shafts, 11 mine entrances, stockpile areas, roads, detention and retention impoundments, steep slopes, and 12 active mining areas. 13 Operator will provide County with the Plan of Operations submitted to BLM and all state (BMRR and 14 BAPC) permit applications regarding mine operations from start-up through closure and will adhere to 15 all applicable federal and state regulations. Upon the termination of surface mining operations, all 16 disturbed areas affected by the mining operations shall be reclaimed in accordance with the BMRR 17 approved reclamation plan and bond. 18 D. Standards for Mining Exploration and Mining Operations within the Comstock Historic District. 19 In addition to the General Development Standards for Mining Operations contained in paragraph C 20 (above), Mining Exploration and Mining Operations conducted within any Lyon County portion of the 21 Virginia City National Historic Landmark District or the Comstock Historic District shall comply with the 22 following requirements: 23 1. Prior to the commencement of mining and processing operations within any Lyon County portion 24 of the Virginia City National Historic Landmark District or the Comstock Historic District, the 25 applicant shall have a Cultural Resources Inventory for the project site(s) and activities prepared 26 by an entity meeting the criteria established by the U.S. Department of Interior. The plan will be 27 developed with participation of and review by the Nevada State Historic Preservation Office, the 28 Comstock Historic District Commission, and Lyon County Community Development Department. Revised: 5/28/2015 9 Lyon County Title 15 Land Use and Development Code 1 2. Within any Lyon County portion of the Virginia City National Historic Landmark District or the 2 Comstock Historic District all disturbances resulting from mining exploration and mining 3 operations shall be restored to eliminate all visible scarring, remove steep slopes resulting from 4 mining operations, and re-contour all disturbed areas to near pre-operations conditions. 5 6 E. Site Location and Setbacks for Mining Operations 7 1. To the maximum extent feasible, mining operations shall be located and conducted in a manner 8 compatible with existing surrounding land uses and shall not unduly interfere with other public or 9 private activities. 10 2. Mining operations shall be located and conducted in a manner that does not interfere with the 11 function of any public infrastructure, including roads, power, gas, water, sewer and irrigation 12 conveyances. 13 3. Mining operations shall not adversely affect the use, access, or improvements to private property 14 adjacent to the mining operation. 15 4. Prior to disturbances of any ground surfaces within the Carson River Mercury Superfund Site 16 (CRMS) the permittee shall comply with applicable NDEP and USEPA requirements, including 17 compliance with the Carson River Mercury Site Long-term Sampling and Response Plan (LTSRP). 18 5. Prior to the commencement of any underground mining operation that will extend beyond the 19 surface property boundary of any parcel not owned or controlled by the mining operation, the operator 20 shall notify the property owner and tenants of the proposed underground mining activity. Proper care 21 shall be taken to ensure that property owner improvements, including wells, septic systems, and 22 above ground structures are protected from damage caused by mining activities. 23 24 F. Use of Explosive Materials 25 1. Transportation, storage, and use of explosive shall comply with all applicable federal (ATF, 26 MSHA), State (Fire Marshal), and local regulations. Prior to the start of mining operations, the 27 requirements of any explosives plans will be reviewed and approved by the fire protection district with Revised: 5/28/2015 10 Lyon County Title 15 Land Use and Development Code 1 jurisdiction, Lyon County Sheriff’s Department, and with the Lyon County Emergency Management 2 department. 3 4 G. Reclamation Requirements 5 1. Reclamation requirements for all mining operations shall be in accordance with any BMRR- 6 approved reclamation plan and bond. Operator will provide County with all information submitted to all 7 federal and state agencies regarding the estimation and posting of reclamation bonds. When a 8 mining operation is not subject to BMRR reclamation and bonding requirements, the applicant shall 9 provide a closure and reclamation plan containing the following information: 10 11 a. 12 b. A schedule for reclamation of the site. 13 c. 14 A physical reclamation plan showing the proposed contours after reclamation; A surety bond acceptable to the county for the cost of reclamation as estimated using the Nevada Standardized Reclamation Cost Estimator. 15 16 H. Information Required for Mining Operations Conditional Permit Application. 17 Prior to consideration by the Planning Commission, the applicant for a conditional use permit for a mining 18 operation shall provide the following information: 19 1. Operator will provide County with one hard copy and one electronic copy of all information 20 submitted to the appropriate federal and state agencies regarding location, scope of operations and 21 plans for operation, and closure. The Conditional Use Permit application shall include one copy of all 22 State and federal permit applications required to construct, operate, and reclaim all mining 23 operations, 24 2. For mining operations not subject to federal or state regulation or exempt from the provisions of 25 this subchapter, the application shall contain the following information: 26 a. A full description of all phases of the contemplated operation, including the types of 27 machinery and equipment which will or might be used to conduct the operation, an Revised: 5/28/2015 11 Lyon County Title 15 Land Use and Development Code 1 estimate of the hours of operation, number of employees and the volume of earth to be 2 mined and transported. 3 b. A legal description of the proposed mine and/or mill site with a map showing its location 4 with indications of access or haul roads, whether existing or proposed, and of the public 5 highways adjacent to the site of the operation which will be used in connection with any 6 of the activities related to the operation. The map shall also show the planned location of 7 earth storage sites, major ground disturbances, water storage areas, ponds or 8 impoundments, equipment storage areas, structures and facilities of all major factors of 9 the operation. 10 c. A topographic map of the area extending beyond the site to the nearest public street or 11 highway and/or to a minimum distance of 1,320 feet on all sides with sufficient scale and 12 contour to adequately describe the area. If the operation contemplates surface mining 13 techniques; the size and location of all pits, cuts, berms, tailings, stockpiles of soil, ore, 14 and/ or waste rock, pipe lines, flumes, ditches, ponds and/or impoundments shall be 15 mapped with sufficient scale and contour to adequately describe all features. If the 16 operation entails underground mining techniques the location of all shafts, tunnels, adits, 17 or drifts, shall be shown as well as all applicable surface disturbances. 18 3. If any portion of the mining operation is within the boundaries of any Lyon County portion of the 19 Virginia City National Historic Landmark District or the Comstock Historic District, a map of the 20 district showing the planned location and size of the area of operation and including the location of 21 any buildings or structures, roads and trails, constructed prior to 1950, archeological sites, 22 residences, recreation areas, streams, farms or other agricultural activity being conducted within a 23 radius of one-half (1/2) mile from the outer perimeter of the proposed activity. 24 4. 3. When required, a comprehensive mine reclamation and closure plan in conformance with 25 paragraph F.1 above. An Emergency Management Plan shall be submitted which describes all fuel 26 and hazardous materials located and/or used in the mining operation together with all safety 27 measures to be used to protect the health and safety of mine personnel and the surrounding Revised: 5/28/2015 12 Lyon County Title 15 Land Use and Development Code 1 community. The plan shall include the names, typical response time and capabilities of any and all 2 emergency first response agencies with jurisdiction in the mine and/or mill site area. 3 4 I. 5 processed and reviewed in accordance with Chapter 15.230, Conditional Use Permits, And: Processing Application; Considerations: Mining activities covered by this subchapter shall be 6 1. The effect of the proposed operation on drainage and water supply. 7 2. The possibility of soil erosion as a result of the proposed operation. 8 3. The potential resultant extent and effect of dust and noise. 9 4. The potential resultant impact upon tourism, historic, archeological and cultural resources, 10 recreational areas, agriculture and public health and safety. 11 5. The practical possibility of reclamation of the site and the adequacy of proposed mitigation of 12 impacts. 13 6. The effect of the proposed operation on natural beauty, character, tax base, economy, adopted 14 general plan, land value and land uses in the area. 15 7. The potential demand placed on emergency first response agencies with jurisdiction in the area. 16 J. 17 able to make the finding required by Chapter 15.230.05. 18 Granting of Permit: A conditional use permit may be approved when the Commission or the Board is 1. 19 K. Conditions of Permit: When warranted by the location, scale, or conditions of a mining operation, the 20 board may impose additional conditions to assure the protection of public health and safety. The operator 21 shall provide any modifications to state and federal permit conditions to the County for review and update 22 of the conditional use permit. No operations shall be permitted which are materially different in location, 23 size, type, or scope than described in conditional use permit. Any change to the conditional use permit 24 shall require a modification of the permit in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 15.230. 25 Revised: 5/28/2015 13 2 7 S. M A IN S T R E E T Y E R I N G T O N , N E V AD A 8 9 4 4 7 (775) 463-6591 F AX : ( 7 7 5 ) 4 6 3 - 5 3 0 5 LYON COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING PLANNING R OBERT G. LOVEBER G C OMM UNITY DEVELOPMENT D IR E CT OR 3 4 L AK E S B O U L E V AR D D AY T O N , N E V AD A 8 9 4 0 3 (775) 246-6135 F AX : ( 7 7 5 ) 2 4 6 - 6 1 4 7 Staff Report Lyon County Planning Commission PLZ-15-0020 Special Use Permit for continued operation of a brothel Meeting Date: June 9, 2015 Owner: Kit Kat Properties LLC Applicant: D&S LLC Area Location: Mound House Parcel Number: 019-072-05 Zoning: X (X-rated district) Case Planner: Paul Esswein Planning Director Approval: RGL Request: The applicant has applied for a Special Use Permit for a house of prostitution due to a change in ownership. Location: Property is located on at 48 Kit Kat Drive, Mound House, Nevada, known as “Kit Kat Ranch”. Size: The subject parcel totals approximately 1.60 acres. Background: The Kit Kat Ranch has been operating as a brothel since at least 1979, and as a special use since 1980 when brothels were required to operate under a special use permit. The earliest recorded special use permit is dated March 2001 due to a change in ownership. A subsequent reissue of the special use permit was made in August 2002 to add an additional owner to the permit. Kit Kat Properties LLC, the current property owner acquired the property in October 2012. Business license records indicate that the brothel is operating under current business and brothel licenses issued to D&S LLC. The subject property and use are located in the X-Rated Zoning District. This zoning district is designated as the exclusive location for brothels in Lyon County. Staff Review and Comments: Lyon County Code 10.12.01.D states: The special use permits issued hereunder shall be in the name of a person, corporation or business and shall not run with the land and shall not be transferable. In this case, Kit Kat Propertries, LLC, has owned the property since October 2012, operating the brothel under a fictitious name as indicated in the brothel license records maintained by the county clerk’s office. Page 1 of 3 Planning Commission Hearing – June 4, 2015 Kit Kat Properties, LLC/D & S, LLC – PLZ-15-0020 Planning-pe Lyon County Code does not prohibit the use of fictitious names provided all fictitious names disclosed and the names are recorded on the business license, nor does the code prohibit holder of a special use permit from operating under multiple business names, provided activity authorized by the use permit does not change and a direct relationship between permit holder and the business is maintained. are the the the Considerations and Requirements for Granting Approval: When considering applications for a special use permit, the commission should evaluate the impact of the special use on and its compatibility with surrounding properties and neighborhoods to ensure the appropriateness of the use at a particular location. Chapter 10.12.01(B) of the Lyon County Code stipulates that: The Commission shall, at the public hearing, hear and consider such testimony, written communications or documents as presented relative to the permit application. Said Commission, at the conclusion of the hearing, shall recommend: issuance, conditional issuance or denial of the permit or the modified permit. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request with the imposition of the conditions of approval as proposed below. Alternative Findings and Motions: The alternative motions suggested below are offered for Planning Commission consideration. Alternative for Approval: If the Commission determines that there is sufficient reason to issue a special use permit to this applicant, the Commission should make findings in support of the request and move to recommend the issuance of the special use permit with conditions as listed below. The Planning Commission may wish to consider a motion similar to the following: The Lyon County Planning Commission finds that: A. The continuation of the proposed use at the specified location is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the applicable zoning district regulations; B. The continuation of the proposed use will not be detrimental to the use, peaceful enjoyment, economic value, or development of surrounding properties or the general neighborhood; and is compatible with and preserves the character and integrity of adjacent development and neighborhoods or includes improvements or modifications either on-site or within the public right-of-way to mitigate development related to adverse impacts such as noise, vibrations, fumes, odors, dust, glare or physical activity; C. The continuation of the proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, convenience and welfare; and D. The continuation of the proposed use will not result in material damage or prejudice to other property in the vicinity. Based on the aforementioned findings, the Lyon County Planning Commission recommends approval of a special use permit for Kit Kat Properties LLC/D&S LLC to operate a brothel at 48 Kit Kat Drive, Mound House (APN 019-072-05), subject to the following conditions: 1. Compliance with all State, County and Federal requirements 2. Maintain current Lyon County business and brothel licenses. Page 2 of 3 Planning Commission Hearing – June 4, 2015 Kit Kat Properties, LLC/D & S, LLC – PLZ-15-0020 Planning-pe Alternative for Continuance: If the Planning Commission determines that additional information, discussion and public review are necessary for a more thorough review of the proposed special use permit; the Planning Commission should make appropriate findings and move to continue the Public Hearing with a specific time period for the applicant to provide additional specific information necessary for the analysis of the request. The Planning Commission may wish to consider a motion similar to the following: The Planning Commission finds that: A. Additional information, discussion and public review are necessary for a more thorough review of the proposed special use permit. Based on the above findings and with the applicant’s concurrence, the Lyon County Planning Commission continues the request for a special use permit for Kit Kat Properties LLC/D&S LLC to operate a brothel at 48 Kit Kat Drive, Mound House (APN 019-072-05) for ____ days. Alternative for Denial: If the Commission determines that the request for a Special Use Permit should be denied, the Commission must make findings supporting a denial. The Planning Commission may wish to consider a motion similar to the following: The Lyon County Planning Commission finds that: A. The continuation of the proposed use will be detrimental to the use, peaceful enjoyment, economic value, or development of surrounding properties or the general neighborhood; and is incompatible with and detrimental to the character and integrity of adjacent development and neighborhoods, nor has the applicant proposed mitigation of adverse impacts such as noise, vibrations, fumes, odors, dust, glare or physical activity related to the proposed project. B. The continuation of the proposed use will be detrimental to the public health, safety, convenience and welfare; and C. The continuation of the proposed use will result in material damage or prejudice to other property in the vicinity. Based on the aforementioned findings, the Lyon County Planning Commission recommends denial of a special use permit for Kit Kat Properties LLC/D&S LLC to operate a brothel at 48 Kit Kat Drive, Mound House (APN 019-072-05). Page 3 of 3 Planning Commission Hearing – June 4, 2015 Kit Kat Properties, LLC/D & S, LLC – PLZ-15-0020 Planning-pe 2 7 S. M A IN S T R E E T Y E R I N G T O N , N E V AD A 8 9 4 4 7 (775) 463-6591 F AX : ( 7 7 5 ) 4 6 3 - 5 3 0 5 LYON COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING PLANNING R OBERT G. LOVEBER G C OMM UNITY DEVELOPMENT D IR E CT OR 3 4 L AK E S B O U L E V AR D D AY T O N , N E V AD A 8 9 4 0 3 (775) 246-6135 F AX : ( 7 7 5 ) 2 4 6 - 6 1 4 7 Staff Report Lyon County Planning Commission PLZ-15-0021 Special Use Permit for continued operation of a brothel Meeting Date: June 9, 2015 Owner: 51 Kit Kat Drive, LLC Applicant: Sagebrush, LLC Area Location: Mound House Parcel Number: 019-073-07 Zoning: X (X-rated district) Case Planner: Paul Esswein Planning Director Approval: RGL Request: The applicant has applied for a Special Use Permit for a house of prostitution due to a change in ownership. Location: Property is located on at 51 Kit Kat Drive, Mound House, Nevada, known as “Sagebrush Ranch”. Size: The subject parcel totals approximately 1.51 acres. Background: Sagebrush Ranch has been operating as a brothel under a Special Use Permit since 1993. During that period the special use permit has been reissued twice, in 1996 and 2000, as ownership changes occurred. The 2000 approval modified the special use permit to add operation of a topless bar on adjoining parcel 019-073-05 subject to the following conditions: 1) Annual Review 2) Compliance with all County, State, and Federal requirements Lyon County assessor’s records indicate that 51 Kit Kat Drive LLC has owned the property since July 2013 when it purchased Sagebrush Ranch, a licensed brothel, from RAHA Corporation. Business license records indicate that the brothel is operating under current business and brothel licenses issued to Sagebrush Ranch LLC. The subject property and use are located in the X-Rated Zoning District. This zoning district is designated the exclusive location for brothels in Lyon County. Staff Review and Comments: Lyon County Code 10.12.01.D states: The special use permits issued hereunder shall be in the name of a person, corporation or business and shall not run with the land and shall not be transferable. In this case, 51 Kit Kat LLC has owned the property since July 2013, operating the Page 1 of 3 Planning Commission Hearing – June 4, 2015 Sagebrush LLC/51 Kit Kat, LLC – PLZ-15-0021 Planning-pe brothel under a fictitious names as indicated in the brothel license records maintained by the county clerk’s office. Lyon County Code does not prohibit the use of fictitious names provided all fictitious names disclosed and the names are recorded on the business license, nor does the code prohibit holder of a special use permit from operating under multiple business names, provided activity authorized by the use permit does not change and a direct relationship between permit holder and the business is maintained. are the the the Considerations and Requirements for Granting Approval: When considering applications for a special use permit, the commission should evaluate the impact of the special use on and its compatibility with surrounding properties and neighborhoods to ensure the appropriateness of the use at a particular location. Chapter 10.12.01(B) of the Lyon County Code stipulates that: The Commission shall, at the public hearing, hear and consider such testimony, written communications or documents as presented relative to the permit application. Said Commission, at the conclusion of the hearing, shall recommend: issuance, conditional issuance or denial of the permit or the modified permit. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request with the imposition of the conditions of approval as proposed below. Alternative Findings and Motions: The alternative motions suggested below are offered for Planning Commission consideration. Alternative for Approval: If the Commission determines that there is sufficient reason to issue a special use permit to this applicant, the Commission should make findings in support of the request and move to recommend the issuance of the special use permit with conditions as listed below. The Planning Commission may wish to consider a motion similar to the following: The Lyon County Planning Commission finds that: A. The continuation of the proposed use at the specified location is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the applicable zoning district regulations; B. The continuation of the proposed use will not be detrimental to the use, peaceful enjoyment, economic value, or development of surrounding properties or the general neighborhood; and is compatible with and preserves the character and integrity of adjacent development and neighborhoods or includes improvements or modifications either on-site or within the public right-of-way to mitigate development related to adverse impacts such as noise, vibrations, fumes, odors, dust, glare or physical activity; C. The continuation of the proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, convenience and welfare; and D. The continuation of the proposed use will not result in material damage or prejudice to other property in the vicinity. Based on the aforementioned findings, the Lyon County Planning Commission recommends approval of a special use permit for 51 Kit Kat LLC/Sagebrush Ranch, LLC to operate a brothel at 51 Kit Kat Drive, Mound House (APN 019-073-07), subject to the following conditions: 1. Compliance with all State, County and Federal requirements 2. Maintain current Lyon County business and brothel licenses. Page 2 of 3 Planning Commission Hearing – June 4, 2015 Sagebrush LLC/51 Kit Kat, LLC – PLZ-15-0021 Planning-pe Alternative for Continuance: If the Planning Commission determines that additional information, discussion and public review are necessary for a more thorough review of the proposed special use permit; the Planning Commission should make appropriate findings and move to continue the Public Hearing with a specific time period for the applicant to provide additional specific information necessary for the analysis of the request. The Planning Commission may wish to consider a motion similar to the following: The Planning Commission finds that: A. Additional information, discussion and public review are necessary for a more thorough review of the proposed special use permit. Based on the above findings and with the applicant’s concurrence, the Lyon County Planning Commission continues the request for a special use permit for 51 Kit Kat LLC/Sagebrush Ranch LLC to operate a brothel at 51 Kit Kat Drive, Moundhouse (APN 019073-07) for ____ days. Alternative for Denial: If the Commission determines that the request for a Special Use Permit should be denied, the Commission must make findings supporting a denial. The Planning Commission may wish to consider a motion similar to the following: The Lyon County Planning Commission finds that: A. The continuation of the proposed use will be detrimental to the use, peaceful enjoyment, economic value, or development of surrounding properties or the general neighborhood; and is incompatible with and detrimental to the character and integrity of adjacent development and neighborhoods, nor has the applicant proposed mitigation of adverse impacts such as noise, vibrations, fumes, odors, dust, glare or physical activity related to the proposed project. B. The continuation of the proposed use will be detrimental to the public health, safety, convenience and welfare; and C. The continuation of the proposed use will result in material damage or prejudice to other property in the vicinity. Based on the aforementioned findings, the Lyon County Planning Commission recommends denial of a special use permit for 51 Kit Kat LLC/Sagebrush Ranch LLC to operate a brothel at 51 Kit Kat Drive, Mound House (APN 019-073-07). Page 3 of 3 Planning Commission Hearing – June 4, 2015 Sagebrush LLC/51 Kit Kat, LLC – PLZ-15-0021 Planning-pe Bill No. ________ Ordinance No. ________ SUMMARY: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LYON COUNTY CODE TITLE 10 – LAND USE REGULATIONS; BY AMENDING: CHAPTER 4 – NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, REVISING SECTION 3 – M-1, GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, TO ESTABLISH PROHIBITED USES; AND OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATED THERETO. TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LYON COUNTY CODE TITLE 10 – LAND USE REGULATIONS; BY AMENDING: CHAPTER 4 – NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, REVISING SECTION 3 – M-1, GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT; AND OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATED THERETO. EXPLANATION – Matter in bolded italics is new; matter between brackets [omitted material] is material to be omitted. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LYON COUNTY, NEVADA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Lyon County Code; Title 10 – Land Use Regulations is hereby amended to revise the following chapter: CHAPTER 4: NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 10.04.03: M-1, GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT: The uses of land in the general industrial district (M-1) must comply with the following requirements: A. Site And Structure Requirements: 1. Lot Area: Required area is seven thousand (7,000) square feet minimum. 2. Lot Width: Each lot shall be a minimum of fifty feet (50') average width. 3. Setbacks: There are no required front, side or rear yards. B. Uses Permitted: Permitted uses on a lot or parcel having the required area and width are as follows: any use permitted in C-2 district, manufacturing, rebuilding, repairing, processing, assembly, fabrication, distributing, storage, warehousing, shipping, auto body repair, truck depot, cleaning and dyeing, except as requiring a special use permit, and adult characterized businesses. C. Prohibited Uses: Uses specifically prohibited are as follows: 1 Field Code Changed Any residential use (except incidental to a permitted use where a watchman or owner may reside in the same structure that the business occupies, or watchman’s quarters as permitted in 10.09.02 G), hotels, motels, mobile home parks and recreational vehicle parks or other similar uses. Churches, schools, institutions and other similar public and semipublic uses. CD. Special Uses: 1. Uses Requiring A Permit: Uses requiring a special use permit are as follows: Acetylene manufacturing and sales. Asphalt manufacturing. Billboards. Bulk station (fuel including gas, oil and propane). Chemical manufacturing. Chromium plating. Coal and coke yard. Commercial wind energy conversion systems. Concrete batch plant. Creosote manufacturing. Disinfectant manufacturing. Dump refuse or disposal yard. Dye manufacturing. Electroplating works. Excavation. Explosive, ammunition manufacturing or storage. Farmers' market. Fertilizer manufacture or storage of an amount equal to or in excess of one thousand (1,000) pounds. Flea market. Foundry. Gravel/sand pit - topsoil stripping. Incineration of animals, garbage and/or tires for fuel and/or for disposal. Insecticide manufacturing. Kennel. Leather tanning. Lubrication compounds, manufacturing. Matches, manufacturing. Metal ore reduction. Milling company. Mining (including extracting or processing). Mobile home storage and rebuilding lot. Ore dump. Oxygen manufacturing. Paint manufacturing. Pesticide manufacture or storage in an amount equal to or in excess of one thousand (1,000) pounds. 2 Plastic products manufacturing. Quarry, stone. Racetrack. Rifle range. Rock crushing and stripping. Sand and gravel excavations. Tire manufacturing or recapping. Other like uses. 2. Open Agricultural And Related Uses: a. Farms for the raising or growing and marketing on a commercial scale of tree, bush and field crops. (1) All farms for the raising or growing and marketing on a commercial scale of tree and bush crops and field crops shall be established and operated in accordance with the following standards: (A) Lot Area: Required area is one acre minimum, excluding road rights of way. (B) Buildings For Sale Of Products: Buildings for the sale and display of products grown or raised on premises; provided, no such buildings are situated closer than fifty feet (50') to any property line. (C) Operations In Enclosed Building: With the exception of crop production, all operations other than pick ups and deliveries shall be carried on within an enclosed building, provided that equipment in operable condition when used or operated may be stored in the open, and normal daily wastes may be stored in containers not in a building when such containers are not readily visible from a public street. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed to prohibit vehicles, farm machinery, trailers, or similar equipment in operable condition when in association with a permitted use. b. Agricultural and related uses involving the raising, growing, feeding, processing and marketing of animals, such as birds, livestock, poultry, rabbits, swine and wild game, including, but not limited to: Farms for the raising or growing and marketing on a commercial scale of poultry, rabbits, livestock, swine and wild game. Farrowing pens. Feedlots. Livestock sales and shipping. Slaughterhouse, meatpacking. Stockyard. Tannery. 3 (1) All agricultural and related uses enumerated in this subsection C2b above shall be designed, located, established and operated with full consideration to their proximity to all adjacent uses, their effect upon adjacent and surrounding properties, to the reduction of nuisance factors, and in accordance with the following standards: (A) Minimum setbacks from exterior parcel boundaries, and from any road or street: (i) Pasture for grazing animals: No setback required. (ii) Buildings, pens, enclosures and areas for concentrated feeding, holding, processing, raising, receiving, sorting and shipping animals, and enclosed facilities and sites for handling, processing, storing, and shipping of animal byproducts, manure and wastes: Animal Units Setback (In Feet) 0 – 249 660 250 - 999 990 1,000+ 1,320 (iii) Nonenclosed facilities and sites for handling, processing, storing, and shipping of animal byproducts, manure and waste: Animal Units Setback (In Feet) 0 – 249 990 250 - 999 1,320 1,000+ 2,640 (B) Guidelines for determining animal units: Animal 1 mature dairy cow AU Per Animal 100 AU Equals 1 .4 71 animals 1 dairy calf under 500 pounds 0 .5 200 animals 1 slaughter steer or heifer 1 .0 100 animals 1 horse 1 .0 100 animals 4 1 swine 55 pounds or more 0 .4 250 animals 1 swine under 55 pounds 0 .05 2,000 animals 1 suckling pig 0 .01 10,000 animals 1 duck 0 .2 500 animals 1 sheep 0 .1 1,000 animals 1 turkey 10 pounds or more 0 .018 555 animals 1 turkey under 10 pounds 0 .01 10,000 animals 1 chicken 0 .01 10,000 animals Note: For animals not listed, the average weight of the animal divided by 1,000 pounds will determine its animal unit (AU) value. (C) Will be operated and maintained to prevent the creation of a nuisance; (D) With the exception of outside pens, pastures and enclosures for raising, feeding and sorting, all operations other than pick ups and deliveries shall be carried on within an enclosed building, provided that equipment in operable condition when used or operated may be stored in the open, and normal daily wastes may be stored in containers not in a building when such containers are not readily visible from a public street. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed to prohibit vehicles, farm machinery, trailers, or similar equipment in operable condition when in association with a permitted use; (E) Will comply with Lyon County codes and regulations, and any applicable laws and regulations of state or federal agencies; (F) No wastes of a chemical or organic nature shall be injected or buried in the ground or stored in the open on the surface except in approved containers; and (G) Statements and plans indicating the manner in which impacts to neighboring properties and uses, and dangerous and objectionable elements involved in processing and in equipment operations are to be eliminated or reduced to acceptable limits and tolerances must be submitted with an application for a special use permit. 3. Within Three Hundred Feet Of State Right Of Way: Within three hundred feet (300') of any state right of way, all industrial uses shall require a special use permit issued by the commission. No wrecking or junk yards permitted. 5 4. Uses Which Produce Excessive Noise, Odor, Etc.: Other uses requiring a special use permit are those which may produce excessive noise, gaseous byproducts, noxious odors of an inflammable or explosive nature, cause dust which may be offensive to adjoining property owners or which the administrator may consider to be detrimental to the public health and safety. Section 2. If any section of this ordinance or portion thereof is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate the remaining parts of this ordinance. Section 3. All ordinances, parts of ordinances, chapters, sections, subsections, clauses, phrases or sentences contained in the Lyon County Code in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. THIS RESOLUTION was proposed on the ____ day of ______________, 2015 by the following County Commissioner(s): __________________________________. THIS RESOLUTION has been PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this ____ day of _______________, 2015 by the following vote of the Board of County Commissioners, Lyon County: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: Board of County Commissioners Lyon County __________________________ By: Chairman Attest: 6 ____________________________ Clerk of the Board 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Bill No. ________ Ordinance No. ________ 24 DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section 1. Lyon County Code; Title 10 – Land Use Regulations is hereby amended to revise the following chapter: SUMMARY: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LYON COUNTY CODE TITLE 10 – LAND USE REGULATIONS; BY AMENDING: CHAPTER 3 – RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, SECTION 1– GENERAL PROVISIONS, REVISING SUBSECTION F, TO REVISE THE PROVISIONS REGULATING ANIMALS AND PETS TO PERMIT RABBITS, POTBELLY PIGS AND FEMALE CHICKENS AND DUCKS ON SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PARCELS SMALLER THAN ONE ACRE IN SIZE; AND OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATED THERETO. TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LYON COUNTY CODE TITLE 10 – LAND USE REGULATIONS; BY AMENDING: CHAPTER 3 – RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, SECTION 1 – GENERAL PROVISIONS, REVISING SUBSECTION F; AND OTHER MATERS PROPERLY RELATED THERETO. EXPLANATION – Matter in bolded italics is new; matter between brackets [omitted material] is material to be omitted. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LYON COUNTY, NEVADA 10.03.01: GENERAL PROVISIONS: The provisions of this Section apply in all residentially zoned districts. A. Accessory Buildings: 33 34 1. It is unlawful to construct, erect or locate private garages or other accessory buildings without a permissible main building. 35 36 37 38 39 40 2. A detached accessory building, not exceeding a mean height of fifteen feet (15'), may occupy not more than one-half (1/2) of the total area of the rear yards; providing, no such accessory building shall be nearer than five feet (5') to the rear and side property line nor closer than is provided herein to main buildings on the same or adjacent lots, providing there is sufficient area to comply with State regulations regarding individual septic disposal systems. 41 42 3. A detached accessory or additional main building shall be located no closer than ten feet (10') to any other building on the same lot. 1 1 2 3 4 5 4. An accessory building may be connected to the main building by a breezeway; in which case, it is considered attached and full yards as might otherwise be required will apply. B. Building Height: 6 7 1. No building or mobile home shall exceed a height of two and one-half (21/2) stories or thirty five feet (35'), except as specified herein. 8 9 10 11 12 2. Requirements of this Title shall not apply to parapet walls extending four feet (4') or less above the limiting height of the building on which they rest, or to bulkheads, elevator towers, one story penthouses, water tanks or similar structures; provided, that aggregate floor area of such structures is not greater than one-half (1/2) of the total roof area. 13 14 15 3. Requirements of this Title shall not apply to church spires, belfries, cupolas, domes, chimneys, flues, flagpoles, and the like, except where they may be deemed a hazard. 16 17 18 4. Churches, schools and public buildings may exceed maximum height limitations of the respective zoning district subject to the issuance of a special use permit by the Board. 19 20 21 22 23 5. Where the average slope of a lot is greater than one foot (1') rise or fall in six feet (6') of distance, an additional story will be permitted on the downhill side of the building. C. Lot Area: 24 25 26 1. No lot or parcel shall be so reduced in area as to be less in any dimension than is required by the requirements applicable to the zoning district in which such lot is located. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2. No portion of any lot or parcel of land which is part of required area for an existing building shall be used as a part of required area of any other lot or parcel or proposed building. When a portion of any lot or parcel is sold or transferred and the area of that portion or the portion remaining no longer conforms to required areas as defined in the zoning district in which such lot or parcel is located, the portion sold or transferred and the portion remaining shall be considered as one parcel only in determining the permissible number and location of buildings allowed to be placed on both parcels. 37 38 39 40 D. Yards: 1. Generally: a. No required or open space around an existing building or any building hereafter erected shall be considered a yard or open space for any such building on an adjoining lot or parcel. 2 1 2 3 b. Walls or fences not over six feet (6') in height may be erected on lot lines except in required front yard area. Walls or fences not over four feet (4') in height may be built anywhere on the lot, except as provided in subsection D2b of this section. 4 5 c. Any lighting facilities shall be so installed as to reflect away from adjoining properties. 6 7 8 9 2. Front Yards: a. On through lots, either end lot line may be considered the front line. In which case, the minimum rear yard shall be not less than the required front yard in the district in which such lot is located. 10 11 b. There shall be no vision obstructing fence, shrubbery or other obstruction over two feet (2') in height installed or allowed within twenty five feet (25') of any street corner. 12 13 c. On a corner lot, one of the yards abutting a street shall be subject to front yard setback requirements. 14 15 d. Where average slope of the front half of the lot is more than one foot (1') rise or fall in four feet (4'), the front yard may be reduced to not less than half of the original. 16 17 18 3. Side Yards: Projecting outside stairs, porches, landing places, fireplaces and the like may extend into a required side yard for a distance of not to exceed two feet (2'). 19 20 21 22 4. Rear Yards: A projecting outside stair, porch or landing place, if unenclosed, may extend into a rear yard for a distance of not to exceed four feet (4'). 23 E. Off Street Parking Requirements: 1. Schedule: Off street requirements shall not be less than: 24 25 a. Two (2) off street parking spaces for each single-family unit, including mobile homes and duplexes. 26 27 b. One and one-half (11/2) parking spaces for each dwelling unit in each multiple arrangement, including townhouses, apartments, etc. 28 29 c. One parking space for each two (2) rooms or suites in a rooming house or guesthouse. 30 31 d. One space for each five hundred (500) square feet of gross floor area for any nonresidence use permitted in any residence district. 32 33 e. Combination of uses permitted shall provide off street parking space in ratio to combined uses. 34 35 2. Location: Off street parking may be provided in required front or side yard or rear yard areas in any residential zone. 36 37 3. Existing Facilities: Existing off street parking facilities shall not be reduced or eliminated to an amount less than that required for new buildings. 38 39 4. Design: All off street parking facilities shall comply with recognized standards and dimensions. (Ord. 374, 11-5-1992, eff. 11-27-1992) 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 F. Animals and Pets: No person shall keep any livestock or farm animals except as provided below:Animals And Pets: No barnyard animals or poultry shall be kept unless the lot or parcel is zoned rural residential and is one gross acre or more in size. Lots or parcels greater than or equal to one-half (1/2) gross acre but less than one gross acre existing as of September 1, 1995, located in the Mark Twain estates unit 10 subdivision as described by map number 32781 are exempt from this provision. Only two (2) horses per lot or parcel are permitted under this exemption. The number of barnyard animals or poultry kept on property shall be limited to: 1) a quantity that will cause no harm to the animals, 2) a quantity that will cause no harm to the environment or ground water, and 3) a quantity that will cause no harm to neighboring lots, parcels and/or owners. (Ord. 525, 10-2-2008) 1. On parcels zoned Rural Residential (i.e., RR-1, RR-2, and RR-3, RR-4 and RR-5): 15 16 a. Barnyard animals may be kept on lots or parcels one gross acre or greater in land area. 17 18 19 20 21 b. On lots or parcels greater than or equal to one-half (1/2) gross acre but less than one gross acre in size existing as of September 1, 1995, located in the Mark Twain estates unit 10 subdivision as described by map number 32781, barnyard animals may be kept. Only two (2) horses per lot or parcel are permitted under this provision. 22 23 24 25 c. The number of barnyard animals or poultry kept on property shall be limited to: 1) a quantity that will cause no harm to the animals, 2) a quantity that will cause no harm to the environment or ground water, and 3) a quantity that will cause no harm to neighboring lots, parcels and/or owners. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2. On single-family residential properties less than one (1) gross acre in land area, a maximum of two (2) rabbits, two (2) potbelly pigs, that weigh less than one hundred fifty (150) pounds each, or four (4) female chickens or female ducks may be kept as provided below. Lots or parcels greater than or equal to one-half (1/2) gross acre but less than one gross acre existing as of September 1, 1995, located in the Mark Twain estates unit 10 subdivision as described by map number 32781 are exempt from this provision per paragraph 1.b. above. 33 34 a. Female chickens or female ducks may be kept subject to the following requirements: 35 36 37 i. 38 39 ii. The enclosure shall be cleaned regularly to prevent offensive odors from becoming a nuisance; 40 41 42 iii. Neither the enclosure nor the outdoor enclosed area may be located less than twenty (20) feet from any residence on adjoining parcels and ten (10) feet from any property line; 43 44 45 iv. The chickens or ducks shall not be permitted to roam free beyond any property line. A covered, predator-resistant enclosure must be provided that is properly ventilated, designed to be easily accessed, cleaned and maintained, and at least two (2) square feet per chicken or duck in size; 4 1 2 3 G. Recreational Vehicles: It is unlawful to reside in a recreational vehicle within Lyon County except as provided herein and as provided by title 13 of this code, without first obtaining a permit. 4 5 1. Permit: A permit to reside in a recreational vehicle may be issued by the Lyon County Building Department if the following conditions have been complied with: 6 7 a. The permittee owns the property on which the recreational vehicle is to be placed; 8 9 10 b. The permittee has applied and been issued a permit to build a single-family dwelling for his own use on the property on which the recreational vehicle is to be placed; and 11 12 c. The land on which permittee wishes to place the recreational vehicle has been improved with both water and sewer/septic facilities. 13 2. Conditions: The following conditions apply to all permittees: 14 15 a. A permit may be issued for a period not to exceed one year and may be renewed only once for a period of six (6) months; 16 17 b. During the period that the permit is in effect, construction on the dwelling must be ongoing; (Ord. 369, 6-4-1992, eff. 6-19-1992) 18 c. (Rep. by Ord. 371, 8-6-1992) 19 20 21 d. The permittee must disconnect the recreational vehicle from all utilities, and discontinue using the recreational vehicle for residence purposes, when the permit expires or when the dwelling is complete, whichever comes first; and 22 23 24 e. The permittee shall allow the County to remove, or have removed, the recreational vehicle if any of these conditions are not complied with. (Ord. 369, 6-41992, eff. 6-19-1992) 25 26 27 28 3. Subdivision Construction Sites: The owner of a subdivision in active construction may apply for a permit to utilize one recreational vehicle as a watchman's quarters for one year with the possibility of a six (6) month extension if the following conditions are met: 29 a. The permittee owns the land on which the recreational vehicle will be placed. 30 31 b. The permittee has recorded a subdivision map that includes the land on which the recreational vehicle will be placed. 32 33 c. The land on which the permittee wishes to place the recreational vehicle has been improved with both water and sewer/septic facilities. 34 35 36 d. During the period that the permit is in effect, construction of buildings must be ongoing. The issuance of two (2) building permits a month shall create a rebuttable presumption that construction is ongoing. 37 e. Only one recreational vehicle per subdivision is allowed. 5 1 2 3 f. The permittee must disconnect the recreational vehicle from all utilities, and discontinue using the recreational vehicle for watchman's purposes, when the permit expires or when the subdivision is eighty percent (80%) built out. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 g. The permittee shall allow the County to remove, or have removed, at the permittee's expense, the recreational vehicle if any of these conditions are not complied with. (Ord. 414, 8-17-1995, eff. 9-1-1995) 21 Section 2. If any section of this ordinance or portion thereof is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate the remaining parts of this ordinance. Section 3. All ordinances, parts of ordinances, chapters, sections, subsections, clauses, phrases or sentences contained in the Lyon County Code in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. THIS RESOLUTION was proposed on the ____ day of ______________, 2015 by the following County Commissioner(s): __________________________________. 22 THIS RESOLUTION has been PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this ____ 23 day of _______________, 2015 by the following vote of the Board of County 24 Commissioners, Lyon County: 25 AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Board of County Commissioners Lyon County __________________________ By: Chairman 6 1 2 3 4 5 Attest: ____________________________ Clerk of the Board 7 Bill No. ________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ordinance No. ________ SUMMARY: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LYON COUNTY CODE TITLE 10 – LAND USE REGULATIONS; BY AMENDING: CHAPTER 4 – NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, ADDING SECTION 11 –SCMU, SUBURBAN COMMERCIAL MIXED USE DISTRICT; TO ESTABLISH THE STANDARDS AND CRITERIA FOR THE NEW SUBURBAN COMMERCIAL MIXED USE ZONING DISTRICT; AND OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATED THERETO. TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LYON COUNTY CODE TITLE 10 – LAND USE REGULATIONS; BY AMENDING: CHAPTER 4 – NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS; ADDING: SECTION 11 - SCMU, SUBURBAN COMMERCIAL MIXED USE DISTRICT; AND OTHER MATERS PROPERLY RELATED THERETO. EXPLANATION – Matter in bolded italics is new; matter between brackets [omitted material] is material to be omitted. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LYON COUNTY, NEVADA 21 DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: 22 23 24 Section 1. Lyon County Code; Title 10 – Land Use Regulations is hereby amended to add the following chapter: 25 CHAPTER 4: NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 26 10.04.10: SCMU, SUBURBAN COMMERCIAL MIXED USE DISTRICT: 27 Purpose: 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 The purpose of the Suburban Commercial Mixed Use District is to create an interim district to initiate implementation of provisions of the Lyon County Comprehensive Master Plan while Lyon County develops a consolidated development code. The regulations for the Suburban Commercial Mixed Use District provide opportunities for compatible commercial and residential development at locations and at a scale designated by the Comprehensive Master Plan as commercial mixed use in Suburban Character Areas. The District is intended to provide for a land use pattern with mixed commercial and residential uses arranged horizontally and/or vertically through proper design. The goal of the district is to provide for a better jobs-housing balance, encourage development of community oriented commercial centers, conserve land resources, reduce commuter trips, and provide housing opportunities. 1 1 2 The uses of land in the Suburban Commercial Mixed Use (SCMU) District must comply with the following requirements: 3 A. Site And Structure Requirements: 4 5 6 7 1. Minimum Project Lot Area: Five thousand (5,000) square feet (net). No minimum lot area is required for lots within approved commercial mixed use subdivisions provided all other zoning and development standards are met. 8 9 2. Project Lot Width: Each lot shall be a minimum of fifty feet (50') average width. 10 11 3. Minimum Building Frontage Along Primary Street Frontage: 50 feet or 70% of frontage width, whichever is greater. 12 4. Setbacks: 13 14 15 a. From property lines abutting adjacent public rights-of-way or from front property line if the building is oriented toward the street and accesses the public sidewalk, 0 feet. 16 b. From property lines abutting residential uses, not less than 10 feet 17 18 c. From property lines abutting commercial or industrial zones or uses, 0 feet. 19 d. Rear, 10 feet, or 0 feet if a dedicated alley exists. 20 21 5. Building Height: 45 feet, with a minimum of fifty-percent (50%) of the project structures being two (2) stories in height. 22 23 24 25 6. Maximum Density: The residential density must not exceed 16 units per gross acre and shall be no greater than one (1) dwelling unit per 2500 square feet of net lot area provided the minimum requirements for commercial development are met. 26 27 28 7. Floor Area Requirements: Between 30 percent and 50 percent of the total project floor area must be devoted to commercial uses, with 50 percent to 70 percent of the project floor area devoted to residential uses. 29 30 8. Maximum Floor to Area Ratio: Two and one-half (2.5) square feet of gross floor area per one (1) square foot of lot area. 31 32 Note Floor Area Ratio (FAR): The ratio of gross floor area on a parcel to the total parcel area. 2 1 2 3 4 9. Compatibility and Integration: Structures must be architecturally compatible with and enhance the surrounding neighborhood. Projects should integrate the residential and commercial uses, either vertically or horizontally. 5 6 7 10. Off-Street Parking Regulations And Requirements: Off-street parking regulations and requirements as set forth in Sections 10.03.01 E and 10.04.01 C shall apply, except as modified herein. 8 9 10 11 a. No off-street parking is required for non-residential uses unless the use exceeds 3000 square feet of gross floor area in which case one (1) offstreet parking space is required for every 300 square feet beyond 3000 square feet. 12 13 14 b. Fifty percent (50%) of the available curb parking space adjacent to the exterior boundaries of the property may be deducted from the total offstreet parking facilities required, except for residential units. 15 16 17 18 19 20 c. Suitable, available, adjacent or nearby parking spaces may be utilized for the required off-street parking (up to 300 feet away), except for residential units. The facilities must be approved by the planning director for size, shape and relationship to business sites to be served. The total of the off-street parking facilities when used together must not be less than the sum of the various uses computed separately. 21 22 d. Location: Off street parking may be provided in side or rear yards. Off street parking is not permitted in a yard abutting a street. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 e. Exemption: No legal building or use as it exists at the time of the effective date of this zoning district shall be deemed to be nonconforming solely by reason of the lack or location of off-street parking facilities. If any portion of the premises is being used for offstreet parking in connection with any building or use, the parking shall not be reduced below the requirements of this zoning district. Changes in use and increases in floor area shall require conformance with the parking provisions of this zoning district. 31 32 33 34 35 36 11. A residential use existing on the effective date of this ordinance may continue as a permitted use indefinitely, provided that the residential use is not expanded by the addition of new residential occupancies. When such an existing residential use is expanded to add additional residential occupancies, at least 30% to 50% of the total project floor area shall be developed for commercial use. 3 1 2 3 12. Vacant parcels existing on the effective date of this ordinance, and all new parcels created after the effective date of this ordinance, shall be developed in accordance with paragraph A.7. above. 4 5 6 13. Outdoor Lighting: Any exterior lighting facilities shall be so installed as to reflect away from adjoining properties and shall comply with Chapter 10.20, Outdoor Lighting Control. 7 B. Uses Permitted: 8 9 10 11 12 1. Permitted commercial uses on a lot or parcel having the required area, width, and when within a building, are: offices, services, restaurants (outdoor seating is permitted), bars, lodging, retail sales, public assembly, plus other uses of a similar nature, except as requiring a special use permit: 13 2. Outside Storage: Outside storage is not allowed. 14 15 16 17 18 3. Permitted residential uses on a lot or parcel having the required area and width are single-family detached and attached dwellings, multi-family dwellings, and single-family and multi-family dwellings in the same structure as a permitted commercial use, except as requiring a special use permit. 19 20 C. Special Uses: 1. Uses requiring a special use permit are as follows: 21 22 Childcare facilities, other than home occupation childcare for hire as defined in this title not required to have a special use permit. 23 Government administration and civic facilities. 24 Rest home, convalescent home, nursing home, group care facility. 25 Other like uses. 26 D. Restrictions on Permitted Uses: 27 1. All items sold, offered for sale or displayed shall be kept within a building. 28 29 3. Items offered for sale shall not be displayed between the street and any building. 30 5. Commercial Coaches: Commercial coaches are prohibited. 4 1 6. Animals: No barnyard animals shall be kept. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Section 2. If any section of this ordinance or portion thereof is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate the remaining parts of this ordinance. 15 the following County Commissioner(s): __________________________________. Section 3. All ordinances, parts of ordinances, chapters, sections, subsections, clauses, phrases or sentences contained in the Lyon County Code in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. THIS RESOLUTION was proposed on the ____ day of ______________, 2015 by 16 THIS RESOLUTION has been PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this ____ 17 day of _______________, 2015 by the following vote of the Board of County 18 Commissioners, Lyon County: 19 AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Board of County Commissioners Lyon County __________________________ By: Chairman Attest: ____________________________ Clerk of the Board 5