Malibu Time Semester 2 2015


Malibu Time Semester 2 2015
What an amazing year we have had. I am just so proud of the incredible fun we have all had
together this year. The proof is in the pudding as they say and the growth in the students is
testament to just what a great year of learning it has been. As you read through this Xmas edition
of Malibu Times you will see an amazing array of events and class room antics that make you
realise why the year has gone so fast.
At this time of year it is also a great opportunity for me to say a heartfelt thanks to all of the staff of
Malibu School for the dedication and passion that they put in every day to make this the very best
school possible for every student. Without the support and dedication of all of the families none of
it would be possible and we truly thank you for the partnership we share over the year.
We are truly grateful to the wonderful community that surrounds us and is so generous in its time
and donations. Special thanks must be made to Malibu Fresh for their ongoing support which has
meant that Captain Cam continues to bring the ‘Happy Feet’ program to our early Years classes.
Where would we be without our friends from HMAS Stirling who have helped us keep the grounds
as wonderful as they are and who spoil us with the amazing ‘Navy Day Xmas Party’ each year.
We are incredibly proud of the bond we have developed with a number of schools and
organisations and in particular we must mention the very unique and special friendship that has
grown between Malibu School and Kolbe College. The Malibu Kolbe Glee Club is now very
well-known and is an exemplary illustration of inclusion, friendship and ability over disability. We
have also seen friendships blossom in the fun times with Tranby College and SEDA Sports clinics
with students all coming together in various sporting days and events. We embraced the
opportunity to make a film with our neighbours at Safety Bay Senior High School and the end result
was simply the very best definition of what makes a Super Hero. Thank you to all of the community
organisations and individuals who have volunteered or contributed to our school, you truly have
made a difference.
There are so many people to thank as the year draws to a close and I would like to make a special
mention of our School Council who champions our school throughout the year. Your commitment
and support is deeply appreciated.
I would like to finish by wishing all of our Graduates every success and happiness in the future. We
have been blessed to have you contribute to our wonderful Malibu family and hope that you will
stay in touch and let us know about your adventures beyond school.
Wishing everyone a wonderful and safe Christmas and holiday
Warm Regards
Principal Noelene
The second half of 2015 has continued to be very busy with students and staff focusing their
energies on learning programs. The students never cease to amaze me on their growth and maturity
in the second semester. A focus with classes this semester has been Communication. Staff have
been thrilled to see the development of communication used by their students and the positive
affect it has had on behaviours. We have seen a clear decline of escalation of inappropriate
behaviours due to the increased use of AAC with the students and by staff.
A definite highlight this semester for myself was our annual Christmas Party hosted by HMAS
Stirling Navy personnel. We celebrated Navy Day on Friday 27th November at Malibu School. The
event has been occurring for many, many years and it is now a tradition. Many families and friends
came along to enjoy the hospitality, friendship, perfect weather, fun and games, the delicious lunch
and a visit from Santa… Malibu school is so fortunate to have the support HMAS Stirling personnel
give us.
Our 2015 school year is almost complete; I hope you have an enjoyable and safe holiday; Merry
Christmas and my very best wishes for 2016. I look forward to meeting with you in the New Year.
Julayne Charlton
Deputy Principal
What a year it has been – so many achievements, stories and wonderful moments that have
been celebrated by the young people at Malibu School and staff. The senior school this year has 6
graduates who will now chase their ‘future without limits’ in the wider community. The
Graduation Ceremony recognized all graduates and awarded them for their amazing efforts and
achievements this year. The Principal award was awarded to Kris , Gary Gray Citizenship award to
Michael, Medibank ‘Shine Award’ to Stefan, Lions Young Achiever award to Justin, School Council
to Moale and Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award to Brodie. The night flowed with
many laughs and cheers for our graduating students. There were presentations, a wonderful
buffet dinner enjoyed by all then some great dance moves by our graduates and friends.
Congratulations to all.
Graduation wasn’t the only stand out moment this term, there were man moments that have
shaped the senior school including two students attending the KIC iDiversity Project where they
spent four days learning about different industries. From this project one student was awarded a
Scholarship to travel the Leeuwin on the Ultimate challenge and he embraced it with both hands.
You can read more about this in a following article. Many opportunities for our students to
attend community events occurred this term including the International Day For People With
Disabilities at the Gary Holland Centre, Remembrance Day at the War Memorial in Rockingham
as well as students competing in PhotoVoice. PhotoVoice saw senior students awarded for their
photographs with students taking our 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions. All students have developed and
grown this term and it is fantastic to see staff embracing and allowing all students a ‘future
without limits’.
For the upcoming holidays I wish everyone a fun filled and safe holidays celebrating with your
families and friends.
See you all in 2016 where we face all new challenges and continue chasing our dreams.
Kaye Tucker
Secondary Deputy Principal
Facilities improvements have been underway during Semester 2 and a number of enhancements
have been carried out. The Transition block and Middle block have both been fitted with
additional covered walkways and weather proofing. In addition to this, the Middle Block has also
had the floors strengthened and recovered, anti-slip flooring fitted in the toilets, anti-slip covering
to the decking area and air conditioning units fitted. We have also taken on two development
projects. First we saw the removal of the old sensory shade in the centre of the school. The
elements had taken its toll on the shade and it was in desperate need of repair. With the
generosity of donations from both the public and our School Council, we were able to replace this
with a bigger and higher shade structure. This has proven to be a huge success and staff, students
and parents are amazed by the difference this has made to the appearance and usability of this
area. The next phase is to replace the ground surface to create a more even and friendly area.
Our second project has seen the installation of Roller Shutter Doors to the undercover area. They
have Perspex panels in them which allows light to come through when closed. These will allow
students to undertake activities normally disrupted by bad weather and to provide a more
sheltered area for assemblies and concerts.
The Premises and Cleaning teams have been working particularly hard this Semester, keeping the
gardens beautifully maintained, ensuring repairs and faults are carried out quickly and ensuring
the School is a clean, safe environment for all students each day. I would like to extend my thanks
to the whole team. Likewise, Nola and Lisa have worked extremely hard to ensure the Reception
and administrative processes run efficiently. Both teams have been under extensive pressure due
to staffing and learning new processes however they have not let this affect their work and have
done a wonderful job to keep the School operating as normal. Their support is invaluable to each
of the School Leadership Team members and without them the day to day functioning of Malibu
would not be possible.
My role has Registrar, (recently amended to Manager Corporate Services) has certainly been
eventful and with the continuation of the new Student Centred Funding Model, I have continued
to attend professional learning sessions to equip me with the knowledge, skills and
understanding to ensure Malibu is adequately resourced both this year and into the future.
I was extremely delighted and humbled to be nominated for a WAESSPA Award in the School
Support category. I attended an awards ceremony alongside the Senior Leadership Team and key
members from my team. My colleague, Malibu Social Trainer, Tricia Reghenzani was also
nominated in the same category. Unfortunately neither of us received the overall winner
however a great night was had by all and I truly believe we are all winners for being part of such
an amazing School. I can honestly say that I feel very privileged to spend each working day with
great Staff and fantastic students. I would like to thank my School Leadership colleagues,
Noelene, Julayne and Kaye for their continued support and their ability to keep me focused
during challenging times. Their hard work and dedication to Malibu School is second to none and
it is a joy to work alongside people who share the same vision and focus for our students.
I would like to wish all the staff, students and families of Malibu
School a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. I look forward
to seeing you all in 2016.
Denise Lee
Manager Corporate Services
Where has the year gone, 2015has flown by so quickly and as another year comes to an end here in
the office we are as busy as ever making sure all the loose ends are tied up before we too go off on
our holidays.
It is an emotional time this part of the year watching our senior students graduating ready to start
their journey into adulthood. They will be missed and are always welcome back to see us anytime.
For 2016 we look forward to meeting our new and prospective parents/carers. It can be a happy
time when starting school for the first time but there can also be a few tears.
Hope you enjoy the school holidays, wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, see
you all back next year.
Lisa & Nola
What a busy term it has been. Festive cheer began early in the Malibu
Café with all our lovely decorations up bright and early and then greeted at
the door by the sound of Christmas carols as well, the students and staff
have loved it.
This Term we have two new super stars to our fabulous team, Corey and
Eric who have been an asset, and have done an amazing job. Thank you to
all our super stars as well all the students skills have really improved
using there numeracy and literacy skills and also there communication
devices when needed.
Our Asdan groups have been busy completing their unit with their enterprise being a juicing bar.
The student chose to juice oranges and watermelon and then some of the staff in Transition were
able to sample it for the students and give them their opinion on how it tasted.
We had lots of busy social events that happened also this term. Our Navy Christmas party which
was at school this year was something everyone looks forward too, especially having a visit from
the man in the red suit.
Thankyou once again to the many parents, grandparents and carers who utilize our working
classroom and come to enjoy the best coffee and cake in town.
A huge thank you to all the amazing Malibu Staff who without your contribution to our café it
would not be the success that you all love and enjoy.
Lastly but by no means the very least a huge thank you to Trish and Tracey the awesome ladies
that I have had the pleasure to work with. We are a fantastic team and thank you for all your help
and support in our working classroom. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe and
wonderful new year. See you all in 2016
Best Wishes Jane
Lots of fun in Early Childhood
What an amazing semester.
Term 3 started with our young kindy students greeting us 3 days a week, Monday to Wednesday. It
was then we decided to split the class, 8 into Kindy, (Natalie’s room 6) and 8 into pre-primary
(Shelly’s room 5), staff alternating each week to share the love. So all that said it was down to work.
The theme for the term was picked. “Under the Sea”. A couple of the books we read were Smiley
Fish and Rainbow Fish. The classrooms looked fantastic with the windows, ceilings and walls
covered in beautiful art work. We felt like we were really under the sea.
We ventured out to the vegetable garden with our pre-primary students masked and gloved ready
to plant potatoes, rocket, spinach, corn and golden beetroot. The children harvested the potatoes
and enjoyed eating them for lunch, Yum!!! A big thank you to Jane, Destiny, Caleb and Codie. Well
done to you all for working so hard. Looking forward to next year to see what crops we can plant
with the up and coming students.
We are so fortunate to have the swimming pool up and running again. Our Thursday students are
working very hard in the pool and really enjoying it. It is wonderful to see each and every one of
them progressing.
Our students have been working hard on their personal hygiene
programs with great success! It’s awesome when all the hard work
pays off, many proud moments, due to having a fantastic team of
parents and staff that have made our young people reach for the
The Circus Challenge incursion was a fantastic show and extremely
entertaining. The students laughed and clapped and had the
opportunity to be a star for the day. Codie was our star! We also
loved seeing Principal Noelene being a clown on the stage.
We had a very emotional day when we had to say goodbye to our
little man Poara, who was returning to New Zealand with his
family. Mum had no idea she was being kept in the classroom, as
the whole school was lining up outside in the corridor, to say their
farewells in a guard of honour. The class stepped out with mum
and Poara walking behind. The hall way erupted with a big hip hip
hooray from all, and there was not a dry eye! Goodbye to one of
our stars and may you continue to reach for them.
In term 4 the students made amazing progress in their literacy and communication skills. A couple
of the books we were reading were Hattie and the Fox, along with Handa’s Hen. This meant lots
more wonderful art work from the students, with animals hanging up in the classroom everywhere.
So to work in with the books we were reading, we had a special delivery of fifteen chickens. One
started to hatch straight away and the very next day another seven.
When the chicks were dry we moved them to their new enclosure where all of the Malibu students
loved the experience of playing with and cuddling our little chicks.
Lots of exciting times with Music Rocks and the Glee Club. Our students have been performing at
venues in Perth and Fremantle, showing off their great talents. A very proud moment was when
Archie, Codie and Kobi-jay performed at Telethon with the glee Club. (Not a dry eye in the
On Wednesday afternoon our students have had great fun singing and dancing to our legend Happy
Feet and we hope he continues to keep us fit and healthy next year.
We introduced a foot spa on Friday mornings for the students to experience and enjoy. It was
received with a bit of suspicion and uncertainty. We now have our students lining up outstretched
and ready, we are looking forward to when the favour is returned!
The new play equipment was finally installed and is being used by all the students, they love it!! We
are looking forward to the many changes over the holidays. Hopefully our new shed will arrive and
who knows what else! We will have to wait and see.
The International Day of Disability at the Village Green was a first for our students and a great
opportunity for them to brave the big wide world.
So we are finally at the end of the term and sadly we have to say goodbye to six of our students.
Dylan, Faithfull, Jamaica, Jase, Jayden and Kobi-jay will graduate to year 2 and 3. We wish them all
the best for next year. We will welcome three new students to kindy in 2016 and look forward to
meeting them and their families.
A BIG thank you to all the staff around the school that have been a part of rooms 5 and 6 this year.
We really appreciate all your dedication and hard work and look forward to crossing paths next
year. Also thank you to Connie our work experience student, for all her dedication and hard work.
She now volunteers twice week in our class. The students love her and so do all
the staff. Hope to see you next year.
From all the staff and students in Early Childhood.
Shelly, Natalie, Jane, Karen, Leonie, Sue, Taryn, Teresa and Connie
Semester Two has been a super busy time. Our amazing students from Primary One have all worked
extremely hard in meeting their outcomes and having fun along the way. They are superstars for
using their PODD’s (Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display) in communicating their needs and
wants and making us all proud with how well they have come along this year.
Term 3 was a fantastic term as we were lucky enough to have Taneth, a superstar at using PODDs
from the Independent Living Centre WA. She spent every Wednesday in our classroom modelling
the variety of ways on how we, as staff and the students can communicate in our classroom, around
the school and in the community. The confidence in our superstar students has been evident as we
have seen Devlin, Deklan, Harry, Jamie, Aiyana, Mason, Jesse and Jordon all show more enthusiasm
at using their very own PODDs thanks to the very talented Donna our Language assistant who has
catered to our students and made new PODDS for them to use in the classroom. We have been focusing on core words such as ‘help’ and ‘toilet’ amongst other frequently used words we use in our
classroom. It’s so humbling to see Jordon, one of our star pupils, who has even been role modelling
the use of his PODD with his peers during our energetic morning literacy sessions with the days of
the week and our feelings pages. Way to go Jordon! During our recess and lunch time, Devlin has
also shown confidence using his PODD . Its milestones such as these that make our job so rewarding
that we will definitely see continued success at our students becoming star communicators.
Awesome work, guys.
Term 3 also saw a variety of fantastic incursions come to Malibu.
We have been very lucky to have the talented Peter Coombes
perform for us with songs like ‘Mr Clickety Cane’ that saw our
students up and dancing away; to a petting zoo visit and getting to
have a hold and a cuddle of the very cute and fluffy bunny rabbits
and chasing around the cheeky bantam chickens. Our very
delightful Science Teacher Nina organised SCI – TEC to come out
too during Science week. The students all got to have a go at
trying different experiments which left us all wanting more. Then
to round out an exciting term 3 we were blown away by The Circus
Challenge. We all had a good laugh at one of our amazing
assistants Sam and our Principal Noelene having a go at helping
the circus man climb up his unicycle and balancing on it whilst
juggling at the same time
We then saw two of our superstar students, Jamie and Harry; wow us in the circus workshop with
their amazing balancing abilities with spinning plates on sticks and being star jugglers with using
We certainly hit the ground running in Term 4 with Deklan heading out
into the community on Fridays with my amazing assistant Mel and
myself tagging along. We are very proud of the maturity shown when
Deklan would go to the local IGA to purchase our cooking ingredients
and demonstrating how to behave appropriately whilst in the
community. Good work Deklan. We have continued on with our
specialist learning programs in Swimming, Sport, Art and Science where I
would like to extend heartfelt thanks to the staff involved in making
sure our Primary One superstars have all been engaged in one way or
the other. It certainly is very gratifying at how far they have all come
this year.
Our GLEE Clubbers Aiyana and Jordon have had a very special experience recently with attending
TELETHON and performing on Television with their friends from Kolbe Catholic College singing their
hearts out. It was awesome to see the smiles all round. Look out parents; we may very well have
future X-Factor stars amongst us. Speaking of performing, we as a class have also been busy with
getting ready for our Holly Wood themed Christmas concert. We are impressed the socks off
everyone with the song ‘We Go Together’ from the movie Grease. Our sets and costumes were
We have had the pleasure of HMAS Stirling come to our school for our annual Christmas Party
which was a fantastic day that saw our students get wet in the splash zones, to being slimed and
having a bubbly good time. Even Santa paid a visit!
All the staff in Primary 1
wishes everyone a very Merry
Christmas and have a safe and
enjoyable holiday break. We
will see you all nice and fresh
in 2016!!
Megan & Team
As we reflect on an exciting semester, it is great to see the many successes the students have
achieved. Students have made big gains this semester with their speech. We have had the
Independent Living Centre help students to use their PODD communication books and devices.
Support is also given throughout the year by the communication Teachers. As a result we have had
huge improvements with the students talking. In the morning students sing beautifully to our
morning song and they sing songs that we have learnt about bugs. Students with the help of their
devices are able to complete small sentences and show their ability to find words when they need
help. Thank you communications specialists for all your ongoing support.
This semester as a class we enjoyed going on an excursion to Mandurah. Through transport training
students were confident to use their Smartrider to access the bus and train. When we arrived in
Mandurah students had a drink, and then very excitedly ran to the playground. Students were able
to use a variety of play equipment and a fantastic swing they could all get onto at once. We then had
fish and chips at Cicerellos before having a walk along the foreshore. We were blessed with beautiful
weather and it was a privilege to take out such a sensible group of children. Thank you to the parents
who attended, as always your help is much appreciated by all the staff.
This semester we have been learning about mini-beasts and the fascinating role they play in the
environment. We have learnt just how clever worms, ants, bees and ladybirds can be.
have learnt to be able to contribute their opinion of a minibeast through the PODD books also
describing bugs. The theme has let us discover many beautiful books and stories about bugs. The
books that were ordered arrived flawlessly on time to enable us to discover bug books by the
authors Eric Carle and Julia Donaldson. These are the two authors whose books we have studied all
year. During our weekly cooking lessons students have made ladybird biscuits, ants in mud, honey
sandwiches and vegetable bugs just to name a few.
What a wonderful busy semester we have had. As the end of the semester draws closer, we have
been busy painting and making items for the end of year concert. On a personal note I would like to
thank all the parents for your enthusiasm, helpfulness and teamwork. Without your help we
wouldn’t have been able to have such a productive fulfilling year. Your help with concert costumes,
daily reading with students, and excursions to Fremantle and Mandurah are just a few to mention.
Kolbe students are also to be thanked for interacting with our class during weekly Drama lessons,
where we gained a lot of experience in social skills and acting.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year. From Julie,
Desiree, Lynda, Jean & Jane
Another jam packed school year draws to an end.
Room 3 students and staff have been very busy focusing on literacy and communication skills.
This semester we concentrated on two authors: Eric Litwin and the series of ‘Pete The Cat’ stories
and Joy Cowley and the series of ‘Mrs Wishy – Washy’ stories. The ‘Pete The Cat’ stories were
supported by a puppet character which brought the stories to life. Both sets of stories tapped into
the everyday experiences of students and promoted the values of fun, friendships, family and
learning. The stories were explored on a daily basis through our 4 Blocks literacy approach. The
narratives also provided, through repeated presentations, opportunities for students to
understand a wider range of words.
A major part of our teaching and learning this semester emphasised on learning through
incursions. Key elements of that are the development of group skills, enhancing relationships and
learning to be an active participant in a group activity. All of the activities are designed to bring out
a sense of engagement for the students. The students were given specific tasks to undertake,
under close supervision in an encouraging and acknowledging learning environment. The
following incursions shows some of the key activities carried out this semester.
The Circus came to Malibu and delighted all students and staff with
their hilarious unicycle performance followed by an engaging
The farm animals provided an opportunity to get up close and
personal with the fluffy, soft and feathery farm animals.
The ‘Day for Daniel’ celebration involved making giant bubbles and
watching them floating over the MAC roof until disappearing high
into the sky.
Netball girls came to teach us ball skills and all had a great time
shooting hoops of a different kind.
Dressing up as ourfavourite character in well known and loved stories
during Book week gave our students another opportunity to demonstrate
their enjoyment of literature.
Superhero day a wonderful day for students to dress up as their favourite
Fran, Jess, Annettee & Sue
Wow! Who would have thought the end of the year would come around so quickly? I find it fitting as
the year comes to a close to reflect on the journey that we have been on. We have had the most
amazing year filled with fun, excitement and new challenges. Each of the students bring their own
sense of humour, energy and personality to the group which is infectious.
It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to have the opportunity to
work with you all.
P is for protective, perfect, patient and passionate
R is for resilient, relationships, ready and reflection
I is for independence, individual, important and intelligent
M is for mature, mentor, magnetic and measured
A is for awesome, accountable, assertive and
R is for resolutions, risk taking, rocky and rapport
Y is for yawn after a very busy day, yes and young
F is for fabulous, friendship, familiar and forgiving
O is for opportunities, opinions, organised and orderly
U is for united, unique, understanding and understated
R is for respect, reason and remembering
These words sum up the wonderful team in Primary Four. Who are they?
Introducing… Braydon, Grace, Jack, Jacob, Joachim, Riley, Shaun and Zara
Now it’s time to say good-bye, our year has come to an end. I’ve made many cherished memories and
many more new friends. I’ve watched you learn and grow and change from day to day. I hope that all
the things we’ve done have helped in some small way. So it’s with happy memories I send you out
the door. With great hope and expectations for what next year holds in store!
We would like to wish our students, families and friends a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy
New Year.
From Sofie, Anita, Di and Sally
It can’t be the end of the year already. Doesn’t time fly when we’re having fun!
Our weeks continue to consist of many exciting activities for our students Tom, Jakeb, Malachy,
Ashton, Zak, Tallen and Elijah. We’ve had some great incursions this semester that included two
circus incursions, one with unicycles and juggling and another just recently with balancing acts,
gymnastics and hula hoop tricks and finishing with an exciting ending with a performer doing a flip
over some students. A sports day was organised by Debbie and some great helpers doing bean bag
races, obstacle course and fun under the parachutes for everyone. We also had several visits from
the SEDA basketball team who played ball games with us on the lawn area and in the MAC great
group of teenagers having heaps of fun with everyone. Over the past term we have been watching
over our garden area for signs of the sunflowers we planted. Looking at the height they had grown
each time we visit and now the yellow and black flowers that contrast so beautifully with the green
leaves of the plants.
Our class theme this semester has been about Africa Animals and
co-ordinating that theme with our literacy, geography and class art
lessons. Our class is a wonderful menagerie of wild animals from all
over Africa. We have been working on the alphabet, the sounds,
names, matching pictures relating to the letter and also the
formation of a letter for example, straight lines and curved lines. We
work each day starting with morning circle and greetings, always a
great start to each day then moving onto different work stations.
Communication is still very important to support lessons using PODD
books, ALS, Key Word Signs, and 4 blocks literacy with Jane Farrell. It
has been great see improvement in the class with students staying
focussed and using communication equipment and books with staff.
Well done everyone.
A big thankyou to Rod and Donna for all the help in class and
resources this year.
Now since we are coming to the end of the year didn't mean we could wind down, probably the
opposite with practice for the school concert, costumes, props and rehearsals. We are very lucky to
have some extra help for the concert this year from some great students from Kolbe College. We
had Navy Day at school with games, water play, bubbles, BBQ and more.
I do have to say a big thank you to Catherine for being the teacher in our class while I was on long
service leave and to my wonderful staff for all their support.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays.
Robyn, Catherine, Sandy, Yvonne, Dee,
Grace & Jenelle
Wow!!! This semester has come and gone so quickly, It’s hard to believe we’ve reached the end
of the school year already. The students of Middle 1- Mary, Jasmin, Ronan, Isaac, Kyle, Jonah,
Pare and Bianca have all been working hard and having fun along the way. The following is a
snapshot of what they’ve been up to this semester…
The development of literacy and communication skills using augmentative and alternative
communication (AAC) continues to be a priority area for our students as they engage in a range
of literacy activities daily using the 4 Blocks and Building Blocks balanced literacy programs whilst
using a range of AAC supports including low and high tech aided language systems to support
their receptive and expressive language skills throughout the day.
This semester in Maths, our focus was on measurement as the students practised comparing
objects using mass, length and capacity. One of the activities included the use of a balance scales
to compare the weight of two items using terms such as 'heavier than' and 'lighter than’. We also
measured each other’s height using a measure stick and ordered our heights from shortest to
tallest on our classroom height chart.
In Geography this semester, our theme was weather. Students identified and described current
weather conditions in their locality through daily weather observations. They recorded these
daily weather observations on a classroom weather chart to identify seasonal weather patterns.
They also compared weather conditions in their locality to other places around Australia through
regular viewings of weather maps and daily weather forecasts on the interactive whiteboard.
In conjunction with our weather theme and measure focus in Maths, the students created a rain
gauge to measure rainfall. They all hung their rain gauges on a tree in our school garden and
regularly monitored them for any rainfall. Fortunately, we were able to record a little bit of
rainfall this semester.
Our class participated in fundraising activities for National Bandanna Day this term where they
made advertisement posters and sold bandannas to students and staff around the school. We
raised $700 which will be donated to Canteen, an organisation that supports young people living
with cancer. Thank you to everyone for your generosity and support.
We also commenced weekly excursion as part of our community
access and transport training program. In term 3, students went
to the local IGA to buy ingredients for our weekly cooking
sessions and ordered their lunch at the local fish and chip shop
using their AAC supports. In term 4, students went to
Rockingham City Shopping Centre to buy items of choice with
their $5 spending money. During these excursions, they
practised transport training as they travelled via public
transport using their Smartrider cards to tag on/off and
demonstrated appropriate behaviour throughout. To round off a
wonderful semester, we went on an excursion to the World
Festival of Magic Show in the Perth Convention Centre on 11th
Our students successfully completed the Transition Challenge:
Knowing How module as part of the ASDAN accredited life skills
program which supported the student’s development of various
skills across all learning areas.
In Health Education, students engaged in a variety of hands on
activities where they got to see, hear, smell, touch and taste
different items as they explored their 5 senses.
Somehow, we managed to also squeeze in weekly protective
education sessions, swimming, horticulture, art, science and
physical education which provided lots of fun and engaging
learning opportunities thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Thank you to the education support staff: Halima, Fiona, Sandi,
Karen, Sue D. and Debbie (Teacher-Wednesday) for all your
hard work and support throughout the year and for helping our
students achieve success in all learning areas.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone.
Kim Coates (Daly)
Hello and welcome to Term 4, from all of us in Room 9! This term we have ventured into the world
of ancient Egypt, learning all about the pharaoh's and pyramids. Some of the activities the students
have been participating in have included, writing their names in Egyptian lettering (this ancient form
of symbolic communication known as Hieroglyphics), making a large paper mache Egyptian
landscape and constructing both small and large pyramids. The larger pyramid was painted by the
students and over the course of the term was covered in recycled bottle tops to give it a shiny rough
texture. The students have also been investigating Egyptian children’s day-to-day life experiences
and methods of schooling, in comparison to students of today. The students were able to do this by
watching YouTube documentaries on the Interactive Whiteboard and reading books from the library. Some of student’s favourite books were called "If I Were a Kid in Ancient Egypt", “2 Kurious
Kids”, “Mummies and Pyramids” and “Egyptology”.
Swimming has been well, going swimmingly. All of the students have been making great progress,
and this can be attributed to being able to utilise the magnificent upgrade of the pool facilities. Two
of the students have started moving away from the edge of the pool, with them beginning to kick
their legs with the help of the swimming team. Another student has been learning to do a sitting
dive from the edge of the pool, and it is now something he loves to do. He also has been enjoying
playing by the edge of the pool using the touch-squirt water gun. The staff have found the new hoist
systems extremely helpful in being able to easily transfer student’s who use a wheelchair to and
from the pool. The efficiency of this system has meant that these students are now able to have
longer session in the pool, where they can receive the hydrotherapy/physiotherapy that they
To top off what has been an industrious term and therefore wonderful year, the end of year
‘Hollywood’ school concert was a blast for everyone involved! We loved seeing all the students in
their costumes, smiling dancing and having a great time. It was also delightful to see Malibu’s
creative side emerge with a wide range of interpretations on the ‘Hollywood’ theme. The turnout of
family members was also great to see, with many joining in, clapping and applauding the student’s
hard work.
We in Room 9 wish all Malibu students, families and staff members a very Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing everybody’s refreshed and happy faces, ready for a
both amazing and productive 2016!
Kindest Regards
Kathryn, Bettina, Pamela and Melissa
We have had a fantastic year in Middle 3. We have been so busy that it is going to be extremely
difficult to cover it all in one page! Let’s start at the beginning.
Term 1
This term absolutely flew by! The class bonded very well and began to work as a group. Ancient
Egypt was our theme and we turned the classroom into an Egyptian paradise. The students
thoroughly enjoyed learning about Pyramids, the river Nile, Egyptian cooking and hieroglyphics.
The Egyptian cooking proved to be the high point of the term, especially the lemonade!
Term 2
The theme in Term two was Ancient Rome. Whilst not as popular with the students as Egypt was,
lots of fun was had nonetheless. Centurions, Rome, war, trade, the Colosseum, landscapes and
other areas were covered. We also went on a number of excursions to various places, including the
Rockingham foreshore via public transport. Our Breakfast club was created and the students had a
great time taking orders and making meals for others in the class.
Term 3
Ancient Greece was the theme for the third term. It was a busy term, filled with lots of fantastic
learning activities. We learned about the ancient Greek Gods, the Spartans, lifestyle, geography,
diet, money and climate. This was an extremely fun filled topic which had the students enthralled
during every lesson. Making the Trojan shield was a highlight for many of the class members.
Term 4
This has been our busiest term by far! Concert, Navy Day, and community excursions have been
just a few of the activities we have participated in so far! Our theme of Japan has proven to be a
huge hit also. We have had a fantastic time learning about samurai, diet, cities, sumo, climate,
geography and population.
Well, there is a brief overview of our year. We are extremely proud of how much the class has
achieved in a relatively short period of time and can’t wait to see their
progress continue in 2016. Have a safe and happy holidays.
Iain, Annette & Sarah
This semester Middle 4 has taken our theme “Out in the Community” to the streets learning and
implementing many skills to prepare us for life outside Malibu.
We have had a blast attending many outings to places such as Manudurah foreshore, Waikiki
foreshore, Rockingham foreshore, Warnbro community library, Fremantle as well as our local
shopping complex.
Our focus has been on practising our road safety skills, our math and money skills as well as
developing a broader understanding of dangers in the community all whilst building and
strengthening our social and networking skills.
Students in middle 4 now know where to stand safely when crossing an intersection and that they
not only need to look left and right when crossing the road but over their shoulder and all the way
around them to take into consideration complex intersections.
For literacy this semester we have been looking at a variety of fictional texts and developing our own
ideas and opinions on scenarios, sharing our ideas in a group setting. We have turned our ideas into
predictable charts as a class and then used our knowledge of sounds to write our ideas
We have visited the school library on a weekly basis to allow the students to
choose books of their own interests to read for self-selected reading. We
have also caught public transport to the Warnbro library to show students
that books can be used for leisure and that they can access books outside of
school as well.
This semester we have also conducted many letter search competitions in
which the students are given a sound and in groups they have found as many
items beginning with this sound as possible. We have then share their words
with the other groups to reinforce our knowledge.
Some of the students in Middle 4 have been involved in a separate literacy
program better suited to their needs and have been completing research
projects using various sites on the internet. These students have been
emailed tasks that they have been required to download, complete the tasks
using the internet, write them up in a word document and email back to the
teacher. The skills involved in these tasks have been designed to develop
skills that have a broad purpose and can be used in life after school.
Protective education has been a priority in Middle 4 this semester and we
have participated in many role play scenarios to develop an understanding
that our bodies are our own as well as strengthening our knowledge of
behaviours that are public and private.
Students in middle 4 have enjoyed using role play are great at using lines
such as “STOP- Don’t touch me” and “Hands down I don’t like it!” . We have
also developed a hand of trust that is built up of people that they know they
can go to if something is wrong.
Renae, Jenny, Virg, Louisa & Sylvia
It has been great to see the senior students grow and generalise skills we teach in school to use
them in different surroundings and be comfortable out of their comfort zone.
Our class has been very active in looking after the school garden growing plants and vegetables and
watching and measuring the growth of plants during maths lessons. The students were also active
and proud of the gravel we laid around all the beds that now look fantastic and have kept the
weeds down. It is now suitable for students who use a wheelchair. Weekly weeding and
maintenance has given the class ownership of the garden and the students are always keen to be in
the garden and water, weed and keep the garden in check.
The seniors community awareness program has seen the students grow in their confidence and
ability to use and organise the various routes they can take to be able to reach their desired
destinations. From being competent in using their SmartRider to reading and understanding
timetables, this year has seen the students travel to Mandurah and as far as the Esplanade in Perth.
Being competent in using public transport and seeing all the facilities in the area the students live in
and surrounding areas is an important factor, as the senior students are coming to the end of their
compulsory education. As a part of the community they need to be immersed into the community
and be aware of what it has to offer them in the future.
With the varied skills of the senior students, lessons have been
dynamic and hands on to engage the students to think, touch,
feel and excite them. Life skills and communicating with
people has also been a high priority and we have supported all
students to improve in this important area.
Interschool sports this year at Cannington was a great success
with students enjoying having a go and meeting and socialising
with other students from different metropolitan schools.
My first year at Malibu has been interesting and a
great journey. Next year will see me teaching science and
working with all students at the school.
Robert, Sam, Marc, Sylvia & Sue
Transition one and two have had an incredibly busy second semester!! We have been doing a great
deal of hard work in class together with our work experience commitments and our community
access program.
Transition one class has had a productive semester. We completed our outfits for the premature
NIC Units and presented them to the Tiny Sparks WA Association at a morning tea that we hosted at
the Café in September. We ended up producing 50 boy and 50 girl outfits, as well as beanies! They
were so pleased to receive the outfits and we were so proud of the efforts that everyone put in to
help make them!!
We are continuing to participate in and thoroughly enjoy our sensory and music programs. We also
enjoyed teaming up with Transition two for our horticulture and cooking sessions and had a great
time practicing our end of year concert item with everyone!
In the classroom Transition two have been concentrating on how we can use numeracy and literacy
in our everyday lives. Some of the areas we have worked on are the reading and writing of recipes,
newspaper articles, book reviews and recounts of activities that we participate in in our daily lives.
We have also focussed on the development of our money use and time telling skills as part of our
numeracy program and utilise these skills wherever we can when out in the Community.
We have been participating in a number of work experience programs
this semester, including working at the Rockingham Golf Driving
Range, Riding for the disabled, working at a mechanical company and
of course working in the Malibu Café. At all times during our work
experience, we display an excellent work ethic and professionalism
that makes both our parents and teaching staff extremely proud of
We have been so lucky to participate in a number of very exciting
community access visits this semester. Some of these have included;
going to the Fremantle Maritime Museum, the Perth Museum and Art
Gallery, The Perth Mint and very recently we took a trip to the
Fremantle Port to watch our classmate Adam take off on a five day
adventure on the Leeuwin sailing ship which he won a position on
through the Diversity course he participated in!! It was an extremely
exciting occasion for us all, especially Adam!!
great day we were involved in was the
ESSN Athletics carnival at Canning Vale College.
We all got out and had fun and gave everything
our best shot and had an absolutely fabulous
day mixing with students from other Schools
and participating in some great activities!!
For some of us, this is our last year at Malibu
School before we enter the big, wide world,
The students that are remaining along with the staff wish the graduates all of the luck and best
wishes for the exciting year of adventures ahead of them!! All of the students and staff in
Transition wish everyone a very safe and happy holiday and look forward to another fabulous year
in 2016!!
Once again we draw to the close what has been a busy, active and fun semester where our students
have again excelled and demonstrated how much they can be achieved.
Our junior students have been busy practicing their balance, different ways of moving, climbing,
sliding, rolling and learning how to keep safe. Some of the movement challenges have really been
particularly hard, and I am so impressed that even when it seems a little bit scary, our tenacious
students have a go, and get more confident and better at balancing with each try. We have also
been learning to watch moving objects then try to catch them, sometimes it’s a scarf, or a soft disc,
or a balloon, and then it gets a bit harder with different sized balls. We have also been practicing
rolling, bouncing and throwing for accuracy and we have so many different games and targets.
Our middle and senior students have been learning to play lots of different games and in doing so
practicing the skills, learning some of the rules and playing cooperatively with their class friends.
Middle and Senior students have also been doing some exercise sessions and circuits to improve
their fitness as well as spending time on the bike or in the gym, which both continue to be extremely
popular with most students.
We have had several incursions this semester that were
extremely well received by our students.
Boccia WA held a day of instruction and catered to all levels of
ability with ramps for some students while others participated
by learning the Boccia rules and playing games.
St John Ambulance held a “First Aid Focus” course which I
ntroduced many of our students to basic first aid, and again
this was presented to suit the needs and abilities of our
students and was well received.
WA ‘Milo” Cricket held cricket skills lessons with some of our
middle and senior students, which followed on well with the
games focus in P.E and we now see many students having fun
in their own recreation time at recess and lunch by playing a
game of cricket together.
We held a Novelty Sports morning in term four, and even though the morning was a little warm, it
was fantastic to see everyone involved and having fun while participating in some fun events. We
don’t focus on winning, but on ‘let’s have a go’, and our students are wonderful at joining in and
giving their best effort, always with a smile on their face. It was lovely to see so many parents and
carers there to be a part of it. “Thank you”
I’d like to thank Debbie Smith for stepping in again this semester on Friday’s while I’ve been on Long
Service Leave and take innovative and enjoyable lessons. Also a huge thank you to Sue Flint my
amazing ever energetic EA and all the EA’s from every class that comes out to P.E, because without
your willingness to be active and support our students as they learn and practice new skills, the
students would not achieve as much.
I’d like to wish all the graduating students of 2015 the very best for their futures. I’d also like to take
this opportunity to wish all the staff, students and their families a safe and enjoyable holiday and I
look forward to working with our wonderful Malibu students in P.E next year.
Debbie Flynn (P.E. Specialist Teacher)
“I believe arts education in music, theater, dance, and the visual arts is one of the most creative ways
we have to find the gold that is buried just beneath the surface. They (children) have an enthusiasm
for life a spark of creativity, and vivid imaginations that need training – training that prepares them
to become confident young men and women”
- Richard W. Riley, Former US Secretary of Education
Well where to begin!? This semester has been filled to the brim with remarkable achievements and
memorable moments across the school. From Drama to Hip-Hop, Ceramics to Music and Movement
each and every student has been immersed in the wonderful world of the Arts. The journey for all
students and staff has brought many laughs, tears of joy and gasps of pure elation. What a
The continuation of Drama for many of our Primary classes has seen our students flourish into
confident young actors. The journey of self-discovery has continued for the students as they have
absorbed themselves in the magnificent world of Drama. This semesters Drama Program has drawn
on the students curiosity and extended their creative play. A personal and social form of learning,
these learning experiences have deepened the student’s engagement across their Arts Programs. It
has been wonderful to observe these sessions stimulate the student’s creative and critical
thinking. Learning through drama has been a marvellous creative form of inquiry that has enabled
the Primary students to explore their own lives, further develop their observational skills and focus
on their intra and interpersonal skills.
“There are short-cuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them”.
- Vicki Baum
Where is one to begin? This has truly been one of the most exciting Semesters for those involved in
Music and Movement (Dance). This years Music and Movement Program has provided learning
experiences which has developed the ability of our students to communicate and express themselves
through movement. Through dance, the students have developed awareness of the ways their bodies
move, the space in which they move, the time and quality of their movements and their relationship
to each other and objects. From simple multi-step instructional songs to the more a advanced
Hip-Hop Dance program it has been an electrifying learning environment for all.
“ Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to
everything”. - Plato
Just when we thought we couldn’t aim any higher! This year has been filled to the brim with
performances for our Malibu Kolbe Glee Club. With outstanding appearances at numerous public
events including The Kolbe Catholic College Talent Show, Telethon, The Rockingham Community Fair
and The International Day for People with Disability we literally have to decline invitations to
perform at occasions!! This wonderful bond between Kolbe College and Malibu School is forever
embedded in the culture and curriculum of both schools. The collaborative efforts for the PMH Toy
Drive are testament to this. Some very exciting times lay ahead for these talent young
students. Including an invitation to perform on stage with James Blundell at the City of Vincent’s
Centenary Celebration for ANZAC Cottage in February 2016.
I cannot continue without expressing my deepest gratitude to each and every single staff member
who kindly volunteered their own time for evening and weekend performances to support the
students and myself this year. Without you all and your wonderful efforts, this year would not have
been the success that it was.
“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain”
- Bob Marley
It has been absolutely awesome to have Music Rocks Australia continue its wonderful Band program
at Malibu this year. The students have rocked the Malibu MAC every Tuesday jamming on some of
the greatest classics and chart poppers! It was a wonderful Saturday afternoon at Clancy’s Fish Pub
in Fremantle as our Malibu super stars kicked off the Southern River MRA Gig in fine form. With our
youngest rocker all of 4 years of age and our eldest being 17 it just goes to show that this music
program truly is for all!
A huge thanks to all the staff who have assisted the students each week in their band sessions and
those who have volunteered to help the students in their weekend gigs. You are all amazing! Thank
So it is with the biggest smile and warmest heart I say thank you. Thank you to our wonderful
students, to my hardworking colleagues, to our amazing families and Carers, to each and every one
of you in the Malibu Family. Thank you for a wonderful year full of marvelous memories.
May your holidays be filled to the brim with an abundance of love, plenty of laughter and masses of
memorable moments.
Cheers, Lucretia
Wow this Semester has really flown by and I can’t quite believe that we are almost at the end of
the year and what a brilliant year it has been! I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every Science
session with the amazing students of Malibu. The students have had a lot of fun learning about the
different topics, giving everything a go with their amazing positive attitudes.
Science requires an attitude of curiosity, it involves a lot of hands on multi sensory activities, often
some mess and this helps to develop their skills of observation, exploration, cause and effect and
Communication is very important in Science! Asking questions, giving opinions, answering
questions and sharing thoughts and ideas are crucial to the development of any Science skill and
the students have been using PODD’s, ALS, drawings, symbols and verbal communication to do
this, to me and to others EXCELLENT!!!!!
During Term 3 we studied Physical Science. Students investigated forces, how things moved
according to shape, speed, friction, water and air. We had a lot of fun exploring push, pull,
magnetic force, temperature, friction, gravity and air resistance; all were investigated using a
variety of activities.
We had a lot of fun investigating how energy appears in different forms. Through this, magnets
and magnetic force, electricity and electrical circuits, wind and solar power were investigated.
Students made electrical circuits work, added extra components incorporating motors and buzzers
including the investigation of conductors and insulators.
Light was studied in more detail this semester with its direction, reflection and bending of light
being investigated. Light was used to determine if something was transparent, translucent or
opaque. Shadow exploration was great fun for all with creative drawings of our poses outside
after various examinations were conducted inside of how to create shadows, make them bigger,
smaller and even disappear.
Sound was explored, how it is made, how we can change it and how we can make it around us.
Plucking, blowing, shaking, scraping, banging were all used to help us investigate the vibrations
that create sound.
During Term 4 we studied Biological Science utilising the various gardens around the school as
much as possible!
Our younger students had a lot of fun exploring what living things need to survive including plants,
pets and ourselves. They explored common external features of a variety of animals and the
purpose of animal body parts. Habitats have been found and looked at, as different living things
need to live in different places. The various gardens within Malibu have been a great source of
Science this semester!
Students learned about living and non-living things, grouping living things based on observable
features, life cycles of different animals and plants, food chains, how we can affect them positively
and negatively and interdependence of all living things.
Our Middle students studied animal adaptations and what they have developed to help them
survive in their environment, nocturnal animals, different habitats and how living things are
affected by their physical environment in Australia, the Arctic and Antarctica.
Our older students learned how to classify living things using the terms Producer, Herbivore,
Omnivore, Carnivore, Predator, Prey and Decomposer. They have had a lot of fun participating in
quizzes! We learned about classification of animals, groups of organisms, their similarities and
differences and food chains; focussing on Australian animals.
Although we have all had a lot of fun the most rewarding aspect of Science has been providing a
curriculum that all the students can access in an engaging and meaningful way. I would like to
sincerely thank all EA’s for their willingness to be involved in all activities and discussions to help
reinforce learning, outcomes and communication within and about Science. You have helped to
make the sessions even more successful and enjoyable for the students. I would also like the
thank the amazing Vicky, the Science/Art EA who has been willing to jump in, get involved and
help with the needs and demands of Science, you have added to the daily joys and laughter that
comes with good education, teaching and learning; never stop sharing your ideas! Donna ! Thank
you for all the out of hours help you have given me with developing the art of communication!
Finally I’d like to thank the Staff at Malibu for their kind support, sharing of knowledge and laughs!
It’s been a blast!
Nina- Science Teacher
Our school continues to make significant investments in planning and with the provision of
professional learning, support and resources in these priority areas of the school. It is crucial that
our students have access to a broad range of appropriate strategies and assistive technologies that
support and enhance their learning. Equally, it is essential that our staff feel informed and
supported with the implementation and use of these tools as we strive towards current best
The ICT team is committed to providing students and staff with current and relevant hardware,
software and support, and ensuring that the school’s IT systems and operations comply with the
Department of Education guidelines and requirements. Eighteen computers were purchased earlier
this term as part of the school’s computer replacement programme and some additional iOS
devices were acquired to further increase access to this technology. Another major investment this
semester was the purchase of three mobile Interactive Touch Panels for use in our Middle Block as
well as two fixed Interactive Touch Panels that were installed in the Primary Block. Significantly,
this completes the roll out of this technology throughout all classrooms in our school which is a
wonderful achievement. Eye gaze technology is another mode of access that some of our students
require to communicate or to independently participate in activities. This technology has become
more affordable in recent times and following the successful achievements of a few students
trialling a hired device this semester, we will proceed with the purchase of a similar unit. We really
look forward to exploring the use of eye gaze technology with our students.
“Everyone has the need to communicate.
The challenge is to figure out a way of providing all individuals with
appropriate ways to meet this need, regardless of their age, diagnoses or level of disability.”
(Sigafoos & O’Reilly, 2004)
The above reference has been central in our message to partnership schools who participated in our
MSSD project ‘AAC – A Voice for All’. Workshops, professional learning, mentoring and support have
been provided to staff from more than 35 Education Support schools over the past two years and
the feedback and encouragement that we received for our development in this area was inspiring.
As a result, Malibu School recently applied to become a Teacher Development School in AAC and
Literacy and confirmation of this status has just been advised for 2016/17. This is a milestone for our
school and brings with it many opportunities as well as some additional funding and resource for
further capacity building and development in this area. My sincere thanks to Noelene and the entire
staff for their continuing commitment to Literacy and the implementation of AAC strategies to
support students who have complex communication needs.
Staff development and professional learning in AAC continues to be a strong component of our
success as we strive towards best practice. During the second semester, two Senior Speech
Pathologists from the ILC Tech (Amy and Tanith) were contracted to work alongside our staff and
students in classrooms to provide mentoring and support to further develop AAC skills and
knowledge. Their input was greatly valued by staff who were timetabled into their schedule and we
look forward to their return in Term 1 2016 to continue this project with all remaining classrooms.
They were full of praise for our approach and the dedication and commitment shown by the staff to
improve communication outcomes for our students. Congratulations to teachers Kim Coates and
Shelly Whittall, who successfully completed a Graduate Diploma (Complex Communication Needs)
at Edith Cowan University this year amongst their busy work and family commitments.
Congratulations also to the ten staff who recently attended the two day PODD workshop presented
by Gayle Porter. It was a great opportunity to have some of our education assistants, teachers and
school leaders attending together for an intensive learning experience. Their enhanced knowledge
and skills in this area will further support student learning and contribute significantly to the schools
endeavour to maintain relevance and success.
Finally, my gratitude to Donna (Communication Assistant) and Daniel (IT guy) who ensure that our
staff and students have adequate equipment, resources and systems and provide support and
assistance to ensure that day to day operations in the classroom proceed with ease.
Enjoy the holiday season and best wishes to everyone!
Rod Mackintosh (Communication Specialist)
Malibu School
104 Georgetown Drive
Safety Bay
WA 6169
Tel: (08) 9527 9009
Principal: Noelene Mason