Volunteer Training - Point Dume Elementary School
Volunteer Training - Point Dume Elementary School
ALWAYS FREE ISSUE NO. 17 CULTURE CLUB PDMSS CARING COMMUNITY NEWS TOGETHER WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE SEPTEMBER 7, 2012 LOREM HIGH SCHOOL / SPRING_SUMMER 2009 / VOLUME 01 Principal’s Message Dear Family and Friends of PDMSS, On Thursday, September 6th, John Abrams came to help kick‐off the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program with our students. The assembly, entitled The Bully Game, is based on the same principles contained in the Olweus Program. Mr. Abrams, who visited our school last year as well, did a wonderful job helping the students understand a serious subject in a fun and entertaining way. The assembly began with a deEinition of bullying: “Bullying is when someone repeatedly and knowingly says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has difEiculty defending himself or herself.” Using a game show format the students went on to learn that when you taunt someone or gossip about someone and hurt their feelings, you are acting like a bully. Mr. Abrams focused on working together, being friends, and communicating to an adult when someone is behaving like a bully. By doing all these things we will make our school a bully free zone. continued on page 2 Students earned points if they were able to work together. In this way they learned the importance of cooperation when trying to solve problems. The Bully Game Contestants Takoda, Maxine, and Talia get ready to play a game, with the help of Raya, to show the difference between gossip and chatter. Mrs. Calvert joins in the fun to help with learning the difference between being a bystander and being a good witness. An enthusiastic group of 2nd graders wanted to answer questions and volunteer to be part of the Bully Game Assembly. Contestants built pyramids that stood for the 3 main concepts: No More Taunting, No More Gossip, and Be a Good Witness. CALENDAR PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE CONT. Class meeting were held in every room this week. During the meeting the four bully rules were introduced and students had an opportunity to explore the ideas presented and ask their questions in a safe environment. We will continue to incorporate this program throughout the school and we look forward to continuing the work during the year. Monday, Sept. 10th Volunteer Training K-2nd 8:30-9:30 Room 17 Thank you to the PTA for sponsoring the assembly and to the Olweus committee for their work during the summer and this past week in preparing for the launching event. If you want to know more about the program you can Savory Fundraiser come to the Parent Meeting Wednesday, September 12th at 6:30p.m. You can 5:30 - 7:00 also speak with any one of the Olweus committee members, Courtney Rayner, Instrumental Back-to-School Nanette McNulty, Michelle Bernadou‐Russo, Cheryl Calvert, Laura Calek, or Christi Hovest and they will be happy to answer your questions. 6:00 p.m. Cafetorium Wednesday, Sept. 12th Volunteer Training K-2nd 8:30-9:30 Room 17 and 1:00-1:45 Room 17 3:00 PTA Meeting Cafetorium On a completely different note, remember that this Saturday is Costal Clean‐ up Day. We will be working on making Westward Beach beautiful. We are aware of the triathlon and have been working with Heal the Bay and they have made arrangements for parking. They tell us we will have access to Westward Beach from 9:00‐12:00. I look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming volunteer trainings and parent meetings scheduled for this week. Olweus Parent Meeting 6:30-7:30 Library With Warm Regards Thursday, Sept. 13th Volunteer Training K-2nd 8:30-9:30 Room 17 and 2:00-2:45 Room 17 for 3rd-5th grade volunteers Rebecca Johnson Principal Savory Fundraiser #1 Costal Clean-up 5th Grade Meet and Greet Friday, Sept. 14th Volunteer Training 3rd-5th 8:30-9:30 Room 17 #2 Meet and Greet Dates & Times Volunteer Training Dates & Times #4 Chats with the Principal Saturday, Sept. 15th Beach Clean-up Day Westward Beach Wednesday, Sept. 29th Meet and Greet for 3rd Grade Thursday, Sept. 20th Volunteer Training 3rd-5th 8:30-9:30 Room 17 Meet and Greet for 4th Grade ts #7 & #8 Malibu City Press Release Monday, Sept. 17th No School Rosh Hashana Tuesday, Sept. 18th Volunteer Training 3rd-5th 8:30-9:30 Room 17 #6 Malibu Public Library Ev en ! #3 #5 PCH Safety UPCOMING EVENTS Friday, Sept. 20th Twin Day! This Week’s Flyers s #9 & #10 !"#$%&'()*"+,"*')-' .(/'&$'&0"'(&&"+12+,"' 3$&45+"! "#$$!%&'()*+(,%+'!#-.!/0122!&3!! 40!15#6$!/7.851#771-.#-91! :25582.;<0=! PDMSS Farmer’s Market We had our school's first Farmer's Market and it was a big success. To raise money for our organic gardens and spread the message to buy local, the CoEnvironmental Commissioners, Jonah F. and Henry M. organized a Farmer's Market afterschool on Friday. We sold flowers, organic fruits, nuts and veggies and a lot of wholesome treats. (The Raw, Vegan Dark Chocolate Macaroons went fast!) We also packaged our very own PDMSS Organic Fertilizer from our composting bins. Thank you to our supporters for their very generous donations of food, supplies and time: The Tin House Farm The Ranch at Live Oak/Malibu Silver Lake Farms The Dempsey Family The Dimmel-Alexeff Family The Fox Family Molly Harrington The Hernandez Family The Kline Family The Mahl Family The Mark Family Mimi Mawford Tania Melendez The Mellberg Family The Raynor Family The Tankersley Family Our student helpers were: Ava N. Talula D. Darby D. Sullivan D. Jonah F. Faith H. Henry M. Philip M. And a very big thank you to DeeDee Cooper and Mrs. Dunn for their help overseeing the project. THE TIMES FOR THE SAVORY FUNDRAISER HAVE CHANGED THE CORRECT TIMES ARE 5:30 - 7:00 5:30 -7:00 4VQQPSU1PJOU%VNF&MFNFOUBSZ .POEBZ4FQUFNCFS 3471TBQQSFDJBUFECVUOPUSFRVJSFE 1*$,61"#00, 7JTJUPVSOFJHICPSTBU Bank of Books CFUXFFOQNBOEPGBMM QSPDFFETXJMMCFEPOBUFEUPMPDBM .BMJCVTDIPPMT Let’s make this year’s cleanup even greener. Bring your own reusable buckets, garden gloves, and reusable water canteens to the event. Together, we can all reveal the natural beauty of our waterways. Sign up online: healthebay.org/ccd ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "#$$!%&!'(!)#*$%&! ! ! ! ! ! "#$%&'()*!+,-.,/0,%!12.#3! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "#$%&'()*!+,-.,/0,%!>?.#3! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! AB<'()*!+,-.,/0,%!>@.#3! ! ! ! ! ! ' ! ! ;,'<,&'()*!+,-.,/0,%!1=.#3! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "#$%&'()*!+,-.,/0,%!>D.#3! ! ! ! ! ! ! AB<'()*!EF.B0,%!1&.3! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 4"5!6789:! !"#$%&'()'*+,-'.'*"()/'*"##' 279!6789:! !"#$%&'()'0"1'.'2+34'5%6/+,%' @"5!6789:! !"#$%&'()'7%4/'.'89+'0:"/#"/' >C9!6789:! !"#$%&'()';4$$'.'<+99'*4=>' 1+"!6789:! !"#$%&'()'54$6+,-'.'?4/&4,%'@%99)' GHC9:7687":C' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"#$%&'()'*4>+'.'*"A+'B#64%9! ! • +,-.,/0&,1'/!213!4560'!7%%,'58,./!95::!;,!<,.=,3! • >,'25:,3!?1=5'2'5(1!213!+<@A!?1-(.&2'5(1!'(!B(::(C! ! !"#$%&''()*(+,%,%-) To be ready to support the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program and volunteer in your child’s classroom, please be sure to attend one of the volunteer training sessions listed below. Two Volunteer Training Sessions have been added in the afternoon! ) Morning trainings are from 8:30 – 9:30 in Room 17 .(+%&)/#'0'%&+(1)234""#) Kindergarten, First and Second Grade Parent Volunteer Training Monday, September 10th Wednesday, September 12th Afternoon training Wednesday, September 12th 1:00 – 1:45 Thursday, September 13th Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade Parent Volunteer Training Afternoon Training Thursday, September 13th 2:00 – 2:45 Friday, September 14th Tuesday, September 18th Thursday, September 20th !"#$%&'($"&$")&*+(,!(*#-& ! !./)&#,0&%"#+)&1.2+&$".23"$%&#,0&(0)#%&'($"&/+%4&54& #--&!"#$%&'(--&6)&")-0&(,&+../&78&#,0&6)3(,&#$& 9:;<& =(,0)+3#+$),&!"#$>&')0,)%0#1>& &.!$.6)+&7< $" & ?(+%$&3+#0)&!"#$>&$"2+%0#1>&& &.!$.6)+&77 $" & %)!.,0&3+#0)&!"#$>&$2)%0#1>&& .!$.6)+&7@$"& $"(+0&3+#0)&!"#$>&')0,)%0#1>& .!$.6)+&78$"& ?.2+$"&3+#0)&!"#$>&$2)%0#1>& .!$.6)+&A;+0& ?(?$"&3+#0)&!"#$>&')0,)%0#1>& .!$.6)+&AB$"&& PCH SAFETY STUDY Public Meetings September 13, 20, 27 and October 4 | 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Pacific Coast Highway Safety Study The City of Malibu in collaboration with the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) is conducting a study of safety along Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) from the eastern to the western Malibu City limits, approximately 21 miles, for all modes of travel (pedestrians, bicycles and autos). The Study will include recommendations for prioritized improvements along three primary study areas: 1. Study Area 1: Topanga Canyon Rd. to Cross Creek Rd. 2. Study Area 2: Cross Creek Rd. to Busch Dr. 3. Study Area 3: Busch Dr. to Western City Limits Public Meetings Please join us at one of the upcoming public meetings to discuss existing conditions, your perspective and concerns on the corridor. The first three meetings will focus on one specific study area. The fourth meeting will review material presented at the first three meetings and provide community members another opportunity to offer valuable input and feedback. Meeting Location All 4 meetings will be held at: Malibu City Hall 23825 Stuart Ranch Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 Meeting Dates * Public Meeting for Study Area 1 Thursday, September 13 Public Meeting for Study Area 2 Thursday, September 20 Public Meeting for Study Area 3 Thursday, September 27 Public Meeting for all 3 Study Areas Thursday, October 4 *Please refer to the map to attend the meeting applicable to your study area. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Visit our new interactive PCH Study website at malibucity.org through October 12 to provide your observations and suggestions. Show us how you use PCH through the interactive map to identify destinations and transportation or safety improvements you would like to see. If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, please visit the website to submit your comments. For more information, please contact our outreach consultant, Arellano Associates, Melissa Holguin at [email protected] or (909) 627-2974. ! ! !"#$%&'"(')"*'+$,-.-*' /#0.12')10343&' !-$%-$$14.'!-.-034%1"$5' 6768'9'8:68' ;4.10#')10343&' 9I7J;$K,@,($K4-+4#$L'G$ E'3,M0.$K%$;=987$ $ IJ=:<78:8<I>$ $ ("3'50M3,MH"#2$ <4%#3=4&>'<-?%-@0-3'A>'8:68' 685::'/;'B'C5::'/;' C14$K"0-+G$"6$O"/$%-2434/$P0M3,($O,M#'#G$,/$+0#-,-2$J==$G4'#/$ "3*Q$$O4+R/$(434M#'+4Q$ DEFGH' !"#$$%&'%(%!#$$%&'$ $ 6"33"N$ E'3,M0O,M#'#G$ S,*/$'-*$C44-/$(")4$53'G$TUVWX$'-*$ N,-$60-$5#,Y4/Q$$P'#+G$6'@"#/$N1,34$ /0553,4/$3'/+H$$!#44H$ ! 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Fax (310) 456-3356 ! www.malibucity.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 27, 2012 Contact: Jennifer Brown, Senior Environmental Programs Coordinator (310) 456-2489 ext. 275 [email protected] Malibu to Celebrate COASTWEEKS with Three Dynamic Events The City will host a beach cleanup, outdoor movie screening and Beach Ecology Workshop, all of which are free and open to the public. Malibu, California – In celebration of COASTWEEKS, the City of Malibu will host three compelling events: a beach cleanup and outdoor movie screening on September 15, and a free Beach Ecology Workshop on September 19. All events are free and open to the public. COASTWEEKS is an annual three-week celebration of our coastal and water resources that takes place throughout the country from September 15 through October 7. The kick off for the celebration is the annual Coastal Cleanup Day (Saturday, September 15, 2012), when 70,000 Californians come together to keep our coasts and inland waterways free of debris. On this day the City of Malibu, along with the Malibu Surfing Association and Heal the Bay, will host a beach cleanup at Surfrider Beach from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. to join the tens of thousands of Southern Californians who, during that same timeframe, will head to their local beaches and inland waterways on a mission to clear the sand and water of harmful and unsightly pollution. Last year, more than 67,000 volunteers from California removed 676,768 pounds of trash and 115,773 pounds of recyclable waste. Students can earn up to three hours of community service. Volunteers are offered free parking in Los Angeles County parking lots for this special event. During the evening of Saturday, September 15, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Legacy Park, the City will host an outdoor screening of “Last Call at the Oasis,” a renowned documentary that illuminates the vital role water plays in our lives. The film presents a powerful argument for why the global water crisis will be the central issue facing our world this century, and features distinguished experts as Peter Gleick, Alex Prud’homme, Jay Famiglietti and Robert Glennon. Director Jessica Yu will be present to answer questions before the film. Legacy Park is located in the Malibu Civic Center between Pacific Coast Highway and Civic Center Way. Then on Wednesday, September 19, the City will host a free Beach Ecology Workshop at Malibu City Hall (23825 Stuart Ranch Road) from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Featuring presentations by Dr. Karen Martin of Pepperdine University and Dr. Jennifer E. Dugan of UC Santa Barbara, the workshop will educate attendees about beach ecosystems and the value of kelp wrack to shorebirds and other marine wildlife. More information about the City’s COASTWEEKS events can be obtained online by visiting www.malibucity.org or by calling (310) 456-2489 ext. 275. The City of Malibu was incorporated on March 28, 1991. Located in Northwest Los Angeles County, the City has 21 miles of coastline along the Pacific Ocean and a population of 12,645. City of Malibu News 23825 Stuart Ranch Road ! Malibu, California ! 90265-4861 Phone (310) 456-2489 ! Fax (310) 456-3356 ! www.malibucity.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 30, 2012 Contact: Leanna Parish, Recreation Coordinator (310) 456-2489 ext. 358 [email protected] Malibu Parks & Recreation Unveils New Exciting Classes for Fall Malibu, California – The City of Malibu will offer several new and exciting classes this fall for various age groups, including self defense for women, Zumbatomic, acting, Hula, and a horror movie workshop. The SHIELD Self Defense class for women focuses on a close-range fighting system created specifically to empower women in fighting back against sexual assault. Classes for women ages 15 and over will take place Tuesday evenings beginning September 11. Zumbatomic, a Zumba class for youths ages 7-12, is designed to encourage children to develop a healthy lifestyle that incorporates fitness as a natural part of their lives through dance, music and exercise. Zumbatomic classes will take place Wednesdays beginning September 12 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Life Stories- An Introduction to Acting incorporates tools such as improv games, text analysis, character development and teaching acting through participants’ life stories. Suitable for all levels and adult ages, this class will take place Wednesdays beginning September 12 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Hula classes for children and adults will take place Saturday afternoons beginning September 15. Students will learn the traditional Polynesian dance and will also be introduced to the rich history and culture of the Polynesian Islands. Children’s classes take place from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., and adult classes from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The Horror Movie Workshop teaches youths ages 8 and older how to put together a horror movie from start to finish. In this special 4-week workshop, students will create an idea for a scary movie and turn it into an animated film filled with scary sound effects, music and special effects. All movies will be professionally edited, and a DVD will be provided to every student in the workshop. The workshop takes place Mondays beginning September 10 from 4:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. All classes take place in Malibu. For more information or to register for these classes, please call (310) 4562489 ext. 358 or visit www.malibucity.org. The City of Malibu was incorporated on March 28, 1991. Located in Northwest Los Angeles County, the City has 21 miles of coastline along the Pacific Ocean and a population of 12,645.
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