MALIBU LUMBER YARD MALIBU, CALIFORNIA KEY RETAILERS LOCATION SIZE (GLA) CONTACT Alexis Bittar, Alice + Olivia, INTERMIX, James Perse, J. Crew, kitson, Maxfield, Vilebrequin, Burgerfi, Café Habana Positioned in a highly visible corner location along the Pacific Coast Highway, the center is eco- and family-friendly with unparalleled views of the ocean and mountains. Its tenants and events reflect the “Malibu lifestyle” and appeal to all ages. 31,438 sq. ft. LEASING Joshua Lindimore [email protected] SPECIALTY LEASING Jack Brennan [email protected] RESTAURANTS Randy Guse [email protected] WEBSITE BUILT FROM BRAZILIAN HARDWOOD AND OTHER SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS, MALIBU LUMBER YARD IS A TRIBUTE TO THE OLD HARDWARE STORE AND LUMBERYARD WHICH ONCE STOOD ON THE SITE. PROPERTY OVERVIEW Situated in the heart of Malibu, about one hour from downtown Los Angeles, the Malibu Lumber Yard is a premier outdoor center with an upscale mix of retailers and restaurants surrounding unique outdoor seating areas and lush landscaping. The Yard features unique boutiques and exquisite eateries including Alice + Olivia, INTERMIX, kitson, Alexis Bittar and Café Habana. Located along the famed Pacific Coast Highway, its chic tenant mix and contemporary design draws customers from Thousand Oaks, Woodland Hills, Calabasas, Hidden Hills, Topanga and Agoura Hills. Point Dume Pacific Ocean Pepperdine University Malibu Colony Civic Center Road Pacific Coast Highway Cross Creek Road MALIBU LUMBER YARD MALIBU COUNTRY MART MALIBU VILLAGE MARKET OVERVIEW Malibu is a prosperous beachfront city within Los Angeles County spanning over 21 luminous miles on the California coastline. Malibu is home to 12,645 locals and serves as a hot vacation spot for an estimated 15 million tourists annually. With an average income of $231,976, Malibu has a relaxed culture and effortless style and is a natural destination for shopping, dining, and beach activities. Housing and office markets have enjoyed considerable appreciation over the last several years due to the extremely high incomes of the city’s residents, the revitalization of nearby Santa Monica, and the area’s impressive and growing array of corporate office tenants. Famous for its residents, including movie stars, musicians, writers, producers, and personalities from the entertainment and business industries, Malibu is also known for its world-famous surfing and beautiful beaches. TRADE AREA DEMOGRAPHICS: RADIUS 5 MILES 10 MILES 15 MILES POPULATION 9,804 125,410 883,658 HOUSEHOLDS 3,345 46,787 355,130 AVG. HHI $231,976 $216,705 $141,117 2019 Projection | Source: Sites USA S I M I VA L L E Y M I SS I O N H I L L S N O RT H H I L L S KEY 23 C A N O G A PA R K VA N N U YS T H O U SA N D OA KS TRADE AREA = 75 % o f c u sto m e r s S H E R M A N OA KS AG O U R A H I L L S C A L A B ASAS M a l i b u L u m b e r Ya rd | Malibu, CA 101 TO PA N G A X 405 23 1 15 MI 10 MI 1 2 B E V E R LY HILLS PAC I F I C PA L I SA D E S MALIBU 4 SA N TA MONICA 3 . Th i rd St re e t P ro m e n a d e Apple Z a ra A | X A r m a n i E xc h a n g e 4 . S a n t a M o n i c a P l a ce B l o o m i n g d a l e ’s N o rd st ro m MARINA DEL REY PAC I F I C OCEAN 1 . M a l i b u Co u n t r y M a r t L a Ta r t Mac Michael Stars Planet Blue John Varvados 2 . M a l i b u Vi l l a g e B a n a n a Re p u b l i c S o u l Cyc l e 3 5 MI CO M P E T I T I O N 1 M A N H AT TA N B E AC H HERMOSA B E AC H