File - ASCE SunCoast Branch
File - ASCE SunCoast Branch
APRIL 2011 Page 1 of 13 Civil Times Mark your Calendars!! Special Events: APRIL 15 – ASCE Networking Social event April 21 – Monthly Luncheon May 14 – MARC-OVER Event May 20 – Golf Tournament In This Issue: PG 1: SunCoast Branch News April 2011 President’s Message from Sonya Fronckowiak, P.E. On behalf of the ASCE SunCoast Branch, we would like to thank you for your participation during E-Week! It was an exciting week with something for everyone! We had a great turnout at all of the events, especially, our ASCE Sponsored events – the Winter Social aboard the LeBarge Sunset Cruise and the Toothpick Bridge Contest. We had almost 100 people attend the social, and over 130 bridges judged at the Toothpick Bridge Contest! Great job to all our volunteers who made each event possible. A special thanks goes to all of our Sponsors. Your contributions directly impact the success of each event and most importantly, they allow us to reach out to our students to show them what we are all about. Presisdent’s Message PG 2: Calendar Toothpick Bridge Results Sub-Committee Contacts PG 3: ASCE NEWS PG 4: ASCE Workshops April 15th, ASCE Social Event! PG 5 – 7: Lebarge Pictures PG 8: Call for VOLUNTEERS!! PG 9: West Point Bridge Flyer PG10: Golf Tournament Flyer PG 11: Career Corner PG 12: SPONSOR PAGE PG 13: April Meeting Details Suncoast Board Information If you missed E-Week, or if you are looking for more things to do, please mark your calendars for the following: Friday, April 15th – Need a break after submitting your taxes? Come join us for a Happy Hour at the Sarasota Ale House from 5:30 to 7:00. We will buy the first round of drinks and appetizers. See the ad in the newsletter for more information. Thursday, April 21st - Our next luncheon is scheduled for April 21st at the Dutch Heritage. Our guest speaker is George Whalen, Jr. and his topic is “Low Impact Design and LEED Credits”. Please RSVP to Saturday, May 14th - We are excited to have a great project that has evolved as a result of our survey we sent out last year. The project is to help make over the Manasota Association for Retarded Citizens (MARC) group homes, and/or training center. They are in major need of a makeover or as we are calling it, a MARC-Over! We are currently trying to work out the details of the project, but all we know is a lot of work is needed to help update their facilities. We are also teaming up with FES to make this a great event! At this time, please “MARC” your calendars for May 14th and let us know if you are able to provide/donate any services, supplies, or special skills that relate to the MARC-Over! Friday, May 20th – The ASCE SunCoast Annual Charity Golf Tournament will be held at the Legacy Golf and County Club off of University Parkway, east of the interstate. It is an award-winning Arnold Palmer signature design course! We will have a shot-gun start in the afternoon, and your registration will include practice range balls, golf and cart, an Italian Dinner Buffet, door prizes, and much more. We will also have awards for the top teams and a silent auction! See the ad in the newsletter for more information. We look forward to seeing you at our April Luncheon and at our upcoming events. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to email us at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you! Sincerely, Sonya Fronckowiak, P.E. ASCE SunCoast President APRIL 2011 Page 2 of 13 SUNCOAST BRANCH SUB-COMMITTEES Please join a Sub-committee today! 1) Scholarship Committee: Please contact Tim Foushee fousheet@ayresassociates .com for more information 2) Outreach Program Committee: Please contact Paula R. Wiggins at [email protected] for more information 3) Toothpick Bridge Committee: Please contact Chris Sharek at [email protected] for more information APRIL 2011 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Saturday Sunday 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ASCE at the ALE HOUSE 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Palm Sunday RSVP deadline 25 26 Easter Good Friday ASCE Lunch meeting 27 28 Earth Day 29 30 Administrative Professionals Day 2011 Toothpick Bridge Results The Toothpick Bridge Building Contest was held on Saturday February, 26th at GWIZ. The awards ceremony was held on March 3 to an audience of approximately 40 people. The parents and teachers in attendance wanted to convey their appreciation to the professional societies that contribute to fund the toothpick bridge year in and year out. Thank you!! 4) West Point Bridge Committee Please contact Paula Wiggins at [email protected] for more information 5) Florida Section Science and Engineering Fair Committee Please contact Adnan Javed at [email protected] for more information APRIL 2011 Page 3 of 13 ASCE NEWS NEWS AND INFORMATION FROM ASCE MARCH 2011 • ASCE Members With Unpaid Dues Set to Be Dropped Members who are in arrears (unpaid 2010 dues) will be dropped soon. We encourage lapsed members to renew immediately. March is the last month to renew before being dropped from ASCE membership. If you are aware of anyone with financial difficulties and/or unemployment issues, please ask them to contact Patrick Ballou at [email protected] to retain their membership. NOTE: Your April membership database will be reduced for any member that didn’t renew or contact ASCE for financial assistance. • ASCE Is on YouTube! ASCE now has its own channel on YouTube! This is a great vehicle to show members what happens at the various ASCE events they read about elsewhere. • 2011 Multi-Region Leadership Conference The Conference was attended by your Suncoast Branch Vice President, Amjid Hussain, P.E. Geographic Services is pleased to inform you that PowerPoint presentations delivered at the 2011 Multi-Region Leadership Conferences are now available on the FTP site at The Post-Conference reports, which include the roundtable summaries received, the final roster of attendees and agendas may be found on the web site at • Take the 2011 Salary Survey and get a free online report Take five minutes to share your salary for inclusion in the Engineering Income and Salary Survey. When you complete the survey, you'll receive a free electronic report with salary information for your level in any region of the country plus a free copy of the Top 10 Cities for Civil Engineering Salaries Report. More than 17,000 engineers have already completed the survey. Join your fellow colleagues and log in at to enter your salary information. All individual responses are kept confidential. Each week, Kathy Caldwell shares her insights on what's happening in civil engineering and at ASCE, and encourages you to offer your perspectives in reply. Read Kathy's latest entries: • Call for Speakers - Florida ASCE - Annual Meeting 2011 The 2011 Annual Meeting for Florida Section ASCE will be held at the International Golf Village in St. Augustine, Florida on July 13-16, 2011. The Annual Meeting is the largest event held by the Florida Section of ASCE and has an attendance of more than 400 engineers/managers from all over Florida. The technical sessions at the Annual Meeting have something of interest for everyone. Please visit the link below for more info: APRIL 2011 Page 4 of 13 ASCE Spring/Summer 2011 Continuing Education Seminars andWorkshops ASCE Tech Div. FULL DATE April 14-15, Structural 2011 May 12-13, Management 2011 Construction/Man May 16-17, agement 2011 May 18-20, Hydraulics 2011 May 19-20, Structural 2011 May 19-20, Hydraulics 2011 June 16-17, Management 2011 Environmental/Ge June 23-24, otechnical 2011 June 23-24, Structural 2011 August 25-26, Geotechnical 2011 September 14Structural 16, 2011 September 21Structural 23, 2011 September 22Management 23, 2011 SEMINAR/WORKSHOP CITY/STATE Atlanta, GA Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Structures Atlanta, GA Leadership Development for the Engineer Orlando, FL New Orleans, LA New Orleans, LA Construction, Plans, Specifications and Ethics for Civil Engineers Stream bank Stabilization for Restoration and Flood Control Design of Lateral Force Resisting Systems Using the 2009 International Building Code Orlando, FL Pumping Systems Design for Civil Engineers Orlando, FL Financial Management for the Professional Engineer Orlando, FL Design and Operation of Bioreactor Landfills ~Newly Updated Tampa, FL Design and Strengthening of Shallow Foundations for Conventional and Pre-Engineered Buildings Atlanta, GA Earth Retaining Structures Selection, Design, Construction and Inspection: Now in an LRFD Design Platform Atlanta, GA Structural Design of Buildings and Industrial Facilities for Blast Loads and Accidental Chemical Explosions Atlanta, GA Structural Vibration Analysis, Design and Troubleshooting Orlando, FL Project Management AS CE H A P P Y H O U R APRIL 15th, 2011 at the Sarasota Ale House 5 :30 – 7 pm 3800 Kenny Drive Sarasota, FL 34232 (941) 378-8888 googlemap Some food and drink to be provided by ASCE. Please contact any board member for more information. See you there!! RSVP: [email protected] APRIL 2011 Page 5 of 13 ASCE SUNCOAST WINTER SOCIAL Sponsored by Atkins, formerly PBS&J Sunset Cruise on LeBarge 2011 LeBarge Diamond Sponsor APRIL 2011 Page 6 of 13 LeBarge Diamond Sponsor APRIL 2011 Page 7 of 13 APRIL 2011 Page 8 of 13 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! ASCE and FES Gives Back - MARC-Over Event May 14, 2011 Volunteers and supplies needed for our Service Project to help revamp the Manasota Association for Retarded Citizens facilities. We will be giving their facilities a Make-Over or as we are calling it, a MARC-Over which will include painting, landscaping, cleaning, etc. Please RSVP to Kim Clayback, P.E., our SunCoast Branch Treasurer, by emailing her at [email protected]. If you can’t make it, but would like to contribute, send us a donation. 100% of the donation will go to the cause. We are also accepting supplies (mulch, paint, painting supplies, etc.) To learn more about MARC, visit ASCE Golf Tournament May 20, 2011 Volunteers needed to help make this year’s tournament better than ever. We need volunteers to help collect door prizes, and miscellaneous things. We also need volunteers the day of the event. Please contact Sonya Fronckowiak, P.E. for more information at [email protected]. West Point Bridge Now through May 21, 2011 Volunteers needed to help spread the word for more students / classrooms to join the fun with the opportunity to earn cash prizes! For more information, contact Paula Wiggins, P. E. at [email protected]. APRIL 2011 Page 9 of 13 APRIL 2011 Page 10 of 13 ASCE SunCoast Branch Charity Golf Tournament 16th Annual Charity Golf Outing 4 Person Scramble This year’s event will be held Friday, May 20, 2011 at the well-manicured Legacy Golf and Country Club. Legacy is an LEGACY GOLF AND upscale, 18-hole championship course. This award-winning Arnold Palmer-signature designed course has quickly earned its reputation as one of the premier courses in Southwest Florida. The course features elevated multiple tees, and virtually every hole is framed with sand and water. COUNTRY CLUB 8255 Legacy Blvd. Bradenton, FL 34202 Phone: 941-907-7067 WHEN: Friday May 20, 2011 WHERE: Legacy Golf and Country Club REGISTRATION: 12:00 pm SHOTGUN START: 1:00 pm COST: $100 For the Deluxe Golf Package $75 for the Standard Golf Package SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE!! Enjoy a complete program of special events, 18 holes of golf (including cart), lunch, dinner, door prizes, silent auction, an exciting awards banquet, and much more... On-Course Contests: • Putting challenge on the practice green • Two longest drive contests (Men’s and Women’s) • Closest to the pin challenge • Longest Putt Contest • And the Hole-in-One Shootout For more information, contact: Sonya Fronckowiak 941-907-6900 [email protected] APRIL 2011 Page 11 of 13 LeBarge Diamond Sponsor Career Corner: Members seeking Job Opportunities Members Helping Members Know of a member who is seeking employment? Ask them to send a paragraph “resume” and we will post it here or refer any job leads privately. You can help by just forwarding an opportunity to your branch officers to pass on to qualified colleagues looking for work. Don’t delete the next email from Monster, HotJobs, or Career Builder; pass a prospect to a worthy member! FIRAT SEVER Professional Engineer (with a doctorate in Civil/Environmental Engineering) specializing in underground infrastructure. Has 5 years as a consultant, 2 years as a resident project engineer, and 2 years of research experience in water and wastewater projects. Resume available by contacting [email protected] ANTONIO RENADA Graduating with a GPA of 3.71 May 2011 from the University of Florida with a B.S. in Civil Engineering and a minor in Business. Intern experience for two summers for Birdsall Services Group and Mil-Pro, Inc. in New Jersey. Extremely involved, Past President of the Delta Chi Fraternity, Current President of the Chi Epsilon Engineering Honor Society. Please contact Melanie D. Smith @ [email protected] for Mr. Renada’s resume. Engineering Construction Environmental Architecture PBS&J is now Atkins! PBS&J is proud to assume the name of our new parent company, Atkins! We are now part of the world’s 11th largest design consultant firm and are excited to lead the North American region. We look forward to giving you the same great local service that you’ve come to expect, but with the ability now to bring you best practices from around the world and even more resources and technical capabilities. Sustainability and innovative design Clean water. A basic necessity that we can’t live without but often take for granted. From our earliest days, PBS&J has partnered with clients to develop and maintain safe and adequate water supplies. Planning today for your peace of mind tomorrow. • Alternative disinfection processes • Aquifer storage and recovery • Asset management • Cathodic protection/corrosion control • CMOM compliance assistance • Collection and distribution • Facilities planning • Groundwater hydrology • Hydraulic modeling • Instrumentation and controls • Large diameter pipeline design • Membrane technology • Operations and maintenance services • Rate and impact analysis • Regulatory compliance • Risk management evaluations 800.477.7275 APRIL 2011 Page 13 of 13 2010 – 2011 SunCoast Branch Executive Board President Sonya Fronckowiak, P.E. WilsonMiller Stantec 6900 Professional Pkwy. E. Sarasota, Florida 34240 [email protected] (941) 907-6900 Vice-President Amjid Hussain P.E. Sarasota County 1001 Sarasota center Blvd. Sarasota, FL 34240 Ph: (941) 861-0750 Fax: (941) 861-0770 [email protected] Secretary Melanie Delehanty Smith, E.I. WilsonMiller Stantec 6900 Professional Pkwy. E. Sarasota, Florida 34240 [email protected] (941) 907-6900 Treasurer Kim B. Clayback, P.E. Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc. 5104 N Lockwood Ridge Rd. Suite 307 Sarasota, Florida 34234 Phone: (941) 358-1440 x 1609 [email protected] Webmaster D. Scott McKenna, P.E. WilsonMiller Stantec 6900 Professional Pkwy. E. Sarasota, Florida 34240 [email protected] (941) 907-6900 ASCE Lunch Meeting: April 2011 Where? Dutch Heritage When? April 21, 2011 Speaker? Topic? George Whalen, Jr LEED and LID How much? $15 RSVP? [email protected] Please note the May meeting has been canceled. Directions to Troyer's Dutch Heritage (3713 Bahia Vista Street) Take I-75 South to Exit 207, Bee Ridge Road, and head west toward McIntosh Road. Turn Right onto McIntosh Road, head north to Bahia Vista Street. Turn Left onto Bahia Vista Street, and the Troyer's Dutch Heritage restaurant is at 3713 Bahia Vista Street, on the right after you cross the railroad tracks. Please contact Melanie Smith if there are any questions regarding directions to Dutch Heritage SunCoast Branch c/o Melanie Delehanty Smith, E.I. WilsonMiller Stantec 6900 Professional Parkway East, Sarasota, FL 34240 THE SUNCOAST BRANCH NEWSLETTER IS NOW ONLY DISTRIBUTED ELECTRONICALLY. IF YOU KNOW OF A MEMBER THAT DOES NOT RECEIVE THE NEWSLETTER AND WOULD LIKE TO, PLEASE HAVE THEM CONTACT THE BRANCH SECRETARY.
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File - ASCE SunCoast Branch
From our earliest days, PBS&J has partnered with clients to develop and maintain safe
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