Winter - Medinah Shriners
Winter - Medinah Shriners
Volume 3, Number 4 Winter 2013 MEDINAH SHRINER A Publication of the Medinah Shrine 64th ANNUAL GLSA CEREMONIAL SESSION In this issue: MEDINAH SHRINERS Aleikum es Selamu A non-profit corporation operating under the auspices of Shriners International, an Iowa Corporation ELECTED OFFICERS 2013 Potentate Chief Rabban Assistant Rabban High Priest & Prophet Oriental Guide Treasurer Recorder 3 Temple Communications 4 Black Camel Report 5 Stated Meeting Notice 5 64th Annual GLSA Ceremonial Session Donald R. Marquardt Frederick J. Martin R. Michael Keltner Craig C. Stimpert Lance M. Evans James B. Stoner, P.P. Scott W. Sonnenberg REPRESENTATIVES TO THE IMPERIAL COUNCIL 2013 Potentate Donald R. Marquardt Chief Rabban Frederick J. Martin Assistant Rabban R. Michael Keltner Representative Jay R. Wilson Representative Emeritus Robert O. Kuehn, P.P. Representative Ad Vitam Lewis K. Molnar Representative Ad Vitam Charles G. Cumpstone, Jr. APPOINTMENTS FOR 2013 Captain of the Guard Outer Guard Ceremonial Coordinator 1st Ceremonial Master 2nd Ceremonial Master Director of Parade Units Parade Marshall Director of Committees Director of Shrine Clubs The Potentate’s Message William M. Kissane Lyle M. Johannsen LeRoy C. Baumann Dwaine A. Churma James Sicinski LeRoy C. Baumann Ronald Culen Joseph W. Smiesko Calvin Tazelaar MEDINAH SHRINER MAGAZINE Chief Editor Jim Burke Chief Photographer I R. Patrick Moore Chief Photographer II Jeffrey Klawitter Design & Layout Jim Burke Divan Liaison Craig C. Stimpert Printing Services Viking Printing PURPOSE Medinah Shrine was established in 1883 to provide a social and entertaining Oasis in the Desert of Chicago. The Shrine is a fraternity based on the Masonic Beliefs of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. Medinah was founded to further promote the tenets of Freemasonry, brotherly love, relief and truth. Remembering our creed – Faith, Hope and Charity – the greatest of these being Charity – we founded our own Charity, the Shriner‟s Hospitals for Children®. Nobles, support your Fraternity and your Charity. 8-9 100 Million Dollar Club 11 Imperial Sir John A. Cinotto visits Medinah 14 Medinah Shriners 50K Giveaway 15 Spring Ceremonial Announcement 23 Fall Ceremonial 24 - 25 Pictures from the Potentate’s Trip to Jamaica 27 Children’s Holiday Party 28 - 29 News from Units and Committees 31 - 39 Shrine Club Activities 41 - 45 FROM THE EDITOR.... This publication is intended as a way to convey information to all of our members about what has happened in the past months and keep you up to date on events that will be coming up. The Medinah Shriner Magazine is for you the Nobility and any and all articles that you feel may benefit our members will be accepted and reviewed for inclusion in an upcoming issue. Send articles to: [email protected] ADVERTISING… If you would like to advertise in this publication, please contact Jim Burke in the Medinah Office at 630-889-1400 or email [email protected]. PLEASE HELP OUR ADVERTISERS BY SHOWING YOUR SUPPORT SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are included in annual member dues. Cost to purchase a subscription is $15.00 per year. Contact the Recorder‟s office if you wish to purchase subscriptions for family members. MEDINAH SHRINE CENTER 550 N. Shriners Drive Addison, IL 60101 Tel: 630-889-1400 Fax: 630-705-9907 Volume 3 Number 4 Winter 2013 2 Medinah Shriner The Potentate’s Message Dear Nobles, You have heard me refer to this year as being the “ride of a lifetime” and that it has been. As my wife said, we never ran out of gas, but we can sure use a tune up. As with any trip there is a lot of preparation and anticipation, with any job, there is a lot of work and at times aggravation, and with so many friends, there is a lot of fun and good times. The purpose of each and every year is two-fold, to keep Medinah‟s membership growing for (1) our future and (2) for the future of our Hospitals. We can never lose sight of or become complacent in regards to the importance of bringing in new members. I urge you all to keep that a personal priority. Celebrating Medinah‟s 130th year, we tried new ideas, Groundhog Day, a Ladies Flower Show, Pote‟s Motorcycle (and car) Ride, an Old-fashioned Picnic at a new location with a rubber duck drop, an Outdoor Ceremonial and a few changes to the Children‟s Holiday Party which brought in many positive comments. We had record-breaking sales for the 600 Club. As of this publication, we have maintained a positive membership all year thanks to a great team effort! We are growing and becoming stronger but we need to keep our eyes focused on the future. Keep thinking of new ideas for fun events and for Medinah fundraisers, to attract new members and to involve the public and raise awareness of who we are and what we are about. Remember, we can‟t help our Hospitals if we aren‟t around. 2013 comes to an end with some sadness, no regrets and with a lot of great memories. My term may have come to an end, but my commitment to Medinah‟s future does not. I like the sound of “Mighty Medinah”, don‟t you? It has been an unbelievable honor to serve as your Potentate for 2013. I have done so always with Medinah‟s best interest at heart. Thank you for supporting Medinah this year. I will see you around the realm and am looking forward to 2014 when Sherrill and I will be welcoming our first grandchild the end of June. Yours in the Faith, Donald R. Marquardt Your Potentate for 2013 Support Your Blue Lodge Not all Masons are Shriners, but all Shriners are Masons. Remember to support your Blue Lodge. Winter 2013 3 TEMPLE COMMUNICATIONS THE RECORDER’S MESSAGE Let There Be Light As Masons we are familiar with the short phrase of "More Light". When it comes to your Shrine Center it's more like controlled light. I wrote earlier about our lighting and that when the lights magically turn on, those aren't ghosts of Shriners but our new sensor system for lighting. These sensors are in unit rooms, closets and hallways. The job is almost complete but we need your help to make sure that the lights that are not controlled by sensors are turned off when you leave and area or the building. There are several areas lights need to be turned off manually (that usually means by a Noble, don't assume the people from catering will do it). The Patrol/Marshal Unit room is all manual. In both hallways (Unit & Oasis) there are a pair of light switches for each hallway and only one of the pair will operate lights, the other is automatic. Please turn off the ones you can and the timer will take care of the rest. When entering the Membership entrance, if the lights are out, the Oasis hall lights will turn on when you come through the second set of doors. The same goes for the unit hallway. Thanks for listening. Fraternally, Scott W. Sonnenberg Recorder Congratulations to Assistant Rabban Mike Keltner 4 Medinah Shriner NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2014 7:30 PM ANNUAL MEETING, ELECTION AND INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS You are invited and requested to attend MEDINAH'S ANNUAL MEETING, ELECTION AND INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS on January 17, 2014. The meeting will be held at Medinah Shrine Center, 550 N. Shriners Drive, Addison, IL 60101, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of electing Medinah Officers and Representatives to the Imperial Council for 2014 and for transacting such other business as may regularly come before the meeting. This meeting is STAG. Your attention is called to Section 325.11 of the Imperial Council Bylaws 325.11 Election Regulations. (a) Electioneering. A candidate for an elected office in a Shrine temple may print, publish and circulate during the year he is seeking the elected office, a résumé consisting of his educational background, his vocational history, and his Masonic and Shrine record. Except as provided in the prior sentence, the printing, publication, circulating or distribution of resolutions, letters, telegrams, tickets, email or other devices, by a unit, club, Noble, or group of Nobles, suggesting, recommending opposing, or containing the names of proposed candidates for office in the temple is prohibited. (b) Expenditures Prohibited. The expenditure of money for gifts, favors, or entertainment on behalf of a candidate for elected office is prohibited. (c) Violation. For any violation of (a) or (b), the Imperial Potentate may suspend any offending Noble, and he may declare the election of the officers void and order a new election. (d) Notice. At least one week prior to the annual meeting or any election, the temple Recorder shall mail to each member a notice thereof containing this section. Amend. 2014 Bring your 2014 dues card. If you haven’t received your new card, membership is verified at the door. You may pay for your 2014 dues that evening at the door. Wear your Fez! Refreshments will be served after the meeting. ATTEST: SCOTT W. SONNENBERG, RECORDER DONALD R. MARQUARDT ILLUSTRIOUS POTENTATE IN MEMORIAM NOBLES VISITED BY THE BLACK CAMEL August 22 to December 15 Richard S. Winzer Charles H. Phillippo Miles J. Cunat, Jr. Sam D. Caniglia, Sr. Kenneth P. Johnson Roy Nicholas Perry Earl Thompson Robert C. Carlborg Andrew Tomaras Donald Walker Joseph E. Britz Robert D. Sampson Aloysious J. Richards George D. Kladis Mike Fields George Prinz Winter 2013 Raymond Lary Richard Whitlock Gordon Hanson Harley Kellbach Robert Vanemmerik Meyer Singer Arthur Johnson Ronald Schalk Roy Perry Martin J. Napoli James L. Reed William J. Ulrich Kenneth E. Mortenson Robert J. Woolsey George E. Hardison, Sr. Herman Novetsky Joseph S. Laverde Jerome Wigodner Leonard Lee George Jovanovich Samuel M. Quiaoit, Sr. Robert T. Volz Clinton E. Carlstrom Robert D. Nielsen James T. Duddy George A. Weber Bernt F. Westre Dean Priovolos Kenneth F. Wright Carl J. Veltmann Thomas F. Bahr, Sr. Charles Renegar Steven Skrha John W. Nerlinger Donald L. Lape Joe L. Stith Marvin A. Gordon Warren T. Hansen Edmund D. Schmelzle 5 Medinah Shrine Amateur Radio Unit New Shrine Unit Status Granted By Potentate Donald R. Marquardt M.S.A.R.C. Is On The Air The Medinah Shrine Amateur Radio Club (M.S.A.R.C.) has been granted a Medinah Shrine Unit Status and is on the air and operating. This new Medinah Shrine Unit was formed to have a viable active Amateur Radio Club and communications unit at Medinah. Our purpose is to support our 22 Shriners’ Hospitals for Children, Medinah Shrine Center and all of its technological needs and activities, while promoting the Amateur Radio Service. To be a full active member of the unit a noble would have to be a member in good standing with Medinah and a hold an FCC Granted Amateur Radio License. We also have a secondary membership for any member that would like to join the club that is working towards their license, enjoys listening to Shortwave or any member that enjoys working on or repairing RF Equipment. M.S.A.R.C. is in the process of applying for a Station Call Sign from the FCC that will designate us as an officially sanctioned Radio Club. M.S.A.R.C. will also start the building of a world class radio station at Medinah with equipment to operate an Amateur Radio Station on all bands and in all modes of operation afforded to Hams. Our presence will afford Medinah Membership opportunities to assist with licensing and general information and in the future offer assistance to the outside public and youth groups that are interested in Amateur Radio. If you have an interest in Radio, CW, Digital Communications, Computers, Short Wave listening or Electronics. If you want to communicate locally on 2 Meters or around the world on any of the other bands or you have an interest in emergency communications, come out to our next meeting and see what we are all about. We would love to have you as a member or a guest. Our Stated Meetings are on the Second Monday of the month at Medinah at 7:30pm. For more information please contact our Station Manager, Michael J. Molloy "W9MJM" at [email protected] 6 Medinah Shriner MEDINAH FAMILY WEDDING DISCOUNT AVAILABLE Winter 2013 7 GLSA CEREMONIAL SESSION The 64th Annual GLSA Ceremonial Session was held in Mason, Ohio from September 11 - 15 and once again Medinah was very well represented. Congratulations to our Black Horse Troop, Flying Carpets, Highlanders and Motor Corps. Units for winning many trophies and awards. This session also included a visit to the Shriners Hospital for Children® in Cincinnati. The Annual GLSA Sessions are a fun way to meet your fellow Nobles from other areas and to participate in the camaraderie and fellowship that is always part of any Shrine function. Pictured here are some of the highlights of this year‟s session. 8 Medinah Shriner Winter 2013 9 10 Medinah Shriner 100 Million Dollar Club & Royal Order of the Rose 100 Million Dollar Club Royal Order of the Rose The achievement of raising $100,000,000 will assure maintenance of the “world‟s greatest philanthropy”, and continue on a permanent basis the work of the 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children® in treating and restoring youngsters with orthopedic problems and burn injuries to a normal, useful life. You can be an important member of the 100 Million Dollar Club by sending your check for $100 (or stating that you have provision in your will giving at least $100) payable to the Shriners Hospitals for Children®, to the Recorder‟s Office at Medinah Shrine Center. In addition, when a Noble contributes $100 or more to the Million Dollar Club in the name of a Lady, the Noble not only receives a 100 Million Dollar Club Certificate, the Lady will also receive a Royal Order of the Rose Certificate, as well as a rose pin to wear at all Shrine Functions to commemorate her induction into the “Royal Order of the Rose”. The donation can be designated on behalf of, or in memory of, your wife, mother, sister, daughter, granddaughter, grandmother, aunt, or any other special lady in your life. So Nobles, honor your ladies by changing the lives of the children in our care. Nobles who make a contribution may also purchase a $100 Million fez tassel pin, for a fee of $15.00, at the Medinah Office. 100 Million Dollar Club Donors August 22 to December 15 James L. Bronson In Memory of Thelma Kilmartin Robert E. Anderson David Wray In Memory of Arlene Wray Norman G. Maske David & Brandi Huffman In Memory of Mother & Mother In Law Richard E. McClain Given In The Holiday Spirit In Memory of Bruce Marta James M. Wilson Royal Order of the Rose _________________________________________________ Scott W. Sonnenberg, Recorder Medinah Shrine Center 550 N. Shriners Drive Addison, IL 60101 My Pledge I want to be a member of the “100 Million Dollar Club” and a benefactor of the Shriners Hospitals for Children®. Signed ………………………………………………… Winter 2013 I have enclosed my check for $100 payable to the Shriners Hospitals for Children®. I have enclosed a copy of my will (or have added a codicil to my present will) giving at least $100 to the Shriners Hospitals for Children®. If in honor or memory of a specific person, or with other special intent, please indicate in the area below: Name …………………………………………………………………………………….. Address …………………………………………………………………………………. City ………………………………………………………. State ………. Zip ……….. 11 Hi, my name is Harper. I am almost 4 years old. I was born with muscle, joint and bone disabilities, but now I am walking because of the services I have received at Shriners St. Louis, Shriners Chicago and the amazing work I have had from Dr. Harold vanBosse and his team at Shriners Hospital for Children - Philadelphia. My family and I thank you all for the generous work and time you dedicate to kids like me to make our lives better. Bless you all. You do make such a difference. 12 Medinah Shriner Winter 2013 13 Imperial Sir John A. Cinotto visits Medinah Sunday, September 29th Imperial Sir Cinotto and his wife Margaret paid a visit to the Medinah Shrine Center prior to heading to Morris, IL to spend time with relatives. Illustrious Sir Donald R. Marquardt put together an escort by the Medinah Motor Corps and motorcade, comprised of members of the Medinah Antique Car Club, to pick up the Imperial Sir and his Lady at O‟Hare and then not only bring them to Medinah, but down to Morris as well. Illustrious Sir Marquardt also arranged for them to participate in the Morris Corn Fest Parade and ride in an antique vehicle. Imperial Sir Cinotto and his Lady were both truly impressed with the warm welcome given to them by the Medinah Shrine. Imperial Sir Cinotto pauses for a photo Left to right: Steven A. Schenk, PP 2012, Paul D. Barber, PP 2011, Imperial Sir Cinotto, Donald R. Marquardt, Potentate, James B. Stoner, PP 1996, and William H. Bock, PP 1994 Illustrious Sir Marquardt and his Lady Sherrill participate in the Corn Fest Parade 1937 Buick 4 Door Convertible owned and operated by Medinah Car Club member Richard Koester. Imperial Sir Cinotto and his Lady Margaret enjoying their ride in the parade 1947 Cadillac Convertible owned and operated by Medinah Car Club President Gaylord Goclan. 14 Medinah Shriner 22nd Annual Drawing FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2014 MEDINAH SHRINE CENTER 550 N. SHRINERS DRIVE, ADDISON, IL 60101 1st PRIZE - $50,000.00 2 PRIZES OF $10,000.00 2 PRIZES OF $5,000.00 2 PRIZES OF $1,000.00 30 PRIZES OF $500.00 DONATION $100.00 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE MEDINAH SHRINE CENTER MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO “50K GIVEAWAY” Purchase online at For the benefit of Medinah Shriners. Not deductible as charitable contributions. Winter 2013 15 16 Medinah Shriner Helping Families Through Difficult Times Practicing Attorney For Over 40 Years Concentrating In: Winter 2013 17 Old Chicago Shrine Club presents Historic Medal Collection to Medinah Following the Fall Ceremonial on November 16th in Addison, the Old Chicago Shrine Club presented to Medinah Shrine a collection of 25 antique medals worn by representatives to annual sessions of the Shrine Imperial Council held in cities throughout North America, as they still are today. The medals were issued to Noble Robert J. Daly, who served as Potentate 1911-1912 and presided during construction of Medinah Shrine Temple at 600 North Wabash Avenue in Chicago. On Halloween night 1911, he and the Imperial Potentate were present as the cornerstone was laid for one of the world‟s grandest fraternal edifices: a 100,000-square foot mosque with a 4,200seat auditorium and 2,300-seat dining room. Now a Bloomingdales Home Store, many of the original architectural features have been preserved. The ornate jewels date from 1909 to 1933, and the last six bear the name of Potentate Daly molded in metal, indicating they were custom-made for each attendee. Illustrious Noble Daly was the last Medinah Potentate to serve two consecutive one-year terms, and presided toward the end of the Golden Age of Fraternalism, an era of rapid growth and societal interest in fraternal organizations spanning the end of Reconstruction to the start of World War I. “On behalf of the Old Chicago Shrine Club, it is a pleasure to present these unique artifacts of historic importance to Medinah Shrine,” said Noble Paul Scheeler, co-chairman of the Antiquities Committee. “I would encourage other Chicago Shrine Masons interested in acquiring and preserving historic artifacts from yesteryear to consider joining the Old Chicago Shrine Club.” Chartered November 17, 2012, the Old Chicago Shrine Club‟s mission, in addition to supporting the Shriners Hospitals for Children, is to preserve Shrine history and artifacts, especially Medinah Shrine‟s. Club members must be in good standing in a chartered Masonic body in the city of Chicago. To date, the Club has presented more than 100 artifacts worth in excess of $5,000, and hosted its first Potentate‟s OV and tour of historic Masonic sites in Chicago on September 22, 2013. For more information, contact the Club president, Noble Matthew C. Robinson, at: [email protected]. 18 Medinah Shriner Historic 1930s painting by artist Gustave Brand acquired by Medinah A fraternally historic painting by famed Chicago mural artist and Shriner Gustave Brand has been acquired for display in Medinah Shrine Temple in Addison. The untitled watercolor was owned by Mrs. Charlotte Kaiser, widow of Noble Robert L. Kaiser, who passed away in 2010. Prior to moving from Northbrook to Virginia, she also provided to Medinah a collection of vintage Shrine memorabilia belonging to her late husband. The colorful image is that of a Moorish village street scene circa early 1900s. The matted portrait measures 12 x 17 inches and the frame 18 x 24 inches. Signed “GA Brand” in the lower right, the piece is in very fine condition. The painting‟s frame is inscribed on the back: This watercolor painted by Gustave Brand. A member of Medinah, Chicago Court ROJ & El Hajj - Caravanserai #1 he was a famous mural painter and painted the picture on the proscenium arch at Medinah Temple and all the old murals at El Hajj in the Morrison Hotel, plus murals in many places in U.S.A. The only mural left in El Hajj is the Arab in Prayer. This picture was painted in the early 1930’s & given to James Stewart, who gave it as a present to Bertil Broms in April - 1976. “I‟d like to thank Lady Charlotte, Treasurer and Past Potentate Jim Stoner, Recorder Scott Sonnenberg, Noble Paul Scheeler of the Antiquities Committee, and our Board of Directors for working together to bring this fine work of art home to us,” said Potentate Donald R. Marquardt. “We‟ve been fortunate to acquire many artifacts from Medinah‟s storied past and this painting is yet another example of that ongoing commitment.” Born in Germany in 1862, Gustave Brand earned art scholarships to the Academies of Berlin, Munich and Dusseldorf, studying portraiture until he became fascinated with mural painting. In 1887-1888, he painted a great panorama entitled, “The Battle of Gettysburg,” which was brought to Chicago in 1890 and exhibited in a circular building at Seventh and Wabash Avenue. This masterpiece received widespread acclaim and firmly established Brand‟s reputation as one of the premier muralists in the world. When the German government decided to be an exhibitor at the World‟s Columbian Exposition of 1893, Brand won the coveted opportunity to design the interior and execute the murals for the German Pavilion. He became an American citizen and lived in Chicago for the rest of his life, serving as City Treasurer 1935-1939. His studio produced hundreds of murals for banks, public and fraternal buildings, churches and theaters, including the Boston Library, Chicago‟s Auditorium Theater, and the 1933 Century of Progress World‟s Fair, again held in Chicago. Noble Brand died in 1944. Gustave Brand Brand painted the famous mural of a desert caravan above the old Medinah Shrine stage in downtown Chicago. Now a Bloomingdales Home Store, the mural has since been removed for restoration. Winter 2013 19 20 Medinah Shriner Winter 2013 21 22 Medinah Shriner Medinah Shriners All Illinois Spring Ceremonial Saturday, April 26th Times are subject to change Morning Program 7:45 am Candidates report for registration - Coffee & Donuts 8:00 am Medical Exams, Fez Fitting 8:45 am Candidates depart for Shriners Hospital for Children - Chicago 9:30 am Candidates Hospital Indoctrination - SHC 10:30 am Stated Meeting - Nobles Only 11:00 am Candidates return to Medinah 11:00 am Ladies depart for Shriners Hospital for Children - Chicago for tours, program and lunch 11:15 am Ritualistic Degree Team 1st Section 12:30 pm Nobles Ceremonial Lunch Buffet Afternoon Program 1:30 pm Ritualistic Degree Team 2nd Section, Ainad Temple Directors Staff 3:00 pm Ladies Return from SHC 3:30 pm Grand Pageant of Units, Clubs, and Committees 4:45 pm Introductions of Visiting Temples 5:00 pm Refreshments 6:00 pm Dinner Medinah Shrine Center 550 N. Shriners Drive Addison, IL 60101 630-889-1400 Winter 2013 23 FALL CEREMONIAL HONORING KENNY J. FRANK, PP 2008 GUEST SPEAKER IMPERIAL AMBASSADOR MARTY SHEEDY 24 Medinah Shriner FALL CLASS OF 2013 Mitchell Argall Miles Barler Taylor Bunes Cuneo Calcagno Del Detweiler Patrick Douglas Muried Elusta Joseph Ferrell Gordon Gulley, Jr. Peter Ivancsits Robert Ketelsen John Kohlert Moussa Kone Carlos Lopez Mario Manfredini Tod Marquith Michael Motzny Scott Mulvoy Harry Nathanson James O’Shea Jim Penn Kostantinos Psyhogios Saad Qureshi Michael Rife NO PICTURE NOBLES WHO ACHIEVED 50 YEARS OF SERVICE George A. Imlach - David E. Montgomery - Stuart S. Stone - Carl A. Taibl Winter 2013 25 26 Medinah Shriner Pictures from the Potentate’s Trip to Jamaica Winter 2013 27 MEDINAH’S CHILDREN’S HOLIDAY PARTY Potentate Don Marquardt and First Lady Sherrill hoped that your enjoyed yourself at Medinah‟s Children‟s Holiday Party at our Shrine Center on December 14th. This year‟s party was held jointly with our brothers from the Scottish Rite. Medinah‟s Fire Unit was out in force and had their red truck shined and polished ready to deliver Santa and Mrs. Claus for their day of pictures and presents with the children and their families. However, unlike in years past it was snowing like mad so Santa was able to drive his sleigh and park it on the roof. Thanks guys for your help and sorry you had to get your truck all snowy! There were all types of fun events and activities to keep everyone busy and entertained. Of course the most important was Santa Claus. And let‟s not forget Mrs. Claus who made the trek to the Center with Santa this year. Medinah‟s Brass Band played Santa Claus Is Coming to Town as Santa and Mrs. Claus made their way into the Music Room where both met and greeted one and all. I had heard comments that Mrs. Claus looked younger than in years past and asked Santa about that. He replied that he noticed the same thing and attributed the youthful appearance to the new vitamins Mrs. Claus was talking along with the water from the North Pole! New to the party this year was a puppet and magic show, with two performances, that kept the children smiling and happy. Also, the Goldtones from Glenbard North HS made an appearance and entertained everyone with their beautiful voices and renditions of our favorite Christmas Music. A big hit with everyone is the petting zoo which moved to a larger room for this party so that the children had ample opportunity to see and handle all of the animals and get an education about each one as well. The Units who represent the backbone of Medinah were out in large numbers assisting to make this year‟s party a huge success. Upon entering everyone was WELCOMED by the Greeters who held doors and kept the floor clean and dry from the snow. Registration was monitored by the Nobles of the Hospitality Committee and their wives. Hospitality also helped with Children‟s games and gift distribution. The Ladies of Job‟s Daughters worked the coat room and they were plenty busy because of all the snow gear everyone was wearing. The very next thing that you heard was either the music from the Chanters bellowing out songs for the Holiday Season in their great voices and in key or Chuck Masny singing while playing his electric organ. The Clowns were at the Children‟s Holiday Party in force spending their day blowing up balloon after balloon so that all the children either had a balloon that was a sword or dog depending upon their choice. Each balloon was individually crafted for that specific child. The Motor Corp. monitored the children‟s games and made sure that everyone played safely and had a FUN time. Of course all this fun can make a person hungry and what would a party be without food? Medinah‟s Patrol made sure all were fed and got plenty to eat and drink. Listening to the children who visited Santa the gifts were a big hit this year as were the pictures taken by Pat Moore and developed by his staff. Santa‟s Elves who consisted of many of the 2014 Aides, ladies from the Greeters and Hospitality, PP‟s ladies and my wife did a great job of getting the presents to the children. Additionally, the men from the Police Unit kept everything moving in timely and orderly fashion. Thanks to Lyle Johannsen and the Marshall‟s as well for their work and assistance. Lastly, a special thank you to LeRoy & Coletta for their help on Friday night with party set-up and Santa plus Debbie Jo Kissane as the Mrs. Putting together the Children‟s Holiday Party is a huge undertaking and cannot be accomplished without the assistance and dedication of many people. I realize that most names have been omitted and I apologize in advance for any group who donated their time that I have failed to recognize. This was not done intentionally. On behalf of Illustrious Potentate Don and First Lady Sherrill along with the rest of the Divan and the Scottish Rite, we sincerely hope you and your family had a wonderful experience at Children‟s Holiday Party and have a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season. Next year the party will be held on December 13th so mark your calendars and don‟t forget to make your reservations in November 2014. Lance Evans Oriental Guide & Children‟s Holiday Party Chairman 28 Medinah Shriner Winter 2013 29 30 Medinah Shriner News of Units and Committees ATHLETIC COMMITTEE The golfers of Medinah and their friends are already planning for the "AL DAILY MEMORIAL" to be held Monday, August 4, 2014. Your club, group, committee, or association of MEDINAH can again be a part of an effort that has already donated nearly $200,000 to the Shriners Hospital for Children® - Chicago. Sponsorships, hole sponsors, gifts, and donations are all welcome as a part of this ALL Medinah and friends event. The following is a list of door prize donors: HILTON GARDEN INN, Addison; COACHES CORNER SPORTS BAR, Elk Grove Village; TAPALPA MEXICAN RESTAURANT, Elk Grove Village; SAM"S RESTAURANT of ARLINGTON HEIGHTS; BLACK STEER CHARHOUSE, Elk Grove Village; PALM COURT RESTAURANT, Arlington Hts.; TEDDY'S DINER, Elk Grove Village; CUCINA BIANCHI RESTAURANT, Elk Grove Village; BOB CHINN'S , Wheeling; CUBBY BEAR NORTH, Northbrook; HOOTER'S of Chicagoland; HILTON, Northbrook; SYBARIS, Northbrook; HOLLYWOOD CASINO, Joliet; ENZO's , Downers Grove; COUNTRY HOUSE RESTAURANTS; SYBARIS, Downers Grove; ODYESSEY CRUISES; FEY & Co. JEWELERS; ROSEMONT THEATER, Rosemont; Ken Mercury STATE FARM INSURANCE, Tinley Park; RED LOBSTER RESTAURANTS; HOLLYWOOD BLVD. Cinema's; GOLFSMITH; HILTON, Lisle; and BOHEMIAN CRYSTAL RESTAURANT, Westmont. We wish to thank all of the following sponsors, hole sponsors, and those who made donations to this event: Edward J. Zarach & Associates Medinah Shriners Hospitality Committee Medinah Shrine Greeters Committee Edgar & Doris Sugar DuPage Shrine Club Medinah Shrine Clown Unit Medinah Police Unit Joliet Shrine Club James Kranjc Medinah Legal Committee Medinah Units Rosemont Expo Services Fox Valley Shrine Club Iron Workers Union Local 63 Bell Fuels Aurora Area Shrine Club Wolf & Company LLP Medinah Hospital Ushers Directors' of Shrine Clubs Roaring 57's Parade Unit West Suburban Shrine Club Board of Directors Riverside Masonic Lodge A.O. Fay Masonic Lodge #676 Costco Wholesale #371 Medinah Military Unit Wild Goose Chase SWD, Inc. Webmarc Doors Schroeder's Ace Hardware Medinah Shrine Flying Carpets Unit American MRI, Elmhurst Smiesko Medinah Shrine Antique Car Club Ettleson Cadillac-Buick, Inc. Medinah Shrine Motor Corps Unit The Carl Fredrickson Family The Northwest Glenbrook Shrine Club M.I.B. Masonic Lodge Jimmy's Red Hots In Memory of Big Rich Cleats Manufacturing Co., Inc. Medinah Golf Shrine Club Northwest Suburban Shrine Club PNC Financial Services Group Donald Wittman Don Shaffer Michael P. Auriemma Medinah Athletic Committee Donald Wittman Complete Maintenance Vincent F. DiPiero Arthur W. Cohen Christopher Clifton Axis Warehouse Hollywood Blvd. Enzo's Tailors Hooters Widows Sons Chicago Kinsella Landscape, LLC Airsped, Inc. Your support of these folks is appreciated. Informational details will be available at the SHRINE CENTER soon after the new year. OUR THANKS!! Winter 2013 continued on the next page…. 31 News of Units and Committees Thank you to the members of the Athletic Committee, Shriners, friends and everyone who helped sell tickets for the "Shrine Hospital Fund Raiser". All of this was possible this year due to our Potentate Donald R Marquardt and the Divan who backed our event. The Gun Raffle and the Al Daily Golf Outing together raised over $23,000. CONGRATULATIONS We are proud to announce two winners. First our Children at the Shrine Hospital and also John D. Mac Nerland the 2013 winner of the Rifle Raffle. A special thank you to Ralph Perry. The date for 2014 golf outing is Monday 8/4/14 so save the date. Respectfully Ron Comiano AVIATORS The Medinah Aviators had another great year and we finished strong. We had a healthy parade season formed with profitable parades and non-profitable, but high in exposure to what we do. We had an increase in membership and had many new members get involved. The Aviators had a regular schedule of outings and activities. We look forward to a new year and another great year of doing what we Shriners do: Having Fun and Helping Children! WE FLY SO CHILDREN CAN WALK!! Jeff T. Henson Commander Aviators Medinah Shriners 32 Medinah Shriner News of Units and Committees FIRE UNIT 2013 has been a very productive year for the Medinah Fire Unit and we have much to share with you. We begin by reporting a donation made to the Fire Unit by one of our very own dedicated members Noble Dustin Hegreberg. Noble Hegreberg happens to be a third generation Master Mason following in the footsteps of his Uncle Spandiary as well as his Great-Uncle Ackerson. Noble Hegreberg is a dedicated family man married with two children, a daughter that is three years old and a one year old son. After successfully owning and operating five GNC stores over a span of eight years Noble Hegreberg decided to liquidate his GNC stores in March of 2013 and shifted his business interest towards a promotion venture to increase the popularity if MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) through television broadcast sponsorship nationwide. Being a generous man and mason Noble Hegreberg wanted to help the Fire Unit with some of the items the unit needs to function properly so he donated ($3,000.00) to offset expenses such as operating and repair of the Unit‟s Fire Engine, the Chiefs car, as well as uniform gear for the members. Pictured on the left is Noble Hegreberg presenting Medinah Fire Unit Chief Ricky Pugh with the check. Chief Pugh and the members of the Fire Unit greatly appreciate the wonderful donation. The Fire Unit has been very active in many parades and having fun raising money for the kids in our hospitals. Below area a few photos from the various parades we have participated in. Saturday, October 19, 2013 was the spectacular Fire Unit OV which is the “Pineapple Special LUAU” which featured Hula dancers, a Hawaiian Feast, lots of beverages, and a live Hawaiian Band and was well attended by plenty of Nobles, their ladies, families and friends. Chief Richard (Pineapple) Pugh would like to extend his heartfelt thanks to all of our supporters as well as our brother Unit the Medinah Highlanders who came out and worked our beverage booth. The event was a blast and was hosted at the DuPage County Airport. The Unit would like to express our thanks for the utilization of their hangar space. During the announcements Medinah Fire Unit Chief Pugh presented Illustrious Potentate Donald R. Marquardt with his very own fire helmet. After the presentation of the Potentates gift was the presentation of the First Lady‟s gift as well as a donation of $100.00 from the Fire Unit to the First Lady‟s Charity at the Shriners Hospital for Children ® along with a special gift from the winner of one raffle who donated $100.00 of his winnings to the First Lady‟s Charity also. Before the event closed Chief Pugh recognized three Unit members for outstanding service and dedication, those three members are Edward Witas, Dustin Hegreberg and Steve (Show-Time) Heuberger. Congratulations and we applaud those great Nobles for their efforts. Fire Unit Media Relations Noble Reginald V. Johnson Winter 2013 33 News of Units and Committees GREETERS COMMITTEE Your Medinah Committee has had a very busy Shrine Year! Remember us, we're the very well dressed Shriners whose task it is to welcome everyone with a warm smile as we open doors. I want to thank the entire committee for their active participation attending events, ceremonials and the 600 Club. I believe as a group Shrine Club and or committee we have again been the #1 seller. Again, all of these things could not have been possible without you. On behalf of the Divan and myself, thank you. I look forward to bigger and better things as we head into 2014. Fraternally Yours, John C. Daioly Medinah Greeters Committee MARSHALS UNIT With sadness we announce the passing of Noble Robert Volz. Bob served as Treasurer of the Marshals Unit from 2009 to 2013. Noble John Kvanduch is recovering from recent surgery and is on the mend. Big John and Noble Gabriel Spataro both came out for the Fall Ceremonial. The Marshals guided the new candidates through Fall Ceremonial with some helpers, Thanks to Noble LeRoy Bauman for his assistance. Marshals, do not forget our annual Holiday Party at the Oasis on December 6, 2013.Yes, we are hosting a tasting event on March 21, 2014 at the Medinah Shrine Center. This year our Ambassador is Bernie Lubber (aka The Whiskey Professor). The Professor will take us on a historical tour of the “Kentucky Whiskey Trail”. We shall sample (5) Made in USA Whiskies. This guided tasting will be conducted after the fabulous Buffet Dinner. Ambassador Lubber represents the family owned Heaven Hill Distillery. When all details are final we shall place the information on our event flyer and release it. In the year 2015 The Marshal‟s Unit shall be celebrating its 100th Anniversary. Are you are thinking of joining a Medinah unit? The Marshals are looking for some new nobles. Interested? What do the Marshals do? Have questions? Contact Richard Kalivoda Medinah Marshal Email: [email protected] 34 Medinah Shriner News of Units and Committees MOTOR CORPS By the time you read this in the printed Medinah Review, the Holidays will be a fast fading memory and the bills will be filling your mailbox. As we prepare this article for submission, however, we are in the midst of Thanksgiving and the Holiday season and this article is focused on the topics of gratitude, the joy of giving and best wishes for things to come. Thank You - to our 2013 Illustrious Potentate Donald R Marquardt, Past Commander of our own Medinah Motor Corps, his Lady Sherrill & the entire Medinah Divan for an awesome 2013 which was filled with too much fun (almost) and so many memories we can't list them all individually here. We were glad to be a part of it. Best Wishes and Good Luck to our incoming Potentate Fred Martin and his Divan for what we hope will be an equally special year in 2014. Trust that we will be there to support you and your team whenever we are called upon. To all the Nobles of Medinah - for the fun we find through the activities and events of your groups, clubs and units. Thank you for your generosity and support in attending our Competitions, Official Visit, Halloween Party and other events. Thank you for supporting, with generosity, the world's greatest Philanthropy - The Shriners Hospitals for Children (SHC). We are proud to be your Brothers in Freemasonry - please continue to grow our great fraternity in 2014 by supporting your Blue Lodges and helping bring new members to Medinah that we may all prosper together in fellowship. To the Communities of the Greater Chicagoland Area - for inviting us to participate in your many Parades in order to help bring fun to the general public and to elevate the awareness of Shriners that the public may also join in supporting SHC and directing children to its doors who may benefit from its services. We look forward to being called upon in 2014 to serve you again. To the Illinois State Police, the Chicago Police Department and Law Enforcement throughout the region for assistance with our Parades and escorts and for supporting us in our mission. To all of our great country's active Military and Veterans -for your service past, present and in the future - you keep us safe and allow us to enjoy our unique freedoms. To the Great Architect of the Universe for granting us our many individual strengths, talents and resources, that become even greater when we join together as a team in your service. And Lastly, but MOST IMPORTANTLY - TO OUR LADIES. It is only through your support, permission, good humor and loving devotion that we are allowed to have the fun that we do. You are truly the heart of the Motor Corps and we love you dearly, even if we don't say so often enough. WITH GRATITUDE, The Members of Medinah Motor Corps. Winter 2013 35 News of Units and Committees PAST MASTERS COMMITTEE On October 30, 2013 we had a “Men Only” dinner with a speaker presentation. Retired Officer Fred Moreno gave a fantastic presentation on gangs in Illinois and beyond. His presentation received rave reviews. We are working on a Ladies night for February or April. Details will be in the next issue. Special thanks to my Assistant Directors: Sherwin Baker, Manny Roth, Paul Sliva, and Paul Bobor for all the hours they put into the Past Masters Committee. As always, the Past Masters Committee is the primary link between Medinah and the local blue lodges. In order to be a member of the Past Masters Committee you need to either be a sitting Master or a Past Master of a Masonic Lodge. One of the primary functions of the Past Masters Committee is to present certificates to Masters of Lodges who are also Shriners on behalf of Medinah. During these presentations, if permitted by the Lodge, we give short presentations on the children's hospitals. Dues for our Committee are only $10 per year. Please feel free to contact me email at: [email protected] or call me at: (847) 381-7555 EXT 101 if you would like more information or be interested in becoming a member. Fraternally, John Peter Curielli SC1501 10” Walnut Gavel with Sounding Block Engraved Brass-Banded Gavel $75.00 SC1502 Piano Finish Directors Set Includes: 10” Rosewood Piano Finish Gavel, Sounding Block, Brass Gavel Band and Case. Engraved Gavel Band and Sounding Block $325.00 SC1402 4”x5” Arch Piano Finish Desk Clock Engraved Brass Plaque with Black Oxidized Letters $58.00 SC1503 9”x12” Genuine Walnut Plaque with 10” Gavel Engraved Plaque and Engraved Brass-Band Gavel $90.00 36 Medinah Shriner LAW OFFICES OF John Peter Curielli, P. C. 126 SOUTH NORTHWEST HIGHWAY BARRINGTON, IL 60010 - 4608 Phone: (847) 381 - 7555 Fax: (847) 381 - 7578 Email: [email protected] Website: ESTATE PLANNING WILLS - TRUSTS PROBATE BUSINESS LAW COMMERCIAL TRANSACTIONS REAL ESTATE PERSONAL INJURY Winter 2013 37 News of Units and Committees PATROL UNIT August Ceremonial – Eleven patrolmen attended and presented colors during this outdoor event. Colors presentation utilized the unique “V” formation which gave a robust demonstration of our marching drill and skills under the direction of Major Eric Keating. We did not miss a beat with Patrolman Robert Notbusch calling cadence. Indianapolis Shriners Hospitals for Children® Donation Trial – Medinah‟s Past Potentant and Patrol‟s Past Colonel Jerry “Lovable” Wilson lead several Patrol volunteers (Ian Borden, Laddie Janda, Jim Ridder, Dennis Schueler, and Sam Specter) and others Medinah Shriners (Bill Costello, Mark Donnell, and John Joseph) to Indianapolis to inaugurate a trial Shriners Hospitals for Children donation program. This unique program, developed by Gordon Husk and Mel Anspach of Murat Shrine, with assistance from Jerry Wilson who introduced them to Medinah Noble David Doer, Indianapolis Regional Manager, White Castle Restaurants, promotes donations for one day to Shriners Children Hospitals through the 39 participating Indianapolis White Castle customer‟s locations. As the sun rose over the eastern Chicago skyline, the Group left Chicago early in the morning in the comfort of Bill Costello‟s mobile home with coffee and fresh pastries. As the Group traveled to Indianapolis to spend the day, relaxation was the theme. After several hours of driving, we arrived at our White Castle location in central Indianapolis where we were greeted by Dave and given numerous information pamphlets on our hospitals to distributed to incoming White Castle customers. Volunteers quickly dispersed to incoming sites on the White Castle site distributing these documents and explaining how donations to our hospitals benefited children. It was a blessing on how White Castle customers stepped up and accepted our information and donated. In the one day, all locations collected $12,000. WELL DONE TO ALL! Central States Shrine Association Patrol Competition – Branson, Mo - In search of more Patrol Drill Team competition this year, Patrol look to other regional shrine associations and the type of Patrol competition they have. Boy … did we find it!! For four days starting August 15, ten brave Patrolmen journeyed to Branson, Mo. and competed in the Central States Shrine Association (CSSA) regional competition. Medinah was one of five Patrol Units participating in both drill and parade competitions. The judging and inspection were through and consistent among each unit that competed. To our surprise, Medinah was given a gig during inspection for a mysterious fez tassel that was reportedly „out of place‟. A review of all our fezzes could find no such tassel. Anyway, the judges were a good group of Service personnel, Air Force, in uniform from a nearby military base. Thank you to these fine young men and women for their service to this county and for their no-nonsense professionalism in their judging assignments. Drill Competition - When it came time for the drill, the eight man Medinah team started out strong with clean commands and precision marching. For this year‟s drill, we included three new maneuvers that had not been performed by Medinah in many years, if ever. These new movements were required by CSSA Patrol drill competition rules. The drill team executed the new maneuvers flawlessly (like we have been doing these moves forever). The drill continued on with no obvious problems, no lost men and no wardrobe malfunctions. After what seemed like an hour on the drill floor, the nine minute gun finally sounded and Drill Captain Dennis Schueler made the correct impromptu commands to get the drill team off the floor before time expired. All in all, we felt like we had put on a good drill and now would have to wait to see what the judges felt. For CSSA, drill completion awards are presented immediately after the drill. Shortly after the last team completed their drill, ALL the drill teams marched onto the floor and were introduced to the audience. While standing on the floor, the awards were presented and unfortunately Medinah finished in fourth. Thanks to Keith Koopman and Sam Spector for shooting the video of all the competition teams. Parade Competition - For the parade competition, since Medinah was considered a „guest‟, we were placed second in the parade order (right behind Moola, the host temple from St. Louis). The crowd was loud and enthusiastic and judging started only about two blocks into the parade. Eric Keating called the commands for the parade team to execute. Several times during the parade, the team would come to a „mark-time‟ in order to perform additional wheels in front of a judge that was spotted in the crowd. The parade team marched very well forming „singles‟, „doubles‟ and „fours‟ along the way and each time getting cheers from the crowd. The parade route started in downtown Branson and traveled along the shores of Lake Taneycomo and ended at the scenic Branson-Landing section of Branson. Later that day, the Secretary of CSSA called Major Keating and arranged to stop by the Medinah hotel to present Medinah with a second place trophy for parade competition. Thank you to the following members of the Medinah Patrol who took the time and made the trip to Branson. Dennis Schueler (Drill Captain), Todd Reid, Keith Koopman, Eric Keating, Jerry Wilson, Bob Notbusch, Frank Reid, Steve Schenk, Ken Shields and Sam Spector. continued on the next page…. 38 Medinah News of Units and Committees A special thanks to Bob Notbusch (and to his lady Lora) for squeezing in the Branson trip on the same weekend as a family wedding. In the end, it all worked out, but I‟m sure there would have been hell to pay if a flight had been missed or canceled. Eric Keating scribed this article. Zion Parade - Patrol led Medinah Shriners at the Zion, IL, 65th Annual Jubilee Days Labor Day Parade, featuring all Medinah Parade Units. This year Patrol staffed a nine man Color Guard carrying the American Flag, Illinois Flag, the Shriner‟s International and Hospital flags and 5 parade unit flags. The Color Guard formed a wedge with the American Flag at the front point. With all those flags flying in the moderate breeze it was a very impressive formation. Was it this formation which caused more spectators to stand and salute or place their hand over their heart than anyone can remember or the patriotism of the times? Well, the vote is still out on that, but we like to think it was Patrol‟s impressive Color Guard. Ken Shields scribed this article. 600 Drawing - Patrol supported the 600 Club Drawing on Friday November 8 by staffing the placement of sold tickets for viewing and selling additional 600 Club tickets to attending nobles and guests. More than a dozen Patrolmen worked the hours leading up to the drawing of the major winner. Well Done Patrolmen … your volunteering is appreciated! Fall Ceremonial - At the Fall Ceremonial on Saturday, November 16 Patrol presented Colors. Four patrolmen completed the unique maneuvers as always in perfect step and to the complete satisfaction of all in attendance. Afterwards during the Unit‟s presentations Major Eric marched twelve patrolmen to the podium, presented all to Potentate Marquardt, saluting the Potentate and attendees separately. WOW- what an impressive site! Jim Ridder – Patrol Scribe SOCIAL MEDIA COMMITTEE Have you figured out how to use Facebook or Twitter yet? Well, The Medinah Shriners have their own Facebook Group and if you haven't joined in on the fun it's about time that you get in on the Social Media "Degree". You can join our Facebook Page by going to the following link:!/groups/59695367642/? bookmark_t=group We currently have 532 Members in the Group. You can follow us on Twitter by searching for @MedinahShriners where we have 115 followers. If you have any suggestions for our Pages please contact me at 708-297-6804 or [email protected]. Also remember that the whole Family is welcome to join our groups. See you on there! Jeff T. Henson Social Media Director Medinah Shriners Winter 2013 39 40 Medinah Shriner Shrine Club Activities ANTIQUE CAR CLUB The Medinah Antique and Special Interest Car Club would like to thank outgoing President Gerry Goclan for his decades of service, most of them as President of our club. His dedication to our automotive fellowship is an inspiration. There seems to be less and less of these sorts of values in the world today. The camaraderie and fellowship that this club has provided me with are rare in today's fast paced online world. Maybe these things are like the old cars we love so much. Not valued as greatly when they were abundant but greatly longed for now that they are almost gone. Just like cars, fraternity, charity and leadership can be passed down to the next generation, if they are surrounded, in person, with those that live it. If you are interested in joining a club here in the Shrine consider the welcome may laid before you. You only have to love cars and being around car people. After the gavel fell on our last stated meeting we had a mysterious visitor, and by mysterious I mean Illustrious. That's right the Potentate himself stopped by our little club. He had many nice things to say and we enjoyed his company. Most notable he spoke of the Hospital Transportation Fund and how it was in great need of monetary donations. Our club had committed capital to this cause in the past and look forward to helping with the current need at hand. If you are reading this and wondering how you could effectively help the Shriners Hospitals for Children this holiday season I assure this is a rewarding way to help the children and families in need. Over the summer The 6th Annual Medinah Car Show and Pancake Breakfast was a great success with nearly 130 registered show cars on display. It was covered so well in the last publication I will be brief here. I want to thank all the Nobles and Ladies who helped out for this event. Most notably Rich Koester. We had a perfect day and many had fun. Including yours truly who won best Mopar! (the competition never showed. lol) . We recently held elections and introduced new officers into many positions. Notably our new club President Mr. Bob Bacon, another club leader with decades of experience. Congrats Bob and Jon Jaska who is staying on as Club Secretary. We are planning parades as early as March and Elmhurst St. Pats Day parade, one of my favorites, is sure to be on the schedule. Also our club Christmas party is right around the corner. Members please contact the club officers for dates and times. If you are considering joining a Shrine Club we are an ever growing fellowship of like minded car nuts, who just may enjoy your company. You don't need to own your dream car to join, just love cars and hanging out with car people, and try to do some good along the way. Our meetings are once a month at Mac‟s Golden Pheasant on North Ave. in Elmhurst, Ill. Our meetings begin at 7:30 PM with dinner before at 6:30 PM. We order off the menu and enjoy the fellowship during dinner. Joshua Stoner Medinah Car Club Charity Navigator Awards SHC the ‘Four-Star’ Rating for Its Excellence We are proud to announce SHC has earned a Four-Star Rating, the highest rating attainable, from Charity Navigator. This rating signifies that our organization adheres to good governance and other „”best practices,” which minimize the chance of unethical activities, and that we consistently execute our mission in a fiscally responsible way. Only a quarter of the charities evaluated by Charity Navigators received the Four-Star rating, indicating that SHC out performs most other charities in America. This “exceptional” designation from Charity Navigator differentiates SHC from its peers and demonstrates to the public that we are indeed worthy of their trust and their valued gifts. For further information and to learn other honored charities, please go to: Winter 2013 41 Shrine Club Activities DUPAGE The Club wrapped up its parade season in Westmont on November 30. “Twas rather chilly, but our hearts were warmed by the reception we received from the residents there. Twenty three (23) parades, with more than twenty five (25) Nobles participating. Great job, guys! On November 11, we gathered at Bloomingdale Golf Club for our annual member Appreciation Dinner. Following a delicious dinner prepared by Don Helmig and his staff, we attended to some pleasant business: All of our veterans were recognized for their service to our country. Thank you for your service, guys!!! 2013 marked the 60th anniversary of the Club‟s charter with Medinah. Eleven (11) of our Past Presidents were recognized for their service to the Club over the years. John Pansino (PPres ‟12) was awarded a plaque for his dedicated service to the Club in 2013. Director of Shrine Clubs Cal Tazelaar was presented with a plaque recognizing his ten years of service to Medinah‟s shrine clubs in that capacity. Thanks, Cal!! Illustrious Sir Don Marquardt was presented with a check for the transportation fund, which he graciously accepted on behalf of the kids at Shriners Hospitals for Children®. We close the book on 2013, and look forward to a successful 2014. Bob Zimmerman President FOX VALLEY Parades: Elburn – August 16 – It was perfect evening parade weather … a falling sun, cool, and a short packed parade route. The nine nobles enjoyed the wait, passing the time conversing with other parade participants. When the calliope entered the main parade route, all waved to the attendees standing along Rte 47. It was all over in minutes. Many, with their Ladies, returned to the Ridders for an After-Glow - stuffing on pizza and more. Dwight – September 14 – Five nobles made the long trip for this noon parade. All enjoyed the parade and returned safely home. Annual Meeting – Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 15 to elect 2014 Officers and Directors. Location will be announced later. Officers will be installed at Medinah‟s Orientation Meeting on Sunday, January 19. 2014 Valentine Ball and OV – Fox Valley‟s premier social event of the year is scheduled for Saturday, February 8 at the Riverview Banquet and Catering in Batavia. It‟s a full evening, starting with an hour of socializing with all - including appetizers, a delicious dinner of your choice, presentations, and several hours of dancing with your sweetheart. But all great things must end when the music stops. What an evening to be! Monthly Meetings – Fox Valley meets monthly, 9:30AM, on the second Saturday, at the Geneva Masonic Building, Second Floor rear entrance. All nobles are welcome to attend and enjoy the special fellowship that nobles have when they gather together to promote Medinah and the Shrine. Again, WE’LL DONE to ALL! ... you were there when your Club needed you. Jim Ridder, Scribe 42 Medinah Shriner Shrine Club Activities KANKAKEE At this time I would like to share a story with the rest of Medinah. At the time I became president I was given a list of members or our club. I will describe it as a library. Each book had a hard cover and many pages. Inscribed on the cover was the members name along with his Ladies. A small black dot on the left hand corner signified if they had been visited by the Black Camel. Some of the books looked brand new, perhaps never opened. Some of them were worn and tattered. The pages contained the stories of our Members life and the times they spent together in meetings, offices they held, parades they rode in. Many Stories about their families memorable vacations and even the loss of family members and friends. I would like to recognize one of our members and sadly say the Dot is on the cover of this member, Brother, Fellow Noble and Friend Lavern Rewerts. He was visited by the Black Camel in 2012, and yes his book was worn and tattered and contained many pages. He was active all of his life as a Mason and Shriner; he was President of Kankakee Shrine Club, Secretary for 29 years, Asst Shrine Club Director, and prior to his death, onion chairman for many years. I was told a story about the Shrine club having a Black Cadillac Limo, that he rode on the roof between two plywood cutouts of a camel. In 1961 or 1962 the Motorized Kamels were created, and yes Lavern was there to ride in all of the parades. The exact date is not known, but during the repainting of the Kamels someone decided to name the Kamels. Many names were put on the Kamels, but in August of this year, the board decided to name one of the Kamels for Lavern. This motion was made by Gary Muench, and seconded by Alan Nottke. This will be an honor to Lavern for the many years of service he gave to our Shrine club, and keep him in our memory and keep his name preserved from this day forward. Leo Lewis, Jr. President Kankakee S.C. Winter 2013 43 Shrine Club Activities OLD CHICAGO Old Chicago Shrine Club tours historic Masonic sites during Potentate’s OV Members and guests of the Old Chicago Shrine Club enjoyed a trolley tour and visits to several historic Masonic sites downtown during the Official Visitation of Potentate Don Marquardt and his Divan on September 22, 2013. The tour visited the former Medinah Athletic Club and two Medinah Shrine Temple sites. Noble Paul Scheeler of the Antiquities Committee served as on-board trolley tour narrator. Departing from Club Lucky at 1824 W. Wabansia Avenue, the first stop was the Hotel InterContinental Magnificent Mile 505 N. Michigan Avenue, where the group was escorted through the historic South Tower, a 42-story building started in 1928 and original home of the Medinah Athletic Club 1929-1933. Designed by architect Walter W. Ahlschlager, the building combines elements of ancient architectural styles such as Assyrian, Mesopotamian and Sumerian. Where hotel rooms and residential apartments are now located, the Club once featured a miniature golf course on the 23rd floor, complete with water hazards and a wandering brook; also a shooting range, billiards hall, running track, gymnasium, archery range, bowling alley, two-story boxing arena, and a junior Olympic size swimming pool, all in addition to the ballrooms, meeting rooms, and 440 suites which were available for the exclusive use of the Club‟s 3,500 members and their guests. When built, the indoor pool on the 14th floor was one of the highest in the world. It has been known as the Johnny Weismuller pool, after the famous Olympic athlete and “Tarzan” movie actor who trained in it. Blue Spanish majolica tiles and terra-cotta fountain of Neptune on its east wall remain unchanged. Just one floor below is the elegant Grand Ballroom, a two-story, 100-foot elliptical space ornamented in Egyptian, Assyrian, and Greek styles, with a horseshoe-shaped mezzanine. In its center hangs a 12,000-pound Baccarat crystal chandelier, the largest in North America. As a gift to the hotel, the concierge who led the tour was presented with an antique Medinah Athletic Club 24k-gold and ceramic dinner plate. Another highlight was the visit to the former Valley of Chicago Scottish Rite Cathedral at 915 N. Dearborn Street, which sold the entire block to developers in 2006. Occupied by Shriners from 1903 to 1912, this was the first “mosque” owned by Medinah, who purchased it from Collier‟s Unity Church, an offshoot of the Unitarian Church. The cornerstone was laid in 1867, and all but the outer walls were destroyed in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Now home to a Protestant “mega church”, the building faces Washington Square Park, where the tour group enjoyed lunch in the sun. Especially nostalgic was the guided tour provided by Bloomingdales Home Store, former site of Medinah Shrine Temple, at 600 N. Wabash Avenue. Still visible are elements of the 4,200-seat auditorium. An escalator now takes shoppers past the 68-foot wide stage, where several tour members recalled becoming Shriners. Since acquiring the property in 2001, many architectural features have been preserved and restored by Bloomingdales, including the skylight dome and stained glass windows. The manager who led the tour was presented with an antique Shrine serving plate used at banquets in the early 1900s, to display in the store‟s collection of historical Medinah memorabilia. continued on the next page…. 44 Medinah Shriner Shrine Club Activities Returning to Club Lucky, the Old Chicago Shrine Club‟s Founder and President, Matthew C. Robinson, was presented with a certificate by Potentate Don Marquardt. Noble Robinson then presented the Potentate with two artifacts: a vintage Medinah megaphone once used by parade units, and a large Shrine dinner plate featuring a bruised and bandaged Noble, joyfully laughing at his “hot sands” experience. Chartered Nov. 17, 2012, the mission of the Old Chicago Shrine Club focuses on preserving Shrine history. Members must be in good standing in a chartered Masonic body meeting within the City of Chicago, and make a firm commitment to assist in acquiring and conserving Shrine-related items, which are then presented to Medinah at ceremonials and other events. My Many Hats Despite our titles, very rarely do we have just one role. It is said that one wears many hats and whether we are at home or work or involved with an organization, wearing multiple hats just seems to come with the territory. One can be a son, husband, father, grandfather, noble, boss, church elder, etc. thus a wearer of many “hats”. As Potentate, that is also the case. You are a leader, but are also an organizer, negotiator, problem solver, policy setter, budget and event planner, promoter, handyman, and so on. Over the course of this year, I have worn more than one hat in that respect, this is true, but I have also worn many actual hats. I have my treasured fez, a Medinah baseball cap, a top hat, a helmet (part of my “Vrrroom” clown outfit), a beautiful sombrero, a Highlander cap, a cowboy hat, a motorcycle helmet, a fur grand poobah with horns hat, a very cool fire department helmet and many more. One set of hats was a lot of work and the other set of hats was a lot of fun. One set was worn with commitment. The other set with a lot of laughter. I will treasure each and every one of them and the time spent wearing them. Thank you all for a fantastic year, for your friendship and support, for your commitment to Medinah with our membership and for affording me the opportunity to wear all of those very special “hats”. -Don Marquardt, 2013 Potentate Winter 2013 45 46 Medinah Shriner Winter 2013 47 Moving? Please remember to notify the Medinah Office so that your membership data can be updated.
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