Summer - Medinah Shriners
Summer - Medinah Shriners
Volume 3, Number 2 Summer 2013 MEDINAH SHRINER A Publication of the Medinah Shrine 2013 POTENTATE’S BALL “THE RIDE OF A LIFETIME” In this issue: MEDINAH SHRINERS Aleikum es Selamu A non-profit corporation operating under the auspices of Shriners International, an Iowa Corporation ELECTED OFFICERS 2013 Potentate Chief Rabban Assistant Rabban High Priest & Prophet Oriental Guide Treasurer Recorder Donald R. Marquardt Frederick J. Martin R. Michael Keltner Craig C. Stimpert Lance M. Evans James B. Stoner, P.P. Scott W. Sonnenberg REPRESENTATIVES TO THE IMPERIAL COUNCIL 2013 Potentate Donald R. Marquardt Chief Rabban Frederick J. Martin Assistant Rabban R. Michael Keltner Representative Jay R. Wilson Representative Emeritus Robert O. Kuehn, P.P. Representative Ad Vitam Lewis K. Molnar Representative Ad Vitam Charles G. Cumpstone, Jr. APPOINTMENTS FOR 2013 Captain of the Guard Outer Guard Ceremonial Coordinator 1st Ceremonial Master 2nd Ceremonial Master Director of Parade Units Parade Marshall Director of Committees Director of Shrine Clubs William M. Kissane Lyle M. Johannsen LeRoy C. Baumann Dwaine A. Churma James Sicinski LeRoy C. Baumann Ronald Culen Joseph W. Smiesko Calvin Tazelaar MEDINAH SHRINER MAGAZINE Chief Editor Jim Burke Chief Photographer I R. Patrick Moore Chief Photographer II Jeffrey Klawitter Photographer Brandon Zears Design & Layout Jim Burke Divan Liaison Scott W. Sonnenberg Printing Services Viking Printing PURPOSE Medinah Shrine was established in 1883 to provide a social and entertaining Oasis in the Desert of Chicago. The Shrine is a fraternity based on the Masonic Beliefs of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. Medinah was founded to further promote the tenets of Freemasonry, brotherly love, relief and truth. Remembering our creed – Faith, Hope and Charity – the greatest of these being Charity – we founded our own Charity, the Shriner‟s Hospitals for Children®. Nobles, support your Fraternity and your Charity. The Potentate’s Message 3 Temple Communications 4 Black Camel Report 5 Stated Meeting Notice 5 2nd Annual Rifle Raffle 8 100 Million Dollar Club 11 Ladies Flower Show 12 Pote’s Motorcycle Ride 19 Medinah Ladies Fashion Show 22 - 23 Cinco de Mayo Celebration 23 Spring Ceremonial 24 - 25 The Potentate’s Ball 26 - 27 News from Units and Committees 32 - 45 Shrine Club Activities 47 - 49 FROM THE EDITOR.... This publication is intended as a way to convey information to all of our members about what has happened in the past months and keep you up to date on events that will be coming up. The Medinah Shriner Magazine is for you the Nobility and any and all articles that you feel may benefit our members will be accepted and reviewed for inclusion in an upcoming issue. Send articles to: [email protected] ADVERTISING… If you would like to advertise in this publication, please contact Jim Burke in the Medinah Office at 630-889-1400 or email [email protected]. PLEASE HELP OUR ADVERTISERS BY SHOWING YOUR SUPPORT SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are included in annual member dues. Cost to purchase a subscription is $15.00 per year. Contact the Recorder‟s office if you wish to purchase subscriptions for family members. MEDINAH SHRINE CENTER 550 N. Shriners Drive Addison, IL 60101 Tel: 630-889-1400 Fax: 630-705-9907 Volume 3 Number 2 Summer 2013 2 Medinah Shriner The Potentate’s Message Hi, Nobles! The time really goes by fast as we are approaching summer and what a ride it has been so far. If you have not been coming out to our activities, I encourage you to participate. You‟ll never regret it. We have been having a lot of fun! With this being Medinah‟s 130th year, it is another reason to celebrate all year long! What day is it? You‟re right! It‟s membership day! The momentum is encouraging with membership being at a PLUS 38 members. What that means is that even with the normal losses we experience year to year, we are still in the plus numbers. At our spring ceremonial you brought in 43 new members and with our new program, 36 former members were reinstated. It is each of our responsibilities to continue our efforts to bring in new members or to encourage those former members we might know to come back and check us out and all we have to offer. We have to remain committed to Medinah‟s future. It doesn‟t take much to fall back in the negative numbers. We can‟t let that happen if Medinah is to continue to thrive. If anyone has a special request for a private obligation, please contact Jim Burke in our office. In this magazine, you can read about the fun we had at our past events as well as see what‟s coming up. Tell your friends and family and other Masons. Invite them to join us. Have you ever been to Imperial convention? This summer it will be held in Indianapolis - great city with so many things to do and see. Come and be a part of the fun time and the competitions between Shrine Units across the country. The canal and river walk offer so much to do. Make it a vacation, see the sights, represent Medinah, and watch the parade of Shriners and their different Units. We will be staying at a 5-star hotel, the Omni, which is celebrating its 100th year and has such charm and appeal. It is across the street from a three-floor indoor shopping center, attached to the walk way, close to so many top restaurants, close to the competitions, and a great hospitality suite for all of us to enjoy. Get ready for a free old-fashioned picnic coming up in August. Bring your family, potential candidates and lodge members. This is a time to show what fun we have together. There will be entertainment, games, food and new this year – the Duck Drop. Get your ducks and be a part of the quackery. Remember Nobles, this is YOUR Fraternity. Let us know what you like and what we can do to make it better. We need your commitment to our future to keep Medinah growing, to keep it thriving and to keep it current and interesting. We need you to keep an ever watchful eye over it. As Benjamin Franklin said: “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement and success have no meaning”. Thank you Nobles! Yours in the Faith, Donald R. Marquardt Your Potentate for 2013 Support Your Blue Lodge Not all Masons are Shriners, but all Shriners are Masons. Remember to Support Your Blue Lodge. Summer 2013 3 TEMPLE COMMUNICATIONS THE RECORDER’S MESSAGE Notifications from the Office Please keep in mind that should one of our nobles or one of his close family members have an illness, surgery, accident, or worse, it is not our job to immediately broadcast this information by any means at our disposal. Out of respect for a noble's privacy we are guided by him or his family on all matters of notification. Should another noble start blasting out emails before the office sends one, it doesn't mean we are not doing our jobs, it only means that the immediate family or the noble himself has not communicated directly with this office. On the other hand, when given the go ahead, we try to send notifications in a timely manner directed by the noble or family member as to who receives it. We want to be correct and respectful of the noble and his family. Fraternally, Scott W. Sonnenberg Recorder BRING‟EM BACK Nobles if you know anyone who has been suspended from Medinah please inform them of the new “bring‟em back” plan from Illustrious Sir Marquardt. The plan is simple, clean & attractive. $20 for the past $87 for the present That‟s $107 and he‟s back! Get that Shriner back and let the good times roll. Call the office if you have any questions. NOBLES - BRING IN TWO CANDIDATES AND YOUR 2014 MEDINAH DUES WILL BE PAID That‟s right , bring in two candidates and if they become Nobles of Medinah during the 2013 year the Medinah portion of your dues will be paid. Your annual dues are comprised of three separate charges: Per Capita Temple Dues Shriners Hospital Total - $15.00 $67.00 $5.00 $87.00 Your Temple Dues amount of $67.00 will be paid for the year 2014. To qualify the candidates must go through either a Ceremonial or „Special Swearing In‟* during the year of 2013. * „Special Swearing In‟ is by appointment only. Please call the Medinah Office for more information. 4 Medinah Shriner STATED MEETING NOTICE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT A JOINT STATED MEETING OF MEDINAH SHRINERS AND CHICAGO MEDINAH TEMPLE ASSOCIATION WILL BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M. ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 2013 AT MEDINAH SHRINE CENTER, 550 N.SHRINERS DRIVE, ADDISON, ILLINOIS. THE BUSINESS TO BE CONDUCTED AT THIS MEETING WILL INCLUDE THE USUAL AND CUSTOMARY DEALINGS OF THE TEMPLE. A CEREMONIAL INITIATION OF NEW CANDIDATES WILL IMMEDIATELY FOLLOW THE MEETING. THIS WILL BE THE FIRST OUTDOOR NIGHT CEREMONIAL IN MEDINAH HISTORY. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND. WEAR YOUR FEZ AND BRING YOUR 2013 DUES CARD. ATTEST: SCOTT W. SONNENBERG RECORDER DONALD R. MARQUARDT ILLUSTRIOUS POTENTATE IN MEMORIAM NOBLES VISITED BY THE BLACK CAMEL February 22 to May 17 Elmer W. Gielow John D. Zitek George P. Iwanowski Peter G. Livingston Robert H. Macnerland, M.D. Frederick J. Coners Daniel M. Dumo Paul R. Amundsen, PP Robert R. Ritter Raymond J. Smith Charles L. Ettner Ralph Piscopo Walter E. Christen John Ipjian Bruce Marta Kenneth L. Hannover Ray F. Ney Robert E. Hernndobler Lambert W. Decardy Andrew G. Sutherland Summer 2013 PAUL R. AMUNDSEN, P.P. 1979 February 13, 1918 - April 15, 2013 Paul R. Amundsen, 95, of Elmhurst. Beloved husband of Ruth nee Ohlson; father of Cynthia Amundsen, Gary (Debra) Amundsen and Marilyn (Tom) Peterson; grandfather of Kari and Kirsten Peterson; brother of Betty (Hampton) Waring; he was preceded in death by 1 brother and 8 sisters. He was a Mason and Shriner for 70 years and Potentate of Medinah Shrine in 1979. He was also an Emeritus Member of the Board of Directors for the Chicago Unit of the Shriners Hospital for Children®. Memorials may be made to Shriner's Hospitals for Children ® - Chicago, 2211 N. Oak Park Ave., Chicago, IL 60707. 5 6 Medinah Shriner MEDINAH FAMILY WEDDING DISCOUNT AVAILABLE Summer 2013 7 2nd Annual Rifle Raffle Drawing Benefiting the Shriners Hospitals for Children® - Chicago DRAWING: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2013 WHERE: OKTOBERFEST Medinah Shrine Center - 550 N. Shriners Drive - Addison, IL 60101 “Tribute to the Shriners” Marlin 1895 G Lever Action 45-70 Rifle - $1600 value (a working firearm) Beautifully engraved walnut stock & forearm Only 1,000 made. Comes with Certificate of Authenticity CONTRIBUTION $10 per Ticket or 3 Tickets for $25 Make checks payable to: Medinah Shriners - 550 N. Shriners Dive - Addison, IL 60101 All net proceeds go to the Shriners Hospitals for Children® - Chicago Winner does not need to be present at drawing. Winner will be notified. Illinois winner must have a valid FOID to receive rifle. There is a 24 hour waiting period after paperwork is completed. 8 Medinah Shriner Summer 2013 9 10 Medinah Shriner 100 Million Dollar Club & Royal Order of the Rose 100 Million Dollar Club Royal Order of the Rose The achievement of raising $100,000,000 will assure maintenance of the “world‟s greatest philanthropy”, and continue on a permanent basis the work of the 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children® in treating and restoring youngsters with orthopedic problems and burn injuries to a normal, useful life. You can be an important member of the 100 Million Dollar Club by sending your check for $100 (or stating that you have provision in your will giving at least $100) payable to the Shriners Hospitals for Children®, to the Recorder‟s Office at Medinah Shrine Center. In addition, when a Noble contributes $100 or more to the Million Dollar Club in the name of a Lady, the Noble not only receives a 100 Million Dollar Club Certificate, the Lady will also receive a Royal Order of the Rose Certificate, as well as a rose pin to wear at all Shrine Functions to commemorate her induction into the “Royal Order of the Rose”. The donation can be designated on behalf of, or in memory of, your wife, mother, sister, daughter, granddaughter, grandmother, aunt, or any other special lady in your life. So Nobles, honor your ladies by changing the lives of the children in our care. Nobles who make a contribution may also purchase a $100 Million fez tassel pin, for a fee of $15.00, at the Medinah Office. 100 Million Dollar Club Donors February 22 to May 17 Medinah Shrine Clown Unit In Memory of Florence Smith Edwin E. Sprandel In Memory of Susan S. Sprandel Medinah Shrine Clown Unit In Memory of Paul R. Amundsen, PP Randall L. Rexford In Honor of Marilyn J. Rexford Nicholas G. Pasternack In Honor of Sue Kouzoures Royal Order of the Rose Marilyn J. Rexford Sue Kouzoures _________________________________________________ Scott W. Sonnenberg, Recorder Medinah Shrine Center 550 N. Shriners Drive Addison, IL 60101 My Pledge I want to be a member of the “100 Million Dollar Club” and a benefactor of the Shriners Hospitals for Children®. Signed ………………………………………………… Summer 2013 I have enclosed my check for $100 payable to the Shriners Hospitals for Children®. I have enclosed a copy of my will (or have added a codicil to my present will) giving at least $100 to the Shriners Hospitals for Children®. If in honor or memory of a specific person, or with other special intent, please indicate in the area below: Name …………………………………………………………………………………….. Address …………………………………………………………………………………. City ………………………………………………………. State ………. Zip ……….. 11 Ladies' Flower Show It may have been cold outside, but Spring was in full bloom in the ballroom on March 22nd, where the Medinah ladies enjoyed an evening out at the Ladies Flower Show with Vendor Boutique. We had local florists on stage, Larry Bollmann from Addison Floral, Kim Parente and Chris Wagner from Berthold‟s Flower, Gift and Garden, Kiko Zimmerman and helper, Joanie Cline from Kiko‟s Flower and Gifts, and Theresa Brotts from Amling‟s Interior Landscape creating some beautiful and amazing arrangements that many ladies became the lucky winners of. Our commentator, Kiko, in her own unique style kept us entertained and informed. I think I can speak for all of us that shopping at the boutique was fun. There was a nice variety of Vendors selling their wares and each of them donated one of their items for our raffle. Gale Ehle made our edible flower cookie centerpieces. Weren‟t they cute? Thanks to our Police Unit for discreetly keeping an ever watchful eye on things for us. Once again and never to be taken for granted, Cyrille outdid himself with the room design and an outstanding array of hors d‟oeuvres for us. Thank you Cyrille and our wait staff who always take good care of us! For a first time event, we raised $2,000.00 for the Orthotic and Prosthetic Fund at Shriners Hospitals for Children ® - Chicago. Thank you to all who helped and were a part of making our “Ladies Nite Out With a Purpose” a great success! 12 Medinah Shriner Summer 2013 13 14 Medinah Shriner Summer 2013 15 16 Medinah Shriner Summer 2013 17 21st ANNUAL 600 CLUB FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013 MEDINAH SHRINE CENTER 550 N. SHRINERS DRIVE, ADDISON, IL 60101 1st PRIZE - $50,000.00 2 PRIZES OF $10,000.00 2 PRIZES OF $5,000.00 2 PRIZES OF $1,000.00 30 PRIZES OF $500.00 DONATION $100.00 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO “THE 600 CLUB” TICKETS AVAILABLE AT MEDINAH SHRINE CENTER For the benefit of Medinah Shriners. Not deductible as charitable contributions. 18 Medinah Shriner Pote‟s Motorcycle Ride We had a nice crowd attend the “Pote‟s Motorcycle Ride” to Milwaukee for the tour of the Harley Museum. Thanks to Scott and Helene (Bubba and Taz) Neville for organizing the event. We really had a nice day and fun at the “Brat Stop” afterwards. Thank you to Jay Alfirevic and the Motor Corps for arranging the Police escort for us to the Wisconsin border. It was quite impressive and so nice of the State Police to do that for us to keep our large group safe on the expressway. Summer 2013 19 20 Medinah Shriner Summer 2013 21 MEDINAH LADIES FASHION SHOW “Chasing Fireflies” May 4th was our Ladies‟ Luncheon and Fashion Show, “Chasing Fireflies” at Drury Lane in Oakbrook where almost 900 ladies were in attendance in support of our Shriners Hospitals for Children®. Our theme was all about our inner light, not our outward appearance and if you had a chance to attend and meet Michela, you met an incredible little girl who melted our hearts with one walk down the runway. She has an inner light that shines brightly to everyone she meets. Thank you to Dawn Danilov and her committee who did an absolutely incredible job on the Lucky Lady donations. That is so much work and takes so much time and commitment. Thank you to Debbie Jo Kissane and Coletta Baumann who worked on reservations, our Banker ladies, our runners, our ticket sellers, our Hat ladies, Gale Ehle for her chocolate dipped pretzels, the Captain of the Guard, the 2013 Aides and their Ladies for all their work and support and all the other ladies who helped in some capacity to make our Fashion Show an enjoyable day for all. Special thanks to Frank Roth and to our Police Unit. Tracey from Zzazz Productions did a fantastic job bringing our Firefly theme to life. Thank you so very much! 22 Medinah Shriner Not only did we get to see our Divan escort the models down the runway for the finale, but I was also proud to have my son, Jon, in the finale. Cinco de Mayo Celebration After the Ladies‟ Fashion Show we went back to the Oasis for a fun Cinco de Mayo celebration. Food was great and entertainment top notch! Our groundhog made an appearance as we were getting ready to take our weather frustrations out on the “groundhog” piñata outside. Many were not happy with “Mr. Nibbles” prediction of an early spring only to have very unseasonable weather. I must say the weather has been pretty nice, though, ever since we took a few swings at that piñata. Hmmm… Sherrill Marquardt, First Lady 2013 Summer 2013 23 SPRING CEREMONIAL CLASS OF 2013 Usman Askofare 24 Romeo Avendano Aaron Avila Paul Bierzychudek Pavel Botev Robert Clark Gordon Colditz James Edgell Jan Garth Alan Garza Norison Gaudiano Reggie Gilbert Marvin Gloria Medinah Shriner William Gundlach Tom Hague Lawrence Heffron Shawn Johnson Todd Law-Hart Henry Lotsof James Maggio Athanasius Marneris John Merholz Ruben Moreno Robert Morgan Eddie Morris, Jr. Larry O’Krepky Brian Owen Jason Owen John Parrish Mathew Paulish Mario Pina William Price Kamaal Rashaad George San Juan Adrian Sanchez Jammie Shell Sean Shenberg Siron Sims Mike Skibbe Leon Sullivan Bill Wojtas Timothy Womack Seth Wormley Summer 2013 25 THE POTENTA "THE RIDE of a April 13, The Potentate‟s Ball, “The Ride of a Lifetime”, was a wonderful evening. Again, thank you to Don He We loved those pear-shaped potatoes and our dinner choices. Everything was so enjoyable. We hope y 26 Medinah Shriner TATE'S BALL of a LIFETIME" 13, 2013 n Helmig and Cyrille Girouard for their efforts to make the ball a memorable one for all in attendance. ope you all had a good time. Thanks to Motor Corps for our surprise entrance…you guys made our night. Don & Sherrill Summer 2013 27 28 Medinah Shriner MEDINAH‟S PICNIC AUGUST 3, 2013 Nobles: Save the date!!!! Our Illustrious Potentate Don Marquardt would like to see you, your family and all your friends –masons and non-masons alike at Medinah‟s Annual Picnic. Illustrious Sir Don has already checked with our High Priest and Prophet Craig Stimpert and was informed that the weather will be “just right” for our picnic. The emphasis this year deals with the letter F. Yes, you guessed it: FAMILY, FUN & FREE. Free as in Free Admission, Free Parking, Free Pop, Free Camels Milk, Free Ice Cream, etc. etc. etc. Also, don‟t forget the word FORMER as in former Medinah Picnic‟s where the various Units, Clubs and Committees prepared various snacks, beverages and good things to eat. Yes, you guessed it---that is on the agenda as well. You can purchase whatever food that your family or guests would like to eat from any of the participating Units, Clubs or Committees. Of course, you can bring your own grills and other goodies and cook out to your heart‟s content. After all, this is a PICNIC………. The picnic will be starting at 10 a.m. but come anytime that you wish. The location this year is River Grove, IL. The Picnic Flyer will be out shortly. We will have a “Battle of the Bags Tournament” with cash prizes operated by the NexGen Shrine Club. Get your best bags buddy to enter and win some cash!!! There will also be games for the children and adults sponsored by Medinah‟s Patrol. The adult games will be co-ed so make sure you bring someone of the opposite sex to be your partner. Last but not least we will have Bingo supervised by Medinah‟s Aides for 2013. New to this year‟s picnic will be the Duck Drop. Potentate Don had this inspirational idea to have a small wager and bet on your duck to win a race on the Des Plaines River. Yes of course the Corps. Of Engineers gave their blessing and we have all the paperwork and permits! Ducks will be sold for $4.00 each or 3 for $10.00. You will have your number on the bottom of the duck and each of them will be placed in a front loader. The Ducks will then be dropped in the Des Plaines River and float down the river to the finish line. The first three ducks will be the winners and will be awarded 50% of all proceeds collected. So of course the amount of money that you can win will be contingent upon the number of those entering the contest. For those of you who are just wondering------the ducks are not real so you don‟t have to worry about taking them home and feeding them. In the picture you can see Potentate Don being the first one to purchase tickets from me for the “soon to be famous” Duck Drop. So don‟t forget to get your tickets. The Units will be selling tickets. Lance Evans Oriental Guide Summer 2013 29 30 Medinah Shriner COMING EVENTS Go to for the complete details June 22nd July 27th July 28th Southwest Side SC OV Flying Carpets OV Morris SC OV Silver Lake CC 14700 S. 82nd Avenue Orland Park, IL 60462 Medinah Shrine Center 550 N. Shriners Drive Addison, IL 60101. 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM 7:00PM to Midnight For more information: For more information: Contact: Sandy Smidt 815-955-8165 or [email protected] Contact: Tim Dooley 708-878-0294 or [email protected] August 10th August 11th August 17th Clowns OV West Suburban Joliet SC OV Highlanders OV Medinah Shrine Center 550 N. Shriners Drive Addison, IL 60101. 6:00PM to Midnight Bus Transportation From Medinah Shrine Center to Navy Pier For information: Contact: John Bohac 815-791-0153 or [email protected] Medinah Shrine Center 550 N. Shriners Drive Addison, IL 60101. 7:00PM to Midnight Board at 12:30 Cruise 1:00PM to 3:00 PM For more information: For more information: For more information: Contact: Tracy Burcham 630-310-1183 or [email protected] Contact: Cal Tazelaar 630-404-9604 or [email protected] Contact: John Thompson 630-253-6294 or [email protected] August 18th August 24th August 25th DuPage SC OV Aurora SC OV Music OV For information: For information: Contact: Jim Mathew 630-392-3635 or [email protected] Contact: Chuck Masny 847-977-6611 or [email protected] Cantigny Park 1S151 Winfield Road Wheaton, IL 60189 In the Joseph Medill Room 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM For more information: Contact: Bill Andersen 630-545-0994 or [email protected] Summer 2013 31 News of Units and Committees ATHLETIC COMMITTEE „FORE‟ Aw Shucks; Gosh Darn; UGH; Drat These are just some of the words and phrases you‟ll hear at the “Al Daily Memorial Golf Outing” on Monday, August 5, 2013 at Bloomingdale Golf Club - The Athletic Committee is hard at work trying to continue the success we‟ve had in the past years. Hole Sponsors, prize donations, and golfers are needed!! $135.00 per person (a real bargain). We are again sponsoring a “custom” Rifle Raffle. $10.00 per ticket, 3 tickets for $25.00. This is a custom - working firearm with a certificate of authenticity. The winning ticket will be drawn at the Medinah OKTOBERFEST on Friday, September 20, 2013. Golf information; Rifle Tickets and info are all available at the Medinah Shrine Center. For further information and/or raffle tickets see any Athletic Committee member or call Co-Chairman Bruce Watson at home 708788-3701 or cell 708-641-0140. AVIATORS UNIT The Medinah Aviators have been very busy as of late. The Aviators have been in several parades so far this year, where we have been complimented on our parade airplane. We have also had about 5 trips transporting children to the Cincinnati Hospital. We had a fly-in breakfast at Clow Airport in Bolingbrook and in May we flew to Hochunk Casino in Baraboo, Wisconsin. We have had about 5-6 new Aviators join the ranks and we are still ready to accept more. If you have an interest in Aviation or helping Children you should think about becoming an Aviator. You do not have to be a pilot or own an airplane. On Saturday-June 1st the Aviators will have their annual Official Visit, where we will receive Illustrious Sir Donald R. Marquardt and his Lady. We will have a BBQ, Country Music and Free flights. If you have an interest in joining our unit please contact me at 708-297-6804 or [email protected]. Sincerely, Jeff T. Henson Commander Aviators Medinah Shriners BLACK HORSE TROOP Greetings from The Medinah Black Horse Troop and welcome to all the new Medinah Shrine Nobles. As we enter spring we are starting to get our parade season in order and will kick off with the Lombard Lilac Festival on Sunday May 19th. We apply to many communities to be in their parades, but sometimes you never know for certain if you‟ll get all the parades you apply for due to the budget constraints most communities are facing. With those considerations our parade schedule fills in over the summer rather than well before parade season. Our OV is coming up on July 20th. This year we‟re doing a few things differently. For starters we‟re holding the OV at the Medinah Shrine Center on the patio outside the Oasis. Next, we‟re bringing back on old tradition of combining our OV with the OV of the Medinah Motor Corps. The theme will be the same as in the past, “Hogs and Horses”. There‟ll be Bar-B-Q with all the extras plus Country and Western music and beverages, all for one price. Put on your Western wear, dust off your boots, grab your cowboy hat and put away your Fez and prepare to have a great time. Details will follow in coming emails. Have you ever seen our Horse Troop in a parade, at a GLSA competition or at an Imperial Session? Did you know during our long history we have been invited to appear at the Pasadena Rose parade, a Presidential Inauguration and at other prestigious events? Although we focus mostly to Midwest events now, we have a proud tradition wherever we parade. We are on a recruiting mission for new riders to join our troop. We have a program for you even if you aren‟t an experienced rider. We have a professional trainer in our barn that will teach you from the ground up. Never been on a horse, but have always wondered what it would be like to ride and enjoy a great experience? Give us a call, we can get continued on page 34…. you into a saddle on a trusted mount and let you get a feel for it. 32 Medinah Shriner Summer 2013 33 News of Units and Committees We welcome Nobles with families and young children. Our wives are friendly and welcoming and can get any Noble‟s family into feeling at home with our troop. Currently we have a horse or two you can learn on with our trainer. From there we provide a mentoring program and will be with you from the beginning to the joy of riding in a parade with an elite Medinah parade unit. If you‟re interested in in what we‟re all about and would like to talk further, please give me a call and let‟s chat. Fraternally, Peter Wendt Executive Officer Medinah Black Horse Troop 847-274-7238 BRASS BAND The Brass Band is rehearsing twice a month on Tuesday nights. We were happy to be a part of the recent Ceremonial at Medinah. We just concluded supporting the Onion Sale, and most of our members are having onions with every meal. We will have a goodly turnout at the Annual Convention in Indianapolis, adding a musical touch to the festivities. We are rehearsing tunes we will be playing at our annual Band O.V. which will be a dual event with the Oriental Band. It will be held in mid summer W atch for the date. It is held out-doors and has been a lot of fun in the past. Food and drinks will be available. As always we are looking for new band members in all instrument groups. Give our Director Chuck Masny a call. He can be reached at (847) 977-6611. Our next rehearsal will be on May 21 at 7:30p.m. at Medinah in our Band Room. I am glad to report that our Emeritous Past Director Roy Hansen is "almost" back to "normal "after having a hip replacement . He had broken it taking a fall while shoveling snow at home. He has taken all his doctors orders and heeded all the therapy involved and is back teaching music at his middle school in Schaumburg.All the kids and his fellow teachers are glad he's back. Till next time, Frank Katzbeck Ass't Director CLOWNS Greetings Nobles, BREAKING NEWS!!! During the Great Lakes Shrine Clown Unit Association (GLSCUA) Convention held in Indianapolis April 18th through 20th, our very own Medinah Clown Unit Director, Joe “Judgie” Consolo, was elected as Association President. Way to go Judgie! The honor is well deserved. Also, John “Nuttin” Forden was re-elected as Association Treasurer. Both will be sworn in during the 2013 Great Lakes Shrine Association (GLSA) Convention which takes place September 11th through 15th in Cincinnati, Ohio. The weather is finally warming up and this means another busy year for the Medinah Clowns. The parade and appearance schedule is coming together for the summer, and we are finalizing plans for the Medinah Clown Unit 50th Anniversary OV that takes place on Saturday, August 10th at the Medinah Shrine Center. Don‟t bother looking for your red nose because this will be a black tie event. We would love to have you there to celebrate this historic event with us so please make plans to attend. Besides the weekly visits to the Shriner‟s Hospital for Children ®, the Medinah Clowns attended an Easter Egg Hunt in North Riverside. In addition, the Medinah Clowns were in attendance at the 2013 Spring Ceremonial on Saturday, April 27th. The Medinah Clowns will be hosting the GLSCUA Mid-Year Convention in April 2014 at the Medinah Shrine Center. We will have some of the top vendors in the clowning industry in attendance along with some education sessions for the clowns. More information for this event will be available as we finalize the plans. As always, if you feel the urge to come out and join us in our mission as a Medinah Shrine Clown feel free to contact our Director, Joe “Judgie” Consolo ([email protected]) and he will guide you down the path of fun and fellowship. Wishing you good health and “Miles of Smiles” Curt “Banty” Gregory Reporting Secretary Medinah Clowns 34 Medinah Shriner Helping Families Through Difficult Times Practicing Attorney For Over 40 Years Concentrating In: Summer 2013 35 News of Units and Committees FLYING CARPETS Greetings from the Mystical World of the Medinah Flying Carpets It‟s been a long winter and a cool spring, but the Genies are ready for the new Parade Season! We have been busy repairing, building, and trying to find a lost Flying Carpet. We have had some great social times too! From the Medinah Installation of Officers Breakfast, to the Ground Hog Day Celebration that gave us hope of an early spring! And what a WONDERFUL time we all had at the Potentates Ball!!! Now that spring has sprung and we can take our Flying Carpets out of winter storage, we are back to practicing for this year‟s Imperial Secession in Indianapolis. It‟s been a very long time since the Mighty Medinah Flying Carpets have competed in an international competition, (way way waaay before my time) we are ready to compete with whatever crazy 4 wheel Shriner parade unit shows up! (although we are pretty crazy ourselves!) Grand Caliph Emeritus, Frank Palella, now our Parade Coordinator has been very busy coordinating our 2013 parade schedule and it‟s going to be an exciting year! The Medinah Flying Carpets do about 28-32 events annually, and this year is no different. Thanks Frank for your hard work!!!! And to all the other Genies who give their time to help wherever they can. You guys are the BEST! Many of you attended our Summer Bash OV last year and we would like to thank you for doing so! The feedback that we got was so positive that we are doing it again! On July 27th 2013 at 6:00pm please join the Medinah Flying Carpets, as we do it AGAIN. This year welcoming Illustrious Sir Don Marquardt and his lady Sherrill as they cross the sands for our Official Visit, and we‟ll be wastin‟ away again in Margaritaville or “Medinah-ville?” (Medinah Shrine Center). For the low price of $50 per person, we are having an 11 piece Jimmy Buffet cover band! Now… if you were at our OV last year, remember how great the “South of Disorder” band was? This is the same awesome band but BIGGER!! We will have a fresh roasted Pig with all the trimmings and you know that “Catering with Elegance” (aka Cyrille‟s Team) will never let us down on the food! We are going to have an open bar for the first hour and then after dinner we will re-open the bar for another hour - or so! (I like the “or-so” part!) We will also have Jimmy Buffets famous “Land Shark Beer” is similar to Corona or Miller Lite but better! And watch out for the roaming Shark Bites! This beer will be available complimentary all night long or until we drink it all! Now…. this is a very laid back party, dress attire is Summer back yard party clothes - Shorts, Hawaiian shirts, Flip-flops, just good old comfy clothes. We will have dancing inside the Medinah Shrine Center and outside on the banquet side patio. We will have sound for (beer-pong) ambience from the band outside on the Patio - not too loud, just enough to enjoy. (who said Hookah?!?!) NOW after all this fun, when we all start to wind down a little, that‟s when the White Castles will show up for “Cheese Burgers in our Paradise” at Midnight!!! Now…… we all have friends and families that are not Shriners…. and they always seem to hear about our Shrine party stories….. So THIS is the PARTY that you can BRING THEM to! So they can go tell someone else about the Shrine Party that they went to! For more information, please call me, or see our OV Flyer on line at, or at the Members Entrance at Medinah. To place your reservations please Call or E-Mail Tim Dooley 708-878-0294 or [email protected] Don‟t just tell your friends about a Shrine Party….. Bring them to a Shrine Party!!!!! Well I hope to hear from you all…. Please no matter where you are… party smart! Hilton Garden Inn Addison 551 North Swift Road, Addison, Illinois, 60101 630-691-0500 Let‟s all have a safe Parade Season! See you at the Parades! Fins UP!!! Timothy W. Dooley Grand Caliph Medinah Flying Carpets P.S. we DID find the lost carpet! 36 Medinah Shriner Summer 2013 37 News of Units and Committees HIGHLANDERS Greetings Nobles, Our last communiqué was just before St. Pat's, and what a fine season o‟piping it was! Elmhurst was the inaugural event of the parading year and Pipe Major Glenn who kept us moving and piping along. The next day was our inaugural appearance at the Tinley Park St. Pat's parade up Oak Park Ave, followed by refreshments at Bailey's afterward. Our timing was impeccable as it was drizzling before the parade and began pouring a few minutes after we got to Bailey's, but we were dry throughout the parade. It was widely heralded as a good parade and one to return to next year. Now by the next weekend the weather had turned and we were actually getting snowed on in Naperville. We are a hardy bunch and survived. The rest of the day we warmed back up at Orazio's Pub, playing a number of times. Special thanks to the owners for their generous contribution to the hospital. And if that wasn't enough, a contingent went down to Morris for a special St. Pat's Eve appearance at Clayton's, with Doug Crawford debuting as the leader of the band. Reviews were glowing. We put on the Highlander degree recently - some would argue the most fun degree in all Shrinedom. We made a special effort for some of our newer Highlander members going through, such as Mongo, who seemed to have a true affinity for the final portion of the degree. I'm just sayin'........... On Wednesday, April 10th, John Thompson, Jonathon Cole, and Ian Brown, played for Lombard Lodge for a most special visitor. That evening the Grand Master of Illinois made his official visit. Also in attendance were many dignitaries and brethren from visiting lodges. They serenaded all at different intervals during the opening and closing of lodge. On Saturday, April 13, the same Highlander gentlemen played at the Illinois Masonic Hospital for the annual benefit of the Masonic Family Health Foundation, a charitable foundation, set up to support Masonic charities and the Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center. They played in the York Rite color guard to open the meeting. Many Masonic bodies were in attendance, including dignitaries from around the state. They stayed for the meeting and had lunch afterward. As always, we were glad to be a part of the recent Ceremonial and look forward to a few possible new Highlanders from the class joining us. Attached are a few pictures from the day. May started with parading in Batavia for Loyalty Days - an event we have been loyally part of for many years. Yours truly was Pipe Major for the day. Everyone seemed to do what I called out - maybe it was the red sash I was wearing. Afterward, our Batavians Pappy and lady Carlyn had our ladies and us over for a most needed afterglow - sumptuous food, drink and fellowship. A few of us even made an impromptu recording of Skye Boat Song as a birthday greeting for Ian Brown's sister in California via the miracle of Facebook. A contingent of us also played for fellow Medinah Shriner, Rupert Solis aka Cy-Lo daughter's wedding reception. The groom's side was Filipino and all were having a good time. Mabuhay to the newlyweds as they say in Tagalog. It was also our Chief Bob's birthday, the celebration of which carried on at several other establishments in the area. He reportedly felt fine the next day - go figure. And as always, feel free to stop by on a Wednesday night when we practice and check out our fully functional upstairs 'man cave'. Reporting for the Highlanders, John Ludwig 38 Medinah Shriner SC1501 10” Walnut Gavel with Sounding Block Engraved Brass-Banded Gavel $75.00 SC1502 Piano Finish Directors Set Includes: 10” Rosewood Piano Finish Gavel, Sounding Block, Brass Gavel Band and Case. Engraved Gavel Band and Sounding Block $325.00 SC1402 4”x5” Arch Piano Finish Desk Clock Engraved Brass Plaque with Black Oxidized Letters $58.00 SC1503 9”x12” Genuine Walnut Plaque with 10” Gavel Engraved Plaque and Engraved Brass-Band Gavel $90.00 Summer 2013 39 News of Units and Committees HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Medinah‟s 36th Annual DIXIELAND 2013 By Ray Kustush SOLD OUT for 8 years in a row, with 634 guests enjoying Shrinedom‟s BIGGEST cut of Prime beef, libations, dancing and fellowship. DIXIELAND is Hospitality Committee‟s Official Visit by Medinah‟s Illustrious Potentate Donald R. Marquardt and his Lady Sherrill. Cyrille C. Girouard, his Assistant Joanna Karpinski and their wonderful staff, once again, cooked our Prime Rib to perfection and also served chicken, fish and vegan dinners to those guests wanting something a little different. His staff had the place ready well before needed and served our guests a wonderful salad, great coffee and sweet dessert too. As always, Cyrille, you and your crew are a cut above the rest. Art and Nikki DeBaere, in charge of Registration, were assisted by Jim and Carole Ridder, Chuck and Midge Horwitz. Many thanks go out to all six of them for our smoothest guest processing to date. Great job folks! DIXIELAND requires setting up Medinah‟s ballroom with hundreds of balloons and other fun decorations. Bob „BINGO‟ Fitch and his Lady Sandy, Mark Donnell, John H. Brandenburg, Dwaine and Diana Churma, Ruben Paclibare, and Phil and Pamela Vovola, and all did a great job setting the theme for the night. This years‟ table caller was Larry Awbrey who cheerfully ensured our guests were able to „meat‟ our Rib Carvers in an orderly fashion. Keeping our guests inline on the way to the carving stations were Crowd Controllers John H. Brandenburg and Steve Handley. Nice work guys. Receiving our guests on their way to be “meated” were Ticket Takers Bob Alley and Mark Donnell. Everyone was taken with their friendly demeanor. Carving up more than 2,000 pounds of Prime Beef were our Meat Carvers. Supervised by Medinah‟s Recorder, Scott Sonnenberg (he also keeps our knives sharp) and oversaw carvers Bob “BINGO” Fitch, Pete Santoro, Ray Kustush, Dwaine Churma, Jaime Alcantara, Jim Thrysellious and special guest carver for the second year in a row, Sam Spector. Thanks guys for “meating” our guests with a smile as well as the biggest cut of prime beef. These guys don‟t cut corners and everyone went to their tables very happy, if not shocked and awed, with their wrist straining plate full of beef. On hand to sell 600 Tickets was our very own Larry Awbrey, who sold a fair share of tickets this year and did a great job. What‟s DIXIELAND without a bunch of raffles and booze baskets? Our Raffle Ticket and 50/50 Sellers this year were Jasper Lukose, Bill Rose, Steven Handley, Alan Petrucci, John H. Brandenburg, Greg Hayden, Hunter and Pamela Gilmore, Larry Awbrey, Jan Alley, Joyce Shewmake, John Magnan and his Lady Mary Jo, and selling raffle tickets and bling rings Bob “BINGO‟ Fitch and his Lady Sandy Korn. Thank you everybody for making this year a great success. See you at DIXIELAND next year, on the second Saturday in March! Don Shewmake - Medinah Shriners Hospitality Committee Chairman Art DeBaere - Assistant Chairman Ray Kustush - Secretary 40 Medinah Shriner News of Units and Committees HOSPITAL USHERS COMMITTEE HI - we‟re back Back in March, we reported that the “Ushers” had again gone to the dogs. Below is a picture of one of the show dogs - he took a liking to the Ushers and the Shriners Hospitals for Children® - Chicago booth. Look at the size of the dog seated in front of our table. When he stood up, his back was about seven inches above the table. The breed was Irish Wolf Hound and his daily menu is three and one half pounds of food a day. In March we had the Senior Varsity Sports Club, both boys and girls from Coal City High School, Coal City, Illinois who came for their annual visit and hospital tour. It all started one year when the students were trying to figure out how to spend the money they had earned from car-washes, bake sales, etc. when one of the young ladies suggested they give the money to Shriners Hospitals for Children® - Chicago as she had been a patient at Shriners Hospitals for Children ® - Chicago and the practice was continued thru the years. The Senior Varsity Sports Club group has been coming to Shriners Hospitals for Children ® - Chicago for twenty three years. The new Divan members, many with their Ladies, from the fourteen Shrine Centers that serve Shriners Hospitals for Children ® Chicago came for an orientation session and a tour of the hospital. The Blossom Queens from Berrien County Michigan came, one lady more lovely than the other, all thirty of them. The Queens are from each of the communities in Berrien County, such as Paw Paw, Buchanan, Benton Harbor, etc. The Ladies and the Kings toured the hospital and later interacted with the patients. This group which is sponsored by the Berrien County Shrine Club (Saladin Shrine) has been coming to the Shriners Hospitals for Children® - Chicago since 1947. continued on the next page…. Summer 2013 41 News of Units and Committees We hosted a group of DeMolay young men who were sponsored by Tripoli Shrine, Milwaukee who came for a visit and tour of the hospital. By the time you read this, Shriners Hospitals for Children ® - Chicago will have hosted one half of the Nebraska Shrine Bowl Football team. The young men will tour the hospital and interact with some of the patient by playing wheel chair basketball. In July, the Illinois Shrine Bowl Football Team all 150 of them will come for a visit and tour of the hospital. The Illinois players as well as Nebraska players are recent high school graduates who have been nominated by their coaches to play in the Shrine Bowl game. The young men will have a chance to interact with some of the patients and play wheel chair basketball. The Illinois Shrine Bowl game will be played in Bloomington on July 27th. Plan on attending. Usher participation numbers, January thru April are as follows: Number of regular tours of 10 guests or less - 13 Number of guests on regular tours - 33 Number of Ushers available for regular tours - 16 Number of special tours of 10 guests or more - 9 Number of guests on special tours - 111 Number of Ushers for special tours - 16 Number of Ushers on duty for this reporting period - 282 Total hours on duty for tours - 987 Total hours at dog show - 672 Total hours on duty - 1,137 Total hours conducting tours - 77 In the next issue of this magazine, we‟ll have some pictures of the football players, both Nebraska and Illinois, but for now enough until we meet in the next issue. Yours in the faith, Bob Gillfillan, Director/Scribe 42 Medinah Shriner News of Units and Committees PATROL Patrol held its Annual Gin Tournament on Wednesday, April 3, at the Medinah‟s Oasis. Twenty-four players participated in the outing. The evening started with a light meal prepared by Lt Chef Sam Spector and M/SGT Chef Landie Janda. All gorged themselves on the grommet food, knowing that nourishment is a major ingredient for successful games. Staff LT Scott Schmidt staffed the beverage bar, fulfilling all requests for liquids from Patrols hidden bottles from start to the final minutes of the night. Patrolman and Patrol‟s computer guru Ian Borden brought his random generator to assigned players for each of the five games as well as keeping game totals. LT Ken Shields assisted in record keeping for the evening. Major Eric Keating distributed game rules and announced the start of the first of five fifteen minute games. The din from the shuffling cards was deafening. Player after player called “gin” or “call” or “….” Leadership changed from game to game, with Keith Koopman the tournament leader and winner after the fifth game. Second place went to Jim Ridder, and third place awarded to Bruce Bernake. Congratulations to all players, because everybody was a winner by just playing. Rumor has it that a second tournament is being planned for the Fall. Watch for IT! The Annual Patrol golf outing was held on a cool but sunny early May 11th date this year. A lively group of 32 golfers competed for best score (a.k.a. most unusual shot). A fun and very lively time was had on all 19 holes. Three women joined in the fun this year, and their playing skills have encouraged the Patrol to actively expand the ladies participation next season. Look for the informational flyer in the Spring 2014 and join the Patrol for a wonderful day. Well done for a great job of coordinating the outing by Golf Chair-Patrolman 1ST Lt Frank Reid. Onion weekend, May 4, found Patrol selling onions at Lens ACE Hardware in Addison. Patrol committed to selling 350 bags. Sixteen patrolmen volunteered to sell, many working several shifts. Because of the inclement weather on Friday, sales were less than expected causing Onion Chair-Patrolman Ian Borden to put out the call to Patrol to sell on Sunday and the following weekend. Many patrolmen stepped up to the challenge and worked the extra hours. Well done to Ian and the Patrolmen that volunteered their weekends. LT Ken Shields coordinates Patrol‟s Color Guard. Colors presented at all stated meetings, the USPS annual meeting held this year at Medinah, and the Potentate‟s Ball in April. Scott Olson, Military Commander, carried the national Flag at the Ball. Each occasion required four to seven Patrolmen. Well done … Ken and Patrol! Patrol meets each Monday at 6PM in the Patrol Room, starting with a delicious meal prepared by Sam Spector and Laddie Janda. A brief meeting at 6:30PM is held by Major Keating to keep Patrol up-to-date on the latest activities in Patrol and Medinah. Patrol practices their award winning competitive marching drill under the tutoring of Drill Captain Dennis Schueler. Currently, Dennis is preparing the Unit for the upcoming Indy Imperial competition this coming July. Patrol competes in both Competition and Parade. New members to Patrol are welcome. If you have marching ability or want to learn and meet some of Medinah‟s fineness while doing so, come to a Monday night meeting or contact Major Keating by calling – 312.466.0629. Jim Ridder Patrol Scribe Summer 2013 43 LAW OFFICES OF John Peter Curielli, P. C. 126 SOUTH NORTHWEST HIGHWAY BARRINGTON, IL 60010 - 4608 Phone: (847) 381 - 7555 Fax: (847) 381 - 7578 Email: [email protected] Website: ESTATE PLANNING WILLS - TRUSTS PROBATE BUSINESS LAW COMMERCIAL TRANSACTIONS REAL ESTATE PERSONAL INJURY 44 Medinah Shriner News of Units and Committees PAST MASTERS COMMITTEE On Friday, February 22, 2013, Noble Peter Wendt and Noble Sherwin Baker put together a very special Post-Valentine‟s event for our Ladies. We dined to Prime Rib in a Romantic antique railroad car and we were entertained by Joe Martin‟s singing and playing romantic songs. All had a great time. On Saturday June 15, 2013, the Past Masters Committee and Medinah will, once again, have its annual leadership training session for Senior and Junior Wardens at the Medinah Shrine Center. The event is free and includes: rolls and coffee at 9:30 AM with lunch at noon. Our speakers will be Noble Jeff Henson and Noble Brad Gerace. Please email Noble Paul Sliva ([email protected]) to make a reservation. Noble Sam Spector is working on a fun “men only” meeting (sports team challenge game & great food) for mid to late June. Flyer will be out soon. Noble Sherwin Baker is working on a ladies night dinner at our Medinah Shrine Center in mid September. Special thanks to my Assistant Directors: Sherwin Baker, Manny Roth, Paul Sliva, Paul Bobor and Sam Spector for all the hours they put in the Past Masters Committee. I am pleased to report that Noble Mike Ivanov has just been appointed as an Assistant Director. We feel he will be an excellent addition to the team. The Past Masters Committee wishes all the Nobles and their Ladies a very pleasant summer. As always, the Past Masters Committee is the primary link between Medinah and the local blue lodges. In order to be a member of the Past Masters Committee you need to either be a sitting Master or a Past Master of a Masonic Lodge. One of the primary functions of the Past Masters Committee is to present certificates to Masters of Lodges who are also Shriners on behalf of Medinah. During these presentations, if permitted by the Lodge, we give short presentations on the Shriners Hospitals for Children®. Dues for our Committee are only $10 per year. Please feel free to contact me via email at: [email protected] or call me at: (847) 381-7555 EXT 101 if you would like more information or be interested in becoming a member. Fraternally, John Peter Curielli SOCIAL MEDIA COMMITTEE Have you figured out how to use Facebook or Twitter yet? Well, the Medinah Shriners have their own accounts and if you haven't joined in on the fun it's about time that you get in on the Social Media "Degree". You can join our Facebook Page by going to the following link:!/groups/59695367642/? bookmark_t=group We currently have 435 Members in the Group. You can follow us on Twitter by searching for @MedinahShriners where we have 67 followers. If you have any suggestions for our Pages please contact me at 708-297-6804 or [email protected]. Also remember that the whole Family is welcome to join our groups. See you there, Jeff T. Henson Social Media Director Medinah Shriners Summer 2013 45 Medinah LIFE MEMBERSHIP Raffle Always wanted to have Medinah Life Membership? Forget to pay your dues on time? Tired of getting a late notice! Now‟s your chance to forget about it! For just $10 per ticket, you get a chance to win a Life Membership with your Hospital Assessment included. A $1790 value. $970 value if you‟re 65 or older. Tickets available by contacting Jim Burke at the Medinah office. Phone: 630- 889-1400 M-F 8:30 – 4:30 Drawing will be held at the Fall Ceremonial on November 16th Look for tickets being sold at Medinah events by the Membership Team. Sponsored by the Medinah Membership Committee. Proceeds to help support the “Sunshine Fund” Raffle has no redeemable cash value, only good for a Life Membership 46 Medinah Shriner Shrine Club Activities CAR CLUB Calling all cars! We have an APB on spring, what happened to it? I have a fever that only gasoline and burnt rubber can cure. It‟s been a wet, cold, late spring with a quick transition from snow-shovel and sump-pump problems to car waxing and wrenching, but here we are at the start of another wonder classic car season. Our car club has the great opportunity to be involved in many parades this season and that means we are looking for BIG turnout from our members. Noteworthy is our opportunity to participate in up to 4 parades on the 4th of July. So if you‟re in the club and have been waiting to be in a parade now is the time. If being away from your family on parade day has been an issue, please review the revised rules for passengers in “non-performing” parade vehicles. Some parades on the calendar include, Lagrange on June 1st, Elk Grove Village on June 15th, and Chrystal Lake on July 1st. The Medinah Shriners 6th Annual Car Show is July 21st this year at the Medinah Shrine Center. Our meetings are 4th Wednesday of the month at Mac‟s Golden Pheasant on North Ave in Elmhurst, IL. Our meetings begin at 7:30 PM with dinner before at 6:30 PM. We order off the menu and enjoy the fellowship during dinner. If you‟re new to the Shrine and looking to join a club or if you‟re a seasoned Noble and want more information about the car club please feel free to contact us to get you up to speed. Joshua Stoner [email protected] FOX VALLEY SHRINE CLUB Spring may be here by the calendar except for Onion Friday when 12 FVSC Nobles braved all the wintery elements that the slow moving low pressure front threw at them, all the while selling onions at three locations in Geneva and Batavia. Friday was not a total lost as we had many loyal customers who stopped and purchase onions regardless of the weather. All in all, 16 Nobles, some working two shifts, worked the weekend and the final bag was sold at 12:54PM Sunday afternoon. Congratulations to all Club members that volunteered and fulfilled their commitment. WELL DONE … to a GREAT CREW and to Onion Chair-Noble FVSC 1st VP, Orville Grammer and his assistant FVSC President, Robert Locke, who dressed in his clown garb on Sunday. Looking at an upcoming future event, staffing for the Kane County Fair ticket sales is in the fore front of Staffing Chair-Noble FVSC Treasurer, Rick Mickelsen. Event is scheduled for July 17 -21 in St Charles and over 60 slots must be filled to meet FVSC responsibility. Look at your calendar and if it is open … contact Rick, by phone or email, now for one, two, or more slots. Selling tickets is easy, meeting people is fun, and on your break, you can even visit the animals. Fox Valley meets monthly, 9:30AM, on the second Saturday, at the Geneva Masonic Building, Second Floor rear entrance. All Nobles are welcome to attend and enjoy the special fellowship that Nobles have when they gather together to promote Medinah and the Shrine. Jim Ridder Secretary, Fox Valley SC Summer 2013 47 Shrine Club Activities JOLIET SHRINE CLUB On Thursday, April 25th, Joliet Junior College Student Government with assistance from the Criminal Justice Club, presented a check in the amount of $1069.75 to the Joliet Shrine Club for use by the Shriners Hospital for Children ® in Chicago. The funds were raised by students and faculty members at Joliet Junior College during an event called “2013 Charity Jail and Bail”. JJC Student Government has been holding this event for four years now, raising a total of $14,000 for charities locally and nationally. The participants are first “arrested” by fellow students and faculty and their “bail” set; each person arrested then raises their bail through donations during the month of March. The $1069.75 was approximately 50% of the total in funds ($2139.49) raised by the many faculty and staff "arrested" – the remainder was equally distributed among three other charities: Autism Speaks, Big Brothers / Big Sisters of Will and Grundy County, and the Family Outreach Food Pantry. Jeremy Smith, a member of the Joliet Shrine Club who is also a student at JJC and a member of the JJC Student Government, said that this was an awesome event and thanked everyone who donated bail money to these worthy causes within our area. The Joliet Shrine Club thanked all participants for their efforts on behalf of the Shriners Hospitals for Children®. The Joliet Shrine Club, a local organization within Medinah Temple in Addison, is a part of Shriners International. Shriners International supports a total of 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children ® throughout the United States, Mexico, and Canada. The hospitals offer services to children with major orthopedic diseases, burns and other afflictions without concern for the parents‟ ability to pay. PHOTO CAPTION: Receiving the check from Bobbie Carnes, President of JJC Student Government is (from left to right): Mark Tomany, 2013 President of the Joliet Shrine Club; and Scott Sonnenberg, Recorder for Medinah Shriners. To the right of and behind Bobbie Carnes is Noble Jeremy Smith, whose efforts helped raise the funds. 48 Medinah Shriner Shrine Club Activities WEST SUBURBAN SHRINE CLUB My Dear Nobles and Fellow Fez Heads and Supporters: The parade season has begun again! The Roaring 57‟s were the usual star attractions at the Forest Park and Elmhurst St. Pat‟s parades. I understand that the broadcast of the parade on the local Elmhurst cable channel gave our guys lots of airtime this year! Kudos to our Roaring Members! Our adoring fans were treated to the precision maneuvers and high energy of The Roaring 57‟s! Then it was onto The Hometown Baseball Parade where we represented Shrinedom to the best of our abilities! Hot dogs, chips and a can of pop always await us at the end of the parade, thanks to the kind hospitality of the parade sponsors. Yum! Next up on our busy schedule are the Memorial Day Parades; Wauconda, an official Medinah parade at 10 AM, and Itasca at 9:30 AM, both on Monday, May 27th. They are followed by the La Grange Pet Parade, June 1st at 9:30AM; Libertyville, 10AM, and Elk Grove Village, 6PM, both on Saturday June 15th. And if the Hawks bring home another Stanley Cup (here‟s hoping they do!) we will be in the shadow of The Stanley Cup, just like 3 years ago! The Cup would be in the possession of none other than John McDonough, VP of the Hawks and an EGV hometown resident! Yes he‟s at the head of the parade with the Mayor. And last but not least, the Geneva Swedish Days at Noon on Sunday June 23rd, a Medinah parade. Always a great afterglow! Don‟t forget our OV being held on Sunday August 11th. We are having the Lake Michigan Brunch Cruise, back by popular demand! Details to follow, we will have reservation forms available. Humbly, Ray Bernard, Past President Year 2012 – Official Scribe Summer 2013 49 50 Medinah Shriner Summer 2013 51 Moving? Please remember to notify the Medinah Office so that your membership data can be updated.
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