april 2009 - Metro Denver Dental Society


april 2009 - Metro Denver Dental Society
March/April 2009
Volume 13, Issue 4
I n s i d e :
Give Kids a Smile Day
Financial Climate: ADA
Takes Look at How Dentists
are Faring
News Briefs
Annual Minutes Scam Strikes
Again —Dentists Beware!
RMDC 2009 — The Hunt
for Knowledge
Protect Your Practice:
3 Solid Principles
Letter to the Editor
Calendar of Events
In the Jaws of Lions
By Susanne Pilla, Peter Emily International Veterinary Dental Foundation (PEIVDF)
The operating room is bustling with
the activity of surgery in progress
— people calling information to
one another, medical equipment
beeping, aspirator machine slurping. The surgeon is focused — his
head bent low into the mouth of
his patient. Though the patient
is completely anesthetized, his
four two-inch long canines and a
vast cavern full of other frightening looking teeth seem poised to
strike. For any other surgeon, even
anesthesia might not be enough to
dispel their fears. But for Dr. Peter
Emily, it’s all in a day’s work.
Widely known as the grandfather
of Animal Dentistry, Dr. Emily has
worked on virtually every species
that has a mouth or beak. But
he didn’t start out doing dentistry
on animals. Graduating from
Creighton’s School of Dentistry,
he began his practice working
on humans. Some years later, he
became involved in the breeding and showing of Doberman
Pinschers. An inventor since childhood, Dr. Emily sought to find a
solution to some of the common
problems leading to a dog’s
disqualification. That search lead
him to modify many of the tools
used in human dentistry for use on
canines. Soon, colleagues began
asking him to work on their dogs’
teeth. As word got around Denver
about “the animal dentist,” the
Denver Zoo called to see if he could
perform a root canal on a striped
hyena. From there followed more
patients, such as tigers, lions, a
killer whale and even a root canal
on a polar bear while on his knees
using the hydraulic tailgate of a
pickup truck to raise and lower the
half-ton giant’s head. Not long after
beginning work for the Denver Zoo,
Siegfried & Roy called on him to
take care of their cats.
Dr. Emily began lecturing to
veterinary groups and dog clubs
in the United States and abroad.
Eventually, Dr. Emily and some
colleagues formed the American
Veterinary Dental College, for which
Dr. Emily and two others developed
the qualification exams that are still
used today.
In 2005, Dr. Emily donated the
funds to form a private foundation — the Peter Emily International
Veterinary Dental Foundation. In the
fall of 2008, the foundation began
Don’t miss “The Scope of the Meth
Problem in Colorado and its Effect
on Dentistry” — April 23, 2009
Metropolitan Denver Dental Society
3690 South Yosemite Street Suite 200
Denver, Colorado 80237
U.S. Postage
To benefit the Smile Again Program™
conducting missions to captive
animal facilities and animal sanctuaries that are understaffed or under
funded from a veterinary perspective. The goal of the missions is
Continued on page 10
Member Dentist Featured in AwardWinning Anti-Meth Documentary
On January 7, 2009, the Telly and
Emmy Award winning documentary,
Childhelp® Crystal Darkness, aired
across Colorado in a groundbreaking
effort to fight back against the scourge of
crystal methamphetamine.
Thanks to donated participation by
local broadcasters, the program aired
on nearly every TV station in Colorado.
Early estimates show than more than
500,000 people watched the documentary. Over 500 more contacted the
special call center established to give
resources to those in need of information
and help.
This 30-minute documentary underscores the frightening truth about meth’s
devastating attack on our youth and their
families. A consequence of the meth
epidemic is the alarming rise in cases
of meth mouth. Stapleton-based general
dentist and MDDS Board member, Dr.
Brett Kessler, was featured in the
documentary to illustrate the unique
and horrific toll meth is taking on
its users’ oral health.
Dr. Kessler has extensive experience
in restoring the dental health of recovering addicts. As a long-time volunteer at
Sobriety House, a Denver-based residential substance abuse treatment center for
low-income and homeless individuals, he
provides free and low-cost care to meth
patients at the staggering rate of one to
two patients per week.
“I was honored to play a part in
this important event. We as dentists
have never had a more important role
in helping to improve the lives of our
patients as well as service to the community. I hope all dentists will be willing to
give some of their time and expertise to
help our community. I am also thankful
for the never ending support of MDDS
towards this project! This project and
the Smile Again Program™ go hand in
hand,” said Dr. Kessler.
In addition to Dr. Kessler’s accounts,
the program featured interviews with key
leaders in the state; including Governor
Bill Ritter, First Lady Jeannie Ritter
and Attorney General John Suthers.
It also showcased testimony from law
enforcement, recovery specialists and the
Continued on page 5
Give Kids a Smile Day
MDDS Articulator
Dr. Matt Dunn
Colorado volunteers provide dental care to children from low-income families
With dental disease among
pre-schoolers on the rise, the ADA
once again mobilized dental professionals for its annual Give Kids a
Smile Day (GKAS) campaign to
extend necessary care to children
and adolescents from low-income
families. GKAS is organized dentistry’s major oral health outreach
program, launched to encourage
parents, health professionals and
policymakers to address important
access to healthcare issues. It is
an annual centerpiece to National
Children’s Dental Health Month and
is observed every year on the first
Friday in February.
On Feb. 6, during the seventh
Jim Abramowitz
Peter Amundson
Lisa Baldwin
Betty Barr
Nelle Barr
Ed Barrett
Hilary Baskin
Gretchen Bauer
Brian Bohman
Julia Boratenski
Liliane Brantes
Boone Brewer
Terry Brewick
Andrew Burns
Bill Burns
Daniel Butterman
Kendal Carlson
David Collins
Thomas Cope
Jeanette Courtad
Thomas Croghan
Jill Decker
Fay Durkin
Yuki Dykes
Frances Engler
Karen Foster
Lisa Fox
annual GKAS program, some
45,000 dental professionals
provided free services to as many
as 500,000 children at more than
1,600 sites throughout the country.
The Colorado Dental Association
coordinates GKAS efforts in this
state. “This is the seventh year of
Give Kids a Smile in Colorado and
because of our wonderful volunteers,
Colorado is regarded as one of the
most successful states in the nation
for GKAS,” said Molly Pereira, CDA
associate executive director. “Despite
tough economic times, our volunteer
numbers held strong this year. This
just goes to show how much dentists
and dental professionals care about
Troy Fox
Mark Frank
Karen Franz
Mitchell Friedman
Nicole Furuta
Shauna Gilmore
Frank Gold
Nancy Grant
Jerome Greene
Alan Gurman
Alison Hanosh
Jennifer Hargleroad
Olinga Hargreaves
Mark Harris
Richard Harvey
Hang Hoang
Makala Hubbell
Autumn Hurd
Jeffery Hurst
Rebecca Huser
Jerolyn Ipson
Sue James
Curtis Johnsen
Rex Johnson
Phil Johnson
Gunjan Kalra
Yvette Killingsworth
Randy Kluender
Timothy Kneller
Neal Kruglet
Timothy Lemke
Joanna Levin
Kenneth LeVos
Cliff Litvak
Jeff Lodl
Avery Lopez
Les Maes
Shawn Maloy
Robert Martinich
Timothy Masterson
Chelsea Mayer
Kareen McIntosh
Rodger Miller
Eric Miller
Michael Miller
Damien Mulvany
Bob Murphy
Rhett Murray
Mark Novelen
John Offerdahl
Rachel Packer
Alexander Park
Kevin Patterson
Ken Peters
these families and how the accessto-care issue in Colorado affects
them. While a one-day event isn’t
a cure-all, I guarantee it made a
difference,” she added.
Please consider joining us
for next year’s GKAS Day event,
February 5, 2010.
The key to Colorado’s GKAS
success rests in our volunteer
providers. They embody the spirit
of this important patient education movement. Thanks to all
2009 volunteers for their inspiring dedication and tremendous
example. We recognize the following
MDDS member dentists for helping
Colorado kids:
Tyr Peterson
Justin Petracek
Bill Pfeifer
Hahn Phi
Dianne Pierson
Michael Plous
Michael Poulos
Eva Poulson
Patrick Prendergast
Marilyn Rowe
Eric Rysner
Ellen Sachs
Pasco Scarpella
Shawna Schope
Carrie Seabury
Dan Selner
Kelsey Snavely
Lori Trembath
Peter Vanicek
Eric Van Zytveld
Gilbert Vigil
Walt Vogl
Erin Watts-Carpenter
Scott Welch
Sean Whalen
Scott Whitney
Patrick Wilson
Managing Editor
Michelle Cunningham
Communications Committee
Dr. Matt Dunn, Chair
Dr. Michael Bellon
Dr. Paul Bottone
Dr. Douglas Carver
Dr. Mike Diorio
Dr. Erik Hekkert
Dr. Jeffery Hurst
Dr. Greg Ingalls
Dr. Erik Mathys
Dr. Deborah Michael
Dr. Kenneth Peters
Dr. Christine Theroux
MDDS Executive Committee
Troy A. Fox, DDS
Michael J. Scheidt, DDS, MS
Vice President
George G. Gatseos, DDS
D. Diane Fuller, DDS
Charles S. Danna, DDS
Executive Director
Terri Gilpin
Graphic Design
Zullo Design
Dilley Printing
The Articulator is published bi-monthly by the
Metropolitan Denver Dental Society and distributed to MDDS members as a direct benefit of
Editorial Policy
All statements of opinion and of supposed fact
are published under the authority of the authors,
including editorials, letters and book reviews.
They are not to be accepted as the views and/or
opinions of the MDDS.
The Articulator encourages letters to the editor,
but reserves the right to edit and publish under
the discretion of the editor.
Advertising Policy
All matters pertaining to advertising should
be addressed to advertising sales manager,
Advertising Sales Department at MDDS, 3690
S. Yosemite St., Suite 200, Denver, CO 80237,
(303) 488-9700. All advertising appearing in
the Articulator must comply with official
published advertising standards of the
American Dental Association. The publication
of an advertisement is not to be construed as an
endorsement or approval by the Metropolitan
Denver Dental Society. A copy of the advertising standards may be obtained upon request
through MDDS.
Inquiries may be addressed to:
Metropolitan Denver Dental Society
3690 S. Yosemite St., Suite 200
Denver, CO 80237-1827
Phone: (303) 488-9700
Fax: (303) 488-0177
©2009 Metropolitan Denver Dental Society
Dr. Alison Hanosh
Dr. Jerome Greene
Dr. Betty Barr
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M DDS Articulator
By Phone:
By Email:
By Fax:
By Mail:
Henry Schein Dental,
Attn: Jenni Silva,
8591 Prairie Trail Dr.
Englewood, 80112.
Please include all
attendee names. We
accept checks only for
this event.
Upcoming CE & Events
You asked for it. Affordable, online CE from MDDS!
MDDS has officially launched a new format of continuing education for dental professionals — interactive patient case simulations. These clinical cases are Internet-based
and available 24 hours a day. Each Professional Internet Case Simulation (PICS)
program presents practitioners with real case challenges developed by esteemed clinicians. The PICS format includes unique features not seen in any other online CE course.
Some of these features include: images and x-rays with “zoom” capabilities, virtual
articulator, equilibration-in-motion, interactive key principles and a digital library. Each
case utilizes patient and case author video interviews, the ability to chat with other PICS
subscribers and case authors and an extensive resource guide for each topic.
Now Playing: Oral Lesion Mystery In this simulation, practitioners must deter-
mine which of three patients has a dangerous oral lesion. The case begins in a virtual
office with a report from an oral pathologist. You will review patient data while gathering clues to help solve the mystery using digital intra-oral images, patient charts and
video patient interviews. Once your clinical judgment decisions have been made,
and you have solved the mystery, you will visit the resource section that includes
articles and video commentary, along with a simulated phone consult. After you have
completed the simulation, you will have continued access to the complete course
content for future reference. For just $39, you can get two hours of quality CE in the
comfort of your own home or office, on your own time. Even in your bathrobe. Get
PICS at www.mddsdentist.com/continuinged/OralLesionMystery.asp.
Financial Climate: ADA Takes
Look at How Dentists are Faring
The ADA will feature first-hand reports about what dentists from around the
country are being confronted with and how they are navigating through the
current financial climate. It will draw on the gamut of available knowledge
and expertise to inform and advise dentists on how to help patients maintain
good oral health and instill suitable practice management.
Divergent predictions about the fate of the US economy aside, dentists no
longer have to depend on anecdotal evidence to determine how weakening
economic conditions are affecting their peers and their profession. Through
the ADA Survey of Economic Confidence of Dentists, the ADA is collecting
objective data for dissemination to members in something closer to real-time
than has ever been possible before. Informed by input from members of the
Council on Dental Practice, the survey was conducted by the Survey Center of
the ADA Health Policy Resource Center for the first time Dec. 8–16 and will
be accomplished quarterly.
Business of Dentistry 201 Course Series
Presented by: Janet Steward
You will gain the business knowledge many did not receive in dental school. Topics
to be discussed include fighting the insurance battle and everything you need to
know about HR.
date: Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Location: The Rio Grande, Denver
date: Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Location: The Buckhorn Exchange, Denver
time: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
CPR & AED Training, a Two-year Certification
Presented by: Jeff Speer
This course is ideal for all office personnel who need CPR training or recertification.
date: Thursday, March 19, 2009 time: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Location: MDDS Headquarters, Denver
The Scope of the Meth Problem in Colorado and its
Effect on Dentistry
Presented by: Dr. Brett Kessler
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND. This course will help you identify potential methrelated tooth decay, how to treat the problem and how to address the situation with
the patient.
date: Thursday, April 23, 2009
time: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Location: The Oxford Hotel, Denver
Women Dentist Forum: Rescue Remedies for
Women Practice Owners
Presented by: Lorri Molinari
You will learn how to achieve a work/life balance, develop your emotional intelligence skills and manage worry that every professional women experiences.
date: Thursday, April 30, 2009
time: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Location: The Wellshire Inn, Denver
112th Annual Meeting & Society Dinner
Please join us for an enjoyable evening honoring our incoming president and Board
of Directors. Also highlighting the evening will be an awards ceremony celebrating
your colleagues for their outstanding community service and Society volunteerism.
date: Thursday, May 21, 2009
time: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Coors Field, Denver
MDDS is an ADA CERP recognized provider. MDDS credits are
approved by the AGD for Fellowship and Mastership credits.
mddsdentist.com or Phone: (303) 488-9700
Survey Results
A balanced distribution of responses characterized practice experience
reported in the ADA Survey of Economic Confidence of Dentists during the
third quarter of 2008 with some stronger regional influences. The survey
drew 1,749 respondents and permits comparison across regions. Examples:
n 51 percent of dentists reported declining incomes and 45 percent said their
incomes were the same or increased;
n 53 percent of dentists reported an increase in open appointment time and
43 percent said open appointment time was about the same or decreased;
n 45 percent of dentists said treatment acceptance rates were lower and 51
percent said they were about the same or higher;
n 45 percent of dentists said gross billings were lower and 51 percent said
they were about the same or higher;
n 47 percent of dentists said they were not at all confident about future gross
billings and 50 percent said they were somewhat confident or very confident about future gross billings.
Regional breakdowns revealed greater disparities in some areas of interest
due to geographic weaknesses. For example:
n The largest percentages of dentists reporting declining incomes reside in
the South Atlantic and Mountain regions, 59 and 57 percent respectively;
37 percent of respondents from the South Atlantic and 36 percent of
dentists in the Mountain region reported incomes that stayed the same or
Existing patients, because of economic uncertainty and job loss, are very
reluctant to accept treatment plans. Patients are reluctant to use their
discretionary dollars for dental services, except for acute care.
n Reimbursement issues with insurance carriers/managed care plans are
n New patient volumes are down.
Dentists are watching expenses closely and trying to manage their
n Dentists are initiating both internal marketing — more frequent calls to
patients and asking for referrals from patients — and external marketing,
where permitted.
n Dentists are spending more time educating patients about oral health and
the cost of delayed treatment.
March/April 2009
News Briefs
New National Academy for State Health Policy Report
— The Role of Physicians in Children’s Oral Health
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3:52 PM
Page 1
This new state health policy monitor highlights two recent surveys which detail the
extent and characteristics of 25 state Medicaid programs that reimburse physicians
for providing basic preventive oral healthcare to young children during an office visit.
States most often reimburse physicians for application of fluoride varnish; some states
also reimburse separately for additional services such as risk assessments, oral exams
and face-to-face parent/caregiver education about proper oral health practices. To
view the report, visit www.nashp.org/files/Fluoride Varnish Monitor.pdf. Dr. Bucuspid.
com reports that across the US, more and more physicians are focusing on teeth. In
November 2008, the American Academy of Pediatrics held a summit on oral health and
recommended that pediatricians screen children for dental problems and apply fluoride
varnishes where needed. Pediatricians in North Carolina and Washington have already
begun following that recommendation.
ADA, EPA Agreement Promotes Amalgam BMPs
The Environmental Protection Agency, the ADA and a national wastewater treatment
organization have signed an agreement to promote voluntary use of the ADA’s best
management practices for handling amalgam waste. The document, signed Dec. 29,
2008, says, “The purpose of this memorandum of understanding is to promote the
use of BMPs (best management practices) adopted by the ADA by dentists, thereby
increasing recycling and reducing the discharge of amalgam into POTWs (publicly
owned treatment works) from dental offices that currently handle amalgam wastewater.”
The full MOU document is available at www.ada.org/prof/advocacy/issues/amalgam_
The Association updated its voluntary BMPs in 2007 to include the purchase and
proper use of amalgam separators. This information and related resources are posted
at www.ada.org/goto/amalgambmp. ADA members may request a free copy of the best
management practices by calling the ADA at (800) 621-8099, ext. 2878.
The goal of the voluntary discharge reduction plan is to have dental
offices following the ADA best management practices, which include installation and proper maintenance of an amalgam separator and recycling of
all amalgam waste collected in dental offices. But the agreement imposes no
requirements on dental offices or wastewater treatment facilities beyond what existing
laws and regulations require. The focus of the voluntary program is on dentists who
use or remove dental amalgam. Some states and POTWs have excluded certain dental
practices from discharge reduction programs (such as orthodontists, periodontists, oral
and maxillofacial surgeons or radiologists or oral pathologists) because they discharge
little or no amalgam waste.
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©2008 Affinity Insurance Services, Inc.
M DDS Articulator
Risk is an everyday event for dentists and their team. Local anesthetics are used
day after day by dentists to achieve pain control, and it is imperative that every dental
office be prepared for any adverse reaction or medical crisis that could occur from the
injection of a local anesthetic agent. Nineteen deaths have occurred in dental offices
in seven states in three years. Medical emergencies are for real and some of them have
tragic results.
If your office could be graded today by your professional malpractice liability carrier
on your thoroughness and preparedness toward medical emergencies and resuscitative equipment/drugs, how would you rate? Visit www.emergencyactionguide.com
and sign up for your free account to gain access to recommendations, a monthly patient
safety coordinator duties check list and your patient safety and rescue classification.
The annual selection process for delegates to the 2009 CDA House of
Delegates (HOD) has begun! Please consider joining the MDDS delegation
at the 123rd CDA Annual Session, to be held June 11–14, 2009, in Vail
Colorado. The HOD one-day business meeting will be held on Friday, June
12, 2009.
MDDS delegates represent their component Society in addressing issues vital to the profession of dentistry. MDDS maintains a strong
voice on the delegate floor with more than 60 positions, serving as
CDA’s largest component and representing more than 1,500 dentists
in the metro Denver area. Delegates have a duty to not only consider
the views of MDDS members, but the interests of the association and
the dental profession as a whole, including the welfare of the public it
serves. Delegates elect the CDA officers and ADA delegates, approve an
annual budget, including any changes in dues, and act upon reports of
MDDS will reimburse all its delegates and alternates for the cost of
meeting registration. Reimbursement will take place after the meeting,
upon confirmation of attendance at the morning and afternoon sessions.
We are also accepting nominations for ADA delegates and
alternate delegates.
Contact (303) 488-9700 ext. 3272 or email members@mddsdentist.
com for details on how to confirm your seat. All delegate positions
must be confirmed by April 3, 2009. Specific questions regarding the
CDA Annual Session may be directed to CDA at (303) 740-6900.
F inance
A New Leaf
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By Lawrence E. Howes, MBA, CFP®
Looking back on 2008, from a strictly investment perspective, it
is reasonable to conclude that it was not a very good year. On top
of some pretty dismal returns in the stock market, it brought to
many people what is tantamount to a swift whack in the back of
the head with a shovel. In fact, to some the use of a shovel would
have been the kinder alternative.
Some clients who are pretty experienced investors came in
post-trauma simply wanting to know how bad the economy really
is or at least how bad it could be. Is the world coming to an end? Do I need to fill some
sandbags and buy a handgun? Tears were unusual, but some anger and a great deal of
physiological fear was the basic theme from a lot of people for the last few months of
2008. Many believed that they were faced with a fight or flight situation and really did
fear for their safety.
I am sorry that the public media seems to dwell so much on the negative. This
dramatic approach makes bad events even worse. Although there was and still is plenty
of negative news to go around, the investment environment or the economy is not
coming apart at the seams. In fact, November was likely the bottom for the S&P 500;
and with some testing yet to come in January and February, we are starting to see how
this recovery will develop.
The reasons and circumstances for this massive correction are not indicative of a
repeat of the market crash of 1929, or other corrections since then despite what you
might hear. The economics of today are different and more importantly the governmental reaction this time has been swift and in my opinion very appropriate. Our elected
officials are throwing buckets of money at the problem and it is beginning to show
We are forecasting a couple years of low interest rates and low earnings. Until this
economy is back on track (likely starting late 2009), rates are going to stay where they
are, very low. Once the stock market begins its recovery (also likely in 2009) some of
our lost fortunes will recover.
What comes after the economic recovery is the realization that we have a government with a ton of debt, and some complex economic and political options on how to
pay it back. That will be an interesting discussion that will likely begin in 2010.
So anticipating some tricky issues down the road, I am watching the auburn colored
leaves of 2008 blow away and I am confident that 2009 will be very different than its
Lawrence E. Howes, MBA, CFP®, is a principal at Sharkey, Howes & Javer, Inc., a
Denver-based, FEE-ONLY, financial planning and investment management firm.
For more information, visit SHWJ.com or call (303) 639-5100.
Member Dentist Featured in Anti-Meth Documentary
Continued from page 1
touching stories of recovering meth addicts from Loveland to Denver to Grand Junction.
More information on this eye-opening documentary can be found at www.crystaldarkness.com.
For a greater understanding of the scope of the meth problem in
Colorado and its effect on dentistry, consider attending Dr. Kessler’s April
23, 2009 presentation (see page 10 for details). This course will help you
identify potential meth-related tooth decay, treat the problem and address potential
situations with your patients. Other topics will include meth production and its effects
on the community as well as an examination of addiction and how to treat it. Proceeds
from this event will benefit the Metro Denver Dental Foundation’s Smile Again
Program™, a community service project of MDDS dentists that offers cost-free dental
care to disadvantaged survivors of domestic violence in Denver to restore oral health
and assist in recovery. Every dentist, healthcare professional, parent and concerned
citizen will find this offering extremely relevant.
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Annual Minutes Scam Strikes
Again — Dentists Beware!!
Important Alert From The Colorado Dental Association
You may have received an official looking document from Colorado
Compliance Recorder, PO Box 300461, Denver, CO 80203 that has a
header “Annual Minutes Disclosure Statement.” THIS IS A SCAM! This is
the fourth time in fewer than six months that this scam has hit the dental
community. The solicitation leads you to believe that you need to pay a $150
disclosure and processing fee ($175 if after the remit date) to have them
record your Annual Minutes for Shareholders and Directors.
State law does require that corporations file an annual report with the
Colorado Secretary of State’s office (www.sos.state.co.us/) and maintain
records of having an annual meeting. However, there is no requirement
to pay this company to maintain copies of your Board Minutes. Please see
the Colorado Secretary of State’s Alerts Regarding Potentially Deceptive
Solicitations at www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/business/alert_notices.htm.
It is recommended that you contact the Colorado Attorney General’s
office if you receive this letter, as well as sending a copy of the letter to the
US Postal Inspection Service to report mail fraud (see address below). The
US Postal Inspection Service is collecting letters of this nature for further
US Postal Inspection Service
1745 Stout St. #900
Denver, CO 80299-3034
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please make your office staff
aware of this fraudulent letter.
March/April 2009
RMDC 2009 –
The Hunt for Knowledge
Distinctive Investment Solutions
for Any Market Condition
Contact us now to learn more about how
we can help you with your investment needs.
Mark Shimoda, DDS
(303) 514-6248
Fast-paced, vastly informative, lively, polished and smooth are the
words most used to describe the 2009 Rocky Mountain Dental Convention
experience. In January, thousands of dental professionals joined the “Hunt
for Knowledge” in an effort to elevate their practice of dentistry — taking
advantage of this once-a-year opportunity to learn about a wide array of
innovative opinions, ideas and new approaches.
Opening Session Message Motivates Group
This year’s Opening Session featured explorer and
cultural anthropologist, Dr. Jeff Salz, who inspired
dental teams to embrace the “Hunt for Knowledge” as
the adventure of a lifetime. Dr. Salz shared that his life’s
travels have taught him that while we are all seeking the
meaning of life, the answer can be found in providing
service to others — a deeply felt principal of the dental
profession. One attendee commented that the opening session was worth the
price of admission as it reinvigorated his call to service, reinforced his decision
to attend the convention and set the tone for optimal professional
growth and development for his staff members.
FAST TRACK Formula Delivers
Frank Harmon, DDS
(720) 244-4201
The newly instituted FAST TRACK lecture series were a big hit. Our attendees
asked for more concise, focused lectures and the FAST TRACK formula delivered on topics including non-carious cervical lesions and non-specific oral
pain. Look for more FAST TRACK opportunities at RMDC 2010 — or if you
missed one, be sure to order the recording.
Continue the Hunt for Knowledge at www.rmdconline.com
Austin Coose
Chief Investment Strategist
(303) 997-9257
Audio recordings available — With 48 speakers presenting more than 75
lectures at RMDC 2009, attendees had to choose between presentations occurring at the same time. If you were not able to see all the lectures that interested
you, or you couldn’t attend the convention, you can purchase audio recordings
of select presentations. More than a dozen recordings now feature complete
PowerPoint visuals. Click on the recording link at www.rmdconline.com or use
the form in this publication to plan your order (CD or MP3 formats available).
Lecture hand-outs available online — Over 40 lecture hand-outs are
currently available at www.rmdconline.com.
Exhibitor Locator — Follow up with exhibitors you met at the convention
through this user friendly search tool located on www.rmdconline.com. You
can search for an exhibitor by company or category.
It’s not too late to tell us what you think — Course evaluations are available at www.rmdconline.com. We encourage you to take the time to tell us
what you liked, disliked or found missing so we can make improvements to
enhance your convention experience.
Putting Does Great Things for Smile Again Patients
Your Practice
Management Solution!
Call Lynda Kizer
[email protected]
Defined Business Analysis!
Increased Productivity and Profits!
Leadership Coaching!
Teams that Manage Up!
Remarkable Patient Surveys!
Once again convention attendees generously supported the Metro Denver
Dental Foundation’s Smile Again Program™ by participating in the MOLARS
$10,000 Putting Challenge. Putting from distances of up to 60 feet, several
individuals took home fabulous consolation prizes, but no one walked away
with the big money or bragging rights this year. This fundraising competition is
made possible for everyone’s enjoyment through the dedication and enthusiastic support of Dr. Scott Whitney and the staff of Park Ridge Endodontics
and Southlands Endodontics, to whom we are especially grateful. We
also thank Benco Dental, Henry Schein, Patterson Dental and Advantage
Golf for their sponsorship of the event. Practice your putting and gear up to
take home the $10,000 in 2010 by attending the MOLARS Dental Golf
Championship — Friday, September 18, 2009.
Special Thanks
Our sincere thanks to all who contributed to the success of RMDC 2009 —
convention volunteers including speaker hosts, exhibitor hosts and greeters,
committee members, presenters, exhibitors and sponsors. The convention
would not have been the amazing event it was without these dedicated
Also, many thanks to Ms. Angela MacGregor and the massage
therapists of Tranquility in Motion Spa for providing complimentary
massages to appreciative convention attendees and donating their tips to the
Smile Again Program™. Special thanks also to BleekerVigesaa General
Contractors for donating funds on behalf of docs visiting their Expo Hall
Get Involved in 2010 — Volunteers Needed
“Serving Colorado Dentists Since 1994”
M DDS Articulator
Consider participating as a Speaker Host, Exhibitor Host or a Greeter next
January. Convention volunteers receive many benefits including special event
access, Hospitality Lounge privileges and opportunities for one-on-one contact
with speakers. Contact (303) 488-9700 to learn about volunteer possibilities
for you and your staff.
Scenes from RMDC 2009
We extend a special thank you
to our convention sponsors
for their generous support
of RMDC 2009.
The RMDC is a time to come together with colleagues
outside of the practice setting to share ideas, process
new information and have a little fun along the way. The
proximity of the RMDC to MDDS member dentists makes it
an especially convenient and cost-effective way to include
staff in CE and professional development opportunities.
It is important to
update your clinical
skills on a regular
basis. Participants in
the hands-on course
offerings, including
ceramics restorations
(above) and laser
dentistry applications
(below) demonstrated
new techniques onsite
at the Colorado
Convention Center.
Convention participants let loose during the TGIF
Party, enjoying free food and great tunes from The
Jakarta Band, Denver’s HOTTEST old school funk
and R&B band.
MOLARS $10,000
Putting Challenge
contestants get ready
to take their shot in
the daily Putt-Off.
Save the Date
Over 200 exhibitors filled the Expo Hall with products and
services intended for dental professionals. Those looking
for great deals found them in this year’s Expo Hall and
many took advantage of special promotions available only
through the RMDC.
Dr. Jeff Blank lectured on ceramic restorations. He
was one of 48 presenters featured at the 2009 RMDC.
Mark your calendar for RMDC
2010, January 21–23.
Stay tuned for information on
new and exciting convention
features — features designed
to enhance your RMDC
experience. Remember to visit
regularly for the latest
convention news.
March/April 2009
Protect Your Practice:
3 Solid Principles
By Lynda Kizer
In my 30 years working with dentistry and other businesses, I have seen some basic
business truths that apply in both the good times and challenging times. Dentists and
other small business owners who run their businesses on solid principles and stay
actively engaged in leading their teams to a common vision can prosper during any
economic circumstance. Here are three business principles to get you started
on protecting your practice from economic instability while helping to
ensure prosperity.
1. Know and understand your numbers. The practice should be tracking
numbers in the following areas: active patient numbers; the number of new patients
per month and how they are finding out about your practice; the number of patients
that are leaving your practice and why; the collection percentage for the practice; the
amount of treatment that is diagnosed and accepted per month; the production per hour
of each producer in the practice and the operating expenses for the practice. Each of
these areas can be easily tracked and should be the basis for a team meeting to discuss
the successes and where the practice should focus its attention. If you find it difficult
to understand your operating expenses, talk to your bookkeeper or accountant about
putting it into a format to be used to make management decisions. Please contact me
if you would like a sample cash flow format or you have a question about how to track
any of the above numbers.
2. Budget for growth and debt reduction. Debt can create a barrier to growing
your practice. Streamline your operating expenses and use the savings to pay down
debt as quickly as possible. Look at creative ways to add income to the practice such
as space sharing and use that amount to pay down debt or improve the practice. Debt
not only limits how you can invest in your practice, it can prevent you from profiting
from your hard work when it’s time to sell or transition your practice.
Career Center
Looking for a new associate, hygienist, assistant
or front office manager? Seeking a new position or
opportunity within the dental profession?
Connect with whoever and whatever you need
Post job openings or search for new job opportunities.
M DDS Articulator
3. Never stop marketing the practice. If you aren’t marketing, start now! Make
sure that you have an active marketing plan in place that includes both retention and
recruitment of new patients. Internal marketing should be in place before your start
external marketing. Your office flow systems should be seamless and your customer
service must be constant and creating value and referrals. Survey your patients on a
regular basis and see what they love about your practice and where you could improve
their experience. When you have down time, use your team to create ideas for better
customer service or complete a marketing project.
The good news is that when a dental practice works steadily on the above three principles, while continuing to deliver great service to its patients, the practice will not only
survive challenging times, it will prosper.
Lynda Kizer, consultant and owner of Lynda Kizer & Associates, Inc., has been
consulting and producing results for hundreds of dentists in the Denver area
since 1994. She may be contacted at (303) 794-6642 or [email protected]. You may
also contact her through her website at www.lyndakizerandassociates.com
The Metro Denver Dental Society received the 2008 Denver Award
in the Associations category from the US Local Business Association (USLBA).
Each year, the USLBA identifies companies that they believe have achieved
exceptional marketing success in their local community and have enhanced
the positive image of small business through service to their stakeholders and
On January 15, 2009, Dr. Jeffery Hurst received the International
College of Dentists Leadership Award, Colorado Section for his
dedicated service to the profession of dentistry.
Lawrence E. Howes, MBA, CFP®, frequent Articulator contributor and
Denver-based financial planning professional with Sharkey, Howes & Javer,
has been named one of “The150 Best Financial Advisers for Doctors,”
again by Medical Economics. Larry has been on the Medical Economics’
exclusive list of Top Advisers for Doctors since 1999.
The Marquette University Alumni Association has selected Dr. Rick Kushner
to receive the School of Dentistry Outstanding Dental Service Award.
Dr. Kushner is president and founder of Comfort Dental, and a Marquette
alumnus. Dr. Kushner will receive the award at the School of Dentistry Alumni
National Awards ceremony on Friday, April 24, 2009.
Howard Dental Center announced that their extensive executive director
search has resulted in the selection of Ernest ‘Ernie’ Duff as their new
executive director. Mr. Duff comes most recently to Howard Dental Center
from the Rocky Mountain Survivors Center in Denver. His extensive background in human and social services will serve the patients of Howard Dental
Center well into the future. Duff succeeds Felicia Diamond, who will be pursuing other interests. Howard Dental Center for HIV/AIDS Oral Health provides
comprehensive and integrated oral health services for children, adolescents
and adults living with HIV/AIDS, regardless of income.
E thics
The Process
By Paul W. Bottone, DDS
Editor’s Note: The CDA Ethics Committee’s complaint review process is an
educational and correctional system. It exists for your benefit.
One of my responsibilities as CDA ethics chairman is to review complaints from
dentists about dentists or businesses and make recommendations based on the ADA
Code of Ethics and the Colorado State Practice Act. It’s like police work was for me —
95% routine boredom and 5% adrenalin rush. From a dental perspective, the work is
95% humorous and 5% upsetting.
The majority of what is reported to the Ethics Committee involves the marketing
of a dentist’s “expertise” or services; i.e., saying that you are “the most intelligent,
respected, expert, etc.” Some GPs pass themselves as specialists or indicate a specialty
that doesn’t exist. We have seen other health professions advertise teeth bleaching. And
we have seen misleading tactics (the old bait and switch) in dental advertisements.
All of the “usual suspects” mentioned above are in clear violation of Rule XXVI in
the Colorado State Board Rules and Regulations 3CCR 709-1.
The investigative process goes like this: 1) We read the complaint and go to the
regulations to determine if a violation has occurred. 2) After consensus is reached, a
notification letter is sent to the offender with compliance recommendations. If there is
no violation, then the complaintant receives correspondence intended to educate them
and clarify their confusion. 3) If mediation doesn’t work, and action on a violation is not
taken, the complaint will be turned over to the State Board. If you don’t comply with
their recommendation, then the matter is sent on to the Colorado Attorney General.
My recommendations:
Pay attention to Rule XXVI-(A) & (B)—Advertising—Specialty Practice. Copies of
this, 3CCR 709-1, are free from the Colorado State Board of Dental Examiners.
Verify that your advertisements/logo are compliant, especially if they are created
by a practice management consultant or office staff as they may not be aware of the
rules. If you are the one writing the ad or creating a logo BE AWARE.
Remember, in a court of law, ignorance of the law is no defense.
Oral Health Awareness Colorado (OHAC!) named Christine C. Groves
managing director. Groves succeeds Deborah Colburn, who will become
director of public affairs for OHAC. OHAC is a coalition of professionals
representing a wide range of public, private and non-profit organizations interested in advancing oral health care in Colorado. Its mission is to develop and
promote strategies that achieve optimal oral health for all Coloradans.
Temper your bravado and save yourself a headache. Don’t be a braggart. No matter
how great a dentist I thought I was when I practiced, I knew there were dentists out
there who were as good as or better than me.
On February 5, 2009, the Inner City Health Center (ICHC) hosted a
grand opening for its new facility at 3800 York Street. The new facility has
almost double the space of their original facility located at 3405 Downing
Street, offering twice as many medical exam rooms and dental operatories.
In addition to expanded medical and dental care, oral health seminars are
presented on an ongoing basis to individuals and families.
Dr. Patrick Stranahan, age 62, passed away November 23, 2008. Dr.
Stranahan was a valued member of organized dentistry, serving as a past
president of MDDS and CDA. Donations in his memory may be made to
Kids in Need of Dentistry (KIND), 2465 S. Downing St., #210, Denver, CO
80210; the Howard Dental Center, 1420 Ogden St., Denver, CO 80218; or
the charity of your choice.
Dr. Gary Belanger, who practiced pediatric dentistry in Frisco part-time,
passed away on February 10, 2009. He was 62. Dr. Belanger served fulltime on the faculty of the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine
as an Associate Professor of Pediatric Dentistry from 1978 to 2003. He was
a generous MDDS volunteer, serving on both the MDDS Public Relations and
Communications committees. The family suggests that memorial donations be
made to the Denver Hospice, 501 S. Cherry Street, #700, Denver, CO 80246.
Letter to the Editor
Dr. Matt Dunn:
I enjoyed your editorial on our mission trip to Ethiopia with International
Medical Relief. IMR is asking dentists for any surgical instruments, as well as
any unneeded dental equipment. We will pick up at your location and you
will receive a receipt for tax deductions. Please contact Dr. Don Vollmer at
(303) 835-2505 or email to [email protected].
Dr. Don Vollmer
March/April 2009
Calendar of Events
CDA Endorsed Agency
Why should you choose COPIC
Financial for your insurance needs?
March 2009
March 7
p A “big picture” approach to your finances–we’ll look at your situation from every
angle to determine the best products and services for you.
University of Colorado Denver School
of Dental Medicine
Everyday Occlusion for the Dental
Presented by: Dr. Clifford Litvak
Anschutz Medical Campus
Aurora, Colorado
(800) 736-1911 or www.CU4CDE.com
p Possible discounted premiums for CDA members.
March 9
p Recommendations based on research and performance (we're not tied to any
insurance or investment company)
p We’ll help you transition comfortably throughout the stages of your life and career.
p All of the above!
Colorado Prosthodontic Society
Predictable Excellence in Esthetic
Fixed Prosthodontics
Presented by: Dr. John Sorensen
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Crowne Plaza DIA (Formerly Holiday
Inn DIA Convention and Conf. Center)
(303) 296-3851 or
March 19
Wendy Heckman,
Kristin Heylmun
Property and
casualty insurance
ERISA, fidelity,
and fiduciary
Carolyn Samuelson
Long-term care planning
Long-term care
insurance– 10%
discount for CDA
Mike Edwards
Disability income–20%
CDA discount
Disability business
overhead expense–10%
discount plus association
simplified issue (no
medical tests).
Life insurance
(720) 858-6280 (800) 421-1834
Metro Denver Dental Society
CPR & AED Training, a Two-year
Presented by: Jeff Speer
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
MDDS Headquarters
Denver, Colorado
(303) 488-9700 or www.mddsdentist.com
April 2009
April 4
Save the Date
MDDS Annual Meeting
May 21, 2009
University of Colorado Denver School
of Dental Medicine
Digital Radiography
Presented by: Dr. Brad Potter
Anschutz Medical Campus
Aurora, Colorado
(800) 736-1911 or www.CU4CDE.com
April 7
Metro Denver Dental Society
Business of Dentistry 201:
Everything You Need to Know
About HR
Presented by: Janet Steward
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
The Buckhorn Exchange
Denver, Colorado
(303) 488-9700 or www.mddsdentist.com
April 8
University of Colorado Denver School
of Dental Medicine
Endo Update — 2009
Presented by: Dr. Robert Averbach
Anschutz Medical Campus
Aurora, Colorado
(800) 736-1911 or www.CU4CDE.com
April 17
Henry Schein Dental
The Science of Increasing
Production, Cash Flow, Profitability
and Practice Value
Presented by: Randy Bird, CPBA
Sheraton Denver Tech Hotel
Greenwood Village, Colorado
(303) 790-7745 or
[email protected]
April 20
Colorado Prosthodontic Society
Managing Complex Cases
Presented by: Dr. Josef Diemer
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Crowne Plaza DIA (Formerly Holiday
Inn DIA Convention and Conf. Center)
(303) 296-3851 or
April 23
Metro Denver Dental Society
The Scope of the Meth Problem
in Colorado and its Effect on
Presented by: Dr. Brett Kessler
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
The Oxford Hotel
Denver, Colorado
(303) 488-9700 or www.mddsdentist.com
April 23
Denver Implant Study Club
Achieving Aesthetics and Function
with Implant Abutments
Presented by: Dr. Norman Hammer
MDDS Headquarters
Denver, Colorado
(720) 884-7677
April 30
Metro Denver Dental Society
Women Dentist Forum: Rescue
Remedies for Women Practice
Presented by: Lorri Molinari
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
The Wellshire Inn
Denver, Colorado
(303) 488-9700 or www.mddsdentist.com
In the Jaws of Lions
Continued from page 1
threefold: to treat the animals, to
educate the staff at these facilities how
to recognize and perhaps treat
the animals in their care and to
perpetuate the field of veterinary
dentistry by developing a curriculum
to expand the foundation’s reach
by providing lectures and hands-on
experience to qualified mission workers
interested in pursuing their veterinary
dental specialty qualification.
Dr. Emily is passionate about his
work and even more passionate about
expanding the availability of qualified animal dentists. “The animals are
depending on us. They can’t just walk
up to a human caretaker and say, ‘My
tooth hurts, I need a dentist.’ We have
to be trained to recognize and treat the
problems or they will continue to suffer
in silence.”
And suffering is definitely something
Dr. Emily does not want any animal to
The foundation is accepting applications for future mission workers
— information can be found at www.
peteremilyfoundation.org or by calling
(303) 355-7688.
M DDS Articulator
Submissions should be received, in
writing, no later than March 18, 2009
to appear in our next issue. MDDS
makes no claim, stated or implied, as to
the quality of goods and services or the
accuracy of the following ads.
Tech Center/Lone Tree/Highlands Ranch area:
Modern dental building in a new business
park near Park Meadows Mall: a great
location for any specialist or general dentist:
approx 2400 sq. ft.: Cabinetry, plumbing and
electrical in place with central vacuum and
air compressor: Contact Ken Andow at (303)
908-4442 or [email protected].
SALE: Southern Mountain Town, Colorado
AREA: Available spring 2009. Building
ownership, next to schools. Biggest growth
potential in the Denver area. Please direct
all questions to Alisa @ (720) 217-1944 or
[email protected].
Tree practice in beautiful brand new Class
“A” medical building. Open to share fully
equipped space with general dentist or
specialist. Great demographics, bright, open,
private space, corner location with great
mountain views. Please call (303) 671-0761
or cell (303) 995-1768.
AURORA: Professional dental space
Collecting $450, low overhead. Beautiful
location with modern living and views to die
for! Close access to large city. Established
1200+ active patients, 20 NP pm. 3
Treatment rooms (with potential expansion),
large breakroom, lab, sterilization area. This
won’t last long! Susan Spear, MPB, Inc. (303)
973-2147 or [email protected].
consisting of 2,445 sq. ft. will become available after Jan. 1, 2009. Currently portioned,
plumbed and wired for six operatories with
centralized dental air compressors and
vacuum pumps. Dental suite is in great shape
in beautiful building and wonderful location
including great visibility and easy access.
Ideal location for general dentist, pedodontist,
periodontists or endodontist. Call Dr. James
Trompeter at (303) 688-3838.
FOR LEASE: Prime West Arvada location.
SALE: Southeast Cherry Creek/Denver
Perfect for Ortho., Pedo, Endo, Prosth. Turn
Key. Office includes open bay treatment room
with 3 dental chairs, consultation room with
dental chair, lab with equipment, dark room,
private office with executive desk, chair and
furniture, waiting room with patient chairs
and furniture and a reception room. Option
to reconfigure, if needed. $15/sq. ft. 1185 sq
ft. Call (303) 503-2898 or (303) 422-0094.
HAYES, KS! Do you have a Kansas license?
Fishing, hunting, outdoors activities abound!
High Production — Family Oriented Life
Style! Finally a dental practice that can make
your dreams come true! Earn like an owner
from day one! Perfect for Solo practitioner
or Husband and Wife Team! Temporary or
part-time associate position also available.
Call Susan Spear (303) 973-2147 or susan@
OFFICE SPACE: Wheat Ridge, Colorado
dental suite for lease. 1,100 sq. ft., three
operatories, equipped. Across from new
SALE: Arvada, Colorado Collecting $1.33M
Controlled overhead. High earnings for new
owner from day one! Exceptional team who
really understand how to treat children and
parents. This is a packaged deal with PRIME
real estate for sale. Strong Referral Base!
Beautiful 4+4 open bay centers, 2+2 quite
rooms. If you compare, this practice outshines
them all! Susan Spear, MPB, Inc. (303)
973-2147 or email [email protected].
Office Space For Lease: Whole
Foods anchored shopping center in the affluent Highlands Ranch community. Located
at the intersection of University Blvd. &
Colorado Blvd. Approximately 2,200 sq.
ft. with 6 operatories. Great opportunity to
lease a dental facility with minimal capital
improvements. Former dentist relocated after
purchasing building. Available immediately!
Call Ian Elfner (720)528-6359 or ian.elfner@
1,905 sq ft plumbed for 5 open-bay ops,
perfect for pedo or ortho. Located at the
intersection of Arapahoe & Colorado, across
from Newton Middle School and 1 mile from
the Streets of SouthGlenn. General Dentist
in the same building. Negotiable tenant
finish allowance. (303) 221-3044 or irene@
This is a single story, one tenant building in
prime location in Wheat Ridge. Located at
6175 W. 38th Ave. Approx. 1950 sq. ft on
main level including 4 spacious operatories,
large waiting room and plenty of parking.
Additional 1900 sq. ft. in partially finished
basement. Room for additional office space,
break room, and plenty of storage. Available
immediately for lease or sale. For more info,
call Cindy at (303) 932-6268.
BUYERS! Do you want to sell your practice or
transition it to an associate knowing you have
the right buyer? Are you looking for a future
partnership with the “right” person? Do you
need help deciding how to begin? Let Susan
Spear at SAS Transitions help you find the
answers! Transition Planning with options! If
you are a buyer, call for new listings! I actually
answer the telephone! REFERENCES! Call Susan
today (303) 973-2147 or susan@sastransitions.
com/ [email protected]
Spouse Proprietor, Collecting $320+, 1,100
active patients with dental condominium
for sale, Exceptional team! Perfect Starter
Practice, MUST SEE! Susan Spear, MPB, Inc.
(303) 973-2147 email [email protected].
SALE: Southwest, Colorado. Why compete
with Metro-Denver? 2800 active patients!
No managed care. New modern facility,
4.5 treatment opts! High production. Strong
owner compensation. Owner support for
transition! Susan Spear, MPB, Inc. (303)
973-2147 email [email protected]
MD, just over one year old. Biolase’s flagship
hard and soft tissue laser. Paid 80K new, will
sell for 45K. Call (303) 875-9704, or email
[email protected].
Lakewood, Colorado Producing $1M+ 24
Hours Per Week! 5+1 treatment rooms,
state-of-the-art beautiful shared dental suite,
private office, lab on premises, great staff!
Owner will provide positive transition support!
Call Susan Spear, MPB, Inc. (303) 973-2147
or [email protected].
DENTIST: Perfect Teeth is seeking senior
Dentists in Arizona, Colorado and New
Mexico with a compensation range of
$90,000 to $200,000+. Successful private or
group experience required. Benefits package.
Also seeking Associate Dentists with a
compensation range of $75,000 to $95,000.
Specialist opportunities also available for
part and full-time Ortho, Endo, Oral Surgery,
Pedo and Perio with exceptional compensation. Call Dr. Mark Birner at (303) 691-0680,
email at [email protected] or visit
HYGIENISTS: Great part- and full-time
career opportunities. Large multi-practice
group offering flexible work schedule and
excellent compensation/benefits package.
Call Sonja at (303) 285-6022 for more information.
HAYES, KS! Do you have a Kansas license?
Fishing, hunting, outdoors activities abound!
High Production – Family Oriented Life Style!
Finally a dental practice that can make
your dreams come true! Earn like an owner
from day one! Perfect for Solo practitioner
or Husband and Wife Team! Temporary or
part-time associate position also available.
Call Susan Spear (303) 973-2147 or susan@
DENTISTRY? Well-established metro
Denver area practice seeking general dentist
for associate position. Fee for service only
practice. 3 years experience or GPR required.
For more information, please contact
Malcolm E. Boone II, DDS, MS, at (303)
388-1661 or (303) 451-1111 for details or
fax CV to (303) 451-7238.
STATES: Boulder, Brighton, Cherry Creek,
Colorado Springs, Crested Butte, Denver,
Dillon, Edwards, Lakewood, Longmont,
Mountain Resort, Central Mountains, Southern
Colorado, Southwest Colorado, Pueblo, Vail
Valley, Winter Park, AZ-Glendale, Phoenix,
Tucson, SD, WY-Yellowstone, Casper, Buffalo,
IA-east of Omaha, NE-NW and Central.
Specialties CO: Oral Surgery practice; See
www.ADStransitions.com. Call ADS Precise
Consultants: Peter Mirabito, DDS or Jed
Esposito, MBA at (303) 759-8425.
Susan A. Spear
Practice Transition Consultant
Licensed Colorado Broker
Transition Consulting for Dental Professionals
When you need the best!
“Susan Spear masterfully engineered the sale of my dental practice and my
entry into the world of part-time dentistry as an independent contractor. Her
counseling and coaching assured both of us that I was ready for the change.
A consummate, caring professional with incredible standards barely begins to
sum up the qualifications of this one-of-a-kind dental practice broker. The proper
choice of a broker is critical and Susan is a choice you would never regret.”
— Dr. Gary Blumenschein, Family General Dentist
“We enjoyed working with Susan and appreciated her insightful approach to the
whole process of purchasing another orthodontic practice to round out my
business. She also spent time with both teams in answering their questions
and supporting their concerns. She was a reliable sounding board for all of the
issues that came up while transitioning two practices into one.”
— Dr. Keith Kohrs, Specialist in Orthodontics
Selling Your Practice, Buying a Practice,
Creating an Associateship or Partnership?
Now You Have a Choice!
Contact Susan Spear Today!
30 3. 97 3 . 21 4 7
Boulder, Denver (Spanish speaking a must),
Oral Surgery. Nearby States: Casper, WY. ADS
Precise Consultants: Peter Mirabito, DDS or
Jed Esposito, MBA. (303) 759-8425, www.
Louisville, Dillon, Ken Caryl. ADS Precise
Consultants: Peter Mirabito, DDS or Jed
Esposito, MBA. (303) 759-8425, www.
operatories available to rent in an upscale
general practitioner’s office in Aurora.
FURNISHED with patient operatory chairs,
storage, Panorex and x-ray units. Exceptional
opportunity for a satellite office. Excellent
location with easy highway access in high
traffic area. Free patient parking onsite. Please
call Dr. Jonathan Rones at (303) 743-7662 or
(303) 341-6961.
Practice For Sale: Greeley, CO Three
ops with a solid patient base. For more information, please call Larry Chatterley at (303)
Practice For Sale: Practice located in a
mountain community near Montrose grossing
$600,000 with three operatories. Call Larry
Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www.
Practice For Sale: Parker, CO
Grossing $400,000 all fee for service patient
base. Call Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800
or go to www.ctc-associates.com.
Practice For Sale: Grand Junction,
CO Grossing $350,000 with three ops. Call
Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to
Practice For Sale: Alamosa, Colo.
Excellent opportunity. For more details, please
contact Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800
Practice For Sale: SE Denver, CO
Grossing $30,000 per month with four ops.
Call Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go
to www.ctc-associates.com.
Practice For Sale: Windsor, Colo.
Very nice equipment with four ops. All fee-forservice, grossing $400,000. Call Larry
Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www.
Practice For Sale: Denver, Colo.
Cherry Creek area. Grossing $572,000. Good
new patient flow and three ops. Call Larry
[email protected]
Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www.
Practice For Sale: Practice located
in the Denver Tech Area practice grossing
$550,000 with five operatories. Call Larry
Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www.
Practice For Sale: Fort Collins,
Colo. Removable Prosths. Practice Grossing
$470,000. All fee-for-service. Call Larry
Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www.
Practice For Sale: Littleton, Colo.
Three ops. with new facility and new equipment, plumbed for three more. Call Larry
Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www.
Practice For Sale: Englewood, Colo.
DTC area. Grossing $400,000 with three ops.
Very nice equipment and facility. Call Larry
Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www.
Practice For Sale: Very busy pediatric practice in northern Colorado looking
for associate to buy-in or partner. Call Larry
Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www.
2 Orthodontic Practices for
Sale: SE Denver and Littleton, Colo. Call
Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to
Endodontic Practice for Sale:
Lakewood, Colo. Call Larry Chatterley at (303)
795-8800 or go to www.ctc-associates.com.
Associate Positions: Please visit our
website for current associate opportunities.
Seller/Buyer Services: If you would
like more information on how to buy, sell
or associate in a practice, please check our
Web site, www.ctc-associates.com or call CTC
Associates at (303) 795-8800.
impressions every time! I will personally come
to your office to show you how. Call Dr. P. at
(303) 229-9612
STAFFING HELP: Are you new in practice
and unable to hire all the staff that you need?
Have you had a staff member call in sick
and were unable to find a substitute to help
salvage the day? I will come into your office
and show you a simple way to solve both
problems. Call Dr. P. at (303) 229-9612.
March/April 2009
February 19, 2009
Dentsply Tulsa
Dental Specialties
A New Paradigm for Implant Supported Immediate Load Overdentures.
April 23, 2009
Astra Tech/Atlantis
Achieving Aesthetics and Function with Implant Abutments.
June 18, 2009
Dr. David Little, General Dentist, San Antonio, Texas
Dr. Norman J. Hammer, Prosthodontist, Boston, Massachusetts
Prep for Success: surgical diagnosis and site preparation for more predictable implant therapy.
Dr. Raymond A. Yukna, Periodontist, Professor, Director of Advanced Periodontal Therapies,
University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine
August 27, 2009
Straumann USA
Dental Implant Provisionalization Considerations and Techniques: the road-map for enhanced treatment outcomes.
October 8, 2009
The Details of Implant Dentistry.
November 12, 2009
Keystone Dental
Dr. Aldo Leopardi, Prosthodontist, Greenwood Village, Colorado
Dr. Steven Goldstein, Prosthodontist, Scottsdale, Arizona
Ceramics and Anterior Implant Aesthetics: where are we and what have we learned.
Dr. Mariano A. Pollack, Prosthodontist, Gainesville, Virginia
Location: MDDS Building | 3690 South Yosemite Street | Denver, CO 80237 | Time: 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Complimentary light dinner at 5:30 PM. Lecture begins at 6:00 PM.
CE credits are available. Fees for 2009 are waived due to corporate sponsorship.
The Denver Implant Study Club (DISC) | c/o Aldo Leopardi, DDS, MS | Practice Limited to Implant, Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics
7400 East Crestline Circle, Suite 235 | Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Please Note: Capacity is limited. If interested in attending, call (720) 488-7677 to reserve your place. If the event is filled, your name will be
placed on a waiting list. A courtesy confirmation call will be made one week prior to each event.
DISC Schedule, Course Outlines & Objectives: www.aldoleopardi.com/DISC.html
Hands-on Sessions: to be arranged by the participating Dental Implant sponsors and announced at the meetings.

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