Witches`-Broom, a Lethal Mycoplasmal Disease of Lime Trees in the


Witches`-Broom, a Lethal Mycoplasmal Disease of Lime Trees in the
Monlque Garnier, Leyla Zreik, and Joseph M. Bovh
lnstitut National de la Recherche Agranomique (INRA)
and UniversitC de Bordeaux IF, France
a Lethal Mycoplasmal Disease of Lime Trees
in the Sultanate of Oman and the United Arab Emirates
Small-fruited acid limes (Citrus
auranr(foSolia (L.) Swingle) have been
grown in the Sultanate of Oman along
the northern coastal plain, or Batinah.
(Fig. 1) for many generations. The people
of Oman say !hat Sinbad the Sailor came
from the Batinah coast and that the
presence o f sun-dried lime fruits on his
boat night have been one of the reasons
for the success OF his voyages. In many
Arabic countries, limes are preferred to
lemons, Limes as an export crop, after
being second to dates for a long time,
became by the early 1970s the mast
important export commodity apart from
oil. I n 1971, limes were worth 333,300
Omani rials ( I rial = $2.5 U.S. in 1990)
while dates were worth only I 18,000rials.
En the late 1979s. lime growers witnessed a severe decline of lime trees.
kcause the presence of witches'-brooms
on affected trees was the most characteristic sympmrn, the disease was named
witches'-broom disease of time (WBDL).
From the time the first witches'-broom
appears. only 4-5 years elapse before the
trcc dies. By 1986. several orchards were
completety destroyed and Farmers began
to grow banana plants instead.
Two surveys by one of us (J.M.B.) in
April 1986 and April 1987 showed
WBDL to spread rapidly to unaffected
areas in the Ratinah, In 1989, the disease
was seen for the first time in the neighboring United Arab Emirates (UAE).
This paper summarizes for the first
time the work that has been done on the
geographical distribution of WBDL, the
association of rnycopIasmalike organisms (MLOs) with thc disease. transmis-
sion of the WBDL MLO to rutaceous
and nonrutaceous hosts, back-transmission of the MLO From periwinkle
(Catharanthus roseux (L.) 6.Don) to
lime, and produdion of monoclonal antibodies and DNA probes for detection
of the WBDL M LO. These reagents wilI
be most useful in the search for the
putative insect vector of the disease
agent. Short partial reports on WBDL
have appeared (3,5).
Symptomatology and Etiology
I n the Sultanate of Oman, the d~sease
is characterized by the appearance and
progressive development of witches'brooms, first in one part of the tree, then
throughout the canopy (Fig. 2A,B,C).
The leaves on the witches'-brooms are
small to very small (Table I) and pale
green to yellow (Fig. 2D);after some
time, they become dry but remain
attached to shoots, then eventually rall
(Fig. 2E). Very few flowers and fruits
are present on the witchesv-brooms.
Witches'-brooms are often seen an
plants infected by mycoplasmalike organisms (MLOs). MLOs are associated
with more than 300 diseases of plants
(12). They are known today to be true
rnoElicutes (IQ), but because attempts to
obtain them in culture have failed, they
are cansidered more and more as obIigate
parasites. Mollicutes are not primitive
prokaryotic organisms; they have
evolved from ancestors of gram-positive
bacteria and have a low percentage of
guanine and cytosine in the DNA, as do
the clostridia ( I 3).
MLOs are unarnbiguousIy associated
Dr. Garnicr's uddrcsr is: Labratoire de Biologic
Ccllulairc el Mnlkulairc. Institut National dc la
Recherche Agronorniquc (INRA). Ccnrre d e
Rccherchcs dc Hordcaux. 7 I . avenue EdouardBourleaux, 33883 Villennve d30rnonCcdcx, France.
Thisatttcle is in thepublicdomainand notcopyrightable. It may be freely reprinted with customary crediting of the source. The American
Plant Diseam/Vol. 75 No. 6
Flg. 1. Northurn parts ot the Sultanate of Oman and of the Unlted Arab Emirates; (Inset)
drablan peninsula.