Make Your Body Unbreakable
Make Your Body Unbreakable
UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS make your body unbreakable Master These Techniques for Pain-Free Movement A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Your body is a complex machine. But when parts start going bad, you can’t just start replacing them and expect your body to perform as if it’s in peak condition. So instead, focus on making your body unbreakable. UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS The human body is remarkable. It responds to stress in an effort to figure out how to deal with it easier in the future. The key to making yourself unbreakable and helping to fix the pain in your legs, shoulders, back, ankles and wrists is to provide stress in just the right way to initiate changes in your body. This guide will not only help you make your body unbreakable and avoid injury, it will also help increase your mobility and flexibility. You’ll soon find yourself smashing your PRs and you’ll be more confident in your body. UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Let’s get started. A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE back UNBREAKABLE ankles UNBREAKABLE shoulders UNBREAKABLE legs putting it all together UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER UNBREAKABLE wrists A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES UNBREAKABLE back BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK A strong and flexible back is crucial, not just for athletic performance, but for everyday life. Back pain and stiffness are, unfortunately, a regular part of too many people’s lives. But it doesn’t have to be this way. UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Whether you have some back problems now and want to improve or you want to do your best to keep them at bay, it’s essential to exercise and keep moving for optimal back health. UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS The spine is an incredibly complex structure. Some components are meant more for mobility, and others for stability. Dozens of small muscles performing various roles run up and down the back to aid in backward, forward, side bending and rotation. UNBREAKABLE WRISTS You could treat them all as one big unit to create a stiff, unyielding back, but the lack of mobility would quickly catch up to you. These 4 exercises combine mobility and strength together in a way that stimulates true functional back mobility. UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS Learn to Flow and Bulletproof Your Back Watch on Youtube UNBREAKABLE WRISTS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS Quadruped Back Circles Start in a balanced position on all fours, with weight evenly distributed through your hands and feet. The circle is made by fully rounding out your back and keeping that position as you shift over to one side and then drop down to reverse the curve at the bottom, then over to the other side and return to the beginning. Work in one direction then switch. Go slow and feel how your back moves in each part of the circle. You’ll likely notice some hitches and stiff points. Work on freeing those up and your back will thank you. Start in a balanced position on all fours, with weight evenly distributed through your hands and feet. The circle is made by fully rounding out your back and keeping that position as you shift over to one side. Then drop down to reverse the curve at the bottom, then over to the other side and return to the beginning. Work in one direction, then switch. Go slow and feel how your back moves in each part of the circle. You’ll likely notice some hitches and stiff points. Work on freeing those up and your back will thank you. UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER quadruped back circles A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Quadruped Back Circles Start in a balanced position on all fours, with weight evenly distributed through your hands and feet. The circle is made by fully rounding out your back and keeping that position as you shift over to one side and then drop down to reverse the curve at the bottom, then over to the other side and return to the beginning. Work in one direction then switch. Go slow and feel how your back moves in each part of the circle. You’ll likely notice some hitches and stiff points. Work on freeing those up and your back will thank you. Illignam quaspid moluptae pere, sandiscius delis magnimus quat res volupta tiatemolorum atis es eos exeri que intinum vellum facerupta coribus. Osti cuptatio magnihiciis es porionsendis ex eario dignihi tatur? Harum ut laceperci doluptur? Quid quo volorer umquiam voluptius doluptiat alic tem quia aut fugia sin eossit estios ium dem comnissitate pos et et omnis es excea et renis ut el id unt laut et offici totatempore sam sapienis sedita vitiissi ut ad untem cor rerunt resci volorro viduntias isit, soluptas sitaqui nobis ut fuga. Nequide A Guide BY GMB FITNESS Upward Dog to Squat The classic yoga pose is a great backbending exercise and is made even better when combined with movement into the bottom of a squat. In upward facing dog, focus on lifting your chest forward and up to bend at the midback and elongate the lower back. Brace your stomach and push your hands down firmly to jump and transition to the squat. This takes you from a backward bend to a neutral position, with movement control. It’s a very important skill to have for spinal health. UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Quadruped Back Circles Start in a balanced position on all fours, with weight evenly distributed through your hands and feet. The circle is made by fully rounding out your back and keeping that position as you shift over to one side and then drop down to reverse the curve at the bottom, then over to the other side and return to the beginning. Work in one direction then switch. Go slow and feel how your back moves in each part of the circle. You’ll likely notice some hitches and stiff points. Work on freeing those up and your back will thank you. Illignam quaspid moluptae pere, sandiscius delis magnimus quat res volupta tiatemolorum atis es eos exeri que intinum vellum facerupta coribus. Osti cuptatio magnihiciis es porionsendis ex eario dignihi tatur? Harum ut laceperci doluptur? Quid quo volorer umquiam voluptius doluptiat alic tem quia aut fugia sin eossit estios ium dem comnissitate pos et et omnis es excea et renis ut el id unt laut et offici totatempore sam sapienis sedita vitiissi ut ad untem cor rerunt resci volorro viduntias isit, soluptas sitaqui nobis ut fuga. Nequide Squat to Standing Forward Bend This sequence focuses on movement from the bottom of a squat to a forward bend while standing. In this pattern, you are controlling your positioning from neutral to a flexed position and back again. This is another important action for spinal health. Work on controlled breathing with deliberate movements and pay attention to the angles that feel more difficult. Those are the ones you should focus on. A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Quadruped Back Circles Start in a balanced position on all fours, with weight evenly distributed through your hands and feet. The circle is made by fully rounding out your back and keeping that position as you shift over to one side and then drop down to reverse the curve at the bottom, then over to the other side and return to the beginning. Work in one direction then switch. Alligator Roll Go slow and feel how your back moves in each part of the circle. You’ll likely notice some hitches and stiff points. Work on freeing those up and your back will thank you. Here’s an obvious core exercise that begins with you flat on your stomach and rolls you from side to back and over to the other side to return to the stomach. Illignam quaspid moluptae pere, sandiscius delis magnimus quat res volupta tiatemolorum atis es eos exeri que intinum vellum facerupta coribus. Osti cuptatio magnihiciis es porionsendis ex eario dignihi tatur? Harum ut laceperci doluptur? Quid quo volorer umquiam voluptius doluptiat alic tem quia aut fugia sin eossit estios ium dem comnissitate pos et et omnis es excea et renis ut el id unt laut et offici totatempore sam sapienis sedita vitiissi ut ad untem cor rerunt resci volorro viduntias isit, soluptas sitaqui nobis ut fuga. Nequide A Guide BY GMB FITNESS This movement works every muscle around your spine and is a great way to learn about your weak points immediately. UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS unbreakable Ankles Ankle strength and mobility are often neglected. And that’s terrible because these small joints carry the entire weight of your body every day. Most people don’t spend dedicated time training and strengthening the ankles. As a result, they may run into issues of stiffness, weakness, and chronic sprains. Here are some of my favorite exercises that will challenge your ankles in new and unconventional ways to make them strong, flexible, and unbreakable. These 4 exercises are probably a bit different from what you’ve spent a lot of time on in the past, but it’s well worth the effort to keep your ankles healthy and functional. Work on them one at a time to get some reps and practice in, then chain them together for an efficient and effective ankle workout. UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS Learn to Flow and Bulletproof Your ankles Watch on Youtube UNBREAKABLE WRISTS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Sissy Squat UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS Here you’ll use the squat to really target your ankles by coming up on the balls of your feet as you squat all the way down and stand back up. UNBREAKABLE WRISTS Use a handhold support, if needed, and go slow and steady in the beginning. Add speed and intensity as you improve and UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Duck Walk UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS This may be something you’ve done in elementary school P.E. But aside from that and in martial arts classes, I haven’t seen this widely used. It’s a shame because it’s a great exercise that provides good resistance through your ankles’ full range of motion in the forward/back plane. UNBREAKABLE WRISTS Since this requires good knee flexibility as well, start this just one stride at a time at first and use support as needed. A rolling chair or stool is great for that! UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER The key to doing this exercise properly is to keep your head at the same height the entire time. A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS Squat on the Sides of Your Feet UNBREAKABLE WRISTS This squat variation takes the ankle through a different angle and range of motion than you generally engage in. Lifting the inner part of your feet, you’ll come onto the outsides of your feet, then squat down and stand back up. UNBREAKABLE LEGS The most common ankle sprain is rolling over the outside of your foot. Condition yourself to be stronger and more flexible in this position and you can save yourself some grief. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Walking on the Balls of Your Feet UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS This is a good challenge for the arch of your foot as well as the shortened range of the calf muscles. Come up on to the balls of your feet, lifting your heels off the ground, then simply walk forward and backward, keeping the rest of your body tall. UNBREAKABLE LEGS Walking like this is a great combination of active ankle balance and strength and pays good dividends the more you do it! PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS unbreakable Shoulders It’s a rare person that hasn’t experienced some shoulder issues in their life. Whether in training or in other activities, tweaks in your shoulders can stop you from progressing and getting the most out of your workouts. Also, it’s no fun to be in pain! These are four of my go-to exercises to keep my shoulders healthy and strong to both enhance my performance and help prevent injuries. Work diligently and consistently on these unconventional exercises and build your unbreakable shoulders! The trick to keeping your shoulders healthy is challenging their strength and mobility from various angles. These 4 exercises work the shoulders with different stresses from all directions. UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER It’s a bit different than the “push” and “pulls” of basic calisthenic exercises, and that’s how these will help bulletproof your shoulders. Work on them one at a time to get some reps and practice in, then chain them together for an efficient and effective shoulder program. A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS Learn to Flow and Bulletproof Your shoulders Watch on Youtube UNBREAKABLE WRISTS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Shoulder Swings Hang from a bar or rings (or other suspension device) and with a firm grip, swing your body back and forth. UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS You should do two variations, one with the shoulders drawn down as you swing, and another where you are in a more relaxed hang. UNBREAKABLE WRISTS Both variations affect the shoulders in different ways and are important for shoulder health. UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES High Froggers UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS This fundamental locomotive pattern loads the shoulders in a different way than lifting weights. In this closed-chain exercise, you have to create a stable base through your arms and shoulders to support the rest of your body. UNBREAKABLE LEGS Practice “stacking” your elbows over your wrists, your shoulders over your elbows, and your hips over your shoulders. Push hard through the ground the entire time and you’ll strengthen your shoulders in this important alignment. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Plank Position Walks UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS In a stable plank position, move your body laterally back and forth. This encourages the shoulders to be strong while supporting your body in motion. The goal here isn’t speed, but coordinated and stable motion in a variety of patterns. UNBREAKABLE WRISTS Shuffling to the side, crossing hands over, and changing where you place your hands in relation to your body are all great variants to practice and will stimulate multidirectional shoulder stability. UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Crab Walk UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS Another familiar “playground” movement, crab walks place your shoulders in an unconventional position to receive stress. Start slowly and push down hard the entire time you are “walking” and you’ll build significant strength in a short amount of time. UNBREAKABLE WRISTS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER unbreakable Wrists We live in a world where time at the desk and computer is unavoidable. Our hands and wrists become more used to typing and scrolling than gripping and ripping! That’s why when people start to do more unorthodox exercise training such as handstands and crawling, they may experience wrist strains and pains. Just like all the rest of the areas of our body, we can condition and train our wrists to tolerate more force and handle the loads encountered in calisthenic and other training. We can also improve our resilience against other issues such as repetitive stress injuries. It’s easy to neglect wrist training in favor of other areas, but spending a bit more time on strengthening and improving mobility in your wrists allows you to do more advanced work with less pain and trouble. These 4 exercises work more than just your hands and wrists, but they challenge your wrists to handle loads in different positions and the full body movements give you an understanding of how integral your hands are to bodyweight training. A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK Learn to Flow and Bulletproof Your wrists UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS Watch on Youtube UNBREAKABLE WRISTS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Bear to Frogger to Monkey UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS These three fundamental locomotive patterns are a great first step into quadrupedal work. And because these may be the initial introduction to crawling and locomotion, I recommend performing these slowly for just a few repetitions with lots of rest in between. UNBREAKABLE LEGS Your focus should be on how your weight transfers through your hand and upper body. Analyze where you feel it in your wrists and how you can adjust to improve those sensations. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Plank on Back of Wrists UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS This is a position you are unlikely used to, as we usually bear weight through the palms when we place our hands on the ground. As such, this can be a vulnerable position, so please treat this as a training exercise rather than a “challenge”! UNBREAKABLE WRISTS Rather than doing push ups, start with holding the position and adding weight by shifting from one hand to the other as you get more comfortable. You can also start from the knees to decrease the weight and progress from there. Increase your hold times gradually to prevent hurting yourself with an exercise that is supposed to make you better. UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Plank on Hand Blades Walking UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS Begin in the plank position and place your hands with your thumbs up. Just as in the exercise above, you can start on your knees to allow for longer hold times before you fatigue. UNBREAKABLE WRISTS The force on your wrists requires you to push into ulnar deviation to keep your wrists in a strong neutral position. “Walking” this way changes the forces and you’ll develop great adaptable strength in your wrists. UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Seal walk UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS With your fingers pointing back, slowly roll down your fingers to your palms as you walk your body forward. This combination of stretching and changing resistance is a great stimulus for hand and wrist strength. UNBREAKABLE WRISTS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES unbreakable LEgs Exercises that build strong, powerful legs are an important part of your training. You know what they say – “Never skip leg day!” But it’s more than just having brute strength; you also need to be able to use your strength in a variety of different positions and angles. UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS That’s what will truly give you unbreakable legs, legs that will get you not just through your day at work, but ones that are ready for whatever you want to do. You don’t need to spend all day at the squat rack, though. Some of the most effective leg exercises don’t require any weight at all. In the video below, I share my top 4 bodyweight leg strength exercises with the variations that will help you get started on them right away. These 4 exercises can be performed in various different ways. You can change the tempo, elevation, or explosiveness depending on your needs. This gives you so many different options and can make each session fresh and new. A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS Learn to Flow and Bulletproof Your legs Watch on Youtube UNBREAKABLE WRISTS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Shrimp Squat UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS For the full shrimp squat, grab one foot from behind and squat down on your base leg. UNBREAKABLE WRISTS This exercise can be regressed by using a prop to support your foot, or by holding on to a cable or rings. To progress this exercise, you can go deeper into the squat by starting from an elevated surface. UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Pistol Squat UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS The pistol squat is probably the most well-known single leg squat exercise. Extend one leg in front of you as you squat back and down on your base leg. As shown in the video, use a support for assistance, or roll up to use momentum to assist as well. UNBREAKABLE WRISTS You’ll progress by removing the support and/or practice going up from a dead stop. Also work on different positions of the opposite leg. Don’t be afraid to play with it! UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Peacock Squat UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS The peacock squat is a unique movement that works the legs in different movement planes. Developing strength in these odd angles is a great preventative measure that conditions your legs for the unexpected forces and stresses that happen in athletics. UNBREAKABLE WRISTS Concentrate on feeling where the rotational stresses are in the movement and move slowly through them to build strength and stability where you need it the most. Play with how far you step and how low you go. As you get more comfortable, speed up the movements. But don’t rush through it – especially if you are new to this type of motion. UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK UNBREAKABLE ANKLES Cossack squat UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS The cossack squat is great for increasing hip flexibility as well as lower body strength. Start with your legs wider than hip width, and squat down towards one side, keeping the other leg extended in the opposite direction. Just as with the other exercises, a good regression is to use a rope or cable to support yourself as you squat down. Use the support to help you sit back to get lower in the squat. UNBREAKABLE WRISTS UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER To progress, decrease the assistance, keep your upper body more upright, and practice speed changes. A Guide BY GMB FITNESS UNBREAKABLE SERIES BECOMING UNBREAKABLE UNBREAKABLE BACK Putting it all together UNBREAKABLE ANKLES UNBREAKABLE SHOULDERS UNBREAKABLE WRISTS The movements found in this guide can be done as part of a warmup or as a stand-alone program. The choice is yours. But you should only practice one flow per day. Since there are 5 different target areas, it lends itself easily to a Monday through Friday schedule. When you start the program, do the exercises by themselves to learn and practice proper form. Then chain them together into a movement sequence, flowing smoothly from one exercise to the next. This continuous change of angles and stresses will help your body be able to handle the forces encountered in training and the rest of your life. You’ll improve your strength, flexibility, and motor control. Start on your path to optimizing your body. Become unbreakable! UNBREAKABLE LEGS PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER A Guide BY GMB FITNESS