Bulletin Board - The American Shetland Sheepdog Association
Bulletin Board - The American Shetland Sheepdog Association
The National Issue Bulletin Board An Official Publication of the American Shetland Sheepdog Association Summer 2013 ASSA Board Members Officers — September 1, 2011 through August 31, 2013 President Vice President Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary Treasurer Robert Piccirillo Susan Beacham Liz Bianchi Kathy Kozakiewicz Merrylee Malanowski (636) 274-7080 (208) 442-7252 (757) 436-4868 (602) 254-2328 (847) 382-2610 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Regional Directors — September 1, 2012 through August 31, 2014 Region 1 Lynda Bernier Region 2 Terry Jennings Region 3 Liz Boyd-Oliver (207) 729-0478 [email protected] Region 4 Walt Christiensen (734) 421-7065 (804) 338-3651 [email protected] Region 5 Sandra McCambridge (503) 366-6262 (828) 390-0234 [email protected] Region 6 Barbara Wright (210) 698-1125 Region 7 Nancy Craig (951) 776-0108 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Directors At Large — September 1, 2011 through August 31, 2013 Sharon Parrish David Calderwood (417) 461-1253 (541) 342-1958 [email protected] [email protected] Delegate to The AKC Legal Counsel Marjorie Tuff Donald Miller Meredith Hector Dorothy Christiansen (732) 780-0942 (301) 299-2586 (954) 593-2324 (815) 485-3726 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Committee Chairpersons AKC Sportsmanship Award Terry Jennings (804) 338-3651 [email protected] Legislative Education David Calderwood ASSA Outstanding Service Award Brian Cleveland (815) 966-2285 [email protected] Legislative Liaison Charlotte C McGowan (617) 527-3450 [email protected] Awards—Conformation Liz Boyd-Oliver (828) 390-0234 [email protected] Life Membership Sandy McCambridge (503) 366-6262 [email protected] Awards— Performance Jim Melton (801) 942-4762 [email protected] Meet The Breeds Jennie Hynes (203) 563-9587 [email protected] Awards— Versatility Susan Bintliff (609) 410-0889 [email protected] Membership Yvonne Samuelson (650) 440-9714 [email protected] Breeder Referral Barbara Aulbach (503) 543-7556 [email protected] National Show Chair Rita Von Pusch (813) 390-3221 [email protected] Bulletin Board Editor To be Announced National Trial Chair Nancy Craig (951) 766-0108 [email protected] Educational Grants Yvonne Samuelson (650) 440-9714 [email protected] National Show Planner Al Bianchi (757) 436-4868 [email protected] Film/Video Rental Library Carolyn Ing (978) 371-1195 [email protected] National Show Treasurer Ursula Dudek (256) 820-6292 [email protected] Futurity Sharon Parrish (417) 461-1253 [email protected] Publications Nancy Runyon (859) 734-9854 [email protected] Gazette Columnist Kim Schive (978) 371-1195 [email protected] Rescue Coordinator Dorothy Christiansen (815) 485-3726 [email protected] Handbook Editor Sharon Parrish (417) 461-1253 [email protected] Research Advisory Mary Mahaffey (706) 769-5057 [email protected] Health Glenda Henson (303) 682-0223 [email protected] Ringside Mentoring Patty Skinner (503) 626-6160 Historical Patricia Ferrell (413) 527-5051 [email protected] Symposium Cindy Wilson (360) 733-6010 [email protected] Historical Patricia Ferrell (413) 527-5051 [email protected] Trophy Solicitation Conformation Kyle Bohnenkamp (630) 232-4251 [email protected] Judges Education Linda More (919) 233-9539 [email protected] Trophy Solicitation Performance Jim Melton (801) 942-4762 [email protected] Judges Gifts Glenda Henson (303) 682-0223 [email protected] Webmaster Walt Christiensen (734) 421-7065 [email protected] Judges Mentoring Tom Coen (413) 528-6933 [email protected] Jen Milani (302) 235-8460 [email protected] Junior Showmanship Meredith Hector (786) 554-2113 [email protected] (514) 342-1958 [email protected] [email protected] American Shetland Sheepdog Association Summer 2013 Volume: 68-9 Bulletin Board President’s Message I want to extend my sincere appreciation to all those that worked so tirelessly over the last year, continuing right on through National week, to help make the first ‘no-host show’ in Albany possible. It not only took a ‘village’ to plan, work through issues - then put the plans into action - but to decidedly set egos aside, and establish a team focus that allowed the organization to record this vision, and most importantly the event, as being successful! It was by all accounts, a great venue and show! While the current Board cannot take credit for the charting the course to select Albany for 2013, the Oregon Coastline Points of Interest direction that Rita Von Pusch and Al Bianchi injected brought forth a fresh perspective to the show, and made it all work. The shortened show week, the reserved seating area (which is “wildly popular”) additional seating for the judges and the press, and the ‘Chuck a Duck Competition,’ to name a few “new ideas”, illustrate how both the Show Committees, and the Planners are trying to make each and every show more enjoyable, and at the same time ‘break even.’ ASSA Foundation Meeting ........ 7 2013 ASSA Annual Meeting ...... 9 2013 ASSA Board Meeting ...... 15 ASSA Health Information........ 36 ASSA Rescue Report ................ 38 2013 National Results.............. 46 Junior Handler Sponsorships .. 54 Regional Round-Up .................. 56 2012 Handbook Information .... 57 Futurity Nomination................ 58 2013 Awards Applications ....... 59 The necessity of continually explaining why each, and every event needs to be ‘economically feasible,’ is a direct reflection on Continued on next page... About the Bulletin Board…. To Advertise… Inside covers are available for advertising pet products, dog food, pens, etc., as well as for advertising your club’s activities such as shows and symposia. The cost is $100 for front/back inside covers (add $20 for Head Study by A. Raymond Miller each photo). All adds must be copy-ready. Subscriptions… Membership Dues Deadline August 31st Hard-copy issues are $20.00 (U.S. dollars) per year. Pay by check made payable Send your payment to: to the ASSA. Mail to Merrylee at the address above Merrylee Malanowski. OR through PayPal at: ASSA Treasurer 28608 W. Roberts Road [email protected] Barrington, IL 60010-7017 Please send name and ad- There is a new “Pay Now” button in the Members Only dress changes to Merrylee. section of the ASSA website for those without a PayPal account. You can use your debit or credit card! The deadline for the next issue of the Bulletin Board will be TBA Please send all information to Please see page 9 for important tips to To Be Announced 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 4 Membership Applications in Progress New applicants for ASSA membership will henceforth be published on the website at www.ASSA.org in the Members Only section. The listed date of each applicant's posting will commence the 60-day review period. If a member wishes to communicate positive or negative factually-based information regarding an applicant, it should be sent to the Membership Chair, Yvonne Samuelson, at PO Box 1024, Tracy, CA 95378, or by e-mail at: [email protected]. All applications to be voted on at next regularly scheduled Board Meeting must be received at least 90 days before the meeting, in order to allow for the 60day review period, and a 30-day investigation period, should one be needed. President’s Message Continued ... the number of member queries we receive on why, with a healthy treasury, we couldn’t afford to ‘lose monies’ in the process?? It is also an accurate portrayal of just how difficult it is to effect change, even in a tumultuous environment, and times that threatens our sport. As a student of history, I am a firm believer, and active proponent in that recognition of our past is vitally important. As breeders of purebred dogs, history, is everything! Even more important, though is ensuring the future of the Shetland Sheepdog! Having adequate funding means that we can go forward with the many valuable activities ASSA participates in, and by our charter, and membership, we pledge to support. Rescue, breed promotion/education, junior’s scholarships, regional seminars, health fairs are just a few of these commitments. It also means that the American Shetland Sheepdog Association understands it’s responsibility to be more than just a ‘one trick pony,’ and is addressing the reality that our greatest fight may be yet to come; the legislative stand to preserve the rights of you, your kids, and grand-kids to own, and breed Shetland Sheepdogs. The responsibilities to ensure a memorable national show each year has been passed on to several very capable people. It was a real pleasure to watch it unfold! Congratulations to all the winners, and to those who brought their exhibits long distances to participate. Many kudos to our wonderful judges who understood their responsibilities to the breed, and came up with many beautiful selections. Many thanks to all those Committee Chairs, members, and Regional Club members that made the 2013 National all that it could be, and “Totemly Cool !” As for 2014? Meet me in St. Louis!! NEW! Change for dues payments for those who pay online! Pay Dues Online! You can now pay your dues online from the ASSA website in the Members Only section! Use the “Pay Now” button. You can make a payment without having to have a PayPal account. You can use your debit or credit card. For those of you who have a PayPal account, you can still pay through PayPal to: [email protected] Life Members Albert Bianchi Robert Carpenter Dorothy Christiansen Brian Cleveland Nioma Coen Thomas Coen Barbara Curry Peggy Haderlie Donald Henderson Jan Leonard Charlotte C. McGowan Linda C. More Beverly Muhlenhaupt Anne Power Lynette Saltzman Stanley Saltzman Harriet Smith Rose Tomlin Melanie Williams Carol Williamson Dick Wolcott 50+ Year Members Nancy Ahern Don K. Combee Sharlene Defee-Rubenstein Joseph Molloy Lynette Saltzman* Stanley Saltzman* Elaine Samuels *Life Member 50 Year Clubs Pacific Northwest SSC SSC of Southern California SSC of Northern California Tri-State SSC Interstate SSC Evergreen SSC SSC of Georgia Greater St. Louis SSC Trinity Valley SSC SSC of Houston Chicagoland SSC Awards ASSA Outstanding Service 2008 2009 2009 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 Patricia Ferrell Robert Miller Sharon Parrish No awards were given Janet Leiper Patricia Wright Mary Galloway, DVM Jim Melton Marcia Bittner Marjorie Tuff ASSA Outstanding Sportsmanship 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Julie Desy Sheila Monks Beverly Muhlenhaupt Linda Nicholas Claudia Frank AKC Outstanding Sportsmanship 2013 Locklyn Guzman 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 6 American Shetland Sheepdog Association Foundation Albany, OR Thursday, April 25, 2013 President: Vice President: Corresponding Secretary: Recording Secretary: Treasurer: Robert Piccirillo Susan Beacham Liz Bianchi Kathy Kozakiewicz Al Bianchi The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm on Thursday, April 25, 2013. The President, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and Recording Secretary were in attendance. The following report was received from the Treasurer: “This report summarizes the financial position for the Foundation as of December 31, 2012, and the financial activity of the Foundation for 2012. The checking account balance was $80584.97. That money, broken down by fund, was as follows: Health Research ............$ 31575.86 DM Research ...................15061.60 Rescue ...............................18280.23 Neary Trust.........................1225.00 Scholarship .........................4098.26 Legislation Education ........8774.72 General ................................1569.30 The brokerage account, with a year-end market value of $99070.41, had the following holdings: Comerica Stock Pepsico Stock Ogden Trust Neary Trust Investment Account Cash Account Stock ...................$ 6068.00 Stock .....................19502.55 Mutual Fund ........47214.12 Mutual Fund .......... 1225.23 Mutual Fund ........20717.80 Cash ....................... 4342.71 Performance-wise, the investment account earned 6.95% last year and the other funds averaged out at about $3% growth each. The income statement for 2012 shows a decrease in the operating account of $8688.99. The Rescue account was drawn down by about $600.00, essentially a breakeven year. The overall drawdown is explained primarily from the transfers to the Rescue Operating account in the amount of $15000 over the course of the year; the grants and distributions we made; and, also from the increase in the size of the awards for scholarships from $1000 to $2000. Also, regretfully, direct donations were off nearly $20,000 for the year as compared to the previous year. I note from the Rescue reports that they had an exceptionally needy year. Despite the fact that they generated nearly $21,000 from their sales and fundraising efforts, the $32,000 cost of dealing with an increased number in mass intakes and usual veterinary expenses necessitated the expenditures. I have attached a copy of the preliminary statement which I have given to our CPA so you can see the income and expenditures by category. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 7 In any event, from the operating account’s available funds, we were easily able to make $23,750 in donations for various causes, fund rescue operations with $15,000, fund participation in conferences, and still have a very healthy balance. During 2012, the Foundation made the following major charitable distributions: NAIA ....................... $ 7,500 Take The Lead ........ $ 3,000 AKC- CHF ............... $ 5,000 AKC-CAR ................ $ 500 University of Missouri ..$ 500 AKC Humane Fund ......$ 3,000 Scholarships ..................$ 4,000 North Kingstown FD ....$ 500 The Foundation’s income tax return for 2012 is being prepared by the CPA at this time and will be filed as required. I am working on the 2012 Donor List and the Foundation article for the 2012 Handbook. The BB and Handbook editors will be sent copies. I am just about finished with setting up a PayPal account for receiving donations. At this time, I recommend that you authorize the following grants: $2000 each to NAIA, Take The Lead, and the AKC-CHF Donor Advised Fund; and $1000 each to the AKC Humane Fund and the AKC Canine Animal Recovery. We have sufficient funds on had to make these distributions.” The ASSA Foundation donated $250.00 to the North Kingstown Fire Dept. in memory of Virginia Perry Gardiner. There are no matters of business other than the above donation recommendations requiring attention at this time. I look forward to seeing all of you at the upcoming National. Kathy Kozakiewicz moved and Liz Bianchi 2nd that the ASSA Foundation make the grants recommended by the ASSA Foundation Treasurer. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 8 AMERICAN SHETLAND SHEEPDOG ASSOCIATION 2013 ANNUAL MEETING April 24, 2013 Albany, OR President Robert Piccirillo called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. on Wednesday, April 24, 2013. Roll was taken and a quorum was present. Jim Melton moved and Janita Jaster 2nd to accept the 2012 Annual Meeting minutes as published. There being no objections, the motion carried. PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Robert Piccirillo President Robert Piccirillo welcomed everyone to Albany, OR. President Robert Piccirillo asked for a moment of silence to remember the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. President Robert Piccirillo announced the following awards: The Breeder of the most Champions in a year: Top producing sire: Top producing dam: Bella Thompson Guy Jeavons & Mark Houston-McMillan Ch Macdega Notorious ROM - Tom and Nioma Coen GCh Solange Body Language – Linda Nicholas OFFICER’S REPORTS Recording Secretary - Kathy Kozakiewicz: Kathy reported on significant motions passed by the Board at this week’s meeting. 1. Nominees to the AKC for Lifetime Achievement Awards: Conformation: Marjorie Tuff Performance: Claudia Frank Companion: Nancy Craig 2. A Grand Champion win of 2 or more points will meet the requirement for ASSA Associate Membership. 3. The ASSA will be putting a souvenir store on-line. 4. Two Canine Health Fund Grants of $2500 as requested by the Research Advisory Committee were approved. 5. The Board did not approve a request for $22,000 for further research into Lance Canines. This request was weighed against the fact that Dr. Lee Ann Clark (Clemson University) submitted a proposal to the NIH for a SNP test to identify dermatomyositis (DM). The cost of this study is estimated to be $250,000. While other monies to fund this study may have been identified, this is not certain. 6. The Board reaffirmed the 4-month restriction from exhibiting Shelties prior to a National for the Futurity judge. 7. Glenda Henson will chair a new committee which will seek ways to encourage health tests on our Shelties. The full proposal is found in the Board minutes. 8. The ASSA Transition Book is woefully out of date. Vice President Susan Beacham will have updates finalized by September, 2013. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 9 9. The ASSA will be forming a Financial Steering Committee. This committee shall consist of the ASSA Treasurer (Chair), ASSA President, ASSA Foundation Treasurer and an ASSA member at large chosen by the Board. 10. 2013 Election: The contract has been signed for the 2013 election of Officers & Directors-At-Large. The nominees put forth by the Nominating Committee are: President: Robert Piccirillo Vice President: Jane Howard Corresponding Secretary: Liz Bianchi Recording Secretary: Kathy Ryan Treasurer: Merrylee Malanowski Directors-At-Large: David Calderwood, Frank Lannon, Bob Olsen, Robin McTaggert Additional nominations may be made in accordance with Article IV Section 5 which states: “Additional nominations of eligible members may be made by written petition addressed to the Recording Secretary and received at his or her regular address no later than June 1. The petition must be signed by ten (10) members in good standing and accompanied by the written acceptance of each additional nominee signifying his or her willingness to be a candidate. No person shall be a candidate for more than one (1) position and the additional nominations that are provided for herein may be made only from among those members who have not accepted a nomination of the Nominating Committee.” Please send additional nominations to me at the address below. Kathryn Kozakiewicz 2739 N 21 Drive Phoenix, AZ 85009-1928 Treasurer – Merrylee Malanowski: The following information was submitted for inclusion in the minutes. ASSA Treasurer’s Accounts Education Account .............................................. $ 5,022.67 General Checking Account .................................... 116,770.23 Trophy/Money Market Account .............................. 55,662.07 Total .......................................................................... $177,454.97 Individual Committee Accounts As Reported National Treasurer Account ................................. $24,476.38 National Treasurer Money Market .......................... 1,900.90 National Performance Treasurer Account................ 4,719.49 Futurity Account ....................................................... 5,963.31 Handbook Account .................................................... 6,450.69 Legislative Action Committee ................................... 4,348.59 Total ............................................................................ $47,859.36 Total in all accounts as of 3/31/2013 ........................ $225,314.33 A bond has been set up encompassing the offices of Treasurer, National & Performance Treasurers, President, Legislative Action/Education account, Futurity and Handbook accounts per the recommendation of the Treasurer and the bond exchange. 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 10 Corresponding Secretary – Liz Bianchi: Since the September board meeting, the Corresponding Secretary has sent a “thank you” letter to the Fredericksburg Dept. of Tourism, welcome letters to new members, and sympathy cards as appropriate. Contracts for the 2015 judges have also been sent out. COMMITTEE REPORTS Below you will find a list of ASSA committees. AKC Delegate: Marjorie Tuff Delegate, Marjorie Tuff thanked the ASSA members for standing together in the face of many changes by the AKC (some welcome and some not so welcome). She reminded the membership that she is here to assist with individual’s AKC issues if needed. Just give her a call. AKC Sportsmanship Award: Terry Jennings Locklyn Guzman of Apple Acres Shelties was chosen for this award. ASSA Outstanding Service Award: Brian Cleveland Marjorie Tuff and Marcia Bittner were chosen for this award in recognition of their years of service to the ASSA. ASSA Foundation: Al Bianchi This report summarizes the financial position for the Foundation as of December 31, 2012 and the financial activity of the Foundation for 2012. The checking account balance was $80,584.97. That money, broken down by fund, was as follows: Health Research ................. $31,575.86 DM Research ........................ 15,061.60 Rescue ................................... 18,280.23 Neary Trust ............................1,225.00 Scholarship .............................4,098.26 Legislation Education ............8,774.72 General ...................................1,569.30 The brokerage account, with a year-end market value of $99,070.41, had the following holdings: Comerica Stock Pepsico Stock Ogden Trust Neary Trust Investment Account Cash Account Stock ..................... $ 6,068.00 Stock ....................... 19,502.55 Mutual Fund .......... 47,214.12 Mutual Fund ............1,225.23 Mutual Fund .......... 20,717.80 Cash..........................4,342.71 Performance-wise, the investment account earned 6.95% last year and the other funds averaged out at about $3% growth each. The income statement for 2012 shows a decrease in the operating account of $8,688.99. The Rescue account was drawn down by about $600.00, essentially a breakeven year. The overall drawdown is ex- Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 11 plained primarily from the transfers to the Rescue Operating account in the amount of $15,000 over the course of the year; the grants and distributions we made; and, also from the increase in the size of the awards for scholarships from $1,000 to $2,000. Also, regretfully, direct donations were off nearly $20,000 for the year as compared to the previous year. I note from the Rescue reports that they had an exceptionally needy year. Despite the fact that they generated nearly $21,000 from their sales and fundraising efforts, the $32,000 cost of dealing with an increased number in mass intakes and usual veterinary expenses necessitated the expenditures. In any event, from the operating account’s available funds, we were easily able to make $23,750 in donations for various causes, fund rescue operations with $15,000, fund participation in conferences, and still have a very healthy balance. During 2012, the Foundation made the following major charitable distributions: NAIA ....................... $ 7,500 Take The Lead ........ $ 3,000 AKC- CHF ............... $ 5,000 AKC-CAR ................ $ 500 University of Missouri ..$ 500 AKC Humane Fund ......$ 3,000 Scholarships ..................$ 4,000 North Kingstown FD ....$ 500 The Foundation’s income tax return for 2012 is being prepared by the CPA at this time and will be filed as required. I am working on the 2012 Donor List and the Foundation article for the 2012 Handbook. The BB and Handbook editors will be sent copies. I am just about finished with setting up a PayPal account for receiving donations. Awards – Conformation: Liz Boyd-Oliver There were 6 ROM, 2 CC, 114 CH, 31 GCH, 5 Bronze GCH, 2 Gold GCH and 1 Platinum GCH. Congratulations to Dee Kraft & Emily Anderson with: Platinum Grand Champion Leeason Rock My Soul, 200 CC! Awards – Performance: Jim Melton Nine award requests were submitted. We had one request for a career achievement of 20 Obedience High In Trials. Educational Grants: Yvonne Samuelson We have grant money available. Please apply to your Regional Director. Futurity: Sharon Parrish The status of 2014 Futurity as of March 27, 2013: 107 litter nominations 84 3-month nominations 11 6-month nominations Handbook: Sharon Parrish We moved to color photos in the 2011 Handbook which has been well received. We hope to increase participation in the Handbook. I have order forms and submission forms in the grooming area. 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 12 Judges’ Education: Linda More The number of judges applying for Shelties has continued to decline. We currently have 4 signed up for Judges’ Education this week and expect a few more. The Judge’s Education participants will take part in visiting hours this year. Junior Showmanship: Meredith Hector Rachel Robertson read a brief summary of her trip to Westminster, sponsored by ASSA. Legislative Action/Education Committee: David Calderwood A lot of bills have been introduced in many states this year. There are not enough people taking part in educating the legislatures. We need volunteers in the communities. We must get involved! ASSA has 72 member clubs and only 55 have legislative liaisons. Life Membership: Sandy McCambridge Nioma Coen has been chosen as a Life Member of ASSA. A pin has been designed for ASSA Life Members. The design has been approved and casting will begin shortly. Membership Chairman: Yvonne Samuelson The following were voted into membership of the ASSA at this week's Board meeting. (Full membership unless annotated with an (A)) Jennifer Brautigan (A) Patricia Keohane Michael Kilgore Madeline Griffin-Cone Jen McMakin Lisa Schwartzenberg Stephanie Burdett K'Lynn Ball (A) Audie Canida Barbara Moeller Karen Workman Jaclyn Geister Theresa Corcoran Katy Jones Christopher Jones Peggy DeMers Susan Kaneshiro Judith Williamson National Show Chairman: Rita Von Pusch We are well underway with our first ASSA hosted National. Many thanks to all those who have stepped up to help. In addition, a very special “thank you” to Mel Cohen who is retiring as Vendor Chair after this show. Dog News wants to cover our National in its magazine. National Show Planner: Al Bianchi Purina Farms is the location of the 2014 National and 2015 is in Fredericksburg, Virginia. These are planned to be “5 day” shows. 2016 is a west division show and we are searching for a viable site. Rescue: Dorothy Christiansen There was a recent intake of 22 Shelties in the Sacramento area. There is a need for on-going assistance with Rescue. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 13 Trophies: Performance: Jim Melton We raised enough money to cover the performance trophies and ribbons, but it was a close call this year. He also thanked all those who generously donated to cover the costs of the trophies, rosettes and ribbons. Website: Walt Christensen Thanks to member suggestions, this next year should bring several upgrades to the ASSA & the National on-line: Performance information will be added on-line; a conformation catalog will be available for sale on-line; trophy donations will be taken on-line and souvenirs purchased on-line. PayPal will be used for most of these on-line orders. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: 1. There was considerable discussion concerning the new “5 day” National schedule. Items mentioned were the stress on the puppies showing two days in a row; the stress on the people being on the go non-stop; the Symposium was not well attended; and, the financial considerations of holding the National on the current “5 day” schedule vs. the traditional “7 day” schedule. A straw poll was taken of the members present and an overwhelming majority preferred the “7 day” schedule. ADDITIONAL COMMENT: Later in the week the National Show Chairman, Rita Von Pusch, announced that the 2014 ASSA National would revert to the previous 7 day schedule. A cost analysis of maintaining a 7 day schedule for 2015 will be worked up. 2. Zana Friend moved and Marjorie Tuff 2nd that the names of all the ASSA Best Junior Handlers be listed in the ASSA catalog each year. The motion carried. 3. The membership discussed the 4-month restriction for Futurity Judges exhibiting at shows. It was mentioned that if the membership respects the individual enough to vote for them, they should respect their integrity during the judging. Dottie Adkins moved and Melanie Williams 2nd to eliminate the 4-month restriction on Futurity Judges exhibiting beginning with the 2013 election (2016 ASSA National). The motion carried. Dottie Adkins moved and Julie Desy 2nd that the elimination of this restriction be made retroactive to the 2014 and 2015 Futurity judges. The motion failed. Ellen Worthington moved and Kathy Kozakiewicz 2nd that the meeting adjourn. adjourned at 9:16 p.m. The meeting was Note: Committee Reports as submitted to the ASSA Board can be found in the minutes of the ASSA Board meeting. 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 14 American Shetland Sheepdog Association Board of Directors’ Meeting Albany, OR April 22 – 24, 2013 Meeting Schedule: Monday, April 22, 2013 Called to order:8:12 AM Tuesday, April 23, 2013 Reconvened: 8:05 AM Wednesday, April 24, 2013 Reconvened: 6:16 PM OFFICERS Robert Piccirillo Susan Beacham Merrylee Malanowski Liz Bianchi Kathy Kozakiewicz President Vice President Treasurer Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary REGIONAL DIRECTORS Lynda Bernier Region 1 Terry Jennings Region 2 Liz Boyd-Oliver Region 3 Walter Christensen Region 4 Sandra McCambridge Barbara Wright Region 6 Nancy Craig Region 7 DELEGATE TO THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB Marjorie Tuff Recessed: 5:05 PM Recessed: 11:42 AM Adjourned: 6:30 PM DIRECTORS AT LARGE David Calderwood Dorothy Christiansen Meredith Hector Sharon Parrish Region 5 LEGAL COUNSEL Donald Miller Meredith Hector, Lynda Bernier and Donald Miller did not attend any of the sessions. Nancy Craig did not attend Monday. Marjorie Tuff was not present on Tuesday. Susan Beacham did not attend Wednesday. National Show Planner, Al Bianchi; National Show Chairman, Rita Von Pusch; National Performance Chairman, Karen D’Augusta; and Glenda Henson attended various sessions of the meeting. President – Robert Piccirillo President Robert Piccirillo welcomed the Board to Albany, Oregon. He stated that the duties of the Board included protecting the Shetland Sheepdog and keeping ASSA viable, strong and financially sound. In addition, he reminded the Board that this was the first ASSA hosted National and it was the first National with the shortened 5-day format. Vice President – Susan Beacham A major change in the position of Trophy/Rosette Chairman has been made. The position is now appointed by the Vice President with the input from the National Show Chairman so that they can work together each year which will make it so much easier to keep control of the order. This way, a new VP doesn’t have to learn how to do it when there was originally no order sheet/lists to go by previously. I have made up a list for all trophies and rosettes required PRIOR to closing of entries and given it to the new National Trophy/Rosette Chairman: Stephanie Riley. The Transition Book – many changes have been made to the first 1/3 or so of the book and those changes were sent to the President, Bob Piccirillo quite a while ago for his approval. Once he has given me the OK, I will send it on for publication and proceed with the next portions of the book. These changes will be sent to Jen Milani for publication on the web site. The Board discussed the fact that the Transition Book is woefully out of date and is causing confusion among committee members and ASSA members at large. The updates need to be completed speedily so that an accurate book can be uploaded to the website. Vice President, Susan Beacham assured the Board that the updates would be completed prior to the end of her term (August 31, 2013). Recording Secretary – Kathy Kozakiewicz Kathy Kozakiewicz stated that she has worked with Dorothy Christiansen and Sharon Parrish to ready the first mailing for the 2013 ASSA Elections. These letters are ready to be mailed right after the National. Election Services Solutions will serve as the professional teller for the 2013 election. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 15 Interim Minutes of the Board: Nancy Craig moved and Walter Christensen 2nd that ASSA participate in the AKC program to award 3 pt. major to RWD & RWB at the 2013 National. The motion carried: yea: Meredith Hector, David Calderwood, Liz Oliver, Barbara Wright, Sandy McCambridge, Lynda Bernier, Dorothy Christiansen, Nancy Craig, Suzi Beacham, Merrylee Malanowski, Walt Christensen, Kathy Kozakiewicz nay: Sharon Parrish, Liz Bianchi Dorothy Christiansen moved and Walt Christensen 2nd that ASSA donate $250 to the ASSA Foundation in memory of Virginia Perry Gardiner; money to be split between health research and rescue. This motion was defeated unanimously. Dorothy Christiansen moved and Walt Christensen 2nd that ASSA donate $250 to the ASSA Foundation in memory of Virginia Perry Gardiner; to send a donation to one of the local recipients that were requested in the obituary. This motion carried unanimously. Dorothy Christiansen moved and Walt Christensen 2nd that a Memorial Ad in the 2013 ASSA national Specialty catalog honoring Virginia who always gave generously of her talents and her jewelry. This motion carried unanimously. Walt Christensen moved and Sharon Parrish 2nd that ASSA accept the Junior Showmanship Committee’s unanimous recommendation that Leah Escalante and Alexis Parisek receive a scholarship of $2000 each. This motion carried unanimously. Sharon Parrish moved and Walt Christensen 2nd that the Board approve the recommendation to appoint Linda Nicholas as Publications Chairman. The motion carried unanimously. Merrylee Malanowski moved and Suzi Beacham 2nd to accept the minutes of the Fall Board Meeting as revised. The motion carried unanimously. Sandy McCambridge moved and Walt Christensen 2nd that ASSA list the names in the National show catalog and the Bulletin Board of those that have been honored with Sportsmanship or Service Awards. The motion carried unanimously. Terry Jennings moved and Merrylee Malanowski 2nd that ASSA charge $35.00 for 2011 Handbooks sold from inventory through the ASSA Publications Chairman. The motion carried unanimously. Bob Piccirillo recommended and the Board approved Nancy Runyon as Publications Chairman when Linda Nicholas decided she would not be able to serve. Liz Bianchi moved and Dorothy Christiansen 2nd that the interim minutes of the Board be accepted. The motion carried unanimously. Corresponding Secretary – Liz Bianchi Since the September board meeting the Corresponding Secretary has sent a “thank you” letter to the Fredericksburg Dept. of Tourism; welcome and thank you letters to Officers, Directors, and Committee Chairmen who assumed or left, respectively, their positions; and sympathy cards as appropriate. Contracts for the 2015 judges have also been sent out. Liz received a letter from AKC requesting nominations from ASSA for Life Time Achievement Awards in the areas of Conformation, Performance (eg, Herding), and Companion (eg, Obedience, Rally, Agility). Liz Bianchi moved and Kathy Kozakiewicz 2nd to nominate Marjorie Tuff for Conformation. The motion passed by majority. Dorothy Christiansen moved and Sharon Parrish 2nd to nominate Claudia Frank for Performance. The motion carried unanimously. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 16 Susan Beacham moved and Terry Jennings 2nd to nominate Nancy Craig for Companion. The motion carried unanimously. Treasurer – Merrylee Malanowski ASSA Treasurer’s Accounts Fund Balances as of 3/31/2013-All Accounts General Checking Account Trophy/Money Market Account Education Account $116,770.23 $55,662.07 $5,022.67 *Totals as of 3/31/2013 $177,454.97 ASSA Individual Committee's Accounts National Treasurer Account National Treasurer/Money Market Account National Performance Treasurer Account Futurity Account Handbook Account Legislative Action Committee $24,476.38 $1,900.90 $4,719.49 $5,963.31 $6,450.69 $4,348.59 Totals as of 3/31/2013 (As Reported) $47,859.36 **Totals in all accounts as of 3/31/2013 $225,314.33 *Publications and Film/Library accounts are closed and combined in the total for the Treasurer's accounts. **Totals on all above may/will change after bank statements are received to reflect a more accurate accounting. Actions since Sept. 2012 Implemented an Excel Expense Report form available for use on ASSA website for use of all members/ committees for reimbursement. Voted on and Board approved in 2008, implemented 2011-2012. Implemented a National Show Report of combined Breed and Performance Venues for a better evaluation of profit and loss, eliminating the miscellaneous category. Reviewed the Transition Book and submitted corrections and changes for review. Implemented an Excel spread sheet for Award Inventory Items to track and keep count of asset value of inventory held by Treasurer and the specific committee Chairs. Changed from silver to silver plated over bronze spoons to save approximately 50% on cost per spoon while not changing quality of award. “Breeder Referral” information to be collected and then sent on to Jen Milani to handle for the website. Implemented a “Pay Now” Button on the Members Only section of the ASSA website to enable members to pay their dues and order mailed Bulletin Board issues on line by the use of a debit or credit card or through the use of a PayPal account. “Occupation” dropped from the renewal notice. A separate list may be setup at a later date if so desired by the Board. Video/Film Library and Publications accounts closed and now handled by the Treasurer. A list of the totals of all trophy donations received for Performance and Breed to be sent to the Treasurer by the chairpersons to add to her report for National Show Report. A bond has been set up encompassing the offices of Treasurer; National and Performance Treasurers; President; and Legislative Action/Education, Futurity and Handbook accounts per the recommendation of the Treasurer and the bond exchange. The cost of the bond is $348.00 for all accounts and is registered with the Treasurer at her address. Recommendations for Board Consideration: Excess funds over a certain dollar amount be moved from checking account into an account(s) that would be more beneficial to the club. An example would be a steady growth fund account. A financial steering committee to be formed to drive the stability of the organization. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 17 A separate committee to be set up to deal with "Membership". This committee would consist of the Treasurer and 2-3 other people. The membership list and the dues notices would be compiled and mailed by this committee. The Treasurer would receive and apply the dues. The committee would be responsible for the up keep of the membership list, mailing labels, sending out dues notices and changes of address. An email list would be instituted to enable to correctly notify each committee and regional rep when a change to an email address, location move or address/telephone change made. This committee may be board or Treasurer selected. An online addition be made to the "Members Only" website to enable the membership to make trophy donations for conformation and performance via a button similar to the one used now for the online payment of dues where members could pay using a debit or credit card or paying through Pay Pal and the link would go directly to the trophy bank account. There is a space for a notation when you pay on line so they could list the class, venue, etc. Since Pay Pal charges a fee for this a flat rate charge would have to be applied up front. Fees would add $3.00 to each total. The fee would be evaluated in one year to determine if a lower amount would be applicable. A change for the Pay Pal on line dues and mailed Bulletin Board fees to reflect the amount when dues are paid online from Canada, Japan, etc. as Pay Pal fees are higher and the dues we receive are less than the dues/mailed Bulletin Board fees. Fees would stay the same for U.S. members paying on line. Fees for outside the U.S. would add $3.00 to each total. The fee would be evaluated in one year to determine if the correct fee is being applied. Liz Bianchi moved and David Calderwood 2nd that the ASSA establish a Financial Steering Committee consisting of the following members: ASSA Treasurer (Chair), ASSA Foundation Treasurer, ASSA President, and an ASSA member at large approved by the Board. The motion carried unanimously. The Board discussed the committee to deal with “membership” and determined it was within the purview of the Treasurer to formulate such a subcommittee if needed. In addition, it was the consensus of the Board that the various PayPal related suggestions be implemented. AKC Delegate Report – Marjorie Tuff The March Delegate meeting was held in Newark, New Jersey on March 11th and March 12th, 2013. There was a presentation from a Delegate regarding electronic voting. It would be a secure website and save the club money. They felt that it is less expensive than sending out the ballots to the membership. This is just a proposal but I can see that it would help many clubs in the future. It was recommended that when sending communications to the Clubs , it should also be sent to Delegates. Recommended to the AKC to not give out Cruft certificate invitations to dogs with docked or crop disqualifications as they are not eligible and the breed clubs do not want them. Doug Lundgren spoke on performance events and stated that: there were 1,157,743 entries in Agility in 2012 which was a 11.3% increase and that Companion entries had a 118,000 entry growth. Obedience was at 73,000 entries which was a 5.4% increase and that Rally was at 64,000 entries which is a 6% decrease. Tracking was at 112 which was 5.6% increase. This resulted in a 9.4% increase in performance events. They will not be adding anymore classes. The procedure for the process of Wait List is being looked at by the staff. They would also like to redo the Agility entry forms and the fee or Agility to be increased and the fee for Rally be decreased. They feel that it may help clubs offer Rally. Proposal on amendment to Article IV Sections 1 and 3 of the Chapter and By-Laws of the AKC which will expand the eligibility requirements for AKC membership to permit licensed AGILITY CLUBS that meet the criteria to apply to become AKC Member Clubs. This proposal was passed ASSA Legal Counsel – Donald Miller Since the date of my last report to the Board, I have not been consulted in connection with any material potential liabilities or claims which may have an adverse effect on the ASSA or its balance sheet other than as follows: In 2012, the Blue Ridge Shetland Sheepdog Club ("BRSSC") asserted verbally and in writing that it had secured the right to be the "host club", to sponsor, or otherwise hold the 2015 ASSA National Specialty, that certain of its 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 18 efforts in regard to that Specialty had been appropriated by the ASSA for the sole benefit of the ASSA, or that the ASSA had wrongfully deprived the BRSSC of economic or other benefits which may inure from the 2015 ASSA National Specialty. The ASSA has denied the allegations. No action has been taken by the BRSSC with respect to its allegations. ASSA Foundation – Al Bianchi This report summarizes the financial position for the Foundation as of December 31, 2012 and the financial activity of the Foundation for 2012. The checking account balance was $80,584.97. That money, broken down by fund, was as follows: Health Research DM Research Rescue Neary Trust Scholarship Legislation Education General $31,575.86 15,061.60 18,280.23 1,225.00 4,098.26 8,774.72 1,569.30 The brokerage account, with a year-end market value of $99,070.41, had the following holdings: Comerica Stock Pepsico Stock Ogden Trust Neary Trust Investment Account Cash Account Stock Stock Mutual Fund Mutual Fund Mutual Fund Cash $ 6,068.00 19,502.55 47,214.12 1,225.23 20,717.80 4,342.71 Performance-wise, the investment account earned 6.95% last year and the other funds averaged out at about $3% growth each. The income statement for 2012 shows a decrease in the operating account of $8,688.99. The Rescue account was drawn down by about $600.00, essentially a breakeven year. The overall drawdown is explained primarily from the transfers to the Rescue Operating account in the amount of $15,000 over the course of the year; the grants and distributions we made; and, also from the increase in the size of the awards for scholarships from $1,000 to $2,000. Also, regretfully, direct donations were off nearly $20,000 for the year as compared to the previous year. I note from the Rescue reports that they had an exceptionally needy year. Despite the fact that they generated nearly $21,000 from their sales and fundraising efforts, the $32,000 cost of dealing with an increased number in mass intakes and usual veterinary expenses necessitated the expenditures. In any event, from the operating account’s available funds, we were easily able to make $23,750 in donations for various causes, fund rescue operations with $15,000, fund participation in conferences, and still have a very healthy balance. During 2012, the Foundation made the following major charitable distributions: NAIA Take The Lead AKC- CHF AKC-CAR $ 7,500 $ 3,000 $ 5,000 $ 500 University of Missouri AKC Humane Fund Scholarships North Kingstown FD $ 500 $ 3,000 $ 4,000 $ 500 The Foundation’s income tax return for 2012 is being prepared by the CPA at this time and will be filed as required. I am working on the 2012 Donor List and the Foundation article for the 2012Handbook. The BB and Handbook editors will be sent copies. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 19 I am just about finished with setting up a PayPal account for receiving donations. Awards, Conformation – Liz Oliver Have processed all 2012 Awards and submitted the report to Catalog Chair for publication. There were: 6 ROMS, 2 CCs, 114 CHs, 31 GrChs, 5 Bronze, 0 Silver, 2 Gold, and 1 Platinum Grand Ch this year!! This is our very first ASSA or any Sheltie to receive the Platinum Grand Championship!! Congratulations to Dee Croft, Emily Anderson & Platinum Grand Champion Ch Leeason Rock my Soul, 200 CC. The updated awards application for 2013 with deadline dates for the 2014 National have been sent to Sharon Parrish, Linda Wilson, and Walt Christiansen for publication. The cost of foreign postage is not covered by the $7.50 ASSA charges. It was the consensus of the Board that the postage charged for awards sent to foreign countries should be the actual cost of said postage. Awards, Performance – Jim Melton For 2012 accomplishments, we received 13 applications for titles earned in that year: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Champion Tracker: 1 Herding Champion: 1 (1 spoon) Master Agility Champion: 3 (2 spoons) Obedience Trial Champion: 2 (2 spoons) Preferred Agility Champion: 1 Agility Excellent Jumper: 1 Master Agility Excellent: 2 Master Agility Excellent Jumper: 1 Rally Advanced Excellent: 1 In addition, we received one application for a career achievement award: 1) 20 or more obedience Highs in Trial: 1 The issue of what to do for a Sheltie which earned 3+ championships arose. Nancy Craig mentioned that a Sheltie could potentially achieve 6 championships. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that ASSA would award a paper certificate for dual, triple etc championships (up to 6). One championship must be in conformation. AKC Outstanding Sportsmanship Award – Terry Jennings The committee recommended Locklyn Guzman for this award. Merrylee Malanowski moved and Dorothy Christiansen 2nd to accept the committee’s recommendation. The motion carried unanimously. ASSA Outstanding Service Award – Brian Cleveland The committee recommended Marjorie Tuff & Marcia Bittner for this award. Merrylee Malanowski moved and Dorothy Christiansen 2nd to accept the committee’s recommendation. The motion carried unanimously. Bulletin Board Editor – Linda Wilson The 2013 Rosters have been mailed. Several corrections are coming in, which are being corrected, and should be on the ASSA site as they are received. ASSA member clubs are encouraged to submit items to their Regional Directors to be included in the “Regional Roundup” section of the Bulletin Board. Educational Grant Committee – Yvonne Samuelson October 2012 $125 granted to the Greater St. Louis SSC for a herding seminar. 5/4/13 $125 granted to the SSC of Western New York for a one day seminar on chilled semen by Lisa Graser and MDR-1 testing and vaccine protocols by Dr. Julie Iverson. ASSA/4H Junior Mentoring Program-Connie Nelson Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 20 At this time, a Questionnaire for Prospective Participants is being finalized. We are also looking for breeders who may be interested in being part of the program in their area. This is a wonderful way to give your retired show dogs the opportunity to be someone’s “one and only”. A questionnaire for Breeders will appear in the next Bulletin. We are starting our 4-H year soon, with a Dog Activity Fun Day in May. 4-H’ers will be working with volunteer trainers in the disciplines of Showmanship Handling, Obedience and Agility. I will have an opportunity to speak with 4-H Leaders from around the North East. As in the past, I have mentioned this program, and I also plan to speak with parents at this event. Futurity – Sharon Parrish Activities of Committee Since Last Board Meeting: 1) Processed all 2013 litter, 3-month, and 6-month nominations received through 27 March 2013, date of Onofrio entry close, and resolved outstanding questions 2) Processed 2014 litter, 3-month, and 6-month nominations received through 27 March 2013 3) Deposited monies received for 2013 and 2014 Futurities to bank account Status of 2013 Futurity as of 27 March 2013 310 litters nominated for 2013 Futurity (311 for 2012) 318 puppies nominated individually at 6-month time point (286 for 2012) 101 Futurity entries, 31.8% of 6-month nominations Database closed and listings of 2013 Futurity eligible individuals sent to Show Superintendent Onofrio $5,261.00 received for 2013 Futurity nominations Status of 2014 Futurity as of 27 March 2013 107 litter nominations received 84 3-month nominations received 11 6-month nominations received Futurity Bank Account 31 March 2013 Bank Statement Balance 01 April 2013 Checks awaiting deposit $5,963.31 $ 673.00 Handbook Editor – Sharon Parrish The 2011 ASSA Handbook project was completed in November 2012 with shipment of individual and bulk book orders to customers and delivery of unsold inventory to the ASSA Publications Chairman. At conclusion of the project, all expenses incurred to compile, edit, print, and distribute the book had been covered by income from photo features and prepublication book sales. A modest profit of $1,427.69 was realized. The 2011 Handbook marked the first edition for color reproduction of dog photos. Color adds new appeal, dimension, and quality to the publication; and was well received by individuals who featured their dogs and purchased books. 2012 ASSA HANDBOOK The 2012 ASSA Handbook project was started early in January 2013 with development of a database to create a mailing to owners of dogs that completed AKC titles that are eligible for the Conformation and Advanced Titlist Pedigree Sections and to manage photograph submissions and book orders. With an earlier start, the Editor hopes the 2012 edition will be issued by late Summer 2013. The estimate for printing the 2012 Handbook is $22,467.00, which is approximately 4½% more than the invoiced cost for the 2011 book ($21,575.03). Photographs and book orders arrive daily showing good participation and interest in the 2012 book. The fee schedule for photos, books, and advertisements is unchanged from the 2011 project. Hopefully, photo submissions and book orders will surpass those of 2011 to easily cover the increased printing, binding, and shipping estimate; and increased general costs of producing the Handbook. It was the consensus of the Board that if necessary the Handbook Editor could request funds from the ASSA Treasurer to cover the cost of publication of the Handbook in the event income from photos and book purchases does not cover the overall cost of the 2012 project. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 21 Handbook Bank Account: Ending balance on 31 March 2013 $6,450.69 At the time of the last Board Meeting, US Bank still had not managed to change the second signatory on the account from previous Treasurer Susan Christie to current Treasurer Merrylee Malanowski despite two attempts by President Bob Piccirillo who initially established the account for National Show Treasurer use. The change was finally accomplished and on record at the bank on 14 November 2012. The ASSA Board encourages member clubs to award a Handbook for Best of Breed at their specialty shows. Historical Committee – Pat Ferrell Committee Members: Bob Miller, Tina Stoner Bob reports that since the demise of the printed and CD versions of the AKC Awards, the Events function on the AKC web site is our only source for show results. During the past year he had detected three different cases of a computer bug in the software used to post those show results - all of which the AKC has now corrected once he brought it to their attention. He has also already submitted the needed information on pedigrees and titles for 2012 to the Handbook Editor. Tina reports that 315 Champions finished in 2012 and 12 ROMS were earned. There were 12 Best In Show Shelties wins for the year as well. For the archives I have received from Mary Lewis, sister of Peggy Thomforde of Faunbrook Shelties, most if not all, AKC title certificates for the Faunbrook Shelties, some pictures of the dogs, Peggy's Westminster Judges Badge from 1958, some assorted articles and a couple of books. From Thelma Mauldin I received 6 (six) VHS Tapes labeled: 1, Mary Van Wagenen slides 1936-1970, 2. MVW Shetland Sheepdogs in your pedigrees: 3. Oct 1985 ASSA 1986 Dallas Nat. Interviews - Symposium, Mary, Connie, Jean: 4. Notable Old Time Shelties: 5. 1986 Breeder Interviews, Master Tapes, Dallas Symposium: 6. 1975 compiled. Along with the tapes were quite a few slides and some notes and/or listing of the dogs appearing on the tapes. The tapes are being sent on to Bob Miller who has been able to convert some of his own tapes to DVD's and he hopes to do the same with these. Requests for other information have been answered as received including some pictures sent and pedigree information with Ch. get, (from Bob) for the upcoming 2013 National Symposium. After much research, done for the 100 year presentation, the Futurity winner from 1941 was identified and records show that no Futurity or Sweeps were held by the ASSA in 1943, 1944, 1945 & 1946 during and immediately following the War. That information has been passed on to the Handbook Editor and completes the listing of all the dogs who took either Best In Futurity or Best In Sweepstakes over the years. All the judges have not been identified but in general for those early years the same judge who did the classes also judged Futurity. Positive verification is not available however. Sweepstakes, when they were held, generally took place twice a year in conjunction with various All-Breed Shows and separate from the ASSA Specialty (1948-1956) before returning to a Futurity and part of the Specialty itself. The English Shetland Sheepdog Club has put out a new DVD on their Breed Standard. A copy was obtained of the NTSC version, playable in this country, to have available for comparison. Once again the Board discussed the sheer volume of material being preserved. It was suggested that quotes be obtained for professionally copying key items to CD or other media. Judges Education – Linda More The number of judges interested in applying for Shelties has continued to decline. Those published in the Gazette are sent a letter, Vignette card, and directed to the materials and mentor list on the ASSA website. As of this date, there are four judges signed up for the national specialty workshop, and 4 or 5 more that may attend, including 3 from overseas. Jane Hammett Bright presented a seminar in February at the Greenville- Spartanburg shows in SC, with 7 attendees. We had inquiries for two events in Pennsylvania, one of which appears geared toward the public rather than judges. I suggested a local breeder for the first. The other event expects few attendees and given that Shelties were presented less than a year ago in western PA, our inclination is to decline. 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 22 At Bob Piccirillo’s request, guidelines for partially reimbursing expenses for seminar presenters were developed for the transition book. Proposed Transition Book Guidelines for ASSA JUDGES EDUCATION: REIMBURSEMENTS FOR SEMINAR PRESENTERS If the presenter will already be attending the event (whether judging, exhibiting, or to attend other seminars) – no reimbursement. If the presenter is making a special trip to give our seminar, and it is less than 150 miles one way, no reimbursement. If the presenter is making a special trip, and the distance is greater than 150 miles one way such that an overnight stay is necessary, and there is no friend or colleague to stay with, then there should be a reimbursement of $75, and no more than $100. If there is free lodging available, the reimbursement should be $50. If it is a special trip, and the distance is greater than 300 miles one way, there should be a reimbursement of $125, and if an overnight stay must be purchased, the reimbursement should be $175. A signed ASSA expense Report will be filled out and forwarded to the Judges Education Chair within 30 days of the supported event. NOTES: It is not easy to categorize the varied possibilities of travel expenses, and time, required to meet requests for seminar presenters. The foregoing is an attempt to narrow the possibilities into 4 basic categories. The number of requests for seminars has declined somewhat, as has the attendance at such seminars. I have said before that I do not think it is appropriate for ASSA to try to fulfill requests that would require our presenter to fly or to drive very long distances, and that we must be selective about which seminar requests we can honor. It was the consensus of the Board that these new guidelines be placed in the ASSA Transition Book. Judges Gifts – Barbara Wright The gifts for the Conformation Judges will be photograph albums featuring pictures of their winners plus candid photos of their judging. Our show photographer, Chris Lynch, will provide the official photographs and Dean Von Pusch has offered to provide the candid pictures. Dean has also offered to assemble the albums and send them to the Judges. This gift has been well received in the past and I have every confidence that it will be this year, also. Both photographers are aware that, as stated in the Transition Book, the albums are to be in the Judges’ hands within 2 months after the National. Junior Showmanship – Meredith Hector Committee Members: Marjorie Tuff, Connie Nelson, Jennifer Crank and Shannalee Michalsky The Board reviewed the proposed changes to the Junior Showmanship Westminster/AKC National Championship sponsorship submitted by the committee. Several concerns were voiced and the proposal was sent back to the committee for further work. Legislative Alert Warning System (LAWS) – David Calderwood Actions since the last meeting: Attended the annual NAIA Conference in Redondo Beach, California on November 10 and 11, 2012. As the Legislative Liaison of the Evergreen State Shetland Sheepdog Club Cindy Wilson also attended the NAIA conference Paid expenses of Cindy Wilson for the NAIA Conference in the amount of $891.41 Current checking account balance as of 3-31-13 is $4,348.59 Sent a number of “Calls to Action” to ASSA member club Legislative Liaisons Used the ASSA Blog to communicate with the membership on legislative issues Updated "ASSA-legislative-network" Yahoo Group consisting of ASSA member club Legislative Liaisons called: ([email protected]) 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 23 Plans for the next period: Continually save various articles, reports and articles to help oppose animal rights legislation and will continue to do so on a daily basis in support of our ASSA Legislative Liaisons to oppose local and regional issues Continue to work with the ASSA member club Legislative Liaisons to increase our legislative network Unresolved Issues: Must create compensation guidelines for attending the NAIA Conference Naming a co-chair Rename the committee? Should we change the name of the committee to better reflect its focus? Web site links should be added to the ASSA legislation page Kathy Kozakiewicz was named the Co-Chair of this committee. Links suggested by the Committee will be added to the ASSA Legislation page. Life Membership – Sandra McCambridge Committee Members: Joy Bass, Carolyn lng Changes were made to the composition of the Life Membership Committee. Mr. Tom Coen has stepped down as Advisor to the Committee. And, Mr. Al Bianchi is no longer a member of the Committee . Carolyn lng was asked to join the Life Membership Committee, and she happily agreed. At the last Board Meeting, I (the Committee), suggested we give our Life Members a pin commemorating their achieving the highest honor ASSA bestows upon a member. With this in mind, the Board charged us with the task of sourcing and providing a sample of an appropriate pin for consideration at the next Board meeting. We would like the following recommendations considered: Approve the black and white drawing for a new Life Member pin as well as approve the associated costs involved in bringing this project to fruition. Sharon Parrish moved and Merrylee Malanowski 2 nd the approval of the new gold covered brass pin for Life Members. The motion carried unanimously. The Committee also recommended and the Board approved issuing appropriate Certificates of Achievement to current and new Life Members, similar to those given to 50-year members. The committee recommended Nioma Coen for Life Membership. The Board voted by secret ballot to add Nioma Coen as a Life Member of the ASSA. Media Library – Carolyn Ing Videos of the 2012 ASSA National are now in the library and available for rent. Membership – Yvonne Samuelson The following individuals were voted into membership in the ASSA. The annotation (A) after the individual’s name indicates an Associate Member. Jennifer Brautigan (A) K’Lynn Ball (A) Patricia Keohane Michael Kilgore Madeleine Griffin-Cone Jen McMakin Lisa Schwartzenberg Stephanie Burdett Audie Canida Barbara Moeller Karen Workman Jaclyn Geister Theresa Corcoran McTipper PaRodise Gryphyn Bridgeway Above Lakehaven Pleasant Prairie Oakenwind Raintree Prairie Summer—2013 Kathy Jones Christopher Jones Peggy DeMers Jennifer McFarlin Susan Kaneshiro Judith Williamson 2013 National Issue 24 Antioch Antioch Darlin Karosel Pacific Blue Chandelle The Board was asked to clarify whether a 2 point Grand Champion win would meet the requirement for Associate Membership. Kathy Kozakiewicz moved and Dorothy Christiansen 2nd that a Grand Champion win of two or more points meets the qualification for Associate Membership. The motion carried unanimously. Some questions arose concerning the 60 day comment period when posting applicant names both on the website and the Bulletin Board. The Board discussed the issue and the following clarifications were made: Liz Bianchi moved and David Calderwood 2nd that each applicant’s name must have been posted on the ASSA website for 60 days and that the 60 days must end a minimum of 30 days prior to the next regular ASSA Board meeting. The motion carried unanimously. Walt Christensen moved and Barbara Wright 2nd that the 60 day comment period for new applicants begins with the publishing of their names on the ASSA website. The motion carried unanimously. The 60-day period on an individual applicant must expire at least 30 days before the person will be voted on at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting. The 30 days before voting is meant to allow time for the Membership Chairman to investigate any concerns received on an applicant and include findings with the application sent to the Board for consideration. It was emphasized that sitting Board Members should be held to the same requirements as members in general if they have concerns about an applicant. Board Members will be expected to write letters of concern during the review period instead of bringing up their concerns for the first time at a Board Meeting. To ensure Board Members are aware of new member applications, it was recommended the Chairman send applicant names to the Board at the same time they are sent to the website. The Board agreed the names of applicants will no longer be published in the Bulletin Board; however, the standard "Membership Applications In Progress" block should appear in each Bulletin Board with statement new applicants can be found in the Members Only section of the ASSA Website. National Show Chairman – Rita Von Pusch 2014 ASSA National – Gray Summit, MO Show site contract has been signed Hotel contracts TBD Superintendent contract is signed Show photographer contract is signed Video photographer contract is under review Judges contracts have been signed AKC approval is pending president signature Logo is being designed for approval by the board 2015 ASSA National – Fredericksburg, VA Show site contract currently under review Currently the budget for a 5 day show has a $6,500 loss Hotel contracts TBD Superintendent contract is under review Show photographer contact is under review Video photographer contract is not yet signed AKC approval is pending application Old Business: The ASSA Souvenirs are up and running, the full report will be available after the completion of the show. I am not able to estimate the full benefit of these sales until after the show. ASSA store, this concept has come a long way since we last spoke, I will have much more to add to this discussion at the board meeting. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 25 New Business: Currently under consideration is the lack of attendance for the Symposium; I believe the Monday time slot is a large deterrent to this being successful. I will discuss the alternatives with the Show Planner to see if we can find a better time slot for this program. There is a lack of local support for the two upcoming Nationals in Gray Summit and Fredericksburg; we have an agreement in Gray Summit for the advance work but no commitment during the show. For Fredericksburg, we have no local commitment whatsoever; this becomes a bigger and bigger issue as we move to No Host Club Nationals. The National Show Planner is currently investigating this, and together we hope to have a secondary plan in place should we be faced with no local support. The Board discussed the proposal to have an on-line souvenir store which accepted electronic payments. After discussion, Kathy Kozakiewicz moved and Merrylee Malanowski 2 nd that the on-line store should be implemented. The motion carried unanimously. National Show Planner – Al Bianchi 2013 (Albany, OR) – This upcoming national is the first time we will run the shortened format. The entry size fits the model. I am looking forward to see how it plays out for us with scheduling and the budget and actual P&L. 2014 (Gray Summit, MO) – The local club has agreed to be the participating club, but to a point. They do not want to do raffles. I had not anticipated this and as of yet I am sitting on my final response to them. In all likelihood the answer will be to let them be responsible for the local club functions and offer up the raffle opportunities to other regional clubs. 2015 (Fredericksburg, VA) – Just about finished with contract negotiations with the convention center. As I write this I am trying to finish agreement with them on the rental cost and a sales tax issue. They have made some good concessions, but we need a bit more to meet our budget requirements. After the unfortunate misunderstandings with the Blue Ridge club last Fall I approached them anew with the participating club offer and shortened format. They recently advised that they were declining the offer. I have turned to the next closest club, Central Virginia, and have verbal agreement that they will be the participating club. 2016 (WEST - TBA) – Regretfully, the management of the Reno, NV site was unwilling to commit to anything 3 years out and despite the best efforts of the local club we had to drop negotiations. I turned to Dan Wheatcroft to see if we could revisit the Pomona, CA site which was originally scheduled for this year with the thought that the shortened format would make it more viable. Regretfully, there was no negotiation on the rent and we recently terminated pursuit of that site. I have identified potential sites in Spokane, WA and Boise, ID and will begin exploring those shortly. 2017 (Gray Summit, MO) – The Purina sight is tentative for this year. I have identified sites in TX and KS that have potential. 2018 (EAST – TBA) – There is a nice facility in Salisbury, MD. The Poodle Club uses it with great success. Airport service could be an issue but it is worth looking at. Virginia Beach remains another option. I’m open to suggestions for other venues. Recommendations for Board Consideration: There are no immediate issues requiring board action. However, I think it would be prudent to consider possibly allowing variance of the East/Mid/West location rotation if suitable sites cannot be found to fit the rotation and going with one elsewhere out of the region that works. National Performance Committee - Chairperson: Karen D’Augusta, Co-Chairperson: Nancy Craig Committee Members: Agility – Gail Shattuck, Herding – Alan Hummel, Obedience & Rally – Linda Bianco We have worked on any problems that have come up with regard to the 2013 show. We are working on the entries and catalog for 2013. Everything is in order for this show. I have sent an email to the people that said they would chair Agility , Obedience & Rally in 2014 in St. Louis. As we will need to get moving on that as soon as 2013 is finished. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 26 Unresolved Problems: We will need people to help, as there is no local club for additional people to fill jobs that need to be done. Any one that would like to help, send them to Nancy or Karen. Recommended Board Action: We are do not have a chairman for the East Coast for Agility and Obedience & Rally for the East. If there is any one that the board can refer please let Nancy or Karen know who they are. Karen D’Augusta resigned as National Performance Committee Chair effective after the 2013 show. Publications – Nancy Runyon I took over handling of this position in November 2012. I completed a full inventory of all materials given to me and also received the 2011 Handbooks from the publisher. I don’t have any prior records. Since taking over this position I have sold a total of 36 handbooks. An interesting note about the handbook sales is that 17 were sold to ASSA members and 19 went to non-members. Our total inventory of handbooks is 367 books. I also sent 20 Pictorial Standards to Yvonne Samuelson for new members. And I sent Bill Munsey 100 “A Pet Buyers Guides” pamphlets and 75 “Owners Guide to the Shetland Sheepdog” phamplets. I will not be able to attend the National this year but I am making arrangements for samples of the 2011 Handbook to be on display at the National and orders will be taken for me to ship out after the National. Unresolved Problems: We have 139 of The Shetland Sheepdog CD’s. These are in an outdated format reducing their effectiveness and use. They are currently priced at $43.00. Recommendations for Board Consideration: I think we should put a clearance price on the CD’s and try to reduce this inventory before they are completely unusable. I would suggest pricing them at $15.00 to $20.00 to try to sell some of them. Walt Christensen moved and Dorothy Christiansen 2 nd that ASSA sell the remaining CDs for $20 and the operating system needed disclosed. The motion carried unanimously. In addition, these can be made available at the online store when that is up and running. Rescue – Dorothy Christiansen Committee Members: Darla Duffey, Assistant Coordinator, Barb Edelberg, Rescue Booth Chairman; Jim Melton, Assistant to Rescue Booth Chairman; Doris Brown, Linda Isbell and Sherry Lindsay, quilt organizers. In 2012, we had 67 active Sheltie rescue groups. They helped 2432 purebred shelties get proper vet care and new homes. I took in $44,972.67 from donations and fundraisers and paid out $45,592.70. The year started with $4821.21 in checking and ended with $4201.18 in checking. Unresolved Problems: An ethical issue for which there is no answer—how to make ASSA member breeders more responsible for what they produce. Rescues do NOT insist a breeder take back what they have produced and sold but it is hoped (expected?) that a small monetary donation would be in order to cover vet expenses. We have had several members in the past who have been wonderful about sending a donation while happy to let rescue place the dogs. This year we have had several members less responsive to this request. Sadly the dogs taken in have been in dreadful shape, needing extensive vet care. One would like to hold ASSA member breeders to a higher standard but, like morality, there is no way to legislate it. Research Advisory Committee – Mary Mahaffey Committee Members: Laura Georgi, Ph.D., Wendy Wallace, DVM Activities of Committee Since Last Board Meeting: Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Study Patent ductus arteriosus is a congenital anomaly of the heart that affects several breeds including Shelties. Information about the PDA study and the call for DNA samples was posted on the ASSA website in January, 2012. As of March, 2013, Dr. Meurs reports that she has received DNA samples from 8 Shelties, 2 affected and 6 unaffected. She said that although the number of DNA samples is not large, it is a start, and more samples are needed. See: http://www.assa.org/documents/PDAdescriptionJan2012.pdf . Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 27 Gallbladder mucocele research As of February, 2013, Dr. Mealey of Washington State University, who did the work identifying a genetic mutation associated with gallbladder mucoceles in Shelties, has not yet published the subsequent research findings that additional factors may be involved in the formation of mucoceles. Dr. Mealey will not offer a DNA test to dog owners until she is convinced that such a test will definitely help make breeding decisions. The more recent work will be submitted for publication in the near future and ASSA members will be notified when the work is published. For now, Sheltie owners should be aware of the problem in the breed and make sure that their veterinarians consider that diagnosis in dogs with anorexia, vomiting, and/or abdominal pain. This is especially important in dogs having known affected individuals in the pedigree. Dr. Jody Gookin, a faculty member at North Carolina State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine with expertise in hepatic disease in dogs, plans to submit a grant to the AKC Canine Health Foundation concerning gallbladder mucoceles in Shelties. Her plan is to evaluate asymptomatic Shelties 9 years of age or older hoping to obtain 50 Shelties with normal gallbladders and 50 developing gallbladder mucoceles. Ideally, she would like the dogs to be as unrelated to one another as possible. Should the grant be funded, Cay Ireland, who lives in North Carolina, has agreed to help Dr. Gookin promote the study among Sheltie owners and veterinarians in the area around NC State University. The ASSA RAC will promote information about the study through the ASSA website, list serve, and other outlets. It is certain that there is much work to be done before veterinary medicine has a good handle on the causes of gallbladder mucoceles. Still, it is great to know that we have direct contact with researchers willing to work on the problem. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) Drs. Leigh Anne Clark and Kate Tsai of Clemson Canine Genetics, Clemson University, http:// www.clemsoncaninegenetics.com/ have found genes of interest concerning EPI that they wanted to sequence in dogs. Last fall, they expressed interest in receiving DNA samples from at least 12 different breeds of dogs, including Shetland Sheepdogs. Information about this study was posted on the ASSA website August, 2012, see: http:// assa.org/documents/ExocrinePancreaticInsufficiency2012.pdf . As of 2/28/13, they had received DNA samples from 10 affected Shelties. They determined genotypes for 8 Shelties for a major histocompatibility complex gene known as DQB1. An allele of DQB1 is highly associated with EPI in German Shepherds; however, it was found that the Shelties tested did not have that allele. Drs. Clark and Tsai speculated that since the Shelties did not have the same allele as the affected German Shepherds and the age of onset of EPI in Shelties appeared to be later than in German Shepherds that the underlying cause of the problem in Shelties may be different. As a result, they are no longer actively seeking DNA samples from Shelties with EPI. Dermatomyositis (DM) Dr. Leigh Anne Clark (noted above) is the primary investigator on work regarding DM in Collies and Shelties. In correspondence with the Chair, Dr. Clark noted that “… we have used arrays to generate SNP profiles for DMaffected Collies and healthy Collies. Analyses of these SNPs show a strong correlation on one chromosome. Preliminary data in Shelties support this finding. Thus, we hope to generate SNP data for the Sheltie samples collected, and then combine all of the Collie and Sheltie data for a large analysis which should yield a small chromosomal region of interest.” As of 2/28/13, her laboratory has received DNA samples from at least 35 DM affected Shelties and 47 healthy control Shelties. Their goal is to obtain DNA samples from at least 50 Shelties in each group. She recently received, from Europe, DNA samples from affected and normal Shelties. In 2010, $5,000 was donated by the ASSA Foundation to help defray the cost of sample shipping and processing. At least $1,000 of that donated money remains for sample collection. Dr. Clark’s group resubmitted their DM research proposal to the NIH in February, 2012, and requested $250,000K in direct costs. The proposal received a highly fundable score, but the NIH is working on a "continuing resolution" budget because of the fiscal situation, and they will fund fewer grants than usual this year. Dr. Clark expects to know whether or not the grant is funded by the end of March, 2013. If the NIH does not fund her grant, Dr. Clark plans to submit a proposal to the AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) later this spring. Mary Mahaffey talked with Samantha Wright at the CHF to convey that the ASSA is very interested in Dr. Clark’s work and would generously support her grant proposal, if approved, through the Shetland Sheepdog Donor Advised Fund. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 28 More information about DM, Dr. Clark’s research, and DNA sample submission see: http://www.assa.org/ health.html#DM . Dental Studies – Lance canine teeth & abnormal upper 3rd incisor teeth Since January, 2010, the ASSA has solicited the donation of DNA (blood) samples from dogs affected with one or both of the above dental dysplasias and from their normal relatives in hopes that these samples could be used to develop a DNA test to identify carriers, thus allowing breeders to eventually breed away from these anomalies. Samples were collected by the Animal Molecular Genetic Laboratory, Department of Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, The University of Missouri under the guidance of Dr. Gary Johnson. More recently, the ASSA Foundation and the Shetland Sheepdog Club of Georgia donated funds to cover the cost of overnight shipping of blood samples for this research project. Mary Mahaffey and Dr. Johnson recently discussed the status of the project, and Dr. Johnson stated that he is ready to begin evaluating some of the DNA samples. In February, Dr. Johnson submitted a proposal to the ASSA Research Advisory Committee for consideration, giving various options ranging in cost from $8,000 to $23,000 with time lines ranging from 6 to 12 months. The committee evaluated the proposal and recommended that the ASSA Foundation consider funding the option which costs $22,000 as it was considered to be the most cost efficient. The proposal from Dr. Johnson along with a letter from the Committee explaining it recommendation was sent to the ASSA Foundation Board of Directors on February 24, 2013. Urinary Bladder Cancer Study An updated report of the work being done by the Ostrander Laboratory at the National Human Genome Research Institute at NIH and the Purdue Comparative Oncology Program at Purdue University was received in August. The new report was placed on the ASSA website and sent to the editor of the Bulletin Board. They had completed a SNP based genome-wide analysis in more than 60 Sheltie cases and controls. Also, they have received samples from 84 Shelties with bladder cancer and 130 healthy, Shelties that are at least 8 years of age. This study is still active and more samples are needed. Notice of Active Research Studies: A notice of active research studies needing participants was made and sent to the editor of the Bulletin Board for inclusion in future issues. AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) CHF Shetland Sheepdog Donor Advised Fund: For the period between 1/1/12 and 12/31/12, the beginning balance for the Fund was just over $62,000. Contributions from individuals and the ASSA Foundation to the CHF were $5,060 and from the Purina Parent Club Partnership Program $2,280. Interest dividends and realized/unrealized gains (losses) brought the ending balance to just over $69,000. Grants sponsored by the ASSA through the Donor Advised Fund for $2,500 each are as noted below. Grant sponsorships: Two grants were approved for support ($2,500 each) by the ASSA from the Donor Advised Funds within the CHF during the 2012 grant cycle. Grant #1577: Fine Mapping of Loci for Transitional Cell Carcinoma in the Scottish Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, and Shetland Sheepdog, Dr. Elaine Ostrander, PhD; National Human Genome Research Institution. Project Goal: The goal of this project is to find the gene mutation that is responsible for Transitional Cell Carcinoma, a type of bladder cancer, in three breeds of dogs with higher risk for the disease. Grant # 1615: Identification of Idiopathic Epilepsy Genes in Australian Shepherds Dr. Ned E. Patterson, DVM PhD; University of Minnesota. Project Goal: This research group aims to identify the genetic mutation associated with epilepsy in Australian Shepherds and develop a DNA based test to identify affected dogs and aid in diagnosis. After identifying a mutation, the researchers will also test to see if the mutation(s) affect other dog breeds with a high incidence of epilepsy. For the upcoming 2013 grant cycle, the Committee evaluated grant proposals approved by the CHF and recommended that the ASSA sponsor 2 grants at $2,500 each using donor advised funds with the CHF: Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 29 Grant #01766: Identification and Validation of the Genes That Define Abnormal Development of the Kidney in Dogs. Dr. Kerstin Lindblah-Toh, Broad Institute, 1/1/2013 to 12/31/2014. Grant #01849: Filling the Gaps in the Canine Genome. Dr. Shaying Zhao, University of Georgia, 1/1/2013 to 12/31/2014. Parent Club Top Health Concerns Poll: The committee completed the Parent Club Top Health Concerns Poll and submitted a list of health concerns* to the CHF November, 2012. The information provided aids the CHF in prioritizing the distribution of research funds. http://www.akcchf.org/research/research-priorities/ , http:// www.akcchf.org/canine-health/breed-specific-concerns/?breed=shetland-sheepdog. CHF Club Membership: The Committee received a letter from the CHF in March acknowledging renewal of the ASSA club membership for 2013. They also sent a 2013 label to be applied to the Club Membership Banner that is displayed at the National. CERF: The 3rd and 4th quarter 2012 CERF Breed Reports (listing the names, registration numbers and other information of all Shelties receiving CERF numbers) were obtained and posted in the Members Only section of the ASSA website. Also, the 2011 and 2012 “Stats” (Disease Incidence Report) were obtained and summarized. The detailed reports were posted in the Members Only section and summaries were posted in the Health section of the ASSA website. The Disease Incidence Report lists the number of Shelties examined by board certified veterinary ophthalmologists each year along with the number of normal and abnormal dogs. All abnormal findings are listed and the number of males and females with a particular abnormality are given. No dog names are included in these reports. Dogs receiving more than one examination in a given year are not listed more than once. Before fall, 2012, the above reports had to be purchased from CERF for $15 each. They are now available for free to anyone who has a dog with a current CERF number. In addition, the data from individual dogs is entered on a regular basis, so the reports are completed in a more timely fashion. In previous years, the Disease Incidence Reports were over a year behind. The “Blue Book” on CD with the 2010 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists guidelines concerning classification of various ocular problems as 1) normal, 2) “breeders option”, or 3) rejected by CERF for each breed was to be purchased by the Committee Chair for $40, but she was able to obtain the pages referring to Shelties from OFA for free. This information is posted in the “Members Only” section of the ASSA website as a PDF document. The document also briefly describes various ocular conditions seen in Shelties and discusses the reasons why some are considered heritable and others not. Report of CHIC dogs: The total of CHIC dogs as of 3/29/13 is 214 which is an increase of 39 since the fall, 2012 committee report. The 3rd & 4th quarter CHIC reports for 2012 were sent to the Bulletin Board editor for publication in the spring issue. The complete listing of CHIC Shelties can be found at: http://www.caninehealthinfo.org/ brdreqs.html?breed=SS . The Committee encourages ASSA members to do the minimum health testing of breeding stock for dogs to gain CHIC status. OFA Champions of Health: Is a monthly OFA website feature that “celebrates dogs that have achieved significant accomplishments, whether in the ring, field, performance events, as working dogs, or as producers, AND that have the full complement of breed appropriate health screening.” Shetland Sheepdog owners are encouraged to make submissions. (See: http://www.offa.org/healthch/healthchamps.html ). OFA Reports: The 2nd and 3rd 2012 quarterly reports were received and posted in the Members Only section of the ASSA website and distributed via the Yahoo list serve. These reports list the registration names, etc. of Shelties that have received OFA numbers for all health tests (except CERF reports) submitted to OFA. OFA Statistics for Shelties can be viewed at www.offa.org/stats.html#breed . The breed rank, number of evaluations, % abnormal and % normal for hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, thyroid disease, patella luxation, vWD and other conditions are available. The statistics from the OFA eye registry will be included as of April, 2013. See table below. 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 30 SHETLAND SHEEPDOG Evaluations through December 2012 Registry Rank Evaluations Percent Abnormal Percent Normal N/A 5 0.0 100.0 CARDIAC 93 105 0.0 100.0 COLLIE EYE ANOMALY 2 120 4.2 71.7 N/A 8 12.5 62.5 61 704 3.6 96.2 EYES N/A 14 7.1 92.9 HIPS 145 19651 4.6 95.1 LEGG-CALVE-PERTHES 18 3384 0.0 100.0 MULTIPLE DRUG RESISTANCE (MDR1) 1 166 0.0 100.0 PATELLA 13 76 7.9 92.1 THYROID 4 1025 12.5 77.8 VON WILLEBRANDS 5 588 0.0 99.7 BAER HEARING TEST DEGENERATIVE MYELOPATHY ELBOW Health survey: As a reminder, the Shetland Sheepdog health survey is posted on the OFA website and available for owner participation. Anyone can add to the survey and access the results at: http://www.offa.org/surveys/ survey_sheltie.html. As of 3/29/13, 1406 (vs. 1400 last fall) Shelties have been entered into the survey. This survey is the health survey of the ASSA and all members are encouraged to participate. Sheltie owners are also encouraged to submit DNA samples to the CHIC DNA Repository, http://assa.org/ health.html , and to use the Sheltie specific health survey if possible. General correspondence: Since the fall report, the Committee addressed correspondence from 5 dog owners concerning inheritance of heart murmurs, increased bile acids, MDR-1 gene and what heartworm preventative to use, and lymphoma in Shelties and if Shelties were at increased risk for cancer. Subcommittee report: A subcommittee consisting of Glenda Henson, Chair, Sue Atwood, and Research Advisory Committee members, Wendy Wallace, DVM, and Mary Mahaffey, DVM was formed to encourage the open exchange of health information and increasing participation in health testing by Shetland Sheepdog breeders, especially ASSA members. This subcommittee submitted a proposal to the ASSA Board of Directors separate from the RAC report. AKC Complete Dog Book: A section concerning Sheltie health was written for the new edition of the AKC Complete Dog Book. Unresolved Problems: None at this time. Recommendations for Board Consideration: Consider funding the above mentioned dental studies through the ASSA Foundation as recommended by the Committee. The Board considered the $22,000 request for the lance canine teeth & abnormal upper 3 rd incisor teeth study. Given the possibility of needing to provide funds that might be needed for Dr. Clark’s DM research proposal, the Board weighed the options and decided against funding the lance canine study at this time. Consider approval of the donation of funds to each of these grants through the CHF Donor Advised Fund: Grant #01766: Identification and Validation of the Genes That Define Abnormal Development of the Kidney in Dogs. Dr. Kerstin Lindblah-Toh, Broad Institute, 1/1/2013 to 12/31/2014. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 31 Grant #01849: Filling the Gaps in the Canine Genome. Dr. Shaying Zhao, University of Georgia, 1/1/2013 to 12/31/2014. Dorothy Christiansen moved and Kathy Kozakiewicz 2 nd to approve the $2500 requested for Grant #01766 and Grant #01849 as requested. The motion carried unanimously. *List of Shetland Sheepdog Health Concerns sent to the AKC Canine Health Foundation (In addition to completing the Parent Club Health Poll) Gallbladder mucoceles – determination of the cause and if appropriate, development of an accurate and affordable DNA test and additional studies to determine appropriate treatment of dogs carrying the mutation that has a causative effect on mucocele formation. Dermatomyositis - finding the genes, if possible. Epilepsy - finding the genes, if possible. Renal disease - determine whether or not familial renal disease exists in Shelties, if so characterize the problem and look for possible genetic cause. Urinary bladder cancer - finding the genes, if possible. The ASSA is already assisting in solicitation of DNA samples for a urinary bladder cancer study. Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) – There is some concern by breeders that PDA may be a potentially heritable problem in some lines. The ASSA would support research that would investigate the possibility of a heritable cause and develop a DNA test if appropriate. Hypothyroidism – determining underlying cause and if appropriate finding the genetic mutation. Rostral displacement (Lance) of the upper canine teeth - This is a heritable problem in Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs as well as other breeds. ASSA members would support work toward development of a DNA test identifying carriers of this condition. Portosystemic (liver) shunts Corneal dystrophy Skin allergies Elbow dysplasia Symposium – Cindy Wilson I have been in contact with Dr. Van de Wetering and we are on track for her presentation at the Albany National on Monday evening, April 22. Her requests for a power point projector and screen, podium, microphone, etc., have been sent to the appropriate people. At last count, there were 21 people signed up for the Symposium. This is a dramatic decrease in attendance. Part of the problem is a smaller entry, however I believe that the date/time is also a big factor. People will be arriving, setting up and then needing to groom for Futurity the following day, leaving no time for attending a Symposium. I would like the Board to consider moving the Symposium at future National’s to another date so that more people can attend. Trophy Solicitation, Conformation – Kyle Bohenkamp I believe the following changes are necessary for the Conformation Trophy Fund to be successful. · All donation amounts need to be evaluated with the actual cost information. · Donation amounts should reflect both the cost of the trophy and ribbon, in doing so, the ASSA will not be responsible for the entire cost of the ribbons. · If Paypal is established for the Trophy Fund, the cost of Paypal should be incorporated into the donation amount. · There is a lot of interest in sponsoring Best Opposite Sex, Best of Winners, Winners Bitch, Winners Dog, and Best Junior Handler. I believe those awards should be up for bid annually. Best of Breed and Best in Futurity should also be included. Winners Bitch is paid through 2014. It would be up for bid for the 2015 National. There is a $845.00 balance on the Best of Winners Trophy. It would be up for bid as soon as that balance is exhausted. The Board reviewed the suggestions and deferred action to the September meeting. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 32 Trophy Solicitation, Performance – Jim Melton Activities of Committee Since Last Board Meeting: Solicited trophy donations for the 2013 ASSA National and submitted all associated donation information (e.g., donation dedications) to the Trials catalog editor. For the 2013 National, total new donations amount to $3055.00. Unresolved Problems: The on-going bad economy has resulted in lower donations in each of the past four or five years, with a slight but noticeable increase for the 2012 National. I do not expect that this situation will improve and that donations will continue to decrease. Nonetheless, we are still receiving donations that completely cover the cost of trophies, ribbons, and rosettes at the Trials events. Recommendations for Board Consideration: I would like to request that the Board of Directors, in consultation with the National Trials Chairperson and the Assistant National Trials Chairperson, to consider the following information: Every year for the last three or four years, I receive comments from a handful of Agility exhibitors who say that typical Agility trials do not give expensive trophies, but instead give token trophies; the trials that do give expensive trophies usually allow the winner of an award to donate it back to the trial-giving organization. I recognize that a National is a very special event and that we want to ensure that all aspects of it, including awards, be equally special. However, as a very large number of potential placements are possible in an Agility trial, it may be desirable to consider whether trophies of lower cost than our current plates are more appropriate for Agility awards than for the other Trials and Conformation events. The Board reviewed the suggestion of changing Agility trophies to something different that those given at the other Trials and Conformation. This very thing was implemented for another performance venue a few years ago (at the request of the exhibitors) and upon implementation the Board then received complaints that ASSA was treating these exhibitors as “2nd class citizens.” It was the consensus of the Board to continue to provide similar trophies for all ASSA National events. ASSA Website – Walt Christensen The website is being maintained on a daily basis. Medical information is added at direction of the Health Research Committee. Recommendation for Board Consideration: The committee recommends reformatting the website to change the flow and use drop down menus for organization of large sections, eg, Health Research. The Board took no action at this time but suggested the necessary manpower and financial resources be explored. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Health Committee Proposal – Glenda Henson This committee was initially formed to investigate the feasibility of holding a “Health Clinic” at the 2013 ASSA National Show. The committee members were: Glenda Henson, Sue Atwood, Wendy Wallace, DVM, and Mary Mahaffey, DVM. Unfortunately, the National Schedule was unable to accommodate such a Clinic. However, committee members felt that the ASSA should do more to encourage the open exchange of health information by increasing participation in health testing by Shetland Sheepdog breeders, especially ASSA members. Additionally, the CHIC program (http://www.caninehealthinfo.org/) should be promoted so that health data on individual dogs would be available for all to use. Thirdly, Shetland Sheepdog owners should be encouraged to submit samples to the CHIC DNA Repository (http://caninehealthinfo.org/dnabank.html) and to various studies in need of DNA material to support the development of new tests. To accomplish this we propose a multi- pronged approach. HEALTH CLINICS A. Local Clinics 1. Promote and facilitate member clubs holding Health Clinics primarily for Shetland Sheepdogs. To accomplish this, we propose using the same grant funds available for educational programs or seminars. Currently, many clubs are unaware that Health Clinics are eligible for these funds. The money could be used to pay for shipping of samples, subsidize a veterinarians’ participation or to advertise the Clinic. If there is Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 33 no member club interest in holding a clinic, this grant could also be made available to individual ASSA members who wish to sponsor a clinic primarily for Shetland Sheepdogs. 2. Provide a “How to Guide” for clubs interested in holding a Clinic. Attention to the details can mean the difference between success and disaster. This Guide would be sent out with a letter offering the above financial support to all member clubs. The Guide would also be placed on the ASSA website. The committee would offer guidance if requested. B. National Clinics 1. Hold a Health Clinic at the National Specialty every 2 or 3 years, space and time permitting, with ASSA offering reduced rates due to volume with sample collection being done by volunteers from our vet members. The committee envisions this clinic being held when no judging or other ASSA sponsored event is taking place, perhaps a 3 to 4 hour block one evening or even 2 hours on two evenings. ASSA would pay for the shipping of all samples collected. If time and space are an issue, the Committee would offer only cheek swab tests. This could be done in a grooming space at designated times. Holding a National Health Clinic would assist the breeder who does not belong to a local club or have access to a locally sponsored health clinic. All tests would be offered on a prepaid basis with perhaps a few of each available for purchase on site. PUBLICIZING THE NEED FOR HEALTH TESTING A. Establish routine quarterly ads, to appear on the ASSA website, Shelties Online, the ASSA Bulletin Board and in various breed publications explaining the need for health testing of all breeding stock. Such ads could also list upcoming Health Clinics. B. Establish a section in the Bulletin Board and in the Health Section of the website to explain the various tests (not just those required for the CHIC program) and the diseases that they can help us avoid. This would be a reasonably comprehensive and up to date reference should anyone want to go beyond the minimum requirements or had an unexpected health issue arise. C. Encourage all ASSA members to utilize the OFA Health Survey (http://www.offa.org/survey_sheltie.html) developed for Shetland Sheepdogs. This could be done with a page in the National Catalog, a letter included in the invitation to submit pictures for the Handbook, or in a letter included with the yearly dues notices. ASSA’s Research Advisory Committee and the AKC Canine Health Foundation use this compiled data to determine which problems occurring in Shelties are in need of research funding and in which studies Shelties should be included. The committee would prefer a letter included with the dues notice stating the need for complying. SUPPORT FOR CHIC CERTIFICATION A. Offer an award (a specially designed enameled pin at a cost of approximately $3) as well as a listing in the National Specialty Catalog to ASSA members that achieve CHIC status on their Shelties in the previous year. This could be expanded to recognize those breeders who consistently produce subsequent generations of CHIC status offspring. B. Offer a rebate to ASSA members for the cost of submitting the results of up to 2 health tests required for CHIC status, to the OFA database. Suggested rebate, $15/test for a maximum of $30 per dog. C. Offer the CHIC Champion of Health Award to a dog and owner at the National. The recipient would be chosen by the Committee. Champions of Health The annual CHIC/Parent Club Champion of Health Award is intended to recognize a dog that has had significant accomplishments in the ring, in the field, in performance events, as a producer, or as a working dog, AND has the full complement of health testing appropriate for its breed. The award consists of an engraved silver medallion, and a $100 donation to the AKC Canine Health Foundation breed specific donor advised fund in the name of the honored dog. Ideally, the award would be announced and given at the club’s annual awards banquet. To participate, clubs should nominate from one to three dogs for the annual award, and present their nominations to the OFA for final selection. The club may determine its own method for selecting the nominations, whether by committee, individual submissions, or club vote. Each nomination should include a brief write-up of the dog’s accomplishments as well as a record of its health certifications. Regardless of the club’s selection process, it should be remembered that this is not a popularity contest and that health contributions remain the number one criteria in the selection process. The nominations must be presented to the OFA a minimum of six weeks prior to the specialty Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 34 event, in order to allow time for engraving, etc. The OFA reserves the right to withhold the award based on a lack of suitable nominees. SUBMISSION OF SAMPLES A. Offer participants of all Health Clinics the opportunity to submit a cheek swab to the CHIC DNA Repository free of charge. B. Offer a rebate of up to $50 per dog for a maximum of 50 dogs per year, for the submission of samples from an affected dog for any of the ASSA approved research studies in need of DNA samples. Owners must submit a bill from their veterinarian, and proof of shipping with the address included to qualify for the rebate. The following tests are currently available for Shetland Sheepdogs and are part of the ASSA determined CHIC requirements. These tests are done by cheek swab unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. 3. 4. vWD - VETGen $90 per test with 25 participants (In some cases this may be reduced further.) MDR1 - Washington State University $60 per test with a minimum of 6 in one mailing CEA (Collie Eye) - Optigen $142.50 per test with 20 or more participants Thyroid - Blood draw submitted to Michigan State (Would only be offered with sufficient interest, pending availability of equipment needed, and qualified phlebotomists.) 5. Eye examination - either OFA Eye Certification Registry or CERF (Requires a veterinary ophthalmologist and would only be offered with sufficient interest.) 6. OFA Hips (Would not be included in the Health Clinic due to the need for equipment and sedation.) Optional CHIC data base tests: 1. Dentition - Requires an exam by a veterinarian 2. Cardiac Auscultation - Requires an exam by board certified cardiologist, or board certified specialist in internal medicine. Sharon Parrish moved and Suzi Beacham 2nd that ASSA accept the health committee proposal as submitted. The motion carried unanimously. Kathy Kozakiewicz moved and Suzi Beacham 2nd to affirm the appointment of Glenda Henson as Chair of this committee. The motion carried unanimously. Ø ASSA members have been constructing make-shift backdrops for each “Meet-The-Breed” exhibit. Kathy Kozakiewicz moved and Merrylee Malanowski 2nd that ASSA purchase a professional portable exhibit backdrop. The motion carried unanimously. Ø The ASSA National Specialty Show will be featured in an upcoming addition of Dog News. Ø Some members requested that the Board remove the 4 month exhibition limitation on Futurity judges since this would restrict handlers from their work. Merrylee Malanowski moved and Liz Bianchi 2nd to keep the current restriction in place. The motion carried. Yea: Susan Beacham, Merrylee Malanowski, Kathy Kozakiewicz, Liz Bianchi, Terry Jennings, Liz Boyd-Oliver, Sandra McCambridge, Barbara Wright, Nancy Craig, David Calderwood, Dorothy Christiansen & Sharon Parrish. Nay: Walt Christensen Ø A suggestion was brought to the ASSA Board that members of the Life Member Committee & Outstanding Service Committee should not overlap. After discussion, Sharon Parrish moved & Dorothy Christiansen 2nd that no member or member of the same household shall serve on both the ASSA Life Member Committee & Outstanding Service Committee at the same time. The motion carried unanimously. Kathy Kozakiewicz moved and Nancy Craig 2nd that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm April 24, 2013. 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 35 NEW ASSA HEALTH COMMITTEE!!!! by Glenda Henson Information on the various tests and why the need for This committee was initially formed to investigate the feasibility of holding a “Health Clinic” at the 2013 ASSA National Show. The committee members were: Glenda Henson, Sue Atwood, Wendy Wallace, DVM, and Mary Mahaffey, DVM. Unfortunately, the National Schedule was unable to accommodate such a Clinic. However, committee members felt that the ASSA should do more to encourage the open exchange of health information by increasing participation in health testing by Shetland Sheepdog breeders, especially ASSA members. Additionally, the CHIC program: (http://www.caninehealthinfo.org/) should be promoted so that health data on individual dogs would be available for all to use. Thirdly, Shetland Sheepdog owners should be encouraged to submit samples to the CHIC DNA Repository: (http://caninehealthinfo.org/ dnabank.html) and to various studies in need of DNA material to support the development of new tests. them. Pins and a listing in the National catalog for those completing the testing required for a CHIC. Remember, you just have to do the test…..the results do not have to be normal or clear. It is the information we are interested in, for present and future breeders. ASSA will offer a rebate of $15 dollars for up to 2 CHIC tests, with a maximum of $30 to help owners with the cost of registering your test results with OFA. CHIC Champion of Health award will be presented to a dog and owner at the National each year. ASSA will offer a rebate of up to $50 per animal to help owners submit samples from affected dogs to ASSA approved research studies needing DNA. Encourage ASSA owners to complete the OFA breed survey so that Shelties may be included in more research projects and the committee can broaden the scope of our testing. Please read the entire proposal in the Board Meeting minutes, but the highlights are: Educational financial grants available to clubs to help them put on Health Clinics and a manual to show you how to successfully hold a Health Clinic. Health Clinics available at the National with reduced Be sure and look for more information coming in the Bulletin Board, on the website, and the ASSA list. If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please contact me at [email protected] costs, shipping paid by ASSA. CANINE HEALTH INFORMATION CENTER - PARENT CLUB REPORTING AMERICAN SHETLAND SHEEPDOG ASSOCIATION CHIC NUMBERS ISSUED OR UPDATED - Q2 2013 Animal KELLENE DEFYING GRAVITY KARMUNS-BAILLIE WINGS OF JUSTICE Date New / Update 5/9/2013 UPDATE 4/5/2013 UPDATE MMJ SHELTIES STARLIGHT SIOFRA 4/5/2013 NEW BARWOODS DEVONSON 5/16/2013 NEW CHAPTERS SNOWY RIVER 4/23/2013 NEW SEADREAM AMAZ'N GRACE 5/2/2013 NEW GLENARRY DIVA 5/17/2013 NEW GLENARRY BACK TALK 5/17/2013 NEW ALLAROUND MAJESTYK GLACIER 5/24/2013 NEW LAURENDEL BITTER CONQUEST 5/30/2013 NEW SUNLAR PERFECT MATCH 5/30/2013 NEW STONERHAVEN SAMURAI 6/14/2013 NEW MASTERPIECE ALLEGRIA 6/27/2013 NEW ECHOWYN IMPRESARIO 6/27/2013 NEW CHIC # 83788 87967 88640 88869 89023 89220 89646 89647 89805 89970 89971 90403 90627 90628 Reg # Owner DN25681604 KELLI MARSHALL DN30135404 JODY R. BOGUE DN29388704 LINDA M. THOMPSON DN27130206 BEVERLY LLEWELLYN DN30045501 SUSAN L. ATWOOD DN25153203 SHARON TROMBETTA DN21388701 GLENDA HENSON DN29898001 GLENDA HENSON, LINDA GUIHEN DN16584002 ALANNA KELLY, TERRI LITTLE, VICKI ROLLS DN11845104 SHAUNA DASNOIT DN31238201 BARBARA LOMBARD, TONI DOYLE DN05977903 ROBERT G. STONER, GUY A. MAULDIN DN25713002 DEBORAH E. HULL, MARILYN CROMER DN30987601 KRYSTN M. MESSER Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 36 Dermatomyositis (DM) Research - A Search for Potential Genetic Cause May, 2013 Update Exciting news! PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! Dr. Leigh Anne Clark of Clemson University recently received word that her research grant proposal regarding dermatomyositis (DM) has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for over $200,000! Here is a link to the NIH site with the project details: http://projectreporter.nih.gov/project_info_description.cfm? aid=8433553&icde=16397110&ddparam=&ddvalue=&ddsub=&cr=1&csb=default&cs=ASC It is imperative that Sheltie owners help Dr. Clark by submitting blood samples from DM affected AND healthy control Shelties. Below is the call for DNA samples: The Canine Genetics Laboratory at Clemson University is conducting research into the genetic component of DM in Shelties. DM is a devastating dermatologic condition that most commonly affects the skin and/or muscles. Currently the lab is in need of: · Blood samples from DM affected Shelties, along with a copy of the diagnostic biopsy report. Pedigrees are also requested whenever possible. · Blood samples from Shelties that are 10 years of age or older, are free from any skin conditions, and have no known family history of DM are eligible to participate as controls · A billing number will be provided to cover FedEx shipping of the sample. · All participation is confidential. Please email Jacquelyn Evans at [email protected] if you are interested in participating in the study, and she will give you instructions for sample collection and shipping. This is the preferred method of contacting Ms. Evans. Other contact information if needed: Dr. Leigh Anne Clark 154 Poole Agricultural Center 130 McGinty Court Department of Genetics and Biochemistry Clemson University Clemson, SC 29634-0318 (864) 656-4696 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 AMERICAN SHETLAND SHEEPDOG ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION—RESCUE FINANCIAL STATEMENT—8/1/2012---12/31/2012 Balance on hand checking 7/31/12 $ 1065.41 RECEIPTS ASSA Foundation Ornament Sales Donations Memorials Shirt Sales Prints From Saving Uncashed check $ 10000.00 190.00 490.00 225.00 122.00 50.00 8500.00 188.82 $ 19765.82 DISBURSEMENTS Gulf Coast SR—HW Long Island SR—HW Mokena Post Office—mail shirts New England SR—biopsies Darla Duffey—ornament order SR of IN—cardiac care Indiana SR—emergency care Tri-State SR—Brooklyn hoarder case Mid-TN SR—eye surgery Fresh Start SR of TN—HW New Lenox Post Office—mail shirts Indiana SR—HW Indiana SR—u/s Cindy Alvarado—buy prints Sheltie Alternative of CA—multiple tests Long Island SR—10 dog intake Northern NV SR—massive dental Triangle SR of NC—10 dog intake Triangle SR of NC—HW Gulf Coast SR—ear infection Shoals Animal Hospital—HW Sheltie Shack of KS—7 dog intake Louisville SR—thyroid tests SS Placement of NJ—multiple dogs US Post Office—PO Box rental Orland Park Post Office—mail prints 369.00 500.00 8.05 390.53 318.27 517.23 435.02 3000.00 1000.00 344.98 5.50 203.34 214.50 105.00 494.33 2476.00 499.30 2500.00 350.00 161.59 402.99 1163.00 114.00 981.07 70.00 4.82 $ 16629.12 Balance on hand – checking 12/31/12 Respectfully submitted Dorothy Christiansen Rescue Coordinator $ 4202.11 37 Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 38 PARADES AT THE 2013 NATIONAL Dorothy Christiansen, Parades Chairman The rescue parade was rather small this year but then rescue does not have a large presence in the Pacific Northwest. I am not saying there is no need, just that we have only a few people who do it though they do it well. 1. Aden owned by Caron daSilva, from Barb Aulbach’s Portland rescue 2. Duffy OA OAJ, owned by Julie Mulder The parade of veterans was very large and some of the dogs had titles almost as long as the alphabet. How delightful to see some old-timers enjoying the limelight again. Some of these dogs are still competing. 1. MACH 2 PACH Silver Mist Third Degree DOB: 9/25/2002 Owner Lori Sage (missed rescue parade from my error but also qualified for this one) Adopted from Barb Aulbach. 2. CH. Sea Haven Kirby Dreamland CDX RE PT MX MXB MXJ MJB NAP AJP OF NFP DOB: 7/28/1998 (oldest parade entrant) Owners: Scott Zamvil, Yvonne Samuelson and Patricia Nelson 3. CH Wildwest Bandito Incognito PT RA CD DOB 6/1/2001 Owner: Laura Wilson 4. CH Lynnlea’s Jacqueline Suzanne DOB: 6/13/2002 Owner: Doris Brown 5. Kensils’s Carbon Copy MX MXJ DOB: 6/16/2000 Owner: Karen Dawes Jr. 6. MACH Apple Acres Viviane du Lac RN MXB MJG MXF T2B DOB 4/20/2003 Owners: Pauline and John Cramer 7. MACH2 Apple Acres Sir Lancelot CD RE MXG MJG2 MXF T2B2 DOB 5/1/2002 Owners: Pauline and John Cramer 8. Caledon Fanmail CD RE NAJ MxP2 MXPB MJP3 MJPB CGC DOB: 5/26/2001 Owners: Sara Perez and Barbara Aulbach 9. Hill View’s It’s All about Me CDX RAE PT AX MXJ AXP AJP NF CGC ThD DOB: 5/31/2002 Owners: Laurie and Kristin Hope 10. Jules A Little Bit of Magic CD RE MX MXB MXJ DOB: 5/27/2000 Owner: Julie Dickson 11. MACH Angel’s Mark My word MJS MXB NF CD HT DOB:11/15/2001 Owners: Cynthia Padilla and Ernest Ciampini 12. MACH Angel’s Finest Hour MXS MJS OAP OJP HT DOB: 11/15/2001 Owners Cynthia Padilla and Ernest Ciampini 13. MACH Callisto Genius at Work RN HT MXG MJG OF T2B DOB: 11/18/2002 Owner: Christy Conn 14. MACH Hill View’s Amazin’ Grace CDX RE HSAs MXB MJS AXP AJP DOB: 2/5/2000 Owner Stephanie Burdett 15. MACH 3 ADCH Jubilee Windgold Slickchick VCD2 RE PT MXB2 MJB2 DOB: 6/9/2000 Owner: Jo Ann Mather 16. OTCH Weatherman”s Tag Your’re It UDX OM1 RE DOB: 4/28/2001 Owner: Neil Evans 17. VtCH Darrowby Tryan My Best VCD2 CDX TDX RAE HT MX MXJ OF MJP2 OFP CGC PD2 DOB: 12/17/1998 Owner: Penny Larson 18. Lakepoints Holiday Greetings CD RAE PT MXJ MJB MX DOB: 10/8/2000 Owner: Shanna Wilkinson I saved this one for last so I could give more detail. When Holly was 4 she became a seizure alert dog for her owner. Subsequently Holly was awarded the AKC Award of Canine Excellence in 2007 and in 2012 she received the Hero Dog award. What a wonderful parade of pretty and talented Shelties. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 39 ASSA AWARDS FOR 2012 Congratulations to all those who achieved awards this past year. Many more titles were earned, but not applied for in order to receive recognition by ASSA. Applications received after February 1, 2013 may not be listed in the National catalog. My thanks and appreciation to Bob Miller and Tina Stoner for their assistance with research and record keeping. They really made this chairman’s job a lot easier. Award applications are available on the ASSA website and in the BB. March 31, 2013 is the deadline to submit any 2012 awards. BREEDER OF MOST CHAMPIONS Guy Jeavons & Mark Houston-McMillan (9) Bella Thompson (9) TOP PRODUCING SIRE OF 10 CHAMPIONS CH Macdega Notorious, ROM Tom Coen Nioma Coen TOP PRODUCING DAMS OF 3 CHAMPIONS GrCH Solange Body Language Linda Nicholas REGISTER OF MERIT CH GrCH BISS CH CH Gairloch’s King Of Hearts, ROM Dan Dee One From The Heart, ROM Dundee Arizona, ROM Braeleen Let Freedom Ring, ROM Carmylie Autumn Storm, ROM Christina Bjork Susan G Beacham Lyndee L Krivanek Kathleen L. Brown Lynda Bernier GrCH CH Rosmoor Shaizach Starlet, ROM Halstor Cindahope Trueheart Jennie Hynes Nancy Hildreth Dianne Hawes Robert J Krivanek Jessica Omick, Jean Simmonds, Susan Fox Kate Hynes Edith Overly CENTURY CLUB BIS GoldGrCH Karosel Kartwheels, CC Kathleen Schmutz GrCH April Dunford Sunburst One Cool Dude, CC Dina Manship Planche Denise Hines Lorrie Reed, Karen & Kevin Alderman CHAMPIONS CH CH Bellways Liquid Sky O’Brangay Brangay Grand Citation Cendy Eads McVoy Brandol Eads CH CH CH CH CH CH Winterset Hy-Verta High Country Trilliant Triumphant Trilliant Luminescence Lynrose Cataway Silver Lites, CD Truespirits Unversal Sky Brangay Sweet Summer Time Susan Ferroni-Keleher Stephanie Trautman-Riley Stephanie Trautman-Riley Patty Page H. Brian Reid Brandol Eads CH CH CH Mijoy Dream Connection Glenalben Storyland Reverie Masterpiece Allegria Joyce Van Kirk Gayle Rizzo Deborah Hull Gayle Eads Gayle Eads, John McVoy, Cendy Eads McVoy Pamela A Strametz Linda A. Reid Gayle Eads, John McVoy, Cendy McVoy Allison Volpert Marilyn Cromer Summer—2013 2013 National Issue CH Castlebay Noteworthy Nancy Craig CH CH CH CH CH Kimark Page Turner Sugar Hill The Beat Goes On Lanstarr Triumph Be My Valentine Triumph Sapphire Elora Icon Espalon Barbara A Hackel Leslie A Smith Eileen H Lanswer Nadine J Iroff Cindy L Frusettta CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH Cataway Place Your Bet! Cataway Shelmar Casanova Starhaven’s Divine Ms Pru, OA, OAJ Foxglove Con Brio Fiorano Stonerhaven Silver Bells, RE, AX, AXJ, NF Lynroc Now That’s Pretty Shield Crest Galveston Truespirits Mayfair Patty Page Patty Page Carl A Langhorst Jennifer Moore Robert Stoner Jacqueline Thuener Sheila Monks H. Brian Reid CH CH Ch Kelvington’s Dancing ‘N Moonlite Kelvington’s Divine Design Ciel Brae Mission: (Im) Possible Elaine Kelvington Elaine Kelvington David Bohnenkamp CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH Merrie-Go Spirit Warrior Bluvalley Dreamscape Show Biz Let’s Ask Mikey Show Biz Cabana Boy Westar’s Faron Caledon Wyndsong Celebration Caledon Liberty Day Dreams Royal Hills On Broadway Paray’s Julliard C-A-Moon Dundee Prototype Shaizach Diamonique Wildoak Charisma Wildoak Dirty Dancing Fairway One Over Par Pinnacle Star Satin Wanda Hathcock Dionne Kinjerski Dottie Adkins Dottie Adkins Mark Hersman Barbara Aulbach Barbara Aulbach Linda H Cornella Lyndee L Krivanek Lyndee L Krivanek Lyndee L Krivanek M.M. Character M.M. Character Cindy Wilson Vicki Rolls 40 Cendy McVoy, Mel Cohen, Evon Cohen Dennis Smith Nadine J Iroff Sharon Sampson, Susan Pate, & Bobbi Pate Cathy Price Jennings Amy Langhorst Carolyn Ing, & Kim Schive Christina A Stoner Avis Aono Linda Reid, & Barbara Thompson David Kelvington Kyle Bohnenkamp, & Bethany Maguire Jodi Odom Susan Christie Deborah Luper Rick Carr Michael J Cornella Robert J Krivanek Robert J Krivanek Rebecca Jarit Ursula Dudek Ursula Dudek Donna Colletti, Gregory Colletti, & Terri Little Samantha Burris Samantha Burris Diane Plinke Ellen Worthington Barbara Kenealy CH Silverado Daisy Chain Orlando Carol Purath CH Silverado C R Ford Carol A Reed CH Silverado Sweet Decadence Samantha Burris CH Virgo Silverado Wish Upon A Star Samantha Burris CH Edgemere Seriously Rockwood Barbara Deloge HC MACH CH Moonglow Chosen Bi Eclipse, CD RE HSADS, HSBD, HIADS, HIBD, HXADS, HXBD, MXG, MJG, MXF Ulli Weinrich Cheryl Sacerich CH Carmylie Dundee Downtown Brown Cindy A Gaines Jean D Simmonds CH Acadia Serenity Catherine A Pruss CH Grandgables Acadia Accolade Guy Jeavons Mark Houston-McMillan, & Catherine A Pruss CH Acadia Sunburst Merry And Bright Catherine A Pruss Sharon Crawford CH Clan Duncan Windance Steel The Show Dana L Quinney Lisa A Butterfield CH Mainland Loyal A Perfect Scheme Linda S Griffith Jo Virden CH Sterling Justa Gigolo Peggy Stephens Wendy Retzer CH Springtime Desert Fantasy Vicki King CH Solange Valedictorian Linda Nicholas CH Coastal Solange Calliope Linda Nicholas Tammy Alden CH Solange Tour de Force Linda Nicholas CH Solange Significant Linda Nicholas CH Kensil’s Rhythm Of Drums Sylvia Calderwood CH Kensil’s Circus Carousel Sylvia Calderwood David Calderwood CH Kensil’s Mystic Mystere Sylvia Calderwood Summer—2013 2013 National Issue CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH Voyager’s Spanish Harlem Rabbit Run Face Value Clearsky The Prestige Clearsky Dreamline Shapes Of Gold Barwood Clearsky Bedazzle Wistwin Rejoice Homewood In The Hamptons Icon Summer Breeze Icon Abracadabra Brian K Cleveland Constance M Nelson Terry Jennings Terry Jennings Terry Jennings Dianne Hawes Carl Skinner Sharon Sampson Sharon Sampson CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH Sea Haven Sashay Solange Curb Appeal Lacewood Zenyatta Sea Haven Rikadon Moon N Starz Sea Haven Fashion Forward Belmark Brynmere Tarnished Silver Emperor My American Idol Emperor Kiss An Angel Redfield Incantation Yvonne Samuelson Yvonne Samuelson Yvonne Samuelson Donna McCulloch Susan Kaneshiro Sharon Shutte Mary E Stuller Mary E Stuller Janet Calpin CH CH CH Dante’s Rocket Man Grandgables New Playboy Rising Grandgables Oh Show Pretty Elizabeth Brinkley Guy Jeavons Guy Jeavons CH Grandgables Whoz Ya Grandaddy, RN Guy Jeavons CH CH Grandgables Alfenloch Uno Grandgables Frosted Footsteps Guy Jeavons Paul Hannah CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH Grandgables Altogether Avebury Attridge National Pastime Attridge Motor City O’Sure Attridge Avatar Belmark Unshakeable Belmark N’Randomcreek Cotillion Belmark Instyle Belmark Be Still My Heart Belmark Game Play Shadowbrook’s Chyna Doll Belmark Thriller Suncrest Mentissimo Warmwinds Hartwyn Autumn Blaze Guy Jeavons Beverly Klassen Beverly Klassen Beverly Klassen Beverly Klassen Bella Thompson Bella Thompson Bella Thompson Bella Thompson Bella Thompson Bella Thompson Greg Speeks Susan Brillhart CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH Shazadar’s She Made It Candlelit Becoming Gold Candlelit Secret Heart Mejimo Illusion The Mentalist Blue Heavens Divine Comedy Blue Heavens Champagne On Ice Blue Heavens Just Me Wynstone Etched Bi Blue Heaven Blue Heavens Iced Latte Rosmoor Provencial Rosmoor Shaizach Surreal Lisa Brodsky Joyce Becherini Joyce Becherini Robyn Fatula-Confer Patricia Keohane Lisa Graser Lisa Graser Lisa Graser Lisa Graser Jennie Hynes Jennie Hynes CH CH CH Shadow Hill The Bachelor Shadow Hill’s Secrets In The Sand Sirron’s Sheer Glamour Jane Hammett-Bright Jane Hammett-Bright Anne Norris 41 Susan Christie Barbara Thompson Patricia Skinner Suzanne Grey & Laurel Godley Tricia Harris Yvonne Samuelson Yvonne Samuelson Jean Adair, & Mary Mahaffey Mark Houston-McMillan Mark Houston-McMillan, & Judy Quirk Mark Houston-McMillan, Paul Briganti, & Robin Briganti Mark Houston-McMillan Karen Hannah, Guy Jeavons, & Mark Houston McMillan Mark Houston-McMillan Cheryl Poe Doug Mock Norma Engel & Christine Laughlin Lisa Graser & Lloyd Graser Lloyd Graser Lloyd Graser Lloyd Graser Lloyd Graser Rose Tomlin Rebecca Jarit & Rose Tomlin Samantha Norris 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 2012 Versatility Awardees February, 2012 Versatility Excellent + Champion (VCX+CH) CH Merrylea’s Kaskade Gale Winds, HT, OA, MXJ, NF,VCX DL88109602 DOB: 04/22/01 Sable & White Owners: Carol Jean DeMoss & Royanne Mac 1818 Middle Rd Glenshaw, PA 15116 June, 2012 Versatility Excellent + Champion (VCX+CH) CH Homespun Allspice Silverlicious, CD, PT, NAJ, VCX DN15594601 DOB: 7/10/06 Blue Merle Owner: Julie S. Iverson, DVM 144 Gateshead Drive McMurray, PA 15317 February, 2012 Versatility (VC) Kaskade Dunade Rushin Berry Moonglow, PT, NAJ, VC DN28240201 DOB: 06/02/10 Tricolor Owners: Cheryl Sacerich, Kelli Weinrich, Carol DeMoss & Elizabeth Wade 8066 Mulberry Woods Chesterland, OH 44026-1440 July, 2012 Versatility Excellent + Champion (VCX+CH) CH Starfalls Skywalker, CDX, RE, PT, OA, AXJ, VCX DN20108404 DOB:11/16/07 Sable & White Owners: Reeley & Gina Grosso 2745 Monroe Street Hollywood, FL 33020 March, 2012 Versatility (VC) Imperials Cinderella Story, CD, RA, PT, VC DN19645802 DOB: 11/16/07 Tricolor Owners: Carol DeMoss & Elizabeth Wade 1818 Middle Rd Glenshaw, PA 15116 September, 2012 Versatility Excellent + Champion (VCX+CH) MACH Lakehaven’s Roll Of The Dice, RN, HSAds, HIAs, MXS, MJS, XF, VCX DN07566102 DOB: 6/25/04 Bi Black Owners: Lisa Schwartzenberg 114 Lake Country Road Nicholasville, KY 40356 April, 2012 Versatility Excellent (VCX) Lira Invitation To Dance, UD, HSAds, HSBd, VCX DN09698601 DOB: 11/28/04 Sable & White Owner: Nancy J Heinrich 514 Stoney Brook Grand Blanc, MI 48439 October, 2012 Versatility (VC) Peggin Wheelin Jennie Sweet Le Reve, PT, NAJ, VC DN19286304 DOB: 9/08/07 Tricolor Owners: Becky Gay & Peggy Crawford PO Box 770146 Eagle River, AK 99577 May, 2012 Versatility + Champion (VC+CH) HC MACH Moonglow Chosen Bi Eclipse, CD, RE, HSAds, HSBd, HIAds, HIBd, HXAds, HXBd, MXG, MJG, MXF, VC DN07841701 DOB: 5/19/04 Bi Black Owners: Ulli Weinrich & Cheryl Sacerich 8066 Mulberry Woods Chesterland, OH 44026-1440 October, 2012 Versatility (VC) Pinelands-Amati Fly So Free, HSAs, OA, OAJ, NF, VC DN25701002 DOB: 7/5/09 Sable & White Owners: Cathy Ammlung & Susan Bintliff 419 Klee Mill Road Sykesville, MD 21784 May, 2012 Versatility (VC) CH Cataway’s Martinique, RN, HT, NAJ, NF, VC DN20878101 DOB: 11/20/07 Bi Blue Owners: Mary Lou Williamson & Patty Page 1100 Cataway Place Bryans Road, MD 20616-3102 December, 2012 Versatility Excellent + Champion (VCX+CH) TC Moonglow Chosen Bi Eclipse, CD, RE, HSAds, HSBd, HIAds, HXBd, MXG, MJG, MXF, VCX DN07841701 DOB: 05/19/04 Bi Black Owners: Ulli Weinrich & Cheryl Sacerich 8066 Mulberry Woods Chesterland, OH 44026-1440 42 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 Extra! Extra! Chicagoland SSC shows move to a NEW WEEKEND next year … March 1st and 2nd, 2014 Watch our website for more: www.ChicagolandSSC.org Or contact our corresponding secretary: [email protected] “The American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) Guidelines for Ocular Diseases in Shelties” has been placed in the Members Only section of the ASSA website. This document gives the guidelines used to determine which ocular abnormalities are eligible for “Breeders Option” or are unacceptable for certification. The last few pages of the document are very interesting. They list the number of Shelties examined from 1991 through 1999 (14,863) and 2000 through 2008 (15,199) and the number (with percent) that were normal and the numbers (with percent) diagnosed with various conditions. We are fortunate to have this information given to us. An updated copy may be available in the coming months. Best regards, Mary Mahaffey Chair, ASSA Research Advisory Committee 43 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 JUDGES CRITIQUES FUTURITY Judge: Ms. Judy Decker To be published in the next issue….. DOGS Judge: Ms. Jo Virden What a wonderful experience to be able to put my hands on so many lovely dogs. Thanks so much to my peers for bestowing such an honor on me and to ASSA for the hospitality all week. I loved the hospitality basket and enjoyed many of the items in our room during our stay. I will also keep the tray as a souvenir. Someone had taken the time to paint some darling Shelties on it. Kudos to the stewards, Marcia, Kathy & Chris. “Balance has to be the first consideration or we lose all and we have no satisfaction in the resulting picture.” Quote taken from the ASSA Handbook 1968-70, page 22. Written by Evelyn Davis. Here are some overall observations of what I saw and felt on examination. The dogs were presented to me clean with not a lot of colored chalk on the faces. Coats were good and very abundant in some. I saw very few gay tails. Temperaments, for the most part, were excellent with the exception of a few very nervous puppies/handlers. Expressions were nice overall - gone are the full eyes. I think the stops have gotten cleaner and the head planes more correct. Rears were good overall, although I did see some that had way too much rear angulation, which put the hock back too far. Fronts are still a problem. I felt a lot of very straight shoulders and short upper arms. Where has the posternum gone? I strongly suggest breeders look at their dogs in profile. When viewing the front, the head should be in front of the legs and not above them. There are still a lot of long bodies/short legs causing an unbalanced picture (too much distance underneath between front and rear assemblies). Many of these dogs also have big, full coats which even makes the fault more obvious. I did see a lot of missing premolars, some crowded lower incisors, and even some upper incisor baby teeth in mature dogs. 6-9 Sable & White 1. Treasure Konanah JP Justifiable Boy: Very mature with lots of coat, bone, short hocks, nice expression with good ear set. Very balanced. Moved well on the down and back. 2. Kensil’s Nutrageous: Very young puppy with good head planes and underjaw, nice short hocks, very confident with acceptable side gait. Very moderate. 6-9 AOAC (Blue) 1. Granite Gables Featured Presentation: Very mature bigger puppy with excellent balance, nice arch to neck complimented by a big white collar, good balance of muzzle to skull, nice short hocks, good bone, pleasing expression, good ear set. Nice rear. 46 2. Glenarry Raining Silver: This was also a bigger puppy with good balance, nice bone, short hocks, not as necky as the first place, confident. 9-12 Sable & White 1. Ridgewood Lynphil Harry Winston Reserve Winners Dog: Very moderate, with exceptional expression, good head planes, nice muzzle fitting into a lean skull, beautiful ears, excellent condition with good bone. Nice side gait 2. Caledon Spyderman: Bloomy puppy in good condition, short hocks. Not as good on side gait as first place 9-12 AOAC (Black) 1. Cimmaron Dark Shadows: Very mature, very plain tricolor with good balance, bone, and a lot of coat. Big round muzzle fitting into lean skull with very dark eyes properly set in skull. Good underjaw. Front & rear balanced resulting in adequate movement. He was not very confident. 2. Syringa Treasure Trove: Mature puppy, very plain, nice neck. Could have used more length of leg. 12-18 Sable & White 1. Kensil’s Prince of Ravindale: Excellent length of neck resulting in outstanding outline/balance. Good balance of muzzle to skull, nice expression, good underjaw. Good on the down & back. 2. Cimmaron Atonement: Excellent expression, good balance of muzzle to skull, very mature with lots of coat and bone. Good down & back. Not as much neck as first place. 12-18 AOAC (Blue) 1. Blue Havens The Gray Ghost (bi-blue): Beautiful color, good head planes, short hocks, nice coat & bone. Nicely balanced with good movement down & back. 2. Bojangles Super Stealth (blue merle): Good bone, short hocks, nice rear, adequate side gait. Not as balanced as first place. Novice Sable & White 1. Chelson Ashwyn True North: Very moderate with excellent expression, good head planes, short hocks. Nice coat in excellent condition. Moved with ease. Bred By Exhibitor 1. Stargazer Enterprize (blue merle): A flashy bigger dog with lots of coat and bone. Nice ears and very showy. 2. Mistybrook’s Roundabout (bi-blue): Very moderate, flashy, with good bone, short hocks. American Bred 1. Wistwin Shalamar Ricochet (sable & white): Winners Dog: This dog caught my eye the minute he walked in the ring!!!! Very moderate with good bone, excellent balance, beautiful head detail with exquisite expression, good head planes, underjaw, absolutely no depth to the head, good ears properly placed on the skull, short hocks. Moved with ease down & back as well on side gait. Just a confident young male. He just fills the eye!!!! He is the epitome of a Sheltie!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. Apple Acres Road Block (tri-color): Very mature, flashy, balanced with good balance of muzzle to skull. Lots of rich black coat, good bone. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue Open Black 1. Sunset Karosel Call Of Duty: Good head planes, nice short hocks & good bone. 2. Rosmoor Rowallan: Very coaty in good condition, nice bone. First place was cleaner in the head. Open Blue 1. Belmark Sticker Shock: Nice arch to the neck creating beautiful balance. Nice balance of muzzle to skull, good head planes, good on the down & back and adequate side gait. 2. Last Castle’s Honeymist Maillo: Nice head planes, good bone, very coaty & flashy. Down & back not as true as first place. Open Sable 1. Chelson Ashwyn Hollywood North: Beautiful expression with good head planes, short hocks, nice coat in excellent condition, very flashy. Moved with ease in all directions. Litter brother to the Novice dog. 2. Tresta Beujolais: Very moderate, good planes on the head, nice expression, short hocks, good down & back. Veteran Dog (9-12 years) Ch. Braeleen Let Freedom Ring: Very moderate with excellent expression, proper stop with good head planes. This dog has not coarsened in any way. Good on the down and back and moved with ease going around. Excellent condition. He was also the sire of my WD as well as the first place in Novice and open sable & white, and the grandfather of RWD. Veteran Dog (12 & over) Ch. Winterset Hy-Verta Razzle Dazzle, CDX, HT, OA, OAJ: This little guy was 14 yrs. old and could keep up with any youngster. What a happy boy he was!!!! Stud Dog 1. Ch. Sea Haven Etched In Silver: This class is to be judged solely on the get. One dog, one bitch were presented in the ring with him, both bi-blacks, and were like two peas in a pod. Both very moderate with good head planes, full muzzles, nice expressions, bone, and moved well. 2. GCH Grandgables Lets Show Off: This class consisted of a very mature, coaty, tri male and a very feminine sable bitch. Both had excellent muzzle, stop, good ears, bone, and moved well. BITCHES Judge: Mrs. Yvonne DeFreitas Thank you to everyone for the opportunity to judge bitches at the 2013 ASSA National. What an incredible experience, placing my hands on all your lovely bitches. Keeping in mind the importance of “The Standard”, finding those bitches with structure, balance, movement, lovely expression, and the “pick me” attitude as I placed my classes from first to fourth was no easy decision. When my first class entered the ring to the last bitch class before awarding Winners Bitch, I knew the quality was going to be deep. Many classes the quality was so deep, any one of my first four placements could have taken first on any given day. Thank you all who bred and exhibited so many lovely bitches! 47 A special thank you to all who worked diligently to make ASSA’s first hosted National a success. Not to be overlooked, my ring stewards: Marcia Bittner, Kathy Ryan, Chris Machado, and Pat Mahoney. You ladies rock with your smiles and efficiency in getting the classes to the ring! We’ve seen in past years our breed going through stages. I was pleased to see more dogs “balance” meaning proper proportion, head to body, amount of bone to size of dog, front legs set well under shoulders, dogs with legs and less-long bodies, lovely heads, tight lip lines, rounded muzzles, dark almond eyes and sweet melting expressions. There were many 16-inch bitches with arch of neck, some giving the impression of a tad longer in body and doggy in profile. I found only a handful of dogs with more than 1-2 missing teeth and mouths were clean! 6-9 Sable & White Mystic Abilene: A gorgeous moderate-size puppy with a sweet melting expression. Excelled in a flawless headpiece. Beautifully show-trained, good reach and drive for this age of puppy. Very feminine. 6-9 AOAC Suncrest Sennelier: A moderate, stylish tri bitch with arch of neck, moved with ease. Lovely lean head, pretty eye and beautiful expression. 9-12 Sable & White Lynphil Ridgewood Essence: Lovely sable bitch with pleasing expression. Good balance, beautiful side gate, level top line. Bone fitting her size. 9-12 AOAC Syringa-Akadia Dust Urself Off: A mature tri bitch with substance, arch of neck, and smooth backskull with no depth. Dark shaped almond eyes. Nicely balanced in profile. 12-18 Sable & White Belmark Blown Away: A substantial bitch with neck, beautiful headpiece, and nice finish of muzzle. Lovely expression. A doggy bitch in profile, she used herself and moved well. 12-18 AOAC Blue Heavens Someone Like You: A lovely moderate blue merle. Exquisite head, flat topskull, nice finish of muzzle and dark eyes. Balanced. Moved around the ring with ease. Novice Cermel’s Kiss Me Kate Bradshaw: A pretty sable bitch with balance and arch of neck. Beautifully angulated, nice outline and moved well in all directions. Bred-By-Exhibitor Westpointe’s Guilty Pleasure: A gorgeous substantial sable excelling in movement. Beautiful expression and outline. Showmanship that said, “look at me!” American-Bred Apple Acres Tahiti: Another gorgeous substancial bi-black bitch with outline, necky, sweet dark eyes and beautiful side gait. A tad longer in body length. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue Open-Black Shooting Star Nevermore: A lovely tri bitch with a melting expression. Beautiful head, clean backskull, round muzzle with the ideal finish, not over done. Small ears with a tight ear set. Simply elegant. Open-Blue Paray’s Luminous Winners Bitch: Stunning, moderate, feminine bi-blue. Balanced, lovely eyes that lend to a sweet expression. Front legs set well under her shoulders. Moved easily coming, going and around. A show dog attitude, unflappable! Open-Sable & White Paray’s Tradewynd Dreamsicle Reserve Winners Bitch: Another striking substancial bitch with neck. Irresistible expression, clean backskull, and full muzzle. Her balance, ease of movement/side gait, painted a lovely picture. When all first place winners were brought in, looking down the line, I can honestly say I would be pleased to take any one of these beautiful bitches home! In the end, I pulled six bitches for Winner’s Bitch consideration: 6-9 Sable & White, 9-12 Sable & White, Novice, Open-Black, Blue and Sable. Balance, outline, movement and showmanship played an important part when I finally made my choice for both Winners and Reserve Winners Bitch. The Open-Blue bitch class winner, Paray’s Luminous, was exquisite and beautifully presented and very deserving of Winners Bitch! Reserve Winners Bitch went to the Open Sable & White, a quality substantial bitch with a “take another look” attitude. CONGRATULATIONS to all my first place winners! The Veteran Bitch classes took my breath away. Though I had only one winner per age division, you are ALL winners in my opinion! You’ve aged gracefully; those eyes are still dark and with expression, kept your body in check (yes, senior food) and float around the ring like a 2-year-old. It was an honor to see so many beautiful Veteran Bitches still enjoying the show ring. Veteran Bitches, 9 years and under 12 years Ch. Starphire Ollietta: A beautiful sable. Sweet melting expression, clean backskull, nice top line. Coming and going with ease. Showmanship. Veteran Bitches, 12 years and Over Ch. Penelane’s A Promise Kept UD: This gorgeous veteran almost had me in tears with her outstanding qualities at 14 years old. Beautiful headpiece, no depth, sweet dark eyes, good reach and drive. This bitch seemed to love to show! Brood Bitch The heart of a breeding program, bitches that can reproduce themselves. Are her get similar to one another? Are they a mirror image of their dam? It is a joy to see quality passed onto the get! Ch. Akadia Shake UR Tailfeather: Her get had nice fronts, front legs set well under shoulders, nice overall balance/ outline, sweet expression and showmanship. 48 BEST OF BREED Judge: Mrs. Marjorie Tuff I would like to thank all of you for the honor of judging your national again. The venue was wonderful and the dogs presented to me were spectacular. The day started with our Juniors. These young people deserve our support and encouragement. They will be the future of our club. We have a responsibility to guide and encourage them as they have a responsibility to learn and educate themselves as much as possible. My Best Junior Award went to a young lady named Rachel Robertson. My Breed specials were a judges dream. You, the exhibitors, brought many of your best dogs to this little town of Albany. I appreciate the effort all of you gave to make this national so special. This assignment was one that I have looked forward to for over a year. As most judges will tell you, when you start making the cuts of specials you become absorbed in what you are looking for in your choices. My choice for Best of Breed was a young tri-colored dog named Ch. Jesstar Nirvana. He has a beautiful head and good expression. I had many choices of some absolutely wonderful dogs but this dog on that day was exactly the type I wanted. He is balanced and moderate, which is important in our breed. Best of Winners was a bitch named Ch. Paray’s Luminous. She’s a beautiful young bitch that moves well and knows how to show herself. I think she’s one to watch in future. My Best of Opposite was a lovely sable bitch named Ch. Neahm’s Kiss Me Kate. She was everything I would want in a bitch. She was elegant, feminine and had a lovely head with the softest expression. The Select Dog was a sable dog named Ch. Paray’s Preferential. He was correct type, good outline and good head. The Select Bitch was a bi-black named Ch. Mistybrook’s Fiora. She had a sweet expression, good balance. She moved effortlessly. I was allowed to present eleven Awards of Merit: Ch. Blue Heaven’s Champagne on Ice Ch. Starphire Ollietta Ch. Mystic Ava Gardner Ch. Homespun Casual Blues Ch. Coastal Wintercreek Storm Warning Ch. Serenity’s Walk In The Park Ch. Laureate Cold Play Ch. Thunderhills Apple Bottom Jean Ch. Sea Haven Kelev’s Keepsake Ch. Kensil’s Circus Carousel Ch. Suncrest Cerulean I was looking for both balance and moderation. It was important to me that my dogs would look masculine and my bitches had to look feminine. When I looked down the line of my choices from my Best of Breed to the last Award of Merit I felt that all of them exuded breed type, elegance, and well deserved their awards. Summer—2013 2013 National Issue 49 Results FUTURITY REGULAR CLASSES Judge: Ms. Judy Decker Best in Futurity CH. BELMARK THRILLER Runner-Up to Best in Futurity TRILLIANT EMMALINE Puppy Dogs 6 mos. & Under 9 mos. 1. KAROSEL SUNSET IN THE MONEY OWNER: Kathleen Schmutz & Jennifer McFarlin 2. GLENARRY RAINING SILVER OWNER: Glenda Henson & Karen Bever 3. KAREFREE KELISE NIGHT DEPOSIT OWNER: Denise Reppert & Kelly Reppert 4. MILAGRO’S PERSUADER OWNER: Renee Guillierie Puppy Dogs 9 mos. & Under 12 mos. 1. SYRINGA TREASURE TROVE OWNER: Deborah Sirdofsky 2. LACEWOOD REMBRANDT OWNER: Barbara Ray & Tricia Harris 3. CH. ROSMOOR INTRIGUE OWNER: Jennie Hynes & Rose Tomlin & Brian Cleveland 4. SHILOH’S THEN CAME YOU OWNER: Vicki Hutchison, Sarah Parrott, Patti Hittler Junior Dogs, 12 mos. & Under 18 mos. 1. CH. BELMARK THRILLER OWNER: Bella Thompson 2. AKIRENE’S GAME ON KISMET OWNER: Rodney Oishi 3. SEAHAVEN MOONLIGHT CRUZ OWNER: Yvonne Samuelson 4. WEATHERMANS DRAGON SPIRIT OWNER: Gail Dickson Puppy Bitches 6 Mos. & Under 9 mos. 1. TRILLIANT EMMALINE OWNER: Becky Johnson & Stephanie Trautman-Riley 2. SUNCREST SENNELIER OWNER: Greg Speeks & Doug Mock 3. ATTRIDGE TEENAGE DREAM OWNER: Beverly Klassen 4. ARENRAY’S BRYNLEE OWNER: Karen Coombs Puppy Bitches 9 mos. & Under 12 mos. 1. SYRINGA-AKADIA ALL GUSSIED UP OWNER: Deborah Sirdofsky 2. AKADIA BLUE BOMBSHELL OWNER: Deborah Sirdofsky & Shannalee WallerMichalsky 3. BLUE HEAVENS MOONSHINE OWNER: Lisa Graser & Lloyd Graser 4. SOONERS WIND CHIME OWNER: Zana Friend & Gayle Rizzo Junior Bitches, 12 mos. & Under 18 mos. 1. CH. KENSIL’S IRISH CLAN OWNER: Sylvia & David Calderwood 2. KEYSTONE SENSATION OWNER: Cathy Reid & Cindy Callaghan 3. BELMARK BLOWN AWAY OWNER: Bella Thompson 4. KENSIL’S RHYTHM AND REASON OWNER: Sylvia Calderwood DOGS Judge: Ms. Jo Virden Winners Dog WISTWIN SHALAMAR RICHOCHET Reserve Winners Dog RIDGEWOOD LYNPHIL HARRY WINSTON Puppy Dogs 6 mos. & Under 9 mos. Sable & White 1. TREASURE KONANAH JP JUSTIFIABLE BOY OWNER: Carol Howell & Julie Desy & AikoWakasugi 2. KENSIL’S NUTRAGEOUS OWNER: Sylvia & David Calderwood 3. WYNDSONG GHIRADELLI OWNER: Deborah Luper 4. PARAY’S PARAMOUNT OWNER: Tamara Schrupp & Tray Pittman Puppy Dogs 6 mos. & Under 9 mos. Any Other Allowed Color 1. GRANITE GABLES FEATURED PRESENTATION OWNER: Rose Marie Doran 2. GLENARRY RAINING SILVER OWNER: Glenda Henson & Karen Bever 3. APPLE ACRES VOICE MAIL OWNER: Locklyn Guzman 4. GRANITE GABLES THE BOOTLEGGER OWNER: R. Vale & F. Blachere & K. Kozakiericz & R. Porter Puppy Dogs 9 mos. & Under 12 mos. Sable & White 1. RIDGEWOOD LYNPHIL HARRY WINSTON—Reserve Winners OWNER: Rita Von Pusch & Crystal Wendling & Phil Wendling 2. CALEDON SPYDERMAN OWNER: Barbara Aulbach 3. SHILOHS THEN CAME YOU OWNER: Vicki Hutchison, Sarah Parrott, Patti Hittler 4. BRANGAY THE ANNOUNCER OWNER: EADS Brandol Cendy D McVoy Gayle, & John McVoy Puppy Dogs 9 mos. & Under 12 mos. Any Other Allowed Color 1. CIMMARON DARK SHADOWS OWNER: Susan Worsham 2. SYRINGA TREASURE TROVE OWNER: Deborah Sirdofsky 3. AKADIA PALISADES OWNER: Shannalee Waller-Michalsky 4. LACEWOOD REMBRANDT OWNER: Barbara Ray & Tricia Harris Twelve to Eighteen Month Dogs, Sable & White 1. KENSIL’S PRINCE OF RAVINDALE OWNER: Keri Warner & Surendra Subramani 2. CIMMARON ATONEMENT OWNER: Susan Worsham 3. WHISPERING KELL PERFECT CRIME OWNER: Abby Thomas & Amy Massey & Jeannette Powers-Hodson 4. NORTHVIEW SURFING COASTAL VIEW OWNER: Judy Tulloch Twelve to Eighteen Month Dogs, Any Other Allowed Color 1. BLUE HEAVENS THE GRAY GHOST OWNER: Lisa & Lloyd Graser, and James & Janet Moses 2. BOJANGLES SUPER STEALTH OWNER: Deanne Snedeker 3. CHELSON GOTTA WEAR SHADES OWNER: Diane Mitchell 4. SERENADE SONG SUNG BLUE OWNER: Dr. Craig & Caitlyn Bowen Novice Dogs 1. CHELSON ASHWYN TRUE NORTH OWNER: ANDRIASH Natalie Thomas & Sharon Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs 1. STARGAZER ENTERPRISE OWNER: Jeri Wilson & Melissa Strong 2. MISTYBROOK’S ROUNDABOUT OWNER: Tricia Harris & Janet Williams 3. LEITH’S N’SYNC AT PRAIRIEMIST OWNER: POHL Norma Jeanne, & Barb Selby & Denise Gordeyko 4. JAYLEIGH JESSE JAMES OWNER: Heather Dahl, DVM American-Bred Dogs 1. WISTWIN SHALAMAR RICOCHET—Winners Dog OWNER: Susan G. Beacham & Lyn B. Leininger 2. APPLE ACRES ROAD BLOCK OWNER: Locklyn Guzman 3. LEGACIES N BELMARK VICTORIOUS OWNER: Bella Thompson 4. ICON SHOOTING STAR OWNER: Jennifer McFarlin, S. Sampson, J. Jimenez, R. McTaggart Open Dogs, Black (Tri, Bi-Black) 1. SUNSET KAROSEL CALL OF DUTY OWNER: Jennifer McFarlin and Kathleen Schmutz 2. ROSMOOR ROWALLAN OWNER: Susan L. Atwood & Jennie Hynes 3. APPLE ACRES NET WORTH OWNER: Locklyn Guzman 4. ISTARI FULL THROTTLE OWNER: K. Kozakiewicz & R. Vale & F. Blachere & R. Porter Open Dogs, Blue (Blue Merle & Bi-Blue) 1. BELMARK STICKER SHOCK OWNER: Bella Thompson 2. LAST CASTLE’S HONEYMIST MAILLO OWNER: Young Lee Sun 3. SUNLAR APPLE ACRES TRAVEL GUIDE OWNER: Joe Larson & Locklyn Guzman 4. BLUE HEAVEN’S SPITTIN’ IMAGE OWNER: Lisa & Lloyd Graser Open Dogs, Sable & White 1. CHELSON ASHWYN HOLLYWOOD NORTH OWNER: Sharon Andriash 2. TRESTA BEUJOLAIS OWNER: Karen Coombs & Petra Skapa 3. RIVERWIND’S MAKE A MEMORY OWNER: Laura Gibson 4. CAMBRIDGE COMING ATTRACTION OWNER: Locklyn Guzman Summer—2013 Veteran Dogs, 9 Yrs. & Under 12 Yrs. 1. CH. BRAELEEN LET FREEDOM RING OWNER: Kathleen L. Brown Veteran Dogs, 12 Years and Over 1. WINTERSET HY-VERTA RAZZLE DAZZLE, CDX, HT, OA, OAJ OWNER: Pamela A. Strametz & Susan Ferroni-Keleher BITCHES Judge: Yvonne DeFrietas Winners Bitch PARAY’S LUMINOUS Reserve Winners Bitch PARAY’S TRADEWYN DREAMSICLE Puppy Bitches, 6 mos. & Under 9 mos. Sable & White 1. MYSTIC ABILENE OWNER: Tracy Tuff 2. CIMMARON MISS DIOR OWNER: Susan Worsham 3. JESSTAR HYANNISPORT OWNER: Jessica Starbuck 4. KENSIL’S KOOL KOOL KITTY OWNER: Shannalee Michalsky Puppy Bitches, 6 mos. & Under 9 mos. Any Other Allowed Color 1. SUNCREST SENNELIER OWNER: Greg Speeks & Doug Mock 2. BELMARK ESCAPADE OWNER: Bella Thompson 3. APPLE ACRES VICTORY DANCE OWNER: Locklyn Guzman & Karen Munster 4. TRILLIANT EMMALINE OWNER: Becky Johnson & Stephanie Trautman-Riley Puppy Bitches, 9 mos. & Under 12 mos. Sable & White 1. LYNPHIL RIDGEWOOD ESSENCE OWNER: Crystal & Phil Wendling 2. MINDALYN DREAM ALONE OWNER: Cathy Dupree 3. PRIMO LA PALOMA BLANCA OWNER: Johanna Primeaux & Beth Sullivan 4. STORYLAND’S SOONER ANGEL IN DISGUISE OWNER: Zana Friend & Gayle Rizzo Puppy Bitches, 9 mos. & Under 12 mos. Any Other Allowed Color 1. SYRINGA-AKADIA DUST ‘URSELF OFF OWNER: Deborah Sirdofsky 2. MADSELIN SCANALIZE OWNER: Susan Carbert 3. BLUE HEAVEN’S MOONSHINE OWNER: Lisa & Lloyd Graser 4. SUNAIRE MAINSTAY BURLESQUE OWNER: Kathy Ryan, Steve Barger & Paul Capobianco Twelve to Eighteen Month Bitches, Sable & White 1. BELMARK BLOWN AWAY OWNER: Bella Thompson 2. LYNPHIL’S IT’S ALL ABOUT ME OWNER: Crystal & Phil Wendling 3. MYSTIC INFATUATION OWNER: Tracy Tuff 4. NORTHVIEW’S MY TIME TO SHINE OWNER: Tammy Kitami Twelve to Eighteen Month Bitches, Any Other Allowed Color 1. BLUE HEAVENS SOMEONE LIKE YOU OWNER: Lisa & Lloyd Graser 2013 National Issue 2. ATTRIDGE SEXY IN THE CITY OWNER: Beverly Klassen 3. KEDIOS NIGHT STORM OWNER: Cathy & Doug Ohlendorf 4. KARMUNS SWEPT AWAY OWNER: Karen Munster Novice Bitches 1. CERMEL’S KISS ME KATE BRADSHAW OWNER: Not listed in catalog 2. FELICITY DON’T YOU DARE ATTRIDGE OWNER: Beverly Klassen 3. BARKLEY’S SS HAWAIIAN BREEZE OWNER: Jacqueline Thuener 4. FAIRFAX HOT ON YOUR HEELS OWNER: Karen Brearley Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches 1. WESTPOINTE’S GUILTY PLEASURE OWNER: Linda Poirier 2. MINDALYN DREAM ON OWNER: Cathy Dupree 3. SOONER’S WIND CHIME OWNER: Zana Friend & Gayle Rizzo 4. AKADIA THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS OWNER: Shannalee Michalsky American-Bred Bitches 1. APPLE ACRES TAHITI OWNER: Locklyn Guzman 2. SEAHAVEN TREVANNE GOLDIKOVA OWNER: Colleen Andrus & Yvonne Samuelson 3. WYNDSONG UNFAILING LOVE OWNER: Deborah Luper 4. BELMARK SIMCO INSPIRATION OWNER: Lona Sims Open Bitches, Black (Tri, Bi-Black) 1. SHOOTING STAR NEVERMORE OWNER: Debbie Majewski 2. APPLE ACRES EVENING WEAR OWNER: Locklyn Guzman 3. APPLE ACRES PROM NIGHT OWNER: Karen Munster & Locklyn Guzman 4. PARAY’S PARK AVENUE AT WINTERCREEK OWNER: Debby Gayton & Tray Pittman Open Bitches, Blue (Blue Merle, Bi-Blue) 1. PARAY’S LUMINOUS OWNER: Brenda Christenson 2. FREEDOM OF PARAY OWNER: Kim Furlong 3. ICON NAHOKU OWNER: Sharon Sampson 4. AKADIA SPARKLE PLENTY OWNER: Shannalee Michalsky Open Bitches, Sable & White 1. PARAY’S TRADEWYND DREAMSICLE OWNER: Tray Pittman & Marcia Bittner 2. WINTERCREEK DUNDRIFTER REPEAT AFTER ME OWNER: Debby & Jim Gayton 3. MYSTIC OUTSPOKEN OWNER: Tracy Tuff 4. KEDIOS KELL REINA DE CORAZONES OWNER: Amy Massey & C&D Ohlendorf & J. PowersHodson Veteran Bitches, 9 Yrs. & Under 12 Yrs. 1. CH. STARFIRE OLLIETTA OWNER: Katie Grohowalski & Nancy Ager Veteran Bitches, 12 Years and Over 1. CH. PENELANE’S A PROMISE KEPT, UD OWNER: Linda & Michael Bianco 50 BEST OF BREED COMPETITION Judge: Marjorie Tuff Best of Breed GCH JESSTAR NIRVANA OWNER: Rita Von Pusch and Jessica Starbuck Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed CH. NEAHM’S KISS ME KATE OWNER: Best of Winners PARAY’S LUMINOUS OWNER: Brenda Christenson Select Dog GCH PARAY’S PREFERENTIAL OWNER: Tray Pittman and Paul Flores Select Bitch CH. MISTYBROOKS FIORA OWNER: Shannalee Michalsky Awards of Merit GCH. BLUE HEAVEN’S CHAMPAGNE ON ICE OWNER: Lisa & Lloyd Graser CH. STARPHIRE OLLIETTA (Veteran) Bitch OWNER: Katie Grohowalski & Nancy Ager CH. MYSTIC AVA GARDNER Bitch OWNER: Ni Yadong & Jiang Yaozhong GCH. HOMESPUN CASUAL BLUES PT NA OAJ NE Dog OWNER: Julie Iverson GCH. COASTAL WINTERCREEK STORM WARNING Dog OWNER: Debby & Jim Gayton GCH. SERENITY’S WALK IN THE PARK OWNER: Vicki Weis CH. LAUREATE COLD PLAY Dog OWNER: Sherrie Sparling & Cam & Becky Johnson GCH. THUNDERHILL’S APPLE BOTTOM JEANS OWNER: Michelle Miller & Marty Miller & Anne Power CH. SEAHAVEN KELEV’S KEEPSAKE OWNER: Dr. Stanley Levine & Yvonne Samuelson GCH. KENSIL’S CIRCUS CAROUSEL OWNER: Calderwood Breeders (as in catalog) GCH SUNCREST CERULEAN Bitch OWNER: Greg Speeks & Doug Mock NON-REGULAR CLASSES Best Stud Dog CH. SEA HAVEN ETCHED IN SILVER Best Brood Bitch CH. AKADIA SHAKE UR TAILFEATHER Stud Dog Judge: Jo Virden 1. CH. SEA HAVEN ETCHED IN SILVER OWNER: Locklyn Guzman 2. GCH GRANDGABLES LETS SHOW OFF OWNER: Rose Marie Doran & Ni Yadong Summer—2013 3. CH. MISTYBROOK’S PROFILER OWNER: Jan Williams 4. CH. BELMARK HIGH VELOCITY OWNER: Deborah Luper Brood Bitch Judge: Yvonne DeFrietas 1. CH. AKADIA SHAKE UR TAILFEATHER OWNER: Deborah Sirdofsky & Shannlee Michalsky 2. KINGSLAND ATTRIDGE OBESSION OWNER: Beverly Klassen 3. CH. APPLE ACRES MOST BEAUTIFUL OWNER: Locklyn Guzman 4. GCH. SIRIO CORONET MOONLIGHT MIST BN RN OWNER: Dawn Cecilio JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION Judge: Marjorie Tuff Best Junior Handler Rachel Robertson Handling: Mystix Blu By U Novice Junior 1. Sarah Schmidt Novice Intermediate 1. Ruthanne Kadow 2. Alissa Crossland 3. Tara Fulten 4. Alexis Marie Shomaker Novice Senior 1. Lydia Carnes Open Intermediate 1. Taylor Barnes Open Senior 1. Rachel Robertson 2. Emmylea Herring 3. Cailyn Bowen 4. Brandi Friesin 2013 AGILITY RESULTS Novice A-12 Inch 1. KADENCE’S SUMMERTIME MELODY OWNER: Haley Pemble & Gary Whitmore Novice B-12 Inch 1. CALEDON ALLURE OWNER: Terri Clark Novice B-16 Inch 1. PLAILS MACKENNA MCCREE OWNER: Cindy Hardy 2. TRIIECHO’S TURBO CHARGER OWNER: Christine Baker 3. FAIRFAX HOT ON YOUR HEELS CDX HSAs OWNER: Karen Brearley 4. SHALAMAR’S HEART OF IRELAND OWNER: Stephanie Burdett Open-12 Inch 1. AGILE WALKING ON SUNSHINE NAJ OWNER: Karyn Dawes Jr. Open-16 Inch 1. WESTERNESSE FUN AND FROLIC NA NAJ NF 2013 National Issue 51 OWNER: Joyce Herie 2. STARSTRUCK EVERLASTING TOUCH NA NAJ NF OWNER: Patricia Conatser 3. CH KAROSEL WILLOW IN THE MIST PT NA NAJ OWNER: Denise Berry, Jennifer McFarland, Robin McTaggart 3. PACH JULES TARNISHED EMBERS CD RE PAX MXP4 MJPS OWNER: Julie Dickson 4. PACH4 KENSIL’S THE GOOSE IS LOOSE RN AX AXJ MXP25 MXPS3 MJP26 MJPS3 MAX10 NF OWNER: Gail Shattuck Excellent 12 Inch 1. IVANLEE WHEN YOU WISH UPON A STAR OF OA OAJ RN OWNER: Susan Fry, Pamela Korcek 2. JULES WEATHERMANS BLACK DIAMOND OA OAJ OWNER: Shelley Eckstrom 3. WINDGOLD BONNY CAMLINN CD RE MX MXJ OWNER: Rosemarie Jorgensen MAS P-12 Inch 1. MACH PACH WEATHERMANS HIT THE MARK PAX2 RE UD OWNER: Dick Ashby 2. MACH4 STONECREST’S MARIAH OWNER: Joan Cook 3. MACH APPLE ACRES VIVIANE DU LAC RN MXB MXF MJG T2B OWNER: John Cramer, Pauline Cramer 4. STONECREST AARANDA BLU ON BI OWNER: Joan Crook, Aaron VanDevanter Excellent 16 Inch 1. PLAIL’S BRUSHED BY AN ANGEL OA AXJ OF OWNER: Marcy Mantell 2. BREEZEWAY’S RHYME & REASON OWNER: Rebecca Chamlee 3. SPRING VALLEY TIME TO ECHO OA NAJ OWNER: Jenelle Sharpley 4. GCH BLUVALLEY MACARENA CD CGC RE AX AXJ OWNER: Rosemarie Jorgensen, Patricia Bores MAS 12 Inch 1. ROCKSTAR CAN U HEAR ME NOW OWNER: Kathy Leggett 2. HCMACH9 KJX TAYLORMADE TRACERBULLET UD MXF VCD2 OWNER: Clare Lovett 3. SKYVIEWS ALASKA OWNER: Gladys Pedigo, Michael Pedigo 4. MARSHLAND MY AIM IS TRUE AX AXJ OWNER: Kathleen Miyamoto MAS 16 Inch 1. MACH2 WESTERNESSE WASABI PT OF MXS MJS OWNER: Nancy Taylor 2. TAYLORMADE KEY TO PERFECTION HSAds AX MXJ OF CD OWNER: Clare Lovett 3. MACH KRYSTALYN WHEN THE DUST SETTLES RN MX MXB M OWNER: Mary Dolan, Tom Dolan 4. IVANLEE UNDAUNTED RN AX AXJ NF CGC OWNER: Sara Perez MAS 20 Inch 1. ACCENT’S NICK OF TIME CDX GO MX MXJ OWNER: Peggy Strauss STANDARD PREFERRED CLASSES Novice P -8 Inch 1. CH SUMMERSONG MOONLIT CAMEO NAJ OWNER: Debbie Majewski Novice P-12 Inch 1. HOLESOME’S BOY IN THE BOX OWNER: Carol Brigitte Hole 2. MISTYBROOKS START THE PARTY OWNER: Linda Miller, Michal Miller Open P-12 Inch 1. CHELSON NAUTICA OWNER: Elizabeth Patterson MAS P-8 Inch 1. MACH2 STRATHSPEY LITTLE BIG MAN OWNER: Kathie Leggett, Barbara Davis 2. MACH2 SILVER MIST THIRD DEGREE OWNER: Lori Sage STANDARD JUMPERS WITH WEAVES Novice A-12 Inch 1. KADENCE’S SUMMERTIME MELODY OWNER: Haley Pemble, Gary Whitmore Novice B-12 Inch 1. CALEDON ALLURE OWNER: Terri Clark 2. MISTYBROOK THRILLS AHEAD BN OWNER: Dick Ashby, Marilyn Ashby, Lori Davis Novice B-16 Inch 1. IVANLEE DARTAGNAN LEMASQUE OWNER: Christina Grove 2. PLAIL’S MAKENNA MCCREE OWNER: Cindy Hardy 3. CH SHOOTING STAR NORTHERN LIGHTS OWNER: Debbie Majewski Open-12 Inch 1. AGILE WALKING ON SUNSHINE NAJ OWNER: Karyn Dawes, Jr. Open-16 Inch 1. WESTERNESSE FUN AND FROLIC NA NAJ NF OWNER: Joyce Herie 2. GCH STARGAZER SUPER NOVA NA OWNER: Melissa Strong Excellent 12 Inch 1. IVANLEE WHEN YOU WISH UPON A STAR OF OA OAJ RN OWNER: Susan Fry, Pamela Korcek 2. JAHDO’S SMOOTH JAZZ NF OA OAJ CD RA OWNER: Linda Thompson Excellent 16 Inch 1. SPRING VALLEY TIME TO ECHO OA NAJ OWNER: Jenelle Sharpley MAS 12 Inch 1. ROCKSTAR CAN U HEAR ME NOW OWNER: Kathie Leggett 2. NAC MACH8 PLAIL’S FEW AND FAR BETWEEN OWNER: Marcy Manfell 3. HCMACH9 KJX TAYLORMADE TRACERBULLET UD MXF VCD2 OWNER: Clare Lovett 4. WEATHERMANS DANCES WITH ME OWNER: Sherri Hoffenbeck MAS 16 Inch 1. PLAIL’S BRUSHED BY AN ANGEL OA AXJ OF OWNER: Marcy Mantell Summer—2013 2. IVANLEE PACIFIC FLEET MX MXJ OWNER: Lindsey Popov 3. MACH KRYSTALYN WHEN THE DUST SETTLES RN MX MXB M OWNER: Mary Dolan 4. SUMERSONG GIFT OF LOVE AXJ OWNER: Jennifer Smith MAS 20 Inch 1. ACCENT’S NICK OF TIME CDX GO MX MXJ OWNER: Peggy Strauss JUMPERS WITH WEAVES—PREFERRED Novice P 8 Inch 1. CH SUMERSONG MOONLIT CAMEO NAJ OWNER: Debbie Majewski 2. MACH3 JUBILEE WINDGOLD SLICKCHICK VCD2 MXF FT RE OWNER: Jo Ann Mather Novice P 12 Inch 1. CH SUMERSONG MOONLIT CAMEO NAJ OWNER: Debbie Majewski Open-8 Inch 1. HOLESOME’S BOY IN THE BOX OWNER: Brigitte Hole 2. MISTYBROOKS START THE PARTY OWNER: Linda Miller 3. DUFFY OWNER: Julie Mulder Excellent P 8 Inch 1. HIMARK’S BLACK OPAL OAP OJP OWNER: Paige Rajnus MAS P 8 Inch 1. MACH2 STRATHSPEY LITTLE BIG MAN OWNER: Kathie Leggett 2. CHARBAR’S AERO DYNAMIC OWNER: Kathy Johnson 3. MACH ANGEL’S FINEST HOUR MXS MJS OAP OJP HT OWNER: Cynthia Padilla 4. PACH JULES TARNISHED EMBERS CD RE PAX MXP4 MJP5 OWNER: Julie Dickson MAS P 12 Inch 1. STONECREST’S PARTY FOR TWO MX MXJ MXF OWNER: Joan Cook 2. MACH4 STONECREST’S MARIAH OWNER: Joan Cook 3. STONECREST AARANDA BLU ON BI OWNER: Joan Cook 4. MACH PACH WEATHERMANS HIT THE MARK PAX2 RE UD OWNER: Dick Ashby OBEDIENCE Novice A 1. MACH KRYSTALYN WHEN THE DUST SETTLES RN MX MXJ XF MXB MJB OWNER: Mary Dolan and Tom Dolan 2. GCH SIRIO CORONET MOONLIGHT MIST OWNER: Dawn Cecilio Novice B 1. MARSHLAND MY AIM IS TRUE AX AXJ OWNER: Kathleen Miyamoto 2. SKYEHAVEN’S TEDD E BEAR MX MXJ MJB XF RA 2013 National Issue OWNER: Susan Costley and James Costley 3. LAKEPOINT’S ALASKAN COLD FRONT RN AX MXJ OF OWNER: Shanna Wilkinson 4. CH DAVAL UNCENSORED CD BN OWNER: Pamela Strametz and Susan Ferroni-Keleher Open B 1. OTCH MACH JESTER’S FIERY DETERMINATION UDX2 OM2 RE XF OWNER: Elizabeth Soule 2. WEATHERMANS WARRIOR PRINCESS RN CDX MX MXJ OWNER: Neil Evans 3. FAIRFAX HOT ON YOUR HEELS OWNER: Karen Brearley 4. GYP-SEA’S TIMELESS TREASURE UD OWNER: Jan Lewis Utility A 1. RAVENWYN WINTER ILLUSION CDX BN GN GO RAE2 OWNER: Sheri Schlorman DVM Utility B 1. OTCH MACH JESTER’S FIERY DETERMINATION UDX2 OM2 RE XF OWNER: Elizabeth Soule 2. GYP-SEA’S TIMELESS TREASURE UD OWNER Jan Lewis 3. WEATHERMAN’S WARRIOR PRINCESS OWNER: Neil Evans 4. WINDSONG’S CINNAMON TOAST UD VER RAE OWNER: Mary Foster 52 1. MACH2 Westernesse Wasabi PT OF MXS MJS OWNER: Nancy Taylor 2. GCH STARGAZER SUPER NOVA NA NAJ OWNER: Melissa Strong 3. PRECOCIOUS IN PERSONALITY OWNER: Kerry Lynn Lamorey 4. LAURIEN’S LEGACY OF LOVE OWNER: Laura Volberg and Jeffrey Volberg Novice B 1. FAIRFAX HOT ON YOUR HEELS OWNER: Karen Brearley 2. KENSIL’S IT’S ALL ABOUT THE GAME OWNER: Karen Darling 3. IVANLEE MADE TO ORDER OWNER: Sheri Schlorman DVM 4. LEODENS CHASE N BOOTY OWNER: Karen D’Augusta and Cindy Frusetta Advanced A 1. IVANLEE UNDAUNTED RN AX AXJ NF CGC OWNER: Sara Perez 2. LAKEPOINT’S ALASKAN COLD FRONT RN AX MXJ OF OWNER: Shanna Wilkinson 3. MACH KRYSTALYN WHEN THE DUST SETTLES RN MX MXJ XF MXB MJB OWNER: Mary Dolan and Tom Dolan 4. SEA HAVEN DANCING WITH THE STARS OWNER: Patricia Nelson and Yvonne Samuelson Advanced B 1. MACH WEATHERMANS BETTER DAY CD HT NF RE OWNER: Kim Hansen 2. BON BON LEODEN BLUE IMAGE CD BN RE OWNER: Taylor Barnes and Sharon Persey 3. LEEASON’S CHAMBER OF SECRETS OWNER: Bonnie Logen 4. CLASSICA GLORIOUS MORN OWNER: Debbie Addicoat and Melinda Galt Beginner Novice A 1. MACH2 WESTERNESS WASABI PT OF MXS MJS OWNER: Joyce Herie 2. LAURIEN’S LEGACY OF LOVE OWNER: Laura Volberg and Jeffrey Volberg 3. WINTERCREEK DUNNOTTAR UNDAUNDED OWNER: Linda Crossland and Alissa Crosslan & Debby Excellent A Gayton 1. SKYHAVEN’S TEDD E BEAR MX MXJ MJB XF RA 4. MACH KRYSTALYN WHEN THE DUST SETTLES RN OWNER: Susan Costley and James Costley MX MXJ XF MXB OWNER: Mary Dolan and Tom Dolan Excellent B 1. LEEASON’S CHAMBER OF SECRETS BN RA PT AX Beginner Novice B AXJ OF 1. CH WESTAR’S RUN FOR THE MONEY OWNER: Bonnie Logan OWNER: Linda Bianco, Michael Bianco & Mark Hers2. MACH WEATHERMAN’S BETTER DAY CD HT NF RE man OWNER: Kim Hansen 2. KENSIL’S IT’S ALL ABOUT THE GAME 3. WINTERSET HY-VERTA’S FLYING CIRCUS CD BN OWNER: Karen Darling RA 3. HILL VIEW’S IT’S ALL ABOUT ME CDX RAE PT AX OWNER: Cheryl Dalton MXJ AXP AJP NF 4. CLASSICA GLORIOUS MORN OWNER: Laurie Hope and Kristin Hope OWNER: Debbie Addicoat and Melinda Galt 4. LEODONS CHASE N BOOTY OWNER: Karen D’Augusta and Cindy Fursetta HERDING Veteran Obedience 1. OTCH WEATHERMAN’S TAG YOU’RE IT! UDX OMI RE OWNER: Neil Evans 2. CH PENELANE’S A PROMISE KEPT UD OWNER: Linda Bianco and Michael Bianco 3. LEEASON’S QUINCY B QUICK CDX RA AX OAJ XF OWNER: Donna Sand and Christopher Sand 4. NOBILE HOUSE JUST A MOMENT CDX GO OWNER: Sheri Schlorman DVM REGULAR RALLY Novice A Started-A-Ducks 1. HIMARK AMAZIN SHE’S THE ONE OA OAJ RA BN OWNER: Ellen Froot Started-B-Ducks 1. CLASSICA PARFAYT KNYGHT OWNER: Trish Rohner and Melinda Galt 2. FAIRFAX HOT ON YOUR HEELS CDX HSAS OWNER: Karen Brearley Intermediate-A-Ducks 1. TAYLORMADE KEY TO PERFECTION HSADS AX AXJ OF CD OWNER: Clare Lovett Summer—2013 Advanced-A-Ducks 1. HC MACH9 KJX TAYLORMADE TRACERBULLET UD VCD2 MXF OWNER: Clare Lovett Herding Test Sheep-Qualified CLASSICA TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE OWNER: Melinda Galt WESTERNESSE GOOD TO GO OWNER: Kim Hansen GCH STARGAZER SUPER NOVA NA OWNER: Melissa Strong CLASSICA GOLDEN SPIRIT OWNER: Patrick Galt MACH KRYSTALYN WHEN THE DUST SETTLES OWNER: Mary Dolan and Tom Dolan WESTERNESSE DREAM CATCHER ONWER: Teiko Doran and Joyce Herie 2013 National Issue Pre-Trial Test Sheep-Qualified HILLVIEW’S UNEXPECTED PLEASURE OWNER: Stephanie Burdett SAGEBRUSH GIRL IN THE VALLEY NA NAJ OWNER: Alicia Keegan and Barry Siler CH ADOHR KALEA PEG OF MY HEART HT OWNER: Kathryn Rosdall and Trudy Kerr CLASSICA GLORIOUS MORN OWNER: Debbie Addicoat and Melinda Galt LAKEPOINT’S ALASKAN COLD FRONT OWNER: Shanna Wilkinson SHALAMARS HEART OF IRELAND OWNER: Stephanie Burdett SKYHAVEN’S TEDD E BEAR OWNER: Susan Costley and James Costley PRECOCIOUS IN PERSONALITY OWNER: Kerri Lynn Lamorey SUNETHA SAYNA SIPPIN SODA OWNER: Karen Lewis and James Lewis 53 CLASSICA LOVE’S LABOURS WON OWNER: Melinda Galt WINTERCREEK ANGELS WALK CD HT RN OWNER: Elizabeth Knight Started-A-Sheep 1. SOLAIRE MEKA’S MOUNTAIN NEWS OWNER: Karen Lewis and James Lewis Intermediate-A-Sheep 1. CLASSICA PARFAYT KNYGHT OWNER: Trish Rohner and Melinda Galt Thank you to all participants, congratulations to the winners! See you in 2014! 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 54 ASSA JUNIOR HANDLER SPONSORSHIP TO WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB SHOW OR AKC/EUKANUBA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW In 1998, ASSA established a program to provide $500 sponsorships for Junior Handlers to complete in Junior Showmanship at the Westminster Kennel Club Show. Several revisions have been made to the program that include increasing the number of yearly sponsorships from 2 to 3 (2003) and adding the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Show as a second target event (2005). Since 2005, the highest ranking Junior, based on yearly show result statistics, from either the Open Junior, Open Intermediate, or Open Senior class in each of the 3 geographic zones used for rotation of the National Specialty are eligible for sponsorships provided they meet the entry qualifications for either Westminster or AKC/Eukanuba. Three Juniors received ASSA sponsorships in 2012 based on their show records: Rachel Robertson, East Zone; Tanner Clark, Central Zone; and Haley Pemble, West Zone. Rachel and Tanner exhibited at the 2013 Westminster Show while Haley competed at the 2012 AKC/Eukanuba Show. The following are reports of their experiences. RACHEL ROBERTSON East Zone First of all I would like to thank the ASSA for having this sponsorship. This is the third time I’ve won it and so many people mention to me how they wish their breed club supported the juniors in the way the ASSA does. Hopefully, I speak for all of the Sheltie Juniors when I saw how much we appreciate everything you do you us. This past year was fantastic. My main juniors dog, Selina, and I qualified for Eukanuba, Westminster and the AKC’s new Masters Class. I was the number 2 Sheltie junior in the country, the number 6 herding junior in the country and the 31st ranked junior in the country overall. Having such a great year allowed me to compete at Westminster in February. My mom and I view Westminster as a celebration of all the hard work we put in during the year. And celebrate we did. Along with our friends Lucie and Anna Gracie of Briarpatch Bearded Collies, we created a full New York City experience: We saw the Broadway musical Newsies, visited the Frick Collection and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, as well as enjoyed numerous fantastic restaurants. This included our favorite Chinese restaurant, which we conveniently decided to go to in the middle of Chinese New Year. Every time we attend Westminster, we try to make it a full experience because our motto is: Win or lose, we eat well and shop. I have qualified for and shown at Westminster four times. This one was a little different. Beside the much-talked-about two venue solution to renovations at Madison Square Garden, my Westminster experience differed from that of previous years because I was not only competing at Westminster, I was stewarding as well. I was one of four juniors asked to steward at this year’s show. I was paired up with 2011 AKC Breeder of the Year Plaus Davern to assist English judge Frank Kane as he judged a variety of sporting breeds. Stewarding for Frank Kane was unbelievable and, frankly, I was a little star-struck. When I was little I would watch reruns of Crufts on Animal Planet, and Frank Kane was always commentating. Just watching him judge was thrilling . . . until he broke his glasses in the middle of his assignment. That was slightly terrifying as we had no clue if he would be able to actually see the dogs he was judging. Thankfully, he had another pair and the rest of my first ever stewarding assignment went as planned. For juniors, I was in Beth Sweigart’s first prelim on Monday. Westminster’s new qualification requirement of seven Best Juniors instead of ten open class wins really limited the number of juniors who qualified. This year there were about 80 juniors as opposed to 120 in previous years. All four Shelties entered in juniors were in my prelim, and I feel we represented the breed well. None of us made a cut, as Ms. Sweigart was very resolute in her decision and went straight to her two finalists. Despite not making the finals, I was quite happy with the way Selina and I showed. Selina has been my main juniors dog for the past six years, and we have become quite a team. As I enter my last year in juniors, I once again want to thank the ASSA for their continued support of me and my fellow juniors. We truly appreciate it. TANNER CLARK Central Zone I would like to express my dearest appreciation for the sponsorship given to me by the ASSA. It helped us tremendously with our expenses of going to the prestigious Westminster Dog Show. My experience was priceless not only for the amazing things about New York City but also for just the overall breathtaking experience of competing there. The ASSA was (as always) extremely supportive towards all juniors. Myself along with the rest of Stellar Kennels send our most sincerest appreciation. HALEY PEMBLE West Zone This year’s visit down to Florida was bittersweet for me. I was attending Eukanuba, but at the same time the ever present feeling that this would be my last time competing in juniors hit me at every set. I had to come to the realization that I would not be able to show my neutered junior’s dog, Elliot, again. He has been there from the very beginning of my junior career and was able to see me off for the last time. Not only was he there for me through highs, such as being the number one junior in the country in 2011, but also was able to cheer me up through the lows of not placing for months at a time. Eukanuba embodied all of these conflicting emotions, packaged together into a week’s event. Unlike previous years at Eukanuba, I was able to compete in breed as well as juniors. I am sad to say that it was not the Sheltie ring that I entered, but instead it was the American Water Spaniel ring. I aim towards attending Eukanuba and Westminster in the future, joined by a Sheltie that would do ASSA proud. Though I was not in the Sheltie ring, the pre‑shows still allowed me to practice and refresh myself right before the Eukanuba show so that I was not going into it rusty to any degree. Though I did not make it to the final four I was, and still am, so proud of Elliot for the spirit that he showed competing in juniors after an almost six month break. He had the attitude of a dog a quarter of his age, and held his stamina through the entire class. I remember being just baffled at this change in his behavior; it was almost as if he knew this was our send off from the juniors ring. It makes me nearly tear up that we did not make it to the finals, not for myself but for Elliot. Even though I will not have the opportunity to attend Eukanuba for juniors ever again, I look forward to attending this prestigious show for a different reason; one that will allow me to grow as a person and better myself in the dog show world. 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 55 We have a thriving online community that exchanges up-to-the minute information on a wide variety of topics for ASSA members. About half of the membership is already online; won’t you join us? RULES & TIPS—updated! Here are some tips, suggestions and rules for submitting articles for publication to the Bulletin Board. While it might appear that you are saving me time by doing special formatting yourself, that is not necessarily the case. ALL text should be in CENTURY or ARIEL 12 point, left-aligned text, without special paragraph formatting like spacing between paragraphs, line spacing, or indenting. Bold, italics and underlining is okay. Less is best! You can always put formatting instructions in <brackets> if you choose. No PDF files at the present time can be used. Let the computer wrap paragraph text for you. Only use the ENTER key between paragraphs. Please DO NOT USE the bullets or numbering feature. Never ever ever use the spacebar in place of the tab key! Please SPELLCHECK and GRAMMAR CHECK your documents. Avoid use of special characters like bullets, smileys, dashes, ellipses (those three dots) or excessive use of quotation marks, question marks, and exclamation points. Any lengthy, complicated documents you have, please email or call me for advice on how best to send it. Thank you! Go to www.groups.yahoo.com Click on the link to Sign Up. Ensure that you put in your full real name in the profile (no address or other information is required) with the Yahoo e-mail address you plan to use (or need to create) to post and receive information. This is necessary so that your ASSA membership can be verified. Go to www.assa.org, log into the members-only section, and click on the Join Yahoo! button, or go directly to: http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/americanssa/join If you are a member, we have lots of help for you to figure out who you need to talk to for help. Almost every file or form you need is on the members-only section. New Yahoo! Group A new Yahoo group has been created for ASSA Members wishing to receive e -mail announcements from the ASSA regarding business, news, national information, etc. without the interactive nature of the Yahoo Americanssa discussion group. The assa_announcements list is a members-only list for disseminating information to American Shetland Sheepdog Association members regarding association business and matters of interest. This list is fully moderated and only allows outgoing announcements and no replies. There are two ways to join: There is a button for subscribing included in the members-only section of the ASSA website, or you can send an email to: [email protected] requesting to join this group. You must submit your full name so that it may be verified against the roster of current members. Volume for this list should be low. It’s not necessary to join both lists as announcements will be sent to both. For those who read the current discussions on the Yahoo web page, you may wish to subscribe to the new list to have announcement e-mails delivered to your inbox. 2013 National Issue Summer—2013 56 Regional Round-Up Region 5 Region 6 Centennial SSC of Greater Denver, Inc. Shoreline Shetland Sheepdog Club of Baytown SPECIALTY SHOW SPECIALTY SHOW 45th Specialty Show & Obedience Trial Friday - September 20, 2013 Arapahoe County FG, Aurora, CO January 24, 2014 Breed: Randy Sheets Sweeps: Kathy Sheets Obedience: Frank Saling Rally: Barbara McClatchey Breed: Ellen Worthington Sweeps: Sharon Sparks Obedience: Susan Oviatt Sheltie Judges at all-breed shows: Sept. 21 & 22, 2013: Marjorie Tuff & Al Bianchi Your participation is requested! Active Research into disorders afflicting Shelties! Information about the studies below can be found on the ASSA website www.assa.org/health.html Dermatomyositis* — DNA samples from normal & affected dogs needed Bladder cancer — DNA samples from normal & affected dogs needed Lance canine teeth* Abnormal upper 3rd incisor teeth* Epilepsy* Cancer — hemangiosarcoma, osteosarcoma, melanoma, malignant histiocytic sarcoma, lymphoma *sample shipping costs may be covered by these studies for DNA samples from Shelties. See the ASSA website for information. be part of Sheltie History in the All pho CO tos in 2012 ASSA Handbook LO R The 2012 ASSA Handbook is now being prepared for publication. The 2012 edition will include valuable statistics, pedigrees, and owner names and addresses; as well as photos of Shelties that earned AKC Conformation, Obedience, Tracking, Herding, and Agility titles in 2012. Feature your Sheltie in the Handbook and order your copy based on the information and prices shown below. Contact editor for deadlines for PHOTO and ad submissions and book orders. Pedigree and Showcase Sections Open to Shelties who completed the listed AKC titles and show wins between January 1 and December 31, 2012. PEDIGREE SECTION SHOWCASE SECTION Full page with photo, featured title, AKC registration information, and 3-generation pedigree Quarter page with photo, featured accomplishment, and limited AKC registration information Cost . . . . . . $60.00 Cost . . . . . . $30.00 AKC Conformation Titles Champion Of Record (CH) Grand Champion Of Record (GCH) AKC Advanced Performance Titles Utility Dog (UD) Obedience Trial Champion (OTCH) Obedience Grand Master (OGM) Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX) Variable Surface Tracking Dog (VST) Champion Tracker (CT) Herding Excellent (HX) Herding Champion (HC) Master Agility Excellent (MX) Master Excellent Jumper (MXJ) Master Agility Excellent Preferred (MXP) Master Excellent Jumper Preferred (MJP) Master Agility Champion (MACH) Preferred Agility Champion (PACH) AKC Conformation Accomplishments Grand Champion (GCH) Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum Levels Reserve Winners through Best of Breed at Specialty Show Winners through Best of Breed at MAJOR point All-Breed Show Herding Group 1 Best In Show Reserve Best In Show AKC Performance Accomplishments Obedience High In Trial (Specialty or All-Breed Show) Obedience High Combined Score (Specialty or All-Breed Show) Herding High In Trial Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) Utility Dog Excellent (UDX—all levels) Obedience Master (OM1 through OM9) Tracking Dog (TD) Herding Intermediate (HI) Agility Excellent (AX) Excellent Agility Jumper (AXJ) Agility Excellent Preferred (AXP) Excellent Agility Jumper Preferred (AJP) Preferred Agility Excellent (PAX and above) Master Agility Champion multiples (MACH2 and above) Preferred Agility Champion multiples (PACH2 and above) Agility Lifetime Achievement Titles (all levels of Master Agility, Master Jumper, Master Agility Preferred, and Master Jumper Preferred) FULL PAGE (6"x9") ADVERTISEMENTS 2012 HANDBOOK ORDERS Specialty Clubs . . . . . black & white text ad $50.00 per page Prior to Handbook issue . . . . . $30.00 Foreign orders add $5.00 per book for shipping Owners, Breeders, Exhibitors . . . . . Ad with color photo(s) $60.00 per page After issue, Handbooks will be sold for $35.00 through Nancy Runyon, ASSA Publications Chairman. Make checks payable to . . . Mail photos, advertisements, and book orders to . . . American Shetland Sheepdog Association (ASSA) Sharon Parrish, ASSA Handbook Editor All advertising, Handbooks, etc must be paid for in US funds by money order or with a check drawn on a US bank. 1050 Kyler Road Mount Vernon, MO 65712 PHOTOGRAPH SPECIFICATIONS Electronic / Digital Images—Digital cameras used for candid photos or by professional photographers must be set at the highest quality setting which is typically 300 DPI resolution or above to ensure quality photo reproduction when incorporated into Handbook page layouts. Electronic photos taken by show photographers should be more than adequate for the Handbook. Hard copy, glossy paper photos should be scanned at 300 DPI to 400 DPI for best quality reproduction. Save scanned image as a “jpg” file. Send complete electronic image (handler, judge, dog) as an e-mail attachment to [email protected]. Images will be cropped and sized to fit Handbook pages. Glossy Paper Photographs—Send original, clear photos with good contrast between dog and background. Photocopies and ink jet printer reproductions of pictures are not acceptable. Any size photo is acceptable because photos will be cropped to the dog and re-sized to fit. All photographs will be returned. For additional information and order forms, contact Sharon Parrish at PHONE . . . (417) 461-1253 CELL . . . (651) 308-6213 E-MAIL . . . [email protected] Visit the ASSA Web site . . . www.assa.org . . . for complete information and to down load order forms. ASSA Futurity Rules and Information 1. The Futurity Stakes are open to litters where the breeder of record is an ASSA member. Each ASSA member/Member household may nominate only ten (10) owned or co-owned bitches per Futurity year. The bitch’s nomination must be postmarked on the envelope before the litter is born. The Futurity is held on the day before the National and each puppy must be entered in a regular class at the National. Put "Futurity Class" and age division in the box on the entry form for "Additional Class". There is no additional entry fee for the futurity class. 2. Starting with the 1995 Futurity, there is no ineligible zone. All litters nominated for bitches that will whelp after the closing date of the prior Futurity and before the beginning 18 month date of the next Futurity will be added to the next Futurity by extending the 12 to 18 month class to include the date in the ineligible zone. If a bitch is due right on the borderline dates, you may keep her eligible in both futurities by entering her in both and paying for both. Based on her actual whelping date she will then remain eligible in one or the other Futurity. Occasionally we have the opposite happen when Futurity year dates overlap. The same concept is applied she may be nominated for both years and the puppies may be nominated for both Futurities also by paying double fees at each level. However, you must chose which Futurity you will show in. You can only show a puppy in one Futurity. If you decide to show the puppy in the 6 - 9 month class you may not show that puppy again in the 12 - 18 month class the following year. 3. Nominations of bitches bred may be made on the ASSA Bulletin Board forms, or a 3 x 5 card, if at all possible. If necessary, you may submit nominations on any piece of paper. You must include Show Location, Show date/year, Dam, Date bred, Breeder(s) and your complete address with phone number. Upon receipt of your bitches nomination, a form will be mailed to you that will include your 3 month and 6 month reminders. This will be your only reminder. The Sire must be specified by the 6 month nomination. The fee of $5.00 per dam must be enclosed with the original nomination and a fee of $3.00 per puppy is due by 3 months with the exact whelping date and sex of each puppy kept nominated. A $7.00 fee is due by six months for each puppy you wish to keep nominated, and you must include the pup’s full AKC registered name, sex, and new owner (if any). Entries in the 6-9 months class must arrive at least 30 days prior to judging (by midnight, February 5, 2012). All six month nominations must include AKC litter number and proposed name, the name can be changed at a later date but must have the same AKC registration number. 4. The Futurity will consist of six classes: 6-9 mos.; 9-12 mos.; 12-18 mos. Winners of all above classes will compete for Best Puppy in Futurity. 5. Fees received for each class, less 30% (25% for expenses & 5% for the breeder of the Best In Futurity winner) will be used as prize money in that class. If divided by sex, money for that age group will be halved. Prize money will be divided as follows: 1st - 40%; 2nd - 30%; 3rd - 20%; 4th - 10%. Prizes revised if less than four (4) entries in a class. All prizes are paid to the handler in the ring. A special award of 5% of the total prize money will be paid, for each Futurity, to the ASSA member breeder of the Best in Futurity Winner. All nominations, correspondence and checks (payable to ASSA) are to be sent to the Chairperson: Sharon Parrish 1050 Kyler Road Mt. Vernon, MO 65712 Phone (417) 461-1253 Cell (651) 308-6213 [email protected] All money paid is irrevocable, with these exceptions:— overpayments made in error & nominations arriving too early or late for the age of the class. Money is not returned for "misses." Members recruited to judge Futurity will have their money returned upon request. Requests must be made 30 days before the Futurity date. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO ASSA. On checks for the original nomination of the bitch, please write the bitch’s AKC name. On 3 and 6 month nominations please write the Futurity litter number assigned. Also on 6 month nomination, add COLOR OF PUPPY. Please do not send Certified Mail or Air Express letters. Remember, eligibility is determined by the postmark, not delivery date (except for the Futurity closing date of 1 month prior to judging). Canadian members, please send your Futurity fee by Postal Money Order/US funds. Whenever there is an NSF check, the nomination for a litter will be ineligible until the check is made good and all bank charges incurred by ASSA are reimbursed. If you wish to know that your 3 month and 6 month Futurity nomination arrived safely, please include your e-mail address or a self-addressed, stamped postcard or envelope with those nominations. The initial nomination is acknowledged by the letter returned to you, which contains tear sheets for 3- and 6-month nominations. If you do not receive that letter, then I never received your original nomination. FUTURITY NOMINATION APPLICATION Year _______________________Location _______________________________________________________________________________ Member/Breeder ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ [List all breeders and circle the name(s) of the ASSA member(s).] Street ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: Home (_____) ____________________ Work (_____) __________________ E-Mail _______________________________________ Date(s) Bred _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sire ________________________________________________ Dam _________________________________________________________ Make check or money order payable to ASSA in US funds. Send nomination and check to Sharon Parrish 1050 Kyler Road, Mount Vernon, MO 65712 2013 ASSA Conformation Awards Application Each owner requesting an award must be a paid member in good standing and must submit the following form, or a copy thereof, to the Awards Chairman for the award(s) said owner believes they have earned on a Shetland Sheepdog. Your dues must be paid at the time your dog earned the award and this award must have been earned between January 1 and December 31, 2013 to be eligible. Award applications and copies of title certificates should be submitted as soon as possible after the title is completed. In order to be listed in the 2014 National catalog, your application and documentation must be received 30 days prior to the show closing date. All other award applications for 2013 must be received by March 31, 2014. Please contact the Awards Chairman if there is a delay on verification. You must send in copies of title certification in order to receive your award. Deadline for receipt of application for Top Producing Sire, Top Producing Dam, and Breeder of Most Champions is February 15, 2014. Please mark only the award(s) for which you are applying. For a reply regarding receipt of your application, contact the Chairman by e-mail or telephone (see below). The responsibility for accuracy lies with the applicant and not the Awards Committee. It is the responsibility of the person requesting the award to include all required documentation. Send Applications to Liz Boyd-Oliver, 2121 Autumn Lane, Morganton, NC 28655 Phone (828) 390-0234 e-mail [email protected] USE ONE FORM FOR EACH DOG. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY! Owner(s) ____________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State _____________ Zip ___________ Phone ______________________ Email __________________________________________ Registered Name of Dog _______________________________________________________ Date(s) Finished Title(s) _________________________________________________________ NOTE: If you would like your spoon or pin mailed to you, please enclose a check for $7.50, payable to ASSA, to cover postage. (Certificates will be mailed without a fee.) Up to 4 items, pins and/or spoons, can be mailed for one fee. ____ Please mail my award. OR ____ I’ll pick up my award at the National. CIRCLE THE AWARD(S) FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING (See below for requirements for each award.) CHAMPION (CH) Register of Merit (ROM) * GRAND CHAMPION (GCH) Century Club (CC) * GCH Achievement Level (circle level) Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Best In Show (All Breed) ** Top Producing Sire Top Producing Dam SPOON for Champion (CH) — ASSA members receive a spoon for a Champion of Record. A copy of AKC Certification of Title must be included with the form. Only one spoon is allowed per dog and will be awarded upon completing the first Champion title, regardless of venue (ie, conformation, obedience, herding, agility, or tracking). Completion of additional Champion-level titles, Conformation and Performance, will receive certificates only. (NOTE: Co-owners who are ASSA Members may purchase additional spoons for $35.00 each.) ASSA ACHIEVEMENT AWARD PIN for Register Of Merit (ROM) and Century Club (CC) – ASSA recognizes ROM and CC achievements for all Shelties, regardless of ASSA membership. ASSA Members receive a pin award. Non-ASSA members receive a certificate only. Applications must include a copy of the dog’s registration (as proof of ownership) and a list of all Champion offspring for ROM or list of shows and dates of Best Of Breed wins for CC. Pin awards will be issued to the first ASSA owner named on the registration. * ROM Dog = Sire of 10 or more Champions ROM Bitch = Dam of 5 or more Champions Century Club (CC) = 100 Bests Of Breed & multiples of 100 (NOTE: Co-owners who are ASSA Members may purchase additional pins for $35.00 each.) CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT for Grand Champion (GCH), Best In Show (All-Breed), Top Producing Sire, and Top Producing Dam — Dogs owned by ASSA Members are eligible for Certificate awards. For Grand Champion (GCH) or GCH Achievement Level, include copy of AKC Certification of Title or Level with form. For Best In Show, attach list of shows and dates. Top Producing Sire and Top Producing Dam awards recognize individuals with multiple offspring that earn Champion (CH) titles from January through December 2013. Attach list of offspring and dates finished. ** Best In Show (All Breed) Dog = 20 or more Bests In Show Best In Show (All Breed) Bitch = 7 or more Bests In Show ASSA Conformation BREEDER Of MOST CHAMPIONS Award Application Deadline for receipt of application is February 15, 2014 Name(s) of Breeder _____________________________________________________________________________ Number of Champions Finished in 2013 _____________________________________________________________ Attach a list of the Champions finished. Include their registered names, dates they finished, and proof you are the breeder. Effective March 25, 2013 2012 ASSA Awards Application — Performance Events Only Each owner requesting awards must satisfy the following requirements: Your membership must be current (dues have been paid) at the time your dog earned the title, and the title must have been earned between January 1 and December 31 (inclusive), 2012 to be eligible for a 2012 award. Applications for a 2012 award — an application form accompanied by a photocopy of relevant title certificate(s) — must be received by the Performance Awards Chair no later than June 1, 2013. Submit them as soon as possible after the title is completed; contact the Performance Awards Chair if there is a verification delay. The Performance Awards Chair is willing to accept scanned copies of applications and certificates by email. Mark only the award(s) for which you are applying. (See below.) The responsibility for accuracy lies entirely with the submitter and not with the Performance Awards Committee. In particular, it is the submitter’s responsibility to include all required documentation. If you wish confirmation that the Performance Awards Chair has received your application, you may include a stamped, self-addressed envelope or send email to the Performance Awards Chair requesting confirmation. Send Applications to: Jim Melton, 1930 Viscounti Drive, Sandy, UT 84093 Ph: +1.801.942.4762 [email protected] USE ONE FORM FOR EACH DOG. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY! NOTE: If you would like your spoon to be mailed to you, please enclose a check for $7.50, payable to ASSA, to cover postage. (Certificates will be mailed without a fee.) Owner(s) ____________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State _____________ Zip ___________ Phone ______________________ Email __________________________________________ Registered Name of Dog ____ Please mail my award. _______________________________________________________ OR ____ I’ll pick up my award at the National. Date(s) Finished Title(s) _________________________________________________________ A SPOON IS AWARDED FOR THESE TITLES (ONLY) — Circle the Award(s) For Which You Are Applying OTCH HC MACH PACH CT ENCLOSE A COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF TITLE FOR EACH AWARD REQUESTED Only one spoon is awarded per dog. The spoon is awarded upon completing the first Champion title, regardless of venue (conformation, obedience, herding, agility, tracking). Dogs completing additional Champion titles receive certificates for those titles. NOTE: Applications for conformation CH Award Spoons must be sent to the Conformation Awards Chair. CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT — Circle the Award(s) For Which You Are Applying CH/OTCH1 CH/HC1 OTCH + 3002 UD UDX 3 4 5 CH/PACH1 20+ Obedience HIT3 RAE AX AXJ AXP ____________________________ 1 2 CH/MACH1 HX TDX AJP CH/CT1 1st 200 Score4 VST MX VCD1 MXJ CH/UD1 5+ Herding HIT5 VCD2 MXP VCD3 MJP VCD4 PAX Awards for two Championships and CH/UD: Submit a copy of both certificates of title. Awards for 300 or more OTCH points after OTCH: Submit a list of trials and dates at which OTCH points were earned, including number of points. Awards for 20 or more Obedience Highs In Trial: Submit a list of trials and dates at which the HITs were won. Awards for 1st score of 200 earned: Submit the name and date of the trial at which that score was earned. Awards for 5 or more Herding Highs In Trial: Submit a list of trials and dates at which the HITs were won. Versatility Awards Application For: ____Versatility Certificate (VC) ____Versatility Certificate Excellent (VCX) ____VC or VCX + Champion Dog’s Registered Name ___________________________________________________________________________________ AKC Registered Number __________________________ Sex ________ Birthdate __________________________________ Breeder _____________________________________________________ Color _____________________________________ Owner(s) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________ E-Mail _______________________________________________ Please indicate the Highest SINGLE achievement earned in each Area and Category. The dog must have at least 1 point in each Area, and a total of 6 points from all Areas for VC or a total of 10 points from all Areas with major points in Conformation for VCX. CONFORMATION AREA Point Value 6 _____ Dog has been awarded Championship 3 _____ Dog has major points 1 _____ Dog has a 2-point win Date points or title earned ____________________ PERFORMANCE AREA Point Value HERDING AREA Date Title Earned Obedience Category 6 5 4 3 2 1 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ OTCH UDX UD VER CDX CD Date _________________ Agility Category 6 5 4 3 2 1 MACH PAX MX AX OA NA Circle appropriate title PACH Date _________________ MXJ MXF MXP MJP MFP AXJ XF AXP AJP XFP OAJ OF OAP OJP OFP NAJ NF NAP NJP NFP Point Value 6 ____ HCH 5 ____ HX 4 ____ HI 3 ____ HS 2 ____ PT 1 ____ HT Date title earned ____________________ Tracking Category 6 5 4 1 ____ ____ ____ ____ CT VST TDX TD 1 ____ RAE Date _________________ Rally Category Date _________________ VC/VCX DOCUMENTATION INFORMATION For Award approval and to receive your certificate, e-mail or mail a completed copy of this application along with a copy of your dog’s AKC Registration to Susan Bintliff 286 Hapete Trail Medford Lakes, NJ 08055 [email protected] ASSA Members applying for a CH + VCX Award receive an ASSA Achievement Award Pin. Please mail a check for $7.50 (payable to ASSA) to cover postage to Susan Bintliff. Certificates for VC, VCX, and CH + VC will be mailed without a fee. I hereby affirm that the above statements and the attached documentation are true to the best of my knowledge. Signature _______________________________________________ Date ________________________________________ ASSA HANDBOOKS Video Library Here is your chance to fill in the gaps in your ASSA Handbook collection—or for the new fancier to begin a collection. Each of these Handbooks includes a review of the year’s Specialty Shows, champions and advanced performance titlists (including pictures and pedigrees), plus special articles, often enriched with historic photos. Remember, website photos and pedigrees can disappear but the Handbook saves photos and information FOREVER. Video Rentals Carolyn Ing 493 Westford Street Carlisle, MA 01741-1557 (978) 371-1195 [email protected] VHS Tapes, CDs, and DVDs $10.00 rental fee for each item / title rented. Contact Carolyn for rental fee on titles requiring more than one item for complete title. Video items must be returned insured. 1989—1999 Editions $15 per book plus $5 shipping / handling ($20 total) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Astolat, E-Danha, Jo-Lyn, Herding—only 11 left! Faunbrook, Pocono, Sheltieland, Tracking MarJan, Waljon SOLD OUT SOLD OUT Limited quantities Thistlerose Shelties, The Collie Crosses Herding History, The Founding Fathers Dorlane Kennel, 20 Years of High in Trials Sea Isle Story, Importance of Bitch in Breeding Program Tull-E-Ho Shelties, Agility and the Shetland Sheepdog ASSA National Specialties 1982 through 2005 (2-6 VHS tapes per year) 2006 through 2011 (DVD) ASSA National Visiting Hours 1984, 1990, 1991 ASSA Symposia 1985—Whelping Box to Show Ring 1986—So You Want To Be A Judge 1986—Breeder Interviews Moribrook, Sea Isle, Astolat, Lingard, Willowand, and Pocono 1986—Dr. Monger, Eye Talk—Dr. Marlin Roll 1990—Dr. Patty Olson—Infertility in the Female & Male 2005—Breeder Panel Shelties in Motion (narrated by Jan Leonard) Progression of the Shetland Sheepdog (PowerPoint on CD) 10 Years of ASSA National Specialty Winners Study of Collie Gait Basic Grooming (Collie Club of America) Whelping Film (Collie Club of America) Canine Vaginal Smears (slides on tape) (Collie Club of America) Observing Dogs in Motion (American Kennel Club) In the Ring with Mr. Wrong (American Kennel Club) Exercise Finished. A Day with an Obedience Judge (American Kennel Club) Golden Oldies (by Pepper Power) The Shetland Special (PDF files of magazine issues from 1949-1950 and 1956-1962 on CD) 2000—2010 Editions $30 per book plus $5 shipping / handling ($35 total) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Philidove, Ideal Type The History of Tracking Shelties Shelties Rule! (The US/AKC World Agility Teams) The Correct Sheltie, Interpretations of The Standard Starhaven—A Commitment Best in Show Shelties, History of ASSA Versatility Program SOLD OUT Sheltie History—Fact, Fable and Fantasy The Shetland Sheepdog (Physical Characteristics/Standard Interpretation) Oaklawn/Range Rover Lines (behind Peter Pumpkin), Colors (DNA) The Shetland Sheepdog—An American Success, Of The Good Ones Also Available The Shetland Sheepdog—A Pictorial Standard $4 each plus $1 S/H Sheltie Coloring Book $5 each plus $1 S/H The Shetland Sheepdog CD—The Ultimate Interactive Experience $40 each plus $2.95 S/H Mail order with check payable to ASSA to Nancy Runyon 1285 Hopewell Road Harrodsburg, KY 40330 Phone: 859-734-9854 E-Mail: [email protected] ASSA Future National Specialty Locations and Judges 2014 Gray Summit, Missouri Purina Farms April 11-19, 2014 Judges: Janet Turnage Nahikian - Best of Breed Mark Houston-McMillan - Dogs Nioma Coen - Bitches Jane Hammett-Bright - Futurity 2015 Fredericksburg, Virginia Location: TBA 2016 Location: TBA Judges:TBA Judges: Tom Coen - Best of Breed Gayle Eads - Dogs Barbara Wright - Bitches Robert Olsen - Futurity American Shetland Sheepdog Association c/o Merrylee Malanowski 28608 W. Roberts Road Barrington, IL 60010-7017 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID WILMINGTON, DE PERMIT #605 April 11-19, 2014 Purina Farms Gray Summit, MO
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