Instructions for IEPWriter
Instructions for IEPWriter
Instructions for IEPWriter 1 Table of Contents BEFORE STARTING IEPWRITER .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Web address ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 LOGIN ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Tips to Remember ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 NAVIGATING IEPWRITER ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 CREATE AN IEP ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 FIND AN IEP ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 STUDENT INFORMATION PAGE.................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 SECTION 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Reasons for Developing an IEP ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 IEP Team .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Health Support Services ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Equipment/Technology Supports .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Sources Consulted ............................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Educational Assessments ...............................................................................................................................................................................................10 Clinical Assessments ........................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Strengths/Needs .............................................................................................................................................................................................................10 SECTION 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Accommodated Only IEPs .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Modified IEPs .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Secondary Teachers ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Elementary Teachers ......................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Alternative Program ........................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Modified Subject or Alternative Program Pages ...................................................................................................................................................13 Copy Modified or Alternative Pages ...........................................................................................................................................................................14 Human Resources for Board Staff .............................................................................................................................................................................15 Program Exemptions/Substitutions ............................................................................................................................................................................15 Provincial Assessments ...................................................................................................................................................................................................15 Secondary School Goal....................................................................................................................................................................................................16 SECTION 3 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................16 Accommodations ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................16 IEP Completion And Reporting Format ......................................................................................................................................................................17 TRANSITION PLAN ............................................................................................................................................................................................................17 IEP CONSULTATION..........................................................................................................................................................................................................21 PRINT IEPs .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................21 2 BEFORE STARTING IEPWRITER 1. Open Internet Explorer. Check your compatibility view settings in Internet Explorer. Click on to open Internet Explorer. Click on Tools -> Compatibility View Settings. 2. When the window pops up, click on the white space below “Add this website” and type “”. Click “Add”. Click “Display all websites in Compatibility View”. Close the pop up window and restart Internet Explorer. 3. Turn off your pop up blocker. Web address is: (you may want to bookmark this website) LOGIN Use the same username (user ID) and password that you use for logging onto school computers. 3 How to Find Your Username and Password 1. Open 2. Click ‘Forgot Your Password’ 3. Enter your User Name (i.e. christopherm). DO NOT include 4. Click Retrieve 5. Open FirstClass, open the email from [email protected] to find your password. 6. If you still cannot log on to a computer at your school, then submit a help desk ticket. To Find a Staff Username 1. Log on to your school computer. 2. Click Start, then click Computer to view shared network folders. 3. Open your school shared folder (i.e. Truedell Public School) then Staff Services. 4. Open the newest staff account spreadsheet. Verify a staff member is using the correct username. If the staff name is not on the list submit a help desk ticket using the category Account/Password Reset. 4 Tips to Remember 1. Use Internet Explorer (Windows) or Safari (Mac) as your web browser of choice for IEP Writer. 2. DO NOT USE THE INTERNET NAVIGATION BUTTONS (back, refresh, X, etc.) or you will be kicked out of the program and may lose data! 3. You MUST use the Log Out button to leave the program, or you will be locked out of the IEP you are currently reading for 20 minutes. (You can still access other IEPs while you wait). NAVIGATING IEPWRITER CREATE AN IEP If you create a new IEP in IEPWriter, then Trillium needs to be updated under the SPED section, even if the student does not have an exceptionality. Click ‘Create an IEP’. Enter the student’s last name, select the school and click ‘Search’. Click on the student’s name from the list that appears. 5 Click ‘Create IEP’, then edit the IEP by clicking on each section. Navigate from one section to another by clicking on the column on the left (IEP Section 1, IEP Section 2, etc.). Click ‘Save’ then click ‘Exit’ to close the IEP. Click ‘Log Out’ to close the IEPWriter. FIND AN IEP 1. Select your school name if it doesn’t automatically appear. 2. You may search for multiple IEPs or a single IEP. a) To search for all IEPs at your school, click Search (you don’t have to enter anything else). 6 b) You may qualify your search by entering the last name, a letter (e.g. M will bring up all the students who have a last name that starts with M), grade level or type of exceptionality. c) If you have ownership of IEPs then you can click “My IEPs” and only the IEPs that you own will appear. d) If you have IEPs that have been shared with you then you can click “Shared IEPs” instead of entering any information and clicking “Search” then all of the IEPs that have been shared with you will appear. 3. The IEPs that appear in your Search list will be the IEPs that appear in your “working group”. The “working group” allows you to navigate between IEPs instead of having to close one IEP and open another. This “working group” also appears when you want to print IEPs so that you may select more than one IEP to print. 4. Click on the student’s name from the list that appears which will then open the IEP. 7 STUDENT INFORMATION PAGE This screen will NOT print when you are printing IEPs – it is available to confirm student identity when you are creating or selecting an IEP. The information is current from Trillium as of the previous evening. It is refreshed nightly. Data that is extracted from Trillium into the IEP cannot be changed by the IEPWriter. If there is erroneous or incorrect student data then changes must be made in Trillium. SECTION 1 Trillium automatically pushes the student data information to IEPWriter and the boxes that are greyed out cannot be changed in IEPWriter. If this information is incorrect then it needs to be changed in Trillium. 1. Double Click in a text field and the pop-up window will appear. 2. Some fields (e.g. Strengths and Needs) allow you to select from a checklist and/or type in your own information. 3. To select an item, click the select box to the left and it will be copied to the window. To remove an item, click the clear button. When completed, use the “Copy to IEP” button to copy and close the window. If the “Copy to IEP” button does not work then check your computer settings (see ‘Before Starting IEPWriter’). Reasons for Developing an IEP – double click to open the pop-up window and select from the menu. You may also edit your selection and type in the window. Select ‘copy to IEP’. IEP Team – click on the text box to select from a list of staff and the staff position (this information is linked to Trillium and if a staff member is not listed then check Trillium). Select one staff member, select his/her staff position and then “Copy to IEP”. Click below this name to open the pop up window to select another IEP Team staff member. 8 Health Support Services – click on the text box to open the pull-down menu/editing pop up box. • Services related to health needs that must be addressed on a scheduled basis • These may include: suctioning, injections, tube feeding, personal care-lifting, toileting • Do not include: emergency plans, description of the medical condition, nor information on the distribution of oral medication Equipment/Technology Supports • Click ‘yes’ for SEA Status (top of the page under the school year) if a student has a professional assessment recommending SEA equipment (SEA Status). • If a student is accessing assistive technology from the Resource Centre, the classroom or by sharing SEA equipment, please specify • Indicate in text box if SEA Claim is pending and list the equipment and software required • When the SEA equipment arrives, remove the ‘SEA Claim is pending’ comment and list the equipment 9 Sources Consulted – There must be something listed in the area and this statement (Parent/Guardian or Student if 16+) appears automatically but may be removed if not applicable. Enter the documentation consulted (e.g. OSR, latest report card, IPRC, current work, observations, parent/student consultation, etc.). Educational Assessments • Include relevant assessments that indicate the student’s current achievement • Choose tools that provide in-depth information such as PM Benchmarks, DRA or CASI • Indicate who provided the testing (e.g. DRA by YourName, classroom teacher) Clinical Assessments • Include reports that support the identification of the student’s exceptionality • Include the date, name of specialist and a brief summary statement of each report’s findings, but not numerical scores or percentiles • Do not include every report in the student’s OSR but only the most recent assessments • Do not include personal/family information or medical diagnoses that do not relate to the identification • Examples of summary statements: o Report supports the identification of Learning Disability o Information indicates a mild to moderate hearing loss o WISC – More difficulty with expressive than receptive language, weak fine motor skills, low average short-term memory and visual problem solving, more difficulty with reasoning tasks Strengths/Needs • Clinical and Educational data provides information about the student’s learning strengths and needs • Ensure there is a balance of Strengths and Needs (approximately 3 to 5) • Strengths • o Include student’s preferred learning styles such as visual/auditory or kinesthetic learner o Include previously acquired learning skills such as organizational or time-management skills Assessed Needs o Include broad cognitive and/or processing challenges such as visual memory or working memory o Include skill deficits that interfere with the ability to learn such as social skills, attention or emotional control Do not include: o what a student needs (e.g. program, equipment or support personnel) o what a student needs to do (e.g. the student needs to improve his/her math skills) 10 o personality traits o what a student enjoys SECTION 2 You may choose to view the IEP by Term/Semester. Choose either Term/Semester 1 or Term/Semester 2 option (Term/Semester F refers to Full Year and should not be used). Accommodated Only IEPs Accommodated Only IEPs do not require an entry in the Subject/Courses or Alternative Program area. In IEP Section 3, under Accommodations, it states that accommodations apply to all subjects. If the IEP contains an entry in Term/Semester F “All Subjects” it is because this information was in the old IEP Engine. This is not necessary in IEPWriter and may be removed. To remove, select ‘F’ under Term/Semester then click the radial button under ‘Clear Term F’. Modified IEPs Secondary Teachers: select “Copy Time Table” to view the student’s current timetable and select the course(s) that will be modified or alternative: 11 Elementary Teachers: Modified subjects require you to select MOD beside the first blank text field, click in the blank text field, then the course selection window will appear. Select the panel in which the subject belongs and a selection of grade options will appear. Click on the appropriate grade and a list of subjects will appear. Click the required subject, then click the “Copy to IEP” button. Alternative Program: Select Alternative, then click on the box. 12 When this pop-up appears, click “Alternative”. When the next screen pops up, click “Alternative” and select your program area. Click “Copy to IEP”. Modified Subject or Alternative Program Pages 1. After selecting the modified subject or alternative program save the page. The subject/program area will appear in the drop-down menu. 2. Click the Modified Subject or Alternative Program title to access the page where you will then enter the Baseline Level of Achievement, Annual Program Goal, Learning Expectations, Teaching Strategies and Evaluation Methods. 3. Record the student’s baseline level of achievement (usually taken from the June Report but may also be an anecdotal comment). 4. The Annual Program Goal describes what a student can reasonably accomplish by the end of the school year. 5. Learning Expectations, Teaching Strategies and Evaluation Methods relate to the Annual Program Goal. 13 You may click the drop-down arrow to get a list of IEPs to select another student’s name and then navigate to the same page. Copy Modified or Alternative Pages Go to IEP Section 2 and click on the subject/alternative program under ‘Modified & Alternative Pages’. 14 When the modified subject or alternative program page pops up, click on “Copy this page to term….” And select “2” (do not select F because F= Full Year and we don’t use this). Now you can change this page to create your Term/Semester 2 Learning Expectations. You may click “Clear All” under Learning Expectations to clear all the Learning Expectations or you may click “more…” to open the box with the Learning Expectation and change the individual expectation. You may also do this for the Teaching Strategies and Evaluation Methods (click “Clear All” or click “more…” to change) Copy Modified or Alternative Pages to Term/Semester 1 You may also follow these instructions in September by copying last year’s Term/Semester 2 program pages to Term/Semester 1. First you must ‘clear’ Term/Semester 1’ from the previous year. Then open the program page and click ‘Copy this page to Term…’ and select ‘1’. Please Note: If you select ‘Clear All Courses’ then the Modified and Alternative pages with the baseline level of achievement, annual goal, learning expectations, teaching strategies and evaluation methods will be deleted. Human Resources for Board Staff • It is not necessary to list the regular classroom teacher • Choose the type of service and who will provide the service • Only enter staff employed by LDSB Program Exemptions/Substitutions – if applicable, list the program and state the educational rationale for the exemption Provincial Assessments – If it is a Provincial Assessment year, click on the Permitted Accommodations for either Elementary or Secondary. These accommodations will automatically appear on the Accommodations section of the IEP. 15 Accommodations Section of the IEP: Secondary School Goal – indicate whether student is working toward Certificate of Accomplishment, Ontario Secondary School Certificate or Ontario Secondary School Diploma (you may have to use the scroll bar to get to the bottom of the page to view this). Click on the down arrow for the pop-up window. Click to select the Secondary School Goal. SECTION 3 Accommodations – click in a data box to select or type in accommodations applicable to the student. • Include a manageable number of general accommodations that are specific to the student’s needs and only those strategies and supports that differ from what is normally provided during classroom instruction • Refer to the student’s Clinical reports for suggested accommodations • Ensure that appropriate accommodations are selected under the Instructional, Environmental and Assessment headings • Any permitted accommodations you clicked for the Provincial Assessment in Section 2 will appear here automatically 16 IEP Completion And Reporting Format Enter the date of the IEP completion (usually 30 days after the first day of school). Select the reporting format that applies. Note that some students may receive both a Provincial Report Card and an Alternative Report. If this IEP has modified subjects or alternative program areas then there will automatically appear a checked box. All students with an IEP should have a transition plan and if there is a transition plan for this IEP then this will be reflected in the checked box. TRANSITION PLAN Effective September 2014, all students with an IEP (identified or non-identified) must have a Transition Plan. • • Transitions may include: o entry to school o transition between activities, setting or classroom o transitions between grades o moving from school to school or from an outside agency to a school o transition from elementary to secondary or secondary to post-secondary Must include at least one action plan, the person or agency responsible for or involved in completing each of the actions, and timelines for implementation Click on ‘IEP Transition Plan (PPM156)’. Click on ‘Add Transition Reason’ and a pop-up window will appear. Click on each box to enter information. 17 Transition Reason: Click on the box to open the pop-up window, select the reason for creating this transition plan (please note that all transition plans will have the same reason), then click ‘Copy to Document’. Transition Goal: Click on the box to open the pop-up window, select a goal then copy to document. 18 Actions Required: Click on the box to open the pop-up window, select the action by clicking on the box. Tip – you may choose more than one action for the goal if the person(s) responsible and the timeline will be the same for each action. If these differ, then you will have to complete this action and then click ‘add an action’ to select more action(s), person(s) responsible, and timeline. Person(s) Responsible: Click on the box to open the pop-up window. You may type in the window or select from the list. You may edit in the window, if required. Click copy to document. 19 Transition Timeline: Click on the box to open the pop-up window. Select from the list or type in the window. Click copy to document. This is an example of the transition plan in IEPWriter: 20 This is an example of the transition plan when printed: IEP CONSULTATION – all consultations regarding the IEP development within the current school year should be recorded here. There must be at least one entry or the Signature page will not print! PRINT IEPs - IEPWriter prints to a pdf and from the pdf you may choose to save the IEP or print to a printer. 1. Make sure your Internet “Pop-Up Blocker” is turned OFF! (see information ‘Before Starting IEPWriter’). 2. You will need to Find an IEP to select the IEP(s) that you want to print. • Print one IEP – enter the student’s last name and select the school. Click search and then click on the student name to open the IEP. • My IEPs –click on this box, then click search for a list of all IEPs that you own. Select one student name to open the IEP. This list is now in your working group so that you may select multiple IEPs to print. • Shared IEPs – click on this button for a list of all IEPs that you have shared access. Click on one student name to open the IEP. 21 • Bulk print IEPs – select your school and click search for a list of all IEPs at your school. Click on one student name to open the IEP. This list is now in your working group so that you may select multiple IEPs to print. 3. Options are available to Print IEPs, Print Page, or Print IEP. 4. Click ‘Print IEPs’ from the left-hand column. Follow the instructions below: 5. When the prompt says, “Processing Complete…” click the “Okay” button. 6. Each IEP will open individually as a pdf that you can print OR save as a file on your computer. ***Please contact the SST/LPS at your school if you have any questions about IEPWriter*** 22