Corpus Christi Catholic Church


Corpus Christi Catholic Church
December 8, 2015 to
November 20, 2016
Corpus Christi
JULY 31, 2016 - Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Horario de Misas
Rev. Efrain Bautista, Pastor
Deacon Wil Hollowell
Deacon Alan Pangilinan
Deacon Raul Millan
8:00 am Vigil 5:00 pm
English 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am
12noon, 5:00 pm
Spanish 1:30 pm
Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sunday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
3:30 pm
If you or a family member are in the hospital or need
of the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact the
church office.
450 Corral Canyon Rd, Bonita, CA 91902 ♦ ♦ PH 619-482-3954 ♦ FAX 619-482-7236
JULY 31, 2016
Rev. Efrain Bautista
482-3954 ext. 201
[email protected]
Deacon Wil Hollowell
482-3954 ext. 105
[email protected]
Deacon Alan Pangilinan
482-3954 ext. 106
[email protected]
Deacon Raul M. Millan
482-3954 ext. 301
[email protected]
Don Beckman
Facility Manager
482-3954 ext.104
[email protected]
Helen Gomez
Administrative Assistant
Bulletin/Media Coordinator
482-3954 ext. 102
[email protected]
Margaret McLaughlin
Administrative Assistant
Bereavement Coordinator
482-3954 ext. 205
[email protected]
Patricia Piñal de Perez
Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry
482-3954 ext. 101
[email protected]
Peter Luciano
Director of Music Ministry
482-3954 ext. 203
[email protected]
Elena Arteaga: Bookkeeper: 482-3954
Jim Hardy: Events Coordinator
(619) 709-1182
Suzanne Auditor: Liturgical Coordinator
(619) 254-6397
[email protected]
Mike Wickham
Director of Religious Education
[email protected]
Peggy Tacchino
Confirmation & Youth Ministry
482-3954 ext. 113
[email protected]
Sherri Baumgardner
Religious Education Secretary
482-3954 ext. 212
[email protected]
Leanna Zarzar Prelle
Preschool Director
[email protected]
World Youth Day 2016
A few weeks ago in Rome for the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul the Holy
Father celebrated the Pallium Mass for the Metropolitan Archbishops who were
named this past year. It is at this Mass that each of the new Metropolitan
Archbishops receive from the Holy Father the Pallium, representing their union with
the Holy Father in serving the Church, particularly in serving their local
metropolitan province. Each year, this celebration brings together the archbishops
from all over the world, this year there were four American Archbishops who
received the Pallium.
For me, this celebration has always been a beautiful symbol of the union
between the local church and its pastor, The Holy Father. But in addition to this
symbol, it has always given me a good glimpse of the Church Universal, as people
from every part of the world is present for this great occasion. It really makes it seem
how we all belong to this great community, this great body we call the Catholic
This week in Poland, the Church once again has come together to celebrate
this universality we call the Catholic Church However, the focus this week in Poland
is a bit different, for this week it is hundreds of thousands of youth who will gather
with the Holy Father to celebrate World Youth Day! World Youth Day is a great
opportunity to see how much the Church is alive today, especially in the youth as
this weekend, youth from all over the world come together in prayer and worship
with Pope Francis.
Locally, our youth will also gather to pray and worship as the organization,
All for God, once again brings the Steubenville Conference to San Diego. This
weekend, we will have thousands of youth come together from all over the west
coast to celebrate our Catholic Faith as they come together to be one in prayer.
Hence, I invite you to join me in prayer for the youth both in Poland and
here locally this weekend, as they come to receive the outpouring of God’s love on
them, remembering always that our youth are not the Church of tomorrow but the
Church of today.
Fr. Efrain
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Classes are from 9:00 am until 10:15 am. We will be
studying the Gospel of John and will devote
approximately 8 weeks to this study. All are welcome to
Saturday, August 20th
The Diocese’s requirement is 10 hours a year to remain certified. It is imperative that
you attend this meeting. This is not just about watching the DVD on Safe
Environment but an opportunity to meet Fr. Efrain, our new priest and to hear his
vision for the coming years. Father Efrain wants all our catechists at this meeting if at
all possible. This will be a day of celebrating the Mass, prayer, good food, exciting
DVD’s, inspirational music for your classrooms and our coming together as the Body
of Christ.
July 31, 2016
1 1 :0 0 am - 5 : 0 0 pm
Enter Rohr Park from Sweetwater Rd (between
Willow & Central Ave). We will be having our
picnic at the top of the hill by Rohr Manor.
at Bonita Valley Church, 4701 Sweetwater Road
The Knights of Columbus
will serve hot dogs,
hamburgers, all the
condiments and soft drinks. If
you like, bring your favorite
foods to share with everyone.
Baked food donations for the
cake walk are welcome.
Can you volunteer to help at
t he picnic? If you c an
volunteer, sign up after all the
Masses on
AUGUST 13-14
Games & Sports
Games, Sports, Watermelons, Piñatas, Clowns and Fun!!
Bring sports equipment, a chair, suntan lotion and shade. We will have
tug of war, foot races, cake walk, watermelon eating contest & more!!
Friday, August 5, 2016. Game time is at 7:40 pm. The gates
open at 5:00 pm for “Cocktail Fest”. Enjoy different
cocktail vendors throughout the stadium. Post Game
fireworks. Go to:
Mater Dei Juan
Diego Academy
is accepting
applications for
grades TK to 3rd
For more information,
please call
(619) 423-2121 ext
131 or
email at
[email protected]
July 31, 2016
let me introduce you to ...
Every Sunday, as we walk in the church, the first thing parishioners see is the Altar
and many cannot ignore the flower arrangements that adorn it. These flowers are
arranged by our volunteers that come every Thursday and Friday. Many people have
different talents and what best way to use these great talents is offering them to the
Lord. Not just the talent but time as well.
Carmen Burgara Linares
Mass collection for
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Sunday: ........................$21,477.50
Building Fund: ................$2,503.00
Attendance: 3699
for July 15, 2016
$46, 225.00
Linda Dail
Goal is
Next time you come to church, pray for
these wonderful ladies that make you feel
welcomed with their talent.
Carmen, Linda and Yuki, we thank you!
Corpus Christi owes
Yuki Beckman
Confirmation Registration
is now open until July 31
Go to our website at:
or call Peggy Tacchino at: (619 482-3954 ext. 113.
Deacon Ralph and Peggy Skiano are presenting Relationship Skills Workshops every
Wednesday night at 7:00 pm at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 3888 Paducah Drive.
Come and explore how to improve your relationships. You can attend one workshop,
several, or all of them. For more information call Deacon Ralph at 858-490-8292.
August 3: Speaking the Truth in Love
August 10: How to Fight Fair: Conflict Resolution
August 17: Feelings and the Hurt Spiral
August 24: Forgiveness and Repair
August 31: Rebuilding Trust
If your bank or credit card
company has not been deducting
the online giving from your
account, please go to:
and log in and reactivate your
P5___________________________________________________________________________________July 31, 2016
Office of Marriage and Family Life
Marriage Help
The word Retrouvaille (pronounce re-tro-vi with a long i.) is a French word meaning rediscovery. The program offers tools
needed to rediscover a loving marriage relationship. Thousands of couples headed for cold, unloving relationships or divorce
have successfully overcome their marriage problems by attending the program September 16-18. Space is limited. Please call
(951) 259-9474 for information.
! !
17th Annual
Golf Classic
Save the date
October 1
Registration and
forms are now
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Diocesan Council of San Diego, and the
San Diego Diocesan Office for Social
Ministry are proud to co-host:
Celebrating the Year of Mercy
in the Vincentian Way
A Day of Recollection with Fr. Greg Adolf
Open to everyone in the Diocese of San Diego
Saturday, Aug. 20, 2016
8:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Mission San Diego de Alcalá
10818 San Diego Mission Road
San Diego, CA 92108 Join us at 8:30 AM for registra;on, con;nental breakfast, presenta;ons, Mass celebrated during the day, lunch, and more…
cordially invites you to attend their
Monday, September 12, 2016, 11:00 am
All Hallows Catholic Church
6602 La Jolla Scenic Dr, La Jolla, CA
Join the Ladies Guild for their Membership Luncheon and
find out more about volunteering with the Ladies Guild.
These ladies perform works of charity for children in
unfortunate living conditions. As Father Joe says, “it is for the
children.” For more information, contact Janet Salus at (858)
483-7911 or [email protected]
no later than September 5, 2016.
9:00 AM
A class for food handlers certification for all groups,
ministries and anyone that is interested will be held here at
Corpus Christi. The cost is $25 per person. For the
volunteers that have taken the food handlers class
previously, your certification will expire in August 2016.
For more information and to register, please contact Carole
Hamilton at (619) 479-3370 or at (619) 341-1809.
No fee. Complimentary breakfast & lunch. Limited seating.
Registration required by Aug. 13. Contact:
Maria Valencia
[email protected]
First Reading -- Do not spend your life toiling for material
gain (Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23).
Psalm -- If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts
(Psalm 90).
Second Reading -- Christ has raised you to new life, so seek
now what is above (Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11).
Gospel -- Be on guard against all greed, for your life does
not consist of earthly possessions, but of the riches of the
reign of God (Luke 12:13-21).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969,
1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All
rights reserved.
Corpus Christi Church___________________________________________________________________________ P6
For information regarding Religious Education, please contact Sherri Baumgardner at [email protected] or phone at (619) 482-­‐3954 ext. 212.
Registration will close August 15
Religious Education registration is for students in Kindergarten through 8th grade and we now have 650 students registered. Your family must be registered in the parish for TWO weeks before you can make an appointment for class registration.
Classes will begin August 29, 30, 31 & September 1, 2016 Your family must register in the parish for two weeks before you can register your children for Religious Education classes.
Classes are for Kindergarten through 8th grades. All classes are one hour. Cost is $120 per child, $60 additional child, $30 First Communion
Monday at 4:30 p.m. for Holy Communion students in grades 2-6.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 4:30 p.m. for K-5 (including Communion preparation).
Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. for ALL Middle School students.
Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. for grades 1-5 (including Communion preparation).
Thursday at 6:00 p.m. for grades 1, 2, and ALL sixth graders.
We will need copies of the child’s Baptism Certificate and your Church Marriage Certificate (for new students).
Registration is by appointment only, please contact Mike Wickham at: [email protected]
Please see the parish website for additional information including the registration forms, which you can download and complete
BEFORE you come in to register as well as the Religious Education Calendar.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Are you or someone you know interested in becoming a
Catholic? Do you know an adult who needs to receive their
First Holy Communion or Confirmation? Would you like to
know more about your Catholic faith and develop an adult
understanding of what it means to be Catholic? Then the
RCIA Program is for you.
Classes meet on Monday nights from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
starting August 29. Join us on the spiritual journey leading to
the Easter Vigil on April 15, 2017. For more information and
to set up an interview time, please contact Mike Wickham at
[email protected] or Sherri Baumgardner at
[email protected]
Divine Mercy Pilgrimage to Poland & Prague
November 7 - 17, 2016 (Our Lady of the Rosary San Diego)
Join a small group of pilgrims to visit sights in Warsaw,
Czestochowa, Krakow and more. These sights include the
home of St. John Paul II and of St. Faustina, and where he
celebrated Mass. Trip includes airfare, hotels, buffet breakfast
daily, eight dinners, tour escort, daily Mass and more for
$3,218 p.p. For additional information, please call
800-908-2378 or at
The future of our community and our Church
depends on the children of today becoming
the leaders of tomorrow. With all the changes
in our society, it is important that our young
people are educated in the values and faith of
the Catholic Church. For more information
a b o u t F I AT CAT H O L I C S C H O O L S , g o t o or go to our website at and click on the “FIAT” button. FIAT
Catholic Schools is a collaboration of the Diocese of San Diego
South Bay parishes and schools.
Corpus Christi Preschool
480 Corral Canyon Road Bonita, CA 91902
LIC# 376700824
Monday-Friday 6:30AM to 6:00PM
Director: Leanna Zarzar Prelle M.A.Ed. (619)482-3956
Corpus Christi Preschool
The Preschool is now enrolling for school year 2016-2017. We
have limited space available. We accept children ages 2-5 years of
age. Registration is by appointment only. Call to make an
appointment before all slots fill. Contact Director Leanna
Zarzar Prelle at (619) 482-3956 or email at:
[email protected]
2 days 8:00AM-12:00 PM - 2 days 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM $355 per month
$500 per month
3 days 8:00AM-12:00 PM - 3 days 6:30 AM – 6:00 PM $435 per month
$655 per month
4 days 8:00 AM-12:00 PM- 4 days 6:30 AM- 6:00 PM$515 per month
$755 per month
5 days 8:00AM-12:00 PM- 5 days 6:30AM-6:00 PM$595 Monthly
$855 Monthly
*Other hours can be
*Children are considered full
arranged. Part-time is up to time if they are with us more
4 hours max.
than 4 hours.
*Annual Registration/Materials Fee:
$150 or $200 per family
*15% Tuition Discount for Siblings
*10% Discount for Active Military, Police, Firefighters &
Border Patrol
P7___________________________________________________________________________________July 31, 2016
Bereavement Ministry
August 3, 2015 Alexandro Mercado
Something in the human heart dies when it suffers the
loss of a loved one.
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect
them as they protect us. Bless them and their
families for the selfless acts they perform for us in
our time of need and bring them home safely. May
their sacrifices bring about a lasting and just peace
in those lands. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our
Lord and Savior. Amen.
throughout the World
Mary Magdalene loved Jesus. She gave him her heart in
life, and a living piece of the heart went with him in his
death. Her encounter with the risen Lord speaks to all of
us who have known the pain of human loss. Many of us
are fortunate to be given love and support from family
and friends. There are also those who suffer alone, not
being able to share their anguish. But all of us look for
some kind of comfort to lessen the pain.
In our times of grief, faith leads us to seek the presence of
God in those who share our pain and who teach us that
no part of the heart can ever die. It can be seemingly
broken through death, but in truth it was given to God,
who through death transforms the heart. And in our tears,
we find what we were looking for.
Fr. James Stepen Behresn, O.C.S.O.
Margaret McLaughlin, Bereavement Coordinator
ABF3 Terrence Alexander
MA3 Timothy M. Alexander
Sgt. Kylie Pastor Bautista
PO2 Ryan E. Brink
SR Janssen Paul Guiwo Bunag
Dalia Chavez
ABHC Curtis Evans
TAOE7 Eddie Gasmin
PO Maria Gonzalez
HM2 James Gozon
LT David Huscher
SA Micahel Janecek
CDR Ricardo Legaspi
LT Andrew Legayada
CTN1 Will Lucas
PO3 M. Fabiola Martinez-Perez
LT John Mercado
LT Frank D. Miller
SN Carlos Muñoz
GSMC Gil Perfecto
LCDR Dan Schlesinger
USNS Rainier Shipmates
PO3 Marisol Salazar
SCPO Luis Samonte
CM1 John Soto
CPT Todd Tinsley
SN Kevin Tolentino
LCDR Alvin Villanueva
LTJG Lindsay Zapolski
482-3954 ext. 102 or [email protected]
AB Jesus Alarcon
Cameron Byers
Aaron Brown
A1C Daryll Christopherson
MAJ Paul Ely Mangosing Egbalic
SRA Jaron Gamalinda
TSgt. Frederick Garcia
Martin Miguel C. Garcia
AFP Jakob William Jimenez
SGT Patrick O’Carroll III
TEC SURG Dennis Orejudos
FCC Guillermo Pimentel
SP4 Stewart Bruce Butler
Eddie Ceseña, MP
E6 Julia Defilippo
E4 Andrew Joseph Dydasco
E4 Douglas Eckhardt
MP Mario Gonzalez
Sgt. Reginal Gonzalez
PFC Christopher Higgins
PFC Michael Megow
1st LT Patrick R. Muldoon
Sgt. Miguel A. Ortega
Sgt. Daniel Perez-Alarcon
GS12 Ben Toms
Sgt. Jeff Tucker
Corpus Christi Youth Night Teens
outh Night for teens meets every Wednesday night at
7:00 pm until 8:30 pm. There are many activities, bring a
GSgt Patrick D. Butler
LCPL Ricardo C. Gonzalez
PVT Paul Raymond
friend and a snack to share. For more information on
Youth Nights, please call Peggy Tacchino, Confirmation
Coordinator at 482-3954 ext 113. All high school teens
are welcome.
Corpus Christi Church_______________________________________________________________________P8
Ministry Schedules for August 7 2016
SATURDAY, August 6, 2016
5:00 pm Mass
Eucharistic Ministers: B.1. Priscila Francisco B.2. Albert Padilla B.3. Imelda Padilla
B.4. Emma Edquilang B.5. Jerry Blaskey B.6. Bobbie Snider B.7. N/A C.1. Edna Amrick
C.2. elma Guerina C.3. Judy Baldridge C.4. Robert Villanueva C.5. Evelyn Villanueva
C.6. Ed Duffy C.7. Erika Pangilinan C.8. Rosalinda Albrecht C.9. Rosemary Ymzon
C.10. Stephan Emperador C.11. Doreen Felicitas C.12. Pat Robinson C.13. N/A
EMMC: Bobbie Snider
Ministers of the Word: L1: M. Gorski L2: P. Robinson
Altar Servers: (CX/B): A. Crary, (E) J. Olsen (E) K. Olsen
Ministers of Hospitality:
SUNDAY, August 7, 2016
7:30 am Mass Eucharistic Ministers: B.1. Elsa Gonong B.2. Wilma Q. Divinagracia B.3. Sonny Bautista
B.4. Glenda O’Grady B.5. Hugh McGinness B.6. Lilia Rodriguez B.7. N/A C.1. Mary Ann Aceves
C.2. Suzanne Mathews C.3. Rose Gonzalez C.4. Luisa De Alva C.5. Fred De Alva
C.6. Libby Ramos C.7. Ryan Escoto C.8. Jerry Quesnell C.9. Nancy Mendoza
C.10. Cecille Cervantes C.11. Rosemarie Frazee C.12. Norma Gatpayat C.13. N/A
EMMC: Wilma Divinagracia
Ministers of the Word: L1:A. Campos L2: E. Gonong
Altar Servers: (CX/B): N. Salazar (E) A. Delgado (E) K. Delgado
Ministry of Hospitality:M. Carr, P. Bell, L. Baldridge, G. Casciola, C. Hamilton, R. Snyder
9:00 am Mass
Eucharistic Ministers: B.1. Marilu Martinez-Jose B.2. Susana Cabrera B.3. Jack Comalli
B.4. Erlinda Banzon B.5. Sonny Nguyen B.6. Cyrstal Monsale B.7. Roy Sadiarin
C.1. Evangeline Supnet C.2. Rolando Bolor C.3. Joy Bolor C.4. Anamaria Sanchez
C.5. Nita Espinueva C.6. Tony Espinueva C.7. Keith Davenport C.8. Irma Davenport
C.9. Don Beckman C.10. uy Nguyen C.11. George Hurley C.12. Alice Hurley
C.13. Marcia Olivieri EMMC: Don Beckman Back-Up EMMC: Jack Comalli Ministers of the Word: L1: V. Baldwin L2: B. Fox
Altar Servers: (CX/B): C. Battillo (E) B. Martinez (E) A. Martinez
Ministers of Hospitality:R. Mendoza, R. Llarenas, A. Gatpayat, J. Quesnell, F. DeAlva
10:30 am Mass
Eucharistic Ministers:B.1. Bernadette Reyes B.2. Elenita Mucho B.3. Ruby Alejandrina
B.4. Carolyn Gibbs B.5. Marie Bee Aguinaldo B.6. Lorna Hizon B.7. Dan Ferrer
C.1. Bonnie Tuck C.2. Sharon Lawson C.3. James Farrell C.4. Helen Gomez
C.5. Maricarmen Cedillo-Norby C.6. Mona Moore C.7. Andrew Moore
C.8. M. Patricia Pinal de Perez C.9. Angelita Canlas C.10. Diane Lopez C.11. Eileen Dequito
C.12. Cora Benitez C.13. Sheryl Pilcher EMMC: Helen Gomez Back-Up EMMC: Cora Benitez
Ministers of the Word: L1: M. Bee Aguinaldo L2: C.L. Vinson
Altar Servers: (CX/B): J. Welchance (E) R. Moore (E) H. Moore
Ministry of Hospitality: J. Monsale, Ir. Ramos, T. Huynh, C. Delgado, Iv. Ramos,
12: noon Mass
Eucharistic Ministers:B.1. Anita VanBuskirk B.2. Bernadette Jaccard B.3. Jocelyn Gamalinda
B.4. Benita Elefante B.5. Betty Sampal B.6. Maribel Mendell B.7. Solita Kampley
C.1. Lorena Sales C.2. Mario J. Sales C.3. Marianela Pazuelos C.4. Eric Dauz
C.5. Dulce Dauz C.6. Rosie Ligon C.7. Available C.8. Maria Silahua C.9. Pat Stanwood
C.10. Paul Stanwood C.11. Mary Anne Rivera C.12. Delia Ona C.13. Cora Jimenez
EMMC: Solita Kampley
Ministers of the Word: L1: C. Jimenez L2: M. Rivera
Altar Servers: (CX/B): V. Bonilla (E) S. Guarin (E) S. Kampley
Ministry of Hospitality:
5:00 pm Mass
Eucharistic Ministers:B.1. Ana Benitez B.2. Kathy Hibbard B.3. Jojo Sabino
B.4. Chad Koster B.5. Juliet Buenviaje B.6. Fil Buenviaje B.7. Maritza Borunda
C.1. Lito Yambao C.2. Liza Yambao C.3. Peggy Tacchino C.4. Ann Sanvictores
C.5. Available C.6. Doug Sanvictores C.7. Available C.8. Available
C.9. Veronica Ferguson C.10. Flora Armenta C.11. Available C.12. Violeta Huscher
C.13. Available EMMC: Violeta Huscher
Ministers of the Word: L1: J. Farrell L2: E. Joloya
Altar Servers: (CX/B): S. Sanchez (E) A. Sanchez (E) L. Kim
Ministry Schedule
Due to space constraints in the bulletin,
the ministry schedule will be removed
as of August 7, 2016.
The ministry schedules will be available
on the ministry schedule board across
from the working sacristy.
Pray for Priests
Week of
July 30-August 6, 2016
July 30: Rev. Thomas Dekaa
July 31: Rev. Kenneth Del Priore
Aug 1: Pope Francis
Aug 2: Bishop Robert McElroy
Aug 3: Bishop Robert Brom
Aug 4: Bishop Gilbert Chavez
Aug 5: Rev. Robert Delis, SDB
Aug 6: Rev. Nicholas Dempsey
Baptisms:1st Sunday 3:30 pm (English)
2nd Sunday 3:30 pm (English)
3rd Sunday 3:30 pm (Spanish)
4th Sunday 3:30 pm (Bilingual)
Please call Ace Ferrer (619) 370-8516 for
information or at
[email protected]
Pre-Baptismal Seminar Class
(For parents and godparents) The English
seminars will be given on the 2nd Tuesday
of every month at 7:15 pm (please no
children). To sign up, please go to our
website at
(under sacraments).
Marriages: Please contact the church office
at least nine months prior to intended
Funerals: Please contact the church office
before making funeral arrangements with
the mortuary. Please contact Margaret
McLaughlin at 470-8340 or email:
[email protected]
Sacrament of the Sick: If you or a family
member are in the hospital or in need of
the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact
the church office.
R.C.I.A.: If you are interested in becoming
Catholic or in completing the Sacraments of
Initiation, please contact Mike Wickham at
482-3953 during June 2016. More
information to come.
P9___________________________________________________________________________________July 31, 2016
Music Ministry
Peter Luciano ................................(619) 482-3954 ext. 203
Director of Music Ministries [email protected]
Saturday 5:00 pm Mass
Adult Traditional Choir, Sunday 9:00 am Mass
Adult Contemporary Choir, Sunday 10:30 am Mass
Young Adult Contemporary Ensemble, Sunday 12:00 pm Mass
Carlos de Alba ..............................................(619)400-7464
Hispanic Choir, Sunday 1:30 pm Mass
Youth Contemporary Choir, Sunday 5:00 pm Mass
Associations and Groups
Liturgical Coordinator: Suzanne Auditor.....(619) 254-6397
E-mail: [email protected]
Baptism Information: Ace Ferrer..................(619) 370-8516
[email protected]
Boy Scouts: Scout Master: John Damstra......(858)-204-1530
Cub Scouts: Cub Master: Jeremy Clark........(775) 544-4598
Compassionate Care Ministry:
Margaret McLaughlin......(619) 470-8340
Events Coordinator: Jim Hardy.....................(619) 709-1182
Hands of Christ Ministry:
Don Beckman.................(619) 850-3061
Holy Rosary Society: Nel Urbano................(619) 946-4319
Knights of Columbus: Grand Knight:
Gabriel Arias.................(619) 370-8695
[email protected]
Marriage Encounter.....................................(866) 473-7730
Prayer Quilt Ministry and Corpus Christi Craft Group:
Carole Hamilton..............(619) 479-3370
Pro-life Representative: Marci Fox ..............(619) 475-9542
Senior Fellowship Club: Alicia Palau............(619) 997-5761
Maria Williams.......(619) 656-2564
[email protected]
Spirituality & Worship Ministry
Altar Servers: Marlo Martinez .....................(619) 609-4933
Children’s Liturgy: Holly Leano (English)......(619) 370-2417
Eucharistic Ministry: Patty Campos………....(619) 656-0918
Ministers of Hospitality: Tony Elefante……..(619) 434-9085
Ministers of the Word: Estrella Pangilinan….(619) 656-5423
Immaculate Heart Radio
New radio show: 9:00-10:00 am “Bright Side” with Cy
Kellet.Pray the rosary with us: Rosary page, which includes
written to read prayers, mysteries for each day, and much
more. Check us out at (online radio) or
Ministerio de Alabanza y Espiritualidad
Eucaristía: María de Jesús Millan...................(619) 482-2320
Liturgia Infantil: Maria Silahua.......................(619)656-6222
Ministerio de la Palabra: Manuel Becerra.....(619) 864-5703
[email protected]
Monaguillos: Oscar Paredes...........................(619) 454-1937
[email protected]
Ujier: Alberto Ponce......................................(619) 947-5777
Asociaciones y Grupos
Apostolado de María en la Iglesia Doméstica:
Blanca Vega.......................(619) 862-8095
[email protected]
Bautizos: Juan Carlos y Annette Celaya..........(619) 203-5638
[email protected]
Consolación: Coordinadora: Cecilia Morales...(619) 421-6371
(619) 726-0566
Apostolado de los tres Corazones:
Zelina Meza.....(619) 254-1328
[email protected]
Apostolado de la Cruz:
Rosy Perez........(619) 227-2311
Guadalupanos de Corpus Christi:
Maria Elena Coronado......(619) 587-1358
[email protected]
Edna Amrick.....................(619) 934-5531
[email protected]
Ministerio de los Enfermos: Cecilia Morales..(619) 421-6371
Movimiento Regnum Cristi: Consuelo Pizan (619) 992-5495
Quinceañeras: Patricia Piñal de Perez (619) 482-3954 x101
Servidores del Altar/Coordinadora de Voluntarios:
Suzanne Auditor............................................(619) 254-6397
E-mail: [email protected]
Grupo de Consolación
Te invitamos a participar en un taller de tanatología. Impartido
por la Psicóloga Karime Dipp. Este taller consiste en los 12
pasos para sanar y procesar tu duelo, ya sea por la perdida de
un ser querido o por separación. Es completamente gratuito y
se imparte todos los martes de 7:30 pm a 9:00 pm. Para mayor
información comuníquese con Cecilia Morales al (619)
421-6371 o al (619) 726-0566.
Guadalupanos de Corpus Christi
Únase a nosotros y converse sobre la Fé, Cristo y Nuestra
Señora de Guadalupe, los 2do jueves de cada mes a las 7:30
pm en el salón St. Therese of Lisieux. Para mayor información
por favor comuníquese con Maria Elena Coronado al (619)
587-1358 o [email protected] o con Edna Amrick al (619)
934-5531 o por correo-electronico al:
[email protected]
YOUNG ADULTS Join us for our monthly activities for ages 18-39 years of age. Every first Thursday 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm for
Eucharistic Adoration, Faith Topic, Bible Study, and Off-Campus fellowship-social (off-campus TBD). Our Adoration (in the
church) is an hour long with music and quiet time. Our faith topics typically relate to the current liturgical season and/or holiday.
Bible studies cover the coming Sunday's readings. The last Thursday of the month, as a group, we go off campus, be it bowling or
laser tagging, we continue enjoying each other’s camaraderie. When there is a fifth Thursday in a month, we have a service-oriented
activity (i.e. write notes or cards to families of patients in the hospital with words of encouragement and hope), but there are more
service activities we need to share. Come join us! For more information, please contact Alexa at [email protected] or
website at
Día Mundial de la Juventud 2016
Hace unas semanas en Roma, para la Fiesta de los Santos Pedro y Pablo, el Santo Padre celebro la Misa de Palio para los Arzobispos Metropolitanos quienes fueron nombrados este año pasado. Es durante esta Misa que cada uno de los Arzobispos Metropolitanos reciben del Santo Padre el Palio, representando su unión con él en el servicio de la Iglesia, parFcularmente sirviendo a su provincia metropolitana. Cada año esta celebración reúne a los arzobispos de todo el mundo, este año se nombraron a cuatro Arzobispos Americanos los cuales recibieron el Palio.
Para mi esta celebración ha sido un símbolo precioso de unión entre la Iglesia Local y su pastor, El Santo Padre. En adición a este símbolo, vislumbro que la Iglesia Universal, de gente de todas partes del mundo está presente en esta ocasión. ¡Realmente esto hace que parezca que todos pertenecemos a esta gran comunidad, a este gran cuerpo que llamamos la Iglesia Católica!
Este año en Polonia, la Iglesia se ha reunido para celebrar la universalidad a la que llamamos ¡Iglesia Católica! Desde luego el enfoque esta semana en Polonia es un poco diferente, por esta semana habrá cientos de miles de jóvenes quienes se reunirán con el Santo Padre para celebrar ¡El Día Mundial de la Juventud! El Día Mundial de la Juventud es una gran oportunidad para ver lo viva que esta la Iglesia en estos días, especialmente en los jóvenes durante este fin de semana, jóvenes de todas partes del mundo unidos en oración y adoración con el Papa Francisco.
Una vez más la conferencia de Steubenville de San Diego localmente, se reunirá con nuestros jóvenes en oración y adoración como la organización Todo por Dios. Este fin de semana tendremos a miles
de estudiantes de toda la Costa Oeste celebrando nuestra Fe Católica así como ellos se reúnen todos
juntos como un solo cuerpo en oración.
Por lo tanto, los invito a que se unan conmigo en oración por los jóvenes, los que están en Polonia y
también por los de nuestra localidad este fin de semana, ya que estarán recibiendo el amor de Dios sobre
ellos, recordando siempre que nuestra juventud no son la Iglesia del mañana pero la Iglesia del Hoy.
Padre Efrain
El juego es el viernes, 5 de agosto a las 7:40 pm. Las puertas se abren a las
5:00 pm para el “Festival de Cocteles.” Goce de los diferentes cocteles que
tienen los vendedores atraves del estad io. También habrá Juegos
artificiales. Para comprar boletos:
Julio 31, 2016
1 1 : 0 0 am - 5 : 0 0 pm
Rohr Park: Sweetwater Rd, (entre Willow &
Central Ave) tendremos nuestro picnic en la
cimita cerca de Rohr Manor.
en la iglesia Bonita Valley,
4701 Sweetwater Road
a cruzar el parque
Los Caballeros de Colón
servirán perros calientes,
hamburguesas, todos los
condimentos y refrescos. Si
usted quiere, traiga su
platillo favorito para
compartir con los demás.
Donaciones de comida
horneada para la pasarela de
pasteles, son bienvenidos.
¿Puede ser voluntario para
ayudar en el picnic?
Inscríbese despues de todas
las Misas.
Deportes y Juegos
Juegos, Deportes, Sandias, Piñatas, Payasos y Diversión!!
Traiga su equipo deportivo, sillas, bronceador y sombrilla. Tendremos el
juego Tira y Afloja, carrera de un pie, pasarela de pasteles, concurso de
come-sandia y mucho mas!!
13-14 de AGOSTO
Inscribete para ser Voluntario
Retrouvaille-­‐RedescubrirPara Matrimonios en Crisis
Si están sufriendo en su matrimonio, si no existe una comunicación significativa, o si han considerado la separación o el divorcio, Retrouvaille (Redescubrir) los puede ayudar. El próximo programa en español empieza El 28 de septiembre en San Diego. Para mas informacion, llamen al (619) 423-­‐0182.
la Consagración a La
Virgen María
de 33 días de preparación empezará el 6 de agosto,
2016 para terminar el 8 de septiembre día del
nacimiento de nuestra madre con una misa que
nuestro párroco Efrain Bautista oficiara.
Apostolado de Maria en la Iglesia
Ave Maris atello, Salve estrella del Mar, Madre, que diste a
luz a Dios. Quedando perpetuamente Virgen. Feliz Puerta
del Cielo, que alegría Madrecita ¡Que nos das tu bendición!
Te gustaría participar en esta devoción o formar parte de
este grupo? Para concertar una visita de Nuestra Madre a
tu hogar, comunícate con Blanca Vega (619) 862-8095.
Hora Santa de los tres Corazones
Todos están invitados los jueves de 9:00 am-10:00 am en la Iglesia Católica Corpus Christi con la exposición del Santísimo
Sacramento. Para mayor información comuníquese con Zelina Meza al [email protected],
teléfono (619) 254-1328.
31 de Julio, 2016______________________________________________________________________P12
las inscripciones se cerrarán el 15 de agosto
Las clases iniciarán el 29, 30, 31 de agosto, y 1 de septiembre, 2016
Inscripciones para la educación religiosa para estudiantes
ya establecidos ya inició. Las inscripciones son por cita
únicamente. Actualmente, los formularios están en nuestra
pagina web:
Su familia tiene que estar registrada en la parroquia
2 semanas antes de inscribir a su hijo/a en clase.
Cuando esté en la pagina de inicio en la pagina web, toque
(no presione) el titulo “Religious Education” y el menú
inmediatamente aparecerá. Presione el titulo “Elementary &
Jr. High Religious Registration & First Communion Forms”.
Desde su computadora puede llenar los formularios e
Cuando venga a su cita, por favor tenga en mano los
formularios para el estudiante ya establecido e información
del estudiante llenado. Para hacer una cita con la Sra. Patricia
Piñal de Perez, por favor llame al (619) 482-3954 ext. 101
Inscripciones para estudiantes no establecidos iniciaron el 1º
de junio. Es importante que los padres del estudiante estén
inscritos en nuestra parroquia 2 semanas antes de inscribir al
estudiante en clase.
Las clases son para Kinder inician hasta octavo grado. Todas
las clases son de una hora. Tenemos mas de 650 estudiantes
inscritos: el Costo de ingreso es:
$120 para el primer estudiante
$60 para estudiante adicional de la misma familia
$30 Primera Comunión
Estudiantes de 2-6 grado: Las clases será los lunes a las 4:30
pm para las clases de Primera Comunión.
Kinder al quinto grado: martes, miércoles y jueves será a las
4:30 pm (incluye preparación para la Primera Comunión);
martes a las 6:00 pm para primer, segundo y todos los de
Sexto grado.
Necesitaremos: copias del certificado de bautizo del
estudiante y el certificado matrimonial por la iglesia de los
padres. Las inscripciones son por cita únicamente, por favor
comuníquese con Mike Wickham al:
o con la Sra. Patricia Piñal de Perez al (619) 482-3954 ext.
101. Empezando el 1º de junio mande un email para
agendar su cita por favor vea la pagina web de la parroquia
para información adicional incluyendo el formulario de
inscripción que usted puede llenar e imprimir antes de venir
a su cita.
Diócesis de San Diego Formación de Ministros en el Centro Pastoral
Ministros de la Palabra
19 de noviembre
Ministros de la Eucaristía
20 de agosto
5 de noviembre
Corpus Christi
Iniciara el
Miércoles, 10 de Agosto y
se termina el
16 de noviembre
Retrouvaille-­‐RedescubrirPara Matrimonios en Crisis
Si están sufriendo en su matrimonio, si no existe una comunicación significativa, o si han considerado la separación o el divorcio, Retrouvaille (Redescubrir) los puede ayudar. El próximo programa en español empieza El 23 de septiembre en San Diego. Para mas informacion, llamen al (619) 423-­‐0182.
Para caballeros únicamente mayores de 24 años de edad. Este ministerio es un medio de formación y perseverancia para fortalecer
la fidelidad personal a Cristo, al Papa, y a la Iglesia que consiste en hacer una reflexión evangélica, analizar un hecho de vida y
proponer un compromiso apostólico. La reunión es los martes a las 7:30 pm en el salón de St. Francis. Para mayor información,
comuníquese con el Sr. Juan Pablo Morfin, Coordinador (619) 313-8199 o [email protected]
Apostolado de la Cruz
Nuestro Grupo se reúne cada miércoles de 10:00 am-11:00 am para Adoración del Santísimo Nuestra junta sigue despues de la
Adoración 11:00 am-1:00 pm. Para mayor información por favor comuníquese con Rosy Perez al (619) 227-2311.
Saturday, July 30
8:00 am † Lois Blaskey
By Pipo & Lorie Buencamino
Sunday, July 31
7:30 am † Tito Pangcog
By Pangcog Family
9:00 am † William & Eileen Lynch
By Tom & Yolanda Lynch
10:30 am † Rolando Lledo
By Lledo Family
12:00 pm † Antonino Alioto
By Corrao Family
1:30 pm † Josefina Valencia
& Carlos Ramirez Heredia
By Cristina Taggart
5:00 pm † Josefina Guzman
By Maria Zala
Monday, August 1
8:00 am † Purificacion Oriondo
By Annette Llarenas
Tuesday, August 2
8:00 am † Felicisima Soriano
By Pipo & Lorie Buencamino
Wednesday, August 3
8:00 am † Constancia Fernandez
By Pipo & Lorie Buencamino
Thursday, August 4
8:00 am Ramon Verdugo S.I.
By Jose M. y Emelia Moreno
7:30 am Liturgy of the Hour (Church)
8:00 am Mass
8:30 am Prayer to OLPerpetual Help
Holy Rosary following Prayer
9:00 am Prayer Quilt
6:00 pm Basic Catechist Formation
7:30 pm Apostolado de Maria (Junta)
7:30 am Liturgy of the Hour (Church)
8:00 am Mass
8:30 am Rosary
7:00 pm Youth Group
7:30 pm Hands of Christ Meeting
5:00 pm † Hugo Gonzalez Guerra
By Patricia Gonzalez Guerra
8:00 am Mass
8:00 am Knights of Columbus
Installation of officers
3:30 pm Confessions
5:00 pm Vigil Mass
Friday, August 5
7:30 am Liturgy of the Hour (Church)
8:00 am Mass
8:30 am Rosary
8:30 am Cursillo Prayer Meeting
6:00 pm Crafters
7:30 am Liturgy of the Hour (Church)
8:00 am Mass
8:30 am Rosary
6:00 pm Prayer Quilt
Saturday, August 6
8:00 am Allen & Harriet Hizon
By Flora Mangente
8:00 am † Domingo Garcia
By Madonna Paraan
7:30 am Liturgy of the Hour (Church)
8:00 am Mass (Adoration after Mass)
8:30 am Rosary
5:00 pm † Belia Caloca
By Araujo Family
8:00 am Mass
9:00 am Prayer Quilt
3:30 pm Confessions
5:00 pm Vigil Mass
Monday: Jer 28:1-17; Ps 119:29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102; Mt 14:13-21
Tuesday: Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Ps 102:16-21, 29,
22-23; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14
Wednesday: Jer 31:1-7; Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13; Mt 15:21-28
Thursday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 16:13-23
Friday: Na 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7; Dt 32:35cd-36ab, 39abcd, 41;
Mt 16:24-28
Saturday:Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9;
2 Pt 1:16-19; Lk 9:28b-36
Sunday: Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22;
Hb 11:1-2, 8-19 [1-2, 8-12];
Lk 12:32-48 [35-40]
We are the Friday Cursillo Team From Corpus Christi
Filipino Cursillo, San Diego
6:30 pm-7:00 pm: Devotion to Mary & Divine Mercy
7:00 pm-8:30 pm: Group Reunion Team sharing
Contact: Joy Bolor at (619) 587-2682 or
Tony Espinueva at (619) 210-9184
Gina Lupian at (619) 813-3366
Last Fridays of each month-Ultreya Celebration for
Friday Team (TBA on residence)