This Agreement, made this
This Agreement, made this
COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, PENNSYLVANIA P.O. #35593-0-MC CONT'RACT FOR PERSONAL OR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INVOLVING PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE PURCHASED BY REQUEST FOR PROPOS;ALS This Agreement, made this day of r A.D. 20 tretween the couNITY oF MONTGOMERY, Pennsylvania, hereinafter called "county," and VISTI\COM,INC., a Corporation, with principal place of business at1902 Vultee Street, Allentown, PA 18103 herein;rfter called "Provider." 1. General. Provider, for and in consideration of the payments hereinafter specified and agreed to be made by the County to the Provider, hereby covenants and agrees to and with the County, to do and perform all the services, in RFP 08-09 COURTROOM G TECHNICAL UPGRADE in strir;t and exact accordance with this contract form, the request for proposals, any negotiated tems, the specifications and standard contract requirements, and the response to thc request for proposals, all of which are attached hereto, which said requeit for proposals, any negotiated terms, the specifications and standard contract rec¡uirements, ancl th,: response to request for proposals are hereby made a part of this Agreement as fully to all intents and purposes and to the same extent as though herein set out at length. In the event of any conflict of any language between or among the said documents, the language contained in said documents shall prevail in the following or{er, unless specitìoally stated otherwise: language in (1) this contract form; (2) the request for proposals; (3) any negotiated terms; (4) the specifications- and standard contract require,ments; and (5) the response to request for proposals. 2. Conduct of the Work. Provider covenants and agrees to perfonn the said services in a professional manner, to the satisfaction of the County employee or agent in charge of inspection of said services, hereinafter referred to as "County Agent"; agrees to perforn said services vigorously, without any delays, and with such force of professionals and employees and with such equipment as shall be satisfactory to the said Countl' Agent; agrees to strictly conform to any orders, instructigns and direcl.ions given by said County Agent. It is understood and agreed that the decision of said Co¡nty Agent on any questions arising in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be binding and conclusive upon the parties hereto. 3. Failure of Perfomance: Remedies. If in the opinion of said County Agent any ci the services under this contract have been rmproperly perfonned or are clefective anà i:i.rsuitable, then. at the option of saìd county Agent, any such services shall be perlormed aleu. by the Provider to the satisfaction and approval ofthe said county Agent, and at ihe cr)si irnd expense of the Provide¡. 1l'tl.rc Provider, at any time during the progress of said servìces, shall, in the opinion of or refuse to furnish a sufficiency of properly s)<ilied professionals or employees'eglect and equipment, or any of the same, or shalt fail in any r:cs¡ect io prosecute the said services with promptness and dihgence, or fail in the perlcrmance of any of the provisions contained in thrs Agreement, the said county A.gert, acring fo¡ and on behalf of the county, shall, after forly-eìght (4g) hours notìce in tlie said county Agent omit or uriril'rg to the Provider, requìring the Provider to supply more professionals or employees altl equipment, or any of the same, or expedite pertbrmance of the serwices, ot p".ior.1n ihe:en¡s and provisions of this Agreement, have the right at his option, if the provider reinains in de1-ault in the opinion of the said county Agent (whose opinion thereon shall 'oe 'c,inding and conclusive upon the parties hereto), to annul and vacate this contraot and tc] secure the necessary number of professionals and employees and the required er1uipment in the open market, at the then current market prices, from any pafiy or p:lÍi€rs. tÒ carry forward the said ser-vices and complete this contract, and in the event of the s¿me being dc'e, the Provider covenaûts and agrees to pay unto the County, upon cltnancl. any difference between the costs thus paicl in the open market for such services. ernnlove ss and equipment and the price or prices named in this contract, together r.vith all charges and expenses incident to the same; it llker,vise being agreed that thé county shall h¡vc the right to appropdate to the palment of the moneys thus becoming due and pa1'ab1e to it by the Provider, any moneys which may then and there be due or which may tÌ:¿i':i¡ÍÌe¡ become due to the Provider under this or any other contract; or the said count!. Àgsni. ac¡ing for and on behalf of the county. shall have the right, at his option. if the Provider remains in default in the opinion of the said cou'ty Agent (whose opinion ti¡er¡on shall be brnding and conclusive upon the pafiìes hereto as above set forth) after ti-,.e at'oresaid forty-eight (48) hours notice, to annul and vacate this contract and to reqi:est proposals for all or any portion of the serwices herein contracted for, and ìn the er er.Lt of his so doing, the Provider agrees to be responsible f'or and to pay unto the County- r"rpon demand, any- difference between the contract price or prices her.ein pror iiled 1-or and the price or pnces rvhich may be paid as a result of suchìssuance of a request ior proposals, togethff wìth the costs and expenses of such issuance of a request I'or proposals, it being likewise agreed that the county shall have the right to approprìate tü Ìhr payment of the moneys thus to become due and payable to it by the r.óviaá. any noleys rvhich may then and there be due or which rnay thereafter become due to thê Pror,irler under this or any other contract. The renedìes herein provided shall be in addition to and not in substitution of the rights ar:d remedies rvhich would otherwise be vested in the county under the terms of ìhis Agreement, including those contained in the specifications 2 and standard contract requienents, herein incorporated, or otherwise. all of which rights and remedies are slecil-rcally reserued by the County. 4. independent Contractor Status; Indemnification. Ìt is understood and agreed thet the Provider shall be deemed and considered an independent contractor in respect to ih¿ se;:r'ices covered by this Agreement, and shall assume all risks and responsibility fòr cesuaities of every description in connection with the seryices, except that he shall not be held iiable or responsible for delays or damage to seruices caused by acts of God. Prcr ider shall have charge and control of the services until completion and acceptance of t1i¿ same by County. Provider shall observe all State and Local Laws, Ordrnances and reguiatiorLs, and shall defend and save harmless the County trom all suits and claims for loss cf lif'e or injury occurring to employees r.vho perform such services. Provider shall be aìc,n¿ liable for and agrees to fully indemnifli, protect and save harmless the County, the said County Agent and hìs subordinates, fiom any and all liability and fiom all suìts ard irùtiols of every kind and description brought or which may be brought agarnst them ci a;r;i of them, for or on account of any loss sustained by any person or pafiy either riurng the performance or subsequent to the completron of the ser-vices covered by this AsÌetment, by reason ofinjuries to person and damage to propefiy that may occur during th: portbrmance or subsequent to the completion of said services, or that may be sustained as a result or consequence thereol irrespective of whether or not such injuries or cl:rnage be due to negligence or to the inherent nature of the services. It is not the iiriention of thrs Agreement or of an)'thing herein provided to confer a third party benefciary right of action upon any person whatsoever and nothing hereinbefore or hereirLalter set f-orth shall be construed so as to confer upon any person other than the Cùu..rty a right of action either under this contract or in any manner whatsoever. 5- lnsurance, The Provider shall obtain and maintain in full force and effeût all times from the making of this contract until the final acceptance of the services b1 the County a policy of comprehensive liability insurance against injury to persons and darLage to property, with such insurers as shall be approved by the County Solicitor and ir.r su¿h amounts as shall be provrded in the specifications which are pafi of this Agrce1rìent. but in no event less than $1,000,000.00 iòr :¡r:rsonal injury and S1,000,000.00 tbr prcperty damage. Such insurance shall be endorsed with a hold harmless clause in ti,.,ol of the County. Evidence of such insurance shall be fumished to the County Agent belbre the services are begun. In the event of the County sustaining any loss or damage lìon ,:lairns fo¡ which Provider is liable and responsible as above set forth ancl provided, tÌre Frcvicler agrees to pay to the County, on demand, the amount of such loss or damage. in.:h,icling any and all costs sustained in connection therewith. Neither payments by the CounL,'- to the Provider, nor the failue of the County withhold payments to the Provider, nc¡ fhe acceptance of the serwices by the County, nor the failure of the County to give nc,iice to the Provider of defectiveness of the setvices ofthe Provìder, shall be deemed or ccns¡rtLed as a waiver by the County of its dghts to be protected and indemnihed against cìaims. liabilit¡r, loss and damage as in this paragraph specifically provided for and set tbrtl:,, In the event of any ciaims being made against or loss or damage suffèred by the Cou:'LLy. tbr which the Provider is 1iable and responsible as above set forth, the amount of dr-rrir.rg 3 suclì claìnls, Ioss or damage may be retained by the County out of any payrnents due or to grow due to the Provider under this or any other contract. Plo'¡icler shall obtain and maintain in full force and effect covedng the services under this cLlnrract, Workmen's Compensation Insurance as required, and Professional Liability insurance in the amount of S 1,000.000.00. 6. All Use of Documents. documents and electronic files, including plans, s]reoi fìcati ons, field notes, repods, computer tiles, etc. prepared by Provider shall become rhe properly of the County, and the Provider hereby assigns to the County all rights, title lnterest ìn said documents and electronic hles, plans, specifications, fie1d notes, l'cporrs, computer files, etc. and additionally assigns any copyright or trademark interests in the same to the County. County will fully indemnifu the Provider and its ofhcers and e:rployees as to damages, costs to defend and legal fees from all claims arising out of the rnisuse ofsuch documents and electronic files by the CountyâìlcL 7 lvleeting Attendancs. In order to provide a faìr and reasonable cost for personal of arofessional services, the fee stated in the proposal includes attendance at meetings *itÌ', ¡ County at the County's offices as a seruice incidental to any phase ol any service or pioject. .9. DispUlq EC¡¡m. All legal or equitable disputes betrveen the parties hereto fiom this Agreement shall be subject only to the jurisdiction of tle aouÍ of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvanìa and the United States DisLrict Court for the Eastem District of Pennsylvania, and the appellate courts to which eDpt-'als can be taken from these two said couÍs. The law of the Commonwealth of .Penrsylvania shall apply to all such legal or equitable disputes. No such legal or equrt.Lble dispute shall be the subject of arbitration. u hicì-i may arise or result 9. Assignment. Provider shall not assign, sublet, or transfèr all or any portion of this.lgreement, nor any interest in this Agreerrent, without the express r.vritten consent oL'the County. which consent may be granted or lvithheld in the sole discretion of ihe Cor..:nty. iil. priy Consideration. In consideratton of the sewices, the County hereby agrees to ro the Provider for the said seruices the suls or prices as set forlh in the pr-oposal and s¡reciiìcatrons attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is iufther distinctly understood and agreed that the total amount to be paid lòr the said scñ,ices to be performed under this contract shall in no event exceed the sum of ONE }IU\ÐR.ED THIRTY THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGIITY {iÐ/l ii0... (s130,s80.00) DoLLARS and I l. Miscellaneous. The term "Provider", as used in this Agreement shall be construed to include both singular and plural, and shall be deemed to include each and every of the individuals, co-partnerships and corporations specifically named above and there designated as "Provider." The masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine and neuter genders. The parties hereto bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns for the faithful performance of this Agreement. All deletions and interpolations were made before the signing hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County and the Provider have executed these presents and attached their seals hereto the day and year first above written. Attest rr\. Montgomery County Commissioners Qs*sltrer ..e714&.4-* Witness to Princi Approved as to Forr4: l¡. 'I 'iJ ...........,t..,:...ì..".]........, j Cqunty Solicitor Gx*dxor: ACORD.. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY ¡NSURANCE (732) 632_2790 G.robal Indernnity Insurance Agency 20 H:-ghland Ave PRoDUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS DATE (MM/DD¡ÍYYY} 07 A /07 /2008 MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS; UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED EIY THE POLICIES BELOW. cf¡ Metuchen NJ 08840- H INSURED < Vr-stacom, Inc. 1902 Vultee Street ':Sl .J -ræ 13 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # Fire Insu.rance Casualty Ins TNSURERe: Hartford Acc & Indennity TNSURER c: Hartford ]-9682 29424 22357 TNSURERA:Hartford NSIJRFR D PA 18103- À11e-- ¿own COVERAGES TIìE POLICIES OF INSJRÁNCE LISTED BELO W HAVE BEEN ISSUÉETO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POTIC Y PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWTHSTANDING A\Y R::OJlRElt4ENT TERlvl OFì OONDITION OF Al IY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS C ERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. TIìE INSIRANCE AFFORD:D BY THE POL ICIES DESCRIBED HERE¡N IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLU] ;IONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. Â(]GREGATE LIMITS NSR -ïR iaDD L lrNsRE A SHO,,¡VN MAY HAVE BEE N REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBÊR GE'IERAL LIABILII\ 3OWNTM147 6 POLICY ÊFFECTIVE tÞoLrcY ExPrRArloN DATE (MM/DD/YY) OATE (MM/DDTYY} 01-/ 01-/ 2008 ot/oL/2009 X coHrvtr -'r; r;ENERA- L ABtLtry .r..1s',1..DÉ l X l occun X ] tndepencìeaE. contr I ---r-GE AGGR::Aì : POr t i¡,1 -T APPt]ES PER Àt 3 ounNrMl4 oa/0r/2008 ot/o1/2009 76 - O!¡rN:D ;iLf OS Y COMBINED SINGLE LII\¡IT (Ea aæident) SCHEDJi ED qI,TCS HIR:D At TC:: BODILY INJUIìY (Per âcc¡dent) NON Or.,,¡r:: A l-OS s (Per accidenl) i,iABILITY AUTO ONLY . EA ACCIDENT AN\ ù¡i i3 Y^ i OTHER THAI\ AUTO ONLY: EXc ESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY X OCcuR .K Ci¡ ¡,rs 0L/oL/2008 o1/0]-/2009 3oRHUTM1204 vnD¡ FACH ô"I EA ACC s AGG s e s IÊ¡RFNEF AGGRECAÍE DED;-lC-l: tE s S WORKERS CO[]1PENSAT¡OtJ ANO ÊMPLOYERS'I.IABILITY -, , " iLrP¡.:- ì1/Þ¡.?T"iER EXECUTTVE lrFFllER/lvlEN¡BER i ) 0t lCEl? 'yes 3escrbe J'ì:a: S,PFCIÀl PRôV SllìNs hê.r OTHER 5, 000, 000 5,000, 000 5,000, 000 s l----r RE'TEN-i](]N À 1,000,000 s PROPERfY DAMAGE GÀT' ;I s BODILY INJUIIY (Per person) I t 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 r ANV AUI ) i 000, 000 300,000 10,000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG ,Rt)- I -|FCT I Jl' rôc tCY il' AUTOIMOBILE L¡ABII.ITY ,! s MED EXP (Any one Þerson) erd form_:ôntractual L PERSONAL & ADV INJURY GENERAL AC GREGATE Eelgqurence) ( 1, s s s 5 PREMISES -------1------l !X_"1 LIMITS FAíìH Ô"IIIIPFN'tr UAMAGts I9HTNIEU P¡6fsssj-onal Errors and Ommissions s o1/ 0t/2oo8 o1/0]-/2009 3oWENJ9303 u MU5lAtU- I JA, ITôPYrrl¡rTql IUiH- lFÞ 1-, E.L EACH ACCIDENT Ê.1. DISEASE . POLICY I IMIT HK00040107 0107 02/07 /2008 0]-/ot/2009 $ $ 1, 000, 000 s Pêr Occu¡:cence Aggregate Limit Deductibl,: 000 , 000 1.00û.000 1,000,000 1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEÊ s s0, oo0 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSA/EHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT'SPECIAL PROVISIONS R-E: RFP-08-09 Court 3.oom c TRechnj-cal- Upgrade Corln:-y of Montgomery rs naned as addÍtional there rs a wrrtten a,lreement requirinq insured with lespect additional insured status to the !,ro!k perforrned by tht: named insured provided CERTIFICATE HOLDER SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POI..ICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATON DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING IÀISURER WILL ENDEAVOR 30 County of l'{ontgomery Pur' :rrasrng Department PO Box 3l-I Norristown PA 1-9404- onys wRtrrEN NoÎcE To rHE - rNSo25 ,c,oe, ,,, TO To rHE LEFT, MAIL BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATIO¡I OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 2s (2001/08) l& cERTTFTcATE HoLoER NAMED @ ELECTRONIC rASER FOR|\¡S. tNC - (800)327-0545 ACORD CORPORATION 1988 Page 1 of 2 IMPORTANT lí i.e ceÍÌflcaie hoider ìs an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pol¡cy(ies) musi be endorsed. A statement on ihis ceil:ÍcaÌe ,jÐes nol Çonfer rights to the ceñificaie holder in lÌeu of such endorsement(s). li SttsiO3AÏlON lS endorseî¿rli. A WALVED, subjeci to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may requrre an statement on ihis certiflcaie does not confer righis to the certificate holder rn lieu of such encicrsiÌn: rìi(s). DISCLAIMER lhe aeiitícale cí l¡surance on the reverse side of ihis form does noi conslitute a contract between ihe issutng Ins!fe|is). airi¡orìzed representatÍve or producer, and the ceriificate holder, nor does it affrmatively or negaiively an-:e.a eri€rnd o. elter the coverage afforded by the policies lÌsied thereon ÀacRD 25 (2001/08) íl ,;tsoz¡,1,,,,,,, Audio-Visual Systems Proposal Non.'ï'oÀIl,o;ïR"ti""i"^\ii COURTROOM G TECHNICAL UPGRADË Page 3 of 19 . Vistacom's engineering department u'ill draft a set of shop drarvings for approval by Montgomery County. These drawings will consist of functional line drawings that show descriptions of and interconnectivity of the various devices within the audio-visual system. Floor plans, elevations and mounting details are also included to show location of devices within the courtroom and architectural considerations of specific devices. The drawing set should be reviewed by the personnel who designed the system for Montgomery County and can be revierved side-by-side wìth Vistacom's Project Manager if so desired. ffi Vistacom will also submìt product data on all equipment for approvai to ensure that product included with this Proposal meets and/or exceeds the functional requirements of the system design. Vistacom will also advise where color selections on particular products are required. ffi ffi The third submittal is by far the most impoúant and the one on in which the most discovery wìIl take place. Vistacom rvill submit a control system specification for rhe Judge's Touch Panel and overall control system. This submittal represents how,the system is controlled and requires input and approval of the users to ensure it meets their expectations. Vistacour's approach to this design ìs io assign our Project Trainer to develop the control system specification and graphical user interface (GUI) in coordination with the end users of the system. Establishing this contact early between the trainer and the end users translates into systems that are better inte$ated and easier to train. Vistacom's experience has shown that traìning is more successful when this relationship is established early and confimed often rather than when a trainer is introduced at the end of the project. w w w w Wrítten approval of these submittals is imperative to ensuring Vistacom is on the right track in the early planning stages and is on the nght path for success. These submiltals set the foundation for the next stage in the project procurement and the Proof of Concept Test. ffi w :.Z w ffi W Submittals Proof of Concept Test This test is held at Vistacom's facility in Allentown, Pennsylvania and represents a working mock-up of the actual audio-visual system. In its testing lab, Vistacom will set up the audio-visual system with the programmed GUI and invite Montgomery County representatives to test through the system. Vistacom's Proj ect Manager will submit a test plan to assist in these efforts but also rely on Montgomery County representatives to provide both general and specific feedback. W W O CO?ì¡RlGlìT 2008, YISTÄCO}!, h*C, ¡ Audio-\¡isual S!stems Frcposai -_.."1:i'Àis:Jli^1ì;iî:;xï å COURTROONT G TECHÑICÀL U PGP-A.ÐE Page 4 ef 19 Vistacom's experience has demonstrated that thìs Test is a c¡itical che¿k-andbalance on the initìal design and approved submittals. Making changes a: this stage based on feedback from client representatives is also easier to do ard tends not to impact the schedule in confast to client representatives not seelng and using the system until the project is completed on-site. 1.3 System Acceptance Test This test is scheduled after Vistacom has substantially completed the o:r-site installation and completed its own intemal testing procedures for the s,r'stem. Vistacom's Project Managff will schedule this test with Montgomery Count'y and use a simila¡ test plan as the one developed for the Proof of Concept tcst tc) thoroughiy ¡eview the sl,stem installation and identifii any punchlist ì for completion. Vistacom will also make any minor programming change:; to the GUI and other processing soÍ1ware as may be required by Montgomery ,icunty, The intent of this test is to ensure the requirements of the design have bcer rnet x x and carried through into a finished product. g Upon completion of this test, Montgomery County will be presented rr,rtlL a i-ette¡ of Substantial Completion signaling the beginning of the Wananty Period- To ensure that users are trained properly and only on a system that neeis the requirements of the design, Vistacom's Project Manager will only allov ,::zìning to take place upon acceptance of the s1,stem. Vistacom's experience has s--iot n that when training takes place x R 1.4 K I g g Six-Month Warranty Survey Vistacom has found that after a client takes possession of this kind of audi¡-.'isuai system, the manner in which ìt is used may change over the hrst I ear. At approximately six (6) months after substantial completion, Vistacom rvi1l re -r'isit and walkthrough the audio-visual system with Montgomery County to ensure that the system is still functioning as intended and to review opeÍa'.ioi,' and performance. It is important to note that this visit does not replace i:n:oing warranty coverage for the hrst year after system completion, nor is ìt iniended io be a technical preventative maintenance. The intent of this suwey is as a i¡eans to unde¡stand how the space and system are being used, ensure training has been adequately addressed, and to respond to any requested changes. ã The execution of these quality control tests along with maintenance of th': prcject & schedule and issuance./review of Weekly Status Repofts makes up the primary neaas fut evaluating and measuring results on the project. It is Vistacom's primary responslbilit.v to keep all team members updated on proj ect performance using these tools. 'vis.acoin expects from our client partners that they assign representatives who wili úrare fhe responsibility to review repoÍs and e-mail correspondence, attend testing and mee tings as ã E O COPYRIGHT 2008. \ilST,{COI{. lr\-C. U nlî mited Tech notogy... Untimited Imog¡nation VISTACOM AU DIO/VISUAL C0MMUNICATI0N SYSTEFtS 1902 VULTEE STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA 18103 1-800-747-0459 INTEGRATED SYSTEMS PROPOSAL PREPARED FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY May 1. ?û08 & Coutt¡,' of Montgomery One lvlomgomery Plaza Suite 50Ð Su'ede ald Airy Streets Norristo',vn, Pennsylvania 19401 ATT,r: SLlts.f Director of Purchasing ÐC'I: Courtroom G Technical Upgrades RFP 08-09 Manasement Summarv ffi \¡istacom has reviewed the Request For Proposal issued by Montgomery County and fãmiliarized itself with the intent, requirements and expected performance, quality. and reliability of the techntcal upgrades. Vistacom has clearly identified to its intemal project team rnembers these requirements and has set out a schedule and process for achieving â successful project as measured by both Montgomery County and Vistacom. l¡istacorn believes that planning for success on the front end is vital to delivering success at the completion of a project. To set the foundation for a successful project, Vistacom has assembled a project team who understands how to work with Montgomery County, r'.'ho are experienced with projects of similar scope and size, who wrll communicate clearly throughout the proJect, and who will deliver an on-time, on-budget, quality audio.,'isual system. TIIìS DÐCU]úEliT, A¡-D Al-L DESIGN INFORMATION THEREIN, SH,ALL NoT BE DUPLICATED, USED OR DISCLOSED TO OTI{EI15 FCR PROC[iF.EMENT, OR OTHER PURPOSE, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE AU-THORIZED BY CONTRA.CT, WITHOUT IYRIT]'Iì\ eER\flSSIOr* OF VISTACOM, I¡*C. ALL REPRODUCTIONS SHALL BEAR TIIIS NOTICE. ¡ (oP\ Ri ; ! r 2008, \ tsTAcoM. I\c. Äudio-Visual S-vstems Proposal ,io.*Yflis:"i*ü"iî:,11i COURTROOM G TECHÑICAL I-,PGRåÐI, Fage 7 úf tr9 vistaco¡n will start off the project by issuing a milestone schedule that is both real:stic and in accordance with the requirements of Montgomery County for an expedìtecl. lasi track installation. This need has been cornmunicated to all departments from engineeing and project management on through programming and installation. Vistaccm has reviewed the requirements both inhouse and with its manufacturer and installaiion partners and determined a schedule and process to achìeve a timely and professicnal installation. Vistacom looks forward to reviewing this schedule with Montgomery County to discuss those milestones and commitments required of both the Countl,' and vistacom in orde¡ to meet the schedule. A copy of the proposed milestone schecule is attached under Section 2 of this Proposal. Vistacom will request a Project Kick-off Meeting to take place betu,ee¡ Countl representatives and vistacom immediately following awa¡d. The agenda for thís !.irk-ofÏ meeting is to assign team membe¡s'roies and responsibilities, identifli cominunicatlons processes, review schedule and potential hurdles to overcome in meeting the schedule. and to lay the groundwork for a smooth and timel;, installation. In Vista¿c:l's experience, a successful kìck-off meeting sets the right tone for the remainder project in getting all stakeholders moving in the right directìon. of the For the duration of the project, Vistacom will issue a Weekly Status Repoft to all associated team members to ensure proper and open communications. This rÃ: eekl.v Status Report will notate project and procurement status, deliverables and coo¡dination required by team members outside of Vistacom's direct ìnfluence, critical path issi.res. and othe¡ general observations and comments. Follow-up conference calls and,/or site meetings rvill be scheduled based on the contents of the Weekly Status Repods and movement of the project. Vistacom has included the proper labor resou¡ces to accurately progfam, commrssjcn and tune the audio-visual system in adherence with the Specifications and good indu-.try practices. Vistacom's Project Manager has worked with Montgomery Count]¡ in the past managing projects such as the Montgomery County 91 1 Center and the Montgomery County District Attorney's Office. Vistacom's Project and AV/IT Engineers have experience o¡ similar projects with couñroom applications such as West Chester {lounty Courthouse and the New York State Court System. Vistacom's Lead Technicians have also worked on both Montgomery County projects as well as projects integrating sitrilar components into similarly functioning systems. To ensure that Vistacom is meeting the intent of both the designers and users of the audio-visual systems, vistacom uses four (4) different checkpoints to measure functicnal success on projects. They are as follows: o coPYRIGTIT 2008, VISTÄCOl\t! lNC. ffi Audio-Visual Systems Proposal N.."'Ìf w äs:#Rli"??:lìii COURTROON{ G TECHNICAL UPGRADE pâge 5 of 19 ffi required, coordinate owner-fumished requirements and tleliverables. and to be an active ìfoìecr team member. ffi Vendor's Statement of Work w vrsiacom has thoroughly reviewed the requirements of the system design and intent and accounted for an installation that meets these requirements. Any deviations and/or ¡nodifications a¡e noted within this Section and clarified. ffi ?..'\ Schedule Vistacom has included a high level graphical schedule for proposal pulposes on the next page of this Proposal. This schedule assumes certain for activities and identifies some "need by" dates of deliverables from'rilestones Montsomen, County in order to meet this schedule. w w The RFP indicates a total duration of twenty_eìght (2g) days for the project. vistacom takes exception to this duration due to the technical nature and ovèrall execution required for the project. The development of shop drawings rvilr take two (2) weeks from Awa¡d along with approximately two (2) weeks foi it is understood that during the Kick-off Meeting with Montgomery county that this schedule will be reviewed in deta and responsibilities wilr be assigned to key team members. vistacom wilr utilize the agreed upon schedure to monitor progress on the project and will communicate any deviations from this schedule in the Weekly Status Reports issued by Vistacom's project Manager. w Due to the expedited nature of this project, Vistacom strongly encourages Montgomery County to assign who can respond tó questìons a-nd required infomation promptly and who can avail themselves for attendance of conference calls, meetings, testing sessions, etc. as required. while these sessions will try to be scheduled with as much notìce as por.ìbl", some project concems may require more immediate attention with less notification, und itì. imperative that all team members be ava abre to add¡ess these concems and ¡each a ¡esolution. I ffi 2.2 Design vistacom is in conformance with the intent of the design for a high level, intuitive audio-visual system in support of its court p.o."ãding._ Vìstacom fuilher understands that an existing system has been inìtaned *ithin cor,rtroom H and that the basis for Courlroom G,s design is this existing system. To that end, several changes in technology and equipment has been made since that svstem e coPYRtcuT 2û08, VISTACOM,INC. : Âudio-\¡isual x was installed, and Vistacom has proposed some equipment andlor slight design modifications to urore efhciently meet the design intent. T Attached on subsequent pages are Vistacom's point-to_point proposal dra,vings that indicate functional con¡ectivity between equipment for ìhe project. It ls important to note that these drawings are for propoial purposes onþ: a conrplete Vistacom-standard shop drawing set with all appropriaie details. flocr oians, mounting information, etc. will be issued as part of the project. ñ x ã If\ NORRISTO\\N, PE¡i\SY{,\'A¡iiA COURTROOIT G TECI{NICAI, IÌFGI¿{ÐE ?ase 6 of 19 t ã S,rstem s Prcposal t\to\Tco)tER\ { ot 2.3 Clarifications vistacom makes the forlowing clarifìcations, assumptions and modifìcaiicirs to the RFP: 2.3.1 Vistacom is in receipt of Addenda Nos. information into this proposal. I and 2 and has incorpor aterl thai 2.3-2 Vistacom understands that this project requires pREVALING $,AGE labor for all on-site activities. vistacom confims it is in comoiiance ir,.iih this requirement. vistacom cuffentry intends to use its own .,,rà¡kforcc ibr this proj ect. 2.3.3 vistacom understands that the source code for court¡oom H r¡,ìii be provided in order to fac itate a contror system specifìcation for cornt;,oorn G that matches the functionalit1, of Courl¡oom H. ¡ x 2-3.4 For the Firewall Transversar unit, Vistacom clarifies that it has inciuded the Polycom V2IU 5300-E10 with polycom Gold Wananty Supirorr. 2.3.5 For the 15" Judge,s Touch panel, AMX no longer makes the tou:tr ;,¿¡çl called out for on the equipment list. Also, in order to ,:r".i ,L. specification of side-by-side computer and/o¡ video images, AMX,s ?pl_ PRO-4 touch panel interface is required. No current AMX touch ¡ar-c1 is capable of side-by-side computer and/or video previer¿,. vistacxii¡ has accounted for this provision and included the necessary components to meet the specifìcation ¡erated fo touch panel preview for the iuige's location. A new Elo 15,, touch panel with AMX touch panel interäce shall be supplied and installed. 2-3.6 vistacom understands that ISDN videoconfe¡encing will take through Montgomery County's existing MGC-25 modules are currentll, included with this proposal. a coPYRTCHT t008. \ tsTAcor\r. tNc bridge. f o ¡:iace I.SON ffi # Audio-Visual Systems Proposal MONTGOMERY COUNTY NORRISTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA COURTROOM G TECHNICAL UPGRADE tr Page 7 of 19 ff 2.3.7 Vistacom understands that all network/teledata, power, floorbox, and conduit infrastructute required are by others. Vistacom will coordinate fhese requirements with Montgomery County as part of our shop draw'ings process and project execution. w 2.3.8 ff ä ð & ffi ñ ä q E ð & & ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi Vistacom has included costs for a 100% Payment and Pe¡formance Bond as part of its base proposal costs for the installation portion of the contract. Counv ôt t'¡onqomery courræm G reo5¡ìél upg€d4 Pre imiôâry MLrestone Sôh€dlle 5i2¿ì-ì¿ 5t2?.i¿E 1)i2õ,1¿ i "fl dit; 1 d¿y wec n1ãroÉ v/æ ' 7lr5l0s ùid; i-'roraãl À¿ii 7li6rÐ3 ¡¿!s '.¿r I da! Y/e 7lrô,0¿ ÌiÈj Ì/16/!sl '0&,a fhu 7/i710€ i\€::,3!rO3 íh! 7,1710¿ ì-ar i/i fhú 7r¡€ 7liÌicê Ìn:t'llL¿ E¡r@¿rÌasks Dtl:jj;äMìlù:r- sprir )NTGOMERY COUNTY COURTS COURTROOM G Equipment Rack - '-'*. ':."- Millwork J r-:"ïJ Room r:""-'r ' I p*;ero" l- 'ry:t\. \--_---,/ -.¡"-;;i'--ll::1 Owner Furnished l'';.'iË,"iti f ì@l\!-l I 'iÌ".],i,üi,ir',1 | : Building @ Proposed Equipment I .r ì ì :.. Equipmeni Existìng Equipment Ëq'rime¡r.,æt Optional Equipment - ' -DernÞrbñ r€qliÞnt:: ._ :r i , . :,::r,::. Fnlue),:.: Future Equipment - -Ã"-,pae-hr:; l l--. !!r4È@ l'i I Equipment To Be Removed | u:-l"ES1a--l ftisdBwiicdaþ &dæiqd rrreæo u*c...oGctÒs.d iô fôr p.ôürc¡cnt o. orhê. pu.Iose. exÉpl ¿s ol,r¿ri3e Å!riô:øo. b vjtten peñbsiôn or\rsraøm. Inc.. ,!l rcp:odu.iicis sh3 L bear lhr5 âoLi.e. rth.; € 93 å;3 l.ïffi| I l-.-l Ln u*,o I l.l.ilr{RACKS)l:1.::l l:. Lry lãl I È3ij.|.',,',.r lsuppR_EsscR coÞÉc .t t=ffi| lry | "ä"t-. I I fi^'H l::-:iJ I Ilrll IIIII , -l -. ., ttrtttl (ÀrïN<) IIIIIII l"",| : : tpl oÀl | "xv.t, | *.L tz\rl ------i- | "xv:l I 8"... I ".",."'"- "t" "-- -* *rt* 'cF;/:;;l oÀusE '*,"*"..' * ."'"';;;;- __--iRrw-cÀD PAlrSL. FFw. rF\ì,D - VrOu eázt | I Lur¡ | "'";; I I "''; ÒPEScls "Ltr''j* """ Èa-sc. )s* . ".,,lig'...":"Y,î*:J*,,.. REMolE cot'¡ I RoL stsrÈM oREsE-s I eàz¡ I | *;; ÞPEsETs - I .tudio-Virud Systens Propo$l ¡'O¡'TGO}fERY COUì'IY \ORRISTO\\\, PEITSYL\'ANIA COL,¡RTI{OOìI G TECI{\tcr.L ÛPGR1DE P¡ßc U ol 19 Pâsi Perfo¡ln-â¡çs Vistâcom has worked on similâ¡ cou.troom and general preseûarion svstems for more than tlrenty (20) years and has been ln business for more rhan t1ìy (50) ycars as a sysrens inleg¡âlor. ln reccnt ¡istory, Vistacofl hâs jìrsr completed a majo¡ insralladon ar \\est Chesrcr Counly Counhouse lor counroom audio and video sysiems of valr'jng degrees Vrstacom is also in the middle ofa consùlting and ìnteg¡atjon eneagemenr r¡¡ith the ì{cw York State Coun System to provide teleprssence and streami g c¿pabiliriès for remore dcposiiions and \\,ilness restimony. Visi¡com âìso cnjoys a srlccesstul reiãtionshrp vith Montgomery Counly, håying implemenred systems over the pasr three ye¿rs 3t the Eagle Road Fire Äc¿Ce¡ny clâssroor¡s and ilìlIneßjon lab, the Disl¡ict ,{tiomey's Office, and the new 9l Cen er and Em(rjcnc) OFerrLions.enrer. I Dispatch Visucom hìrs $.o*ed $'iih a variery of other vendoß ard senice providers throughout these projecis to ensure seamless a¡d efficienl inleg¡ation ofdivers¿ technologìcs. Somc of the applicalions implemented inclùde audio åfld video telcconfcrcncing. \'ideo streaming, eudio and video ârchivâÌ ând coding. muhj-inagþ display processing and muhi-display p¡ocessing lor thc 8-cube !,!all aîd oi¡er displays, ¿nd sìmuÌêlio,r t€chnology for the imm€rsion ,{ 1ab. Proiect Ntân¿semert AÞproach 4.1 In gæc¡al, Visiacom employs dedicared, indùstry-cenificd Pfùjcct Man¿gers to wo¡k lvjth clì€nls lhloùghou! the projec¡ ¿¡d etsùre quaLity arìd efücienc) in comnunica¡ion and workflow. Vistacom's Projec! Managc$ a¡e responsible fo¡ rhe rollon rng le) â.li\iries: .1.1 1 Deveioping and maûaging thê Prolect Schedule (e.9., canit chaÍ, MS Prqect, etc.) including coordinarion of time sensilive tasks ûom ¡¿lared trades. lncluded is ma¡agement oîall technical labor ¡esources as well as any and alÌ subcontractors. 4.i.2 Communìcâiing with âLl stakeholdeß on projeci prog¡ess ând stâ.rìs Nith adr¡inistrâiion of al! Requcsls for inlomlaiion (RFls), mceiing minuies, and adminisimrion 01âny Change Orde¡ Requests. 4.1.3 Overseeing al1 requì.ed o\yner approvals includi.g bul nor lrmi¡ùd io dralvings, fi nishes, device locatio¡rs, control system specifi carions. 4.1.4 Á.tiending alÌ projec! meetings, confercnce caììs, ¿nd testing. o coPyRrcHTl00s, \'rsT{corl, rNc. ¡!âl Stslcns Prûpos¡l ¡1O\tcOlIERÌ COliÀ_ry Ardjù1 .,.*''ì8å,i'fl iÌ,iì.;ËÌìÌ1il*;; P¡r¿ ¡a The Projêct Manager ofthc p¡oject. $jll ofi9 ,lso coordinate l'¡itb MontgoËery Côùiìij. o; âlt â 4.2.1 Vistâcom \rill coo¡dinate \l,irh rhe Clieni ând oihcr fradcs iet¿riae by Othcrs. 4.2.2 Vislâcom .\rill coordinate aU delive¡ì€s to sìie and a( io EicÌarois ãnd Receiving Dock (\!here app¡oprjâtc) fo¡ access rcqÌ,ìr.i¡.iris. arajla¡;!ir:r. 1.. \Tôr'F and reser'. âiions, 4.2.3 4 2.4 Vistacorìr $'jll communicate and coordirjâte ant s¡e.jei iel;lery issucs including constructìon lifls, r.llck sìze ]ìmilario¡s. loart ljiìiialicns. ¿cc,)ss times. elevalo¡ capacrty. and unioading labor (such â¡ ir¡;.,ä affiijeijon). lviil coo¡dinate the scheduling of thc spâcrs d.rcssand¿\¿il¿b:l:¡i ofroomsco\ered unde::hi" P rVistâcom ¿i.2.5 \¡ìslacom $ill coordinâte all special t¡ e!ìsure timclv .. penîfs. peisoni]cl $coÍs. and ânj, secu¡ity and/or safeiy clea¡anctt¡equìremcnis. 13 Projecl Enginccring 4.1-1 The P¡oject Enginecr is responsiblc for relicrvi¡g thc sts1c1 req!ìícmcì]s ånd compiljng â compÌete block schematic for rhe ârdiojr;suaj sysicmis) indicating signal flo!\'ofaìl components inclììdi¡g câbtc cinrs riiã cabic numbe¡. câble type. quantily, originâtìon. and dcsrrnaii.rn. 4.3.2 The block schematic will âlso rndicat€d requìïed Cii'rn1-i.ùiris¡cd . l.h ¿s ncrso¡( and teled¿ia acces5. 4.3.3 The drarl,ing set \rill âlso include ftonì rack o¡jentation and ofall rack sci,j(c; c1c\,âììcns indicaiìlrg eqùìpment, condurt nscrs, arìd.clâre¡ sccljon ceiâijs ¡oorplans. 4.3.4 The Project Engìnee¡ rs âlso responsible for jdcniii).i¡.,¿ rlìe ¡l).sjcâ]. powcr ând heat loads ¡epfcsented by rhe s)6tem equijr¡rc¡i. 4 3.5 Thc Prcject Engineer reûains in sùppo¡t ofihe rech¡ìc¡l l;rsiaÌiêlio reâ¡.ì throughout the du¡aiion ofthe projeci ria rciephone ard sjrc \,;sjLs. ii and when ncccssâ o coPYR¡GrlT 3003_ \irsTÁco\r rrc Âudio-\'isùaì St stchs Ìropos¡l ]lONTGO¡IERY COIJ\'TY .ou",ìoo#'å1?tìiìåìÌìä',iJå ti P¡ge 4.1 ûf 19 P¡oject Team Directory 4.4.1 Daniel P. Gundry, Accounr Exccutive - Responsible for overì projecr respônsibiÌiry and accoùoi månagemen!; señ,es as conrract L¡d finencial poin! ofconiaci 4.4.2 Dave Fanrasiâ, Project \'fanager msnrgerenr and coord;natiùn: señ<s lor overaÌt project primary p.4(cr poinr vr.únLoct Responsibte ds and teâm le¿der 4.4 4 3 Mark DiRomualdo, Leâd T€chniciân - Responsible ior sysrern in¡egrè.ion arÌd qualit) control; sl,1'es as faciliÌaior lor tesijng 4-,1 Rodger Wagner, A\rlT EDgineer , Responsibie fòr programr.1jng ¿nd commissioning of lT r€lated sysrems including fi¡ewaÌl tra¡sversal u ii. FIR Reponer ¿nd PC seÈup. (rc.: rer\es ¿ç !rimd,ry inr,ïi"(L ro lvlonrgomery Coùnry IT Depa]r¡lcnt , 4.:1.5 lÙsli¡ \rolan, MCSE NetNork Engineer SuppoÍs A\¡JT Engincer ¡nd intefaces \\,iih lvlontgomery Counry IT Dep¡tmcnr .15 P.jrnrD Poinl oì Corr¡ct & aon dct Inform:rion 4.5 1 4-5.2 The prim¿r)'point ofcontacr for ihis project Ma¡xrger. $.i bÈ Dave Fa¡rasia, projccr Conlacl lnlonllarion 10r Dave Fa¡r¿si¿: ADDRESS: 1902 Vuhee Srrcet,Alteorown, .1.5.2 .' 4.5.2 4.6 as required I pA, 18103 L.\lAl L: dr¿ü!ê!j!I-dlO!rus.!qIl PHONE: 800-7,1?-045S FAX: 610-791,9510 4 5.2.5 CELL: 610 360-5i47 Señ,ice O¡ieiìred Project Managemenr Milesiones 4.6.1 Analysis - Vrstacom's Project Te¿rn will mee¡ $r!h end ìrseß ¿nd of the sysrem !o understand how the sysrcms are used ,ow, lrhat users like â¡d dislike aboùr the culrenr sysrem, and what orber cârctakers enh¿rìcements ¿nd chang€s useß would ljk¿ to see in ¡he new svstem c' coPYRrcHT 1003, \¡rsTrco\! Nc, Audìa- ()i5 ù.1 Slstcms P¡opos2ì ]VIç\TGO}IERI COLìì!]'\' NORRIS T O\'N. ÞE--\SVt,\ì,1\l-1 COURTROO]I G 1'[fD)ICAL UPGlL,lD¡ t¿gc 15.f19 4.6.2 Implemeniarion - \¡jstacom $,i11deiiver a corìt¡ol s)-sic¡'ì:itecif;caiion jìrai dciâils the ne$ Graphical User Interface (cUIj ibi r,¡,;e ' lìy ihe end u,(crs and ca¡etakcrs r1,ho lvefe a,ssembled dunns thc dis;o1'.i\ ¡nd a¡¿h.sis p¡ocess_ 6.3 Visiacom u'ìll sct üp a prodrìction låb fo¡ ei,d uscis io otcrarc r¡c system usìng the âctual GUI that is to be thc finjshed prod.ìcr. This o¡ocess \vjll allor¡ users ro get famjljâr $ith thc olcrall s)sicû. enccuiagcs discussion, and "íìont ends" potentìal problems and ¿cncc's. 4.6.4 Training - \¡istacom's tÍaine¡ is involved throìrgholt lijs ¡¡occss a¡d Fili encourage users drrjng tr¿injng to opcraie the s_,'slrm boih duii¡g lìre iraining as \rell as afteru-a¡ds. Docìrment¿iion 10 sulpoii :¡¿j¡jng íjli Dc distributed and provrded in sofr and hârd copy to j\,lo¡jlso,¡cry Co-rnry and reùesher trajmng will be djscussed. A six-moníl e!¿ljo;ì ofihe s),sieû \ be pe¡formed io cnsure tbat the trainins: hâs tã;rer llâcc ?.1d rhat i¡e uscrs âre operâting thc system as iniended- 4 Q/A - Resource Description For thjs project, Vistâcom \\'ill seNe âs the prime Cont.ador Th: on:_v ìrten¿cr1 s-ûbc¡ntractor is to be FTR (or an authorized reprcscntâtive) 10 f¿c;iriâic thc FTR Coll Training lor thc Fo¡ The Record courf ¡epo¡tirg ând recording stst.iì. Vistâco'_s Project Man¿gc¡ rs responsiblc for coordirìâiing ând schcduli¡g lhcsÐ iesoìrrces âs requircd. Às noted ìn sections throu_ehoìrt this ProposâI, Vislacom ilas a 5ri )'ez¡ hisiory oÍ iniegrating high qualjiy technology solutioûs. \¡istaco!¡'i eriir. irojec! s!âfi hâs cxp€¡icncc of jnsialling similar projects and has \a.o¡ked exieas¡,clt' r'ìiir l".lorìteotne.r, County to successfully implcmenr, maìntain and suppon teclìnolog,s.r:tìnìs uscd eicry day in ùe County. Ìn support of our project team, Vistacom's depaftneDiâl ûana¡je,'s ¿¡c aNar€ of lrc system requirements aDd have mâdc the commitment to pfori¿¿ ivhetcrÈ¡ ess;stance is rcqìrired to p¡ovide a smooth installation and successful projecl. \'jsiâc.m nill scheirjc resoùrces as requi¡ed, foilolv-up on commitments and action jicms. and ineei expectations indicat€d in the Specificâiions ând Contract Dosuir:reni. tie Under separaie cover. Vistacom has sùbmitted the Stafl Experien.c Su;nmâry fon¡s as \ecll as othsr ¡equired documentâtion oD Vrstacom ås an o¡ganir:3iiDr and oüi tcam specificall).. Ifaddjtionâl informâtion is rcquired, pleâse do ¡c,1ln:sfâtc io co;rieci Dân Cundrt, Account Executive, ât 610-791-9081. Aüdio-Visù!l Syslens Proposa¡ MON-TCOMERY COUNTY h*ORRISTOWN.PENl.lsYLVAs_lA COURTROOM G TECH\ICAL UPCIIADE Page 16 oi l9 Cosf Inform.riion This section conlams full costing inlormatio¡ âs identiied in Appendjx D of the R¡P. Inciuded with Vjstacom's Proposal Cost are all materials, equipment, labor, l¡eight ånd orhe. adminìstratil'e costs fo. a complete a¡d tlm-key illstallalion as defined by lhe Specincations and as clarified in 6.1 ùis Proposal Package. PerformancePricing The cha¡ beìo* identifies the major milestones defined irì the s¡rhcdule and lhe lolaL cost by deliverables at that timei 6.2 Professional Serlices Ilourly Rat€s 6.2.1 Engineering - S75.00,41our 6.2.2 Pmj€ct Management - 5i5.00/hour 6.2.3 Corìtrol Systcm Programming - S95.00.&our 6.2.4 Net\ork Engrneering - S125.00.ftour 6.2.5 lnstâllâlion Technician - $75.00/¡our 6.2.6 SeI1ice Tec¡nician - 590.00,4r<¡ur o.2.7 Shop I'echnicia.n - 560.00,4rour o coPYRIGnT 20¡3, VISfÄCO\1, tii( isuai Stsrchs Prop¡s.t ^ùdìo..\ )lCli'tcoIIERì cotì\-at. \oRRISTO\T\. rrÌr.-¡.'SYLV.{¡i COÜRTROO}Í G'TEiJIÌIICáL UPCRIDI,) ?Ã! 1i o,l9 6.1 Itemized Bill ofMaleriâls LYCOM I Y l¡liriiÌilii;til:']: :ìtll,r.:¡:.rluij':i1ìi:.irt:jrì.u,. r: rt:'::1äì.1_r:àii¡:ii;,jjli;,jnil 6 4 Mainren¿nce ¡ixtcnded War¡âni].& s^1rwârô ì!{,iñf ----"" rotal Mâmtenânce I s0 s6,050 56.300 $7,950 S0 s6,0i0 s6.300 s7,950 s8.500 s2s,800 tì1ä,ä{L1-rti llÈè?itã:f ltÉ.:ilt¡¡È\9.sI s8,500 s28.800 io,!ì:sÍâ I Srrrcns proposl ¡fO\.TGOMERY COU\TY A ud .""*,J"TÏ'ålî,'Jì:,1:ÌÌìì,äî;f page t9.f *Vìstacom bas included eight (B) hours ofsoft\rare p¡ogmnrming íor c¡d! chr..rgcs. fifmware upgradci for Ìhe cont¡ol system p€r year. Âdditìonat cianges ihìs a¡nouJìi 1\ill be billed at prel.ailing rare fo¡ rhar yea¡. 6 5 ÎOTAL PRICING SCHEDULE Total Lump Sum Purchase price (Schedute Total Maintenance Cosrs (Schedule TOTAL LtrMp SUN{ for s B) YEARS A) S:N1.7SC.00 i $,3_An!1)-[0 e{ill ¡eqùire fi\,e (5) catender days aÊer contrâcf signirg for Lie Tcchnicâl Upgmde to begin \t 26.S00.C0 Coli¡oon C In case this proposal is accepted, the undersjgned is he¡eb]. boùjrd t| eniei ín1o contract within thify (30) da),s afterreceipt ofnorice oîacceF,.arcc clihc êboÌe in accorda¡ce wirh rhe specrficarions. ) -t l-tuU.ù /,Vû,w tS iÉharure) Pr¿si¡lenr (Tirle) _\r¿)_L¿008 @ate) t9 Terms: Net 10 FOB: REPRINT Date:07/15/2008 COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY PURCHASING DEPARTìlf ENT PO BOX 3 NORRISTOWN, PA 19404-0311 PhoDe - (610) 27E-3037 Vendor: Ship To: 109S53 VISTAI]ÐM ¡NC X COURT ADMINISTR.ATION 90? VULTEE STREET 2ND FLOOR SWEDE & AIRY STREETS NORRISTOWN PA 1 94O4.OOOO ALLËNTOWN PA 18103-OOOO INVOICE SAME AS SHIPFING clY I uoM DESCRIPTION I UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE Del¡ver on July 15, 2008 unless spec¡fied by l¡ne Purchase Order Currency: Dollars lnvo¡ce by ma¡l RFP O8-09 CRG TECH UPGRADE RFP 08-09 Tech Upgrade CRc 1.00 130,580.00 Purchase Order Summary RFp.oB,o9 couRTRooM c rEcHNrcAL upcRADE Goods Total: order Totâl: pER coMMrsstoNERS RESoLUTtoN DATED JUNE 2s,2ool IIOvICOlTÈRY COUNTY T]OII}IISSIONERS Pc: I lh. m¡rSDld{ìr.Di uÈ.o-nlPurchasing . ( 1 $r 30,580.00 .J6 Total Amount: Page: 'l of $r30,580.00 $130,580.00 PERFORMANCE BOND NO. I(122867 Lexon Insurarrce Compafry 1919 S. Highland Avenue, Bldg.A-Suite 300 Lombard, lllinois 60'l 48-4979 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Ihat Vistacom (hereinafter called Principal), Administrative as Principal, and LEXON INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation of the State of Texas, with its Officr-' in Lombard, lllinois, (hereinafter called Surety), are held and firmly bound unto Cotrnty of Montgomery (hereinafter called Obligee), in the full and just sum of One Hundre,d Thirty Thousand Five Hundred Eighry__&9,ffi0($ 130,580.c)0 ) To the paymenl of r¡rhich sum, well and truly to be made, the Principal and Surety bind themselves, their arrd each of their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this 11th day of September , WHEREASì. the Principal has entered into a certain written contract, dated the with the Obligee for RFP-08-09 Courtroom & Technical / I5th day 2008 of l.ugust , A.D.200g Upgrades NOW, THEREFORE., THE CONDITION OF T-FilS OBLIGATION lS SUCH, Thar, if the principat shail indemrrify the Obtigee against any and all loss or damage directly arising by reason of the failure of the Principal to faithfully perform said contraci, then thi5-obligãtion snait be void; othen¡uise to remain in full force and effect. This bond s executed and accepted upon the following express conditions precedent: '1 . That th'3 Obl¡gee shall faithfully and punctually perform all the terms and conditions of said contract to be perlormed by the Obligeer. 2. That if the Principal shall abandon said contract or be lawfully compelled by reason of a default to cease operations thereurder, the Surety shall have the right at its option to complete said contract or to sublet the completion thereof. 3. That th': Obligee shall notify the Surety by registered letter, addressed and mailed to it at its l\dministrative Otfice, of any breach of said contract within a reasonable time after such breach shall have come to the krrowledge of the Obligee, or the Arcritect, or Engineer. 4' That thr-' SureÇ shall not be liable for any provisions of the contract or specifications respectinç guarantees of efficiency or wearinç¡ qualities, or for maintenance or repairs, nor is the Surety obligated to furnish any õ¡'"r bond covering sucn provisicns of the contract of specifications. 5. All suit:; at law or proceedings in equity to recover on this bond must be instituted within twelve months after the comple:ion of said contract, and in any event within twelve months from the date fixed in said c;ontract for its completion. Vistacom PRINCIPAL Seal Witness _ u1\ A. Morgan Lexon Insurance Company '1919 S. Highland Avenue, Bldg.A-Suite 300 Lombard, lllinois 601 48-4979 PAYMENT BOND By THIS BOND, We, NO. 1022\6T Visracol¡ as Principal, and Lexon lnsurance Company, a Texas Corporation, as Surety, are bir-d to _ =$itf_4_ r94€_9gejY berein calìecj Owner, Ìn the sum of ]þe Hundred Thirt Thousand Five HundreC r30,580. Eiqhty Thous and--00 / 100 00 ) for the payment of vrhich we binc! oúrseìves, our heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. TH- CONiDITjON OF THIS BOND is that ¡f principal: lakes payments to all l¡enors supplying labor, material, and supplies used direc y or indirecfly by Pi''Êcipal in the prosecution of the work provided in the contract dated the 15rh day 20 08 1. Prcmptl.v of Augusr bet\¡ieen Principaì and Owner for construction o1 , RFP-08-09 Courtroom & Technical Upgrades the ccntract beinçÌ made a part of this bond by reference; and 2. Pays Clrner all loss, damage, expenses, costs, and attorney's fees, including appellate proceedings that Ûwner sustaìr:s because of default by Principal under paragraph 1, of thìs bond; then this bond is void; otheMise, ¡l remains in fuìi fcrce. Any cnanges in or under the contract documents and compliance or noncompliance with formalilies ccrnected wjlil the contract or with the changes do not affect Surety's obl¡gation under this bond. DATEII Ol! l1rh day of September 20 0A Vistaco1l1 Seal) LEXON POWER OF ATTORNEY Lexon Insurance Company i LX Ki\icw ÀLi f,,I=N BY ÎHESE PRESENTS, that LEXON INSUR¡,NCE COMPANY, a Texas Corporation, with iÌs principal office c!is!:iie. Kentlrcî-v, cces ¡ereby constitute and uppo¡nÍ' Ti*othy J. wagner, David A. Morgan, Barbara Kirk in iis ¡lije and lalYfll Alictn€y(s)-ln-Fact to make, execule, seal and deliver for, and on iis behalÍ as surety, any and all bonds, uncertakings or 41.Êr..ríiiings o'ciigaiory !n naiure of a bond. This aliÌ:ioriiy' ls made under and by the authority cf a resolution which was passed by ihe Board of Direclors :NSUIìÅ lCE CûrïtA jY on the 1st day of July, 2003 as follows; cí LEXO I Resolyed, 'tiliìt 1he President of the Company is hereby authorized to appoini and empower any represeniaiive ol Ìhe Cornpany or tr p¿ as AÌtcrney-¡n-Fact to execute on behalÍ of ihe Company any bonds, undertakings, policies, contracts of inCemn;iy îf lÌ¡er lvrliriì.is !aligatory ia nature of a bond not to exceed $2,500,000.00, Two-million five hundred thousand dollars, which ihe Company in:Í¡i sxecuie Ì!-ìrrr?lì :is ciuly eiected officers, and affix the seal of the Compâny thereio. Any saìd execution of such documenis by an .ii'lc.iêv l:r-Fact :riraii 3e as binding upon the Company as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by rhe regulariy electËd .rficers oÍ lhe Ccììrpa¡ly. Aiy Attorney-ln-Fac1, so appojnted, may be removed Íor good cause and the authorily so granted may be revoked :is speriíieC in tirÉi PJlrer of Atiorney. i)ii-rÊr pÊrscn liat lhe signature of the President and the seal of ihe Company may be aifixed by Íacsimiie on any power oÍ ariorney srclailrre oi Ihe Vice Presideni. and the seal oi the Company rney be aflixed by lacsimile to any ceriiiÍceie of any suclì pow€r ifescìYea. liíai:e.]. €nci ínâ ¡i.¡ 3r.l/ sLrc¡ tc\',,er cr cediíicate bearing such Íacsimile s¡gnature and seal shâli be valid and binding on the Company. Any such power so 1rrèc:rÌeC a¡d seeie{l iìno ceriiiica'¡e so execuied anC sealed shall, wiih respect fo any bond of undenaking tc which it ls atiached, ccniinue :.] i)e 'ia)t¿ afii bi,ìd:ig cn ihe Campany. iN Viiii|lÊSS THiREOF, LEXON INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this insirumeni io be signed by ils Presideni. and ilcipcrate Seaì Ìc lts aiixed ihis 2nd day ol July,2003. Ðe LEXON INSURANCE COMPA¡',¡Y ," Ør-.æ' David E. Campbell PresiCent ACKNOWLEDGEMENT :,ra), O¡ i¡Ìs 2rc cey cf July, 2003, before me, personally came David E. Campbell to me known, v/ho being duly sworn, dici depose and iiiai he rs ile PresiCeni of LEXON INSURANCE COMPANY, ihe corporation described in and which executed the above instrurnent: thei lle exêclrleC sa:d irsir!!-neni on behalf of the corporaiion by authority of his office under the By-laws of said corporation. i-:oFFt€rAL i i¡:r silt;-l MåL:REEN K. ¡r Public, Stâte AyE oflllinoÌs 11 C: ¿mjssio¡ Expires 09/2Il09 I I | ¡/aureen K. Aye CERTIFICATE I ¡he !¡|le|sígned. Secretary oi LEXON INSURANCE COMPANY, A -€xas lnsurance Company, DO HEREBY CERTIFY ihat the ?a ü ci Atic¡¡rey cí which the foregoing is a true and correct copy, is in full force and etfect and has not been revoked and Ìhe ies¡ilj.ircns âs seì io{lì lìiEne.ì ana Sêaled .f are now in force. Lor¡bard, 11¡¡¡6¡s ¡¡¡s 11th Day oí Septenbef 20 08 A*M,-(k* Secrelary 'U,'AR¡'1i¡]G: Ary pÊrsô¡ !,Jho knowingly and with intent to detraud any insurance company or other person, files an application tor insurance or oJ c¡âifir cõô':a¡n:ng any mate¡¡ally fâlse ¡nformation, or conceâls for the purpose of mislead¡ng, jnformat¡on concerning any âl ?herelo, co¡nmÌt:¡ a frâud¡rlent insurance act, which is a crime and subjecls such person to crim¡nat ând c¡vil pena¡t¡es." slaleftént fact materi- LEXON INSURANCE COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS OF DEÕEI\¡BER 3I, 2OO7 ASSETS Böñds LIABILITfE $37,540,360 Money Market 8,,/or StÕcks Cash ånd Short-Tefm lnvesÍrenls Agents Bâlânces &,/ar Unôolleötèd PremÌums lnve,$tnrent lncome Due & AccruÊd RÊêervê for Lôgêë€ and Res€fTe lor Uneémèd FremiumÊ 0 28,601,341 5,183,905 419,173 0 Receivable fram Farent, Subsidiaries 8nd Affìl¡åtes 0 Reinsurâncô Recole¡.Éble on Lo$s Fayments 0lhêr Assets 27,036,84ô 246,065 Ctxled Reinsurance PrêmiUfi s paytrble Funds Hêld Under Reinsurancë Treâty 336,191 0 fo 122,053 0 r Unâuthorized Reinsurançe 0 Fayâble b Pårent. SubEidìâries ând AfliliåteB Other Llab¡liti€s 0 94,903 .1,973,089 Total Liabitities 5.?24.034 $9,385,540 Res€rv6 for Other ËxÞefires Resërve forlâxe6, L¡censês, ånd Fe€s Resërve fot Çunent fedêrål incame taxes Rêserve Fltnd€ Held or Dèposibd wlb RdnEurånce Cornpanies [¡6s ExpeRs€ $40,0s5,281 POLICYHOLDERS' SURPLUS Capital Sbok & Paid ln S rptqs SurpIus $17,S76.076 19.397.467 Toiål Folicyholder Surplus Tôta¡ AssetÊ --Ti7E6Þ4 TÒÞl Uäbjlitjès ând Pol¡eyhofder Sürplus $77,4€å.824 CERTIFICÀTE I cêIlify fhat the abovè tlnância¡ slate.(,9ntõ to lhe best of my knqw'ledge ûrê true â ar'ìd âccuråte rpllêctiÕi ûf the nnårìciâl côndition of lhê Côl¡pany ä$ of December Sl, 2OOZ- Ad.Ji(iofìâlty, {Çertifuthatih€ above finânciat *"""*"^J'-,i,il,i1 êtaterue"t" "," * #502I-3829-FTSl sm\.{ P.O. +6793-0-MC "tfrßAflß:ge.mû1lt; maaetr,is 24Lh dayor June A.rJ.20 05 betlveeü the CûUl\.''¡'Y OF MONTGOMERY, Pennsylvania, hereinafter caÌled pafy of the First part, and VISTACOM' 1\C., â CorPoration, tvith principal place ofbusiness at 1902 Vultee Street, Allentown, PA 18103 herei¡raîre¡ called Parq, of ihe Second Part. \ïITNESSEI'H. -I lrat the said Party ofthe Second Part, for and in consideration ofthe payments hereinafter specified and agreed to be ùìade by the Par¡1"ofrhe FiISt Pafi to the said Party ofthe Second Part, hereby covenants and agrees to and with the said party ofthe Ì:irst Pan, io tu¡nÌsh and deliver all materials required to be fumished and delive¡ed, and to do and perform all the work and labor .be Co¡re and performed, in Planning, design, installation, testing and commissioning of Audiovisual Systems for Ðmerge:rcy Prep:+redness, 50 Eagleville Road, Eagleville, PA a¡d Fire .{cademy, 1125 Conshohocken Road, Conshohocken, P,{, and rtquiied to rn suict and e:,:act accordance with the proposal, specifications and standard contract requirements hereto attached, whjch said proposal, specllicaiions and standard contract requirements are hereby made a part ofthis agreement as fully to all intents and pü¡poses ald ro the sam¿ ex¡ent as though herein set oùt at length. t he Pa¡tv ofthe Second Part covenants and agrees to peform the said work in a good and wo¡kmanlike manner, under the supervision eìld ro the sarisiac¡ion of the County Engineer, County Secretary of Properry and Supplies, Architect or other Counry e.ploy." o. aEent ìn charte oi inspection of said wo¡k, hereinafter ¡efered to as "Counry Agent"; agrees to prosecute said work vþoiously, '^ìthout any delüys. and rvith such force ofmechanics and wo¡kmen and with such equipment as shall be satisfactory to the saiã County ¡-gc'r.rl; agreÈs ¡o iìrnish and supply all the labor and materiaÌs, in the quantity and ofthe quali¡,, required and necessary for the propeì peÍbrmance ofsajd r.vork, r.vhich mate¡ials so fu¡nished shall be ofthe best kind and quality and subject to the inspecrion and approìaÌ r¡i said Counn Agert: and agrees to striclly conform to the orders, jnstructions and directions given by the said County,tgeìì. ft is uì.ìdelslood and agieed that the decision ofthe said County Agent on any questions arising in comection with the performanðe of saicj contiilct shalÌ bc brniling an conclusive upon the parties hereto. i: ìs :tgreei! ¡hal i¡ case any ofthe said mate¡jals furnished and supplied in performing this contract are rejected by the said Count, r¡.g€nl as unsuitabie or unfit, such materials so rejected shall be removed at once by the said party of the Second part, anci othei ¡rare¡ials ofúc prÐper kind and quality, and fully up to the requirements ofthis contract, furnished in place thereof, to the sâtisiaction o a the said CorlllN, at the cosl, and expense of the said Party of the Second Part. If in the opiniãn of the said County Agenr any ol ¡he rvo¡k ulcler dris contract has been improperly conslructed o¡ is defective and unsuitable, iuch wo¡k shall be taken dou,n and dcne anew b)' the Part,v ofihe Second Part to the satisfaction and approval ofthe said County Agent, and at the cost and expense ofthe Parl olthe Seccnd Pan. 1l the Party oi ¡he Second Part, at any time during the progress of the said work, shall, in the opinion of the said County Agenr neglect or ¡eli¡se to furrlish sLtitable materials in place ofany which may be rejected as unsuitable as aforesaid, or shall refuse, o*it o."at lc fur.nish anii supp:y a suÏiìciency of properìy skillecì wo¡kmen and necessary equipment, or either, or shall faii in uny ,"rp"it to ptoseiute lhe sa:C Lvork uith promptness and diligence, or fail in the performance ofany ofthe provisions in this agreement conìained, lhe said Coun¡,' Agent. acting for and on behalf ofthe Party of the First Part, shatl, after forty- iight (48) hours notice in writing ro be given to the Pan-v cl rhe Second Part, requiring the Party of the Second Part to furnish and deliver suitable materials, or suppi! more ri crlil¡ren and ecluiÞrnent. or either, push the work more rapidly, or perform the terms and provisions ofthe agreement, have th; right at hÌs cption, ii thr: Parrl of the Second Part remains in default in the opinion of the said County Agent (whose opinion thereon shãll be brnorng and coccl.Lsive upon the pafiies hereto), to secure materials of the quality and quantity required by this contracr ard the neçessala nuntb¿¡ ¡i'workmen and mechanics and the required equipment, in the open market, at the then current market prices, from al1l" p:li1y or þaÍie5, lo carry fo$'ard the said wo¡k and complete this contract, and in the event of the same being done, the party ofthe Second Part cc\erlallts and agrees to pay unto the Party of the Firsr Palt, upon demand, any difference between the costs thûs paid in the open market for- such labor, materials and equipment and the price or prìces named in this contract, together with all charges and elperses incider¡ to ¡he same; it lìkewise being agreed that the Party ofthe First'Part shall have the ¡ight to appropriare to the pãyment o!'lhe monel"s Lhus becoming due and payable to it by the Party ofthe Second Part, any moneys wtrictr may itren and there be áue or hich may th.e¡caie: become due to the Party ofthe Second Part under this or any other contract; or the saiã Countv Agent, acling ',i íor a¡d or behaif oi tbe Party of the First Part, shall have the right, at his option, if the Party ofthe Secord part remains in default in rhe c;:irìon ofrhe saìd Counry Agent (whose opinion thereon shall, be binding and conclusive upon the parties hereto as aboye set fofth) to arnul and vacarç iþis contracl and to readvertise all or any portion of the work and the requìred maierìals he¡ein contracted for, aná in tiì. elenl of his so (ioing, the Party of the Second Part agrees to be responsibìe for and io pay unto the party of the First par1, upon ricmerd' an-l di1È¡ence between the contract price or prices herein provided for and the prióe or prices which may be paid upon such ¡ÉadveÌ1isir1s, tcge'-her rvith all the costs and expenses ofsuch readvertisement, it being Iikewise agreed that the parÞ,;fthe Ëirst part slall iave the iighr io appropriate to the payment ofthe moneys thus to become due and payable to it by the parô, ofthe Second parl alll/ monevs lvhich may then and rhere be due or which may the¡eafler become due to the Parry of the Second pan under this or any 0ihe¡ conhact. l1 rhe said counry Agent shall secure workmen. mechanics and equipment in the open market to carry fo¡ward the saÌd work ol.shall alnul and vaca¡t this contract, as in the preceding paragraph set forth, the said Coun6, Agent for and on behalfofthe pafiy ofthe First ParT, shall have lhe privilege, at his option, of takjrìg possession, for the purpose of completing the work, ircluded under ihis contract, c]'ail materials, tools, appliances and equjpment on the premises, intended for use in thá perfo=mance olthis conrract, the pa¡t_v ofthe Secord Pan hervb;' assigning unto the Party of the First Paft all the right, title and interàst of the party of the Second part in and to srcir inaterials, toois, and appliances and equipment. lìe f,rÍieciics hcrcìn provided rhall be in addition ro and not in substitution ofthe rights and remedies whìch would otheIr\,is. be vested in the part). xi r¡. Firsr !)arl und¿r ¡he terms of this agreement, including those containÈd in the specifìcations and standard contract requiremenls. heret; :{lilchcd, or o¡h.r-,!1s., all of\!hich rjghts and remedies are specifically reserved by th€ party oflhe Fjrst part. ll is i:nders¡ood :Ea ¿sreed fhat the Party of the Second Part shall be deemed and conside¡ed an independent contracto¡ in respect to th. work and shall assìrme all ¡rsks and responsibiliry for casuahies ofevery description in connecfion with the \foik. excepr taar he sl¿Ì1 lrot be held liù5!e or responsible for delays or damage to \ùork caused by acts of God, acts of public enemy, acr of govemment, quarantine rùst¡ictions. geneìâl slrikcs throùghout the trade, o¡ freight embargoes not caused o¡ participated in bv the party of the Seiond part. pan), of the Secold Pan shaìl hav: charge and control ofthe entire rvork ùntil completio.l and acceptanca ofthe same by party ofthe Firsr pa¡t. pârÐ,ofthe SiconC P¿r! sirail obsÊI1'e all State and Local Laws, OrdinÀlces a¡d regulations, arld shall defend and sav€ harm]ess the PaÌt ofrhe First part from all srjls ¿r,-ld claiins ror ioss ol lifè or injury occuûing to employees rvho perform such responsible work, jncluding that of repair or maintenance_ party ol' Ìh. Secolrd Pa|-r sh¿llÌ be àlone ]iable an for a¡d agrees to fully indemnity, protect and save ha¡mless the Party of the Firsr part. the said Count] Àgeqi and his stlbo.'lirates. from any and all liability aûd from all sìrits and actions of every kind and description brought or which may be brought ilg¿rilsl ¡htm or û\' oi ¡hem. for or on accounl of any loss sustained by arìv person or palty either dùring the performance or subsequenr 1o ihe c{)!¡!ìeiion of th,r ri'cr-k covered by ihis agreement, by reason of inju¡ies to person and damage to properfy, bûildings, or adjacent uorÌi, ahar may o.cui duriûg ihe p¿ri¡tmance or subsequent lo the completion ofs¿id work, or that may be sùstained as a result or consequence thereot irrespecti!; oì'irhùIheÌ or nol s:itl injuries or damage be due to Íìegligence or to the inher€nt natu¡e of the tvork. It is not the intention of this agreement or oi arì'iliing hrlrein r¡or ided to conle¡ a thi¡d party beneficiary right of action ùpon any person rvhatsoever ard nothing hereirbefore o¡ hereinêfter scr j¡rt¡ ihall bc corJl.ircd so às to confer ùpon a¡y person other than the PaÌty of the Fìrst Part a right of action eithe¡ under ¡his contract or in an) :]ianililf \!ilalsoevtr. lxcept thar tothing herein contained shall affecl the rights conferred upon any person whatsoever by the terms of any labor or :ìaterialrncn's borid:equircd by law or b), this contract The Party ofthe Second Pan shall obtain a¡d maintain in full force a¡d effect durin¿ all times iio¡1 ihe Èâkinc olihis contract untii thc final acceptance ofthe wo¡k by the l'arty offhe First Parl a polic,v ofcontractor's comprehensiie liabilitl irsur¡nce aeainsi ir,j rr1 to persons ând damage to properry, with sùch insurers as shall be approved by the Solicitor of the paÍy of the First pan anã ì¡ sìrci amou¡ls ¿rs slaÌi bc provided in the specificatjons which are part ofthis .¡i'..ùd b\'¡his a1ie.nlelìt. :!grcù.lenl- bul i¡ ¡o tler¡ less tha¡ $l,000.000,00..,. i-cr p¡¡sonal injLLl'nnd S1,000,000.00...'....... .. . for propety damage. Such insurance shall be endorsed with a hold harmless clause in favor ofthe PìrL,r'cfthe Firsl Parl Êvldence ofsuch insurance shall be fumished to County Agent before the work is begun. The term ,'work" as used herein shall bt dccmed to i:lcl,rcc \\'ofk ofrepair or maintenance performed under this agreement, ir¡espective ofwhelhe¡ or not the sùne is required by the ten¡s h.feo1ì ln lhÐ ovcrì! ()llhe Paly oflhe l'irst Part sustaining any loss or damage lìom Claims for $hich the Pa¡tJ,ofthe Second part is tiable md rcspcnsible as abovù s.l ionh and provided, lhe Parry ofthe Second Part agrees ¡o pay to the Party of the First Part, on demand, the amount olsùch ì¡ss o!-dallrege- r¡c[:ding any and al1 costs sustaiûed in connection therewith. Neither payments by the party ofthe First pâlt to rhe party ofthe S;co¡.l Paft. nor-r¡e I'eilure ofthe Party ofthe First Part to withhoÌd payments to the Pa¡ty ofthe Second part, nor the àcceptancs ofthe work by. th€ Pâl\' 'Jf the Firsl ?4.:. ror lhÈ failure of the Party ofthe First Par¿ to give notice to the Parq, of the Second pa¡t of defectiveness- either in marenal or workrlùnship- ol--rhù !\ ork ofthe Pafiy ofthe Secotd Part, nor the failure ofthe Pafy ofthe First Part to give notice to the parq, ofthe Second part oi I'he ncccssiÐ aqd dLlly ofthe Partj'ofthe Second Part to make repairs to and maintain the *'ork as provided lbr in this agreement. shall be dcemed ci .onslrued as ¿r !'aivcr bl the Pa¡ty ofthe First Part ofits rights to be protected and indemnified agaìnst claims, liabiliry, loss aÌrd damage as ln this p:r!og:aÞh spùcìiir¡lll'orovidcd for a¡d set lbrth- In the event ofany claims being made against or loss o. damage suffered by the paíy oithe Firsr lxl i¡r lthicn th.: P'-rrty ofthe Second Part is liable and responsible as above set t'orth, the amount ofsuch claims, loss or damage ma-v be retained b" Ihe Pa¡¡v oftil. Fìfst Pan out ol any pa,vments due or 1o grow due to the ParÐ, ofthe Second Part under this or a¡y othe¡ contract_ i):uty cflhe S.colld 1)¿r! shâll obtain and maintain in ftrll fo¡ce a¡d effect coverìng the rvork under this contract, Workmen's Compensation Insurance ¡'r r¿c::i¡ed. ard shali ¿t ¡he time of execution of rhis contract give as secùriry' for the faithful performarice of the wo¡k a peri.ormance bond and a labo. ]nd tlale¡ials bond. each in a sum equal to 1009/0 ofthe ofthe amount ofthe contracl conditioned for the full payment of su bcontrac tors and c.hars iu¡llisìrìng labcr. equiDment and/or ma[erials in lhe performance ofrhis conarâcr; and rlhere presc¡ibed, a maintenance bon<l in a sum eqüâl to ir% of rhe a!¡o!:ì! ol lhe cont¡act. Solicitor or County Agent shall have disc¡etion to require approved sùrety company as surety on said boDds or e'¡ha. ci rheI¡ j\-ll i!:lplol,'eej ptrionling work under contract shall be paid at leasi the applicâble prevailing wages fot the respective occupational classiiìcarions al,lslgnaÍed. as seÌ i¡rilL iD the minimum wage schcdule atlached for thg applicable part ofthe specification and- shall be given at least the àpplicable licscrlly prevaili4g rorking conditions pursuant to a bona fide collection bargaining agreement lbr the applicable craft, trade or industry in the Piìil¿ielphia suÌ,'hrb¿ìn a¡ca on the date specifications are issued. Party ofthe Second Part shall post the requirgd mininrum wage rates fo¡ each crail iìil.l .lassjiicalior i^ prolninent and easily accessible places at the site of the work and at such place or places as are used to pa,v workmen their '1\ rÈes. Prrnl ti lhc Firs: PiLir ma¡' u irhhold liom any sums due to the Party of the Second Pad ùnder each contracr so ûìrch as mal be necessary to p¿ry the c:nplovecs rhe diiier.rLce berween the wages required to be paid thereby and the lvages actually paid to such employees and said party ofthe Firsl Pllrl llav riìakè sìi.h Þ¿yments dircctly to the appropriate employees and mav rvirhhold as a penalry an amount equal to t\uice the dillerence berween ',1:e r4jnimunr ,\,es.s iequired in said specifìcations and the r.vages actually paid. P|!rll'rft¡.. S.cor1'i l)a¡L 1òr himselt his sub-contractors and any person acting on behalfofPartu ofthe Second p¿rl or any sub-contractor. shall nol ::: lhc hirìng ofcmplo; ecs discriminate against any citizen ofthe Commonrvealth bl reæon ofrace, c¡eed or color provjded such person is qL:alified Lc perlorrr rhc ,,lcrk'ro lvllich lhe employment relates. P¡¡,r'¡f the Secc¡rd Ì)44. his sub-contractor, ând any pelson acting on behalfofeither, shall not, in any manner, discriminate against or intimidare hLicd pÈ¡1'ormance ofwork under the Contr¿ct on accounr ofrace, creed or color_ i!il\ .rrplo!'ee iit l)li|r]' lfthe |irsl P¿LrL ma)'d.duct from the amount payable to Party ofthe Second Pari under the contract) a penalty offive dolìars (55.00) tor each tjrsara: ior cach c¿lc¡idu da,v ciuring u'hich such parson u'as dìscriminated against or iûtimidated in vrolation ofthe provrsion ofrhe contract. ii9 aoniri:lci lr¡" ire c¡Jìcelled or terminated by Party ofthe First Pan and all money due, or to bccome due ùnder contrad may be fòrfèiled l.or a i.cÒld ol anl sq¡saqlLonl violation of above sections in ¡eference to p¿yment of minimum wagesr or race, c¡eed oa color discrimjnation. ctc.. as p.c!ì,:Ìed ôbo!e. It is agreed that this contract shall not be sublet as a whole nor shall any part thereofbe assigned or transferred, and that no payment, or part payment, u'hiclt may accrue hereunder, shall be assigned. The said Party of the Second Part avers and represents that no such subletting, assignmt:nt or transfer of said contract has ever been made and that no payment or partpayment, which may accn¡e hereunder, has ever been assigned. It is understood that said averment and representation is a material inducenrent to the execution of this agreement by the Parfy of the First Part. In consideration of the premises, the said Party of the First Part hereby agrees to pay to the Party of the Second part for the said work and materials. the sums or prices as set forth in the proposal and specifìcations attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Parry ofthe Second Paft agrees to accept the said checks in payment as cash. It is further distinctl'" understood and agreed that the total amount to be paid for the said work to be performed and such materials to be supplied under this (:onffact shall in no event exceed the sum of SIXTY THREE THOUSAND FouR HUNDRED EIGHTEEN and 00/l 00....(s63,4 I 8.00) DOLLARS (PER ATTACHED LIST WHICH BECOMES A PART HEREOF) "Par¡ of lhe "Second Part", as used in this agreement, shall be construed to include both singular zrnd plural, and shall be deemed to include each and every of the individuals, co-partnerships and corporations specifically nar¡¡"ã above and there designated as 'Parry of the Second Part." The masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine and neuter genders. The term The parties hereto b;nd themselves, theirheirs, executors, administrators and successors forthe faithful performance of this agreement. All deletions and interpolations were made before the signing hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Party of the First Part and the Parly of the Second Part have executed these presents and attached their seals hereto the dav end year first above written. Ð)IÇoMERy Attest: ,':.',,'-",^,'./i/ . v't: t -i); ' !<:>' ¿v Chief Clerk Signed, Sealed. an,J Delivered csEAL) YTPT.+99I: TI9:,. . ......e... 9-9.r.p9.r.?.ç i_on' ....(sEAr_) ft¡kmrex Witness to Principa Approved as to Scl¡edulc,,u\',. - Elncrgerrcy preparedness [,.asê1iqr Qry h-i i 'T'ol QsÐdplel¡ Operat.ìons L.lenter al Scl¡¿:¿lu!o ,i,4,, ,9el¡set¡l[e ú¡8,, -- ll-l B-2 -lìqlal ]lric.s $ ¡q,.n _u¡,4 ]rire Ar:r¡¿]en¡y j I ï'otal fich¡:dule ,,Ìj',.. ohss l{ooms A utlilor.iunr ".. ".. 'a'(}'[',4Ì- LU]14P SUI\4 PRrCH ......"""".".".".$44. 584 AM PAGE 5/006 6/9/2005 1l CNA * 5o 2"t - ?þn -erS lsw") Fax Server ffi i,-r \sy i;: \Aêstern fu rety Conrparry PERFORMANCE BOND 3unJ KNOWAtL PERSONS BYTHESE PRESENTS, ThAtVVE N-rn.rce¡ : 6?923'¿ ?J_ ViglEçCN1 IlCI of l-902 refered to as tle Prìncipal \u-tee St., of _ referred to as tle Obligee, L¡ 1ù-0J !it¡sle:¡- iLir=LY 4f_-¡:_q_':!ryr:,, and as Sure$ are held and firmly bound (jcl:tv ct unto , here¡nafter _ar_t'p__1t-.y- Mcr.t ocme-rv P.C. Ëox 3-1, No¡¡isLown, P.+ -94u4 , hereinafter in the sum sf _Six-v-lhree :i1ouse1q !q+. ,:!C!rq¡e4 !-9-1,ee-r- ir:d L0,i -(JJ Dollars ($ ór,41t. JL ), forthe payment of which \48 btnd ourselves, our legal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and selerally firmly by these presents WHEREAS Piìncipal has entered into a contract with oblrgee dated the day of Visua- ir.'s,ems to¡ ine-ce::cv PreÞaredness NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall faithfully perform such contract or shall indemniff and save harmless the Oblrgee frr¡m all cost and damage by reason of Prrncipal's hrlure so to do, then this obligation shall be null and void; othemrse it shall remain in full force and efiect ANY PROCEEDING, legal or equitable, under this Bond may be instituted in any court of competent jurisdictron in the ocat on in which the nork or part of the work is located and shall be instituted within two years after Contractor Delault or within two years after the Contractor ceased working or within turo years after the Surety refuses or htls t0 ærform fts obligatrons under thrs Bond, whrchever occurs frst. lf the provtsions of this Paragraph are void or pmhibited by law, the minimum period of limitation arailable to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the surt shall be applicable. NO RIGHT OF: ACTION shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the Obligee namecl nerein or the heirs, executors administrators or successors of the Obligee SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED this 9tÞ day of rJ!¡g 2CO5 \-i s L¿ur,nr !Ieste::r. Surcty C¡¡iLp¡r-V .-zl , r.3eal) _ (SuretV) J t ,'J',Y^,,xltq ^ r)By (sear) lClkry4 ' / Aromey-iri-Faa r: nr-hy ;t Form Fa597 "l*-r1 . ¡fa|jer, , livL 6/9/2005 11:42 AM pAcE 6/006 Fax Server i 7ùil -ltTú- çrsf su') \sy \Aêstern fu rety ConrparÌy PAYMENT BOND Bondl.iumber', i2?¿!þ_9Ê.__ KNOW A.L FERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, That we !ls.!ac-oIn,, ]:lc. of , - Il9? Yq.L*e hereinafter referred to as lhe Prrncipal and Cc.r:tv ct as Surety are held and f¡rmly bound unto Of _ referred to as rhe Cbligee, Mcr.tocme-rv P.C. Eox 3-1, Nc¡rislown, PÀ _94u4 Sixiy-Ihree lhcusa¡:d Four :{undred Eiqht'eer in the sum of !c¿-to_ __ _ , hefeinafter ar:d Dollars ($ 6i,4-t ' ic ), forthe payment of which we brnd ourselves, our legal representati\€s, suocessors and assigns, jointly and selærally, firmly by these presents WHEREAS F nnctpal has entered into a contract wtth Obltgee dated f \ Cf P_= a.lLrl_c-, q _ s :- r, -ns :aI -e!!o¡- ll q _._ . s_:_:¡_a a-¡ , q C day of omn i ss i gii,l¡-c_ c: ,\L:dic isua- s',,çter.g tt: ELgrce:lç)L P_rcpqieqlçs_ç copy cf wnich contract is by reference made a part hereof NOW, THEREFORE, if Prinopal shall, in accordance wrth applicable Statúes promptfy make payment to alt persons supplyìng labor and material in the prosecúion of the vrork prwided for in said contract, and arry and all duly authorized modifications of said contract that may hereafter be made, notioe of which modificatlons to SureÇ being waived, then th¡s obligatron to be wid; otherwise to remain in full force and efiect. No suit or action shall be commenced hereunder (a) After tre expiratìon of one (1)yearfollowing the date on which Principalceased work on said contract it be¡ng understood, howwer lhat if any limrtation embodied ln this bond ls prohibited by any larv contro ling the construc'tion hereof such limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as to be equal to the nni'ìrmum penod of limitatlon permitted by such law. (b) Olher than in a state court of competent jurisdiction in and for the county or other political subdivision of the starte in which the proJect, or any part thereof, rs situated or in the United States District Ccurt for the district in which the pro1ect or any part thereof, is situated, and not elsewhere The amount ol thls bond shall be reduced by and to the extent of any payment or payments made in goo,J faith hereunde' SIGNED, SE¡.LED AND DATED this 9th .June day oI y'::!,!acora., 2aO5 -nq. By lseat) Westérn Suretv ) :h rety) gY 'o'ltL'^T : rno--h - y Lddçta&lsear¡ rJ Attorney-in-Fact I 6/9/2005 1I:42 AM pAcE 3/006 CNA Fâx Server Stz¡ -)8t4- çr5lsuuJ & M'btern SuretyCompny PO1\'É]R OF ATTORNF]Y - CERTIFIED COPY B.n,l lloF '{ii Bv 'fhes€ hesetrts, that oiirìe StatË st Saùh Då!€tå Ðd båvùÌg ús co¡shìrlte âad :.!L2E sppoi¡i wlsTEF.\ SLiREfi doMPâNl, p ncilial ofrce 'l'irct;V,;. ù Sroux ¡'a.Us, lÌâ-re- iis ime ¿Ìd lelrñi ai¡o¡aeyGün-fact, ìrith tuI powe¡ âEd authorif,ç ÈêhâF âs $:¡êr!. -Pn4crÞãj: Obl: c. bcDds Tnc a corporarroù dub org¿nìzed and exrsrrjrg ù¡dÈÌ ùÊ Ìa,ÆE goutì Dakora (the Compa-ny), do€€ by these'Þreseûts rD¿ke. confeËe{i, to execute, ãlho\a1€lse ãûd detive¡ for änd o¡ its for V:.saãcDr, (9):3a(A Nô - .., rr-17 .-f -- \r^rr-T-r -.-.. .r.-i.Ìr]' ¡i¡:ouIll ¿c ¡jld r-L¿:oep¿¡v lhe¡ebv âr Êily and rhe saE¿ exreEi âs jf sucll bonds were slued òy ttre Soior !Íce p¡eside¿r, sealect çrù "o tiÌe colpo.e,e ieâl o{ tl¡e OoÂrp¿q} a¡d. du¡¡ alteited by irs Se"leta y, l¡e¡eùy ¡aLi¡r iDg drd colltìr:nils aU Lbar ú¡c raid atro¡ueyG).i1¡-taL ñ'av d! FiÌ¡jÈ "'lre åb!'ve $ated limilatioDs said appoÍtrrEe¡r is l¡.ade llldeÈ ¿¡c by aùttlort¿y of the iol]oìF!¡g bylaw of Wesrern surely CÐìrlpeqv r'ìjch terrzr¡s i¡ ñtl force aDd €ff€ct. ald "se.r¡ðÐ ?. ÀJ ¡on¿ls, policiee, under¿alo¡g3, po,¡¡€ß of Attom€s, or oth€l obligaâo¡! of the coryoration sb¿_ll be exeo.rted itr Lhe corlolate Eâm€ otràe CollDê-rlv b}'the hèsrdeDt, Sef:retal)', a!J'A¡sßt¿¡t Sel=etåat Þêa$¡s, or ¿try yrce pr6ident oÈ by sùch otb€r oüce4 æ l¡e Soard ofDûectors Ela/ au¿horrz€- The PÈe3i¿enr, aqv \ æe Presidenl, tàretary, aoy Assrstâ¡t sèsetary, ù tË" t""o*". EìEv a¡pciil Àlro:?els rE Fsct or aaeDrs \¡ho sh.€.ll bå.re autho!Èy ø lssue bo r, poiìcìes or underratlres rn rbe nanä ofthe Compæu¡. TrÈ ,"cu,!¿-c :.¿l Þ uùL ,raê'dv ro! rÀi \a,¿rv ul a,v oorú. ¡rolLia, r"*..",reìJr,,y ,.,rr,*-,;ù;;;:ì -¡*il,.c,, J. c.¡po!.ìir!L. '1l: lrgÂal,ue of a¡y:&h cmc€j ärd rÀe co¡por e ma¡ b.¡drred LyiæsiÛlile.,, "eat d au.loniy hereby coDlerred sh¿.ll erçEe ârd ¡€rElE-ate, çrlhoì¡r noûce. ù.Eless used ¿'! J rr , ¡rr L]]lti.l sræb tirÈe shaÌ b€ úr€væabte and n ñ:.Ù fo¡ce an¿ er6c¿ h Ì,Vi:¿è:e ß/þeÌeoi Westêm Su¡etv OolÃÞa¡J håe caus€d rh€se preseds Ðd lts ¡¡erì to be âfr).ed iùjs ..*-9!L. . dqv of ... to be b€forc !ìd¡rghÈ of Jecè¡.Lbe-È -l sigrcd by its Seniol Vice hesident, pâ¡l T. 2Ja5 ;-UXe Bn¡ial ì== o¡ 9ti! ¡hi: J d"y ni .J¿Le-. - , in rtrè yeÆ 2CÇ5 , befo¡e n., a roiâ¡r.puhùc persorauy appeared T. Br'i¡lat *hÕ bei¡s to me dtlv swrm. acLrowledsed thãr he 3isdèd rhe above pt ws q¡gsr¡)B-¡t glirrEîY coùiPAììY â¡¡ì achìowredged "r ^ltt.-"y såid iDrtn¡men, ro be the vol'{t"¡ acr ¡teed PâÙ snrr ,.r\*tt$r$lri*à¡*.+ í o. of ", ¿1" ¿*o¡à "Ë"." "r rnell [email protected] " +g6&s¡¡*r¡¡s.r*¡rsr a My Corernission Epi¡€s Nover¡ber30, 2{)û6 I ibe L-cJersi¡;ned. oftca oi $'est€!E sü€Îy coEpav, a stæk cnrlo¡aâü of rLe slar€ of sourh DaLoùa, do hereby cerüi& rhat ,hÈ e"l&'À¿.i PoPd ¡f -{tro¡oev i: i Âù fote п eÂect and is ùler(gblè, æd îuÍheEûe, ,å¿r S@'rioq z of ùtæ b}Ì"* ret i:¡th î ,ii¿ ?i).rer of Árton€y .is ¡oe j-,r folce. "i"L C".,p"q, ". t :':i,l::' **'"1 set my bâ¡d lháìåËffi,,¡io ed sêer of lvestèn suretv conpan¡ WE ¡om F53û6:¡-?ilû2 this .-..9!þ ... SUR¡ì _,. . day of UO.MPAN} .\1A.5ðLt* 6/9/2O05 11:42 AM pAcE 4/0OG Fax Server rfutl- 11;1,',úW,W N-jij rc:jèy ì ^"^ttäåTliìTo¡su*E'' /_rl_eìêx 'rÀrEO¡.-. J\.! y .: J" C,a Lhis-:1tl 2C35 day of , ¡u¡otr ore, a Âota$ pubÌi( iû ârìLifo¡ Ja¡d CrL!r,-J, letsorully appear.ed ic ne Þerson¿lly Ènowr a¡Ìd being bJ, me duLy swom, did say, ¡har he is the ,An¡mel¡.in.Í.act of WÐSTERIr' S[JiìETy CC,MPÀ\y ê lro¡"rorållon c-f Srôilx l"'âlls. Solìth I)åkotâ, creâæd, orqãnizerl ân.ì €xistrng ünder ânri bl¡ \i¡¡ìle ofthe lâf,,s ofihe St¿te of lbÙth Ïlâiiorâ tha: iie sâi,l i¡stn¡ment wâs executeC on hehalfofthe sald corporatjon b:. âurhority of its Board of Directors ànd tha.¡ ¡h¿ said T:&)ihr¡ J. hirgn-:.r ¿aÀ4cwledges rard]-tlstrurnenl to be tlle ftce ac¡ a¡rd deed ol said corpolatio¡r ¿rnd ¡hat ìre has audro¡:lt¡r fo sig Jajd lDrLr,urlrc¿L n'l¡ilouÌ ari>c:lq rhe ccrpota[e seal of sâtd co¡po¡aûoI!. WITNÍ:SS \VHERETIF I have he¡etmro subsctibed ûl\- name a¡d afåxed mv official seeì ar ï\ Ot,:o*,,.*0r."" .i:oñ,'j I0õ+?¿ùN ïlr0MAs M. flAvnm* !û0TARY PUBLIC 0F I'IEW JERSEI' ifycoMMtsstoN ExplFES oemBER 13, ¿00t é€L,zt -3îz? - frsf s,nù W"ESTER\ SIMETY COMPAÀ-Y Síou¡ Falls, Soüth D¡kota Stat¿ment of Conilition and Atr¡irs IÞcenber31,2fi)4 ASSETS Bonds ï66r,767.4't8 20,2n,4r4 21,8lÉ,47 Stocks Cash and short-term invest¡nents Other iÍr. ested assets Linco llected craniums and agents'balances 95,106 3t,225,W0 .Amounls recovsrable from reins¡:¡cn Oiher a¡rou¿ls recoverable utder reinsurance conlracts Iedeml hcome tax recoverable 19,986,519 l{et defe¡r€d tax âsset Iiecrro: c Jzta processiag equipmem a¡d softrva¡e Inrcsm.nt i¡cone due and a.,crued 12,665.131 4000,000 0 t,6û7,904 8,368,184 4.886.808 ûther assets Totâl Assets s135J46p4t LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS I-osses s 192,878,218 Reinsurance payable on paid loss and loss adjustneat eryenses Loss adjrstraenl expense Cffitr¡:gÊ t a-rtd other connnissions payalle ûiher expeme Taxes, licerses and fees Uneamed premiums Rel¡oa¡t:ve reirxu¡ance reserye asswned 35,736,910 1,390,553 15,376,667 3,0r4,229 211,943,576 10,4v2,390 ûthe¡ liabilities Total Liabililiei 534.332,0U Surpl¿s Ac*ourú: Capitd paid up tross paid in arrd contribrfed surphs $4,000,000 t't6,435,232 L aassigned frmcls 7r .y78;ì25 Si:rplt:s as regards policþolders Tciai Liabililies and Capital ! Phiiip E. l-.rndy, Vice Presidenl and Treasurer of W estem Surety Company hereby cerdry rhal the stâtÊmmt of the cornpary itare¡ oecém¡er 2004, as filed wirh vanots Trsurance Departnents and is a true and correø itøánent ofthe condition of Wãstem Surety above is ¡r exâct copy il, ofrÍe fin¿flcial þ Cornpan; as oft¡¿t dale. lVestem Surety Company Bv Treasu¡ef, Subsc¡ibsd and sworn to me þIv co¡r:missior¡ expires: KÂTHiIYTJ J. SCHROEDER rtss'$ Expìres 7-21-2009 t!4y Cctr this 251h day of Feb¡uar.v ,2005. é#Õ88- TERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 6-lobal lndemnity fnsurance Agency, Inc. li.ì lj j ghl and A1/enre l,letl¡€hen, Nl 0884{) ONLY AND ) RIGHTS UPON HOLDER. TIHIS CERTIFICA ATE DOES NO'T ALTER THEi COVERAGË AFFORDED A BY CERTIFIC ATE 1 iND, EXTE ND OR POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE ì ?istacom, f ¡r¡: lgoz Virl tee st¡^eet I i entÐrvn, Piå i.8103 .41I CTVER,AGES A¡]Y RECUIRE[T1ENT, -IERII OR CONDIÍION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUI\,1ENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE NIAY 8E ISSUED OR t'AY PERTAIN, THE ]NSL]RANCÊ AFFORDED AY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERI\,S, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUcH FOIiCiES AGGREGÂTE lllvllÌS SI-IOWN l\¡AY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO¡IÌllERCiA]- G:N=RAL L ABILJTY fil occuc il5l3- | ,o" ci' ¡.raoE ecrrcv ì MEO EXP {Any one person) /\uloMoBr-Ë LraElt lt,fY f1 iil ì+lv,..urc ,.. nr,.,.,r^ JiCS ,, 1 i il I t-l .!_fOS I sca:ou:,to r.u n i *." ^r-os rol-¡wr¡l,rrILiCS i GARASE iraar!r-a! I €XCÊSSrU MBR or/ot/2006 iL!A :tABtLtTY Y'I L aaa re a ar¡.rqMADF l l l c¡oucll.: l-ll aere*r,¡u s I Y'IORK'RS Á '' COTTIPENSÂrlCfl ANÐ ] elre;-ovzns rrreiriw I Rir Éã€XECù I cFaLcaâ-r ¡Eüê€R E):cL,JcÈÐ? r¿,lY PiloPRlE lOtuÈ¡ I I ud., ii y¿s. c€scnbe S?:C]AL PROV|S O¡lS rl\,/E be!ù E.L. OtSEASE, POLICY L yl i : Àudjo Visual Systems Installation - County of llontgohery is an additional insurd under the neral liabiìity coverage providing there is a written contract requiring additional insued status or f iabìlity arising out of the nameds insureds operations TËRTIFICATE HOLÞER SHOULDANY OFIHEAAOVE OÉSCRIBEO POLICIES BECANCELLÊD AEFORETi]Ê EXPIRATION DATETHEREOF, aÐunty of MÐntgomery inq Ðepartn€nt Pû Box 311 Nôrri sto!,rê, PA 19404 Purchas ACûRD 2s (2001/081 | 0 IHE ISSIJING INSURERWILL ENDEÀVORIO MAIL Ðays wR¡rEN NoftcE To rHEcERltF¡calE Hot-DER NAMEo ro IHE LEFT, BUT FAILIJREIO MAILSUCII NOIICE SHALL IIIIPOSE NO OBLIGAIION OR LIABIL]IY OF ANY KIND UPON IHE INSU RER, IfS AGENIS OR REPRESENTAIIVES. TioN 1988 IMPORTANT if ihe cel¡licaie holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement cn fhis certÌflcate does noi confer r¡ghts to the certificate holder in Iieu of such endorsement(s). f SJBRCGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of ihe policy, certain policies may reqrire an endorsement. A siatement on this certificate does not confer.Ìghts to the certificate hcider ilr lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER Tl'rê Ceilificaie of lnsurance on the reverse side of ihis form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), 3uthorized represerìtative oi- producer, and the ceÍif¡cate holder, nor õoes ìt afrirrnatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage âfforded by the policies l¡sted thereon. I L___ AaoRÐ ?5 (2001/08j I ililtilt ilil ilil ililt tiltililt ilil ililt ilIil ilt ilil tililililttilt 2005-162594000 Waive¡ of Liurs Moirlsomcn Counlv proùonoLan Wrllirm E Don¡cllr Waiver of Liens, No. 75 W.d're.<lar'. Jrrne vrhereas, I istAara -J(v lj.2{,0irro iir,() ^M . í' i: (2 <t, ? entered into a contract wfle Cotr^fq o1 lfu^a-q erl or to provide materials and perform labor necessary for Ar,(i, Llpon a iot of ground I L5 v;5oa-l '.a s**er^s ¡^yLLL'I'oA located ^ , ì . :,_' ":a.': l-.../-/, /-"e'!rr'-,t / 5o EfueuøvttcL R¿Ar), (m-ø-ut uE.?h 6-^ol:' r i: ,l , 7. Gl2t -\';:V.'^ Qoc'Ð , ãáJ 3+, *ocrl¿ü , Pk * Now, therefore, it is hereby stìpulated and agreed Uy ãnd between the said parties, as part of the said contract a¡td for the consideration therein set iorth, that neither the undersigned contractor, any sub-contractor or mate¡ial rnan, nor any other person furnishing labor or materials to the said contrâctor under this contract shall file a lien, commonly called a mechanic,s 1ien, for the work done or materials furnished to the said building or any part ihereof. This stipulation is made a¡rd intended to be hled with the Count¡r ProtlronotarSr in accorda¡rce q¡ith the requirements of Section 1402 of tlre l',{echanics Lien Law of 1963 of t}le Commonwealth of Pennsvlvania in such case provided. In Witness Whereof, the said parties hqneto have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of \t^lzg ,4.D. 2OoS Sigaed, Sealed and Delivered t1 V V ),fl]cøn ^Tt-,e. _isElrl ú,u.i-.*rTo- . ,,u*, Terms: Net l0 FOB: ORIGINAL Date:0612412005 COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY PURCHASL\¡G DEPÀRTIIÍ ENT PO BOX 3rr NORRISTOWN, PA 19404_031 I Phore - (610) 278-3037 Trendsr: Ship To: t 89S53 VISTÀCÐM [Nç 19T2 V{.iLTEE STREET AÍ_t_Ef¡TOwN PA 1 8103-0000 See Below INVOICE SAME AS SHIPPING qIY UOM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PR¡CE 18,834.00 18,834.00 10,375.00 31,125.00 13,459.00 13,459.00 Purchase Order Currencv: Dollars lnvo¡ce by mail' CA OPËRATIONS CENTËR SCHËDULÊ A - EMERGENCY PREP. c{-,{ss RooMs 3.Sû SCHEDULE B - FIRE ACADEMY 1.û6 EA AU!]¡TOfIIUM SCHEDULE. B - FIRE ACADEMY Purchase Order Summary Goods Total: nEsrcN, rNSrALLAnoN, rEsrNG ANo .o"r,..Pd#fnÍot3'É" A_uÐtcvrsuAL sysrEMs FoR EMERGENcy pREpÀRtóñËéö, ãriËÄëIe-vil_t_g RôAËr, EAcLEvILLE, pA AND ¡¡ne tc¡oErvly, .rzå õóñsn-ciÈoöxeru nóÿ . .l1.å{'r.!1f¡c, $63,418.00 963,418.00 CONSHOHOCKEN, PA #5021-3829-FTS/smw PER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTON DATED MAY 19, 2OO5 - C.I87 PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNT TERMS 1% 1O NET 30 '{$lTû '{r O&IER V COtii\*Ty CCùtÞ{ßSIONERS John 11. l-êre¡zo - D;rcs,o¡ )j Total Amount: purch¡s¡og Page: I of 1 $63,418.00 SPEC#502 1 -3 829-FTS /smw PROPOSAL FORM SIGNATURE PAGES Submitted Date by vrsrAcol{ rNc. (Contractor's Name) 3-16-05 To: Commissioners of Montgomery County Cout Hcuse Norristown, Pennsylvania Gentlemen: 1'his proposal is submitted in accordance with your advertisement inviting proposals to be received for the project identified as: Furnish, deliver and install an Audiovisual Systems Installations at various locations for the Counly of Montgomery, Flaving carefully examined the "Advertisement for Bids", "Bidding Instructicns,,, ,,Scope of the 'Work", etc', hereinafter referred to as "Specifications", together witf, all addenda, errata, bullerins applying thereto, and being familiar with the various conditions affecting the work, the undersigned hereby agrees to furnish all materials, perform all labor, and do all else necessary to complete the work in strict accordance with the Specif,rcations, for prices as follows: (64" Schedule - Emergency preparedness Location qty A-l I Description Unit Price Operations Center Total Pricq $ Total Schedule,,A" tB, a3¿_ ..$ tg, g3¿ Schedule '68" - B-l 3 Class Rooms B-2 I Auditorium Fire Academy $ to,375 Total Sctredule,,B" 31,l_25 s 13,459 544,58,4 TOTAL ,LUMP SUM PRICE (*) 5% Bid Bond or Certifîed Check .$*ã;(.) Days requi¡ed for compretion folrowing issuance of purchase order PromptPa).rnentDiscountTerms $ 75 DAYS IA IO NET 30 ln case this proposal is accepted, the undersi-qned is hereby bound to enter into contract within ten (10) days after receipt of notice of aãceptan.. oiitr. above, in rvith the Specncatons e) u..or¿un.. ^ .rb, I ,.4"lüqrll o' ? ß þ,'' a , , lû case thìs proPosal 1s accepted, the undersigned is hereby bound to commence and complete all ofthe work i:rc:uded under this cont¡act in such time and suãh manner as designated for the various items he h¿rs ccr¡racted to supply. . in submitting this proposal, it is understood that the unrestricted right is reserved by the County to reject any ard a1i proposals or parts thereof, or to waive any info¡malities o¡ technicalìties in said iropo*fi it i, agreeci riaL this p¡oposal may not be withdrawn for a pe¡iod ofat reast sixry (60) days from iatå of openìng thereof. ríj .inte¡esi.o¡I¡eùndersigned in behalf hereby certìfies that this proposal is genuine, and not a sham or collusive, or made in the of any person, firm or corporation not hereL namá; fiat the undersign"¿ r,u, noi ¿irfin o, indiiecill induced o¡ solicited any bidder to refrain from bidding, and that rhe undersign"ã hu, no,, soùghr bi collusion to secure fo¡ hjmself an advantage over any:other ""t bidder. ¡ F IR¡IT #"*., 1r*_'Nif{E s¡ctìÂT{-.R_e PF{II{T/TYPE RE OFFXCI¡II- AÐDRESS 1902 VULTEE STREET, ÀLLENTOÍ!N, DAVID pA I8tO3 TÄX IDT¡íTIF'ICATIONNUMBER 23-1439879 Bidder w¡!i sra¡e belolv rvhether the bid is by an indìvidual, partnership, or corporatJon. coRPoRÀTION __ tsicder rvill stare berow the name ofthe Bonding company to be used in case ofarvard, and name and address oi'local agent therefore. B OìiDl¡i'l COMPANY WESTERN SURETy co \AI,ÍE OI AGENT GLOBAL INDEMNTTY - INS. ÀGENCY ADÐR;S3.j| DELMÀR DRIVE, NORTHFIELD, NJ 08225 Accon¡a¡rying rhis proposal is: In t,.",,r¡u'of S 50" Check x _Certified - bar.d or"u roral lump,urn Uia [email protected] -Brd -" Bond- of contract 'r-DDE\D 1 Bidder agrees that the follorving Addenda(s) issued during the bid period have consid;recìr preparing this proposat; and, agrees that fajlure ro acknoriredge been received and suËh Addenda (s) Àuy ú" u uuro ro, re.jecrics cf bìd. ;r-dderrla No. Dare Addenda No Dare BID MUST BE SIGNED FOR CONSIDERATION Rev. 0i. C4 ABSOLUTE ADHERENCE TO PROPOSAL FORM CLAUSE IS REQUIRED (7 -r) NONCOLLUSION AF'FIDAVIT i hereby affi¡m tha VISTÀCOM INC has i ) has nor ( ) been convi",ed any ". or collusion with act prohibited by Federal or State law in jurísdiction involving conspiracy respecr to bidding on any pubiic conract '"vithin il-re iast three years. "Hfrä,:¿Xijì PRESIDENT (Titte) rhe bidder's statement on this Affidavit that (he) (she) (it) has been convicted or found liable fc'r any act prohibited by Federal o¡ Stare rawin u'nyþi.airuon ìnvolving conspiracy or collusicn n'rrh respect to bidding on any public contracr iiiirin the rurt tn 1=i. ão.'r'"ot prohibir, the.county of Montgomerl'from accepting a bid from or awarding"" a contract to that persol' bui ít may be groruids for administrative su"spension or debarment in the discretion of the Couni-v ander the rules and regulations adopted Uy iounif O.ainance No. 99_1. VEË.IF'TC,{TION I_ - oav^ro_ Jj_ glrlllio , verify that the statements made in the Name of Affiant) Íbregcing Noncollusion Affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowredge or ínfomarion a-nd belief. I understand that farse statements he.ei., u¡e made subject to the penalties of 18 PA c.s. $4904 relating to unsworn falsification to authoritìes. Dafe: A3-1^7-';9 3_t6-o5 l¡brneüqul Co¡r¡n¡nlcdom lndr¡rùh¡ Arlor{aüon, lnc.' Visto'com Inc, Voted one of Tap 50 in the United Sfofes NEWS RELEASE I SOURCE: Vistacom Inc. RELEASED: 0l/1 2105' POSTED: 01120105 ALLENTOWN, Pa. -- Vistacom Inc. has announced that the company wÍrs listed among the Top 50 Systems Integrators of 2004by Systems Contractor Nø,vs, arr industry news and business magazine written for conhactors, integrators and consultants who specialize in the design and installation of audiovisual communication solutions. The listing is the first of its kind for the publication and provides another measure of success for the electronic systems industry. The criteria used to rank the included companies were based upon revenue for 2004 and then by number of employees. "'We are gratified to be recognized for our achievements," stated Jim Ferlino, Vice PresidentVistacom. "Being credited as one of the top integrators in the country was an ideal way to wind up our 5O-year anniversary in2004." About Vistacom Inc. Vistacom Inc. is a leading integration firm based out of Alle,ntown. Since lgs4,Vistacom has grown into one of the top audiovisual solutions providers along the East Coast. IVith a full-time staff of 65 employees, Vistacom has created and sustained deep relationships with its clients both locally and nationally. I9O2 WLTEE ST ALLENTOWN PA, I8I03 800747 0459 wwwvisfocominc,com SMART Technologies lncSulte 300 1207 - 11|h Avenue SW Calgary, AB CANADA T3C OIV5 TeL. 403.24 5.0333 Fax 403 228 250A JacLat / 20,2005 Tc './thom it May Concern: Re: Letter ofAuthorizat¡on for Vistacom lne Th¡s is to advise that vistacom lnc. of '1902 Vultee street, in gcoC standìng and is authorized io sell SN.4ART A entown, pA, usA, 18103 is a sivlART Dealer brand products in DC, N,4D, pA and VA in corooraie/government markets and PA in the hjgher education market, This leiter is a general authorizaiion. ln cases where specific manufacturer's authorizaiion is requii-ed 'oecause the manufacturer is required to guarantee or otherwise peform âny obligatìon of the Deãler, a separale specific authorization will be required from Sl\,4ART. Yours tíL iy, SMART Technologies lnc. æ4r,-',Barbarã -. ivlunroe Vìce President, Legal client T@5þllBA America lnforrnation S¡etems s74o rrv,ne Bourevad. rrvine cA s261 I l\larch 15, 2005 îo Vvhom It l\4ay Concern: Thls letter is to certify thal V¡stacom, based in Alìentown, Pa, ¡s an auihor¡zed direct dealer and service center of Toshiba's Visual Display products. Tcshiba's Visual D¡splay products ¡nclude the fullline of LCD and DLP projectors. As an authorized c{iieci reseller, V¡stacom is qualified to sell and support the equipment. This authorization includes co j'prraie, government and educational markets. lf yoü have any further questions, please contact me at the number below. SÍrcerely, Chariey Bocklet Ne¡ional Account Manager TAIS-CSG Projector Group (757) 868-5008 cc: Sal Amato, TAIS ÐxÉrsn" ÐËectrsffiics l t\ -f - Lì Ê ii /,\ i,-_'||! G. v/ -rc|-;n.: iì j = ¿r. F-]l.u l:]J r Ejl -å :f l I T- t -) r\ i:r;caT, Februe ry 25,2tÐ5 -ir ,r';l':çn-i ri mair ¿6¡ç9¡¡i ";-rrs Ìeiler sürv*s as formal confirmat¡on that Vistaconr, lnc. located oLt of A¡le¡town, PA is curently :;r ai;lhorjzec ciealer for Exiron Electronics. Our role as a supplier to Vistacom, lnc. is based on all ¡c.Òunis beir:g; ìn good standing and adherence to Extron's policy of customeT suppcrt and c¡rc¿llc:¡cr:, lìi:r-rrld y.rr-; h¿ive any questions or require furtner verification, please íeel free to contâct mysell' rÌíre;ctly at 8û¿-t33-9876 extension 6262. Siir':ereJ1.t, rirll¡,lny D¿l l-oro Srpplr-i Specialìst Atiartlc Region ¡-xiron Eìeciranics Pn: gtc-533-987 ö ext.6262 i:x. ût0-833-!r870 Saie s l,'1ld :rrl e ltorc@ÊxL'o n. co m ru ffiÞ߀Ëli'lt Janu¿,:y 14, 2005 \,'ist¿Lcom AKA Daveland Company L9û2 Vultee Street Ailentown, PA 18103 AccorLnt #100802 To Whom it may Conceln, This letter ìs to verify that the above business is a JBL Prolèssional dealer in good stancii ng. Sircerely, Perr¡, Ceiia Ði ol Sales. Easteln Region 8 l8-895-3420 e, tur pcrlìa@ &gr Personnel Vi¡tacom's key personnel include a wide variety ofÍalent as well as erperience. The following is a brief description ofthe key employees that will be involved with the project which inci¡-rilss house staffas well as on site staff E¡pçlence. Over 75 years combined experience in the AV systems integ¡ation industry. In de::th ;-echnìcal knowledge of all facets of systems installæion and design_ Prcje¿t R.esponsibilities: Provide complete account management, on site project coordinatìon, reiair,:lnships with olher trades and consultants, technical ¡evìeq client training. Perform trainirq ofclient personnel in the use ofthe new audio/visual system and equipment with inCrr¡:dualized presentatìon and the provision of comprehensive manuals_ F¡"oicr:t Ma¡ragement St¿ff cf ó fu1l lime personnel Ð:<pe¡iç¡çe: Department manager has over 20 years experience in the AV systems integ¡ation prrject management. Staff qualifications include PMI Institute professional certificatiô4 degrees in engineering science, licensed general contractor, OSII{ training specialist, and anC EPA tr:aining. lrqjeq¡ Respalgrbd{içs: Provide all in house project management and support lor site mânagement. They perform regular site visits and progress reviews, along with coordinating with ¿;-chitects, engineers, and other on-site trades. Provide soÍÌwa¡e based schedule charts, *râetclver allocations, equipment tracking, freight management etc. Manage all ongoing re.¡ì.r*sts for information S.FI's) and modifications. Work directly with the account ¡eprrsentâtive for all project related issues. Ðngågeering DeDartment Staf of 6 full time personnel ¿ Y€ducæs!_. Masters degree in Acoustical Engineering, ICIÀ CTS-I (AlV Installation Scìiooi Certification), ICIA Acaderny Instructor for trnstallation School, ICIA CTS-D (A/V De sign School Certificæion), Peavey Media Matrix Certification, S¡'naud-Con training Fr+ecr Ë-pcpalsiþil¡IEl- Development of perlormance specifications and acoustical room aaalysis is performed by our certi{ied acoustical engineers utilizing computer-aided design. Each r:ngineer is assigned on a job byjob basis according to their specific A/V disciptiné. Thel provide all system final design documents to include AV functionals, 3-D room p*ispectives, control functionals, facility plans, cable pull sheets etc. related to the audto¡visual systems. Veri$r that all system design and firnctions w-ill perform as designed. Ðcordinate system control functions and capabilities with cont¡ol ry.tem progta-rneis. Q¡gAqå Svstem Programmers and Network Enqineers Sraffcf 4 full time personnel Experience. Design and programming certificafions for both crestron and panja (.{vtX) s\¡itesrs. Panja Netlirrx Design certification. MCSE cefiified, web based design and control, i\oveli and NT certified, Sequel, and cit¡ix certified, unix training, certified on various t¡iiet,vlall systems, industry certified for touch panel design Erpæcf eecpslc¡btl¡ties- Provide control system panel iayouts and design. Provide and author all ccr:trotr system code. Install code a¡d test all systems at vistacom site before sysÌems a¡e ship¡ed. Test all systems so{Ìware functions and make any changes required at the site to coi1lpl¿te the system as per specificatìon. Make small customer requested changes at the sire on;e t.he system is operational. Interface with client's network personnel to provide seamless integration of various A,/V technologies ¡¡.'ithin their intemal network. Field 'Ieehnicians and Sysfem Intesrators StaÊ'ol20 full time personnel Expenence: classified into {3) categories level I, II, and system integrator {highest level), alì hai'e gone tkough varying levels of training includìng ICIA schooiing, custom vistacom trarning and certification includìng basic programming, advanced audio & video skills, projecl pu-;hiìsting and closeout, lclA crs-I certìfications- Manufacturer product and application trarring. EiqiçEt Responsibilities: Perform thorough wiríng and pre-testìng of all audio/video car.fipctte^t fack systems priot to on-site installation. provide complete system integratioù senices throughoùt all phases ofconstruction to include final terminatìons, system set up ênd fesli¡;g. Se:.sice and ]Vl¡intenance Þepartment Staffol T full time personnel Nt d¿cation. ICIA Cetified, Manufacturer aurho¡ized service technicians for Ch¡istie Ðigi:el S],sttms, Digital Projection, Hughes/fVC, Extron, etc_ Beta test site for several øanufacturers' research and development programs. Service personnel undergo the same curto¡nized training program as ou¡ field technicians. ?q:CËji_Rcåp9aËlbilitlgs, Provide complete sen'ice and maintenance on all A/V system comÐonents, utilizing the latest test equipment. Separate group dedicated to service and meililenance agreements and on call service with guaranteed response time, a¡d complete irvel rcry of repair parts. Provide onsite a¡d offsite sollwa¡e support. our service siatrT can prcvide extensive back-up equipment to eiiminate downtime during repair F REFERENCES AUDIO/USUAL SYSTEMS St. Joseph's University Philalelphi4 PA I9I3l \¡istacomprovided integration and project management services for this university project, in which the classrooms utilize a media retrieval systern, which allows complete resource sharing between the classrooms. They have a central nredia collection and distribution point within their Master Control Roorn, which can be nranaged by one person. This allows the University to centrally keep track of all their nredia sources. Several of the classrooms within this university carrpus are fully equipped for distance learning. To allow for future expandability of distanLce learnhg irtto each classroorr¡ even the most basic classrooms were wired using fibe.r optic cabling allowing for the possibility of distance learning and other technologies in the ñrture- Contract Value: $1,400,000 Clien, Contact: David [,ees (610) 660-1770 Consrrltant: RlCDesigns - Richard Coluzzi (410)760-7712 Deloitte Consulting Concordeville, PA Vistacom provided design and integration services for their new conference center, which included several ten person conference roonrs. Each conference room was equipped with a ceiling mounted LCD projector with a 100" diagonal projection screen. The conference table features two laptop corrputer connections. The room is also equipped with a VHS, DVD, document camera, cable and DSS connection. Vistacom provided a wireless color touch panel per room for the control system that controls all functions of the audio/visual system To allow for use of a portable videoconference unit anrong several rooûìs, a su,itch with a custom ISDN box was provided. VISTACOM, INC. Ccn4fetion 5-03 Clie'ät Contact ' Patricia Angelini Conî act Value: $630,000 lrerieral Reserve Bank - (610) 419-3241 of Philadelphia Pìriladelphia PA Vistacom has provided an ongoing relationship in room design, installation and service fò¡ the bank. Projects of note are the Boardroon¡ Public affairs room anrl the Auditorium Client Contact: Mr. Robert MccafÎhy 215-514-6112 ConÍact Value: $250,000 Completion Date: 10-04 Aveniis Phar-maceuticals Blidgervater New Jersey Vistacom provided both desþ and installation services f'or the new Building JR-1 prcsentation / videoconference roorn A complete design package was provided to the archïect for integration ofall AV concems into the base architectùral setThe project consisted of a dual screen front projection system used lbr both presentation and videoconference applications. A custom lectem was provided hcludìng a video touch panel as the primary use¡ interfäce. The touch panel also ser-ved as a dedicated lectern PC monitor and ove¡all video preview monitor. In developrnent of the room capabilities many diftèrent usages were identified. P¡esentation, video confèrencing, audio conlèrencing arìd dista[ce leamìng were the primary system configurations required. All capabilities were seamlessly integrated into the system providing a clean user-friendly interface allowing nontechnioál users complete confidence in operating the systern Clie*: Contact : .4V Consulta¡rt Ar-chirect : C¡ntlact Value: Aventis Mr. Nick Gerardi 908-231-27 59 Vistacom Kling Lindquist Thomas V¿m Dean 215-569-2900 $11s.000 VISTACOM, INC. +1025-3825-FTSl smw P.O, #4610-0-MC day oÀpril A.D. 20 05 filãø ffigyeeme¡tt, made this lst Be '¡een the COÌ-)NTY OF MONTGOMERY, Pennsylvania, hereinafter called Parry of the First Part, anci ViSTACOM, lNC., a Corporation, with pr¡ncipal place of business at 1902 Vultee Street, Alleniown, PA 18103 hereinaft¡r ;ãlled Party ofthe Second Pafi. WITNESSIiII{. thâl the said Pafiy of tlie Second Part, for and in consideration ofthe payments hereina{1*r specified and agreed to be made by the Party ofthe First Part to the said Parry ofthe Second Part, hereb¡' Novenants and agrees to and with the said Party ofthe First Part, to furnish and deliver all labor, materials, equipment, and-/or supplies required to be furnìshed and delivered, being: Planning, design. supervìsion of installation, testing and comm¡ssioning of Audiovisual Systems for the office of the Commìssioners, One Montgomery Plaza, Swede & Airy Streets, Suite 800, Norrisiown, PA, and in strict end exact accordance with the bid, proposal and/or specifications, which said bid- proposal and specificatìols are hereby rnade a part ofthis agreement by reference thereto as fully to all intents and purposes and to the same extent as though herein set out at length. It is finher agreed that in case any ofthe said labor, materials, equipment and/or supplies furnished and deliverecì uncier this contract are rejected by the authorized or proper County Agent as unsuitable or unfit, such labor- male¡ials, equipment, and/or supplies so rejected shall be removed at once by the said Party of rhe Secord PaÍ, and other labor, materials, equipment, and/or supplies ofthe proper kind and quality, and Îull¡l up:.6 the requirements ofthis contract, furnished in place thereof, to the satisfaction ofCounq. AgenÍ, ar: the cost and expense ofthe said Party ofthe Second Part; provided, however, that in the event Parll of the Second Part fails, neglects, or refuses to furnish the replacement therefor within sixty (60) days afler receipls of written request so to do, County may purchase said replacements and Party ofthe Second Parr agrees to be liable for costs thereof. The ¡em¿dies herein provided shall be in addìtion to and not in substitution ofthe rights and remedies which yroulc otherwise be vested in the Party ofthe First Part under the terms ofthis agreement, !ncl-rdins those contained in the bid, proposal and specifications, all of which rights and remedies are speciÍicail¡. r'eserved by the Party ofthe First Part. Party ol Lhc liecond Part shall at the time of execution of this contract give such securit_v as shall be required bv saìd County Agent or County Solicitor to insure Performance of Contract, compliance with Wa¡ran¡ies and Guarantees ofParty of Second Part, and Maintenance ofsaid equipment, where provided by speciiications. It is agreed that this contract shall not be sublet as a whole nor shall any part thereof be assìgned or tlanslerr,:d and thât no payment, or part payment, which may accrue hereunder shall be assigned. The said Part¡' of the Second Paft avers and represents that no such assignment or transfer of said contract has ever bee¡i r:r¿de and that no payment or part payment, which may accrue hereunder, has ever been assigned. lt is understood that said averment and representation is a material inducement to the execution oT this agree:nent by the Parfy ofthe First Part. Page 1 of2 rcv.4123,',02 In consideration of the premises, the said Party of the First Part hereby agrees to pay to the Parfy of the Second PaÍ for the said labor, materials, equipment, and/or supplies the sums or prices set forth in the bid, proposal and specifications incorporated herein and made a part hereofby reference thereto. The Par['ofthe Second Part agrees to accept the said checks in payment as cash. It is further distinctly understood and agreed that the total amount to be paid for the said labor, materials, equipment and/or supplies to be supplied under this contract shall in no event exceed the sum of FIFTY ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FOURTEEN and 00/100 ..($sr ,714.00) DOLLARfi Location Qty Description A-1 1 Commissioners Board Rm A-2 1 Commissioners Conference Rm Total price $41,498.00 $10,216.00 The term "Party of the Second Part", as used in this agreement, shall be construed to include both singular and plural, and shall be deemed to include each and every of the individuals, co-partnerships and corporations specifically named above and there designated as "Parfy of the Second Part". The masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine and neuter genders. All interpolations and deletions were made before the signing hereof. The partier; hereto bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and successors for the faithful performan,:e of this agreement. couNTY oF MONTGOMERY (SEAL) Attest: Signed, Sealed and Delivered In the pres:nce of: VISTACOM, INC., a Corporation, Witness to Approved as to form: (x) By: Solicitor Page2 of2 ísEAr-) 13:4Ø FROH:CMì SUR€TY TO:9173?63?6æ4 P2L/L PERFORMÀN nd tb_ 698794H¡o KNOW ALL MnU BY THESE PRf,SENTS, vlsr.rcolvl.INC., r corporrion. with pr¡ndpcl Plrcl of br¡inG¡s rt 1902 vult¡r S¡¡ca. AlJcr¡ro..,n, P^ ltl 0, ¡s PRNCTPâL, ¡nó WESTEEN SUBIIY CìcMPAFY. Sio¡r Fotls. SD. !Ðrtdrâl4 æ SULETY. ¡¡c lcld ud url¡nr, u¡ OBLIGFÊ, n thcsuõtofîtiNTI{€IUS^NDsnd CI(VIOo(tlo.og0.00}DOI.I.ARS.¡¡urfi¡¡notryotl}o(IniçdSt¡rcsof^mcrlc¡, fçr ufticà f¡e,ntcn¡ rrtll .rnd truly :u he mads. .ro and cadl of ur. luur hc¡euDto ¡ad do bercþ trnly bind oursclvÊt\ our hcirs. gcrseurl rcpíctoil¡rivç', s¡¡ccqsors ailt tti¡nr fi¡rnB bouul un¡o COUNTY OF ÈIONTGOÞ|EIY, lannsylwriñ, rû.'d rtt g¡ccl'sors rnd WIÍERF-AS. Þirrcipol ttc¡cin hrr ortc¡cd inro r cont¡rct gr ilyrerfi:l( rn xrrting vih C'9uNTY OF IIONTGOM!¡RY, wlrcrrùy Pricclprl did obllguc is¿lf to οrn:s¡ gúl rnrcri¡l¡, er¡rripurwrt ond hbor asccsor¡r to- in o coæglCtc arrd wOfhn¡rlllu rlrüurÉr. rlo ¡t¡il urrt, t in r¡ld <¡¡n¡rxt u¡ aBfÊrmcdt in nriting moll fi¡¡þ l0t Frh, thc sarac bcrng ñtlly inco¡?o¡arql ir:rrin by rcfcrcncc w¡lh ¡ht x¡¡rr¡ lbrcc r¡rd ¡:ffcc¡ ¡¡ if ñ¡lly cçied ìcrcin NOw 'fHE C;ONDITION OF llllS ()SLIOAT¡ON ¡S SUCII ùn rf Princi¡nl shall rw'll ¡nd rru¡y lç ¡r¡d pgform qlt lbosa lhings rôicb be did ov s¡¡d srincn crillrrr or SStccrncr: oblig:rr hirrsctf rs rlo, ¡nó :lrll in rjl nÐccts corrpl) u¡ith rhc s¡il rpci¡sd cor¡tJir¡t. thsa this obligetbn thgll !x vo¡d ord of oo ¿ff¿rl OtÞr.risc to bc ¡tó tomJ$ ¡¡ filll forc¡¿ ¡nd viÉ¡¡;. rN WÍÎNESS WIIEROF ûË PRfNCIPAL r¡d StrRlTY h¡rc c¡uscd lho i¡¡strunst lo bc duly ascncC and ¡c¡lcó in r!¡cir old c¡ch of ¡hcir thir 23rd drV of March 2OO5 . -P) ,.) I / vis I ACOM, NC., ($Eai) (x) (x) By: (Witn;ss ro Princi¡ral) (Ptcsid"¡rt) (Ê*en¡¡ù WF.STEIìN SUREI'Y OOMPANY, n ,rytlw-ßiw($rihcss to Surety) f;l , hlagner 3lZ4lZOO5 2:53 PÈl New Sf,ATEOF **¡ 23rd end for said Co¡n$r, ACKY(MIAI)GMDNI OF SI'BETY Je¡sey Mi ¡l¡ll aqeq COTINTYOF PAGE ZIOOA Fax Server Gftorooy.intr'rcÛ) )" da¡rof , 2005 ldarch perroal$r appeared , be&re ræ, a notary public ia to lrß pcg¡åIü hfiD end bsiDg Ùy æ ù¡ly ¡mom, öd ery, tù¡t he is thÊ Analsy.i¡.Fecü d WESTEn¡{ SLlREly COMpA}\ly, a oqcatict d SIox F¡Il¡, Sotth DaÌota, createù cganized and erieting under end þ virtue d the l¡çs d f.he Staf¡ of South Dekda, thet the ¡aid insEru¡ent was e¡æut€d qr beh¡lf of the said cqoralim authity of it€ Board af Dir€stors md th¡t tùß Timothy wagner æÌwleùÐ said insEuEÉDú to bo tùe ñas acü âDd do€d of æid corpcatio a¡d that bc hat autbcity to rign said inft¡¡Ðpût witbout gfñ-in g tùe ccacúc ¡esl d said co[DCúirL IN Wffi{ESS IVHREO:F, I have hearmto subacæibed ry name and afExed uy ofEci¡l ¡eal et said J. MeÈuchen l,fycomuirsimepiræ NOTARY PUBUC OF NEW JERSEY Fü'(Wüffiißtor E4rius illay 19, äftJl , þ Ngr Jersev ,tàe<tayandyear_þr#,abovernittern. 3/24/2OO5 2;53 PM pAcE 1/003 Fax Server Mrbtern SureÇ C,orrrpany POWER OF ÄTTORNÐI'- CÐRTIFIED COPY Bo¡d LlL Men.By 1læse P¡eseot¡, tlat oi tÌæ Ståt! of $3uth Då-kotâ â¡d baung rts B-.lro-lq ccEs¿ir.Èt¿ ¡nd alDoiìlt it¡ :r¿ aû' beÀ-alf as I¿ ¡-rlt a¿to¡r""trnin-to.. Srery tro 6 91- 9110_- WESTER\ SLTRITY UOMP,ANI-, a corporahoû ùr.lJ orgä¡rzed ånd eljsti¡g ù¡de¡ lhe taìFs priüiÞâl ofice rD gioìx Fã, South Dalota (the CoÞpaqj' ), do€s by these p¡esents make, øtt ¡rll bonds fot, iì:ûar!2-l: 1: s:ecor:¡ lnc. Obliger, 1cu:ìiy cf }1oÌìtgche:y ¡Ìþú,ìii 550J,0JC.jC iþ, Ljo.l1paûy lhereby a! tuIþ ald tô the sar:ûê exleEt as itsuch bonds were signed by the seDior fic€ PrerÍdetr!, seå-led wir,h LlE co:por:are tea.l oI the Oo¡Ipårry aúl duly atLelted by its Saret¿Iy, l¡e¡eurL !¿ri.Eilìg d coû¡Eri¡s all ùat úc sad afioruev(!)-iD"ra¿ ¡4v do rç1t¿ir ¿Þ above $ated Li¡¡iiatioBs. Sard åppoiträûeDr is nåd€ ì¡trder a¡d or_ autllDlit] of the fbl]oìFrng bylaw of WeÈ¿€En Surèt,'. Coúpa.4v lr'hic¡ !s:D.aj¡s ùÌ ftlI fcùce atrd eEest. ¿ad ta bi&1 .Se¿d¡û :'. All boDdr, polìdes, ùrdert¿.ki.Dgs, Po\r€ls ol Attom€x, or othel obligå¡ions of the corpo!âiion slÌâII be exes.rted rn rhe €c4ol¿te r¿E¿ ãfthe CoEIpaÀy l,y the P¡esrde¡t) Se.reta¡f,, aqy Âssist¿d¿ gesstãy', lteårure¡, o! ary Vice Presid€E¿ or by such otha o6aers as iLe lJoæd ofDìr€cto¡s m¿y autho¡rze. The Ptesid€ot, aÂv Vice Presideor, Secrøary, aay AssistaDt Seserã¡l', o¡ th€ T!€¿sl:l€r Eråy åpFoiÈl å¡toneys Ìn ¡act ol âg€Èlls .¡ùo sh¿.ll b,a\,e awhority ro jssue bo s, po¡nes, or undertaki¡gB ra the namJ ofthe Company. The corpú¡trle !¿dÌ is ûot Âe.Èssa¡y fü th¿ v¿lìtLty oI ally borÀ;, uûderÞL;'gs, Powels oI AlLoraey or oiL* olrt'g*¡* co¡rorâtioa ?âe srgDàtì.Ìe ofay s h o6cÉ¡ a¡d tÀe corporÐe se¿l-ooù.des, "f 'L måJ be p¡inted by facr¡¡ite.. r::1,.. åoì 2f iio ló:i¿i - - codæ¡ed sb¿Ìl erçue â¡d r€rEÌDat€, mthoùi rotice, u¡less lbått be i¡revocabte and r¡ ñ¡II force €od e&d. her eby ¡'¡ un¡t suaÀ rùEe ll: Witæ:s ,Àhereof, Ðd it€ co:!F€:!rd to W€st€l¡ Sìrrety CohpåDy be afrxed ihu b,as cansed _2j¡L us ed b€fore E¡id¡]ght thesê preseÀts to o€ sicaed by iLs SeEior yice dæ or Ma¡ci, .,, .l:lr-e of 2)C5 1 Plsident, pârl T. Br¡dal I ) óadd" 23:d day of ,- Me.rch , i¡tùeve¡¡,_ 2CC5 , b€fole ¡úè, a nora4, ¡ììbtic, pesonalty appeereri PÐn T Brrnat. wlú b€tus to úe dùly swortr. aclaowledsed that he cisned rhe ãbove Powe¡ of Àt¿omey âE ¡he ¡foresaid oñco of I\'BSTERN SriRE?Y COMPAIçY and ackÌowledsed sâid ì¡etnrmenr to l,rqrb¡+6.Ê¡ììt$ìàr*. 9 rnerr be the votunLsn. acr 3nd deed + I å\ffi/roufl D routäË4 o- [/:*.mrnr n¡¡r¡ca.j .{,àe¡ts.*.ri$.¡ú*sr i.,lv CôÌìr¡ission Eþirès Nôveanber a 30 2006 I ùe unersiseed ùüce of\Ve€t€m Sù€ry Compaq¡', a stocli <xrpøation of tÀe State of So'¡rh Da.kora, do Le.eby ce!rÌ-ú ôhar ihe aitach¿d Ptve¿ otÂtroræy i3 in tuÌ foæe ã!d ef€ct a¡d ß irleiccable, ed tuÈihiroùe, rh¿¡ Se¿r,roE 7 ofrhe bytaw ofthe Conrpan¡ æ cet to¡rh l! À€ P¡ of Àttomey is now iD foEe. lÐ ¿est*ôn:,, whe¡eof, I Èåve hereunto se¿myhãod Ddseet ofW*tera Suety Compaay - /:---. ?:0\ wÈs F&rn F5S08<-æt2 this __ SURE 23Ìi .-CO davof MPAN T WESTER\I SURETY CONÍ P.AÀT Sioux Falls, South Dakota Staftment of Corlition and Aff¡i-rs Decsrber31,2004 ASSETS Bonds s 66t,767,4'.78 20.277,41.4 Stocks Cash ar-rd s-hort-terrn invesfonÈnts 21,866,40'1 95,106 ûfher r¡væt-r:d assets tlncollected prsmiums and agents' balances 3t.225,W0 Ämounts ¡ecovemble from reinsu¡ers ûrhø amou¡r1s recoverable ¡¡du reinsufa¡ce conl¡acts Federaì me ome tax recoverable Net defè¡¡ed t¿-r asset Electrodc data processing equiprnent ¿¡d software Investmeni income due and accnæd 19,986,5r9 4000,000 0 12.665.131 t,607,904 els 8,368,184 4.886.808 Total Aesgrs s2!É21.041 0ther- ass LI.{BiLITIES AND SIIRPLUS Lossês $ 192,878,218 Reinsurance payable on paid loss and loss adjrstnerú elpenses Loss adj r.slnent expense Contingent aad orher cornnissions payable Other erpe¿se Taxes, äcetxes and fees 35,736,910 1,390,553 15"376,æ7 3,414,229 Un¿a-rn¿d pr¿miu:rs 211,943,576 Renoactive ¡ei¡surancc resgrve asswned 10,492,390 Otha liabilities Total Li¿bilitieb Sürpiur 534,332,0U .A.aDourüi lapilal paid up s4,000,000 176,435,232 *ross paid in and contribrúed surplus Lnassigned fi.mcls 71.n8.725 Sr.nlrlus as regards policyholders Totai Liabi iries and Capit¿l ! Phil;l E- Lmd,v, Vice President and T¡e¿surer of Westcm Surery Cornpany he¡eby certif) fh¡t the âbove is an ¿{âct copy ofthe fin¿¡cial starement ofthe company ilare¿ necãmuer 2004, as filed wirh the v¿riots l:surance DeDartmmß and is a true and co,rrest itatened ofthe condition of Wbstem Surety jl, Compal' a; ¡ftb¿t d¿e.^ {GrhÈС¡-..¡--À Nr*rHmr J. Westem Surefy Company scHRoEDERt åffief,ffi-,@f ráæ¡l¡Êâaa.alrira.+ 't Subsc¡ibed alld swom to me lv{v corn¡aission expi¡es: W KÅTHRYTI J, SCHRÔEDER Cofi',r¡ìssìon Expjres 7-21-2009 this 25th dav of 1*r nr, Noø¡vhrblic &lelr*ulo' 0^ ij' ?.2 FRO|'4 6Ø96779 i 4E .4-çgËP- TFRT¡FICATE OF L¡ABILITY INSURANCE PncoucÈ (f 32) 2 -2'7 9A clo.liai Inde¡nn:,tv fnsurâÞÇe 20 :jiqhlarC è-ve TION Ag€ncy R. TH|S cERTtFIcÁl s NOf AME / IHE POL :ÄÎE roR tfo¡d I fãa<Jm, 1a. 1942 vri:ee Streêt v:- UPOÑ T -L t r¡{siJàÂ$cEE LISIÊD BEELOW HAVE BÉEN ISSUED fO fH€ IÑSURET RED NAM r ourRãMENT. TERM JR CÕN )NÐ TION OFF AÑY CONTRAGÍ OR OTHER OOCUMENTT V' VVJTH F É ìNSU¡IÂNCE:,âFFORCãD)AYIHEPPOLICIES OÊSCRIBED HEREIN IS SUÊJEC /ECT TO 6REC.ÀIÉ I IM CY PERIOO fNOICA OICAIEO. NOIWITHSTANDING AN'T CERTIFICAÌÉ i¡AY ¡',lAY 8E ISSUED OR MAY P€ÂIAiN, usroNs ANc coNl coNorTtoNs oF sucH PoLlctEs ..]*r -a""Èc*5 LD.. l-l ^*,a*-t^ -P.!.-vrX rËi:- IXlô.: I /or/ ¡uto¡oelre rrarrrly 1,{ .,1\i t.rl I I a-- :!,,\:: { rrs i /or/ - I i.."r.-.,ron,. ll-l --, n T.;-l "u, lr' r ¡lCN-¡!¡,f ); -r"as ",. i Il._ ll f-"ì l jexcrss,r,'" a:;-l :,t ll cr¿Lrr¡,s I cirÊ!: WÒNKEÞS CQi¿I i¿PËNSA-JOT.) ANÞ rOA/PÂÀ1NÉI/ÉXÈCU otFJc€R/vÊM9€ 9€Â ÈESÔRr2ÌrCt CF OpERA.rlC¡¡9!Ð CATLO pyêt€eii I IVE €xa!!aalì? N S¡/ErtCL€9ÊXC LUSIO!5 AOOêO By ENOORSEII Er{r/3pÉC tÂL ÀùCiô ',rBis,.r:l- sys¿êEs lo: .-( County cf ¡4ontgone¡y the Otfiêâ PROVtSTONS o! Èhe ¡oí¡rieÉrönâls OF .lHg ASOVE ÞfgCßI9ED POLICIEÉ EE qANCELLEO BÊÉORE 'I}1€ EXP¡RA¡OJ{ OAIE INÉÀOF, INÉ ISSUI¡'G INSURER IVLL EIOTAVOA IO À¡ÂIL STìOULO AI¡Y 30 oÁys wlrrrErl FA]L|JRE 70 Þo NoÌcr lo rvÉ cËn¡rtc¡rE Hotore NAMEÞ ro rHE LEF , 6ur NO OeuÊ¡¡cr€*rrÊérL¡ry oF Á.Ny KrND UPoN rlrE so sttÂLL t'lÞOS€ Pq.rchaei-ng DeparLnent Po Box 3i l- Noriis tcrrli ÀËÕñD 251 Q,"- li,:sozì 1.,0.,0u G ÉLÊclRoNJO tAsER FOÂÀ15, tñC - (ê00)12705ó5 ÄCORD IMPORTANT lf the c€,tr.åts hold€r is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, thq policy0es) must be €ndors€d. A statoment on th¡s cûrtiiìcåre dôes ño1 confer rights to lh€ cBniFcãte holder ln lieu of suc¡ endorsom€nt(s). ll SUBq OcAîrON lS WAIVEO. subjeci to the terms and cond¡üons of the polisy, oerlain pollclos may rrquirê an A statement on this c€nifìcato does not confet r¡ghls 10 the cortific¿te holder in liou of such endôrsefient. endorse.l1ent(s). DISCLAIMER -lhe CÈd¡fr¿rle of rnsurance on lhe revêrBe B¡ds of thls brm doãs not constitlJtÊ s conttasl bstween th6 ¡ssuing insureris), aìJthorized r€pres6nt¿Ìive or produooi, and the ært¡fcåie holdsr, nof doas lt añlmat¡vely or negatÌvely amerd -,xt¿rd or â,ter the coverãge afffiOd by the pol¡cjeg llsted lhoroon. H¡:{tJ *jarrnl¿sË Claüse lN¡e ü*ntractcr shall also defend, indemnify and hold harmless Montgomery County from and aqaìnst any and all clairns, suits, judgements and demands whatsoever, including but lirnited to crrst, litigation expenses, cousel fees and liabilities with respect to, ìnjury to or death of, any per Õr persbns whatsoever or darnage to property of any kind by whomsoever owned, arising out of sr caused by the acts or omissions of the Contractor, any subcontractor, or any other person dìrectìy of indirectly ernployed by thern, or àny of them, while engaged in performance of the work or any activity associated therewith or related thereto. A,ìñ)FlD ¿5 {å001/08) â*- t:¡èc?gio'ælos Terms: Net l0 FOB: Montco REVISION Date: 04/01/2005 COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY PURCEASIIiG DEPARTMENT PO BOX 31r NORRISTO\\N, PÀ I9404-OJTl Phone - (610) 278-3037 Ship To: J09Ð53 vtsTÂcoM tNc J COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY ONE MONTGOMERY PLAZA SUITE SWEDE AND AIRY STREETS NORRISTOWN PA 1940I 9T? VULTEE STREET ALLÊru'rOWN PA 18.t 03_0000 8OO INVOICE SAME AS SHIPPING cllY ì uo¡¡ DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 51,714.00 51,714.00 Deliver on Apr¡l 1, 2005 unless spec¡f¡ed bv line Purchase Order Cuffency: Dollars ' lnvo¡ce by mail '.rrlj I LÄ ÀUD]OVISUAL SYSTEMS AUDIOVISUAL SYSTEMS Purchase Order Summary A-l - r A-2 1 RooM - coMMrssroNERs B.ARD $41,498.00 - COMMISSIONERS CONFERENCE $.t 0,2.t 6.00 Goods Total: order Total: $51,714.00 $5'1,7'14.00 ROOM PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNT TERMS I% IO/NET 30 #1025-3825-FTS/smw PER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION DATED MARCH IO, 2OO5 . C.lOO u O,1"1t OU.áRY CO ü¡-i'y Ccl\{}fl SSTONERS Pr r , I t. Loren,,o - Di. ec,Òr ot purchasing Total Amount: Page: I of 1 $51,714.00 SPECIFICATIONS FOR . coMMrssIoNERs AUDIoVISUAL sysrnMs ; '.;',::. Montgomery County Commissioners Court ¡,. Norristown, Pennsylvania ,, Jarlles R. Matthews, Chairman ì'i, ' ,,,i Thomas J. Ruth S. ,, . House ,, Ellis Damsker ,. Chief Operating Officer/Chief Clerk Robert W. : Graf Solicitor Barry M. Miller Controller Eric Kretschman , ,,'l . , .,, ;, .1, rrl :- Director of Purchasing " John M. Lorenzo I ,, (610) 278-3037 Commissioners Office , Andrew Gulotta (610) 278-3st9 :'l:. Opening Date: Specification .1,,1-March N¡: 3,2005 1025-3825-FTS/smw \l ilþ SpEC# 1 025_3 825_FTS/smrl PROPOS.dL FORM SIG¡{ATUR.E PAGES Submirted bv VISTACOM tNc (cortract;bN"*Ð Date 3/2/05 To: Co¡nrnissic;ne¡s of Montgomery Couniy Coul 1c ise Norisiorlr:;., P en-nsylvania ûenrl,-: re r fhis proposar is submitted in accordance u,ith your advenisement invìring proposars to be ¡eceiveil í:;: the project identified as: Fu-tlish' deliver and install an Audiovisual Systems lnstallarions at various locations lor the Cou::ti. of Monigomery, f{ai'ing carefully examined the "Adve¡tisement for Rids", ,,Bidding Instructions,,, ,,scope oithe \\-oik", e1c., hereinafter. ¡efer¡ed to as "Specificationsl,, together witi ;.*", bulletins arpiying thereto, and being familiar wrth the various "ii;;ã"rdr, conditions affecting the u,o¡k, ihe undelsrgnei hereby agrees to furnish all materials, perform aìl labor, and do all eìse necessañ,.ro cornplere tire work in st¡ict accordance with the specifications, for prices as foilows:Comøissio¡rers Offìce Locarior Ay {-1 I \-2 i Desc¡iption Commissioners Board Rrn Commissione¡s Conference Rm TÛT,{T- LLIMP SU}T PRICE i*) Tota.l price $ 4t ,498 $ 10,216 .g 51,7f a 5% E:d Ðond or Certified Check iequir:d lor completion following issuance of purchase order*_¡âs_DÂys Pronpt Paynent Discount Terms Ìt _lOlNET 30 Ða-vs Ì¡r ¡ase this proposar^is accepted, the undersigned is hereby bound to ente¡ into co¡lrasr ¡'it,n ten (10) days a'Ìer receipr of nodce of uã."ptuo.. ç'ith the Slecifications. oi;h;;;;;;il;#ä". (7) l,+) ir': case this proposal is accepted. the undersigned is hereby bound ro commeDce and compJete all ol the racii.ded ur':der this conûact in such time and .uã¡ .unn". u, ¡"riJ;;r.¿ ¡ãrü" rääi, he l:as cl¡:trac¡ed ro supply. *c¡k ;äi'"- -' 'in submittine thjs proposal, ìt is understood that the unrestricted right ìs reserved by the counry fo rejeÇt a¡v a¡d alì proposars or pans rrrereol or to waive any informaliries t."nri.áù,i*i" ,.ì;;.õ;^,iïii agreei :har this proposar may nor be wÌrhdrawn for a period ", sixry (60) days ftom orat least date of openirg rh,ireof. -':e r:rrcrei 'r:-i;c: l sougl.: ¡,, r;r'Jer-sig^ned hereb¡ cenifies rhat this proposal is genuine, and no¡ a sham or col',sive, c¡ rrade rn ihe òehaliofan¡ person. firrnþr corpora¡ior nor herein named; ird:cec or solicited anr bicjrjei to r#ain fiom uiaJi"g, c :1 Lhat rhe undersigneJ¡", rhe undersigneri has nor ""i¿ìrär" ", in un.. **n... tl:usjon ro secure for himself an advan¡age over unyî,ha, "îJìi" UiOa.r. ¡]À]'CE VISTACOM / FTRJI! " TNC SIG¡iÂT'R PRI],Ì]-,,TYPE SIGNA RE DAVID J- FERLTN O PRESIDENT IITLE OFFICIÄj_ .{DDtìEss 1902 VULTEE STREET/ ALLENTOWN, pA 18103 23-1439879 TáX iÞ¿lTl¡tC,{TION ¡\¡UM Bidde¡ ¿ ili i;tate bejow wherhe¡ the bid is by an individual, pa"n"rrhip, oþ.Åry¿rS,RlORar:rON aCdr¿ss ts:deler wìir state berou' the name of the Bonding company to be used in case of award, a'd name and .:i icoal aeenr therefo¡e. BOND:{C ColvtpÁNl¿ WESîERN SURETY co¡,lpÀNy N{\fE {]F a,GENT GLoBà 5 ADDRj]SS L INDEMNITY DETMAR DRIVE/ NoRTHFIELD, NJ 08225 Accompanr i;:g rhis proposal is: _ hrhearourr:of55% OF TOTAL ADDETIDA: :::,;oai. I Cenified based X Check Bid Bond on?t"tuf frrnp,uln'iia of $ 51 . 7I4 idder ag¡ees that the following Addenda(s) issued during the bid period have been received and proposat; and, agiees that faìlu,. ,o u"r.*ir"ag" such Addenda (s) jr,],::""ring rhis may be a basis tor B -Acder¿a }io. Date Addenda No Date BID MUST BE SIcrì-ED FOR CONSIDERATION Re\'i'L ABSOLUTE ADHERENCE TO PROPOSAL FORM CLAUSE IS R.EôÜ,iRìD ,,-r) }iONCOLLUSION ÅFFIÐA\,'IT Ì hereby affinn that vrSTAcoM,INC r$ffilr:. fi}ffi,"*,," has { ) has not (4been co¡victed or an'juriscicrion involving conspiracy or collusion *.irlLrespect to biddin! on wi¡þin ¡ite Ìast three years. ,. -y prli;"'.onou.t V]STACOM fNC NM PRESIÐENT (Title) Th¿ bidde¡'s statrmenr on rhis Affidavit that Qre) (she) 1ir; has been conr.ìcted or Tbund liacle ib¡ any act prohibited by Federar or State raw in a.ry ¡u.isdi"tio., irruotuing .ãrrrpou., o. collusir>n wi¡h respect to bidding on any pubrìc cont¡act wiihi¡ the rasr th¡ee y"u"., ¿o.'r rro, p:orìb : : r-' counrl of Monrgomery from acccpLing a bid f¡om or auarding .""ir"., i" ,i., perscn" brî ir may'be grounds for administrative susþension or debarmenr i"n"tir. álr...iion o¡ûr" Counil ul'1er rhe rules and regulations adooted by iounty Ordinance No.99_1. vER.I¡'IC.,{TION DÀVTD ,I F'E R I,TI\'Iô , verify thar the statements made in the ol AfÏant) Q.lame forego*g ì'ioncollusion Affidavit are rrue and coûect to the best of my kno*,redge or inlo¡mariori and belief; I understand that false statements herein are made subj eå to the penalties oi 1 8 PA c.s. $4904 reiating fo unsworn falsification to autho¡ities_ D ate: 03 - 1 7-9t =/2./o5 lllilillilililillilliltililillilltiililtf ililililllililililfl ilillililiili .. Waive¡ of Liens, No. 75 whereas, L,ou w";""'ãiltäi" o ,,tIA prorhonolr* Monlgomer.\ Counry t'rv rll,am E Donnell! .r^^. vrôndqr' l_/tâf¡È ra rr roos ^_ _ allri¿.nn ^,1^, ^^ pw l, tW lV 'J"t Vltf*CO^ , 7 /1 200549647-0000 -'-'a,' ol "f1 ' t lr'/lo entered into a contract with wþorwerl 51st<"*'t t-, tor t so*e Co,,y\u^tbsrDnc-ú-: tci provide materials and perform labor necessar¡r fttl v t o lV r1Ç,.. of upon a tot of ground tocated t<- A^Drr+qorwdl,Pl"*, 5uoÁ. ,1-,/ A¡ Q"+ 11 ,e 5+.,Sr,+n lØo, {a,ùur^Jr,, p* Now, therefore, ir. is hereby rhe said parties, as pa¡t of t]le said contract and for thJconsideration therein set forth, that neither the undersigned contractor, any sub-contractor or material ma¡r, iìor any other person furnishing labor or materials to the said contractor under this contract shall file a lien, commonly called a mecha¡ric's 1ien, for the work done or materiais funrishec to the saiã buildìng or any part thereof. "uo'r{'#}"ãå.oooi'î*"*een This stipuration is made and intended to be frred with the county ProthonotarSr in accorda¡rce with the requirements of section 14o2 of the Mechanics Lien Law of 1963 of the commonwealttr of pennsylvania in such case provided. In witness vlhereof, the said parties hereto have hereunto set tlr-glr sea-ls this aav î,gg "rl\l1t&-zA_-- ,A.D.20ë6 lrands a¡rd and Delivered _-,{SEAL} (sEArl 3-23-22.2.':,22?ú FRCTJ¡ 62367791¿5 ì .4Çses_ {:ERT¡FICATE OF !-IABILITY !..c:J;: 1732 ) é=2-219C i '.; Índerr,l:i ay lnsurâñce ,a. rii -!1 INS[.'RANCE ONLY AND CONFERS NO R¡GHTS UPON THE CERTJFIC HOLDER. THIS CERÍIFICAÍE DOÊS NOl ÀMEA]D. EXTEND ALTER THE COVERÂGE ÄFFôROFD FIY 7HF Þ.ìI I¡ì¡Èç AFI n\À Àg@ncy INSURERS AF i¡ia PcllclEs oF \SURA\c ! irs iEO 95row HAVE e¡EN rSSU EÐ Í0 ll-¡E INSUREo NA[4ED ABovE Fo R r 8E pOLrcy pERtoo tNltcATED NO] vltTHSyAN A\l.r t:l!,F:M Ê\T iE lV CR CCN C TiCN 0F Àl\rY CONiRAgI OR OlilER DOCLiMENT \ ¡TH R€SPEC-Î lO WHICN lHiS CÉRTlFrCa'fE ¡¡AY 8É JSSU EO CR MAy )iNG pERTAiN, :¡: I¡"SJR-ANCÊ Â:FOROêO êY IHE POLiC|ES OESCR|BEÐ H:Rã|N iS SUBJ¿CT lO ALL TriE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS ANO CONC|IIONS OF SUCh ?OLlCtÊS TE LIIJiìiS SËO!"v\ MAY d^ I]' I'I5UÂÀNC€ lYP€ POLICY NUMA€R r 0Òo oca i _! ____-__ 2, C00. 00c l-^GCÂ:CAi! Ll.r ] x , 07 4UfC¡4OËrLi: LrÂ9 Li rY iX r,\\YA¡c .-_r \- :ri.E:: /01,/ 2005 1,300,000 rros i sc,,tci.:t ruros I n,o." r'.r". X i lcx,ot..lrr^,-rcs -t---__ 30RriuTMi2c{ aL/ ot / 2ao5 5. CC0,000 il 0r / ot / 2oosl a7 / o\ / cQ¡¡P e'.15A 1 0,\r AN0 ^ai{€Ês LrÂar:.tY €vP:o'/ÊRs i ).r'rv rRopÂrE-rcÂ/t,râi\: RÉxÈc! llvê a!t:a€Àr¡rav6€R Èrc! icÊ57 I //)// 2 õô 6 1, C C0, ô00 I i taitcÊrP¡c,,r cF cPÉ?alicNs:LocÀT cNs¡JÉt¡c!E9€xcL\rsloNs aoDÊo 9y ENooFsE¡tENTrgpEctÂ! pRovtsror{s i l::o¡ecr: À\rCic ',?!s,:¿L sysLoñs {o: :he Ojtiêô of Èhe CoÍ¡llis6ron€rs I ! L* C'RÌì¡fCÀTE HOLDËR ti i STIOULD Á¡IY OF I¡¿ ÀgOVÉ ÞESCAIDEÞ POLICIES BE CÁNCELLEO 6ÉFORE ]HÉ i ÉXPIAÁNOÑ OAÌE TNÊRÉôF, I 30 ntgo¡nery DeI)aatr¡gnt ?O tsox f :{crris ÀcoRJ 2s FÀLURÉ tO DO SO S¡AL|- l,lÞOS€ NO i: t,ow:1 ( @,-. r;sDzs 1c,..1o: ELECtRONTi, LÂSÉR ÉOe\ß ¡¡C 160rj.r27{5d5 IssUINç INSUFEE ITILL 'TI€ rf€ cERnt¡cáfE oays w¡ùlrEN NoncE ro ENÞE.AVOR HoLo€R NArvEÞ IO MAL lo rxE LErt, 5ul Ogllr¡¡¡¡Cr¡,êi.Èn¡¿tLrry oF aNy þÙÐ upoN tHE 3-23-22'¿3 ') .2-j>-11 -RO!l 6Ø967791 ¿- ¡MPQRTÅNT ìf lhe cÉnifc¿tè holder É an ADDIIIONAL INSURED, the pôlicy(ies) musl be €ndoreêd. A slatemgnt on ceilí11.¿rÈ .does ¡ot confer nghts th¡s to th€ cBnificãte holder ln lìeu of suc¡ endorsom€nt(s). lf SUSfiOGATìON tS WAIVED, subjocl to the lerms and cond¡tlons of the pol¡cy. oortaio pol¡cle6 may rèquire an e¡dcísem€nl. A stâtement on this c€rtificál€ does nôt confer righls to ths cêrt¡ficáte holdsr in l¡eu of suc¡ €ndcrser]1Éni(s). DISCLAIMER lnsurance on the rev€rlg gide ùf lhls form doâs not constitúe â contlEct b8twssn the issu¡ng insurei(sl. authorized repressnûative or producgr, and lh8 csrtifcats holder, nor doas ¡l añlrmatlvely or negst¡vely lhe aeriifcale of êmenrJ, exÌend or airer thê cover¿ge afffied by the pol¡oeg llstêd thereon. ilold l{armJess ülaL¡se ì-he Co¡rtracio¡ shall also defend, indemnify and hold harmless MontEomery County from and agaìrrst any and all cla¡rns, suits, judgements and demands whatsoever, including but límited to cost, itigatìan expenses, cousel fees and liabilities with respect to, ¡njury to or death of, any perso Ðr perscns whatsoever or damage to property ofany kind by whomsoever owned, ar¡s¡ng out of or caused by the acts or omissions of the Contractor, any subcontractor, or any other person iirectly of indirectly employed by them, or any of them, whíle engaged in performance of the work úr eny act;vity associated therewith or related thereto. f {20o1/Ð8) â,- ,lis02s ¡o'*1* County of Montgomery Commissionerts Audio Visual Systerns ecification No: 1025-3825-FTS/smw AUDIO _ VIDEO SY STEM RECOMMEND AÏONS Ë v Iv -\ o a v o v Submitted By: Vistacom Inc. ADAVEI.4ND COMPANY L902 Vultee Street Allentown,PA 18103 Michael Reilly, CTS PHONE: FAX: l-800-747-0459 (6L0) 791-9sr0 vrsTACOM, rNc. VIILTEE STREET ALLENTO\,\rI{, PA 18103 1902 Specification No: 1025_3g25_FTS/smw AUDIO-VISUAL PROPOSAL Table Of Contents Section 1 Vistacom Qualifications Key Personnel Section 2 Client & Project References Section 3 Proposal Form - Signature pages Non-collusion Affidavit Section 4 Vistacom Standard Agreement & Terms Service & Maintenance Agreements YISTACOM INC. COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS Vßtacom is dedicated to providing the finest audio and video systems available today. As engineerirg presentation system contr¿rctors who have devoted over !!þ years to the desþ and installation of superior systems, we offer corrryrehensive services to our clientele that extend far beyond ttp initial sale of equþrnent. Tlrc following, partial list of credentials offered as part of the Vistacompackage: CREDF:NTIALS: IC]IA GOLD CERTIFIED CAVSP (CERTIFIED AUDIOA¡ISUAL SOLUTIONS PROVTDER) o o a a a a o o a a o o o a a o o o a MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS PROVIDER FI\CTORY AUTHORZED DEALER FOR CHRISTIE DIGITAL PROJEC|ORS FACTORY AUTHORZED DEALER FOR CHRISTIE DIGITAL NETMASTER SERIES FACTORY AUTHORZED DEALER FOR BARCO CONTROL ROOM PRODUCTS. FI\CTORY AUTHORZED DEALER FOR NEC PROJECTORS & PLASMA PANEI-S F1\CTORY AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR SAIIYO PROJECTORS FI\CTORY AUTHORTZED DEALER FOR SAMSUNG DISPLAY DEVICES FI\CTORY TRAINED INSTALLATION AND SERVICE TECHNICIANS (18) SPARE NEC & CHRISTIE TINITS IN STOCK OMAREHOUSE II\WENTORÐ F/\CTORY AUTHORZED DEALER FOR TANDBERG VTC PRODUCTS. AIJ-THORUED REPRESENTATIVE DEALER FOR POLYCOM / iPOWER PRODUCTS. TìAINED TECHNICIANS - PHILLIPS COLOR ANALYÆR FOR ACCLIRATE COLOR B.{LANCING AND LIGFTT I-EVEL ADruSTMENT. FI\CTORY AUTI{ORZED DEALER FOR IVC PROJECTORS AUTHORZED JOE KANE IMAGE SCIENCE FOUNDATION TF,CHNICTANS (3) AIJ-THORZED EXTRON 53 DEALER cRowN rQ CERTIFIED TECHNTCTANS ON TECHRON TErr'2O ANALYæR (4) MEMBER MARK IV AUDIO BLUE RIBBON COUNCIL MEMBER AND( GOLD RIBBON DEALER COLINCIL FOUR FACTORY AUTTIORZED CONTROL SYSTEM PROGRAMMERS ON STAFF, BIfTH AI\D( & CRESTRON 2 , .ONCERTMASTER DEAI-ER FOR ALTEC LANSING @ LISCENSED, TRAINED ACOUSTACADD & EASE AUDIO COMPUTER AIDED 6 DESIGN - USER FLLL TIME CAD DRAFTSMEN COMPATIBIÆ WTIH AUTOCAD Vistacon¡ Inc. presently utilizes over 30,000 squme tèet of storage and fabricating space, ai oü CorpoÉte HeadquaÍers. A service ând installaúon fleet consisting of ten (10) instaLiatio¡r vehicles, four (4) serwice yans, f)PS daily drop site, Federal Express, ând a tactor-trailer loadrg dock expedite incoming and outgoing shiprrrnts. br addition, alt mate¡ials in storage or in tra¡sit aìe covered 1007o by Vistacorn, Inc. Risk ofloss policy. locate'd 'Ilre audio/video coúactor's ability to interface with the Owner, Consultant Architect and other Cûrìff¿ìctors on a project is critical Vistacom Inc. retains a corplete firll tirre engineering staft, utilizhg the iatest technology in coÍputer aided desþ capabilities. With the corrputer aided desþ prÐgr¿üi alterations and additions can be made at the desþ stage rather than issuing a chalge order in the fie1d From the desþ stage tlnough the conpleted project, proper supervision by our experienced prolèssii>nal staff can insme the audio/video systems being inplemented me functionally effisient, cost ef1èctìve and aesthetically pleasrng Vistacom maintains that the most important element in a project of this size and scope, is that cf project management. There a¡e nrüy steps required to maintain the quality controi and proper eommunication of elements within a project of this scope. Vy'e mandate that all Vistacom projects tlow through our processes in order to maintain quality control. Specific tasks within each sreJ; are delegated and monitored by the deparment ûìanager. Our project nunagcrs are schccied ir a variety of areas. In general, our (7) project rn¿magers come from the construction industry a:rd are experienced fu managing building projects. They are ail ûained in Project 2002 and are required to conplete a variety of updates both daily and weekly. This includes project scheduler;, percent conpletion of work, resource requirements, etc. These scheduÌes and resowce reqaienrents a¡e folded into a master schedule that includes projected sold work. We then on a quarter-ly basis ca¡r evaluate resorrce loading within departments to deterrnine staff requfuements f'or upcoining jobs. Project 2002 wtll, enable our project management staff to futegrate material procure{Ient, material delivery, and labor and resou¡ce scheduling all wittrin one software prû91-aìtt Elhcient and cost effective material procurement is another key element in which Vistacor llas invested a great deal of time a¡d effort. In order to maximize volume discoìrnts avaúab1¿ û'orn our vendors, Vistacom has developed a custom integration of our purchasing soft.,v¿r'¿ a:rd project management software. This enables us to coordinate purchases of multþle pro.¡erts Ilto volume discount purchases, and consequently pass these discounts onto our cusiolrÌers without sacrificing timely project 5sþsd¡ling and conrpÌetion. 3 rJur Coupany policies do not allow us to corrpromise the quality of a system for price to sell a This ìs why Vìstacorq Inc. has established an excellent reputation of qualitt irxtallations throughcut the Middle Atlantic / Northeast Region job. ì iope this infor¡naúon ts hetpful in your evaluation If you require any frrther informatior¡ please do not hesitate to contact ûþ. Respectfirlly Submitted, Michael Reiliy, Vistacom, Inc_ l¡trnrüqnl Golrrn¡¡úceüon¡ Intretrloc Aæocldoo, lnc.. Visfocom lnc. Vofe,C one of Top 50 in the |Jnited Sfofes NEWS RELEASE I SOIJRCE: Vistacom [nc. RELEASED: 01/1 2/05 - POSTED : 0l 120/05 ALLENTOWN, Pa. -- Vistacom Inc. has announced that the company was listed among the Top 50 Systems Integrators of 2004by Systems Contractor News, an industry news and business magazine written fur contractors, integrators and consultants who specialize in the design and installation of audiovisual communication solutions. The listing is the first of its kind for rhe publication and provides another measure of success for the electronic systems industry, The criteria used to rank the included companies were based oport revenue for 2004 and then by number of employees. "'We are gratified to be recognized for our achievements," stated Jim Ferlino, Vice PresidentVistacom. "Being credited as one of the top integrators in the country was an ideal way to wind up our 50-year anniversary in2004." About Vistacom Inc. Vistacom Inc. is a leading integration firm based out of Allentown. Since lgs4,Vistacom has grown into one of the top audiovisual solutions providers along the East Coast. \Vith a full-time staffof 65 employees, Vistacom has created and sustained deep relationships with its clients both locally and nationally. I902 WLTEE sT. ALLENTOWN PA, t Bl0o Boo 747 o4sq www,vistocominc,com 11242'¡¡¿plÉs Mill Ro¡d Sirit€ 200 Fal¡:at,\,rA 22Ð2A 43.273.12ñ ? 800.653.74ô9 103.27 8.8Ð8? :.-: ù \Åafth2û(j4 Bili 5n,roh 'iiisiacoln. hc. f, i._ \'ujree Sueet Àirerrtclrrì, PA 1 8 103 .): )- u;\l: ir is nly pleasure ro formally weJcome Vistacom, trnc. æ a Certified AudioVisuaj 5clitìons Provider CAVSP ûold Level certified company. Enclosed is your company's CAVSP Gold certificâte and decaL This status is conferred upon yo.,:r cornpany and l,æaiicn fo¡ three years. The Gold level represents a highest level'a comp--v afiair, "an /jeÍ1ârstuôriitg comEut¡nent to professiooal education a¡d ce¡tifi.carion. ii 1cu rlan io issue a press ¡elease announcing thìs cefificatíon ir is requested that an adlaaced cqrv be provided to ICIA. Please send the advanced copy to Taly Walsh. S¡. T?. Dt llarkôting & Membership he¡ emarl is twaì[email protected]¡g. F¡i)r'iû rhe expirafìon of this certlficate you will need to reapply to Éaiúrain rhe cAVSp S.eirgnalion. Col¡¡atuiatioas again on becomiag ! tt::,-r€ --, j¿{' Lci¡ &¡, CÂVSP Gold certified company. , ¿t-/ /L41e .N¿n¡r i Li*r¡o¡ ixrl a of Certii-icalion & Workforce Developmenr i\1ÈÊh t tt*ßùËt¡¡rt¡t¡ tf8t!!rl{5 t¡striåil{åi. t!ã gey eæryqnngl vrsJai:om's key personnel include a wide variety of talent as well as experience. The following is a brief description of the key employees that will be involved with the project w-hicl: ilriucLes house staff as well as on site staff. .-trg:_u¡¡s Reoresentative / Sales Engineer E¡gË¡ience: Over 75 years combined experience in the AV systems integration industry. In d*prh technical knowledge of all facets of systems installation and design, !r¡úz:t Responsibilities: Provide complete account management, on site project coordinatior¡ reiatl:nships with other trades and consultants, technical revìew, client training. perform tr;ridqg of client personnel in the use ofthe ne*' audio/visual system and equipment w-ith irdi'"'idualized presentatìon and the provision of comprehensive manuals. Ë¡e¡ssí-MênaroÊ4 of 6 full time personnel ExÞ*rience: Department manager has over 20 years experience in the AV systems integ¡ation and prcject management. Staff qualifications include PùII Institute professional certification, degrees in engineering science, licensed general contractor, OSIIA training specialist, and El3Å. rraining. !¡qj-2:t Responsibilities: Provide all in house project management and support for site râ3nâ:leûlent. They perform regular site visits and progress reviews, along with coordinating .,vrth ¿Lrchitects, engineers, and othe¡ on-site trades. Provide software based schedule charts, ruànrorver allocations, equipment tracking, freight management etc. Manage all ongoing requesis for intbrmation @F1's) and modifrcations Work directly with the account reor¿sentative for all project related issues. St¿iT ËaËåräeerirxg DeÞartment StaÊ'of 6 fu11 time personnel ¿ V f-ducæiS!-Masters degree ìn Acousûcal Engineering, ICIA CTS-I (A,iV lnstallation Schcol certification), ICIA Academy Insrructor for Installation School, ICIA crs-D {.d1v Design School Certification), Peavey Media Matrix Certification, Sl,naud-Con training ÃcspA!übiltië. Development of performance specifications and acoustical room analysis is performed by our certified acoustical engineers utilizing computer-aicled design. Eacìr engineer is assigned on ajob byjob basis according to their specific A"/V discipline Tiey provide all system final design documents to include AV functionals, 3-D room p+rspectives, control functionals, facility plans, cable pull sheets etc. related to the I,_fqgs1 ardic/visual systems. verify that all system design and functions will perform as designed. Cocrdinate system control functions and capabilities with cont¡ol system programmers, {gg¡¡'ol Svstem Programmers and Neüryork Engineers Slaff of 4 full time personnel E:pg1çaçA. Ðesign and programming certifications for both Crestron and panja (AÀ,D<) systÐins. Fanja Netlinx Design certification. MCSE certified, web based design and control, Ncvell and NT certified, Sequel, and Citrix certified, Unix training, certified on various vidaowall systems, industry certified for touch panel design l¡gje¿t R.espangibrilitiçs- Provide control system panel layouts and design. provide and author all cortrol system code. Install code and test all systems at vistacom site before systems âre slipped, Test all systems software functions and make any changes required at the site to cÛmp.{ere the system as per specification- Make small customer requested changes at the site Õrìce the system is operational. Interface w'ith client's network personnel to provide seamless iltegration of various AÄr' technologies within their internal netr.vork. "1 Techniciâns and Svstem lnteqrators Siafl of 20 full time personnel E.<pe;ìence: classified into (3) categories level I, II, and system integrator (hìghest level), al1 have .gone through I' levels oftraining including ICIA schooling, custom Vistacom trair:ing and certification including basic programming, advanced audìo & video skills, project pr.rchiìsting a¡d closeout, ICIA crs-I certifications- Manufacturer product a¡d application Þ :e{ trlìnìr.rg. pr Ec¿ n-cspgntlbrljûgs: Perform thorough wiring and pre-testing of all audio/video ccmÐonÊnt rack systems prior to on-site installation. Provide complete system integration seryices throughout all phases of construction to include final terminations, system set up and Tâsting. *,:"t ice anU Uainte Sraflof 7 full fime personnei .{lv llducation: icIA certified, Manufacture¡ autho¡ized service technicians for ch¡istie ûig;t¿il S),stems, Digital Projection, Hughes/IVC, E*tron, etc. Beta test site for several r¡alufacturers' research and development programs. Service personnel undergo the same custcìlízed training program as our field technicians. ptg]ça Responsibd{içs: Provide complete service and maintenance on all A,/V system components, utilizing the latest test equipment. Separate group dedicated to sewice and m¿i¡rÍenance agreements and on call service with guaranfeed response time, and complete ilvenri:ry of repair parts Provide onsite and offsite software support- our service staff can provirfe extensive back-up equipment to eliminate downtime during repair. VISTACOM, INC. REFERENCES AT]DIO/VISUAL SYSTEMS The rMharton School Jon l\{. Huntsman Hall Philalelphia, PA Vistacom provided system integration and project iluìnagement services for the Jon M. Huntsman Hall audio/visual systerns. The executive conference room incorporates a high tech integrated podium that is slim-lined, and packed full of technology. The room also features the user equipment concealed within woodwork and utilizes motorized shades and light dirnuring to create the best environment for teaching and presentations. The two 60" projection cubes are capable of displaþg various images simultaneously. Sources include laptops, docurnent cailtera, VTC, VHS, DVD, and DSS. All presentations can be taped, cataloged and stored digitally on a video server for future use. Contract Value : $200,000 Client Contact : Peter Shoudy 215-898-1218 Cons¡ltant: Shen Milson & Wilke Inc. Mr. John Burris 212-725-6800 Cons:ruction Managernent : Driscoll Construction Conqrletion Date : 10102 VISTACOM, INC. AEere Systeûts, Inc. A-llentown PA Agere Systerns inc brLi{ thel new Wo¡lcl Headquarters building in Allentown, PA' The systems instarled in this project range f¡oå divisibre confãrence,oo-. a intergated video conferencTq_ r9o"". The-systems are routed via Fiber Optic Cable into a Master Cont¡ol Hub. The Master Control facility utto",. .o,rtioj åi tlre various audio and vídeo signars, to and from the 26 rooms ir. The campus wide information television system is also routed via "ooo"","¿al fiber ," ,rr" Headquarters facility. "".," Co;rt¡act Value : g 3,650,000 (complete project) Clieni Contact : Ronald Deveau 610_i li_724g Cùusultanr: Shen Milson & Wilke Inc. M¡. MichaeÌ Shafer, 212_725_2552 Collstruction Malagement : Sordoni Construction Ðebitte Consulting Ccncordeville, pA vistacom provided desþ and integration services fbr their new conference center, which included several ten person conference roo's. Each conference room was equrpped wftþ ¿ mounted LCD projector with a 100,, dr"g";; ;."*r* ':ïffi ïiä:triH"î,T#ï."_J":fi,ll; ütr1ff connection' ;;ffi"å"ïiff vistacom provided a wireless coìor l0uch panel pe-oo-ã. ,rrã cootl.l system that contrors alr functions of the audio/visuar system To alrow for use of a portabre videoconfe¡ence unit anrong severar rooms u u ISDN box was provided. "urto* ,rit'*itn Corìtl'act Vatue: $ 125,000 Conrpletiou 5-03 C'liert Contact : Patricia Angelini _ (610) 47g_324I VISTACOM, INC. ,{CE Lirnited H¿rnilton Bermuda vistacom provided and installed a complete audiovisuai fit out for the new ACE corporate headquarters located in Hamilton Bennuda. The systenis provided included the following: one Executive Board Room inclusive of high brightness 3 chip DLp projection ìntegrated into a custom millwork electric lift systeûr Two Executive office suites with prasma dispray technologies using laptop and pc connections as well as numerous video inputs. one Executive conférence roon, was also provided. o'e divisible 3-way conference center was also provided. This system allowed use¡s and combination of th¡ee conièrence roo''ls, a controlred by the AV system microprocessor based control system, one PC based classroom was provided and instarled. This system allowed ;nstructors the abìrity to gain mÕuse, keyboard and video ùom each student location for ínteractive ìnstruction All cplI's we¡e rack mounted a¡d installed in an adjacent closet. Portable cart based systems are used in various conference rooms through out the 1äcility. Both the cafeteria and maìn robby provide background music as wel as display abilities. The system was desþned by Shen Milson & Wilke. All site implementation, hainiry management; coordination of t¡ades related to audiovisual installation aûd was completed by Vistacom Coutract Value: $750,000.00 Cornpletion 6-03 flierrt Contact : M¡. Pete Rams dale 441-299-927 4 \{eick & Co. Þ&itehouse West, NJ vistacom provide installation services for the Merck & co,. rnc. whitehouse west 1àcilìty. Nineteen rooms contâining various levels of audio visual capabilities were provided ard instalied. Systems included Large and Medium Conference rooms allowing users the ability tû present using large screen technologies with integrated room cãntrol systerns. One dedicated VideoConference room was provideã. One Sr. Executive Conference room was prÀvided and installed. Audio visual suppoft was also provided fbr the Cafèteria and Fitress center. VISTACOM, INC. Contract Value: $ 1,450,000.00 CÐrltact: Mr. Walte¡ Flìtrdt ( Merck ) 908-423-1413 Ðesþ Consultant: ESA Mr Eric Rochelson GC: So¡doni, Anthony Giuliano 732-594-0196 Cornpletion Date: 6/01 Cood Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital .ållentown, PA 18103 Vistacom provided design and system integration services for Good Shepherd Rehab Hospital for their new corporate boardroorn The room features a filÌly wired boat shaped table that opens into a V-shape for videoconferencing and presentations. The table houses 12 microphones and eight flip-up lid corìparÍnerlts, each containing audio/video, LAN, and power comections f'or iwcnty -t'ouI seated parricipants. The 6 by 8-ft. rear-projection screen system is capable of dispiayìng various images simultaneously such as in'quads", dual screen or multi-srxeen displays. Sources include laptops, document camera, video cameras, VHS, DVD, DSS, cable TV, and direct feeds from the hospital trâìnìng room A rear projection room houses oritical equipment , all on a {JPS. A podium at the fiont of the room has a wireless keyboard for four dedicated pCs and a touchscreen for previews and room control, including studio-quality lighting and window blinds with blackout scr.eens. Cofiract Value : $225,000 Ciient Contact: Erika Chomka (610) i'7 6-3351 Corqrletion Date: 4/01 VISTACOM, INC. Line Card bv Mamrfieefurers AHR Systems Aiphone lnterco¡n H. Wilson AKG Acoustics Altrnex Inc. AMX Corp. lndustries Armstrong WorIJ Atlas Audio-Technica US Sound Aurma Multimalia Co. Ltd. Hitachi Denshi America Inc. Corp. I Tech. Innovative Communications Innovative Design Technologies Professional Jestertek Inc. B Ba¡co Beyerdynamic Irrc. Biamp Systems Bretford Manulàcturing Inc. BSS Audio Ltd. K KSI L læctrosonics Liberty Wire & Cable Liebert Corp. Canon USA Inc.-Video Division Chief Manulacturing Inc. Christie Cl ear-Com Inter'lom Systerns Clea¡One Cclmrr unicaticns Inc. Communications Specialties Inc, Crestrcn Electronics Inc. Crown International lnc. Inc. Inc. Corp Epson Corp. Extrql Electroni,ts Fiber options Ftxus EnharrcenLents Inc Fujinon Inc. TEAC America Inc. MagicBox Inc. Tech Electronics Inc. Ma¡shall Electronics Inc. Telemetrics Inc. Telex Communications Inc. N Systems NEC Solutions Visual Network Technologies lnc. New Frontier lnc. O OmniMount Systems Pesa Switching Systerns Inc. Inc. PolyVision Cmp. GE Inc. Phonic Ear Polycom Inc. TOA Electonics I¡c. U tlltimatte Corp. V Vaddio B FSR G Synelec USA krc. M Peerless Industries Inc. I Symetrix Inc. ITmdberg Inc. Electronics EAW-Eastern Acoustic Works Elmo Mfg. Sabine Inc. Samsung Electrcnic Irnagrng Sanyo Fisher Co. Sennheiser Electruric Ccrp. Shure Inc. Smart Technologies Inc. Sonic Foundry lnc. Sound Advance Systems Inc. Sou¡rdcraft Inc. Stewart Filmscreen Corp. Listen Technologies Co Lowell Manufacturing Co. Lutron Electronics Middle Atlantic Products Microsoft Corp. Inc. E RGB Spectrum Tannoy NA Inc. Denon-Marantz Digital Projectio:r Display Devices Draper Inc. USA Professional Kramer Electronics C Da-Lite Screen Co. Rane Corp. Raxxess g J JBL D Radio Pro Speakers Radio Design Labs VBrick Systems Video Accessory Corp. (VAC) Videolabs lnc. Videotek Inc. W Fest penn wfe/cDT whirlwind usA Winsted Corp. WolfVision lnc. a QSC Audio Products Quam Nichols lnterlogix co. Don't see Inc. y yamatra corp. of America iÍ...give us a call...we wíll find it for you ,r4ffiril 1 08 Wdsh Road, Horsharn, Pennsy,lvania 8qÞ462-694È21 9657-8799 (Fax) Februry 25,2005 To Whom it May Concern: VistøComr lzc. has been an AMX dealer for over fifteen years and has consistently held our highest level of dealership. At preserrt, they hold a Platinr¡n-Plus dealership in the United States and tras been an active msnbe¡ of our Deale¡ Council. VistøCom, lnc. hasachieved 'ACI' certification status, which means they have met the required Netlinx Ce¡tification Theyhave successfully attended and completed all AI\D( Designer, hogrammer, and Installation courses. They have also successfully completed, intherequired specified timeframe, the recertification exams necessary to nraintain tlrcir "ACE" Status. They continue to send thei¡ technicians and engineers to or¡¡ training dasses so that they can properly design, install and maintain our products to provide the maximr¡¡n tevel of satisfaction. As a result they consistently receive the highest praise and reviews from their customers. They are a valuable part of our distributionpartners. If you have any questiors, please contact me directly at (800) M2.-69M. Srncerely, Deborah Fra¡rklin Eastern Regional Manager åffiR. Enterprises,Inc. Ìv;,u.r{it, t urer Rep rese t nt tives 835 lV. Lancaster Ave. Dcrl'ningtown PA 19335 Pll: (510) 813-1485 FX: (610) 873-'7485 Fcbruary 28, 2005 lì: r,vhom i: may concem: ASR. Enrerprises, Inc. ts the local Manufacturct's Representative for TOA Electronics, hc of San Francisco, CA. We herby certify that Vistacom is a Factory Trained and Ai:tliolzed Dealer in good standing, representing TOA Electronics' fine line of Prol'¿ssional Audio Products. This ciocument authorìzed by TOA Electronics Inc. Btst l{egar ds, B¡i¡:r Gr-iswold- VP Sales AiSR Enreryrises, lnc. Ðxtrsxr' Ðlectrcnics r.J-r irirai', f.;i:rua ry -io,.,";honl 25 " F:ì:ill.i:,,.larr\G. =vì,/t-r f]i-ÌF-i--i rr- I'Jt") IJI=-f FirtiLJ-I-l-ñ{ ?Ð05 ll flay co ncernì 'ir'ris letler ier','GS ãs formal confirnatìon that Vistacor¡, lnc. located out of Allentown, PA is currentìy r euin¡¡iztc rlealer for Exlron Ëlectronics. Our ¡cle as a supplier to Vistacom, lnc. rs based on all ;,r¡rcunis br:rrrg n good standirg and adherence to Extron's policy of customer support and ;..r ti.x,Jel¡ûitrle. ljiru.:i'l ',or: 1ê/e arry questions or requìre further verificatìon, please feel free to contacl nyself :i:r;:tily ai ðt¡i-ËS3-S876 extension 6262. Strt::ere,t,, ¡i l ilcí1\r Dei îr¡ro iì;je : Si.:p¡ari Specialist , ii., Li r'1r ¡ - ¡¡i¡rn Êxlron trle cl¡arics Pl. Eûl-ûliiì-|J876 ext. 6262 Ëx: Bûü-ô33-!t{}70 Ìrc; ro@ exlro n. com aie ruffiffi NEt Solutions America 41 East Ridge Circle Laûghome, PA 19053 Janua: v 8. 2005 To W}ron it May Concem, Ttús iet¡er is to confirm that Vistacom Inc. of Allentown , PA is an Authorized Reseller of NEC Ðisplay .or:oducts. Vistacom has been a Reseller and Service Center for NEC for several years. Jchn Fitzpatrick Sales Meulager, Northeast Distdcl NEC Soiutions (America) West Corst Oftce: WolfVision, Inc. 160l Bayshore Drive Suite 302 Bur{ingame, CA 9¿1010 (800) 356-VTOLF Far (650) 6484009 E¡stCoactOfficc: lVoHVision, Inc. IUTLFVGION 3575lbgsrBlvd" (Z)stu Suite 330 Duh¡th,GA 30096 (877)873-96s3 Fax (770) 931{906 February 25,2005 ItrolfVision Aurhorized Dealer To Whom it May Cmcern: Vistacom, Inc. is an Authorized Døler for WolfVision Visualizers for the oalendar year questions rcgarding this issue, please do not hesitate to give Sincerely, æe/-úa Timothy Loclridge Sales ManagerEast of 2005. ne a call ú Q70)9314802, extension I 15. lf you have WARRANTY STATEMENTS & GENERAL INFORMATION l. nnstallation Warranty Fur a period a one yeaf following client's acceptance of the instâlled system at substantial complerion, Vistacom Inc. shall bear aÌl responsibility to repair or replace equipment itr:ns. in order lo resolve equipment or system malfunction or anomaly. This warranty covers all on-site field repair, in-shop repair, or other service actions necessar) ro restore tjl¿ û(luipment systems to their norTnative operational mode. ,\. Ëquipment Warantv Eech equìpment ltem is wananted by its respective manufacturer. For most of the plocucts detailed in the equipment lìsting, the manufacturer's warranty covers all parls ¿rnd labor 1'or at least one year. If a defective equípment item is identified during the s)stúm installation process, the unit shall be repaired or replaced according to the cause of ¡1.r¿ r¡alfunction and the telms of that equipment's warranty. In tiie specific case of those items modilied during the process of installation that void the origrnai manufactuler's wananty, vistacom Inc- will replace or repair said item in acccrdance with Che original manufacturer's warrânty. e l41¿1lalrgnlilalrantv visr¿coi¡ Inc. warrants fo| one year from client's acceptance at substantial completion rhrr rhe system installation is fìee of defects rn materials and workmanship subject to the hrnirarions of original manufacturer's warranties as described above. Service actions to cc:-r'cct problems which Íesult fiom user abuse, neglect, accidents, acts of Gocl, or other c¿us':s rvill be billable per contractor's nolmal rates. Vìstacom, Inc.. Page I !1, llocumentation ln the course of this project, numerous documents and wntten materials will b9 generated. in a corect and ploper system installafion and necessaly for l'utuie sei'vicing. '1-hesi: materials are essential Tbc riocuments described below shall be prepared in draft format lor client ¡evierv and apÐioval prior to fabncation and jnstallatíon. All plans submitted for revíew or final acceptance will also be provided in reproducible media or in electronic form if requested. Upcn project completion, the documents shall be updated to reflect "as-built" conditions. Tbe iinaL "as-built" documents shalÌ be presented to the appropdate project-team mer:beru prior to final system acceptance testing for review and comment. Cî¿ l;ei oî the "as-builr" system wire schematics rvill be provided. This drawing ol set of cl-aiv;ngs shall include all equrpment components. cable interconnections, cabie clcsignarion labels and functional connections to ac electrical circuits, lighring dimmer sl,'st¿ì1'rs. and other interconnected apparatus as needed. A. !)'stem Wirinq Diaeram Tilr sys[em wiring diagram shall reflect exact point-to-poìnr cable connections between within each system confíguration. All designarions for jack paneìs, cabies, and terminal blocks shall be included, as well as interconnections to other ¿Trp.ìràtus, e.g., ac electtrc circuits, lightrng dimmer systems, etc. As fhese documents are required tbr the different installation activities and future servicing, more than one !'Ðrsron may be needed fbr some sysrems. Per generally accepted industry drafting s[ûnC.ìrds, separate wìring schematics are provided for each sepa¡ate audio, video, and conrrÐ I sub-system. i:l1 ecluipment items R F¡rrinmanl Rr¡L Mechrnic¡l Flcr¡etinnc Eacì system involving equipment racks lor the housing of gear will be planned in ¿tlv:ince. CAD renderings shall reflect the Ìocation of all equipment items in each eajulpment rack in a front-view elevation. C. Pa¡chbay Desi gnations Au¿iir¡ and video patchbay layouts and assignments rvir ing schemalics discussed above. Visracom, Inc.. Page 2 will be separately detailed from the D. Ensr-avine and Finishine hll walìplate system accel :rpprovar p.,o. io s'Lmpre rorrn u' '"q'i'*à rå, upprovar prior to u.,,ur-fì;J.i:*.ï,;';i:,îJ?;i1.". rabering wiil be presented for *,""Ì i;,Jj;å;':|"o',,|ii.l: presented in E. Custom Fabrication or Circuiûy ,\il custom fabricated furrir irîL.ïffi TilHi:*tJ,:Tii;:.:JJ.ï:ïî.ïi..1?älîï:ïî",ï?::i,,åffi F. Equip¡enr LÌsting F¡: e;ch system' an equipmenl,'st rvilì be presenled. As some manufacturer,s nrmbeis ma¡ chan.le be($een modei rhe ,ir* or p,:oiãìui-,ina *,uur insrallarion. Lhis listing rn iLs rin¡r "".;,;.;ilï.,il'jshalrincrude ari manutuciu,ers ;:iji;,.:;jiï;.*îl*. G. Equlpment Manuals Upon.client acceptance of the completed system, Vistacon provide a-3 nng binder sel ol lhe onginãl manufactu."r', op".ot,on. ona r, siiblc. reduced size lender. -uinrcl^I]ll ings or AV ,v."À *ä"ïã,Íä1,i-,XTi1i;;:,,:1",":îi"# ¡ncruded in each binder. l¡1" Ctrient Training Visracom shall provide client ûaining and system orienta. '\ ' cm operrrion and use sha, .o'pni" L: aining shaìl consist mostly or rrr. rårro*ing i; ö;,r";ir;:':ï.i,:: L:,î,ïi;i:'iìiJ ;;i;'i"#::,r, 3l br c) d) e) Touch paneì Usage Control Sysrem OperrLion * Adjustment ol Video lnrerflcers ) for computer vjdeo displav lomputer Basic AV svsrems funcrion. (toodin; VCR,s, etc.) Run through of typicat " primary 5ystem op..ur,on training will focus on use of the Touch panels as o,l Screen ,r". conrror sys rem,:inT:J] "i,,'l:i,:tn.,:i#.,' "*'configurations panel functionai sequences will and ;;;;íris, "p"r"ii"gì._ì"¡är..'"r *. be presenred. Vistacom, Inc.. page 3 ;;ilãä;oï ï: i I\,¡. trnstallationStandards i\ll equipmenr, cabling and materíals installâtion shall be perforrned by qualified techlicrans. in a professional manner, in accordance with appÌicable industry standards. Vrstacom Incolporated shall provide a completed product manufactured atd installed urcier the strict guidelines set fofih and detailed beìow. Vistacom continues to provide professionzilly installed systems of the highest caliber and rvill not compromise our r:epît.rtion as a premier systems integrator by accepting anything less. A professionally inslLlÌed system adhering to the high quality stândards as detailed below should resuÌt in \ ( rr i ol' trouble-lree operütion. 1. General All equipment (permanent and ponable) shall be mechanically mounted as needed to prevent any unwanted movement (instability, vibration) during normal usageb) All mounting hardware and/or brackets shall be either hidden or installed rvith regard to aesthetic considerations (i.e. using the sâme type of hardwale on all wallplates). c) All equipment will be mounted with respect to its symmetry and center of gravity to minimize mechanical stress. d) Provisions shall be made for all cabling on portable equipment to be nearly dressed in an orderly fashion when it is being moved to prevent "snagging". a) r e¿2lj¡.c All video, audio and control cablíng shall be installed in accordance rvith National Electric Code regulations and guidelines for application and routing. b) All cabling shall be jnsralled in a neat and orderly fashion. No cable shall be installed with a bend radius less than the minimum recommended by the cable manufacturer. c) All cabling shall be securcd and strain-relieved at all appropriate locations. d) All cable connections to equipment shall have maximum accessibility and cable designation labels shall be visible. e) Any piece of equipment shall be removable without cutting wire ties or otherwise compromising cable harnesses. l) Service loops shall be provided where necessary. (Such as extra cable provided within podium for height adjustments). g) All cables run thrôugh plenum environments shall be plenum-rated in accordance wírh local fire codes. h) No cable shall be gouged or otherwise damaged during installation or. termìnation. No cables shall rest agatnst any sharp metal edges. Grommets, plastic collars, or other prôtective measures shall be used where appropriate. r) Individual cables and cable bundles shall be neatly drcssed in an orderly fashion to aid a ¡echntcian, who may be unfamilìar with the system, in finding his or her way around this system with the relevant documentation. Vistacom, Inc.. a) Page 4 i. E.l.rinment Rrck Crbling Pluctices a) lntemal equipment rack cabling shall conform to professional installafion standards. All cabÌes should be securely mounted within the rack to allow easy removal of the connector and visibility of the cable designation label. All cables shall be run to approach its connection point at the perpendicular, with a minrmum length of 4" between the cable-side of the connector and the cable secured mounting. Cablíng and connections shall include sufficient stain relief ¿lnd lack of stress to eliminâte potential intermittent breaks in propel signaling. b) AC electric power stdps shall be mounted on the left side of the equipment rack. All equipment power within the rack shall be derived from this central Iocation and not intermingled wírh signal or control cabling. Surge suppression or power conditioning will be recommended as necessary to protect sensitive electronic equipment from harmful power line irregularities. Should this recommendation be adopted, the purchase of said equipment and the labor to integrate it into the system wiìl incur additíonal costs beyond this proposal. c) All cabling shalÌ be grouped with respect to voltage level and signal type caried to minímize crosstalk and other types of induced signal contamination, d) Video and RGBiS cabling entering the equipment rack from extemal locations rvill terminate directly at the rack-mounted equipment. This cable bundle will be neatly dressed ând routed alongside the audio and control signaling cables. 4. Fioor Box Connection Plates â) All floor box connection plates will b) AÌl floor box plates wilÌ be manufactured to fit in be stainless steel or aluminum stock. standard FSRlype floor boxes. c) All j C¿Lble connectors shall be isolated from AC power. Designations a) Al1 cables shall be designated wirh identícal labelling at both ends. There shall be no unmarked cables ât any termination point in the system. b) Cable designations shall be clearly marked on schematic and block diagrams. c) Labels shall be Ìocated within 3 to 9 inches from connector. d) e) Labels will be of 3M Scotchcode, Brady TM (or equivalent). Cable numbers shall correspond to those shown on system drawings. Vistacom, Inc.. Page 5 l-¡utipment nact ca¡ a) lnrerral equipment rack cabling shall confom to professíonal installarion srandards. All cables should be securely mounted lvithin the rack to allow easy removal of the connector and visibiÌity of the cable designation label. All cables shall be run to approach its connection point ât the perpendicular, with a minimum length of 4" between the cable-side of the connector and the cable secured mounting. Cabling and connections shall include sufficient stain relief and lack of stress to eliminate potential intemittent breaks in proper signaling. b) AC electric power strips shall be mounted on the left side of the equipment tack. All equipmenI power within the rack shall be derived from this central location and nof intermingled rvith signal or control cabling. Surge suppression or power conditioning will be recommended as necessary to protect sensitive electronic equipment from harmful power líne irregularities. Should this ¡ecommendation be adopted, the purchase of said equipment ând the labor to integrate it into the system will incur additional costs beyond thìs proposal. c) All cablìng shaÌl be grouped with respect to voltage level and signal type carried to minjmize crosstalk and other types of induced signal contamination. d) Video and RGBiS cabling enterìng rhe equipment rack from extemal locations will telminate directly at the rack-mounted equipment. This cable bundle will be neatly dressed and routed alongside the audio and control signaling cables. :i. Floor Box Connection Plares a) All floor box connection plates will be stainless sfeel or aluminum stock. b) All floor box pÌates will be manufactu¡ed to fit in standard FSR-type floor boxes. c) All connectors shalÌ be isolated irom AC power. 5 Crbie Desìgnations a) All b) c) d) e) cables shall be designated with idenrical labelling at both ends. There shall be no unmarked cables at any telmination poin[ in the system. Cable desígnations shall be clearly marked on schematic and block diagrams Labels shalÌ be located within 3 [o 9 inches from connector. Labels rvrll be of 3M ScorchCode, Brady TM (or equivalent). Cable numbers shall correspond to those shown on system drawings. Vistacom, Inc.. Þroa ( 6. \¡,i¿lÌlplares a) b) c) d) e) Wallplates shall be fabricated of stainless steel or brushed aluminum in srandrrd "ganged" uni rs Wallplates shall be engraved with permanent lettering and numbering. Engraved characters shall be filled with black acrylic paint or color complementary to wallplate. Final la;,out lettedng shall be approved by client or their representative prior to fabrication. All wallplates shall be mounted without disturbance or destt.uctìon to the surrounding wall area. l=-Çþsl:qp Visracom Inc. wjli perform a general clean-up at the close of every wotk session_ This will include clean,up of debris generated by Vistacom technícians to the appropriate lefuse containers on the paÍjcular floor on which they are working. Vistacom shall, at all tímes, strive to mìnimize hazardous conditions. Items to be leir on site (if any) will be stored in an orclerìy and "out-of-the-way,, manner and ¿re not the responsibility of the clienr. The exceptron to this shall be for items left 1n client approved Ìocked storage areas. V. Favrnent Terms v:sLrrcom ivill submit an invoíce for 3370 of the total contract upon award, due NET-10. The second payment is to be 33va due upon delìvery of equipment ro the site. 24% Subs¡;,rntial compÌetion, 107c punchlist and as-built. Vistacom, Inc.. Page 6 Vl. flertilication and Representations A. Ouaiìr), of Marerìals Arl equipmenr items and installation materials shall be of new manufacture. No pr-elrously owned, demonstrated or otherwise used items will be plovided. Note that prior iÕ 'l(lliipment installation and on-site integration, all equipment items shall be pcrlbrmance tested and qualìty checked to insure their full functionâlity. B--!r:u¡a¡cq Vrstacom, Inc. shall maintain full liability insurance and responsibility for the equtpment rterris throughout the installatìon process ResponsibiÌity for the security of all items, \r hethe¡ on-siie, at Vistacom, or in transjt, shall be born by Vistacom until the completed sYSt¿lrrs ¿re accepted. VÌst¿.om, Inc. shall maintajn full liability for its personnel, employees or contractors in ti:¿ 'ocrfor mance of this project. Ç-&¡ ¡tSlgment CeÍification V:s¡acoir, Inc. certifìes that all local, state and federal taxes are sepalately listed in any pr:c¿ quotations. D. âLrsiness Srarus Vrst¿com, Inc. Pcnlsylvania. is classified as a small business firm, incorporated in the state of E. Ðtiration of Offer Tnis proposal will remain fìrm for sixty (60) days from the date of the proposal letrer of tr rnsrnittal. Vistacom, Inc.. Page 7