Tour del gusto ENG


Tour del gusto ENG
In addition to our top-level specialisation courses in
Italian cuisine and food preparation, Cast Alimenti also
offers some unique sensory experiences on true
traditional Italian food and wines, tailor-made guided
tours able to tickle aspiring chefs and pastry chefs and
established professionals as well.
In point of fact, we strongly believe that real asset in
the culinary sector can only be achieved by snooping
and trying out what typically represents our country.
Besides being rich in Italian art history and culture, the
Food-and-Wine tours we recommend also provide
visitors an extraordinary break for disclosing home
grown flavours, colours and aromas skilfully created
and sorted out by local Italian artisans.
Our exclusive and bespoke courses, along with our
tailor-made visits, allow any attendee to deeply
experience the genuine taste of local foods created and
processed in their own places of origin, discovering so
their characteristics and quality in the most genuine
approaching mode.
1st day Departure to Sirmione, visit
the ancient town and experience the
Aquaria Thermal Wellness Centre.
Dinner: tasting menu.
2 day Visit the most significant
cheese factory in the area producing
Grana Padano for savouring two
excellent Italian cheeses: Grana
Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano
(PDO products).
Instructive lunch at some local
Agriturismo (farm house) to learn
about the proper utilization of these
two cheeses in the Italian cuisine.
Panoramic route to the Garda inland
area. Arrival in Tremosine and visit
the truffle ground zone. Departure to
Limone; visit the town centre, the
olive groves and the limonaie.
Didactic dinner on the use of truffles
and PDO Garda extra virgin olive oils.
Return to Sirmione.
This food-and-wine guided tour along the Garda Lake will bring us on a
journey through the ancient towns of Sirmione, Limone and Tremosine
to unveil the famous Italian cheeses Grana Padano and Parmigiano
Reggiano, as well as the well-known Lugana and Chiaretto wines;
Lugana is a well-structured white wine with an intense and persistent
flavour; Chiaretto is a rosé wine with a unique bouquet.
We will stop by some cheese factories and wine cellars where typical
Italian products are processed and prepared daily.
Tremosine is an appealing village perched high on the cliffs overlooking
the Lake of Garda also noted for its truffles; after visiting the charming
town, we will attend a workshop about truffles, the golden tubers.
The ancient town of Limone offers its visitors a superb view on its
antique limonaie (lemon houses), where lemons are still grown, and on
steep slopes planted with olive groves, which fertile soil and perfect
macroclimate give PDO Garda extra virgin olive oils their unique and
excellent organoleptic features.
The charming town of Sirmione enchants its visitors with an amazing
view from the castle to the old town and the whole lake.
After a tasty food-and-wine experience, the vast Aquaria Park Sirmione Wellness Thermal Centre known since the roman times - will
give us the chance to fully relax to recover and re-energize in a unique
place surrounded by the superb landscape of Garda Lake.
The tour also includes didactic meals featuring typical Italian dishes
magistrally completed with local wines for a truly unique and
unforgettable experience.
3rd day Stopover at one of the most
important wine cellars in the Garda
area and training tasting session on
Lugana and Chiaretto DOC wines.
Meet with the producer. Educational
lunch with traditional dishes
accompanied by Lugana and
Chiaretto. Transfer to Isola Del
Garda town and visit the Villa and its
gardens; didactic tasting of some
Garda extra virgin olive oils.
Return to Sirmione; educational
dinner on the best use of PDO Garda
extra virgin olive oils.
4th day Returning home.
1st day Departure to Franciacorta
and drive through the hills and
vineyards where the Italian "bubbly"
par excellence is produced.Visit to
Borgo San Vitale: introduction to
Franciacorta wines and the Italian
tradition of distillates. Dinner:
educational menu accompanied by
Franciacorta wines; tasting of
grappa samples to follow.
By visiting wine cellars and oil mills in Franciacorta, we will lead you
discovering the amazing heritage of ancient traditions that combine
antique flavours and aromas by wisely matching the excellent specialties
provided by a generous and sunny land. We will stop in Montisola – a
fascinating island in the middle of Lake Iseo – to get to know the PDO
Sebino extra virgin olive oil and the local tradition in olive oil processing,
one among the most exclusive and ancient in Italy. A delicacy provided by a
unique territory where the olive trees have been cultivated for centuries in
the highest respect for nature; a product of excellence that comes to food
connoisseurs the way it is thanks to the strict controls the PDO standards
impose in order to preserve such a unique product and to assure the
highest and steadiest level on quality over time. We will visit Bellavista, her
Excellence the Queen of Italian sparkling wines, and the exclusive settings
of the Azienda Agricola (wine farm) Lo Sparviere to discover, within the
walls of its historical palace and seventeenth-century winery, where one of
the most extraordinary Italian wines was born and is still left to settle: the
Franciacorta. We will stop by the village of Borgo San Vitale to learn about
the Italian tradition of the distillates and to sample and taste some typical
Grappas. We will then be welcomed in the Salumificio di Franciacorta,
where tradition and innovation are cleverly combined in respect of ancient
flavours in order to offer high quality handmade products, and we will get
to know all about the different phases for processing some of the most
famous Italian salami. Visit to the centre of Brescia - the town of Mille
Miglia and its vintage cars; Santa Giulia Museum (now part of the UNESCO
World Heritage); the remains of the Roman Domus; the Capitolium Temple
and, last but not least, shopping! Typical Italian dishes will be served
during all didactic meals, commented and expertly paired with wines from
Franciacorta, for a truly unique and unforgettable experience.
2nd day Visit to some of the best wine
cellars in Franciacorta: Azienda
Agricola Lo Sparviere and Cantina
Bellavista. Tastings with special
guests from the Italian wine sector.
Educational lunch and wine
matching. Leave for Salumificio di
Franciacorta; visit to the ateliers and
seasoning areas of the best-known
plant for traditional Italian salami
and instructive sampling and tasting
of cold cuts: prosciutto, prosciutto di
Parma, prosciutto cotto (baked ham),
"knife-cut" salami, coppa, fiocco,
bresaola. Educational dinner in an
agriturismo in the Franciacorta area.
3 day Departure to Iseo Lake and
boat ferry to Montisola Island:
discover its oil traditional practise
and mills. Tasting of some EVO oils.
Return to the historical town of
Brescia, now part of the UNESCO
World Heritage. Lunch at Trattoria
Millemiglia and visit to the Mille
Miglia Museum. Visit to the city
centre and to the Roman
archaeological sites. Return to
Franciacorta and time for shopping.
Dinner in an agriturismo.
4th day Returning home.
1st day Departure to Sirmione, visit
to the ancient town and experience
the Aquaria Thermal Wellness
Centre. Dinner: tasting menu.
A really charming tour starting from the Lake of Garda by the ancient
town of Sirmione, discovering the excellent PDO Garda EVO oils and
their exceptional organoleptic features; gathering with oil masters and
their ancient knowledge; enjoying the spectacular view from the hills
that overlook the lake. The tour continues with the visit to the
seasoning vaults for the refinement of great cheeses such as Grana
Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano, and to some wine cellars where
Lugana and Chiaretto wines are produced (two among the best-known
wines in Italy, the first being a well-structured white wine with an
intense and persistent flavour, while the other is a rosé with a unique
rose bouquet). From the ancient town of Sirmione to the magnificent
city of Venice – once called the Most Serene Republic - to discover a
fascinating world with its calli and hidden courts generous in tales,
history, culture, oddities and why not?, on how to eat and drink well.
After having taken advantage of an unforgettable culinary and wine
sensorial experience, the vast Aquaria Park – Sirmione Wellness
Thermal Centre known since the roman times – will give us the chance
to fully relax to recover and re-energize in a unique place surrounded
by the superb landscape of Garda Lake.
The tour also includes didactic meals featuring typical Italian dishes
magistrally completed with local wines, for a truly unique and
unforgettable experience.
2nd day Visit to the most important
cheese factory producing Grana
Padano and tasting of two excellent
Italian cheeses, Grana Padano and
Parmigiano Reggiano (PDO
products). Educational lunch in an
agriturismo to learn how to make the
most of these two cheeses in Italian
cuisine. Visit to one of the best wine
cellars in the Garda area and guided
tasting of Lugana DOC and Chiaretto
DOC. Meeting with the producer.
Return to Sirmione and educational
dinner focused on the best use of
PDO Garda extra virgin olive oil,
accompanied by Lugana and
Chiaretto wines. Return to Sirmione.
3rd day Leave for Venice and visit to
the very heart of the city, crucial in
order to realize the distinctiveness of
this important city from the
perspective of its history and culture:
St Mark's Square with its Basilica
and the Doge's Palace. We will then
take a walking tour along the
Venetian calli (streets) in search of
traces of the enogastronomic culture
of the city which is anything but
obvious! We will get familiar with the
Cuisine of our times by starting with
the earliest lagoon recipes dated
back to the times when Venice was
only a province of Byzantium; by
going through the riot of spices
traded with the East; by getting to
know the dizzying variety of foreign
contaminations that enriched Venice
over the centuries. We will stop by
some bacari (typical Venetian
taverns) for tasting their famous
cichetti (finger food) and drink some
ombre de vin (little wine glasses).
4th day Returning home.
1st day Leave for Franciacorta and
drive through the hills and vineyards
where Italian "bubbly" par excellence
is produced. Visit to Borgo San
Vitale: introduction to Franciacorta
wines and the Italian tradition of
Dinner: educational menu
accompanied by Franciacorta wines;
tasting of grappa samples to follow.
Franciacorta, a fascinating excursion of wine cellars and oil mills.
We will stop in Montisola to get to know the PDO Sebino EVO oil, one
among the most exclusive and ancient in Italy, a product of excellence
that comes to food connoisseurs the way it is thanks to the strict
controls the PDO standards impose in order to preserve such a
unrivalled product and to assure the highest and steadiest level on its
quality over time.
We will visit Bellavista, her Excellence the Queen of Italian sparkling
wines, and the exclusive settings of the Azienda Agricola (wine farm)
Lo Sparviere to discover, within the walls of its historical palace and
seventeenth-century winery, where one of the most extraordinary
Italian wines was born and is still left to settle: the Franciacorta.
And then Milan, the city of fashion and of all that sets trend and interest
in the Italian life style.A glimpse of the historical center with its Duomo,
the Scala Theatre and the Sforza Castle, and then stick into the pastry
shop Martesana to get to know the world champion for chocolate
making; quick lunch Italian style to experience some masterpieces of
the Santoro family, masters in Italian pastry.
A quick stop by few other trendy food places and then, let’s go
shopping in the fashion capital!
Finally, didactic meals with Italian specialties, commented and expertly
paired with Franciacorta wines for an exclusive and unforgettable
2nd day VVisit to some of the best
wine cellars in Franciacorta: Azienda
Agricola Lo Sparviere and Cantina
Bellavista. Tastings with special
guests from the Italian wine sector.
Educational lunch and wine
matching. Educational dinner in an
agriturismo in the Franciacorta area.
Departure to Iseo Lake and boat
ferry to Montisola island: discover its
oil traditional practise and mills.
Tasting of some EVO oils.
Educational dinner in an agriturismo
in the Franciacorta area.
3rd day Leave for Milan, breakfast at
Pasticceria Martesana and visit to
other trendy bars. Lunch at the
Armani Restaurant. Visit to the city
centre and shopping.
Dinner with Gourmet Pizza.
4th day Returning home.
1st day Transfer to Radda in Chianti
and accommodation and dinner in a
typical agriturismo (farm house) on
the hills of Chianti Classico.
2nd day Tour of Radda, the famous
town of Chianti Classico, and wine
and EVO oil tastings. Lunch in an
agriturismo with traditional dishes
from Florence. Leave for Bolgheri,
driving through the hills of Etruria
and didactical tour and wine tasting
at Tenuta San Guido. Accommodation
in an agriturismo and dinner.
3rd day Leave for Val d'Orcia;
excursion of Montalcino town and
wine tasting at an important wine
cellar. Drive through the hills; tour
of the ancient town of Pienza and
tasting at an oil mill. Accommodation
in an agriturismo in Val d'Orcia
and dinner.
4th day Returning home.
In Tuscany, to discover primordial flavors and places where cultivation,
landscape and typical products merge into a single spirit: the mankind
with its history and values.
We will go to Radda in Chianti - the vineyard village – to learn more
about the unique Chianti Classico wine and EVO oil, delightful products
of Tuscany. We will travel through Val d’Orcia, whose magnificent
landscape has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List for
the perfect fusion of art with wonderful natural landscapes. We will
visit some of the world most famous and antique villages like Pienza –
a model for all Renaissance cities – and Montalcino, the medieval
village whose territories are covered on olive groves and vineyards,
which the well-known Brunello wine comes from.
We will then reach a truly magic spot rich in history, Tenuta San Guido
on the Bolgheri hills where one of the most esteemed and exclusive
wines of the Italian enological world is produced: the Sassicaia.
All educational meals will serve Tuscan specialities masterfully
accompanied by local EVO oils and some of the best Tuscan wines, for
a truly unique and unforgettable experience..
1 day Leave for Naples. Dinner at a
traditional pizzeria. Accommodation.
2nd day Leave for Gragnano and visit
the Pastificio. Arrival in Vico
Equense, lunch in an agriturismo,
visit the Provolone del Monaco
factory and cheese tasting
experience. Leave for Capri and visit
the farm of Torre Cangiani.
Excursion to the olive grove and the
Massese lemon orchard and pairing.
Dinner with specialties from
Sorrento. Overnight staying in an
3rd day Leave for Capri and tour of
the island, the Piazzetta, the
Gardens of Augustus overviewing the
Faraglioni and Marina Piccola, the
Grotta Azzurra. Lunch in a
traditional trattoria, free time for
shopping. Return to Sorrento;
dinner in a traditional pizzeria
overlooking the old fishermen's
harbour Marina Grande.
4th day Returning home.
Discovering the Sorrento peninsula, an exceptional location
suspended between the sky and the sea, birthplace of some of the
most delicious Italian products.
Visit Gragnano – the city of pasta – and the Fabbrica della Pasta di
Gragnano IPG where the world best pasta is made; Masters will share
their secrets with us, giving us the chance to appreciate such a
distinctive product, so important for both our health and cuisine.
Cheese making in Vico Equense, a lovely village perched on the cliffs
overlooking the Gulf of Naples, is passed down from father to son and
has grown out of ancient traditions and of an everlasting passion. The real
delicacy is represented by Provolone del Monaco, a spun-curd cheese
made with milk from local cows, ripened up to two years in tufa caves.
Sorrento and its old fishermen's harbour - Marina Grande; its
surroundings, with the pre-Saracen tower – Torre Cangiani – nestled in
one of the most beautiful rural areas of the Sorrento peninsula; its
century old lemon and olive groves surrounding the entire village.
Last but not least, we will visit the beautiful Mediterranean island of
Capri to enjoy stunning views of the Faraglioni and Marina Piccola from
the Gardens of Augustus, to walk in the Piazzetta and visit the Grotta
Azzurra, ending our day shopping in the island's little alleys.
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1st day Leave for Langhirano. Dinner
and overnight staying in a traditional
2nd day Visit to the town and transfer
to a farm producing PDO ham. Visit
to the production site and seasoning
area with tasting section.
Educational lunch in an agriturismo.
The tradition of stuffed pasta and
typical salamis from Emilia.
Leave for Castelvetro and visit a wine
cellar producing Lambrusco
Grasparossa. Tastings of typical and
local products and traditional dinner.
Hills, green valleys and culinary delights. This is the scenario that
greets us in Langhirano, the land of the King of all cured Meats: the
Parma Ham. Prosciutto Crudo di Parma is a totally natural product
made exclusively with pork meat and salt. Its secret lies in the
inimitable ability of salting Masters, in the scented air of the hills of
Parma and in its long and patient seasoning process. And then into the
land of stuffed pasta – tortellini, ravioli, cappelletti – and all its simple
but very tasty recipes that we will enjoy in some very typical trattorie on
the hills of Castelvetro, in the very heart of the territory of Lambrusco
Grasparossa wine. Visit Spilamberto, an ancient Renaissance town to
get to know the traditional balsamic vinegar from Modena, a product
that embodies all of its history in this part of Italy. This visit will let us
discover the complexity of its preparation, perfected by time and
experience, and appreciate the uniqueness of the process jealously
guarded by the family-run acetaie (vinegar cellars) until nowadays.
The tour will end with a visit to a small dairy where the Parmigiano
Reggiano Vacche Rosse (Red Cows) is made; this particular type of
Parmigiano Reggiano is one of the oldest cheeses ever known,
produced the same way as 8 centuries ago: same ingredients, same
technique, same artisan care. Parmigiano Reggiano is totally natural,
known worldwide as the "King of Cheeses" for its special production
process and its nutritional and organoleptic characteristics.
3rd day Leave for Spilamberto, visit a
famous cellar and balsamic vinegar
tasting. Educational lunch in a typical
trattoria dedicated on the use of
traditional balsamic vinegar from
Modena. Visit a site for the
production of Parmigiano Reggiano
Vacche Rosse, its small atelier and
seasoning area. Tastings.
Educational dinner focused on the
use of Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche
4th day Returning home.
1st day Leave for Castello di Verduno.
Visit and educational dinner focused
on Barolo..
2nd day Leave for Grinzane Cavour.
Visit the hamlet, castle and regional
winery; didactic tasting.
Educational lunch on the white
truffle from Alba (if in season).
Leave for Fontanafredda, visit the
site and cellar. Tastings.
Dinner in an agriturismo served with
traditional Langhe dishes.
3rd day Leave for Benevello and visit
the farm producing Piedmont
hazelnuts. Lunch in an agriturismo
with typical Piedmont cuisine and
tasting of traditional desserts made
with local hazelnuts. Leave for Turin
to visit the Domori chocolate atelier;
tasting of their chocolate.
Dinner down town Turin.
4th day Returning home.
A journey in the Piedmont hills, discovering Castle Verduno whose story
begins with King Carlo Alberto who bought and assigned the
management of its estate, vineyards and winery to its General Carlo
Staglieno, famous winemaker. In this site, this expert Enotechnician
started the earliest tests to produce the Nebbiolo wine, setting
foundations for today's Barolo.
We will then continue to Grinzane Cavour, a 19th-century hamlet at the
foot of the castle, which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage and
from which the view over the Barolo hills is fantastic. The castle, which
holds all the charm of an ancient mansion, houses the Regional Wine
Store of Piedmont and offers a full overview on the whole wine-growing
of this Region by proposing guided events on tasting techniques; in its
ancient rooms, the castle also hosts the World Truffle Auction where
we will attend to a teaching happening on the white truffle of Alba.
Continuing along the road of the Langhe area, a world of ancient hills,
we will get to Fontanafredda; long ago recorded in the personal assets
of the former King of Italy Vittorio Emanuele, it embodies 160 years of
history, work, passion and respect for the land and culture of taste.
Also here we will get to taste the best wines of the Piedmont tradition
and visit the vineyards and the historic environment of the manor.
We will the get to Benevello and become aware about the production
of IGP Tonda Gentile hazelnut in the castle surroundings, and finally
be in Turin to visit one of the best world cioccolaterie.
1st day Leave the school and fly to
Bari. Dinner in a Masseria with
typical products from Apulia.
2nd day Leave for Putignano and
Alberobello, visit the towns, the
famous Trulli and the century-old
olive groves. Educational lunch in
Alberobello focused on the use of
PDO Murgia dei Trulli EVO oil.
Leave for Martinafranca and
Locorotondo and visit a local
Masseria producing Martinafranca
DOC and Locorotondo DOC wines.
Leave for Ostuni; dinner in a
Fields, vineyards and olive groves, old villages and masserie,
farmhouses and trulli: this is what welcomes us in one of the most
typical and enchanting spot of Italy. Altamura – the country of Pane di
Altamura – a unique and inimitable flavour given by the specific climate
and environment conditions of this area, produced according to rural
and craftsmanship traditions handed down from generation to
generation. In the heart of the Murgia and its Trulli stands Putignano,
famous throughout the world for its Carnival and Masserie, and
Alberobello, a UNESCO World Heritage site for its stunning historical
center and the olive trees producing the excellent EVO POD oil.
Surrounded by vineyards, Martinafranca and Locorotondo have a long
tradition on DOC wines and pork butchery, which includes the famous
capocollo martinese; and Ostuni, lovely town by the sea, also known as
the "white town" for the colour of its houses, home town for honey,
nuts, ricotta and maritati (married) figs and almonds pastry. Ostuni
wide variety of fruits, greens and vegetables stimulates the creativity of
local chefs and gastronomy, namely the famous delicious Orecchiette
con cime di rapa (orecchiette pasta with turnip tops), while expert
craftsmen daily manufacture spun paste delicacies like mozzarella,
burrata, caciocavallo and scamorza cheese.
3rd day VVisit the old Ostuni and a
Masseria producing cheese.
Educational lunch with spun-curd
cheeses and dairy products.
Leave for Altamura, visit the town
and a traditional panificio and
pasticceria (bakery and pastry shop).
Educational dinner.
4th day Returning home.
1st day Leave the school to go to
Portofino. Aperitivo and dinner in the
2nd day Leave for the Cinque Terre.
Visit the hamlets of Monterosso and
Vernazza and the atelier for the
production of salted anchovies.
Educational lunch with traditional
local dishes. Walking tour along the
coastal paths to discover
Sciacchetrà vineyards, olive groves
and lemon orchards. Return to
Portofino and dinner.
An area where sea and land merge to form a unique and evocative
landscape; a natural heritage of great variety; walking paths and trails
with breath taking views: welcome to Cinque Terre and its five small
villages overlooking the sea: Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia,
Manarola and Riomaggiore. Portofino, the perfect place to end a dream
journey with a drink and dinner at the Piazzetta, to savour the delights
of the Mediterranean in an exclusive and international flair.
A place where the secular work of generations has turned an inaccessible
area into a landscape of outstanding beauty. Terraces planted with vines,
olive and lemon trees, whose containment is assured by ancient stone
walls. A marine sheltered area and a national park protect the absolute
uniqueness of the Cinque Terre, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997.
Did you mean: A marine sheltered area and a national park protect the
absolute uniqueness of the Cinque Terre, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
since 1997. Among the Cinque Terre peculiarities, its agriculture in form of
terraces strongly affecting its gastronomy; people living in villages
overlooking the sea; typical salted anchovies from Monterosso, which are
processed according to an ancient recipe; lemons called "the gold of the
Cinque Terre" used for producing jams, cookies, pies, cakes and limoncino
(lemon liqueur); the Pesto sauce from the National Park of Cinque Terre,
that is produced within an hour from harvesting the basil grown on the
coast between Riomaggiore and Manarola; the Cinque Terre Doc and
Schiacchetrà, a sweet wine with amber colour and hints of dried fruit, both
audaciously produced on terraces overlooking the sea; not to mention the
extra virgin olive oil made in the century old secluded microcosm of the
Cinque Terre, which delivers unique and unmistakable fragrances.
3rd day Leave for Manarola and
Riomaggiore. Visit the hamlets and
an atelier for the production of
pesto. Educational lunch with
homemade pasta and local pesto.
Walk along the famous Via
dell'Amore (Pathway of Love)
between Manarola and Riomaggiore;
visit a farm producing Sciacchetrà
DOC and Cinque Terre extra virgin
olive oil. Educational dinner in an
4th day Returning home.
The price starts from € 500,00
The cost of one tour includes:
hotel accomodation, didactic meals,
guided tours, entrance tickets,
interpreter and transfers.
The cost does not include:
air faires and transfer from / to airport,
insurance, tips and any other personal
expense if not specified.
ALIMENTI tel. +39 030 2350076 [email protected]