Harper`s Bazaar


Harper`s Bazaar
Harper’s Bazaar, National
01 Feb 2014
General News, page 138 - 4,487.85 cm²
Magazines Lifestyle - circulation 52,520 (Monthly)
Copyright Agency licensed copy
ID 227322732
PAGE 1 of 8
WOE Is U S. jetting off to tropical paradise
perfection. Being swaddled in fluffy towels.
Mollycoddled by armies of liveried
And having to road -test everything from kale
cocktails to colonies. Then there's pencilling
in spiritual healing sessions. stand -up paddle boarding lessons, massages that catapult you to cloud nine ...
And all the while our villa's pristine private plunge pool silently
taunts us. "Come lie down beside me,' it whispers,' just fora minute"
Trust us_ There's no time for kicking back by the pool in this job,
The beauty-journalist/health-retreat-reviewer gig is a cough r one due
to the sheer scale of what's now on offer within the highly competitive
spa industry. It's all about customisation, personalisation and specialising
these days_ Need to get fit for fertility? Sign up fora sleep clinic?
Indulge in seven days straight of vampire facials, wrinkle injections
and fat- zapping sessions in the quest for eternal youth? The upside is
knowing whatever your little heart desires, its up for grabs.
First -world problems am such a drag, aren't they?
nh0.PEß4NALAAR,coM.AU fdäunyiÑfA/11rry 2411
Harper’s Bazaar, National
01 Feb 2014
General News, page 138 - 4,487.85 cm²
Magazines Lifestyle - circulation 52,520 (Monthly)
Copyright Agency licensed copy
ID 227322732
PAGE 2 of 8
Spa breaks aren't_ an 1ndutcprrce. They're a trerces,wfl:
St) f if s rredatafrr,n, 77#'ro6iciirs, arrfediczr' rraca,
r+r ;Mini fstPry r l'rna'rr ceffrr, 2lrP VP 9'0[ il". c'over'ed.
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Harper’s Bazaar, National
01 Feb 2014
General News, page 138 - 4,487.85 cm²
Magazines Lifestyle - circulation 52,520 (Monthly)
Copyright Agency licensed copy
ID 227322732
PAGE 3 of 8
Sur eGtaiti rss Retreats, Bali,
For evidence of Bali's building boom,
Seminyak's a good place to start Navigating
its riffle-clogged streets. you'll either a) end
up with stud- splattered lam; h) stumble into
a stitch; or c} worse -case scenario - get side -
swiped by a Vespa. But respite from the
bedlam exists. Down bamboo -lined driveways are oases ofcalm_ Like behind the vine covered walls of Serena villas,a luxury com-
pound nude up of colonial-style shuttered
accommodation, jade-hued pools, wooden -
off The whole thing is a tad undignified,
floored yoga pavilions and day beds.
This is the IsornC of Bali's Surf Goddess
Retreats. the brainchild ofAustralian Chelsea
Hunter, who set up the business more than a
decade ago to indulge her passion for sliding
teaches you a for of things because you
and address a pp in the market for solo
but you've got to plough on. "Surfing
realise how powerful nature is;' says
Lloyd."' find it incredibly empowering as
a woman to take myself off and surf."
Sltec right. Ifonly 1 could bottle the buzz.
- Eugenie Kelly
women travellers, Spins come for the surfing
(most guests arc complete begitnter) nr to
get fit without that boring boot -camp vibe
going on (twice -daily yoga dosses, stand -up
paddlrboard sessions and cycling tours).
Others unapologetically sign on for hack -toback pampering spa trcannen s.
.fiend Barre at Lizard lslarrrl September
awy ,>teradbarreafastrafia_rttmau, and
Barre Body at Inter(untinentaJFyi, from
August t -t; sor¢, barrehodecom.au fji
The highlight would have to he the
surfing lessons, led by some of the best Tropical -beach backdrops are brilliant
instructors in Sali - Marcy Meacham and for chilling out. but they can turn you into
Melinda Lloyd. Today's swell is huge, os it's
a G &T slurping lethargic Iump_Thats why
hard to focus without freaking out-With
the tide retreating. I'm literally chucked in
the deep end, no messing about. By some
freak of nature 1 manage to stand up and
stay on, first wave. Until I attempt to dis-
we lone the ballet -inspired workout programs popping up in exotic locales_ The
luxury accommodation box is ticked. you
get outdoor toning classes that will leave
you looking svelte lying by the infinity
pool. them's paddleboard yoga classes and
personal training sessions if you want to
embark, stacking my knee on the sand and
suffering a major nip -slip as my bikini Airs
beef up the exercise.There's also
fresh, healthy food on the menu,
so you're more likely to order a
kale cocktail than pomme frites
after all that virtuous exercise.
Xtend Barre's five -night re-
If you're an 80/20 kinda gal with an
appetite for gyms and quinoa but welcome
a sneaky Laurent -Perrier or two to let off
steam, then strict health retreats may lick
lustre. A new retreat movement is catering
to this everything -us- moderation crowd.
with Active Escapes leading the charge.
My home for six nights is a sumptuous
in Canggu, Bali. Soaring bamboo
net -swathed four -poster bed
and a jaw -dropping outdoor bathroom
where you soak under the stars satisfy my
inner island princess.
treat takes place at the Great
Barrier Reels Lizard Island
next September, while Enana
savvy Aussie personal
Seihold's Barre Body program
IntcrConrinental Resort & Spa
From boot camp to ballet -barre work. I'm
from August I-b. Places
aurt Geddese
Active Escapes Bali,
limited, so it's probably wise to
secure a place sooner rather
than later, - EK
This week's training is led by media trainer Damien
Kelly, but the 2014 program offers instructors whose signature sessions vary
one of 13 women ranging in age front
19 to 50, all with diverse health goals,
but Kelly's special brand of whole -body
training encompasses our varying fitness
levels and kicks off at 7am with sweaty
Harper’s Bazaar, National
01 Feb 2014
General News, page 138 - 4,487.85 cm²
Magazines Lifestyle - circulation 52,520 (Monthly)
Copyright Agency licensed copy
ID 227322732
PAGE 4 of 8
that include runs through rice
paddies to grassed areas dotted with palms
and belted by ocean. This is rewarded
by breakfast of anything you Fancy froin poached eggs to banana pane kes,
By 1Dam, we opt ro either ]ate by our own
pool, surf at Echo Beach or shop Semi nyak.
At spin. ta+e front up aóain for care tram mg Of wllatrurr Kellys .ciokcd up. A day
spent learning to surf in the gentle waves of
Jim baran Bay, running beachsidestairs.then
soaking tired muscles in the Ayana Resort
and Spa salt pools is unforgettable If the thought of training hard while t,ii
holiday doesn't float your boat. let the say
The serene sorest at
1JIgôtrs. , Sri Lanka.
this: holidays are about banishing tt itine
and comfort zones- and s° is this_ I didn't
do laundry or cook.] was challenged daily
with intelligent Fitness. And sweating
inspirational people leh
buoyant with health, ready to ]as nch hack
into life.- Melinda-4)4r
f +fpotha, Sri Irtrrk t. o rpofha,o,, n
Even though Ulpotha is renowned as a yoga
retreat, it simply describes itsdif as "a village
ill Sri Lanka ". Its founders aren't tegan.donk
Tractile yoga regularly and aren't necessariy
environmentally sensitive, ymt somehow
they've created this eco- friendly vegan
retreat that has become a place °I-pilgrimage.
It's simple (no electricity, no W i -Fl, no hot
water and BYC) insets repellent and other
creature controrts) with acrcunrmntltdois in
huts dotted around the gardens and farm,
with loos and showers in a separate building.
Meak are taken in a large area in a tradi-
tional isouse with an adjoining chat/relax-
ation room - each open to the cooling
breezes. Mort than anything it feels Eikc
staying' with slightly hippie friends in great
but not flash comfort.
Yoga practice changes depending on the
teacher - many are world -class and bring
their own followers - but the websire
"L 1pothass
provides names and detalk of each toaster
and there are supplementary ayurvedic
founders have
created this
eco -friendly
vegan retreat
that has become
a place of
packages also on offer.
There arc hammocks, a tree house, swimming in the lake and guided walks. Most of
ail there is peace and tranquillity. Costs start
from $1370 and include shared acconunostation (single supplements are on offer),
meals, yoga and meditation classes and one
massage a week. The resort is open from
November to March and June to August.
A two -week stay is recommended, but you
may never scant to leave. - fo Foley
Harper’s Bazaar, National
01 Feb 2014
General News, page 138 - 4,487.85 cm²
Magazines Lifestyle - circulation 52,520 (Monthly)
Copyright Agency licensed copy
ID 227322732
PAGE 5 of 8
. Coma 5reirtt]11a1i
Frstate ir+Utwrl
.R'eaht; anaxiain
e Hrnr2issR:;
The 1ivic áetox. Armaula in the
IIinraIgvo , IV are odranagin; India,
If you need to detnx and rejuvenate a tired
hod,: and mind, Few places offer the magic of
varions suites dotted around the sprawling mule- hectare property.
Yes. the slick Asian-meets-European
design k all lnetli; and luxurious, but
vro l visit on-n Sh:unbha]a for its well ness experts. who evaluate wht're you're
at health and Koal- usiss, then prescribe
Anincla in slit to(Allls of the HirnaIa tsr
ovcrkIoking the vailcv orthtt ( l -You can
stay for seven. ] 4 or 21 days, but be warded,
drisCirgic l)etot program in't for sissieïAlter an initial consultation with a doctor. a personalist:d program) is prescribed
that includes purifying ayurvedie therapies
such as yoga, meditation and pranayyanra
(yogic breathing) as well as an ayurvcdic
diet ro help detox and reduce stress.
The healing process involves herbal
tneditrotion, massage and the release of toxins through sndia rasri (enemas with medicated oils), as well as jnla erfr (nasal cleans-
accordingly. Wand -class F'ilatcs, yaga, tai
Y011 WANT:
assistant. Meaning you don't need to
works o:r tho intestinal tract.
Add to that your ararvedie diet, walks
thi nit .Just do. -EK
chi, meditation and Fitness. experts are
at your disposal, along with a dietitian
wF10 will present you ;vtth a personalised
menu, and spa staff who mean business.
All co- ordinated by your own personal
Lomo Sitambhala Estafe.
Nud, fnrk+rtesáca, comohotels.rorn:'
C o m u6A u m ófta lors t a f e
My stay was supposed to focus on Como
Sham bhala Estate's three -day juice cleanse
program, with the odd colonic thrown in
for good measure, in on attempt to liven
up my liver, purify illy lymph and give
my organs a reprieve front all the ovtertirnc thcy'vC been putting in recently_ nut
I deist can't do it - Como's raw -food restaurant, Clow. is off the Richter (they
have another restaurant, Kudos Mouse,
and athcr menus if uncooked ain't your
thing, but trust us, you'll tee] amazing if
you comnutl. Çrlow'S Inventive Like vn
I:ISakne, pizza. tacos, fettuccine and
cheesecake arc all sophisticated vegetarian options attuned to maximise wellness
as well as caste. Fancy a little lamb, grilled
salmon nr various kebab options: Healthy
renditions are also on offer. But wltcn in
I &Or11e, as the saving goes ,..
Christina Ong is the boutique -hotel
queen behind this stylish wellness retreat
that's yet minute$' drive Hein] Uenpasar
airport, high in the Ubud hills overlooking a mystical jungle- valley and river (in
a nutshell, think the opening Scene of
The :4fisrioa). C114.11,15C from one of five
retreat villas with your own private pool
(as proof of its phwoar factor. a photo
1 post.on BALAAR's Instagranr account
scores 5 {11) -likes"). five residences if
you've got the family
tow, or
"A photo I post
on BAZ4f4R's
account scores
5000 ' likes'"
ing) to work on the sinus, eyes and ears,
and krrrrjal (stomach cleansing), which
foothills, mils to local shrines and
Harper’s Bazaar, National
01 Feb 2014
General News, page 138 - 4,487.85 cm²
Magazines Lifestyle - circulation 52,520 (Monthly)
Copyright Agency licensed copy
ID 227322732
PAGE 6 of 8
YOU WAlf7:
manastcrics. or plat Suring on your balcony
reading and relaxing. heading for the can
and the pool and enjoying early morning
yoga in the ,nriplrithcarre, ln fact, a Visit to
Aliarsda is in itsr]f a massnigc for the mind
and a rest für the body.- JF
Estape fferivtrr, ftyrrrrrllax:'r'{u
have a folder in raw iPhane called "fish
recipe ". I've cooked it four times and it
Absolute Sancivary, Koh Samui,
Thailand, rabsalutesanetuar}.com
Thailand is brimming with Spa retreats and
yoga. camps but Absolute Sanctuary Moroccan- inspired boutique hotel on the
island of Kish Sainui - is the real deal. No
tilts, no muss, just fasting. The focus of this
mid -rang -priced rettrat is the belief that
Emirates lr i coo I u /ley fiesort & Spa,
lJthgow, ,Vein Sartlh Tiles,
Emirates' only Australian property is as much
about the 1618-hectare Blue Mountains wilderness reserve outside as the comforts with-
in. The views over the valley and the rustic
buildings translate to elision] treatments de-
token cleansing is the answer to a longer life
vised by all -natural brand Sodasht.
Therapists are trained by Sodashi's founder,
-- giving your digestive system a break so
Me}_ati sorted. and "Spa Whisperer" Nigel
your body can ibe s on healing from the
sign up for a One Day 17etax
Sampler ptugraiu, but the broad range of
Franklyn (he really doe<have the husky varice
u{ a late -night radin ax:nuuncer) and the six
treatment rooms have palatial changing
tennis, bathrooms andJapatie.4e- sty e soaking
nibs-There's also a beauty salon and a recov-
programs offered extend ro a 30-day
Detainees Delight. if you want hardecrre.
This place isn't &or the half -hearted: cue
cravings for taw standard stoffee and peanutbutter toast combo. But, after my first
psyl]ivan -husk spiked juice {it expands m
your stomach to keep you hull) I was Fine and
ssimehdw' the jam-packed schedule had me
forgetting I was forgoing solids at all.
Carefidly executed juices and broth soups
dot my day, in between a consultation with
Absolute's resident "wellness consubcnc ", a
mid -morning colonic (intense, but not uncomfortable) a detoxing massage. afternoon
yoga class and swiri in the infinity pool At one stage I delude myself rim I could
make use of the free shuttle bus sereice to
the closest beach, but by midday I realise
I need to be in close proximity to the loo
-- that is non- negotiable- Still, I swear that
by check -out time, my stomachs a little
flatter, my head a lot clearer and my body
ery luunpe big enough for a !MACK bar
mitzvah. (Outdoor treatments among the
gum treys are another Option.)
pavilions (one for eating, one for tinning)
arc both surrounded by smaller air- conditioned villa -style huts. just five minutes'
walk from the beach. A typical day kicks otFr
with a yoga class at 7.3iiatn or breakfast at
gam (coconut milk and chic -seed porridge}
followed by a surfing lesson, then maybe a
trip to die markets to buy ingtediencs for a
Healthy lunch,which we ]earn how to cook.
Afternoon sessions are pamperitrgfcxused and therefore more chilled: chink
massages interspersed with a lie by the
puts l and ,L goad book, a leisurely bike ride
i)r watching the sots .ter with a twilight
yoga sesiinra, Everything* Byron Bay drbest. basically, - [vertu (Jake
haw tv...o
iv... young kids ", which requires the-Fin-helm Sip: nature Australian Mineral Faciale,
an hour and Li nunuces of cleansing and
bu Bing (plus a scalp massages to tanne the rac-
coon eve tirons thaw fruit Lego sessions.
I t sttm with ;s Ins t compresses ta relax and
extirliate the sk:in.befnte iuy Saw and temples
ate massaged with hot smites and oils ',arid]
the arnnuas cif the Australien bush. Such is
therapist Zoe'c skill, iii difficult to k11 avhere
fingers end and stones begin -Sosie, try brain chatter quietens and l am able to focus on the
sound; of the valley. A hyi{rating earth imneral- acid -a]gac mask to finish and then
worthwhile.- Sara McIrau
the sundeck-- 'Turn LuxiiruS
]t is just one of the lessons caught to me by
frrresr -manager arid chef Melt, who, along
with Janine Flap, runs Leven -day surt'Iynge
women -only retreats at Broken Head.
about 211 minutes from 13yroii Bay,
The luxurious properly's two main
tip, guests are encouraged to make
I'm guided into the Lounge tar titiit, herbal
rea and an imptumpnt wombat show from
Karr Summ,
more satisfying than the rood itself.
And I can thank Escape Hawn tar that.
a spa nish, Ivfilre? "Make me look like I don't
lighter, making every sip and sacrifice
ßhsoluts 5imo:vary in
tastes Fantastic. but the fact I've broadened
my skill -set with this euliiiary masterpiece
at]ore IS rosi betcen.ng the fuss-free spot at which to
recharge. For pure pampering, head to Senti island's
Auriga Spa h3 Wellness at Capella resort. Flanking the nine
treatment rooms lia vitality papi, herbal steam room,
Ice fountain and ararra3tiieraPy SIc wtr The massages, In
tune With the lunar cycle, and hot and card therapies. will
gently got you over Your let lag. Como Sharnt)hale s Urban
Escape s e cruet hideaway centrally located an busy
Orchard Road. Make use of ref]rrner- machine Pïlates,
Gyrakinesis, yoga classes, massage therapy sessiceis
and a functional-medicine specialist. capeilatintais.corrt/
singarhbre; comosharoha1a.cclrAirrgeoore.
l4,3 NhRPRrisNh?hhA-L'O61-AU fcnxrgS+FiMni0 IP1-1
Harper’s Bazaar, National
01 Feb 2014
General News, page 138 - 4,487.85 cm²
Magazines Lifestyle - circulation 52,520 (Monthly)
Copyright Agency licensed copy
ID 227322732
PAGE 7 of 8
` r'
Lime <Liroct New fbresi National Park,
A mcftcrprdcn with a pretty array of lavendcr,thyme and sage beds snakes for an
unlikely spa inclusion, let alorit
Yet it's a sign of the refreshing, refined
English country experience you'll have
at the Herb House Spa at Lime Wood. A
modern. three-storey space with a renovatcd barn feel, it balances beautifir] facilities
with boutique faros sensibilities -The roof-
11, 1
takes you there from the stunningly re-
stored manor horse, once a grand hunting
lodge- The hotel has a London refinement
thanks to a
] ${A
w Tracey Entins but there's no
hint of srufïncss. The attraction: e]e.rnt
mums appointed with freestanding tuts
and real fireplaces, the new Hartnett, Holder & Co restaurant (that's Gordon Ramsay
protégé Angell Hartnett and Michelin restaurant- trained Luke Holder), the Smoking
House (for salmon, ham and the like, not
for jittery guests, although they're we]eotne
to take a look), two new Hansel and Grereltyie private forest cottages. the chic draw-
ing roomsflibrary /pool table and helipad.
Ultimately. it al]oves you to choose how
hedonistic or healthy you care to be.
Once entering Herb House Spa. youlre
unlikely to heave. This .stunning wellness
playground boasts a caldarinm,steant roc m.
i .y
top garden provides a sun -drenched spot
for meditation and fresh picks for spa juices.
A short stroll through manicured gardens
hydro pool, mud louse (for body treatYOU WANT:
ments involving steam and mud). the" anastkve forest sauna '. indoor pool and steam-
ing hot onrdoor pool for frosty auntmn
morning... Plus, a proper gym in a light,
Grace of Belgravia, k íeighfahridge,
LunArr. yrrecebelgrauia,rom
airy ]oft overlooking the forest and a bon -
dyue belling like -minded British brands
such asi3antf rd beauty Daylesfnrd Organ-
One of the world's wcaithieu postcodes,
ics candles and Wcllieious workout wear.
chore the Bamford R o c Relating
vate women-only health club in London.
Models tam and Poppy Tklcvingrte grew
Upper Hotly and Facial Massage - a gc-
up in a Belgravia mansion and the we
r]iut combination. My young therapist C5
me [MO submission with a bergamot,
London diztrict has also been home to the
Belgravia is an apt location for the firer pri-
chamomile and patchouli back
likes ofloan Collins, Scan Cannery,, the late
Margaret Thatcher and Ian Fleming.
scrub, chased by a perfertky mediwn- pressurrd massage. Hands,
I crater the nondescript door on West Halkin
arms, neck and shoulders follow,
1,efhrc a tscial massage with rcrse,
lemon and chamomile oils. I can
feel my neck lengthening and
cheeks uftinK -The real beauty of'
this place. though. it that you ran
abandon the hotel or spa at any
"'run. born]{ ;e hike or same
lies and take a good +lid muddy
James Band actually springs ru mind ae
Street. Inside, the space is huge, with the
Georgian building reonvated to le, -age
every last .source of natural light 'while also
providing erduskon {Tall the outside world,
At the rctepdnn desk. I'm handed a security
brrrelet that hat to be wsnnrd at every door
I come to for entry to the next scctnr.
An exclusive way to master the art of liv-
walk in the {oust (with your
ing well, iti discreet with a capital I) -.- as
part uf your membership you must pledge
dog or your baby in tens. time
truth ors tvdc'ome). Which Is
exactly what l do. - Vick Bromley
booked in for :r remedial massage to help
tù speak shoos other members- I've
my back and neck recover from a lung
Harper’s Bazaar, National
01 Feb 2014
General News, page 138 - 4,487.85 cm²
Magazines Lifestyle - circulation 52,520 (Monthly)
Copyright Agency licensed copy
ID 227322732
PAGE 8 of 8
;race of Belgravia
in London.
good - perhaps die u- st have
ever had - but its the rop -nnteh vervice
and far slitics that I want to keep Coming
Blight- It
back for. Members have accts Cu a stdtc -OF-
the -art gym headed up by celebrity trainer
Matt Roberts. frill spa facilities, is beauty salon, an integrated medical centre run by the
Qneen's doctor, I ilatcs and yoga classes,
a cafe, bar, Library and Trial] sturc, Each
member is also assigned her own PA (Personal Angel) to book appointments. VIP
46- minute
drive from Queenstown. New 2ealanct Ato 48 i5 a self - sustaining wellness centre that *II
open Rs doors this month, Adhering to a phIlasophy.of res. ults -Onented fitness that iry iudeo
hiking. yoga, meditation and resistance training. AS welt as imparting information an better
nutrition, its founders Chris Madison and Dsm an Chepoaro tell us not to expect facials
N $ W 5 P L A 5 H Located on a secluded DIOt of land gear
or manicures, pestle carne here to change their perspective. td gain bodies that become
lean strong and flexible and minds that becbirie Calm, Clear and present,` they say
The lore- and sever. -day tetreats are priced from 5.3971. arcs- ha.ctvn
membership with Net -a- Porter is also avail-
able to members. Oh, and Christian Lou boutin, Chanel and Gucci are all just around
the cxJflter. Handy- - Kaie MttriJ
Fspa {,ip ni CnrGnliuia Landon,
espctlt fepErnrinlltt're.r:nm
London's architectural charrn and style
quirks are often put fsrwnrd as its biggest
selling points, heur in this instance the
British capital delivers pure, unadulterated
luxury. Black and white marble, chie leather chairs, inviting fireplaces and elegantly
minimal decor make for an expensive
chocolate -box of a spa_
Since it opened in fluid -21D11, the acca]ades have rolled in, including being listed in
candir Iseut ïitttSl¢r's Readers' Spa Awards
21112 :e wt II aç being voted Best European
Spa Jn the UK Tile7ives 2li13 Travel Awards,
Why die Fuss? This is a slick operation, liront
the ',vim. efficient reception staff to tige wet
nnnhs,punl, creep pods (more on those later)
and nail ctudia- Even the spa lounge bathed
in light Feels like an ultra -modern tearoom
deserving DELL own tourism.
In addition to rie luxe menu of massage,
facials and total body treatments, ESTA
Founder Susan Harnuworth and leading
naturopath Max Tomlinson have gathered
together the cream of London's beauty and
Espa Life at Londons
Corinlhw Fistel.
wellbeing talent. Celebrity stylist Daniel
Galvin has a sixeahie salmi that greets vnu
on arrival- Professional sportsman turned
personal trainer Stephen Price heads sip die
gyro (its glamorous personal workout pods
could pull anyone fn). Plus, there's a resident
osteopath and acupuncturist/traditional
Chinese medicine practitioner,
Never haut I h eel lin ;, c ,it ; mirez: [LE v, hile.
lying half asleep on a heated bed, (kkelieved
to report I only jrrkcd i)nre, (}r twice.)
Afterwards r of shown to the sleep pods in
the flower -shaped rcmm where each petrel ls.
Lounge peering through
curtains at a fircplaec in the middle. Later ray
therapist hands rait a "bounce back" imita-
relaxing - devoid of intensive machines,
tion for a Free 311- nirnute acupuncture ses sian,sincr r d mentioned how much I like it,
les link wonder this is lets a hotel spa, nior>
a wonderful gem for ]tacky Locals and inter -
rich in light massage and lovely errant:- Btu
nanonll visitors tu escape to in Ont' of the
its the supine pedicure that is the clincher.
world's busiest eifie., -
My two hours of Espa time hegiti with
a foot bath, my therapist the right balarice of
friendly and assured, The facial it classically