January - Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii


January - Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii
January, 2004
Don’t forget that the Narcissus Fashion Show will be held on
Sunday, February 29, at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Coral Ballroom. The flyer for the fashion show was mailed as an insert in
last month’s issue of The Lantern. To recap the details: boutique
sales bill begin at 9:00 a.m., the luncheon and fashion show will
start at 11:00 a.m., and the show will end at 3:00 p.m. The cost
is $40.00 per seat or $400 per table of 10. Call the Chamber at
533-3181 to reserve your seat.
Chamber Directors’ Election
With spring comes your opportunity to come out and vote for
Chamber directors. The nomination committee, chaired by Tai
Yau Chung and including Anthony Ching, George Chu, Walter Chang, and Vernon Ching, have put together a slate of sixteen candidates for election or re-election. Chamber members
will be able to vote on Friday, March 5, at the Chamber office,
second floor, 42 North King Street. This is your opportunity to
exercise your right as a member to vote.
The Hawaii Chinese Tourism Association (HCTA) is sponsoring
a luncheon and roundtable discussion, “Hawaii Tourism and the
Pan-China Visitor” on Wednesday, February 18. Registration
begins at 11:30 a.m., the president’s greeting and luncheon are
at noon, and the one-hour program begins at 12:30 p.m. On the
panel will be Marsha Wienert, state tourism liaison for Gov.
Lingle; Frank Haas, Vice President for Marketing, Hawaii
Tourism Authority; and Jeffrey Sawyer, Primary Branch Chief,
Department of Homeland Security. The location for the luncheon and roundtable discussion is the Mauna Kea ballroom of
the Hawaii Prince Hotel. The cost is $32.00 for HCTA members
and $36.00 for non-members. For more information or to make
your reservation, call Jackie Teo-Yoshida at 942-6015
Chamber hosts
a welcome
reception in
honor of China
Travel Services
Head Offices’
delegation on
December 12,
Members old and new will be getting together for the first general
membership meeting of 2004.
The meeting will be held at Buffet 100 on the second floor of
Ward Warehouse on Thursday,
February 26, from 11:30 a.m. to
1:00 p.m. The program will
include lunch and an opportunity
to network with other members,
introduction of new members,
and a guest speaker. Dr. Tianlong
Jiao, a researcher at the Bishop
Museum, will discuss “Slow Boat
from China to Hawaii: New
Archeological Discoveries,” and a
possible link between Polynesians
and a Neolithic culture on the
Chinese mainland. The cost is
$10.00 for Chamber members and
$12.00 for non-members. Please
contact the Chamber at 533-3181
by Thursday, February 19, if
you’re planning to attend. (Of
related interest is the recently
released paperback edition of
Gavin Menzies’ 1421: The Year
China Discovered America, which
presents evidence that the “treasure fleets” of eunuch Admiral
Zheng He discovered and charted
most of the world between 1421
and 1423, and that Chinese settlements were left around the
P R E S I D E N T ’ S
Terrill S. W. Chock
I hope that all of you enjoyed your New
Year celebration. The past several
weeks were exciting as well as exhausting. So many events in so short a time
period! On December 29, 2003, the
Chamber, in conjunction with the
U.S.-China People’s Friendship Association and the U.S. Postal Service, participated in an unveiling ceremony of
Clarence Lee’s postal stamps that com-
memorate all of the animals of the Chinese zodiac that will be issued early in
Officers from the Chamber also
participated in the New Year celebrations of many of the Chinese societies,
as well as the annual tea ceremony that
the Chamber co-hosted with the United Chinese Society. The final preparations for the Narcissus Queen Pageant
occupied the first week of January. The
pageant itself was another successful
event that was coordinated by Michele
Choy and her team.
The following weekend, committees led by Wen Chung Lin, Leonard
Kam, and Gayle Lau arranged and
guided the Chamber’s Chinatown Open
House event that covered two days and
The Chamber thanks the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in
Honolulu and City Councilman Rod
Tam for providing the Chamber with
technical and financial support for the
The Chinatown Open House was
immediately followed by rehearsals and
the final planning for the Narcissus
Queen Coronation Ball. Those who
attended the Coronation Ball enjoyed a
wonderful evening of good food, entertainment, and camaraderie. We have
Lee-Ann Choy and Kathy Lau Best
and their committee to thank for organizing that event.
All in all, the many events connected with Chinese New Year were
exciting, exhausting, but most enjoyable.
I wish that all of you and your families be blessed with good health, happiness, and peace in this Year of the
55th Annual Narcissus Queen Pageant
This year’s pageant was held on Saturday, January 10, at the now usual venue of
the Neal Blaisdell Concert Hall. The program began with the opening number,
choreographed by 1995 Narcissus Queen Lisa Lee Simon, and featuring the Iolani
School dancers and the twelve Narcissus contestants. Master and mistress of ceremonies Tony Solis and Shari Shima kept things moving along: talent presentation by the contestants, the gown phase, and then the speech phase.
While announcement of the judges’ decisions was being awaited, special awards
were made. Miss Popularity, based on ads, pageant
tickets, and souvenir books sold, was Rosalynn GaLin Leilani Chan. Miss Congeniality, based on a vote
by the twelve contestants, was Sonja Pui Ling Tam.
And Miss Talent was Kerri Noelle Wai Jun Ching,
who performed a hula to “My Isle of Golden Dreams.”
Finally came the moment everyone had been
waiting all evening for, with the judges’ scores all
tabulated. The results, in order of announcement:
Fourth Princess Kristina Wai Yuk Chang, Third
Princess Julie Sun Yee Wong, Second Princess
Sonja Tam, First Princess Rosalynn Chan, and Narcissus Queen Kerri Ching.
The 55th Narcissus Queen Pageant is held on January 10, 2004 at the NBC Concert Hall.
The gala Coronation Ball, “A Feast with the Monkey King,” was held on Saturday,
January 24, at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Coral Ballroom. Over 600 people were
there for the royal procession, the coronation of 55th Narcissus Queen Kerri Ching,
the fabulous entertainment, and dancing after the Queen’s first waltz. And for those
who weren’t there, you missed an opportunity to sample some of the food (and see
a demonstration of “flair bartending”) from Jackie
Chan’s new Honolulu restaurant, Jackie’s Kitchen,
which recently opened at the Ala Moana Shopping
Center. (Jackie’s Kitchen is reviewed in the current
(2/4/04) issue of Honolulu Weekly — the Restaurant
column is entitled “Chan’s Dynasty”). Special recognition should go to the Coronation Ball sponsors, JN
Chevrolet (which presented the keys to a courtesy car
to be used by Queen Kerri for a year) and Shanghai
Tang (which provided fashions). And thanks also to
that hard-working dynamic duo, coronation ball cochairs Lee-Ann Choy and Kathy Lau Best and the
members of their committee, Leilani Tan Ching,
Anna Tam Chung, Vernon Tam, Libby Lum, and Governor Linda Lingle crowns new
Queen Kerri Ching.
Lee-Ann’s family.
ACUW Fundraiser
The Association of Chinese University Women (ACUW) will be
holding its annual fund-raiser on
Saturday, February 21, at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel. Cost is $50.00
is for gold sponsors and $60.00 is
for platinum sponsors. Doors open
at 11:30 and the luncheon and
program start at noon. The featured entertainer is Shari Lynn,
who will sing a variety of Broadway hits, accompanied by Ray
Kaneyama. Call Pat Chong at
538-1448 for more information or
for reservations.
Hong Kong
Business Meetings
The Hong Kong Business Association
of Hawaii (HKBAH) will have its officers and directors installed on Thursday, February 19, at the Sheraton
Waikiki. Cocktails are at 5:30 p.m. and
the dinner and program start at 6:30
p.m. The cost is $55.00 for HKBAH
members and $66.00 for non-members.
The 55th Narcissus Coronation Ball is held on January 24, 2004 at the
Hilton Hawaiian Village Coral Ballroom.
For more information or to make reservations, call Loretta Kam at 539-7889.
The next day, Friday, February 20,
the Federation of Hong Kong Business
Associations Worldwide will hold its
U.S. regional caucus meeting from 8:30
a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Discussions by a panel
of business leaders will include current
Hawaii and Hong Kong-China business
topics. The meeting is free for HKBAH
members and $30.00 for non- members.
Again, for information or reservations,
call Loretta at the number above.
Yu Shing Ting was pictured holding a
picture of Jackie Chan at the December 20 soft opening of his Jackie’s
Kitchen restaurant in Ala Moana Center. The January 7 Midweek’s “Honolulu
Pa’ina” had a two-page spread of some
of the people invited to the event.
Chamber members Stanford Yuen
and his wife Lynette, Winfred Pong,
Feb 16 • Mon President’s Day
Feb 17 • Tue Executive Board Meeting
Chamber’s Office - 12:00 noon
Feb 24 • Tue Board of Directors Meeting
New Empress Restaurant - 12:00 noon
Feb 26 • Thur General Membership Meeting
Buffet 100 at Ward Warehouse
- 11:30 a.m.
Feb 29 • Sun 55th Narcissus Fashion Show
Hilton Hawaiian Village Coral Ballroom
9:00 a.m. - Boutique Sales
11:00 a.m. - Luncheon
Victor and Anita Lim, Wes and Linda
fortable and elegant Chinese restau-
Fong, Frances and Edward Goo, Ban
rants on the island is Hong Kong Har-
and Susanna Chan, Justin and Audrey
bor View at Aloha Tower Marketplace.
Goo, Paulette Lee, and Walter Chang
As well as the view, they have a won-
were pictured in “Honolulu Pa’ina” in
derful menu, creative chefs and some
the January 14 Midweek. Also pictured
really excellent food.”
were 2003 Narcissus Queen Kathleen
Wong and 1999 Narcissus Queen
Nalani Tan Ching and her husband,
At their January 27 meeting, the Board
Chinese Civic Association’s 2003 Man-
of Directors approved the applications
darin Ball, held at the Sheraton Waiki-
for Kimberly Fisher, a group sales
ki. Victor, HCCA first vice president
account representative at AAA Hawaii
and Ball chair Stanford, HCCA presi-
(sponsored by Wen Chung Lin); Jason
dent Frances, Wes, Kathleen, and
Lam, a physician and president of
Paulette wore Chinese jackets.
Wahiawa Family Practice Clinic, Inc.
The “Good Food” column in the
(sponsored by Winfred Pong); and
January 21 Midweek was devoted to
Edward Pei, an executive vice presi-
Chinese dining and wining. Pictured
dent at First Hawaiian Bank (sponsored
was Hong Kong Harbour View Seafood
by Ming Chen). Welcome aboard and
Restaurant owner Li May Tang and her
we look forward to meeting you at the
restaurant manager. Columnist Jo
next general membership meeting on
McGarry wrote: “One of the most com-
Thursday, February 26.
The LANTERN a monthly publication
of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii
42 North King Street • Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
(808) 533-3181
42 North King Street • Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Alan. The occasion was the Hawaii
42 N. King Street
Editor: Gerald Chang
Graphic Designer: Angela Wu-Ki
Staff: Wen Chung Lin, Grace Chan