Volunteers needed!
Volunteers needed!
• AFTER LOSS PG. 2 • SPEARFISH ARCHER GOES TO NATIONALS PG. 27 Thursday, September 9, 2010 Vol. 135 50 cents www.bhpioneer.com #80 Volunteers needed! Spearfish Ambulance Service in need of more staff B" #$ND" PITLI+, B"#$%&'("")&P(+,--. S"EAR&ISH)* T,-)S.-/0123,)A4567/89-)S-0:29-)23 7;;<28=)1;0)/)1->)=;;?):;768@--03)>2@,),-/0@3);1)=;7? /8?)/)>27728=8-33)@;)>;0<),/0?)3;)@,-A)9/8),-7.).-;.728)@,-20)=0-/@-3@)@24-);1)8--?B) B02/8)H/45-<D)-E-96@2:-)?20-9@;0);1)@,-)S.-/0123, A4567/89-)S-0:29-)3/2?)/90;33)@,-)9;68@0A)-4-0=-89A 4-?29/7)3-0:29-3)/0-)28)3-02;63)8--?);1):;768@--03B)H23 3-0:29-)23)8;)?211-0-8@D)/3)@,-);0=/82F/@2;8)@,/@);89-),/? /5;6@)GH)/9@2:-):;768@--03)23)8;>)?;>8)@;)/5;6@)IGB T,/@)9;67?)>;0<D),-)3/2?D)56@)@,;3-):;768@--03)/0-)8;@ See AMBULANCE — Page 3 Jordan Smith and Linda Zafft learn airway skills during an EMT class on a mannequin. All volunteers at the Spearfish Ambulance Service are required to take a certification class. Courtesy photo E-85 deemed more expensive fuel for state Two SD Guard units to deploy B" B-B M$/+$/ B"#$%&'("")&P(+,--. 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They may also be at risk for depression, suicide and emotional problems, intensified by guilt and anger. Bereavement and support groups exist for people who have lost loved ones to suicide, but nothing can bring back a lost loved one. Courtesy photo ! INDEX LOCAL OBITUARIES STATE EDITORIAL/OPINION MOVIE LISTING FARM & RANCH TV SCHEDULES COMICS LEGALS/CLASSIFIEDS COMMUNITY SPORTS WEATHER ! 2&3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12&13 14-22 23-25 26-29 30 Black Hills Pioneer /0112 3453653789 is :;<lis=e> >ail? e@ce:A 1;n>a?s an> =oli>a?s /2eB CearDs Ea?F G=risAHas Ea?F I=anksJiKinJF La<or Ea?F MeHorial Ea? an> 0n>e:en>ence Ea?9F Nor a Hail s;<scri:Aion raAe oN O3P4Q44 :er ?ear in co;nA? onl? <? 1eaAon P;<lis=inJ GoQF 0ncQF R3P 1eaAon GircleF 1:earNis=F 1E P77SRQ Perio>ical :osAaJe :ai> aA 1:earNis=F 1E P77SRQ PT1IMU1IVWX 1en> a>>ress c=anJes Ao Black Hills PioneerF PT Bo@ 7F 1:earNis=F 1E P77SRQ BLACK HILLS * While suicide takes a life, it affects the lives of many more people, and in recognition of National Suicide Prevention Week, this series will examine some of those perspectives. Dealing with death is painful. Those left behind have Iuestions and unresolved emotions, but when a suicide occurs, not only do loved ones not have a chance to say good-bye, but they also have to live, knowing their loved one died all alone. This grief can be intensified by guilt and anger, and surviving family members not only suffer the trauma of losing a loved one, but they may also be at risk for depression, suicide and emotional problems. Bereavement and support groups exist to help those dealing with loss. Bonnie Carr is part of a bereavement support group for people who have lost family members or friends to suicide. The group meets at 7 p.m. the last Monday of each month at Hudson Hall in Spearfish, and Carr said the group is open to anyone in the area seeking support. MWe kind of have to help each other,N she said. MSuicide is the type of loss that has a lot of aftershocks - itOs a very traumatic loss.N While Carr stressed that she can only speak from her own experience, she described the emotions following a suicide like a ferris wheel: each seat on the wheel holds a different Iuestion, such as, MHow could I have prevented thisQN MWhy did this happenQN MWhy didnOt heRshe trust me enough to tell me or reach outQN She said the ferris wheel continually goes around because of the feelings of guilt, and while sometimes she can make it go down to something manageable, like a hamster wheel, an aftershock will come along and cause it to resurface in it gargantuan entirety, along with all of the pain, grief and guilt. MSomething will resurrect itS it might be a happy memory, and youOll start crying because you know youOll never have that again,N she said. MAny loss is a terrible lossS any death is hard to comes to grips with. This one (suicide) Vust doesnOt seem to allow you to regroup because it continually bubbles up.N It can take people 10 years until they are able to even accept that their loved one died by suicide, Carr said, and she knows too well the truth of that statement. She lost her husband, Tom, to suicide in Y007 and knows how important it is to talk about it, despite how painful it can be. MItOs important to talk about it, and donOt be afraid to directly address people about it,N she said. MDonOt steer away from it. ItOs a fact. Talking about it will help others understand that it is a senseless way to die Z that shatters lives. It has lasting, terrible effects.N Carr acknowledged that suicide is not an easy thing to share or listen to, but for her family, being upfront about the matter helped them, as well as those grieving for her husband, after he took his life. [rom his obituary in the paper to the gathering of friendship (he did not wish to have a funeral service) after his death, the facts of his death were made known. M[or us, it was the only way to handle it,N said Carr. Many people called her to express similar experiences with depression and grief, and she applauds the community for reaching out and taking a proactive stance to try to prevent suicide. MI applaud the community for being so sensitive and loving about a terrible trauma and holding the hands of many people who have lost someone,N she said. MItOs how weOve survived. ItOs a long, long process. ItOs not about accepting that theyOre deadS itOs accepting that they chose to leave that way.N See PREVENTION— Page 31 Dakota V-Twin hosts blood drive to remember lives lost on 9/11 BC YU0ZU 1[01HVW Black Hills Pioneer SPEAR[ISH * Everyone can remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when the Twin Towers fell on Sept. 11, Y001. One group of friends in Spearfish wants to make sure no one forgets and have organi_ed a 9R11 memorial blood drive to save as many lives through pints of blood donated as were lost on that day nine years ago. MWeOre so far away, but we want to make sure people still remember,N said Alicia Anderson, one of the organi_ers of the MNever [orget 9R11 Memorial Blood Drive.N She said that the group of family and friends organi_ing the event wanted to make sure there was something in the area to remind people to commemorate the day. The blood drive lasts from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday at Dakota c-Twin at 31Y3 E. [airgrounds Loop in Spearfish, and it is already shaping up to be a large event. Anderson said that more than 150 people have already signed up, and the event could break the fnited Blood Services state record for the number of units of blood drawn in one day. Miranda Andrew, a donor recruitment representative with fnited Blood Services in Rapid City, said the current record is Y53 units of blood drawn in one day on gune Y6, Y010, at the huns and Hoses event in Rapid City. The memorial blood driveOs goal is to beat that. While the organi_ation simply doesnOt have the staff to take as many blood donations as lives lost on 9R11, Andrew said that fnited Blood Services will host the blood drive annually until they reach the goal of more than 3,000 pints of blood. MOnce we reach that, weOll consider our goal met,N Andrew said. She added that they did not want to place an exact number for their goal, since remains are still being uncovered at hround iero, and official tally reports vary from source to source. She described the coordinator of the event as MenthusiasticN about getting the See BLOOD DRIVE — Page 30 BLACK HILLS PIONEER LOCAL SCENE Thursday, September 9, 2010 Page 3 Community leaders attend Ports-to-Plains in Rapid City B" #$%T#$R M)RSC#$, !"a$% 'i"") Pioneer !"#$H&#! H())* + (,-s an or3ani5a,ion 6i,7 a 8ision 9or 3ro6,7 an: ;ros;eri,= 9or *o>,7 ?ako,aA $7a,-s 67a, :e9ines ,7e Por,sC,oC Plains Elliance an: :>rin3 a conC 9erence in #a;i: Gi,= ,o:a= an: Hri:a=I se8eral area coJJ>ni,= lea:ers 6ill learn 7o6 ,7e= can ;la= a role in ,7eir con,in>e: s>cC cessA Hos,e: in ;ar, K= ,7e ;ar,ners o9 Por,sC,oCPlains an: re;resen,a,i8es o9 ,7e Hear,lan: an: $7eo:ore #oose8el, &L;ress6a=I ,7e ;>r;ose o9 ,7e con9erence is ,o allo6 coJC J>ni,= lea:ers ,o :isc>ss o;;or,>C ni,ies o9 ,ra:eI a3ric>l,>reI ener3= an: ,o>risJ ,7ro>37o>, ,7e Mi:6es,A $7e con9erence o99iciall= Ke3an Ne:nes:a= 6i,7 a rece;,ion an: :inner a, Mo>n, #>s7JoreI 67ic7 incl>:e: a li37,in3 cereJon=A Oa,7= #>99aloI a loKK=is, 9or ,7e !a,ional Essocia,ion o9 ?e8elo;Jen, "r3ani5a,ionI 6as ,7e 9ea,>re: s;eaker an: s7e conC cen,ra,e: on 67a, iss>es r>ral ,rans;or,a,ion is 9acin3 a, ,7is ,iJeA $oni37,I a,,en:ees 6ill Ke 8isi,in3 ?ea:6oo: in or:er ,o ,o>r ,7e 7isC News & Notes )&E? + ?o3 #>n Park in )ea: 6ill Ke 7ol:in3 a 3ran: o;enin3 a, V ;AJA on *a,>r:a=I *e;,A WWA $7e :o3 ;ark is loca,e: on Nas7in3,on *,ree, in )ea:A $7e ;arkin3 lo, 6ill Ke a8ailaKle 9or 3>es,sA Please Yoin >s ,o celC eKra,e an: ,ake a look a, ,7e :o3 ;arkA Hor a::i,ional in9orJa,ionI ;lease call #ose a, `VVCV]dWI or )ea: Gi,= Hall a, UT^CW^_WA / 0ami 2"3re$4t B&))& H"S#GH& + (n ,7ree :a=sI ,7e ?el,a ?en,ale#onal: See NOTES — Page 9 GoJJi,,eeI ,7e $7eo:ore #oose8el, &L;ress6a= corri:or r>ns Ke,6een #a;i: Gi,=I alon3 SA*A Hi376a= TU ,o Nillis,onI !A?A ,7en alon3 SA*A Hi376a= V in,o Mon,anaI ,7en >; Hi376a= WX in,o Gana:aA Hi376a= TU 6as :esi3na,e: a :esi3na,ion sec>re: ,7ro>37 a resoC l>,ion K= *enA Oen, Gonra:I ?C !A?A as a 7i37C;riori,= corri:orI Jakin3 i, eli3iKle 9or s;ecial 9e:erC al 9>n:in3A $7is :esi3na,ion coJC ;le,e: a 7i37C;riori,= corri:or ,7a, eL,en:s 9roJ MeLico ,o Gana:a ,ra8elin3 ,7ro>37 !or,7 ?ako,a alon3 Hi376a= TUA $7e corri:or is kno6n as ,7e Por,sC$oCPlains $ra:e Gorri:orA *e8eral re;resen,a,i8es 9roJ ,7e !or,7ern Black Hills 7a8e Ja:e i, a ;riori,= ,o a,,en: ,7e con9erence Keca>se ,7e= reali5e ,7e a99ec,s ,7a, ,7is ,=;e o9 :e8elo;Jen, co>l: 7a8e on *o>,7 ?ako,aA $eresa *c7an5enKac7I ,7e eLec>C ,i8e :irec,or o9 ,7e Belle Ho>rc7e G7aJKer o9 GoJJerceI sai: s7e is a,,en:in3 Keca>se s7e-: like ,o 7ear 67a, ,7e alliance 7as ,o sa= aKo>, s;eci9ic iss>es 9acin3 ,7e !or,7ern Black HillsA (n E;rilI s7e a,,en:e: a See LEADERS — Page 7 Lawrence County budget approved, cuts made Grand opening for Dog Run Park in Lead Belle dental clinic a success ,oric Jinin3 ,o6n an: eL;erience 7o6 3aJin3 a99ec,s ,7e Black Hills ,o>risJ in:>s,r= 9irs, 7an:A Pa, Mc&l3>nn o9 ,7e #a;i: Gi,= G7aJKer o9 GoJJerce sai: ,7e ;ro3raJ is Ko,7 in,eres,in3 an: in9orJa,i8eA QNe 6an,e: ,o 3i8e ;eo;le a c7ance ,o 7ear 67a, ,7e Por,sC,oC Plains Elliance is :oin3 ,o look o>, 9or r>ral EJerica in ,7e neL, ,ransC ;or,a,ion rea>,7ori5a,ion an: ne,C 6ork 6i,7 8isionar= lea:ers 9roJ a, leas, nine s,a,es as 6ell as Gana:a an: MeLicoIR Mc&l3>nn sai:A Eccor:in3 ,o in9orJa,ion ;roC 8i:e: K= ,7e SA*A *ena,e Bankin3 B" -$./0 01RT10 !"a$% 'i"") Pioneer ?&E?N""? + $7e )a6rence Go>n,= V_WW K>:3e, 6as a;;ro8e: on $>es:a= Jornin3I an: al,7o>37 :e;ar,Jen,s 7a8e recei8e: c>,sI ,7e= are 6orkin3 ,7ro>37 ,7e c7an3esA GoJ;are: ,o 9iscal V_W_I a ,o,al o9 f^WWIXWW 7as Keen re:>ce: 9roJ ,7is =ear-s fWU Jillion K>:3e, :>e ,o lo6er re8en>eA Q$7e re8en>e 6as :e9ini,el= less ,7an ,7e eL;ec,a,ions ,7a, ;eo;le 6ere 7ol:in3I an: 6e 7a: ,o crea,e o>r K>:3e, accor:in3l=IR )a6rence Go>n,= G7air6oJan Gonnie ?o>3las sai:A ?o>3lasI 67o 7as cra9,e: K>:3e,s 9or WV =ears as a coJJissionerI sai: ,7a, neL, =ear-s K>:3e, looks 8er= siJilarA QE lo, o9 ;eo;le Ja:e ,o>37 sacri9ices 6i,7 3oo: a,,i,>:esIR ?o>3las sai: aKo>, ,7e V_WW K>:C 3e,A "n $>es:a= Jornin3I ,7e co>n,=-s eL,ension serC See BUDGET — Page 9 AMBULANCE Continued from Page 1 Karen Berger smiles during her initial EMT training course. Berger passed her EMT-Basic class in May and is now a certified volunteer with the Spearfish Ambulance Service. Courtesy photo al6a=s a8ailaKle ,o 7el; o>, :>e ,o o,7er oKli3a,ions ,7a, Ja= Ke ,7e res>l, o9 a s,ress9>l econoJ=A Q"8er ,7e las, co>;le o9 =earsI an: ;ar, o9 ,7is 7as 3o, ,o Ke :>e ,o ,7e econoJ=I e8er=Ko:= 7as 3o, a YoK an: Jos, ;eo;le 7a8e a secC on: YoKA $7is Z8ol>n,eerin3[ ,akes 7in: ;laceA $o 8ol>n,eerI 6ellI =o> 7a8e ,o ;a= ,7e Kills 9irs,AR $7e YoK o9 an &M$ can Ke ,iJe cons>Jin3 an: re\>ires coJJi,C Jen,A HaJKek eL;laine: ,7a, all cer,i9ie: &M$s a, ,7e *;ear9is7 EJK>lance *er8ice are re\>ire: ,o ,ake a W]UCW^_C7o>r classI 6i,7 `_C7o>rs o9 recer,i9ica,ion ,rainin3 e8er= ,6o =ears a9,er6ar:A $7e ,rainin3 is in,enseI K>, 8al>aKleI 7e sai:A Q$es,in3 re\>ireJen,s 7a8e 3o,C ,en a lo, Jore s,rin3en, an: i,-s 7ar:erIR 7e sai:A Q*oI i9 =o> 3e, soJeKo:= in ,7e class ,7inkin3 ,7is is 3oin3 ,o Ke a 6alk in ,7e ;ark ,7e=-re 8er= r>:el= a6akene:A (,-s no, an eas= classA (, is a 8er= 8al>C aKle classI an: ;eo;le 7a8e ,o s,>:=A B>, 6e-re ,akin3 ;eo;le 67o 7a8e no Je:ical kno6le:3e a, all ,o a ;oin, 67ere ,7e= are cer,i9ie: ,o o;era,e an aJK>lance on ,7eir o6nA $7a,-s a Ki3 Y>J; i9 =o> conC si:er ,7a, 6e-8e 3o, all :i99eren, ,=;es o9 ,ra>Ja ;roKleJs ,7a, ,7e= are 3oin3 ,o Ke 9ace: 6i,7A ( Jean ,7e ran3e o9 Je:ical ;roKleJs is enorJo>s o>, ,7ereA M= 7a,-s o99 an: J= 7ear, 3oes o>, ,o an=one 67o e8en a,,eJ;,s or 67o ,akes ,7e classAR "nce a 8ol>n,eer is cer,i9ie:I ,7e *;ear9is7 EJK>lance *er8ice asks 9or ,7ree WVC7o>r s7i9,s a Jon,7A *oJe 8ol>n,eers 6ork Jore ,7an ,7a,I K>, HaJKek sai: o8er ,7e las, 9e6 =ears 8ol>n,eer s,a99in3 7as Keen :o6n so J>c7 ,7a, 7e 7as 7a: ,o crea,e 9>ll ,iJe ;osi,ions Y>s, ,o co8er s7i9,sA Ni,7 liJi,e: 9>n:in3 an: reso>rcesI 7e sai:I ,7a, is :i99ic>l, ,o :oA B>, HaJKek sai: 7e is coJJi,,e: ,o :oin3 67a,e8er i, ,akes ,o ens>re ,7e coJJ>ni,ies o9 *;ear9is7 an: N7i,e6oo: C ,7e ser8ice area 9or ,7e *;ear9is7 EJK>lance *er8ice C 3e, ,7e ser8ice ,7e= nee: an: :eser8eA QM= res;onsiKili,= is ,o ,7e coJJ>ni,= an: ,o ,7e ci,i5ens in ,7is ,o6nIR 7e sai:A Q$7ese are J= 9rien:sI 9aJil=I an: nei37KorsA $7ese are ,7e ;eo;le ( 3re6 >; 6i,7 an: ,7a, sa6 Je 3ro6 >;A (-J 3oin3 ,o 3i8e ,7eJ 67a,e8er i, ,akes ,o Jee, ,7e nee:AR N7ile ,7e ,rainin3 an: ser8ice :eJan:s o9 8ol>n,eerin3 as an &M$ Ja= Ke a Ki3 coJJi,Jen,I HaJKek sai: ,7ere are Jan= re6ar:sA E, ,7e *;ear9is7 EJK>lance *er8iceI 7e sai:I 8olC >n,eers recei8e 9inancial coJ;enC sa,ion 9or ,7e calls ,7a, ,7e= ans6erA B>, e8en Ki33er ,7an ,7a,I HaJKek sai:I are ,7e re6ar:s ,7a, coJe 9roJ ,7e 7ear,A Q$7e re6ar: 7as 3o, ,o Ke soJeC ,7in3 insi:eIR 7e sai:A QE lo, o9 &M$s are lookin3 9or ,7e ,ra>Ja an: ,7e= are lookin3 9or ,7e a:renC aline r>s7A $7e= are lookin3 9or ,7a, ,=;e o9 callA ( :on-, Jin: 3oin3 ,o ,7e senior 7oJes an: :oin3 ,7a, kin: o9 ,7in3A ao> si, ,7ere an: =o> ,alk ,o bran:Ja conesI 67o is T_ =ears ol: an: 7a8in3 a 8er= Ka: :a=A B= siJ;l= 3i8in3 7er oL=3enI 7ol:in3 7er 7an: an: le,,in3 7er ,alk ,o =o>I i,-s re6ar:in3 in i,sel9A $7a,-s 67ere ( like ,o see =o>r 7ear, a,AR G>rren,l=I HaJKek sai: ,7e ran3e o9 8ol>n,eers a, ,7e *;ear9is7 EJK>lance *er8ice r>ns ,7e 3aJ>, o9 a3eI eL;erience an: Kack3ro>n:sA $7ere are c>rren,l= WTC=ear ol: JeJKers 67o are Y>s, 3e,,in3 s,ar,e:I all ,7e 6a= >; ,o `_C=ear ol: JeJKers 67o 7a8e Keen ser8in3 9or nearl= ]_ =earsA Ell o9 ,7ese 8ol>n,eers enYo= a 6elcoJin3 an: 7os;i,aKle 6orkin3 en8ironJen,I HaJKek sai:A B>,I 7e also sai:I Jan= o9 ,7eJ are o8er 6orke:A QNe nee: ,o raise coJJ>ni,= a6arenessIR 7e sai:A QZNe nee: ,o[ le, ,7eJ kno6 ,7a, 6e-re 7>r,in3 9or ;eo;leA Ne nee: ;eo;le Ka:AR BLACK HILLS PIONEER OBITUARIES Page 4 Premier Bankcard reduces work force again SIOUD FALLS GAPI — A 8re"i& 8ar" 8/4K 2a)7 is .9r&her re"98i)* i&s w/rL ./r8e i) S/9&h MaL/&a3 Pre4ier Ba)L8ar" Presi"e)& a)" CEO Mi-es Bea8/4 sa7s aQ/9& R= e42-/7ees s&a&ewi"e re8e)&-7 were /..ere" "i..ere)& 2/si&i/)s wi&hi) &he 8/42a)7 i) areas /. 4/re "e4a)" s98h as 8/--e8&i/)s5 a)" ha-. /2&e" &/ &aLe a se#era)8e 2a8La*e i)s&ea"3 The Ar*9s Lea"er sa7s &he 4/#e is &he -a&es& i) a series /. w/rL ./r8e re"98&i/)s a& Pre4ier Keith Jewitt, 88 Ba)L8ar"5 whi8h has 8e)&ers i) S2ear.ish5 Si/9S Fa--s5 MaL/&a M9)es5 H9r/) a)" Wa&er&/w)3 Se#era- h9)"re" j/Qs ha#e Qee) 89& &his 7ear5 4/s&-7 &hr/9*h a&&ri&i/)3 Bea8/4 sai" &ha& a.&er &he -a&es& re"98&i/)5 &he 8/42a)7 e42-/7s aQ/9& V5V== 2e/2-e5 "/w) .r/4 aQ/9& V5W== a& &he e)" /. -as& 7ear3 C/42a)7 /..i8ia-s Q-a4e .i)a)8ia- re*9-a&i/) 8ha)*es &ha& we)& i)&/ e..e8& ear-ier &his 7ear5 4aLi)* i& har"er &/ iss9e 8re"i& 8ar"s3 Obama implores minister to call off Quran burning WASHINcTON GAPI — Presi"e)& Bara8L OQa4a is eSh/r&i)* a F-/ri"a 4i)is&er &/ h-is&e) &/ &h/se Qe&&er a)*e-sh a)" 8a-- /.. his 2-a) &/ e)*a*e i) a i9ra)KQ9r)i)* 2r/&es& &his weeLK e)"3 OQa4a &/-" ABC^s hc//" M/r)i)* A4eri8ah i) a) i)&er#iew aire" Th9rs"a7 &ha& he h/2es &he Re#3 Terr7 J/)es /. F-/ri"a -is&e)s Pres. Barack &/ &he 2-eas /. 2e/2-e wh/ ha#e Obama asLe" hi4 &/ 8a-- /.. &he 2-a)3 The 2resi"e)& 8a--e" i& a hs&9)&3h hI. he^s -is&e)i)*5 I h/2e he 9)"ers&a)"s &ha& wha& he^s 2r/2/si)* &/ "/ is 8/42-e&e-7 8/)&rar7 &/ /9r #a-9es as A4eri8a)s5h OQa4a sai"3 _Tha& &his 8/9)&r7 has Qee) Q9i-& /) &he )/&i/) /. .ree"/4 a)" re-i*i/9s &/-era)8e3` hA)" as a #er7 2ra8&i8a- 4a&&er5 I j9s& wa)& hi4 &/ 9)"ers&a)" &ha& &his s&9)& &ha& he is &a-Li)* aQ/9& 29--i)* 8/9-" *rea&-7 e)"a)*er /9r 7/9)* 4e) a)" w/4e) wh/ are i) 9)i./r45h &he 2resi"e)& a""e"3 Sai" OQa4a< hL//L5 &his is a re8r9i&4e)& Q/)a)ea ./r A- iai"a3 See QURAN— Page 8 V.F.W. Post #5969 • 722-9914 10 Pine Street, Deadwood Saturday, Thursday, September 9, 2010 September 11 Annual Post Membership Banquet th 5 p.m. - Social Hour 6 p.m. - Dinner Dance To: THE MISFITS after the banquet MONDAY: 6:45 pm Bingo WEDNESDAY: 5-8 pm Hamburger Night Kei&h Jewi&&5 ZZ5 2asse" awa7 A9*3 VR5 V=[= i) &he \A La J/--a H/s2i&a- i) Ca-i./r)ia wi&h 8/4K 2-i8a&i/)s /. a 2r/-/)*e" s&r9**-e wi&h 8/)*es&i#e hear& .ai-9re3 I)9r)4e)& ser#i8es wi-- Qe a& [= a343 /) Fri"a75 Se2&3 [=5 V=[= a& B-a8L Hi--s Na&i/)a- Ce4e&er7 )ear S&9r*is3 A 8e-eQra&i/) /. -i.e wi-- ./--/w a& V 2343 a& &he Ma&hew^s O2era H/9se i) S2ear.ish3 I) -ie9 /. .-/wers5 &he Kei&h Jewi&& Me4/ria- S8h/-arshi2 F9)" has Qee) es&aQ-ishe" a& B-a8L Hi--s S&a&e U)i#ersi&73 Kei&h was Q/r) /) Me83 [;5 [;V[ &/ A-&a _A3T3` a)" \er)a GFr/s&I Jewi&& i) \i#ia)3 His .a4iK -7 -a&er 4/#e" &/ &he B-a8L Hi--s5 where he *ra"9a&e" .r/4 Ra2i" Ci&7 Hi*h S8h//-3 A.&er a&&e)"i)* &he S8h//- /. Mi)es5 he e)-is&e" i) &he U3S3 Ar47 Air C/r2s "9ri)* W/r-" War II3 F/--/wi)* &he war5 he a&&e)"e" B-a8L Hi--s S&a&e Tea8hers C/--e*e *ra"9a&i)* i) [;b;3 Whi-e a&&e)"i)* s8h//-5 he 4e& B/))ie cra8e dei4e&5 a)" &he7 were 4arrie" i) [;b;3 T/ &his 9)i/) &w/ s/)s were Q/r)5 Th/4as Lee /) Se2&3 [[5 [;R[ a)" S&e#e) Pa9- /) J9)e [R5 [;RR3 He 8/)&i)9e" his e"98a&i/) a)" re8ei#e" his 4as&ers /. e"98a&i/) i) [;RR .r/4 &he U)i#ersi&7 /. NeQrasLa a)" his "/8&/ra&e /. e"9K 8a&i/) i) [;W1 .r/4 &he U)i#ersi&7 /. W7/4i)*3 He was a 2r/.ess/r a& B-a8L Hi--s S&a&e U)i#ersi&7 .r/4 [;RR 9)&i- [;ZR whe) he re&ire"3 Whi-e a& BHSU5 he ser#e" /) 4a)7 8/44i&&ees a)" was &he Mea) /. A8a"e4i8 A..airs ./r a )94Qer /. 7ears3 Kei&h a)" his "e8ease" wi.e5 B/))ie5 2ar&i8iK 2a&e" wi&h &he LaL/&a O7a&e Wa8i2i Reser#a&i/) a& Pi)e Ri"*e a)" he-2e" es&aQ-ish a 8/--e*e &here3 Kei&h a)" B/))ie were 2reK se)&e" wi&h a) awar" /. re8/*)iK &i/) Q7 &he LaL/&a O7a&e Wa8i2i^s i) [;Zb3 He was a 4e4Qer /. &he Li/)s C-9Q a)" /&her 8i#i8 /r*a)iK ea&i/)s3 F/--/wi)* &he "ea&h /. B/))ie cra8e5 he 4arrie" Na/4i We""eri)5 a)" &he7 4a"e &heir h/4e i) Ca-i./r)ia3 S9r#i#/rs i)8-9"e his -/#i)* wi.e Na/4i /. Te4e89-a5 Ca-i.3f s/)s5 S&e#e) Jewi&& /. W//"i)#i--e5 Wash3f a)" Th/4as GMa#isI Jewi&& /. S2ear.ishf siS *ra)"8hi-"re) a)" &hree *rea&K *ra)"8hi-"re)3 He was 2re8e"e" i) "ea&h Q7 his .irs& wi.e5 B/))ie cra8ef 2are)&sf a)" &w/ sis&ers3 Kei&h wi-- a-wa7s Qe re4e4K Qere" -/#i)*-7 Q7 his wi.e5 Na/4i5 his a)" her 8hi-"re)5 *ra)"8hi-"re)5 *rea&K*ra)"8hi-K "re) a)" .rie)"s as a "i*)i.ie" a)" h94Q-e 4a) a)" Qes& .rie)"3 Th/9*h c/" has 7/9 i) his Lee2i)*5 we a-wa7s ha#e 7/9 i) /9r hear&s5 re4e4Qeri)* 7/9 /) &his "a7 a)" are 8/4./r&e" Q7 s/ 4a)7 4e4/ries3 We -/#e a)" 4iss 7/93 Arra)*e4e)&s are 9)"er &he 8are /. Fi"-erKIsQ9r* F9)eraCha2e-s a)" Cre4a&/r7 Ser#i8e /. S2ear.ish3 O)-i)e 8/)"/-e)8es 4a7 Qe wri&&e) a& www3.i"-erK isQ9r*.9)era-8ha2e-s38/43 Gov. Rounds requests flags at half staff today PIERRE — c/#3 MiLe R/9)"s asLs &ha& a-- .-a*s i) &he s&a&e Qe .-/w) a& ha-. s&a.. /) .r/4 Z a343 9)&i- s9)se&5 &/"a7 i) h/)/r /. U3S3 Ar47 Ca2&3 Ma-e c/e&e3 c/e&e5 /. &he b&h I).a)&r7 Mi#isi/) a& F/r& Cars/)5 C/-/35 was /)e /. .i#e s/-"iers Li--e" A9*3 1= Q7 a) i42r/#ise" eS2-/K si#e "e#i8e i) A.*ha)is&a)3 c/e&e5 wh/se wi"/w a)" &hree 7/9)* 8hi-"re) -i#e i) C/-/ra"/ S2ri)*s5 C/-/35 was 2as&/r /. &he Firs& Ba2&is& Ch9r8h i) Whi&e .r/4 V===KV==13 He is &he .irs& Ar47 8ha2-ai) Li--e" i) a8&i/) si)8e [;g=5 "9ri)* &he \ie&)a4 War3 A .9)era- ser#i8e5 wi&h .9-- 4i-iK &ar7 h/)/rs5 ./r Ca2&3 c/e&e5 b15 wi-- Qe he-" a& [= a343 Th9rs"a75 Se2&3 ;5 i) Pr9ss4a) Cha2e- a& F/r& Cars/) i) C/-/ra"/ S2ri)*sf Q9ria- wi&h .9-- 4i-i&ar7 h/)/rs wi-- Qe a& V<1= 2343 Th9rs"a7 a& F/r& L/*a) Na&i/)a- Ce4e&er7 i) Me)#er3 !"#$%&'(')*+ Men’s Monday Night Madness • 5-7pm SPECIALS MVP SPECIAL: $25 Includes: Hair Cut, Hot Towel, & Shoulder Massage NAIL SPECIAL: New Set starting at 3750 $ Walk-Ins Welcome! Call & Make an Appointment Today! NEW Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 8am-1pm Evenings by appointment. 118 E. Hudson, Spearfish, SD • 642-2670 A"#er&isi)* "ea"-i)e ./r &he Black Hills Pioneer is 1 23435 &w/ "a7s 2ri/r &/ &he "a7 i) whi8h 7/9 wish 7/9r a"#er&ise4e)& &/ a22ear3 We 8a) a-s/ a88e2& a"#er&isi)* 9)&i;<== a343 /) M/)"a7s ./r /9r T9es"a7 e"i&i/)3 BLACK HILLS PIONEER STATE NEWS Thursday, September 9, 2010 Page 5 Gospel hip hop artist to play Spearfish BY HEATHER ()R*+HEL B"#$%&H("")&*(+,--. an interview with the "ioneer that his perN for>anBes are hi?h ener?y an: his >usiB is Uo:Ninspire:E <#veryone is ?oin? to have a rea,,y ?oo: ti>e an: ' a,ways intertwine a >esN sa?e into >y perfor>anBes@A sai: KrE De,E (e a::e: that sinBe he asHe: Vesus into his heart WX years a?o@ his ,ife has un:erN ?one an <inspirationa, transfor>ationEA <' :i:n5t have Uo: in >y ,ife an: now that Vesus is in it@ ' have fu,fi,,>ent@A he sai:E <' Hnow what it5s ,iHe to ?o throu?h that Bhan?e an: ' want to share it with the peop,e in >y ?eneration TE >y purpose is to >inister his na>eEA Ma>ar?o sai: that is the >ain reason he :eBi:e: to aBBept KrE De,5s offer to p,ay a BonBert in !pearfishE <Ye want to >aHe Vesus fa>ous in the G,aBH (i,,s@A Ma>ar?o sai:E <Zur Hi:s rea,,y :o ,isten to this >usiB an: the faBt that there is proof of a Bhan?e: ,ife in his >usiB is what rea,,y >attersEA 2hou?h the BonBert is free@ Ma>ar?o a::e: that there is ?oin? to Fe an opportuN nity for free wi,, :onations that wi,, ?o :ireBt,y to Ma,vary MhurBhE !"#$%&'!( * (o,y hip hop1 2hat5s what the atten:ees of <&ree:o> !in?s@A a BonBert sBhe:u,e: for D pE>E on the footFa,, fie,: at G,aBH (i,,s !tate Iniversity@ are ?oin? to say after they watBh the perfor>anBe Fy ?ospe, hip hop artist KrE De,E Ke>Fers of the Ma,vary MhurBh BonN ?re?ation in !pearfish or?aniOe: the BonN Bert in or:er to ?ive area youth an opporN tunity to ?ather to?etherE 't free@ open to the puF,iB an: appropriate for fa>i,ies an: Hi:s of a,, a?esE $n?ie $,FoniBo@ a >e>Fer of the Ma,vary MhurBh@ sai: KrE De, is Foth an inspirationa, >usiBian@ a pro:uBer an: a >inisterE !he sai: that he has Puite the story an: after ta,Hin? with hi>@ she Hnew he wou,: Fe a perfeBt Ban:i:ate for a BonN Bert in !pearfish ?eare: towar: MhristiansE $,FoniBo sai: KrE De, is for>er,y a >e>Fer of the har:Bore rap ?roup 2hree Q Kafia@ Fut for the ,ast :eBa:e@ he5s estaFN ,ishe: hi>se,f as a ?ospe, hip hop artist an: a >inisterE <(e5s rea,,y ?oo: an: we Rust wante: to Fe aF,e to :o so>ethin? for the Bo>>unity to Frin? !© gain everyone to?ether@A she A It sai:E <(is >essa?e is Did very powerfu, an: we are Bertain,y hopin? for Sue Cramer, a ?oo: turnoutEA Owner/Managing Broker ABR, CRS, GRI (er pastor eBhoe: her (c) 605-645-2391 • (o) 605-642-2525 [email protected] senti>entsE www.SueCramer.com <2o have a Mhristian rapper who ?ave his ,ife to the Sor: in !pearfish is Puite the opportunity for the Hi:s in this area@A sai: 2ony Ma>ar?o@ pasN tor of Ma,vary Mhape,E <$fter a ,ot of ref,eBtion@ 517 ASPEN DRIVE ' rea,iOe: that Rust ,iHe Great 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home. Spacious bedrooms, all we as youth re,ate: to with walk-in closets. Patio doors to 22x10 patio. Nice famroBH an: ro,, T our Hi:s ily room in the lower level. Egress windows in basement level, and room for 2 more future bedrooms. Private master to:ay re,ate to rap bath. Sprinkler system and curb edging. Nice large lot. >usiBEA Spearfish • $234,900 • MLS 32824 Kr De,@ ori?ina,,y of Ke>phis@ 2ennE@ sai: in Pictured above is Mr. Del of Memphis, Tenn. He is a gospel hip hop artist that is schedule to play a free concert at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 11 on the football field at Black Hills State University. Courtesy photo NEW LISTINGS GREAT STARTER HOME 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath home with many upgrades: new flooring, trim, doors. Storage room added above the garage. Private patio in fenced yard. Near Elementary School. HOA of $110 per month includes snow removal, lawn care and exterior insurance. Agent is related to seller. Belle Fourche • $82,000 • MLS 33108 Please Drive Carefully. Our Kids Are Depending On You. *,100 Miles 2988 $ Sale /00< 2hev'o4et D+pa4a Was $1'50 Was $1'50 Sale 5945 $ Sale 6590 /00H DoE@e >t'atus >GB 3-6 Was $11,'00 Was $2'50 Sale 5929 $ NKOP AQR SDAK>T /00L Mo'E Mo.us >K /00L DoE@e 2a4i?e' >GB Was $11,'00 Was $11,'00 Sale 9470 $ 1995 $ $ /005 DoE@e >t'atus >GB Sale Sale 9650 $ 9620 $ /000 2hev'o4et I500 A> <J< /00/ Boyota >ienna GAK Was $1'50 Was $10,'00 Sale A gentle reminder... Before you can say, “red light, green light, one...two...three”, a child can dart out of nowhere, and get hurt. Please be prepared to stop and exercise extra caution when driving near playgrounds and schools. Was $&'50 /00< 2h'ys4e' >e?'in@ ABD g S /005 6awasa7i 8in:a /50 Sale in end P ale /001 2hev'o4et 2ava4ie' 7590 $ Sale 7988 $ www"spea'(ish+oto's".o+ 114 ACRES WITH WILDLIFE POND Excellent opportunity to own these 114 acres with 2 Butte/Meade water taps available. Beautiful building site, no covenants. 5 acre wildlife pond on this property. Wildlife agreement with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on file. Newell • $98,500 • MLS 32975 & 77 642-7000 800-657-8053 !"O TRA(E SALE ,RICES/ TRA(E-I"S A,,RAISE( AT ACT1AL MARKET VAL1E/5 Opinion Page 6 Thursday, September 9, 2010 [email protected] Speaking of Schools Back to school to -a>e t-i2 >er% >i2iD/e 2u<<ort from our Du2ine22 :ommunit%+ and from 2o man% <arent2 and ot-er :ommunit% memDer2 *-o are in>o/>ed in <ro>iding t-e De2t *e -a>e to offer for our 2tudent2@ =-an( %ou for t-e ongoing and :riti:a/ 2u<<ort of our 2tudent2 and 2taff@ 1out- !a(ota :-anged it2 /a* for funding 2:-oo/2 /a2t %ear to in:/ude immediate <a%ment of 2tate aid for 2:-oo/2 *-o2e !e#$a&t& of +tudent enro//ment in:rea2e2@ Ror t-e /$ti1itie&2 Eou mig-t -a>e fir2t time in man% %ear2 t-at noti:ed 2ome ad>erti2ement2 :-ange in t-e /a* ma% Denefit for 1<earfi2- Aig- 1:-oo/ Dave our di2tri:t@ ;t t-e time t-i2 a:ti>itie2 t-at are no* a>ai/aD/e :o/umn i2 Deing *ritten T1e<t@ a2 <od:a2t2 or *eD:a2t2 onF/ine@ Peters 5U+ *e are aDout 5Q 2tudent2 =-e G/a:( Ai//2 Pioneer i2 aDo>e our anti:i<ated enro//F re2<on2iD/e for <ro>iding t-at ment@ Ne -a>e a re/ati>e/% /arge (inderF 2er>i:e to :ommunit% memDer2+ a/ong garten :/a22 for t-e 2e:ond %ear in a ro*+ *it- :oo<eration of 2imi/ar effort2 from and a//Faround gro*t- in mo2t of t-e ot-er 2:-oo/2 a:ro22 t-e 2tate *-en t-e 2:-oo/2@ H De/ie>e t-e effort2 of 2o man% 1<artan2 are on t-e road@ HtI2 a great *a% :ommunit%Fminded :itiVen2 to <ro>ide to (ee< u< *it- our 2tudent at-/ete2 from affordaD/e -ou2ing for /o:a/ *or(er2 -a2 t-e :omfort of %our :om<uter 2:reen@ Hf -ad a dire:t im<a:t on a//o*ing our %oung %ou -a>e Jue2tion2 aDout t-i2 2er>i:e+ fami/ie2 *it- :-i/dren to remain in t-e </ea2e :onta:t t-e G/a:( Ai//2 Pioneer at :ommunit% *-ere t-e% *or(+ and t-at it K4LFLMK1@ -a2 re2u/ted in at /ea2t 2ome of t-e gro*tin enro//ment@ ;t t-i2 <oint in time *eI>e 3a$4 to +$5oo62 NeI>e -ad anot-er re2<onded to in:rea2ed numDer2 D% adding <o2iti>e 2tart to our 2:-oo/ %ear+ *it- a anot-er 2e:tion of (indergarten+ *-i/e good dea/ of :ommunit% 2u<<ort and *-at maintaining 2taff numDer2 a2 i2 in ot-er /oo(2 /i(e more 2tudent2 t-an *e anti:iF area2@ Nit- ea:- 2tudent generating <ated@ W4+XQQ in 2tate aid t-i2 %ear+ 4Q additiona/ Communit% 2u<<ort for our effort2 2tudent2 re2u/t2 in near/% W1YQ+QQQ in :ame in t-e form of an o<ening da% <i:F additiona/ re>enue in our genera/ o<eratF ni:@ Pun:- *a2 <ro>ided D% >endor2 from ing Dudget@ =-e offi:ia/ :ount of enro//ed t-e 1<earfi2- :ommunit%+ *it- LQ miniF 2tudent2 u2ed to generate funding ta(e2 grant2 for /u:(% 2taff memDer2 from t-e </a:e on t-e /a2t Rrida% in 1e<temDer+ 2o 1<earfi2- Roundation for PuD/i: time *i// te// *-at our enro//ment i2 on Sdu:ation+ and *it- a mu/titude of gift t-at date+ and *-at t-at finan:ia/ im<a:t :ertifi:ate2 for 2taff memDer2 from mig-t De@ 1<earfi2- Du2ine22e2@ Ht i2 >er% gratif%ing !id %ou (no*+ t-at a// of 1out- !a(ota -a2 3u2t 45 2enior2 *-o too( t-e Pre/iminar% 1:-o/a2ti: ;<titude =e2t /a2t %ear a2 3unior2 and *-o -a>e 2:ored in t-e to< 1 <er:ent nationa//%@ =*o of t-o2e 45 2enior2 attend 1<earfi2- Aig1:-oo/@ =-e name2 of t-o2e eC:e<tiona/ 2tudent2 *i// De a>ai/aD/e /ater t-i2 mont-@ DOONESBURY BY GARY TRUDEAU PUBLISHER, Letitia Lister MANAGING EDITOR, Mark Watson AD MANAGER, Dru Thomas 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD 57783 7 South Main, Lead, SD 57754 Phone 605-642-2761 • Fax 605-642-9060 Email: [email protected] PRODUCTION MANAGER, Scott Lister CIRCULATION DIRECTOR, Charity Runnells ACCOUNTING, Ardith Richards Ht i2 a/*a%2 2ur<ri2ing to <eo</e -o* moDi/e our 2tudent <o<u/ation i2 an%more@ =-e /a2t time *e made a :on:erted effort to determine t-e <er:ent of 2tudent2 *-o entered our di2tri:t for t-e fir2t time or mo>ed out from one %ear to t-e neCt+ t-at numDer *a2 LY <er:ent@ Zne out of four 2tudent2 i2 on t-e mo>e in or out of our 2:-oo/2 in an% gi>en %ear@ =-at (ind of moDi/it% i2 2ometime2 diffi:u/t to re2<ond to@ ;// of t-o2e ne* 2tudent2 mu2t De e>a/uated to determine t-eir /e>e/ of (no*/edge Da2ed on our 2tate 2tandard2 and /o:a/ norm2+ and ad3u2tment2 made to t-eir edu:ationa/ <rogram to ma(e 2ure t-e% :an De 2u::e22fu/@ [nfortunate/%+ t-e e:onom% -a2 made mo>e2 more of a ne:e22it% for 2ome famF i/ie2+ *it- e>er% mo>e a diffi:u/t tran2iF tion for t-o2e :-i/dren@ ;2 an eCam</e+ -ig- 2:-oo/ <rin:i<a/ 1te>e \orford re<ort2 t-at t-ere are 4] ne* 2tudent2 at MALLARD FILLMORE t-e -ig- 2:-oo/ at /a2t :ount+ and L] 2tuF dent2 *-o -a>e mo>ed a*a%@ =-atI2 aDout a 1L <er:ent 2-ift a/read%+ *itmore mo>ement to :ome t-roug-out t-e 2:-oo/ %ear@ Cree4&ide 96ementar;2 =-e :on2tru:F tion of our ne* Dui/ding to -ou2e 2tudent2 in grade2 t-ree t-roug- fi>e i2 on 2:-edu/e and /oo(ing good@ Ne -o<e %ou 2-are our ent-u2ia2m aDout t-e ne* 2:-oo/ and t-e ne* *e/:oming ^/oo(_ it Dring2 to t-e nort-ern edge of our :ommunit%@ Ne are eC:ited aDout t-e <ro2<e:t2 of o<ening a ne* :-a<ter in t-e edu:ationa/ -i2tor% -ere in 1<earfi2-+ and -o<e to find o<<ortunitie2 for intere2ted :ommunit% memDer2 to De in>o/>ed in a22i2ting u2 in our mo>e from Sa2t S/ementar% neCt 2ummer@ Ne anti:iF <ate needing t-at a22i2tan:e to ma(e t-e tran2ition a2 2moot- a2 <o22iD/e and -a>e t-e 2:-oo/ o<en and read% to u2e neCt fa//@ BY BRUCE TINSLEY • SPEARFISH, BELLE FOURCHE, WHITEWOOD NEWS: 315 Seaton Circle, PO Box 7, Spearfish, SD 57783 Toll Free 1-800-676-2761 or 605-642-2761 • Fax 605-642-9060 Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays • LEAD-DEADWOOD NEWS: 7 S. Main, PO Box 876, Lead, SD 57754 Phone 605-584-2303 • Fax 605-584-2333 • OFFICE HOURS: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays • SUBSCRIPTIONS: Call For Rates In Your Area • Mail Rates - Quarterly - $37.50 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE The Black Hills Pioneer is the official newspaper of Central City, City of Lead, Lead-Deadwood School District, City of Spearfish, Lawrence County, Spearfish School District, St. Onge, Whitewood, and the legal newspaper for publication of notices. COPYRIGHT, 2010, Black Hills Pioneer. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reprinted, photocopied, or in any way reproduced from this publication, in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher. BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, September 9, 2010 LEADERS C"#$%#&'()*+",)-./')0 !"#"$%& ()*+,&,*(, -"./ %* ,#0/%!"! )* ,*,&1 23 "* 4)$)&%5) %*5 $%.,& ./%. #)*./ !/, %..,*5,5 % P)&.!1.)1P$%"*! ()*+,&,*(, "* 7%!/"*2.)* 8.4. %! % &,0&,!,*.%.":, )+ ./, B$%(< H"$$! 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BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Hearing Aid Batteries Expires 9/30/10 10% 20% 25% OFF OFF OFF Appliances Furniture & Mattresses Expires 9/30/10 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 6am - 3pm Sat. 7am - 1:30pm 605-722-4670 32 Baltimore St., Lead (formerly Gradirau’s Haus of Kaffee) Expires 12/31/10 5 $ 00 our Chef’s Feature ordfish’ ‘Citrus Pesto Sw Fri. & Sat. only or Expires 9/30/10 New items arriving weekly! 10% OFF with coupon Expires 10/30/10 Monday-Friday 9-5, Saturday 9-4 613 State St., Belle Fourche • 605-892-2030 & Living Map Theater OFF or Expires 9/30/10 Lamps $2 OFF a 5 Course Meal $1 OFF off the Express Menu Junction of 14A & Main St., Lead, SD 605-722-1901 Tues.-Sat. 11:30-8:30pm See our website at www.blackhillsroundhouse.com or visit us on Facebook! ~ Coupon expires October 31, 2010 ~ INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE 25% OFF with this coupon Specially marked items throughout the store! International Flags Ends 9/30/10 Must preesnt coupon for sale price. Purchase a flag from your Ethnic Country and fly them with pride for the Flavor of Lead Ethnic Festival. 605-717-0296 106 Glendale Dr., Ste. C, Lead In the BH Ft. Pierre Railroad Roundhouse 2222 JUNCTION AVENUE STURGIS, SD • 347-4031 Open: Mon.-Fri 8-6 Sat. 8-5 • Sunday 12-4 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 8 ! n i a g Thursday, September 9, 2010 QURAN Continued *rom Page 4 © A t I id D Call Cramer at 645-2391 CallSue Jason Richards at 605-381-1087 1830 N Main St., Spearfish, S.D 57783 Expendables (R) Mon - Fri 7:00 & 9:00 Sat and Sun 1:45, 4:30, 7:00 & 9:00 Eat Pray Love (PG13) Mon – Fri 6:30 & 9:00 Sat and Sun 1:00, 3:30, 6:30 & 9:00 Nanny McPhee Returns (PG) Mon - Fri 7:00 & 9:00 Sat and Sun 2:00, 4:00, 7:00 & 9:00 Going the Distance (R) Mon – Fri 6:45 & 8:45 Sat and Sun 2:00, 4:15, 6:45 & 8:45 The Last Exorcism (PG13) Mon – Fri 6:30 & 8:30 Sat and Sun 1:15, 4:00, 6:30 & 8:30 Vampires Sucks (PG13) Mon – Fri 6:45 & 8:45 Ends Thursday Starts Friday Sept. 10 Takers (PG13 MOVIES MA0E GREAT GIFTS555 Rev. Terry Jones tells members of the media he plans to go forward with plans to burn Qurans at the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla. on Wednesday. Church members there plan to burn copies of the Quran on Sept. 11. AP photo You could have serious violence in places like Pakistan and Afghanistan.O The president also said JonesQ plan, if carried out, could serve as an incentive for terrorist-minded individuals Oto blow themselves upO to kill others. OI hope he listens to those better angels and understands that this is a destructive act that heQs engaging in,O the president said of Jones. Obama has gotten caught up in the burgeoning controversy surrounding the practice of Islam in America, say- ing at one point that he believed that Muslims had a right to build a mosque near the site of the Sept. 11 terror attacks in New York City. Earlier, several members of his adminstration, including Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, had denounced the Xuran-burning plan. Also, Army Gen. David Petraeus, the ground commander in Afghanistan, has said the act of burning the Xuran could endanger troops fighting there. On Wedneday, the State Department Belle Fourche news sponsored by the following community minded businesses... Gift Card< Available at the BoD Office BF Area Community Center BO# OFFICE HOURS MON-FRI 6:00 SAT-SUN 16:30 CALL $42-4212 Bunney’s Body & Collision OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE South Side Conoco WWW.NHCINEMA.COM has ordered U.S. embassies around the world to assess their security ahead of the planned weekend demonstration in Florida. Officials said U.S. diplomatic posts have been instructed to convene Oemergency action committeesO to determine the potential for protests over the congregationQs plans to burn the Xuran to commemorate the Sept. 11, 6001, terrorist attacks. The posts are to warn American citizens in countries where protests may occur. Grandview Lockers Do you have a news tip or a story of interest? Call Mark at 642-2761 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, September 9, 2010 BUDGET Continued from Page 3 vice was buoyed $1,700 after commissioners transferred that amount to the department, which offers free agricultural education. The extension service was given a $4,400 cut this year, or about 6 percent of their $73,581 budget. Administrative Secretary Alyce Bertch said that no employees are losing their jobs. She hoped that the department will continue offering the same quality of services. \It might affect the amount of free educational services and the kinds of services that weXre going to be able to do,^ Bertch said. The Northern Hills Training Center, of Spearfish, was also forced to cut its budget. The Center, which received a stipend of $5,000 from the county in 2010, will settle for $2,500 in 2011. Fred Romkema, executive director of the Northern Hills Training Center, said the money will affect the transportation budget. For the last 30 years they have been providing services and supports to people with developmental disabilities. \It may mean that we donXt acquire a new vehicle as soon as we otherwise would, or perhaps people wouldnXt go to an event that we nor- Page 9 GUARDS Continued from Page 1 mally would,^ Romkema said. Mary Wood Fossen, director of Northern Hills Alcohol and Drug Services, said the agencyXs $2,000 cut would not affect services. She said they would have to make up the state-matching funds from another source, however. Lawrence County Chief Deputy Joe Harmon said the sheriffXs department has received $17,000 less than the requested amount, but that cuts will be absorbed without impacting services. \ItXs just a matter of prioritizing and working through it,^ Harmon said. transport, assemble, disassemble, retrieve and maintain all standard U.S. Army bridging systems. They will be performing security missions along with bridging operations. The 200th is located in three communities along the Missouri Riverd the headquarters element located in Pierre, Detachment 1 in Chamberlain and Detachment 2 in Mobridge. The 451st Engineer Detachment (Firefighting Team) is a new unit to the South Dakota Guard. However, its parent unit, the 216th Engineer Detachment (Firefighting Team) deployed to Iraq from November 2003 and returned home in January 2005. The detachment, based in Sturgis, has seven members and provides firefighting service and support in a theatre of operations including fire protection of aviation and major facilities. NOTES Continued from Page 3 McDonald Dental Clinic served approximately 50 area youth during its visit to Belle Fourche. Sponsored in part by area businesses, the free dental clinic was parked outside of St. James Episcopal Church from Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, and while present, volunteers conducted a grand total of $20,000 worth of work. In its fifth year, organizers say that to date the clinic has served at least 350 different youth in need of dental work and provided upwards of $160,000 in donated time and resources to the Belle Fourche community. ! Heather Murschel Thoen Stone land survey approved SPEARFISH P The Spearfish City Council voted to accept a $3,400 proposal from NJS Engineering to survey the Thoen Stone Monument lot, access road and city-owned lot on which a historic stone well house sits. The survey will also be used to create an easement between the monument and well house lots. ! Kai0a Swisher www.bhpioneer.com Spearfish vs. RC Central Friday, September 10th @ 7:00pm Tri-State Museum celebrates 55 years BELLE FOURCHE P ItXs a birthday party! The Tri-State Museum in Belle Fourche has organized a celebration to recognize the facilityXs 55th anniversary. The public is invited to attend the event slated for 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 23 at the museum. There will be cake, refreshments and plenty of conversation. Gordy Pratt of Deadwood has been invited as the eveningXs special guest. He will perform \Seth Bullock: The Sprit of the West,^ at 7:15 p.m. For more information on the event, please call museum director Rochelle Silva at 723-1200. ! Heather Murschel Wind energy ordinance SPEARFISH P The Spearfish City Council directed City Planner Jayna Watson to draft the first phase of a wind energy ordinance to allow wind energy generators, by use permit, in the Spearfish Industrial Park only. The ordinance will come before the council committees on Sept. 28. ! Kai0a Swisher BFACC pool closure BELLE FOURCHE P The Belle Fourche Area Community Center pool area will be closed for almost two weeks starting Sept. 14. City officials recently announced the closure, saying itXs necessary for crews to conduct their annual maintenance work. The pool will re-open on Saturday, Sept. 25. ! Heather Murschel First Comprehensive Plan public input meeting tonight SPEARFISH P The first public input meeting for SpearfishXs Comprehensive Plan is tonight at 6 p.m. at Countryside Community Church, 625 Woodland Dr. The city will have representatives present to hear from residents about issues concerning the current and future plans for the city, and to find out more information or RSVP, call Spearfish City Planner Jayna Watson at 642-1335. ! Kai0a Swisher (Live from Spearfish) Date Home Games Play-by-Play provided by Sept. 17 Oct. 1 Oct. 8 Spearfish vs. SF Roosevelt - 7:00 pm Spearfish vs. Huron (homecoming) 6:00 pm Spearfish vs. SF Washington - 7:00 pm KDSJ 980 AM Eagle Country 95.9 FM Eagle Country 95.9 FM Aug. 28 Sept. 3 Sept. 24 Oct. 15 Oct. 21 RC RC RC RC RC KOTA 1380 AM KOTA 1380 AM KOTA 1380 AM Central Central Central Central Central vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. Yankton Sturgis SF Washington (homecoming) SF Roosevelt RC Stevens It’s Easy to Watch: KOTA 1380 AM - go to bhpioneer.com - click on Live Football Action button - or click on Sports Video in the menu - find your game under Live Events - click PLAY - and it’s FREE 315 Seaton Circle • Spearfish • 605-642-2761 Sponsored in part by: Rapid City • Spearfish Buffalo • Belle Fourche Rapid City • Deadwood • Spearfish Sturgis • Box Elder Farm & Ranch Page 10 Thursday, September 9, 2010 [email protected] Piedmont man is Illinois State Fair sheep-shearing champion S"#$%&'$ELD, $--. /0"1 2 3he $--inois S:a:e 'air Sheep Shearin> ?on:es:@s chaBpion is froB SoD:h DaEo:a. 'air officia-s saF GHIFearIo-d Loren Kps:edah- of "iedBon:, won :his Fear@s coBpe:i:ion. Kps:edah- was a :op MDa-ifier a: :his Fear@s NOPO Qor-d ?haBpionship. Re was :he sheep shearin> na:iona- chaBpion in NOOS and NOPO. 3his is :he :hird :iBe Kps:edah- has Teen $--inois S:a:e 'air@s chaBpion. Re@s Teen shearin> sheep for NP Fears. 3he Ues: $--inois Shearer was ViB DaWis of Kde--. VDd>es :aEe speed, f-eece condi:ion and sheep hand-in> and appearance in:o considera:ion. 3he winner has :he Bos: poin:s and receiWes a riTTon, p-a::er and checE. Bobcat™ 250 • 23 HP Kohler Engine • Hour meter function and oil change interval • Quietest engine drive in it’s class • 11,000 - 12,000 with EFI watts of Accu-Rated™ - Not inflated generator power • Smooth power, not spike power • 12 gallon tank This high weld output engine drive is the standard for Stick and Flux Cored welding! • ETQ 420cc 14HP OHV Engine with low oil shut off protection • Keyless push button electric start • ETQ’s Sine Power™ • Auto throttle control • Hour meter TG72K12 ETQ Portable Generator - 7250 Watt • 6.42 gallon fuel capacity WE ALSO CARRY A LARGE VARIETY OF WELDING ACCESSORIES! WE ARE ALSO STOCKING GAS BOTTLES •Linweld Dealer • Millermatic Welders • Hypertherm Plasma Cutters • Smith Torch Outfits • Full line of Miller Welding Helmets • C25 • Acetylene • Oxygen • Argon Hwy 212 & 85 N. Belle Fourche (605)892-2588 I-90 E. Exit 61 Rapid City (605)343-3802 Western South Dakota yields 'excellent' corn and bean crops UELLE 'KX#?RE 2 Qi:h :he exce--en: >rowin> condi:ions we haWe had in Qes:ern SoD:h DaEo:a :his sDBBer, $@B sDre :here wi-- Te soBe exce--en: Fie-ds on corn and Tean crops. Rere are a few siBp-e ca-cD-aI :ions :o he-p es:iBa:e Fie-ds in FoDr fie-ds. 3here are a nDBTer of Be:hods for es:iI Ba:in> corn and soFTean Fie-ds and :heir accDracF depends on how BDch :roDT-e FoD wan: :o >o :o when coBin> Dp wi:h :he i:eBs Dsed in de:erBinin> :he es:iBa:e. 3he Bore si:es se-ec:ed and :he Te::er :he repreI sen:a:ion of :he fie-d, :he Bore accDra:e :he es:iBa:e. 'or corn, a Fie-d es:iBa:e can Te de:erBined anF:iBe af:er :he Bi-E s:a>e a-:hoD>h ac:Da- Fie-d can Te affec:ed TF sDch fac:ors as droD>h: :ha: iBpac: Eerne- siZe. UF :he den: s:a>e, Fie-d es:iBa:es shoD-d Te fair-F accDra:e for corn. SoFTean Fie-d es:iI Ba:es can Te Bade froB #S or fD-- seed s:a>e onward TD: a>ain -a:eIseason s:resses can si>nifican:-F chan>e :he accDracF of :he es:iBa:e. 'or corn, choose a BiniBDB of PO si:es froB a fie-d and choose soBe >ood areas, Tad areas, and aWera>e areas :rFin> :o oT:ain as represen:a:iWe a saBp-e of :he fie-d as FoD can. 0: each si:e BeasDre a -en>:h of row Tased on :he row spacin> /for GOIinch rows Dse P[ fee: fiWe inches of row, for GSIinch rows Dse P\ fee: six inches of row, for NOI inch rows Dse NS fee: P.S inches of row1. Qi:hin :his -en>:h of row coDn: :he nDBTer of harWes:aT-e ears and se-ec: one aWera>e siZed ear. Kn :his ear coDn: :he nDBTer of Eerne- rows /:Fpica--F PN :o PH1 a: :he BidI poin: of :he ear and :he nDBTer of Eerne-s per row /:Fpica--F GO :o ]O1. %ow BD-:ip-F as fo--ows^ /nDBTer of EerI ne-s_row1 :iBes /nDBTer of rows per ear1 :iBes /nDBTer of ears per row -en>:h chosen Tased on row spacin>1 :iBes /O.OPPPS1 eMDa-s :he “Es:iBa:ed Yie-d” in TDshe-s per acre adcDs:ed :o P].] percen: Bois:Dre. 'or exaBp-e on GO inch rows, FoD se-ec: si:es of P[ fee: fiWe inches of row and find :ha: :here are on aWera>e NG.N ears per si:e and :ha: :hese ears aWera>e PN rows wi:h GN Eerne-s per row /haWin> i>nored :he :inF EerI ne-s a: :he WerF :ips of :he ear cDs: :o Te conI serWa:iWe1. 3he Fie-d es:iBa:e FoD haWe coBe Dp wi:h is /GN :iBes PN :iBes NG.N :iBes O.OPPPS1 or dd.\ TD_0. 'or soFTeans, :he procedDre is roD>h-F siBi-ar a-:hoD>h :here of:en is Bore f-ex /WariaTi-i:F1 in soBe of :he assDBed coBpoI nen:s sDch as seed siZe /seeds per poDnd1 and seeds per pod since :hese can Te si>nifiI can:-F iBpac:ed TF enWironBen:a- and o:her fac:ors as :he p-an:s Ba:Dre. 'irs:, BeasDre :he -en>:h of row :o Te oTserWed in a: -eas: :en -oca:ions in :he fie-d Tased on :he 3aT-e P. ?oDn: :he nDBTer of harWes:aT-e p-an:s in :he correc: -en>:h of row in :he :en -oca:ions and oT:ain :he aWerI a>e nDBTer of p-an:s per row -en>:h. eD-:ip-F :his nDBTer TF P,OOO :o oT:ain :he nDBTer of p-an:s per acre. ?hoose :wo or Bore represen:a:iWe p-an:s froB :hese -ocaI :ions and coDn: :he nDBTer of pods per p-an:, diWide TF :he nDBTer of p-an:s, and oT:ain :he aWera>e nDBTer of pods per p-an:. %ex:, BD-:ip-F :he nDBTers oT:ained as fo--ows^ /aWera>e nDBTer pods_p-an:1 :iBes /nDBTer of p-an:s per acre1 :iBes /N.] seeds_pod1 diWided TF G,OOO /seeds_poDnd1 diWided TF SO /-T_TD1 eMDa-s TDshe-s per acre. 'or exaBp-e on P]Iinch row spacin>, FoD coDn:ed an aWera>e of P\] p-an:s in G\ fee: PO.N inches of row /:iBes P,OOO eMDa-s P\],OOO p-an:s per acre1 and an aWera>e of N] pods per p-an:. YoDr es:iBa:ed Fie-d woD-d Te^ /N] pods_p-an:1 :iBes /P\],OOO p-an:s per acre1 :iBes N.] seeds_pod1 diWided TF /G,OOO seeds_poDnd1 diWided TF /SO poDnds_TDshe-1 eMDa-s ]O.G TDshe-s per acre is :he “Es:iBa:ed Yie-d.” "-ease no:e :ha: for :he soFTean Fie-d es:iI Ba:e, we are Dsin> an aWera>e seed siZe and an aWera>e seed nDBTer per pod. YoD can iBproWe :his es:iBa:e possiT-F TF coDn:in> :he nDBTer of seeds per pod on :he se-ec:ed p-an:s and diWidin> TF :he nDBTer of pods on :he p-an:s :o oT:ain a Te::er es:iBa:e of seeds per pod. Seed siZe is soBe:hin> no: coBp-e:e-F de:erBined Dn:i- c-ose :o phFsioI -o>ica- Ba:Dri:F or Te:ween :he #[ and #H >row:h s:a>es TD: if >rowin> condi:ions haWe Teen exce--en: /irri>a:ed Teans for exaBp-e1 FoD Bi>h: -ower :he seeds_poDnd nDBTer :o N,\OO or if :he crop has Teen incDred TF droD>h: and :he seed siZe is -iEe-F :o Te WerF sBa-- FoD can increase :his nDBTer :o G,SOO :o \,OOO :o accoDn: for :hese fac:ors. 'or Bore inforBa:ion con:ac: 3V Swan a: :he UD::e ?oDn:F Ex:ension Kffice a: HdNI GG[P. Drown Out The Noise Catch the latest wave of news in the Hills at: www.bhpioneer.com BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, September 9, 2010 Page 11 THURSDAY’S TV KOTA :PM 4:30 :PM 5:30 :PM 6:30 :PM 7:30 :PM 8:30 :PM 9:30 :PM 10:30 :PM 11:30 AM 12::30 AM 1::30 AM 2::30 AM 3::30 AM 4::30 AM 5::30 AM 6::30 AM 7::30 AM 8::30 AM 9::30 AM 10::30 AM 11::30 :PM 12:30 :PM 1:30 :PM 2:30 :PM 3:30 Dr. Oz Show ABC News Wheel J’pardy! Wipeout ’’ Rookie Blue ’’ ’’ News N’tline Jimmy Kimmel Insider Storms ABC World News Now ’’ ’’ ’’ AgDay Morning News Good Morning America ’’ Regis & Kelly The View Dr. Phil ’’ Children News Inside General Hospital One Life to Live Oprah Winfrey PBS WGN-A KEVN KNBN KCLO DISC CyberBusiNewsHour On Call ’’ South Dakota Lark Rise Time/By BBC Charlie Rose Smiley Saddle Autism Autism In Key of G Autism Autism In Key of G GED WorkWonder Zula Curious Cat in Super DinoClifford Zoboo Caillou Word Sid Sesame Street Barney BerensLions KidstoMartha Arthur WordGElectric Fetch Becker Becker Home Videos WWE Stars Home Videos News at Nine Scrubs Scrubs WWE Stars Star Trek Bob & Tom Paid Paid South South Cosby Paid Paid J. Meyer Creflo CopeHome Videos 7th Heaven Matlock ’’ Heat of Night Heat of Night Midday News HillbilHillbilJeannie Jeannie BeBeCheers Cheers RayRayNews NFL Kickoff NFL Football: Vikings at Saints Smarter News Jay Leno Late Night Carson Poker After Jay Leno Overnight Radar ’’ Paid Early Early BusiNews News ’’ ’’ Today Dino ’’ Paid ’’ Home ’’ Videos ’’ Judge Mathis ’’ Judge ’’ ’’ Judge People Seinfeld Court Paid Paid Friends Paid Paid Days of Extra Million. Lives Paid Rachael Ray Paid Friends Ellen Show Seinfeld The Doctors Judge Judge The Six Two Bones ’’ Fringe ’’ News ’’ Two Office Scrubs Jim King Family Malcolm TMZ Sign-Off News News News Ent Big Brother CSI: Cri. Scene Mentalist News Letterman Late ’’ News Ent Access Up to the Minute ’’ ’’ News KELOLAND This Morning The Early Show ’’ Martha Stewart Price Is Right TBA Tennis: U.S. Open, Men’s Doubles Final and Women’s Semifinals Cash Cash MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters Overhaulin’ Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Robison J. Meyer Paid Biker ’’ Biker Build Biker ’’ Chopper Chopper Chopper Chopper Dirty Jobs Cash Cash DIS FAM Phineas Deck Deck Wizards Wizards Hannah Good Hannah Phineas Phineas Movie: ‘‘16 Wishes’’ Deck Phineas Phineas Deck Deck Hannah Hannah Wizards Wizards Suite Suite Phineas Phineas Little Little Jungle Jungle Mickey Mouse Mickey Mickey Mickey Mickey Mickey Mouse Oso Jungle Jungle ChugMickey Mickey Movers Movers Phineas Phineas Friday Night Movie: ‘‘Ice Age’’ ’’ Willy Wonka & Chocolate The 700 Club Whose? Whose? Paid NO Paid Paid The 700 Club Paid Paid Prince Life J. Meyer Change Boy Boy Sabrina Sabrina What 700 The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Still Still My Wife My Wife FullHse FullHse 70s ’70s 70s 70s Gilmore Girls NICK TOON LIFE FOOD A&E HIST TNT Project Runway ’’ Project Runway ’’ Project Runway ’’ Road Road Road Road Medium ’’ Medium ’’ Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid SexyBalancing Act Will Will Frasier Frasier Wife Swap Airline Airline Desp.Wives Grey’s Anat. Grey’s Anat. Mysteries Mysteries Wife Swap Monster Hunt. Modern Marvels Predict 9/11 9/11 State of Emergency Modern Marvels Predict 9/11 9/11 State of Emergency Modern Marvels Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid SaveHistory ManMachine Conspiracy The Templar Code ’’ Underworld Modern Marvels ManMachine Conspiracy The Templar Code ’’ Law & Order Bones ’’ Law & Order Bones ’’ Movie: ‘‘Men in Black’’ ’’ Dark Blue Dark Blue Rizzoli & Isles Cold Case NUMB3RS NUMB3RS Angel ’’ Angel ’’ Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Las Vegas Las Vegas The Closer Cold Case Law & Order Law & Order iCarly Big iCarly Sponge. My Wife My Wife Chris Chris Lopez Lopez Nanny Nanny Malcolm Malcolm Lopez Lopez My Wife My Wife Chris Chris Nanny Nanny Family Family Family Family Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. UmiDora... Dora... Dora... Diego Wonder UmiDora... Dora... Dora... Fresh Sponge. Sponge. Fanboy Penguin iCarly iCarly Sponge. Sponge. Johnny Scooby Total Johnny Total Flapjack AdvenTotal King King Family Family Chicken Aqua SquidAweKing King Family Family Chicken Aqua SquidHome Ben 10 Hero BakuTitans PokeWheels Scooby Johnny Johnny Garfield ChowChowCodenPartner Tom & Jerry Hero Ed, Edd Garfield Totally CodenCodenDog Dog Cooking Minute Challenge Jeff Corwin Iron Chef Cakes Family Good Unwrap Iron Chef Cakes Family Good Unwrap Jeff Corwin Rescue Cook Paid Bed NO Paid Bed Paid Paid Paid Paid Boitano Quick Cooking Ultimate Home Cooking Giada Minute ConLee Flay Big Bite Secrets Cooking Giada ConHome The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The The ManManThe First 48 The First 48 The The ManManPaid Paid Paid NO Paid Paid Jewels Jewels Jewels Jewels The Sopranos Justice ’’ Amer. Justice Justice: Duty... The First 48 Jewels Jewels The Sopranos Justice ’’ Amer. Justice SPIKE USA CSI: Cri. Scene Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland MANMANMANMANThe Shield Disorderly Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Bed Paid Celeb Married Married Texas Ranger Texas Ranger Texas Ranger CSI: NY ’’ CSI: Cri. Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Cri. Scene CSI NCIS ’’ NCIS ’’ Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order White Collar House ’’ House ’’ Movie: ‘‘Shadow Man’’ Law & Order Paid Paid Monk ’’ Monk ’’ Monk ’’ Monk ’’ Movie: ‘‘Gone but Not Forgotten’’ ’’ Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law & Order TVL TBS FSN Sanford Sanford Cosby Cosby Nanny Nanny RayRayRayRayRoRoRoRoGot the Look Cosby Cosby Home Home 3’s Co. 3’s Co. MASH MASH Paid Paid Paid Paid Boston Legal AllFamSanford Sanford & Son Gunsmoke Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith King King Seinfeld Seinfeld Movie: ‘‘Stomp the Yard’’ Family Family Lopez Tonight Earl Earl Sex/City Sex/City Lopez Tonight Movie: ‘‘Eight Legged Freaks’’ Married Married Married Married SavedSavedSavedSavedPrince Prince Prince Payne Home Home Home Jim Yes Yes RayRayPayne Jim RayFriends Friends Office FisherRed Air Racing Profiles Football Rockies StampeBellator Championships Football Final BensinFinal Air Racing Final Final Air Racing Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Final Final Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Rockies StampeHigh School Football ’’ ’’ ’’ Money Cup ESPN ESPN2 SPEED EWTN SportsCenter Live College Football ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ SportsCenter ’’ Live B’ball SportsCenter SportsCenter College Football ’’ ’’ SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Lines Football Live Burning Around Pardon Nation Pardon SportsCenter Tennis ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ MLS Soccer ’’ ’’ NASBasketball ’’ ’’ B’ball SportsCenter B’ball B’ball Mike and Mike in the Morning ’’ ’’ ’’ ESPN First Take ’’ NASCAR Racing: Sprint Cup, Practice ’’ NASNASCAR NASNAS- NASCAR Hub ’’ Pinks -All Out DangerDrives SuperSuperPinks -All Out DangerDrives SuperSuperHub ’’ Gearz Hot Rod Motor Garage Paid Paid Paid Paid Monster Jam Formula One Racing SuperTruck U Motor Paid Bed BarrettJackson BarrettJackson BarrettJackson Gearz Truck U Chop On Monster Jam FreeGallery Daily Mass World Over CrossRosary World Over DefendWomen Daily Mass Life on Rock Octava Biblical Gallery Catholic Threshld-Hope Quest For God Original Choices Chaplet Rosary Daily Mass Life on Rock AngeCatholic Women Holy Daily Mass Web of Faith ChesStations Mercy Rosary StoryDivine Truth in Healing FRIDAY’S TV KOTA :PM 4:30 :PM 5:30 :PM 6:30 :PM 7:30 :PM 8:30 :PM 9:30 :PM 10:30 :PM 11:30 AM 12::30 AM 1::30 AM 2::30 AM 3::30 AM 4::30 AM 5::30 AM 6::30 AM 7::30 AM 8::30 AM 9::30 AM 10::30 AM 11::30 :PM 12:30 :PM 1:30 :PM 2:30 :PM 3:30 Dr. Oz Show ABC News Wheel J’pardy! Stand Up to Primetime 20/20 ’’ News N’tline Jimmy Kimmel Insider Storms ‘‘The Quiet American’’ Movie: ‘‘Igby Goes Down’’ Traveler House Good Morning School ReplaRaven Raven Hannah Suite Hanna Career Aqua Hanna Incredible Dog Football College Football: Teams TBA PBS WGN-A KEVN KNBN KCLO DISC DIS FAM RayRayNews News Smarter Earl Stand Up to Dateline NBC Dateline NBC News Jay Leno Late Night Carson Poker After Jay Leno In Wine Overnight Radar ’’ Wall St. News Today ’’ ’’ Dino Willa’s Kds Jane Adven. Turbo Pets.TV Shell Saved/ PenEco Co. Babar MarPGA MarTour MarGolf Mar’’ Paid ’’ Paid ’’ Mak’’ Base College MLB Football Base’’ ball ’’ ’’ ’’ Phineas Deck Deck Wizards Wizards Hannah Good Wizards Wizards ’’ Deck Wizards Pair of Kings Phineas Deck Good Wizards Wizards ’’ Deck Wizards Hannah Movie: ‘‘Can of Worms’’ Charlie Little EinJungle ChugMovers Manny Oso Mickey Mouse Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Deck Deck Wizards Wizards Good Sonny Hannah Hannah Friday Night Home Videos Home Videos Home Videos Home Videos The 700 Club Whose? Whose? Paid Paid Paid Paid The 700 Club Paid Kill Paid Paid Paid Paid My Wife My Wife Movie: ‘‘Uncle Buck’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Richie Rich’’ ’’ ‘‘The Little Rascals’’ Movie: ‘‘The Flintstones’’ Movie: ‘‘Kangaroo Jack’’ CyberBusiNewsHour Wash. Need to Know Group Market Meet Cand BBC Charlie Rose Smiley America Lambert Shaken Get OffKnees Teachings TV 411 TV 411 Knitting Dakota Rogers Builder Curious Cat in Super DinoThomas AngeDr. Wayne Dyer: Excuses Begone! DiabetesNeal Car CarePat Lower Taxes Becker Becker Videos LeadOff MLB Baseball: Cubs at Brewers ’’ News Scrubs South South Star Trek Bob & Tom Paid Paid Becker Cosby Cosby Inspiration Today Camp People Paid Paid Kill Paid Redi Set Faces Steam Paid Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Bones ’’ Legend Seeker Legend Seeker The Doctors Judge Judge The Six Two Stand Up to Good Guy News ’’ Two Office Scrubs Jim King Family Malcolm TMZ Sign-Off News News News Ent Stand Up to CSI: NY ’’ Flashpoint News Sports Letterman Late ’’ News Ent Access KELOLAND Weather NOW ’’ ’’ ’’ News ’’ The Early Show ’’ Super BusyDoodStrawTennis: U.S. Open, Men’s Semifinals ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Cash Cash Survivorman Man, Woman Man, Woman Beyond Survival Man, Woman Man, Woman Beyond Survival The Detonators Paid Paid Paid CAR MD Paid Profit Best Paid Paid Money CME ’’ Dirty Jobs Swords: Life The Colony Killer Ants Killer Jellyfish Natures ’’ Natures ’’ MythBusters MythBusters NICK TOON LIFE FOOD A&E iCarly VictoiCarly iCarly Big VictoChris Lopez Lopez Martin Nanny Nanny Malcolm Malcolm Lopez Lopez My Wife My Wife Chris Chris Nanny Nanny Family Family Family Family Jimmy Jimmy Parents Parents Sponge. Sponge. Penguin Fanboy BarnOddPariCarly Jackson Big VictoSponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Penguin Penguin Fanboy Fanboy Johnny AdvenTotal Batman Ben 10 Star Star Star King King Fam Fam ChildAmer. Boosh Dark King King Fam Fam Xavier Amer. Boosh Home Jerry Hero PokeBeyBen 10 GeneraStar Wheels BakuJohnny Johnny Scooby Garfield Garfield Chill Out Scoob ChowChowFlapjack Flapjack Johnny Johnny Johnny Wife Swap Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Mother Mother Frasier Medium ’’ Medium ’’ Paid Kill Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Faces Paid NO Paid Paid Paid ‘‘In God’s Country’’ Movie: ‘‘Reservation Road’’ Movie: ‘‘Grace Is Gone’’ Little ’’ Cooking Minute Challenge Chopped Cha. Diners Diners Chefs vs. City Good Rachael Diners Diners Chefs vs. City Good Rachael Chopped Cha. Giada Food Paid Paid Paid Paid Minute Dinners Cooking Grill It! Ultimate Mexican Minute Secrets Home Paula Cooking Fix Giada ConFood Truck Chopped Cha. 24 Hr Battle Iron Chef Justice: Duty... The First 48 Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds The Glades Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds The Glades Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Ghost Stories House Sell Sell Sell House Sell Sell Sell Movie: ‘‘Back to the Future’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Back to the Future Part II’’ The Glades HIST TNT Underworld Modern Marvels Grounded-9/11 9/11 Conspiracies Modern Marvels Grounded-9/11 9/11 Conspiracies Modern Marvels Paid Paid Paid Shark CAR MD Million $ Heavy Metal World Trade Center ’’ Grounded-9/11 Stairway B Towers Fell Predict 9/11 9/11 Conspiracies Countdown to Ground Zero Law & Order Bones ’’ Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of Ring ’’ Movie: ‘‘Braveheart’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Rocky’’ ’’ ’’ Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Rizzoli & Isles The Closer Law & Order Movie: ‘‘Braveheart’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Gladiator’’ SPIKE USA CSI: Cri. Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Cri. Scene Entourage EntourEntourage MANTrailers MANMANMovie: ‘‘Urban Justice’’ ’’ Paid MakRipped Paid Paid Profit Paid Paid Baby Paid PractiLives What If? Conceal Xtreme 4x4 Horse. Trucks! Muscle Ways Ways Ways The Ultimate Fighter ’’ ’’ ’’ NCIS NCIS ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Liar Liar’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘The Game Plan’’ Movie: ‘‘The Pacifier’’ Borat: Cultural Learnings Paid KillPaid Paid Law Order: CI Proline Kill Paid Cooking Psych ’’ Movie: ‘‘Liar Liar’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘The Game Plan’’ ’’ National Treasure: Book of Secrets NCIS ’’ TVL TBS FSN Sanford Sanford Cosby Cosby Nanny Nanny RayRayRayRayRoRoRoRose. Nanny Nanny Cosby Cosby Home Home 3’s Co. 3’s Co. MASH MASH RoRoRose. RoGot the Look Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Extrm. ’’ Extrm. ’’ Extrm. ’’ Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith King King Seinfeld Seinfeld Family Fam Movie: ‘‘Ocean’s Eleven’’ ’’ Boys Movie: ‘‘Ocean’s Eleven’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘The Bank Job’’ BloopMarried Married Married Married Harvey Harvey Just ‘‘Laws of Attraction’’ Movie: ‘‘The Preacher’s Wife’’ Movie: ‘‘Runaway Bride’’ ’’ Jim Jim RayRayRay- ProFoot Stock Sports ’’ Rockies PreMLB Baseball ’’ ’’ ’’ PostFinal MLB Baseball ’’ ’’ ’’ Final Profiles Dual Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Big 12 Big 12 College Football: Georgia Tech at Kansas ’’ College Football ’’ ’’ ’’ ESPN ESPN2 SPEED EWTN SportsCenter College Football ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ College Football ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ SportsCenter SportsCenter College Football ’’ ’’ SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter College GameDay ’’ College Football ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Score College Football ’’ ’’ ’’ NASCAR CountdNASCAR Racing ’’ ’’ Baseball SportsCenter B’ball Live Live 30 for 30 B’ball NASCAR Racing ’’ BrownWild White. Realtree Driven BrownGrateful Journal NASCAR English Premier League Soccer College Football: Georgia at South Carolina Score College Football ’’ ’’ ’’ InterInterInterInterInterInterInterInterRace in 60 Trackside The F1 Debrief Formula One Racing BarrettJackson BarrettJackson Paid Paid Paid CAR MD Motor Chop Formula One Racing Hot Rod Garage Lucas Oil Off Rac. NASPerNASNASRolex Sports Car Series Racing: Utah RaceDay Church Gallery Daily Mass Life on Rock Campus Rosary World Over Rome Women Daily Mass Life on Rock Parable DefendVatican NFP Joy MuSaints Presents Original Swear Chaplet Rosary Daily Mass DonutCatholic Angels Lucy Knights Holy Daily Mass ReliEucharShowcase Chaplet Rosary Apol. Apol. Groeschel Page 12 Garfield Baby Blues For Better or For Worse The Born Loser Frank and Ernest Ernie BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, September 9, 2010 by Jim Davis by Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman by Lynn Johnston by Art & Chip Sansom by Bob Thaves by Bud Grace Singles live alone in safety with aid of simple deception DEAR ABBY: )Cautious Bachelorette” (8uly 16) asked you how she should respond to a workman who asks if she lives alone. Having worked 30 years in a maximum security prison, I can assure your readers that criminals gravitate toward jobs that provide access to people’s homes as a way of scouting victims, so )Bachelorette’s” concern is well-founded. I advise single women to keep a few articles of men’s clothing, such as a jacket, work boots and other items, visible in their homes. They can be purchased inexpensively at a yard sale or local thrift shop. When a stranger is invited into her home, she can simply pick up one of the articles stating, )Here, let me get 8ohn’s coat out of your way.” It does provide a very real deterrent to criminals or others looking for a single woman to victimize. T RONALD A., WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS (RETIRED) DEAR RONALD: My readers agreed that setting the stage (with an invisible housemate) is an effective way to give the impression to outsiders that you do not live alone. Read on: DEAR ABBY: Take a suggestion from a senior citizen who has lived alone for many years T and it applies not only to females, but also to males of any age. Singles should purchase articles of the opposite sex and display them prominently in their homes so they can be seen by any stranger who comes into their homes. That way, the question, )Do you live alone?” doesn’t come up. T SAFE SENIOR CITIZEN IN THE SOUTH DEAR ABBY: I would recommend )Cautious Bachelorette” purchase a male beta fish. They take very little time and energy to care for. Name him Fred, or some other masculine name. That way, when she’s asked if she lives alone, she can honestly say, )No. Fred lives with me.” If people inquire deeper, she can say that they have a close one-on-one relationship, and he is very dependable. She could even add that he is a professional swimmer without fibbing. That way she will be able to have a truthful reply for any who ask. T FRED’S HOUSEMATE DEAR ABBY: I live alone and I keep a men’s magazine on my coffee table, a second set of towels in my bathroom and even went to the thrift store and bought a bathrobe that hangs on a hook behind the bathroom door. Also, my table is always set for two, and I always speak in terms of )we” whenever I have a stranger in my home. T SINGLE BUT CAUTIOUS IN PLANO, TEXAS DEAR ABBY: Here’s how I give the illusion of not living alone. I have two deck chairs set out and often leave things outside like a shovel, my brother’s flip-flops, or I toss a baseball cap onto the porch swing. T LONGTIME READER IN EL CERRITO, CALIF. DEAR ABBY: My husband and I were married 24 years, but the last several years were extremely difficult. We have separated, but have not filed the paperwork yet. I would like to begin moving forward with my life. It has been six months and there will be no reconciliation. Recently, someone who knows my circumstances asked me out on a date. Would it be inappropriate for me to go, or to date in general? T DATING DILEMMA IN NEW HAMPSHIRE DEAR DATING DILEMMA: If you are truly ready to move forward with your life, file the paperwork first. Even divorces that start amicably can become messy to some degree. Filing the paperwork first will make it less so. TO MY MUSLIM READERS: It’s time for the breaking of the Ramadan fast. Happy Eid al-Fitr, everyone. May God make yours a blessed feast. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as 8eanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Good advice for everyone T teens to seniors T is in )The Anger in All of Us and How to Deal With It.” To order, send a business-size, selfaddressed envelope, plus check or money order for $6 (U.S. funds only) to: Dear Abby T Anger Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage is included in the price.) BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, September 9, 2010 Alley Oop Arlo & Janis Page 13 Bridge by Dave Graue & Jack Bender by Jimmy Johnson Herman by Jim Unger The defender to leave alone We have all heard about learning something new every day. A Hindu spiritual teacher and sage, Swami Sivananda Saraswati, took this further by saying, WBe forever a student. He and he alone is an old man who feels that he has learnt enough and has need for no more knowledge.X Bridge is great because even the top players meet positions they have not seen before. Today’s deal features a topic that Funky Winkerbean by Tom Batiuk Astrograph !riday, Sept. ./, 0/./ The year ahead could be one of those rare ones where ambitions can be fulfilled if you’re willing to go after them. Sit down and work out a game plan instead of going through life blindly trying to pin the tail on the donkey. VIRGO 6Aug. 0:-Sept. 00< - Certain perceptions you get about people could be more on target than usual. If you get any strong feelings about somebody in particular, don’t underestimate your hunches. LIBRA 6Sept. 0:-Oct. 0:< - People in general could be more scrutini@ing about others and life than usual. Keep this in mind if you’re trying to make a good impression on those with whom you spend your day. SCORPIO 6Oct. 0B-Nov. 00< - Your abilities to achieve material success are particularly good, but it won’t mean a thing if you fail to acknowledge those who helped you open those doors. Give them their Eust due. SAGITTARIGS 6Nov. 0:-Dec. 0.< - When making some social arrangements, opt to spend your time with friends whom make you feel at ease. It’ll be more enEoyable when you can totally relax and Eust be yourself. CAPRICORN 6Dec. 00-Ian. .K< - This is likely to be one of those days when you can increase your holdings through your own insight and initiative. Pick an amount of money you’d like to make, and go after it with both barrels. ALGARIGS 6Ian. 0/-!eb. .K< - Anybody who has a disagreeable disposition won’t be able to stay dire very long when around you. Your lively, positive attitude will permeate anything and everybody you encounter. PISCES 6!eb. 0/-Oarch 0/< - A good friend who likes you a lot might find himIherself in a position to financially help out others. If you’re the one who needs help, this person will pick up on it and come through for you. ARIES 6Oarch 0.-April .K< -This can be one of your more pleasant days for Eust hanging out with people you love or close friends who don’t ask anything of you except to be yourself. Sometimes life is good. TAGRGS 6April 0/-Oay 0/< - Innately you understand that luck is a matter of positive thinking, and you’ll prove it by not letting anything disturb you. People who sense this will want to be near you. GEOINI 6Oay 0.-Iune 0/< - Others might have to stand on their heads to be noticed, but not you. Your pleasantness draws all kinds of people who are merely looking for a happy person to be around. CANCER 6Iune 0.-Iuly 00< - Serious decisions you need to make won’t be predicated solely on their material value, but based more on whether or not your choice will make you andIor others happy, which you know is invaluable. LEO 6Iuly 0:-Aug. 00< - Someone to whom you never really got close, yet who nevertheless holds you in high regard, could cross your path again. This time you might discover what a nice person sIhe is. Know where to look for romance and you’ll find it. The Astro-Graph Matchmaker instantly reveals which signs are romantically perfect for you. Mail $3 to Astro-Graph, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092-0167. causes trouble for many. How would you make three no-trump after West leads the heart YueenZ You have eight top tricks[ three spades, one heart, two diamonds and two clubs. The ninth winner can come from clubs. But how should that suit be played and what is the danger to your contractZ Taking those Yuestions in reverse order, if you go down, you will lose four hearts and one club. Since if hearts are 4-4, you are not in Eeopardy, assume they are 5-3 and duck the first two rounds to get East out of the suit. Then, make sure that West cannot get back on lead to cash his two winners. To do this, make an avoidance play in clubs, hoping West does not have ^-10-x. At trick four, cash your club ace, then lead another club, and when West plays low, call for dummy’s nine. It loses to East’s 10, but you have nine tricks established without letting West win a club trick. Finally, note two defensive points. At trick one, East should either signal with his heart seven or play the king. At trick two, if East encouraged with his seven, West should continue with the heart eight. First, lead the top of the seYuence` then, lead the bottom of it. NEA Crossword Puzzle Classifieds Page 14 Thursday, September 9, 2010 [email protected] Legals 2DTQUHG 2t ?@7? A01 0NIorsJh1 SNHoselles D (arr)ed to adRourn the SpeJ)al 0eet)n4K )*BC CIDE( (* F-*W ... KKKand Ee )nfor-ed of the funJt)on of +our 4oOern-ent are e-Eod)ed )n puEl)J not)Jes )n that self 4oOern-ent Jhar4es all J)t)^ens to Ee )nfor-edK !h)s neBsD paper ur4es eOer+ J)t)^en to read and stud+ these not)JesK <e stron4l+ adO)se those J)t)^ens seekD )n4 further )nfor-aD t)on1 to e\erJ)se the)r r)4ht of aJJess to puEl)J reJords and puEl)J -eet)n4sK $E#$!I-E F*C !ED#! #$IEC(ISI-D Up to tBo le4alD s)^ed t+peBr)tten pa4es1 the deadl)ne )s 5 pK-K XQUH da+s )n adOanJe of puEl)Jat)on dateK 0ore than tBo le4alDs)^ed t+peBr)tD ten pa4es B)ll re_u)re up to SV` da+s for puEl)Jat)onK MEETING MINUTES 52 !E#$ CI() C*++ISSI*Special +eetin6 #u6ust 93; 9<=< !he %ead ()t+ (o--)ss)on -et on 0onda+1 2u4ust 561 5787 )n ()t+ Hall1 ;78 <est 0a)n Street at ?@77 A0 B)th the folloB)n4 -e-D Eers present@ 0a+or Gelson1 (o--)ss)oners Hose Iurns1 (ase+ IorsJh and %es HosellesK 2Esent@ G)Jk MreEsK !he -eet)n4 Bas Jalled to order for the Jons)derat)on of a SpeJ)al Aer-)t for the %ead (ha-Eer of (o--erJeK 0NHoselles1 SNIorsJh D (arr)ed to approOe the SpeJ)al Aer-)t for the %ead (ha-Eer of (o--erJe on 2u4ust 5;th fro- P 20D ? A0 for the Qpen (ut (ar 2uJt)on )n JonRunJt)on B)th Mool DeadBood G)4htsK (V!W QX %Y2D !ho-as HK Gelson D 0a+or 2!!YS!@ 0)ke Stahl D ()t+ 2d-)n)strator ZSY2%[ AuEl)shed onJe at the total appro\)-ate Jost of ]88K67K >99? Sept. 9 [email protected] 102 PERSONALS 106 GIVE AWAYS DOMESTIC ABUSE & Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line, Butte/Lawrence/Harding Counties: 605-6427825 or 1-800-9992348. Sturgis Shelter: 605-347-0050 or 1-800755-8432. All Calls Confidential. GIVEAWAY TO GOOD HOMES: Female Siamese 1 1/2 years, very friendly, likes kids. Also, 2 eleven week old kittens. 605209-9883 MEET GREAT SINGLES!! Local Dating Network DAKOTA DATES for Ladies & Gentlemen. Success for age 40W Profile Matching, Memberships Available. No Computer Needed. Great People Seeking Relationships. Call 701-952-0456 or visit www.dakota dates.com. 104 NOTICES Equal Housing Opportunity All real estate advertising in the Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1 (800) 669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1 (800) 9279275. GENE3A5 AD7E3TISING PO5I<Y The Black Hills Pioneer makes every effort to avoid errors. However, in handling hundreds of ads, occasionally errors do occur. We ask that you read your ad carefully on the first day of publication and phone us immediately if there is an error. We can only be responsible for a single day’s incorrect ad. We reserve the right to revise, edit, reclassify or reject any classified ad for publication. See all the public notices placed in SD newspapers at www.sdpublicnotices.com SUNDANCE STATE BANK Will Be accepting bids on a 2007 Honda Shadow Spirit 750 motorcycle. Bids can be sent to Sundance State Bank, P.O. Box 950, Sundance, WY 82729. You can call 807-2831074 with any questions you may have. The motorcycle can be seen at the Bank. Bids will be opened Thursday September 23rd at 3pm. Sundance State Bank reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. WILL HAUL YOUR JUNK VEHICLE FREE. Call 580-1063. 105 LOST & FOUND COLD FLOORS? We have a solution! New! Electric in floor heating. Use under ANY flooring. Efficient, safe and easy to install. Only 3/32” thick. Versatile Carpets & Interiors - Spearfish, SD 605-645-3331 Email: [email protected]. Free informational CD! LOST: CANON CAMERA SD780IS, BLACK in case. Possibly left at Boondocks in July. Granson’s birthday on camera. REWARD!! Call 605-561-0180. 106 GIVE AWAYS FEMALE LAB/PIT MIg, 1-1/2 years old, has shots, spayed, brindle coloring. Smart, friendly and ready to go running, hiking, snowshoeing, etc. Can do many things, just can’t go to college with owner. 307-281-0352/ Sundance 200 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DEVASHAN IN-HOME Computer Repair. Is your computer running slow? Reasonable rates, service within 25 miles of Spearfish 605-7225355 HOUSECLEANING SERVICE STARTING SEPTEMBER 13th. Sturgis, Spearfish and Piedmont area. Reasonable, honest, reliable and efficient. References Available. Contact us for rates and to add your name to our customer list. Call Erin 605-4301298. OLD WEST HEATING, INC. Of Lead. Natural/LP Gas Equipment Repair. Furnaces, Water Heaters, -Cook Stoves., Etc. For Fast Service Call Greg At 605-5800123 Or 605-7171779. PROFESSIONAL COMPUTER SERVICES. REPAIR, cleanup, upgrade, networking. Virus removal and protection. Problem solving. Custom system design and implementation. 605-347-9365 iUALITY DISCOUNT PROFESSIONAL Auto Repair. Onsite Diagnostics of all kinds $45.00. Call ORE CAR EgPRESS, 207 Glendale Drive, Lead. 7 days a week. 605-5844701. RECYCLE YOUR APPLIANCES. Pickup all non-refrigerated appliances, mowers, grills, bikes, siding, all things metal $20 MINIMUM CHARGE. Call Joe 605-722-1807 STRESSED!? TRY YOGA! Classes for all levels. Now at Deadwood Recreation Center. Call Monica Ell 605-641-0188. Private instruction also available. www.blackhillsbodywork.org EMAIL YOUR NEW CLASSIFIEDS TO [email protected]. 201 SCHOOLS & TRAINING 301 DEADWOOD GARAGE SALES 303 SPEARFISH GARAGE SALES FREE TAg SCHOOL EARN Extra Income after taking course. Flexible schedules, convenient location. Register Now! Courses start September 13th. Phone 605-641-5738. Liberty Tax Service. Small Fee for book. 442 Golden Gate, CENTRAL CITY - SATURDAY, 9/11. 8AM-3PM, ANTIiUES, Collectibles, Formica table and LOTS of stuff. Rain or Shine. 2 FAMILY GARAGE SALE. September 11th, 7am-2pm. 1122 Spearfish Mountain Lane, Mountain Shadows Mobile Home Court. SPEARFISH RAINBOW PRESCHOOL, 842 Jackson has space available in the 3 year old class. Meets on Tues/Thurs mornings. This class is designed for children not planning kindergarten next year. Great introduction to socialization in an early learning education environment. Call 605642-2862 or more information. YOGA Regain Flexibility, Develop Core Strength, Cope with Stress. Lead, Christ Church, Mondays. Belle Fourche, BFACC, Tuesdays 5:30-7:00pm. Call Tesla, 605-7223325 or www.quantumspecialties.com. 300 BELLEFOURCHE GARAGE SALES 1814 ZIEBACH, SEPTEMBER 11th, 7am-?. Steel workbench. Air compressor, washer/ dryer, chest deep freeze, lawn care items & many miscellaneous items to numerous to mention. BELLE FOURCHE FLEA MARKET September 11th 8:30am-3:30pm. Books, antiques, baked goods, something for everyone! Call 605-723-3006 fore more information . MULTI-FAMILY SALE: Triggers ,1853 5th Avenue, Belle Fourche. Saturday Sept. 11th 7am-2pm. Household items, teacher’s supplies, CLEANING OUT THE CLOSETS! SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 11TH 19118 Mockingbird Lane, 2 miles east on Hwy 34. 8AM-2PM, FORD 4x4 pickup, pull-behind camper, queen bed frames, desks, Watkins products, display cases, Beanie babies, baby clothes, Christmas Decorations. 302 LEAD GARAGE SALES 509 JULIUS STREET, LEAD. September 10 & 11, 8am-5pm. Books, furniture, Knick-knacks, canoe, topper, Everything Goes! SATURDAY & SUNDAY 9/11 & 9/12. 611 Railroad Avenue, Lead. 7am-?? Baby clothes, tools, furniture, household and other items. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 7AM-1PM, 406 Richmond, Lead. Furniture, plainer, women’s golf clubs, clothes, fishing equipment. 303 SPEARFISH GARAGE SALES 1025 N 7th Street, 9/11 9am-1pm. LARGE YARD SALE with Camper, Hot tub, Victory Motorcycle, Lots of Boys & Girls clothing & toys. 1221 SNOWY PEAK LANE, SEPT. 11TH, 7am-noon, Bar Stools, End Table, BIKE, Good quality household items. Don’t Miss This One!! 1226 SNOWY PEAK LANE, Saturday September 11, 7amnoon. Tools, Exercise Bike, Crib, LOTS MORE!! 125 7TH STREET, SATURDAY 9-11, 7am-1pm, Miscellaneous items, LOTS of Good Stuff!! 1719 IRON HORSE LOOP, 9/11. 7am-noon. Tools, furniture, clothing & more. No kids stuff just good stuff! 540 ST. JOE, SPEARFISH, Friday 10th, Saturday 11th, 8am-2pm. Equalizer Hitch, antique rocker, windows, craft supplies, fabric, needlework, chenille bedspread, patio door shade. Miscellaneous HWY 14, HOUSE 195, beside Laurie Lane. 9/11 6:30am-1pm. Variety of household items, furniture, antiques - table & buffet sets. Variety of sizes athletic shoes & sporting goods. Solvent washer, Boyd’s Bear collectibles, kids bikes and plumbing supplies PARKING LOT SALE: MULTI-FAMILY, 8/11 8:00am-Noon; 1410 N. Avenue. Next to Walgreens. All kinds of treasures, clothing, infant & adult. 308 OUT OF AREA GARAGE SALES 1ST ANNUAL BUELAH COMMUNITY Yard Sale. Friday September 10th, 4pm-7pm; Saturday September 11th, 8am-noon; FREE COFFEE Saturday. DOWNTOWN BUELAH WYOMING. 401 PART-TIME GOOD DAILY CLEANERS NEEDED after 5:00pm Spearfish & Sturgis Area. Part-time position available for cleaning businesses, along with other duties. 605-645-0474. WorL at your a6eN #bsolutely! Help for older South Dakotans a !ra)n)n4 a ToE searJh a Y-plo+-ent Vf +oubre ?? or older B)th l)-)ted )nJo-e and Bant to return to the Bork forJe1 Y\per)enJe <orks -)4ht haOe tra)n)n4 and e-plo+-ent opportun)t)es that are Rust r)4ht for +ouK Call 39?-=R?S or =-T<<-?S<-SU9R All applicants must be 55 or older and meet Senior Community Service Employment Program guidelines. EOE BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, September 9, 2010 401 PART-TIME ASSISTANT HOME HEALTH CARE Coordinator: Part-time position available in the Spearfish area assisting with the management responsibilities of Homecare Services, Inc. Responsibilities will include hiring and training staff, scheduling, communication with referral sources and job related paperwork. Rewarding position with flexible work hours. Please Contact Nyla (605)559-0230. PART-TIME/FULL-TIME cleaning help needed in the Northern Hills area, Wage DOE. Contact Brigitte or Bill at 605722-2928. RELIABLE PERSON needed to care for young infant in our home. Located near St. Onge. MondayThursday, References required. Serious inquires only please. Call 605-645-8302. Join Our First Gold Family HOUSEKEEPERS Part Time • Must be able to work Weekends DISHWASHER BUSSER Great Benefits • Equal Opportunity Employer Pre-Employment Drug Testing Now accepting applications at the front desk 605-578-9777 270 Main St. Deadwood Front Desk Housekeeping Turndown Deadwood’s Mineral Palace Hotel & Gaming is seeking applications for Front Desk, Housekeeping & Turndown We participate in Pre-Employment Drug Testing. Equal Opportunity Employer Apply in person at 601 Main Street in Deadwood HOTEL & GAMING 402 FULL-TIME ]The Hot Rod Shop of Spearfish is in need of a paint/preper, only experienced need apply. 605559-0772” CAMPBELL’S IN STURGIS HAS a Full-Time SALES position available for a Farm & Ranch person. We are searching for a motivated, responsible & positive individual who enjoys people and is committed to providing the best in customer service. Job includes some nights & weekends. The position requires stocking, merchandising & moderate to heavy lifting. Farm & ranch sales experience required. Equal Opportunity Employer. Apply in person to: Campbell’s , 2425 Lacelle St, Sturgis, SD; 605-347-6352. See Ryan after filing out application. DEADWOOD, SD 402 FULL-TIME EXPERIENCED CARPENTER needed in the Northern Hills, must have own hand tools and transportation. Contact Bill at Powers Construction at 605-2061348 or 605-722-3122. 402 FULL-TIME FRAMING/CARPENTER HELPER; SPEARFISH area.. Call 605-641-1691. FULL-TIME MAINTENANCE POSITION available at Barefoot Resort (located next to Terry Peak Ski Area) Weekends a Must. Days and nights available. Working 4 ten hour days. Pay DOE. Email resume to infokbarefoot resort.com or call 605584-1577 for more info. HVAC Openings. Will Be Installing Heating & A/C Systems. Min. Age 18, Valid Driver’s License, Neat In Appearance, Pay DOE. 24 Months experience. Call (605)347-2183. 500 $ Sign-On Bonus FAMILY in Spearfish NEEDS HELP WITH HOUSEWORK & COOKING. Great working conditions. $12/hour. Call Ann 605-642-8770. Cadillac Jack’s Gaming Resort is seeking fun and energetic personalities for full-time!!! FRAMING CONTRACTOR SEEKS Framers and Laborers in Spearfish Area. Call 970-622-0134 or 970566-0179. and HOUSEKEEPING POSITION AVAILABLE. Call Gary or Pam at 605578-2393 or apply in person at Gold Country Inn, 801 Main, Deadwood. Front Desk Housekeeping Positions require outstanding customer service skills. Wage DOE. Great monthly bonuses. Please apply in person at 360 Main Street, Deadwood, SD cadillacjacks.net 402 FULL-TIME LEWIE’S SALOON & EATERY is Needing a LINE COOK, 30+ hours per week. Apply In Person, 711 S. Main, Lead. MIDNIGHT STAR IN DEADWOOD is seeking Applicants for Table Games Dealer. Full-time various shifts. Pick up application at the cashier cage. NATIONAL NON-PROFIT seeks Grant Writer to secure funding to help operate humanitarian services by preparing proposals and grant applications as well as researching, identifying, developing and responding to public and private grant opportunities in the areas of need on American Indian reservations. Bachelor’s Degree, 5 years related experience and track record of establishing new funding. Competitive Salary/ Benefits/401K. Email resumes to: Operationsknrc1.org or mail to: Operations, 2401 Eglin Street, Rapid City, SD 57703 EOE S A T E L L I T E INSTALLERS needed. $250 per day or more. Training provided. Apply at www.wtsat.net Spearfish Canyon Lodge has immediate openings for Full-time Fall help. Front Desk, DOE; Housekeepers $9/hr, Dishwashers DOE, PM Cook DOE. Benefits available. EOE. Call to arrange an interview with Linda or Alicia at 605-584-3435. The Holiday Inn Express in Deadwood is currently looking for a Front Desk Clerk; Full-Time Housekeepers and Part-time Breakfast Host. Stop by 22 Lee Street in Deadwood to Fill out an Application for either position. Z BAR AT 529 MAIN street, Spearfish is now taking applications for Full and/or Part-time Bartenders & Cocktail waitresses. Please apply after 4pm Openings Available for Company Drivers & Owner Operators Dry Bulk Hauls For Dedicated Lanes Most Runs are w/in 500 mile Radius of Home Terminal. The top spot in town is now hiring for the following positions: Trimac Offers: Exceptional Pay Packages, 6% Quarterly Safety Incentives, Paid Weekly & Direct Deposit. Paid Training Full Time & Part-Time Requirements: Class A CDL with Tank End, 2 year Tractor/Trailer Experience, Clean Driving Record Cocktail Servers Call: 888-799-4374 Restaurant Host Full Time & Part-Time We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits, paid vacations, 401K and opportunities for advancement Stop in at 709 Main Street and fill out an application today! Page 15 500 ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES 504 CLOTHING & JEWELRY 506 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS UNInUE ANTInUE FURNITURE, TABLES, Dressers, Buffets, China Hutches, Chairs, Other Items. Spearfish Coins, Etc. 127 W. Grant, Spearfish JULES JURGENSEN LADIES WATCH. Brand New, Very unique. Retail Price $135. Will sell for $50.00. Call 605-2017141 or 605-5610180/leave message. 502 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 506 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS BAVARIAN CHINA for sale. Pattern is ]Forever Spring” Settings for 16 people (I think) plus numerous serving pieces. Call 605-721-6856, leave message. FOR SALE: YAMAHA ALTO SAXOPHONE. $350/OBO. 605-6459004/leave callback o and message. 2003 TIGER RIVER HOT Tub. Works great, small leak, easy fix. Make Offer! 605-7178717/Leave message. Like NEW SnUARE CORELLE Hearthstone dishes. Service for twelve. Dinner plates, salad plates, bowls and mugs. Olive with black trim. $100. 605-6414374. For approximately 45 minutes of your day, why not earn some extra income? OPEN ROUTES IN LEAD ➜ Route 306 - Bleeker, Gold, High, Hill, McClellan, Mill, Siever, Wall, $138.56. ➜ Route 308 - Addie, McClellan, Spark & Stone, $81.68. ➜ Route 312 - Mill, Samo, Sawyer, E. Summit, W. Summit, $91.52. ➜ Route 316 - Fox, Grandview, Washington, White, $69.12. ➜ Route 323 - Glendale, Grier, Hearst, Mountain View, Tower Ridge, $46.80. OPEN ROUTES IN DEADWOOD ➜ Route 207 - Crescent, Dunlap, McKinley, Rodeo, Sampson, Spring, Spruce Gulch $103.68. ➜ Route 211 - Griccly Gulch Rd., McMaster, Mile High, Voight, Hwy. 385, $140.96. OPEN ROUTES IN SPEARFISH ➜ Route 118 - N. 3rd St., N. 5th St., N. Canyon St., W. Jackson Blvd., W. Kansas, W. Lincoln, $61.20. OPEN MOTOR ROUTES ➜ DEADWOOD - Route 224 - Bobtail Gulch, Maitland, US Hwy. 14A, $81.90. ➜ SPEARFISH - ROUTE #123 - S. Canyon St., Elk Run Rd., Flat Top Cir., Lone Elk Rd., Nob Hill Rd., Oakridge Rd., W. Pine St., Pine Cone Ave., Pine Needle Dr., $341.90. ➜ SPEARFISH - ROUTE #501 - Brookview, Creekside Loop, Old Belle Rd., Pheasant Ln., nuail Ct., West Acres Ct., Westview Dr., $394.40. PROSPECTOR ONLY ROUTES ➜ LEAD - Route 305 - Washington, Searle, N. Mine, Irwin, Gushurst, Grandview, Elkhorn, Curnow, Cross, Billings, Anderson, 11th, $154.72. ➜ LEAD - Route 311 - Alert, Galena, Julius, Main, Stone, $14.40. ➜ SPEARFISH - Route #109 - N. 3rd St., N. 5th St., N. Canyon, N. Main St., W. Michigan, W. Nevada, W. Ohio, $22.80. ➜ SPEARFISH - Route #125 - Branding Iron Drive, Buckboard Cir., Crackerbarrell Ln., Iron Horse Loop, Pro. Rodeo Dr., $28.80. IF INTERESTED IN A ROUTE CALL CHARITY AT 642-2761 D AN 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, 642-2761 7 South Main, Lead, 584-2303 Page 16 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, September 9, 2010 Hometown Values Hometown People Hometown Newspaper. Thank you for reading the only locally owned newspaper in the Territory. Since 1876... your hometown newspaper BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, September 9, 2010 506 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 515 FIREWOOD & FUEL Ta#le&' )*A,-., Maroon 4ove seat, 8ueen hide=a=#ed, very good condition. AsBing CDE0 each. )all G0E= G'H=I9K'&leave mes= sage. \QT -QAST ]O- W,U= TQ- = N,UQ ],-Q= WOOSg D&H )ord CIE.00a D )ord CDHE.00. SQ4,^Q-QS -QAST TO VW-U. haBe Weyrich G0E=G'E='0DK W*,-4NOO4 .TA)P WA.*Q- R S-TQ- in good condition. CH00 )all G0E=EIK=D'DE 516 508 PETS & PET SUPPLIES S,)P.OU .MA44 V-QQS NWN.: TorBie, Maltese, Sachshund, Napillon, .hih TZu Nuppies AP). Two Tear *ealth \uarantee, pay= ments, credit card oBay. www.dicBsonpups.com G0E=IKI=GKHD Se# SicBson ]-QQ = MO^,U\, )AU= UOT TAPQ with me. H D&H year old neutered male Vlue Nit Vull. -am#o is gentle and loves attention. G0E=EG9= DD0G or G0E=G'E=I3II 509 SPORTING/ EXERCISE ITEMS VOW]4Q` .NO-T *OMQ \TM, 4iBe Uew. C'IE.00a ]WTOU, VlacB, Uice. CE0.00a G0E=G'D= D0EG. .)WVA QbW,NMQUT: H sets with ectra tanBs. Medium siZe heavy= weight wetsuit. C300a G0E=G'E=39D9. 511 BUILDING SUPPLIES \OOS W.QS VricB, used redwood tim#ers, H D&Hd thicB, different widths, D3 D&Hf length. G0E=9H0=HHHH. 514 GOOD THINGS TO EAT M,44Q-=SA4Q *WT= TQ-,TQ )*,)PQU. case of eight chicBens = CEEa 9d NOT N,Q. = CI.E0 eacha Orders must #e placed and paid for #y noon 9&D0, and picBed up #etween 9= D0am on 9&DK. )all G0E= G'D=03D0 for more details. MOfs MA-PQT UOW has D&H #ushel #oces of Tomatoes for saleg )all us at the ]arm, G0E=HEI= HDHH or come see us at the V* ]armers MarBet in -apid )ity on Tuesday, Thursday and .aturday. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS D9I' .*A.TA )AMNQ-, sleeps seven, everything worBs CH,I00a Wsed hot tu#, CE00.00. )hrome \rill guard for H00' ]ord D&H ton. CIE. G0E=G'D= 0'90. 603 GRAIN, FEED, & SEED H0D0 *AT )-ON, 4A-\Q -ound Vales, Alfalfa R Alfalfa \rass Mic and *orse *ay. Approcimately GE0 Tons. D0 miles Qast of .turgis on *wy 3'. G0E='99= 9IHG. H0D0 *ATVQT VA-4QT V,\ -ound Vales locat= ed in .pearfish area. CEE per ton. G0E=HD0= 0HKE. *AT ]O.A4Q: 4A-\Q -OWUS.. \rass CG0 per ton, grass&alfalfa mic CGE per ton. 4ocated in Velle ]ourche and Uewell. G0E=G'D=IHGK. 604 MACHINERY EQUIPMENT HU ]O-S T-A)TO-, 3 NT *itch, -uns \reat. CH,E00. )all 30I=GK0=EGIG or 30I= IEG=9K0H. 700 ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES i0G NO4A-,. E00*O, 'c', Auto With D0E0 Miles. *as )racBed ]ootwell. ]actory Qj Mount Nlow And Winch. C'39E OVO. GED='9D= 093G H00E PAWA.AP, N-A,-,Q. 3G0 'c'. Almost new. D00 hours. C'300. G0E=G'D=DH'K H00K A-)T,)AT '00, Auto AT^ With Only 30 Miles. 4iBe Uew Tet. *i= 4o And Siff=locB. C''9E, Uo Taces, OVO. GED= '9D=093G 701 MOTORCYCLES 515 FIREWOOD & FUEL D9IK *OUSA \4 D000. -uns good. CDEE0 OVO. *ave other #iBes. )all G0E=G'E=DGHE D000 gallon propane tanB. 4ocated over near *ulett on ranch. Must #e picBed up. #y purchaser. CDH00. G0E=IH3='EI0. D99E PAWA.AP, IE0 ^ulcan. EI00 miles. Qccellent condition. CD9E0.00. )all evenings. G0E=G'H=IE03 Page 17 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 18 701 MOTORCYCLES 701 MOTORCYCLES 701 MOTORCYCLES 2000 HARLEY DAVIDSON DYNA WIDE GLIDE, loaded, immaculate, bags,9,500 miles, one owner. $9,500/OBO. 605-499-9726 2007 HONDA SHADOW Spirit 750. 2,400 miles. Vance-Hines pipes and Dyno^et kit. Black, Red Flames. Warranty, Service transferable. $6200 605-641-4385 FOR SALE: 2004 KAWASAKI KX65, Good condition, Asking $1,400/OBO. 605-7232597. 2002 HONDA GOLDWING, 15,000 miles, $10,700.N 2007 YAMAHA RHINO, 1,500 miles, comes with snow blade and wench, $7,600. 605584-9085. 2003 883 SPORTSTER CUSTOM, Custom Flame Paint, Forward Controls, Solid Rear Wheel, 2 Seats, 7,900 Miles. $7,000/OBO. 605641-1009 2004 BMW R11sor. 16,500 miles. New back tire. Runs great. In good condition. $5000 OBO. Call 605-569-1843 ask for Neil 2007 HARLEY DAVIDSON, ELECTRA GLIDE, 103 engine, radio, back rests, many options, excellent condition. 29,000 miles. $12,900. Days 605892-4032N Evenings 605-717-9700. 2007 SPORTSTER XL LOW, less than 500 miles, detachable windshield, have highway bars, new saddlebags, $7,400, 605-641-4288. 2007 YAMAHA V-STAR 1300 motorcycleN 5000 milesN excellent conditionN $8500 OBO. includes side bags and 2 helmets. 605-490-0944 2008 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster 1200 Custom Black Beauty With Only 1,400 Miles. Why Buy New` $7,990.00. Call Alan 605-641-8218. 2008 YAMAHA VINO 125 SCOOTER. Clean, Low Miles, 89 MPG!!! $2,000. Call 641-8218 ‘92 SPRINGER SOFTTAIL S&S top end. Wide tire kit. Lots of extras. $11,000. 605-423-8130, or 605-490-8910 Great Value, Ride it to Sturgis!! HONDA GOLDWING 1986 Model, Aspencade GL 1200. ONLY 70,000 miles. Black with lots of chrome. Good Tires. $3000 OBO. 605-6457012 702 SNOWMOBILES 2001 POLARIS LIBERTY 500 RMK lifuid, 136x1.5 track, in great shape, 3,400 miles, adult owned, no damage, $2,250, 651-4910936 704 BOATS & MOTORS EVINRUDE 6HP OUTBOARD MOTOR, very good condition. Trolling motor linkage - two tanks $300.00 or will trade for a good snowblower. Belle Fourche 605-892-9002 Thursday, September 9, 2010 705 CAMPERS & TOPPERS 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 1989 palomino hardsided Pull Behind Camper. Stove, Refrigerator, Furnace. Sleeps 6. Used very little. $2,500/OBO. 605892-4089. 1963 FORD F100, 302, canary yellow, garaged, $5,500 firm. 605-5805775. 2002 VW JETTA GLS, 63K miles, auto, sun roof, new brakes, great on snow, 40i MPG, well maintained, $9,500. 605-580-0006 2006 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE GT, 43,000 miles, 6-speed leather, loaded. $15,300. 605-641-1248 2006 JAYCO JAY FEATHER 29 FT. pulltype camper. Excellent Condition! Priced below book at $15,900. Call 605-645-1559 FIFTH WHEEL CAMPER, SHADOW Cruiser, 8’x27’ w/hitch. Air, refrigerator, etc. Everything works! Pulled w/1/2 ton pickup. $4,800.00. 605-7223498 or 605-645-1411. FOR SALE: FIFTH WHEEL TRAILER, as is. $2800. Call 605-641-1865. 706 MOTOR HOMES & RV’S FOR SALE: ‘74 DODGE 19’ Sportsman Motor Home. Air & generator, sleeps 6. Good Condition. $3,000 OBO. 605-6425716, leave message. 1993 FORD TEMP GL. runs good, body good, $800. Needs minor work. Call 605-6391171 1998 CHRYSLER CONCORDE, V6, 3.2 liter engine, dependable $3,500.00. Call 605381-2372 2000 CORVETTE YELLOW, Exceptional 40,500 mi. 6 speed 5.7L V-8 Chrome & Orig. wheels Two tops 12 disc Bose. $18,500. 605641-9003 2000 MONTE CARLO SS. 80,000 miles. Allleather. 3800 v6, FWD. Excellent condition. $7200 605-644-0758 2002 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL, 4-door, gold/tan interior, only 89,000 miles, loaded, sunroof, always garaged and always well maintained. 605-642-0043 2003 HONDA ACCORD EX-leather, mint interior & exterior, solid, only 71,000 miles, $11,900 or reasonable offer, 605545-4555. 2003 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA GLS, Silver, 1.8 Turbo, PW, PL, Sunroof, Leather. Upgraded stereo. 99,900 miles. 605-641-4672. 2003 VW CONVERTIBLE BEETLE. 86,000 miles, LOADED, automatic, sport/tiptronic. New brakes/tires. FWD, Great in SNOW! NADA $10,100. Sell $7,500. 605-209-4205. 2008 FORD FOCUSSES 18,000 miles. Excellent condition! Loaded, Sync, MP3/6 disc CD changer, 4 cyl. 25-30 mpg! Asking $17,000. Cassie, 605641-0121, Aaron, 605641-0854 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector 2006 NISSAN MAXIMA SE 4-door sedan with leather heated seats, navigation, 38.000 miles, blue tooth, very clean. $19.900/OBO 2008 MAjDA 3, 14,000 Miles Under Warranty Black, Moon Roof, Power Locks, Power Windows, CD Changer, Manual $15,000 OBO 605-641-4052 2008 PONTIAC G6 30,000 miles, great condition. Onstar, xm radio capable 307-257-3185, ask for Scott FOR SALE - 2001 GRAND AM. 2-door, sunroof, 97,000 miles. $6,000 OBO. 605-6414435. FOR SALE: ‘06 Chevy Impala. Excellent Condition. 69,000 miles. Power windows, and locks. Can take flex fuel. $9,400. 605-645-1970 Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 POLLARD ONE WAY SERVICE PROS General Contractor Jeff Rath, Owner • Spearfish ~ Lead ~ Deadwood ~ Belle Fourche ~ Sturgis AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS CONSTRUCTION Affordable Rates - Residential & Commercial Installation & Repair • Duct Cleaning • Sales & 24 Hr. Service Brad Pollard Servicing ALL Brands of Air Conditioners & Furnaces 21088 US Hwy. 385 Deadwood, SD 57732 Always accepting new customers! 722-8101 or 578-7795 605-578-2057 ONE WAY... THE RIGHT WAY !icense8;<ns=re8 CS Painting Residential / Commercial Interior / Exterior !o# Ho&e ( )eck ,es.ora.ion 34ee. ,ock ( 56.erior 7in8o9 ,e:air BIG CREW ON HAND FOR: • Roofing • Siding • Cement • Home Building Jeff Storhaug cell 605-641-3619 Spearfish Property Management & Apartment Maintenance Real Estate Agents !n#ti&e, Da# or .i/ht, 1ee2ends !6aila8le 9ear :ound “One Job at a Time from Start to Finish!” Call Conner Sheets at: 605-499-9737 Licensed & Insured • Locally Owned & Operated Servicing the Black Hills 807 LAZELLE ST, STURGIS, SD 57785 Bob Lambert Construction Licensed • Insured & Chrissy Blair Spearfish Advertising Representative (605) 642-2761 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD QUINN’S PAINTING & REPAIR • New Construction • Steel Buildings • Concrete • Additions • Remodeling • QUALITY GUARANTEED • 605-641-7958 (cell) 605-722-5466 (home) Dan 642-2197, 641-1954 Tom 642-2477, 641-6923 L ICENSED - I NSURED R EFERENCES I NTERIOR - E XTERIOR N EW C ARPENTRY R EMODEL - R EPAIR After hours call 722-8101 Are you a new business not yet listed in the phone book` Advertise Here! Call 642-2761 or 584-2303 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, September 9, 2010 Page 19 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 751 VANS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE PEARL W/RED TINT, 2003 CADILLAC DEVILLE, Leather, Information Center, Loaded! New Michelin Tires. $5,900/OBO 605210-4235. 1998 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER SPORT. Very well maintained. 108K. $3,200. 605-722-9445. 1946 (REBUILD TITLE) Willys Jeep, hard 1/2 top, drive line rebuilt 4 years ago, body rough condition, $2,500.00 605-722-4067, 605-6399156. 1995 FORD F150 XLT. Extended cab, 4x4, w/topper. Good condition. New tires. $4,875 605-722-7302 2008 CHEVY COLORADO, extended cab. 16k, black, air, power locks, windows, sunroof. Box liner. Tow package. Garaged. $19,995. 605787-5300 WHY BUY NEWQ 2008 Honda Accord Sedan, 29,000 One owner miles. V-6, mystic green, black leather. XM Radio, 6 disc CD changer, extended factory & power train warranty. New tires, factory extras. Excellent condition. NADA retail $22,900.00, sell for $19,500.00. 605722-8150 751 VANS FOR SALE 1994 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER, GREAT Interior, Seats 7, Airbags, 157K, Lots of Extras, Runs Great. $1,785.00/OBO. 605722-7592 1995 GMC VAN Loaded, in good condition. 136k. 307-680-0580 2000 MAD`A MPV ES, 4 air bags, leather, 3rd row seating, 143k miles, newer tires, dependable, below book. $2,500. 605-5592323 ext. 4 2006 GMC SAVANNAH 2500 High-top Conversion Van, low miles. Leather, seats 9 comfortably 2-2-2-3 configuration. DVD entertainment system with 23” TV, theater lighting, fully decked out, smooth ride! Asking below book, $29.000. 605-645-1559. 1957 DODGE, 4 WD, KW100, $1,900 OBO. 605-578-1361. 1970 1/2 TON CHEVY PICKUP long box, runs great! $1,000.00. 605892-9198 or 307-9411296. 1984 FORD F150, with new 5th wheel hitch. 1982 35’ Wilderness 5th wheel, both need work. $4000 OBO. 605-8923693 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 1989 CHEVY 2500 SILVER ADO, Extended Cab, Long Box w/western plow. 176,000 miles. Call 605-423-8113, evenings. ‘03 FORD RANGER, 4door cab, Edge pkg, v6 loaded, has body damage, 80,000 miles $8000. Call 1-406-7490725 or 1-406-9512509. 1993 FORD F-150 EXTENDED CAB, 4WD, 95.000 miles, 5-spd, towing package. New starter, clutch/slave cylinder & uioints. $3,500/OBO. 605892-4089 1997 FORD F-350 XLT crewcab, powerstroke, long box, auto, aluminum wheels, Drives excellent really clean, no rust. 206,000 miles. $8,995. 605-641-1124 2009 WHITE HONDA RIDGELINE. 21,000 miles. Under Blue book at $25,500. Topper Included. Excellent condition w/warranty. Mom wants a car. 701-4125000. 2001 FORD RANGER 4x4 110,000 miles 4.0L 5 speed. Matching topper $5200 good condition 605645-9541 FOR SALE: 1985 GMC 1 ton four-wheel drive. $3,500. 1965 GMC 3/4 ton four-wheel drive. $1,200. OBO 605-645-4018 2003 FORD F150. FX4, crew cab. 109,500 miles. Roll-up bed cover, good tires, clean truck. Asking 12,900 OBO Joe 605645-8959 FOR SALE: 2001 DODGE Extended Cab 1500, mileage 152,000l 2x4. Runs great. $2,495.00. 605-717-2366. 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE 2003 GMC 1500 HD PICKUP, Quadra-steer, 85,000 miles, 4x4, XM radio, B&W 5th wheel hitch. Two-tone paint, crew cab, six foot box. Excellent Ride! Call 605645-1559 1981 CJ5 JEEP, runs good. 1967 AirStream Safari, 22’. 1967 Air Stream Carvel, 17’. 605920-2222. 753 SPORT 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE UTILITIES FOR SALE 1997 CHEVY BLA`ER. 2 Door. 4x4. Leather seats, moon roof, CD player. 170,000 miles. Still runs good. $3400. John, 605-680-2815. 2007 JEEP LIBERTY. White, pw, pb, pl, ps. New tires, hwy miles. Very clean. $12,250 OBO 605-6451625 1998 CHEY BLA`ER. 4dr, 4wd, 160,000 miles. Well cared for. $3650. Call Richard 605-9411964 ‘87 FORD BRONCO. Restored and customized. Must see in Spearfish. Excellent condition. $7000 OBO. 605-890-1803 2000 GMC JIMMY SLE, 4-door, 4x4, 150,000 miles, good condition, $3,000. 605-892-2599. 2002 NISSAN XTERRA SE S/C, 128.000 miles, Excellent Shape! Runs Great, New Tires. $8,000. Call 605-6410219 2003 CHEVY TRAILBLA`ER, 100K miles, great shape. Books for $9,900, will sell for $9,000. Call 605-5844654 or 605-719-6172. 2004 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN, 1500 Sport Utility, power windows/locks, new tires, 3rd seat w/rear air, 115k miles. Very clean, $11,000 605-580-2425 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector 754 HEAVY TRUCKS 2001 FREIGHT LINER FL70, Cat Motor, 6 Speed, 90,000 Miles, 22’ Flatbed, Good Truck, 25,500 GVW, $12,500, 307-643-2162 in Beulah. CRANE TRUCK FORD F800, 189” wb, crane is a National Series 200 605-206-0289 Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Geri Riggs Sturgis Ad Sales 605-578-1146 605-642-2761 fax 605-642-9060 [email protected] PEDERSON HARDWOOD FLOORS • • • • installation repair refinishing tile & more for a FREE Estimate call Justin 605-578-1089 PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE & PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE PROJECTS MERLE’S LANDSCAPING & YARD SERVICE ate Total Lawn Care Maintenance Estime!! SPRING PACKAGE PROFESSIONAL Fe • Power Raking • Aerating LANDSCAPING • Sod Laying • Seeding New Lawns • And 4-Step Turf Plus Plan • Install & Design Sprinkler Systems TWO INTERNATIONAL SCOUTS, $500 for both, interchangeable parts: 125cc Pit bike $250l Dirt bike, lots of extras $3,000. Best offer on any items. 605-5919785 (computerized imaging & Design) PROJECTS OLD & NEW! LEAD • DEADWOOD • SPEARFISH • BELLE FOURCHE • STURGIS 1-800-287-7805 • 605-892-2111 South Hwy. 85 • 1835 Fifth Avenue, Belle Fourche, SD Rent Me! Rent Me! Call 642-2761 or 584-2303 Do you have a new business that’s not listed in the phone book yet? ADVERTISE HERE!! Call 642-2761 or 584-2303 I-90 Exit 14 • 3125 E. Colorado Blvd. Spearfish, SD 57783 [email protected] Ph. 605.722.0537 Cell 605.645.1349 Fax 605.722.0580 Mark’s Barber & Style Shop Old School Barber Shop 38 Years of Service, Father & Son Owned. 2 Chairs, 3 Barbers 2 00 $ OFF 114 W. Hudson St. Spearfish, SD 57783 (605) 642-8603 • Fire, Smoke & Water Damage Cleanup • Mold Inspection & Removal • Air Duct/Dryer Vent Cleaning • Carpet, Upholstery & Drapery Cleaning 24-Hour Emergency Service Serving the Black Hills Since 1970 605-642-7939 Spearfish, SD BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 20 756 TRAILERS FOR SALE !""# P& 'R)ILER- .# / # B1231452678 '46971 '2:;1< =>27?8 @AA?1:1BC- 6: D4125 ?E2918 FG"-#""HOBO8 ."JKLM"K#LJ# A4 ."JK J#LKNM"!8 #OPMO EQRLOSE= T'ILK I'U 'R)ILER- L6C1 :1VA:7W 5AV1; L"" <671?8 FG-#"" :1VO:7W FG-G""8 S9241 5641 6:B7>;1;8 )7V2W? ?5A41; 6:;AA4?8 L"#KLX#K ..X"8 YOR S)LEZ !"G" E:B7A?1; '426714- JO[GXO8 F#-X""8 P712?1 B277 L"#K LXGKGML#8 \O'ORRURLE 'R)ILK ER YOR S)LE8 L"#K LXGKGML# 759 AUTO ACCESSORIES RE=TRE= PRIRE8 ! G!] &L )T=IO S>^? 6: 9A451; ^A[- ! N""V RABC_A4; )<9?`1:VAA; 2:; SA:W 41B16314?8 F#"" OBO8 L"#KLX#K!L#M 760 AUTOS WANTED WILL b)TL UOTR &TQ` cEbIRLES YREE8 \>?5 b231 '6571 d '641?8 )7?A W677 b2>7 UA>4 &>:C K P46B1 Q1DA562^718 R277 L"#K #M"KG"L.8 761 COLLECTIBLE AUTOS GNL. RbEcROLE' !K;4 b' YA4 S2718 P2456277W R1?5A41;8 .!J cKM8 R277 L"#KLXGK.!MN8 )?C6:D F.-"""8""HOBO GNJ" ROT@)R R1^>675 .#GB8 Y\P 542:?<6??6A:8 N"C <671?8 Q1V 5641?1[E2>?5 _>17 ?W?51<8 FL-""" A4 9245627 D>: 542;18 ."JKMNLK.!"!8 eGNJ.] \TS')Q@ ROTPE8 )77 41_>4^6?E1;8 ! AV:14 B248 \>?5 ?11 5A 29941B62518 R277 L"#K ##NK"!XJ 71231 <1?K ?2D18 L2?5 A_ 5E1 eR72??6B?]8 &EEP L)RE=O- GNMLL2?5 A_ WWII 5W91VE651HDA7;- 277 2BB1?K ?A461?- 2>5A<256B- 277 ;AB><1:5?- NG-M"" A46DK 6:27 <671?- FG"`- L"#K .XJKL"JG Thursday, September 9, 2010 761 COLLECTIBLE AUTOS 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT PRIRE RE=TRE=Z GNJ. RORcE''E S'IQ@R)U .#"X ?911;8 GNJ. RA431551 U177AV 6: BA7A48 'K'A9?8 F!G-"""8 R277 L"#KLX!K !.XX ;2W?- L"#KLX!K JM.. 131:6:D?8 )''R)R'IcE ! 2:; . ^1;4AA< 29245<1:5? 2:; <A^671 EA<1? 6: B1:5427 S9124_6?E8 LAV >5676561?g V2?E14H;4W14g FL"" K J"" L"#KJ!!K J!X"8 )''R)R'IcE- 1BA:A<K 6BK?5>;6A- G-!-.-X-# ^1;K 4AA< 29245<1:5?- EA>?K 1?- <A^671 EA<1? 6: S9124_6?EL12;=12;VAA;8 L"#KJ!!K J!X" =E)=WOO= 'WO 2:; 'E411 B1;4AA< )9245<1:5? YA4 R1:5O: ?651 924C6:D 2:; 72>:;4W- V27C6:D ;6?K 52:B1 5A \26: S541158 'A 96BC >9 2: 29976B256A: ?5A9 25 Q16DE^A4WA4C? =2CA52 bA<1 R1?A>4B1? 25 JN# \26: S54115- =12;VAA; A4 B277 L"#K#JMKGX"G8 Eh>27 bA>?6:D O99A45>:65W8 R)QUOQ ES')'ES )9245<1:5? 6: S9124_6?E:AV E2? ! ^1;4AA< 29245<1:5? 232672^718 Q6B17W 72:;?B291;- 972W 2412- A__ ?54115 924C6:D72>:;4W _2B676561?8 SA<1 >:65? :1V7W 41<A;171;8 R277 L"#KLX!KJX"" _A4 <A41 6:_A4<256A:8 Eh>27 bA>?6:D O99A45>:65W8 IROQ RI=@E ES')'ES E2? T9BA<6:D A91:K 6:D? _A4 !- . 2:; X ^1;K 4AA< S52456:D 25 FJ#"8 R2^71 53 _4118 SV6<<6:D 9AA7- EA5 5>^ 2:; _65:1?? 4AA<8 QA ?<AC6:D8 P15 BA:?6;141; V65E 41_14K 1:B1?8 L"#KLXGK!"LM8 VVV864A:46;D11?5251?8B A< L)R@Ek ! BE=ROO\=EQ- V2?E14H;4W14- :1V 299762:B1?- A__ ?54115 924C6:D V65E V2514HD24^2D1 926;8 FL""H<A:5E / ;19A?658 R277 L"#K#JMKG..N A4 L"#KN!"KMX#M8 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT G d ! BE=ROO\Y>4:6?E1; 2:; T:_>4:6?E1;8 L12;8 R277 L"#KN!"KGX#J L1231 Q2<1 d PEA:1 f8 GK!K. BE=ROO\ )P'S8 c6?65 O>4 W1^?651Z b179K TKR1:58:15 O4 R277 L"#K J!!KREQ'8 ! BE=ROO\- G B)'b B2?1<1:5 )9245<1:58 )99762:B1? V65E VH;8 @AA; LAB256A:8 L"#K LX#KL!.G )''R)R'IcE GK! ^1;K 4AA< _725?B1:5427 =12;VAA;V2?E14H ;4W14 94A36;1;- 7AV >5676K 561?- D4125 361V? 15BF#""KFL"" L"#KLXGK "JMN Summit View & Heritage Apartments NEWLY REMODELED Very nice 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in Belle Fourche. Some utilities included. For further information call: 723-8000. RLE)Q G d ! BE=K ROO\ )P)R'\EQ'S 7AB251; 6: S9124_6?E8iGj ! B1;4AA< 6? WE117K BE264 )BB1??6^718 )32672^71 QAV8 R1:5 B2?1; O: I:BA<18 YA4 \A41 I:_A4<256A: B277 L"#KLX#KMN.. Eh>27 bA>?6:D O99A45>:65W8 YOR REQ'Z B)SEK \EQ' )P)R'\EQ'- G ^1;4AA<- G ^25E- ?E241; VH; V65E >9?5264?8 Q6B1 B1:5427 S9124_6?E 7AB2K 56A:8 F.J# <A:5E8 R277 L"#KJGJKM##" LE)= K YRESbLU RE\O=ELE=k . B1;4AA<- QEW ^25EB24915 2:; 299762:B1?8 W65E V2?E14H;4W14- A__ ?54115 924C6:DV2514HD24^2D1 926; FL#"H<A:5E / =19A?658 R277 L"#K#JMKG..N A4 L"#KN!"KMX#M8 OQE BE=ROO\ )P)R'\EQ'S QOW )c)IL)BLE YOR REQ' 6: S5>4D6?8 R1:5 ^2?1; A: 6:BA<1 A4 \24C15 FX#" )' bILLScIEW bI@bRISE )77 >5676561? 6:B7>;1; 6: 41:5 i1[B195 9EA:1 d B2^71j L2>:;4W _2B676561? 6: ^>67;6:DH:AA: <127 232672^71 YA4 <A41 6:_A4<256A:- B277 B41:;2 iL"#j.XJK..MX S5>4D6?S= #JJM#8 Eh>27 bA>?6:D O99A45>:65W Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector 6"#-0#0& 6"#-&'6( [email protected] Your One-Stop Clean-Up Shop! Painting Jobs Black Hills Painting DEAN L. WEIS Manager - Owner PO Box 669 Spearfish, SD 57783 Ph. 642-9693 Fax 642-5757 FREE ESTIMATES • Gift Certificates 3316 E. Fairgrounds Lp • 605-642-2344 (Across from Midcontinent) 605-642-0562 605-430-1780 To make an appointment, please call (605) 381-9296 or (605) 641-0935 [email protected] NOW SERVING YOUR AREA! No Job Is ! Too Small R & D CONSTRUCTION Licensed in Lead, Deadwood & Spearfish ROGER THOMAS (605) 584-2701 or 580-1562 .G#" X5E )318- S9124_6?E- S= Specializing in Portraits with Personality Call 642-2761, 584-2303 or 341-0086 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL n RA<97151 I:5146A4 R712:KT9 n SE2<9AA V65E SBA5BE @>24; 232672^71 n b2:; W2?E d W2[6:DHB>__6:D n RABC RE69 d L6DE5 SB425BE R19264 n '24 R1<A327 n S512< R712: E:D6:1? Free Estimates - Large & Small Jobs Isn’t It YOUR Turn To Rent This Space? Pha e Electric Inc. SEE \ORE )P)R'K \EQ'S YOR REQ' OQ 'bE QEP' P)@Ek COLOR MYSTIQUE Ages 2 & up! thedance-co6com S'T=IO )P)R'\EQ'S 6: S9124_6?E8 >5676561? 926;8 QA 915?H:A ?<ACK 6:D8 F!#"8KF.""8 914 <A:5E8 'E1 R127 E?5251 R1:527 R1:5148 L"#KJGJK #### Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 )ance /lasses !nline &egistration . /nformation at OQE BE=ROO\ QEWLU YTRQISbE= 29245<1:5 232672^71 S1951<^14 G?58 QA ?<AC6:D A4 915?8 Y>77 >?1 A_ R7>^EA>?1 V65E ?V6<<6:D 9AA7- EA5 5>^ 2:; _65:1?? 4AA<8 c61V BA49A4251 29245<1:5 A:76:1 25 VVV864A:K 46;D11?5251?8BA< l E 5 9 9 Z H H V V V8 6 4 A : K 46;D11?5251?8BA<m FM!# 914 <A:5E 6:B7>;1? B2^71 'c- 6:514:15 2:; >5676561?8 L"#KLXGK!"LM RA:B4151 S6;1V27C? d Y725VA4C n Q1V RA:?54>B56A: R19264 d R1<A;176:D Rent This Space For Only $155/Month! Call 642-2761, 584-2303 or 341-0086 Andy’s Trail Rides • Horseback Rides • Cattle Drives • Camping & Fishing Trips Reservations Recommended 605-645-2211 11186 Deer Mountain Road Lead, SD www.andystrailrides.com BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, September 9, 2010 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 801 ROOMS FOR RENT 803 DUPLEXES FOR RENT ST#RGIS ST#DIO APARTM-NTS Now Available.Rent based on income AT K-Y CITY MANOR. All utilities included in rent Cexcept phone, AC H cableI Laundry facilities in building for more information, call Brenda C605I34T-33V4. -Wual Xousing Oppor tunity IN SP-ARFISX. Rooms for rent in 6 bedroom, 3 bath house. Includes #tilities, local telephone, cable Tb, wireless Internet. Reasonable rates. 605-3V1-0235. b-RY NIC- #NF#RNISX-D 2 bedroom, 1 bath in Spearfish. Laundry hookups. Kitchen furnished w[stove, refrigerator[ dishwasher. Ground-level, single-car garage. Lawn care provided. Ideal for retired individual or couple. ]T00 month[deposit reWuired. Non-smoking, No pets. Cal 605-642-3611 after 5c30pm. 803 DUPLEXES FOR RENT 3 BD[1BA, W[D hookups. Almost new. Lower half of duplex. Section V approved and accepted. Belle Fourche. Now available. 605-4V4-1364. S#NNY 2 1[2 B-DROOM in Lead, easy access, off-street parking, washer[dryer, covered porch, ]550, water[sewer paid, V01910-63VV. COMPL-T-LY R-MOD-L-D LODG- STYL- 2 bedroom duplex in Lead. Plenty off-street parking, 14_ vaulted ceilings, washer[dryer included. All utilities included, approved pets allowed. 605-6412T62 or 605-T22-1TT6. 801 ROOMS FOR RENT TONY_S MOT-L. Completely Furnished, Ready to Move in, Kitchenettes. Rent by Day, Week Or Month. Cable, Color Tb. Cleaned Weekly. Reasonable Rates. C605I 269-2501 Whitewood SD. SP-ARFISX 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Nice unit. Central air. All appliances including dishwasher, and Washer[dryer. No pets, no smoking. Lease plus deposit reWuired. ]9T5[mo. 605-645-T605 BUY IT • Page 21 SELL IT • RENT IT Classified Ad Form Category: Check One ❍ 1 Classified Ad in the Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector - $19.00 per week #p to 20 Words - 50g each additional word Your ad runs 6 times in the Black Hills Pioneer and 1 time in the Weekly Prospector - Reach 25,000 households! ❍ Best Bargain! Eight Issues for only $29.00 per week IN B-LL- FO#RCX-. 3 bedroom, 2 baths. Water, sewer, garbage included, w[d. Call 605210-23V4. IN B-LL- FO#RCX-. Large 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with fenced yard. NO P-TS. R-F-R-NC-S R-d#IR-D. ]T50[month plus deposit. 605-210-02V5. IN SP-ARFISX - NIC14_xT0_ 3 Bedroom, 1 3[4 bath, ]6V5 plus electricity and natural gas. Call 605-641-1V96. Name: Phone: ( Address: City/State: Credit Card#: Exp. Date: PLEASE ENCLOSE PAYMENT SPEARFISH OFFICE 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD 5TTV3 (605) 642-2761 For small jobs, big jobs and the odd jobs in between! CHAD PLOOG Rapid City, SD (605) 399-9999 Outside Rapid City 1-800-357-9998 www.rapidshuttle.com Construction 605-722-3122 605-206-1348 Schmidt Construction +,- .ears 12perience in • Basements • Foundations • Driveways • Patios • Sidewalks 6icense7 8 9nsure7 605-584-1004 605-641-6124 Receive a COMPLIMENTARY COPY of :he )lac< Hills >ioneer when you have your pizza delivered from Pizza Lab in Central City or Pizza Ranch in Spearfishf 642-4422 ) Signature: AND MAIL LEAD OFFICE T South Main Lead, SD 5TT54 (605) 584-2303 OR DROP BY... RAPID CITY OFFICE 1T19 W. Main St., Ste. 20T Rapid City, SD 5TT02 (605) 341-0086 Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Remodeling Decks Driveways Siding Roofing !"LL P&'()* 2625 E. Colorado Blvd. • Spearfish ]1 each additional word ADDITIONAL WORDS Rapid City • Mt. Rushmore Spearfish • Black Hills Custer • Sturgis • Deadwood +or Delivery Call666 - 804 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT Powers 605-645-1313 #p to 20 Words Reach Over 26,000 households! • Black Hills Pioneer • Weekly Prospector • Nation’s Center News AIRPORT EXPRESS SHUTTLE • Home Remodel & Design • Repairs FIND IT & Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector Center Piece Designs • 124 Hwy. 14A • Central City 578-9933 This Space Just Opened Up! Why not try your ad here? Call 642-2761 or 584-2303 Robert Crane GEICO Field Representative Licensed in South Dakota, Wyoming & Montana 1575 LaCrosse Street, Suite A Rapid City, SD 57701 Telephone: (605) 348-6060 Fax: (605) 342-9318 Claims: 1-800-841-3000 [email protected] Aaron’s Handyman Services • Snow Removal • Furniture Moving • Kitchen & Bathroom Remodel • Egress Windows • Concrete • Decks • Roofing • Plumbing • Garages • Painting • Repairs • Tree Trimming and Cleanups !all %aron )raun (605) 642-5874 FREE DROP IN BELLE! • All Paper • Cardboard • Aluminum Cans Commercial Dumpsters Appliance Pickup Lazy B Ent. since 2002 www.blackhills.com/recycle 605-722-1807 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 22 Thursday, September 9, 2010 804 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT 805 HOMES FOR RENT 809 COMMERCIAL RENTALS 812 WANTED TO RENT 912 HOMES FOR SALE BY OWNER !"# %&'(##) #* +#,*'-!.#* near 3o56 5ege a8ai5a:5e ;et=em:er ?@A "aBCerDdrFerG 3entra5 airG and off Btreet =arI6 ingA *o ;moIingA Pet maF :e 3onBidered KitC referen3eBA L6@N =5uB gaB and e5e3tri3A 6N@6 6P?62N6R U&-' 6 S %&'(##)G 2 %-!VG (an3C ;tF5e VouBeG neK5F remod6 e5edG L62@DmontC =5uB uti5itieB and damage de=oBitG 5eaBeA %i55 6N@6 6P?6NS6T +#( U&-;&^ S@PN ;`A ftA #ffi3eD(etai5 B=a3e KitC 5arge KindoKB and Cand6 i3a= reBtroomBA &f3e55ent 5o3ationA Ca55 (od at 6N@6 6P@6N26?63e55 or 6N@6 6P26P2@N6Come #*& %&'(##) V#,;& .* '&-'6 "##' .n35udeB a==5i6 an3eBG a8ai5a:5e #3to:er ?BtA C5oBe to doKn6 toKnDoff6Btreet =arIingA L6NNDmontC =5uB uti5i6 tieBA Ca55 6N@6@]R6TT6TA +#( U&-;&^ @RNR B`A ftA B=a3e Bet u= for WFmG KitC Candi3a= reBtroomBG BCoKerBG maBBage roomBG and tanning roomBA Cou5d :e offi3eDretai5 B=a3eA &f3e55ent 5o3ationA Ca55 (od at 6N@66P@6N26?63e55 or 6N@66P26P2@N6V U##Z.*W +#( - *.C&G 35ean Come to rent in %e55e +our3CeG minimum 2 :edroomA #ne adu5tG one teenagerG no BmoI6 ingG no =etBA P5eaBe 3a55 6N@62?N6N?PR or 6N@6 RT26SRTRA C#U' +U##(;m "e Ca8e a Bo5utionj *eKj &5e3tri3 in f5oor CeatingA ,Be under -*a f5ooringA &ffi3ientG Bafe and eaBF to inBta55A #n5F SDS2n tCi3IA cerBati5e Car=etB b .nteriorB 6 ;=earfiBCG ;' 6N@66P@6SSS? &mai5^ Karmf5oordeBignBkgmai5A 3omA +ree informationa5 C'j 805 HOMES FOR RENT 2 %&'(##) -P-(!6 )&*! .* ;=earfiBCG 2 :edroom CouBeG S :ed6 roomB trai5erG P :edroom a=artment in %e55e +our3CeA 6N@62?N6SP?T %&-,!.+,U *&" !#"* V#)&G 2 %edroomG 'ou:5e WarageG Wreat in !oKn Uo3ationA 6N@66P?6N?R6A ;)-UU C#,*!(a V#)&G ] mi5eB from doKntoKn ;=earfiBCA #ne :edroomG no KDdA *o BmoIingD=etBA "aterDBeKageDgar:age b Fard 3are =ro8idedA aou =aF e5e3tri3 b gaBA (eferen3eB b de=oBit re`uiredA LSRNDmontCA 6N@66P26S?@SA %&UU& +#,(CV& 6 S %&'(##)G 2 :atC Come Bitting on 2 a3reBA +u55 :aBement KDKa5IoutA -==5ian3eB in35udedA 'og #n5FG *# 3atBA L?GNNND montCA Ca55 YeBBi3aDZP) 6N@66P?6N@66A ;P&-(+.;VG P(.c-!& U#C-!.#*G P %edroomBG #ne :atCG "D' CooIu=BG 5arge FardG 5arge de3IG 3ar6 =ortA *o PetBD*o ;moIingA 6N@66P?6 @N?NA C,!& #*& %&'(##) V#,;&A C5oBe to Pamida [;turgiB\ *on6 BmoIingA PetB =oBBi:5e KitC a==ro8a5A -8ai5a:5e ;e=tem:er ?BtA 6N@6 PTN622R]A !"# %&'(##) V#,;& +#( (&*! KitC Bing5e 3ar garageG 35oBe to B3Coo5G 35oBe to (e3 Center L6@NDmontC b L6@N de=oBitA *o PetBA Ca55 for a==ointmentA %oFddB CountrF (enta5BA 6N@6RT262P?]A +#( (&*! .* ;P&-(+.;V^ P %edroomG 2 :atC ComeA LTP@DmontC =5uB uti5i6 tieBA *o PetBA Ca55 )arFBia 6N@66P?62@NNA +#( (&*!^ P :edroom CouBe in ;=earfiBCG on CreeI near ,ni8erBitFA +u55F furniBCedA -8ai5a:5e^ Ua:or daF to Yune ?A PD:aG Cot tu: KitC ga_e:oA 'ou:5e atta3Ced garageA Uarge fen3ed FardA *o BmoI6 ingG no =etBA (eferen3eB re`uiredA LTT@DmoA T@P6 6PR6R6TT +#( (&*!^ ,P;!-.(; 2 %&'(##)G ? :atCG ? 3ar garageG KaBCerDdrFerG 3entra5 ;=earfiBC 5o3ationA L]2@ANNA 6N@6]?]6R@@NA V#)& .* V-()#*a V.UU; for reB=onBi:5e indi8idua5B or fami5FA @ %edroomG 2 :atCA L?G?NNDmontCA ;e3uritF de=oBit re`uiredA 6N@6 @T?62TNR V#,;& +#( U&-;& .n ;=earfiBCA S %edroomG garageG fen3ed FardA *o ;moIing or PetBA 'e=oBitBG (eferen3eB (e`uiredA 6N@66P@6N?PSA .* ;P&-(+.;V 6 @ %edroomG S %atC Vome KitC 2 3ar garageA +en3ed FardA L?GNNNDmontCA #ne Fear 5eaBe KitC good 3redit #*UaA *o ;moIingA Ca55 )idKeBt Pro=ertF )anagementA 6N@66P?6 ?N26A 806 ROOMMATES WANTED (##) +#( (&*!^ 2S? "A *&c-'- ;!(&&! 6 ;=earfiBCA ["eBt ;ide\ LP@NDmontCA -55 uti5itieB in35udedA "aBCerDdrFer a8ai5a:5eA Conta3t Yamie for detai5BA 6N@66P?6 ?SSTA 808 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR RENT )#,*!-.* ;V-'#"; &;!-!&; in ;=earfiBC VaB Uarge )o:i5e Vome UotB -8ai5a:5e for (entA *o 'ogB -55oKedA [6N@\6P26P]6PA P(.)& #++.C&D(&!-.U B=a3e a8ai5a:5eA SGNNN B`A ftA guBt 5iIe neK KitC great Btorefront ef=o6 BureA *eK =aintG 3ar=etG f5ooringA Zit3CenG 2 :atC6 roomBA ;tate ;treetG %e55e +our3CeA L]@N =er montC KitC 5eaBeA (i3I !FBda5 6N@66P?6?NSN :roIer oKnedA 810 GARAGES & STORAGE hh;!#(-W& ,*.!;hh ] ?D2f ?NG ?N f?@G ?Nf2PG ?2fSN Con3rete +5oorBG -55 -B=Ca5t 'ri8eKaFBG Wood ;noK (emo8a5A %eBt rateB in ;=earfiBCA 6N@66P?66S@NA hh;!#(-W& ,*.!;hhA Com=etiti8e (ateBG 22fSNG ??fSNG ??f2NG ??f?@G ??f?NG @f??A Ca55 *ortC8ieK ;torage at [6N@\6P26R?26A ?Nf26G ?Nf2PG ?Nf?2 ;!#(-W& ,*.!;A Con3rete +5oorA ca55eF ;torageA [6N@\6P26S]R2G 6N@66P@62RRNA @f]G Rf?NG ?Nf?NG ?Nf2PG ?2fSNA Con3rete f5oorBG %5a3I to==ed dri8e KaFBA Uo3ated :eCind ;afeKaF6 ;toK -KaF ;torage6 6N@66P26 2R6T or 6N@66P@62?@2A '&-'"##' ;!#(-W& ,*.!; -c-.U-%U& *#" C#*c&*.&*!Ua U#C-!6 &' A c-(.#,; ;.i&;A CU-.) 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SDP :atCG tKo garageBG 2 5otBG neK5F re3onditionedA ;,*6 '-*C& "a#).*WA Ca55 PN26S@N6626? 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A world of information and opportunity is only a click away: www.bhpioneer.com Our Towns Page 23 Thursday, September 9, 2010 [email protected] Lawrence County Dems to meet Sept. 9 S"E$%&IS()*)+,-)L/01-23-)C56278)D-:531/7;3)"/178 0;<<):--7)/7)=)>?:?)+,61@A/8B)S->7?)C)/7)D-:531/7;3 (-/AD6/17-1@B)EFF)N517,)H/;2)S7?);2)S>-/1I;@,?)$J-2A/);7-:@ 0;<<);23<6A-)-K-27)></22;2JB),-/AD6/17-1@)5>-1/7;52@B)/2A 3/:>/;J2)6>A/7-@?)$<<)>/178):-:L-1@)/1-)0-<35:-? Cub Scout sign-ups Sept. 9 S"E$%&IS()*)C6L)S3567)"/3M)F=);2)S>-/1I;@,)0;<<),5<A /)2-0)@3567)@;J2N6>)/7)EOPQ)>?:?)+,61@A/8B)S->7?)C);2)7,R-@7)E<-:-27/18)L;L1/18?))C6L)S3567;2J);@)/)2/7;52/<)>15N J1/:)0;7,)7,-)B58)S3567@)5I)$:-1;3/)7,/7)I5@7-1@)3;7;T-2@,;>B 1-@>52@;L;<;78B)35::62;78)@-1K;3-B)@>;1;76/<)J1507,B)3,/1/37-1 L6;<A;2JB)/2A)>-1@52/<)I;72-@@?))"/3M)F=),5@7@)/)8-/1N1562A I/:;<8)>15J1/:)I51)L58@);2)I;1@7)J1/A-)7,156J,)I;I7,)J1/A-? 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LHS Class of 1960 reunion Sept. 10 and 11 LE$D)*)+,-)L-/A)(;J,)S3,55<)C</@@)5I)FCEQ)0;<<)L,/K;2J)7,-;1)YQ7,)C</@@)%-62;52)52)S->7?)FQ)/2A)FF?)$28527,/7)056<A)<;M-)75)K;@;7)0;7,)7,-)3</@@):-:L-1@);@);2K;7-A)75 35:-)/I7-1)b)>?:?)52)L57,)&1;A/8)/7)L-/A)C562718)C<6L)/2A S/761A/8)/7)7,-)c5<A-2)(;<<@)%-@517? Author Craig Johnson to visit Belle Sept. 11 BELLE)&\U%C(E)*)R85:;2J)/67,51)C1/;J)U5,2@52 0;<<)A;@36@@),;@)2-0)L55M)eU62M8/1A)D5J@f)/2A),;@)57,-1 L55M@)/7)X)>?:?)R-A2-@A/8B)S->7?)FF)/7)7,-)B-<<-)&5613,- "6L<;3)L;L1/18?))"</2)52)L-;2J)/7)7,-)<;L1/18)7,/7)A/8)75):--7 7,;@)/0/1AN0;22;2J)/67,51? Stars and stripes dance Sept. 11 S"E$%&IS( *)c;1<)S3567)+155>)=XEQP);2)352`6237;52 0;7,)7,-)C5::62;78)C5/<;7;52)/2A)7,-)%-3)C-27-1);@),5@7;2J / I1--)+--2)N;J,7 I51):;AA<-)@3,55<)/2A),;J,)@3,55<)@76A-27@ S/761A/8B)S->7?)FF)/7)7,-)S>-/1I;@,)$D6/7;3@)/2A)%-3)C-27-1? +,-)7--2)2;J,7)162@)I15:)ENb)>?:?)I51):;AA<-)@3,55<)@76A-27@ /2A)7,-2)I15:)bOPQNFFOPQ)>?:?)I51),;J,)@3,55<)@76A-27@?)B1;2J 8561)@3,55<)IDg@? D1-@@ /@)8561)I/K51;7-)>5<;7;3/<)3,/1/37-1B);2)WQg@)I/@,;52B >/71;57;3/<<8);2)1-AB0,;7-)/2A)L<6-B)51);2)7,-);27-1-@7)5I)I1-@>--3,B)/@)/)3527-27;56@)5L`-3751? DHS class of '55 to meet Sept. 11 DE$DR\\D)*)+,-)D-/A055A)(;J,)S3,55<)3</@@)5I)gYY 0;<<)L-)J-77;2J)75J-7,-1)/7)Y)>?:?))S/761A/8)S->7?)FF)/7)+,L5AJ-)/7)D-/A055AB)I51)@53;/<),561)/2A)A;22-1?))+,;@);@)7,YYN8-/1)/22;K-1@/18)5I)J1/A6/7;52?))&51):51-);2I51:/7;52B ><-/@-)3527/37)U/2-7)+,51-@-2B)(/2M)&1/0<-8B)51)B;<<)B-@,-1/ /7)PCQNW=YX? Market in the Park Sept. 11 S"E$%&IS()*))(;<<@)(51;T52)5I)S>-/1I;@,)0;<<),5@7 H/1M-7);2)7,-)"/1M)523-)/J/;2)I15:)C)/?:?)75)2552)S/761A/8B S->7?)FF)/7)S>-/1I;@,)C;78)"/1M?)H51-)7,/2)XQ)K-2A51@)0;<<)L@-7)6>?)$ I-0)5I)7,-);7-:@)7,/7)0;<<)L-)A;@></8-A);23<6A-),/2AN :/A-)>577-18B)I1-@,)K-J-7/L<-@)/2A),-1L@B)`-0-<18B),5:-:/AL1-/A@)/2A)>;-@B),/2A:/A-)D6;<7@)/2A)@5):63,):51-?)c1--2 S7/1)%-383<;2J)0;<<)/<@5)L-)>15K;A;2J)/)71/;<-1)I51)/1-/)1-@;N A-27@)75)A15>)5II)7,-;1)1-383<;2J?)+,;@)-K-27)0;<<)L-),-<A)-K-18 S/761A/8):512;2J)I51)7,-)-27;1-)@6::-1)/2A)51J/2;T-1@)@/8 7,-)I617,-1)7,-8)J-7);275)7,-)J150;2J)@-/@52B)7,-):51-)K-J-7/N L<-@)7,-8g<<),/K-?) Unit 11 of the Custodian-Engineer's Association picnic Sept. 11 S"E$%&IS()*)+,-)U2;7)FF)5I)7,-)C6@75A;/2NE2J;2--1g@ $@@53;/7;52)0;<<)L-),/K;2J)7,-;1)/226/<)>;32;3)/7)FF)/?:? S/761A/8B)S->7?)FF)/7)S>-/1I;@,)C;78)"/1M?))"<-/@-)L1;2J)@5:-N 7,;2J)75)J1;<<B)/2A)/)A;@,)75)@,/1-? 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Our Towns is for area events only. • Non-profit events - free listings • For-profit or business events - charge figured on a per day basis • Due to limited space, all events will run on a space available basis • Publication of events is at the final discretion of the editor Youth summit Sept. 25 S"E$%&IS()*))+,-)3;78)5I)S>-/1I;@,)/2A)7,S>-/1I;@,)C5::62;78)C5/<;7;52);@)@>52@51;2J)/)8567, @6::;7)I51)@;V7,)J1/A-@)/2A)6>)/7)7,-)S>-/1I;@,)%-3 C-27-1)52)S->7?)XY?)+,-)@6::;7)0;<<)I536@)52)<-/A-1@,;> @M;<<@)/2A)7-/:L6;<A;2J)/37;K;7;-@B)0;7,)U-II)Y/<A-2B)7,H+i:/A-)L;I-35/3,)/@)7,-)M-8257-)@>-/M-1)/2A):/@7-1 5I)3-1-:52;-@?)+,-)35@7)5I)7,-)@6::;7);@)]FQB)/2A)@3,5<N /1@,;>@)/1-)/K/;</L<-?)%-J;@71/7;52)I51:@)/1-)/K/;</L<-)/7 7,-):;AA<-)/2A),;J,)@3,55<@B)1-3?)3-27-1)/2A)3;78)<;L1/18? &51):51-);2I51:/7;52B)3/<<)7,-)S>-/1I;@,)%-3)C-27-1)/7 =XXNFWPQ? Center of Hope meetings LE$D)*)+,-)B</3M)(;<<@)C-27-1)5I)(5>-)0;<<)L-),5<AN ;2J)/)C<5@-A)$<35,5<;3@)$2528:56@):--7;2J)/7)=)>?:?)52 H52A/8@B)/2)\>-2)$<35,5<;3@)$2528:56@):--7;2J)/7)= >?:?)52)&1;A/8@B)N/1357;3@)$2528:56@)/7)=)>?:?)52 +6-@A/8@B)i/1;56@)S76A;-@)/7)=)>?:?)52)R-A2-@A/8@B)$<N $252)/2A)\K-1-/7-1@)$2528:56@)/7)=)>?:?)52)+,61@A/8@B /2A)N/1357;3@)$2528:56@):--7;2J)/7)=)>?:?)52 S/761A/8@?) II)856)/1-);27-1-@7-A);2)-2`58;2J)/)2;J,7)5I):6@;3B J/:-@B):5K;-@B)I55AB)/2A)352K-1@/7;52);2)/)@:5M-NI1--B /<35,5<NI1--B)/2A)J/:;2JNI1--)-2K;152:-27B)35:-)75)7,C-27-1)5I)(5>-?) B</3M)(;<<@)C-27-1)5I)(5>-);@)<53/7-A)/7)PQE)H/;2)S7?B ^&;25</)L6;<A;2J_);2)L-/A?)"<-/@-)3/<<)L-$22-)/7)=F=N (\"E);I)856),/K-)/28)D6-@7;52@? BH Home Builders Scholarship %$"ID)CI+Y *)+05)]YQQ)@3,5</1@,;>@)0;<<)L-)/0/1AN -A)75)3527;26;2J)-A63/7;52)@76A-27@);2)@611562A;2J)B</3M (;<<@),;J,)@3,55<@)/2A)35<<-J-@?)S3,5</1@,;>)/>><;3/7;52@ /1-)/K/;</L<-)7,156J,)<53/<)),;J,)@3,55<@)/2A)35<<-J-@)51 52)7,-)B</3M)(;<<@)(5:-)B6;<A-1@)$@@53;/7;52)R-L)@;7-)/7 000?L</3M,;<<@,5:-L6;<A-1@?35:?) +,-)>61>5@-))5I)7,-)@3,5</1@,;>);@)75)1-35J2;T-)7,-)@76N A-27g@)/3/A-:;3)-V3-<<-23-B)/@)0-<<)/@)7,-)B</3M)(;<<@ (5:-)B6;<A-1@)$@@53;/7;52g@):-:L-1)/II;<;/7-A)0;7,)7,@76A-27)0,5);@)/>><8;2J)/2A)7,-;1)/37;K-)>/17;3;>/7;52);2 7,-)/@@53;/7;52);I)/>><;3/L<-?)D-/A<;2-)I51)@3,5</1@,;> />><;3/7;52);@))&1;A/8B)\37?)F)L8)Y)>?:?))R;22-1@)0;<<)L257;I;-A)L8)\37?)PF? Overeaters Anonymous meeting Mondays S"E$%&IS()*)+,-1-)/1-)0--M<8)\K-1-/7-1@ $2528:56@):--7;2J@)/7)EOPQ)>?:?)-K-18)H52A/8);2)7,L6;<A;2J)52)7,-)3512-1)5I)H;3,;J/2)/2A)&;I7,)S7?)^7,-),/<< L-,;2A)7,-)E>;@35>/<)3,613,_?))\K-1-/7-1@)$2528:56@);@ 257)`6@7)/L567)0-;J,7)<5@@B)J/;2)51):/;27-2/23-j)51)5L-@;78 51)A;-7@?) I7)/AA1-@@-@)>,8@;3/<B)-:57;52/<)/2A)@>;1;76/<)0-<<N L-;2J?)I7);@)257)/)1-<;J;56@)51J/2;T/7;52)/2A)A5-@)257)>15N :57-)/28)>/17;36</1)A;-7?)C/<<)EWFNWCPP)I51)I617,-1);2I51N :/7;52? Check • All listings subject to grammar and style editing • Deadline: One week prior to event • E-mail to: [email protected] • Call Jami at (605) 642-2761 for information “Community Events” in our Classified Ad Section for additional events! BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 24 V.F.W. Post 5969 proud contributor to patriotism Thursday, September 9, 2010 Marrs’ family battles at state James Marrs, of Whitewood, received a red in the Junior Livestock Judging Contest during the 2010 State 4-H livestock contest held July 23, in Huron. He placed fifth individually in the Swine class. Courtesy photos John Marrs, of Whitewood, competed in the beginner livestock judging contest and received a red overall during the 2010 State 4-H Livestock Contest held July 24, in Huron. Betty Bender, Patriotism Committee Chairperson for V.F.W. Post 5969 Ladies Auxiliary, presents a check to Mayor of Lead, Tom Nelson, to be used for flags to be displayed throughout the city. Pioneer photo by Jaci Conrad Pearson PUZZLE FOR THURSDAY, SEPT. 9 Left, Kay Marrs, of Whitewood, received a blue in the senior livestock judging contest during the 2010 State 4-H Livestock Contest held July 23, in Huron. She placed 12th individually in the beef class. !"#$% ' ()e +,1, .tate 12! 3i5e6to89 :udging Conte6t @a6 )eAd in !uronC at t)e .tate Dairground6 :uAE +FG DoAAo@ing are re6uAt6 from t)e 3a@ren8e CountE 12!er6 t)at Jarti8iJated in t)e .tate 3i5e6to89 :udging Conte6tK :o)n Larr6C of M)ite@oodC 8omJeted in t)e Neginner 3i5e6to89 :udging Conte6t and re8ei5ed a red o5eraAAG :ame6 Larr6C of M)ite@oodC re8ei5ed a red in t)e :unior 3i5e6to89 :udging Conte6tG !e JAa8ed fift) indi5iduaAAE in t)e .@ine 8Aa66G OaE Larr6 re8ei5ed a NAue in t)e .enior 3i5e6to89 :udging Conte6tG .)e JAa8ed 1+t) indi2 5iduaAAE in t)e Neef 8Aa66G Lead's Tromp'n for Trash a success SPONSORED BY: LUEDERS FOOD CENTERS A dedicated group of volunteers recently participated in Tromp'n For Trash, a Lead community clean up project. They picked up litter along the roadside on U.S. Highway 85 from LeadDeadwood High School to Cheyenne Crossing. While one group of volunteers picked up trash, there was a second group the stayed back to get a barbecue ready for everyone to enjoy. There was a group picture taken before boarding the trolley in route to their designated mile markers. Pioneer photo by Sharon Mason BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, September 9, 2010 Births Caitlin Serenna Vrem !aurie ()att) and !oren Vrem of Deadwood are the parents of a daughter born Aug. 2< at Rapid City Regional Hospital. The baby weighed 6.64 pounds was 1F 1G2 inches long and has been named Caitlin Serenna. Other siblings Military News are Caleb Vrem 11 1G2 months old, Amanda Vrem age 24 and Amber Vrem age 19. Grandparents are Marc and Mary Ann Vrem Dickinson, N.D. and the late Edward and Shirley )att, !ead. We Salute You! !e#p &s (onor o&r #o,-# ./#/0-ry personne#2 !end u' (our +,oto' . ne/' ne/'01,+ioneer34om 211th Engineer Company to return home after one year in Afghanistan RAPID CITT — The 113 soldiers from the South Dakota Army National GuardWs 211th Engineer Company (Sapper) are scheduled to return stateside Monday, Sept. 13 from a one-year deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The 211th is located in two South Dakota communities, with the headZuartersW unit in Madison and a detachment in De Smet. The company is made up of three sapper platoons that use a variety of eZuipment and munitions for various combat engineer missions such as placing or clearing minefields, roadside bombs, demolitions operations and field defenses. They reported to Fort McCoy, )is. in September of 2009 to prepare for their yearlong deployment where they received additional training for what would be their main focus for the next year - route clearance. The 211th arrived in November of 2009 and have been conducting route-clearance patrols of improvised explosive devices along movement and supply routes. They are scheduled to arrive in )isconsin, Monday, Sept. 13 in the afternoon, travel to Fort McCoy and will then spend the next three days demobili^ing from their deployment overseas from active duty status. The 211th will then return to South Dakota on buses from Fort McCoy and will be honored during a homecoming ceremony scheduled at 9 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 17 at the Dakota State Field House in Madison. There will also be a community gathering for the unitWs Detachment in De Smet at 1 p.m. at the armory located in the De Smet High School. The public is encouraged to attend. For more information, please contact Sgt. Shane Muller at (60<) 2<6-<2F7 ext. 71F0, Capt. Jason Thompson at (60<) 3<2-0200, or Maj. Brendan Murphy at (60<) 737-6721 or cell (60<) 431-F7<3, or e-mail brendan.murphy1cus.army.mil. Art Camp at the Adams to conclude with Youth Art Show DEAD)OOD— Following a summer season of programs in the arts and humanities, including two art shows, the Adams announces its first annual youth art show. The art show opens to the public on Saturday, September 11, 2010 and incorporates the work of students in grades d12 who participated in the art, science and photography workshops. The exhibit will be on display in the Adams Museum pioneer room through Friday, November <, 2010. The program was made possible in part by a grant from The Adelstein Family Advised Fund through Allied Arts Fund. Aurora, age five, creates a watercolor painting at Art Camp at the Adams on Aug. 25. The program was sponsored by the Allied Arts Fund and The Adelstein Family Advised Fund. Courtesy photo Page 25 Sports Page 26 BELLE FOURCHE BHSU LEAD-DEADWOOD SPEARFISH STURGIS Thursday, September 9, 2010 [email protected] This year's antelope hunt - ‘OK’ !" M$R& '$TSON !"#ck H("") *(oneer from the harsh winters, but also winter kill. “Butte County showed a 21 perBELLE FOURCHE — Maybe cent decrease from 2009,” he said. South Dakota's antelope hunters have Throughout the state's Region 1, been spoiled in the recent years, but which contains most of West River after two very tough winters the and the largest number of antelope hunting forecast is numbers wildlife offi“OK” wildlife cials are counting a 20 officials say. percent decrease from The population 2009. has plummeted Conversely, other from about \0,000 units are doing very animals in the well. state in 2007 to “Down in Fall River 64,000 in 2009. County, for example, Now, according to their population has had the South Dakota a good increase,” he Game, Fish and said. “Some units are Parks annual Bill Eastman, conservation officer doing well, while we're spring antelope with the South Dakota Games, Fish up here feeling the wrath survey you can and Parks of Mother Nature.” subtract another The lower numbers, 7,500 adult antesimilar to the 2006 numlope. bers, will mean a more “Last year the Harding County difficult hunt that in the previous antelope population was down 47 three years. percent from 200\. This year it is “It's going to be an OK hunt,” down another 1\ percent,” said Eastman said. “Three years ago it Bill Eastman, a conservation officer was a phenomenal hunt. This year it with the state Game, Fish and “Some units are doing well, while we're up here feeling the wrath of Mother Nature,” Antelope hunters are going to find this year's hunt a little more difficult than those in the past. The state's pronghorn population continues to decrease due to tough winters. Pioneer photo by Mark Watson Parks. He attributed the loss to migration See ANTELOPE — Page 29 Clam it! Ah, the smell of the salty sea air, the call of the gulls and the sound of gentle waves lapping against the mud flats in the distance. Such is the scene today as the Carlson family heeds the beckoning call of the ocean and heads away from shore, not in a ship with nets or fishing rods, but in Crocs and flip-flops with rakes and buckets. I decided it was high time for us to experience a new kind of outdoor adventure. I'm still on vacation, but couldn't resist sharing today's adventure with you. As I write, my family is camped on the Pacific coast in Bay Center, Washington. When we checked in a few days ago I noticed some wicked-looking lawn gardening equipment (or so I thought). When I commented about it, the campground host told me the rakes and buckets were for clam digging and invited us to give it a try. The host family owned the clamming rights to a 6-acre plot of sea floor a couple hundred yards offshore. At low tide, the ocean water receded several hundred yards beyond the clamming area, allowing campground guests to dig for clams. Guns Game & More Dan Carlson Kids under 15 can clam free of charge in Washington, so I rented a rake and bucket for each of my kids for six bucks. We had a brief orientation at the campground office about how to look for and dig up clams, what kinds of shellfish were legal to harvest and what not to do when clamming. Then it was down to the sea and out onto the flats. Having fished in almost every state and off every coast in North America, I'm a bit ashamed to admit I'd never given much thought to gathering shellfish as a recreational pursuit. Nets and fishing rods were the tools one needed to harvest food from the sea in my mind. Digging was reserved for collecting bait. How wrong I was to have missed out for so long on the fun of harvesting clams. When the tide went out, the clams dug into the soft mud of the bay bottom and left indicators that betrayed their positions. The floor of the bay was covered with what looked like tiny volcanoes about 4 to 6 inches across with a half-inch “crater.” These tiny hills in the mud marked where clams had dug in to wait for the tide to come in and cover them again with seawater. As the clams burrowed, they ejected mud, sand and water out the top of the little mounds they created. We kept a close eye out and soon learned how to spot which “volcanoes” were active. Then the kids used the rakes to dig down until they scraped against the clam's shell and scooped up their catches. Each rake had a PVC ring on the end of the handle. If the clam's shell was large enough not to fit through the ring, it was a “keeper.” Smaller clams were returned to their mud holes. It took about three hours for each child Alex Carlson with a clam he caught. Courtesy photo to get their limit of keepers and plenty for our evening meal. We had so much fun clamming that we altered our vacation plans to spend an extra day at the campground and had equal success the following day. See CARLSON — Page 28 BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Thursday, September 9, 2010 Page 27 Spearfish boy's shooting consistently on target !" #$%&' ()&%% !"a$% 'i"") Pioneer !"#A%&I!H * +atthew "eterson is making a name for himself at archery's national level. The AAByearBold !pearfish boy finished second at the Fational &ield Gutdoor Ihampionships in Jerrington, Lash., in Muly. "eterson competed in the Iub Jivision, which featured shootB ers ages AA and younger This crown followed an earlier title at a national event in Nankton. Lashington's competition required "eterson to shoot at paper targets from marked disB tances. Targets were in different styles and shapes. “It was really fun,” "eterson said of the Lashington event. “I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to do it.” He enjoys meeting new friends and having fun with them. "eterson's Nankton champiB onship occurred in the unmarked SBJ division. He shot at foam animals bearing scoring circles. !hooters moved from station to station and had to guess the disB tances. “I like seeing what different shoots are like,” "eterson said. He added the SBJ shooting in Nankton is his favorite archery type. Archery involvement began when "eterson was T years old. He started shooting competitiveB ly three years ago in the UutteB Vawrence Iounty TBH program, where his father Mim teaches the sport. "ractice, enjoyment, and determination have helped "eterson achieve success. The !pearfish +iddle !chool siWthBgrader shoots each day at distances from AX to YX yards. He makes sure each shot is done correctly. "eterson learned the most about archery from his father. “He taught me how to have the correct form and make every shot the same,” "eterson said. Hunting will occupy +atthew's time in Gctober, when he tries to fill a ZXAX bow elk tag. He received this tag via lottery in his first year of applyB ing. The season runs from Gct. AB SA in the Forth [nit, which includes the !pearfish area. A Jenver production company will film "eterson's efforts starting that first day until the tag is filled. That company films for \ersus and other television netB works. Matthew peterson proudly displays his archery equipment. Courtesy photo South Dakota 4-H Rodeo Ambassador crowned %P+C-$. /& /0+ P-&'++) &G%T "I#%%# * Hayley !mith was crowned the ZXAX !outh Jakota !tate TBH %odeo Ambassador on !unday, Aug. Z] in &ort "ierre, by ^ristina +addocks, the ZXX] !outh Jakota TBH %odeo Ambassador. Along with nine other contestants, she competed in the categories of “Horsemanship,” “Appearance,” “"ersonality,” “#Wtemporaneous !peech,” “!ilent Mudging” and “"hotogenic.” !mith, A_, is the daughter of Tom and Jeanna !mith of %apid Iity. !he is a ZXAX graduate from !tevens High !chool and is attending Ulack Hills !tate [niversity this fall majoring in special education. !mith represented the Tripp Iounty TB H %odeo and also received the “Horsemanship” and “"hotogenic” awards. Iompetition was held for three days during the S]th Annual !outh Jakota TBH %odeo &inals from Aug. Z` BZ]. Messica Mohnson, "erkins a +eade Io. TBH %odeo Ambassador received the Ast runner up award and the #Wtemporaneous !peech award, ^assidy Foem, #astern Jakota TBH %odeo Ambassador received the Znd runner up award and "ersonality and Appearanceb and ^endra "eterson, HydecHand TBH %odeo Ambassador received the Srd runner award. !herri &ay, Few [nderwood TBH %odeo Ambassador received the Iongeniality award. Award !ponsors includedd "hotogenic e Jean and Mudy !tevens, "ersonality and Appearance e Lheelhouse "lumbing Inc., !peech * Ionnie and Jiane Hoffman, Iongeniality * Jouble J Lestern, VVI, Horsemanship * Leather All %oofing, Uuckles * Tres %ios, third runner up * Angel Irop Ionsulting, second runner up * Mohn Hoffman #lectric, first runner up * Litte fuarter Horses, ^eith and geneice gebhartBIrownc!ashc"in, "ierre &lower !hopB&lowers, +ike !teiger and Mennifer %uhsa GverfieldBTraveling Ihaps, Annie GakleyBTraveling Ihap Uag, Mohnson and Lestphal Iage Trap IompanyBVeather &ur Ioat, Jouble J Lestern, VVIBAmbassador \est, Vandstroms Ulack Hills gold Ireations * Ulack Hills gold Uracelet, Harry ^. &ord and !tatewide Ag. Insurance of Linner * !addle, The UunkhouseBAmbassador !addle Ulanket, Veslie Anderson Alvareh and Uobbi Mo Anderson "rice * Traveling Ihap "laque, and !cholarship Iontributors * %ural Anesthesia !ervices, !.J. fuarter Horse Assoc., &riend of TBH %odeo, #rin gebhart %ether, Urittni Jecker, Mulie ^ebachBMackson, and Iourtney I. !mith. Additional group sponsors for the contest from "ierre include "icture This, &orell Vimousine !ervice and %amkota Hotel. Pictured above are Sherri Fay, Kristina Maddocks, 2009 4-H Rodeo Ambassador, Hayley Smith, Jessica Johnson, Kassidy Noem and Kendra Peterson. Courtesy photo 5 - $20 $ • Custom Processing of your Beef & Pork Rebate on Nautilus RV & Marine Batteries • Gift Certificates Available • Delicious Selection of Prime Cuts Daily • Dakota EBT • Several Varieties of Homemade Sausages Available Welcome Here! • Locally Grown Pork, Chicken, Buffalo & All Natural Beef Dakota Sparky Dakota Battery & Electric 740 Deadwood Ave. 348-8631 B USHTCHER THE OP 3204 E. Fairground Loop, Spearfish (2 buildings north of the VFW) 605-642-2230 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8am - 6pm, Sat. 8am - 12pm BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Page 28 Thursday, September 9, 2010 Sports Happenings Lawrence/Meade County Teen Court 9-hole Golf Scramble and Silent Auction September 10 There’s No Excuse For Child Abuse! If you suspect a case of child abuse or neglect is occurring, contact your local department of social services. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, contact the police right away. From your hometown newspaper, the Black Hills Pioneer !P#$%&'!( * +a-ren1e23eade Count9 :een Court -i<< =o<d it> >i?t= annua< :een Court @o<f !1ramC<e at !Dearfi>= Can9on go<f Cour>eF -it= a >=otGgun >tart at 1 DImIF !eDtI 1JI #ntr9 fee i> K1LJ Der fourGDer>on teamF -it= regi>tration <imited to t=e fir>t 1M team>I &ee> in1<ude green fee>F 1artF =or> dNoeuOre> and a >=ot at =ig= Pua<it9 Din DriQe>I $ >i<ent au1tion -i<< a<>o Ce =e<d in t=e 1<uC =ou>e from 1GR DImI t=at da9F featuring Cig ti1Set item> donated C9 <o1a< Cu>ine>>e>I $<< fund> rai>ed go to-ard DroOiding diOerG >ion >erOi1e> to area 9out= t=roug= :een CourtI &or more information or to regi>terF 1onta1t 3ar<ene :odd at TUUGVVVWI Deadwood Gaming Association Golf Tournament Sept. 11 X#$XYZZX * :=e 1[t= $nnua< Xead-ood @aming $>>o1iation \X@$] C=arit9 @o<f :ournament -i<< taSe D<a1e at t=e ^ou<der Can9on Countr9 C<uCI :=e fourGDer>on >1ramC<e -i<< Cegin at W aImIF and regi>tration Cegin> at T aImI for t=e fir>t f<ig=tI :=e >e1ond f<ig=t -i<< Cegin at 1_MJ and regG i>tration at 1U_MJ DImII $ raff<e and DriQe 1eremon9 -i<< immediateG <9 fo<<o- ea1= gameI Lady Broncs soccer team loses to Cavs 4-2 INTEGRITY MEATS INSPECTED & CUSTOM MEAT PROCESSING Bring In Your WILD GAME For PROCESSING Summer Sausage • Salami • Jerky Pepperoni Sticks • Brats • Polish Sausage 404 Industrial St. • Belle Fourche • 605-892-6215 Rebecca Meza tries to get around a defender in a game earlier this season. Meza and Coree Kissack scored Belle Fourche’s only goals as the Lady Broncs suffered its first loss of the season, 4-2 to St. Thomas More, Tuesday in Rapid City. Courtesy photo Center of the Nation Sportmen’s Club OPEN HOUSE September 11th, 2010 • 10-5 pm at the Rifle Range • Hwy 212 West turn at 3V Rd. Bring your rifle, shotgun or bow for a day of shooting and check out the improvements made to the ranges. r the Fun fo mily! Fa Entire FREE ogs Hot D ks rin and D For more information contact Rick at 892-4964 CARLSON Continued from Page 01 ^a1S at t=e 1amDer t=e =arOe>ted 1<am> -ere >oaSed in 1<ean >a<t9 -aterF a Dro1e>> -e -ere to<d 1au>ed t=em to oDen ><ig=t<9 and `CurDa out an9 >and in>ideI 't -orSed Oer9 -e<<I Ye t=en Coi<ed t=e 1<am> in gar<i1G>ea>oned -ater and ate t=em -it= me<ted Cutter and >=rimD 1o1Stai< >au1eI Xe<i1iou> doe>nNt Cegin to de>1riCe t=e ta>teI bo- t=at -eNOe tried 1<amming a> a fami<9F it -i<< Ce added to our <i>t of faOorite re1reationa< Dur>uit>I 'tN> not >omet=ing -e 1an do often Ce1au>e -e donNt get to t=e o1ean mu1= and t=ere are >ome >e1tion> of 1oa>t -=ere 'Nd maSe douC<9 >ure aCout t=e Dre>en1e of Do<<utant> or 1ontaminant> Cefore tr9ing itI ^ut if t=e 1ondition> are rig=t and t=e oDDortunit9 Dre>ent> it>e<fF 'N<< Ce 1<amG ming t=e ne?t 1=an1e ' getI :o you have a great fishing or hunting story you;d like to share= Call :ennis or ?ason at @AB-BD@E BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Thursday, September 9, 2010 Hunters can help the hungry RA#ID 'I(Y * H,-./01 234 -//5 .4 67/80 90//:/0 044; 940 .3<1 =/80>1 5//0? /7@? 8-5 4.3/0 A8;/ 683/7B S4,.3 [email protected] <- -//5 D= 54-8.<-A A8;/ ;/8. .4 .3/ S4,.3 [email protected] SB40.1;/- AA8<-1. H,-A/0 B04A08;. (3/ B04A08; 2<77 3475 8 F'7/8G,. Y4,0 H0//:/0I 9445 50<J/ 904; KL 8.;. .4 M B.;. S8.,058=? S/B.. KK? <- R8B<5 '<.=. H,-./01 68- 504B 499 904:/- A8;/ ;/8. 8. 8-= 49 .3/ 6<.=>1 .30// H8;<7= (30<9. 1.40/1 5,0N <-A .3/ 50<J/. (3/ B04A08; 8714 866/B.1 54-8.<4-1 49 -4-NA8;/ ;/8. 8-5 8-= 4.3/0 -4-NB/0<138D7/ 9445 <./;1. FG,0 2347/ B,0B41/ <1 .4 A/. 3/87.3= A8;/ ;/8. .4 .3/ B/4B7/ 234 0/877= -//5 <.?I S4,.3 [email protected] SB40.1;/- AA8<-1. H,-A/0 B0/1<N 5/-. O/99 G714- 18<5. FW/ 68->. A<J/ .3/ 9445 D8-@1 /-4,A3 ;/8..I (3/ 1.8./>1 .24 9445 D8-@1 1,BB7= -/807= QLL 40A8-<:8.<4-1 <- S4,.3 [email protected] 2<.3 9445. (3/ 40A8-<:8.<4-1 38J/ 8 0/87 -//5 940 0/5 ;/8. 904; 5//0 8-5 4.3/0 D<A A8;/? G71418<5? 8-5 3/ /-64,08A/1 4.3/0 64;N ;,-<.</1 860411 .3/ 1.8./ .4 40A8-<:/ 1<;<780 9445 50<J/1. A66405<-A .4 .3/ H//5<-A S4,.3 [email protected] H445 B8-@1 <- R8B<5 '<.=? #</00/ 8-5 S<4,S H8771? 4-/ <- 1/J/S4,.3 [email protected] 54->. 38J/ /-4,A3 ;4-/= .4 D,= .3/ 9445 .3/= -//5. (38.>1 KLL?LLL B/4B7/. H879 49 .3/;*QL?LLL B/4B7/*80/ 63<750/-. H,-./01 38J/ 8664;B7<13/5 8;8:<-A .3<-A1 <- .3/ B04A08;>1 KT =/801. I- .38. .<;/? ;40/ .38UQL?QLL B4,-51 49 A8;/ ;/8. ;85/ <. .4 .3/ -//5= <- .3/ 1.8./? /-4,A3 .4 1,BB7= K?VKM?LL ;/871. I9 3,-./01 68--4. ;8@/ <. .4 .3/ '7/8- G,. Y4,0 H0//:/0 50<J/? .3/= 68- .8@/ B049/11<4-877= B046/11/5 8-5 B86@8A/5 ;/8. .4 H//5<-A S4,.3 [email protected] 9445 D8-@1 <- R8B<5 '<.=? S<4,S H8771 8-5 #</00/? 40 .4 8-= 9445 B8-.0= .38. 866/B.1 5<0/6. 54-8.<4-1. H,-./01 134,75 ./77 .3/ 9445 D8-@ 40 B8-.0= .38. .3/ 54-8.<4- <1 940 .3/ SB40.1;/- AA8<-1. H,-A/0 B04N A08;. EJ/0= 54-8.<4- <1 .8S 5/5,6.<D7/? 8-5 3,-./01 68- .8@/ A0/8. 18.<1986.<4- <- @-42<-A .3/= 80/ 3/7B<-A 98;<7</1 <- -//5. H,-./01 8714 68- 3/7B D= 54-8.<-A B046/11/5 ;/8. 904; A8;/ 8-<;871 380J/1./5 .3<1 9877. (3/ SB40.1;/AA8<-1. H,-A/0 B04A08; 1/. 8 0/6405 940 54-8.<4-1 781. =/80? 8-5 381 D04,A3. ;40/ B046/11401 4D4805. (3<1 =/80? SB40.1;/- AA8<-1. H,-A/0? A8;/ B046/11401 8-5 .3/ S.D. X8;/? H<13 8-5 #80@1 D/B80.;/-. 2<77 64-.<-,/ .4 ;8@/ <. /81= 940 3,-./01 .4 64-.0<D,./ D= B04J<5<-A B046/11<-A 6/0.<9<68./1 .4 811<1. 2<.3 .3/ 641. 49 B046/11<-A. H,-./01 68- 54-8./ 8-.7/07/11 5//0 8-5 54/ 40 @<5 8-./74B/ .4 8-= B80N .<6<B8.<-A B046/1140? 9<77 4,. 8 B04N 6/11<-A 6/0.<9<68./ 8-5 7/8J/ 2<.3 .3/ @-427/5A/ .3/= 38J/ 9/5 8 98;<N 7=. #046/11401 2<77 0/6/<J/ YQL 904; SAH 940 /863 8-.7/07/11 5//0 54-8.N /5 8-5 YUL 940 /863 54/Z@<5 8-./N 74B/ 54-8./5. H,-./01 68- 6877 [TLQ\ MVLNU]^^ 40 A4 .4 222.9//5.3/N -//515.64; .4 9<-5 4,. 23/0/ .3/= 68- .8@/ A8;/ 8-<;871. #046/11/5 B3/818-.1 68- 8714 D/ 54-8./5 .4 .3/ 9445 D8-@1? 8-5 781. =/80 .3/ B04N A08; .44@ <- 4J/0 T?LLL D<051. FI /-64,08A/ 3,-./01 .4 9<77 .3/<0 8-.7/07/11 5//0 8-5 8-./74B/ .8A1 8-5 54-8./ .3/ A8;/ .4 .3<1 B04A08;?I G714- 18<5. FY4, 2<77 3/7B .3/ 1.8./ ;8-8A/ 2<757<9/ B4B,78.<4-1 8-5 B04J<5/ 8 6380<.8D7/ 1/0J<6/.I (3/ B786@ H<771 SB40.1;/-? X8;/? H<13 8-5 #80@1? H//5<-A S4,.3 [email protected] 49 R8B<5 '<.=? #</00/ 8-5 S<4,S H8771 [940;/07= .3/ B786@ H<771 R/A<4-87 H445 B8-@ 8-5 S/64-5 H80J/1. H445 B8-@\ 877 1B4-140 S4,.3 [email protected] SB40.1;/- AA8<-1. H,-A/0? 8 S4,.3 [email protected]? QLK[6\[_\ 6380<.8D7/ 40A8-<:8.<4-. You’ll get Pioneer News updates & EXCLUSIVE DEALS from our Partners! BONUS OFFER: We’ll draw every week from our list for a FREE can of SPAM®. DON’T MISS OUT! Send your e-mail address to [email protected] It’ll Be The Best SPAM® You Ever Got! ANTELOPE Continued from Page 29 Page 26 2<77 D/ 8- G` 3,-. 5/B/-5<-A 4- 23/0/ =4, 38J/ 866/11 8-5 =4,0 2<77<-A-/11 .4 A/. 499 .3/ 0485 8-5 3,-.. I9 <. <1 8 287@N<- 80/8 =4, 80/ A4<-A .4 38J/ .4 B,. <- 8 74. 49 944. ;<7/1.I B,. D= -4 ;/8-1 2<77 <. D/ 8 B440 3,-.. I- MLLT .3/ 1.8./ 1475 8D4,. ]?QLL 7<6/-1/1. H,-./01 @<77/5 KK?^]] 8-./74B/ 5,0<-A .3/ 9<0/80;1 3,-.<-A 1/814940 8 T^ B/06/-. 1,66/11 08./. A063/0= 3,-./01 0/6/<J/5 8-4.3/0 K?TLL 7<6/-1/1 .38. =/80 8-5 @<77/5 -/807= QLL 8-./74B/ 940 8 MQ B/06/-. 1,66/11 08./. (3<1 =/80 ]?TQQ 0<97/ 7<6/-1/1 2<77 D/ 8J8<78D7/. S4;/ 2<77 D/ 54,D7/ .8A1 23<7/ 4.3/01 2<77 D/ 1<-A7/ .8A1. F(30// =/801 8A4 23/- 2/ 2/0/ 14 8-./74B/ 0<63 2/ 385 .4 ,1/ <--4J8.<J/ <5/81 .4 @-46@ .38. -,;D/0 542-?I 3/ 18<5. S4 <- MLL^ 8-5 8A8<- <- MLLV .0<B7/ .8A1 2/0/ 1475 87742<-A 3,-./01 .4 @<77 8 D,6@ 8-5 .24 54/1 40 .30// 54/1 <- 8- /9940. .4 742/0 .3/ 54/ B4B,78.<4-. (3/- .3/ MLLVNMLL] 2<-./0 3<.. Fa81. 1B0<-A 281 0/877= 3805 D/68,1/ 49 .3/ 3/8J= 1-421 14 78./ <- .3/ 1B0<-A. (341/ 781. 1-421 2/0/ 877 .3/= 64,75 38-57/?I E81.;8- 18<5. F(3<1 =/80 2/ 5<5N -b. 38J/ .38.. I. 281 c,1. 8 74-A? 3805? 6475 ;<1/08D7/ 2<-./0 877 =/80. W/ 38J/ 385 14;/ 7411 .3<1 =/80? D,. <. 281-b. 81 D85.I (341/ 8-./74B/ .38. 5</5? 5</5 904; ;87-,.0<.<48-5 /SB41,0/? 3/ 18<5. W3/- .3/= A/. 50,A 542- .4 ;87-,.0<.<4-? .3/= 80/-b. 8D7/ .4 9<A3. 499 .3/ 6475 /-J<04-;/-.?I E81.;818<5. FW3/- .3/= A/. 50,A 542- 8-5 50,A 542- 8-5 .3/- 2/ A/. 8 78./ 1B0<-A 1.40; N .38.b1 .3/ 9<-87 1.082. W/bJ/ /J/- 1//- 8 74. 49 .3/; 5</ 89./0 .3/ 1B0<-A A0//-N,B. (3/ 1B0<-A A0//-N,B <1 8- 82/14;/ 5/87. I. B04J<5/1 8 9445 14,06/? D,. .341/ -/2 1344.1 54-b. 38J/ .3/ -,.0<.<4- .4 B<6@ .3/; ,B J/0= 981..I d42 .3/ D878-6<-A 86. 64-.<-,/1. (30// =/801 8A4 .3/0/ 2/0/ .44 ;8-= 8-./74B/ <- ;8-= 80/81 87742<-A 940 B3/-4;/-87 3,-.1. A063/0= 3,-./01 @<77/5 -/807= ^LL 8-<;871 23<7/ 0<97/ 3,-./01 @<77/5 K_?TTB 8-./74B/. (3/ 947742<-A =/80? .3/ 1/814- D/940/ .3/ 38013 2<-N ./01 146@/5 .3/ 8-./74B/ 80/81? 0<97/ 3,-./01 @<77/5 K^?LQT 8-./74B/ 23<7/ 8063/0= 3,-./01 .44@ 8-4.3/0 VLL ;40/. F(3/=b0/ 54<-A G`?I E81.;8- 18<5. F(3/= 38J/ 8 J/0= A445 8D<7<.= .4 0/64J/0.I H/ 855/5 .38. 3/ <1 1//<-A 14;/ 54/1 2<.3 .0<B7/. @<51 8. .3/<0 1<5/1. I- .3/ VL1 8- /1.<;8./5 ^L B/06/-. 49 .3/ 1.8./b1 8-./74B/ B4B,78.<4- 5</5 904; 8 1/J/0/ 2<-./0? 3/ 18<5. I. 5<5-b. .8@/ 74-A 940 .3/; .4 0/D4,-5. H,-./01 ;8= 8714 9<-5 .3/<0 98J40<./ 287@N<- 80/81 -4. 81 A445 .38-@1 .4 8 38<7 1.40; <- O,7=. FI. 64,75 38J/ 3,0. 8-5 @<77/5 @<5 8-./74B/? D,. 238. <. 0/877= 5<5 281 5/J81.8./ 14;/ 49 .3/ 0/877= A445 38D<.8. <- 14;/ 49 .3/ 780A/1. 8-5 D/1. 287@N<80/81 <- B,../ '4,-.=?I 3/ 18<5. FI. D04@/ A0811 8-5 78<5 <. 978. 4- .3/ A04,-5. W/b0/ 1.<77 A4<-A .4 38J/ .3/ 18;/ -,;D/0 49 8-./74B/? D,. 238. <. ;8= 38J/ 54-/ <1 ;4J/ .341/ 8-./74B/ 499 .3/ 287@N<- 80/81 8-5 4-.4 D/../0 38D<.8.. F[H,-./01\ 80/ A4<-A .4 38J/ .4 240@ 940 <. .3<1 =/80.I Page 30 BLACK HILLS PIONEER TOMORROW’S WEATHER SD working on new pay system for hard-to-fill jobs PITRRT CAPF c ?outh Dakota state government is working on a new job classification system for hard-to-fill technical jobs. The goal is to eventually be able to pay accountants, nurses, scientists, engineers and information technology staff salaries closer to those paid by private businesses. ?tate personnel commissioner ?andy einter says the state budget crunch means there's no money right now to move those technical jobs to higher pay levels, but the new classification system will allow those raises once state revenues recover. Corey Landeen of the ?outh Dakota ?tate Tmployees grganization says the state needs to revamp its entire pay system and give raises to all state employees, not just those in the five technical professions. Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk! Be A Designated Driver! Thursday, September 9, 2010 BLOOD DRIVE Continued from Page 0 Every person who donates blood at the “Never Forget 9/11 Memorial Blood Drive” will receive a T-shirt commemorating the event. The blood drive goes from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Dakota V-Twin at 3123 E. Fairgrounds Loop, and organizers hope to break the state record for the most units of blood drawn in one day. Ultimately, the goal of the event is to save as many lives through blood donations as lives lost on 9/11. Image courtesy United Blood Services blood drive organized, in part because of his e6periences. “The coordinator is a former ;ew =orker who now lives in ?pearfish,” said Andrew. “He went into the building CWorld Trade CenterF si6 times before he watched the Towers collapse.” ?he added that Gnited Blood ?ervices is honored to be a part of the event, but she pointed toward the coordinators and the community as the real driving forces making it happen. “We're providing staff to draw blood, but the ?pearfish community is really stepping up,” said Andrew. Pizza donated by Papa John's Pizza of ?pearfish, music and door prizes donated by local businesses are a part of the event, and door prizes include a free night's stay at the ?uper N in ?pearfish, OPQQ towards a service at Hunsley's Tints in ?pearfish, two free nights' stay at the Bulldog Campground in ?turgis, two raffle tickets for a RQPQ Chevy Impala from the ?pirit of the Hills Wildlife ?anctuary, and many coupons for local restaurants, salons and more. Tach donor will also receive a UVPP Memorial T-shirt, pin and American flag. “There's Xuite a few things people can win,” said Anderson. “We're hoping we can get as many people as we can.” The ?pearfish Fire Department will provide an escort for Gnited Blood ?ervices from T6it P[ to Dakota \-Twin, as well, to commemorate the day and the many civil servants as well as civilians who responded to the attacks on the Twin Towers and lost their lives. “]iving blood is a great way to commemorate the courageous sacrifices of UVPP,” said ?pearfish Fire Chief Wallace White. “The ?pearfish Fire Department is proud to take part in this effort.” To sign up for an appointment or find out more information about the “;ever Forget UVPP Memorial Blood Drive,” call ^^U-Q_P`, go to www.bloodhero.com and enter codea neverforget or find the event on Facebook. The public is also welcome to stop by the blood drive on ?aturday. “We hope to motivate people to get them to donate blood,” said Anderson. LOCAL & REGIONAL WEATHER Thursday, September 9, 2010 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 31 PREVENTION !on$in&ed *rom -age 0 W"i$e 'arr said t"at re-e-.eri/0 t"e da1 t"at "er "2s.a/d died .ri/0s 23 "orri.$e i-a0es a/d -e-ories5 it a$so started $i6e$o/0 co//ectio/s 8it" t"e 3eo3$e 8"o res3o/ded9 :8o s"eri66s; de32ties 8"o res3o/ded sta1ed i/ co/tact 8it" 'arr5 se/di/0 6$o8ers to "er5 $etti/0 "er </o8 t"at t"e1 8ere t"i/<i/0 o6 "er5 <ee3i/0 i/ to2c" a/d c"ec<i/0 i/ to see "o8 s"e 8as doi/09 ="e $ater disco>ered t"at o/e o6 t"e- "ad $ost a 6a-i$1 -e-.er to s2icide5 as 8e$$9 :"is co//ectio/ "e$3s t"ose 8"o "a>e s2r>i>ed t"e $oss o6 a $o>ed o/ stre/0t"e/ o/e a/ot"er5 a/d 'arr said t"at 8"i$e 8"at is disc2ssed d2ri/0 s23? 3ort 0ro23s re-ai/s co/6ide/tia$5 t"e 0ro23 s3e/ds a $ot o6 ti-e ta$<i/0 a.o2t 6ee$i/0s9 @a/1 3eo3$e 8"o 6i/d t"eir $o>ed o/e a6ter a s2icide s266er 6ro- 3ost?tra2-atic stress disorder5 as 8e$$9 AWe $et o2r 6ee$i/0s o2t9 We cr1 a $ot9 We ta$< a.o2t t"e dar</ess5B s"e said9 ACt;s so sad ? a >er1 "ea>1 6ee$i/09 Ct;s >er1 co-6orti/0 to s"are t"at 8it" so-eo/e 8"o 2/dersta/ds9B 'arr added t"at t"e Ari33$eB e66ect o6 a s2icide /or-a$$1 a66ects DE 3eo3$e "20e$1 8"o </e8 t"e 3erso/5 i/c$2di/0 3are/ts5 .rot"ers5 sisters5 a2/ts5 2/c$es5 0ra/d3are/ts5 /ieces5 /e3"e8s5 0ra/dc"i$? dre/5 6rie/ds5 co?8or<ers5 c$ass-ates5 co$$e0e roo--ates ? a/1o/e a/d e>er1o/e 8"o </e8 t"e 3erso/9 Feca2se o6 t"e a-o2/t o6 3eo3$e a66ected .1 s2icide5 s"e e/co2ra0ed 3eo3$e to t"i/< >er1 care62$$1 a.o2t 8ords a/d 3"rases 2sed i/ 3ass? i/05 as t"e1 re6er to a >er1 serio2s iss2e9 A@a/1 ti-es C "a>e "eard5 ;C co2$d G2st <i$$ -1se$6; 6or 8"ate>er reaso/5 a$-ost as i6 t"at t"o20"t o6 ta<i/0 1o2r o8/ $i6e is a/ acce3ta.$e 8a1 to so$>e a 3ro.$e-9 Ct;s i/a33ro3riate i/ a $i0"t -a//er5B s"e said9 AHo o/e s"o2$d e>er t"i/< o6 t"at as a so$2tio/9B ="e added t"at t"e 0est2re o6 "o$di/0 a 02/ to o/e;s "ead 8"e/ descri.i/0 a sit2atio/ or 6ee$i/0 is a$so i/a33ro3riate5 si/ce 3eo3$e die i/ t"is 8a15 a/d s"e re-i/ded 3eo3$e t"at de3ressio/ is a >er1 serio2s i$$/ess9 Ct ca/ a$so add to <ee3i/0 3eo3$e I2iet a.o2t t"e iss2e5 as so-e 3eo3$e i/ s233ort 0ro23s are sti$$ as"a-ed a/d e-.arrassed5 as so-e o6 t"e sti0-a attac"ed to s2icide 6ro- t"e 3ast "o>ers i/ c2rre/t societ19 Pastor Ke/t =ti$$so/ o6 L2r =a>ior;s M2t"era/ '"2rc" i/ =3ear6is" 2/dersta/ds t"at t"o20"t5 as "e o6te/ 0ets I2estio/s 6ro- 3eo3$e re0ardi/0 t"e sa$>atio/ o6 t"eir $o>ed o/e 8"o "as ta<e/ "is or "er o8/ $i6e9 Ne >i>id$1 re-e-.ers o/e -ot"er as<i/0 a.o2t 8"ere "er so/;s so2$ 8as a/d 8"et"er or /ot t"ere 8as 6or0i>e/ess a/d sa$>atio/ 6or "i- a6ter ta<i/0 "is $i6e9 Nis res3o/se to t"e -ot"erO AA.so$2te$19 Qod 2/dersta/ds o2r 3ai/9B AA/1o/e 8"o <i$$s t"e-se$>es "a>e eR3eri? e/ced s2c" 3ai/ a/d dar</ess t"at t"e1 see /o ot"er o3tio/ or 8a1 o2t eRce3t ta<i/0 t"eir o8/ $i6e5B "e added9 ASes2s 2/dersta/ds t"at9B Ne I2oted To-a/s UOVU?VW 6ro- t"e Fi.$e5 8"ic" states5 AXor C a- co/>i/ced t"at /eit"er deat" /or $i6e5 /eit"er a/0e$s /or de-o/s5 /eit"er t"e 3re? se/t /or t"e 62t2re5 /or a/1 3o8ers5 /eit"er "ei0"t /or de3t"5 /or a/1t"i/0 e$se i/ a$$ creatio/5 8i$$ .e a.$e to se3arate 2s 6ro- t"e $o>e o6 Qod t"at is i/ '"rist Ses2s o2r Mord9B W"i$e t"e Xi6t" Yor =iRt"5 de3e/di/0 o/ t"e Fi.$e tra/s$atio/Z 'o--a/d-e/t5 A:"o2 s"a$t /ot -2r? der5B a33$ies to ot"ers5 se$6 a/d 3eo3$e;s re32ta? tio/s5 =ti$$so/ said t"at 3eo3$e so-eti-es .e$ie>e it is t"eir o/$1 o3tio/9 [/6ort2/ate$15 dr20s a/d a$co? "o$ ca/ $o8er 3eo3$e;s resista/ce to t"eir a.i$it1 to ta$< t"e-se$>es o2t o6 s2icide or see a/1 a$ter/a? ti>es9 A:"ere;s /o sa6et1 6or a s2icida$ 3erso/ 8it"o2t so.riet15B =ti$$so/ said9 'arr a0reed9 ACt;s i-3orta/t 6or t"e co--2/it1 to .e a8are o6 dr20 a/d a$co"o$ a.2se9 Ct /eeds to .e 8atc"ed a/d addressed si/ce it ca/ $ead to a s2icide5B s"e said9 [r0i/0 3eo3$e to .e a$ert a/d ta<e serio2s$1 a/1 c"a/0es i/ a 6rie/d or $o>ed o/e;s de-ea/or5 eati/0 "a.its a/d 3erso/a$it15 'arr said t"at s"ari/0 a/d as<i/0 6or "e$3 co2$d >er1 8e$$ 3re>e/t a s2icide9 ACt;s a to20" t"i/0 to do5 .2t 8e "a>e a res3o/si? .i$it1 as a societ1 to .e <i/d to o/e a/ot"er a/d 8atc" o2t 6or t"ose t"i/0s5B s"e said9 APeo3$e rea$$1 /eed to $iste/5 t2/e i/ a/d as< t"ose I2estio/s t"at -i0"t "e$3 1o2 $ead t"e- Y3eo3$e i/ /eedZ to "e$39B ="e said s"e is 0$ad to see t"at area sc"oo$s are addressi/0 t"e iss2e5 si/ce s2icide is t"e seco/d $eadi/0 ca2se o6 deat" i/ tee/a0ers5 8"ic" s"e descri.ed as A2/.e$ie>a.$e5B a/d s"e a$so stressed t"e -a/1 reso2rces a>ai$a.$e to 3eo3$e see<i/0 "e$39 A:"ere;s "e$3 t"ere ? i6 1o2 ca/;t reac" o2t i/ 3er? so/5 1o2 ca/ searc" o/ t"e We.5B s"e added9 C/ additio/ to .$o0s a/d c"at roo-s o/ t"e C/ter/et 6or 3eo3$e see<i/0 s233ort5 t"ere are a$so reso2rces detai$i/0 i/6or-atio/ a.o2t s2icide s233ort a/d 3re>e/tio/9 :"ere are a$so to$$?6ree /2-.ers 6or 6i/di/0 t"e a33ro3riate reso2rce5 a/d t"ere are s23? 3ort 0ro23s i/ t"e area5 .ot" i/ =3ear6is" a/d Ta3id 'it19 :"e 3rocess ca//ot .e do/e a$o/e5 a/d 'arr said t"at t"e 3rocess o6 s2r>i>i/0 t"e $oss o6 a $o>ed o/e .1 s2icide is a $o/0 a/d ard2o2s Go2r/e1 8it" 23s a/d do8/9 A:"at;s 8"1 8e ca$$ o2rse$>es s2r>i>ors5B s"e said9 ACt;s s2c" a di66ic2$t 3rocess9 C6 8e "ad a$$ t"e a/s8ers5 t"ere 8o2$d/;t .e s2icide9B C6 1o2 s2s3ect a/1o/e 1o2 </o8 o6 co/te-3$at? i/0 s2icide5 co/tact a -e/ta$ "ea$t" 3ro6essio/a$ i--ediate$1 or ca$$ t"e Hatio/a$ =2icide Pre>e/tio/ Mi6e$i/e at \?UEE?]^V?:AMK YU]__Z or t"e =o2t" `a<ota NaMPbMi/e at ]\\9 co2 are /ot a$o/e5 a/d "e$3 is a>ai$a.$e9 =2icide is /ot t"e a/s8er9 This is the third story in a series by the Black Hills Pioneer. Check Friday's Pioneer for continued coverage. BODY SHOP Highest quality paint finishes made easy in our new state-of-the-art Global Down Draft Bake Booth • We Repair All Makes & Models • Courtesy Car Available • I-Car Certified Technicians • Recommended by Major Insurance Companies • State of the Art Frame Repair L"#$%&$'()* +++,-./0"&112,3"4 Page 32 FUEL Continued from Page 0 !oint&' out t*+t ,u&l !u.c*+0&0 1&.& 2+0&' on t*& 2&0t3+4+il+2l& !.ic&05 1*&t*&. t*& ,u&l 1+0 +n &t*+nol 2l&n' o. .&6ul+. 6+07 T*&.& +l0o *+0 2&&n + 9+:o. !u0* in .&c&nt y&+.0 ,o. 0t+t& 6o4&.n9&nt to !u.3 c*+0& 9o.& ,l&<3,u&l 4&*icl&0 1*ic* +.& '&0i6n&' to u0& *i6*&.3&t*+nol 2l&n'0 2&yon' E3>?7 @Ou. 6o+l *+0 2&&n +n' i0 to u0& +0 9uc* &t*+nol in ou. 0t+t& ,l&&t +0 1& c+n +n' +t t*& 0+9& ti9& 2& co0t &,,&cti4& +0 1& c+n in o!&.+tin6 t*& ,l&&t5B Cloo92&.6 0+i' D&'n&0'+y7 BLACK HILLS PIONEER @T*&.& *+0 2&&n + lot o, 'i0cu00ion +n' 4+.iou0 0tu'i&0 .&6+.'in6 ,u&l 9il&+6& +n' t*& co0t o, E3EF .&l+ti4& to .&6ul+. 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