Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Cnidaria
Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Cnidaria
NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 397 Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Cnidaria: Scyphozoa Ronald J. Larson August 1976 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Elliot l. Richardson, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Rob\~rt M. White, Administrator National Marine Fisheries Service Robert W. Schoning, Director t'ot Sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. GO'o'crnment Printing Office Wo,hington. D.C. 20~02 - Stock No. 003.017-00387 '., , NOAA FOAM 25-13 1. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 12-73) NOAA ACCE:;SION NUMBER NOAA-7610l8l5 4. 2 3 1• 1 • RECIPIENT'S ACCESSION NUMBER TITLE AND SL,'ST:TLE Marine Flora and Fauna of the Cnidaria: Scyphozoa 7. NATIONAL OCEANIC AtJD Al'MOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION S. North~astern United States. DATE Au!! 1976 6. AUTHOR!SI 8. Ronald J. Larson CU.S. National Museum, Washington. DC) 9. REPO~T REPORT NO. NOAA-TR-NMFS Circular PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS ~~7 10. PROJECT/TASK NO. NOM, National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, WA, 181 CJ S' Scientific Publications Staff 11. CONTRACT/GRANT NO. 12, SPONSORING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 13. TYPE OF REPORT AND PERIOD COVERED Same 1'~~h Rent' 14. 15. PUBLICATION REFERENCE NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 397, August 1976. 16. 21 p, 28 fig, 24 ref. ABSTRACT This manual is an introduction to the scyphomedusae found in coastal waters from Maine to the Chesapeake Bay. It includes a discussion of their identification, collection, rearing, preservation, and nematocysts. Also included is an introduction to the natural history of the scyphopolyps and medusa,e, a discussion of stinging scyphomedusae, a glossary of terms, an illustrated synopsis of ephyrae, an illustrating key to the scyphomedusae (including the Stauromedusae), an annotated systematic list, a bibliography of major refer~nces, and an index. (Author) ~- 17. 17A. KEY WORDS AND DOCUMENT ANALYSIS DESCRIPTORS Coelenterata, Jellyfish, MaTlua1s, Taxonomy, Invertebrates, Descriptions 11e. IDENTIFIERS/OPEN-SNOED TERMS Cnidaria, Scyphozoa, Stauromedusae, Scyphistomae, Ephyrae, Scypr.omedusae, Sea net'tles, Sea wasps, Keys, U.S. Northeast Coast, Systematic lists !7C. COSATI ~IE:::LD/GROUP 6C 18. 19. SECURITY CLASS (This report) AVAILABILITY STATEMENT UNCLASSIFIED . NOAA FORM 25-13 , I 21. NO. OF PAGES d-5 20. SECURITY CLASS (This report) 22. PRICE UNCLASSIFIED "). SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS. -:> -~O - - - - - - - - - _.._... _------ I~ NOAA TEPHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Circulars i! T!le major responsibiJities of the National Marine Fisheries ServiC"e lNMFS) arl' to monitor and aue" the abundance and Reographic distribution of fbitJery resources. to under:'lland and predict nuctuations in the quantity and di.!ltribution of the~e resourt'es. Iond to establish leveb for optimum use or the resourteS. NMFS is also charged with the dew:lopmen;. and implementation of policies for managing "ationa.! fL!lhing grounds. development Ind en(oN!ement of domestic' f15heries regulations, surveillance of foreign Hshing oU United Slales ("OMta1 waters, and the development and enforcement of intern. tiona: fishery 8gret!:nents and ~liries. NMFS also M5ists the fishing industry through marketing service and economic analysis programs, and mortK!lg~ insurance and vessel construction SIJbSldi~s. It collects, analyzes, and publishes statistics on various ~hases of the industry. The NOAA Technical Report NMFS eiRC !terie! continue! a !eries that has been in exist~nce since 1941. The Circulars are technical publications of general interest intended to aid conservation and management. Publications th~t. review in considerable detail and at a hi,h technical level certain broad areas of rt-..ear('h appear in thi5 s~ries. T~chnical p,~rs originatinR in economics studies and from managemeru. investigations appear In the Circular s~ries. NOAA T«hnical Reports ~MFS CIRf" are a\iailable rree in limited numbers to governm~ntal agendes. both Federal and State. The)' art' also available in exchange for other scientific ... nd technical publil"ations in the marine sciences. Individual copies may be obtained lunless otherwis.e nOlA'd) from 083, Tec:hnic:l1 Information Divisioll' Envirllnmental Scien,'""e Information Center, NOAA. Wllshin!{ton. D.C. 20235. Recent Circulars are: l I I !I I I i \ I I Synopsis of biologi~al data on the chum salmon. Oncorh1l1ldlu$ kelt! By Richard G. Bakkala. lI.arch 1970. iii + 89 p.. 15 fop .• 51 349. 319, Dureau or Commerl'ial Fi'St;eries Great Lakes Fi.IIlt'lery Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan. By Bureau of Co:nmercial Fishuies. March 197(),8 p.• 7 figs, 3..'10. 315. IWal~.uml 119'~. tab!{'s. EASTROPAC Atlas: Vol•. )·7. Camlog No. I 49.4:3301Ivo\.l 11 vol•. Availabl~ from fl)e Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office. WashinKlon. D.C. 20402. LJ!liL' of abstrat'ts lind 'lummarics as communication devices in technical artidl:s. By F. Drure Sanford. l"cbruary 1971. iii + 11 p., I fig. Resl!srch in fiscal year 1969 at the Bureau of Cummercial Fi5herit~s Biolol{ical Laborator.r. B..~aufort. N.C. By the Laboratory stafL November 1970. ii + 49 p.. 21 figs,. 17 tables. 330. 331. Guidelint'5 for the processing of hot·smo!.:ed chuh. By H. L. SCl1RTan, J. T. Graikoski. and J. A. Emerson. January H~·,U. iv + 23 p., 8 fiJVi .• 2 tablt"s. :3.12. Pacific hake. 02 articles hy 20 l\utlJond March 1970, iii figs., 47 tables. + 152 p .• 72 335. Pro~ress I""t'port of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Cenler for Estuarine and Me"lhaden Research. Pt'sticide Field Station. Gulf Brp('ze. ,.~ta .• lise" I )'car 1969. By the Laboratory !Ower. AUFrU5t 1970, iii + 33 p., 29 rigs" 12 tables. 336. The northern rUT seal. By r.:alph C. Raker. Ford Wilke. and C. H.JWIlM Balun. April 1970. iii 19 p .. 13 ro"•. + ProKram of Div\sion of Economic Re~earch. llure.llU of CommeITial Fisheries, fi!lical )'ear 1%9. By Oiv!sion of Economic Research. April 1970. iii + :?9 p., 12 fiKS., 7 tables. 331, 338. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biol:>Kieal Laboratory. Auke AlaskD.. By Bureau or C.,mmercial Fisheries, June 1970, 8 p., 6 riR's. •.·y lJpslrl~3m pas~.aKe of anlldromou!i fish through navigation locks and u~e of tht! strt'am for spawning and nursery habitat, Capp F("ar Rivt-'r, N.C., n_li2-(lii. II)' Paul R. Nichols and Darl·ell F... Loud~r. October 1970. iv 12 p.. !l fi,,;!'i., .1, tahles, :lS2. + Recommended practices for vc.:isl'i sanitation and fisll handHng. By EdJitar W. BC"\lman anti Alfred LarsL·n. March 1970. hI + 27 p.• 6 rigs. 333. 339. Salmon research at Ice Harbor Dam. By p.. 4 figs. Burenu of Commercial F;sheries E)"plorl1tory Fishin,li, and Gear R~,earch fiase, (Jasca~oula, Mississippi, July 1. 1967 to ..Tunc 30. 1969. By Harvey R. Bullis. Jr. and John R. Thompson. November 1970, iv + 29 p., 29 figs .• 1 t3hll>. 3,')1. 8a)'. J. Eta'i. April 1970,6 340. Bllreau of Commercial Fisheries Technological LaboraLory, Glouct'ster. Ma"lsachusetls, By Hureau of Commercial F'i'iheries. June 1970. 8 p., 8 figs. ~ 1. Rt-'port of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort. N.C., for the fiSCRI year end inK June 30. 1968. RJo· the Laboratory staff. August W70. iii + 24 p., 11 Ci~s .• 16 tllbles. 34.2. Report of the Burt'3u of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory. St. Petersburg Beach. Florida. fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August 1970. iii + 22 p.• 20 figs., 8 tables. Report Df the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory. 343. Galveston, Totus. fiscal yf!aT 1969. By the Laboratory stafr. August H)iO. ii, + 39 p.• 28 figs .. 9 tables. 34·1. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Tmpical Atlantic aiological Laboratory prQRress in research 1965·69. Miami, Florida. By Ann Wee~s. Oc:tober 1970. iv + 65 p.. 53 fi~s .. 346. Sportsman's guide to handling, smoking, and preserving Great Lakes coho ~almon. By Shearon Dudley, J. T. Graikoski, H. L. Seagran. and Pall) M. Earl. September 1970. iii + ~8 p.. 15 figs. 347. Synopsis of biolosieal data on Pacific ocean perch, Sebtutodes alutUI. By Richard L. Major and Herbert H. Shippen. De-cember 1970, iii + 38 p.• 31 figs.• It table,. :~.,'i6. FloatinK laboratory for stud)' of aquatic orhanisms and their environ rm'nl. By G('Orge R. Snydl'r. Theodore II. B1ahm, and RiJocrt J, McConnell. + It. p., 11 fiKS .. Mn)' 1971, iii :~61. Rt·Kinn..1 and other related aSpt'Ct5 of sbellfish ["onsumption - someprdiminary findings frum tht, 1969 Consume r I>anel Survey. lJ}' MorLon M. Mill.'r and I>arrl'1 t\. Nash. June 1971, iv + 18 p.. 19 figs .. 3 Lahles, 10 apps. :162. Ht'search \'e!'sels of lht· National Marint' Fi!lhcries Scrvj.. t'. By Roh.'rt S. Wnlf. t\ 1971, iii + 46 p.• 2,') fiKS .• :J tabl£'s. Fo!" sale b)' the Supl'Tintt'ndl'nt of DlX·uments. U.S. Go\,("rnnl{-'nt Printing OffiCl', WashinK!on, n.c. 20·102. Hi~tory and onelopmcnt or surf dam har\ll'!ltiug gear. By Phillip S. Parker. Ortoht'r 1971, iv + 15 p., 16 fiR'S. For sail! b)· the Supt'rintcnderlr of nOl.~Umt>nt5. u.s, Go\'('rnment Printing Ofrice, Wnshinfrloll. D.C. 2;:,402. ;kj.1, :165. Procl'ssing Et\STHOPAC STD dnLD and thl' con'ilruction of vfl"'licnl h'mp(>raturc and !':alinit)" sloctions by co~putt'r. By Forrest R. Miller and }\('nnl'th A. Bliss. February 1972, iv + 11 p., 8 figs., 3 appl'ndix figs. For sale hy tht' ~~uperintenrlent of J)ocument~. U.S. GO\'ernment Printinl{ omct'. \\'u!lhinKton. D.C. 'lO402. aBO. Key to field identification of IIndromuu.s jU\'f'nil£' snlmonids in thf> Pacific Northwest. By Robt'rt J. M,..Conneli and George R. :"';n)·df'r. January 1972. i\l 6 po, 4 fil':s. f~()r salp by lht· SU~t'rintl'ndent of DoclJmcnts. U.S. Gn\,"('rnmt'nt PrintinK OHiC:l', Wa~hin~rton, D.C. 20402. + :167. l':nKlDel'rin~ economic model f('lr fish prmt'in conc{ntration pro{'ess('~. By K. K. Almenas. L. C. Durilla. R. C. Ernst. J. W. Gelltr)'. M. 3. Hale, and J. M. Mnrcht'llo. O<"lober 1972. iii + \75 p., t' fi~s.• 6 tahh·~. ror saIl" by the Superintendent of DOC'uments, U.S, GovcrlllTlPnL Printin~ Offil."l'. WashinR\on, D.G. ~0402. af'JR. COflpl'rative Gulf of Mexico f1stU:Lrinl' invl'ntory lind stud)·. Florida: Phasl' I. area dcscriptio!1. By J. Kneeland ~ ..Nult)·. William N. LindaU, Jro, and Jamt'~ 1-;. SJo·kt's. Novembt>r 1972. \Iii + 126 p., 46 fiRS., 62 tahles. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office, W..,hinglon. D.C. 20402. 3lJ9. Field guide to thl' anKlefishf!s (Pomacunthi::laet in thl' .....t'stern Atlantir. By Henry A. Feddern. November 1972, iii + 10 p.. 17 figs .• ror sale b}' the Superintt'ndcnt or Documents. u..S. Gon·roment PrintinK Office, Wa~hington, D.C. 2o.102. Continued on inside back cover. FOREWORD Thj~ isslle of the "Circulars" is part of a subseries entitled "Marine Flora and Fauna uf the Northeastern United States." This subseries will consist of original, illustrated, modern manuals on the identification, classification. and general biology of the estuarine and ~'Oastal marfine plants and animals of the Northeastern United States. Mcnuals will be published tlt irregular intervals on as many taxa of the 'egion as there are spp-.:ialists available to collaborate in their preparation. The :nanuals are an outgrowth of t:.e widely used "KeyS to Marine Invet1ebrates of the Woods Hole Region," edited by R. I. Smith, published in 1964, p.nd produced und'er the auspices of the Systematics-Ecolo~ Program, ~,hrine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. Instead of revising the "Woods Hole Keys," the slaff of the Systematics-Ecology Program decided to expand the geographic coverage and bathymetric ra"ge p.nd produce the keYf in 'In entirely new set of expanded pub. lications. The "Marine Flora and Fauna orthe Northeastern United States" is being prpareu in, :ollaborati':m with systematic specialists in the United States dnd abroad. Each manual will be based primarily on recent and ongoing revisionary systematic ,'eser,rch and a fresh examination of tht plant~ and animals. Each major taxon, treated in a separst,; manual, will include an introduction, :Ilustrated glossary. uniform originally i'lustrated keys, annotated check list with information when available on distribution. habitat, life history. and re!at'ld biology, references to the major literature oithe group, Bnd a systematic index. These manuals are intended for use by biology students. hiologists, biological oceanographers, infermed l~ym~n, and others wishing to identify coastal organisms for this region, In many instances the malluals will serve as a guide to additional information about the species or the group. r.eogra»h.c coverage of the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States" is plan. p"d to ir.c1ude organisms from the headwaters of estuaries seaward to approximately the 200·m depth .;., the c:mtinental shelf from Maine to Virginia, but may vary somewhat with each major taxon and the inter~sts of collaborators. Whenever possible representative specimens dealt with in the manuals will be deposited in the reference collections of major museums in the region. After a sufficient number Df manuals of related taxonomic groups have been published, the manuals will be revised. grouped, and issued as special volumes. These volumes will thus consist of compilations of individual manuals within phyla such as th:l Cnidaria, Arthropoc\a, and Moiiuse.., or of groups of phyla. CONTENTS Introduction . .. . . Description of orders of 3cyphozoa . Methods Collecting . . Rearing . . . Pre3crvation Nematocysts . . . Nalural historv Stauromedusae Scyphistomac . Ephyrae . . . . Scyphomedusae Stinging medu!;ae . Glossary . . . . introduction to the keys to tho.! Scyphozoa Kev tn the Stauromedusae of the northeast coast of the United States Sy~opsis of ephyrae of Chrysaora, Cyanea. and Rhopi/ema . Key to the pelagic; scvphomedusae of Ihe northeast coasl of the United States Annotated systematic list Selected bibliography .. Index to scientific names Acknowledgments . . . . Coordinating eJitor's comments The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, recommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary materiai mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to thb publication furnished by ~MFS, in any advertising or sales promotion which would indicate or imply that NlIIFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS pul>1ication. .j ·l ~ .j ~ 4 4 ~ i) i) £, fi H .10 . 14 .W .17 IR .IR Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Cnidaria: Scyphozoa RONALD J. LARSON' ABS'l"RACT This manual is an introduction to the sC}llhomedusae found in coastal walers rrom Maine to the Chesapeake Bay. It includes a discussion oCtheir identifi~ation., collection, rearing, preservation. and nematocysts. Also included is an introduction to the natural history of th" scyphopolyps and medus.e, s discussion of stinging 8cYDhomedusac, n glo8~ary or terms, an illustrated synopsis 01 ephyrBe, 1\'D'il· lustrating key to the scyphomoousae (including the Stauromedusael, an annotated systematic list, a bibliography of major references, and finally an index. INTRODUCTION The class Scyphozoa of the phylum Cnidaria or Coelenterata as it once was called, are commonly known as "jellyfish," "sea nettlt-s," and "sea wasps." Scyphomedusae, as these jellyfish are termed, are the most conspicuom of the jellylike animals. Some species reach 1 m or more in diameter and most are very colorful. All have stinging organs, hence the names "sea nettle" anct "sea wasp." 8cyphomedusae are seasonal; most species are seen during the warmer months. They represent the sexual stage of most scyphozoan species. The asexual stage is a small benthic (bottom-living) po:yp (scyphopolyp) wh;,:h is perennial. The scyphopolyp generally buds larval scyphomedusae (ephyrae) during the spring. The medusae are large by midsummer. SCYP!:lOmedusae have a muscular saucer-shaped or hemispherical bell or umbrella which propels the medusae through the ','!ilter by contracting and expelling water behind. Long threadlike tentacles often hang from the umbrella and are covered by stinging organs (nematocysts) which are us"d to capture prey. Surroul1.~ing the mouth are ribbol'.like, curtainlike, or gelatinous arms which transport prey to the mouth. 8cyphopolyps are minute !lnd rarely seen. They are saclike with a circle of tentaclr;s around the oral end and are attached to the bottom by a stalklike peduncle. Seyphozoans usually have a scyphomedusa and a scypht)polyp stage in their life history but one group remains as a'polyp only. The 8tauromedusae or stalked medusae lack a medusa stage. 80me scyphomedusae lack a polyp stage; Pelagia, an oceanic medusa, has eggs which, when fertilized, transform directly into a juvenile medusa and bypass the normal polyp stage. 'Department of Marine Sdence,. University or Puerto Rico. Mayal!Uez, Puerto Rico 00708; present address: Division of Echinoderms, U.S. National Museum, Washir,gton, D.C. 20560. Scyphomedusae are generally regarded as pests because of their irritating stings, but many are ecologically important. Chrysaora, well known as the sea nettle, consumes large numbers of ctenophores which might otherwise be very detrimental to oyster and clam populations by feeding on their larvae. Other scyphomedusae prey on jellyfish which have few predators and feed on commercially important invl'rtebra(~ and fish larvae. FiVl' ;,,'ders of Scyphozoa are recognized. The Stauromedut·.:. or "stalked jellyfish," are not well know,' even ~hough they may be abundant. They are inactive and cryptically pigmented and are difficult to see when attached to algae. The Cubomedusae, or sea wasps, are also infrequently seen but arc infamous because of their potent sting. The Coronatae, or "crown medusae," are mostly deepwater (bathypelagic). The Semaeostomeae, commonly known us sea nettles, are the most fam.iliar order, and most shallow-water scyphozoans belong to this group. The Rhizostomeae, which lack tentacles, are mostly tropical and are uncommon in New England .....aters. DESCRIPTION OF ORDERS OF SCYPHOZOA Order Stauromedusae-Small benthic scyphozo'lns which lack a free-swimming medusa stage. Stauromedusae are urn- or funnel-shaped and are attached to the substrate by a Dtalklike peduncle. In some forms, the margin is divided into eight arms, the knobbed tentacles project from the arm tips; in others the tentacles project from the margin. Modified tentacles, which may act as anchors or sense organs, occur on the margin hetwpA'1 the groups of tentacles in some species. The pnads ;,re paired, leaflike, or folded structures extending along t.:~ length of the calyx. A wl)rmlike planula larva develops from the zygote and creeps ever the substrate, eventually attaches itself and becomes a juvenile stauromedusa. Stauromedusae occur mainly in cold, shallow marine waters. Adult Stauromedusae usually occur only during the summer, and the wintering juveniles may be difficult to find because of their small size. Tropical and deepwater forms are rare. Order Cubomedusae (Fig. I)-Small- to medium-sized medusae with & somewhat cuboidal or rectangularshaped transparent umbrella. A velarium, or shelflike projection, encircles the inner margin of the umbrella. Tentacles vary from four to many and are on bladelike projections of the bell, termed pedalia. Four rhopalia are located about midway between the corners of the um- brella near the margin. The mouth is at the end of a flask-shaped stomach which hangs within the umbrella. The life cycle of the Cubomedusae is unlike that of other scyphozoans. The cubopolyp has several features in common with hydrozoan polyps, e.g., solid tentacles, stenotele nematocysts. Cubopolyps metamorphose directly and totally into a single medusa, other scyphopolyps undergo transverse fission producing one to many ephyrae. Werner (1973) has placed the Cubomedusae in ~,;,·~ir own class, Cubozoa, because of this group's unique characteristics. Cubomedusae are tropical or subtropical me- /b.,,_~~ ...----gastric 1l!I'+----gonad---------.H-!1fI , /pedalia----. velarium 2 gastric cirri \------~rt_oral a r m - - - - - 3 ~;gure Figure 3.- Semaeoslome medus•• l.-Cubomedusa. Figure 2.-Coronalemedu68. FilCW'O 4.- RWzostome", 2 c-.:,',-. .j. dusae but are occasionally transported inti) temperate regions by warm currents. Cubomedusac ure known as sea wasps because of their virulent sting. Order Coronatae (Fig. 2)-Small- or medium-sized medusae with flattened or dome-shaped umbrella which is divided into two regions by a circular (coronal) furrow. The tentacles occur between marginal lappets. Radial thickenings of the margin, termed pedalia, I'ive rise to the tentacles, lappets, and rhopalia. The gonads are on four septa which project into the coelenteron. The Coronatae are mostly bathypelagic and darkly pig· mented. The coronate polyp, all known species being placed in the genus Stephanoscyphus, is covered by a chitinous cuticle wpich has numerOlIS circular annulations (Kramp 1959). Order Semaeostomeae (Fig. 3)-Large medusae, usually saucer-shaped. The mouth has four long oral arms. These may be folded once as in Pelagia, or folded a number of times as in Cyanea. Tentacles occur between marj{inal lappets as in the Coronatae, or on the subumhrella. Gonads occur on folds of the gastrodermis. The polyp stage is small and naked or has a thin cuticle around its base and can encyst under certain conditions /Fig. 7). A typical ephyra (Fig. 5) is produced, usually by polydisc strobilation (Fig. 9). Semaeostomes Ilrc the most common scyphomedusae in temperate coastal waters. Order Rhizostomeae (Fig. 4)-Large medu~ae, usually with a hemispherical umbrella. Marginal tentacles are ab~ent, but eight oral arms serve both to capture and transport food to the ge.stric cavity by Nay of a canal system. A central mouth is usually absent; instead the 11lllut h is formed by a large number of bifurcating grooves which lie on the ventral and lateral sides of the oral arms. The oral Elrms may have terminal appendages which have a high concentration of n£>matocysts at their tip. The glmads e,re foids of the gastrodermis as in the sel11ucostome~;. The polyp stage has a long stalklike peduncle ',vhich is partially covered with a thin cuticle. J<:phyrae ,Irf, usually produced by monodisc strobilation (Fig. 10). Rhizostomes are mostly tropical, with only a few species extending into temperate waters. rhopolium cirri mouth 5 7 6 gastric 9 8 10 Figure 5.- Ephyra, newly released. Figure 7.-Semaeostome polyp. Figure 9.-Semaeostome slrobila. Figure H.- SfepMnoscyphus. Figure 8.-Stauromedusa. Figure 10.- Rhi,oslorne slrobila. 3 with crustaceans being the major part of the food. Berrill (1962) noted that Lucernaria fed on the amphipc>d Amphithoe and the small gastrupod Lacuna. At Woods Hole, Mass., I found mostly harpacticoid copepods and gammarid amphipods, and a few chironomid fly larvae in gastric cavities of Craterolophus. Prey, caught by the tentarles, cause one or all arms to fold over the mouth which then expands and engulfs the food. Stauromedusae, like scyphistomae, occur year-round. Berrill (1962) found that Stauromedusae, along the coast of Maine, spawn during the summer and then die. .Juveniles appear during the fall and become sexually mature by summer. Apparently Stauromedusae are very sensitive to en· vironmental CO'lditions and have been difficlllt to raise in aquaria. Berri11 (1962) remarked that they are becoming rare in Massachusetts Bay due to pollution. METHODS Collecting To obtain medusae in the best possible condition they shadd be dipped from the water surface usinp.: a bucket or other large container. Deepwater species can be caught in plankton nets equipped with large sample uuckels. Scyphopolyps can be obtained by dredgin!:, collecting at low tide, or diving. Polyps commonly attach to shells, oysters being a favorite substrate. Polyps will also settle on "lass slides placed in areas where medusae spawn. Rearing Scyphozoans can be raised from embryos to maturity in the laboratory (Spangenberg 1965). Polyps can be reared in small dishes and fed newly hatched Artemia. Planktoni<: .. cages are more difficult to raise, requiring a large volume of circulating water and suspended food. Medusae should be fed daily, preferllbly more often. Artemia can be fed to such plan:<ton-feeding forms as Aurelia and rhizostome medusae. Ch'J'saora can be fed ctenophores, Artemia, or other medusae. (See Russell Scyphistomae Scyphistomae are the polyp stages of scyphomedusae; in the semaeostome (Fig. 7) and rhiir.ostome medusae, they are small, about 2-4 mm high, and naked. or with a chitinous theca around the peduncle. They are flaskshaped with a single whorl of tentacles and a cruciform mouth. They are often found in shallow water attached to shells or other substrates. Those of the coronate medusae are completely covered by a chitinous theca and are found in deeper water. Scyphistomae feed on small crustaceans and cal: he reared in the laboratory on a diet of Artemia nauplii. They undergo asexual reproduction to form more polyps. Some pre·Juce res:stant stage" known as pedal cysts which can resist temperature extremes at which medusae are not found (Cargo and Schultz 1967). Scyphistomae also undergo strobilation, a process which produces from one to many ephyrae by transverse constrictions of the polyp's oral region (Figs. 9, 10). Scyphistomae are difficult to identify. Calder (1971) used nt:matocvsts to aid in identifying the polyps of Aurelia, Ch,,'s~ora, and Cyanea. They can a1;:0 be reared in the laboratory until they strobilate &nd then the ephyre.e or postephyrae can be identified. Increased feeding and/or change in waleI' temperature or addition of thyroxin may induce strobilation. 1970.) P.·eservation Scyphozuans should be fixed in a 20% formaldehyde solution and stored in a 5~c neutralized formaldehyde solutio:!. Alcohol dehydrates specimens, making them distorted. Ordinary paper disintegrates in Formalin. thus labels should be made from high-rag content and water-resistant paper. NEMATOCYSTS Nematocysts occur in all cnidarians. They are produced by specialized cells, cnidoblasts. A great amount of work has been done on the cnidoblast and how the nematocvst functions (Picken and Skaer 1966). Weill (1934) sho\V~d that the cnidome is taxcl10mically important; and'eeently Calder (l97l) used nematocysts as a means of identifying polyps of ChrysaoriJ, Cyanea, and Aurelia. (Also see Calder 1974.) NATURAL HISTORY Ephyrne Ephyrae (Fig. 5) are small, 1-4 mm in diameter, flattened larv,,1 medusae which usually have eight arms. At the tip of each arm there is a pair of blunt or pointed lappets, and between the lappets, a rhopalium or sense organ. The mouth is cruciform and a few gastric cirri may occur in the coelenteron. Ephyrae feed on plankton and grow rapidly. They soon appear like small scypho· medllse.e, at which time they can usually be identified with certainty. (See synopsis of Ephyrae.) Stauromedusae Stauromedusae, contrary to what their name implies. are really polyplike. Some are permanently attached. Others can move in a somersaulting motion by adhering to the substrat.e with the oral eO!d and releasing the pedal disc, then reattaching the disc at a new location; but none have been observed to swim. They attach to algae, sea grass (Zostera), and other substrates in shallow areas which have adequate water circulation. They may be abundant, but because of their inconspicuous coloration and inactivity, they are rarely seen. Most of the diet consists of other benthic animals, Scyphomedusae By being planktonic, scyphomedusae may find food, 4 which is unavaHable to the polyp, and can also di,'· tribute gametes over an extenilive area thereby in· creasing the distribution of the species and also insuring tllat uninhabited substrates are utilized if conditiom are favorable for the polyp. Scyphomedusae are usually short-lived. They gr'lW rapidly and later die due to changes in water temperature or other factors, which for the most part are not I ..lderstood. Chrysaora ephyrae from the Chesapeake Bay are released in early June. By July these medusae arc mature, and most have died by mid-September. Aurelia and Cyanf!a may live somewhat longer. The occurrence of some scyphomedusae is related to water temperature. Cyanea in the Gulf of Maine are first seen in April or May and are mature by early summer (Bigelow 1926). Cyanea is found in the Chesapeake Bay early in the winter and matures by February or March. Chrysaora occurs only at higher temperatures (about ~O°C) in the Chesapeake Bay in early May, and slightly later at Woods Hole, Mass. Because of this dependence on high temperatures, it apparently cannot strobilate in colder water and is not found north of Cape Cod. Aurelia, whose range overlaps' the two previous species. occurs during the wP.rmer months in both the Gulf of Maine and in the Chesapeake Bay, but appears earlier further south. In the Gulf of Mexico and off Florida. both Aurelia and Chrysaora can occur at almost any time. Rhopilema and Stomolophus also may occur nearly year-round. Medusae feed on a variety of prey. These include ctenophOl'p's, planktonic microcrustacea (i.e., copepods, amphipods, and larvae), larval and small fishes, pelagic polychaetes, siphonophores, and even other medusae. Fraser (1969) calculated that a Cyanea less than one-half meter in diameter would eat over 1.5 million copepods of the genus CalantL< in its lifetime. One can only guess at the amount of food eaten by a 2·m Cyanea. Chrysaora feeds mostly on ctenophores and other medusae. Studies which I have made in Puerto Rico (unpublished) indicllte that a Chrvsaora medusa would have to consume about 15 kg of ~tenophore Mnemiopsis in order to attain a diameter of 150 mm. In Aurelia, food is trapped on the umbrella and by the short tentacles, and is transferred, not dire.::tly to the lips, as in most medusae, hut to a food groove formed by the small velarium. Cilia move the food which is mixed with mucus to the adradial canals where it is then transferred to the lips (Southward 1955). Rhizostomes are filter feeders and many are active swimmers. In forms such as Rhopilema, water is forced around the oral arms by the contracting urn brella during swimming. In Stomolophus, water is forced through the keellike appendages. Minute tentacles, which line these structures, filter the suspended food from the water. The food is then carried to the stomach by the cilia-lined canals. Stomolophus collected at Beaufort, N.C .. fed mostly on bivalve veligers and harpacticoid copepods (author, unpublished). The gonads of scyphozoans are always near the site of digestion. In semaeostomes and rhizostomes the gonads are infoldings of the sl1bumbrella which also bear the gastric cirri. Some scyphomedusae spawn while still very small. Chrysaora reared by the author began r-pawning at the size of 55 mm and spawned almost nightly thereafter. Fertilization usually takes place within the gastric cavity or on the surface of the ovary. In Cyanea and Aurelia the embryos are retained on the oral arms. Aurelia has brood p<;('kets on the oral arms of the female where em bryos are r"!ained until the planula is released. The embryology is quite variable even within the same speci~s. Segmentation is usually total but gastrulation depends upon egg size, with ingression in small eggs and invagination in large ones and by both methods in medium-sized ova. Usually a planula is produred, whkh settles and forms a polyp, but very large <.l!;gs tr· ay hypass both the planula and polyp and form a m.,ciitied ephyra as they do in Pelagia (BerriIl1949). Symbiosis is widespread in the Cnidaria and occurs frequently in the Scyphozoa. There are numerous reports of juvenile fishes associated with scyphomedusae; Mensueti (1963) discussed these associations. Associations between juvenile fish and medusae range from the fish seeking refuge under the umbrella, or between the ten· tacles, to predation with the larger fish eating bits of the tentacle or gonad. It is not fully understood how certain species of fishes, 10'.1-(., Peprilus and Poronotus, are able to feed on medusae without ill effects, but it is generally thought that antibodies may be involved and that the secretion of murus by the fish may prevent the nematocysts [mm di,charging. Crustacea are also known to pllrasitize scyph"medusne: hyperiid amphipods may both !1teal food from medusae and feed on medusa! tissue. Phillips et aI. {I 968) discussed the parasitic hahits of the two species of brachyuran crabs on medusae in the Gulf of Mexien. STINGING MEDUSAE Cllry.'aora is popularly known as the sea nettle because its sting can be very painful. Cyanea also is a stinger: Russell (1970) noted that Cyanca was the caust; of a mysterious death in Conan Doyle's story, "Ad\'en1.ure of the Lion's Mane." The majoritv of the Cubomedusae are stingers. as are coronate nll'dusae, some producing a \'ery severe stillg. Alire/ia, RllClpilema,· Stomolophus. Phacellophora, and the Stauromedusae ar~ not known to be severe stingers. Halstead (1965) gave an account of t he nature of the wounds and medical aspects of stings. Cnrgo and Schultz (1967) found that when meat tenderizers containing proteolytic enzymes were mixed with water and applied t, the affected area, the pain was quickl~' relieved. GLOSSARY ancllors (Fig. 81 adhesive organs between arms of some Stauromeduslle. calyx flmne!'5haped umbrella of Stnuromedusae. I.'nidoblar,l c(,ll in which the nematocY3t forms. t'llidume complement of nematocyst types present. co"le'llcrull gastric cavity or stomnch. 5 .'. ,I'."" c~nal furrow (Fig. 2) circular groove which divides 'S' the exumbrelle. of the coronate furrow orthe coronate medusae (Fig. 2); bladelike pro· jections of Cubomedusae to which the tentacles arl;) attached (Fig, 1). peduncle (Fig. 8) stalk of polyps, or Stauromedusae. po(ydisc _.trobi/ntion (Fit!,. 9) several ephyrae produced from a polyp at the same time. rlwpalium (Figs. 1, 2) hollow, club-shaped sense organ l(eneTally located near the umbrella marl(in, usually with a statocyst and, rarely, an ocellus or ocelli. scyph,stoma polY!l of scyphozoan medusae excluding th", Stauromedusae and Cubomedusne. sensor)' niche open structure partially enclosing rhoplllium in Cubomedusae. s(mbilo scyphistoma which is forming ephyrae. str"bilntion process of producing ephyrae. -'llbL,mbrelia orai or underside of umbrella. ,·..rurilHTI (Fig. 1) sheltlike structure at margin of um1lrella in Cubomedusae ar.d Aurelin. medlJ~ae. cross-shaped. planktonic larva oi Sl'yphozoa except Gllbornedusae and Staurcrnedusse. Usually with 8 'f Pairs of arms and 8 rhopaHa. C' e1Cumbrella aboral or upper surface of umbrella. -.. gastric cirri or phacelloe (Fig. 1) hollow fingerlike pro· jections in the coelenteron which aid in digestion. (appet flaplike structure making up the scalloped marin of the umbrella. ,~'. ,_ odise strobilation (Fig. 10) a single ephyra produced f. ii'". r strobila at one time. ~ ~:! arm armlike extensions of the corners of the mouth 1' ' which hang from the subumbrella of the Scyphozoa, to! ,1 in number in the semaeostomes (Fig. :l) and 8 in the ..~ rhizostomes (Fi~. 4). pl'dalia radial thickenings between lappets and coronal ,'- ",uciform '. ,..,' phyra (Fig. 5) i :: '., '4 I" INTRODUCTION TO THE KEYS TO THE SCYPHOZOA ',. ~ An attempt has been made in constru~ting the keys to remain unchanged. Because of the delicate nature of mp,dusae .hey are often injured and parts may be missing or abnormal. Therefore, in using the key some discretion must be used for each specimen to determine which ('haracterg are usable. include those features which 8re most obvious or which occur in both juvenile and adult specimen.~_ As medusae !{I'ow, structures such as tentacles usually increase in number and oral arms become increasingly folded or complex. while other structures, e.g., rhapaHa, usually Key to the StBuromedusae of the Northeast Coast of the United States With anchors . . . . . . . :2 Without obvious anchor;; 2 (1) Anchors larj!r: no shieldlike covering: gonads extend into arm!' :! (I) Anchor" small with shieldlike covering at base: arms shon: gonads do not extend into arms .. , , 3 , , . . . .. , Thauma/Uscyphus at/anticus c ·:;;:;:":t:, r-/'~/ . . . b .. ". ' '· G " '. '-~, Fi(ure 11.- Th"umatoacyphWl nl/antic.a. R. side vie",' b. \\\ at vif!w c. nnchor.liidevicw d. anchor. tront vie'\1: (j . . d 3 (2) Arms short; anchors bean-shaped; calyx as high as broad .Haliclystus auricula (J: .'.'; .~ . .:.' ,',". ''':''. b C @d :,:,t:·:: , ,'.. ' Figure 12.-Hallelyohul auricula. a. lideview c. ancbor. Iide view b. oral view d. anchor, front view 3 (2) Arms long, anchors trumpet-shaped with short projection at center; calyx broader thail high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Halidystu.~ salpinx b Figure 13.-HaliclYBtU8 BcJpillX. 8. side view c. anchor. side view 7 b. oral view d. anchor. front dew 4 (1) Peduncle and arms long; arms paired; calyx broader than high; largest New England StauroLucernaria quadricornis medusa i-. b a Figure 14.-Lucerruvia qruufri<,Dm;'. a. side view ba orlll view 4 (l) Peduncle and arms short: arms not paired; calyx higher than brood . . . . . . . Craterolophus canuouulus b a Figure )1),- Craterolophu.a CORlIovulus. 8. side "'Iiew 8 b. ofal view Synopsis of Ephyrae of ChryBaora. Cyanea. Aurelia, and Rhopilema. (See Russell 1970.) Newly released ephyrae ca. 2.5 mm in diameter (Fig. 5) Morphology of ephyral arms Shape of lappets; pos i tion of rhopalia lappets slender pointed tips; rhopaliar cleft deep ca. 1/2 arm length lappets slender pointed tips; rhopaliar cleft deep ca. 1/2 arm length Chrysaorc. (Fig. 16a, b) Cyanea (Fig. 16c, d) AUr2lia (Fig. 16e, f) Rhopilema (Fig. 16g, h) a pair ofnematocYbt clusters on each arm; radial canals in arms short, consists of 1 pair radial canals in arms long, consists of 2 pairs Postephyrae 5 mm in diameter Gastric cirri lack usually 4 lappets broael, tips blunt, rounded; rhopaliar cleft short 1/2 arm length radial canal to rhopalium only with 4 or more lappets slender, tips p;..\nted; rhopaliar cleft deep ca. 1/2 al'm length radial canals in arms long, consists of 1 pair with 4 or more a b e Morphology oral arms split; lmlg ribbonlike; marginal tentacles; no ring canal oral arms not split, wide and flaring; subumbrellar tentacles; no ring canal oral arms split; short; marginal tentacles; ring canal present oral arm split several times; no marginal or subumbrellar tentacles c d 9 h Figure 16.-Epllyrae (a, c, e, g); postepbyrae (b, d, f, h). e, b Clu-ysaora qu./nquecirrha c, d Cya"ea capUlata e, r Aurelia aur/ta (from I).. Calder 1972, unpuhlished; and Calder 1973) 9 g. h Rhopi/cma verrilli Key to the Pelagic Scyphomedul'ae of the Northeast Coast of the United States 1 Umbrella, saucer·shaped, dome-shaped, or hemispheIical; with 8 or more tentacles, or no tentacles; 2 with 8 or more rhopalia . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Umbrella tall rectangular; 4 tentacles; 4 rhopalia; sensory niche with covering scale above and Order Cubomedusae Tamaya haplanema below; stomach supported by 4 mesenteries 0 .... • 0 0 •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ••••• " \.{- ~~ b Figure 17.- Tamoyahap/onem<J. a. side view bo sensory niche, front view Umbrella divided into two regions by a deep circular groove; stomach darkly pigmented; bathy· Order Coronatae _ pelagic, rarely at surface or coastal 2 (1) Umbrella not divided by circular groove, not darkly pigmented; mostly coastc.l or at surface 2 (1) 0 3 0 0 0 0 • • 0 • 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 0 • • 3 • 0 .4 (2) Umbrella flat, disc-shaped; tentacles and rhopalia equal in number, usually 22; gonads button· like 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 • 0 ••• 0 0 ••••• 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 •••••• 0 0 0 0 0 •• 0 0 • 0 Figure 18o-Atolla W)'lJilIei••ide view. 10 0 .Atalla wyvillei 3 (2) Umbrelll' conical or dome-shaped; usually 3 tentacles between r.hopalia; 4 rhopalia; 12 tentacles: gonads horseshoe-shaped , PeriphyUa periphyl/a FIl(1a'e 19.- Perlph:.llo perlJ)hyllo. aide vie... 4 4 (2) With marginal or subumbrella tentacles; 4 oral arms; distinct mouth; saucer-shaped umbrella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Order Semaeostomeae (2) Without tentacles on umbrella; 8 tough gelatinous oral arms; mouth smali or absent; umbrella usually hemispherical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Order Rhizostomeae S (4) With numerous narrow radial canals extending from stomach to margin; ring canal near margin; tentacles either on margin. short and numerous or in 16 linear groups on subumbrella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Family Ulmaridae 5 9 8 Figure 20.-Famlly Ulmaridae, radial and ring canala in block. Figure 21.- C)lan{!Q and family Pelagirlae. stomach pouches in block. 5 (4) With broad stomach pouches ext.ending to margin; without ring canal; telltacles long 01' 8 Ushaped subumbrellar groups . . 11 6 6 (5) Oral arms ribbonlike; tenta_~les on margin Family Pelagidae . . . . .. . 7 Cyan,'u capillata 6 (5) Oral arms wide, curtainlike; tentacles in 8 V-shaped groups on subumbrella Q Figure 22.- Cyane" ""pUlata. a. olde"lew b. oral ,"jew, oral arms removed and rour groupo or lolnlacleo removed 7 (6) With 8 tentacles; exumbrella with prominent wartlike projections; umbrella nearly hemis. . Pclngia noctilum pherical in shape, usually lees than 100 mm in diameter; oceanic Figure 23.- Pelagia noctU...,,,. a. sici.eview b. oral view, orsl a.rms remov~ 7 (6) With more than 8 tentacles; exumbrella smooth; umbrella saucer-shaped, up to 200 mm in diameter; estuarine or coastal Chr)'saora quinquecirrha a Figure 24.- Chrysaora quinqueclrrha. a. side view b. oral view, oral arms romo"ed 8 (;') Marginal ter.<tacles short and very numilrous; oral arms folded, ribbonlike; gonads in 4 horseshoe-shaped groups; B rhopalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A urel ia aurita a Figure 25.-AurclialUU'ila. a••Idevlew b. orlll view, oral arms relnoved 3 (7) Tent.acles long, in 16 subumhrellar linear groups; oral arms broad. curtainlike; 16 rhopalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Phacellophora camtschatica r-:~ 0;.,., .' ~. . • 7:'" r~ 1\ lb, ~~ I \ IClMtz; :1 1 'r ~ ,\ , ~ I< \ \ II•• J()I \ I I : ~I; I I I b a Figure camt.hallea. a. aideview b. oralvle'w, oralarmssndonehalf ortenlacle. remov<'li 13 9 (4) Oral arms free along most of their length; spindlelike '1ppendages hang from oral arms; umbrella hemispherical or flattened . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rhopilema uerrilli /.' .~'J':' l· . f' . • .: . ', ',-• . , , . 'J. . - ~, " i ,. Figure '1:1.- Rhop/lema "errilli, aide view. \::i:,1 :t. 9 (4) Oral arms fused; no spindlelike appf:ndages; umbrella higher than a hemisphere (globular). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stomcilll!?hus meleagris .:.c . .. {,. . (' Figure 28.-Slomolopllue meleaaria, aide view. ANNOTATED SYSTEMATIC LIST HaLiclystus auricula (Rathke 1806) Massachusetts northward, Northeast, Atlantic, North Pacific, lower intertidal and subtidal on algae and Zostera, at Woods Hole most common on brown algae Scytosiphon. Juveniles pasily confused with H. salpinx, but arms are very' short. Coloration: highly variable, brown, greer" red. Berrill (1962); Mayer (1910). Haliclystw; salpinx Clark 1863 Massachusetts northward, lower intertidal and slibtidal on algae and Zostera. May be confused with juvenile H. auricula but with long arms. Coloration: variable, green, brown. Berrill (1962, 1963). Lucernaria quadricornis O. F. Muller 1776 Massachusetts northward, Northeast Atlantic, Arctic, lower intertidal and subtidal mostly on Laminaria. Largest New England stauromedusa The following list is arranged according to the classificat:on of Kramp (1961). Distribution notes are from published records and from museum specimens. Most of the species listed are represented by specimens in the U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C., and the Gray Museum, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. Notes on seasonal occurrence, habitat and life history, and coloration are included. References to important papers are cited for both the families and for each species. Q..ASS ORDER SCYPHOZOA STAUROMEDUSAE ELEUTHEROCARPIDAE References: Berrill (1963); Kramp (1961). FAMILY 14 At least four other coronate medusae may also occni in the northwestern Atlantic: Linuche unguiculata (Schwartz), a specimen at the U.S. National Museum, collected off Cape Hatteras, lat. 35~N, long. 75°W. Nausithoe punctata Kolliksl', a specimen at the USNM collected off Georges Bank, lat. 40 o N, long. 68°W. Nauphantopsis diomedeae Fewkes, not reported since the original description, off New England. (Kramp 1961.) Atolla vanhoetfeni Russell, a specimen at the USNM, collected off Virginia lat. 36°39'1'1. long. 74°39W. (Russell 1970.) reaching over 50 mm in length. Coloration: highly variable, brown, green, red. Berrill (1962, 1963). FAMILY CLEISTOCARPIDAE References: Herrill (1963); Kramp (1961). Craterolophus con'Jolvulus (Johnston 1835) Massachusetts, Northeast Atlantic, intertidal on Fucus where it attaches near the bladders, inconspicuous b~c6use of its shape and color. Coloration: olive green when attached to Fucu.~. Kramp (1961). Thaumatoscypus atlanticus Berrill 1962 Maine, subtidal on Laminaria. This species is unusual in that ocelli are located on the anchors. Coloration: not known. Harrill (1962, ORDER SEMAEOSTOMEAE 1963). FAMILY PELAGIDAE References: Kramp (1961); Russell (1970). Chrysaora quinquecirrha (Desor 1848) Possibly cosmcpolitan, western Atlantic distribution from Cape Cod to the Gulf of Mexito. Abundant during the summer months in estuaries, not common in the open ocean. Scyphistoma occurs on oyster shells in upper estuary. Popularly called "sea nettle" because of its stinghg ability. Coloration: highly variable, pink, yellow, often with 16 yellowocher or red radiating stripes. Cargo and Schultz ORDER CUBOMEDUSAE FAMILY CARYBDEIDAE References: Bigelow (1938); Kramp (1961). Tamoya hap/onema·F. Muller 1859 Tropical Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico to Massachusetts. Probably carried north in the Gulf Steam. Mayer's (1910) report of this species in Long Island Sound is the only report of T. haplonema in the New England coastal waters. Coloration: colorless except tentacles, pink. Bigelow (1938); Phillips and Burke (1966, 1967). Pelagia noctiluca (Forskal 1775) Cosmopolitan open ocean species in warm and temperate oceans. Carried north in the Gulf Stream, sometimes seen in coastal New J£ngland waters. LackfJ scyphistoma stage. Coloration: highly variable, blue, yellow, pink, tentacles red. Russell (1970). (1970). Three other Cubomedusae also occur in the northwestern Atlantic. Carybdea a/ata Reynaud. a specimen in the U.S. National Museum (USNM) was collected off Cepe Hatteras at lat. 35°N, long. 75°W. Carybdea marsupia/is (Linneaus) occurs in the Gulf Stream near Bermuda but has not been reported on our coast. Chirapsalmus quadrumanus (Muller) occurs along U.S. coast south 0f Virginia. Bigelow (1938); Phillips and Burke (1970). FAMILY CYAl\iEIDAE References: Kramp (1961); Russell (1970). Cyanea capillata (Linnaeus 1758) Cosmopolitan in colder oceans. Occurs in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida northward. Most abundant during winter through spring in the south, summer to fall in the north (New England waters). Popularly called "lion's mane" because of the long red-yellow tentacles. Largest New England medusa reaching a meter or more in diameter. Coloration: highly variable, pink, red, yellow, brown. Russell (1970). ORDER CORONATAE FAMILY ATOLLIDAE References: Kramp (1961); Russell (1970). Atalla wyvil/ei Haeckel 1880 Cosmopolitan in deep oceans. A deep-sea species, bathypelagic, seldom occuring at the surface or on the continental shelf. Commonly taken in midwater samples in deep water usually below 500 m. Coloration: stomach dark red-brown. Russell FAMILY ULMARIDAE References: Kramp (1961); Russell (1970). Aurelia aurita (Linnaeus 1758) Cosmopolitan species in nearly all oceans except the Arctic. Popularly known as "moon jelly" because of the whitish umbrella. Coloration: bell clear; gonads, tentacles, pink, purple. Russell (1970). Phacellophora camtschatica Brandt 1838 Occurs north of Cape Cod in the western Atlantic, probably the entire Pacific coast of the Americas and in the Mediterranean and off western Africa. Rarely taken in New England waters. Coloration: yellowish. Mayer (1910). (1970) . FAMILY PERIPHYLLIDAE References: Kramp (1961); Russell (1970). Periphylla periphylla (Peron and Lesueur 1809) Cosmopolitan bathypelagic in deep oceans. Common in midwater trawl samples from deep water. It has been taken near the surface off New England. Coloration: stomach dark redbrown. Russell (1970). 15 guiculata. with a brief reexamination of scyphozoan nematocyst classification. Chesapeake Sci. 15:170-173. ORDER RHIZOSTOMEAE CARGO, D. G., and L. P. SHULTZ. 1966. Not... on the biology of the sea nettle, Chrysaora quinquecirrha, in Chesapeake BhY. Cbesapeake Sci. 7:95·100. 1967. Further observati"ns on the biology of the sea nettle and jelly. fishes in Chespeake Bay. Chesapeake Sci. 8:209-220. FRASER, J. H. 1969. Experimental feeding of BOrne medusae snd Chaelognatha. J. ~-i.h. Res. Board -Can. 26:1743-1762. HALSTEAD, B. W. 1965. Poi•.onous and venomous marine animals of the WNld. I. Invenebrates. U.S. Gov. Print. Off.. Wash., D.C.. 994 p. (see Phylum Coelenterata, p. 297·371). KRAMP. P.L.· 1959. Stephanoscyphus (Scyphozoa). Galathea Rep. 1:173-185. 1961. Synopsis of the medusae of the world. J. Mar. BioI. Aaaoc. U.K. 40:1-469. MANSUETI, R. FAMiLY RHIZOSTOMATIDAE References: Kramp (1961); Mayer (1910). Rhopilema vurilli (Fewkes 1887) Occurs in tlle northern Gulf of Mexico, North Carolina to Connecticut. An uncommon species, found along ClJast and b mouths of estuaries. Coloration: bell milky; oral arms brown. Mayer (1910); Calder (1973). FAMILY STOMOLOPHIDAE References: Kramp (1961). Stomolophus meleagris L. Agassiz 1862 Occurs in the western Atlantic from Brazil to Cape Hatteras and from Panama to San Diego in the eastern Pacific. Specimens occasionally carried north to NE'w England waters by the Gulf Stream. Popularly known as the "cabbage head jelly5sh" because of its globular shape. Coloration: brown band at margin. Mayer (1910). 1963. Symbiotic behavior between small fishes and jellyfishes, with new data on that between the stromateid. Peprilus alepido~ tus, and the Bcyphomedusa, ChrysQora quinqueci"ha. Copeiu 1963:40·80. MAYER, A.G. 1910. Medusue of the world. m. The Sc,)'phomedusse. CarllcF;ie Inst. Wash. PubI. 109:499-735. PHILLIPS. P. J., snd W. D. BURKE. 1970. The occurrence of sea wasps (Cubomedusse) in MiFosissippi Bull. Mar. Sci. 20:853· Sound and the northern Gulf of Mexico. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 859. PHILLIPS, P. J .• W. D. BURKE, and E. J. KEENER. 1969. Observations on the trophic significance af jellyfishes in Mississippi Sound with Quantitative data on the associative behavior of smaIl fishes with me<lusae. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 98:703·712. PICKSN, L. E. R., and R. J. SKAER. 1966. A review of researches on nematocysts. In W. J. Rees (editor), The Cnidaria and their ~volution. p. 19-50. Zoo!' Soc. Lond. RUSSELL, F. S. 1970. Thc medusae of the British Isles. II. Pelagic Scyphozoa. Cambridge Univ. Presa. 264 p. SOUTHWARD, A. J. 195F·. Observations on the ciliary currents of the jelly-fish Aurelia aurita L. J. Mar. BioI. Assoc. U.K. 34:201-216. SPANGENBERG. D. B. 1965. Cultivation of the life stages of Aurelia aurita under cu"· troIled conditions. J. E~p. Zool. 159:303-318. WEILL, R. 1934. Contribution a retude des cr daires et de leurs nemalocyste•. Trav. Stn. Zoo. Wimerem 11:351-701. \VERNER, B. BERRILL, M. 1962. The biolollY of three New England Stauromeduaae. with a dcscripti~n of a ncw spccics. Can. J. Zool. 40:1249-1262. 1963. Compamtive functional morphology of the Stauromedusae. Can. J. Zool. 41:741-702. BERRILL, N. J. 1949. Devc(opm<atal analyaia of Scyphomeduaae. Bio', Rev. (Camh.) 24:393-410. BIGELOW. H. B. 19'26. Plankton of the off.hore waters of the Gulf of Maine. Boll. U.S. Bur. Fiah. 40:1-509 (aee p. 340·380). 1938. Plankton of the Bermuda Oceanographic Expeditions, VIII. Medusae taken during the yeara 1929 and 1930. Zoologica (N.Y.I 23:99·189. CALDER. D. R. 1971. Nematocysta of polyps of Aurelia, C"rysanra, and Cyanea, and their utility in idehtification. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 90:269-274. 1973. Laboratory observotions on the life history of Rhopilemo verrilli (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae). Mar. BioI. merl.) 2\:109· 1973. 1974. New investigations on systematics end evolution of the class Scyphozoa and the phylum Cnidaria. Publ. Seto M,.r. BioI. Lab. 114. Nematocysts of the coronate scyphomedusa. L;uuche un· 20:35·60. 16 SYSTEMATIC INDEX Atolla vanhoeffeni wyvillei .. Atollidae . . . Aurelia aurita Caa7a~~e~ . .. marsupialis · Carybdeidae . . . . . . . . . Chiropsalmus quadrumanus Chrysaora quinquecirrha .. Cleistoc8rpldae Coronatae Craterolophus COTlvovu!lts Cubomedusae . . . . . . Cyanea capillata Cyaneidae . . . . Eleutherocarpidae Halicl;lstus aurlcuUl . . 7, 14 salpinx . Linuche unguiculata Lucemaria quadri.:omis Nausithoe punctata . . . Nauphantopsis diomedeae Pelagia nocti/uca .. . . . · . . . 15 · .10, 15 · . . . 15 9, 13, 15 Pelagidae 1[; · .15 8, 14 · .15 · .15 . Periphylla periphylla · 15 · 15 · 15 9, 12, 15 · . . . 15 · .10, 15 · . B,15 · .10, 15 9, 12, 15 .. 15 Periphyllidae Rhizostomatidae . Rhizostomeae . . . . . Rhopilema verrilli . . . Semaeostomeae . . . . Stautomedusae . . . . 14 Stomolophus meleagris Tamayo haplanema . . . . . Thaumatoscyphus atlanticus 7, 14 Ulmaridae 17 12 11, 12, 15 11,15 · 15 · .13, 15 . Phacellophora camtschatica Stomolophidae · · · . · . . . 16 · .11, 16 9, 14, 16 .11. 15 . 6,14 . . . 16 .14, 16 .10, 15 ... 6, 15 . . . 11, 15 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Preparation of the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States" is being coordinated by the following Board: Coordinating Editor: Melbourne R. Carriker, Marine Studieg Center, College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware, Lewea, DE 19958. Editorial Advisers: Marie B. Abbott. Marine Biolr:gkal Laboratory. Woods Hole. Mass. Arthur G. Humes, Bosto" L'ni"ersity Marine Program, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. Wesley N. Tiffney, Department of Biology, Boston Univer· sity, Boston, Ma58, Ruth D. Turner, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Roland L. Wigley, National Marine Fisheries Service Bio· logical Laboratory, NOAA, Woods Hole, Mass. Robert T. Wilce, Department of Botany, University ofMas· sachusetts, Amherst, Mass. The Board established the format for the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States." invites systematists to collaborate in i.he preparation of manuals, reviews manuscripts, and advises the Scientific Editor of the National Marine Fisheries Service. Thanks go to Marie B. Abbott, Curator of the Gray Museum, Marine Biological Laboratory, for the loan of specimens and for assiatance during a short Visit there; S:laUf, Ruetzler, Curator of the Division of Echinoderms, U,S. National Museum, Washing· ton. D.C.. for use of collections. dark room, and other facilities: Maureen E. Downey, also of the Division of Echinoderms, and Charles E. Cutress of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, for encouragement, helpful suggestions, and assistance in proof· reading; Dale R. Calder, formerly of the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, Gloucester Point, and now at the South Carolina WiidHfe and Marine Resources Department, Charles· ton, for critically reading the manuscript, for permission to ex· amine the scypbozoan polyps maintained at the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, and for the loan of unpublished data and figures; Cadet Hand, Kay Petersen, Roland Wigley, and Ruth Turner for critically reading the manuscript; and typists A. Stonework. S. J. Larson, S. Khoury, K. S. Stemler, andJ. S. Ballantine. COORDINATING EDITOR'S COMMENTS Publication of the "Marine FlO!a and Fauna of the Northeastern United States" is most tim2ly in view of the growing universal emphasis on environmental work and the urgent need for more precise and complete identification of coastal organisms than has been available. It is ma.,datory, wherever possible, that organisms be identified accurlltely to species. Accura scientific names unlock the great quantities of biological information stored in libraries, obviate duplication of research al. ready done, and often make poasible prediction of attributes of organisms that heve been inadequately studied. Ronald J. Larson started his study of medusae during the summer of 1969 when he worked on the natural history and systematics of Hydromedusae from the Oregon coast. In 1972 he began working at the U.S. National Museum where use of the extensive collections and excellent library facilities furthered his education and initiated an interest in (~Ie systematics of the Scyphozoa. Currently he is involved with graduate studies at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. where he is investigating the functional morphology of scyphomedusae and aspects of growth and reproduction. Preparation of this manual was supported in part by a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency to the Editorial Board of the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States." Work on the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States" by the Coordinating Editor is supported by the College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware. Manuals are available for purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The manuals so far published in the series are listed below: COOK, DAVID G., and RALPH O. BRlNKHURST. Marine flora and fauna of the Northeastern United States. Annelida: OIigochaeta. BORROR, ARTHUR C. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Protozoa: Ciliophora. MOUL, EDWIN T. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Higher plants of the marine fringe. McCLOSKEY, LAWRENCE R. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Pycnogonida. MANNING, RAYMOND B. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Crustacea: Stomatopoda. WILLIAMS, AUSTIN B. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Crustacea: Decapoda. POLLACK, LELAND W. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Tardigrada. LARSON, RONALD J. Marine flora and fauna of the ncrtheastern United States. Cnidaria: Scyphozoa. 18 Co u. S. GOV~RNHtNT PQINTING Of:~ICE: 1976-697.707/108 "EGlON 10 370. Collecting and proce5sing data on fish t"IiCKS and larvae in the· Calilcrnia Current re~on. By David Kramer, Mary J. Kalin. Eliubeth G. Stevens. Jamt.'s R. Thrailkill. and James It Zweifel. November 1912. iv + 38 p.• 38 figs .• 2: tablt.'s. FQr salt.· by the Superintendt'nt of D()("umenl.'l. U.s. Govern me-nt Prinlinl( Office. WashinK\on. D.C. 20402. 371. Ocean fL-lht"ry mllnaKl"mt"nt; Discussions and rest"a~h. By Adam A. SokolMki ,editor). 111 papeJ"!il, :?4 au' hors. I April 1973. "'i 173 p.. 38 riKS.• :r.! table~. 7 appendix tables. + 372 "'ishery publicntion!o. calendar yur 1971: l.i~t~ and indue!. By Thomu A. Manar. Odober 19T1. i... + 2-1 p .• 1 fig. For !!oalti' uy the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Governmt"nt PrintinJ,r Orrin'. WashinKlon, 20402. n.c. 381. fi!lhery publlutions. ulendar year EJ67: Lists and indexrs. By C. Thorson and Mary Ellt"n Engett. July 1973, iv + 22 p .• 1 fig. For we by the Superintendent of Documenls. U.S. Government Printing Gffite. Woshington. D.C. 20402. 3H2. f'ishc:'fY publintions. calendar yrAr 19ti6: Lists and indexes. By Mary Elh'n EnKetl and Ll't! C. Thorson. July J973. i..· + 19 p .. 1 EJ{. For salr by the Supt'rinlendrnt of Documents. LJ ,S. Government Printing Office. Was.hinK ton. D.C. 20402, Fishtor)' publications, calendar year l~:',;: Lists and indexes. By Ltol' C. ThoNlR and Mary 1o~IIt'n EnKt'U. July 1973. j..,' 12 p., 1 fiR'. For sale by the SuperintNlrlt'nt of Uocumt'nts, ll.S. Gov{'rnm"nL Printin~ OHirp. WuhinK' tun. h.C. ~,'O402. + p., 82 fi~s. For ~ale by the.' Superintt>ndt'nt of Dnc·umenb. U.S. Go\'rrnment Pri:"ltinlr\' Oflict.·. Washin..,.on, D.C. 2O~02. :*,.1. ~tarint· nora a.nd fauna uf tht> northt'8Stt'rn Unit~ States. HiKher p~nts tlf thl' mariru.' frin~t.'. By I::dwin T. Maul. SI'ptt'mbt'r 1973. iii + 60 p., lOS figs. 1o"or sale by the Supuintt'ndpnt of Documflnts. U.S. Government PrintillK Offict·. W ol~hinh'1on. I).C. ~>()~02. ~('w I·olyrharla from Bt'3ufort. with a ke-r to lSll spe::es ffforded from North Carolina. By John H, Day. July 1973. xiii + I.tO p., IB r:,i(!I .• 1 tahle. For ~Ic b)' tht· Superintt'ndent of llocumpnts. U.S. r;o..It.'r~In';.·:1l Printing Offir('. Wa.... hin~on. 11.C. :'>Q40:? :~!i. 1o'istwry pUblications. c.ll.ll'ndar )"e.·ar 1972: Lisb and indt'Xf'5. B)' l.A'{" C. Thurson and Mary 1o:Ilt.'n En/(ett. !'in\'{'mlwr 1973, i\' + 23 ..,.. 1 fiR'. For §.alt.· hy thl' Supl'rintendl'nt nf Docur.lrnts. U.S. \io\'rrnment P:'intinK Offict" Wn..,hinKtlln. n.c. :"»O,1O:L Bottom·water tt.·mpl'raturt·s on tht, continental ~ht'lf. NOVA :;,('oti~ to ~t·w Jt.·r"i.t'!·. Oy John R. Colton. Jr. ;snd Ruth It. Stoddard. JU:It,' !iH:t iii 5:') p.• 15 fiKS., 12 a.ppendix tables. For !itnle b)' the Supt'rintendr~1 of Ouc·umt.·nt.... U.S, Gon·rnmt.'nt Printinj{ Office. WD.ShinKf,on. D.C. 20402. :~i~~. B~al~~'~~~ R~~~CI~:k:;. t~:p~;~teeras:973. Yiri~d 1~t8~~S'1 Plt;~O~~r :n7, Fho.her)' publications. cale.·ndar )'t'ar 1970: Li~h lind indcxt's. By Mar)' Ellrn En!tetl and Lee C. Thonon. December 1972. iv + 3-S p .• 1 fig. For .'ialt' by the Supprintendrfit of Documl"nt.s. U.S, Go\'oemment Print inK O(fiee, \\'"shinl{ton, n.c. 2O~02. ;l.'ii, 37~. ~tarint' nor" llnd fauna of tht-· northe.·"st('rn L'nitt.'fI Statt."s. ProtolO": Ciliophora. Hy Arthur C. Horror. ~i('ptt'mtwr 197:1. iii + 62 poo 5 fi~!'l. For salC' h)' the Supf'rint4'ndent of DO<'uml'nt:'l. V.S. Guvprnml'nt Print in/{ Offit"t,. Washinl{lon. n.c. ~402, :IXH. I'rot'l'rdinl{s ttlt· first U.S.·Japan mt'l·tinK un aql..atultur," HI Tl·~.YO. h,,'ln. l)rtoht'r H~ 19. 1971. WiIIi:tm ro-:. Shl\~' It"ditorJ. (1M pa~tt'r"". 14 auth~nd Ft·hrlJar~.. 191·S. iii 1:13 p. For salt· hy tht· SUpt.'rintl'f,ct:nt of n()('um,·M~. l'.S, GClwrnmt'nt Printinl{ OffiCI'. \\'ashin~clR. n.c. 2().l02 Fishl·ry publit'J,lion~. <"31l.'l"idar yrar 1969: Li~ts anfi indexe"i. By Lt't.· C. Thor~on a.nd Mary Ellen EnRel'.. April 1973. iv + ~11 p.. 1 fiR. For !lalp by lhl' Su~>t.'rintt.·nrl[nt of nOtumt·nt!'i. V,S. l;un·rnme.'nt PrintinK OHi("l'. Washinl{ :\."l~l, Marine.' flora and (aunH of the.' northrnlt'rn Unitt'd States. Annelida: OHgochaeu. By David G. Cook and Ralph O. Brinkhunt. May 1973. Hi + 23 374. 315. :.176. + :J79. ~nn. n,e. :,>O-l02. :*,,0. rl~ht'r)' publicatiuns. ('alt-·nda.r )'('ar 1%H: l.i~t~ and ind{·xes. Ii)' ~tar)' Elh'n ~:nKl'tt :and L4.'t" C. Thorson. ~hy t973. i..' + 2~ p .. 1 fiR. For ~lt· by tht' Supt'rintt'ndcnt ()( {)ocume.·nts. l!.S. Govl'rnm.'nt rrinlinr-: O(fi("I'. \\':t!lhinJ{' t{ln. h.C. 20-102. /e; :'0.114.' h)' thl' Supe.·rintcndt·nt of [)t)("uments, Wa."hin,lCton. D.C. ~>Ool":!_ lJ.~. l"o\'{'rnmt'nt Prin~lnK Offict.'. Marini' nura and fauna of thl' nurtht>uu·rn L~nitt'd Stah·!rI. rru~la{'t'A; Stomlltopoda. By Raymond B. Manuin,lit:. Jo'ebruary 1914. iii + 6 p.• 10 fig.. For .."II' h)' tht' ~upt.·rintl'ndent of [)ocuml'nt .., U.S. lio,,·('rnmt.'nt Printinlr\' Offil"t'". \\'I\,\hin",'1nn, n.r, W-1O'.!. nr + ~1i\rint· n'lra l\nrl flluna or tht' nOrlht'a!it€'rn llnitl'd Stall'", CrustaC('!L 1l1'4·;'!M"II!:t. By Austin B. William!o. April 1974. iii + ~O p .• 111 rii~S, 1"01' sale h.\ thl' Supt'rintl'ndl'nt of ume.'nb. ll.:-;. GovI'rnmf'nt Printinf{ OUirt'. W",hinKtnn. I t.e, :"~40~. n,.... :~~1. Fi.. lwr)' puhlir:ltion... rah'ndar )'I'ar 197:i:>;ts nnd inde-xl·s. By ~!ar)' ElIl'n EnKe.'lt and I.,t't." C. Thor~on, St'>r 191~. iv 14 p., I £iK- f"or ";1\1· ~l\' ttll' ~tJl)l'rin(t'ntlt'nl uf IhJ("ulnt·nt~. 1!.~. Go..... rnmt"nt Prinllnlr\' Orfict.'. W;l:\hln~ton. n.t". :">0402, +