Cecchetti Theory Intermediate


Cecchetti Theory Intermediate
Cecchetti Theory
French Terms
1. la barre
2. plié
3. tendu
4. port de bras
5. adage
6. allegro
7. demi
8. sauté
9. retiré
10. échappé
11. devant
12. derriére
13. en bas
14. en haut
15. grand
16. battement
17. à terre
18. en avant
19. arabesque
20. temps levé
21. reverence
22. relevé
23. petit
24. jeté
25. chassé
26. à la seconde
27. cou de pied
28. rond de jambe
29. en croix
30. croisé
31. ouverte
32. coupé
33. changement
34. pas de chat
35. à la quatriéme
36. tour en l’air
37. degagé
38. frappé
39. fondu
~ the bar
~ to bend
~ to stretch
~ carriage of the arm
~ slow movement
~ quick movement
~ half
~ to jump
~ to withdraw
~ to escape
~ front
~ behind
~ low
~ high
~ big
~ beating
~ on the ground
~ forward
~ a position in dance
~ time lifted
~ gracious bow
~ to rise
~ small
~ to throw
~ to chase
~ to the second
~ neck of the foot
~ round of the leg
~ in the shape of a
~ crossed
~ open
~ to cut
~ to change
~ step of the cat
~ to the forth
~ turn in the air
~ to disengage
~ to strike
~ to melt
45. posé
46. balancé
47. enchainment
48. en dehors
49. en dedans
50. dessous
51. dessus
52. de côté
53. pirouette
54. écarté
55. en l’air
56. soutenu
57. glissade
58. sissone
~ to pose
~ to balance
~linked together
~to the side
~to whirl
~thrown open
~in the air
~to glide
~a jump named for the
Count of Sissone
59. batterie
~beaten step
60. fouetté
~to whip
61. fermé
62. étendre
~to stretch
63. de suite
64. éffacé
65. épaulé
66. soubresaut `
~sudden leap or bound
67. en arriére
68. petit tours
~small turns
69. entrechat quatre ~braided 4 times
70. attitude
~position taken from the
statue of Mercury
71. entrechat
72. courru
~to run
73. soussus
~under – over
74. demi-contretemps ~half against time
75. entrechat royale ~ braided royally
76. tourner
~ to turn
77. royale
~ royal
78. élancer
~ to dart
79. ballonneé
~ balloon like
80. cabriole
~ to caper/leap playfully
81. pas de basque
~ step from the Basque
region in France
40. developpé
41. temps lié
42. detourné
43. assemblé
44. pas de boureé
~to unfold
~ time linked
~ turned aside
~ to assemble
~ step of the stuffed
82. entrechat trios ~ braided 3 times
83. grand preparation ~ large preparation
84. autour de la salle ~ around the room
85. en diagonale
~ on a diagonal
86. brisé
~ broken
1. ~un
2. ~deux
3. ~trois
4. ~quatre
5. ~cinq
6. ~six
7. ~sept
8. ~huit
9. ~neuf
10. ~dix
11. ~douze
12. ~seize
Eight Points of the Room
The audience is at wall five.
Starting with the right front corner, count the corners counter-clockwise: one, two, three, and four.
Count the walls in the same manner: five, six, seven, and eight.
Basic Head Rules
coupés, jetés & temps levés
pas de chat
pas de bourrées & glissades
balancés de côté
chassés a la seconde
pas de bourrée ouverte
~the head inclines to the foot you land on
~the head is inclined and lowered over the front arm
~the head is inclined away from the audience
~the head is the last to leave and the first to arrive (spotting)
~when the working leg is coming from back to front,
the head inclines towards it
~when the working leg is coming from front to back;
the head inclines away from it
~the head inclines to the foot that finishes in front
~the head inclines to the leading foot
~the head inclines to the leading foot
~the head inclines to the leading foot
Basic Adage movements (demonstrated in the Adage Enchainement)
- Dégagé en tournant à terre
- Fouetté of adage en l’air
- Developpé en tournant
Basic Allegro movements
sauté in 1st position
petit jeté sur le cou-de-pied derrière
petit jeté sur le cou-de-pied devant
temps levé devant from one foot
temps levé devant from two feet
temps levé derrière from one foot
temps levé derrière from two feet
gallop side
gallop forward
polka – party polka
polka – balletic polka side (jumped)
polka – balletic polka forward (jumped)
polka – balletic polka forward (stepped)
échappé sauté à la 2nd
spring points devant
pas de chat
assemblé dessus (over)
assemblé dessous (under)
sissonne en avant fermé
sissonne en arrière ouverte
entrechat quatre
assemblé élancé de côté
grand jeté en tournant
assemblé en avant
pas de bourrée dessus
pas de bourrée courru (bourrées)
entrechat royale braided royally
posé tours
petits tours
grand jeté en avant
posé developpé
assemblé devant
assemblé derrière
brisé dessus
échappé battu (beating out & in)
pas de bourrée dessous (under)
chassé en avant
jeté dessus (over)
jeté dessous (under)
balancé de côté
balancé en avant
balancé en arrière
posé to 5th
posé to retiré
posé coupe
posé to arabesque
coupé dessus (over) from straight leg
coupé dessous (under) from straight leg
coupé dessus (over) from cou de pied
coupé dessous (under) from cou de pied
glissade devant
glissade derrière
glissade dessus (over)
glissade dessous (under)
pas de bourrée devant
pas de bourrée derrière
Positions of the Head
1. erect
2. inclined
3. turned
4. raised
5. lowered
Correct Movements of the Feet
1. pied à terre
2. à quarte
~quarter pointe
3. à demi
~1/2 pointe
4. à trois quart
~3/4 pointe
5. à pointe
~full pointe
6. stretched or fully extended
7. sickled outwards
8. flexed (for character dance)
entrechat trois devant and
glissades en avant and en arrière
pas de bourrée en avant
pas de bourrée en arrière
pas de bourrée en dehors
pas de bourrée en dedans
pas de bourrée ouvert to 2nd
sissones dessus and dessous
ballonné simple, écarté (arms
opening to demi-2nd)
ballonné simple, éffacé en avant
(arms 4th en avant)
*On all ballonnés simples,
the foot may be either
stretched or relaxed on the
cou de pied – candidate’s
Positions of the Feet
1. first
2. second
3. third
4. fourth open
5. fourth crossed
6. fifth
~quatrieme ouverte
~quatrieme croisé
~ cinquieme
Incorrect Movements of the Feet
1. inwards sickle
2. clenched
Positions of the Arms
1. first
2. second
3. demi second
palms forward for adage
palms down for allegro
4. third
5. forth en avant
6. forth en haut
7. fifth en bas
8. fifth en avant
9. fifth en haut
Movements of Dance
1. plié
2. sauté
3. relever
4. étendre
5. glissade
6. tourner
7. élancer
~to bend
~to jump
~to rise
~to stretch
~to glide
~to turn
~to dart
Positions of the Body
1. à la seconde
2. à la quatriéme derriere
3. à la quatriéme croisé devant
4. à la quatriéme devant
5. écarté
6. écarté derriere
7. à la quatriéme croisé derriere
8. épaulé
9. éffacé
10. efface derriere
~ to the second
~to the forth back
~to the forth crossed front
~to the forth front
~thrown open
~thrown open back
~to the forth crossed back
~shaded back
≈ all demonstrated en l’air
1. first arabesque
2. second arabesque
3. third arabesque
4. fourth arabesque
5. fifth arabesque
~same arm front as leg front
~opposite arm front as leg front
~both arms pointed front with one arm at eye level and the other just
below height (arm furthest from the audience is high)
~second arabesque on a plié
~third arabesque on a plié
1. attitude croisé derriere ~with Mercury attitude arms or attitude ordinaire arms (4th en haut in
2. attitude croisé devant ~arms are a la quatrieme croisé devant
3. attitude éffacé devant ~arms are éffacé
4. attitude éffacé derrière ~arms are éffacé
Theory of Port de Bras ~ this includes several points and should be discussed with maturity and
confidence, not as though recited from memory**
~A much as one arm moves forward, the other arm moves backwards. As much as one arm moves up, the
other arm moves down. This is done in the same amount of time to maintain a balanced line. Sometimes
one arm may have to move quicker than the other arm in order to arrive at the same time.
builds strength through the back and arms, arms are carried through the back
uses positions and movement from and through positions
should use the gate (5th en avant) to give greater depth to the movement
co-ordination of arms, head, and eyes (and legs when appropriate)
should compliment legs ~eg) demi-2nd with an assemblé over and 2nd with an assemblé élancé
balance of line
arms may have to move at different speeds to arrive together, mainly in 2nd & 4th port de
anticipation, particularly in 1st and 3rd port de bras
continuous movement, showing positions without stopping in them
port de bras allows for the beauty and style of choreography and dancer; when done well can
convey messages and emotions as well as line and strength
Basic Purposes of the Excercises
~a la barre
grands battements
rond de jambe a
petit battements
rond de jambe en
~to warm up the leg muscles and stretch the heel tendons
~to warm up the muscles in the feet and ankles; for use of foot against the
~to warm up the muscles in the feet and the ankles; preparation of quick
~to loosen the leg in the hip socket for extension in large jumps in the centre
~for rotation of the leg in the hip socket in preparation for grand rond de
jambe en l’air
~for control of the thigh; for quick stretch of the foot for jumps
~for control of the thigh; preparation for beats
~for control of the thigh; for flexibility in the knee; preparation for similar
allegro: rond de jambe sauté and for gargouliade
~for coordination of the arms and head; for bending and stretching of the
knees; for strength through resistance
~for coordination of the legs, arms and head; for balance, especially on one
foot; for a sense of style and grace
preparation for developpés, retiré relevés and pirouettes
retiré relevés
~to show an even balanced motion; to loosen the leg in the hip socket for
extension in large jmps in the centre
~preparation for pointe work
~preparation for pirouettes
Basic Purposes of the Excercises
au milieu
port de bras
grands battements
temps lié
fouetté turns
~for a sense of style and grace; for coordination of the arms and head; for
strength through the back
~for balance; for extension of the leg in large jumps
~to show the smooth transition of weight from one leg to the other
~for strength and balance; to show a sense of style and grace
~preparation for further turns, doubles triples, etc; preparation for pirouettes
in open positions; preparation for fouetté turns
~for the tricks of ballet