newsletter 01/10


newsletter 01/10
ISSN 1610-2606
ISSN 1610-2606
Nr. 264 - Januar 2010
Michael J. Fox
Christopher Lloyd
LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l
Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web:
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans,
liebe Filmfreunde!
Herzlich willkommen zu unserem ersten
Newsletter im neuen Jahrzehnt!
Keine Ahnung wie Ihre persönlichen
Prognosen aussehen, doch für uns
wird 2010 ein ganz besonderer Jahrgang werden. Denn die Laser Hotline
wird in diesem Jahr nicht nur ihren 18.
Geburtstag feiern (mal ganz ehrlich:
wird ja auch Zeit, dass die Firma Ihres
Vertrauens endlich volljährig wird!),
sondern fast zeitgleich auch noch in
neue Räumlichkeiten umziehen. Dadurch bedingt werden wir spätestens
ab dem 01. Juli 2010 unseren Ladenverkauf einstellen und uns ausschließlich
auf den Versand konzentrieren. “Back
to the Roots” würden die Amerikaner
dazu sagen. Aber keine Sorge: wenn
Sie es gewohnt sind, Ihre bestellten
Waren direkt bei uns abzuholen, dann
werden Sie das auch in Zukunft so machen können. Unser neues Domizil ist
gerade mal 100 Schritte von unserem
momentanen Ladengeschäft entfernt,
so dass Sie weder Angst um übermäßigen Schuhsohlenabrieb noch um horrende Zusatzkosten beim Benzingeld
haben müssen. Nur werden wir in den
neuen Räumen keine Verkaufsfläche
mehr integrieren. Die anstehenden
Renovierungsarbeiten sowie der Umzug unseres gesamten Lagers und Inventars wird in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten einiges an Zeitaufwand benötigen, so dass wir sicherlich
hin und wieder den Verkauf für kurze
Zeit einstellen müssen. Für derartige
Maßnahmen bitten wir schon jetzt um
Ihr Verständnis.
Übrigens: wenn Sie uns beim Umzug
helfen wollen, dann schauen Sie doch
einfach mal auf unsere Website Dort haben wir in
der Rubrik “Sonderangebote” mehrere
Hundert DVD-Titel eingestellt, die wir
zu attraktiven Paketpreisen anbieten frei nach dem Motto “Was wir nicht
mehr am Lager haben, müssen wir
schon nicht umziehen!” Riskieren Sie
also ruhig einen Blick oder auch zwei.
Es lohnt sich!
Ihr Laser Hotline Team
Seite 2
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Money Makes The Sequels Go Round
Sequels ärgern mich maßlos. Unnötige, überflüssige,
ungeforderte Sequels, deren einzige Daseinsberechtigung pekuniärer Natur ist. In den letzten Jahren wurde
so mancher gute Film im Nachhinein verhunzt, weil
ihm Sequels gegeben wurden. Und was ist mit
Prequels, höre ich Sie fragen? Ok, auch Prequels können den Wert eines Werkes erheblich mindern. Das
berühmteste und schlimmste Beispiel hierfür ist die
zweite Star-Wars-Trilogie. Diese Prequels sind so
schlecht, dass sie die Originaltrilogie wie filmische
Meisterwerke Citizen Kane‘scher Ausmaße erscheinen lassen. Doch das ist nur ein schwacher Trost. Wer
unter uns Originaltrilogie-Jüngern wird diesen idiotischen Jar Jar Binks wieder aus seinem Star-Wars-Gedächtnis löschen können?
Zurück zu den Sequels. Teuflische, dumme Sequels,
die alles ruinieren, was vor ihnen kam. Eingeläutet
wurde das Jahrzehnt der Sequels mit “The Matrix:
Reloaded” und “The Matrix: Revolutions”. Der erste
Matrix-Film hat mich begeistert. So etwas hatte die
filmguckende Menschheit noch nicht erlebt. Ich weiß
noch genau, wie ich in dem Kino saß und wusste: hier
erlebe ich Filmgeschichte. Selbst das offene Ende
passte perfekt zu diesem vielschichtigen, dunklen
future-glam Film. Und das, obwohl offene Enden
schwer zu meistern sind. Sind Sie vielleicht aus dem
Kino gegangen und haben gedacht “Jetzt braucht es
aber mehr, was passiert wohl als nächstes?” Ich nicht.
Ich war glücklich, zufrieden, dass Neo der IT-Messias
war und überwältigt von den tollen Bildern. Monica
Belluci als futuristische Weißwurst, eine Million Hugo
Weavings und die Erblindung Neos – schamlos aus den
Dune-Büchern geklaut – waren wirklich nicht nötig,
um mein Leben besser zu machen. Anfang des Jahrzehnts ging ich noch mehr in Sequels, als ich das heute
tue. Das liegt daran, dass ich ein etwas übereifriges
filmisches Pflichtbewusstsein habe, dass mir aus beruflichen Gründen auch Kinobesuche diktiert, die nicht
unbedingt sein müssten. Außerdem stänkere ich nicht
gern über Filme, die ich gar nicht gesehen habe. Aber
nachdem ich beide Matrix-Sequels gesehen hatte,
fasste ich den Beschluss, sie sogleich wieder zu vergessen. Dies ist tatsächlich das erste Mal, dass ich
mich seit ihrem Erscheinen wieder mit ihnen auseinandersetze. Manchmal muss man einfach so tun, als gäbe
es manche Zelluloidschinken nicht. Fürs eigene kinematographische Seelenheil.
Seite 3
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Hollywood glaubt, dass alles, was gut läuft, ein Sequel
braucht. Natürlich sind Sequel-Wellen Trenderscheinungen, doch in den vergangenen zehn Jahren
scheint dieser unglückliche Trend nicht abzuschwellen.
Der Grund hierfür ist klar: Geld, Geld, Geld. Frei nach
dem Motto “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” werden erfolgreiche Filme sofort zu Franchisen gemacht. Dabei
geht dem ersten Film nicht nur Glanz verloren, sondern
auch eine ganze Menge Kreativität, die Schauspieler
und Regisseure, wären sie nicht an die Sequels gebunden, weitaus interessanter umsetzen könnten. Braucht
es wirklich einen dritten Ghost Busters, einen vierten
Spider-Man, einen fünften Indiana Jones? Schon der
vierte war ein qualitatives Fiasko. Die “Ich werde
alt”-Witze waren nicht komisch und der “Kristallschädel” war ein mit Glitzerwatte ausgestopfter
Plexiglasschädel, was selbst ein Blinder sehen konnte.
Und jetzt soll allen Ernstes ein fünfter Indy her? Bei
aller Liebe zu Harrison Ford, es ist doch keinem gedient, wenn er am Krückstock durch die Gegend
schlurft und ihm der Sabber aus dem verschmitzten
Lächeln rinnt, während er auf der Suche nach dem
(diesmal bei H&M gekauften) Hemd Christi ist.
Ich bin dafür, dass man einzelne Filme wieder einzelne
Filme sein lässt. Dass Filme eigene Enden haben dürfen und ich nicht aus “Cirque du Freak – The
Vampire’s Assistant” rausgehe und denke “Das war
doch jetzt nur ein Anfang, wo sind die nächsten zwei
Stunden?” Dass man sich nicht nur auf das Sichere,
Erprobte verlässt. Ich dachte, James Cameron hätte
das mit “Avatar” endlich wieder etabliert. Die Geschichte, die Welt, die Figuren – herrlich. Sie sind mir
sofort ans Herz gewachsen. Ich fand es schön, noch
Wochen später von Jake Sully und Neytiri zu träumen.
Dann kam die Meldung: James Cameron macht weiter.
Es wird mindestens noch ein “Avatar” 2 und 3 geben.
Der Grund? Das liebe Geld. Jetzt wurde so viel investiert in die neuen Technologien, jetzt haben sie das
alles endlich in ihren Supercomputern programmiert, da
muss man es doch nutzen! Egal, dass der Film schon
nach drei Wochen die Milliardenmarke übersprungen
hat und somit alle Investitionen mehr als genügend
wieder reingekommen sind. Es ist da, also muss es ge-
Januar 2010
nutzt werden. Es ist da, also muss es noch mehr Geld
Ich sage: muss es nicht. Hollywood, lass den Menschen ihre Fantasie! Wir müssen nicht immer alles
dreifach serviert bekommen, um zufrieden zu sein.
Lass uns selbst träumen und unseren Lieblingen eigene, geheime Schicksale nach dem Film geben. Lass
Werke für sich stehen, für sich sprechen. Ohne alles
zu zeigen, alles zu erklären. Oder schlimmer noch: nie
fertig zu werden, keine Enden mehr zu schreiben, sondern nur noch Cliffhanger. Hollywood, Traumfabrik –
gib unseren Träumen endlich ihre Flügel zurück!
Anna freut sich über Ihr Feedback:
[email protected]
Seite 4
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Wolfram Hannemanns
Montag, 21. Dezember 2009
Frau Geier und der Dostojewski
Die letzte Pressevorführung in dieser Dekade machte uns mit Frau Geier bekannt...
(1:1.85, DD 5.1)
Verleih: RealFiction
Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Schweiz 2009
Regie: Vadim Jendreyko
Kinostart: 28.01.2010
Ein Porträt einer höchst beeindruckenden
alten Dame: Swetlana Geier hat die fünf
Hauptwerke Dostojewskis aus dem Russischen ins Deutsche übersetzt. Der Film
beobachtet die 85-jährige nicht nur bei
ihrer akribischen Arbeit, sondern auch bei
ihrer täglichen Arbeit im Haushalt sowie im
Kreise ihrer Familie. Auch auf ihrer Reise
in ihre ukrainische Heimat ist die Kamera
stets mit dabei und begleitet sie in die Vergangenheit. Ein sehenswerter Dokumentarfilm.
Donnerstag, 07. Januar 2010
Sex and the City
Die erste Pressevorführung im neuen Jahrzehnt stand ganz im Zeichen der Liebe...
OT: New York, I Love You
Verleih: Concorde
Land/Jahr: Frankreich, USA 2008
Regie: Yvan Attal, Allen Hughes, Shunji
Iwai, Jiang Wen, Joshua Marston, Natalie
Portman, Shekhar Kapur, Fatih Akin, Brett
Ratner, Mira Nair, Randall Balsmeyer
Darsteller: Carlos Acosta, Eva Amurri,
Justin Bartha, Rachel Bilson, Orlando
Bloom, James Caan, Richard Chang,
Hayden Christensen, Julie Christie, Chris
Cooper, Bradley Cooper, Ethan Hawke,
John Hurt, Shia LaBeouf, Cloris Leachman,
Natalie Portman, Christina Ricci, Eli Wallach, Robin Wright Penn, Irrfan Khan, Drea
de Matteo, Ugur Yücel, Burt Young, Saul
Williams, Olivia Thirlby, Anton Yelchin,
Maggie Q, Jeff Chena
Kinostart: 28.01.2010
Ein bunt zusammengewürfelter Episodenfilm, in dem sich Stars vor und hinter der
Kamera zu ihrer Liebe für New York bekennen. Und wen wundert’s: in allen kleinen Geschichten geht es stets um die Liebe. Nach PARIS JE T’AIME ist dies der
zweite Film, der seine kleinen Liebesgeschichten in derselben Stadt ablaufen lässt.
Witz, Originalität und auch ein bisschen
Traurigkeit bestimmen dieses Potpourri,
das großartig unterhält.
Freitag, 08. Januar 2010
Am Ende
Zum trüben Winterwetter passend gab es
heute trübe Aussichten aus der Türkei...
HERBST / AUTUMN (1:1.85, DD 5.1)
OT: Sonbahar
Verleih: Filmfabrik (Barnsteiner)
Land/Jahr: Türkei, Deutschland 2008
Regie: Özcan Alper
Darsteller: Onur Saylak, Megi Koboladze,
R. Gulefer Yenigul
Kinostart: 04.03.2010
Zehn Jahre lang saß Yusuf in einem türkischen Gefängnis, weil er den Sozialismus
durchboxen wollte. Schwer krank wird er
entlassen und kehrt heim in das triste Heim
seiner Mutter. Doch er ist ein gebrochener
Mann und findet sich im Leben nicht mehr
zurecht... Ein depressiver Film mit teilweise atemberaubenden Bildern der in Herbstfarben gehüllten Bergwelt, in der Yusufs
Haus steht. Leider erfährt der Zuschauer
nicht, warum genau der Protagonist ins
Gefängnis musste. Doch vermutlich war es
dem Regisseur überhaupt nicht wichtig.
Ihm geht es vielmehr darum zu zeigen, welche katastrophalen Langzeitfolgen das besonders harte türkische Gefängnis für seine
Insassen hat. Der Film wird bestimmt nicht
das Massenpublikum finden und sollte
keinesfalls an einem trüben Nachmittag
angeschaut werden.
Montag, 11. Januar 2010
Krokodile im Ruhrpott
Mit einem neuen Abenteuer der Krokodile
wurde die Pressewoche eröffnet.
Verleih: Constantin
Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009
Regie: Christian Ditter
Darsteller: Nick Romeo Reimann, Fabian
Halbig, Leonie Tepe
Kinostart: 21.01.2010
Gerade haben die Krokodile, jene kleine
Jugendbande aus dem Ruhrgebiet, ihr neues
Hauptquartier in einer alten Zeche bezogen, beginnt auch schon ein neues Abenteuer. Denn die Fabrik, in der Olli und Marias
Eltern arbeiten, soll geschlossen werden.
Hannes wittert unsaubere Geschäfte und
schon sind die Krokodile auf dem Parkett,
um den Eltern zu helfen... Im Großen und
Ganzen unterhält der Fortsetzungsfilm des
großen Erfolges aus dem letzten Jahr recht
ordentlich ohne Langeweile zu versprühen.
Allerdings sind viele Details (speziell im
Bereich der Computertechnik) etwas naiv
dargestellt, was mit Sicherheit bei der
computertechnikaffinen Zielgruppe der 8
bis 12jährigen zu Kopfschütteln führen
wird. In der Darstellung der ersten Liebe
(zwischen Hannes und Maria funkt es!) ist
der Film gelungen.
Dienstag, 12. Januar 2010
Opulentes und Grenzdebiles
Immer wenn man glaubt, es könne nicht
schlimmer werden, lauert plötzlich ein
deutsches Teenie-Musical auf. Gut dass es
vorab noch einen Schweden gab...
LARSSON (1:1.85, DD 5.1)
OT: Maria Larssons Eviga Ögonblick
Verleih: Arsenal
Land/Jahr: Dänemark, Schweden, Deutschland 2008
Regie: Jan Troell
Darsteller: Maria Heiskanen, Mikael
Persbrandt, Jesper Christensen
Kinostart: 25.02.2010
Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts in Schweden:
Arbeiterfrau Maria Larsson, mit einem
Alkoholiker verheiratet und Mutter von
drei Kindern, entdeckt die Photographie.
Mit ihrer auf einer Tombola gewonnenen
Kamera photographiert sie alles, was ihr
vor die Linse kommt. Der Fotograf Sebastian Pederson erkennt Marias Talent und
motiviert sie weiterzumachen. Doch ihr
Mann sieht das gar nicht gern... In opulenten Bildern erzählt Jan Troell die Geschichte einer Familie, die durch mehr Tiefen als Höhen gehen muss. Ergänzt werden
diese Bilder durch die ausgezeichnete Ausstattung, die viel Liebe zum Detail offenbart. Insgesamt fühlt sich der Film aber
leider länger an als er tatsächlich ist. Denn
nach fast zwei Stunden Spielzeit ist man
sich eigentlich sicher, dass man bereits
zweieinhalb Stunden Film gesehen hat.
ROCK IT (1:1.85, DigiBeta, Mono)
Verleih: Walt Disney
Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009
Regie: Mike Marzuk
Darsteller: Emilia Schüle, Daniel Axt, Maria Ehrich
Kinostart: 18.02.2010
Deutschland hat sein Filmmusical! Hat es
das aber wirklich? Nun – nach Sichtung
dieses Werkes würde ich sagen, dass
Deutschland ruhig noch ein bisschen weiter
suchen sollte. Das Adjektiv “grenzdebil”
als Charakterisierung für ROCK IT halte
ich persönlich noch für untertrieben. Da
werden blasse Teenager in ein Musik-
Seite 5
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Wolfram Hannemanns
internat gesteckt, um sich auf ihre Aufnahmeprüfung vorzubereiten. Julia ist eine von
ihnen. Eigentlich soll sie klassische Musik
auf dem Flügel spielen, doch sie interessiert sich weit mehr für Rockmusik. Als die
örtliche Rockband einen neuen Keyboarder
sucht, sieht sie ihre große Chance... Die
jederzeit vorhersehbare Handlung dient
natürlich nur als Vehikel, um einige
Gesangsnummern ans Publikum zu bringen.
Immerhin sind ein paar wenige auch noch
ordentlich in Szene gesetzt. Wäre da nicht
die unsägliche seichte Musik, die einem
den Spaß an der Sache nimmt. Von den
teilweise unbegabten Jungtalenten ganz zu
schweigen. Was mich jedoch bei der heutigen Pressevorführung ganz gehörig gestört
hat, war die Tatsache, dass uns eine unfertige Fassung gezeigt wurde. Denn der Film
befindet sich zur Stunde noch in der Postproduktion. So durfte die versammelte
Pressemannschaft mit einem digitalen
Betaband Vorlieb nehmen und sich damit an
äußerst schlechter, ruckeliger Bildqualität
ergötzen. Hinzu kam ein in Mono abgemischter Ton – der Todesstoss für jeden
Musikfilm! Außerdem war diese Rohfassung mit einem “Temp Music Score”
unterlegt, also nicht mit der eigentlichen
Orchestermusik, die in der Endfassung zu
hören sein wird. Verwendet wurden hier
Filmmusiken aus anderen Filmen, u.a.
der deutsche Filmverleiher den anwesenden
Journalisten eine andere Fassung zeigt als
später im Kino zu sehen sein wird, bleibt
ein vollkommenes Rätsel. Doch das hat
dann irgendwie zu diesem Werk gepasst.
Mein Fazit: ROCK IT lässt jeden
drittklassigen Bollywood-Film wie ein
Meisterwerk erscheinen.
Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2010
Nach der Katastrophe von gestern wurden
wir heute mit einem imposanten Dokumentarfilm wieder versöhnt...
UNSERE OZEANE (1:2.35, 2k Digital,
PCM 5.1)
OT: Oceans
Verleih: Universum (Walt Disney)
Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Schweiz, Spanien
Regie: Jacques Perrin, Jacques Cluzaud
Kinostart: 25.02.2010
Nach NOMADEN DER LÜFTE präsentieren die Regisseure Jacques Perrine und
Jacques Cluzaud einen weiteren Dokumentarfilm, der nur so von atemberaubenden
Aufnahmen strotzt. Die Kamera wagt sich
extrem nah heran an die Meeresbewohner,
lässt sie über die Kamera entschwinden
oder folgt Ihnen schwerelos unter Wasser.
Das alles unterlegt mit herrlicher Musik
aus der Feder von Bruno Coulais und versetzt mit extrem wenig Kommentaren aus
dem Off. Diese Bilder sprechen für sich.
Da bleibt einem schon manchmal der Atem
stocken! Aber es sind nicht nur die grandiosen Bilder, die bewegen, sondern auch
die klare, unmissverständliche Botschaft
des Films: wenn es uns nicht gelingen wird,
die Ozeane zu retten, dann gibt es auch für
uns keine Rettung mehr.
Freitag, 15. Januar 2010
Ein Terminator und ein Verführer
Zum Wochenausklang gab es mal wieder ein
richtig tolles Double Feature!
UP IN THE AIR (1:1.85, DD 5.1)
OT: Up In The Air
Verleih: Paramount
Land/Jahr: USA 2009
Regie: Jason Reitman
Darsteller: George Clooney, Vera Farmiga,
Anna Kendrick
Kinostart: 04.02.2010
Ryan Bingham ist ein echter Terminator.
Im Dienste seiner Firma reist er durch ganz
Amerika und wirft Angestellte aus Unternehmen, die dies nicht selber tun wollen.
Sein Job macht ihm richtig Spaß, hält er ihn
doch davon ab Bindungen einzugehen. Alex,
die er in einer Bar trifft, bietet im Paroli.
Auch sie ist ständig auf Achse. Wenn es
beide Terminkalender zulassen, dann treffen sich die beiden auf ein kurzes Schäferstündchen in der Anonymität irgendeines
Hotels. Ryans gut eingerichtetes Leben hat
ein jähes Ende, als die junge Natalie die
gesamte Firma umkrempelt und er von nun
an alles per Internetkonferenz machen
soll... Nach JUNO liefert Regisseur Jason
Reitman schon wieder eine überdurchschnittlich gute Komödie mit Tiefgang ab.
Sein Schauspieler-Ensemble ist perfekt
ausgesucht (insbesondere Anna Kendrick in
der Rolle der Natalie spielt absolut brillant!) und der flotte Schnitt des Films
macht Spaß beim Anschauen. Der Film
würde sich ganz wunderbar zur Weihnachtszeit machen, aber Deutschland bekommt ihn im Februar zu sehen. Dennoch
zu jeder Jahreszeit äußerst sehenswert.
AN EDUCATION (1:2.35, DD 5.1)
OT: An Education
Verleih: Sony Pictures
Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2009
Regie: Lone Scherfig
Darsteller: Carey Mulligan, Olivia
Williams, Alfred Molina, Peter Sarsgaard
Kinostart: 18.02.2010
London in den sechziger Jahren: die 16jährige Schülerin Jenny lernt den wesentlich
älteren David kennen. Die aus einem kleinbürgerlichen Elternhaus Kommende lässt
sich von dem Playboy in eine ihr vollkommen fremde Welt des Luxus einführen. Mit
seinem Charme bezirzt nicht nur Jenny,
sondern auch deren Eltern. Doch David hat
auch eine dunkle Seite, die Jenny schon
bald entdecken wird... Nach einem Drehbuch von Nick Hornby inszenierte Lone
Scherfig ein Coming-of-Age Drama mit
einigen amüsanten Einlagen. Speziell Alfred
Molina in der Rolle des Vaters brilliert mit
tollen Sprüchen über Erziehung und Ausbildung. Die schönen CinemaScope-Bilder
schwelgen geradezu im 60er-Jahre-Look
(Kamera: John de Borman) und lassen viel
Liebe zum Detail erkennen. Gute Schauspieler, grandiose Bilder – das ist Kino!
Aktueller geht’s nicht:
fast täglich wird die Website
unseres Filmspezialisten
Wolfram Hannemann aktualisiert.
Surfen Sie einfach mal vorbei.
Viel Spaß!
Seite 6
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Seite 7
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Alice im Wunderland - Staffel 1-4
(8 DVDs)
Wright Penn, Bob Hoskins, Cary Elwes,
Molly C. Quinn - Dir. Robert Zemeckis
Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009 92min.
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033929
Fushigi No Kuni No Alice
Dir. Shigeo Koshi, Taku Sugiyama
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1983 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Universum Film(Universum Kids)
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033966
Dragonball Z - Box 2/10 (6 DVDs)
Barbie und Das Geheimnis von
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Barbie In: A Mermaid Tale
Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033894
Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence - Music
Video Anthology
Bob der Baumeister - Klassiker
(Folge 15): Bauhof Helden
Bob The Builder
Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min.
SONY BMG Entertainment & New Business
Division(Europa) 05.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033849
Bob der Baumeister - Klassiker
(Folge 16): Fußball
Bob The Builder
Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min.
SONY BMG Entertainment & New Business
Division(Europa) 05.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033850
Bob der Baumeister - Klassiker
(Folge 29): Strandhütten
Bob The Builder
Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min.
SONY BMG Entertainment & New Business
Division(Europa) 05.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033851
Dragonball Z
Dir. Daisuke Nishio
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1989-1996 FF DD
2.0 (D) 858min.
AV Visionen(Anime Video) 26.02.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033912
Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurette, Trailer
U-Musik/Pop 2004 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D)
DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 100min.
Universum Film(Universum Anime)
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033990
Gundam 00 - Vol. 3 (2 DVDs)
Kidô Senshi Gundam 00
Dir. James Corrigall
Trailer, Vor- und Abspann ohne Text, Featurette, Jap. Werbespots, Audiokommentar, Interview
Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 2007 Ltbx
16x9 (D) (E) (F) (Jap) 190min.
AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(beez
Entertainment) 29.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034044
Jasper und das Limonadenkomplott
Dir. Eckart Fingberg
Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) 83min.
Oetinger Media(Fox) 15.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033905
Cartoon Mania
Jim Knopf - Die komplette Serie
(5 DVDs)
Cartoon Mania
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min.
MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media)
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033787
Jim Knopf
Zeichentrick FF DD 5.1 (D) 1144min.
Foreign Media Group Germany(company of
kids) 22.01.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033913
Chuggington - Vol. 1
Justice League: Crisis on Two
Earths (Einzel-DVD)
Dir. Sarah Ball
Trickfilm 2008 53min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033896
Chuggington - Vol. 2
Dir. Sarah Ball
Trickfilm 2008 53min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033897
Disneys Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte
A Christmas Carol 3D
Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Robin
Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths
Dir. Sam Liu, Lauren Montgomery
Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2009 90min.
Warner Home Video Germany 05.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033808
Justice League: Crisis on Two
Earths (Special Edition, 2 Discs)
Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths
Dir. Sam Liu, Lauren Montgomery
Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2009 90min.
Warner Home Video Germany 05.03.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033809
Küss den Frosch
The Princess And The Frog
Dir. John Musker, Ron Clements
Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (It) DD 5.1 (Türk)
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034040
Küss den Frosch (+ DVD, + Digital
Copy) (Blu-ray)
The Princess And The Frog
Dir. John Musker, Ron Clements
Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009 Ltbx DTS (D) DTSHD 7.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (E) DTS (It) 98min.
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034055
Küss den Frosch (Blu-ray)
The Princess And The Frog
Dir. John Musker, Ron Clements
Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009 Ltbx DTS (D) DTSHD 7.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (E) DTS (It) 98min.
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034054
Lauras Stern und der geheimnisvolle Drache Nian
Dir. Thilo Graf Rothkirch, Piet De Rycker
Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 min.
Warner Home Video Germany 12.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033798
Lauras Stern und der geheimnisvolle Drache Nian (Blu-ray)
Dir. Thilo Graf Rothkirch, Piet De Rycker
Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 min.
Warner Home Video Germany 12.03.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033815
Lauras Stern und der geheimnisvolle Drache Nian (Giftbox/
Dir. Thilo Graf Rothkirch, Piet De Rycker
Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 min.
Warner Home Video Germany 12.03.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033799
Lego: The Adventures of Clutch
Lego: The Adventures Of Clutch Powers
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 79min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033895
Lucky Luke - Auf in den Wilden
Tous A L’Ouest: Une Aventure De Lucky
Dir. Olivier Jean Marie
Teaser-Trailer, Storyboard-Zeichnungen
Zeichentrick 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD
5.1 (F) 80min.
Planet Media Home Entertainment
tba BestellNr.: 20033993
Lucky Luke - Auf in den Wilden
Westen (Blu-ray)
Tous A L’Ouest: Une Aventure De Lucky
Dir. Olivier Jean Marie
Teaser-Trailer, Storyboard-Zeichnungen
Zeichentrick 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D)
Seite 8
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 86min.
Planet Media Home Entertainment
tba BestellNr.: 20034013
Meister Mannys Werkzeugkiste Mannys Einsatz für die Umwelt
Handy Manny
Zeichentrick FF (D) (E) (F) (Sp) 69min.
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033937
My Friends Tigger & Pooh: Im
Hundertmorgenwald ist jeder besonders
My Friends Tigger & Pooh
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick FF (D) (E) (It) (Holl)
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033934
Original Spiderman Staffel 2,
Dir. Ray Patterson, Clyde Geronimi, Sid
Marcus, Grant Simmons, Ralph Bakshi
Booklet mit Episodenbeschreibung
Zeichentrick/Action 1967-1970 120min.
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033834
Roary, der Rennwagen - Staffel 1,
Vol. 4
Roary The Racing Car
Dir. Tim Harper
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2007 DD 2.0 (D)
Warner Home Video Germany 19.03.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033810
Roary, der Rennwagen - Staffel 1,
Vol. 5
Roary The Racing Car
Dir. Tim Harper
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2007 DD 2.0 (D)
Warner Home Video Germany 19.03.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033811
Roary, der Rennwagen - Staffel 1,
Vol. 6
Roary The Racing Car
Dir. Tim Harper
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2007 DD 2.0 (D)
Warner Home Video Germany 19.03.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033812
Thomas, die kleine Lokomotive
(Folge 20) - Die neue Dampf-Pfeife
Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends
Dir. David Mitton
Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1984 min.
Sony Music Entertainment & New Business
Division(Europa) 05.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033864
Timmy das Schäfchen - Timmy
spielt Fußball
Timmy Time
Dir. Jackie Cockle
Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 min.
Sony Music Entertainment & New Business
Division(Europa Video) 05.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033861
Timmy das Schäfchen - Timmy
will gewinnen
Timmy Time
Dir. Jackie Cockle
Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 min.
Sony Music Entertainment & New Business
Division(Europa Video) 05.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033860
Toy Story (Special Edition) (Bluray)
Toy Story
Dir. John Lasseter
Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Entfallene Szenen
Trickfilm/Komödie 1995 Ltbx DTS-ES 6.1
(D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) DTS-ES 6.1 (It) DD 5.1
(Türk) 81min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(Disney Pixar) 11.03.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033838
(Traum)Job gesucht
Post Grad
Alexis Bledel, Zach Gilford, Michael
Keaton, Jane Lynch, Bobby Coleman, Carol
Burnett, Rodrigo Santoro, Catherine
Reitman, Mary Anne McGarry, J.K.
Simmons, Robert Arce, Jeanie Hackett,
Oscar Dillon, Vanessa Branch, Shirley
Jordan, Craig Robinson, Michael Grant
Terry, Melissa Tang, Brandon Phillips,
Parisa Fitz-Henley, Robert Koch, Fred
Armisen, Don Stroud, Alexandra Holden,
Angel Oquendo, DeSean Terry, Andrew
Daly, Kirk Fox, Anna Khaja, Gino Woulard,
Reid Harper, Samantha Epstein, Patrick
O’Connor, Dempsey Pappion - Dir. Vicky
Komödie 2009 85min.
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Germany 02.04.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033907
Toy Story
Dir. John Lasseter
John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda
Peet, Oliver Platt, Thandie Newton, Danny
Glover, Woody Harrelson - Dir. Roland Emmerich
Audiokommentar, Featurettes
Audiokommentar, Alternatives Ende, Entfallene Szenen
Trickfilm/Komödie 1995 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
EX (D) DD 5.1 EX (E) DD 5.1 EX (Türk)
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(Disney Pixar) 11.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033836
Science Fiction/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 152min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033862
Toy Story 2 (Special Edition)
John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda
Peet, Oliver Platt, Thandie Newton, Danny
Glover, Woody Harrelson - Dir. Roland Emmerich
Toy Story (Special Edition, 2
Toy Story 2
Dir. John Lasseter, Ash Brannon, Lee
Audiokommentar, Featurettes
Trickfilm/Komödie 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
EX (D) DD 5.1 EX (E) DD 5.1 EX (Türk)
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(Disney Pixar) 11.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033837
Toy Story 2 (Special Edition) (Bluray)
Toy Story 2
Dir. John Lasseter, Ash Brannon, Lee
Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Entfallene Szenen,
Trickfilm/Komödie 1999 Ltbx DTS-ES 6.1
(D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 EX (Türk) DD 5.1
EX (Hebrä) 92min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(Disney Pixar) 11.03.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033839
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!
Dir. James Burks, Ron Crown, Steve Daye,
Larry Hall
Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2006 min.
Sony Music Entertainment & New Business
Division(Europa Video) 05.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033863
2012 (Blu-ray)
BD-Live, Featurettes, Alternatives Ende, Entfallene Szenen,
Picture-in-Picture, Storyboards, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Interaktive Features
Science Fiction/Drama 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD
5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1
(Türk) 158min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE)
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033886
32A (OmU)
Ailish McCarthy, Sophie Jo Wasson, Orla
Long, Riona Smith, Shane McDaid, Aidan
Quinn, Orla Brady, Jack Kavanagh, Liam
Weir, Meadhbh Ní Dhálaigh, Jared Harris,
Marian Quinn, Patrick Fitzgerald, Anne
O’Neill - Dir. Marian Quinn
Drama/Jugend 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (E)
absolut MEDIEN 05.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034053
84 Charlie Mopic (Ironpack)
84 Charlie Mopic
Jonathan Emerson, Nicholas Cascone,
Byron Thames, Jason Tomlins, Christopher
Burgard, Richard Brooks, Glenn
Morshower - Dir. Patrick Sheane Duncan
Bildergalerie, Biografien, Trailer
Seite 9
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Seite 10
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Action/Kriegsfilm 1988 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD
2.0 (E) 91min.
KSM(NewKSM) 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034029
After Effect
Sabine Timoteo, Aljoscha Weskott, Annika
Blendel, Esther Buss, Mario Mentrup, Tamer
Yigit, Lennie Burmeister, Michael Sideris Dir. Stephan Geene
Booklet, Interview, Bildergalerie, Trailer
Experimentalfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Filmgalerie 451 29.01.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034048
Aktion Mutante (k.J.)
Acción Mutante
Antonio Resines, Frédérique Feder, Alex
Angulo, Juan Viadas, Saturnino Garcia,
Fernando Guillén Cuervo - Dir. Álex de la
Science Fiction 1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (Sp) 91min.
AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing
AG(Alamode) 02.05.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034043
All Inclusive
Couples Retreat
Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman, Faizon
Love, Jon Favreau, Malin Akerman, Kristen
Bell, Kristin Davis, Kali Hawk, Tasha Smith,
Carlos Ponce, Peter Serafinowicz, Jean
Reno, Temuera Morrison, Jonna Walsh,
Gattlin Griffith, Colin Baiocchi, Vernon
Vaughn, Jersey Jim, Paul Boese, Daniel
Theodore, Phillip Jordan, John Michael
Higgins, Ken Jeong, Charlotte Cornwell,
Amy Hill, Karen David, Alyssa Smith, Alexis
Knapp, Joy Bisco, Janna Fassaert, Xavier
Tournaud, Dana Fox, Scott Burn, Justin
Deeley, Micah Mason, Christophe Santoro,
Yann Marequa, Sacha Perreault, Zofia
Moreno, Steve Byrne, Brendan Wayne,
David Merheb, Billy Loa, Chu Vang, Jeremy
Olson - Dir. Peter Billingsley
Komödie 2009 110min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033898
All Inclusive (Blu-ray)
Couples Retreat
Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman, Faizon
Love, Jon Favreau, Malin Akerman, Kristen
Bell, Kristin Davis, Kali Hawk, Tasha Smith,
Carlos Ponce, Peter Serafinowicz, Jean
Reno, Temuera Morrison, Jonna Walsh,
Gattlin Griffith, Colin Baiocchi, Vernon
Vaughn, Jersey Jim, Paul Boese, Daniel
Theodore, Phillip Jordan, John Michael
Higgins, Ken Jeong, Charlotte Cornwell,
Amy Hill, Karen David, Alyssa Smith, Alexis
Knapp, Joy Bisco, Janna Fassaert, Xavier
Tournaud, Dana Fox, Scott Burn, Justin
Deeley, Micah Mason, Christophe Santoro,
Yann Marequa, Sacha Perreault, Zofia
Moreno, Steve Byrne, Brendan Wayne,
David Merheb, Billy Loa, Chu Vang, Jeremy
Olson - Dir. Peter Billingsley
Komödie 2009 114min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033903
Alles was zählt - Highlights 3 (2
Nadine Rennack, Tobias Licht, Silvia
Maleen, Francisco Medina, Nina Bott,
Carolin von der Groeben, Tatjana Clasing,
Silvan-Pierre Leirich, Julia Augustin,
Juliette Menke, Natalie Thiede, Ulrike
Röseberg, Dennis Grabosch, Stephen Dürr,
Daniel Aichinger, Sam Eisenstein, Igor
Dolgatschew, André Dietz, Norman Kalle,
Tanja Szewczenko, Thorsten Grasshoff,
Christiane Klimt, André Emanuel Kaminski,
Jan Niklas Berg, Regine Seidler, Susanne
Schlenzig, Armin Dallapiccola, Andreas
Seyferth, Dustin Semmelrogge, Patrick
Mölleken (Folgen 474 und 475: Tommy) Dir. Klaus Witting, Heinz Dietz
Drama 2006-2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Senator Home Entertainment(RTL)
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033981
As Good as Dead (Blu-ray) (k.J.)
As Good As Dead
Cary Elwes, Brian Cox, Andie MacDowell,
Matt Dallas, Frank Whaley, Jess Weixler,
Mario D’Leon, Clark Middleton - Dir.
Jonathan Mossek
Making of, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Wendecover
Thriller 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) 92min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 06.05.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033888
As Good as Dead (k.J.)
As Good As Dead
Cary Elwes, Brian Cox, Andie MacDowell,
Matt Dallas, Frank Whaley, Jess Weixler,
Mario D’Leon, Clark Middleton - Dir.
Jonathan Mossek
Komödie/Action 2002 104min.
Intergroove(Starlight) 19.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033960
Ballet Shoes (Ironpack)
Ballet Shoes
Emma Watson, Yasmine Paige, Lucy
Boynton, Emilia Fox, Victoria Wood, Richard Griffiths, Marc Warren, Eileen Atkins,
Teresa Churcher, Skye Bennett - Dir. Sandra Goldbacher
Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerie
Drama/Jugend 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 85min.
KSM(NewKSM) 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034028
Der Bär ist los! Die Geschichte
von Bruno
Harald Krassnitzer, Fritz Karl, Nadeshda
Brennicke, Walter Sachers, Johann
Nikolussi, Erwin Steinhauer, Franz Kriege,
Herbert Knaup, Eisi Gulp, Jarmo Mäkinen,
Eero Milonoff, Claudia Wipplinger, Klaus
Haderer, Sissi Wolf, Pepi Pittl - Dir. Xaver
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 88min.
Senator Home Entertainment 26.03.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033982
Berlin ‘36
Karoline Herfurth, Sebastian Urzendowsky,
Axel Prahl, August Zirner, Maria Happel,
Franz Dinda, Leon Seidel, Thomas Thieme,
Johann von Bülow, Julie Engelbrecht, Klara
Manzel, Robert Gallinowski, Elena Uhlig,
Otto Tausig, John Keogh, Angelika Bartsch
- Dir. Kaspar Heidelbach
Drama 2009 min.
Warner Home Video Germany 12.03.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033803
Making of, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Wendecover
Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 88min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 06.05.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033867
Away We Go - Auf nach Irgendwo
Away We Go
John Krasinski, Maya Rudolph, Jeff Daniels, Catherine O’Hara, Allison Janney, Jim
Gaffigan, Carmen Ejogo, Maggie
Gyllenhaal, Josh Hamilton, Chris Messina,
Melanie Lynskey, Paul Schneider, Samantha
Pryor, Conor Carroll, Bailey Harkins, Colton
Parsons, Katherine Vaskevich, Jerome
Walter Stephens, Brianna Eunumi Kim, Isabelle Moon Alexander - Dir. Sam Mendes
Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 94min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
tba BestellNr.: 20033925
Ball & Chain - Zwei Nieten und
sechs Richtige (Blu-ray)
Le Boulet
Gérard Lanvin, Benoît Poelvoorde, José
Garcia, Djimon Hounsou, Rossy de Palma,
Gary Tiplady, Gérard Darmon, Jean
Benguigui, Stomy Bugsy, Marco Prince,
Omar Sy, Michel Crémadès, Jamel
Debbouze, Nicolas Koretzky, Thomas Langmann - Dir. Alain Berberian, Frédéric
Beschützer wider Willen
Witless Protection
Larry The Cable Guy, Jenny McCarthy,
Ivana Milicevic, Peter Stormare, Eric Roberts, Joe Mantegna, Yaphet Kotto, Will
Clinger, Sean Bridgers - Dir. Charles Robert
Making of, Blogs
Komödie 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
MIG Filmgroup 08.04.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033919
Beschützer wider Willen (Blu-ray)
Witless Protection
Larry The Cable Guy, Jenny McCarthy,
Ivana Milicevic, Peter Stormare, Eric Roberts, Joe Mantegna, Yaphet Kotto, Will
Clinger, Sean Bridgers - Dir. Charles Robert
Making of, BLogs
Komödie 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD
5.1 (E) 100min.
MIG Filmgroup 08.04.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033956
Best of Balko - Mit Bruno Eyron (2
Booklet, Hintergrundinfos
Kriminalfilm 1998-2003 FF DD 2.0 (D)
Lighthouse Home Entertainment 26.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033873
Seite 11
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Best of Balko - Mit Jochen Horst
(2 DVDs)
Booklet, Hintergrundinfos
Kriminalfilm 1998-2003 FF DD 2.0 (D)
Lighthouse Home Entertainment 26.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033872
Die Besucher - DVD 1
Dagmar „Dáda“ Patrasová, Josef Bláha,
Josef Dvorák, Jirí Datel Novotny, Vladimír
Brabec, Viktor Král - Dir. Jindrich Polák
Making of
Komödie/Fantasy 1983 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Universum Film(Universum Kids)
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033967
BeuteGier (k.J.)
Ahna Tessler, Amy Hargreaves, Art Hindle,
Erick Kastel, Pollyanna McIntosh, Andrew
Elvis Miller, Preston Mulligan, Tommy Nelson
- Dir. Andrew van den Houten
Thriller/Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 70min.
Sunfilm Entertainment(Anolis) 05.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033932
Blood Creek (k.J.)
Town Creek
Dominic Purcell, Henry Cavill, Emma Booth,
Michael Fassbender, Rainer Winkelvoss,
Tony Barger, Matthew Benson, Albert
Gherasim - Dir. Joel Schumacher
Horror/Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 87min.
Universum Film 02.04.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033986
Maurice Moscovitch, Emma Dunn, Bernard
Gorcey, Paul Weigel, Chester Conklin,
Esther Michelson, Hank Mann, Florence
Wright, Rudolf Anders, Jackie Coogan,
Edna Purviance, Carl Miller, Tom Wilson,
Chuck Riesner, Albert Austin, Mack Swain,
Henry Bergman, Tom Murray, Georgina
Hale, Virginia Cherrill, Florence Lee, Harry
Myers, Allan Garcia, Stanley Sanford, Lloyd
Ingraham, Juana Sutton, Cecil Reynolds,
Louis Natheaux, Stanley Blystone, Heinie
Conklin, Frank Moran, Richard Alexander,
Wilfred Lucas, Edward Kimball, John Rand,
Myra McKinney, Sam Stein, Edward
LeSaint, Claire Bloom, Sydney Chaplin,
Nigel Bruce, Buster Keaton, Marjorie
Bennett, Geraldine Chaplin, Michael Chaplin, Josephine Chaplin - Dir. Sir Charles
Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Intro, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover
Komödie 1921-1952 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(E) 536min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033866
Children of Wax (k.J.)
Children Of Wax
Armand Assante, Udo Kier, Daniel
Bernhardt - Dir. Ivan Nitchev
Trailer, Bildergalerie
Thriller 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033822
Cold Prey 2 Resurrection - Kälter
als der Tod (Blu-ray) (k.J.)
Fritt Vilt II
Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Marthe Snorresdotter
Rovik, Mats Eldøen - Dir. Mikkel Brænne
Hall, David Berman, Gerald McCullouch,
Joseph Patrick Kelly, Marc Vann, Sheeri
Rappaport, Geoffrey Rivas, Paula Francis,
Palmer Davis, Eric Stonestreet, Terry
Bozeman, Conor O’Farrell, Skip O’Brien,
Glenn Morshower, Judith Scott, Edmund
Wyson, Pamela Gidley, Tom Gallop, Wayne
Wilderson, Michael DeLano - Dir. Kenneth
Fink, Richard J. Lewis, Danny Cannon
Behind the Scenes, , Audiokommentar, Trailer, Biografien,
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2000-2001 FF DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (E) 980min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033995
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 2 (6 DVDs)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
William L. Petersen, Marg Helgenberger,
Gary Dourdan, George Eads, Jorja Fox,
Paul Guilfoyle, Eric Szmanda, Robert David
Hall, David Berman, Archie Kao, Gerald
McCullouch, Joseph Patrick Kelly, Marc
Vann, Geoffrey Rivas, Paula Francis, Romy
Rosemont, Palmer Davis, Eric Stonestreet,
Terry Bozeman, Conor O’Farrell, Skip
O’Brien, Scott Wilson, Jeffrey D. Sams,
Christopher Wiehl, Wayne Wilderson,
Melinda Clarke, Brad Johnson, Anthony E.
Zuiker, Michael DeLano - Dir. Kenneth Fink,
Richard J. Lewis, Danny Cannon
Behind the Scenes, Featurette,Videoclip, Trailer,
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2001-2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 967min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033996
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 3 (6 DVDs)
Bottoms Up
Jason Mewes, David Keith, Paris Hilton,
Brian Hallisay, Jon Abrahams, Phil Morris,
Lindsay Gareth - Dir. Erik MacArthur
Komödie 2006 85min.
Intergroove(Starlight) 19.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033953
Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer
Cabin Fever (Special Edition, 2
Discs) (k.J.)
Fritt Vilt II
Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Marthe Snorresdotter
Rovik, Mats Eldøen - Dir. Mikkel Brænne
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
William L. Petersen, Marg Helgenberger,
Gary Dourdan, George Eads, Jorja Fox,
Paul Guilfoyle, Eric Szmanda, Robert David
Hall, David Berman, Wallace Langham,
Archie Kao, Gerald McCullouch, Joseph
Patrick Kelly, Marc Vann, Alex Carter,
Geoffrey Rivas, Paula Francis, Romy
Rosemont, Palmer Davis, Eric Stonestreet,
Terry Bozeman, Conor O’Farrell, Skip
O’Brien, Victoria Prescott, Scott Wilson,
Jeffrey D. Sams, Christopher Wiehl, Pamela
Gidley, Tom Gallop, Anthony E. Zuiker - Dir.
Kenneth Fink, Richard J. Lewis, Danny
Cannon, David Grossman
Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer
Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes
Thriller/Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Norweg) 86min.
Sunfilm Entertainment 05.02.2010
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033936
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2002-2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 978min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033997
Crutch (OmU)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 4 (6 DVDs)
Bottoms Up (Blu-ray)
Cabin Fever
Jordan Ladd, James DeBello, Rider Strong,
Joey Kern, Cerina Vincent, Arie Verveen,
Giuseppe Andrews, Eli Roth, Richard
Fullerton - Dir. Eli Roth
5 Audiokommentare; Beneath the Skin (Featurette); Rotten
Fruit (3 Animationsfilme von Eli Roth); Interview mit Eli Roth;
Naked News Special Feature; „Pancakes“ Music Video,
Horror/Thriller 2002 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA
(D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 92min.
Sunfilm 13.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033992
Charlie Chaplin - The Very Best
of (6 DVDs)
Der große Diktator / Der Vagabund und
das Kind / Goldrausch / Lichter der Großstadt / Moderne Zeiten / Rampenlicht
Sir Charles Chaplin, Jack Oakie, Reginald
Gardiner, Henry Daniell, Billy Gilbert, Grace
Hayle, Carter De Haven, Paulette Goddard,
Thriller/Horror 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA
(D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Norweg) 89min.
Sunfilm Entertainment 05.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033963
Cold Prey 2 Resurrection - Kälter
als der Tod (k.J.)
Rob Moretti - Dir. Rob Moretti
Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Bildergalerie
Erotik 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (E) 87min.
cmv-Laservision 22.01.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034046
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 1 (6 DVDs)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
William L. Petersen, Marg Helgenberger,
Gary Dourdan, George Eads, Jorja Fox,
Paul Guilfoyle, Eric Szmanda, Robert David
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
William L. Petersen, Marg Helgenberger,
Gary Dourdan, George Eads, Jorja Fox,
Paul Guilfoyle, Eric Szmanda, Robert David
Hall, David Berman, Wallace Langham,
Archie Kao, Gerald McCullouch, Joseph
Patrick Kelly, Marc Vann, Alex Carter,
Geoffrey Rivas, Paula Francis, Larry
Sullivan, Romy Rosemont, Palmer Davis,
Eric Stonestreet, Terry Bozeman, Madison
McReynolds, Victoria Prescott, Scott
Wilson, José Zúñiga, James Patrick Stuart,
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Januar 2010
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Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Erik Jensen, Edmund Wyson, Xander
Berkeley, Tom Gallop, Anthony E. Zuiker Dir. Kenneth Fink, Richard J. Lewis, Danny
Cannon, David Grossman, Duane Clark
Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Making of
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2003-2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 955min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033998
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 5 (6 DVDs)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
William L. Petersen, Marg Helgenberger,
Gary Dourdan, George Eads, Jorja Fox,
Paul Guilfoyle, Eric Szmanda, Robert David
Hall, David Berman, Wallace Langham,
Archie Kao, Louise Lombard, Gerald
McCullouch, Joseph Patrick Kelly, Marc
Vann, Jon Wellner, Sheeri Rappaport, Alex
Carter, Geoffrey Rivas, Paula Francis,
Larry Sullivan, Romy Rosemont, Palmer
Davis, Eric Stonestreet, Terry Bozeman,
Conor O’Farrell, Madison McReynolds,
Aisha Tyler, Victoria Prescott, Scott
Wilson, José Zúñiga, James Patrick Stuart,
Erik Jensen, Xander Berkeley, Wayne
Wilderson - Dir. Kenneth Fink, Richard J.
Lewis, Danny Cannon, David Grossman,
Duane Clark, Bill Eagles, Terrence O’Hara,
Quentin Tarantino
Audiokommentare, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2004-2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 1043min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033999
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 6 (6 DVDs)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
William L. Petersen, Marg Helgenberger,
Gary Dourdan, George Eads, Jorja Fox,
Paul Guilfoyle, Eric Szmanda, Robert David
Hall, David Berman, Wallace Langham,
Archie Kao, Louise Lombard, Liz Vassey,
Gerald McCullouch, Larry Mitchell, Joseph
Patrick Kelly, Marc Vann, Jon Wellner,
Sheeri Rappaport, Alex Carter, Geoffrey
Rivas, Paula Francis, Larry Sullivan, Palmer
Davis, Terry Bozeman, Conor O’Farrell,
Madison McReynolds, Victoria Prescott,
Scott Wilson, José Zúñiga, James Patrick
Stuart, Erik Jensen, Wayne Wilderson,
Melinda Clarke, Currie Graham - Dir.
Kenneth Fink, Richard J. Lewis, Danny
Cannon, Duane Clark, Terrence O’Hara
Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Bonus-Episoden
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2005-2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 997min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034000
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 7 6 DVDs)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
William L. Petersen, Marg Helgenberger,
Gary Dourdan, George Eads, Jorja Fox,
Paul Guilfoyle, Eric Szmanda, Robert David
Hall, David Berman, Wallace Langham,
Archie Kao, Louise Lombard, Liz Vassey,
Gerald McCullouch, Larry Mitchell, Joseph
Patrick Kelly, Marc Vann, Jon Wellner,
Sheeri Rappaport, Geoffrey Rivas, Paula
Francis, Larry Sullivan, Terry Bozeman,
Conor O’Farrell, Madison McReynolds, Erik
Jensen, Melinda Clarke, Liev Schreiber Dir. Kenneth Fink, Richard J. Lewis, Jeffrey
Hunt, Alec Smight
Audiokommentar, Featurettes
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2006-2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 1001min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034001
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 8 (6 DVDs)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
William L. Petersen, Marg Helgenberger,
Gary Dourdan, George Eads, Jorja Fox,
Paul Guilfoyle, Eric Szmanda, Robert David
Hall, David Berman, Wallace Langham,
Archie Kao, Liz Vassey, Gerald
McCullouch, Larry Mitchell, Joseph Patrick
Kelly, Marc Vann, Jon Wellner, Sheeri
Rappaport, Larry Sullivan, Terry Bozeman,
Conor O’Farrell, Victoria Prescott - Dir.
Kenneth Fink, Richard J. Lewis, Jeffrey
Hunt, Alec Smight
Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2007-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 702min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034002
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2004-2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 1051min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034005
CSI: Miami - Season 4 (6 DVDs)
CSI: Miami
David Caruso, Emily Procter, Adam
Rodriguez, Khandi Alexander, Rex Linn,
Sofia Milos, Boti Ann Bliss, Jonathan Togo,
Eva La Rue, Rory Cochrane, Brendan Fehr,
David Lee Smith, Armando Valdes-Kennedy, Brooke Bloom, Shelli Bergh, Alana De
La Garza, Leslie Odom jr., Amy Laughlin,
Joel West, Bellamy Young, Michael B.
Silver, Christina Chang, Gary Sinise, Mark
Rolston - Dir. Joe Chappelle, Sam Hill, Eagle
Egilsson, Matt Earl Beesley, Scott
Lautanen, Karen Gaviola, Deran Sarafian,
Duane Clark
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2005-2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 1045min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034006
CSI: Miami - Season 5 (6 DVDs)
CSI: Miami
David Caruso, Emily Procter, Adam
Rodriguez, Khandi Alexander, Rex Linn,
Sofia Milos, Kim Delaney, Rory Cochrane,
Brian Poth, Holt McCallany, Shelli Bergh,
Wanda De Jesus, Michael Whaley, Azura
Skye, John Heard - Dir. Joe Chappelle,
Karen Gaviola
CSI: Miami
David Caruso, Emily Procter, Adam
Rodriguez, Khandi Alexander, Rex Linn,
Sofia Milos, Boti Ann Bliss, Jonathan Togo,
Eva La Rue, Rory Cochrane, Johnny
Whitworth, Brendan Fehr, David Lee Smith,
Brooke Bloom, Amy Laughlin, Michael B.
Silver, Christina Chang, Rob Estes, Mark
Rolston - Dir. Joe Chappelle, Sam Hill, Eagle
Egilsson, Matt Earl Beesley, Scott
Lautanen, Karen Gaviola, Duane Clark
Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Trailer
Audiokommentar, Featurettes
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2002-2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 1005min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034003
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2006-2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 1005min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034007
CSI: Miami - Season 2 (6 DVDs)
CSI: Miami - Season 6 (6 DVDs)
CSI: Miami
David Caruso, Emily Procter, Adam
Rodriguez, Khandi Alexander, Rex Linn,
Sofia Milos, Boti Ann Bliss, Rory Cochrane,
Brian Poth, David Lee Smith, Brooke Bloom,
Holt McCallany, Shelli Bergh, Leslie Odom
jr., Joel West, Cristián de la Fuente, Michael
B. Silver, Azura Skye, John Heard, Gary
Sinise - Dir. Joe Chappelle, Scott Lautanen,
Karen Gaviola, Deran Sarafian, Duane
CSI: Miami
David Caruso, Emily Procter, Adam
Rodriguez, Khandi Alexander, Rex Linn,
Sofia Milos, Boti Ann Bliss, Jonathan Togo,
Eva La Rue, Evan Ellingson, Elizabeth
Berkley, Rory Cochrane, Johnny
Whitworth, Brendan Fehr, David Lee Smith,
Christina Chang, Mark Rolston - Dir. Joe
Chappelle, Sam Hill, Eagle Egilsson, Matt
Earl Beesley, Scott Lautanen, Karen
Gaviola, Duane Clark
Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes
Audiokommentar, Featurettes
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2003-2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 1002min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034004
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2007-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 876min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034008
CSI: Miami - Season 3 (6 DVDs)
CSI: NY - Season 1 (6 DVDs)
CSI: Miami
David Caruso, Emily Procter, Adam
Rodriguez, Khandi Alexander, Rex Linn,
Sofia Milos, Boti Ann Bliss, Jonathan Togo,
Rory Cochrane, Brian Poth, David Lee
Smith, Armando Valdes-Kennedy, Brooke
Bloom, Holt McCallany, Shelli Bergh, Leslie
Odom jr., Amy Laughlin, Joel West, Cristián
de la Fuente, Michael B. Silver, Christina
Chang, Azura Skye, John Heard - Dir. Joe
Chappelle, Scott Lautanen, Karen Gaviola,
Deran Sarafian, Duane Clark
Gary Sinise, Melina Kanakaredes, Carmine
D. Giovinazzo, Hill Harper, Eddie Cahill,
Vanessa Ferlito, Sonya Walger, Denice J.
Sealy, Chad Lindberg, Charles Fathy, Kelly
Hu, Bess Wohl - Dir. Rob Bailey, David von
Ancken, Norberto Barba, Deran Sarafian,
Duane Clark
CSI: Miami - Season 1 (6 DVDs)
Audiokommentar, Featurettes
Audiokommentare, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2004-2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 928min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034009
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
CSI: NY - Season 2 (6 DVDs)
Delhi 6
Gary Sinise, Melina Kanakaredes, Carmine
D. Giovinazzo, Hill Harper, Eddie Cahill,
Anna Belknap, A.J. Buckley, Robert Joy,
Vanessa Ferlito, John Dove, Sonya Walger,
Kelly Hu, Ron Yuan, Ed Quinn, Jonah Lotan,
David Julian Hirsh - Dir. Rob Bailey, David
von Ancken, Norberto Barba, Anthony Hemingway, Jonathan Glassner, Duane Clark,
Steven DePaul
Delhi 6
Sonam Kapoor, Om Puri, Waheeda Rehman,
Divya Dutta, Abhishek Bachchan, Rishi
Kapoor, Prem Chopra, Supriya Pathak - Dir.
Rakesh Omprakash Mehra
Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2005-2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 994min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034010
CSI: NY - Season 3 (6 DVDs)
Gary Sinise, Melina Kanakaredes, Carmine
D. Giovinazzo, Hill Harper, Eddie Cahill,
Anna Belknap, A.J. Buckley, Robert Joy,
Emmanuelle Vaugier, Mykelti Williamson,
Claire Forlani, Joey Lawrence, Edward
Furlong, Kyle Gallner, Carmen Argenziano Dir. Rob Bailey, David von Ancken, Christine Moore, Anthony Hemingway, Duane
Clark, Steven DePaul
Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2006-2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 976min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034011
CSI: NY - Season 4 (6 DVDs)
Gary Sinise, Melina Kanakaredes, Carmine
D. Giovinazzo, Hill Harper, Eddie Cahill,
Anna Belknap, A.J. Buckley, Robert Joy,
Emmanuelle Vaugier, Mykelti Williamson,
Elias Koteas, Claire Forlani, Jessalyn
Gilsig, Skoti Collins, Bess Wohl, Jacqueline
Aries, Kerr Smith, Kyle Gallner, Carmen
Argenziano - Dir. Rob Bailey, David von
Ancken, Christine Moore, Oz Scott,
Anthony Hemingway, Jonathan Glassner
Audiokommentar, Featurettes
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2007-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 851min.
Universum Film 05.03.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034012
Making of, Trailer
Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 EX (D) DD
5.1 EX (Hindi) 141min.
Rapid Eye Movies HE 05.02.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034042
Dick & Doof - Best of
Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel
Bio- und Filmografien, Inhaltsangaben, Essays
Komödie 1923-1940 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(E) 79min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.03.2010
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033856
Dick & Doof - Best of 2
Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel
Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien, Bonusfilm, Wendecover
Komödie FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 75min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.03.2010
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033868
Dick & Doof - Best of 3
Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel
Dokumentation, Bio- und Filmografien, Wendecover
Komödie FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 105min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.03.2010
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033869
Double Identity
Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel
B-Roll, Interviews, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover
Kurzfilm, Clips, Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerie, Wendecover
Komödie 1929-1940 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(E) 95min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.03.2010
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033870
Dick & Doof sprechen deutsch:
Spuk um Mitternacht
Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Otto Fries,
Dorothy Granger, Clara Guiol - Dir. James
Interview, Trailer, Booklet, Wendecover
Komödie 1930 FF DD 1.0 (D) min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.03.2010
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033871
Larry Hagman, Patrick Duffy, Linda Gray,
Barbara Bel Geddes, Ken Kercheval,
Charlene Tilton, Howard Keel
Drama 1988-1989 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
Warner Home Video Germany 05.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033805
Dil Bole Hadippa!
Shahid Kapur, Rani Mukherjee, Anupam
Kher, Dalip Tahil, Poonam Dhillon, Sherlyn
Chopra, Rakhi Sawant, Tabu - Dir. Anurag
Heike Makatsch, Justus von Dohnanyi,
Martin Feifel, Tatjana Blacher, Inka Friedrich, Oliver Breite, August Zirner, Monika
Baumgartner, Cécile Bagieu, Franziska
Schlattner, Philipp Sonntag, Torben Liebrecht, Martin Umbach, Johannes
Herrschmann, Julia Heinze, Cornelia
Saborowski, Vera Lippisch, Michael A.
Grimm, Walter Hess, Ernst Jacobi, Lilian
Naumann, Peter Weiß, Gerd Lohmeyer,
Kyra Mladeck, Beate Jensen, Carolin Fink,
Erich Hallhuber sen., Ulrich Boris Pöppl,
Kara McSorley, Lara Eder, Konstanze
Proebster, Lilly Forgách, Michael Gempart,
Doris Buchrucker, David Zimmerschied,
Christian Hoening, Markus Kayl, Bettina
Zech, Robinson Reichel, Lilly Schmieder Dir. Martin Enlen
Drama/Biographie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) 176min.
Universum Film(ZDF Video) 19.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033979
Dick & Doof - Highlights
Dil Bole Hadippa! - Mein Herz ruft
nach Liebe
For Queen & Country
Denzel Washington, Dorian Healy, Amanda
Redeman, Bruce M. Payne, Geff Francis,
Craig Fairbrass, George Baker, Sean
Chapman, Stella Gonet, Lisa O’Connor,
Michael Bray, Anselm Peters - Dir. Martin
Drama 1988 101min.
MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media)
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033791
Dr. Hope - Eine Frau gibt nicht
Fake Identity
Val Kilmer, Izabella Miko, Hristo Shopov,
Didem Erol, Zahary Baharov, Shelly Varod,
Valentine Pelka, Valentin Ganev - Dir.
Dennis Dimster
Dallas - Die komplette 12. Staffel
(3 Discs)
Dead City - Hölle der Gewalt
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033857
Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer
Komödie/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (Hindi) 141min.
Rapid Eye Movies HE 12.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033835
Der diskrete Charme der Bourgeoisie (Einzel-DVD)
Le Charme Discret De La Bourgeoisie
Fernando Rey, Delphine Seyrig, Stéphane
Audran, Bulle Ogier, Jean-Pierre Cassel,
Paul Frankeur, Claude Piéplu, Michel Piccoli,
Julien Bertheau - Dir. Luis Buñuel
Bildergalerie, Trailer
Drama 1972 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(E) DD 1.0 (F) 97min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 89min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 15.04.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033865
Double Identity (Blu-ray)
Fake Identity
Val Kilmer, Izabella Miko, Hristo Shopov,
Didem Erol, Zahary Baharov, Shelly Varod,
Valentine Pelka, Valentin Ganev - Dir.
Dennis Dimster
B-Roll, Interviews, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover
Thriller 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD
5.1 (E) 93min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 15.04.2010
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033887
Drei Halunken erster Klasse
Il Bianco, Il Giallo, Il Nero
Giuliano Gemma, Tomás Milián, Eli Wallach Dir. Sergio Corbucci
Trailer, Bildergalerie
Western/Komödie 1975 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD
1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (It) 106min.
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033823
Christoph Bach, Emily Cox, Pasquale
Aleardi, Matthias Koeberlin, Petra Kelling,
Lisa Marie Janke, Christian Concilio, Fabian
Hinrichs - Dir. Stefan Krohmer
Doku-Drama/Biographie 2009 90min.
Warner Home Video Germany 19.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033806
Emmanuelle - Die Kunst der Ekstase (Special Edition Steelbook)
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Januar 2010
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Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Emmanuelle: The Art Of Ecstasy
Natasja Vermeer, Danny Pape, Ava Lake,
Molly Greene, Kira Cantrell, Lolana - Dir.
Yamie Philippi
Erotik 2003 85min.
HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs
GmbH(Great Movies) 05.02.2010
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033914
Der englische Patient (Bild der
Frau Love Collection)
The English Patient
Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Willem
Dafoe, Kristin Scott Thomas, Naveen
Andrews, Colin Firth, Julian Wadham, Jürgen Prochnow, Kevin Whately, Clive
Merrison, Nino Castelnuovo, Hichem
Rostom, Peter Rühring - Dir. Anthony
Interviews, Featurettes
Drama/Abenteuer 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 155min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033880
Evidence - Eine tödliche Falle
Physical Evidence
Burt Reynolds, Theresa Russell, Ned
Beatty, Kay Lenz, Tom O’Brien, Ted
McGinley - Dir. Michael Crichton
Thriller 1988 95min.
MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media)
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033796
The Evil - Der Todesengel
Drew Barrymore, George Newbern, Dennis
Christopher, Sally Kellerman, Leslie Hope,
George Maharis, Carl Bressler, Peter
Dobson - Dir. Avi Nesher
Thriller/Horror 1992 96min.
MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media)
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033790
Die fabelhafte Welt der Amélie
Le Fabuleux Destin D’ Amélie Poulain
Audrey Tautou, Mathieu Kassovitz, Rufus,
Yolande Moreau, Artus de Penguern,
Urbain Cancelier, Dominique Pinon, Maurice
Bénichou, Claude Perron, Michel Robin,
Isabelle Nanty, Claire Maurier, Clotilde
Mollet, Serge Merlin, Jamel Debbouze,
Lorella Cravotta, Armelle, Flora Guiet,
Amaury Barbault, Jean Darie, Ticky
Holgado, Andrée Damant, Frankie Pain - Dir.
Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Komödie/Drama 2001 122min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Prokino)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033952
Freitag der 13. Teil 2
Friday The 13th - Part II
Amy Steel, John Furey, Adrienne King, Kirsten Baker, Stu Charno, Warrington Gillette
- Dir. Steve Miner
Horror 1981 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) (F) (Sp)
Paramount 04.02.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033844
Freitag der 13. Teil 2 (Special
Edition) (Blu-ray)
Friday The 13th - Part II
Amy Steel, John Furey, Adrienne King, Kirsten Baker, Stu Charno, Warrington Gillette
- Dir. Steve Miner
4 Featurettes, Kinotrailer
Horror 1981 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1
(E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) 85min.
Paramount 04.02.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033858
Freitag der 13. Teil V - Ein neuer
Friday The 13th - Part V: A New Beginning
John Shepard, Melinda Kinnaman, Richard
Young, Dominick Brascia, Tiffany Helm,
Shavar Ross - Dir. Daniel Steinmann
Horror 1985 Ltbx (D) (E) (F) (Sp) 88min.
Paramount 04.02.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033845
Freitag der 13. Teil VI - Jason
lebt (k.J.)
Friday The 13th - Part VI: Jason Lives
Thom Mathews, Jennifer C. Cooke, David
Kagen, Renee Jones, Kerry Noonan, Darcy
Demoss - Dir. Tom McLoughlin
Horror 1986 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) (F) (It)
Paramount 04.02.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033846
Freitag der 13. Teil VII - Jason im
Blutrausch (k.J.)
Friday The 13th - Part VII: The New Blood
Lar Park Lincoln, Kevin Blair Spirtas, Susan
Blu, Jennifer Banko, John Otrin, Terry Kiser
- Dir. John Carl Buechler
Horror 1988 Ltbx (D) DD 5.1 (E) (F) (It)
Paramount 04.02.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033847
Freitag der 13. Teil VIII - Todesfalle Manhattan
Friday The 13th - Part VIII: Jason Takes
Kane Hodder, V. C. Dupree, Barbara
Bingham, Scott Reeves, Peter Mark
Richman - Dir. Rob Hedden
Horror 1989 Ltbx (D) (E) (F) (Sp) 96min.
Paramount 04.02.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033848
Frequenz Mord
Fréquence Meurtre
Catherine Deneuve, André Dussollier, Martin Lamotte, Etienne Chicot, Ines Claye,
Madeleine Marie, Philippe Lehembre, Daniel
Rialet, Alain Stern, Martine Chevalier,
Josiane Stoléru, Jean Pélégri, Humbert
Balsan - Dir. Elisabeth Rappeneau
Thriller 1988 min.
MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media)
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033788
Geld.Macht.Liebe. Volume 3 (3
Roland Koch, Angela Roy, Gerlinde Locker,
Anna Bertheau, Jytte-Merle Böhrnsen, Su-
sanne Schäfer, Johannes Zirner, Jana Klinge, Gunther Gillian, Michael Brandner, Kai
Lentrodt, Peter Kremer, Susanne Uhlen,
Elena von Eysmondt, Luca Jochen, Milena
Karas, Nana Krüger, Andrea L’Arronge,
Anke Sevenich - Dir. Christine Kabisch,
Helmut Metzger
Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 331min.
Edel Germany 05.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033910
Das gewisse Etwas der Frauen
Come Imparai Ad Amare Le Donne
Robert Hoffmann, Michèle Mercier, Nadja
Tiller, Anita Ekberg, Romina Power, Elsa
Martinelli, Sandra Milo - Dir. Luciano Salce
Trailer, Plakate, Aushangfotos, Pressematerial
Komödie 1965 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(It) 99min.
KSM(Magic Picture) 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034019
The Gold Rush
Sir Charles Chaplin, Mack Swain, Henry
Bergman, Tom Murray, Georgina Hale - Dir.
Sir Charles Chaplin
Dokumentation, Intro, Wendecover
Komödie 1925 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
tba BestellNr.: 20033877
Good Will Hunting
Good Will Hunting
Matt Damon, Robin Williams, Ben Affleck,
Minnie Driver, Stellan Skarsgård, Casey
Affleck, Cole Hauser - Dir. Gus Van Sant
Drama 1997 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 5.1 (It) 121min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(Miramax) 25.02.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033964
Grasgeflüster (Blu-ray)
Saving Grace
Brenda Blethyn, Craig Ferguson, Martin
Clunes, Tchéky Karyo, Jamie Forman, Bill
Bailey, Valerie Edmond, Tristan Sturrock,
Clive Merrison, Leslie Phillips, Diana Quick,
Phyllida Law, Linda Kerr Scott, Ken
Campbell - Dir. Nigel Cole
Bildergalerie, Hintergrundinfo
Komödie 2000 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD
5.1 (E) 94min.
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033797
Jonathan LaPaglia, Larry Drake, Amber
Benson - Dir. Andrew Prowse
Trailer, Bildergalerie
Fantasy/Action 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD
5.1 (E) 86min.
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033821
Die Grenze (2 DVDs)
Benno Fürmann, Thomas Kretschmann,
Marie Bäumer, Uwe Kockisch, Ronald
Zehrfeld, Anja Kling, Inka Friedrich, Katja
Riemann, Vinzenz Kiefer - Dir. Roland Suso
Seite 17
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Bildergalerie, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover
Drama Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 181min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 17.03.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033852
Der große Coup
Charley Varrick
Walter Matthau, Joe Don Baker, Felicia Farr,
Andy Robinson, John Vernon, Sheree
North, Norman Fell - Dir. Don Siegel
Trailer, Artworkgalerie
Thriller 1973 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(E) 106min.
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033824
Der große Diktator
The Great Dictator
Sir Charles Chaplin, Jack Oakie, Reginald
Gardiner, Henry Daniell, Billy Gilbert, Grace
Hayle, Carter De Haven, Paulette Goddard,
Maurice Moscovitch, Emma Dunn, Bernard
Gorcey, Paul Weigel, Chester Conklin,
Esther Michelson, Hank Mann, Florence
Wright, Rudolf Anders - Dir. Sir Charles
Dokumentation, Making of, Bonusfilm, Bildergalerie, Trailer,
Komödie 1940 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
tba BestellNr.: 20033875
Grüne Tomaten (Bild der Frau
Love Collection)
Fried Green Tomatoes
Kathy Bates, Jessica Tandy, Mary Stuart
Masterson, Mary-Louise Parker, Nick
Searcy, Gailard Sartain, Stan Shaw, Cicely
Tyson - Dir. Jon Avnet
Featurette, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Biografie, Interviews
Die Halunken
Le Cinque Giornate
Adriano Celentano, Enzo Cerusico, Luisa
De Santis, Sergio Graziani - Dir. Dario
Originaltrailer, Produktionsnotizen
Historienfilm/Satire 1973 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0
(D) DD 1.0 (It) 116min.
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033825
Oliver Hardy - Filmedition 1
Hello, Dolly!
Barbra Streisand, Walter Matthau, Michael
Crawford, Danny Lockin, Louis Armstrong,
Marianne McAndrew - Dir. Gene Kelly
The Wizard Of Oz
Dorothy Dwan, Larry Semon, Marry Carr,
Virginia Pearson, Bryant Washburn, Oliver
Hardy, William Hauber, Frank Alexander Dir. Larry Semon
Bildergalerie, Starinfos
Komödie/Fantasy 1925 105min.
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033829
Oliver Hardy - Filmedition 3
Oliver Hardy, Joe Rock, Vernon Dent,
William Hauber, Trixie Gale - Dir. Larry
Semon, Tom Buckingham
Komödie 1918-1922 58min.
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033830
Das Haus Anubis - Staffel 01, Teil
1 (4 DVDs)
The Heavy
Shannyn Sossamon, Christopher Lee,
Vinnie Jones, Jean Marsh, Gary Stretch,
Sadie Frost, Stephen Rea, Adrian Paul - Dir.
Marcus Warren
Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 90min.
EuroVideo Bildprogramm 08.04.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033923
Halloween II (Director’s Cut) (k.J.)
Halloween II
Scout Taylor-Compton, Tyler Mane, Malcolm
McDowell, Brad Dourif, Sheri Moon,
Danielle Harris, Caroline Williams, Howard
Hesseman - Dir. Rob Zombie
Audiokommentar, Entfallene und alternative Szenen, Outtakes,
Casting, Musikvideo
Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 111min.
Sunfilm Entertainment 12.03.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033918
The Heavy - Der letzte Job
The Heavy - Der letzte Job (Bluray)
The Heavy
Shannyn Sossamon, Christopher Lee,
Vinnie Jones, Jean Marsh, Gary Stretch,
Sadie Frost, Stephen Rea, Adrian Paul - Dir.
Marcus Warren
Thriller 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
EuroVideo Bildprogramm 08.04.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033958
Die Heimat Trilogie - Gesamtedition (18 DVDs)
Dir. Edgar Reitz
Intro, Featurettes, Musikvideos, Bildergalerien, DVD-ROM-
Heintje Simons, Heinz Reincke, Paul Dahlke,
Gerlinde Locker, Agnes Windeck, Martin
Jente, Helmut Förnbacher, Christiane
Rücker - Dir. Hans Heinrich
Oliver Hardy - Filmedition 2
Halloween II (Director’s Cut) (Bluray) (k.J.)
Horror 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) 116min.
Sunfilm Entertainment 12.03.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033955
Heintje - Einmal wird die Sonne
wieder scheinen
Kinderfilm/Mystery 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) 732min.
Studio100 Media 18.02.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033994
Audiokommentar, Entfallene und alternative Szenen, Outtakes,
Casting, Musikvideo
Drama 1979-2006 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD
1.0 (D) 3364min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
129,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033874
Oliver Hardy, Bobby Ray, Larry Semon Dir. Ted Burnsten, Norman Taurog
Komödie 1916-1925 65min.
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033828
Komödie/Drama 1991 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 125min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033881
Halloween II
Scout Taylor-Compton, Tyler Mane, Malcolm
McDowell, Brad Dourif, Sheri Moon,
Danielle Harris, Caroline Williams, Howard
Hesseman - Dir. Rob Zombie
Part, Trailer
Komödie 1969 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) 92min.
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033827
Hello, Dolly!
Musikfilm/Musical 1968 Ltbx 16x9 DD 4.0
(D) DD 4.0 (E) 140min.
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Germany 01.02.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20034039
Henry V. (Ironpack)
Henry V.
Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi, Sir Ian
Holm, Paul Scofield, Robbie Coltrane, Alec
McCowen, Brian Blessed, Emma Thompson,
Richard Briers - Dir. Kenneth Branagh
Trailer, Bildergalerie, Biografien
Historienfilm/Drama 1989 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (E) 131min.
KSM(NewKSM) 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034030
Herbstmilch (Bild der Frau Love
Dana Vávrová, Werner Stocker, ClaudeOliver Rudolph, Eva Mattes, Ilona Mayer,
Renate Grosser - Dir. Joseph Vilsmaier
Filmpremiere, Trailer
Drama/Heimatfilm 1989 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DTS (D) 105min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033882
Heroes - Season 3.2 (3 DVDs,
Sendhil Ramamurthy, Masi Oka, Hayden
Panettiere, James Kyson Lee, Jack
Coleman, Milo Ventimiglia, Adrian Pasdar,
Greg Grunberg, Ali Larter, Zachary Quinto Dir. Allan Arkush, Greg Beeman, Sergio
Mimica-Gezzan, David von Ancken,
Anthony Hemingway, Daniel Attias, Jeannot
Szwarc, Greg Yaitanes, Holly Dale
Science Fiction/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 500min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033899
Isabelle Huppert, Olivier Gourmet, Adélaïde
Seite 18
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Leroux, Madeleine Budd, Kacey Mottet
Klein, Renaud Rivier, Kilian Torrent, Nicolas
Del Sordo - Dir. Ursula Meier
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(F) 97min.
good!movies(Arsenal) 15.01.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033949
I Touch My Sexy Body (k.J.)
Dir. Pierre Roger
Erotik 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 61min.
KSM 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034022
Der Informant!
The Informant!
Matt Damon, Scott Bakula, Joel McHale,
Melanie Lynskey, Rick Overton, Tom Papa,
Clancy Brown, Eddie Jemison, Lucas
McHugh Carroll, Rusty Schwimmer, Craig
Ricci Shaynak, Scott Adsit, Ann Dowd,
Allan Havey, Howie Johnson, Nick Craig,
Cody Puckett, Andrew Daly, David
Campbell, Carolyn R. Feltner, Jean-Pierre
Gillain, Elena Eustache, Hans Tester, Ludger Pistor, Rome Kanda, Yoshio Be,
Raymond Ma, Hervé Deschamps, Pascal
Ifri, Ann Cusack, Dann Seki, Jayden Lund,
Joe Chrest, J.D. Mathein, William Marsh,
Tom Smothers, Bob Zany, Tony Hale, Richard Horvitz, Tara Barrett, Tim Cain, Ken
Frye, Huley Freeman, Brian Gallivan, Daniel
Hagen, Patton Oswalt, Samantha Albert,
Jimmy Brogan, Paul F. Tompkins, Adam
Paul, Wayne Pére, Joshua Funk, Candy
Clark, Frank Welker, Larry Clarke, Dick
Smothers, Tom Wilson - Dir. Steven
Komödie/Satire 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 104min.
Warner Home Video Germany 05.03.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033802
Der Informant! (Blu-ray)
The Informant!
Matt Damon, Scott Bakula, Joel McHale,
Melanie Lynskey, Rick Overton, Tom Papa,
Clancy Brown, Eddie Jemison, Lucas
McHugh Carroll, Rusty Schwimmer, Craig
Ricci Shaynak, Scott Adsit, Ann Dowd,
Allan Havey, Howie Johnson, Nick Craig,
Cody Puckett, Andrew Daly, David
Campbell, Carolyn R. Feltner, Jean-Pierre
Gillain, Elena Eustache, Hans Tester, Ludger Pistor, Rome Kanda, Yoshio Be,
Raymond Ma, Hervé Deschamps, Pascal
Ifri, Ann Cusack, Dann Seki, Jayden Lund,
Joe Chrest, J.D. Mathein, William Marsh,
Tom Smothers, Bob Zany, Tony Hale, Richard Horvitz, Tara Barrett, Tim Cain, Ken
Frye, Huley Freeman, Brian Gallivan, Daniel
Hagen, Patton Oswalt, Samantha Albert,
Jimmy Brogan, Paul F. Tompkins, Adam
Paul, Wayne Pére, Joshua Funk, Candy
Clark, Frank Welker, Larry Clarke, Dick
Smothers, Tom Wilson - Dir. Steven
Komödie/Satire 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D)
DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E)
Warner Home Video Germany 05.03.2010
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033818
It’s All About Love
It’s All About Love
Joaquin Phoenix, Claire Danes, Sean Penn,
Douglas Henshall, Alun Armstrong, Margo
Martindale, Mark Strong, Geoffrey
Hutchings, Harry Ditson - Dir. Thomas
Interviews, Filmografien, Trailer
Drama/Thriller 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 101min.
Senator Home Entertainment 05.03.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033969
Julie & Julia
Julie & Julia
Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci,
Chris Messina, Linda Emond, Helen Carey,
Mary Lynn Rajskub, Jane Lynch, Joan
Juliet Buck, Crystal Noelle, George
Bartenieff, Vanessa Ferlito, Casey Wilson Dir. Nora Ephron
Making of, Audiokommentar
Drama/Biographie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 118min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033891
Julie & Julia (Blu-ray)
Julie & Julia
Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci,
Chris Messina, Linda Emond, Helen Carey,
Mary Lynn Rajskub, Jane Lynch, Joan
Juliet Buck, Crystal Noelle, George
Bartenieff, Vanessa Ferlito, Casey Wilson Dir. Nora Ephron
Featurettes, Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte
Drama/Biographie 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1
MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS-HD 5.1 MA
(F) 123min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE)
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033902
Das junge Mädchen
La Joven
Key Meersman, Zachary Scott, Bernie
Hamilton, Claudio Brook, Crahan Denton Dir. Luis Buñuel
Intro, Featurette, Trailer
Drama 1960 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(E) 92min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033906
Kampf der Titanen (Blu-ray)
Clash Of The Titans
Sir Laurence Olivier, Ursula Andress, Harry
Hamlin, Judi Bowker, Burgess Meredith,
Maggie Smith, Claire Bloom, Sian Phillips,
Flora Robson - Dir. Desmond Davis
Fantasy 1980 Ltbx (D) (E) 113min.
Warner Home Video Germany 12.03.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033814
Mickey Rourke, Diane Lane, Thomas Jane,
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Hal Holbrook, Rosario Dawson, Aldred Wesley Montoya, Don
McManus, Tom McCamus, Lois Smith - Dir.
John Madden
Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 91min.
Senator Home Entertainment 12.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033972
Killshot (Blu-ray)
Mickey Rourke, Diane Lane, Thomas Jane,
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Hal Holbrook, Rosario Dawson, Aldred Wesley Montoya, Don
McManus, Tom McCamus, Lois Smith - Dir.
John Madden
Thriller 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) 95min.
Senator Home Entertainment 12.03.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033988
Die Kreuzritter - Der Kampf der
Könige (Teil 1+2)
Mihai Viteazul-Unirea
Amza Pellea, Florin Piersic, Ioana Bulca,
Ion Besoiu, Olga Tudorache, Irina
Gardescu, György Kovács, Sergiu
Nicolaescu, Nicolae Secareanu - Dir. Sergiu
Abenteuer 1970 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D)
(Rumän) 201min.
KSM 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034027
Kreuzritter 7 - Schlacht um die
Sergiu Nicolaescu, Serban Ionescu, Adrian
Pintea, Vlad Nemes, Ion Besoiu, Ion Ritiu,
George Alexandru, Ioana Pavelescu - Dir.
Sergiu Nicolaescu
Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1989 Ltbx DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (Rumän) 137min.
MIG Filmgroup 08.04.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033920
The Ladykillers
Sir Alec Guinness, Cecil Parker, Herbert
Lom, Peter Sellers, Danny Green, Jack
Warner, Katie Johnson - Dir. Alexander
Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover
Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1955 Ltbx 16x9 DD
1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (Sp) DD 1.0 (It)
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033855
Der Landarzt - Staffel 18
Walter Plathe, Sabine Bach, Wayne
Carpendale, Caroline Scholze, Heinz
Reincke, Erika Skrotzki, Maximilian Werner,
Jacqueline Svilarov, Edith Behleit, Gunter
Schoß, Gerhard Olschewski, Franziska
Troegner, Thorsten Nindel, Ulrich Bähnk,
Daniela Hoffmann, Thomas Balou Martin,
Klaus Gehrke, Eckhardt Bogda, Gerd
Grasse, Katrin Pollitt, Dagmar Biener, Valerie Niehaus, Matthias Zelic, Ludger Pistor,
Oona Devi Liebich - Dir. Wolfgang Münstermann, Hans Werner, Michael Zens, Thomas
Featurette, Interviews
Drama/Komödie 2008 FF DD 2.0 (D) 641min.
Universum Film(ZDF Video) 05.02.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033965
Las Bandidas - Kann Rache
schön sein!
Sólo Quiero Caminar
Diego Luna, Elena Anaya, Victoria Abril,
Seite 19
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Ariadna Gil, Pilar López de Ayala, Horacio
García Rojas, Carlos Bardem (Ramón) - Dir.
Agustín Díaz Yanes
Making of, Interviews
Action/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Sp) 122min.
Sunfilm Entertainment 12.03.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033931
Las Bandidas - Kann Rache
schön sein! (Blu-ray)
Sólo Quiero Caminar
Diego Luna, Elena Anaya, Victoria Abril,
Ariadna Gil, Pilar López de Ayala, Horacio
García Rojas, Carlos Bardem (Ramón) - Dir.
Agustín Díaz Yanes
Making of, Interviews
Action/Thriller 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA
(D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Sp) 127min.
Sunfilm Entertainment 12.03.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033961
The Last Confederate - Kampf um
Blut und Ehre (Ironpack)
The Last Confederate: The Story Of Robert Adams
Julian Adams, Gwendolyn Edwards, Eric
Holloway, Amy Redford, Joshua Lindsey,
Tippi Hedren, Mickey Rooney, Weston
Adams - Dir. A. Blaine Miller, Julian Adams
Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Biografien, Bildergalerie
Historienfilm/Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 92min.
KSM(NewKSM) 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034033
Stan Laurel - Filmedition 1
Stan Laurel, Julie Leonard - Dir. Scott
Pembroke, Larry Semon
Komödie 1918-1925 64min.
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033831
Stan Laurel - Filmedition 2
Stan Laurel, Larry Semon, Madge Kirby,
Julie Leonard - Dir. Joe Rock, Harry Sweet,
Scott Pembroke
Komödie 1918-1925 67min.
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033832
Stan Laurel - Filmedition 3
Stan Laurel, Julie Leonard, Agnes Ayres Dir. Joe Rock, Scott Pembroke
Komödie 1921-1925 56min.
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033833
Leoparden küßt man nicht (Bild
der Frau Love Collection)
Bringing Up Baby
Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn, Charles
Ruggles, May Robson, Barry Fitzgerald,
Walter Catlett, Fritz Feld, Leona Roberts,
George Irving, Tala Birell, Virginia Walker,
John Kelly - Dir. Howard Hawks
Komödie 1938 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033883
Lichter der Großstadt (OmU)
City Lights
Sir Charles Chaplin, Virginia Cherrill,
Florence Lee, Harry Myers, Allan Garcia,
Henry Bergman, Albert Austin, Hank Mann Dir. Sir Charles Chaplin
Dokumentation, Outtakes, Intro, Bildergalerie, Trailer,
Komödie 1928-1931 FF DD 5.1 (E) 82min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
tba BestellNr.: 20033878
Life - Season 2.1
Damian Lewis, Sarah Shahi, Adam Arkin,
Brent Sexton, Donal Logue, Brooke Langton, Robin Weigert, Jennifer Siebel, Victor
Rivers, Jessy Schram, William Atherton,
Shashawnee Hall - Dir. Daniel Sackheim,
David Straiton, Elodie Keene, Peter Markle,
Holly Dale, Tucker Gates, Jay Torres, Adam
Arkin, Paul McCrane, John Behring
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2008 min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033900
Astrid Lindgren Märchen 1
Kinderfilm FF DD 1.0 (D) 100min.
Universum Film(Universum Kids)
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033977
Astrid Lindgren Märchen 2
Kinderfilm FF DD 1.0 (D) 75min.
Universum Film(Universum Kids)
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033978
Lippels Traum
Karl Alexander Seidel, Anke Engelke, Moritz
Bleibtreu, Christiane Paul, Amrita Cheema,
Steve-Marvin Dwumah, Marius Weingarten,
Uwe Ochsenknecht, Edgar Selge, Eva Mattes - Dir. Lars Büchel
Making of, Interview, Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte,
Trailer, Teaser
Kinderfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 (D) 97min.
Universum Film(Universum Kids)
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033973
Harold Lloyd Edition - 14 Kurzfilme & 15 Langfilme (10 DVDs,
Harold Lloyd - The Definitive Collection
Harold Lloyd
Intro, Featurettes, Audiokommentare, Biografien, Bildergalerie
Komödie/Drama 1923-1936 FF DD 2.0 (E)
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.03.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033854
Lost - Die komplette fünfte Staffel
(5 Discs) (Blu-ray)
Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Evangeline
Lilly, Terry O’Quinn, Naveen Andrews,
Dominic Monaghan, Jorge Garcia, Emilie de
Ravin, Daniel Dae Kim, Kim Yoon-jin, Michael Emerson, Henry Ian Cusick, Harold
Perrineau jr., Elizabeth Mitchell, Malcolm
David Kelley, Cynthia M. Watros, M. C.
Gainey, Mira Furlan, L. Scott Caldwell, Sam
Anderson, Tania Raymonde, Jeremy
Davies, Ken Leung, Rebecca Mader, Jeff
Fahey, John Terry, Nestor Carbonell,
Marsha Thomason, Brett Cullen, Veronica
Hamel, Richard „Cheech“ Marin - Dir. Jack
Bender, Stephen Williams, Paul A. Edwards,
Eric Laneuville
Abenteuer/Drama 2008-2009 Ltbx DTS (D)
DTS (E) DTS (It) 733min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(Touchstone) 25.03.2010
99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033987
Lost - Die komplette fünfte Staffel
(5 DVDs)
Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Evangeline
Lilly, Terry O’Quinn, Naveen Andrews,
Dominic Monaghan, Jorge Garcia, Emilie de
Ravin, Daniel Dae Kim, Kim Yoon-jin, Michael Emerson, Henry Ian Cusick, Harold
Perrineau jr., Elizabeth Mitchell, Malcolm
David Kelley, Cynthia M. Watros, M. C.
Gainey, Mira Furlan, L. Scott Caldwell, Sam
Anderson, Tania Raymonde, Jeremy
Davies, Ken Leung, Rebecca Mader, Jeff
Fahey, John Terry, Nestor Carbonell,
Marsha Thomason, Brett Cullen, Veronica
Hamel, Richard „Cheech“ Marin - Dir. Jack
Bender, Stephen Williams, Paul A. Edwards,
Eric Laneuville
Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen,
Abenteuer/Drama 2008-2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 703min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(Touchstone) 25.03.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033930
Love Happens
Love Happens
Aaron Eckhart, Jennifer Aniston, Dan
Fogler, John Carroll Lynch, Martin Sheen,
Judy Greer, Frances Conroy, Joe
Anderson, Sasha Alexander - Dir. Brandon
Drama/Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 105min.
Universum Film(Tobis) 26.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033983
Love Happens (Blu-ray)
Love Happens
Aaron Eckhart, Jennifer Aniston, Dan
Fogler, John Carroll Lynch, Martin Sheen,
Judy Greer, Frances Conroy, Joe
Anderson, Sasha Alexander - Dir. Brandon
Drama/Komödie 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD
5.1 (E) 109min.
Universum Film(Tobis) 26.03.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033991
Magnolia (Blu-ray)
Jason Robards, Julianne Moore, Tom
Cruise, Philip Seymour Hoffman, John C.
Reilly, Melora Walters, Jeremy Blackman,
Michael Bowen, William H. Macy, Philip
Baker Hall, Melinda Dillon, Emmanuel
Johnson, Luis Guzmán, Henry Gibson, April
Grace, Ricky Jay, Alfred Molina, Ezra
Buzzington - Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson
Making of, Featurette, Musikvideo, TV-Spots, Trailer, Wendecover
Seite 20
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Seite 21
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Drama 1999 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) 193min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033859
Ein Mann gegen die Mafia
La Ragazza Dal Pigiama Giallo
Mel Ferrer, Ray Millard, Michele Placido,
Dalila di Lazzaro, Mel Ferrer, Howard Ross
- Dir. Flavio Mogherini
Bildergalerie, Filmografie
Thriller 1977 80min.
MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media)
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033794
Florian David Fitz, Maxim Mehmet, Til
Schweiger, Nadja Uhl, Christian Ulmen,
Jana Pallaske, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Liane
Forestieri, Justus von Dohnanyi, Bastian
Pastewka - Dir. Simon Verhoeven
Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Warner Home Video Germany 26.03.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033813
Männerherzen (Blu-ray)
Florian David Fitz, Maxim Mehmet, Til
Schweiger, Nadja Uhl, Christian Ulmen,
Jana Pallaske, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Liane
Forestieri, Justus von Dohnanyi, Bastian
Pastewka - Dir. Simon Verhoeven
Komödie 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) 107min.
Warner Home Video Germany 26.03.2010
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033820
Laurien van den Broeck, Jan Decleir,
Willeke van Ammelrooy, Kim van Kooten,
Johanna ter Steege, Ramsey Nasr - Dir.
André van Duren
Komödie/Drama 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
DD 2.0 (E) 87min.
absolut MEDIEN 05.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034052
Die Marx Brothers - Eine Nacht in
A Night In Casablanca
Groucho Marx, Harpo Marx, Chico Marx,
Charles Drake, Lois Collier, Sig Ruman - Dir.
Archie L. Mayo
Komödie 1946 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
Lighthouse Home Entertainment 26.02.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033916
Medicopter 117 - Jedes Leben
zählt (Staffel 5, Folgen 47-60) (4
Roswitha Meyer, Serge Falck, Sabine Petzl,
Urs Remond, Hans Heller, Tom Mikulla, Julia
Cencig, Hanno Pöschl, Manfred
Stücklschwaiger - Dir. Wolfgang Dickmann,
Thomas Nikel
Drama/Action 2002 FF DD 2.0 (D) 645min.
KSM(NewKSM) 04.02.2010
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034017
The Mentalist - Die komplette 1.
Staffel (Blu-ray)
The Mentalist
Simon Baker, Robin Tunney, Tim Kang,
Amanda Righetti, Owain Yeoman - Dir. David Barrett, Chris Long, David Nutter
Kriminalfilm 2008 min.
Warner Home Video Germany 05.03.2010
69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033819
Merlin und der Krieg der Drachen
Merlin And The War Of The Dragons
Jürgen Prochnow, Simon Lloyd Roberts,
Nia Ann, Ceri Bostock, Carys Eleri, Dylan
Jones, Iago McGuire, Joseph Stacey, Iona
Thonger, Hefin Wyn, William Huw - Dir.
Mark Atkins
Making of, Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer
Fantasy 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 88min.
KSM 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034031
The Merry Gentleman
The Merry Gentleman
Michael Keaton, Kelly Macdonald, Tom
Bastounes, Bobby Cannavale, Darlene
Hunt, Guy van Swearingen, William Dick,
Toni-Marie Spera - Dir. Michael Keaton
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 5.1 (F) 133min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
tba BestellNr.: 20033926
The Minis
The Minis
Dennis Rodman, Gabriel Pimentel, Richard
Portnow, Joe Gnoffo, Dana Woods,
Bradley Laise, Kalan Shires, Rusty Burns Dir. Valerio Zanoli
Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 90min.
EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Global Cinema)
tba BestellNr.: 20033921
The Minis (Blu-ray)
The Minis
Dennis Rodman, Gabriel Pimentel, Richard
Portnow, Joe Gnoffo, Dana Woods,
Bradley Laise, Kalan Shires, Rusty Burns Dir. Valerio Zanoli
Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer
Komödie 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Global Cinema)
tba BestellNr.: 20033957
Miss Marple - Die Tote in der Bibliothek / Die Schattenhand
Miss Marple
Joan Hickson
Thriller 1984-1985 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
KSM 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034023
Miss Marple - Ein Mord wird angekündigt / Das Geheimnis der
Miss Marple
Joan Hickson
Thriller 1984-1985 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
KSM 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034024
Moderne Zeiten
Modern Times
Sir Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard,
Allan Garcia, Stanley Sanford, Hank Mann,
Lloyd Ingraham, Juana Sutton, Cecil
Reynolds, Louis Natheaux, Henry Bergman,
Stanley Blystone, Heinie Conklin, Frank
Moran, Richard Alexander, Wilfred Lucas,
Edward Kimball, John Rand, Myra
McKinney, Sam Stein, Edward LeSaint - Dir.
Sir Charles Chaplin
Dokumentation, Entfallene Szenen, Intro, Bildergalerie,
Trailer, Wendecover
Komödie 1936 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
tba BestellNr.: 20033879
Mord in der Rue Morgue
Murders In The Rue Morgue
Rebecca De Mornay, Val Kilmer, George C.
Scott, Ian McShane - Dir. Jeannot Szwarc
Horror 1986 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033826
Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 5, Teil
1 (3 DVDs)
Murder, She Wrote
Angela Lansbury, William Windom, Ron
Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael
Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb
Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen
Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety,
Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John
Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen
Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick
Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD
1.0 (E) 499min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033901
Die Muppets - Studio DC Almost
The Muppet Show
Dir. Philip Casson, Peter Harris
Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1976-1981 Ltbx 16x9
DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 60min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(Jim Henson Video)
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033938
Mutants - Du wirst sie töten müssen! (Blu-ray) (k.J.)
Hélène de Fougerolles, Francis Renaud,
Dida Diafat, Marie-Sohna Condé, Nicolas
Briançon, Luz Mandon, Driss Ramdi,
Grégory Givernaud - Dir. David Morlet
Horror 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (F) 90min.
Sunfilm Entertainment 05.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033962
Mutants - Du wirst sie töten müs-
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
sen! (k.J.)
Hélène de Fougerolles, Francis Renaud,
Dida Diafat, Marie-Sohna Condé, Nicolas
Briançon, Luz Mandon, Driss Ramdi,
Grégory Givernaud - Dir. David Morlet
Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (F) 86min.
Sunfilm Entertainment 05.02.2010
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033935
Muttertag - Ein Alptraum aus Blut
und Gewalt
Mother’s Day
Nancy Hendrickson, Deborah Luce, Tiana
Pierce, Holden McGuire, Billy Ray
McQuade, Rose Ross - Dir. Charles
Horror 1980 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
Intergroove(Best Entertainment)
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033917
The New Guy
The New Guy
DJ Qualls, Eliza Dushku, Zooey Deschanel,
Jerod Mixon, Parry Shen, Lyle Lovett, Eddie
Griffin, Sunny Mabrey, Ross Patterson,
Matt Gogin, Horatio Sanz, Illeana Douglas,
Joy Hadnott, M. C. Gainey, Julius Carry,
Kurt Fuller - Dir. Ed Decter
Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideo,
Filmografien, Trailer
Komödie 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 84min.
Senator Home Entertainment 26.03.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033985
Nichts als die Wahrheit
Nothing But The Truth
Kate Beckinsale, Vera Farmiga, Matt Dillon,
Edie Falco, Alan Alda, David Schwimmer,
Angela Bassett, Noah Wyle - Dir. Rod Lurie
Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer, Entfallene
Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 102min.
Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.02.2010
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033915
Nichts als die Wahrheit (Blu-ray)
Nothing But The Truth
Kate Beckinsale, Vera Farmiga, Matt Dillon,
Edie Falco, Alan Alda, David Schwimmer,
Angela Bassett, Noah Wyle - Dir. Rod Lurie
Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer, Entfallene
Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1
MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 106min.
Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.02.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033954
Night of the Living Dead (Blu-ray)
Night Of The Living Dead
Judith O’Dea, Russell Steiner, Duane Jones,
Karl Hardman, Keith Wayne, Judith Ridley,
Marilyn Eastman, Kyra Schon - Dir. George
A. Romero
Horror 1968 95min.
Intergroove(NSM Records) 15.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033959
One Tree Hill - Die komplette
sechste Staffel (7 Discs)
One Tree Hill
James Lafferty, Chad Michael Murray,
Hilarie Burton, Sophia Bush, Bethany Joy
Galeotti, Paul Johansson, Moira Kelly, Barry
Corbin, Barbara Alyn Woods, Lee Norris,
Craig Sheffer, Danneel Harris, Antwon
Tanner, Bevin Prince, Brett Claywell, Bryan
Greenberg - Dir. Gregory Prange, Thomas
J. Wright, Billy Dickson, John Mallory
Asher, Paul Johansson, Bethany Rooney,
David Carson, Mark Schwahn
Drama 2003-2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD
5.1 (E) 976min.
Warner Home Video Germany 19.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033807
Die Onedin Linie - Staffel 7, Folgen 73-82 (4 Discs)
The Onedin Line
Peter Gilmore, Howard Lang, Jessica
Benton, Mary Webster, Brian Rawlinson,
Michael Billington, Anne Stallybrass, Philip
Bond, Kate Nelligan, Edward Chapman,
Jane Seymour - Dir. Peter Graham Scott,
David Reynolds, Christopher Barry, Cyril
Coke, David Cunliffe, Gareth Davies,
Martyn Friend, Peter Grimwade, Raymond
Menmuir, Andrew Morgan, Viktors Ritelis,
Gerald Blake
Film- & Biographien, schiffsregister, Übersicht über die
Abenteuer/Drama 1971-1980 FF DD 1.0 (D)
DD 1.0 (E) 501min.
KSM(NewKSM) 04.02.2010
69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034018
Original Sin (Unrated) (Blu-ray)
Original Sin
Antonio Banderas, Angelina Jolie, Thomas
Jane, Jack Thompson, Gregory Itzin, Allison
Mackie, Joan Pringle, Cordelia Richards,
James Haven, Pedro Armendáriz Jr. - Dir.
Michael Cristofer
Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Musikvideo,
Trailer, Wendecover
Drama/Thriller 2001 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA
(D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 118min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.03.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033889
OSS 117 - Heiße Hölle Bangkok
Banco A Bangkok Pour OSS 117
Kerwin Mathews, Pier Angeli, Robert
Hossein, Dominique Wilms, Gamil Ratib Dir. André Hunebelle
Thriller 1964 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(F) 113min.
KSM(Magic Picture) 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034016
Pan Tau - DVD 1
Pan Tau
Otto Simanek
Kinderfilm/Komödie 1965-1978 FF DD 1.0
(D) 210min.
Universum Film(Universum Kids)
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033970
Phantom Commando - Die Rückkehr
Den’ D
Michail Poretschenkow, Aleksandra
Ursuliak, Mikhail Trukhin, Sergei
Sosnowski, Bob Schrijber, Warwara
Poretschenkowa, Wiktor Werschbitskij,
Konstantin Isaiew - Dir. Michail
Action/Komödie 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD
5.1 (Russ) 81min.
Sunfilm Entertainment(Savoy Film)
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033933
Pulse 2: Afterlife
Pulse 2: Afterlife
Jamie Bamber, Karley Scott Collins,
Georgina Rylance, Boti Ann Bliss, Noureen
DeWulf, Diane Goldner - Dir. Joel Soisson
Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 85min.
Senator Home Entertainment 19.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033980
Redwoods - Manche Liebe überdauert die Zeit (OmU)
Elinor Bell, Brendan Bradley, Clara
Brighton, Laurie Burke, Simon Burzynski,
Tad Coughenour, Caleb Dorfman, Matthew
Montgomery - Dir. David Lewis
Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Interview, Behind the Scenes
Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (E) 82min.
PRO-FUN MEDIA 25.02.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033928
Die Rosenheim-Cops - Staffel 07,
Folge 1-15 (3 DVDs)
Joseph Hannesschläger, Tom Mikulla,
Marisa Burger, Max Müller, Karin Thaler,
Maren Schumacher, Alexander Duda, Diana
Staehly, Wolfgang Fierek, Christian
Schaeffer, Senta Auth - Dir. Jörg Schneider, Gunther Krää, Käthe Niemeyer, Holger
Kriminalfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Edel Germany(Aviator) 29.01.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033948
Die Rosenheim-Cops - Staffel 07,
Folge 16 - 30 (3 DVDs)
Joseph Hannesschläger, Tom Mikulla,
Marisa Burger, Max Müller, Karin Thaler,
Maren Schumacher, Alexander Duda, Diana
Staehly, Wolfgang Fierek, Christian
Schaeffer, Senta Auth - Dir. Jörg Schneider, Gunther Krää, Käthe Niemeyer, Holger
Kriminalfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Edel Germany(Aviator) 29.01.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033909
Die Rückkehr der Märchenbraut DVD 1
Arabela Se Vrací
Miroslava Safránková, Jíri Labus, Vladimir
Dlouhy, Stella Zazvorkova, Marian Labuda,
Dagmar „Dáda“ Patrasová, Vlastímil
Brodsky, Jana Brejchová - Dir. Václav
Komödie/Fantasy 1993 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Universum Film(Universum Kids)
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033968
Sabrina (Bild der Frau Love
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Januar 2010
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Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Harrison Ford, Julia Ormond, Greg Kinnear,
Nancy Marchand, John Wood, Lauren Holly,
Angie Dickinson, Richard Crenna, Dana
Ivey, Elizabeth Franz, Fanny Ardant, Patrick
Bruel, Valérie Lemercier, Miriam Colon - Dir.
Sydney Pollack
Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Featurette, Trailer
Komödie 1995 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 122min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 11.02.2010
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033884
Die Scharfschützen - Der Schatz
des Napoleon
Sharpe’s Challenge
Sean Bean, Daragh O’Malley, Toby
Stephens, Padma Lakshmi, Aurélien
Recoing, Lucy Brown, Michael Cochrane,
Thierry Hancisse - Dir. Tom Clegg
Trailer, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien
Abenteuer 2006-2008 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 102min.
KSM(NewKSM) 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034026
Die Scharfschützen - Der Verräter
Sharpe’s Challenge
Sean Bean, Daragh O’Malley, Toby
Stephens, Padma Lakshmi, Aurélien
Recoing, Lucy Brown, Michael Cochrane,
Thierry Hancisse - Dir. Tom Clegg
Trailer, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien
Abenteuer 2006-2008 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 102min.
KSM(NewKSM) 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034025
Franziska Petri, Ulrich Noethen, Tatja Seibt,
Uwe Kockisch, Eva Mattes, Christoph
Bach, Mehdi Nebbou, Rino Zepf - Dir.
Connie Walther
Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer
Drama/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Salzgeber & Co. Medien 01.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033890
Schwere Jungs - Stealing Harvard
Stealing Harvard
Jason Lee, Tom Green, Leslie Mann, Megan
Mullally, Dennis Farina, Tammy Blanchard,
Richard Jenkins, Chris Penn, John C.
McGinley, Seymour Cassel, Bruce
McCulloch, Martin Starr, Bobby Harwell Dir. Bruce McCulloch
Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer, Filmografien
Komödie 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 78min.
Senator Home Entertainment 26.03.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033984
Erotik 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 66min.
KSM 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034021
Sherlock Holmes - Der Hund der
Baskerville / Der Seidenstrumpfmörder (2 Discs, Ironpack )
Sherlock Holmes
Richard Roxburgh, Ian Hart, Richard E.
Grant, Matt Day, Rupert Everett, Anne
Carroll, Nicholas Palliser, Neil Dudgeon Dir. David Attwood, Simon Cellan Jones
Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerie, Hintergrundinfos,
Kriminalfilm 2002-2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (E) 190min.
KSM(NewKSM) 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034032
Shrink - Nur nicht die Nerven verlieren
Kevin Spacey, Robin Williams, Saffron
Burrows, Laura Ramsey, Keke Palmer, Robert Loggia, Dallas Roberts, Griffin Dunne Dir. Jonas Pate
Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 100min.
Universum Film 12.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033974
Story of a Prostitute (OmU)
Shunpu Den
Drama/Kriegsfilm 1965 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0
(Jap) 96min.
AV Visionen(Eye See Movies) 29.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033792
Summer’s Moon (Blu-ray) (k.J.)
Ashley Greene, Barbara Niven, Peter
Mooney, Stephen McHattie, Sean Tucker Dir. Lee Gordon Demarbre
Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie
Thriller/Horror 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA
(D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 90min.
KSM(NewKSM) 04.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034036
Summer’s Moon (k.J.)
Ashley Greene, Barbara Niven, Peter
Mooney, Stephen McHattie, Sean Tucker Dir. Lee Gordon Demarbre
Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Biografien
Thriller/Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 86min.
KSM(NewKSM) 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034015
Szenen einer Ehe (Kinofassung)
Alexa Weix, Janet Joy, Aiden, Leon Dumas
- Dir. Claudia Vasquez
Scener Ur Ett Äktenskap
Liv Ullmann, Erland Josephson, Bibi
Andersson, Jan Malmsjö, Anita Wall,
Gunnel Lindblom, Rosanna Mariano - Dir.
Ingmar Bergman
Biografie, Produktionsnotizen, Trailer
Erotik 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 75min.
KSM 04.02.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034020
Drama 1973 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(Schwed) 161min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034035
Sex For Lovers - Take Me Hard!
Sex Stories Of Passion: Pink
Shots (uncut) (k.J.)
Peaches, Donna Bell, Brandy Smile - Dir.
Catherine Paul
Tal der Wölfe 2 - Muro
Muro: Nalet Olsun Içimdeki Insan Sevgisin
Mustafa Üstündag, Sefik Onatoglu, Selim
Erdogan, Eray Türk, Nataliya Bondarenko,
Dariya Litvinova, Evrim Alasya, Demir
Karahan, Mehmet Ulay, Bülent Sakrak, Nihat
Özbay, Emel Eva Maya, Murat Senol,
Cengiz Sezici, Suat Ergin, Levent Cicek Dir. Zübeyr Sasmaz
Making Of, Trailer, Bildergalerie
Kriegsfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD
5.1 (Türk) 96min.
KSM(NewKSM) 08.03.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20034034
Tatort: Bildersturm
Klaus J. Behrendt, Dietmar Bär, Anna Loos,
Traugott Buhre, Sabine Vitua, Prof. Hark
Bohm, Gisela Uhlen, Gerda Gmelin, Christian Kahrmann, Wichart von Roëll, Laura
Tassi, Joe Bausch, Rainer Will, Birthe
Wolter, Hannes Kaetner, Bouli Lanners,
Konstantin Moser, Wolfgang Rüter, Herman
van Ulzen, Luc Feit - Dir. Niki Stein
Biografie, Featurette, Trailer
Kriminalfilm 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 25.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033944
Tatort: Der doppelte Lott
Axel Prahl, Jan Josef Liefers, Friederike
Kempter, ChrisTine Urspruch, Mechthild
Großmann, Claus-Dieter Clausnitzer, Joe
Bausch, Alexander Held, Chulpan
Khamatova, Tim Fischer, Rezo
Tschchikwischwili, Wilfried Hochholdinger,
Dietmar Bär, Klaus J. Behrendt - Dir. Manfred Stelzer
Making ofs, Biografie, Trailer
Kriminalfilm 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) 88min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 25.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033946
Tatort: Ehrlicher/Kain-Box (4
Peter Sodann, Bernd Michael Lade
Kriminalfilm 1992-2001 min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 25.03.2010
54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033950
Tatort: Ein ehrenwertes Haus
Peter Sodann, Bernd Michael Lade, Peter
Fricke, Gunter Schoß, Nicolette Krebitz,
Vladimir Weigl, Marga Legal, Anne-Sophie
Briest, Anne Kasprik, Julia Lindig - Dir. Petra Haffter
Making of, Biografie
Kriminalfilm 1995 FF DD 1.0 (D) 89min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 25.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033942
Tatort: Familiensache
Harald Krassnitzer, Sarah Tkotsch, Ulli
Maier, Sophie Auly, Hubert Kramar, Heribert
Sasse, Beatrice Frey, Klaus Händl, Silvia
Fenz, Erni Mangold, Deny Jovanovic, Klaus
Rott, Sissi Wolf - Dir. Thomas Roth
Making of, Interview, Special, Biografie
Kriminalfilm 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 25.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033947
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Tatort: Hamburg-Box (3 DVDs)
Kriminalfilm 1972-2008 min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 25.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033951
Tatort: Moltke
Götz George, Eberhard Feik, Ulrich
Matschoss, Chiem van Houweninge, Hubert
Kramar, Iris Disse, Gerd Silberbauer, Jürgen Heinrich, Jan Biczycki, Dieter Bohlen Dir. Hajo Gies
Featurette, Biografie, Trailer
Kriminalfilm 1988 FF DD 2.0 (D) 91min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 25.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033941
Tatort: Norbert
Miroslav Nemec, Udo Wachtveitl, Michael
Fitz, Jürgen Tarrach, Michael Maertens,
Alexander Held, Peter Fitz, Angela Sandritter, Sandra Steffl - Dir. Niki Stein
20 Tatort-Kommissare bei Beckmann (90 Min.), Biografie,
Kriminalfilm 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 25.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033945
Tatort: Rechnen Sie mit dem
Walter Richter, Sabine Sinjen, Wolfgang
Wahl, Franz Rudnick, Gustl Bayrhammer,
Ulrich von Bock, Kornelia Boje, Günter
Einbrodt, Bruno Dallansky, Kyra Mladeck,
Joachim Richert, Manfred Schermutzki,
Erica Schramm, Matthias Wegner - Dir.
Peter Schulze-Rohr
Featurette, Tagesthemen-Beitrag, Trailer
Kriminalfilm 1972 FF DD 1.0 (D) 92min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 25.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033939
Tatort: Spätlese
Hansjörg Felmy, Andrea Jonasson, Claudia
Wedekind - Dir. Wolfgang Staudte
Featurettes, Biografie
Kriminalfilm 1977 FF DD 1.0 (D) 94min.
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 25.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033940
Tatort: Tod im All
Ulrike Folkerts, Andreas Hoppe, Marquard
Bohm, Hans-Günter Martens, Carol
Campbell, Alexander Beck, Walter
Gontermann, Johanna Liebeneiner, Dietmar
Schönherr, Udo Weinberger, Nina Hagen,
Ingolf Lück, Anke Engelke, Adolf Laimböck,
Georg Blumreiter - Dir. Thomas Bohn
Making of, Featurette, Biografie, Trailer
Kriminalfilm 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Walt Disney Studios Home
Entertainment(ARD Video) 25.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033943
Time to Kill
Tempo Di Uccidere
Nicolas Cage, Ricky Tognazzi, Patrice-Flora
Praxo, Georges Claisse, Robert Liensol,
Pao Pei Andreoli, Mario Mazzarotto,
Gianluca Favilla - Dir. Giuliano Montaldo
Drama/Kriegsfilm 1989 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD
2.0 (It) 99min.
M.I.B. - Medienvertrieb in Buchholz
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033976
True Blood - Staffel 1 (5 DVDs)
True Blood
Chris Bauer, Anna Paquin
Drama 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.0 (E) DD
5.1 (Sp) DD 5.1 (It) 720min.
Warner Home Video Germany 05.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033804
True Lies
True Lies
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Arnold,
Jamie Lee Curtis, Bill Paxton, Tia Carrere,
Art Malik, Eliza Dushku, Grant Heslov,
Charlton Heston - Dir. James Cameron
Action/Komödie 1994 135min.
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Germany 01.02.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033893
Unser Charly (06. Staffel, 15 Folgen), Folge 09 - 15 (2 DVDs)
Regina Lemnitz, Ralf Lindermann, Aurelio
Malfa, Mike Zobrys, Nicola Tiggeler, Kaya
Möller, Farina Jansen, Karin Thaler, Frank
Behnke, Dominik Janisch
Komödie 2001 FF DD 2.0 (D) 315min.
Edel Germany(AVIATOR) 29.01.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033911
Der Vagabund und das Kind
The Kid
Sir Charles Chaplin, Jackie Coogan, Edna
Purviance, Carl Miller, Tom Wilson, Chuck
Riesner, Albert Austin - Dir. Sir Charles
Dokumentation, Entfallene Szenen, Intro, Bildergalerie,
Trailer, Wendecover
Komödie 1920 FF DD 5.1 (E) 50min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus)
tba BestellNr.: 20033876
Vaya con dios
Michael Gwisdek, Daniel Brühl, Matthias
Brenner, Chiara Schoras, Traugott Buhre,
Heinz Trixner, Christel Peters, Beate Zimmermann - Dir. Zoltan Spirandelli
Audiokommentar, Interviews, Making of, Trailer, Bio- und
Filmografien, Beitrag aus „Aspekte“
Komödie 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Senator Home Entertainment 05.03.2010
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033971
Vier Hochzeiten und ein Todesfall (Bild der Frau Love
Four Weddings And A Funeral
Hugh Grant, Andie MacDowell, Kristin Scott
Thomas, Sir Simon Callow, James Fleet,
John Hannah, Charlotte Coleman, David
Bower, Corin Redgrave, Rowan Atkinson,
Anna Chancellor - Dir. Mike Newell
Making of, Behind the Scenes, Trailer
Komödie 1993 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) 113min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 11.02.2010
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033885
Das vierte Protokoll
The Fourth Protocol
Sir Michael Caine, Pierce Brosnan, Joanna
Cassidy, Ned Beatty, Julian Glover, Michael
Gough, Ray McAnally, Ian Richardson, Anton Rodgers, Betsy Brantley - Dir. John
Thriller 1986 min.
MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media)
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033789
Das weiße Band
Christian Friedel, Ernst Jacobi, Leonie
Benesch, Ulrich Tukur, Ursina Lardi, Fion
MutertT, Michael Kranz, Burghart Klaußner,
Steffi Kühnert, Maria-Victoria Dragus,
Leonard Proxauf, Thibault Serie, Josef
Bierbichler, Enno Trebs, Theo Trebs, Janina
Fautz, Rainer Bock, Susanne Lothar,
Roxane Duran, Miljan Chatelain, Eddy
Grahl, Branko Samarovski, Birgit
Minichmayr, Kai Malina, Sebastian Hülk,
Aaron Denkel, Kristina Kneppek, Stephanie
Amarell, Bianca Mey, Mika Ahrens, Detlev
Buck - Dir. Michael Haneke
Drama 2009 min.
Warner Home Video Germany 05.03.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033800
Das weiße Band (Blu-ray)
Christian Friedel, Ernst Jacobi, Leonie
Benesch, Ulrich Tukur, Ursina Lardi, Fion
MutertT, Michael Kranz, Burghart Klaußner,
Steffi Kühnert, Maria-Victoria Dragus,
Leonard Proxauf, Thibault Serie, Josef
Bierbichler, Enno Trebs, Theo Trebs, Janina
Fautz, Rainer Bock, Susanne Lothar,
Roxane Duran, Miljan Chatelain, Eddy
Grahl, Branko Samarovski, Birgit
Minichmayr, Kai Malina, Sebastian Hülk,
Aaron Denkel, Kristina Kneppek, Stephanie
Amarell, Bianca Mey, Mika Ahrens, Detlev
Buck - Dir. Michael Haneke
Drama 2009 min.
Warner Home Video Germany 05.03.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033816
Kate Beckinsale, Gabriel Macht, Tom
Skerritt, Columbus Short, Alex O’Loughlin,
Shawn Doyle, Joel S. Keller, Jesse Todd Dir. Dominic Sena
Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 100min.
Warner Home Video Germany 26.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033801
Whiteout (Blu-ray)
Kate Beckinsale, Gabriel Macht, Tom
Skerritt, Columbus Short, Alex O’Loughlin,
Shawn Doyle, Joel S. Keller, Jesse Todd Dir. Dominic Sena
Thriller 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD
5.1 (Sp) DD 5.1 (It) 100min.
Warner Home Video Germany 26.03.2010
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033817
Wickie und die starken Männer
(Helm Edition)
Jonas Hämmerle, Waldemar Kobus, Nic
Romm, Christian A. Koch, Olaf Krätke, Mike
Maas, Patrick Reichel, Jörg Moukaddam,
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Januar 2010
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Mercedes Jadea Diaz, Sanne Schnapp,
Ankie Beilke, Günther Kaufmann, Christoph
Maria Herbst, Jürgen Vogel, Michael Bully
Herbig - Dir. Michael Bully Herbig
Making of, Outtakes, Musikvideo, Lieder, Trailer
Komödie/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) 84min.
Highlight Communications
(Deutschland)(Constantin) 11.03.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20034045
Wickie und die starken Männer
(Premium Edition) (Blu-ray)
Jonas Hämmerle, Waldemar Kobus, Nic
Romm, Christian A. Koch, Olaf Krätke, Mike
Maas, Patrick Reichel, Jörg Moukaddam,
Mercedes Jadea Diaz, Sanne Schnapp,
Ankie Beilke, Günther Kaufmann, Christoph
Maria Herbst, Jürgen Vogel, Michael Bully
Herbig - Dir. Michael Bully Herbig
Making of, Outtakes, Musikvideo, Lieder, Trailer
Komödie/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1
(D) 87min.
Highlight Communications
(Deutschland)(Constantin) 11.03.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20034057
Ed Wood Box (3 DVDs)
Glen or Glenda / Bride of the Monster /
Plan 9 From Outer Space
Edward D. Wood Jr., Béla Lugosi, Vampira
- Dir. Edward D. Wood Jr.
Bonusfilme, Dokumentationen, Trailer
Komödie/Drama 1953-1958 FF DD 1.0 (E)
Winkler Film 15.01.2010
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034047
Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Zack And Miri Make A Porno
Seth Rogen, Elizabeth Banks, Traci Lords,
Jason Mewes, Ricky Mabe, Craig
Robinson, Katie Morgan, Jeff Anderson Dir. Kevin Smith
Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Featurette
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 98min.
Senator Home Entertainment 12.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033975
Zack and Miri Make a Porno (Bluray)
Zack And Miri Make A Porno
Seth Rogen, Elizabeth Banks, Traci Lords,
Jason Mewes, Ricky Mabe, Craig
Robinson, Katie Morgan, Jeff Anderson Dir. Kevin Smith
Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Featurette
Komödie 2008 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS (E)
Senator Home Entertainment 12.03.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033989
Zwei himmlische Schlitzohren
Trini López, Larry Hagman, Noemí
Guerrero, Marvin Walkenstein - Dir. Claudio
Bildergalerie, Biografien
Komödie 1973 85min.
MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media)
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033795
Zwei wilde Draufgänger
Uomini Duri
Lino Ventura, Isaac Hayes, Fred
Williamson, Paula Kelly, William Berger,
Vittorio Sanipoli, Lorella de Luca, Mario
Erpichini, Jess Hahn, Guido Leontini - Dir.
Duccio Tessari
Action 1974 70min.
MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media)
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033793
Ensemble, C’ Est Tout
Audrey Tautou, Guillaume Canet, Laurent
Stocker, Françoise Bertin, Alain Sachs,
Firmine Richard, Béatrice Michel, Kahena
Saïghi, Hélène Surgère, Alain Stern, Halima
Guizami, Juliette Arnaud, Danièle Lebrun Dir. Claude Berri
Komödie 2007 97min.
Universal Pictures Germany(Prokino)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033904
Heinz Emigholz - The Formative
Years (I)
Dir. Heinz Emigholz
Booklet, Bildergalerie, Interview
Experimentalfilm 1972-1975 FF DD 2.0 (D)
DD 2.0 (E) 122min.
Filmgalerie 451 29.01.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034050
Heinz Emigholz - The Formative
Years (II)
Dir. Heinz Emigholz
Booklet, Interview, Bildergalerie
Experimentalfilm 1975-1976 FF DD 2.0 (D)
DD 2.0 (E) 57min.
Filmgalerie 451 29.01.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034051
Erotische Augenblicke - Die
schönsten Frauen von Paris
Special Interest
Les Plus Belles Inconnues De Paris
Johnny Hallyday, Emmanuelle Béart - Dir.
Hervé Lewis
Auf purpurnen Schwingen: Das
Geheimnis der Flamingos
The Crimson Wing: Mystery Of The Flamingos
Dir. Matthew Aeberhard, Leander Ward
Behind the Scenes
Erotik 2005 Ltbx DD 2.0 82min.
Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.03.2010
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033853
It Might Get Loud
Dokumentarfilm/Tiere 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (Sp)
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034041
It Might Get Loud
Jimmy Page, The Edge, Jack White - Dir.
Davis Guggenheim
Dokumentarfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (E)
DD 2.0 (E) min.
Indigo(good!movies/Arsenal) 12.02.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034037
Auf purpurnen Schwingen: Das
Geheimnis der Flamingos (Bluray)
It Might Get Loud (Special Edition)
The Crimson Wing: Mystery Of The Flamingos
Dir. Matthew Aeberhard, Leander Ward
Dokumentarfilm/Tiere 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (Sp) DD 5.1 (It) 78min.
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034056
Die Bucht - The Cove
The Cove
Richard O’Barry, Simon Hutchins, MandyRae Cruikshank, Kirk Krack, Dave
Rastovich, Scott Baker, Charles Hambleton,
Joe Chisholm, Greg Mooney - Dir. Louie
Featurette, Interviews, Trailer
Zusammen ist man weniger allein (Blu-ray)
DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (Sp) 111min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033892
Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 86min.
EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.03.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033922
By the People: Die Wahl des
Barack Obama (OmU)
By The People: The Election Of Barack
Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Sen. John
McCain - Dir. Amy Rice, Alicia Sams
Audiokommentar, Making of, 10 Bonusszenen
Dokumentarfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (E)
It Might Get Loud
Jimmy Page, The Edge, Jack White - Dir.
Davis Guggenheim
Dokumentarfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (E)
DD 2.0 (E) min.
Indigo(good!movies/Arsenal) 12.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034038
Kapitalismus: Eine Liebesgeschichte
Capitalism: A Love Story
Michael Moore - Dir. Michael Moore
Dokumentarfilm/Wirtschaft 2009 Ltbx 16x9
DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 122min.
Concorde Home Entertainment 08.04.2010
tba BestellNr.: 20033924
Rüdiger Neumann Filme (2 DVDs)
Dir. Rüdiger Neumann
Experimentalfilm 1980-1993 DD 2.0 (D)
Filmgalerie 451 29.01.2010
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20034049
Die Partei
Martin Sonneborn - Dir. Martin Sonneborn
Dokumentarfilm/Gesellschaft 2009 Ltbx
16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 87min.
AV Visionen(Eye See Movies) 26.03.2010
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20033927
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Januar 2010
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Alice In Wonderland
Lewis Carroll’s quirky, imaginative tale of Alice, the little girl
who falls down a rabbit hole and finds herself in a strange
land filled with the most unusual characters, is brought to life
in a brand-new animated version of this beloved story!
Computer Animation, Family, Fantasy 47min.
Image Ent. 16.02.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091348
Astro Boy
Blast off with Astro Boy, the thrilling tale of a true hero! In
futuristic Metro City, scientist Tenma (voiced by Nicolas
Cage) creates an amazing robot boy with hidden talents
unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Astro Boy (voiced by
Freddie Highmore) has super strength, x-ray vision,
incredible speed and the ability to fly. But, what he really
wants is to know where he belongs. When the world needs
saving, he’ll discover he was made for the challenge.
Featuring an all-star cast of voice talent, it’s high-flying
adventure that soars to new heights!
Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Anime,
Computer Animation, Family, Action,
Adventure, Animated Feature Films 2009
Summit Entertainment 16.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091201
Astro Boy (Blu-ray)
Blast off with Astro Boy, the thrilling tale of a true hero! In
futuristic Metro City, scientist Tenma (voiced by Nicolas
Cage) creates an amazing robot boy with hidden talents
unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Astro Boy (voiced by
Freddie Highmore) has super strength, x-ray vision,
incredible speed and the ability to fly. But, what he really
wants is to know where he belongs. When the world needs
saving, he’ll discover he was made for the challenge.
Featuring an all-star cast of voice talent, it’s high-flying
adventure that soars to new heights!
Computer Animation, Family, Robots /
Androids, Science Fiction, Anime, Action,
Adventure, Animated Feature Films 2009
Summit Entertainment 16.03.2010
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091223
Bakugan: Chapter 1
Cartoon Network, Fantasy, Action 299min.
Warner Bros. 13.04.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091090
Action, Anime, Comedy, Drama, Foreign,
Japanese 147min.
Section23 Films 23.03.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091303
Celestial Navigations: The Short
Films Of Al Jarnow
Short Film Collections 110min.
Ryko Distribution 23.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091322
Curious George 2: Follow That
Family, Adventure, Animated Feature Films
2010 81min.
Universal Studios 02.03.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091305
D. Gray-Man: Season One - Part
Two (Blu-ray)
Valiant demon-hunter Allen Walker and his comrades remain
steadfast in their quest to recover the lost Innocence while
slaying the undead minions of evil’s most terrifying army.
When the treacherous Millennium Earl senses a shift in the
balance of power, the wicked leader of the Akuma summons
forth a band of rogue warriors that will shake the Black Order
to its very core. The battle to decide the fate of mankind has
begun. Should Walker fail, Innocence will be lost forever.
Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV,
Japanese 286min.
Funimation 02.03.2010
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091342
Davey & Goliath: Box Set Volumes 1 - 4
Family, Stop Motion Animation min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091207
Dino Squad: Mutant Mayhem
Dinosaurs, Superheroes, Adventure,
Animated Animals min.
NCircle Entertainment 09.03.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091110
Barbie In A Mermaid Tale
Fantasy min.
Universal Studios 09.03.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091133
Dork Hunters From Outer Space:
The Animated Series
Bleach: Box Set 4 - Part 2
The Earth has been invaded by Dorks! These nasty,
interplanetary villains, who can disguise themselves as
humans, must be hunted down and stopped! It’s up to three
teenage aliens who have come to the rescue and their two
earthbound friends to save the galaxy in one of the funniest
animated action shows destined to grace the television
screens of this or any other planet!
Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Ninjas,
Adventure 350min.
Viz Entertainment 16.02.2010
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091316
Bleach: Volume 25
Aliens, Comedy, Family, Science Fiction
2008 794min.
Image Ent. 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091247
Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action,
Adventure min.
Viz Entertainment 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091319
Cat Girl / Super Dimension
Odyssey Tritia (Double Features)
Which is more important to an exploitation movie: half naked
girls or a logical plot? The eternal question is answered
firmly in favor of the former in an all new and extra
sexploitational Switchblade Double Feature! First, when a
secret illegal fighting syndicate needs to recruit new
wrestlers, the best and most logical way to do this is to
kidnap unsuspecting women who visit an elite Beauty institute
and dose them up with an experimental Cat DNA serum, right?
Unfortunately for the bad guys, their latest feline enhanced
femme fatale is actually an undercover reporter named
Natasha, and they’re in for a real pussy whipping from their
latest Cat Girl! Next, the scantily clad Princess Tritia of Blue
Land comes to Earth in search of the long lost Treasure
Sword, a mission so urgent that she apparently didn’t have
time to pack any pants. That’s okay though, because while
Tritia may be one of the ditzy-est super-heroines of all time,
her well exposed assets are more than sufficient to counter
the sinister conspiracies spun by Prince Gananga of Red
Land! There’s sleaze, cheese and loads of color coded
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero Season 1.3
sponsored corporation that’s in the business of saving lives.
In reality, it’s an agency on the fringe of technology. They give
terminal patients another shot at life using cybernetic
implants. This conditioning process then shapes the patient
into an efficient machine for handling all of the government’s
dirty work.
Anime, Action, Boxed Sets, Foreign,
Japanese, Robots / Androids 2002 320min.
Funimation 16.03.2010
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091343
Gunslinger Girl: Season Two - Il
Teatrino (Blu-ray)
The girls of the Social Welfare Agency are no ordinary
children. They are the grizzly remains of human wreckage
pieced back together with cybernetic implants and trained to
kill by the government. The oldest, Triela, pursues her targets
with a ferocious enthusiasm - unwilling to settle for less than
total annihilation. Her mirror in this bloody stalemate is
Pinocchio - a shell of a boy raised as an assassin by the FRF
- a terrorist faction at war with the SWA. Cold and cruelly
efficient, he wields sharpened steel as though it were his own
hand. Once human, these shattered souls have become
murderous machines with only vague recollections of what it
meant to be real - and a brutal compulsion to be the last killer
Anime, Femme Fatales, Foreign, Japanese,
Action 2007 320min.
Funimation 16.03.2010
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091344
The King
David is the new King of Israel whose rival, King Saul, is
jealous of David’s growing popularity. Now David must flee
Saul’s wrath and lead an army to fulfill Samuel’s prophecy by
winning back his rightful place as King of Israel.
Family, Religion/Spirituality 2006 77min.
Porchlight Home Entertainment 09.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091206
LEGO: The Adventures Of Clutch
Computer Animation, Family, Adventure
2009 88min.
Universal Studios 23.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091134
Looney Tunes Super Stars: Bugs
Bunny - Hare Extraordinaire
Comedy, Family, Animated Animals min.
Warner Bros. 27.04.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091358
Looney Tunes Super Stars: Daffy
Duck - Frustrated Fowl
Comedy, Family, Animated Animals min.
Warner Bros. 27.04.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091357
The Lord Of The Rings:
Remastered Deluxe Edition
Epics, Family, Fantasy, Adventure 1978
Warner Bros. 06.04.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091224
The Lord Of The Rings:
Remastered Deluxe Edition (Bluray)
Special Forces, Action 1985 min.
Shout Factory 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091252
Epics, Family, Fantasy, Adventure 1978
Warner Bros. 06.04.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091227
Gunslinger Girl: Season One
Nabari No Ou: The Complete
Series - Part One (Blu-ray)
Officially, the Social Welfare Agency is a government
In the shadows of this modern world, ninjas fight for control of
an ancient technique which holds untold strength. This
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Seite 30
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
coveted power dwells within apathetic Miharu, a fact the guy
really couldn’t care less about - until the clashing rival clans
bring their battle to him. But when conflict is waged in secret,
and lethal ninjas hide in plain sight, friend and foe prove
difficult to tell apart.
Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Anime,
Action, Adventure 325min.
Funimation 23.03.2010
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091345
Naruto: Season 2 - Volume 1
Planet 51 (Blu-ray)
- Collection 1
Gary Oldman, Jessica Biel, John Cleese,
Justin Long, Seann William Scott
Following up YUA: Fast and Furious, it’s You’re Under
Arrest!: Full Throttle! The ladies of Bokuto Police Station are
back, but there have been some BIG changes! Miyuki’s been
in the U.S., studying American police techniques while
Natsumi’s actually been serving in the military! So have these
world-changing experiences had any effect on how
everyone’s favorite girls in blue carry out their duties
protecting the Japanese public? Have they gained a more
„mature“ perspective? Well. let’s just say that, if anything,
they may be even wilder and less cautious than before!
(Except for that blossoming „relationship“ between Miyuki and
Nakajima, where things are getting decidedly delicate.)
Whether rescuing young orphans from yakuza types to
confronting rogue wrestlers and even giant snakes, action
has never been more extreme than in the outrageous first
collection of You’re Under Arrest!: Full Throttle
When Chuck the astronaut (Dwayne Johnson) lands on a
distant planet filled with little green people, he is surprised to
discover that we are not alone in the galaxy. But he gets the
shock of his life when the residents of Planet 51 mistakenly
believe that his presence is the start of an alien invasion of
the human kind! Luckily, Lem (Justin Long) quickly realizes
that Chuck is friendly and makes it his personal mission to
help him return safely to his ship.
Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action 650min.
Viz Entertainment 16.02.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091317
Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Action, Science Fiction 2009 91min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091270
Naruto: Shippuden - Volume 6
Scruff: The New Season
Anime, Foreign, Japanese 100min.
Viz Entertainment 02.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091314
Meet Scruff, a happy-go-lucky puppy with endless curiosity
and energy to spare. Lost in the forest, Scruff is rescued and
brought to a farmhouse where he makes his new home among a
lively group of characters. He’s a terrible watchdog and a
horrible hunter, but the farm dwellers are about to find out that
Scruff has some very special qualities...
Neo Angelique Abyss: Season 2
In a land with no sun, the light of the soul must show the way.
Six months have passed since the shocking climactic events
of season one. As the monstrous Thanatos run rampant, and
the world of Arcadia is enveloped in a shroud of smoke and
darkness. The mysterious disappearance of the Orb Hunters
has lead many to believe that their former protectors are
responsible for the disaster. But the truth is even more shokking, for Angelique has actually been unconscious the entire
time. Now, waking for the first time, she realizes that she must
embrace her destiny, but to do so will mean placing her trust
in those who could destroy her! The ancient prophecy must be
fulfilled or Arcadia will perish in the complete collection of
Neo Angelique Abyss: Second Age!
Anime, Based On Video Game, Drama,
Fantasy, Foreign, International TV,
Japanese, Romance 325min.
Section23 Films 30.03.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091144
Noonbory & The Super 7: They’re
Adventure, Computer Animation, Family,
Superheroes 60min.
NCircle Entertainment 02.03.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091109
Ouran High School Host Club
Ouran Academy: An institution of extravagance and prestige
where learning is secondary to luxury. Haruhi began the year
as an out of place scholarship student, but she’s found new
popularity as a member of the Host Club. Playing the part of a
sensitive suitor and wooing the ladies of the school has
become a full-time job. Of course, now that Tamaki and the
other boys can no longer deny the charms of her girly side,
life feels more like a storybook daydream.
Anime, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Romance 625min.
Funimation 30.03.2010
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091376
Gary Oldman, Jessica Biel, John Cleese,
Justin Long, Seann William Scott
When Chuck the astronaut (Dwayne Johnson) lands on a
distant planet filled with little green people, he is surprised to
discover that we are not alone in the galaxy. But he gets the
shock of his life when the residents of Planet 51 mistakenly
believe that his presence is the start of an alien invasion of
the human kind! Luckily, Lem (Justin Long) quickly realizes
that Chuck is friendly and makes it his personal mission to
help him return safely to his ship.
Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Action, Science Fiction 2009 91min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091266
Zorro And The Scarlet Whip
Family, Animated Animals 991min.
Image Ent. 02.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091244
Together Zorro And The Scarlet Whip battle dangerous
criminals, including scientists who attempt to gain control by
harnessing the power of earthquakes, and a town run by a
corrupt mayor and his thugs. It’s up to Zorro And The Scarlet
Whip to thwart these villains and protect the innocent!
Strawberry Shortcake: The
Berryfest Princess
Swashbucklers, Action, Adventure 80min.
Image Ent. 16.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091351
Family, Preschool 64min.
20th Century Fox 03.03.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091122
Tayutama: Kiss On My Deity Complete Collection
Yuuri Mito is a typical, normal Japanese teenager. He goes to
school, works on people’s motorcycles and performs
exorcisms. Okay, that last part’s a bit little unusual, but his
family lives in a shrine and they do that sort of thing. Still, you
would think he’d know enough to be careful with an ancient
relic he finds in the woods, especially when a mysterious
goddess appears and tells him to leave it alone. Unfortunately,
despite Mito’s best efforts, the seal gets broken anyway and a
number of dangerous „tayuti“ that it held in stasis get loose.
This is bad. Mito also ends up with a beautiful goddess girl
who decides that she’s going to marry him. This might not be
so bad. if he wasn’t already caught up in the middle of a war
between the entities he’s released. The flesh may be weak but
the spirit’s more than willing to compensate in Tayutama: Kiss
On My Deity - Complete Collection!
Adventure, Anime, Based On Video Game,
Comedy, Foreign, International TV,
Japanese, Romance 300min.
Section23 Films 16.03.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091143
2012 (Blu-ray)
John Cusack, Woody Harrelson, George
Segal, Amanda Peet, Thandie Newton,
Danny Glover, Oliver Platt, Chiwetel Ejiofor,
Tom McCarthy
From Roland Emmerich, director of The Day After Tomorrow
and Independence Day, comes the ultimate action-adventure
film, exploding with groundbreaking special effects. As the
world faces a catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions, cities
collapse and continents crumble. 2012 brings an end to the
world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors. Starring John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Woody
Harrelson and Danny Glover.
Drama, Action, Apocalyptic Future, Science
Fiction, Thrillers 2009 158min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091199
2012: 2 Disc Edition (Blu-ray)
Tom And Jerry Tales: The
Complete First Season
Comedy, Family, Animated Animals 2006
Warner Bros. 13.04.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091234
Winnie The Pooh: A Valentine
For You - Special Edition
Planet 51
Action, Anime, Cops, Foreign, International
TV, Japanese 2007 300min.
Section23 Films 09.03.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091142
TV Movies, Disney, Family, Holidays,
Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films
1999 50min.
Disney / Buena Vista 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091331
WordWorld: Bear’s Masterpiece
Computer Animation, Educational, Animated
Animals 2007 60min.
NCircle Entertainment 02.03.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091107
You’re Under Arrest!: Full Throttle
John Cusack, Woody Harrelson, George
Segal, Amanda Peet, Thandie Newton,
Danny Glover, Oliver Platt, Chiwetel Ejiofor,
Tom McCarthy
From Roland Emmerich, director of The Day After Tomorrow
and Independence Day, comes the ultimate action-adventure
film, exploding with groundbreaking special effects. As the
world faces a catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions, cities
collapse and continents crumble. 2012 brings an end to the
world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors. Starring John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Woody
Harrelson and Danny Glover.
Drama, Action, Apocalyptic Future, Science
Fiction, Thrillers 2009 158min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091200
20th Century Boys 2: The Last
Action, Adventure, Drama, Foreign,
Japanese min.
Viz Entertainment 16.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091315
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091311
36 (Blu-ray)
Gerard Depardieu, Valeria Golino, Daniel
Thrillers, Cops, Crime, Drama, Foreign,
French, Action 2004 min.
Tartan Video 09.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091260
50 Dead Men Walking
Kevin Zegers, Rose McGowan, Natalie
Press, Ben Kingsley, Jim Sturgess
Thrillers, Action, British, Foreign 2008
Phase 4 Films 26.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091239
50 Dead Men Walking (Blu-ray)
Kevin Zegers, Rose McGowan, Natalie
Press, Ben Kingsley, Jim Sturgess
British, Foreign, Action, Thrillers 2008
Phase 4 Films 26.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091256
Rose Byrne, Hugh Dancy
A delightful romantic story about two strangers in search of
an extraordinary connection. Adam (Dancy) is a brilliant but
awkward astronomy buff, who is drawn out of his sheltered
existence by his beautiful and outgoing new neighbor, Beth
Romance, Art House, Comedy, Drama 2009
20th Century Fox 02.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091121
The African Queen
Katharine Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, Robert Morley, Theodore Bikel, Peter Bull
At the start of World War I, German imperial troops burn
down Reverend Samuel Sayer’s mission in Africa. He is
overtaken with disappointment and passes away. Shortly after
his well-educated, snooty sister Rose Sayer (Hepburn)
buries her brother, she must leave on the only available
transport, a tired river steamboat ‘The African Queen’ manned
by the ill-mannered bachelor, Charlie Allnut (Bogart).
Together they embark on a long difficult journey, without any
comfort. Rose grows determined to assist in the British war
effort and presses Charlie until he finally agrees and together
they steam up the Ulana encountering an enemy fort, raging
rapids, bloodthirsty parasites and endlessly branching stream
which always seem to lead them to what appear to be
impenetrable swamps. Despite opposing personalities, the two
grow closer to each other and ultimately carry out their plan
to take out a German warship.
The African Queen:
Commemorative Box Set
Katharine Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, Robert Morley, Theodore Bikel, Peter Bull
At the start of World War I, German imperial troops burn
down Reverend Samuel Sayer’s mission in Africa. He is
overtaken with disappointment and passes away. Shortly after
his well-educated, snooty sister Rose Sayer (Hepburn)
buries her brother, she must leave on the only available
transport, a tired river steamboat ‘The African Queen’ manned
by the ill-mannered bachelor, Charlie Allnut (Bogart).
Together they embark on a long difficult journey, without any
comfort. Rose grows determined to assist in the British war
effort and presses Charlie until he finally agrees and together
they steam up the Ulana encountering an enemy fort, raging
rapids, bloodthirsty parasites and endlessly branching stream
which always seem to lead them to what appear to be
impenetrable swamps. Despite opposing personalities, the two
grow closer to each other and ultimately carry out their plan
to take out a German warship.
Romance, Academy Award Winners,
Adventure, Classics, Drama 1951 105min.
Paramount Pictures 23.03.2010
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091308
The African Queen:
Commemorative Box Set (Bluray)
Katharine Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, Robert Morley, Theodore Bikel, Peter Bull
At the start of World War I, German imperial troops burn
down Reverend Samuel Sayer’s mission in Africa. He is
overtaken with disappointment and passes away. Shortly after
his well-educated, snooty sister Rose Sayer (Hepburn)
buries her brother, she must leave on the only available
transport, a tired river steamboat ‘The African Queen’ manned
by the ill-mannered bachelor, Charlie Allnut (Bogart).
Together they embark on a long difficult journey, without any
comfort. Rose grows determined to assist in the British war
effort and presses Charlie until he finally agrees and together
they steam up the Ulana encountering an enemy fort, raging
rapids, bloodthirsty parasites and endlessly branching stream
which always seem to lead them to what appear to be
impenetrable swamps. Despite opposing personalities, the two
grow closer to each other and ultimately carry out their plan
to take out a German warship.
Classics, Drama, Academy Award Winners,
Adventure, Romance 1951 105min.
Paramount Pictures 23.03.2010
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091312
Air Bud 2: Golden Receiver Special Edition
Romance, Academy Award Winners,
Adventure, Classics, Drama 1951 FF M
Paramount Pictures 23.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091307
Kevin Zegers, Nora Dunn, Cynthia
Stevenson, Robert Costanzo, Gregory
Harrison, Perry Anzilotti
Sports, Comedy, Family, Football 1998
Disney / Buena Vista 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091318
The African Queen (Blu-ray)
The Alcove
Katharine Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, Robert Morley, Theodore Bikel, Peter Bull
Laura Gemser
At the start of World War I, German imperial troops burn
down Reverend Samuel Sayer’s mission in Africa. He is
overtaken with disappointment and passes away. Shortly after
his well-educated, snooty sister Rose Sayer (Hepburn)
buries her brother, she must leave on the only available
transport, a tired river steamboat ‘The African Queen’ manned
by the ill-mannered bachelor, Charlie Allnut (Bogart).
Together they embark on a long difficult journey, without any
comfort. Rose grows determined to assist in the British war
effort and presses Charlie until he finally agrees and together
they steam up the Ulana encountering an enemy fort, raging
rapids, bloodthirsty parasites and endlessly branching stream
which always seem to lead them to what appear to be
impenetrable swamps. Despite opposing personalities, the two
grow closer to each other and ultimately carry out their plan
to take out a German warship.
Classics, Drama, Academy Award Winners,
Adventure, Romance 1951 105min.
Paramount Pictures 23.03.2010
From the infamous Joe D’Amato - director of such EuroSleaze
classics as Emanuelle In Bangkok and Papaya: Love Goddess
Of The Cannibals - comes perhaps his most sumptuous skin
saga of all! Legendary sex goddess Laura Gemser (Black
Emanuelle) stars as an African princess brought home as a
slave by a 1940s military officer, only to be sucked into a
depraved new world of voyeurism, drugs, pornography,
lesbian seduction, unholy nuns and more.
Erotica, Exploitation, Foreign, Italian 1984
Severin 23.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091295
Almost Famous (Academy Awards
Jason Lee, Philip Seymour Hoffman,
Frances McDormand, Anna Paquin, Noah
Taylor, Kate Hudson, Fairuza Balk, Billy
Crudup, Patrick Fugit
Adored by critics and audiences nationwide, Almost Famous
has been hailed as „the year’s single most entertaining film!“
(Roger Ebert, Ebert & Roeper and the Movies). Writer/
Director Cameron Crowe takes you on a heartfelt journey into
the world of rock and roll in this „delightful coming-of-age
comedy“ (David Ansen, Newsweek). It’s the opportunity of a
lifetime when teenage reporter William Miller lands an
assignment from Rolling Stone magazine. Despite the
objections of his protective mother, William hits the road with
an up-and-coming rock band and finds there’s a lot more to
write home about than the music. This „enormously engaging“
(Jeffrey Lyons, WNBC) film boasts superb performances by
Golden Globe winner Kate Hudson, Frances McDormand,
Billy Crudup, Philip Seymour Hoffman and newcomer Patrick
Fugit. Featuring a classic rock soundtrack with music from
The Who and Elton John, Almost Famous is „an utter delight
from the first frame to fade out“ (Lou Lumenick, New York
Post) and a must-see for every generation.
Music, Academy Award Winners, Drama
2000 min.
DreamWorks Home Ent. 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091359
American Beauty: Special Edition
(Academy Awards O-Sleeve)
Annette Bening, Kevin Spacey, Peter
Gallagher, Mena Suvari, Allison Janney,
Thora Birch, Chris Cooper, Wes Bentley
Academy Award Winners, Drama,
Dysfunctional Families 1999 min.
DreamWorks Home Ent. 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091360
Analyze This / Analyze That
(Double Feature) (Blu-ray)
Billy Crystal, Lisa Kudrow, Robert De Niro,
Chazz Palminteri, Joe Viterelli
Mob boss Paul Vitti’s going a little wacky. His shrink’s afraid
of getting whacked. Think you got troubles? Robert De Niro
plays the troubled crime-family racketeer and Billy Crystal is
Ben Sobel, the psychiatrist with just a few days to turn Vitti
into a happy, well-adjusted gangster in Analyze This, the
drop-dead funny comedy from Caddyshack director Harold
Ramis. Stars and director reteam to prove laughter is still the
best therapy in Analyze That. This time, Vitti is released from
Sing Sing into the custody of his therapist. Can jittery Ben
help Vitti find gainful employment? Can he even believe Vitti’s
gone legit when guys like Lou the Wrench keep showing up?
You think you got troubles? Fuhgedaboudit!
Comedy, Double Features 199min.
Warner Bros. 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091237
Angus, Thongs And Perfect
Georgia Groome, Aaron Johnson
British, Comedy, Drama, Family, Foreign
2008 100min.
Paramount Pictures 19.01.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091076
The Anna The Pleasure Torment
Edwige Fenech, Richard Conte, John
Richardson, Corrado Pani
International sex symbol Edwige Fenech stars as Anna, a girl
as beautiful as she is naïve, who falls into an abusive
relationship with international crime boss Guido. He soon
forces Anna deep into the abyss of depravity, violence and
prostitution and, looking to start a new life, she escapes from
Guido and seeks the help of Lorenzo, a sensitive doctor. But
Guido finds her and wants revenge on the woman whose life
he has so ruthlessly controlled for so long. In the end, Anna
has no choice left but to face her wicked tormenter and fight
him with all her strength.
Crime, Drama, Erotica, Foreign, Italian 1973
Mya Communication 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091276
Anti-Terrorist Cell: Checkmate
Terrorism, Action, Adventure, Drama 93min.
Morningstar Entertainment 16.03.2010
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091103
Messing, Jacqueline Bisset, Jeremy Sisto
The Baby Formula
Megan Fahlenbock, Angela Vint
In this feisty, fun and fantastical comedy two women in love
become pregnant at the same time (with sperm created from
one another’s stem cells) and embark on a wild adventure with a bit of unexpected family drama as their parents respond
to the news! Featuring a pair of tremendous performances
from co-stars Megan Fahlenbock and Angela Vint, The Baby
Formula is a hilarious and unique movie. Amidst all the laughs
The Baby Formula is as poignant and uplifting as a newborn
babe (or two)!
Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2008
Wolfe Video 09.03.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091077
Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call New
Eva Mendes, Nicolas Cage, Val Kilmer
Crime, Drama 2009 121min.
First Look Home Entertainment 06.04.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091127
Lisa Kudrow, Vanessa Hudgens, Aly
Michalka, Scott Porter, Gaelan Connell
Vanessa Hudgens, Aly Michalka, Gaelan Connell and Lisa
Kudrow star in a comedy about following dreams and doing
what scares you. Ultra-popular Charlotte (Michalka) is
determined to face-off against her ex at the country’s biggest
music competition. She just needs a band. Newcomer Will
(Connell) knows more about musicians than anyone. He just
needs a friend. And, rebel guitar player Sa5m (Hudgens) has
a wicked voice but needs someone to believe in her. Together,
this unlikely trio will take on Bandslam in a way no one
thought possible.
Music, Comedy, Drama, Family 2009 111min.
Summit Entertainment 16.03.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091202
Battle Girl: The Living Dead In
Tokyo Bay
Science Fiction, Zombies, Action, Cult Film /
TV, Foreign, Horror, Japanese, Killer
Beauties 1991 74min.
Synapse Films 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091298
Jamie Bamber, Mary McDonnell, Tricia Helfer, Katee Sackhoff, Grace Park, Edward
James Olmos, Michael Hogan, James Callis,
Aaron Douglas
Drama, Intergalactic War, Science Fiction,
Action, Adventure 2005 min.
Universal Studios 06.04.2010
135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091292
The Bible Stories: Esther
Jurgen Prochnow, Louise Lombard, F.
Murray Abraham, Thomas Kretschmann
Rescuing God’s people from destruction, Esther is a symbol
of hope, the virtue that gives men and women strength in the
darkest moments, and which, for the Bible, is founded on
God’s promise. Starring Louise Lombard (CSI: Crime Scene
Investigation), F. Murray Abraham (Amadeus), Thomas
Kretschmann (Valkyrie) and Jurgen Prochnow (The Da Vinci
Code). Approximately 90 minutes.
Religion/Spirituality, Historical / Period Piece
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091075
The Bible Stories: Jesus
Gary Oldman, Armin Mueller Stahl, Debra
cutting edge saga of the MacManus brothers (Norman
Reedus, Sean Patrick Flanery). The two have been in deep
hiding with their father, Il Duce (Billy Connolly), in the quiet
valleys of Ireland, far removed from their former vigilante
lives. When word comes that a beloved priest has been killed
by sinister forces from deep within the mob, the brothers
return to Boston to mount a violent and bloody crusade to
bring justice to those responsible. With a new partner in
crime (Clifton Collins Jr., Star Trek) and a sexy FBI operative (Julie Benz, TV’s Dexter) hot on their trail... the Saints
are back!
Religion/Spirituality, Historical / Period Piece
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091074
Drama, Action, Thrillers 2009 117min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091269
Bitch Slap: Unrated
Cameron Diaz, Frank Langella, James
Marsden, James Rebhorn, Holmes Osborne
Mystery, Thrillers, Horror 2009 116min.
Warner Bros. 23.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091272
A modern throwback to the „B“ movie exploitation films of the
50’s-70’s, mixing beautiful women, fast cars, big guns, nasty
tongues, outrageous action, and jaw-dropping eye candy. The
movie follows three bad girls, a down-and-out stripper, a drug
running killer, and a corporate power broker as they arrive at
a remote desert hideaway to extort massive booty from an
underworld kingpin.
Action, Comedy, Exploitation, Killer
Beauties 2009 109min.
20th Century Fox 02.03.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091302
Boogie Nights (Blu-ray)
Mark Wahlberg, Burt Reynolds, William H.
Macy, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Heather
Graham, Nicole Parker, Julianne Moore,
John C. Reilly, Don Cheadle
From writer/director P.T. Anderson comes the turbulent behind
the scenes story of an extended family of filmmakers who set
out to revolutionize the adult entertainment industry in the
seventies. Idealistic producer Jack Horner (Burt Reynolds)
has always dreamed of elevating his films into an art form.
When he discovers young actor Eddie Adams (Mark Wahlberg), Jack begins to turn his dreams into reality. Under the
stage name of Dirk Diggler, Eddie soon gives the adult
entertainment world a star the likes of which it has never
seen. But the rise to fame has its costs, and soon Dirk finds
himself sliding down the slippery slope of sex, drugs and
violence. The only question: can he get himself back together
before it’s too late?
Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Epics, Art
House 1997 155min.
New Line Home Entertainment 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091291
The Boondock Saints II: All
Saints Day
Battlestar Galactica (2004):
Season 2 (Blu-ray)
Jeremy Sisto stars as the son of God in this 174 minute
production that vividly explores the life and mission of Jesus
of Nazareth. Epic in scale and featuring a strong supporting
cast (Gary Oldman, Debra Messing, Jacqueline Bisset, Luca
Zingaretti, Jeroen Krabbe, Armin Mueller-Stahl and David
O’Hara), this drama traces Jesus’ journey from simple
carpenter to spiritual leader, philosopher and martyr-focusing
on his compassionate teachings as well as his relationships
with Mary, Joseph, his apostles, persecutors, and the
heavenly father.
Judd Nelson, Sean Patrick Flanery, Bob
Marley, Julie Benz, Peter Fonda, Billy
Connolly, Norman Reedus, David Ferry,
Brian Mahoney
From Troy Duffy, writer and director of The Boondock Saints,
comes the much anticipated sequel to the tough, stylized
cutting edge saga of the MacManus brothers (Norman
Reedus, Sean Patrick Flanery). The two have been in deep
hiding with their father, Il Duce (Billy Connolly), in the quiet
valleys of Ireland, far removed from their former vigilante
lives. When word comes that a beloved priest has been killed
by sinister forces from deep within the mob, the brothers
return to Boston to mount a violent and bloody crusade to
bring justice to those responsible. With a new partner in
crime (Clifton Collins Jr., Star Trek) and a sexy FBI operative (Julie Benz, TV’s Dexter) hot on their trail... the Saints
are back!
Thrillers, Action, Drama 2009 117min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091265
The Boondock Saints II: All
Saints Day (Blu-ray)
Judd Nelson, Sean Patrick Flanery, Bob
Marley, Julie Benz, Peter Fonda, Billy
Connolly, Norman Reedus, David Ferry,
Brian Mahoney
From Troy Duffy, writer and director of The Boondock Saints,
comes the much anticipated sequel to the tough, stylized
The Box
The Box (Blu-ray)
Cameron Diaz, Frank Langella, James
Marsden, James Rebhorn, Holmes Osborne
Horror, Mystery, Thrillers 2009 116min.
Warner Bros. 23.02.2010
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091288
This collection of popular gay short films includes two awardwinning short musicals: Fairies directed by Tom Gustafsen,
which was the basis for the hit movie Were The World Mine,
and the colorful and romantic Boycrazy plus four other
acclaimed shorts: Teddy, a wistful story of a man trying to win
back his ex lover; The Back Room, the surprising story of
unexpected romance between two art lovers; Frequent
Traveler, about a man with a crush on an airport guard; and
Dish, a look at a kids bragging via text message.
Musical, Short Film Collections, Drama, Gay
/ Lesbian Interest 98min.
Wolfe Video 06.04.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091300
Braveheart: Special Collector’s
Edition (Academy Awards OSleeve)
Mel Gibson, Catherine McCormack, Sophie
Marceau, Patrick McGoohan
Braveheart, Mel Gibson’s richly detailed, Academy Awardwinning saga of fierce combat, tender love and the will to risk
it all for freedom, is now a digitally remastered, two-disc
Special Collector’s Edition DVD bursting with dynamic new
special features. In an emotionally charged performance,
Gibson is William Wallace, a bold Scotsman who used the
steel of his blade and the fire of his intellect to rally his
countrymen to liberation from the English occupation of
Scotland. Winner of five Oscars, including Best Picture of
1995, Best Director (Gibson), Best Cinematography, Best
Makeup and Best Sound Effects Editing, Braveheart.
Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top
100, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period
Piece, Medieval Times 1995 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091361
Breaking Bad: The Complete First
Season (Blu-ray)
Anna Gunn, Betsy Brandt, Bryan Cranston,
Aaron Paul, Dean Norris
Popular water-cooler drama about an unremarkable and
uncharismatic chemistry teacher, Walter, who discovers new
passion in his life after he learns he has terminal cancer.
Once a successful chemist, Walter now teaches apathetic
high school students and works part-time at a car wash to
help support his family - wife Skyler, who earns a modest
income buying and selling items on eBay, and son Walter, Jr.,
a strong-willed 17-year-old suffering from cerebral palsy.
Realizing he has nothing but his family left to live for,
Walter’s new sense of purpose reinvigorates him into a man
of action as he turns to an exciting life of crime to provide for
the ones he loves.
2009 Emmy Winners 2008 346min.
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091198
Breaking Bad: The Complete Second Season
Anna Gunn, Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul
Popular water-cooler drama about an unremarkable and
uncharismatic chemistry teacher, Walter, who discovers new
passion in his life after he learns he has terminal cancer.
Now that they’ve launched their drug business, there’s no
turning back for Walt and his young partner, Jesse. Using
Walt’s knowledge of chemistry to cook up high-grade
methamphetamine to pay for Walt’s cancer treatments, the pair
is thrust into a netherworld of murder, mayhem and the twin
threats of exposure and arrest. Amid suspicions about her
husband’s fidelity, Walt’s wife Skyler faces an unexpected
pregnancy and a grim financial outlook that forces her back to
work for a boss she once threatened to sue for sexual
harassment. The prospect of leaving his family penniless
catapults Walt headlong into the deal to end all deals,
elevating his reputation in the eyes of criminals and cops
alike, but bringing him and Jesse to the brink of disaster while
potentially making them rich beyond anything they could have
dreamed up.
Drama 2009 615min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091195
Drama, Art House 2009 80min.
MPI 16.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091193
Tom Hardy
Anna Gunn, Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul
Popular water-cooler drama about an unremarkable and
uncharismatic chemistry teacher, Walter, who discovers new
passion in his life after he learns he has terminal cancer.
Now that they’ve launched their drug business, there’s no
turning back for Walt and his young partner, Jesse. Using
Walt’s knowledge of chemistry to cook up high-grade
methamphetamine to pay for Walt’s cancer treatments, the pair
is thrust into a netherworld of murder, mayhem and the twin
threats of exposure and arrest. Amid suspicions about her
husband’s fidelity, Walt’s wife Skyler faces an unexpected
pregnancy and a grim financial outlook that forces her back to
work for a boss she once threatened to sue for sexual
harassment. The prospect of leaving his family penniless
catapults Walt headlong into the deal to end all deals,
elevating his reputation in the eyes of criminals and cops
alike, but bringing him and Jesse to the brink of disaster while
potentially making them rich beyond anything they could have
dreamed up.
Drama 2009 615min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091197
Brief Interviews With Hideous
Timothy Hutton, Julianne Nicholson, Frankie
Faison, Will Arnett, John Krasinski, Christopher Meloni, Bobby Cannavale, Lou Taylor
Pucci, Dominic Cooper, Will Forte, Ben
Shenkman, Chris Messina, Max Minghella,
Michael Cerveris
John Krasinski of The Office makes his acclaimed directorial
debut with this adaptation of the book by David Foster
Wallace. After being abruptly dumped by her boyfriend, a
graduate student (Julianne Nicholson of Law & Order:
Criminal Intent) decides to interview a series of men about
their reasons for behaving badly. What follows is an intimate
portrait of the male species at their best, worst and most
hilariously complex, confessing their desires, failures,
frustrations and resentments. Academy Award winner Timothy
Hutton, Will Arnett (Arrested Development), Bobby
Cannavale (Will & Grace), Will Forte (SNL), Christopher
Meloni (Law & Order: SVU), Chris Messina (Julie & Julia),
Michael Cerveris (Fringe), Frankie Faison (The Wire) and
Krasinski himself star as just some of the interviewees in this
darkly funny and savagely enlightening comedy/drama that
electrified audiences at Sundance.
Brief Interviews With Hideous
Men (Blu-ray)
John Krasinski of The Office makes his acclaimed directorial
debut with this adaptation of the book by David Foster
Wallace. After being abruptly dumped by her boyfriend, a
graduate student (Julianne Nicholson of Law & Order:
Criminal Intent) decides to interview a series of men about
their reasons for behaving badly. What follows is an intimate
portrait of the male species at their best, worst and most
hilariously complex, confessing their desires, failures,
frustrations and resentments. Academy Award winner Timothy
Hutton, Will Arnett (Arrested Development), Bobby
Cannavale (Will & Grace), Will Forte (SNL), Christopher
Meloni (Law & Order: SVU), Chris Messina (Julie & Julia),
Michael Cerveris (Fringe), Frankie Faison (The Wire) and
Krasinski himself star as just some of the interviewees in this
darkly funny and savagely enlightening comedy/drama that
electrified audiences at Sundance.
Breaking Bad: The Complete Second Season (Blu-ray)
Art House, Drama 2009 80min.
MPI 16.03.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091187
Timothy Hutton, Julianne Nicholson, Frankie
Faison, Will Arnett, John Krasinski, Christopher Meloni, Bobby Cannavale, Lou Taylor
Pucci, Dominic Cooper, Will Forte, Ben
Shenkman, Chris Messina, Max Minghella,
Michael Cerveris
In 1974, a misguided 19-year-old named Michael Peterson
(Tom Hardy) decided he wanted to make a name for himself
and so, with a homemade sawed-off shotgun and a head full of
dreams, he attempted to rob a post office. Swiftly apprehended
and originally sentenced to seven years in jail, Peterson has
subsequently been behind bars for 34 years, 30 of which have
been spent in solitary confinement. Shot from an intelligent,
provocative and stylized approach, Bronson follows the
metamorphosis of Mickey Peterson, who nicknamed himself
Charles Bronson, into Britain’s most dangerous prisoner.
Prison, Thrillers, Action, Biography,
Biopics, British, Crime, Drama, Foreign
2008 93min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 09.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091084
Bronson (Blu-ray)
Tom Hardy
In 1974, a misguided 19-year-old named Michael Peterson
(Tom Hardy) decided he wanted to make a name for himself
and so, with a homemade sawed-off shotgun and a head full of
dreams, he attempted to rob a post office. Swiftly apprehended
and originally sentenced to seven years in jail, Peterson has
subsequently been behind bars for 34 years, 30 of which have
been spent in solitary confinement. Shot from an intelligent,
provocative and stylized approach, Bronson follows the
metamorphosis of Mickey Peterson, who nicknamed himself
Charles Bronson, into Britain’s most dangerous prisoner.
Prison, Thrillers, British, Crime, Drama,
Foreign, Action, Biography, Biopics 2008
Magnolia Home Entertainment 09.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091099
Action, Foreign, Japanese, Martial Arts
Section23 Films 09.03.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091141
Circle Of Eight
DJ Qualls
Thrillers, Horror 2009 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091136
Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire’s
Salma Hayek, John C. Reilly, Ken
Watanabe, Josh Hutcherson, Orlando
Jones, Patrick Fugit, Ray Stevenson, Chris
Thrillers, Vampires, Adventure, Comedy,
Fantasy, Horror 2009 109min.
Universal Studios 23.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091087
Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire’s
Assistant (Blu-ray)
Salma Hayek, John C. Reilly, Ken
Watanabe, Josh Hutcherson, Orlando
Jones, Patrick Fugit, Ray Stevenson, Chris
Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Adventure, Thrillers, Vampires 2009 109min.
Universal Studios 23.02.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091100
Collateral (Blu-ray)
Bruce McGill, Jada Pinkett Smith, Tom
Cruise, Jamie Foxx, Mark Ruffalo, Peter
Vincent (Tom Cruise) is a cool, calculating contract killer at
the top of his game. max (Jamie Foxx) is a cabbie with big
dreams and little to show for it. Now, Max has to transport
Vincent on his next job - one night, five stops, five hits and a
getaway. And after this fateful night, neither man will ever be
the same again. Tonight everything is changing...
Crime, Drama, Thrillers 2004 120min.
DreamWorks Home Ent. 30.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091313
The Brotherhood V Alumni
A year after a mean-spirited prom prank turned deadly, the
most popular students of Sunnydale High are summoned back
for a surprise reunion, only to find themselves at the mercy of
a relentless killer. Directed by David DeCoteau.
Vampires, Horror 86min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091179
Bushido: The Cruel Code Of The
Bushido, a.k.a. „The Way of the Warrior“ is the chivalrous
code of the samurai that has influenced the Japanese way-oflife for centuries. This epic film spans several generations of
a typical samurai family, and illustrates the intricate system of
loyalty, honor and sacrifice which bound the samurai in ages
past, and which, in many ways, persists to this very day.
Action, Adventure, Foreign, Japanese,
Martial Arts 1963 123min.
AnimEigo 09.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091222
Buyusenki Battle Chronicle
Mix motorcycles, drugs and yakuza under pressure and the
result is bosozoku, the brutal motorized street gangs that
terrorize Japan armed with swords and baseball bats.
Kyosuke Jinnai was the leader of the „Buyusenki,“ the largest
group of its kind in the Kanto region, but sick of the violence,
he had planned to give it all up to make a family with his
pregnant girlfriend. Instead, all of that was stolen from him in
a moment of savage betrayal, and the man who dreamed of a
life of peace has instead been transformed into an angel of
death! The streets of Japan will be paved with blood in
Buyusenki Battle Chronicle!
When Jim Mathews, a sales rep for a genetic design firm,
gets caught cheating on his wife she doses him with an
experimental serum, causing his limbs to fall off and turn into
a pack of bloodthirsty monsters. Thus forming a „Colony.“ To
satisfy his unnatural hunger, Jim preys on hot young women.
Serial Killers, Thrillers, Horror 83min.
Sub Rosa Studios 02.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091080
Comedy Collector’s Set Volume
2: Matthau & Lemmon
Grumpy Old Men icons Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon light
up the screen in this family drama collector’s set. Featuring
films Incident in a Small Town, The Long Way Home, Mrs.
Lambert Remembers Love and Pals.
Collections, Comedy, Drama 366min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091118
Couples Retreat
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau, Jean Reno,
Faizon Love, Kristen Bell, Malin Akerman,
Kristen Davis, Kali Hawk, Jason Bateman,
Peter Serafinowicz
Comedy, Marriage Woes 2009 114min.
Universal Studios 09.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091069
Couples Retreat (Blu-ray)
Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau, Jean Reno,
Faizon Love, Kristen Bell, Malin Akerman,
Kristen Davis, Kali Hawk, Jason Bateman,
Peter Serafinowicz
Comedy, Marriage Woes 2009 114min.
Universal Studios 09.02.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091072
The Craving Heart
Scientist, Alexander Tom thought he had it all, great wife,
great house, career... that was until the death of his best
friend and a random affair with an anonymous woman force him
to re-evaluate all the things he held to be true.
Mystery, Thrillers 2008 85min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091203
The Curious Case Of Benjamin
Button (Academy Awards OSleeve)
Cate Blanchett, Brad Pitt, Elias Koteas,
Jason Flemyng, Tilda Swinton, Julia
Ormond, Taraji P. Henson
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, the Academy Awardwinning film starring Brad Pitt as a man who is born in his
eighties and ages backward, and Cate Blanchett as the
woman he is destined to love forever. The Curious Case Of
Benjamin Button is a monumental journey - as unusual as it is
epic - that follows Benjamin’s remarkable adventure of
romance and redemption from the end of World War I through
the twenty-first century. Winner of three Academy Awards,
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is „one of the best
movies of the decade!“ (Karen Durbin, Elle.
Romance, Academy Award Winners, Drama, Epics, Fantasy, Historical / Period
Piece 2008 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091362
The Curious Case Of Benjamin
Button: The Criterion Collection
(Academy Awards O-Sleeve) (Bluray)
Elias Koteas, Jason Flemyng, Cate
Blanchett, Julia Ormond, Taraji P. Henson,
Brad Pitt
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, adapted from the
1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man who is born in
his eighties and ages backwards: a man, like any of us, who
is unable to stop time. We follow his story, set in New Orleans, from the end of World War I in 1918 into the 21st century,
following his journey that is as unusual as any man’s life can
be. Directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt and
Cate Blanchett with Taraji P. Henson, Tilda Swinton, Jason
Flemyng, Elias Koteas and Julia Ormond, Benjamin Button.
Criterion Collection, Drama, Epics, Fantasy,
Historical / Period Piece, Academy Award
Winners, Romance 2008 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091377
The Damned United
Colm Meaney, Jim Broadbent, Timothy Spall,
Michael Sheen, Henry Goodman
From the Academy Award-nominated writer of The Queen and
Frost/Nixon, The Damned United is based on the incredible
true story of Brian Clough, one of England’s greatest soccer
managers and his 44 controversial days at the helm of
reigning champs Leeds United. Michael Sheen (Frost/Nixon,
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans and Twilight Saga: New
Moon) triumphs as Clough starring alongside a winning
ensemble cast that includes Timothy Spall (Harry Potter and
the Goblet of Fire), Colm Meaney (Layer Cake) and Jim
Broadbent (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince). This
inspiring and humorous sports drama is about the power of
friendship in the face of adversity and the stubborn will of one
man to play by his own rules.
Biopics, Drama, Historical / Period Piece
2009 195min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091073
The Damned United (Blu-ray)
Colm Meaney, Jim Broadbent, Timothy Spall,
Michael Sheen, Henry Goodman
From the Academy Award-nominated writer of The Queen and
Frost/Nixon, The Damned United is based on the incredible
true story of Brian Clough, one of England’s greatest soccer
managers and his 44 controversial days at the helm of
reigning champs Leeds United. Michael Sheen (Frost/Nixon,
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans and Twilight Saga: New
Moon) triumphs as Clough starring alongside a winning
ensemble cast that includes Timothy Spall (Harry Potter and
the Goblet of Fire), Colm Meaney (Layer Cake) and Jim
Broadbent (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince). This
inspiring and humorous sports drama is about the power of
friendship in the face of adversity and the stubborn will of one
man to play by his own rules.
Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Biopics
2009 195min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091095
Emmy Rossum, Sandra Bernhard, Ana
Gasteyer, Rooney Mara, Ashley Springer,
Alan Cumming, Zach Gilford
Emmy Rossum (The Phantom Of The Opera), Zach Gilford
(TV’s Friday Night Lights) and Ashley Springer (Teeth) head
up a stellar cast including Ana Gasteyer (Mean Girls),
Rooney Mara (A Nightmare On Elm Street), comedienne
Sandra Bernhard (TV’s Roseanne) and Alan Cumming (X2: XMen United) in this captivating story of high school seniors at
the crossroads of their adult lives. When a pompous actor
tells good girl Alexa (Rossum) that she hasn’t lived, she
embarks on a bold journey that takes her to mysterious bad
boy Johnny (Gilford). Envious, her shy best friend Ben
(Springer) also dares to pursue Johnny, complicating Alexa’s
romance and pushing the boundaries among the three friends.
Troubled Youth, Drama, High School 2009
Ltbx DD 5.1 91min.
Image Ent. 09.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091248
Dare (Blu-ray)
Emmy Rossum, Sandra Bernhard, Ana
Gasteyer, Rooney Mara, Ashley Springer,
Alan Cumming, Zach Gilford
Emmy Rossum (The Phantom Of The Opera), Zach Gilford
(TV’s Friday Night Lights) and Ashley Springer (Teeth) head
up a stellar cast including Ana Gasteyer (Mean Girls),
Rooney Mara (A Nightmare On Elm Street), comedienne
Sandra Bernhard (TV’s Roseanne) and Alan Cumming (X2: XMen United) in this captivating story of high school seniors at
the crossroads of their adult lives. When a pompous actor
tells good girl Alexa (Rossum) that she hasn’t lived, she
embarks on a bold journey that takes her to mysterious bad
boy Johnny (Gilford). Envious, her shy best friend Ben
(Springer) also dares to pursue Johnny, complicating Alexa’s
romance and pushing the boundaries among the three friends.
Drama, High School, Troubled Youth 2009
Image Ent. 09.02.2010
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091258
Dirty Harry / Magnum Force
(Double Feature) (Blu-ray)
Clint Eastwood
Action, Classics, Cops, Cops On The Edge,
Crime, Detectives, Double Features 226min.
Warner Bros. 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091229
Doctor Zhivago: Anniversary Edi-
Rod Steiger, Alec Guinness, Omar Sharif,
Ralph Richardson, Geraldine Chaplin, Julie
Christie, Rita Tushingham, Tom Courtenay,
Siobhan McKenna
Romance, Academy Award Winners,
Affairs/Love Triangles, Classics, Drama,
Epics, Historical / Period Piece 1965
Warner Bros. 04.05.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091330
Doctor Zhivago: Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray)
Rod Steiger, Alec Guinness, Omar Sharif,
Ralph Richardson, Geraldine Chaplin, Julie
Christie, Rita Tushingham, Tom Courtenay,
Siobhan McKenna
Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period
Piece, Academy Award Winners, Affairs/
Love Triangles, Romance 1965 191min.
Warner Bros. 04.05.2010
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091346
Jill Marie Jones, Laura Harring
Part Thelma & Louise and part Little Miss Sunshine, Drool is
an irreverent dark comedy with delightful performances from
bombshells Laura Harring and Jill Marie Jones. With an
abusive husband, ungrateful kids and nothing else going for
her, Anora’s life is rough. Things start looking up when she
gets very friendly with her new neighbor, Imogene...until
Anora’s husband walks in on them and ends up dead in a
freak, yet karmically just, accident. The ladies hit the open
road with the kids in the car and Daddy in the trunk...
Road Trips, Comedy, Dark Comedy 2009
Strand Releasing 23.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091353
The Duchess (Academy Awards
Ralph Fiennes, Charlotte Rampling, Keira
Knightley, Hayley Atwell, Simon McBurney,
Dominic Cooper
Academy Award nominees Keira Knightley and Ralph Fiennes
star in The Duchess: the compelling true story of a lavish
world filled with smoldering passion, heartbreaking deception
and stifling demands. Beloved by a nation but betrayed by her
husband, Georgiana Spencer - the Duchess of Devonshire
and „Empress of Fashion“ - faced an agonizing choice
between responsibility and love. This gripping portrayal of
England’s „It Girl“ has won acclaim from audiences and critics
alike. She was vivacious. She was heroic. She was The
Academy Award Winners, Art House, British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period
Piece 2008 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091363
The Duchess (Academy Awards
O-Sleeve) (Blu-ray)
Ralph Fiennes, Charlotte Rampling, Keira
Knightley, Hayley Atwell, Dominic Cooper
Academy Award nominees Keira Knightley and Ralph Fiennes
star in The Duchess: the compelling true story of a lavish
world filled with smoldering passion, heartbreaking deception
and stifling demands. Beloved by a nation but betrayed by her
husband, Georgiana Spencer - the Duchess of Devonshire
and „Empress of Fashion“ - faced an agonizing choice
between responsibility and love. This gripping portrayal of
England’s „It Girl“ has won acclaim from audiences and critics
alike. She was vivacious. She was heroic. She was The
British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period
Piece, Academy Award Winners, Art House
2008 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091378
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Januar 2010
Seite 38
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Emergency!: Season Six
Freeway Killer
Julie London, Kevin Tighe, Randolph
Drama, On The Job 1976 min.
Universal Studios 13.04.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091306
Michael Rooker, Helen Wilson, Scott Leet,
Cole Williams, James Babson
Everybody’s Fine
Sam Rockwell, Drew Barrymore, Kate
Beckinsale, Robert De Niro
Robert DeNiro leads an acclaimed all-star cast - Drew
Barrymore, Kate Beckinsale and Sam Rockwell - in
Everybody’s Fine, the heartwarming film that will move you to
laughter and tears. When Frank Goode’s (DeNiro) grown
children cancel a family reunion, the recent widower sets off
on a cross-country journey to reconnect with each of them.
Expecting to share in the joys of their happy, successful lives,
his surprise visits reveal a picture that’s far from perfect. A
family separated by physical and emotional distance finds a
way to come together in a story that will touch your heart.
Road Trips, Drama, Family, Family
Relationships 2009 100min.
Miramax 23.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091352
Serial Killers, Thrillers, Crime, Horror 2009
Image Ent. 16.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091350
Freeway Killer (Blu-ray)
Michael Rooker, Helen Wilson, Scott Leet,
Cole Williams, James Babson
Falcon Crest: The Complete First
Jane Wyman, Susan Sullivan, David Selby,
Lorenzo Lamas
CBS, Drama, Soap Opera 1981 min.
Warner Bros. 20.04.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091347
Flash Forward: Part One - Season
Peyton List, John Cho, Dominic Monaghan,
Jack Davenport, Joseph Fiennes, Courtney
B. Vance, Zachary Knighton
Thrillers, ABC, Drama, Mystery, Science
Fiction 2009 min.
Disney / Buena Vista 23.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091189
Forrest Gump: Special Collector’s
Edition (Academy Awards OSleeve)
Tom Hanks, Gary Sinise, Mykelti Williamson,
Sally Field, Robin Wright Penn
Forrest Gump is the movie triumph that became a phenomenon.
Tom Hanks gives an astonishing performance as Forrest, an
everyman whose simple innocence comes to embody a
generation. The winner of six Academy Awards®, including
Best Picture, Best Director (Robert Zemeckis) and Best Actor
(Tom Hanks).
Romance, Tearjerkers, Academy Award
Winners, AFI Top 100, Drama, Epics,
Historical / Period Piece 1994 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091364
The Fourth Kind
Elias Koteas, Milla Jovovich, Will Patton,
Corey Johnson, Enzo Cilenti, Olatunde
Osunsanmi, Olatunde Osunsanmi
Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Aliens
2009 Ltbx 16x9 98min.
Universal Studios 16.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091282
The Fourth Kind (Blu-ray)
Elias Koteas, Milla Jovovich, Will Patton,
Corey Johnson, Enzo Cilenti, Olatunde
Osunsanmi, Olatunde Osunsanmi
Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Aliens
2009 98min.
Universal Studios 16.03.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091293
For years he terrorized California motorists as he rode the
endless highways searching for his next victim. The
discarded bodies turned up beaten, sexually assaulted and
horribly mutilated. Deceptively charming and intelligent, the
scheming murderer easily avoided police at first. But as
police closed in and the killer’s pattern grew more erratic, the
only question was how many more will die? Find out in this
chilling true story of one of our most notorious serial killers,
William Bonin aka the Freeway Killer, whose poisoned mind
struck terror into an entire nation.
For years he terrorized California motorists as he rode the
endless highways searching for his next victim. The
discarded bodies turned up beaten, sexually assaulted and
horribly mutilated. Deceptively charming and intelligent, the
scheming murderer easily avoided police at first. But as
police closed in and the killer’s pattern grew more erratic, the
only question was how many more will die? Find out in this
chilling true story of one of our most notorious serial killers,
William Bonin aka the Freeway Killer, whose poisoned mind
struck terror into an entire nation.
Crime, Horror, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2009
Image Ent. 16.02.2010
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091375
Gentlemen Broncos
Jennifer Coolidge, Mike White, Michael
Angarano, Jemaine Clement
Mount your battle stag, grab a popcorn ball and get ready to
laugh your head off at Gentlemen Broncos! The director of
Napoleon Dynamite (Jared Hess) and co-star of Flight Of The
Conchords (Jemaine Clement) team up to bring you the story
of Benjamin Purvis (Michael Angarano), a lovable loner
whose life is turned upside down when a pretentious fantasy
author steals his story at a writers camp. Jennifer Coolidge
(American Pie) and Mike White (School Of Rock) join a
hysterical cast of oddball characters in this „fun, quirky
comedy.“ (People)
Comedy 2009 90min.
20th Century Fox 02.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091301
Gentlemen Broncos (Blu-ray)
Jennifer Coolidge, Mike White, Michael
Angarano, Jemaine Clement
Mount your battle stag, grab a popcorn ball and get ready to
laugh your head off at Gentlemen Broncos! The director of
Napoleon Dynamite (Jared Hess) and co-star of Flight Of The
Conchords (Jemaine Clement) team up to bring you the story
of Benjamin Purvis (Michael Angarano), a lovable loner
whose life is turned upside down when a pretentious fantasy
author steals his story at a writers camp. Jennifer Coolidge
(American Pie) and Mike White (School Of Rock) join a
hysterical cast of oddball characters in this „fun, quirky
comedy.“ (People)
Comedy 2009 90min.
20th Century Fox 02.03.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091310
Ghost (Academy Awards OSleeve) (Blu-ray)
Whoopi Goldberg, Demi Moore, Patrick
Swayze, Tony Goldwyn
One of the most memorable romantic films ever and winner of
two Academy Awards®, Sam (Patrick Swayze, living as a
ghost, discovers his death wasn’t just a random robbery gone
bad. To help him reconnect with the love of his life, Molly
(Demi Moore), and solve his murder, he enlists he talents of a
skeptical psychic (Oscar®-winner Whoopi Goldberg), who
doesn’t even believe her own abilities. Ghost is a
supernatural mystery-thriller that will cross over into your
heart and never leave.
Drama, Fantasy, Ghosts, Academy Award
Winners, AFI Top 100, Romance,
Tearjerkers, Thrillers 1990 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091379
Ghost: Special Collector’s Edition
(Academy Awards O-Sleeve)
Whoopi Goldberg, Demi Moore, Patrick
Swayze, Tony Goldwyn
One of the most memorable romantic films ever and winner of
two Academy Awards, Sam (Patrick Swayze), living as a
ghost, discovers his death wasn’t just a random robbery gone
bad. To help him reconnect with the love of his life, Molly
(Demi Moore), and solve his own murder, he enlists the
talents of a skeptical psychic (Oscar-winner Whoopi Goldberg), who doesn’t even believe her own abilities. Ghost is a
supernatural mystery-thriller that will cross over into your
heart and never leave.
Romance, Tearjerkers, Thrillers, Academy
Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Drama,
Fantasy, Ghosts 1990 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091365
Gladiator (Academy Awards OSleeve)
Russell Crowe, Djimon Hounsou, Oliver
Reed, Connie Nielsen, Richard Harris,
Derek Jacobi, Joaquin Phoenix
Winner of five Academy Awards, including Best Picture and
Best Actor, Gladiator is a dazzling combination of vivid action
and extraordinary storytelling. Discover the unparalleled
power of Gladiator, masterfully directed by Ridley Scott
(Alien, Blade Runner), and featuring a riveting performance
from Russell Crowe, hailed by Newsweek as „a genuine
larger-than-life hero!“
Revenge, Academy Award Winners, Action, Ancient Greece / Rome, Drama, Epics,
Historical / Period Piece, War 2000 min.
DreamWorks Home Ent. 02.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091366
The Godfather: Part II - The
Coppola Restoration (Academy
Awards O-Sleeve)
Robert Duvall, Al Pacino, Diane Keaton,
Talia Shire, Mariana Hill, Morgana King,
Robert De Niro, John Cazale, Lee Strasberg
In what is undeniably one of the best sequels ever made,
Francis Ford Coppola continues his epic Godfather trilogy
with this saga of two generations of power within the
Corleone family. Coppola, working once again with the author
Mario Puzo, crafts two interwoven stories that work as both
prequel and sequel to the original. One shows the humble
Sicilian beginnings and New York rise of a young Don Vito,
not played in an Oscar-winning performance for Best
Supporting Actor by Robert De Niro. The other shows the
ascent of Michael (Al Pacino) as the new Don. Reassembling
many of the cast member who help make The Godfather,
Coppola has produced a movie of staggering magnitude and
vision, the film received eleven Academy Awards nominations,
winning six including Best Picture of 1974.
National Film Registry, Academy Award
Winners, AFI Top 100, Classics, Crime,
Drama 1974 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091367
The Godfather: The Coppola
Restoration (Academy Awards OSleeve)
Robert Duvall, Al Pacino, Diane Keaton,
Sterling Hayden, Talia Shire, John Marley,
James Caan, Marlon Brando, Richard
Conte, Richard Castellano
Regarded as one of the best American films ever, by the
American Film Institute, Francis Ford Coppola’s epic
masterpiece features Marlon Brando in his Oscar-winning
role as the patriarch of the Corleone family. The Godfather is
a violent and chilling portrait of the Sicilian family’s struggle
to stay in power in a post-war America of corruption, deceit
and betrayal. Coppola begins his legendary trilogy,
masterfully balancing the story of the Corleone’s family life
and the ugly crime business in which they are engaged. Based
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
on Mario Puzo’s best-selling novel and featuring careermaking performances by Al Pacino, James Caan and Robert
Duvall, this searing and brilliant film garnered ten Academy
Award nominations, and won three including Best Picture of
Hercules: The Legendary
Journeys - Season One
National Film Registry, Academy Award
Winners, AFI Top 100, Classics, Crime,
Drama 1972 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091368
Anthony Quinn, Kevin Sorbo, Ted Raimi,
Bruce Campbell
Action, Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome,
Cult Film / TV 1995 min.
Universal Studios 20.04.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091286
Grumpy Old Men / Grumpier Old
Men (Double Feature) (Blu-ray)
Hollywood Tough Guys Collection
Walter Matthau, Jack Lemmon, Sophia Loren, Daryl Hannah, Burgess Meredith,
Ossie Davis, Kevin Pollak
Western, Action, Classics, Cowboy, Drama
Allegro Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091324
You’ll Guffaw Down Laughing!. They’re Grumpy Old Men. And
since they’re played by famed screen odd couple Jack
Lemmon and Walter Matthau, they’re also Funny Old Men.
The wit hits the fan as the two play Minnesota ice-fishing
pals whose crusty friendship grows hilariously icier as they
vie for an attractive widow (Ann-Margret). Also in the cast
are Daryl Hannah, Kevin Pollak, Ossie Davis and an
outrageously randy Burgess Meredith. The two leads grab
their fishing rods to reel in another comic whopper in the
sequel Grumpier Old Men. Most of the original cast returns,
and Sophia Loren plays the vivacious newcomer who wants to
turn the beloved bait shop into a chichi ristorante. Of course,
in this part of the Land of 1000 Lakes, that means war! Enjoy.
And, yes, this is the movie with the „man-sized manicotti“
Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Double Features,
Romance 204min.
Warner Bros. 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091228
Hachi: A Dog’s Tale
Richard Gere, Jason Alexander, Joan Allen,
Erick Avari
From Academy Award-nominated director Lasse Hallstrom
(2000, The Cider House Rules) comes Hachi: A Dog’s Tale, a
film based on one of the most treasured and heartwarming true
stories ever told. Golden Globe winner Richard Gere (2002,
Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy, Chicago) stars as Professor Parker Wilson, a distinguished scholar who discovers a
lost Akita puppy on his way home from work. Despite initial
objections from Wilson’s wife, Cate (Academy Award nominee
Joan Allen - 2000, Best Actress, The Contender), Hachi
endears himself into the Wilson family and grows to be
Parker’s loyal companion. As their bond grows deeper, a
beautiful relationship unfolds embodying the true spirit of
family and loyalty, while inspiring the hearts of an entire town.
Drama, Family 2009 93min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091145
Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (Blu-ray)
Richard Gere, Jason Alexander, Joan Allen,
Erick Avari
From Academy Award-nominated director Lasse Hallstrom
(2000, The Cider House Rules) comes Hachi: A Dog’s Tale, a
film based on one of the most treasured and heartwarming true
stories ever told. Golden Globe winner Richard Gere (2002,
Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy, Chicago) stars as Professor Parker Wilson, a distinguished scholar who discovers a
lost Akita puppy on his way home from work. Despite initial
objections from Wilson’s wife, Cate (Academy Award nominee
Joan Allen - 2000, Best Actress, The Contender), Hachi
endears himself into the Wilson family and grows to be
Parker’s loyal companion. As their bond grows deeper, a
beautiful relationship unfolds embodying the true spirit of
family and loyalty, while inspiring the hearts of an entire town.
Drama, Family 2009 93min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091147
Hardware Wars
The 30th Anniversary Special Edition DVD of Hardware
Wars. Follow the adventures of Fluke Starbucker, Arty Deco,
Ham Salad and the rest of the Red Eye Knights in this
spectacle that was light years ahead of it’s time.
Science Fiction, Spoofs 1977 62min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091211
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091262
I Hate Valentine’s Day (Blu-ray)
Nia Vardalos, John Corbett, Rachel Dratch,
Zoe Kazan, Judah Friedlander
The creative team behind My Big Fat Greek Wedding reunites
for an all-new love story with a big fat twist! Nia Vardalos
stars as Genevieve, an independent single woman who owns
a Brooklyn flower shop along with a strict philosophy on
dating: every relationship should last no more than 5 dates so
that she never gets dumped or hurt. But when she meets
restaurateur-next-door and all-around nice guy Greg (John
Corbett of Sex And The City), she still insists that their
delicious courtship tick towards its inevitable end. What do
you do when the one rule you never break becomes the one
thing that could break your heart? Judah Friedlander (30
Rock), Zoe Kazan (Revolutionary Road) and Rachel Dratch
(Saturday Night Live) co-star in this hilarious romantic
comedy with no strings attached, written and directed by Nia
Hustle & Flow (Academy Awards
Comedy, Romance 2009 Ltbx 89min.
MPI 09.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091268
Taraji P. Henson, Taryn Manning, Elise Neal,
Paula Jai Parker, Terrence Howard,
Anthony Anderson, D.J. Qualls
iCarly: iFight Shelby Marx
Producer John Singleton and award-winning director Craig
Brewer bring to life the unforgettable tale of DJay (Terrence
Howard), a pimp whose gritty hustle selling sexy Nola (Taryn
Manning) and supporting pregnant Shug (Taraji Henson)
leaves him wondering if this is it for him. Only when he trades
contraband for a keyboard and bumps into his old school
friend Key (Anthony Anderson) does he see a way out by
laying down some tracks and fulfilling his dream of becoming a
respected rapper. When he learns Skinny Black (Ludacris), a
local rapper turned mogul, is rolling through town for he 4th of
July, DJay plans for the hustle of his life to get his voice
heard. Winner of the Audience Award at the 2005 Sundance
Film Festival, Hustle & Flow is an intense and brilliant
portrayal of one man’s struggle for redemption and inspiration
on life’s mean streets.
Music, Rap, Drama 2005 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091369
Hustle & Flow (Academy Awards
O-Sleeve) (Blu-ray)
Taraji P. Henson, Taryn Manning, Elise Neal,
Paula Jai Parker, Terrence Howard,
Anthony Anderson, D.J. Qualls
Producer John Singleton and award-winning director Craig
Brewer bring to life the unforgettable tale of DJay (Terrence
Howard), a pimp whose gritty hustle selling sexy Nola (Taryn
Manning) and supporting pregnant Shug (Taraji Henson)
leaves him wondering if this is it for him. Only when he trades
contraband for a keyboard and bumps into his old school
friend Key (Anthony Anderson) does he see a way out by
laying down some tracks and fulfilling his dream of becoming a
respected rapper. When he learns Skinny Black (Ludacris), a
local rapper turned mogul, is rolling through town for he 4th of
July, DJay plans for the hustle of his life to get his voice
heard. Winner of the Audience Award at the 2005 Sundance
Film Festival, Hustle & Flow is an intense and brilliant
portrayal of one man’s struggle for redemption and inspiration
on life’s mean streets.
Drama, Music, Rap 2005 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091380
Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon 2009 139min.
Nickelodeon 30.03.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091309
Ice Twisters
Steven R. Monroe
Science Fiction 91min.
First Look Home Entertainment 13.04.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091129
The Infinite Worlds of H.G. Wells
/ P.T. Barnum (Double Feature)
Tom Ward is H.G. Wells and Beau Bridges is P.T. Barnum in
this awe-inspiring, turn-of-the-century double feature
highlighting entertainment’s early moguls.
Double Features, Drama min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091117
The Informant!
Matt Damon, Melanie Lynskey, Scott
Bakula, Joel McHale
Thrillers, Comedy, Crime, Drama 2009 min.
Warner Bros. 23.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091271
The Informant! (Blu-ray)
Matt Damon, Melanie Lynskey, Scott
Bakula, Joel McHale
Comedy, Crime, Drama, Thrillers 2009 min.
Warner Bros. 23.02.2010
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091287
The Internecine Project
Lee Grant, James Coburn
I Hate Valentine’s Day
Nia Vardalos, John Corbett, Rachel Dratch,
Zoe Kazan, Judah Friedlander
The creative team behind My Big Fat Greek Wedding reunites
for an all-new love story with a big fat twist! Nia Vardalos
stars as Genevieve, an independent single woman who owns
a Brooklyn flower shop along with a strict philosophy on
dating: every relationship should last no more than 5 dates so
that she never gets dumped or hurt. But when she meets
restaurateur-next-door and all-around nice guy Greg (John
Corbett of Sex And The City), she still insists that their
delicious courtship tick towards its inevitable end. What do
you do when the one rule you never break becomes the one
thing that could break your heart? Judah Friedlander (30
Rock), Zoe Kazan (Revolutionary Road) and Rachel Dratch
(Saturday Night Live) co-star in this hilarious romantic
comedy with no strings attached, written and directed by Nia
Romance, Comedy 2009 89min.
MPI 09.02.2010
Hollywood legend and Academy Award winner James Coburn
stars as Prof. Robert Elliot, a former secret agent given the
job opportunity of a lifetime: adviser to the President of the
United States. However, he has some skeletons in his closet
that need eliminating, namely the four people aware of his
shady past. Elliot hatches a diabolical plot to get rid of his
targets in one night, with no ties leading back to him...The
Internecine Project is a nerve shattering thriller that will grip
you in suspense until the unpredictable surprise ending!
Thrillers, British, Foreign 1974 89min.
Scorpion Releasing 23.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091277
Jake’s Corner
Diane Ladd, Danny Trejo, Richard Tyson,
Tony Longo, B.J. Thomas
Drama, Family 2008 97min.
Monterey Home Video 02.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091299
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Januar 2010
Seite 41
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Justin Time
An ancient stone amulet and calendar disc has the power to
stop time. Passed from generation to generation, these magical
artifacts end up in the hands of an 18-year-old half Shoshoni
Indian named Justin, who chooses to use his power to make
the world a better place. But on the other side of the equation
is the power-seeking philanthropist, Michael Romano, who
seeks to indulge in the riches of the world.
Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, Family
2009 90min.
MTI Home Video 09.03.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091104
The Last Grenade!
Stanley Baker, Richard Attenborough, Alex
Cord, Rafer Johnson
Action, British, Drama, Foreign, War 1969
Scorpion Releasing 23.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091281
Law Abiding Citizen
Bruce McGill, Colm Meaney, Leslie Bibb,
Jamie Foxx, Gerard Butler
Thrillers, Crime, Drama 2009 109min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 16.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091137
Law Abiding Citizen (Blu-ray)
Bruce McGill, Colm Meaney, Leslie Bibb,
Jamie Foxx, Gerard Butler
Crime, Drama, Thrillers 2009 109min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 16.02.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091146
Justin’s life changes forever when April, a bizarre and
curiously naive woman, is mysteriously kidnapped by demons.
Facing singing demons, talking hands, dancing bartenders and
human sized rats, Justin’s love is put to the ultimate test.
Comedy, Horror 2009 83min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091182
Drama, Historical / Period Piece, On The
Job 2009 611min.
Lionsgate 23.03.2010
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091102
Mad Men: Season Three (Blu-ray)
January Jones, Elisabeth Moss, Rosemarie
DeWitt, Christina Hendricks, John Slattery,
Vincent Kartheiser, Jon Hamm
Returning for its third season, the two-time Golden Globewinning series for Best TV drama burst with one scandalous
surprise after another. Jon Hamm and the rest of the awardwinning ensemble continue to captivate us as they contend
with a world on the brink. Welcome to Mad Men - a shocking
portrait of a time that was anything but innocent. Nothing is as
sexy. Nothing is as provocative. Nothing is as it seems. Mad
Men: Where the Truth Lies.
Drama, Historical / Period Piece, On The
Job 2009 611min.
Lionsgate 23.03.2010
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091126
Martial Arts Essentials: Best Of
The Best Series 2
Cliff Lok
Action, Chinese, Foreign 550min.
Video Asia 20.04.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091131
John Goodman, Cathy Moriarty, Lisa Jakub,
Simon Fenton, Kellie Martin, Omri Katz
Science Fiction, Comedy, Cult Film / TV,
Film About Film, Horror 1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 99min.
Universal Studios 04.05.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091284
Miss Congeniality / Miss
Congeniality 2 (Double Feature)
Lost Dream
Michael Welch, Patricia Richardson, Sarah
Foret, Shaun Sipos
Emotionally distraught and depressed, Perry Roberts (Michael Welch) has lost faith in all the things he held true - his
family, girlfriend and the American Dream. Perry’s life takes
an even more drastic turn when he meets Giovanni (Shaun
Sipos), an art student whose twisted life is dominated by sex,
drugs, a deadly game with a gun and a single bullet!
Opposites attract as Perry and Gio engage in an emotional
roller coaster fueled by drugs and a dangerous game of
Russian roulette. Can Perry save Gio in time or will he be too
Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 90min.
Osiris Entertainment 23.03.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091329
Love Conquers Paul
Paul has a chance encounter with a free-spirited artist named
Esoterica that provides the spark that ignites his first
passionate relationship. She changes the way he looks at
love and life and introduces him to the person he could be,
inspiring a new confidence. But just as soon as their fairytale romance begins to sizzle, Paul discovers that Esoterica
has a secret of her own...
Romance, Comedy 2009 90min.
E1 Entertainment 23.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091184
Mad Men: Season Three
January Jones, Elisabeth Moss, Rosemarie
DeWitt, Christina Hendricks, John Slattery,
Vincent Kartheiser, Jon Hamm
Returning for its third season, the two-time Golden Globewinning series for Best TV drama burst with one scandalous
surprise after another. Jon Hamm and the rest of the award-
winning ensemble continue to captivate us as they contend
with a world on the brink. Welcome to Mad Men - a shocking
portrait of a time that was anything but innocent. Nothing is as
sexy. Nothing is as provocative. Nothing is as it seems. Mad
Men: Where the Truth Lies.
Sandra Bullock, Ernie Hudson, Treat
Williams, Regina King, Candice Bergen,
Diedrich Bader, Heather Burns, William
Shatner, Michael Caine, Benjamin Bratt,
Enrique Murciano
Legs waxed. Lips glossed. Gun ready. Meet Miss
Congeniality : Sandra Bullock is Gracie Hart, the tomboyish
FBI agent who poses as a beauty contestant to unmask a
criminal at the Miss United States pageant....even though her
idea of fashion accessories are the cuffs she snaps onto
lawbreakers. Michael Caine is featured as the harried
consultant trying to turn this Dirty Harriet into a poised
beauty. In Miss Congeniality 2 Armed and Fabulous, the
undercover cover girl is feathered and funny, masquerading
as a Las Vegas showgirl to rescue kidnapped friends
(Heather Burns and William Shatner). Gracie, crime, casinos,
floorshows, even a Vegas pirate ship - they’re a sure bet for
Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Double Features,
FBI, Romance, Thrillers 224min.
Warner Bros. 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091226
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091285
My Destiny
Drama, Foreign, International TV, Korean,
Romance 1560min.
Mountain Apple Company 19.01.2010
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091125
New York, I Love You
Andy Garcia, Ethan Hawke, Natalie
Portman, Christina Ricci, Irrfan Khan, Cloris
Leachman, Robin Wright Penn, Julie
Christie, Maggie Q, Rachel Bilson, Olivia
Thirlby, Taylor Geare, Emilie Ohana, John
Hurt, James Caan, Eli Wallach, Chris
Cooper, Shia LaBeouf, Orlando Bloom, Shu
Qi, Hayden Christensen, Bradley Cooper,
Drea De Matteo, Anton Yelchin, Carlos
Acosta, Ugur Yucel
Romance, Anthologies, Art House, Comedy,
Drama 2009 103min.
Vivendi Visual Entertainment 02.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091251
New York, I Love You (Blu-ray)
Andy Garcia, Ethan Hawke, Natalie
Portman, Christina Ricci, Irrfan Khan, Cloris
Leachman, Robin Wright Penn, Julie
Christie, Maggie Q, Rachel Bilson, Olivia
Thirlby, Taylor Geare, Emilie Ohana, John
Hurt, James Caan, Eli Wallach, Chris
Cooper, Shia LaBeouf, Orlando Bloom, Shu
Qi, Hayden Christensen, Bradley Cooper,
Drea De Matteo, Anton Yelchin, Carlos
Acosta, Ugur Yucel
Comedy, Drama, Anthologies, Art House,
Romance 2009 min.
Vivendi Visual Entertainment 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091261
Night Of The Flesheaters
On the most evil night of the year, a beautiful blond woman
and ruggedly handsome archeologist hitman find themselves
trapped in a forest haunted by bizarre flesh eating Native
American demon zombies. As they flee the woman’s crime
boss husband, who seeks to murder them for their illicit love
affair, their car is destroyed in a head-on collision with one of
the demons, a Stone Man. The blond woman and assassin
must escape the perils of the dark and evil forest, on foot,
without becoming demon food or getting themselves
slaughtered by the woman’s vengeful, fat cat husband.
Thrillers, Zombies, Horror 2008 90min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091209
No Time For Sergeants
Don Knotts, Andy Griffith, Murray Hamilton,
Nick Adams, Myron McCormick
Comedy, Military, War, World War II 1958
Warner Bros. 04.05.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091304
Mister Ed: Season Two
An Officer And A Gentleman:
Special Collector’s Edition
(Academy Awards O-Sleeve)
Alan Young
Classics, Comedy, Horses 1962 min.
Shout Factory 02.02.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091253
Richard Gere, Robert Loggia, David Keith,
Debra Winger, Lisa Blount, Lisa Eilbacher,
Douglas Day Stewart, Martin Elfand, Taylor
The Muse
Andie MacDowell, Sharon Stone, Jeff
Bridges, Albert Brooks
Comedy, Film About Film 1999 97min.
Universal Studios 04.05.2010
Once in a great while a movie comes along that truly grips and
uplifts its audiences. Such a movie is An Officer And A
Gentleman, a timeless tale of romance, friendship and growth.
Relive all the emotion of this classic romance in this Special
Collector’s Edition featuring unique and never-before-seen
special features. Loner Zack Mayo (Richard Gere) enters
Officer Candidate School to become a Navy pilot and in
thirteen tortuous weeks he learns the importance of
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Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
discipline, love and friendship. Louis Gossett, Jr. won an
Academy Award for his brilliant portrayal of the tough drill
instructor who teaches Zack that no man can make it alone.
And while Gossett tries to warn the young officer about the
local girls who will do anything to catch themselves pilot
husbands, Zack eventually learns to love one (Debra Winger)
while his fellow candidate, a memorable character portrayed
by David Keith, struggles with a very different fate. An Officer
And A Gentleman.
Romance, Academy Award Winners, Drama, Military 1982 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091370
Ong Bak 2: The Beginning
Tony Jaa
Tony Jaa, the martial arts master who „is as mesmerizing as
ever“ (Entertainment Weekly), stars in this epic tale of
revenge set hundreds of years in the past. This prequel to
Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior takes Jaa’s skills to the next
level, showcasing him as a master of a wide range of martial
arts styles. „The beatdowns are epic, with several jawdropping set pieces. The climactic scene qualifies as one of
the best martial arts fight scenes ever.“ (LA Daily News)
Cluzet, Romain Duris
From Cedric Klapisch - the award-winning writer/director of
L’Auberge Espagnole - comes a deliciously intimate new
valentine to The City Of Lights featuring an all-star cast that
includes Oscar-winner Juliette Binoche (The English Patient), Romain Duris (The Beat That My Heart Skipped),
Melanie Laurent (Inglourious Basterds) and Francois Cluzet
(Tell No One). It’s the story of a young Moulin Rouge dancer
(Duris) awaiting a heart transplant, his single-mother / social
worker sister (Binoche), and their rediscovery of the life,
laughter and love that hides within every balcony, apartment
window, street corner and market stall. These are the stories
of the middle-class and bourgeois, immigrants and students,
fashion models and homeless, and all the lovers and strangers
whose paths could only cross - and whose worlds are about
to change forever - in Paris.
Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French, Art
House, Romance 2008 129min.
MPI 16.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091194
Parker Lewis Can’t Lose: The
Complete Second Season
Thai, Action, Foreign, Martial Arts 2008
Magnolia Home Entertainment 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091081
Corin Nemec, Timothy Stack, Abraham
Benrubi, Billy Jayne
Comedy, Fox, High School 1991 min.
Shout Factory 26.01.2010
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091254
Ong Bak 2: The Beginning - 2
Disc Collector’s Edition
Party Down: Season One
Tony Jaa
Tony Jaa, the martial arts master who „is as mesmerizing as
ever“ (Entertainment Weekly), stars in this epic tale of
revenge set hundreds of years in the past. This prequel to
Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior takes Jaa’s skills to the next
level, showcasing him as a master of a wide range of martial
arts styles. „The beatdowns are epic, with several jawdropping set pieces. The climactic scene qualifies as one of
the best martial arts fight scenes ever.“ (LA Daily News)
Thai, Action, Foreign, Martial Arts 2008
Magnolia Home Entertainment 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091082
Peter And Vandy
Romance, Art House, Drama 2009 80min.
Strand Releasing 09.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091279
The Pleasure Of Being Robbed
Ong Bak 2: The Beginning Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray)
Tony Jaa
Tony Jaa, the martial arts master who „is as mesmerizing as
ever“ (Entertainment Weekly), stars in this epic tale of
revenge set hundreds of years in the past. This prequel to
Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior takes Jaa’s skills to the next
level, showcasing him as a master of a wide range of martial
arts styles. „The beatdowns are epic, with several jawdropping set pieces. The climactic scene qualifies as one of
the best martial arts fight scenes ever.“ (LA Daily News)
Foreign, Martial Arts, Action, Thai 2008
Magnolia Home Entertainment 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091097
Juliette Binoche, Melanie Laurent, Francois
Cluzet, Romain Duris
From Cedric Klapisch - the award-winning writer/director of
L’Auberge Espagnole - comes a deliciously intimate new
valentine to The City Of Lights featuring an all-star cast that
includes Oscar-winner Juliette Binoche (The English Patient), Romain Duris (The Beat That My Heart Skipped),
Melanie Laurent (Inglourious Basterds) and Francois Cluzet
(Tell No One). It’s the story of a young Moulin Rouge dancer
(Duris) awaiting a heart transplant, his single-mother / social
worker sister (Binoche), and their rediscovery of the life,
laughter and love that hides within every balcony, apartment
window, street corner and market stall. These are the stories
of the middle-class and bourgeois, immigrants and students,
fashion models and homeless, and all the lovers and strangers
whose paths could only cross - and whose worlds are about
to change forever - in Paris.
Romance, Art House, Comedy, Drama,
Foreign, French 2008 129min.
MPI 16.03.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091188
Paris (Blu-ray)
Juliette Binoche, Melanie Laurent, Francois
Jane Lynch, Lizzy Caplan, Adam Scott,
Martin Starr, Ken Marino, Ryan Hansen
Work Sucks, Comedy, On The Job 2009
Starz / Anchor Bay 06.04.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091267
Eleonore is a pickpocket, a con artist and a thief. She’ll pilfer
your purse, your car, a handful of grapes or a litter of kittens.
She robs out of need, curiosity or maybe just for the hell of it.
From the hipster bars of the Lower East Side to the cages of
Central Park Zoo, Eleonore steals her way through life in
New York City - plus the occasional road trip to Boston - with
a freewheeling spontaneity that may lead her to most
unexpected score of all. Eleonore Hendricks and director
Joshua Safdie star in this breezily lo-fi look at slacker
larceny - co-written by Hendricks and Safdie and shot
guerilla-style on the streets of NYC - that rocked The
Director’s Fortnight at Cannes to become one of the most
talked-about indie sensations of the year.
Thieves, Art House, Comedy, Crime, Drama
2008 70min.
MPI 09.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091263
Edgar Allan Poe’s: The Pit And
The Pendulum
Seven students arrive at a secluded mansion to participate in
a scientific experiment conducted by JB Divay, a bizarre
hypnotist with a dark past. At first the group dismisses JB’s
eccentricities... until the students start disappearing.
Directed by David DeCoteau.
Horror 2009 85min.
E1 Entertainment 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091180
Poseidon (Blu-ray)
It’s New Year’s Eve on the Poseidon. Partying voyagers lift
glasses to toast the future. The future comes in a rush: a 150foot rogue wave flips the cruise ship over... and a desperate
struggle to survive begins. Director Wolfgang Petersen (The
Perfect Storm, Das Boot) returns to the sea with a thrillpacked, cutting-edge screen adaptation of Paul Gallico’s
novel The Poseidon Adventure. Josh Lucas, Kurt Russell,
Richard Dreyfuss, Emmy Rossum and more portray the
passengers who must rely on each other as they seek safety
through the water, flames and wreckage of a world turned
upside down. There’s another active player in this
spectacular nail-biter: the 13-deck, 20-stories tall Poseidon
as it shifts, lurches and implodes. The sights dazzle. The
suspense surges. All hands on deck, movie fans!
Thrillers, Disasters, High Seas, Action,
Adventure 2006 98min.
Warner Bros. 06.04.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091230
Power Play
David Hemmings, Donald Pleasence, Barry
In the mold of such political thrillers as Z and Day Of The
Jackal, the 1978 thriller Power Play, starring legendary
Academy Award winner Peter O’Toole, is the exciting tale of a
group of military men led by two revolutionaries, Colonel
Narriman (David Hemmings, Blow Up, Deep Red) and Dr.
Rousseau (Barry Morse, TV’s The Fugitive, Space 1999).
Both of these freedom-fightersplot to overthrow their corrupt
government and race against time to stage their coup d’etat
before the secret police, led by sadistic inspector Blair
(Donald Pleasence, Halloween), uncovers their plot.
Thrillers, British, Drama, Foreign 1978
Scorpion Releasing 23.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091294
Precious: Based On The Novel
‘Push’ By Sapphire
Mariah Carey, Paula Patton, Sherri
Shepherd, Gabourey Sidibe, Lenny Kravitz
Precious Jones, an inner-city high school girl, is illiterate,
overweight, and pregnant...again. Naive and abused, Precious
responds to a glimmer of hope when a door is opened by an
alternative-school teacher. She is faced with the choice to
follow opportunity and test her own boundaries. Prepare for
shock, revelation and celebration.
Troubled Youth, Art House, Drama 2009
Lionsgate 09.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091273
Precious: Based On The Novel
‘Push’ By Sapphire (Blu-ray)
Mariah Carey, Paula Patton, Sherri
Shepherd, Gabourey Sidibe, Lenny Kravitz
Precious Jones, an inner-city high school girl, is illiterate,
overweight, and pregnant...again. Naive and abused, Precious
responds to a glimmer of hope when a door is opened by an
alternative-school teacher. She is faced with the choice to
follow opportunity and test her own boundaries. Prepare for
shock, revelation and celebration.
Drama, Art House, Troubled Youth 2009
Lionsgate 09.03.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091289
Presumed Innocent / Frantic
(Double Feature) (Blu-ray)
Harrison Ford, Brian Dennehy, Raul Julia,
Betty Buckley, John Mahoney, Emmanuelle
So long, vacation. Hello, spellbinding suspense! After his
wife mysteriously disappears in Paris, American Richard
Walker (Harrison Ford) confronts a bewildering web of
language, locale and bureaucracy as he scrambles to find her
in Frantic. Roman Polanski (Chinatown, The Pianist) helms
the edge-of-your-seat thriller. From Scott Turow’s bestseller,
Alan J. Pakula (All the President’s Men, The Pelican Brief)
directs the twist-filled whodunit Presumed Innocent, in which
Ford is pledged to uphold the law yet determined to escape it.
He plays Rusty Sabich, an attorney who’s both the prosecutor
of a murder case... and Suspect #1.
Double Features, Drama, Affairs/Love
Triangles, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers 2008 247min.
Warner Bros. 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091225
Road Of No Return
Michael Madsen, David Carradine
Action, Drama 2009 90min.
Osiris Entertainment 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091115
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Stephen Romano Presents Shock
Take a wild journey through the exploitation movie scenes of
the 1970s and 1980s with this collection of hundreds of actual
previews of coming attractions, television commercials and
radio spots for the sleaziest, sexiest most off-the-wall films
ever made - all digitally re-mastered from original film
elements. This is the ultimate collection of classic exploitation
and horror trailers, TV ads and radio spots. This 3-disc set
includes new audio and video tribute media, collectable poster
and full-color liner notes.
Thrillers, Exploitation, Horror 2009 300min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091212
The Sanctuary
Action 86min.
First Look Home Entertainment 13.04.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091130
Saving Private Ryan: Special
Limited Edition (Academy Awards
Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Tom Sizemore,
Edward Burns
Internationally acclaimed by critics and audiences alike,
Steven Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan is an unforgettable
film achievement that has had profound and lasting impact
throughout the world. Winner of five Academy Awards®
including Best Director, the film also captured Oscars® for
Cinematography, Film Editing, Sound and Sound Effects
Editing. More than 70 critics and critics’ groups in New York,
Chicago, Dallas Ft-Worth and Great Britain named the film
Best Picture of the Year, while the Los Angeles, Toronto and
Broadcast Film Critics honored it with both Best Picture and
Best Director awards. In addition, Spielberg received his
third Directors Guild of America Award, the American Legion
„The Spirit of Normandy“ Award, a USO Merit Award from the
USO of Metropolitan Washington, as well as the highest
civilian public service award from the Department of the Army.
Selected for more than 160 Top Ten lists, Saving Private
Ryan’s other honors include Golden Globes for Best Picture
(Drama) and Best Director, the Producers Guild of America
Award and ten nominations from the British Academy Film
Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top
100, Drama, Epics, War, World War II 1999
DreamWorks Home Ent. 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091371
Woes 2009 84min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 09.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091083
Serious Moonlight (Blu-ray)
Meg Ryan, Timothy Hutton, Kristen Bell,
Justin Long
Things aren’t going exactly as planned for high-powered,
Manhattan lawyer Louise (Meg Ryan). Her husband of 13
years, Ian (Timothy Hutton), announces to her that he’s
leaving her for a younger woman (Kristen Bell). Taking things
into her own hands, Louise holds Ian captive until he agrees
to work on their marriage. The unexpected arrival of a
gardener turned opportunistic thief (Justin Long) and Ian’s
impatient mistress serve only to complicate the spiraling
situation further.
Comedy, Kidnapping, Marriage Woes, Art
House 2009 84min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 09.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091098
Rod Serling Studio One Dramas
Two exciting Studio One dramas written by Rod Serling. A
newly elected Senator must decide if he wants to follow the
course charted by his father, a former Senator, or chart a
course of his own. During the Korean War, Major Gaylord’s
will is tested when he is forced to issue an order that will
result in the death of twenty of his men.
TV Movies, Classics, Drama 119min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091186
Sharpe’s Peril
Sean Bean
TV Movies, War, Adventure, BBC, British,
Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece,
International TV 2008 138min.
BBC Home Video 06.04.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091094
Sharpe’s Peril (Blu-ray)
Sean Bean
TV Movies, War, British, Drama, Foreign,
Historical / Period Piece, International TV,
Adventure, BBC 2008 138min.
BBC Home Video 06.04.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091101
The Song Of Sparrows
A Serious Man
Sari Lennick, Richard Kind, Fred Melamed,
Michael Stuhlbarg
Thrillers, Art House, Comedy, Drama,
Historical / Period Piece, Jewish Heritage
2009 106min.
Universal Studios 09.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091174
Drama, Foreign, Iranian 96min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091178
Sorority Row
A Serious Man (Blu-ray)
Sari Lennick, Richard Kind, Fred Melamed,
Michael Stuhlbarg
Comedy, Drama, Historical / Period Piece,
Jewish Heritage, Art House, Thrillers 2009
Universal Studios 09.02.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091192
Serious Moonlight
Meg Ryan, Timothy Hutton, Kristen Bell,
Justin Long
Things aren’t going exactly as planned for high-powered,
Manhattan lawyer Louise (Meg Ryan). Her husband of 13
years, Ian (Timothy Hutton), announces to her that he’s
leaving her for a younger woman (Kristen Bell). Taking things
into her own hands, Louise holds Ian captive until he agrees
to work on their marriage. The unexpected arrival of a
gardener turned opportunistic thief (Justin Long) and Ian’s
impatient mistress serve only to complicate the spiraling
situation further.
Art House, Comedy, Kidnapping, Marriage
Iran’s submission for the Best Foreign Language Oscar. After
Karim loses his job, he leaves his pastoral town and travels
to Tehran where he finds work as a motorcycle taxi driver.
Soon Karim becomes entangled in a world of hustle and greed
and it’s up to his family to restore the values he once
Jamie Chung, Briana Evigan, Audrina
Patridge, Leah Pipes, Rumer Willis
It’s all fun and games until someone gets stabbed with a tire
iron. When a pledge week prank goes terribly wrong and one
of their own is killed, the popular, hard-partying sisters of
Theta Pi vow never to speak of the tragedy again. But the past
comes back to haunt them in the form of a homicidal maniac
seeking revenge during the out-of-control graduation
Slasher, Thrillers, College Life, Horror 2009
Summit Entertainment 23.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091158
Sorority Row (Blu-ray)
Jamie Chung, Briana Evigan, Audrina
Patridge, Leah Pipes, Rumer Willis
It’s all fun and games until someone gets stabbed with a tire
iron. When a pledge week prank goes terribly wrong and one
of their own is killed, the popular, hard-partying sisters of
Theta Pi vow never to speak of the tragedy again. But the past
comes back to haunt them in the form of a homicidal maniac
seeking revenge during the out-of-control graduation
College Life, Horror, Slasher, Thrillers 2009
Summit Entertainment 23.02.2010
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091191
Spaghetti Westen Collection 6Pack
Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Action,
Boxed Sets, Cowboy, Drama min.
Allegro Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091323
The Stick Up Kids
Four friends who grew up together on the mean streets of
Harlem will do whatever it takes - from armed robberies to
elaborate con games to get what they want. But for how long?
One slumlord is determined to take over the neighborhood,
and he’s not about to let some kids get in his way. The crew’s
only hope to survive - a scam that’s more twisted and
dangerous than anything they’ve pulled off yet.
Crime, Drama 2008 119min.
Image Ent. 09.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091249
The Stoning Of Soraya M.
Navid Negahban, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Jim
From a producer of The Passion Of The Christ comes this
chilling true story. Academy Award nominee Shorheh
Aghdashloo stars as Zahra, a woman with a burning secret.
When a journalist (Jim Caviezel) is stranded in her remote
village, Zahra takes a bold chance to reveal what the
villagers will stop at nothing to hide. Thus begins the story of
Soraya (Mozhan Marno), a kind woman whose cruel, divorceseeking husband trumps up false charges of infidelity against
her, which carry an unimaginable penalty. Soraya and Zahra
attempt to navigate the villagers’ scheming, lies and deceit to
prove her innocence. But when all else fails, Zahra must risk
everything to use the only weapon she has left - her voice - to
share Soraya’s shocking story with the world.
Thrillers, Drama 2008 116min.
Lionsgate 09.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091079
The Stoning Of Soraya M. (Bluray)
Navid Negahban, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Jim
From a producer of The Passion Of The Christ comes this
chilling true story. Academy Award nominee Shorheh
Aghdashloo stars as Zahra, a woman with a burning secret.
When a journalist (Jim Caviezel) is stranded in her remote
village, Zahra takes a bold chance to reveal what the
villagers will stop at nothing to hide. Thus begins the story of
Soraya (Mozhan Marno), a kind woman whose cruel, divorceseeking husband trumps up false charges of infidelity against
her, which carry an unimaginable penalty. Soraya and Zahra
attempt to navigate the villagers’ scheming, lies and deceit to
prove her innocence. But when all else fails, Zahra must risk
everything to use the only weapon she has left - her voice - to
share Soraya’s shocking story with the world.
Drama, Thrillers 2008 116min.
Lionsgate 09.03.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091096
Matthew Modine, Michael Wright, David
Alan Graf, Mitchell Lichtenstein
Vietnam War, War, Drama, Gay / Lesbian
Interest 1983 min.
Shout Factory 19.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091060
Studio One: Twelve Angry Men
The 3-Time Emmy Award Winner from the acclaimed Studio
One series. After a teenage boy is accused of murder, a jury
must come to terms with their prejudices and personal
grudges to decide on the verdict. Starring Norman Fell,
Robert Cummings and Franchot Tone. Also includes Studio
One: An Almanac of Liberty - After an attack on a stranger,
the residents of a small town discover that if they don’t start
recognizing individual freedoms, time will start moving
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
thirtysomething: The Complete
Second Season
TV Movies, Classics, Drama min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091185
John Cusack, Tim Robbins, Michael
Nesmith, Susan Tyrrell, Connie Stevens,
Martha Quinn, Ted Nugent, Jello Biafra, Bob
Goldthwait, Stiv Bator, Don Cornelius, Peter
McCarthy, Bill Fishman, Peter McCarthy, Bill
Patricia Wettig, Polly Draper, Melanie
Mayron, Mel Harris, Peter Horton, Timothy
Busfield, Ken Olin
ABC, Drama, Marriage Woes, Romance
1988 min.
Shout Factory 19.01.2010
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091255
The Time Traveler’s Wife
In this high-energy satire of the music business, lifelong
friends Ivan (John Cusack) and Josh (Tim Robbins) are fired
from their menial jobs and decide to fulfill their dream of
starting a video production company. While paying their dues
shooting lame parties, living wills and even a rap-style TV
spot to sell chicken and waffles, the boys strike gold when
they’re hired to direct a video for a Scandinavian rock band
with big hair and no budget. Featuring cool celeb cameos by
Ted Nugent, „Weird Al“ Yankovic, Courtney Love and others,
this outrageous ’80s romp is totally awesome - and downright
Rachel McAdams, Eric Bana
Romance, Science Fiction, Time Travel,
Drama 2009 min.
New Line Home Entertainment 09.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091157
Comedy, Cult Film / TV 1988 93min.
MGM / UA 09.03.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091123
Rachel McAdams, Eric Bana
Drama, Romance, Science Fiction, Time
Travel 2009 min.
New Line Home Entertainment 09.02.2010
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091190
Taxi Hunter
Inspired by an actual Hong Kong taxi strike, Taxi Hunter stars
CAT III legend Anthony Wong (Ebola Syndrome, Untold Story)
as a pissed off insurance agent out for revenge. When his
pregnant wife is brutally run over by a taxi driver and left for
dead, Ah-Kin (Wong) goes on a rampage of death and
destruction. He decides to take out his aggressions on the
bastard taxi drivers that overcharge and treat their customers
poorly. Directed by Herman Yau (Ebola Syndrome) Taxi
Hunter is 90’s Hong Kong exploitation at its best!
Revenge, Action, Chinese, Exploitation,
Foreign 1993 89min.
Eastern Star 23.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091275
There Will Be Blood (Academy
Awards O-Sleeve)
Ciaran Hinds, Paul Dano, Dillon Freasier
This widely acclaimed masterpiece and must see American
epic features the Academy Award winning performance of
Daniel Day-Lewis (Best Actor, 2007). Daniel Plainview and
son are independent oil men, looking for prospects in
California at the turn of the 20th century. They are challenged
by a young preacher, Eli Sunday (Paul Dano), whose own
ambition is matched by Plainview’s. Their battle forms the
center of a scary, darkly comic historical journey into an
abyss of madness „There Will Be Blood is Paul Thomas
Anderson’s epic American nightmare, belching fire and
brimstone and damanation to hell. It is, above all, a
consummate work of art“ (Manahola Dargis, The New York
Academy Award Winners, Art House, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece 2007
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091372
There Will Be Blood (Academy
Awards O-Sleeve) (Blu-ray)
Paul Dano, Dillon Freasier
This widely acclaimed masterpiece and must see American
epic features the Academy Award winning performance of
Daniel Day-Lewis (Best Actor, 2007). Daniel Plainview and
son are independent oil men, looking for prospects in
California at the turn of the 20th century. They are challenged
by a young preacher, Eli Sunday (Paul Dano), whose own
ambition is matched by Plainview’s. Their battle forms the
center of a scary, darkly comic historical journey into an
abyss of madness „There Will Be Blood is Paul Thomas
Anderson’s epic American nightmare, belching fire and
brimstone and damanation to hell. It is, above all, a
consummate work of art“ (Manahola Dargis, The New York
Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece,
Academy Award Winners, Art House 2007
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091381
MPI 09.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091264
Tig Fong, Monique Ganderton, Nicholas
Campbell, Al Sapienza, Hector Echavarria,
Jordan Madley, Desmond Campbell, Steven
Ya ff e e
On these streets everyone is fighting for a way out, but after a
lifetime of hard knocks, a down-on-his-luck cage fighter gets
the opportunity of a lifetime when he is chosen to compete
against the MMA world champion during a massive
competition. The stakes are high and the reward great...but
should he lose, it will cost him his life.
Action, Drama 2009 108min.
Lionsgate 16.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091274
Unrivaled (Blu-ray)
The Time Traveler’s Wife (Bluray)
Top Gun (Academy Awards OSleeve) (Blu-ray)
Kelly McGillis, Tom Cruise, Tom Skerritt,
Meg Ryan, Anthony Edwards, Val Kilmer,
John Stockwell, Barry Tubb
In the role that made him one of the world’s biggest stars, Tom
Cruise rides into the Danger Zone in the smash-hit film that
defined the modern-day blockbuster! Cruise plays Maverick,
a hotshot flyer who is sent to the Navy’s prestigious Top gun
program. But in order to become the „best of the best,“ he’ll
need the help of his wingman (Anthony Edwards) and newfound love (Kelly McGillis). Co-starring Val Kilmer, this highoctane hit will take your breath away!
Military, Action, Aerial Action, Navy 1986
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091382
Top Gun (Widescreen): Special
Collector’s Edition (Academy
Awards O-Sleeve)
Kelly McGillis, Tom Cruise, Tom Skerritt,
Meg Ryan, Anthony Edwards, Val Kilmer,
John Stockwell, Barry Tubb
In the role that made him one of the world’s biggest stars, Tom
Cruise rides into the Danger Zone in the smash-hit film that
defined the modern-day blockbuster! Cruise plays Maverick,
a hotshot flyer who is sent to the Navy’s prestigious Top gun
program. But in order to become the „best of the best,“ he’ll
need the help of his wingman (Anthony Edwards) and newfound love (Kelly McGillis). Co-starring Val Kilmer, this highoctane hit will take your breath away!
Navy, Action, Aerial Action, Military 1986
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091373
The Trial Begins
Fanny Ardant, Michele Lastella
From Vincenzo Marra - the acclaimed writer/director of
Sailing Home and The Session Is Open - comes his most
savage indictment yet of modern Italian society: Newcomer
Michele Lastella delivers a breakthrough performance as
ambitious young Filippo Costa, who rises through the ranks of
the Financial Police via his own opportunity for corruption.
But when he connects with a wealthy older widow (the
legendary Fanny Ardant of The Woman Next Door and Il
Divo), Filippo quickly becomes a part of Rome’s social,
financial and political elite. In a nation that rewards ruthless
ambition, what must one man ultimately sacrifice to build his
own empire? Giulia Bevilacqua co-stars in this stunning
portrait of today’s amoral Italy that critics have compared to
Bertolucci’s The Conformist.
Art House, Drama, Foreign, Italian 2007
Tig Fong, Monique Ganderton, Nicholas
Campbell, Al Sapienza, Hector Echavarria,
Jordan Madley, Desmond Campbell, Steven
Ya ff e e
On these streets everyone is fighting for a way out, but after a
lifetime of hard knocks, a down-on-his-luck cage fighter gets
the opportunity of a lifetime when he is chosen to compete
against the MMA world champion during a massive
competition. The stakes are high and the reward great...but
should he lose, it will cost him his life.
Drama, Action 2009 108min.
Lionsgate 16.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091290
The Untouchables (Academy
Awards O-Sleeve) (Blu-ray)
Andy Garcia, Robert De Niro, Sean
Connery, Kevin Costner, Charles Martin
The critics and public agree. Brian DePalma’s The
Untouchables is a must see masterpiece - a glorious, fierce,
larger-than-life depiction of the mob warlord who ruled
Prohibition-era Chicago...and the law enforcer who vowed to
bring him down. This classic confrontation between good and
evil stars Kevin Costner as federal agent Eliot Ness, Robert
DeNiro as gangland kingpin Al Capone and Sean Connery as
Malone, the cop who teaches Ness how to beat the mob: shoot
fast and shoot first.
Crime, Drama, Academy Award Winners,
Action, Biopics 1987 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091383
The Untouchables: Special
Collector’s Edition (Academy
Awards O-Sleeve)
Andy Garcia, Robert De Niro, Sean
Connery, Kevin Costner, Charles Martin
The critics and public agree. Brian DePalma’s The
Untouchables is a must see masterpiece - a glorious, fierce,
larger-than-life depiction of the mob warlord who ruled
Prohibition-era Chicago...and the law enforcer who vowed to
bring him down. This classic confrontation between good and
evil stars Kevin Costner as federal agent Eliot Ness, Robert
DeNiro as gangland kingpin Al Capone and Sean Connery as
Malone, the cop who teaches Ness how to beat the mob: shoot
fast and shoot first.
Academy Award Winners, Action, Biopics,
Crime, Drama 1987 min.
Paramount Pictures 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091374
Vampire Double Feature
Includes: Vampire Clan
Double Features, Horror 173min.
First Look Home Entertainment 20.04.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091132
Veronika Decides To Die
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Drama 103min.
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
First Look Home Entertainment 27.04.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091128
When Luke, a highly successful businessman, is viciously
attacked and his fiancée is raped and murdered, he pledges to
use every last dollar he has to train himself in deadly hand to
hand combat and use it against any wrong doers who dare to
cross his path. But little does he know that his own attackers
are highly connected to an underworld crime family who has
close ties to corrupt police and, unbeknownst to him, are also
looking for him!
Revenge, Thrillers, Action, Drama 2008
MTI Home Video 23.03.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091105
La Virgen Negra (The Black
Romance, Comedy, Foreign, Latin, Magic
Navarre 16.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091068
The Wedding Song
permanently (and from their point of view quite fatally) via a
process called tuning. They may not look as impressive as
some other superhero teams, and they certainly don’t have the
most dynamic name ever, but come hell hounds or high water,
but they will defend their city in Yozakura Quartet, the
complete collection!
Action, Adventure, Anime, Fantasy,
Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Martial
Arts 2008 300min.
Section23 Films 02.03.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091140
When Soldiers Cry
1965 South Vietnam. Two American soldiers find themselves
trapped in the jungle during the Vietnam war. The only thing
keeping them alive is the promise they made to their families to
return home at any cost.
Vietnam War, War, Action, Adventure 2009
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091181
Xena: Warrior Princess - Season
Lucy Lawless
Action, Adventure, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy,
Gay / Lesbian Interest, Independent Women
1995 min.
Universal Studios 20.04.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091283
XIII: The Conspiracy
Jessalyn Gilsig, Val Kilmer, Stephen Dorff,
Stephen McHattie
Thrillers, TV Movies, Action, Canadian,
Conspiracies, Crime, Foreign 2008 136min.
Phase 4 Films 09.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091240
XIII: The Conspiracy (Blu-ray)
Copyright Criminals
Documentary, Lawyers / Legal Issues,
Music 2009 65min.
Indiepix 26.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091139
John Cusack, Woody Harrelson, George
Segal, Amanda Peet, Thandie Newton,
Danny Glover, Oliver Platt, Chiwetel Ejiofor,
Tom McCarthy
Dave Davies Kronikles: Mystical
In this documentary, Dave Davies reveals himself to be not
only the driving energy behind The Kinks and a notable
musical innovator, but also a deeply spiritual individual who
spent his life delving into the deeper mysteries of life. This is
Dave’s own remarkable story of inner change and spiritual
insight, but told with his inimitable charm and a sense of fun
and good humor.
Documentary, Music 2009 105min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091213
The Doors: From The Outside
This brand new documentary tells the story of The Doors
through the recollections, memories and stories of those who
knew the group and its members best. Included among the
contributors for this DVD is Jim Morrison’s widow, Patricia
Kennealy-Morrison. The very finest rock journalists and
writers, and those who lived through and were affected by
The Doors’ music also contribute to the project. The program
is further enhanced by the rarest footage of the band in
existence, seldom seen photographs, news clips, location
shoots and much more. Extras include the featurette,
„Conversation with The Lizard Queen,“ in which Patricia
Morrison reveals her own views about Jim Morrison as an
artist, a poet and a visionary.
Bad Company: Hard Rock Live
Documentary, Music 2009 139min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091218
Concerts, Music 2008 88min.
Image Ent. 09.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091259
Eddie And The Hot Rods:
Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action,
Apocalyptic Future, Drama 2009 158min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091196
Les Ballets Trockadero: Volume 1
Ballet, Classical Music, Dancing, Music,
Performing Arts min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091166
Berlioz, Rameau: Symphonie
Concerts, Instrumental, Music, Performing
Arts min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091169
Yozakura Quartet: Complete
Ballet, Dancing, Performing Arts min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091165
Documentary, Music 2009 52min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091219
Gerard Depardieu, Valeria Golino, Daniel
Thrillers, Action, Cops, Crime, Drama,
Foreign, French 2004 min.
Tartan Video 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091250
Jessalyn Gilsig, Val Kilmer, Stephen Dorff,
Stephen McHattie
Canadian, Conspiracies, Crime, Foreign,
Action, Thrillers, TV Movies 2008 180min.
Phase 4 Films 09.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091257
When Demons Walk the Streets, The Cops need to recruit
More Demons! In a town where humans and demons co-exist,
it takes more than a normal police force to maintain the peace.
Enter the Hiizumi Life Counseling Office, a fantastic foursome
of unique teenagers, each gifted with an amazing super
power! Since it sometimes takes real demon-fire to fight demon
fire, the first three quarters of the team aren’t exactly human:
Ao, a cat-eared telepath; Kotoha, a half-human conjuror and
Hime, descended from a dragon (and the town’s acting mayor,)
all of whom also happen to be delightfully female. Rounding
out the group is the token male and human, Akina, the office
director and „Oyakume,“ capable of banishing spirits
This DVD uses exclusive interviews with the band members
themselves to tell the Coldplay story, and in so doing offers a
totally honest, accurate and heartfelt version of events that no
second-hand retelling could achieve. It also features archive
footage, contributions from many who know the band best and
a host of other features.
From Roland Emmerich, director of The Day After Tomorrow
and Independence Day, comes the ultimate action-adventure
film, exploding with groundbreaking special effects. As the
world faces a catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions, cities
collapse and continents crumble. 2012 brings an end to the
world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors. Starring John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Woody
Harrelson and Danny Glover.
Drama, Erotica, Foreign, French 2008
Strand Releasing 09.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091280
Coldplay: Up Close And Personal
The Bolshoi Ballet: Gold Edition
Box Set
Brahms, Dvorak: Violin Concerto
Symphony No. 9
Classical Music, Concerts, Instrumental,
Music, Performing Arts min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091168
Introspective mixes both live footage of Eddie and The Hot
Rods along with interviews with the band including founder
member and vocalist Barry Masters.
Documentary, Music 2009 60min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091220
Electric Purgatory
Documentary, Music 2005 85min.
Microcinema DVD 23.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091296
Les Ephemeres
Music, Opera, Performing Arts min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091164
Walter Felsenstein Edition: Mozart - Don Giovanni
Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing
Arts min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091173
C.W. Gluck: Orphee & Eurydice
Music, Opera, Performing Arts 94min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091148
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
C.W. Gluck: Orphee & Eurydice
Music, Opera, Performing Arts 94min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091153
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091167
The Rachmaninov, Stravinsky:
Symphony No. 2 Firebird
Instrumental, Music, Performing Arts min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091171
C.W. Gluck: Orpheus Und
Gioachino Rossini: Il Turco In
Music, Opera, Performing Arts min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091149
Music, Opera, Performing Arts 160min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091159
C.W. Gluck: Orpheus Und
Eurydike (Blu-ray)
Special Interest
Air Front: The Early Years ’39 ‘42
Aerial Action, Documentary, Military, War,
World War II 1999 60min.
Artsmagic DVD 23.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091332
Animal Atlas: Superhero Animals
Music, Opera, Performing Arts 104min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091154
Hannah Montana: Miley Says
Miley Cyrus
Comedy, Disney Channel, Family, Music,
Pop Music 2010 135min.
Disney / Buena Vista 09.03.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091354
Joseph Haydn: Die Schopfung
(The Creation)
Concerts, Instrumental, Music 120min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091160
Robert Schumann: Genoveva
Shawn Mathey, Juliane Banse, Cornelia
Kallisch, Alfred Muff, Martin Gantner
The Arid Heart
Music, Opera, Performing Arts 2008
Naxos 26.01.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091152
Documentary 50min.
Razor Digital Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091321
The Shooter Series: Volume 2 - F.
Gary Gray
Music, Music Videos, Photography/Art
Genius Products 16.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091120
Music, Opera, Performing Arts min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091163
Music, Opera, Performing Arts min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091170
Richard Wagner: Das Rheingold
Man: Introspective
The story of the band, Man, is told by those that know the
story best of all...the band. This DVD features key interviews
with Deke Leonard and Martin Ace as well as later members
such as George Jones. It also includes exclusive live
performances from the band including material from the album
„Diamonds and Coal.“
Music, Opera, Performing Arts 194min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091151
Richard Wagner: Das Rheingold
Documentary, Music min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091216
Music, Opera, Performing Arts 194min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091156
Luigi Manzotti: Excelsior
Richard Wagner: Die Walkure
Music, Opera, Performing Arts min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091162
Music, Opera, Performing Arts 272min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091150
Mozart & Beethoven: Ensemble
Richard Wagner: Die Walkure
Instrumental, Music, Performing Arts 47min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091172
Music, Opera, Performing Arts 272min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091155
The Music Nomad: India
Iannis Xenakis: Charisma X
Music 2009 90min.
E1 Entertainment 23.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091214
This recent documentary on Iannis Xenakis offers a personal
look at the composer through footage of him and his work as
well as interviews with collaborators, experts and friends
who have a deep understanding of his work, and were also
inspired by it.
The Parsons Dance Company
Documentary, Music 2008 62min.
E1 Entertainment 23.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091221
Dancing, Performing Arts 117min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091161
Adventure, Family min.
NCircle Entertainment 04.05.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091113
Opera In Four Acts, Live from The Zurich Opera House, 2008
Giuseppe Verdi: Il Trovatore
Haydn: Orlando Paladino
Ivo Pogorelich Recital
You Cannot Start Without Me:
Valery Gergiev - Maestro
Concerts, Music, Performing Arts 101min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
Classical Music, Instrumental, Music min.
Naxos 26.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091175
The Arid Heart (Blu-ray)
Documentary min.
Razor Digital Entertainment 09.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091339
Mandy Blake Intimate
Come along for an intimate look in to the world of sensational
fitness model Mandy Blank! Of of the fitness industry’s most
sought-after covergirls, Mandy will show you exactly why
she’s the hottest commodity in her field today. Over 1 hour and
30 minutes of posing, interviews, sizzling dance moves along
with the sexiest workout footage ever captured in a gym. A
special added bonus of Mandy’s behind the scenes on an Alex
Ardenti shoot for the top fitness magazines and her sexy new
website. Mandy Blank is back - and she will not disappoint!
Documentary, Fitness 68min.
Celebrity Video Distribution 23.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091242
Blood On The Flat Track: The
Rise Of The Rat City Rollergirls
Sports, Documentary, Extreme Sports, Independent Women 2007 95min.
Strand Releasing 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091278
Body Shock (Soft Core)
Haley Paige, Mika Tan, Isabel Ice, Roxy,
Jenaveve, Jezel, Evan Stone, Manuel
Ferrara, Joel Lawrence, Reno, Alex Knight
Featuring: For Mature Audiences Only.
2004 min.
Legend (Soft Core) 21.02.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091064
Boobs: An American Obsession
Documentary 88min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091176
Cheryl Burke: Disco Abs
Cheryl Burke
Dancing, Disco, Fitness min.
WEA 12.01.2010
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091135
Capitalism: A Love Story
Michael Moore
Documentary, Politics 2009 94min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 09.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091059
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 49
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Capitalism: A Love Story (Blu-ray)
Michael Moore
Documentary, Politics 2009 94min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 09.03.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091061
Frontlines: The Men And The
Battles - War Comes To America
Documentary, Educational, War, World War
II min.
Allegro Entertainment 09.02.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091327
Daring Kids With Miriam
PBS 2009 120min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091208
Documentary, Independent Women 2008
Indiepix 12.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091138
The Disappeared
Growing up in Buenos Aires, Cesar Castillo always sensed
he was adopted. When a DNA test finally reveals his identity,
his life turns into a detective story. His quest to know the
parents he never met leads back to Argentina’s darkest days:
The Dirty War of 1976-83, when up to 30,000 citizens simply
vanished. „For your family and friends, you are neither dead
nor alive. You are just a ‘disappeared.’“ Cesar discovers his
real parents were among los desaparecidos. As he
reconstructs their past, he reinvents his own life - becoming
the voice for a legion of ghosts, and the symbol of a nation’s
Get Ripped! With Jari Love: Body
Documentary, Science 96min.
Passion River 16.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091088
Atmosphere DVDs 60min.
Allegro Entertainment 09.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091340
Edge Of The Earth - Corner Of
The Sky (Blu-ray)
Heaven or Hell: The Ultimate
Atmosphere DVDs 63min.
Allegro Entertainment 09.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091341
Filmed on the streets of New Orleans during Mardi Gras,
Heaven or Hell: The Ultimate Choice explores the difference
in opinions on several religious minds versus those of
revelers on the streets of New Orleans. During man on the
street interviews, partygoers were posed with questions
related to beliefs on the existence of Heaven and Hell,
followed by expert opinions from well known religious leaders
on the same question. A documentary in the truest since,
Heaven or Hell: The Ultimate Choice will both inform and
challenge viewers.
Eleven Minutes
After being crowned „the next great American designer“ on
Project Runway, the sharp-witted Jay McCarroll took the
fashion world by storm. This feature chronicles his year-long
journey preparing his first runway show, resulting in a
painfully raw and humorous exploration of high fashion.
Documentary, Fashion 2008 103min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091183
Jari Love
Fitness, Health 65min.
Razor Digital Entertainment 09.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091232
Hawaii (Blu-ray)
Documentary, Religion/Spirituality min.
Celebrity Video Distribution 16.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091241
Hell Or Bust (Soft Core)
Elmo’s World: Let’s Play Music
Music, Preschool, Puppets, Sesame Street
Warner Bros. 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091078
A Feast Of Diesels
Transportation, Documentary 1999 58min.
Artsmagic DVD 23.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091333
Frontlines: The Men And The
Battles - Germany’s Defeat
Gia Paloma, Dana Vispoli, Sophia, Jamie
Brooks, Alicia Rhodes, Jennifer Luv, Evan
Stone, Chris Cannon, Ben English, Joel
Lawrence, Dale DaBone
Hotter Hotter Heat!. Featuring: For Mature Audiences Only.
2004 min.
Legend (Soft Core) 21.02.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091062
Hell’s Kitchen: Season 2
Gordon Ramsay
Fox, Reality 500min.
Madacy 02.03.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091116
The Swing era during the 1930s and 1940s was famously
captured on feature films and short subjects during the time it
was all happening. Hollywood Singing And Dancing: Movies
That Swing brings you the story of swing music on film and
the best performances from the classic musicians of the Big
Band era including Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington, Tommy
Dorsey, Count Basie, Artie Shaw, Glenn Miller, Gene Krupa,
Cab Calloway, Kay Kyser, and many more.
Documentary, Film About Film 2010 90min.
E1 Entertainment 23.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091215
Icy Riders
For three years, documentary filmmaker Bengt Lofgren,
followed the riders, mechanics and fans in the glorious world
of Ice Speedway. Icy Riders is a film about dreams, ambition
and aging during what might become the last season of the
legendary ice speedway rider Posa Serenius. The result
became a warm and intimate road movie that rolls from rural
Sweden to freezing cold Siberia. Brought to you by the folks
at One World Studios Ltd. in association with Tussilago
Sports, Documentary 52min.
Passion River 16.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091093
The Initiation Of Alice In
Documentary, Fantasy 2010 75min.
Reality Films 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091355
Johnny Test: Game Time
Family, Adventure min.
NCircle Entertainment 04.05.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091114
Fitness, Health, Yoga min.
Navarre 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091066
Kidyogi (Blu-ray)
Yoga, Fitness, Health min.
Navarre 09.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091070
Chuck Liddell’s: Girls Fight Club
Sports, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts 80min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091210
The Lily Town
Atmosphere DVDs, Documentary 50min.
Razor Digital Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091320
The Lily Town (Blu-ray)
Documentary, Educational, War, World War
II min.
Allegro Entertainment 09.02.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091326
Documentary, Atmosphere DVDs min.
Razor Digital Entertainment 09.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091338
This compelling documentary asks the question: Would 60
Minutes have any reason to manipulate or distort a story?
More importantly, how would the city it scandalized respond?
Lodz Ghetto
Frontlines: The Men And The
Battles - Japan’s Defeat
Documentary 82min.
Passion River 09.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091091
Documentary, Educational, War, World War
II min.
Allegro Entertainment 09.02.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091328
Histories Of The Holocaust: Buchenwald 1937 - 42
Frontlines: The Men And The
Battles - The Reich Triumphant
Documentary, Educational, War, World War
II min.
Allegro Entertainment 09.02.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091325
Documentary, Holocaust, War, World War II
2009 60min.
Artsmagic DVD 23.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091334
Hollywood Singing And Dancing:
Movies That Swing
Widely praised as the most authentic film ever made about
Jewish life within the Holocaust, this classic documentary
uses the secret diaries of a single community to reveal the
heroic struggle of 250,000 people trapped in the longest
surviving Jewish community in Nazi Europe. Winner of the
International Film Critics Award and short-listed for the
Academy Award Best Documentary Oscar, the film brings us
the words and faces of besieged families who love life but can
only pray for a miracle to save them. Critics have marveled at
how Lodz Ghetto loses the distance between viewers and
victims, presenting with agonizing suspense a microcosm of
the history of the Holocaust. A true drama told with intimacy
and passion, Lodz Ghetto is a film about the human spirit,
yearning to live, love and be free.
War, World War II, Documentary, Holocaust
Passion River 02.03.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091092
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Mary: Mother Of Christ
Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 2009
Artsmagic DVD 23.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091335
Maybe God Is Ill
Award winning writer, Walter Veltroni takes us on a stirring,
unforgettable journey across the vast continent of Africa to
witness controversial stories of tragedy, turmoil and hope.
Everyone knows Africa is going through a very difficult
transition, but who really understands the depths of the wars,
hunger and diseases that make up its everyday catastrophes?
Are these problems close to being resolved or are they just
the beginning of a spiraling pandemic of worldwide crises?
Find out as Veltroni takes us on a very personal tour and
never-before-seen look at the people of Mozambique, Angola,
Senegal, Cameroon, Uganda and South Africa.
Documentary 88min.
Image Ent. 02.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091246
Jillian Michaels: Banish Fat Boost
Jillian Michaels
Fire up your metabolism with TV’s top trainer, Jillian Michaels, and lose big with her fierce formula that adds strength
and ab moves to dynamic cardio for increased fat loss. This
40-minute circuit workout blasts your heart rate with
challenging intervals to turn up the burn and peel off the
pounds. Whether you’re just getting started or ready for a
hardcore workout, this program will ignite your metabolism
and incinerate fat to reveal a ripped, lean body!
Fitness, Health 57min.
Lionsgate 26.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091236
Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble
Jillian Michaels
Get into the zone with TV’s kick-butt trainer, Jillian Michaels,
and tackle stubborn problem areas with her surefire circuit
training formula that combines upper- and lower-body
sculpting moves to obliterate fat even faster. Say goodbye to
saddlebags, muffin tops and wobbly arms with this heartpounding, 40-minute circuit workout that targets trouble zones
like never before. By keeping you constantly challenged,
Jillian will transform your body from flab to firm in no time!
Warm up and cool down before and after this grueling
Fitness, Health 58min.
Lionsgate 26.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091235
Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown
Jillian Michaels
Jillian Michaels, winning trainer on NBC’s The Biggest
Loser, introduces a new yoga workout unlike any other.
Combining hard-core yoga power poses with her dynamic
training techniques, Jillian will get you real weight-loss
results fast. Yoga Meltdown includes two complete 30-minute
workouts that include a warm-up and cooldown. Begin with
the Level 1 workout which focuses on quickly flowing yoga
sequences to burn mega calories. Then progress to Level 2
which adds twists and balance poses for an even greater
Yoga, Health 66min.
Lionsgate 02.03.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091106
Comedy 2009 63min.
Image Ent. 16.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091349
New Urban Cowboy
On a sweltering day in August 2001, a stranger appeared in a
crime-ridden Florida neighborhood known as Cracktown.
Armed only with big ideas and determination, artist/urban
designer/developer Michael E. Arth saved this slum from a
date with the wrecking ball. Reborn as The Garden District, it
is now a living laboratory demonstrating Michael’s New
Pedestrianism, an ecological and pedestrian-friendly vision
for new towns and neighborhoods. Take a trip into the wild
frontier of real estate in this inspiring and educational
documentary that answers the questions, „What can one
person do about the world’s problems?“
Documentary 83min.
Passion River 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091086
NFL The Denver Broncos Best
Games Of The 2009 Regular
Sports, Football, NFL 2009 min.
Warner Bros. (TM) 16.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091111
Tito Ortiz’s: Girls Fight Club
The best girl on girl wrestling competiton of all time. See
legendary Mixed Martial Arts fighters including Tito „The
Huntington Beach Badboy“ Ortiz, Frank „Twinkletoes“ Trigg,
and Gilbert „The Hurricane“ Yvel coach their teams of
gorgeous girls to victory in the cage.
Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts 2009 88min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091217
Outlaw Bikers
4 episodes from the hit National Geographic Channel Series.
Go undercover inside the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.
Featuring detailed re-enactments, suspense-driven
narratives, and expert interviews with special agents as well
as Hells Angels’ members, this acclaimed documentary series
infiltrates the infamous organization like never before.
Crime, Documentary 2008 188min.
E1 Entertainment 23.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091204
Prima Princess: Swan Lake
Ballet, Dancing, Family, Opera, Performing
Arts min.
NCircle Entertainment 02.03.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091108
Psycho Love (Soft Core)
Katja Kassin, Shy Love, Mason Storm, Ava
Ramone, Pandora Dreams, Manuel Ferrara,
Ben English, Joel Lawrence, Reno, Seth
Featuring: For Mature Audiences Only.
2004 min.
Legend (Soft Core) 21.02.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091063
Mighty Machines: Revved Up!
Family, Technology 90min.
NCircle Entertainment 04.05.2010
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091112
misadventures of film character impersonators and celebrity
look-a-likes on Hollywood Boulevard. Freddy Krueger works
alongside Superman, Marilyn Monroe, Shrek, Lucy, Batman,
and Borat. Competing Chewbacca’s, Spidermen and Captain
Jack Sparrow’s vie for a spot on the limited real estate of The
Walk Of Fame. Recognizable characters from the silver
screen are portrayed by anyone who chooses to buy the
costume and brave the mean streets of Hollyweird. These
characters have big dreams of breaking into the big-time, if
only they could keep themselves from getting arrested or their
hands from each other’s necks. These characters are literally
right out of the movies, yet the unforeseen drama of the people
underneath the make-up threatens to eclipse the bizarre array
of Hollywood icons they appropriate. Director David Markey
says, ‘’The Reinactors plays like a great-depression era
Hollywood classic retold for the new millennium. It’s also a
film about the cutthroat nature backstage and behind the
scenes of show business. An ‘American Idol’ on crack, if
Documentary 96min.
Passion River 09.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091089
Paul Rodriguez: Comedy Rehab
Paul Rodriguez
This brand new stand-up concert features a hilarious set from
Paul Rodriguez and also includes sets from the hottest acts of
Latin comedy. Filmed in Santa Fe, Paul has pulled out all the
stops to deliver the most gut-wrenching, laugh-out-loud
performance of his already infamous career.
Comedy 2009 85min.
Image Ent. 02.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091245
Joe Rogan: Talking Monkeys In
Joe Rogan
Comedy, Comedy Central 2009 68min.
Comedy Central 30.03.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091337
San Base: Supernatural
Canadian artist San Base is a pioneer of a new medium of Art
that utilizes the classical elements of painting and music,
while harnessing the power of computer technology to bring
two drastically different disciplines together. He named this
kind of art „Dynamic Painting“. Dynamic Paintings are
composed of abstract images in a state of perpetual
transformation. The basic idea of the painting remains
unchanged, while the computer introduces infinite variations.
The picture is living its own life with objects moving and
transforming but still following the original artist’s concept.
Dynamic Paintings can provide a form of visual stimulation
that evokes changes in physiological activity to improve
health and performance. It is a great outlet for relaxation,
meditation and spiritual awareness and stimulate a variety of
emotional and mental states that can help alleviate anxiety and
treat stress.
Ambient, Photography/Art 2009 100min.
Microcinema DVD 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091297
Sesame Street: Elmo Loves You!
Elmo learns about love, emotions & friendship. Elmo is making
a super special surprise card for someone Elmo really loves,
but a gust of wind blows it away! Rosita joins Elmo to chase
after the card but they can’t reach it. Can Super Grover use
his heroic powers to save the day? Join Elmo, Rosita and
Grover as they learn about love, emotions and friendship in
this love-ly tale featuring the new song „Elmo Loves You“ and
a special music video about signing „I Love You“. There’s lots
of love on Sesame Street and remember, Elmo loves you!
Special celebrity appearances from Trisha Yearwood, John
Legend and R.E.M.!
Preschool, Sesame Street min.
Warner Bros. 05.01.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091124
Rad Girls
Welcome to the madness and mayhem of Rad Girls. Ramona,
Munchie and Clementine prove that Jackass-style humor isn’t
just for the boys, by filming some of the most outrageous
stunts and hidden-camera pranks ever seen. As seen on
Charlie Murphy: I Will Not
Charlie Murphy
Throughout his career, Charlie Murphy has done it all. As costar of Comedy Central’s top-rated Chappelle’s Show, writer
of the DreamWorks comedy Norbit and voice on the critically
acclaimed cartoon The Boondocks, Charlie Murphy has made
quite a name for himself. His film credits have spanned the
last 20 years, ranging from Harlem Nights with Eddie Murphy
to The Perfect Holiday with Morris Chestnut and Gabrielle
Union. Now, drenched in the same „in your face“ style of
comedy that has made him a fan favorite, Charlie Murphy
delivers his debut stand-up performance, I Will Not
Apologize, as only he can...raw and uncut.
Games / Humor, Reality 184min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091205
The Reinactors
A hilarious and oddly moving document of the exploits and
Sex: How To Do Everything
Watch sexperts Emma Taylor and Lorelei Sharkey as they
guide the viewer gently through an array of sexual practices,
from the vanilla to the super-saucy. Aimed equally at guys and
gals, singles and couples - whether it’s an all-consuming
climax or some ravishing role-play you’re after, these intrepid
reporters will stop at nothing to sort firm facts from flaccid
Educational 520min.
E1 Entertainment 09.02.2010
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091177
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 51
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Teenyogi (Blu-ray)
Stock Shock
Buckle up and hold on to your wallet as we follow the wild
ups and downs of the American stock market through the eyes
of stunned Sirius XM investors. In the tradition of Michael
Moore’s documentary (Capitalism: A Love Story) Stock Shock
reveals the down and dirty schemes behind the glitter of Wall
Street. Sirius XM stock seemed poised to go through the roof.
Then something went horribly wrong. Investors saw their
stock drop to 5 cents/share in 2009. Was it bad management,
a poor economy...or stock market manipulation? Stock Shock
is a must see for anyone who has ever lost money in
stocks...or fears they’re about to. „Shocking and eyeopening!“ says Jane Velez-Mitchell, Issues on CNN Headline
News. „It’s an awakening.“
Documentary, Politics 71min.
Passion River 16.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091085
Fitness, Health, Yoga min.
Navarre 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091067
Yoga, Fitness, Health min.
Navarre 09.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091071
Total Nonstop Action Wrestling:
Best Of 2009
Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/
Fighting 2009 min.
Navarre 16.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091065
The Whale Warrior: Pirate for the Sea. cannot. Go inside the
shocking world of Paul Watson as the founder of the Sea
Shepherd Conservation Society and star of the reality series
Whale Wars, dodges jail time, death threats and gunfire in
order to save the ocean’s endangered creatures. Be there for
a bloody confrontation with enraged seal hunters armed with
spiked clubs and get a front row seat as Watson rams his
embattled ship directly into the side of an illegal Japanese
whaling vessel.
Documentary 100min.
Topics Entertainment 26.01.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091243
You Can... Knit
The Truth About The Philadelphia
1999 60min.
Artsmagic DVD 23.02.2010
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091336
Conspiracies, Documentary 2010 180min.
Reality Films 23.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091356
Your Body Breakthru: The
Ultimate Workout
The Whale Warrior: Pirate For
The Sea
Fitness, Health 75min.
Razor Digital Entertainment 09.02.2010
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40091231
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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Januar 2010
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Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
07-Ghost Kapitel.9
Animation 02.04.2010
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
07-Ghost Kapitel.9
Animation 02.04.2010
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060122
11 Eyes 3
Animation 26.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059870
11 Eyes 3
Animation 26.02.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
11 Eyes 3 (Blu-ray)
Chuggington Vol. 5
Animation 17.02.2010
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 03.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059878
Battle Spirits Shonen
Gekiha Dan
Animation 17.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059926
Animation 19.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060019
Black Lagoon The Second Barrage Blu-Ray
005: Twins (Blu-ray)
Animation 24.02.2010
93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060114
Black Lagoon The Second Barrage Blu-Ray
006: Greenback (Blu-ray)
Animation 24.02.2010
93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060115
Animation 26.02.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bleach Arrancar:
Karakura Kessen Hen
Vol. 2
11 Eyes 3 (Blu-ray)
Animation 24.02.2010
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060080
Animation 26.02.2010
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Anyamaru Tantei
Kiruminzoo Vol. 2
Animation 10.03.2010
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060042
Aoi Hana Vol. 5
Canaan Vol. 5
Animation 26.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059873
Canaan Vol. 5 (Blu-ray)
Animation 26.02.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.02.2010
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Chibi Maruko Chan
Sakura Momoko
Kyakuhonshu Vol. 11
Asura Cryin 2 Vol. 2
Animation 17.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059874
Animation 10.03.2010
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060041
Asura Cryin 2 Vol. 3
Animation 10.03.2010
120,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bakemonogatari Vol. 5:
Tsubasa Cat -Ge
Animation 24.03.2010
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060064
Bakemonogatari Vol. 5:
Tsubasa Cat -Ge
Animation 24.03.2010
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060072
Bakemonogatari Vol. 5:
Tsubasa Cat -Ge (Bluray)
Animation 24.03.2010
112,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Basquash! Shoot.7
Animation 17.02.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Basquash! Shoot.7 (Blu-
Chibi Maruko Chan
Sakura Momoko
Kyakuhonshu Vol. 12
Animation 17.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059875
Chibi Maruko Chan
Sakura Momoko
Kyakuhonshu Vol. 13
Animation 17.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059876
Chi’s Sweet Home
Atarashii Ouchi Home
Made Movie 8
Animation 24.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060088
Chojin Sentai Balatack
Vol. 1
Cinderella (1950)
Cinderella II: Special
Ed. (DD 5.1)
Animation 24.02.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dragon Ball Kai 6
Animation 19.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060008
Animation 17.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059924
Dragon Ball Kai Bd-Box
2 (Blu-ray)
Cinderella III: A Twist In
Time (2007 / DD 5.1)
Animation 19.02.2010
239,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 17.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059925
Durarara!! 1
Cloudy With A Chance
Of Meatballs (Blu-ray)
Animation 19.03.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060136
Cloudy With A Chance
Of Meatballs Collector’s
Animation 19.03.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060137
Cobra The Animation
Bd-Box (Blu-ray)
Animation 19.02.2010
404,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Cookin Idol Ai! My!
Mine! Vol. 2
Animation 24.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060058
Cookin Idol Ai! My!
Mine! Vol. 2
Animation 24.02.2010
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060060
Cookin Idol Ai! My!
Mine! Vol. 3
Animation 24.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060059
Cross Game Vol. 8
Animation 24.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060103
Darker Than Black Ryusei No Futago 3
Animation 24.02.2010
85,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060066
Darker Than Black Ryusei No Futago 3
Animation 24.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060074
Animation 21.03.2010
154,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Darker Than Black Ryusei No Futago 3 (Bluray)
Chuggington Vol. 4
Animation 24.02.2010
100,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 03.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059877
Ryusei No Futago 3 (Bluray)
Darker Than Black -
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Animation 24.02.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060067
Durarara!! 1
Animation 24.02.2010
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060075
Erin The Beast Player
Vol. 8
Animation 03.03.2010
67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060087
Fairy Tail 2
Animation 26.02.2010
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059879
Fight Ippatsu! JudenChan!! Connect.4
Animation 26.03.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fight Ippatsu! JudenChan!! Connect.4
Animation 26.03.2010
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060120
Fresh Precure Vol. 9
Animation 17.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059881
Fresh Precure Vol. 10
Animation 17.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059880
Fullmetal Alchemist 7
Animation 24.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060062
Fullmetal Alchemist 7
Animation 24.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060070
Fullmetal Alchemist 7
Animation 24.02.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fullmetal Alchemist 7
Animation 24.02.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
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Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Ga Geijutsuka Art Design Class Ova
Animation 02.04.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ga Geijutsuka Art Design Class Ova
Animation 02.04.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060126
Ga Geijutsuka Art Design Class Vol. 6
Animation 02.04.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ga Geijutsuka Art Design Class Vol. 6
Animation 02.04.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060125
Ge Ge Ge No Kiaro 2007
TV Series DVD-Box 1
Animation 19.02.2010
461,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gekijo-Ban Duel Masters
Lunatic God Saga
Animation 19.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060053
Gekijo-Ban Penguin No
Mondai Shiawaseno
Aoitoride Gopennasai
Animation 19.03.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060054
Gintama Season 4 Vol. 5
Animation 24.02.2010
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060063
Gintama Season 4 Vol. 5
Animation 24.02.2010
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060071
Gokujo!! Mecha Mote
Iincho Lesson 7
Animation 10.03.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060104
Guin Saga 8
Animation 24.02.2010
87,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060083
Guin Saga 8
Animation 24.02.2010
106,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Harukanaru Toki No
Naka De 3: Owarinaki
Animation 24.03.2010
139,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Harukanaru Toki No
Naka De 3: Owarinaki
Animation 24.03.2010
202,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059930
Animation 17.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059888
Kampfer Vol. 3 (Blu-ray)
Harukanaru Toki No
Naka De 3: Owarinaki
Animation 24.02.2010
100,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Miracle Train -Ooedosen
E Yokoso- 3
Animation 24.03.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kampfer Vol. 3
Hayate The Combat Butler 2nd Season 06
Animation 22.01.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060101
Hayate The Combat Butler 2nd Season 07
Animation 24.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060102
Animation 24.02.2010
85,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060044
Kampfer Vol. 3 (Blu-ray)
Animation 24.02.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060065
Miracle Train -Ooedosen
E Yokoso- 3
Animation 24.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060073
Animation 24.02.2010
100,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mu The White Whale
Kate-Kyo Hitman
Reborn! Arcobaleno-Hen
Jo Kan
Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku
Animation 12.03.2010
434,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.02.2010
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059883
Animation 26.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060099
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
DVD Battle Box
Animation 24.02.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku
Deluxe Edition
Animation 03.03.2010
434,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.02.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060098
Hetalia Axis Powers Vol.
7 (2009)
Kiddy Girl-And Vol. 2
Animation 25.02.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059927
Animation 12.02.2010
106,90 EUR BestellNr.:
My Friends Tigger &
Pooh: Bedtime With
Hayate The Combat Butler 2nd Season 07 (Bluray)
Hetalia Axis Powers Vol.
7 (2009)
Animation 25.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059928
Higepiyo Vol. 4 Gal Piyo
Kiddy Girl-And Vol. 2
Animation 12.02.2010
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059932
Kimi Ni Todoke Vol. 3
Animation 24.02.2010
57,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060081
Animation 24.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059885
Himitsu Kessha Takano
Tsume Countdown Vol. 4
Kofun Gal No Coffy Campus Life Vol. 4
Animation 19.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060034
Animation 19.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060035
Inazuma Eleven 14 (DD)
Mainichi Kaasan 6
Animation 24.02.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060100
Animation 17.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059886
Inuyasha Kanketsu Hen
The Many Adventures Of
Winnie The Pooh
Animation 24.02.2010
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060084
Animation 17.02.2010
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059947
Isekai No Seikishi
Monogatari 10
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey’s Color
Animation 24.02.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059882
Isekai No Seikishi
Monogatari 10 (Blu-ray)
Animation 17.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059933
Animation 17.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059934
Naked Wolves Vol. 3
Animation 17.02.2010
51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059889
Naked Wolves Vol. 4
Animation 17.02.2010
51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059890
Naked Wolves Vol. 5
Animation 17.02.2010
51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059891
Naruto Shippuden: Shi
No Yogen To Fukushu No
Sho 3
Animation 03.03.2010
72,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060079
Natsuno Arashi!
Akinaichu Vol. 3
Animation 10.03.2010
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060032
Natsuno Arashi!
Akinaichu Vol. 3
Animation 10.03.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Needless Fragment.5
Animation 24.02.2010
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059862
Miffy And Friends: Miffy
No Dobutsuen Ni
Jewelpet Vol. 10 (2009)
Animation 17.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059887
Needless Fragment.5
Miffy And Friends: Miffy
No Otanjobi Omedeto!
Animation 26.03.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059929
Jewelpet Vol. 11 (2009)
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Animation 26.03.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060127
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Januar 2010
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Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Net Miracle Shopping
Animation 24.02.2010
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060056
Ningen Shikkaku Vol. 2
Animation 19.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060018
Ningen Shikkaku Vol. 2
Animation 19.02.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Nogizaka Haruka No
Himitsu Purelezza Vol. 3
Animation 26.02.2010
93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060095
Nogizaka Haruka No
Himitsu Purelezza Vol. 3
Animation 26.02.2010
108,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Nyankoi! 2
Animation 17.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059892
Nyankoi! 2
Animation 17.02.2010
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059893
Nyankoi! 2 (Blu-ray)
Animation 25.02.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Sasamekikoto Vol. 2
Phantom -Requiem For
The Phantom- Mission 8
Seitokai No Ichizon Vol.
Animation 25.02.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 12.02.2010
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Phantom -Requiem For
The Phantom- Mission 8
Seitokai No Ichizon Vol.
Animation 25.02.2010
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059939
Animation 12.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059946
Princess Lover! Vol. 5
Shakugan No Shana S
Vol. II
Animation 25.02.2010
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059941
Princess Lover! Vol. 5
Collector’s Edition
Animation 25.02.2010
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Princess Lover! Vol. 6
Celebrity Edition (2009)
Animation 25.03.2010
150,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Queen’s Blade -Gyokuza
Wo Tsugu Mono- Vol. 3
Animation 25.02.2010
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059943
Animation 17.02.2010
112,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Queen’s Blade -Gyokuza
Wo Tsugu Mono- Vol. 3
Oblivion Island -Haruka
To Maho No Kagami-
Animation 25.02.2010
112,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059935
Oblivion Island -Haruka
To Maho No Kagami(Blu-ray)
Animation 26.02.2010
134,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Oblivion Island -Haruka
To Maho No Kagami(Blu-ray)
Animation 26.02.2010
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059920
Oblivion Island -Haruka
To Maho No KagamiDVD-Box
Animation 26.02.2010
120,90 EUR BestellNr.:
One Piece 10th Season
Thriller Bark Piece.7
Animation 07.04.2010
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060129
Pandorahearts DVD
Retrace: VIII (2009)
The Sacred Blacksmith
Vol. 3
Animation 25.02.2010
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059948
The Sacred Blacksmith
Vol. 3 (Blu-ray)
Animation 25.02.2010
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Saint Seiya The Lost
Canvas Vol. 5 (2009)
Animation 24.02.2010
100,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Saint Seiya The Lost
Canvas Vol. 5 (2009)
Animation 24.02.2010
115,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Saki 9
Animation 03.03.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059944
Animation 26.02.2010
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060093
Shakugan No Shana S
Vol. II (Blu-ray)
Animation 26.02.2010
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Shin Koi Hime Muso Vol.
Animation 03.03.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Shin Koi Hime Muso Vol.
3 (Blu-ray)
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059901
Soreike! Anpanman Best
Selection: Durian Oujo
To Denden Ichi
Animation 24.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059902
Soreike! Anpanman Best
Selection: Minna No
Hero! Anpanman
Animation 17.03.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059903
Soreike! Anpanman Best
Selection: Shirokabukun
To Daikonyaku
Animation 17.03.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059904
Soten Koro Vol. 7
Animation 24.02.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059905
Soten Koro Vol. 7 (Bluray)
Animation 24.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059867
Summer Wars
Animation 03.03.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059906
Summer Wars (Blu-ray)
Animation 03.03.2010
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 03.03.2010
154,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Shin Koihime Musou 3
Taisho Yakyu Musume.
Dai 6 Kan
Animation 03.03.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059897
Shin Koihime Musou 3
Animation 03.03.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Shin Sanjushi Vol. 1
Animation 03.03.2010
85,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059907
Taisho Yakyu Musume.
Dai 6 Kan (Blu-ray)
Animation 03.03.2010
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 19.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060014
Tatakau Shisho The
Book Of Bantorra Vol. 1
Shugo Chara!! Doki 9
Animation 26.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060096
Animation 17.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059898
Soreike! Anpanman Best
Selection: Anpanman To
Little Baikinm
Animation 17.03.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059899
Soreike! Anpanman Best
Selection: Baikinman To
Black Rollpan
Animation 24.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059900
Soreike! Anpanman Best
Selection: Baikinman To
Dr.Hiyari No
Tatakau Shisho The
Book Of Bantorra Vol. 1
Animation 26.02.2010
42,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060111
To Aru Kagaku No
Railgun Vol. 2
Animation 26.02.2010
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
To Aru Kagaku No
Railgun Vol. 2 (Blu-ray)
Animation 26.02.2010
120,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 17.03.2010
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 57
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Uchino 3 Shimai 21:
Minna De Oshokuji Hen
Yokuwakaru Gendai
Maho Vol. 5
Quadrilogy Blu-Ray Set
Animation 26.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060128
Animation 26.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060094
Umi Monogatari -Anata
Ga Itekureta Koto- Vol. 5
Yokuwakaru Gendai
Maho Vol. 5 (Blu-ray)
Film 17.02.2010
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 24.02.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060010
Animation 26.02.2010
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Umineko No Naku Koro
Ni Collector’s Ed.
Animation 24.02.2010
106,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Umineko No Naku Koro
Ni Collector’s Ed.
Note.05 (Blu-ray)
Animation 24.02.2010
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Umineko No Naku Koro
Ni Note.05
Zero No Tsukaima:
Princesses No Rondo
The Hangover (2009 / DD
Animation 05.03.2010
250,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059963
The Burning Plain
Film 19.03.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060055
Animation 25.03.2010
150,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Butterfly On A Wheel
(2006 / DD 5.1)
Usavich-DVD Box
Film 05.03.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059964
Xamd: Lost Memories
Vol. 8
Animation 24.02.2010
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060082
Xamd: Lost Memories
Vol. 8 (Blu-ray)
Animation 24.02.2010
112,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Yatta-Man 20
Animation 24.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060009
Death At A Funeral (2009
/ DD 5.1)
Film 05.03.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059965
The Devil’s Tomb (2009 /
DD 5.1)
Film 10.03.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059982
Du Soleil Plein Les Yeux
Film 03.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059966
Du Soleil Plein Les Yeux
Special Collector’s Set
Film 10.03.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059984
The Hangover (2009)
Film 10.03.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059957
Infernal Affairs
Film 17.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059970
Infernal Affairs II
Film 17.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059968
Infernal Affairs III
Film 17.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059969
Julia (1978)
Film 26.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059971
Paintball (DD)
Film 19.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060021
The Proposal (2009 / DD
Film 17.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059986
The Proposal (2009 / DD
Film 17.02.2010
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059987
The Proposal (2009 / DD
5.1) (Blu-ray)
Film 17.02.2010
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059958
Rambo (2008)
Reign Of Fire
La Lecon Particuliere
Film 03.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059972
La Lecon Particuliere
Special Collector’s Set
Film 03.03.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059973
Lola Rennt
Film 17.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059974
The Mist
Film 17.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059985
Fast & Furious
Film 17.02.2010
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060116
Film 19.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060015
Film 19.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060016
Film 17.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059975
Fast & Furious (Blu-ray)
The Other Man (DD 5.1)
Film 17.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059977
Mulholland Dr.
Film 17.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060106
Film 10.03.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059954
The Killing Fields (DD
Film 03.03.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059967
Fast & Furious
Orphan (2009 / DD 5.1)
Orphan (2009) (Blu-ray)
Breaking Away (1980)
Animation 17.03.2010
112,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 17.02.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060107
Film 17.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059983
Animation 24.02.2010
106,90 EUR BestellNr.:
White Album Vol. 8 (Bluray)
Film 10.03.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059953
Animation 03.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060011
Film 17.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059962
Animation 17.03.2010
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060040
Fast & Furious
Quadrilogy DVD Set
Film 10.03.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059976
Umineko No Naku Koro
Ni Note.05 (Blu-ray)
White Album Vol. 8
Mystic River (2003) (Bluray)
The Green Mile
10 Things I Hate About
You (1999 / DD 5.1)
Animation 17.02.2010
142,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060006
Yumeiro Patissiere
Animation 24.02.2010
87,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060090
Umineko No Naku Koro
Ni Note.06 DVD Gold
Film 17.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059978
Reign Of Fire (2002)
Film 17.02.2010
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059955
Sunshine Cleaning
Film 03.03.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059979
Swing Vote
Film 24.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060013
Taken (2008 / DD 5.1)
Film 05.03.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059980
Taken (2008) (Blu-ray)
My Sister’s Keeper (Bluray)
Film 05.03.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059956
Film 19.02.2010
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060007
My Sister’s Keeper (DD
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Film 17.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059981
Seite 58
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
The Time Traveler’s
Wife (2009 / DD 5.1)
Film 10.03.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059988
The Time Traveler’s
Wife (2009) (Blu-ray)
Film 10.03.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059959
Twelfth Night, Or What
You Will
Film 26.02.2010
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Vous Interessez-Vous A
La Chose? (1974)
Film 03.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059989
X-Men Origins:
Wolverine (2009) (Bluray)
Film 22.01.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059960
The Future
Music 17.03.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060061
Depeche Mode: Tour Of
The Universe
Music 31.03.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060134
Emperor: Yami No
Fukkatsusai -Live At
Wacken 2006
Music 24.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059952
Albert King With Stevie
Ray Vaughan: In Session
Music 10.03.2010
63,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060138
Mamoru Miyano:
Mamoru Miyano Live
Tour 2009 -Smile &
BreakMusic 10.03.2010
100,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 17.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059990
Roger McGuinn: Live At
The Basement
Xxx (2002) (Blu-ray)
Music 25.01.2010
52,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059912
Film 17.02.2010
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059961
Miley Cyrus: Hannah
Montana And Miley
Cyrus Best Of Both
Worlds Concert
Animelo Summer Live
2009 Re:Bridge 8.22
Pegasus: Pegasus Live!
Music 24.02.2010
148,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animelo Summer Live
2009 Re:Bridge 8.22
Music 24.02.2010
148,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animelo Summer Live
2009 Re:Bridge 8.23
Music 24.02.2010
148,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animelo Summer Live
2009 Re:Bridge 8.23
Music 24.02.2010
148,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Celtic Woman: Songs
From The Heart
Music 10.03.2010
63,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060133
Cook Classics: Towards
Music 17.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059991
Music 24.02.2010
67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060048
Pretre: New Year
Concert 2010
Music 17.02.2010
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059857
Ryuichi Sakamoto:
Watch -Ryuichi
Sakamoto Playing The
Piano 2009 Japan
Music 17.03.2010
58,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060135
We Are The World
Music 27.01.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060005
We Are The World 20th
Anniversary Special Edition
Music 27.01.2010
60,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060004
E233 Kei Chuosen
Kaisoku (Train)
Special Interest 17.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059950
Hankai Tramway
Hankaisen &
Uemachisen (Train)
Special Interest 17.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059951
TV Program 10.03.2010
148,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fringe The First Season
Vol. 1 (2008 / DD 5.1)
TV Program 24.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059996
Fringe The First Season
Vol. 1 (2008 / DD 5.1)
TV Program 24.02.2010
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059993
Gosei Sentai Dairanger
Vol. 5
TV Program 21.03.2010
154,90 EUR BestellNr.:
House M.D. Season 3
DVD Box 2
TV Program 03.03.2010
150,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Special Interest 19.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060017
Masked Rider Double
Vol. 2
Virtual Trip Amalfi (Bluray)
TV Program 21.03.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060031
Special Interest 17.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059908
Nip/Tuck Forth Season
Set 1
Virtual Trip Music Edition Islands With Gontiti
TV Program 24.02.2010
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059997
Special Interest 03.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059910
Nip/Tuck Forth Season
Set 2
Virtual Trip Music Edition The View With
TV Program 24.02.2010
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059998
Special Interest 03.03.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059911
Virtual Trip Sakura Reprise (Blu-ray)
Special Interest 03.03.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059909
TV Program
Music 24.02.2010
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060118
Criminal Minds Season 3
Complete Box
Music 25.03.2010
136,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fringe The First Season
Coll.Box 1 (2008 / DD
Testudo Haisen Roman
Kaze No Koe, Toki No
Haruka Shimotsuki:
Haruka Shimotsuki Original Fantasy Concert
2009 -Fel Ary Aria-
Sakura Taisen Paris
Hanagumi Live 2009 Moeagare Jiyuu No
Tsubasa- DVD
365,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 17.02.2010
236,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fringe The First Season
Coll.Box (2008 / DD 5.1)
Nip/Tuck Third Season
Set 1
TV Program 24.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059999
Nip/Tuck Third Season
Set 2
TV Program 24.02.2010
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060000
Pushing Daisies Season
2 Collector’s Box
TV Program 24.02.2010
148,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Samurai Sentai
Shinkenger Vol. 9
TV Program 21.03.2010
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060030
Samurai Sentai
Shinkenger Vs Go-Onger
TV Program 10.03.2010
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 59
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
Januar 2010
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Ginmaku Bang!!
TV Program 21.03.2010
87,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060037
Samurai Sentai
Shinkenger Vs Go-Onger
Ginmaku Bang!!
TV Program 21.03.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060038
Smallville: 5th Season
Coll. Box 2
TV Program 24.02.2010
148,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Stargate Atlantis Season
3 DVD-Box
TV Program 03.03.2010
307,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Tentai Senshi Sun Red
2nd Season Vol. 3
TV Program 24.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060057
Thomas The Tank
Engine 11th Series Vol.
TV Program 21.03.2010
154,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Tomica Hero Rescue
Fire Vol. 13
TV Program 17.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059914
TV Program 19.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060025
Thomas The Tank
Engine 11th Series Vol.
Tomica Hero Rescue
Fire Vol. 14
TV Program 17.02.2010
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059915
Thomas The Tank
Engine: Character
Daizukan Sodorjima No
TV Program 17.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059916
Tokusou Robo
Janperson Vol. 5
TV Program 19.02.2010
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50060026
Tomica Waiwai DVD
Hataraku Tomica Hen
Vol. 2
TV Program 26.02.2010
51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059917
Tomica Waiwai DVD
Hataraku Tomica Hen
Vol. 2
Unsere Öffnungszeiten:
Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Freitags: 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Mittwochs 09.00 - 12:00 Uhr
Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonnund Feiertags (BadenWürttemberg) bleibt unser
Verkauf geschlossen.
TV Program 26.02.2010
42,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50059918
Newsletter 01/10 (Nr. 264)
ISSN 1610-2606
Wolfram Hannemann
Design & Layout:
Wolfram Hannemann
Beate Hannemann
Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe:
Anna Rudschies
© (2010) by
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nur in Verbindung mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag und beinhaltet den Warenpreis
sowie alle anfallenden
Importkosten inkl. unserer
* ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und
das doppelte D-Symbol
sind Warenzeichen der
Dolby Laboratories Inc.
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offizielle Informationsbroschüre für Kunden der Firma LASER HOTLINE.
Alle in diesem Mailing enthaltenen Angaben zu Produkten, die im Ausland veröffentlicht werden, stellen
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Seite 60