OAMR Newsletter - Summer 2016 - FINAL 070116.pub
OAMR Newsletter - Summer 2016 - FINAL 070116.pub
OREGON ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS Newsletter V o l u m e 3 5 , S u m m e r 2 0 1 6 W W W . O A M R . O R G President’s Message Michele Eldridge, CMC, City Recorder, Harrisburg Summer is here with a vengeance, and I hope that all of you are finding ways to enjoy it. I can’t believe that half of my term as your president is already completed. This has been such a wonderful experience; everyone’s support has been awesome! That’s one of the hallmarks of being on the leadership team for OAMR; all the support and solidarity with everyone doing their best to make OAMR even better year after year. I hope that some of you might be inspired to join OAMR’s leadership team in the future. It’s an enriching and rewarding experience. One of the exciting parts of the Annual Conference is the announcement of the Recorder of the Year and President’s Award of Distinction. There are so many in our organization who are deserving of these awards, so I hope that you will take the time to think about a fellow recorder that you feel would be deserving of one of these awards, and send in a nomination. The forms are in this newsletter and should be submitted no later than Friday, August 12. Please recognize the achievements that so many of our members bring to their communities! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: New Certifications 13 2016 Annual Conference 14 Board Candidates 20 Region Reports 26 Committee Reports 28 The last nine months have been so amazing and I have been so fortunate to have served as OAMR’s representative at our Region IX state conferences, LOC Board meetings and at the IIMC Conference. OAMR has had an incredible year to date, with our Board and committee members working so hard behind the scenes every day to make sure all members have the opportunities they need to be successful in their professional and personal lives and keeping our organization strong. It’s been so rewarding to see the growth in so many of our members and the potential in all of you!! We have been extremely busy with some of the changes that have been wrought by the Legislature during the short session this year, as well as the Attorney General’s Public Records Law Reform Task Force. (AGPRLRTF). I’d like to thank those of you who have stepped forward to go beyond our current committees, who have attended the House Rules Committee meetings, as well as those who have attended or participated in the AGPRLRTF meetings. Special thanks to Karin Johnson who heads up that Ad-Hoc Committee, and to the Records Management Committee and members who have attended and paid such close attention to the changing rules. Huge thanks go to Scott Stauffer, Carla Holzworth, Linda Galeazzi, Sue Ryan, Amber Mathiesen and everyone else on the team who has joined together to pay close attention to what the state is doing. PAGE 2 President’s Message Continued… Although, I am done with my travels to conferences, I will continue to work extremely hard in leading OAMR through the rest of this year. You have given me strength to do things I could only have imagined, and I hope that you have felt that same level of support and encouragement from me. I look forward to seeing you all at Conference in Ashland, September 21-23, where we will Unmask the Future together!! Michele President’s Meeting Summaries What a whirlwind the spring months are for the OAMR President! I attended the WMCA Conference in March, the OAMR Board meeting and Mid-Year Academy the last week of March/ beginning of April, the CCAC Conference in April and the IIMC Conference in Omaha, NE in May. I can’t thank OAMR enough for the opportunity to represent our organization at these venues. It has truly been an honor. OAMR Board Meeting We had a full agenda during the March Board meeting and a lot was accomplished. I appreciate everyone who attended and especially everyone who participated. The meeting highlights include: Swearing in the Region VI Region Director: Because she wasn’t able to attend the conference, or the previous Board meeting, we were finally able to swear in Lisa Morgan as the Region VI Director in person. OAMR Letter to the Oregon Attorney General’s Public Records Law Reform Task Force: The Board had previously reviewed and approved the letter that was sent to the AGPRLRTF earlier in the year. Karin Johnson is chairing the Ad-Hoc Committee, and the Board heard a report about that effort. Honorary Member Appointments: Proving that OAMR has provided the types of professional development classes that develop leaders for our municipalities, we were delighted to award honorary member status to Past Presidents Julie Krueger and Denise Carey. Both have been appointed as City Administrators for their communities, and have given so much to OAMR over the years. Purchasing General Liability Insurance: Following the legal review and updates to the OAMR By-Laws during the last year, we determined that in order to meet the requirements of the Indemnification Clause that we needed to purchase General Liability Insurance for OAMR. Scholarship Committee: The Scholarship Committee asked that the Board allow the transfer of $1,675 from the Mid-Year Academy Scholarship line to the IIMC Certifications Program Scholarship line; and thereby was able to fund all the scholarship requests for Professional Development classes at the Northwest Clerks Institute this summer. Treasurer Position Ad-Hoc Committee: Because the Nominating Committee was having difficulty in finding members who wanted to be the OAMR Treasurer, the Board discussed the possibilities of changing some of the job duties for the OAMR Treasurer. An Ad-Hoc Committee was formed in order to look into the job description, and to compare how some of our Region IX sister states contract out duties for the treasurer position. VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 President’s Message Continued… WMCA Conference and CCAC Conference Attending the WMCA Conference and CCAC Conference was an amazing experience; it was great to meet and network with the members of both organizations. WMCA President Debbie Burke and CCAC President Byron Pope were amazing hosts and put on exceptional conferences. I provided my President’s Report during their Region IX meeting with an update of all of OAMR’S happenings. Attorney General’s Public Records Law Reform Task Force (AGPRLRTF) On May 9, Immediate Past President Amy Sowa and I attended a public forum held at the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism. It was an interesting evening. We had both submitted written testimony, and had hoped to be able to address the forum, but the first two speakers alone used up over 40 minutes of time. Both Amy and I had meetings that evening and weren’t able to remain at the forum. There has since been another forum, held on May 27 in Portland, also at the U of O School of Journalism there that was attended by Sue Ryan. As the forums continue around the State of Oregon, we will continue to ask if members of OAMR can attend in order to keep up to date on this important issue at the forefront. IIMC Conference The IIMC Conference in Omaha, Nebraska was wonderful! The general sessions were terrific, with The Struggle is Real; Staying Right Side Up When Things are Turned Upside Down on Monday, followed by the Tuesday General Session, with Stop Global Whining! Get What You Want with What You’ve Got. They were both great sessions. The concurrent sessions were great; I focused on Mastering the Media, Born Digital, and Managing Up, amongst other classes. It’s fun and incredibly interesting to network with the members from all the other states. In addition to the sessions and fun conference activities, I attended the Presidents’ Roundtable. During this meeting, the Municipal Clerks Education Foundation (MCEF) President Colleen Nicol, announced that the title of MCEF was being discontinued. Instead, they were adopting the easier to remember title of the IIMC Foundation. Their goal is to continue the same work in support of scholarships for education. I was so very honored to carry the Oregon flag during the opening ceremonies. The flag ceremony is one of the most moving parts of the conference, with clerks from each of the 50 states, the provinces of Canada, and the other visiting countries carrying their flags and hearing their anthems. PAGE 3 PAGE 4 President’s Message Continued… During the Annual Business Meeting, our newest Region IX Director, Sheri Pierce, AAMC, was sworn in. We said farewell to Alice Atwood, the WMCA Region IX Director preceding Sheri at the Region IX Dinner on Monday evening. She did a great job leading Region IX during her tenure, and I’m sure that Sheri Pierce, who has been a Region Director before, will do the same! IIMC Celebrated its 70th year anniversary during the Conference, and the festivities were widely attended. The banquet was wonderful as always; Region IX CCAC President Byron Pope was one of the emcees of the evening. Monica MartinezSimmons, MMC, representing Region IX, was the outgoing President. We welcomed new President Vincent Buttiglieri, MMC that evening in her place. Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to attend these wonderful conferences as your OAMR representative! From left: Incoming CCAC President Jose Jasso, Outgoing CCAC President Byron Pope, New IIMC President Vincent Buttiglieri, WMCA President Shannon Corin, AAMC President Laurie Sica, and OAMR President Michele Eldridge. OAMR Board E-Meetings: The OAMR Board has met in two recent Board e-meetings. The latest issue was to approve a letter of support for an IIMC Conference being held in Region IX in 2021. WMCA is forwarding the “Visit Spokane” bid, as the location of the 2021 Conference, and the CCAC is forwarding the “Greater Ontario 2021 IIMC” bid as well. Either location will be a wonderful opportunity for OAMR members to attend a conference closer to Oregon. The Board also approved the eligibility of Treasurer Candidate Kimberlyn Collins of Jacksonville, who is the sole candidate for the position of Treasurer. It also approved an expenditure of up to $30 for flowers to be given to the outgoing IIMC President, who is also a Region IX representative. All of Region IX was asked for a donation to purchase flowers for Monica Martinez-Simmons. OREGON ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE IIMC REGION IX NEWS From your Region IX Directors Tracy Davis and Sheri Pierce The most current IIMC Region IX Report is available online at http://www.iimc.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/ Item/430. Please take a few minutes to read up on what your IIMC Region Directors have been up to. As always, please do not hesitate to contact either of us if you have questions, need information, or simply have ideas to share. Tracy Davis, MMC Region IX Director [email protected] (503) 856-3412 Sheri Pierce, MMC Region IX Director [email protected] (907) 831-0702 5 PAGE 6 OREGON ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 OREGON ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE 9 PAGE 10 What happened? What did they decide? Have you ever wondered what your OAMR Board does during their meetings? Well, the minutes of all their meetings, including their e-meetings, are posted on the OAMR website... http://www.oamr.org/board-agendas-and-minutes. You must login to view these documents. If you have any questions, contact Secretary Trudy Borrevik at [email protected]. OREGON ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE 11 HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW THE OAMR BOARD? Kathy Payne, CMC, City Recorder, St. Helens Aren’t these kids adorable? But who are they? Can you guess who these cute little ones are? Below are pictures of OAMR Board members in their younger years. Try and match that adorable face to a name. (The Board roster is on page 34 and the answers are on page 36) 1. 2. 4. 7. 3. 5. 6. 8. 9. PAGE 12 OREGON ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE 13 Nancy Parker, Athena, Earns CMC By Susan Reeves, MMC, City Recorder, Scappoose Nancy Parker has been with the City of Athena for 5½ years. She is very active on OAMR committees: Special Projects/Fundraising, Education, Membership, Conference Planning, Mentoring and Scholarship. She is also the Region VII Director and the Mentoring Committee Chair. Nancy’s advice to other recorders on certification would be to start immediately, attend all trainings and conferences possible, sign up for various committees and keep track of everything!! Her advice to other recorders about OAMR in general: “OAMR is a wonderful organization whose members possess a wealth of knowledge, which they share freely. Committees are a great way to become involved and they allow you to meet fellow recorders, learn the inner workings of OAMR and exchange ideas and knowledge with each other.“ Her outstanding achievements include being married to her husband Dean for 40 years, having two beautiful (inside and out) grown daughters (Sarah and Amy), being Athena’s First Citizen in 2007, and being a founding member of ALFA – Athena Library Friends Association, who raised funds to build a new library debt-free. She is a Board Member for Sunset Housing, and they have built 14 units for senior living. She is also proud of achieving her CMC designation. Nancy’s goal is to attain her MMC before she retires. Nancy’s activities outside OAMR and work include her grandchildren Kenzie (10) and Rawley (6). She loves to work in her yard, read, spend time at the beach, vacation in Mexico with girlfriends and take an annual camping trip by horseback with her husband into the beautiful Wallowa Mountains. She is a 38-year member of Beta Sigma Phi, attends weekly Bible study and loves to be outdoors!! Congratulations, Nancy! Joann Thompson, (formerly of) North Bend, Earns CMC By Phyllis Bolman, MMC, City Recorder, Monmouth Joann Thompson served as the North Bend City Recorder from October 2008 through May 2016 when she left to work for SAIF Corporation. While a member of OAMR, Joann served as chair of the Nominating Committee for two years and served on the Conference Committee for two years. She hosted the Mid-Year Academy and Conference in North Bend in 2013. Joann also was a mentor to the Jacksonville City Recorder. Joann’s advice to recorders seeking certification is to be patient and keep good records. Also, do not give up, seek support from your fellow OAMR members and apply for scholarships. Joann feels that earning her CMC it is an outstanding achievement and is very proud of her accomplishments. Joann is very active outside of work. She is a certified Bellyfit Instructor and teaches weekly classes. If you are curious, here is a link to a YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vzr4pfZTiic&feature=emshare_video_user. She is a Certified Optician and dispenses/sells contact lens to patients. Joann is also a property manager for several rental properties that her and her husband own. She also adds there is a long list of volunteer work she does for her homeowners association, fundraisers, library and nursing homes. Congratulations, Joann!! We wish you great success in everything that you do! PAGE 14 2016 OAMR Annual Academy & Conference Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites, Ashland, Oregon September 21-23, 2016 OAMR is Unmasking the Future in Ashland, Oregon! The City of Ashland and Ashland City Recorder Barbara Christensen are very excited to host the 2016 OAMR Annual Academy & Conference. Register online now at: http://www.oamr.org/event-2094295. All registrations will be completed online. You will have the option to pay by check or credit card. Registration deadline is September 10, 2016. Conference Schedule Wednesday, September 21 Registration desk opens - 8:00 AM Annual Academy - 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM “Get Organized; Know Your Priorities; and Never Break a Sweat,” presented by Jan Harrison. The all-day Academy session is approved for three CMC or MMC educational points with the completion of an assessment. President’s Welcome Reception – 5:00-6:30 PM All attendees are invited to join this fun and casual no-host event. Board Member Honored Guests Dinner/Dinner on Your Own – 6:00 PM The Board will have dinner with our Honored Guests. All other attendees can explore Ashland’s restaurants. Reservations are encouraged. Thursday, September 22 Registration desk and store opens - 7:00 AM First Time Attendee/Mentor/Mentee Breakfast – 7:00 AM Conference first time attendees and Mentor/Mentee teams will join us in the Orion Room, while the rest of the membership enjoys free continental breakfast served in the hotel Mezzanine. Opening Ceremonies - 8:00 AM OREGON ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE 15 Concurrent Educational Sessions – 9:45 – 11:30 AM A full slate of concurrent sessions will be available for you to choose from: A Welcome for New Members; Records Management; and Diversity and Community Outreach. Lunch & Exhibitor Presentations – 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM During our lunch on Thursday, we will acknowledge and thank the many exhibitors that help make our conference possible. General Session – 1:00 – 3:00 PM Dr. Rick Kirschner will present Dealing with Difficult People. Dr. Kirschner is the best-selling author of numerous books and multimedia programs, including the international bestseller ‘Dealing With People You Can’t Stand: How To Bring Out The Best In People At Their Worst.’ Concurrent Educational Sessions – 3:15 – 5:00 PM Choose from more outstanding sessions: Public Art/Percent for the Arts/City Arts Committees; Records Management; and Diversity and Community Outreach. Kathy Ishiara Scholarship Walk – 5:30 PM This year we will have a very special Kathy Walk in beautiful Lithia Park in downtown Ashland. Explore the paths along Ashland Creek through undeveloped woodlands, a Japanese garden, duck ponds, a formal rose garden and groves of sycamore trees. See map on page 19. This walk is your chance to help raise money for the Kathy Ishiara Scholarship which was founded as a means to honor Medford’s City Recorder Kathy Ishiara. Kathy passed away in 1998 after a long battle with breast cancer. After the Kathy Walk, don’t miss the opportunity to attend a performance at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival or Oregon Cabaret. Go directly from the Kathy Walk if you choose...neither of these events are necessarily "dress up.” Oregon Shakespeare Festival or the Oregon Cabaret – 8:00 PM For OSF arrive no later than 7:30-7:45 for seating. **No one seated until break time if arrive too late** For Oregon Cabaret arrive no later than 7:30-7:45** OSF offers snacks and beverages. The Cabaret serves dinner beginning at 6:30 PM (need to make separate reservations for this) and prior to the 8:00 PM show you can order scrumptious desserts and beverages. If you didn’t join the early group reservations, you can contact Barbara Christensen to see if group prices are still available or visit these websites to buy tickets on your own: Shakespeare – The Winter’s Tale: https://www.osfashland.org/productions/2016-plays/the-winter-stale.aspx Oregon Cabaret – Bat Boy: https://theoregoncabaret.com/show/bat-boy/ PAGE 16 Dinner on Your Own Enjoy dinner on your own in downtown Ashland (reservations encouraged). You’ll find an outstanding selection of cuisines, with everything from a British pub to fine dining. If you prefer to stay near the hotel, within walking distance are Caldera Brewery & Restaurant, El Paraiso Mexican Cuisine and Oak Tree NW (sports bar entrance in the side parking lot). Friday, September 23 Registration desk opens - 7:45 AM Annual Business Meeting with Plated Breakfast – 8:00 AM It is important everyone attend to participate in the election of our 2016/2017 Board, approving our 2016/2017 Budget, and selecting our 2018 conference site in Region I or II. Your participation and discussion on these significant matters vital to the continued health of the organization. Concurrent Educational Sessions – 9:45 – 11:30 AM Choose from: Public Meetings or Public Art/Percent for the Arts/City Arts Committees Athenian Leadership Dialogue (requires pre-registration) – 9:45 AM – 5:30 PM The Athenian Leadership Dialogue will explore the book, “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead,” by Sheryl Sandberg. Kathie Novak will facilitate the Dialogue. There is an additional fee of $25 required to participate, and participants are required to purchase and read the book prior to the Dialogue. If you are planning to attend the Dialogue, email Peggy Hawker at [email protected] and be sure to select the Athenian Leadership Dialogue when you register for the conference online. Dialogue participants completing an assessment will be awarded three IIMC educational points toward the CMC or MMC designation. IIMC Region IX Meeting with Lunch – 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM During lunch, we will have the opportunity to hear from our prestigious Region IX Directors, including Sheri Pierce and our own Tracy Davis, as well as Presidents Laurie Sica (AAMC), Shannon Corin (WMCA) and Jose Jasso (CCAC). Other honored guests in attendance will be Northwest Clerks Institute Director Joann Tilton and IIMC President Vincent Buttiglieri. Concurrent Educational Sessions – 1:00 – 4:45 PM More great session to choose from, including Safety Committees, Public Meetings and Drafting Evaluations From Start to Finish. During breaks throughout the Conference, you will have the opportunity to visit our exhibitors, bid on Silent Auction items and buy items at the OAMR store. Silent Auction, No-Host Bar & President’s Corner - 6:00 – 7:00 PM Join us in the ballroom for cocktail hour and time to honor President Michele Eldridge. This is your chance to thank Michele for all she has done over the last year in serving and representing OAMR. During this hour, you will also have a chance to out-bid your friends on some amazing items during the Silent Auction! VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE 17 Annual Banquet – 7:00 PM The Annual Banquet will follow the reception and will include the installation of the new Board, a scrumptious meal, raffle winner announcements, and more. Community Outreach Project A few years ago, OAMR started doing a community outreach project for a charitable organization in the city hosting our Conference. This year we will be donating to the Helman Elementary School library. Please help grant Helman Elementary their wish for new books. All books purchased with the donation will include a label “Donated by Oregon Association of Municipal Recorders 2016.” Because the school orders books at a discount and requires barcoding, it is not possible to donate books. All donations will need to be by check or cash. Start saving your dollars to donate! Make Your Hotel Reservations Now Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites 2525 Ashland Street Ashland, OR 97520 Reservations: (541) 482-8310 Mention that you are with the “Oregon Municipal Recorders”. The rate for all rooms is $129, plus tax. Rooms will be released to the public August 30, 2016. Reserve your room now – September is a busy time in Ashland! The Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites is just three miles from downtown Ashland and features panoramic mountain views, an outdoor pool and Jacuzzi, two tennis courts, fitness room, and guest bicycles. Guests enjoy complimentary continental breakfast, wireless Internet and free parking. Every room has a small patio with two chairs. Room or Ride Share If you are concerned about lodging cost and/or driving to the conference, consider sharing a room or carpooling. If you need to be matched with a roommate, or carmate, please contact Anna Ruggles, from the City of Forest Grove, at [email protected]. A mate-matching questionnaire will be provided. Getting Around Ashland Downtown Ashland is about a 10-minute cab ride or 3-mile drive from the Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites. The hotel has a shuttle service and taxi service is available. Carpooling will be coordinated to get to Lithia Park for the Kathy Walk. PAGE 18 Many thanks to the Conference Committee for their dedication and hard work this past year in putting together a fantastic conference! Barbara Christensen, MMC, Ashland/Host Recorder Peggy Hawker, MMC, Newport and the Education Committee Anna Ruggles, CMC, Forest Grove Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River Carolyn Shields, CMC, Myrtle Creek Cathy Nelson, Waterloo Colleen Resch, Sherwood Colleen Riggs, Cannon Beach Deanna Casey, MMC, Central Point Debbie Manning, MMC, Dundee Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius Debi Russell, Weston Janette Booth, Phoenix Jennifer Nelson, CMC, Carlton Joann Thompson, CMC, North Bend Karen Howton, Island City Karen Spoonts, MMC, Medford Kathy Payne, CMC, St. Helens Kimberlyn Collins, Jacksonville Kitty Vodrup, CMC, Junction City Lilly Alarcon-Strong, Hermiston Linda Kaser, CMC, Lebanon Lisa Scholl, CMC, St. Helens Margaret Reh, North Plains Mary Dibble, MMC, Albany Melissa Kiefer, Nehalem Nancy Batchelder, MMC, Yachats Nancy Parker, CMC, Athena Nicole Morris, CMC, Tualatin Phyllis Bolman, MMC, Monmouth Sammy Egbert, Coburg Scott Stauffer, Milwaukie Stacie Cook, MMC, Mill City Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose Teri Porter, Pilot Rock Tori Barnett, MMC, Ontario We look forward to seeing you in September! Register online now at: http://www.oamr.org/event-2094295! OREGON ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE 19 PAGE 20 Candidate for Position of Second Vice President I am very excited to submit my candidacy for the 2nd Vice President position with OAMR. Since joining OAMR, I have found the membership of this organization to be a great source of knowledge and empowerment for me. The friendships I have made, and the experiences that I have had, as an OAMR member have inspired me to grow to new personal and professional heights, and I look forward to sharing that same inspiration with all new OAMR members through this leadership role. Further, I believe that my experience working in local government over the last seven years and experience working on OAMR committees over the last five years provide specific expertise that will serve the organization well. I am running for this position with the support of the City Management Team at the City of Tualatin, and of my family. I was encouraged by a group of my OAMR Nicole Morris, CMC peers to apply and declare my candidacy. I have been a member of OAMR and City of Tualatin IIMC since 2010. I began my local government career in 2008 with the City of Yachats where I worked as a Utility Billing Technician. I then moved to the City of Newport in 2010 and served as the Executive Assistant to the City Manager. It was in my role there that I discovered OAMR and the professional development and mentoring it could offer me, and I began working on my CMC in 2011. I started my current position as Deputy City Recorder for the City of Tualatin in 2013. I received my CMC in 2013 and am currently working toward my MMC and look forward to achieving this goal by the end of 2016. My past participation on OAMR committees has helped me to understand the organization and its structure as well as the needs of the members. I have served on the Annual Conference Committee and Education Committee from 2010 to present, the Mentoring Committee, the Ad-Hoc Conference Siting Committee, and served as the Membership Committee Chair in 2014. I brought forward initiatives to go green within OAMR and worked to reduce costs with all the committees I have participated on. This position is a very important position to OAMR. The 2nd Vice President is the Chair of the Special Projects/Fundraising Committee which is responsible for raising funds for future scholarships. As a recipient of several scholarships I know how vital this role is for the organization. I look forward to carrying the torch and continuing to find innovative and creative ways to fundraise. I also look forward to partnering with experienced members of the Committee to ensure our efforts are successful. I have always been a driven individual who naturally gravitates toward leadership roles. I am able to motivate and find humor in all situations to get the best end result. I think it is important to be positive, friendly, and encouraging of all member ideas and opinions. As your 2nd Vice President, I know I can bring these qualities to the table and look forward to doing so if elected. I appreciate the opportunity to run for the position of 2nd Vice President, and to be a part of the excellent leadership team for OAMR! OREGON ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE Candidate for Position of Treasurer It is with great enthusiasm that I respectfully submit my application to serve on the Board of OAMR as Treasurer. OAMR has a long history of involvement with City Recorders, providing them with concepts of continued education, high quality service and professionalism. The level of respect I have gained for OAMR is beyond words. I can't express enough how valuable and accommodating OAMR has been to me in my short time as City Recorder for the City of Jacksonville. Kimberlyn Collins City of Jacksonville I started working for the City of Jacksonville in November 2013 as the Court Clerk and Administrative Assistant. In September 2014, I was promoted to City Recorder. It was such a compliment to receive this promotion considering I had not worked in government prior to my employment. I have been with OAMR since about the time I became City Recorder. Last summer, I attended Professional Development I and II and this summer I will be attending PD III with the hopes of having my CMC by the end of 2016. My interest in serving on the Board of OAMR stems from my desire in working with people and giving back to those who have given much to me. I have been in some sort of volunteer position off and on over the last 26 years and I find great joy in serving others. Through my experience serving with multiple non-profit organizations over the last 26 years I have gained insight and a deep understanding of the many challenges and opportunities that non-profits face. As someone who grass rooted a non-profit I believe I have an advantage for the position of Treasurer. I have a traditional work ethic. This was something my parents instilled in me at a very young age. In the past, I have had co-workers who stated, “It’s rare to see loyalty and dedication as yours.” I believe that honesty and accountability are essential for this position and this is a big part of who I am. I have passion for the projects I work on especially when it is an organization I truly believe in like OAMR. I am a very driven person who likes to inspire others to be all they can be. Even though it may seem like I am all business I can't get through a day without plenty of laughter. It sure makes the job a lot more fun!!! I am honored to apply for the Treasurer position and I appreciate the opportunity to submit my application. I believe I have a set of values, which has helped me succeed in whatever I do. I believe I can make a significant contribution to OAMR. I will serve the members with integrity, reliability, and enthusiasm. 21 PAGE 22 Candidate for Position of Region 1 Director It is with great honor that I submit my Declaration of Candidacy for Region I Director of Oregon Association of Municipal Recorders (OAMR). It is my intention to serve Region I to the best of my abilities. I have been a public servant since I was 16 years old, working in Oregon and Washington at the state, county, local, and school district levels. I have truly enjoyed my career and have learned so much from my 33 years of experience. Kathy Payne, CMC City of St. Helens I have been a member of OAMR for eight years, joining in 2008 after my promotion to City Recorder at the City of St. Helens. I also joined the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) the same year. In 2009, I began taking Professional Development courses with the goal to become IIMC certified. I achieved Certified Municipal Clerk designation on November 9, 2011, a great professional and personal accomplishment. I am now working toward my Master Municipal Clerk designation. OAMR has helped me become the person that I am today. I have learned so much from our members and from all of the valuable training sessions that are offered each year, whether it is at an academy or conference. I would not be as knowledgeable or as resourceful as I am today if it weren’t for OAMR. I have served on a number of OAMR committees, including the Internet Committee (2011/12 to present), Newsletter Committee (2009/10 to present, Chair beginning in 2013/14), Conference Committee (2010/11, 2011/12, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16), and Special Projects/Fundraising Committee (2013/14). I have been privileged to attend many conferences and trainings offered by OAMR, with the support of my Council and City Administrator. As Region I Director, I will lead our area by bringing members together and encouraging members to become more active with OAMR in whatever capacity they are able to. I will endeavor to bring awareness to all members in my Region of the scholarship and educational opportunities available to them. I will also encourage networking, not only within our Region but within all of OAMR and internationally through IIMC. My goals will be to inform, collaborate and help each member enjoy being a part of such a great organization. I think knowledge is key and sharing information is an important part of being a leader. Since I have been a member, I believe that OAMR has done a fabulous job to meet their objectives which include encouraging members to participate in the organization, providing educational opportunities, informing members of pertinent information, endeavoring to increase participation in the IIMC certification programs, and fundraising moneys to continue a healthy scholarship program. I will work diligently to meet these objectives for my Region. I am the proud mother of a 20-year-old son, Noah, who graduated from high school with honors. I have been a single mom for almost all of his life, so, the majority of my time outside of work has been taking care of him, managing his activities and his schoolwork. Being a single mom has brought many challenges our way but I am happy to say that my son is a good kid and I am proud of the young man he has become. I couldn’t ask for a better kid! We have two dogs, Jack and Bella, who bring us so much comfort and joy! I am a very proud member of OAMR. With all of my experience and skills I have learned over the years, I will be the best Region 1 Director that I can be if you so choose to elect me to this position. Thank you all for your consideration. OREGON ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE Candidate for Position of Region III Director I have been a member of OAMR for almost 10 years. I have achieved my MMC. My current volunteer positions include the Vendor Coordinator for our city’s July 4th Festival, Chair of the 2017 Eclipse Committee, Chair of the City’s Wellness Committee and soon to be chair of the Safety Committee. My committee activities with OAMR include: Special Projects Committee, 20082009, Newsletter Committee, 2008-2016, Mentoring Committee, 2009-2016, Conference Committee, 2009-2010, 2014-2015 and Special Projects/Fundraising Committee, 2012-2014. I have served as the Region III director for the past three years. Region directors are part of the OAMR Board. I take very seriously my participation on the Board as our decisions affect all of the members. Phyllis Bolman, CMC City of Monmouth I have had several leadership roles during high school and since including President of the Monmouth Business Association and Bible study leader. I have also taken the time to learn to be a better follower. I would bring expertise at organizing events and functions and encouraging people. I love mentoring new members and feel that it is a very important part of OAMR, along with the educational opportunities. I believe it is very important to help our members feel like they are a part of the organization. It would be an honor to continue to serve the members of OAMR as Region III director. Candidate for Position of Region VII Director I am pleased to submit my candidacy for Region VII Director. I have served as the Region Director the last two years, and would love to continue promoting the region and the work we have begun. I have been an OAMR member for five years, attended Professional Development I and II and this year, I attended PD III and PD IV. I received my CMC in May of this year. I have enjoyed serving on the following OAMR committees: Special Projects/Fundraising 2012/13; Membership - 2012/13; Scholarship - 2013/14, 2014/15 & 2015/16; Education 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15 & 2015/16; Conference – 2013/14, 2014/15; Mentoring – 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015-16, chairing last year and this year. I have also attended and presented at OAMR workshops. Nancy Parker, CMC City of Athena I have been honored to serve in various leadership capacities in every job I have held, as well as church, civic, and community organizations, including: Athena Chamber of Commerce, Beta Sigma Phi (both local and city wide chapters), Athena Weston Livestock Supporters and the local PTA. I am the Treasurer for Sunset Housing, which built 14 much needed apartments for senior citizens living in Athena. I was also a founding member and officer for ALFA – Athena Library Friends Association, which built a new library in Athena debt free. I strongly believe in OAMR and the educational opportunities it provides, but more importantly the support and camaraderie of its members. We are a diverse group working together to promote the role of municipal clerk. 23 PAGE 24 Candidate for Position of Region V Director My name is Karen Spoonts, MMC, City Recorder for the City of Medford. I have been asked to run as Region V Director for many years but finally….the time is right. The City of Medford has not had a recorder fill this position for over 10 plus years and the City and I couldn’t be happier to declare that I have announced my candidacy for this position. I will be celebrating 20 years with the City this spring. I have been with OAMR since 2001 and a member of IIMC since 2002. I achieved my CMC in 2005 and my MMC in 2010. Karen Spoonts, MMC City of Medford I have served on various committees since 2002, such as the Conference, Nominating (where I also served as Chair), Professional Growth & Development, Mentoring & Leadership Development, Legislative, By-Laws, Internet, Retired Clerks, Records Management and the Scholarship Committee. I have also served on the IIMC Conference Committee in 200607. On my own, I have mentored many clerks in our area and have enjoyed the friendship and satisfaction of helping others grow in their position. Last year I was involved in Chamber Leadership and served as the Chair of the Fundraising Committee for a Natural Playground for Hawthorne Park. This was an exciting time to be involved in this group, as we exceeded all expectations of what a Chamber Leadership project entails. We stretched our imaginations and talents, creating a unique opportunity for children while helping to revitalize a much needed park which sits in the center of our city. Having served in the Recorder’s Office for 17 years, I know that I can bring experience, knowledge, and leadership skills to serve in this capacity. I have been asked to state what I believe the objectives of OAMR should include. Have you read the current objectives? OAMR is to enhance the quality of our office and to encourage dedication to our profession, by providing education experience of the highest quality as well as promote the professionalism of the office of municipal recorder. I couldn’t agree more. OAMR is a great place to learn how to do our job well and to the best of our ability. OAMR provides education opportunities and encourages everyone to grow in this profession. Being involved in OAMR is a win-win situation. I would be honored to serve as OAMR Region V Director. OREGON ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE 25 PAGE 26 Region I News Kathy Payne, CMC, City Recorder, St. Helens, Region 1 Director It’s been a busy spring/summer in Region 1. St. Helens is still in the public comment phase of their Columbia River waterfront redevelopment project. It’s an exciting prospect to have the waterfront be an attraction for all citizens and visitors in our area. There will be a mix of recreational, residential and commercial development. Currently, the City, although right on the Columbia River, has very little beach access. Region 1 members are going to meet in Tillamook for a summer lunch on July 22. We are all looking forward to getting together and listening to how each other’s cities are doing. Region III News Phyllis Bolman, CMC, City Recorder, Monmouth, Region III Director Region III had four members attend the IIMC conference: Tracy Davis, Peggy Hawker, Karin Johnson and Michele Eldridge. Michele is pictured to the right in the opening ceremonies carrying the state flag. Karin says that she came away with a very positive view of Omaha! Region III hosted elections training on May 24. We had 19 people in attendance including the Polk County Clerk! Brenda Bays from the Secretary of State’s Office reviewed the changes to the election laws and answered questions. The attendees felt that the information was valuable to them. In Other News! Kelly Richardson, Aurora, is excited that her oldest daughter will be getting married on June 18! OREGON ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE 27 Region VI News Lisa Morgan, City Recorder, Prineville, Region VI Director Once again summertime is upon us, everyone is getting ready for their annual summer events such as the 4th of July, festivals, rodeos, concerts, arts and culture events, fairs, horse racing, and more. Cities are also well underway with their public works projects. Almost everywhere you go there is a detour here and a detour there. One of our newest members, Izetta Grossman, in The Dalles was able to attend PD I this June, as Julie Krueger continues in her newer role as The Dalles City Manager. In Sisters, there is always something happening. We have the Quilt Show, Gem Show, Glory Daze Car Show, Folk Festival, Harvest Festival, 4th Friday Art Strolls, Farmers Market every Friday and lots of weekend art and craft shows. The process for constructing a roundabout at the west end of Sisters on Highway 20 (Cascade Avenue) has begun with rightof-way purchasing by ODOT underway and business and community members meeting in focus groups to discuss traffic management during construction, aesthetics and art work. Construction will begin in December or January. Development is booming – the Community Development Department is processing lots of land use applications. The Finance Department will finish up the budget cycle with adoption of the budget this Thursday. The Public Works Department is always crazy busy in the summer maintaining all the parks, setting up for events, doing road maintenance and overseeing the City’s overnight park. Sisters has an interim city manager at present, and Kathy Nelson will be retiring by the end of the year. LaPine is busy with an ODOT overpass project. Gordon’s truck stop has new owners that intend to spend several million dollars remodeling, which will include rebuilding the truck facilities, adding a hotel as well as new fast food places. Culver just finished remodeling the city recorder’s office. They are adding a splash pad at their park and making additions to the park that everyone can use. If you have never been to Culver for their Annual Crawdad Festival in August, you really must try it. Madras is working on a new road to their airport to support the development of Daimler which is developing 87 acres. Highway 97 improvements through town are just about complete except landscaping. Madras is also preparing for the total solar eclipse that is expected to happen on August 21, 2017, and motel rooms are already being booked. There are already all kinds of events being planned around this. It is estimated to draw between 50,000 to 150,000 people to this area to have their chance to witness the solar event in a two-minute window. This will be a huge tourism draw for every city in this region. Bend, of course, has many good things going on and it is the perfect time of year to go check out all of the fun summer activities they have to offer. Redmond just reopened their airport after being closed (except for helicopter and rental cars), for a big runway rehabilitation project. The new city hall renovation is underway where they discovered 25,000 bees calling it home. The bees were relocated to a local farm. Every time I see City Recorder Kelly Morse she is super busy. She finally has an assistant. Prineville has been super busy too. Our big wastewater treatment wetlands project is underway and when completed will have five miles of trails with three miles of that being paved. Local elementary students helped design kiosks that will have information on various wildlife, vegetation and how the treatment cells will work. The groundbreaking ceremony brought in officials from Washington as well as regional elected officials. The City and Apple just announced a wastewater reclamation project where wastewater will be treated and polished and used at their facility, saving millions of gallons of water by recycling. Apple is totally funding this project with no cost to the taxpayers! Prineville continues to explore hydro power opportunities at Bowman Dam. It’s almost time for me to make my way through Region VI and take in all the beauty we have to offer. Hope to get some wonderful pictures again (that the grandchildren won’t delete) to share with all of you. PAGE 28 Audit Committee Report Denise Carey, MMC, City Manager, Estacada ISSUE STATEMENT - The audit for FYE October 31, 2015 is submitted for Board review and approval. BACKGROUND An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts in the financial statements. The financial statements should present fairly the financial position of the Association’s activities and the respective changes in financial position and cash flows. The audit committee is comprised of three members appointed by the President and this year’s members are Dale Shafer, City of Nehalem; Lori Gilmore, City of Yamhill; and Denise Carey, City of Estacada. RELATED POLICIES/BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS The members of the OAMR Audit Committee audited the financial statements for the Oregon Association of Municipal Recorders for the year ended October 31, 2015. In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Association’s activities, and the respective changes in financial position and cash flows. Financial notes: Revenues for the 2015 conference exceeded budgeted in all three categories: exhibiters, registration and sponsors. Overall conference revenues exceeded expenditures by $13,559.35. (Everyone loves a conference at the beach!!) A total of $23,767.24 was awarded for scholarships. Total revenues for the year exceeded the budgeted amount by $7,581 and total expenditures came in $17,150 less than budgeted leaving a healthy beginning fund balance of $63,209 for the 2015-16 budget year. Recommendations: The Finance Policy (7.1) requires that all reimbursements for expenses MUST include an OAMR Expense Reimbursement Form with itemized receipts attached. There were a number of payments made without any or part of this paperwork. The form is available on the website for all members to access and should be filled out COMPLETELY. It is the Audit Committee’s recommendation that the treasurer return any requests submitted that do not have all the required paperwork completed and receipts attached. SUGGESTED MOTION “I move to approve the Audit Report for the year ending October 31, 2015.” The Board approved the audit report and recommendation at their March 31, 2016 Board meeting. OREGON ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE 29 Internet Committee Report Melissa Thompson-Kiefer, Assistant City Recorder, Nehalem Online registration for the Annual Academy and Conference is open! All conference registrations are now completed online – no more paper forms. Register Now Here are tips for completing your conference registration online: Log in before you register to expedite the process. If you don’t have a password, or forgot it, just click the Forgot Password link. You will have the option to pay by check (no extra fee) or pay by credit card ($15.00 processing fee applies). Please be sure to select the correct payment option when you register. If you need to make a change, use the “Back” button. Select “Invoice Me” if you are paying by check. You will automatically receive an invoice by email. If you have applied for a scholarship to attend the conference, select “paying by check” and wait until scholarship awards are announced before submitting payment for extra events. If you need assistance with online conference registration or have suggestions for improving the OAMR website, please email: [email protected] or call (503) 368-5627. Legislative Committee Report Lisa Morgan, City Recorder, Prineville Of course as you know, just because Salem is not in session right now, doesn’t mean that everyone isn’t busy getting ready for the next session. LOC will be having their Board meeting this month to whittle down the list of priorities that were identified by the various LOC committees. Once that list has been approved by the Board, then off to the cities it goes for each city to identify their top priorities. As reported previously, everything is being discussed from transportation packages; to land use regulations on temporary housing; homelessness; protecting mental health investments; 9-1-1 tax, which hasn’t been raised or modernized in a long time; IP 28 corporate tax; QBS repeal for A & E services to allow cities to consider cost when hiring architects and engineers; liquor fees which have not been raised since 1948; recreational immunity; continued transparency; and of course let’s not forget marijuana reform. The deadline to submit legislative notes is coming up to be able to submit bills in September. As usual there will be hundreds and hundreds of bills to go through, and with 17 legislative positions changing, this could be interesting, but when isn’t it? Your Legislative Committee members are: Karin Johnson, MMC – Independence, Nanci Moyo – Beaverton, and Lisa Morgan, Chair – Prineville. It’s not too late to join this committee!! We would love to have you and need all the eyes on this we can have. PAGE 30 Membership Committee Report Mary Dibble, MMC, City Clerk, Albany On behalf of the Membership Committee, please join us in extending a warm welcome to our new members. Region II Welcome to Lisa Young, Finance Director, City of Sandy! Region III Welcome to Johanna Hewitt, City Clerk, Falls City. Johanna has been an OAMR member since March 2016 and has been in her current position since August 11, 2015. She does not have prior municipal experience; previously she worked as an office manager in the healthcare industry with senior housing. Prior to that, she operated an 80-acre farm raising livestock and was very active in community issues and the Farm Bureau. Johanna learned about OAMR from Domenica Protheroe, who encouraged her to participate for learning opportunities and growth. She needs the most help with budget, land use and elections. Johanna is a native Oregonian from Polk County. She grew up in southwest rural Polk, where she still resides, and is engaged to Lt. Birr of the Salem Police Department. The wedding is in July! Johanna said he has been a wealth of knowledge for her current position on a vast array of topics. She has five children with two teenagers left at home from a previous marriage. She also has a grandson and another grandchild on the way! Her three eldest children are married; both her daughters hold professional careers, and her son is a 3-year U.S. Marine. She likes sewing, soap making, riding her motorcycle with friends, reading, woodwork, and working in the yard. Region V Welcome to Teri Davis, City Recorder, City of Brookings. Teri has been a member of OAMR since April 2016. She was an Administrative Assistant to the City Manager in Englewood, Ohio, for 15 years, Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Police for two years, and a police and fire dispatcher for 4½ years. She was also a 911 dispatcher in Prince William Co., VA for a year and a half, and is also a U.S. Army Veteran. Teri looks forward to understanding the differences between how things are done in Oregon versus how they were done in Ohio. Her husband is from Oregon originally, and they have family in the Klamath Falls area. Teri has two adult sons and is interested in theater (both as an audience member and as a participant), cooking, traveling, reading, puzzles, art, sports, and music. OREGON ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE Special Projects/Fundraising Committee Report Debbie Hamilton, CMC, City Recorder, Sutherlin, Second Vice President New Store Items - Micro Fleece Jacket w/ OAMR Logo $15 3-piece Mug Set $8 Credit Card ID Theft Protector $7 FUN-RAISER Dual Port USB Car Charger $7 Blanket Roll w/ OAMR Logo $15 Cream/Black Quilt RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE NOW $1/each or six for $5 Time to get your tickets and SELL, SELL, SELL!! To get tickets to sell, contact Diana Harris at [email protected] or Deanna Casey at [email protected] Check out the great new items for the store the Committee chose! The items are online so if you can’t make it to the Annual Conference and you’d like to grab some for yourself, you can email Susan Reeves, Debby Roth or Debbie Hamilton your order. We think you’ll enjoy any one of these! Be sure to look for some of the sale items there too; there are some great buys available! Don’t forget - I hope you’re picking up all the great deals, sale and closeout items to donate to the Silent Auction. Remember all the $$$ we bring in goes right to the OAMR scholarship funds which in turn go back to those of you who apply and qualify! We hope to make this a record breaking year for OAMR fundraising! 31 PAGE 32 Records Management Committee Report Scott Stauffer, Administrative Specialist II, Milwaukie With the conclusion of the State Legislature’s Short Session in March, the RMC’s policy tracking activities have slowed down. In particular, we worked with President Eldridge and the Legislative Committee to track House Bill 4130 (HB4130), which in original form would have established fairly restrictive guidelines on the public records request process; HB4130 was significantly amended and left in committee by the end of the session. We continue to track other statewide policy discussions, including the Attorney General’s Public Records Law Reform Task Force (AGPRLRTF) which has begun a long-term process to review the over 400 records disclosure exemptions. The RMC gathered just once at Wilsonville this spring, but it was a full and productive meeting covering the next-tolast review of the Information Management Manual (formerly known as the Records Management Manual), a review and clean-up of RMC documents, and planning for an RMC sponsored records management session at the OAMR Annual Conference in September. Finally, we are pleased to report that long-anticipated changes to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 166 Division 17 have been adopted by the State and went into effect on May 5, 2016. These changes allow cities to store permanent records in a State Archivist approved electronic records management system, although there is no requirement to do so and paper and microfilm remain approved formats for permanent records. Look for more information on this in the coming months – it will be a focus of the records management session at Conference! OREGON ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE 33 Scholarship Committee Report Nanci Moyo, Deputy City Recorder, Beaverton The scholarships for 2016 have been flying out the door to well deserving recipients pursuing their continuing education. The Professional Development classes offered through the Northwest Clerks Institute were well attended by many Oregon Recorders who received scholarships from OAMR. The scholarship recipients have sent their thanks and appreciation back through emails after receiving their news. The OAMR Fundraising Committee does a fantastic job (and all of OAMR participants) building the scholarship fund and supporting the continuing education of OAMR members. Scholarships will be announced for the Annual Academy and Annual Conference on July 8. The scholarship application for the IIMC Conference being held in Montreal in 2017 is available online. The submittal dates are from May 6 – August 5, 2016. The notification will be made at the OAMR Annual Conference. Scholarship recipients for the 2016 Northwest Clerks Institute include: Professional Development I Stephanie Borst Michelle Fox Marla Roberts Karen Hewitt Jaime Reed Aubrey Minear April Ott Professional Development II Diane Harris Donna Biggerstaff Kattie Riggs Marla Roberts Scott Stauffer Professional Development III Angie Lanter Margaret Reh Melissa Keifer Nancy Parker Professional Development IV Nancy Parker Nicole Morris Kathy Payne PAGE 34 2015-2016 OAMR BOARD President Michele Eldridge, CMC City of Harrisburg PO Box 378 Harrisburg, OR 97446 541.995.6655 [email protected] First Vice President Dale Shafer City of Nehalem PO Box 143 Nehalem, OR 97131 503.368.5627 [email protected] Second Vice President Debbie Hamilton, CMC City of Sutherlin 126 E. Central Avenue Sutherlin, OR 97479 541.459.2856 x207 [email protected] Secretary Trudy Borrevik, CMC City of Cottage Grove 400 E. Main Street Cottage Grove, OR 97424 541.942.5501 [email protected] Treasurer Nancy Batchelder, MMC City of Yachats PO Box 345 Yachats, OR 97498 541.547.3565 [email protected] Immediate Past President Amy Sowa, MMC City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541.726.4666 [email protected] Region 1 Director Kathy Payne, CMC City of St. Helens PO Box 278 St. Helens, OR 97051 503.366.8217 [email protected] Cell: 503.369.2148 Region II Director Margaret Reh City of North Plains 31360 NW Commercial Street North Plains, OR 97133 503.647.5555 [email protected] Region III Director Phyllis Bolman, MMC City of Monmouth 151 W. Main Street Monmouth, OR 97361 503.751.0145 [email protected] Region IV Director Carolyn Shields, CMC City of Myrtle Creek PO Box 940 Myrtle Creek, OR 97457 541.863.3171 [email protected] Region V Director Deanna Casey, MMC City of Central Point 140 S. Third Street Central Point, OR 97502 541.423.1026 [email protected] Region VI Director Lisa Morgan City of Prineville 387 NE Third Street Prineville, OR 97754 541.447.8339 [email protected] Region VII Director Nancy Parker, CMC City of Athena PO Box 686 Athena, OR 97813 541.566.3862 [email protected] Cell: 541.969.8885 OREGON ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE 2015-2016 OAMR COMMITTEE CHAIRS Audit Denise Carey, MMC City of Estacada PO Box 958 Estacada, OR 97023 503.630.8270 x202 [email protected] Bylaws Abigail Donowho City of Tillamook 210 Laurel Avenue Tillamook, OR 97141 503.842.3450 [email protected] City Recorder’s Procedure Manual Angie Lanter City of Banks 13680 NW Main Street Banks, OR 97106 503.324.5112 [email protected] Conference Dale Shafer City of Nehalem PO Box 143 Nehalem, OR 97131 503.368.5627 [email protected] Education Peggy Hawker, MMC City of Newport 169 SW Coast Highway Newport, OR 97365 541.574.0613 [email protected] 541.992.4858 (cell) Historical Preservation Lisa Scholl, CMC City of St. Helens PO Box 278 St. Helens, OR 97051 503.366.8216 [email protected] Internet Melissa Thompson-Kiefer City of Nehalem PO Box 143 Nehalem, OR 97131 503.368.5627 [email protected] Legislative Lisa Morgan City of Prineville 387 NE Third Street Prineville, OR 97754 541.447.8339 [email protected] Membership Mary Dibble, MMC City of Albany PO Box 490 Albany, OR 97321 541.917.7532 [email protected] Mentoring Nancy Parker, CMC City of Athena PO Box 686 Athena, OR 97813 541.566.3862 [email protected] 541.969.8885 (cell) Newsletter Kathy Payne, CMC City of St. Helens PO Box 278 St. Helens, OR 97051 503.366.8217 [email protected] 503.369.2148 (cell) Nominating Amber Ames, MMC City of Hillsboro 150 E. Main Street Hillsboro, OR 97123 503.681.6117 [email protected] Northwest Clerks Institute Education Karin Johnson, MMC City of Independence Peggy Hawker, MMC City of Newport Ruth Post, MMC City of Philomath 503.837.1127 [email protected] 541.574.0613 [email protected] 541.929.6148 [email protected] 35 PAGE 36 Professional Growth and Leadership Development Karin Johnson, MMC City of Independence PO Box 7 Independence, OR 97351 503.837.1127 [email protected] Records Management Scott Stauffer City of Milwaukie 10722 SE Main Street Milwaukie, OR 97222 503.786.7519 [email protected] Retired Clerks Carol Weir, MMC City of Rogue River PO Box 1137 Rogue River, OR 97537 541.582.4401 x100 [email protected] Scholarship Nanci Moyo City of Beaverton PO Box 4755 Beaverton, OR 97008 503.526.2650 [email protected] Special Projects/Fundraising Debbie Hamilton, CMC City of Sutherlin 126 E. Central Avenue Sutherlin, OR 97479 541.459.2856 x207 [email protected] If you would like to view the photo album of pictures from the 2015 Annual Academy and Conference, please click here. If you need assistance, please contact Kathy Payne at [email protected] or 503-366-8217. 1. Amy Sowa, Immediate Past President; 2. Deanna Casey, Region V Director; 3. Trudy Borrevik, Secretary; 4. Michele Eldridge, President; 5. Lisa Morgan, Region VI Director; 6. Kathy Payne, Region I Director; 7. Phyllis Bolman, Region III Director; 8. Dale Shafer, First Vice President; 9. Nancy Parker, Region VII Director Baby photo answers: VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE 2015-2016 OAMR COMMITTEES AUDIT COMMITTEE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE (Continued) CHAIR: Denise Carey, MMC, Estacada Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius Dale Shafer, Nehalem Debi Russell, Weston Lori Gilmore, Yamhill Janette Booth, Phoenix Nancy Batchelder, MMC, Yachats Jennifer Nelson, CMC, Carlton Joann Thompson, CMC, North Bend Karen Howton, Island City BYLAWS COMMITTEE Karen Spoonts, MMC, Medford CHAIR: Abigail Donowho, Tillamook Kathy Payne, CMC, St. Helens Anna Ruggles, CMC, Forest Grove Kitty Vodrup, CMC, Junction City Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River Lilly Alarcon-Strong, Hermiston Dale Shafer, Nehalem Linda Kaser, CMC, Lebanon Norma Alley, MMC, Tigard Lisa Scholl, CMC, St. Helens Mandy Balcom, Coburg Margaret Reh, North Plains Mary Dibble, MMC, Albany CITY RECORDER’S PROCEDURAL MANUAL COMMITTEE Melissa Thompson-Kiefer, Nehalem CHAIR: Angie Lanter, Banks Nancy Batchelder, MMC, Yachats Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River Nancy Parker, CMC, Athena Carolyn Shields, CMC, Myrtle Creek Nicole Morris, CMC, Tualatin Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius Peggy Hawker, MMC, Newport Kelly Morse, MMC, Redmond Phyllis Bolman, MMC, Monmouth Sammy Egbert, Coburg Scott Stauffer, Milwaukie Stacie Cook, MMC, Mill City CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose CHAIR: Dale Shafer, Nehalem Tori Barnett, MMC, Ontario Anna Ruggles, CMC, Forest Grove Barb Christensen, MMC, Ashland Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River Carolyn Shields, CMC, Myrtle Creek Cathy Nelson, Waterloo Colleen Resch, Sherwood Colleen Riggs, Cannon Beach Deanna Casey, MMC, Central Point Debbie Manning, MMC, Dundee 37 PAGE 38 EDUCATION COMMITTEE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE CHAIR: Peggy Hawker, MMC, Newport CHAIR: Lisa Morgan, Prineville Abby Donowho, Tillamook Karin Johnson, MMC, Independence Barb Christensen, MMC, Ashland Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius Debi Russell, Weston Karen Hewit, Port of Newport Karin Johnson, MMC, Independence Kim Jordan, Seaside Nancy Parker, CMC, Athena MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Nicole Morris, CMC, Tualatin CHAIR: Mary Dibble, MMC, Albany Ruth Post, MMC, Philomath Cathy Nelson, Waterloo Sandy King, MMC, Wilsonville Colleen Riggs, Cannon Beach Stacie Cook, MMC, Mill City Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius Sue Ryan, CMC, Newberg Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose Tori Barnett, MMC, Ontario Terri Michel, Rockaway Beach Tracy Davis, MMC, Keizer HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMITTEE CHAIR: Lisa Scholl, CMC, St. Helens Deanna Casey, MMC, Central Point Jenn Nelson, CMC, Carlton Lisa Figueroa, Silverton MENTORING COMMITTEE Roberta Tharp, CMC, Creswell CHAIR: Nancy Parker, CMC, Athena Trudy Borrevik, CMC, Cottage Grove Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River Cathy Nelson, Waterloo INTERNET COMMITTEE Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius CHAIR: Melissa Thompson-Kiefer, Nehalem Debi Russell, Weston Alissa Angelo, CMC, Stayton Kay Neumeyer, Malin Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius Kim Scheafer, MMC, Canby Joann Glass, Retired (Vernonia) Nicole Morris, CMC, Tualatin Judy Smith, Sodaville Peggy Hawker, MMC, Newport Kathy Payne, CMC, St. Helens Phyllis Bolman, MMC, Monmouth Kelli Weese, Florence Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose Lisa Figueroa, Silverton Teri Porter, Pilot Rock Trudy Borrevik, CMC, Cottage Grove OREGON ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE RECORDS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (continued) CHAIR: Kathy Payne, CMC, St. Helens Debbie Manning, MMC, Dundee Debbie Werner, MMC, Tualatin Valley Water District Elisa Olson, MMC, Klamath Falls Donna Biggerstaff, Pendleton Hannah Wells, Milwaukie Jennifer Nelson, CMC, Carlton Justin Hogue, Mt. Angel Joann Glass, Retired (Vernonia) Karen Howton, Island City Judy Smith, Sodaville Karin Johnson, MMC, Independence Lisa Scholl, CMC, St. Helens Kathy Woosley, MMC, Cascade Locks Phyllis Bolman, MMC, Monmouth Kattie Riggs, Oregon City Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose Kelli Weese, Florence Trudy Borrevik, CMC, Cottage Grove Kim Scheafer, MMC, Canby Kimmie Jackson, Yachats NOMINATING COMMITTEE Kitty Vodrup, CMC, Junction City CHAIR: Amber Ames, MMC, Hillsboro Lilly Alarcon-Strong, Hermiston Anna Ruggles, CMC, Forest Grove Linda Kaser, CMC, Lebanon Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius Lisa Figueroa, Silverton Kitty Vodrup, Junction City Margaret Reh, North Plains Nancy Parker, CMC, Athena Mary Dibble, MMC, Albany Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose Pat DuVal, CMC, Milwaukie Robyn Christie, MMC, Bend PROFESSIONAL GROWTH & LEADERSHIP Sandy King, MMC, Wilsonville DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Sheila Cox, MMC, Roseburg CHAIR: Karin Johnson, MMC, Independence Sue Ryan, CMC, Newberg Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River Teresa Zak, CMC, West Linn Elisa Olson, MMC, Klamath Falls Peggy Hawker, MMC, Newport Ruth Post, MMC, Philomath Sheila Cox, MMC, Roseburg RETIRED CLERKS COMMITTEE Stacie Cook, MMC, Mill City CHAIR: Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River Tori Barnett, MMC, Ontario Debbie Hamilton, CMC, Sutherlin Tracy Davis, MMC, Keizer Jane McGarvin, MMC, Retired (Lake Oswego) Karen Spoonts, MMC, Medford RECORDS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE CHAIR: Scott Stauffer, Milwaukie Amber Mathiesen, CMC, Salem Anne-Marie Simpson, Lake Oswego Cathy Steere, MMC, Lincoln City Debbie Lockhart, MMC, Keizer Sheryl Simmons, Siletz 39 PAGE 40 SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE SP/F COMMITTEE (continued) CHAIR: Nancy Moyo, Beaverton Kitty Vodrup, CMC, Junction City Anna Ruggles, CMC, Forest Grove Linda Wangsness, Yachats Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius Lisa Figueroa, Silverton Debi Russell, Weston Nancy Batchelder, MMC, Yachats Diane Harris, Sutherlin Rebecca Lawson, Glendale Donna Biggerstaff, Pendleton Ruth Post, MMC, Philomath Kitty Vodrup, CMC, Junction City Sadie Cramer, Molalla Nancy Parker, CMC, Athena Sadie Main, CMC, Estacada Sadie Cramer, Molalla Stacie Cook, MMC, Mill City Sadie Main, CMC, Estacada Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose Susan Reeves, MMC, Scappoose Tori Barnett, MMC, Ontario Teri Porter, Pilot Rock SPECIAL PROJECTS/FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE CHAIR: Debbie Hamilton, CMC, Sutherlin Amber Mathiesen, CMC, Salem Angie Lanter, Banks Carol Weir, MMC, Rogue River Cathy Nelson, Waterloo Dawn Bennett, Canyonville Deanna Casey, MMC, Central Point Debby Roth, MMC, Cornelius Diane Harris, Sutherlin Donna Biggerstaff, Pendleton Heidi Bell, Donald Karin Johnson, MMC, Independence Kim Jordan, Seaside Kimmie Jackson, Yachats OREGON ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDERS VOLUME 35, SUMMER 2016 PAGE IIMC REGION IX ALASKA * CALIFORNIA * OREGON * WASHINGTON * HAWAII IIMC REGION IX DIRECTORS Tracy L. Davis, MMC City Recorder - City of Keizer, OR (503) 370-8352 [email protected] Term expires May 2018 Sheri L. Pierce, MMC City Clerk - City of Valdez, AK (907) 831-0702 [email protected] Term expires May 2019 REGION IX STATE PRESIDENTS FIRST VICE PRESIDENTS Alaska Association of Municipal Clerks Laurie Sica, MMC Municipal Clerk - City/Borough of Juneau (907) 586-0216 [email protected] Term: Nov. 2015-Nov. 2016 Nova, Javier, MMC Borough Clerk - Kodiak Island Borough (907) 486-9310 [email protected] Term: Nov. 2015-Nov. 2016 City Clerks Association of California Byron Pope, MMC City Clerk - City of Beverly Hills (310) 285-2401 [email protected] Term: Mar. 2015-Sept. 2016 Jose Jasso, CMC Assistant City Clerk - City of Manteca (209) 456-8013 [email protected] Term: Mar. 2015-Sept. 2016 Oregon Association of Municipal Recorders Michele Eldridge, CMC City Recorder - City of Harrisburg (541) 995-6655 [email protected] Term: Sept. 2015-Sept. 2016 Dale Shafer City Manager - City of Nehalem (503) 368-5627 [email protected] Term: Sept. 2015-Sept. 2016 Washington Municipal Clerks Association Shannon Corin, CMC City Clerk - City of Bremerton (360) 473-5290 [email protected] Term: Mar. 2016-Mar. 2017 Christy O’Flaherty, MMC City Clerk - City of Tukwila (206) 433-1855 [email protected] Term: Mar. 2016-Mar. 2017 IIMC PRESIDENT Vincent Buttiglieri, MMC Municipal Clerk - Township of Ocean, NJ (732) 531-5000 x3321 [email protected] IIMC PRESIDENT ELECT Mary Kayser, MMC City Secretary - City of Forth Worth, TX (817) 392-6161 [email protected] 41 Mission Statement: The mission of the Oregon Association of Municipal Recorders is to enhance the quality of our office and to encourage dedication to our profession, by providing educational experiences of the highest quality as well as promote the professionalism of the office of municipal recorder. OAMR Newsletter Committee c/o Kathy Payne, Chair P.O. Box 278 St. Helens, OR 97051 Phone: 503-366-8217 Newsletter Submission Deadlines Fall 2016—October 14, 2016 Winter 2016—December 9, 2016 Spring 2017—March 10, 2017 Summer 2017—June 9, 2017
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