annual report - Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart


annual report - Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart
E c hoes f rom the heart
Fall ’09
A magazine for the Sacred Heart Academy Community
& annual report
Scholarship and
Award Dinner
Traditions Photos
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Annual Report
A message from the head of school
Validating the Vision
uffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart has been
accredited by the Middle States Association’s Commission on Secondary Schools since 1959. The
most recent Middle States’ committee report
(2003) concluded, “The Validation team applauds SHA for doing an excellent job with
the young women entrusted to their care. We
encourage your continued growth and we are
grateful for your commitment and dedication to
Catholic education. May you have continued energy
for the Mission and continue,
just as your philosophy says, to
celebrate girls’ strong identity,
respect girls as central players,
connect girls to caring adults
and empower young women to
realize their dreams. At SHA,
respect for the past, response
to the present and hope for the
future is a lived experience.”
In the past seven years we
have worked on focused objectives in the following areas:
fostering Franciscan values
within our academy, improving student writing and oral
presentation skills and improving student SAT scores.
We are pleased with our successes in these areas. Anyone
who has had the pleasure of interacting with our students, faculty or staff should be in a position to attest to
how we, as an academy, live out the values of St. Francis.
The introduction of our Day of SHAring also allows us
to share those values more fully with the community in
which we live. Our students’ writing and oral skills have
been noted as exceptional by many colleges and universities, and our average SAT writing skills scores are more
than 100 points higher than the national average scores.
Our average SAT scores in verbal and math are also consistently higher than the national average.
The seven-year cycle of accreditation is coming to
a close, and next March we will have a site visit with the
Middles States team in connection with our continued
Artwork by
Meghan Rice, ’10
As I brainstormed ideas
for the cover design,
one word came to mind:
growth. Although it may
sound cliché, Sacred
Heart Academy is all
about growing together as
a family. What better than
a tree to represent this
image? The roots symbolize SHA, which keep us
all on track as we change
and evolve through our
high school experiences.
The colored leaves grow
as each of the classes,
some leaves falling to the
ground, which metaphorically speaking is the
memory of Sacred Heart
remaining in our hearts
Meghan is President
of Student Council and
has been a Class Officer
the previous years. She
plays soccer for Amherst,
participates in the musical along with Chamber
Singers, and holds a job at
Wegmans. Meghan plays
flute, piccolo, and piano.
Art is Meghan’s passion
and she hopes to minor
in it in the future, while
majoring in Spanish. She
plans to pursue a career
in teaching.
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accreditation. This is an exciting time that allows us to
share with Middle States what we have achieved (and
there is so much to report!) and requires much planning, data gathering, strategic thinking and collaboration to determine where we want to go next. The evaluation process for Catholic secondary schools is aptly
entitled Validating the Vision. We will be submitting a
written report to Middle States in early winter which
will include a State of the School self-assessment along
with 3 student-oriented objectives for improvement and
detailed action plans as to how we intend to achieve our
designated objectives.
The process of preparation is a collaborative one.
A Middle States Planning Team comprised of students,
parents, Sisters of St. Francis, faculty, staff, board
members and alumnae has been formed to strategically
consider what areas of focus we want to concentrate on
improving over the next seven years. It is critical to the
process that we have representatives of all our stakeholders on this team. I would like to personally thank the
following alumnae who have graciously agreed to serve
on the Middle States Planning Team: Mary Jo Hezel
Ketchum ’59, Sr. Mara Walton ’59, Elisabeth Barczak
Horrigan ’64, Kathleen Allen Benson ’66, Marilyn
Wittman ’66, Barbara Staebell Rooney ’74, Joanna Tuk
Riley ’94, Patricia Buscaglia’99, Kimberly Sheldon ’98,
and Caitlin Powalski ‘05.
We will keep you apprised of the process through
the Cordecho and SHA website. I look forward to sharing with you the work-product of the committee later
this fall and winter. Anyone with questions, comments
or suggestions as we engage in this process, feel free to
Karen Szalach, our Middle States Internal Coordinator,
at 834-2101 x 390.
Sacred Heart Academy
Scholarship and Awards
November 5, 2009
Katie and Michael Militello, the 2009 chair-couple, are pleased
to announce the upcoming Sacred Heart Academy Scholarship and Awards Dinner on Thursday, November 5, 2009 at
Transit Valley Country Club. Festivities begin at 6:00 p.m. with
music, cocktails and hors d’oeuvres and auctions. Dinner will
be served at 7:00 p.m.
Our dinner celebration, which has been moved to the fall,
recognizes the achievement and spirit of alumnae and community members who live out the traditions and mission of
Sacred Heart Academy. In addition to honoring these worthy
individuals, our evening focuses on providing proceeds for
our scholarship program which will assist the Academy in
providing scholarships to deserving young women.
Tickets are $125.00 and can be purchased by calling Laura
Reen Genco in the Development Office at 834-2101 Ext. 316
or by e-mailing [email protected]. There are
also opportunities to sponsor tables or purchase advertising
in the program.
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SHA proudly presents our 2009
Glynn ’59
Mary Ellen has been a very active volunteer in our community. She served as President
of the Buffalo Federation
of Women’s Clubs (part of
the General Federation of
Women’s Clubs), the oldest
and largest women’s organization in the world. The
organization’s main purpose is
to raise funds for scholarships
at Buffalo State College and
State University of New York
at Buffalo, and volunteering
in community-wide projects.
As President, Mary Ellen
spearheaded the TRY Project
(Teaching and Restoring
Youth), a transitional housing
program for young women
who have suffered from abuse,
violence and victimization.
While their past experiences
differed, they all had one
thing in common - they were
all homeless and without
hope. It is TRY’s goal to
empower these women so they
can rebuild their lives and become productive members of
society. The project operates
out of a converted convent
on the East Side of Buffalo headed by Sr. Janet DePasquale. Utilizing the many
talents of BFWC members,
all three floors of the convent
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was totally
For over
20 years,
Mary Ellen has
volunteered at the
Theodore Roosevelt
National Historic Site where
she has chaired a number of
special events, is a docent, and
is the chairwoman of Victorian Christmas this year.
Mary Ellen is currently
the New York State Director
of the General Federation of
Women’s Clubs. This November, Mary Ellen has been
invited to the United Nations
to serve on a panel on Domestic Violence.
Mary Ellen is a member
of Sacred Heart Academy’s
Alumnae Board, and served
on a reunion committee with
classmates to organize the
Class of 1959’s 50th reunion
After graduating from
Sacred Heart, Mary Ellen
married Robert Kirwin and
was blessed with three sons,
Patrick, Michael, and John;
as well as seven granddaughters and two grandsons and a
wonderful daughter-in-law
Annette. Mary Ellen worked
as a long distance operator
at AT&T for over 20 years.
In 1996, she married John
Paul Glynn, who passed away
unexpectedly in 1999.
b o d y.
Elizabeth Fago,
Elizabeth Marie Fago is being
honored for her achievements
in business and for giving as
Sts. Francis and Clare did,
of their wealth for the
benefit of those in
need. Her belief
in empowering women,
helping those
less fortunate, and her
strong faith has
lead Elizabeth
on an amazing life
In business and in the
community, Elizabeth is recognized as a charismatic and
passionate leader and entrepreneur. While at Sacred Heart
Academy, Sr. Basil and others
guided her creative energy,
while at home it was being
channeled by her father into
real estate enterprises.
Elizabeth owned a successful commercial real estate company before becoming involved
in the long-term health care
industry in 1985. Her dedication and commitment to caring
for the elderly has led to a
distinguished career, culminating in Elizabeth being Chairwoman and Founder of Home
Quality Management, Inc.,
one of the largest, privately
held healthcare companies in
the United States. Through
her company, Elizabeth has
established an endowment
at Scripps Florida to fund
research in the treatment
of patients who suffer from
Alzheimer’s disease. Elizabeth
was appointed by Governor
Jeb Bush to the Scripps Florida
Corporation and served as
the chairperson of the
Audit committee.
The Governor also
appointed her to
the Palm Beach
County Health
Care District as
a Commissioner.
In 2001 Elizabeth
was selected to “The
Florida Council of 100”,
a position she continues to
hold today, and recently she
has been invited to join the
Scripps Florida Council. Elizabeth is an entrepreneur in every sense of the
word. In 2001, Elizabeth was
accepted into membership of
“The Committee of 200”,
whose mission is to foster, celebrate, and advance women’s
leadership in business, helping
to ensure that women will
continue to take evermore
significant and visible leadership roles. By invitation of
the President of the United
States, Elizabeth was one of
only 50 women to attend the
2001 Women Business Leaders
Forum at the White House.
Elizabeth served as a guest
speaker at Georgetown University for the Women Business
Leaders Summit, and invited
to the First US-Russia Women
Business Leaders’ Summit.
In 2002 she participated in
the Helsinki Women Business
Leaders’ Summit, a joint USFinland public-private sector
outreach program to facilitate
connections between American, Finnish and Baltic region
business communities.
Elizabeth served as a board
member of the Florida Justice
Reform Institute, and a committee member of the Council
on Ethical and Judicial Affairs,
Florida Medical Association,
Inc. Elizabeth volunteered
as a “Women of Tomorrow”
high school mentor, provided
support to her parish, and has
served on numerous nonprofit committees. In 2005
Elizabeth was the Chair of the
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Gala, helping to raise over
$1.2 million dollars in support
of research and programs. Jennifer McGee
After graduating from Sacred
Heart Academy Jennifer attended Long Island University-Southampton College where
she majored in Psychology
and Biology (marine mammal
focus), with a minor in Environmental Studies. Jennifer
participated in many marine
mammal internships
and co-ops as well
as study abroad
programs in
Brazil, Tonga,
and Niue.
After an early
Jennifer moved to
Texas and worked as
a marine mammal trainer, as
a graduate research assistant at
Texas A&M University doing
dolphin photo ID and monitoring anthropogenic impacts,
and volunteered with the Texas
Marine Mammal Stranding
Network. During this time,
she began exploring graduate opportunities and entered
the Marine Mammal Science
program at the University of
Wales, Bangor, UK. Her
thesis project took her back to
Brazil where she conducted
research on Amazon River
dolphin acoustics.
While working on her
thesis, Jennifer was invited
to conduct research studying Humpback Whales on the
east coast of Australia. Once
the whales migrated back to
Antarctica Jennifer relocated
to Florida and began working
for local government as the
Manatee Protection Program
Associate and Marine Mammal
Stranding Coordinator where
she worked alongside University of Florida veterinarians
and researchers on various marine mammal research projects
and animal rescues.
Jennifer has always had
a passion for animals (particularly marine) as well as
education, rescue, rehabilitation, monitoring, and research
related to the field. At the age
of 16, she began volunteering
at a local wildlife rehabilitation center and became a New
York State licensed wildlife
rehabilitator. She continued
volunteering in this capacity
throughout her undergraduate degree.
Jennifer is a Ph.D
student at the
University of
of Veterinary
Medicine in the
Aquatic Animal
Health Program. Her
research focuses on aspects of
comparative immunology in
manatees and both ecologically
and historically related species.
Sr. Marcyann
The thought of entering
religious life first occurred
to Sister Marcyann at the age
of twelve. Her decision was
cemented during what she calls
a “normal high school life” at
Stella Niagara. She joined the
Franciscan Sisters of Penance
and Christian Charity and after
three years of training
at the convent she
began teaching
high school
at Bishop
McMahon in
Buffalo. Sister Marcyann
explains that
although she
had previously considered becoming a teacher,
her path was dictated primarily
by the needs of the order. “It
is an international order,” she
says. “We have sisters that are
missionaries all over the world,
and others who are social
workers or teachers. There are
all kinds of fields and possibilities, but I did whatever it was
that they needed me to do.”
In 1967 she was able to
return to Buffalo, from a large
co-ed school in New Jersey,
to be near family and began
her teaching career at Sacred
Heart. Sister Marcyann makes
no apologies for her no-nonsense teaching philosophy, “My
belief is that you are in school
to learn as much as you can”
she says. “If you are not strict
then the students will not get
what they need and will not
be prepared—not just for the
Regents exam but for college
and beyond. She says that her
favorite part of teaching is that,
“Every single student is different. Each is a unique personality who is finding her niche.”
Sister Marcyann teaches
History at Buffalo Academy of
the Sacred Heart. Along with
her religious life, Sr. Marcyann
enjoys daily walks and reading,
she also enjoys cross country
skiing and attending the occasional Buffalo Bills or Sabres
Through the year, when
returning alumnae come back
to Sacred Heart Academy for
a tour, they would often ask
for if they could stop by Sr.
Marcyann’s classroom to thank
her for being such a strong
influence in their lives.
With a twinkle in her
eye, Sr. Marcyann
greets the alumna as
she recalls that they
“sat in the second
row, third seat of
period two.” Sr.
Marcyann’s love for her
students, for Sacred Heart
Academy and for teaching is
so much a part of who she is,
though she never wanted the
students to know just how
Amy Betros and
Norm Paolini
St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy
Amy Betros and Norm Paolini
are the Co-Founders and CoDirectors of St. Luke’s Mission
of Mercy, a Roman Catholic
Mission that ministers to the
poor and the homeless on the
East Side of Buffalo.
Prior to co-founding St.
Luke’s, Norm was a cancer research scientist at Roswell Park
and Amy was the popular owner
of Amy’s Place on Main Street
across from the UB South
Campus. The two met while
on a pilgrimage in Europe and
quickly realized that they had a
calling to help the needy. They
began to minister together providing food, clothing, money,
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and shelter
to all those
who come to them.
As their ministry developed and the number of people they serve began to grow
Norm took early retirement
and Amy sold her restaurant.
They pooled all of their personal resources to form the
mission and purchased the
St. Luke’s complex from the
diocese in 1994. The mission
currently occupies the entire
St. Luke’s campus using the
school, convent, and rectory
for shelters, a community
center, mission work, and
housing. The mission has also
rehabilitated several donated
area houses for use by homeless families. The church is
used daily for worship. On
an average day, St Luke’s feeds
500 people. St. Luke’s is run
completely by volunteers, the
majority of them laypeople.
Amy and Norm’s strength
and wisdom comes from
their deep faith and trust
in God. St. Luke’s strives to
show everyone that seeks help
that God is good, loving and
merciful. Through the work
of Amy and Norm, and that
of the countless volunteers,
people begin to see that they
have value and begin to have
Sacred Heart Academy
is honored to present Amy
Betros and Norm Paolini its
Living the Spirit Award for
their tireless devotion to the
impoverished and forgotten
individuals in our community.
Giving thanks
Throughout our 131-year
history, many individuals have carefully planned for the future welfare
of Sacred Heart Academy. Their gifts have provided annual support and
built an endowment to ensure the Academy will continue to offer an
outstanding Franciscan education to future generations.
Sacred Heart Academy’s Legacy Society recognizes those individuals
who have notified the Academy that they plan to leave a future gift to the
A message from sha board president
2009 Valedictorian
and Salutatorian
Dr. James Dempsey, Director of Academics, is proud
to introduce to our Sacred Heart Academy community the class of 2009 Valedictorian, Mary Stottele,
of Lancaster, and
Salutatorian, Emily Rodgers of East
Mary Stottele
graduated with a 4.25
GPA. Mary is currently at Yale University, where she is
studying Chemical
Engineering. Mary
plans to pursue her
law degree with the
goal of becoming a
patent attorney. While Emily Rodgers and Mary Stottele
at Sacred Heart, Mary was very involved, participating each of her four years in Mock Trial, was a lead
in SHA musicals, was involved in Music Ministry,
Chamber Singers, a member of the National Honor
Society and a Franciscan Scholar. Mary achieved high
honors in 9 Advanced Placement courses.
Emily Rodgers graduated with a 4.27 GPA. Emily is currently at the University of Pittsburgh where
she is studying pre-med. While at Sacred Heart,
Emily was the President of the senior class, a member
of Music Ministry, Franciscan Scholar, and played
Soccer and Tennis all four years at SHA. Emily is also
active in her community volunteering at Bible School
and was a soccer coach. Emily achieved high honors
in 8 Advanced Placement test where she earned 24
college credits while at SHA.
school, through a bequest, trust, life insurance policy, retirement plan, or
charitable gift annuity. If you have included Sacred Heart Academy as a
beneficiary in your estate plan and have not yet been welcomed into our
Legacy Society, please contact Jeanine Purcell at (716) 834-2101 x 318
to allow us to personally thank you and include you among this special
group of supporters.
If you would like to learn how you can continue you support through a
planned gift, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss options that
can benefit both your loved ones, and Sacred Heart Academy, after you
are gone.
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SHA Mission Statement Buffalo Academy of the
Sacred Heart is a community committed to providing young women
with a comprehensive, balanced and challenging Catholic education rooted in the values of the Franciscan tradition. We graduate
young women with intellectual preparedness, spiritual grounding,
commitment to service, and the leadership skills necessary to have a
positive impact on the world.
What a Year!
Dear Friends of Sacred Heart Academy,
2009 seniors at the Alumni
What a year it has been!
Delightful, humorous, passionate, compassionate, inquisitive, kind, vivacious, quiet,
confident, accomplished – such are the words
tha describe Sacred Heart Academy girls and
women, across the divides of time.
I couldn’t help but notice the curious,
wondering, sometimes-knowing glances we
exchanged – the graduating class of 2009, and
mine, celebrating our
50th reunion
– as we walked
down the aisle
on Alumnae Sunday.
How far apart
we are from
each other in
experience. Yet
how little we’ve
changed (except physically,
of course) over
the years! So,
our thoughts
go out to our students and alumnae on life’s
journey: Thanks be to God, your character and
personalities will be enriched by life and be the
cause of many joyous moments! A happy moment was reprised in a conversation with one of our newest Board members,
Michael R. Spychala, who could not help but
tell S. Edith and me about how genuinely
happy the SHA students were at the Open
House that he and his wife, Darlene and their
daughter, Corinne attended a few years ago.
Mike thinks that all of us who know the good
and great things about SHA should be less shy
about spreading the word to families whose
daughters are looking for a school. So, friends,
let’s do our part to let others know of Sacred
Heart Academy’s special spirit and strengths! On Board matters, I would like to take this
opportunity to bid farewell and thank most
profoundly John O’Brien and Esther Takeuchi,
who concluded their service this year. They
were stellar in their work and inspiration. We
are very excited to welcome Anucha BrowneSanders, Senior Associate Athletic Director,
University at Buffalo; Josephine A. Capuana,
Ph.D., retired Administrative Director, Honors College, University at Buffalo; and Mr.
Spychala, Senior Vice President and Controller
of M&T Bank as our newest Board members.
Strategic Planning: During the coming
year the Board will develop the 2011 – 2015
Strategic Plan, building upon our very successful 2005-2010 document. Vision For Growth: The current Strategic
Plan has advanced the Academy significantly
in raising the academic bar, in assuring our
women of readiness for college success, and for
growth as a whole person in spirit, mind and
body. These mission outcomes have consumed
every inch of teaching, learning and growing
space in SHA’s beautiful building! Our board and Head of School is in the
process of creating a Vision for Growth which
will lead to increased capacity for the SHA
community’s needs. The next step is to explore the conditions and feasibility of meeting
those needs. The Board is moving through this
process with due diligence. All members of our
SHA community are important to this study
and planning, and will continue to be consulted throughout. I will report on the process in
greater detail in coming issues of the Cordecho. We look forward to the Vision for Growth
and a Strategic Plan that will advance the state
of education for our present students and those
in the coming years who will choose Sacred
Heart Academy, a distinct, Catholic, all-girls
community of learners and teachers, where
spirit, mind and body flourish. Together in His sacred heart, Mary Jo Hezel Ketchum, SHA ‘59
Board President
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Alycia Pontello & Marissa
Pontello ’07 (sister)
Alyssa Londono with Tracy Jarnot ‘75 (aunt),
Janelle Jarnot Brink ‘77 (aunt)
Ann Smitts Wegrzyn
‘76 (mother) with Jenna
Caitlin Frohnapple &
Bridget Frohnapple ‘07
Kasey Hoar & Sr. Diane
Bernbeck ‘64 (cousin)
Ginamarie Mule with Michelle Williams Zak ‘91 (aunt),
Laura Calabrease Battaglia ‘82 (aunt) and Nancy Calabrese
Mule ‘78 (mother)
Amanda Pacciotti, Margaret Pacciotti Smith ‘72 (aunt, Kathy Pacciotti
Delaney ‘73 (aunt/godmother), Katrina Delaney ‘02 (cousin) & Elizabeth Delaney ‘07 (cousin)
Emily Rodgers & Joan
Lorenz Wells ‘44 (grandmother)
Gabrielle Harrington &
Alexandra Harrington ‘05
Kaitlin Kerl & Kristen Kerl
‘06 (sister)
Jessica Seyfried, Shirley Kellner Wasiura ‘62 (great aunt),
Sharon Seyfried Hornung ‘80 (aunt) & Joan Seyfried ‘78
Natalie Coppola & Katherine Coppola ‘03 (sister)
Rachel Bradley ‘ 07 (sister) Michelle
Bradley and Laura Bradley Galvin ‘83 (aunt)
Robin Stanley with Barbara Eye Stanley ‘72 (mother), Nancy
Klawon Eye ‘48 (grandmother), Sandra Eye Sendlak ‘71 (aunt),
Shirley Ohl Klawon ‘48 (great aunt)
Peggy Davis ’82 (mother, Katherine Calogero,
Jeni Davis ’84 (aunt)
Rachel Litwin with Linda Wagner Litwin ‘73
(mother & Jillian Litwin ‘04 (sister)
Katie Warner, Eileen Turner Warner ’80 (mother),
Meghan Warner ’07 (sister)
Laura Savattieri & Sarah Savattieri ‘07
Juanita Mastrangelo Cambio ’74 (mother) & Macy
Ann Cambio
A Proud Tradition
Each year at graduation, Sacred Heart proudly recognizes the longstanding tradition of daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, cousins, and
grandmothers who share the common thread of SHA. We proudly
acknowledge the families that fit into this distinguished category for 2009.
Megan Bender & Laura
Bender ‘05 (sister)
Miranda Georger & Maureen Georger
Nowicki ‘83 aunt)
Molly Schmand & Mary Catherine Rust
Schmand ‘ 48 ( grandmother)
All photo captions read left to right.
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By Amy Fleischauer, ’92
his SHA story begins like many others, with the parents’ decision to sacrifice so that their children can attend
a good, Catholic school. My grandparents sent their two
daughters, my aunt (Margaret Rackl Loesch ‘64) and my
mother (Joanne Rackl Fleischauer ‘67) to SHA.
The story continues thirty years later as Joanne
yells to her own two daughters every time the family drove down Main Street, “Look girls! That’s my high
school! I loved it there!” She later went back to work so that
my sister (Bethany Fleischauer Garbutt ’96)
and I could attend that same good, Catholic
school on Main Street.
Sacred Heart has always been known for
its high academic standards. Yet, my mom’s
famous SHA stories in our family all involved three things:
fun, friends and involvlement. Upon reflection, it is easy
to see that the deep sense of community, spirituality, and
service I saw in my mother as an adult was rooted and nurtured at SHA. There she learned that meaningful prayer
did not only occur in the quiet space of the 3rd floor SHA
chapel, but also in the many ways service can be provided
to others, especially when that service involved bringing
people together in a fun way.
This was exemplified as my mother’s story continued
into her teaching days at Christ the King School. When the
associated parish introduced full-time perpetual adoration, my mother immediately signed up for an hour of
weekly prayer in the parish chapel. That same week, she
approached several of her fellow teachers and SHA grads to
begin a service club with the school students. That group
continues to give hundreds of students the opportunity to
learn through service each year.
This story took a devastating turn in the fall of 2006
when my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
Although it remains the largest story of loss in our family, it
is also a story of understanding, courage and service.
During her struggle, my sister and I began to know
my mother more deeply than just in her role of “Mom.”
She handled her illness with amazing patience, grace, and
humor, continuing to serve and to build community even
amid the halls of Roswell and within the confines of her
hospital bed at home. As more and more cards, flowers,
meals, thoughtful gifts and visitors arrived daily at our
home, my sister and I began to witness what an amazing
community of love my mother was a part of. We came to
understand these countless people that represented the
many communities my mother was a part of, were simply
doing what Mom had done time and time again for them;
that the immense amount of love shared was in direct proportion to the friend that she had always been.
Soon after Mom’s first surgery, I was watching a television show in which a fictional reporter was interviewing
an actress about her mentors. The actress mentioned her
her mother’s
Joanne Rackl Fleischauer, ’67
Amy was inducted into the
Distinguished Alumnae
Society of Sacred Heart
Academy in 2008.
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mom. At the end of the scene the reporter asked, “How are
you different from your mother?” The actress responded
with a smile, “In as few ways as possible, I hope”. I know
what she meant.
Almost all stories of pancreatic cancer end quickly and
painfully. When someone dies, no matter what the cause,
there are always boxes and closets of things to sort through.
After Mom’s death in July of 2007, I found myself desperately trying identify the things that I wanted to keep and
remember her by. It seemed odd at the time, but it was her
gloves that I was drawn to the most. I simply knew I had to
have them.
I believe that I was asked to write this article as an
upbeat tribute to a fantastic SHA girl. I hope that I have accomplished that in writing about my mother. But, an honest account of the continuing story is not entirely cheery.
There are many days when I feel more anger and sadness
then I know what to do with; when the hole left by Mom’s
absence threatens to consume me. I continue to be surprised by how often I get up to call her about a friend’s latest news or to recount the menu at the restaurant I visited.
The hole remains. That is part of the story too.
I still have my mother’s gloves and the reason I chose
to grasp on to them is now clear. Those gloves remind me
to be my mother’s hands in the world; to serve and build
community wherever I am. And they remind me, just as my
mother would have done, to have more than my share of
fun while doing so.
The Joanne Fleischauer Scholarship is awarded to a
Christ the King 8th grader wishing to attend SHA, who
demonstrate a commitment to service. Special consideration given to those applicants who also demonstrate a
commitment to having fun.
Prayer Vigil for Sister
Marcyann Kowalczyk, OSF
The Sacred Heart Academy community is saddened to learn of the illness of Sister Marcyann,
a longtime teacher and friend of our alumnae,
parents, faculty and staff. Though this serious
illness has taken her out of her teaching capacity,
she continues to be in our hearts and prayers.
Concerned alumnae and friends have expressed
interested in joining together in prayer to show
their support to this very special woman. A
prayer vigil has been set for Monday, November
9th at 7:00 p.m. at the Academy. Please contact
Jennifer Moore ‘99 at (716) 472-1040 or [email protected] if you are interested in joining us or are able to help organize
the vigil. We ask alumnae and friends unable to
attend the vigil to please keep Sr. Marcyann in
their prayers.
Reunion Years
Are you a member of the class of 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945,
1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990,
1995, 2000 or 2005? If so, this is your year to celebrate! A
Reunion is an opportunity to come together to relive old
memories and catch up on new news.
If you would like to be a part of planning, or, are already
working on your reunion, please contact Eileen Hettich at
834-2101 ext. 317. I am happy to assist you with plans and
mailings for this great event. Your celebration will be a
wonderful time reconnect with the women with whom you
spent 4 important years of your life!
Bethany Fleischauer Garbutt, ’96, Joanne Rackl
Fleischauer, ’67 and Amy Fleischauer, ’92.
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Sacred Heart has many events that hold in them
“Kodak moments”. If there are any amateur
photographers in our SHA community who would
be willing to donate some time to capture these
moments, the Cordecho would benefit greatly. If
you have the availability to help us in this way,
please contact the Development Department at
834-2101 ext. 317.
Collecting SHA History to
Preserve the Past
Sacred Heart Academy has a rich history ~ from
its humble beginnings on Washington Street;
its move to the “new building” on Main Street, to
weekly Mass and sisters and lay teachers who
helped shape our lives. These, and more, are
the stories of Sacred Heart, weaved through out
our 132 year history that connects us all. It is
our hope that alumnae will help us preserve this
history by sharing their memories with the Academy. Old photos, copies of school newspapers,
yearbooks, graduation programs, and even old
uniforms will help tell the story of Sacred Heart’s
earlier years and build a collection for future
generations to learn from. E.A.T. Luncheon and Golf Outing
a rousing success
On Friday, July 17 more than
85 women came together to
enjoy good food, good company and help the young women
at the Academy at our E.A.T.
Luncheon (Emergency Assistance Tuition) and golf outing.
Over $5,000 was raised to assist present students at SHA
who are experiencing difficult
financial situations due to a
family crisis.
The committee would like to
thank the following businesses and individuals
for providing sponsorship for this event:
Lunch Sponsor: Joe Basil Chevrolet
Hole Sponsors: Dr. Joseph Modica, Physics
Services, Inc., Joe Basil Chevrolet, Mr. Thomas
Pares, Esq., Bocce Club Pizzeria, Ms. Jennifer
Demert, Buffalo Launch Club, Vulcan Steam
Forging, Co., Hettich Family, LW Integrity, S & S
Auto Body Ken-Ton, Inc. and SHIELD Security
Systems FDC.
We would like to offer our thanks and appreciation to all of our donors, participants and
volunteers who assisted in making this event a
wonderful success.
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Nancy Brady Named Winner of Singer
Family Prize For Excellence in Secondary
School Teaching
acred Heart Academy English teacher Nancy
J. Brady was chosen by the University of Rochester as a
winner of the prestigious Singer Family Prize for Excellence
in Secondary School Teaching. The award was presented to
Mrs. Brady at a special ceremony on Saturday, May 16,
2009 followed by a dinner with University President, Joel Seligman. The award,
funded by the Paul Singer Family
Foundation, was established by
University of Rochester graduate,
Paul Singer, to recognize outstanding secondary school teachers for the vital role they play
in the intellectual development of American
University of Rochester seniors were asked
to submit essays to nominate a particularly influential secondary school teacher for the prize,
and a committee of University faculty members
reviewed the nominations. The finalists were
then selected and asked to submit additional supporting material before the winners were chosen. Mrs. Brady’s former student
Caitlin Powalski,’04 nominated Mrs. Brady. Ms. Powalski, who
graduated on May 17, 2009 with a history degree, plans to get her
Masters of Public Health before entering medical school. She had
the pleasure of introducing Mrs. Brady and presenting her with the
Singer award.
In her nomination essay, Ms. Powalski described Mrs. Brady,
her ninth grade English teacher, as a “tough teacher” who taught
her the writing and public speaking skills that helped her succeed
at the university level and also as someone who empowered her as a
learner and as a person. “She was an amazing teacher and mentor
because she not only expected excellence from me, she inspired it.
In a very basic and intuitive way, Mrs. Brady found ways to encourage our strengths not only as writers, critical thinkers, and readers, but as women. Her passion, which she brought to class every
day, provided each student with the expectation that she would and
could achieve greatness ” wrote Ms. Powalski.
Mrs. Brady has taught at Sacred Heart Academy for the past
eleven years and currently teaches ninth and eleventh grade English
as well as Advanced Placement English Language and Composition.
She is also the founder and moderator of the Franciscan Scholars
program and serves as the Mock Trial coach. Sacred Heart Academy’s Mock Trial team won this year’s Erie County Championship.
The team has won this championship four times in the six years of
Mrs. Brady’s tenure as coach.
Sacred Heart Academy extends well-deserved congratulations
to Nancy Brady for being recognized with this award and her commitment to excellence in education.
SHA ticketed event
response form
Use this form for any and/or all events you are interested in
attending. For questions about these events, contact Eileen Hettich
at 834-2101 ext. 317 or e-mail: [email protected].
Young Alumnae
Coordinator Position
Sacred Heart
Academy is
excited to
share with our
alumnae that we will be hiring a part-time Young
Alumnae Coordinator to support the alumnae
relations efforts of the Academy as they relate
to alumnae who have graduated in the past 15
years. This position will help organize reunions,
build networking opportunities for alumnae, and
coordinate bi-annual events tailored for young
alumnae. The position will also actively work to build
a more comprehensive database of alumnae. This
12-month position will work 10 hours a week and be
flexible to accommodate duties of this position.
Interested alumnae should submit a resume and
cover letter, by October 21, 2009, to Jeanine Purcell,
Director of Advancement, Sacred Heart Academy,
3860 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14226. Name
Mass of Remebrance
deta c h t h i s f o r m al o n g d o tted rule a n d m a i l
Calling all Photographers
Number attending
Scholarship and Awards Dinner
Number attending
Sacred Heart alumnae and friends living
in Florida, “snowbirds”, and those planning
on being in Florida in march 2010 are invited
to attend a SHA regional reunion on March 7th
– 9th, 2010. Plans are currently underway and your
input and suggestions are welcomed. Regional reunions are a great way for
Sacred Heart Academy to travel to see alumnae who do not live in Western
New York. It allows alumnae the chance to meet Jennifer Demert, our new
Head of School, hear about the Academy, and socialize with other SHA
alumnae. You might be surprised to find out who else lives or vacations
in your area. If you are interested in attending a reunion, would consider
hosting a reunion, or can help the Academy find a convenient location for a
reunion, please contact Jeanine Purcell at (716) 834-2101 x 318 or jpurcell@ With over 250 full-time Florida residents and
hundreds of other women who frequently visit Florida, we are sure to have
a fun time. Check out SHA’s web page at to for
more details.
x $125
Alumni Reception before Musical
Number attending
Free event
Come Back to Your Heart
Number attending
Free event
SHA Goes to Shea’s
Number attending
Florida Reunion
Being Planned
Free event
x $75
Make check payable to:
Sacred Heart Academy
Mail to:
Sacred Heart Academy
Development Department
3860 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14226
spi irri itt. . mmi inndd. . bbooddyy. .
1 93
Get out your datebook
On Sunday, June 7, 2009,
over 300 women representing
alumnae of many decades
came to the Academy to
celebrate Sacred Heart’s 131st
For questions about any of the listed events or to make reservations
complete and return the coupon in this issue, or contact Eileen Hettich at
834-2101 ext. 317 or e-mail [email protected].
Mass of Remembrance
SHA Family Remembered
“Cats” presented December 11-13, 2009
Please accept this invitation to join us on Monday, November 2 at 4:00 p.m., in
Sacred Heart Academy’s chapel to celebrate a Mass of Remembrance for our
classmates, family members, and loved ones who have gone before us. All
alumnae, family, and friends are asked to commemorate this special liturgy
with us. We welcome you to bring memories, photos, and other remembrances of your loved ones to adorn the altar.
Following Mass, guests will have an opportunity to visit with other SHA family
members at a reception in the Library Media Center.
Please contact Eileen Hettich to let us know if you will be attending, or if you
would like to do a reading. We look forward to this annual celebration of life.
Come Home to Your Heart
for classes 2006-2009
“Come Home to your Heart” will be held during the Christmas break when the
majority of recent grads are back in the area. This social will offer young alums
the chance to reconnect with classmates and friends while sharing college challenges and celebrations.
Members of the graduating classes from 2006-2009 are invited to join us for pizza
and wings at the Academy on Monday, December 21, 2009 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Stop by this free event and reconnect with friends and classmates from SHA!
Sisters gather at Alumnae Sunday (L to R): Virginia Schumacher Wendel ’51, Barbara Schumacher
Klocke ’56, Antoinette Schumacher Herman ’48, Sr. Helen Marie Schumacher ’49, Margaret
Schumacher McManus ’59.
SHA Student’s present “Cats” Musical
with Alumnae reception before
This year, Sacred Heart
Academy will be presenting “Cats” the Tony
musical by Andrew
Lloyd Weber. Based
on T. S. Eliot’s book
of poems titled “Old
Possum’s Book of
Practical Cats”, “Cats”
opened for the first time
on London’s West End in
1981 and opened on Broadway
at the Winter Garden Theatre on October 7, 1982. “Cats”
experienced success nearly from the start and in fact, it
became the longest running show on Broadway on June
19, 1997 when it presented its 6,138th performance.
Since its initial opening the stage play continues to run
at theatres around the world and close to nine million
people have seen the play in New York alone. We invite
you to come and enjoy this fantastic, fun-filled musical
presented by our wonderful and talented Sacred Heart
students. SHA alumnae and their families are invited to come and
enjoy our annual school musical, “Cats”, from December 11-13, 200 at the Academy. On Sunday, December 13
at 1:00 p.m., a special reception for all alumnae will be
held in the Library Media Center. The classes of 19301959 will be our guests and receive one complimentary
ticket to the 2:00 p.m. performance.
SHA goes to Shea’s to see Jersey Boys
Join us for “SHA Goes to Shea’s” on Thursday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. and see the amazing
Broadway play “Jersey Boys”.
“Too good to be true!” raves the New York Post for Jersey Boys, the 2006 Tony
Award®-winning Best Musical about Rock and Roll Hall of Famers The Four Seasons: Frankie Valli, Bob Gaudio,
Tommy DeVito and Nick Massi. This is the story of how four blue-collar kids became one of the greatest successes in
pop music history. They wrote their own songs, invented their own sounds and sold 175 million records worldwide
– all before they were 30! JERSEY BOYS, winner of the 2006 Grammy® Award for Best Musical Show Album and
most recently, the 2009 Olivier Award for Best New Musical, features their hit songs “Sherry,” “Big Girls Don’t Cry,”
“Rag Doll,” “Oh What a Night” and “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You.” “IT WILL RUN FOR CENTURIES!” proclaims Time
Melanie Graczyk Pawlik ’29 celebrates her 80th reunion
with three daughters and a grand daughter.
C o rde c h o
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Mildred Schaefer Bantelman ’34 and Elaine
Bantelman Ferringer ’62.
Class of 1969.
“Oh What a Night” this will be – so don’t miss out on the opportunity for wonderful seats before they become available to the general public. Orchestra level seats are $75 and supply is limited. What a great holiday gift this would
make – come with family, friends or come and join the Sacred Heart community on this magical night.
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c o rde c h o
Mock Interviews
Provide Learning
Experiences for
Students and
Recently, I had the unique opportunity to return to SHA and to share some of
my “career wisdom” with the next generation of women who will make up our future
On Thursday, June 4, I participated in a series of “mock-interviews” with several
juniors applying for one of two positions - one at a popular retail establishment around
town and the other at a local television news station. My role was to act as the personnel
coordinator for each establishment, ask each student a series of pointed questions and
then provide feedback to them on their answers, thereby providing them with some advance experience for a “real-world” interview situation. Overall, the ladies of SHA (as
usual) came prepared to meet the challenge at hand and did well in the interviews. Our
discussion points ranged from general issues of preparedness in researching a company
and asking the right questions of an employer to behavioral techniques that allow one to
become comfortable in any interview situation.
While these mock interviews were intended
to assist the students of SHA, as an alumna of
the class of ‘85, I can honestly say that I too came
away from the situation having learned something from the experience. My meetings with
the students led me to recall my own days in the
hallowed halls of SHA and the many challenges
to be met. Seeing them actively engaged in school
work and effectively managing their time during
the lunch period to participate in these interviews, demonstrated both their dedication and their willingness to go the extra mile.
This is the type of real-world preparedness, however, that SHA has always instilled in
those young women who came before, those presently enrolled at the school and those
who will walk its halls in the future. There
is an independence and a confidence that
is instilled within us at SHA that allows us
to take on new challenges. Although the
types of activities that SHA has provided
to achieve those ends has changed and
developed as the times have changed, the
same spirit and support extended to us
which allows us to grow into independent
young women and future professionals,
regardless of our career path, has always
remained a constant. It was nice to see the
Barabara Hooven, 88 offers some interview advice.
next generation of students so eager to
I found each student to be very respectful, polite and well-mannered. It is a quality
that was easily seen in each of them. While every student brought their unique personality to the table, what still emerged from each of them was their sincere kindness and
their genuine interest. It was enjoyable to offer feedback to each student and to realize
that I could give back something to assist them in their future. It was very evident that
each one had a genuine interest in expanding their knowledge of how to be a better interviewee. Many of them nodded in response to constructive feedback and even realized
those areas needing improvement all on their own. The actual process of the interview,
however, was effective in allowing them to have that opportunity to practice and to learn
from the things that they did well and the things they could improve upon before they
experience the real thing.
This was a great learning experience for students and alumnae and I was proud to
be a part of it.
By Barbara V. Hooven, ’85
Thank you to the following alumnae
for giving of their time and talents
to help with our Leadership
Program by performing mock
interviews for our juniors. If you
are interested in assisting with
this project next year please
contact Jeanine Purcell, Director of
Margaret Lannon Anderson ‘88
Carrie Csizar ‘93
Catherine Turner Flynn ‘81
Elizabeth Barcak Horrigan ‘64
Barbara Hooven ‘85
Katherine Occhiuto Ricketts’66
Susan Barcak Uba ‘62
Marilyn Wittman ‘66
Ann Marie Smits Wegrzyn ‘76
Catherine Turner Flynn ‘8
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Reunion Scrapbook
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c o rde c h o
Rosemary Kampshoff
Klumpp ’41 is the proud
mother of six daughters
who attended SHA and
one son. She now has 23
grandchildren and 14 greatgrandchildren.
Sr. Joan M. Nelson, OSF,
’42 is celebrating her 65th
Jubilee anniversary as a
Sister of St. Francis! Sister
works in the Development
Department at Sacred Heart
Academy as the Development Assistant, and resides
at the Academy where she
generously gives of her time
and talent.
Carol Bruce Leonard ’48 is
retired and living in Marietta, Ga.
Beatrice Closs Leveille
’48 is retired and living
in Hinsdale, NY with her
husband, Jerry, and spends
from January to April in
Sr. Mary Clement
Schubert, OSF ’48 and
Sr. Lois Badding, OSF
’53 went to Tanzania, East
Africa in June 2009 for the
50th Jubilee celebration of
the beginning of the Sisters
of St. Francis missions
there. Both sisters were
founders of the Interracial
School in 1969.
Jacqueline Wagner Stendts
’50 and her husband,
Albert, celebrated their
58th wedding anniversary
on July 21, 2009, and a
C o rde c h o
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great-grandchild was born
on April 15, 2008.
Sally Ann Mehinger Overs
’51 reports that she has six
children (4 girls and 2 boys)
and eleven grandchildren.
She is an Interior Designer
for EJ Audi and Company
(Stickley Furniture) in Victor, NY.
Mary Ellen Meier Buckley
’53 has retired from managing her husband’s law office
and is spending winters in
Naples, FL.
Joan Gordon Dell ’58 is a
retired teacher and is presently teaching first grade
religion. She also studies
art, and lectors and commentates at her parish. She
and her husband, William,
have been married for 46
Kathleen Dowling Healy
’60 has retired to Wake
Forest, North Carolina
after living her whole life in
Buffalo, and is enjoying her
eight grandchildren.
Sharon Doyle Pasternick
’60 was awarded the Seton
Legacy of Charity Bicentennial Medal in May 2009. It
honors people who through
their ministries or their way
of life, have mirrored the
example of Elizabeth Ann
Seton’s pioneering spirit
and have been willing to be
Donna Buffamonti Henning ’63 retired in June
2008 from Sweet Home
Central School District to
enjoy her 10 grandchildren
b o d y.
and to spend time with her
husband, David.
Dr. Christine Szymanski
Albini ’64 is a Pediatric
Endocrinologist working at
Kaleida Health.
Carolyn Kucharski
Dowling ’64 celebrated 42
years as a registered nurse at
the Sisters of Charity Hospital in July. She works as an
administrative nursing supervisor. She and her husband celebrated their 41th
wedding anniversary. They
have 3 sons and 3 grandchildren. She is a member
of the Bishops Committee
Discussion Group and the
Victorian Dance Group
from the Amherst Museum.
Shirley Stolarski ’68 received a Doctor of Pharmacy Degree in 2007 from
the University of Florida.
She presently is living in
Buffalo, NY, and is a Doctor of Pharmacy at the Erie
County Medical Center.
Katherine Carroll Pizzutelli
’70 is a School District Administrator for the RushHenrietta School District
and lives in Pittsford, NY.
Donna Gumulak Stempniak
’70 attended the Democratic National Convention in
August 2008 and President
Obama’s inauguration in
Monica Wharton ’71 is
living in Tarpon Springs,
Florida, and working at Pasco-Hernando Community
College as an Administrator
in the Academic Technology
Madonna Walter Brennan
’74 graduated in December
2008 from Erie Community College with an Associates Degree in Nursing
and passed the NYS Board
of Nursing exam in April
Mary Gavacs ’78 has been
accepted into the Leadership Fellowship Program
through the American Occupational Therapy Association. She is the Director of
the Occupational Therapy
Assistant Program at Mercyhurst College in Erie, PA.
Trisha St. George ’80 was
featured in a TV segment
for the extraordinary pet
therapy program that she
actively works with in Carlsbad, CA. To view this segment, go to http://petopia.
Anne Rohde Raczka ’83 is
the Director of Religious
Education at San Pedro
Catholic Church in Port
Charlotte, FL, where she
lives with her husband,
Paul, and three daughters.
She will be receiving her
Masters Degree in Theology
from Barry University in
Elizabeth Ronald Smith ’86
is a Lieutenant Colonel in
the US Army and is working
as a Human Resources Officer. She is presently living
in Webster Groves, MO.
Tammie Lee Puszert Demler ’87 was presented the
2009 Bowl of Hygeia Award
for outstanding community
service by the Pharmacists
Society of the State of
New York. Tammie is the
director of the psychiatric
residency program at the
University at Buffalo and is
host of Lockport Community TV’s “WNY Tonight”.
Jennifer Johnson-Smith ’87
was inducted into the Cani-
sius College Sports Hall of
Fame for Women’s Tennis.
She is the secretary of Mt.
St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation Board of Directors,
and in 2009 was promoted
to Territory Manager at
Takeda Pharmaceuticals,
North America. She and
her husband, David, have
two children.
Theresa Wenzel ’87 is the
Associate Athletic Director
for Georgia Tech University.
Kimberly Redding Zandi
’89 is a Domestic Violence
Case Manager with Crisis
Services and the Town of
Tonawanda Police Department.
Amy Padalino Heil ’90
opened a Coastal Boutique
on Martha’s Vineyard in
the summer of 2008. The
name of her store is BlueFish, and can be accessed
through www.BlueFishmv.
Karen Eckert Jarzynski ’91
is a high school English
teacher for the Springville
Central Schools.
Bridget Klenk Larrabee
’91 is the Assistant Director of Upper School for
the Flint Hill School. She
lives in Reston, VA with
her husband, Richard. At
her August 2008 wedding
many SHA alumnae were
in attendance including her
two sisters and co-maids of
honor, Annemarie Klenk
Dirlam and Jennifer Klenk
Manka. Also her cousin,
Sarah Zamer and friends
Christine Motz Barkley,
Lora Kassab Voas, Amy
Szefel Stark and Jennifer
Hunt O’Day were present.
What’s up?
Send your classnote
information to Eileen
Hettich, Alumnae
Relations Coordinator
at 834-2101 Ext 317 or
Carrie Csizmar Volpe ’93 is
Director of Human Resources for ATTO Technology, Inc. She and her
husband, Chuck.
Kati Riegle Mann ’94 and
her husband, Kenneth,
had a baby daughter, Keely,
in June 2008. Kati is the
granddaughter to Elizabeth
Gentile Riegle ’62, and
niece and goddaughter to
Kara Riegle Huntley ’90.
Colleen Pazderski Clark ’95
is a teacher for Harris Hill
Elementary School.
Kathryn Granchelli ’98
graduated with distinction
in December 2008 from
Northern Arizona University with a Masters Degree in
Secondary education, K-12,
Art Education.
Kelly Janis ’98 received her
Ph.D. in Neuroscience at
Michigan State University
in December 2008. She is
currently completing her
Osteopathic medical degree
at Michigan State University.
Erin Milovich ’98 is an
Attorney with Benderson
Development Company.
Carolyn Kirchberger ’99
has been named an associate attorney for Colucci
& Gallaher, P.C. Carolyn
is a 2003 summa cum
laude graduate of the State
University at Buffalo, and
a 2007 graduate of Villanova University School of
Law. Her practice focuses
on general civil litigation
in both state and federal
courts, as well as bankruptcy
Rani Somayaji Salemi ’99 is
president with Tony Walker
& Co. and living in Lewiston, NY.
Sara Szalkowski ’00 is a
Soldier with the United
States Army and is stationed
in Fort Belvoir, VA.
Kathleen Benson ’02
graduated from John Carroll University with a Masters degree in Psychology in
May 2009. She is presently
attending University of
Akron of Ohio where she
was granted a fellowship and
is pursuing a Doctorate in
Leah Feroleto ’02 is an
Admissions Counselor at
Daemen College.
Christine Karl Potratz ’02
is a Graphic Designer with
Manzella Marketing Group.
Jennifer Mis Reddinger
’02 is teaching sixth grade
at Starpoint Central School
and was recently granted
her tenure appointment.
She is director of the
middle school’s annual
talent show and recently
earned a Master’s degree in
Literacy Education from
Buffalo State College. She
lives in Lockport, NY with
her husband, Scott.
Shannon Denz Setter ’03
is a teacher for the Global
Concepts Charter School.
Nicole Rodgers ’03 is working in Human Resources
for The Sherwin-Williams
Company and lives in
Shaker Heights, Ohio.
Meghan Bertovich ’04 on
June 1, 2009 was named
Women’s Director of
Basketball for the Metro
Atlantic Athletic Conference (MAAC).
Sarah Belliotti ‘05 was
awarded the Unsung Hero
Award at Lafayette College.
This award is presented to
students who have worked
without concern for personal reward, have been
loyal and dedicated, and
have not been recognized
for their efforts. Sarah
graduated from Lafayette
College in May, 2009.
Ali Hejmowski ’05 graduated magna cum laude
from Canisius College in
May 2009 with a degree in
Clinical Psychology. She is
currently attending Medaille College for a Masters
degree in Psychology.
Gaybrielle James ’05 graduated magna cum laude in
May 2009 from the University of Richmond with a
Bachelor of Arts Degree in
Sociology and Pre-Medicine. She is presently working as a Project Coordinator
at Roswell Park Cancer
Amanda Moses ’05 graduated from Niagara University
in May 2009 with a degree
in Accounting. She is presently employed with the
Lumsden & McCormack
accounting firm.
Lisa Bavisotto ’06 has
entered her senior year at
Slippery Rock University
in PA. She attended a three
week dance intensive at
Sarah Lawrence University
in New York City during
the summer of 2009.
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c o rde c h o
Bridget Dick ‘88 to Donald Blesnuk
on June 12, 2010
Kristin Koppmann ‘96 to Jonathan
Zirnheld on December 2009
Kimberly Sheldon ‘98 to Michael
O’Brien on September 18, 2010
Victoria Wagner ‘00 to Caleb Taylor
on October 2010
Amy Padalino ‘90 to Doug Heil on
October 4, 2008
Bridget Klenk ‘91 to Richard
Larrabee on August 15, 2008
Carrie Csizmar ‘93 to Chuck Volpe
on July 25, 2009
Megan Muenzner ‘93 to Brad J.
Colleen Pazderski ‘95 to Randy
Clark on August 14, 2009
Kathryn Gaiser ‘00 to Joseph
Trentley IV on August 21, 2009
Meredith Gerrish ‘01 to Philip
Driggs on August 1, 2009
Jennifer Mis ‘02 to Scott Thomas
Reddinger on August 1, 2009
Erin Schalberg ‘03 to James
Pautler, Jr. on July 25, 2009
of their fourth son, Maximilian, on
June 4, 2009.
Rose Fawls Donaldson ‘38
May 9, 2009
Teresa Hanny Gerbeck ’91 and
her husband, John, on the birth of
their daughter, Franka Masie, on
November 2, 2008.
Sr. Jane Huber OSF ‘38
August 6, 2009
Jennifer Economou Hayslip ’91 and
her husband, Jason, on the birth of
their son, Gavin, on May 14, 2008.
Gavin joins his older sister, Anthea.
Jennifer O’Day Hunt ’91 and her
husband, Geoffrey, on the birth
of their son, Paxton Geoffrey, on
March 2, 2009. Paxton joins his
older brothers, Griffin & Devin.
Gina Marie Zanghi Mazzara ’93
and her husband, Salvatore, on
the birth of their daughter, Adriana
Josephine, on December 4, 2008.
She joins her older sister, Lucia,
who is 2 years old.
Megan Muenzner ’93 and her
husband, Brad, on the birth of their
daughter, Hannah Alison, on April
23, 2009.
Karen Zahm Wilkie ’93 and her
husband, Russ, on the birth of their
son, Isaac Todd, on September 14,
Lori Brucato Badach ’94 and her
husband, Andrew, on the birth of
their daughter, Leonora Catherine,
January 13, 2009.
Mary Clare Kukoda Reilley ’94 and
her husband, Sean, on the birth
of their daughter, Fiona Elizabeth,
September 14, 2009. She joins her
older brother, Emmett.
Shannon Denz ‘03 to Dean R.
Setter on July 4, 2009
C o rde c h o
sp i r i t .
m i n d .
Dorothy Nowak Lorence ‘42
May 1, 2009
Charlotte Donner, Lillian Clare and Elizabeth McCreary
Kati Riegle Mann ’94 and her
husband, Kenneth, on the birth of
their daughter, Keely Elizabeth, on
June 18, 2008.
Alia Zohur Wynne ’95 and her husband, Bob, on the birth of their son
and first child, Henry Wolfgang, on
April 16, 2009.
Rachael Okoniewski Robinson
’94 and her husband, Alba, on the
birth of their son, Evan Michael,
on May 2, 2009. He joins his older
brothers, Dominic and Alex.
Joelle Pantano Malenic ’97 and her
husband, Matt, on the birth of their
daughter, Samantha Jane, on July
5, 2009.
Melanie Barnas Simmons ’95 and
her husband, Jason, on the birth
of their son, Joseph Thomas, on
August 15, 2009.
Sara Goodman Wargo ’95 and her
husband, Martin, on the birth of
their son, Adam Martin, on September 1, 2009. He joins his older
sister, Emily, 3 years old.
Maria Michalek Clare ’95 and her
husband, Scott, on the birth of
their daughter, Lillian Grace Clare,
on April 14, 2009.
Cara Santoro Rasnick ’95 and her
husband, Joseph, on the birth of
their son, Joseph Michael, on May
11, 2009.
Dominic holds his new brother
Evan Robinson.
b o d y.
Anne Marie Powalski Duquin ’98
and her husband, Chris, on the
birth of their son, Patrick Richard,
on July 28, 2009. He joins his older
brother, Colin, who is 3 years old,
and older sister, Ellie, who is 1 ½
years old.
Marissa Modica DeMonstoy ’00 and
her husband, Keith, on the birth of
their daughter, Madeline Grace, on
April 26, 2009.
Jennifer Sheldon ’95 and her
husband, Jon Moran, on the birth
of their second child, daughter,
Mackenzie Violet, on March 2,
Phyllis Grimm Pumm ‘42
July 9, 2009
Rose Marie Hens Funnell ‘43
August 31, 2008
Rita Theisen Snyder ‘44
March 5, 2009
Mary Lou Schumacher Gerold ‘46
September 29, 2009
Gertrude Jones Oehler ‘46
March 29, 2009
Patricia Dolan Kelly ‘47
June 23, 2009
Dorothy Heitzman Pinkowski ‘49
August 1, 2009
Mary Ann Stegmeier ‘49
May 21, 2009
Theresa Weisansal Barlow ‘50
December 28, 2008
Patricia Chambers Grizzley ‘51
May 23, 2006
Diane Manns ‘59
June 28, 2009
Kathryn Hettich McCreary ’95 and
her husband, Matt, on the birth of
their daughter, Elizabeth Eileen, on
June 18, 2009. She joins her older
sister, Bridget, who is 2 years old.
Jessica Notaro Prescott ’95 and
her husband on the birth of their
third child, Ava Kathleen, on June
22, 2009.
Ann Granville Jakubczak ’82 and
her husband, Don, on the birth
of their daughter, Amelia Grace,
August 27, 2006. She joins sister,
Kayla (11 years) and brother, Jasey
(10 years).
Patricia Terian Mancabelli ’88 and
her husband, Chuck, on the birth
Paula Kempkes Cooperdock ‘40
May 8, 2009
Dr. Jennifer Korzen O’Toole ’95 and
her husband, Terry, on the birth
of their second child, son, Aidan
Terrance, on June 24, 2009.
Patricia Eckert Balthasar ’88 and
her husband, Thomas, on the birth
of their daughter, Holly Anne, on
January 29, 2009. She joins her
older sister, Amanda.
Shirley Rung Kroeger ‘39
July 7, 2009
Judith Kujawa Bell ‘66
July 26, 2009
Marcia Good Bleeker ‘69
April 28, 2009
Margaret Kauffman Stonitsch ‘25
June 18, 2009
Fina Accardi Steuernagel ‘30
August 18, 2008
Lillian Hayes McNamara ‘31
March 2009
Katherine Garvey Niebergall ‘31
March 24, 2009
Margaret Arnold Dilgard ‘35
January 3, 2009
Jean Stafford Chaleff ‘37
October 23, 2008
Patricia Ann Roth ‘70
August 31, 2009
Family Deaths
Gertrude Garvey Wesp ’32 on the
death of her sister, Katherine, on
March 24, 2009.
Sr. Joanne Fawls, OSF ’37, Sr.
Gertrude Fawls, OSF ’41 on the
death of their sister, Rose, and to
Patricia Tardif Chapman ’54, Mary
Tardif Bianco ’59, Madeleine Tardif
’70, and Joan Tardif ’71 on the
death of their aunt.
Audrey Hayes O’Connor ’37 on
the death of her cousin, Lillian, in
March 2009.
Dorothy Walters Dworakowski
’56 on the death of her mother,
Dorothy, on June 17, 2009.
Delaney ’02 and Elizabeth
Delaney ’07 on the death of their
Helena Menchini Hale ’38 on the
death of her husband, Paul, on
March 7, 2008.
Sr. Kristen Corcoran, OSF ’58 on
the death of her sister, Eileen, on
August 7, 2009.
Rita Grimm ’40 on the death of her
sister, Phyllis, on July 9, 2009.
Judy Cyrklewski Ketteman ’58 on
the death of her husband, Donald,
on May 30, 2009.
Patricia O’Brien Hirschbeck ’76
and Mary K. O’Brien ’79 on the
death of their father, William, on
March 8, 2009.
Elizabeth Kempkes Waclawek
’42 on the death of her sister,
Paula, on May 8, 2009, and to
Elizabeth Waclawek O’Brien ’70,
Mary Jo Waclawek Philleo ’71,
Barbara Waclawek ’73, and Margie
Waclawek Ricketts ’75 on the death
of their aunt.
Joan Smith Bermeitinger ’43 on
the death of her brother, Gerard, in
November 2008.
Mary Agnes Dolan Farrell ’43 and
Maggi Dolan ’44 on the death of
their sister, Patricia, on June 23,
Antoinette Schumacher Herman
‘48, Sr. Helen Marie Schumacher
‘49, Virginia Schumacher Wendel
‘51, Barbara Schumacher Klocke
‘56, and Margaret Schumacher
McManus ‘59. on the death of
thier sister. Kathleen Schumacher
Weiss ‘77, Patricia Schumacher
‘78, Mary Grace Schumacher ‘79,
and Gretchen Klocke Brown ‘84, on
the death of their aunt, Mary Lou
Schumacher Gerold ‘46.
Amelita Novo Roth ’43 on the death
of her daughter, Patricia, on August
31, 2009 and to Toni Roth Sullivan
’66 and Judy Roth Meissner ’73 on
the death of their sister and to Lucy
Novo Volland ’41, Pauline Novo
Kasper ’43, Carmen Novo Shepard
’46 and Helen Novo Murray ’49 on
the death of their niece.
Beatrice Nowak Gaunder ’45 on the
death of her sister, Dorothy, on May
2, 2009.
Loretta Guglielmo Strano ’46 on the
death of her husband, Francis, on
October 28, 2008.
Florence Accardi Seier ’49 on the
death of her husband, Edward,
May 19, 2009, and the death of her
sister, Fina Accardi Steuernagel ‘30,
August 18, 2008.
Geraldine Muscarella DiCarlo ’56 on
the death of her mother, Marie, on
June 12, 2009.
Joan Paske Miller ’59 on the death
of her mother, Jane, on July 27,
Sharon Dilgard Murphy ’61 and
Denise Dilgard Hunka ’75 on the
death of their mother, Margaret, on
January 3, 2009.
Carol Kujawa Eberz ’62 on the
death of her sister, Judith, on July
26, 2009.
Jeanne Vezina Vinal ’82 and
Margaret Vezina Romanowich ’83
on the death of their mother, Rita,
on May 21, 2009.
Diane Good Waggoner ’63 and
Susan Good Mistrett ’65 on the
death of their sister, Marcia Good
Bleeker ’69, and Mary Sinnott ’70
on the death of her cousin.
Lee Rosica, mother of Marianne
Rosica-Brand ’82, passed away on
Sept. 14, 2009.
Karen Conroy Odien ’83 on the
death of her father, Robert, in
January 2009, and the death of her
mother, Betty, on July 1, 2009.
Paula Lymburner Chameli ’64 on
the death of her mother, Bernice,
on April 17, 2009.
Janice Yungbluth Weiskopf ’64
on the death of her husband,
Lawrence, on November 4, 2008.
Maria Shantler ’84 and Lisa
Shantler ’84 on the death of their
father, Ronald, on July 20, 2009
and to Sr. Maria Pares ’58 on the
death of her brother-in-law.
Mary Jo Carroll Kenna ’66 and
Kittie Carroll Pizzutelli ’70 on the
death of their father, John Patrick,
on September 7, 2009.
Linda Nasca ’68 on the death of her
father, Anthony, on March 16, 2009.
Judy Mead O’Connor ’69 on the
death of her mother, Eileen, in
September 2008.
Kimberly Gibbons Crangle ’86 and
Hoa Kim Mai ’86 on the death of
their father, Charles, on September
9, 2009 and to Brittany Gibbons ’08
on the death of her grandfather.
Eileen Hogenkamp Klubeck ’86 on
the death of her mother, Eileen,
on September 13, 2009 and to Ann
McConnell Kostyniak ’95 on the
death of her aunt.
Julie Maurer Smyczynski ’70 on
the death of her father, John, on
April 28, 2009.
Peggy Slowinski ’70 on the death of
her mother, Mae, on July 16, 2009.
Kathryn Delaney ’73 on the death
of her father-in-law, Richard,
on June 3, 2009, and to Katrina
Joanne Huber ’78 and Joyce Huber
Kanaley ’80 on the death of their
aunt, Sr. Jane Huber, OSF ‘38, on
August 6, 2009.
Maureen Rimar ’79 on the death of
her mother-in-law, Arlene, on July
21, 2009.
Susan Rutecki Hoehler ’63, Carol
Rutecki Schwartz ’65, and Gail
Rutecki Wagner ’68 on the death
of their mother, Mary, on June 28,
Clare Buchheit-Edson ’71 on the
death of her mother, Carmene, on
May 21, 2009, and the death of her
father, Louis, on June 10, 2009.
Mary Schneggenburger Voglmayr
’76, Carol Schneggenburger
Starr ’78, Jean Schneggenburger
Maslona ’79, Anne
Schneggenburger LaVigne ’80, and
Karen Schneggenburger Marafino
’86 on the death of their father,
Carl, on June 4, 2009.
Sharon Gemerek Roeder ’91 on
the death of her father, Robert, on
December 1, 2008.
Courtney Timms Maloney ’96 on
the death of her mother, Mary
Lynne, on August 31, 2009.
Tanya Felski Gutierrez ’02 on the
death of her mother, Linda, on May
7, 2009.
sp i r i t .
m i n d .
b o d y.
c o rde c h o
A n n ual f u n d rep o rt
List of Donors
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in this report. We apologize for any errors or omissions and
ask that you report them to the Development Office at 716-834-2101 ext. 360.
* Denotes alumna that has since returned to God.
2008-2009 Board of Directors**
Sacred Heart Academy is blessed by the leadership and commitment of the members of the Board of Trustees
that give so much of their time, talents, and treasures in the spirit of St. Francis to further our mission.
Crystal R. Austin-Seymore
Mary Jo Hezel Ketchum ‘59
Sr. Barbara Pfohl, OSF ‘56
Sr. Diane Bernbeck, OSF ‘64
Mark A. King
David J. Reilly
Arthur F. Dobson, Jr.
Paul J. Kolkmeyer
Barbara J. Staebell Rooney ‘74
Sr. Nancy Fortkort, OSF ‘53
Sr. Teresa Miklitsch, OSF
Dr. Esther S. Takeuchi
Patricia A. Haberman, D.D.S. ‘80
Sr. Dorothy Mueller, OSF ‘60
Sr. Geraldine Warthling, OSF
Elizabeth A. Barczak
John R. O’Brien
Sr. Edith Wyss, OSF
Horrigan ‘64
** 100% participation
Loyalty Fund
Giving club members are recognized herein for their exceptional dedication to the Academy for their contributions
from July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009. As the following pages will attest, our SHA community is comprised of generous
benefactors who are strongly committed to our Franciscan mission. We are indebted to them for their partnership
and the many gifts they provide in support of academic excellence, spiritual development, and life’s education of our
young women.
Founder’s Circle ($5,000+)
Caesarina Ciminelli Cardarelli ‘39
Class of 2009
Dennis Fleischauer
Nancy Haberman Gacioch ‘58
M & T Charitable Foundation
SHA Parents Guild
The Providence Fund
Erin B. Rebhan Sippel ‘90
Sisters of St. Francis of Holy Name Province
Elizabeth M. Sullivan ‘83
Head of School Circle ($2,500 - $4,999)
BRD Inc.
Dr. Patricia Staley Burns ‘57
Joyce E. Wagner Drzewiecki ‘61
Robert K. Freeland
Sr. Joan M. Nelson, OSF ‘42
Vincent and Harriet Palisano Foundation
Barbara J. Staebell Rooney ‘74
Kathleen Scanlon ‘67
Director’s Circle ($1,000 - $2,499)
Ruth Thompson Auer ‘45
Baumeister & Samuels, P.C.
Judy Carr Beecher ‘58
Christ the King School
Arthur F. Dobson, Jr.
Beverly A. Eckert ‘69 *
Bonnie Taglialegami Floyd ‘72
Jacquelyn McGuire Gurney ‘86
Patricia A. Haberman, D.D.S. ‘80
Beth A. Selmensberger Hollister ‘81
Elizabeth A. Barczak Horrigan ‘64
Shirley Ann Keppel ‘53
Barbara Schumacher Klocke ‘56
Kathleen M. Brown Knepper ‘38
Paul and Nancy Kolkmeyer
Margaret M. Rackl Loesch ‘68
William and Regina Mastroleo
The McGuire Group, Inc.
Mary C. Frank Moynihan ‘46
National Fuel Gas Company
John R. O’Brien
Kathleen M. O’Connor, Ph.D. ‘85
Joyce Paterson, M.D.
Dr. Diane M. Peters-Koren ‘59
Don and Patricia Braun Rackl ‘73
David J. Reilly
Kathleen M. Wrobel Schmidt ‘86
Marilyn Louise Schmitt ‘51
Ruth H. Smith
Stereo Advantage
Sr. Mara Walton, OSF ‘59
sp i r i t .
m i n d .
b o d y.
c o rde c h o
Maroon & White Club ($500 - $999)
Mr. and Mrs. James Biddle, Jr.
Frances Gautieri Brown ‘57
Horace and Mary Lou Burger
Dr. Nadine Feneck Case ‘70
Suzanne Barone Casey ‘87
Anthony J. and Carmela M. Anastasia
Colucci ‘51
Jennifer Demert
Mr. and Mrs. L. Matthew Duggan
Dr. Ann Lawton Egan ‘50
Dr. and Dr. Richard S. Elman
Denise M. DeSimone Fregeau ‘78
Mary Jane Winkler Fry ‘64 *
John T. Gorski
Raymond E. Kelley, Inc.
Mary Jo Hezel Ketchum ‘59
Marie P. Thill Kidd ‘26 *
Kirst Construction, Inc.
Teresita Schwartz LeBeau ‘67
Christine M. Carroll Licata, Ed.D. ‘63
Lumsden & McCormick, LLP
Kathleen A. McCarthy ‘56
Sheila McCarthy ‘51
M. Janice Nelson ‘45
Northeast Mechanical, Inc.
Patricia J. Funnell Pfalzer ‘45
Jeanine Purcell
Bonnie P. Glowacki Rudick ‘58
Joanna Ruppel
Colleen M. Sandor, Ph.D. ‘82
Lorilynn Dunn Schlosser ‘90
Patricia L. Smith ‘75
Dr. Toni Roth Sullivan ‘66
Betty Blake Tzetzo ‘54
Kathy E. Wolf Vasilius ‘77
Jane Vicki
Marilyn Wittman
Academy Club ($250 - 499)
Valerie Casimino Anderson ‘85
Carol A. Bauda ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bender
Julie M. Bondanza, Ph.D. ‘60
Susan Vetter Braun ‘76
Mary Ann Kawecki Broderick ‘58
Sandra J. Butler
Patricia M. Caluori ‘69
Mary Ellen Konieczny Chwedyk ‘77
Nina Nowakowski Ciesla ‘57
Mary Ganey Cochrane
Kathleen M. Wolf Cox ‘61
Patricia Sheehan Crocker ‘59
Leah Cunningham ‘87
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Dalton
Mary Frances Danner ‘51
Louise A. Kotlowski DeJames ‘57
Dr. James Dempsey
Lenore Peters Dimon ‘59
Lala Marie DiPaolo-Placey ‘61
Susan Farwell
Barbara A. Fatta-Mason ‘69
Joyce E. Fink ‘48
Ann Marie Hackford Galbo ‘63
Margaret Honer Gamble ‘52
Patricia A. Gilbert ‘52
Dianne M. Schaefer Gordon ‘72
Mary Teresa Griffin ‘51
Jacqueline C. Bruce Hanley ‘50
C o rde c h o
sp i r i t .
m i n d .
“Love wholeheartedly, be surprised, give thanks
and praise--then you will discover the fullness
of your life. “
Brother David Steindl-Rast
Heide L. Herrmann ‘91
Eileen M. Rimar Hettich ‘70
Mary Ann Kuntz Hoffert ‘55
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hohl
Jennifer L. O’Day Hunt ‘91
Mary T. Keefe-Hinners ‘64
C. Edward and Joanne MacPeek
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Militello
Elizabeth A. Owens Murphy ‘64
Angela Cirillo Naylor ‘50
Patricia A. Oates ‘57
Dr. Barbara Eckert Ochterski ‘61
Karin Bergerson Pajak ‘62
Paula J. Parke
Jeanette M. Piscitello ‘72
Margaret A. Gallery Pritchard ‘61
Christine F. Procknal ‘67
Dr. and Mrs. David J. Rodman
Christine Frantz Sak ‘59
Patricia Uhteg Scheuneman ‘53
Loretta Heim Spielman ‘39
Gertrude E. Seguin Stanley ‘69
Madonna Kissel Starr ‘65
Jacqueline A. Wopperer Stoj ‘79
Margaret Irr Summersgill, Ph.D. ‘49
Dr. Esther S. Takeuchi
Rosanna M. Falzone Thomas ‘93
Annemarie C. Uebbing ‘77
Timothy and Rosemary Van Domelen
Dr. Anita Vigorito ‘71
Vulcan Steam Forging Co.
Janice K. Civello Walter ‘64
Bernadette C. Wingerter ‘49
Patricia J. Wopperer-Olin ‘77
Margaret Sinnott Wurstner ‘32
Hillary K. Zahm ‘94
b o d y.
Century Club ($100 - 249)
Maureen Aldrich Abbett ‘68
Christine Kirwan Adsit ‘88
Donna M. Geary Allen ‘63
Dorismae H. Young April ‘40
Carol R. Ashley
Barbara Bogdan Badach ‘66
Maureen Connors Badding ‘77
Kathleen M. Jones Bailey ‘62
Martina F. Mastroleo Baker ‘94
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Barnas
Mary Beth McCarthy Basil ‘85
Rosemary Uhteg Bateman ‘53
Lisa M. Bavisotto ‘06
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bavisotto
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Bechtel
Lenore M. Belzer ‘51
Kathleen Rasp Berardi ‘46
Joan M. Smith Bermeitinger ‘43
Kathaleen A. Irr Berner ‘60
Lyn T. Biniszkiewicz
Bison Elevator Service, Inc.
Rita T. Pierpaoli Blanford ‘60
Gail M. Wind Boersma ‘60
Mary C. Schupp Boldt ‘72
Elizabeth Rutkowski Borgeson ‘48
Amy L. Palladino Bourgeault ‘94
Suzanne Fisher Boyer ‘84
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Boyle
Ann Marie Kuhn Breidenstein ‘56
Kristen Breitweiser
Gina M. Recchio Brescia ‘84
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Brignone
Catherine M. Graesser Brogan ‘79
Helene B. Brown ‘51
M. Julianne Brown ‘53
Jennifer A. Jefferson Buchanan ‘86
Carole A. Campbell Buczkowski ‘60
Dawn M. Fraser Buono ‘57
Claudia S. Burns ‘58
Sarah Wilson Caccamise ‘38
Patricia Francis Caci ‘53
Dr. Paula M. Calby ‘72
Rosette Mazza Camillo ‘77
Mary Ann Miklas Campagna ‘51
Paul and Kimberly Cannon
Kathleen Hughes Carley ‘51
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Carocci
Karen Lund Carroll ‘63
Judith A. Casassa ‘58
Patty Casazza
Marilyn Kurtz Chamberlain ‘53
Anne Frainier Charbonnet ‘45
Janice M. Cheney ‘80
Mary Joan State Christ ‘51
Anne R. Clauss ‘52
Judith A. Grzywa Clontz ‘77
Club Italiano 74 Dell ‘ Immacolata
Julie Wetzel Cohen ‘81
Vera A. Schreiner Colin ‘54
Patricia Harter Connolly ‘46
Susan Z. Lodick Constantino ‘64
Mary J. Cicatello Contino ‘72
Dorothea A. Nicosia Cosgrove ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Costanza
Lori A. Merlo Coticchia ‘81
Donna M. Birner Coughlin ‘66
Julie Brady Crandall ‘89
Denise E. Crangle ‘50
Rita J. Henry Crangle ‘54
Dorothy M. Crowe ‘41
Patricia Kaul Cryer ‘57
Carrie A. Csizmar ‘93
Mimi K. Cuddy-Mierzwa ‘81
Adelheid D. Full Daigler ‘41
Susan K. Reiser Daniels ‘92
Colleen H. Dann ‘99
Kathleen M. Delaney ‘69
Judy A. Pirri Deley ‘73
John. H. Dewitt
Susan P. Sypniewski Dickinson ‘69
Rosemary Dillard
Dorothy A. O’Loughlin Disse ‘50
Marybeth A. Flanagan Doherty ‘79
Teresa Herrman Donner ‘68
Sharon Tenney Downey ‘73
Eileen Tubridy Drinkwater ‘67
Dr. Diane M. Hartmann Dziwis ‘74
Clement E. Eckert
Karen M. Eckert ‘68
Raymond J. Eckert, Jr.
Joan McFarland Edwards ‘45
Dr. Michele A. Egan ‘73
Suzanne Group Engel ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Erdman, Jr.
Helen Miskell Ernst ‘57
Linda A. Nasca Eshaya ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Evanco
Nancy T. Klawon Eye ‘48
Sara R. Boyd Falk ‘94
Irma McClusky Fallacaro ‘39
Kathleen E. Albrecht Fasanella ‘74
Mary Fetchet
Ann M. Graesser Finn ‘81
Patrick and Sharon Finucane
Michele Cuddy Fisher ‘89
Melissa A. Fiutak ‘94
Christine M. Klumpp Fix ‘65
Amy L. Wiktorski Flanagan ‘87
Amy M. Fleischauer ‘92
Dorothy M. Meek Flynn ‘47
Food Bank of Western New York
Virginia R. Kostur Foschio ‘59
Dorothy R. Schenk Fox ‘37
Benedetta Lachiusa Frachella ‘32
Doris Becht Frainier ‘45
Susan M. Friedhaber-Hard ‘62
Dr. Kristin M. Fries ‘83
Monica Gabrielle
Bernadette Corcoran Gaffney ‘65
Laura Bradley Galvin ‘83
Patricia R. Maes Gemerek ‘53
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Georger
Dr. Robyn R. M. Gershon
Margaret H. Fulton Gessert ‘51
Margaret M. Horrigan Gillig ‘78
Gretchen Kovalick Gilliland ‘77
Henrietta A. Kercher Goslin ‘30
Dr. Nicole M. Aquino Gothgen ‘96
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Gozdor
Virginia A. Schmidt Greenan ‘57
Sr. Jane F. Gregoire, OSF ‘57
Madonna M. Bauer Grimmer ‘47
JoAnn R. Kowalski Grzechowiak ‘58
Dolores Parrish Gurley ‘39
Mary Ruth Leberer Haberman ‘57
Deborah A. Hard ‘70
Patricia Ahern Hain ‘51
Jeanne Hanny
Bill Harvey
Rose Hoak Haslinger ‘40
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Heary
Kathleen Byron Heffern ‘60
Virginia Nettina Heller ‘71
Marilyn Martin Hendler ‘48
Christine M. Courtade Herzog ‘83
Joan C. Krotz Hofmeier ‘53
Jennifer A. Smith Hogan ‘77
Marcia Schintzius Honsberger ‘64
Diana A. Hopcia ‘58
Rita A. Wilcox Hornburg ‘52
Mrs. Geraldine T. Horohoe
Mrs. Martha Horohoe
Mary M. Horrigan ‘53
Kelly J. Braun Housler ‘88
Marilynn Kirsch Houston ‘58
Ruth A. Huber ‘70
Ruth E. Huppuch
Patricia M. Piazza Ilardo ‘43
Elayne J. Janiak ‘64
Genevieve Oswald Johnson ‘39
Margaret M. Buchanan Johnson ‘73
Jennifer L. Johnson-Smith ‘87
Dr. Maryann Schwab Justinger ‘69
Mary Ann Stievater Kelleher ‘47
Margaret Galley Kendron ‘65
Joann M. Granville Kiefer ‘88
Leslie E. King ‘72
Catherine A. Baumann Kipp ‘92
Joyce M. Ehlenfield Kirsch ‘58
Benedetta A. Kissel ‘69
Mindy Kleinberg
Patricia Krajewski Klingenmaier ‘61
Elizabeth N. Kolber ‘65
Christine Matre Kole ‘58
Annette Stievater Kolkmeyer ‘45
Kristin N. Koppmann ‘96
Dorothy A. Kencik Korduba ‘46
Frances R. Lombardo Kraus ‘62
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Kreuz
Ann E. Kreuz Kuczkowski ‘56
Margaret K. Covey Kujawa ‘74
Marciann B. Spiess Kukoda ‘64
Sally A. Hartl Kuykendall ‘54
Rosalinda Vigorito Lamberty ‘69
Susan M. Hill Landi ‘71
Sharon Lanza ‘62
Margaret M. Vanderwerf Laughlin ‘39
Anne Schneggenburger LaVigne ‘80
Kathleen Dipaolo Lazar ‘70
Caroline Dotterweich Leighton ‘59
Elaine C. Hopcia Leitten ‘60
Carie Lemack
Frances Scaccia Lesswing ‘39
Peter Liberti
Mary Ann McKenna Lienert ‘48
Barbara W. Krajewski Lipome ‘59
Bonnie L. Dziadaszek Locking ‘92
John J. Loftus
Mary Ann Kucharski Long ‘73
Maureen M. Piazza Lopez ‘83
Georgia H. Burke Lu ‘65
Dorothy A. Schmidt Lucci ‘50
Linda L. Piraino Lucente ‘81
Katherine A. Lyons ‘89
Nancy Fisher Mackolin ‘50
Mader Construction Co., Inc.
Larry Magaris
Cristina Vigorito Mahoney ‘79
Mary Joan Meckle Mahoney ‘48
Eileen K. Maloney
Lynne M. Russo Maloney ‘82
Mary Agnes Scanlon Marabella ‘65
Juanita B. Yargosz Martino ‘60
Patricia Sterlace Masters ‘79
Judith Smith Mastromonico ‘59
Julia L. Maxwell ‘57
Kathleen B. Seitz Mazurek ‘68
Marie A. Gordon McCarthy ‘57
Karen M. Kwas McCormick ‘87
Susan A. Jankowski McCullough ‘63
Sheila Brennan McGann ‘62
Alicia A. Cummings McGlinchey ‘83
Elizabeth A. Byron McGowan ‘64
Erin M. Burger McKendry ‘89
Bridget Zern Mejza ‘86
Frances J. Rotino Mellenger ‘58
Florine E. Fischer Mogford ‘48
Julie A. Vargo Molson ‘71
Amy M. Monafo ‘95
Carole A. Kanski Mordino ‘58
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Moses
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mroz
Mr. and Dr. Edward Mrozinski
Carol M. Pauly Mudd ‘50
Mary Beth B. Karalus Mulder ‘80
Nancy Calabrese Mule ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Mullen
Alicia Huber Murphy ‘94
Candise Kaye Mye ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Napier
Maria A. Naples ‘79
University at Buffalo, Elizabeth J.
Sr. Dolores Neunder, OSF ‘36
Audrey M. Hayes O’Connor ‘37
Cheryl Farolino O’Connor ‘72
Regina Werder O’Connor ‘34
Melissa M. Swierczynski O’Dell ‘68
Eileen A. Pitz O’Grady ‘48
Marcella C. Trampert Olson ‘37
Karen B. Zobel Palmer ‘93
Cynthia T. Stone Pangallo ‘79
Mary E. Schoell Parker ‘56
Mary L. Gersitz Patterson ‘57
Elaine C. Pauly ‘51
Jeannine Cady Pautler ‘77
Melanie T. Graczyk Pawlik ‘29
Mary C. Granville Penfold ‘85
Anna M. Kwiatkowski Perini ‘64
Anne Reagan Perricelli ‘59
Dr. Mary Beth Phelan ‘80
Sandra Piech ‘64
Kathleen Piech-Lukas ‘94
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome T. Piecuch
Nancy C. Ihrig Pirk ‘50
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pollock
Susan M. Falzone Porcano ‘67
Joanne M. Scanlon Prestia ‘69
Colleen Webb Prorok ‘65
Emilie A. Pogorzelski Rados ‘36
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Rankowitz
Dr. Catherine Dailey Ravella ‘58
Sally Regenhard
Amy K. Resetarits ‘92
Barbara Geary Reynolds ‘56
Betteanne Gentile Riegle ‘62
Kathleen A. Rimar ‘64
Maureen T. Rimar ‘79
Dr. Kimberly A. Paa Roberts ‘92
Jean Eberle Rogowski ‘47
Jean M. Gardner Root ‘37
Audrey M. Schafer Ross-Klein ‘51
Dr. Michelle Linneman Rougeux ‘72
Monica M. Rozak ‘74
Delores Zientek Rozycki ‘48
Maureen C. Laughlin Rusin ‘70
Louis J. Russo, Jr.
Holly A. Burzynski Saari ‘89
Mary Margaret Prestel Sansone ‘64
Dolores A. Scanlon ‘59
Maura A. Lippold Scanlon ‘91
Mary Lynn Schaefer ‘77
Patricia A. Hanmann Schlaerth ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. Schmitt
Susan M. Schmitt ‘64
Thomas W. and Shelly Schratz
Leslie A. Schultz
Sr. M. Henrietta Schwagler, OSF ‘36
Abraham Scott
Maryellen Demeter Secrist ‘58
Mary Buszka Semski ‘40
Sandra L. Eye Sendlak ‘71
Laurie A. Gemerek Shanahan ‘90
Maria G. Shantler ‘84
Deborah Mancuso Shay ‘69
Jennifer L. Sheldon ‘95
Amy Satkowski Shepard ‘79
Theresa M. Kaes Sherman ‘62
Debra Daniels Simmons ‘68
Joan L. Goslin Simmons ‘65
Patricia Heupel Sims ‘80
Mickey McGarry Slind ‘56
Mary K. Canton Smedley ‘57
Margaret Pacciotti Smith ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Smith
Ruth M. Nicaise Smokowski ‘54
Patricia Marino Smyton ‘61
Eileen E. Snyder ‘64
Marcia Snyder
Anne Spasiano
Patricia A. Petrina Spinelli ‘65
Marcia J. Spitler ‘69
Sr. Mary Kay Stahl, OSF ‘49
Dr. Jacquelyn Burns Stanley ‘54
Nancy J. Drexilius Stapleton ‘47
LTC Marion A. Steinhilber, Ret’d. ‘40
Donna M. Gumulak Stempniak ‘70
Jacqueline Wagner Stendts ‘50
Paula L. Leone Stern ‘72
Patricia Brennan Stewart ‘74
Sharon Stoll
Michael J. Stonitsch
Elizabeth Subjeck ‘07
Mary Braun Subkoviak ‘61
Mary T. Fox Sullivan ‘55
Rita Gradwohl Sweeney ‘48
Joan M. Tardif ‘71
Alison Taylor
Elaine M. Reeder Telaak ‘58
Amy M. Teprovich ‘93
Joy M. Lembic Thrun ‘57
Elizabeth Dengler Tilis ‘69
Anne Uba Timms ‘97
Nancy Gilbert Tsurunaga ‘51
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Tuk
Ellen M. Conley Turner ‘38
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Tyrpak
Susan M. Barczak Uba ‘61
Anita L. Azua Utech ‘64
Lorie Van Auken
Jennifer Caulfield Van Petten ‘79
Brian F. Villiani
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vivacqua
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Volz
Arlene Miller Wangler ‘59
Michelle L. Reynolds Webb ‘91
Robin Weiner
Marie L. Weisbecker ‘44
Naomi R. Weiss ‘66
Joanne M. Geiger Welchoff ‘54
Nancy Skorupski Wellman ‘61
Virgina Schumacher Wendel ‘ 51
Mary C. Selmensberger Westendorf ‘82
Westmass Area Development Corp.
Julie M. Ehrman Whalen ‘91
Carol Ann Kolb Wiktorski ‘64
Donna M. Buchleither Williams ‘64
Roberta Meers Wilson ‘59
Mary L. Wisniewski ‘57
Kathryn E. Auguliaro Woch ‘69
Jacqueline Shea Wopperer ‘52
Patricia M. Bullied Wydra ‘47
Dr. and Mrs. Sigmund Yoon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Zahm
Barbara Pfohl Zenger ‘81
Marion L. Zimmerman ‘39
Jean C. Zimmermann ‘47
Christine Zinter-Chahin ‘75
sp i r i t .
m i n d .
b o d y.
c o rde c h o
Alumnae giving by
class year
Our alumnae are actively involved and committed in their efforts to support their alma mater. Their
contributions cover an array of areas to fulfill and enrich our shared mission at Sacred Heart Academy.
The generosity of the SHA alumnae community is a wonderful legacy that we are blessed to receive. It is
with heartfelt gratitude that we share here the kindness they have shown.
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Helen Barenthaler Hayslip
Margaret B. Kauffman
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Marie P. Thill Kidd*
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Anne E. Connors
Sarah M. DiGesare
Sr. Isabelle Reilly, OSF
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Antoinette R. Lopian Osinski
Melanie T. Graczyk Pawlik
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Henrietta A. Kercher Goslin
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Ruth M. Dietrich Phillips
Dorothy A. Kingston Simpson
C o rde c h o
sp i r i t .
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Benedetta L. Lachiusa
Katherine L. Schwenk Studer
Margaret Sinnott Wurstner
Margaret F. Collins Wurstner
Audrey M. Hayes O’Connor
Marcella C. Trampert Olson
Jean M. Gardner Root
Dorothy M. Suchan
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Gertrude M. Gittere Greene
Sarah Wilson Caccamise
Rose E. Fawls Donaldson* Kathleen M. Brown Knepper
Clotilda Balzer Robinson
Grace T. Lesswing Ronas
Ellen M. Conley Turner
Elizabeth K. Thill Yungbluth
Mary D. Breidenstein Zaenglein
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Mildred A. Schaefer Bantelman
Sr. Maurice Huebsch, OSF
Frances Bruiknern Monin
Regina Werder O’Connor
M. Elinor Eberle Payne
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Miriam Winters Hark
Norma B. Frey McMahon
Sr. Dolores Neunder, OSF
Emilie A. Pogorzelski Rados
Sr. M. Henrietta Schwagler, OSF
Bernice Georger Sticht
Teresa A. Emminger Watkins
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Sr. Joanne Fawls, OSF
Dorothy R. Schenk Fox
m i n d .
b o d y.
Caesarina Ciminelli Cardarelli ‘39
Frances R. Pignataro Cataldi
Irma McClusky Fallacaro
Sr. M. Paula Fox, OSF
Marietta Sontag Frazier
Dolores P. Parrish Gurley
Bernadine Huebsch
Genevieve Oswald Johnson
Margaret M. Vanderwerf
Frances Scaccia Lesswing
Jeanette M. Metz
Alberta C. Honer Roetzer
Loretta Heim Spielman
Winifred Knavel Wells
Marion L. Zimmerman
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Dorismae H. Young April
Paula K. Kempkes Cooperdock*
Norma H. Casemere DuBois
Geraldine J. Flanagan
Rita F. Grimm
Rose Hoak Haslinger
Sr. Agnes Lucille Schubert, OSF
Mary Buszka Semski
LTC Marion A. Steinhilber, Ret’d.
Augusta G. Kraus Steinhorst
Sr. Rose Marie Stuhler, OSF
Dorothy M. Cook Trum
Jennie J. Ogiony Vitale
Sr. Verona Weber, OSF
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Rita G. Lampka Baranski
Delphine Marlinski Clippinger
Jeanne Betts Conlin
Dorothy M. Crowe
Adelheid D. Full Daigler
Elizabeth Jensen Eller
Sr. Gertrude M. Fawls, OSF
Joan P. Watkins Gerace
Ruth Butz Haumesser
Marcella Kirsch Hoffer
Rosemary Kampshoff Klumpp
Mary E. Minderler Phelps
Jeanne B. Schmitt
Lucy M. Novo Volland
Helen Buszka Weiksnar
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Arlene C. Birkman Belz
Sr. Marie Davis, OSF
Marie J. Lesswing Dowd
Ruth Gruber Heckman
Sr. Marion Karl, OSF
Dorothy Nowak Lorence* Maude Betts May
Sr. Joan M. Nelson, OSF
Jean M. Grochowiak
Marietta A. Benz Sawyer
Rosemary Stein Schaefer
Johanna Zsifkovits Scholier
Josephine M. Deangelis Scuto
Arlene Metz Smith
Jean Marie Seibel Smith
Virginia D. Sausen Spengler
Sr. M. Catherine Tronolone, OSF
Marie Seitz Troy
Elizabeth M. Kempkes
Alice M. Fassel Webb Oxenford
Dolores H. Yaeger Wiepert
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Joan M. Smith Bermeitinger
Ann P. Dekanski Brown
Betty J. Tripi Corcoran
Norma C. Besl Craig
Elaine F. Faller
Emma J. Fisher
Dorothy A. Kiefer Gesel
Doris M. Hergenroder Heim
June Carr Hughes
Patricia M. Piazza Ilardo
Pauline M. Novo Kasper
Dorothy T. Kowalkowski Kowal
Mary E. Reiser Kreher
Geraldine C. McCarthy Lynch
Mary Jane Coveny Moran
Rose Marie Ulrich Pfeiffer
Norma I. Fecter Russo
Justina M. McAuley Semenza
Marguerite Feeney Tobolski
Ethel M. Tyler-Stoehr
Ruth M. Steinmiller Warnick
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Rita J. Roll Cantwell
Margaret Dolan
Mary Lou Kreher Domedion
Jeanette Massaro Gonglewski
Gloria L. Bowers Harter
Ruth Stein Lorenz
Lorraine Landel Nichols
Eugenia T. Serach
Ann M. Gardner Smith
Marie L. Weisbecker
Joan Lorenz Wells
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Lois Arcangel Adamczyk
Sr. Karen Allen, OSF
Ruth Thompson Auer
Harriet A. Schepperly
Pearl M. Uhl Braatz
Anne F. Frainier Charbonnet
Joan McFarland Edwards
Doris Becht Frainier
Beatrice Nowak Gaunder
Vera J. Karl Hunold
Joan A. Lucas Keohane
Annette Stievater Kolkmeyer
Marjorie Schmidt Lester
Marion A. Weiss Michael
M. Janice Nelson
Patricia J. Funnell Pfalzer
Theresa M. Loughran Ronald
Dolores T. Wiesnet Stein
Joan M. Hens Walsh
Margaret Mandell Walter
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Marie J. Perna Bavisotto
Phyllis Martin Beckstein
M. Joan Emminger Bender
Kathleen Rasp Berardi
Lorraine Matuszewski
Kathleen A. Clemons Chilelli
Patricia Harter Connolly
Dorothy M. Eckl
Mary Lou Schumacher Gerold
Norma Moran Kamp
Betty Jane McCarthy Kirchmyer
Dorothy A. Kencik Korduba
Florence J. Szylkowski
Marion Beiter Meidenbauer
Mary C. Frank Moynihan
Theresa Ptak Shields
Loretta A. Guglielmo Strano
M. Lucianne Funk Tee
Eleanor Aldrich Tighe
Kathleen O’Connor Trapp
Winifred Oberle Wozer
Norma L. Schmitkons
Jean C. Zimmermann
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Mary Jane Van Dick Boneberg
Betty M. Conley Brignon
Carol H. Koch Conrad
Berniece M. Schwenk Deer
Dolores L. Engler DeHaas
Mary Jane Kavanagh Disarno
Jean E. Roth Duffy
Geraldine T. Steinmueller
Dorothy M. Meek Flynn
Madonna M. Bauer Grimmer
Clare A. Mendola Grotz
Nora C. Moran Hammann
Rita L. Weidmann Herrmann
Rosemary O. Weather KackoKane
Mary Ann Stievater Kelleher
Patricia K. Dolan Kelly * Dolores R. Przybylski Krempa
Betty Tripi McIntyre
Mary Jane Habel Mueller
Frances J. Schubert Poorman
Dolores H. Kollmar Rodems
Jean Eberle Rogowski
Angeline Saladino Senefelder
Carol J. Zuber Spitzer
Florence Hejza Stack
Nancy J. Drexilius Stapleton
Eleanor M. Hupf Vogt
Patricia J. Brohman Winkler
Patricia M. Bullied Wydra
“It’s not what you gather, but what you scatter that
tells what kind of life you have lived.”
Helen Walton
Ruth Frainier Anderson
Emma Cardenuto Bernier
Elizabeth Rutkowski Borgeson
Jean Mitchell Burke
Rosemary Watkins Caito
Joan McDonald DeLong
Joan Brucato DiPasquale
Lorraine A. Kaznowski Dunkel
Nancy T. Klawon Eye
Joyce E. Fink
Mary G. Muffoletto Gore
Marilyn Martin Hendler
Marie A. Hupf Herzig
Lorraine Bekalarska
Audrey L. Zawodzinski Kruger
Carol J. Bruce Leonard
Beatrice M. Closs Leveille
Mary Ann McKenna Lienert
Esther P. Stolowski Luke
Mary Joan Meckle Mahoney
Florine E. Fischer Mogford
Eileen A. Pitz O’Grady
Jean C. Schwab Quigley
Delores Zientek Rozycki
Rita A. Miskell Schindler
Mary C. Rust Schmand
Sr. Mary Clement Schubert, OSF
Carolyn M. Weisbeck Schwartz
Mary Ann Schabel Seibert
Mary Ann Merkel Sullivan
Rita Gradwohl Sweeney
Marilyn Krieger Tulipane
Anna C. Blab Wargula
Arlene Stuhler Weiss
Joan Hall White
Audrey A. Lamaitre Yogerst
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Doreen M. Bork Bachowski
Joan M. McKenna Barron
Alice M. Hergenroder Bieger
Bertha Steck Brachmann
Romaine Cudeck
Mary Alex Drake
Marilyn Meyer Ernst
Joan Dowdell Fischer
Sr. Maura Fortkort, OSF
Josephine Feddo Furioso
Mary Lou Schulenberg Habel
Mary Rimbeck Haslinger
Sr. DeSales Hattenberger, OSF
Dolores M. Gampp Hufnagel
Colette M. Scheiblein Jank
Patricia Cutcher Kennuth
Joan Ellison Maloney
Mary Kay Marriott
Lois M. Petters Maving
Joyce M. Schmitt Mosack
Helen M. Novo Murray
Ann K. McCarthy O’Brien
Ellen E. Schruefer Park
Mary C. Schalk Russell
Phyllis A. Schibler
Sr. Helen Schumacher, OSF
Nancy Ann Sahs Sendelbach
Sr. Mary Kay Stahl, OSF
Mary Ann Stegmeier* Margaret Irr Summersgill, Ph.D.
Bernadette C. Wingerter
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Dolores Anthony
Sheila Esmond Barmasse
Mary M. Lavoie Bonato
Sr. Donna Butler, OSF
Joan M. Weber Craft
Denise E. Crangle
Dorothy A. O’Loughlin Disse
Rita Housman Dobrick
Patricia Peinkofer Dorminy
Ann Lawton Egan
Dorothy A. Seyfried Hall
Jacqueline C. Bruce Hanley
Dorothy A. Schmidt Lucci
Nancy Fisher Mackolin
Clare McCaulley McAuliffe
Marcia E. Jacobs McNutt
Beverly E. Monette
Carol M. Pauly Mudd
Patricia Gruber Nowak
Nancy C. Ihrig Pirk
Betty Anne Hynes Spence
Jacqueline Wagner Stendts
Roberta Twardowski Thuman
Norma A. Deinhart Welch
Joyce C. Fleck Wyles
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Margaret T. Muscarella Alfano
Grace Weisbecker Bednarek
Lenore M. Belzer
Margaret M. Hoeflich Blarr
sp i r i t .
Helene Brown Brown
Ann K. O’Connell Buckreis
Jean M. Bilsky Cambrini
Mary Ann Miklas Campagna
Kathleen Hughes Carley
Mary Joan State Christ
Mary Frances Danner
Lorraine Meyer Dobinski
Mary E. Clark Eberhard
Margaret E. Flynn
Margaret H. Fulton Gessert
Mary Teresa Griffin
Patricia Ahern Hain
Jane E. Henry
Mary Lou Flaig Herbeck
Ann Marie Frainier Hutchison
Dolores A. Heim Kennedy
Sheila McCarthy
Virginia R. Coleman Miller
Rita R. Zimmer Mospaw
Carol Wisniewski Musial
Patricia Brechtel Oreskovic
Sally Ann Mehringer Overs
Elaine C. Pauly
Leona M. Povinelli Prinzbach
Audrey M. Schafer Ross-Klein
Marilyn Louise Schmitt
Nancy Gilbert Tsurunaga
Mary Ann Weber Wujek
Shirley F. Stetter Zerkowski
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Catherine Closs Anderson
Patricia A. Ryan Bean
Anne R. Clauss
Joan M. Attea Deinhart
Diane Hattenberger Duffy
Frances E. Kelleher Fortuna
Margaret Honer Gamble
Patricia A. Gilbert
Eileen M. Goldbach
Kathleen Maier Heupel
Rita A. Wilcox Hornburg
Catherine P. Griffin
Joanne Bissonette Lucas
Joyce Frainier Lucey
Barbara A. Gersitz Lutz
Patricia Lynch
Lois A. Pauly Miller
Ann Thomas Reinagel
Patricia A. Corcoran Schmidt
Jacqueline Shea Wopperer
Mary Kay Parkes Wright
Therese Maier Zaruba
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Norma Jean Walters Ambrose
Sr. Lois Badding, OSF
m i n d .
b o d y.
c o rde c h o
Rosemary Uhteg Bateman
Elizabeth A. Billman Borden
M. Julianne Brown
Mary Ellen Meier Buckley
Patricia Francis Caci
Marilyn Kurtz Chamberlain
Kathleen Malone Devine
Camille Grasso DiBernardo
Marianne C. Dieter
Felicia Mioducki Dziekan
Sr. Nancy Fortkort, OSF
Janet Kader Gebauer
Patricia R. Maes Gemerek
M. Carol Schintzius Henke
Joan C. Krotz Hofmeier
Mary M. Horrigan
Mildred McOmber Hossenlopp
Shirley Ann Keppel
Dorothy Kraft Mallow
Alice Daly McDonald
Donna A. Bruce Miller
Gabrielle M. Miskell
Rita Kollmar Newton
Mary Ann Kennedy O’Connell
Marilyn P. Turner Panzica
Mary Lou Orlando Riso
Patricia Uhteg Scheuneman
Joan M. Brophy Sealy
Mary Ann Sharrow
Mildred Haslinger Tiedeman
Iside M. D’Andrea Tiranno
Maureen I. O’Grady Trosterud
Elizabeth A. Liotti Wakefield
Betty Blake Tzetzo
Joanne M. Geiger Welchoff
Patricia A. McGrath Zdrowak
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Joan M. Burgasser Anastasi
Janet M. Schmid Biddle
Marjorie L. Slawik Braun
Shirley A. Metzger Hallett
Mary Ann Kuntz Hoffert
Kathleen M. Patti Lojacono
Sr. Marie Louise Pohlman, OSF
Helen Kardysauskas Sanders
Diana M. DeVincentis Shelley
Josephine Prestia Sipocz
Annette M. Donaruma Suffoletto
Mary T. Fox Sullivan
Julia M. Cefaratti Wozniak
Barbara L. Zimmerman
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Marie Volland Anderson
Phyllis M. Gerhard Caputi
Patricia Tardif Chapman
Vera A. Schreiner Colin
Helga H. Meyer Colosi
Elizabeth M. Stranz Connolly
Rita J. Henry Crangle
Christine M. Bartkowski Daniels
Annrose D. Schubert Freeman
Joan M. Collins Healey
Dolores K. Uhteg Jedrzejek
Carol A. Hoffman Kuhn
Sally A. Hartl Kuykendall
Jane Averill LaBelle
Ellen M. Canton Landseadel
Genevieve Bork Laurich
Sharon A. Kolz Mahony
Dea McKenna McAuliffe
Elaine A. O’Brien Mueller
Alice M. Getz Ohl
Rosemarie B. DeLauro Pandolfi
Bernadine Napieralski Potts
Phyllis M. Cieselski Prazmark
Geraldine N. DeCarlo Samol
Joyce M. Stout Schmidt
Joan A. Brainard Schoenle
Ruth M. Nicaise Smokowski
Dr. Jacquelyn Burns Stanley
Marylou Petronack Turton
C o rde c h o
sp i r i t .
Marilyn A. Haberman Braun
Ann Marie Kuhn Breidenstein
Marietta Cieri Byrwa
Geraldine Muscarella DiCarlo
Alice A. Truchon Garvey
Rosemary A. Zackey Harm
Mary Patricia Wright Heary
Carolyn R. Woodward Hillis
Eleanor M. Honeck Hurst
Barbara Schumacher Klocke
Mary L. Quinn Krolczyk
Ann E. Kreuz Kuczkowski
Barbara M. Zapfel Lang
Carol A. Siefert Laschinger
Mary Grace Downing Martin
Kathleen A. McCarthy
Mary Lou Continelli Nevin
Mary E. Schoell Parker
Sr. Barbara Pfohl, OSF
Joanne S. Fenz Pinkowski
Barbara Geary Reynolds
Joan Kryszak Sieber
Mickey McGarry Slind
Marjorie L. Hoff Smith
Joanne M. Johns Sutch
Sylvia A. Vega Tasner
Sharon M. Lyons Till
Marcia J. Gradwohl Trebb
Barbara A. Bosack Wagner
Inez M. Povinelli Wrona
m i n d .
b o d y.
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Dawn M. Fraser Buono
Mary Ann Wurstner Cheney
Nina Nowakowski Ciesla
M. Carolyn Kait Clancy
Marion T. Przybyl Cooney
Patricia Kaul Cryer
Ellen C. Reidy Danieu
Louise A. Kotlowski DeJames
Helen Miskell Ernst
Eileen F. Vanderburgh Franz
Frances Gautieri Brown
Virginia A. Schmidt Greenan
Sr. Jane F. Gregoire, OSF
Mary Ruth Leberer Haberman
Carol A. Geiger Holdsworth
Marilyn R. Goss Johnson
Sheila A. Torrey Jones
Julia L. Maxwell
Patricia A. Peters McCartan
Marie A. Gordon McCarthy
Shirley A. Peters McNamara
Mary E. Michels Nielsen
Mary L. Gersitz Patterson
Mary K. Canton Smedley
Sr. Claudia Steger, OSF
Elizabeth Guenther Stillwell
Geraldine M. Regan Swanson
Jean M. Plunkett Taylor
Joy M. Lembic Thrun
Mary L. Wisniewski
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Janette Shepard Aaron
Judy Carr Beecher
Mary Ann Kawecki Broderick
Sharon A. DeBoy Brownrout
Claudia S. Burns
Judith A. Casassa
Joan E. Gordon Dell
Barbara A. Dombrowski
Nancy Haberman Gacioch
Josephine Jiagielski Gray
JoAnn R. Kowalski
Jacquelene Moore Hennas
Jerilyn Foley Hill
Diana A. Hopcia
Marilynn Kirsch Houston
Joanna DeVincentis Hoyden
Judith C. Cyrklewski Ketteman
Joyce M. Ehlenfield Kirsch
Irene Piecynski Kmiotek
Christine Matre Kole
Lois Bork Maines
Gertrude C. Guster McMahon
Frances J. Rotino Mellenger
Annette V. Muffoletto Meyers
Carol A. Linhardt Mooar
Carole A. Kanski Mordino
Jacqueline Federiconi Paolini
Janice Wutz Rachfal
Dr. Catherine Dailey Ravella
Mary Foran Reardon
Judith B. Miller Reifsteck
Claudia Walker Reitmeier
Bonnie P. Glowacki Rudick
Dolores A. Scanlon
Maryellen Demeter Secrist
Joan C. Groff Seifert
Rosemarie Motyka Smith
Patricia R. Burke Sneck
Elaine M. Reeder Telaak
Margaret Sendker Thielman
Lois Uhteg
Maureen A. McNally Weber
Diane C. Kelly Young
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Doreen Maniak Bakowski
Mary B. Tardif Bianco
Sharon Richardson Breitling
Patricia Cottrell
Patricia Sheehan Crocker
Monica Danahy
Lenore P. Peters Dimon
Mary Jean Herr Drdul
Mary Ann Lorek Durski
Virginia R. Kostur Foschio
Rosalind A. Licata Gervase
Mary Ellen Keohane Glynn
Marilyn Lorenz Guercio
Josephine T. Caruso Haberl
Suzanne M. Barry Hackett
Cheryl L. Oehler Henning
Mary Jo Hezel Ketchum
Patricia Horrigan Knapp
Caroline Dotterweich Leighton
Barbara W. Krajewski Lipome
Barbara Sausen Maciaszek
Judy M. Stypa Mahalic
Diane M. Manns* Judith Smith Mastromonico
Marianne Grandits McCarthy
Margaret Schumacher
Joan M. Paske Miller
Mrs. Mary Ann J. Marthia
Donna M. Capitano Nardozzi
Kathleen Allen Passie
Patricia A. Neuner Peresan
Anne Reagan Perricelli
Dr. Diane M. Peters-Koren
Ann Marie D’Agostino Petrella
Patricia Dombrowski Rechin
Phyllis Schwendner Rudz
Christine Frantz Sak
Sharon E. Hope Siminski
Elaine A. Beamer Sloan
Joyce Schintzius Stachowiak
Marilyn Parker Vogt
Sr. Mara Walton, OSF
Arlene Miller Wangler
Roberta Meers Wilson
Mary Kay Blatz Wolf
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Josephine Lombardo Arnold
Kathaleen A. Irr Berner
Margaret Trapp Bethin
Rita T. Pierpaoli Blanford
Gail M. Wind Boersma
Julie M. Bondanza, Ph.D.
Carole A. Campbell Buczkowski
Beverly A. Cocciolo
Dorothea A. Nicosia Cosgrove
Carol A. Pietraszewski Dempsey
Antoinette Nasca Digiore
Patricia H. Bork Dressel
Norine M. Rossi Edwards
Margaret A. Collard Ehrenreich
Kathryn T. Knowles Faturos
Jean Morissey Frerichs
Rosemarie Gilbert Godard
Kathleen Byron Heffern
Isabelle B. Maisano Johnson
Marilyn Pawlowski Kogut
Janet M. Nitsche Lebron
Elaine C. Hopcia Leitten
Mary Anne Licker
Diana M. Manus
Juanita B. Yargosz Martino
Sharon A. Jarvis Menchini
Sr. Dorothy Mueller, OSF
Patricia Drzewiecki Nesensohn
Mary Jo Langenstein Peacock
Patricia A. Moore Rogers
Arleen Bevilacqua Rudell
Patricia A. Hanmann Schlaerth
Kathleen J. Snyder Slon
Norma C. Schuder Smyka
Gertrude A. Scheeler Wargo
Sandra Civello Whissel
Kathleen Metz Whistler
Priscilla Kontak Wilczak
Maureen Burke Young
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Ann B. Goslin Bermingham
Kathleen M. Wolf Cox
Margaret A. Siepierski Cross
Lala Marie DiPaolo-Placey
Joyce E. Wagner Drzewiecki
Penelope A. Schnitter Frese Ph.D.
Karen F. Gross
Sr. Maureen Harris, OSF
Judith A. Wolf Hessel
Marilyn McNally Jubulis
Geraldine Ferraro Kelly
Patricia Krajewski
Laure Leffler
Mary Ellen Jankowski Maestra
Madonna Lavin Maloney
Helen M. Foran McMenamin
Nancy Pohlman Mellenger
Mary Lou Mercurio
Mary Kay Lang Moore
Sharon Dilgard Murphy
Dr. Barbara Eckert Ochterski
Eileen Murray O’Neil
Margaret A. Gallery Pritchard
Therese M. Cunningham
Joan L. Buiani Resetarits
Patricia Marino Smyton
Cameron Belter Stall
Mary Braun Subkoviak
Susan M. Barczak Uba
Nancy Skorupski Wellman
Kathleen A. Rimar
Sharon A. Block Roller
Ruth E. Brummer Rossello
Mary Margaret Prestel Sansone
Margaret J. Schabel
Susan M. Schmitt
Eileen E. Snyder
Mary E. Barr Tessier
Diane Cassiol Tiede
Anita L. Azua Utech
Janice K. Civello Walter
JoAnn Weber
Janice A. Yungbluth Weiskopf
Carol Ann Kolb Wiktorski
Donna M. Buchleither Williams
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Margaret R. Braun
Georgia H. Burke Lu
Bernadette Corcoran Gaffney
Eileen M. Zaepfel Dagonese
Elaine P. Kotlowski Eckert
Christine M. Klumpp Fix
Christine Paske Geier
Sr. Diane Gianadda, OSF
Margaret Galley Kendron
Elizabeth N. Kolber
Colleen Webb Prorok
Joan L. Goslin Simmons
Carol A. Mergenhagen Skretny
Di Ann M. Reichlin Smith
Patricia A. Petrina Spinelli
Madonna Kissel Starr
Kathleen M. Hogan Volk
Sharon Stafford Harrington
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Kathleen Cassiol Alfano
Judith Andruczyk
Kathleen M. Jones Bailey
Marcia Paterniti Cleary-Walker
Jeanne M. Weber Czech
Susan M. Friedhaber-Hard
Maureen A. McKernan Gallivan
Frances R. Lombardo Kraus
Sharon Lanza
Mary C. Morse May
Sheila Brennan McGann
Marilyn Noah-Winter
Suzanne Bernick Ozolins
Karin Bergerson Pajak
Betteanne Gentile Riegle
Joyce M. Koppmann Roerink
Adrienne C. Minko Schaefer
Angela M. Grisanti Scherer
Karen Schnitter Sheedy
Theresa M. Kaes Sherman
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Donna M. Geary Allen
Karen Lund Carroll
Donna M. Suhr Chase
Linda Helmer Dietrich
Carolyn Ponkow Dole
Donna M. Amborski Eckert
Ann Marie Hackford Galbo
Catherine Masterson Gilmore
Kathleen Kirsch Gudgel
Donna M. Buffamanti Henning
Eileen Meyer Holden
Dianne Mays Jagiello
“There are obviously two educations. One should teach
us how to make a living and the other how to live.”
James Truslow Adams
Christine M. Carroll Licata, Ed.D.
Victoria A. Sterlace Lucas
Susan A. Jankowski
Mary McGrath-Bernazzani
Eileen M. McKenna
Sr. Patricia E. McMahon, OSF
Judith Indelicato Okoniewski
Mary Wilson Richardson
Jeanne Best Schuler
Kathleen Staebell
Joanne C. Menchini Styn
Fabia A. Nowakowski Wilgos
Terry E. Scheeler Wilson
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Maureen R. O’Connor Barry
Sr. Diane Bernbeck, OSF
Dianne Rizzo Bloom
Paula Lymburner Chameli
Susan Z. Lodick Constantino
Lynda Sherman Dickson
Carolyn R. Kucharski Dowling
Marilyn Peer Duffy
Bonnie L. McMartin Everett
Kathleen Burns Franczyk
Mary Jane Winkler Fry* Marie R. Blersch Hedges
Marcia Schintzius Honsberger
Elizabeth A. Barczak Horrigan
Mary Sue Zaepfel Huber
Elayne J. Janiak
Barbara A. Schwendner Jann
Mary T. Keefe-Hinners
Patricia A. Lesniak Krzesinski
Marciann B. Spiess Kukoda
Beth A. Lawrence Lucia
Mary Ann Frauenheim
Elizabeth A. Byron McGowan
Maryanna Farry McKendry
Nancy A. Rosinski Moxon
Elizabeth A. Owens Murphy
Lois A. Dolan Needham
Sharon A. Kwiatkowski Parkes
Anna M. Kwiatkowski Perini
Sandra Piech
sp i r i t .
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Linda Stoner Austin
Barbara Bogdan Badach
Gail M. Ripley Beiley
Kathleen Allen Benson
Carole Ann Burkot Ignaszak
Mary Lou Lembicz Butler
Agatha M. Gloss Coder
Bonnie Borchard Halloran
Barbara H. Lata Janusz
Mary Marino Kozub
Rosemarie A. Lewandowski
Katherine S. Occhiuto Ricketts
Paula L. Mazzone Ryan
Susan Spadinger
Dr. Toni Roth Sullivan
Naomi R. Weiss
Marilyn Wittman
m i n d .
b o d y.
c o rde c h o
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Wendy Belter Izzo
Dr. Maryann Schwab Justinger
Debra A. Geraci Kalinowski
Benedetta A. Kissel
Rosalinda Vigorito Lamberty
Karen M. Renzoni Montelone
Judith Mead O’Connor
Joanne M. Scanlon Prestia
Kathleen Sapienza
Nancy A. Scibetta
Deborah Mancuso Shay
Marcia J. Spitler
Gertrude E. Seguin Stanley
Elizabeth Smith Tata
Elizabeth Dengler Tilis
Pamela F. Timmel
Kathleen Vogel Mathews
Kathryn E. Auguliaro Woch
Rose Marie Seitz Castner
Linda A. Schaefer Dietrich
Eileen Tubridy Drinkwater
Sr. Jo Anne Grabowski, OSF
Teresita Schwartz LeBeau
Margaret M. Wandel Marx
Susan M. Falzone Porcano
Donna M. Portale
Christine F. Procknal
Kathleen Scanlon
Mary E. Buccieri Scanlon
Colleen Metz Smith
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Maureen Aldrich Abbett
Lynn Marie Wagner Angelo
Nina M. Digati Camillo
Kathryn E. Carroll
Marilyn Senefelder Collins
Teresa Herrman Donner
Karen M. Eckert
Patricia A. Gorny Jasinski
Diane C. Boergers Justinger
Margaret M. Gorlewski Kaine
Susan M. Herdlein Kennedy
Virginia M. Seguin Krebs
Margaret M. Walter Lampka
Kathleen B. Seitz Mazurek
Candise Kaye Mye
Karen A. Lee Nawrot
Melissa M. Swierczynski O’Dell
Ann M. Kasinski Posner
Maureen Tubridy Ramaccia
Gayle P. Merkle Rembold
Mercedes M. Uffner Richelt
Mary S. Richert
Debra Daniels Simmons
Kathleen Walsh Simonin
Marilyn E. Smith
Suzanne E. Horvatis Tozer
Deborah Mills Wachowicz
Diane E. Vetter Cardarelli
Dr. Nadine Feneck Case
Christine Endres Cox
Jennifer Evans Gourdine
Deborah A. Hard
Eileen M. Rimar Hettich
Ruth A. Huber
Donna M. Horrigan Lamb
Carol A. Zimmerman LaPlante
Kathleen D. Dipaolo Lazar
Sr. Linda Lewandowski, OSF
Gail Czlapinski Page
Mary Alice Closs Radens
Christine A. Mortellaro Radlich
Maureen C. Laughlin Rusin
Judith Manuszewski Skop
Julia Maurer Smyczynski
Donna M. Gumulak Stempniak
Madeleine Tardif
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Clare Buchheit-Edson
Elizabeth P. Heimerl Goodwin
Virginia Nettina Heller
Geraldine M. Vollmer Janis
Susan M. Hill Landi
Roberta L. Zimmerman
Rosemary Worley Migliore
Julie A. Vargo Molson
Sandra L. Eye Sendlak
Joan M. Tardif
Dr. Anita Vigorito
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Sheila M. Samer Boehm
Mary C. Schupp Boldt
Dr. Paula M. Calby
Mary J. Cicatello Contino
Bonnie Taglialegami Floyd
Dianne M. Schaefer Gordon
Lynda M. Gotthart
Martha M. Hard-Batzloff
Colleen A. Turner Jozwiak
Susan Ciresi Kenline
Leslie E. King
Valerie A. Stockdale Kromer
Wende A. Kowal McKenna
Cheryl Farolino O’Connor
April Sciandra O’Donnell
Charlene M. Brown Olliver
Jeanette M. Piscitello
Dr. Michelle Linneman Rougeux
Elaine F. Szczepankiewicz
Margaret Pacciotti Smith
Barbara G. Eye Stanley
Paula Leone Stern
Robin Konkel Thompson
Georgiann H. Edwards Warnes
Bonita Ann Kankiewicz Winling
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Mary I. Anastasia
Kathleen Caruana
Linda Tatko Cooper
Judy A. Pirri Deley
Sharon Tenney Downey
Dr. Michele A. Egan
Sally Sears Forgette
Elizabeth J. Allen Gerrish
Patricia A. Herbach Green
Patricia A. Schupp Havekost
Susanne M. Spitzer Hochmuth
Margaret M. Buchanan Johnson
Mary Ann Kucharski Long
Cheryl Wrigglesworth Mahoney
C o rde c h o
m i n d .
Mary Fischer Allen
Madonna M. Walter Brennan
Marie Hannotte Chiavetta
M. Joanne Dettelis Cole
Kathleen E. Albrecht Fasanella
Sandra A. Gasiewicz
Barbara A. Herbach Gravelle
Dr. Diane M. Hartmann Dziwis
Lyn M. Herlan
Mary I. Eder Hurley
Maureen D. Roden Hurley
Joan A. Kabel Hurst
Margaret K. Covey Kujawa
Kathleen M. DiGiacomo Piecki
Barbara J. Staebell Rooney
Monica M. Rozak
Christine Woiczik Seaner
Cynthia A. Kilichowski
Donna M. Connelly Slifka
Christine Szkolnyj Speranza
Patricia Brennan Stewart
Deborah A. Hubert Stutz
Kathleen Martin Townsell
Dr. Kathleen Militello Woodruff
Lucie Anne Bellittiere
Suzanne M. Jolls Bilson
Alexandra Cukan
Ellen Miller Peters
Deborah L. Faltyn Renczkowski
Michele A. Braun Rizzo
Patricia L. Smith
Christine Zinter-Chahin
sp i r i t .
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Susan C. Lynch Bubar
Patricia M. Caluori
Patricia J. Cheney
Julie A. Whinihan D’Arata
Susan P. Sypniewski Dickinson
Beverly A. Eckert* Suzanne Group Engel
Barbara Monte Fahey
Barbara A. Fatta-Mason
Kathleen M. Emerson Groves
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Deborah Ledwin Napierala
Gail Sipel Riggio
Diane T. Worley Saari
Theresa Leveille Schmidt
Cherrie Majkowski Solomon
Linda Lalli Stark
Joanne M. LoPresti Streich
Teresa A. Timmel Tevens
Deborah Mahoney Valley
Barbara A. Waclawek
Patricia Mulvihill Wallace
M. Susan Kreher Wantuck
Laura Vigorito Whitley
Molly E. O’Brien Wydro
“Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it is
the quiet voice at the end of the day saying,
I will try again tomorrow.”
b o d y.
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Susan Vetter Braun
Teresa Buchanan
Dr. Mary T. Caserta
Carol E. Cicatello-Sibick
Amy Devine Degen
Elizabeth A. Galbo
Valerie J. Frank Haarmeyer
Suzanne Carney Malacaro
Patricia A. Matisz
Susan Christopher Norsen
Laura J. Voglmayr Selling
Mary F. Schneggenburger
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Maureen Connors Badding
Rosette Mazza Camillo
Mary Ellen Konieczny Chwedyk
Judith A. Grzywa Clontz
Lee Ann Schmitt Dotzler
Christa Stritzel Farah
Gretchen Kovalick Gilliland
Jennifer A. Smith Hogan
Kathleen M. Gaunder Makar
Jeannine Cady Pautler
Debra M. Sarago
Mary Lynn Schaefer
Annemarie C. Uebbing
Kathy E. Wolf Vasilius
Patricia J. Wopperer-Olin
Lynn Riso Wright
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Margaret R. Fahey Carney
Cheryl Marciszewski Elias
Denise M. DeSimone Fregeau
Mary F. Gavacs
Margaret M. Horrigan Gillig
Jacqueline Trapper Heyde
Sheila A. McAuliffe LaDuca
Nancy Calabrese Mulé
Mary Anne Kreher Peer
Anne M. Sinnott
Carol L. Schneggenburger Starr
Nancy C. Stry
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Joan M. Brodfuehrer Barberic
Julia M. Enders Borchardt
Donna Roetzer Boyd
Catherine M. Graesser Brogan
Judith K. McCabe Capruso
Virginia McWilliams Conway
Mary K. Werder Cudeck
Marybeth A. Flanagan Doherty
Linda A. Nasca Eshaya
Elizabeth Bertell Franke
Barbara Lamparelli Gregory
Kathleen M. Barry Grzebinski
M. Melissa Przybyl Herr
Denise Mount Johnson
Natalie A. Johnson
Francine M. Jaroszewski Kane
Patricia Carocci Kowalski
Cristina Vigorito Mahoney
Lisa Andrus Malinowski
Jean M. Schneggenburger
Patricia Sterlace Masters
Sally J. Smith Mitchell
Maria A. Naples
Mary Juliano Oddo
Cynthia T. Stone Pangallo
Maureen T. Rimar
Jane F. Kren Roland
Mary R. Konopa Ruggiero
Katharine A. Mowers Sadowski
Christine B. Kalinowski Schafer
Amy Satkowski Shepard
Mary Schaefer Smith
Jacqueline A. Wopperer Stoj
Dr. Catherine L. Sullivan
Jennifer Caulfield Van Petten
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Elizabeth Grimaldi Aichinger
Martina V. Maly Briggs
Janice M. Cheney
Donna M. Baszak Cianci
Kim M. Palaszewski Del Barba
Renee Gianadda Dikeman
Patricia A. Haberman, D.D.S.
Sally Wanamaker Kolkmeyer
Anne Schneggenburger
Ann M. Morris
Mary Beth B. Karalus Mulder
Dr. Mary Beth Phelan
Lynnette M. Battista Poitras
Mary E. Summers Scamacca
Patricia Heupel Sims
Elizabeth M. Enders Tuites
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Patricia Hanlon Adderly
Eileen C. Anderson
Julie Wetzel Cohen
Lori A. Merlo Coticchia
Mimi K. Cuddy-Mierzwa
Karen Diakun
Eileen Geesey Dolce
Cathleen Duke Eggert
Ann M. Graesser Finn
Nancy DiMaria Pietromiccia
Nancy L. Pula Schill
Leanora M. Carnall Tolsma
Susan Maher Trimper
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Catherine Turner Flynn
Beth A. Selmensberger
Anne McGuirk Hurley
Linda L. Piraino Lucente
Lynn M. Forster Patterson
Sandra Suffoletto Ryan
Ann Marie Moll St. George
Christine M. Sibley Sweeney
Barbara Pfohl Zenger
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Dianne M. Sibley Adams
Linda M. Olejniczak Adams
Barbara Courtney Archer
Linda A. Baldi-Perry
Renee J. Labaki Boltri
Karen Cuddy-Miller
Michelle Eastmer
Joan C. Lougen Edick
Kathleen M. Killeen Flynn
Michele M. Hohl Hillebrand
Rosanne Dziekan Losardo
Lynnette I. Mazurek Luksch
Lynne M. Russo Maloney
Andrea Georgeades Migliore
Colleen M. Sandor, Ph.D
Michele M. Cook Sedor
Mary C. Selmensberger
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Lisa Maiorana Adesso
Laura Ludwig Benedetti
Christine Campagna DeHond
Stephanie Newton Dombrowski
Dr. Kristin M. Fries
Laura Bradley Galvin
Christine M. Courtade Herzog
Maureen M. Piazza Lopez
Alicia A. Cummings McGlinchey
Elizabeth A. Lesswing Pellnat
Elizabeth M. Sullivan
Margaret J. Mullen Weglarski
Cindy A. Jarmusz Wischerath
Susan Maraschiello Worst
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Suzanne Fisher Boyer
Gina M. Recchio Brescia
Michele A. Lechner Cieslica
Kimberly A. Smith Conrad
Michelle M. Adams
Amy Archer Flaherty
Tina Marie Griffo Fox
Roseanne Leising Hogle
Suzanne M. Grzechowiak
Kimberly E. Kader Korzelius
Lisa Talarico McIntyre
Mary M. Zimmer Merrill
Patrice Muehlbauer Riedel
Lisa Shantler
Maria G. Shantler
Susan T. Sloan
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Valerie Casimino Anderson
Mary C. Jones Aronica
Paula C. Eisensmith Barblock
Mary Beth McCarthy Basil
Kristen P. Killeen Bray
Catherine Harrington Donnelly
Carol A. Kraus Martin
Lisa M. Truesdale Meszaros
Kathleen M. O’Connor, Ph.D.
Mary C. Granville Penfold
sp i r i t .
Laurie E. Backlas Bambery
Jennifer A. Jefferson Buchanan
Lisa A. Vastola Damiani
Michele L. Drzewiecki Dreyer
Donna M. Schuh Fay
Maria Beckinghausen Fiddler
Kathryn M. Erdman Gibbons
Jacquelyn McGuire Gurney
Karen M. Schneggenburger
Bridget Zern Mejza
Pia LaNasa O’Connor
Kristen R. Smith Read
Kathleen M. Wrobel Schmidt
Claire M. Stahl Wright
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Rosemary E. Kay Becher
Shannon Kelly Bonetto
Donna M. Gosciak Brzykcy
Suzanne Barone Casey
Patricia Leighton Cugno
Leah Cunningham
Kim M. Gospodarski DiGesare
Dr. Maureen Forrester Finney
Amy L. Wiktorski Flanagan
Julie L. Casimino Flanagan
Lynn M. Nycel Gozdziak
Lorraine L. Shred Hopkins
Molly A. Killeen Hopkins
Elizabeth A. Jerge
Jennifer L. Johnson-Smith
Jeanne-Marie Zajdel Kraemer
Jennifer F. Urbanski Lovelace
Karen M. Kwas McCormick
Stephanie J. Lauria McDermid
Mary Beth E. Riley Metcalf
Melanie A. Shaw Pyne
Wendy E. Bowers Runckel
Senta Barry Siuda
Alison A. Moll Stone
Maureen C. Griffin Tomczak
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Christine Kirwan Adsit
Margaret M. Lannon Anderson
Sandra R. Ernst Cohen
Mary Kay Boyd Falk
m i n d .
b o d y.
c o rde c h o
Eliza Porter Franz
Carrie A. McCarthy Gennaro
Nancy J. Zahm Hejaily
Kelly J. Braun Housler
Joann M. Granville Kiefer
Patricia A. Terian Mancabelli
Karen R. Dietz Mardock
Linda Ann Polinski McCartan
Amy Robinson Morris
Dr. Amy Napierala-Kozlowski
Dr. Eileen B. Reilly
Melanie E. M. Massaro
Kristen L. Brown Sgroi
Jennifer M. Kenney Sulkow
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Kristin M. Saxer Long
Kristen M. Makey
Nicole L. Timm
Mary Ann Tomasello
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Tina M. Collana Bucolo
Krista M. Henning Bushorr
Noreen A. Vitanza Courchene
Julie Brady Crandall
Shannon K. Stites Cultrara Lynn M. Pitirri Dorr
Ursula Szczesny Eddy
Anne M. Buchholz Farmer
Michele Cuddy Fisher
Kori B. Flower
Cheryl M. Stachura Forsythe
Laura M. Casimino Grable
Yvonne E. May Graser
Karen Erdman Halsdorfer
Denise M. Juron-Borgese
Kathleen E. Zern Klas
Pamela Marzello Kubek R.Ph.
Maureen A. Walz Lindner
Katherine A. Lyons
Nadine R. Mastroleo
Erin M. Burger McKendry
Julie L. Collins Mills
Donna Davis Moore
Christine A. Howard Ochs
Michele L. Patti
Dr. Jennifer P. Gennuso Piwko
Susan M. Anken Puccio
Patricia M. Marco Rettig
Karen L. Cavalieri Robinson
Heidi Schiffert Rotella
Jennifer Machinski Ruh
Holly A. Burzynski Saari
Amy L. Smardz
Marcy A. Caccamise Warmus
Monica J. Brown White
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Melissa S. Mertz Gehman
Amy L. Padalino Heil
Monica L. Augustyniak
C o rde c h o
sp i r i t .
Dr. Anne Marie Reynolds
Karen L. Dentico Redding
Lorilynn Dunn Schlosser
Laurie A. Gemerek Shanahan
Erin Rebhan Sippel
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Susan P. Sennett Ali
Jennifer L. Greenfield Heffern
Heide L. Herrmann
Jennifer L. O’Day Hunt
Mary F. Walters Kvetkosky
Julie A. Doyle Mansfield
Maura A. Lippold Scanlon
Michelle L. Reynolds Webb
Julie M. Ehrman Whalen
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Susan K. Reiser Daniels
Michelle A. Mendola Doviak
Catherine A. Baumann Kipp
Michelle D. Ignaszak
Bonnie L. Dziadaszek Locking
MaryPatricia Hebeler Lohse
Kelly L. Seabury McKim
Amy M. Redding Pye
Amy K. Resetarits
Dr. Kimberly A. Paa Roberts
Janet L. Kuntz Stachura
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Carrie A. Csizmar
Mollie E. Young Niederpruem
Jennifer Pelosi Noah
m i n d .
b o d y.
Karen B. Zobel Palmer
Angela Pileri
Amy M. Teprovich
Rosanna M. Falzone Thomas
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Carolyn Storms
Anne Uba Timms
Lori L. Brucato Badach
Martina F. Mastroleo Baker
Elizabeth A. Milks Bordeleau
Amy L. Palladino Bourgeault
Sara R. Boyd Falk
Melissa A. Fiutak
Theresa M. Lehner Fox
Kati E. Riegle Mann
Alicia Huber Murphy
Kathleen Piech-Lukas
Caitlin McKendry Schneid
Winifred Storms
Hillary K. Zahm
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Christine Cipolla
Maria E. Michalek Clare
Heather Thompson Gere
Amy M. Monafo
Dr. Jennifer Korzen O’Toole
Jennifer L. Sheldon
Melanie Barnas Simmons
Sara Goodman Wargo
Alia S. Zohur Wynne
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Sheelah L. Brennan
Dr. Nicole M. Aquino Gothgen
Rebecca A. Haslinger
Kristin N. Koppmann
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Anne Marie Powalski Duquin
Dr. Kimberly M. Goodman
Sara A. Short
Lauren J. Koppmann Streit
Kelly K. LaPlante Strutz
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Jessica L. Cartonia
Colleen H. Dann
Kelly Parker Kavanagh
Clair F. Kusyj
Jennifer McGee
Tracy L. Pasinski Mudge
Jacqueline Oleksiak
Dana Covert Schott
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Michelle N. Barnas
Kristine N. Daniel
Elizabeth A. Donner
Tara Swiech Eschenfelder
Jamie L. Hasenstab
Katherine L. Jablonski
Theresa K. Spada
Kathryn M. Belliotti
Aimee L. Bowerman
Katrina D. Delaney
Carolina Forero
Jennifer V. Mis
Beverly A. Schaefer
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Ashley A. Smigelski
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Monika I. Bach
Sarah Belliotti
Jessica Mattes
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Lisa M. Bavisotto
Aeren-Ellen Kirst
Christie Mattes
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Erika A. Fraas
Katherine Keller
Elizabeth Subjeck
No. Donors:
Average Gift:
Monique Mattes
Class Gifts
Faculty &
Faculty and staff are instrumental in our young women’s academic achievements grounded
in the Franciscan values. We
recognize their dedication,
guidance, and impact on our
students and Sacred Heart
Academy as a whole.
Sr. Lois Badding, OSF ‘53
Ginny Bechtel
Lyn T. Biniszkiewicz
Nancy Brady
Maria E. Michalek Clare ‘95
Mary Ganey Cochrane
Jane Coughlin
Jennifer Demert
Dr. James Dempsey
Holly Doyle
Susan Farwell
Sharon M. Finucane
Laura R. Genco
Eileen M. Rimar Hettich ‘70
Martha Horohoe
Joanne Hozdic
Peter Liberti
Larry Magaris
Eileen K. Maloney
Sr. Joan M. Nelson, OSF ‘42
Jeanette M. Piscitello ‘72
Jeanine Purcell
Sr. Karen Shaver, SSJ
Marcia Snyder
Susan Spadinger ‘66
Anne Spasiano
Elsie Staebell
Sharon Stoll
Alison Taylor
Jane Vicki
Sr. Mara Walton, OSF ‘59
Parents &
Parents and friends are a
distinct grouping of families
and individuals whose level
of commitment is unique and
remarkable. They affirm the
value and importance of a
Sacred Heart education, and are
faithful and loyal contributors
who regularly share their love
and creative gifts.
In many ways, our parents and
friends share the journey that
our young women embark on
and successfully complete as a
result of this incredible network
of support. We are privileged to
have their daughters entrusted
to us, and to receive the
thoughtful offerings of so many.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Baldy, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Balon
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Barnas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bavisotto
Louis J. and Ginny Bechtel
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Belliotti
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bender
Kathleen Allen Benson ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. James Biddle, Jr.
Sheila M. Samer Boehm ‘72
Michael L. and Amy Bradley
Gary M. and Barbara Brignone
Sandra J. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Carocci
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Castillo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Cipolla
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Conforti
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Costanza
Club Italiano 74 Dell ‘
Gregory L. and Nina Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Daly
Kathryn Pacciotti Delaney ‘73
Judy A. Pirri Deley ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. James Dentico
Carolyn Ponkow Dole ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dombek
Mr. and Mrs. L. Matthew
Carol Kujawa Eberz ‘62
Dr. and Dr. Richard S. Elman
Mr. and Mrs. William Erdman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Evanco
Patrick W. and Sharon Finucane
Dennis Fleischauer
Kathleen M. Killeen Flynn ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fraas
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Fregeau
Ann Marie Hackford Galbo ‘63
Dr. Lou Ann Gartner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gennaro
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Georger
Margaret M. Horrigan Gillig ‘78
James Giumento
John T. Gorski
Barbara A. Herbach Gravelle ‘74
Mr. and Mrs. John Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Heary
Eileen M. Rimar Hettich ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hohl
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl R. Horn
Dr. Maryann Schwab Justinger ‘69
Michael D. Keem, D.V.M.
Timothy Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kolkmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G.
Mr. and Mrs. David A.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Kreuz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Leslie
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Levan
John J. Loftus
Carol A. Logan
Kathleen M. Gaunder Makar ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marasco
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Sylvia S. McDougald
Peter E. McHugh, CHFC
Michael and Mary Catherine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Moses
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mroz
Mr. and Dr. Edward Mrozinski
Nancy Calabrese Mulé ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L.
Ann K. McCarthy O’Brien ‘49
Cheryl Farolino O’Connor ‘72
Joyce Paterson, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James Piech
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome T. Piecuch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pollock
Donna M. Portale ‘67
Shirley K. Reiser
Dr. and Mrs. David J. Rodman
Barbara Staebell Rooney ‘74
Louis J. Russo, Jr.
Marjorie E. Schallmo
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L.
Thomas W. and Shelly Schratz
Sisters of St. Francis of Holy
Name Province
SHA Parents Guild
Laurie A. Gemerek Shanahan ‘90
Connie J. Shields, Ph.D.
Francis X. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Roger St. Pierre
Mr. and Mrs. John J.
Barbara G. Eye Stanley ‘72
Linda Lalli Stark ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Stich
Teresa A. Tevens
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Tuk
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Tyrpak
Constance S. Umland
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vivacqua
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Volz
Molly E. O’Brien Wydro ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Zahm
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zobel
The total renovation of the
Academy’s Science Labs and
the establishment of a Library
Media Center took more than
bricks and mortar to build. It
took the support, vision and
financial backing to make these
plans a reality for current and
future students of Sacred Heart
The following contributors
are to be commended for
their outstanding support and
generosity to our Renovation
Campaign. It is with the utmost
appreciation that we recognize
their distinguished efforts.
American Express
BRD Inc.
Nancy E. Barnwell
Thomas & Judy Carr Beecher ‘58
Mr. & Mrs. James Biddle, Jr.
Caesarina Ciminelli Cardarelli ‘39
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Carocci
Maria E. Michalek Clare ‘95
Dr. James Dempsey
Anthony DePalma
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Dobson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Evanco
Bonnie Taglialegami Floyd ‘72
Frankfurth Family Foundation
Robert K. Freeland
Nancy Haberman Gacioch ‘58
Fr. Leonard Gioeli, Jr.
John T. Gorski
Dr. Patricia A. Haberman ‘80
Jacqueline C. Bruce Hanley ‘50
Mrs. Geraldine T. Horohoe
Mrs. Martha Horohoe
Mary Jo Hezel Ketchum ‘59
Dr. Robert & Mrs. Barbara
Schumacher Klocke ‘56
Kathleen M. Brown Knepper ‘38
Dr. Robert LaMantia
sp i r i t .
M & T Charitable Foundation
Kathleen A. McCarthy ‘56
Sheila McCarthy ’51
Alicia A. Cummings McGlinchey ‘83
Patricia A. McKernan ‘72
The Messer Foundation
M. Janice Nelson ‘45
Patricia A. Oates ‘57
John R. O’Brien
Elaine C. Pauly ‘51
Jeanine Purcell
Angela Fricano Riordan ‘76
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rockwood
Barbara J. Staebell Rooney ‘74
Maryann Geary Rowe ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Savattieri
Marilyn Louise Schmitt ‘51
Sisters of St. Francis of Holy
Name Province
Mickey McGarry Slind ‘56
Anne Spasiano
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R.
Elsie Staebell
Ronald Stepien
Elizabeth M. Sullivan ‘83
Dr. Toni Roth Sullivan ’66
Margaret Irr Summersgill,
Ph.D. ‘49
Dr. Esther S. Takeuchi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson
Donna M. Fiske Ulrich ‘56
Anita L. Azua Utech ‘64
Kathy E. Wolf Vasilius ‘77
Jane Vicki
Robert J. Wagner
Sr. Mara Walton, OSF ‘59
Eileen Timm Webb ‘61
Virginia Schumacher Wendel ‘51
Margaret Wietig
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Williams
m i n d .
b o d y.
c o rde c h o
Sacred Heart Academy’s endowed, designated, and other
scholarships are often in memory of a loved one, or to
commemorate distinguished academic and/ or service contributions
by our students. They are a tremendous resource to provide a
means for deserving young women to attend our school, especially
those that otherwise may not have the opportunity. We pay tribute
to and extend our deepest appreciation for the kindness of our
generous benefactors.
Burger Service Award
Mary Lou and Horace Burger
Dolores A. Scanlon ‘58
Kathleen Scanlon ‘67
Patricia Staley Burns
Dr. Patricia Staley Burns ‘57
Schumacher Family
Robert and Barbara
Schumacher Klocke ‘56
Sr. Helen Schumacher, OSF ‘49
Bernadette Smith Butler
Ruth H. Smith
Tuition Assistance Fund
Kristen P. Killian Bray ‘85
Frances Gautieri Brown ‘57
Michael and Mary Ann Kawecki
Broderick ‘58
Ann Marie Hackford Galbo ‘63
Patricia Gilbert ‘52
Shirley A. Keppel ‘53
Barbara Eckert Ochterski,
Ph.D., ‘61
Elaine C. Pauly ‘51
Kathy Rimar ‘64
SHA Parents Guild
Sisters of St. Francis of Holy
Name Province
Patricia L. Smith ‘75
Timothy and Rosemary Van
Virginia Schumacher Wendel ’51
Beverly A. Eckert Scholarship
(see memorials)
Mildred M. Eckert Memorial
Wallace and Barbara Eckert
Ochterski, Ph.D. ‘61
Fleischauer Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Brignone
Christ The King School
Church of Christ The King
Grace D’Amato
Amy M. Fleischauer ‘92
Dennis Fleischauer
Eugene A. Haefner
Margaret M. Rackl Loesch ‘68
JoAnn Mikulec
John R. O’Brien
Jeanine Purcell
Barbara Rackl ‘60
Donald and Patricia Braun
Rackl ‘73
Melissa A. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Kristi A. Sosnowski
Kimberly Drzewiecki Vincent
Memorial Scholarship
Ronald and Joyce E. Wagner
Drzewiecki ‘61
Nancy M. Wagner Lazarski ‘60
Walton Family Scholarship
Sisters of St. Francis of Holy
Name Province
Walton Family Estate
Mary Deane Freeland
Robert K. Freeland
Jerome H. Kirchmyer
Rosemary C. Kirchmyer Reszka ‘53
Carole Sue Kmidowski Service
C. Edward and Joanne MacPeek
Vincent and Harriet Palisano
James M. Beardsley
Vincent and Harriet Palisano
Scanlon Scholarship
Mary Agnes Scanlon Marabella ‘65
Joanne M. Scanlon Prestia ‘69
C o rde c h o
sp i r i t .
m i n d .
b o d y.
Sponsors/ In-Kind & Special Gifts
This community effort is invaluable to help provide for the scholastic and spiritual work of Sacred Heart
Academy. Their gifts and partnership have a lasting impression on the future as they contribute to the
high school experience for our young women of promise.
Abbott Fund
American Express
Brighton Liquor
Deutsche Bank Americas
Foundation Holdings LLC
Mattel Children’s Foundation
The Medtronic Foundation
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation,
National Fuel Gas Company
Occidental Petroleum
Prudential Foundation
Putnam Investments
QSP, Inc. - Family Reading
Quaker Chemical Foundation
Alumnae Sunday (Sponsors of
Sisters of St. Francis)
Linda Taylor Belling ‘69
Monica Rozak Boardman ‘74
Julia Enders Borchardt ‘79
Cheryl Lucas Canfield ‘79
Judith McCabe Capruso ‘79
M. Joanne Dettelis Cole ‘74
Susan Sypniewski Dickinson ‘69
Gladys Himmler Eberle ‘49
Barbara Fatta-Mason ‘69
Patricia Gilbert ‘52
Ann Deck Hamilton ‘49
Jane Henry ‘51
Dolores Gampp Hufnagel ‘49
Maureen Roden Hurley ‘74
Wendy Belter Izzo ‘69
Benedetta Kissel ‘69
Dolores Calhoon Labasco ‘49
Cristina Vigorito Mahoney ‘79
Dea McKenna McAuliffe ‘54
Helen Novo Murray ‘49
Maria Naples ‘79
Joyce Stout Schmidt ‘54
Deborah Mancuso Shay ‘69
Amy Satkowski Shepard ‘79
Jacqueline Wopperer Stoj ‘79
Pamela Timmel ‘69
Bernadette Wingerter ‘49
EAT Lunch / Golf Outing
#1 Pet Supply
Joe Basil Chevrolet
Robert & Rita Bencini
Bocce Club Pizza
Mary Ann Kawecki Broderick ‘58
BryLin Hospital
Buffalo Launch Club
Jennifer Demert
Arthur F. Dobson, Jr.
Mary Lou Carrigg Fernandes ‘63
Dr. Kristen Fries ‘83
Patricia Gilbert ‘52
Gillogly Chevrolet
Terri Griffin ‘51
Jeanne Hanny
Mary Kren ‘78
Lancaster Dental Associates, P.C.
Mighty Auto Parts of Western
New York
Dr. Joseph Modica
Marcella Trampert Olson ‘37
Thomas Pares
Physics Services, Inc.
Christy Gaglione Pizzella ‘85
RCR Investigations
Riva Pizza Subs & Wings
SHIELD Security Systems
Shirt Guy
Jennifer Shuemaker ‘87
Timothy and Rosemary Van
Vulcan Steam Forging Co.
Spirit of SHA Awards Dinner
(Includes Sponsors of Sisters of
St. Francis)
Bison Elevator Service Inc.
Paul and Kimberly Cannon
Joseph Carino Plumbing and
Christ The King School
Anthony J. and Carmela M.
Anastasia Colucci ‘51
Edward C. and Dottie A. Nicosia
Cosgrove ‘60
Lala M. DiPaolo-Placey ‘ 61
Food Bank of Western New York
Karen Graci ‘91
Mary Ann Kuntz Hoffert ‘55
Barbara Doller Huber ‘69
Raymond E. Kelley, Inc.
Shirley A, Keppel ‘53
Kirst Construction, Inc.
Lumsden & McCormick, LLP
Mader Construction Co., Inc.
Julia Maxwell ‘57
Sheila McCarthy ‘51
The McGuire Group, Inc.
Mary C. Frank Moynihan ‘46
National Fuel Gas Company
M. Janice Nelson ‘45
Northeast Mechanical, Inc.
Dr. Kathleen M. O’Connor ‘85
Jeanette Piscitello ‘72
Carol A. Schmitz ‘55
Deborah Mancuso Shay ‘69
Virginia Schumacher Wendel ‘ 51
Sports Hall of Fame Awards
Julia Gennuso Rodo ‘97
Laurie Gemerek Shanahan ‘90
Advantage Limousine, Inc.
Alli’s Rally
The Bigelow Company/ Denise
M. DeSimone Fregeau ‘78
Bocce Club Pizza
Daemen College
Globe Market
MAF Properties/ Denise M.
DeSimone Fregeau ‘78
MJ Peterson Real Estate
Niagara University
Jeanine Purcell
Stevens Driving School
Tarantino Foods, LLC
TOPS Friendly Markets
In memoriam are designated in honor of a loved one who has gone before us from our SHA community,
beloved family, and friends. We remember these individuals in our masses, daily prayers and intentions.
n memory of Florence Maes
Anastasia ‘51
Mary I. Anastasia ‘73
In memory of Shirley
Kuehlewind Breller ‘47
Allan P. Breller
In memory of Margaret Arnold
Dilgard ‘35
Sharon Dilgard Murphy ‘61
In memory of Beverly Eckert ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Arbeit
Carol R. Ashley
Barbara Bogdan Badach ‘66
Carol A. Bauda ‘69
Baumeister & Samuels, P.C.
Kathryn M. Belliotti ‘02
Mr. and Mrs. James Biddle, Jr.
John Bielicki
Diane V. Bistany
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Boyle
BRD Inc.
Kristen Breitweiser
Barbara E. Burgstahler
Martha Burt
Patricia M. Caluori ‘69
Patty Casazza
Donna M. Birner Coughlin ‘66
Sharon F. Cramer, Ph.D.
Mary Colleen Crenshaw
Jennifer Demert
John. H. Dewitt
Rosemary Dillard
Janice Huppuch Disley
Clement E. Eckert
The Eckert Family
Karen M. Eckert ‘68
Raymond J. Eckert, Jr.
Mary Fetchet
Kathleen M. Killeen Flynn ‘82
Mary Ford
Susan J. Fortunato ‘79
Monica Gabrielle
Nicholas Gentile
Dr. Robyn R.M. Gershon
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Gozdor
Josephine A. Greco
Mr. and Mrs. Norman R.
Bill Harvey
Dr. Rosemary J. Henry
Eileen M. Rimar Hettich ‘70
Ruth E. Huppuch
Monica Iken
Maryann Schwab Justinger ‘69
Mary Jo Hezel Ketchum ‘59
Mindy Kleinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kolkmeyer
Carie Lemack
Mary Lou McLaughlin
Marian J. Merlino
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Militello
Nancy Calabrese Mulé ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Mullen
Candise Kaye Mye ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Napier
Edward Newman
Edward Noonan
Dr. Barbara Eckert Ochterski ‘61
SHA Parents Guild
Paula J. Parke
Christine F. Procknal ‘67
Jeanine Purcell
Mr. and Mrs. Brad D. Rankin
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M.
Sally Regenhard
Barbara J. Staebell Rooney ‘74
Joanna Ruppel
Thomas W. and Shelly Schratz
Leslie A. Schultz
Abraham Scott
Lori J. Klostermann Sendlak ‘81
Deborah Mancuso Shay ‘69
Tracey Klosterman Simonick ‘80
Trisha St. George ‘80
Jacqueline A. Wopperer Stoj ‘79
Julianne M. Wopperer
Thompson ‘80
Beverly Tramontelli
US Immigration Recreation
University at Buffalo, Newman
Center, Elizabeth J.
Pantano and the seventh grade
Religious Education class
Lorie Van Auken
Dr. Anita Vigorito ‘71
Brian F. Villiani
Gail Rutecki Wagner ‘68
Robin Weiner
Westmass Area Development
Marilyn Wittman ‘66
Dr. and Mrs. Sigmund Yoon
Alice I. Zelikson
Golda Zimmerman, Esq.
In memory of Joanne Rackl
Fleischauer ‘67
Linda A. Schaefer Dietrich ‘67
In memory of Sr. Mary Louis
Mrs. Geraldine T. Horohoe
In memory of Cherub Ann
Hanley ‘73
Santina Bevilacqua
Virginia M. Dash
Gregory Davis
Norma Dowd
Carol Ann Gleason
Jacqueline C. Bruce Hanley ‘50
Mary Jo Hezel Ketchum ‘59
Eileen K. Maloney
Patricia Marino
Sheila McCarthy ‘51
Robert Mroz
F. R. Sheehan, M.D.
Jacqueline Wagner Stendts ‘50
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vivacqua
In memory of Richard W.
Hertel, II
Linda A. Schaefer Dietrich ‘67
In memory of Joan Lawser
Hutchinson ‘52
Helene B. Brown ‘51
In memory of Margaret Keizer
Susan Vetter Braun ‘76
In memory of Jay and Gary
Kathleen M. Brown Knepper ‘38
In memory of Edward F. Lynch
Geraldine C. McCarthy Lynch ‘43
Mass of Remembrance
Feast of All Souls’ Day
In memory of Marilyn
Klosterman Staebell ‘50
Norma A. Deinhart Welch ‘50
In memory of Margaret B.
Kauffman Stonitsch ‘25
Michael J. Stonitsch
In memory of Dorothy Byrne
Storm ‘37
Kathaleen A. Irr Berner ‘60
In memory of Sr. Theophane
Wagner ‘15
Nancy Fisher Mackolin ‘50
Remembering Sacred
Heart in Their Wills
The Legacy Society honors
those who have named Buffalo
Academy of the Sacred Heart as
a beneficiary of a planned gift.
Through their generosity, the
members of the Legacy Society
are devoted to the Academy’s
mission of empowering young
women to reach their potential
in spirit, mind, and body.
The following alumnae and
friends have designated Sacred
Heart Academy in their will. We
are honored by your generous
heart. If you have included
Sacred Heart in your will, and
are not listed below, please
contact the Academy so we may
acknowledge your intentions.
Anonymous; Class of ’26
Anonymous; Class of ’37
Anonymous; Class of ’37
Dorothy Suchan ’37
Kathleen M. Brown Knepper ’38
Anonymous; Class of ’39
Betty Kempkes Waclawek ‘42
Joan Smith Bermeitinger ’43
Rosemary A. Kramer Schwab ‘43
Ruth Thompson Auer ‘45
M. Janice Nelson ’45
Anonymous; Class of ’46
Joan Houmann Mann ‘46
Joyce E. Fink ’48
Ann K. McCarthy O’Brien ’49
Margaret Irr Summersgill,
Ph.D. ’49
Jacqueline C. Bruce Hanley ‘50
Harrison & Angela Cirillo Naylor ’50
Sheila McCarthy ’51
Elaine C. Pauly ’51
Ann Thomas Reinagel ’52
Jacqueline Shea Wopperer ’52
Marilyn P. Turner Panzica ’53
Mary Ann Kuntz Hoffert ’55
Kathleen A. McCarthy ‘56
Elizabeth Reiser Murray ‘56
Barbara Myslinski Przybysz ’56
Patricia Staley Burns ‘57
Mary Beth E. Sercu O’Brien ’57
Josephine Lombardo Arnold ‘60
Ellen J. Coad Christensen ’60
Mary Anne Licker ’60
Elinor Malone Rice ’60
Anonymous; Class of ’61
Marita Loughran Ronald ’62
Susan Spadinger ’66
Elizabeth M. Fago ‘68
Kathryn E. Auguliaro Woch ‘69
Patricia Wolf Voelker ‘71
Tammie Lee Puszert Demler ‘87
Matching Gifts
We are sincerely grateful for
the philanthropic endeavors
of corporate foundations,
which allow their employees’
charitable donations to be
matched by their employers.
To employers and employees
alike, please accept our thanks
for your thoughtfulness and
substantial support.
Abbott Laboratories Fund
American Express Charitable
The Boeing Company
Deutsche Bank Americas
Mattel Children’s Foundation
The Medtronic Foundation
Merrill Lynch & Company
Foundation, Inc.
sp i r i t .
National Fuel Gas Company
Occidental Petroleum
The Prudential Foundation
Putnam Investments
The Quaker Chemical
Correction to 2008
annual report
Gift from Melanie Graczyk
Pawlik ‘29 should have also
been listed under Century
Club ($100-$249.
m i n d .
b o d y.
c o rde c h o
Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart
Wish List
3860 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14226-3398
If you wish to donate any of
these items, please call 834.2101
ext 318.
Wireless, Laptop Computer with
built-in camera, dual technology
processor, 4MG memory
4 x 8 Folding Plastic Tables
Industrial Terrazzo Floor
Stripping Machine
Two-way Commercial Radios
Mark Your
Feast of St. Francis Mass
Mother-Daughter Communion
Career Day
Mass of Remembrance
Sacred Heart Scholarship and
Awards Dinner
Sacred Heart Academy Scholarship
and Awards Dinner Transit Valley
Country Club
Christ the King Ceremony and Young
Alumnae Reception
Alumnae Reception before the
Sophomore Alumnae Lunch
Young Alumnae Social
All events are at SHA unless indicated
otherwise. See response form on page 13
to register for ticketed events.
Mary Alice Duggan, secretary;
Patricia Choi, treasurer; Mrs.
Barbara Cole, moderator; Brigid
Smith, president; Kathleen O’Connor,
Remember when?
For more information about anything you’ve read in Cordecho, please call
the Development Department at 834-2101.
Jeanine Purcell, Director of Advancement, at ext. 318
Laura Genco, Development Coordinator, at ext. 316
Eileen Rimar Hettich ’70, Alumnae Relations Coordinator, at ext. 317
Sharon Finucane, Development Associate, at ext. 360
non-profit org
us postage
buffalo, ny
permit no. 1536