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PDF - Conor Commercial Real Estate
COMMON GROUND Winter/Spring 2016 Volume 19 – Issue 1 Common Goals Focus On: Construction Outlook All signs point to continued expansion and growth for the construction industry. As reported by Dodge Data & Analytics, a strong first half of 2015 was followed by a 20% decline in new construction starts in the third quarter. The year ended with a 1% rebound in the fourth quarter and an overall 8% climb in construction starting off 2016 on a positive note. As we welcome Spring, there are several promising indicators resulting in an optimistic outlook for the construction sector for the remainder of the year. Construction employBoth residential and ment is on the rise hitting its non-residential congreatest mark in December struction sectors are registering in at 6,538,000 – the highest it’s been since expected to enjoy a solid year with a 6% January of 2009. Low inflaadvance in total con- tion and gradual increases in interest rates are expected to struction starts to keep conditions favorable for $712 billion. construction spending and demand while low materials prices and greater economic certainty continues to propel growth. The 2016 Dodge Construction Outlook report takes a deeper look into expected performance of individual market sectors: • Multi-Family housing will increase 7% in dollars and 5% in units to 480,000 in 2016. Low vacancies, rising rents, and the demand for apartments The year is in full swing with a great deal of momentum. As we get closer to the impending Presidential Election and enjoy signs of greater economic recovery, the country seems to be sitting at the edge of its seat anticipating all the possibilities that could unfold in 2016. At The McShane Companies, we too are full of anticipation given the overall positive outlook for the construction and commercial real estate industries. As noted in the adjacent Focus On article, the country is positioned for an increase in construction spending due to several Jim McShane, CEO favorable conditions such The McShane Companies as low inflation and greater economic certainty. We expect positive performances from our key market sectors as residential and non-residential construction is expected to grow 6% in 2016. As an organization, we look toward continued resiliency by positioning our firm within growing markets, expanding our threshold of service offerings, and focusing our professional expertise to gain a strong footing for a successful and profitable year. At McShane Construction Company, the firm is preparing for greater expansion into the industrial and office markets with the promotion of Tom Beres, P.E. to Vice President in the Chicago office. Conor Commercial Real Estate is also gearing up for growth with the appointment of Brian Quigley who joined the firm as Executive CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE What’s Inside: McShane Construction Selected for Eighth Fitness Formula Club PAGE 2 Vice President and Market Officer overseeing the expansion of industrial and commercial development activities throughout the Midwest. To assist with these efforts, Robert Mueller has joined the team as Development AnaAs an organization, we lyst in the Chicago headlook toward continued quarters. We also welcome resiliency by position- Derek Buescher who came on board as a Develing our firm within opment Analyst in the growing markets, Southwest office to support expanding our threshthe firm’s growing underold of service offertakings in the Southwest ings, and focusing our Region and Texas. professional expertise Speaking of Texas, we are to gain a strong foot- proud of the recent recognitions that Texas-based ing for a successful and profitable year. Cadence McShane Construction Company con- tinues to receive positioning the firm for future opportunities. Cadence McShane recently won the Award of Merit for Riata Vista Phase I corporate campus by ENR Texas & Louisiana. We also commend the firm for receiving the Construction Safety Excellence Award in the Building Division for under 100,000 man hours by TEXO, the local Texas chapter of The Associated General Contractors of America. Our dedication to providing best-in-class services to our clients has also been recognized by the Chicago Chapter of NAIOP and the 1,000+ industry peers who named McShane Construction Company Contractor of the Year out of seven nominated firms. As we progress onward into the New Year, we do so with fortitude and appreciation for what we have overcome and the opportunities that lie ahead. With our expert teams positioned for growth and a robust slate of project undertakings, I am confident in the direction we are headed as an organization that will carry us through this year and beyond. PAGE 4 Two Multi-Family Assignments Underway in Richwood, TX PAGE 7 Northwest Pointe II Spec Facility Launched in Elgin, IL McShane Construction Company www.mcshane-construction.com Corporate Headquarters Rosemont, Illinois 847.292.4300 Southeast Regional Office Auburn, Alabama 334.887.8181 Southwest Regional Office Phoenix, Arizona 602.508.6166 Western Regional Office Irvine, California 949.222.1000 7,924,487 SF McShane Delivers Affordable and Assisted Living Residence for Seniors in Atlanta The Southeast Office of McShane Construction Company recently completed Oasis at Scholar’s Landing, an affordable and assisted living residence for seniors located in Atlanta, Georgia. The firm formed a joint venture with Oasis at Scholar’s IBG ConstrucLanding was contion Services, structed to meet LLC to comEarthCraft Certifica- plete the tion through the use assignment on of numerous sustain- behalf of developer, The Inteable design and construction features gral Group LLC. Oasis at Scholsuch as low VOC ar’s Landing is materials and ENERdesigned and GY STAR appliances. operated to allow income qualified seniors to receive high-quality assisted living services that they otherwise could not afford. The property was thoughtfully configured to maximize the well-being of its residents utilizing an efficient layout that incorporates a variety of amenity areas and services. Along with 60 one-bedroom private apartments, the complex features a fitness center, hair salon, commercial kitchen and dining room, two activity rooms and a covered patio for outdoor gathering. > > Oasis at Scholar’s Landing was designed and constructed to maximize the well-being of residents with 60 one-bedroom units and carefully configured amenity and support spaces. McShane Construction was selected to complete a Fitness Formula Club located outside of the City of Chicago within the suburb of Park Ridge, Illinois. McShane Construction Selected for Eighth Fitness Formula Health Club Assignment Architect: Antunovich Associates 2 The new headquarters and manufacturing facility for DRC incorporates a sophisticated production and warehouse area, two-story office, and energy-saving systems. New Build-to-Suit HQ Completed for Design Ready Controls, Inc. Following a fast-track construction schedule, McShane Construction has delivered the 105,500 square foot build-tosuit headquarters and manufacturing facility for Design Ready Controls, Inc. (DRC). Situated on a six-acre site in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota just 10 miles away from downtown Minneapolis, the project marks the first phase of development at the 20-acre Capstone Business Center. McShane Construction was selected by developer, Capstone Quadrangle, to complete the comprehensive design/build assignment meeting the complex requirements of their client DRC – a leading supplier of control panel solutions for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) serving the HVAC, oil and gas, water, and alternative energy market sectors. The build-to-suit features a 83,200 square foot state-of-the-art production and warehouse area with a 28' clear height, two drive-in doors, six dock-high doors, LED lighting and an ESFR sprinkler system. Accessed through the main entryway, the twostory corporate office component inte- grates numerous open and private offices, conference rooms, a break room and areas for research and development. Constructed to optimize energy efficiency, McShane incorporated an infloor radiant thermal mass heat system that energizes at night to take advantage of off-peak energy rates and completed the infrastructure necessary to accommodate the future addition of solar panels. McShane Construction also completed the project’s surface parking lot for 199 vehicles and a sizable infiltration basin complemented by native and prairie landscaping that requires less water usage. PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS Project Type: Build-to-Suit Headquar- ters and Manufacturing Facility Location: Brooklyn Park, Minnesota Project Size: 105,500 S.F. PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS Project Type: Affordable Senior Housing Location: Atlanta, Georgia Project Size: 60 Units Architect: Kitchen & Associates Trending@MCC Southwest Office Nears Completion of TASC, Inc. HQ in Phoenix McShane Construction is making significant headway on the new construction and repurposing assignment for TASC, Inc., a private and non-profit corporation headquartered in The 45,000 square Phoenix, Arizona. foot building will be The project enhanced with 4,000 required the square feet of new transformation of construction necessi- a former television broadcasting tating the complete building into a demolition and corporate headrenovation of quarters, forensic interior areas. drug testing laboratory, and outpatient substance abuse and mental health treatment facility. Positioned along I-17 at Indian School Road in Phoenix, the two-story building will allow the firm to consolidate its current office locations into a new and efficient space. The 45,000 square foot building will be enhanced with 4,000 square feet of new construction necessitating the complete demolition and renovation of interior areas. Upon its completion, the center will boast outfitted lab areas, meeting rooms, offices and a spacious waiting room. A 40' glass enclosed stairway will serve as a visual focal point overlooking a central courtyard highlighted by outdoor seating and landscaping. Oryx Architecture is serving as project architect. Out of seven participating construction firms, McShane Construction was voted Contractor of the Year by industry peers. McShane Wins Contractor of the Year Award McShane Construction was recently named Contractor of the Year at the NAIOP Chicago Awards for Excellence dinner and awards program. The event attracted over 1,000 real estate professionals who participated in LIVE voting selecting winners within 14 individual categories. Out of seven nominated construction companies, McShane Construction was voted the winner in the Contractor of the Year category. Clybourn 1200 to Bring Mixed-Income Living and Retail Space to Chicago’s North Side PHOTO PHOTO CREDIT: CREDIT: PAPPAGEORGE PAPPAGEORGE HAYMES HAYMES PARTNERS PARTNERS Project Size: 67,000 S.F. > If you’re a Chicagoan, you’ve likely heard of Fitness Formula Clubs – a highly-popular health club brand operating upscale recreational facilities throughout the city. McShane Construction and Fitness Formula, Ltd. have enjoyed a long-standing relationship dating back to the early 1990’s. Seven projects and over two decades later, the fitness health club provider selected McShane Construction for its eighth assignment – FFC Park Ridge, located in suburban Chicago. The 67,000 square foot full-service recreation center will be situated at the intersection of Cumberland and Touhy Avenues, within minutes of the Metra station and downtown district of Park Ridge, Illinois. The health club facility will be constructed atop a cast-in-place concrete podium over a streetlevel parking lot. The building’s façade will boast a modern design incorporating a stylish mix of masonry block, metal panels and The health club aluminum curtainwall. Adding to the contemporary facility will be con- look will be several Terracotta and fiber cement rain screens and harmonious glass curtainwalls located at structed atop a cast-in-place con- the main entrance and along Cumberland Avenue. crete podium over Inside, FFC Park Ridge will consist of two stories and a mezzanine level providing abundant space to support a a street-level wide selection of fitness opportunities within its general parking lot. cardio and strength training areas, group exercise rooms, and specialty studios for Pilates, Yoga and Spin classes. An indoor basketball court, lap pool and three-story climbing wall will also be completed, along with an outdoor recreational pool accompanied by an expansive sun deck, lounge and bar area. In addition, members will enjoy fully-equipped locker PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS room facilities, Kids Club center, retail sports shop, café and day spa. McShane Project Type: Full-Service Fitness is slated to wrap up construction of FFC Center Park Ridge in the winter of 2016 - 2017. Location: Park Ridge, Illinois The artfully clad exterior utilizes a blend of brick and HardiePanel elements that are enhanced by generously landscaped grounds. Oasis at Scholar’s Landing was constructed to meet EarthCraft Certification through the use of numerous sustainable design and construction features such as low VOC materials and ENERGY STAR appliances. The project was partially funded by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs’ Low Income Housing Tax Credit program and the Atlanta Housing Authority. As part of the assignment, McShane Construction and IBG Construction completed sitework and public improvements to the portion of John Hope Drive where the property is located that included additional landscaping, exterior lighting and the installation of sidewalks. Under Construction In the works since 2010, the highly-anticipated mixed-use redevelopment project dubbed Clybourn 1200 is officially underway by McShane Construction. Joint venture partners, Brinshore Development and Michaels Development Company, selected the firm to complete the 84-unit complex bringing mixed-income apartments and premier retail space to Chicago’s north side. Scheduled for completion in Second Quarter 2017, the seven-story building will consist of a single-story, 25,295 square foot indoor parking garage located on the second floor topped with five residential floors incorporating 84 mixed-income apartments. The ground-level will boast 17,000 square feet of retail space. A community room, office area, party room and fitness center will be open to residents together with a luxurious roof deck. Clybourn 1200 is being constructed to meet LEED Certification. The Phoenix and Southern California offices of McShane Construction have moved to larger and more efficient spaces to accommodate growth in staff and project undertakings. McShane’s Southwest and Western Regional Offices Have Moved! Please note the new locations of our Southwest and Western offices. Southwest Regional Office: 6720 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 270 Scottsdale, AZ 85253 Western Regional Office: 2030 Main Street, Suite 450 Irvine, CA 92614 Architect: Archideas 3 Cadence McShane Construction www.cadencemcshane.com Corporate Headquarters Addison, Texas 972.239.2336 Austin Office 512.328.1411 Houston Office 713.681.8500 San Antonio Office 210.233.1146 6,306,980 SF Under Construction Trending@CMC Cadence McShane Wins 427-Unit Luxury Apartment Project in San Antonio Furthering expansion into the San Antonio market, Cadence McShane was selected by developer, Legacy Alliance, on behalf of its client Frankel Family Trust (FFT) for the new construction of Villas at The Rim. The highly-anticipated development represents one of the most prestigious and largest multi-family projects under construction in San Antonio, Texas. The award of the 427-unit luxury apartment complex came as the firm announced its new office location in San Antonio and further growth into the Central Texas market. The four-story multi-family residence will feature an urban wrap design eliminating the view of the entry-level parking garage. A Spanish-inspired architectural design utilizing stucco and masonry accents will emphasize the luxurious finishes and best-in-class amenities offered within the property. Architectural services are being provided by Clifford Wong Architects, Inc. > TEXO, the Texas chapter of The Associated General Contractors of America, recognized Cadence McShane for safety excellence in 2015. > Donald T. Shields Elementary School, a part of Red Oak Independent School District, was nearly 70% inhabitable following a destructive storm on December 26, 2015 necessitating the comprehensive reconstruction of the facility. Cadence McShane Selected to Rebuild Donald T. Shields Elementary After Devastating Tornado On December 26, 2015 – a day when many families are still reveling over the Christmas holiday – residents of North Texas faced a much more sobering reality as violent storms ripped through the area spawning several tornadoes. The overwhelming destruction took the lives of 11 people and caused numerous structures to be damaged or entirely destroyed. Donald T. Shields Elementary School, a part of Red Oak Independent School District (Red Oak ISD), was While Cadence one of those structures with nearly 70% of the building McShane did not inideemed inhabitable following the storm. Located in the City tially construct the of Glenn Heights, a suburb south of Dallas, the elementary elementary school, school serves about 500 students from pre-kindergarten to the original architect, fifth graders who were away on Winter Break at the time Corgan Associates, of the tornado. While Cadence McShane did not initially Inc., called upon the construct the elementary school, the original architect, firm since they enjoy Corgan Associates, Inc., called upon the firm since they a long-standing relaenjoy a long-standing relationship with Red Oak ISD having tionship with Red Oak served on previous assignments. Together, the design and ISD having served on construction team came up with a plan to secure the site previous assignments. and rebuild the school where students could return to by the Fall Semester. After salvaging school-related supplies and materials, the project team began to stabilize what was left of the building with selective demolition and cleanup of the damaged school making way for comprehensive inspections by the architect and engineers. Serving as Construction Manager At-Risk, Cadence McShane will reconstruct the 82,024 square foot elementary school utilizing the same design and comparable materials that were used during its original construction in 2008. The firm has implemented a fast-track schedule to ensure that the construction and repairs are completed in time for the new school year. Cadence McShane was also tasked with making immediate repairs to Little Hawks Learning Center, a daycare facility PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS located adjacent to Donald T. Shields Elementary School, so it could reopen on Project Type: Elementary School January 5, 2016. Location: Glenn Heights, Texas 4 Pictured above, Brazos Crossing Apartments is one of two multi-family projects that Cadence McShane is currently constructing for 210 Development Group in Richwood, Texas. Cadence McShane Wins TEXO Safety Award Simultaneous Construction of Two Multi-Family Assignments Underway in Richwood, Texas Cadence McShane is currently constructing two simultaneous multi-family assignments for developer and client, 210 Development Group. The residential properties are located within a mile of each other in the City of Richwood, Texas, situated just over 12 miles from the Gulf of Mexico and an hour outside of Houston. Richwood offers an ideal location to support the growing workforce serving the Gulf of Mexico’s major industries including oil, shipping, fishing and tourism. The firm has been progressing toward the completion of the initial project, Brazos Crossing Apartments. The complex features 17 residential buildings incorporating 309 units together with a well-appointed clubhouse that includes a fitness center, on-site leasing/management office, and an outdoor swimming pool. In December 2015, Cadence McShane broke ground on Oyster Creek Apartments representing the second multi-family assignment for 210 Development Group. The project consists of eight three-story residential buildings and a clubhouse offering the same selection of amenities as the initial development. When completed early next year, the complex will provide a combination of one-, two- and three-bedroom units for a total of 200 apartments. Both developments will feature stylish interior finishes while the exteriors will integrate an attractive mix of stucco, masonry and cement siding complemented by generous landscaping, sidewalks and paved parking. PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS Project Type: Multi-Family Location: Richwood, Texas Project Size: 509 Total Units Architect: B&A Architects, Inc. > New Sterling Aviation High School Under Construction for Houston ISD Sterling Aviation High School is the only school of its kind in the greater Houston area that offers programs in both Aviation A key component to Sciences and the high school is an Logistics and airplane hangar that Global Supply will be visible from Management the main lobby and preparing stuseveral windowdents for college lined classrooms and future on the first and careers. The cursecond floors. rent campus, originally built in 1965, is part of the Houston Independent School District (Houston ISD) and is located just west of William P. Hobby Airport. Under the District’s bond program, a replacement high school is currently being constructed to support 1,600 students within a state-of-the-art environment. Cadence McShane was selected by Houston ISD to construct the 237,000 PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS Project Type: High School Campus Project Size: 82,024 S.F. Location: Houston, Texas Architect: Corgan Associates, Inc. Project Size: 237,000 S.F. CadenceMcShane McShanewas recently delivered a 140-bed assisted living and memory care twoCadence selected by Houston ISD toupscale construct the new 237,000 square foot, residence on Aviation behalf ofHigh PinPoint Commercial, representing the firm’s third assignment story Sterling School adjacent toL.P. the existing campus. for this developer. Architect: Stantec square foot, two-story campus adjacent to the existing school building. The first floor will feature an aviation power plant, theater, black box, cafeteria, gymnasium and departments for visual arts, life skills, music and technology. Some spaces will also have access to outdoor learning areas. The second story includes science labs, teacher work centers, additional administrative offices, student meeting spaces and flexible learning environments. A key component to the high school is an airplane hangar that will be visible from the main lobby and several window-lined classrooms on the first and second floors. To provide a cost-effective solution, Cadence McShane and architect, Stantec, recommended a contemporary industrial aesthetic on the exterior and interior utilizing tilt-up concrete panels and exposed polished concrete for floors and accents throughout the building. Once completed in Third Quarter 2016, Cadence McShane will demolish the existing campus for the construction of the school’s athletic field. Turnpike West Industrial Building Nears Completion On behalf of Holt Lunsdford Commercial, Cadence McShane is nearing the completion of Turnpike West, the developer’s new 259,672 square foot speculative Constructed to support industrial facilia single user with a ty. Positioned at cross-dock configura- Interstate 30 and tion, Turnpike West Chalk Hill Road in Dallas, Texas, features a 32' clear height, 50' x 52' col- the Class A umn spacing, 66 over- building offers head doors, an ESFR 600 linear feet of sprinkler system and frontage and visibility making it office space. ideal for distribution operations. Constructed to support a single user with a cross-dock configuration, Turnpike West features a 32' clear height, 50' x 52' column spacing, 66 overhead doors, an ESFR sprinkler system and office space. Two 130' truck courts are available together with efficient on-site parking for 157 trucks and 105 vehicles. The exterior of Turnpike West incorporates decorative precast panels and stone veneer wrapped columns providing a focal point at the main entryway. Cadence McShane will complete all sitework including retaining walls, landscaping and irrigation, and paved parking. In the first step towards national recognition, Cadence McShane won the Construction Safety Excellence Award in the Building Division for under 100,000 man hours by TEXO. As the local Texas chapter of The Associated General Contractors of America, the TEXO accomplishment allows the firm to be considered for the national award following an additional nomination process Cadence McShane kicked off the New Year with a completely redesigned website with a focus on user-friendly functionality. We Have a New Look! Early this year, Cadence McShane Construction Company launched its newly redesigned website. Users enjoy an entirely enhanced experience with a contemporary and vibrant new interface providing faster and more efficient functionality. Check out our new look at our same location at www.cadencemcshane.com. 5 Conor Commercial Real Estate www.conorcommercial.com Corporate Headquarters Rosemont, IL 847.692.8700 Texas Regional Office Houston, Texas 713.231.2995 Southwest Regional Office Phoenix, Arizona 602.845.5200 Western Regional Office Irvine, California 949.752.7646 5,462,444 SF Corona Crossroads Business Park Tracking On-Schedule > > John Dobrott, President of the Industrial Division at Conor Commercial Real Estate, discusses Southern California’s Inland Empire region and the firm’s activity within the market. Under development by Conor Commercial and LaSalle Investment Management, Corona Crossroads Business Park offers 1,100 linear feet of frontage along the highly-traveled I-15 Freeway and adjacency to the CA-91 Freeway interchange. The Inland Empire Shows No Signs of Slowing Down 6 > California’s Inland Empire is regarded as one of the most robust industrial real estate markets in the country. With a population of more than 23 million people, the area is centrally located and easily accessible to the largest port complex in North America, positioning it as the industrial hub of the Western United States. The market attracts businesses that service this large population, as well as receive and distribute goods throughout North America. Fortune 500 companies, major multinational firms and the With Conor Commere-commerce industry have staked out significant posicial strategically tions within the Inland Empire and continue to expand located in Southern operations. With Conor Commercial strategically locatCalifornia, in close ed in Southern California, in close proximity to the proximity to the Inland Inland Empire, we have enjoyed a long-standing history serving the market and are well-positioned for conEmpire, we have enjoyed a long-stand- tinued growth. The firm is currently wrapping up the 1,013,460 square foot, LEED-Silver Redlands Logistics ing history serving Center in Redlands, California. Prior to groundbreakthe market and are ing, a full-building tenant committed to occupy the well-positioned for Class A facility and completed the acquisition of the continued growth. property upon completion earlier this year. The building incorporates various upgrades, such as a 40' clear roof and super flat ductilecrete floors to suit the requirements of the owner-user. We are also underway on Corona Crossroads Business Park, a two-building speculative development located in the western region of the Inland Empire (see adjacent story for more information). In addition, Conor Commercial recently launched Pacific Commons Logistics Center in Fremont, California. The 816,970 square foot industrial building was designed to accommodate a single or multiple users that benefit from significant warehouse/distribution advantages offered by the contemporary facility. As the Inland Empire remains at its peak with no signs of slowing down, Conor Commercial is positioned for expansion within the region. We anticipate sustained positive market conditions and look forward to growing our development services and portfolio as demand within the Inland Empire remains strong. The master-planned Huntington 90 offers significant visibility and transportation efficiencies with easy access to I-90 at the Barrington Road interchange and close proximity to interstates 290 and 294. Huntington 90 Corporate Campus Offers Premier BTS Sites for Office and Industrial Users Situated along Interstate 90 within the business-friendly Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois, Huntington 90 offers a premier business park setting with 29 acres available for development. The 70-acre corporate campus provides visibility and ultra-convenient access to I-90 at the Barrington Road interchange and is within minutes from Interstates 290 and 294 and just 31 miles to the Chicago Central Business District. Flexible build-tosuit sites can accommodate facilities from 50,000 to 500,000 square feet and are zoned for office, R&D, light industrial, retail and medical serving the needs of a wide range of businesses. In addition to the locational benefits, the masterplanned business park offers a competitive 6B tax status, significant power capacity and extensive data infrastructure. Huntington 90 is also regarded for its commitment to environmental initiatives with unparalleled natural green areas throughout the entire development incorporating sprawling ponds, wooded landscaping and abundant walking and bike paths with connectivity through the adjacent 1,800-acre Paul Douglas Forest Preserve. Join DMG MORI, BIG Kaiser Machine Tool and NSK America Corporation who currently call Huntington 90 home. Contact the marketing team comprised of Mike Sedjo (847.706.4913 or [email protected]), John Hamilton (847.706.4909 or [email protected]), or Jack Brennan (847.706.4925 or jack.brennan @cbre.com) of the Schaumberg office of CBRE or visit www.h-90.com for more information about development opportunities at Huntington 90. PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 29 Acres Available Master-Planned Setting Visibility and Access to I-90 The fast-track completion of Corona Crossroads Business Park continues on schedule in Corona, California. A development of Conor Commercial Real Estate and LaSalle Investment Management, the two-building speculative industrial The development fea- park is situated tures Building A, a on approximately 53,731 square foot 11.5 acres within facility designed for a the Corona/ full-building user, and Norco submarthe 168,341 square ket, a sought foot Building B that after location in the western can be divisible for region of Southmultiple tenants. ern California’s Inland Empire. The site possesses 1,100 linear feet of frontage along the highly-traveled I-15 Freeway, adjacency to the CA-91 Freeway interchange, as well as frontage on East 6th Street, a main arterial boulevard in Corona. The development features Building A, a 53,731 square foot facility designed for a full-building user, and the 168,341 square foot Building B that can be divisible for multiple tenants. Slated for Third Quarter 2016 delivery, both facilities were strategically designed to accommodate a diverse spectrum of users including light manufacturing, distribution and/or partial-retail (showroom) with warehouse. The buildings offer optimal clear heights, dock loading and ground-level doors, 52' x 50' bay spacing, ESFR sprinkler systems, 6” thick concrete slabs, skylights, two-story office components to-suit and generous vehicle parking. Jeff Smith, SIOR, and Austin Hill of the Ontario Office of Lee & Associates together with Jeff Ruscigno, SIOR, of the Riverside Office are serving as the marketing representatives for the project. To learn more about Corona Crossroads Business Park, contact Smith ([email protected] or 909.373.2909), Hill ([email protected] or 909.989. 7771) or Ruscigno ([email protected] or 951.276.3630), or visit the project’s website at www.coronacrossroadsbp.com. PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS Two-Building Spec Development Corona/Norco Submarket Location I-15 Freeway Highway Frontage Full-Building and Multi-Tenant Options Under Development Trending@ccre Phase I of Gateway Southwest Industrial Park Ready for Occupancy The initial phase of Gateway Southwest Industrial Park, a development of Conor Commercial and joint venture partner, USAA Real Estate Phase I is comprised Company, is comof two industrial pleted and ready buildings configured for immediate for single- or multi- occupancy. Situated on 36 acres in tenant formats. Missouri City, a southwest suburb of Houston, Texas, the speculative development is located at the Beltway 8 and U.S. 90 Alternate interchange offering visibility along these prominent transportation corridors and immediate access to Beltway 8, Interstate 45, SH-69 and Fort Bend Parkway Toll Road. Phase I is comprised of two industrial buildings configured for single- or multi-tenant formats. Building 1 is a 131,560 square foot front-load facility divisible to 32,890 square feet. Building 2 offers a cross-dock design with 217,440 square feet and suites from 54,360 square feet. Both facilities incorporate an ample array of contemporary features and amenities. To learn more about the development and available opportunities, please visit www.gatewaysouthwest houston.com A 25-year veteran, Brian has developed over 20 million square feet of industrial and commercial product throughout the Chicagoland area and Midwest Region. Brian Quigley Joins Conor Commercial Real Estate Conor Commercial Real Estate is pleased to announce that Brian Quigley has joined the firm as Executive Vice President and Market Officer of the Midwest industrial and office group. Contributing 25 years of commercial real estate experience, Brian applies his proven track record and industry standing to identify and secure development opportunities on a local and regional basis. Positive Market Fundamentals Prompt Northwest Pointe II Speculative Industrial Development Conor Commercial Real Estate recently announced the launch of Northwest Pointe II – a 385,300 square foot speculative industrial facility located in Elgin, Illinois. Situated on a 22-acre parcel within the master-planned Northwest Corporate Park, the facility offers direct access to I-90 via the Randall Road four-way interchange located within 1.5 miles of the property. Northwest Pointe II has been designed for single or multiple users with suites ranging from 65,000 to 385,000 square feet. The building features a cross-dock configuration with a 32' clear height, 38 dock-high doors, four drive-in doors, 130' truck courts, an ESFR sprinkler system and customizable office components. The launch of this speculative development follows the 100% lease and subsequent sale of the original Northwest Pointe, a speculative industrial development of Conor Commercial. Northwest Pointe II is available for lease or sale with scheduled occupancy in November 2016. For more information, visit the property’s website at www.northwestpointe2.com. Conor Commercial employees and other members of The McShane Companies participated in The Salvation Army Angel Tree program. Holiday Gifts Collected for Local Children in Need The Rosemont office of Conor Commercial Real Estate and The McShane Companies collected gifts for 30 children over the Holiday Season. As part of The Salvation Army’s Angle Tree program, the gifts were given to children of underprivileged families within the local community. Focus on Natural Green Space 7 Project Gallery Follow us on Twitter @ TheMcShaneCos Projects in Progress Vaughn Elementary School – Frisco, TX Heartis Assisted Living and Memory Care – Peoria, IL Oyster Creek Apartments – Richwood, TX Springs at May Lakes – Oklahoma City, OK PPG Industries – Aurora, IL Southport Logistics Park – Wilmer, TX Campus Circle – Urbana, IL Turnpike West – Dallas, TX Continued From Front Page Construction Outlook from Millennials will encourage more development and construction activity. • The commercial sector will increase 11% with office construction maintaining a leading role in the building • It is predicted that manufacturing temporary space will spark a renewed Commerce Department. As we continue construction will see a 5% increase in focus on investment in education forward, the general prediction is that starts this year following a volatile infrastructure. momentum in construction will 2015. As plummeting oil prices resulted in the slowdown and stoppage of several projects, the sector is expected to make a comeback as oil prices and the dollar value stabilizes. • Enrollment growth will increase • The uncertainty of the healthcare market will continue to impact its the industry in 2016. capital investments into construction projects. A 1% uptick in construction starts is expected as the industry COMMON GROUND is published faces the need to serve an expanding twice each year by: The McShane Companies 9550 W. Higgins Road, Suite 200 Rosemont, IL 60018 847.292.4300 www.mcshane.com [email protected] upturn. The continued growth is aided demand for new construction elderly population and replace by an increase in private development throughout the K-12 and higher older facilities. as well as technology and finance education sectors. Dodge expects firms looking to relocate or expand. improving fiscal conditions as well as the lack of accommodating and con- remain steady to further strengthen Overall, construction spending last year reached a level not seen since the Great Recession as reported by the U.S.
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