Bibliоgrаfiја 2014. gоdinа - Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije
Bibliоgrаfiја 2014. gоdinа - Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije
Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije „Dr Milan Jovanović Batut BIBLIOGRAFIJA Beograd, 2015. Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije „Dr Milan Jovanović Batut BIBLIOGRAFIJA Beograd, 2015. Izdavač: Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije „Dr Milan Jovanović Batut” Dr Subotića 5, Beograd Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Direktor Instituta za javno zdravlje Srbije „Dr Milan Jovanović Batut” Dr Dragan Ilić Redakcijski odbor: Mr Jelena Gudelj Rakić Dr Milena Vasić Dr Biljana Kilibarda Dr Maja Krstić Autori: Dr sc. Milica Vučurović Lektura: Mr Tamara Gruden Dizajn: Milica Salaški, mast. lik. umet. Tiraž: 300 ISBN 978-86-7358-064-7 Beograd, 2015 SADRŽAJ PREDGOVOR 6 KNJIGA PRVA 9 MONOGRAFSKE PUBLIKACIJE 10 Izdanja instituta za javno zdravlje Srbije 4 ˶Dr Milan Jovanović Batut˝ 10 Izdanja Svetske Zdravstvene Organizacije 11 KNJIGA DRUGA 15 PERIODIČNE PUBLIKACIJE 16 Strani časopisi 16 Domaći časopisi 16 KNJIGA TREĆA 21 ČLANCI I DRUGI SASTAVNI DELOVI 22 KNJIGA ČETVRTA 78 IMENSKI REGISTAR 79 A 79 B 80 C 83 Č 85 Ć 85 D 86 Đ 87 E 89 F 89 G 90 H 91 I 93 J 93 K 95 L 97 Lj 99 M 99 N 104 O 105 P 107 Q 109 R 109 S 111 Š 115 T 115 U 117 V 117 W 118 X 119 Y 119 Z 120 Ž 121 5 PREDGOVOR Po definiciji, rezultat istraživanja na polju popisivanja, opisivanja i razvrstavanja objavljenih ili neobjavljenih publikacija, bibliografije su trezor kulture, izvori znanja, mostovi za nova stvaralaštva u kulturi i nauci. Uporedo sa nacionalnim bibliografijama, razvijale su se i zavičajne bibliografije, bibliografije periodike, starih i retkih knjiga, anotirane, analitičke, personalne bibliografije, bibliografije književnih rukopisa, bibliografije bibliografija. Predmet Bibliografije je prikaz sadržine štampanih publikacija dospelih u biblioteku Instituta za javno zdravlje Srbije „Dr Milan Jovanović Batut” tokom 2014. godine. Raspored bibliografske građe sistematizovan je u četiri celine (knjige), što je konačna forma Bibliografije: 1. Knjige; 2. Periodične publikacije; 3. Članci i drugi sastavni delovi – abecedni raspored po prezimenima autora ili prve boldovane reči naslova teksta, ispisane velikim slovima; 4. Imenski registar – abecedno sređena imena autora i koautora. Klasifikacija bibliografskih jedinica u Prvoj knjizi (Monografske publikacije), radi lakšeg pristupa podacima, izvršena je u dva poglavlja (Izdanja Instituta za javno zdravlje Srbije „Dr Milan Jovanović Batut” i Izdanja Svetske zdravstvene organizacije), a u Drugoj knjizi na tri poglavlja (Strani časopisi, Domaći časopisi i Digitalna izdanja). Kako su kao opšti zadaci Bibliografije bili poštovanje osnovnih principa i standarda izrade, nadamo se da će ona kao takva obezbediti i naučnost, odnosno da će biti od koristi budućim istraživačima. 6 KNJIGA PRVA I MONOGRAFSKE PUBLIKACIJE Izdanja Instituta za javno zdravlje Srbije ˶Dr Milan Jovanović Batut˝ 1. REZULTATI istraživanja zdravlja stanovništva Srbije : 2013. godina / [autori Katarina Boričić... i dr.]. - Beograd : Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije ˶Dr Milan Jovanović Batut˝, 2014 (Beograd : Službeni glasnik). - 100 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm Na vrhu nasl. str.: Republika Srbija, Ministarstvo zdravlja. - Podaci o autorima preuzeti iz kolofona. - Tiraž 400. ISBN 978-86-7358-060-9 (broš.) 314:61(497.1)"2013"(047) 614(497.1)"2013"(047) COBISS.SR-ID 210675212 2. PREVENCIJA zloupotrebe psihoaktivnih supstanci : pitanja i odgovori / [Biljana Kilibarda... i dr.]. - Beograd : Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije ˶Dr Milan Jovanović Batut˝, 2014 (Beograd : Sprintplus). - 32 str. ; 21 cm Podaci o autorima preuzeti iz kolofona. - Tiraž 500. - Bibliografija: str. 29-32. ISBN 978-86-7358-059-3 (broš.) 613.81/.84 COBISS.SR-ID 208160780 3. ISTRAŽIVANJA među populacijama pod povećanim rizikom od HIV-a i među osobama koje žive sa HIV-om : osnovni rezultati, 2013 / [uredništvo Dragan Ilić... i dr.]. - Beograd : 10 Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije ˶Dr Milan Jovanović Batut˝, 2014 (Loznica : R. Stupar). - 239 str. : graf. prikazi, tabele ; 29 cm Na spor. nasl. str.: Research among populations most at risk to HIV and among people living with HIV, Key find-ings, 2013. Tiraž 300. - Str. 7: Predgovor / Dragan Ilić. - Abstracts. - Bibliografija uz svaki rad. ISBN 978-86-7358-061-6 314:616.97/.98(497.11)"2013"(083.41)(082) COBISS.SR-ID 211392268 4. NACIONALNO istraživanje o stilovima života stanovništva Srbije 2014. godine : korišćenje psihoaktivnih supstanci i igre na sreću / [autori Biljana Kilibarda... i dr.]. - Beograd : Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije ˶Dr Milan Jovanović Batut˝, 2014 (Beograd : Original). - 59 str. : graf. prikazi, tabele ; 30 cm Podaci o autorima preuzeti iz kolofona. - Tiraž 300. - Bibliografija: str. 58-59. ISBN 978-86-7358-057-9 (broš.) 613.81/.84(497.11)(047) COBISS.SR-ID 208108812 5. VODIČ za sprovođenje nadzora nad invazivnom pneumokoknom bolesti / [Goranka Lončarević, Milena Kanazir, Nataša Opavski ; glavni urednik Dragan Ilić]. - Beograd : Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije ˶Dr Milan Jovanović Batut˝, 2014 (Beograd : Rossi). - 48 str. : graf. prikazi, tabele ; 21 cm Tiraž 200. - Bibliografija: str. 45. ISBN 978-86-7358-056-2 (broš.) 11 616.9(083.1) COBISS.SR-ID 205778444 Izdanja Svetske Zdravstvene Organizacije 6. WORLD Health Organization Technical Report Series. - Vol. 1, No. 1 (19??)- . - Geneva : World Health Organization, 19??Mesečno. - Life Sci.Collect. - Excerpta Med. - Index Med. - Biol. Abstr. - Izlazi i na francuskom, španskom i arapskom jeziku ISSN 0512-3054 061.22:61(100) COBISS.SR-ID 54115847 7. EVALUATION of certain food additives and contaminants : seventy-seventh report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. - Geneva : World Health Organization, cop. 2013. - VII, 75 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm. - (WHO technical report series, ISSN 0512-3054 ; no. 983) Bibliografija: str. 55-56 ISBN 978-92-4-120983-0 614 COBISS.SR-ID 3103205 8. EVALUATION of certain veterinary drug residues in food : seventy-eighth report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. – Geneva : World Health Organization, cop. 2014. – IX, 123 str. : ilustr. ; – (WHO technical report series, ISSN 0512-3054 ; no. 988) Bibliografija: str. 101-102 12 ISBN 978-92-4-120988-5 614 9. WHO expert committee on specifications for pharmaceutical preparations. Report (48 ; 2014 ; Geneva) WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations : forty-eighth report. - Geneva : World Health Organization, cop. 2014. - XI, 387 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm. - (WHO technical report series, ISSN 0512-3054 ; no. 986) Bibliografija: str. 383-385 ISBN 978-92-4-120986-1 614 COBISS.SR-ID 3140837 13 KNJIGA DRUGA II PERIODIČNE PUBLIKACIJE Strani časopisi 10. BULLETIN of the World Health Organization. - 1949- . - Genewa : World Health Organization, 1949Tromesečno (1947-1952); dvomesečno (1953-1998); mesečno (od 1999). - Hospit Lit.Index. - Biol. Abstr. - Chem. Abstr. - CIS Abstr. - Bibliogr. Agric. - Excerpta Med. - Index Med. - Sel. Water Resour Abstr. - Hospit. Lit. Index. - Ringdoc. - Pestdoc. - Vetdoc. Postoje izdanja na francuskom, engleskom, španskom, ruskom i kineskom jeziku. - Nastavak: Interim Commission of the World Health Organization.Bulletin. - Preuzeo je: xxxxxxxxxx = ISSN 0379-8070. - Preuzeo je: Forum mondial de la Santé = ISSN 0251-8716. - Delimično se nastavlja kao: Bulletin de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé = ISSN 1564-6939 ISSN 0042-9686 = Bulletin of the World Health Organization 061.22:61(100) COBISS.SR-ID 54047751 Domaći časopisi 11. ACTA medica Medianae : časopis Podružnice Srpskog lekarskog društva u Nišu = organe de Societé medicale Serbe à Niš = the journal of the Serbian Medical Association in Niš / glavni i odgovorni urednik Radoslav Živić. - God. 1, br. 1 (1962)- . - Niš : Podružnica Srpskog lekarskog društva u Nišu, 1962- . - 24 cm Osam puta godišnje ISSN 0365-4478 = Acta medica Medianae 61 COBISS.SR-ID 3295490 12. ACTA medica Medianae [Elektronski izvor] / glavni i odgovorni 16 urednik Radoslav Živić. - Elektronski časopis. - Vol. 39, No 1 (2000)- . - Niš : Medicinski fakultet, 2000Način pristupa (URL): - Tri puta godišnje. - Nasl. sa nasl. ekrana. - Opis izvora dana 22. 11. 2013. ISSN 1821-2794 = Acta medica Medianae (Online) 61(497.11) COBISS.SR-ID 178682636 13. JOURNAL of Medical Biochemistry : official Journal of the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia / editor-in-chief Nada Majkić-Singh. - Štampano izd. - Vol. 26, No. 1 (2007)- . Belgrade (Vojvode Stepe 450, P.O. Box 146) : The Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia, Pharmaceutical Faculty, 2007([Belgrade] : Reprograf). - 28 cm Dostupno i na: - Tromesečno. Štamparija: od 2009. Sprint, [Belgrade]. - Ima suplement ili prilog: Journal of Medical Biochemistry. Supplement = ISSN 1820-7367. - Je nastavak: Jugoslovenska medicinska biohemija = ISSN 0354-3447 ISSN 1452-8258 = Journal of Medical Biochemistry (Štampano izd.) 577.1+61 COBISS.SR-ID 138991884 14. JOURNAL of Medical Biochemistry [Elektronski izvor] : official Journal of the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia / editorin-chief Nada Majkić-Singh. - Onlajn izd. - Elektronski časopis. Vol. 26, No. 1 (2007)- . - Belgrade : Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia, 2007Način pristupa (URL): 17 a1d4ff09aa8e8fb4a59cbfd&pi=0 (URL): Tromesečno. - Nasl. sa nasl. ekrana. - Opis izvora dana 22.11.2013. - Je nastavak: Jugoslovenska medicinska biohemija (Online) = ISSN 1452-8193 ISSN 1452-8266 = Journal of Medical Biochemistry (Online) 577.1+61 COBISS.SR-ID 151255820 15. JOURNAL of Medical Biochemistry. Supplement : official Journal of the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia / editor-inchief Nada Majkić-Singh. - Vol. 27, No. 1 (2008)- . - Belgrade (Vojvode Stepe 450, P.O. Box 146) : Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia, Pharmaceutical Faculty, 2008- ([Belgrade] : Reprograf). - 28 cm Tromesečno. - Štamparija od br. 2 (2008) Sprint, [Beograd]. - Suplement ili prilog uz: Journal of Medical Biochemistry (Štampano izd.) = ISSN 1452-8258 ISSN 1820-7367 = Journal of Medical Biochemistry. Supplement 577.1+61 COBISS.SR-ID 147191564 16. GLASNIK : list Lekarske komore Srbije. - God. 1, br. 1 (2009)- . Beograd (Kraljice Natalije 1) : Lekarska komora Srbije, 2009(Beograd : PTT saobraćaja ˶Srbija˝). - 28 cm Tromesečno. - Opis prema br. 6 (2010). - Glavni urednici: od br. 8 (2011) Nada Radan-Milovančev; od br. 12 (2012) Branka Lazić. Štamparija od br. 8 (2011) Glasnik, Beograd. ISSN 1821-3995 = Glasnik (Lekarska komora Srbije) 61 18 COBISS.SR-ID 172410380 17. INFOTEKA : časopis za informatiku i bibliotekarstvo = Infotheca : Journal of Informatics and Librarianship / glavni i odgovorni urednik Dušan Surla. - God. 1, br. 1 (2000)- . - Beograd (Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 71) : Zajednica biblioteka univerziteta u Srbiji, 2000- . - 30 cm Polugodišnje. - Je nastavak: Informacije Zajednice biblioteka univerziteta u Srbiji = ISSN 0354-6462 ISSN 1450-9687 = Infoteka 004.4+02 COBISS.SR-ID 21934607 18. EKO-Med plus : časopis za zdravlje i ekologiju / glavni, odgovorni i stručni urednik Božana Peregi. - God. 2, br. 7 (2013). - Novi Sad : Eliksir plus, 2013- (Petrovaradin : Maxima graf). - 30 cm Dostupno i na: - Dvomesečno. - Je nastavak: Eliksir plus = ISSN 2217-8457 ISSN 2334-7252 = Eko-Med plus 502+61 COBISS.SR-ID 276695815 19. RAK : sprečiti, otkriti, lečiti : časopis Društva Srbije za borbu protiv raka / glavni i odgovorni urednik Slobodan Čikarić. 2003, br. 47- . - Beograd (Pasterova 14) : Društvo Srbije za borbu protiv raka, 2003- (Zemun : Alta nova). - 28 cm Tromesečno. - Štamparija od br. 87 (2013) Scanner studio, Beograd. - Je nastavak: Bolje sprečiti nego lečiti ISSN 1451-463X = Rak (Beograd) 616-006 COBISS.SR-ID 112977164 19 KNJIGA TREĆA III ČLANCI I DRUGI SASTAVNI DELOVI 1 Abouyannis, M., Dacombe, R., Dambe, I., Mpunga, J., Faragher, B., Gausi, F., … Squire, S. B. (2014). Drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Malawi: a cross-sectional survey. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92(11): 798–806. 2. Abramović, N. (2014). Prava pacijenata. Eko-Med Plus, 3(14): 36–37. 3. Acharya, S., Barber, S. L., Lopez-Acuna, D., Menabde, N., Migliorini, L., Molina, J., Schwartländer, B. & Zurn, P. (2014). BRICS and global health. Bulletin of the World Health Orga-nization, 92(6): 386–386A. 4. Adachi, Y., Ueno, K., Nagamoto, H., Fukamachi, N., Tanaka, M., Adachi, K. (2014). The Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) was used to study the effects of alcohol consumption on sleep problems. Journal of the National Institute of Public Health, 63(1): 39–47. 5. Adžić, A. (2013). Bibiliotečko-informacioni sistem NIBIS - deset godina u službi bibliotekara. Infoteka, 17(2): 64–66. 6. Aguilar, M. E., Gastañaduy, P. A., Uribe, E. S., Desai, R., Parashar, U. D., Richardson, V. & Patel, M. (2014). Diarrhoea-related hospitalizations in children before and after implementation of monovalent rotavirus vaccination in Mexico. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92(2): 117–125. 7. Akemura, S. T. (2014). Comparison of research proposal assessment in competitive research funding related to healthcare among Japan, U.S.A., and U.K. Journal of the National Institute of Public Health, 63(1): 61–69. 8. Akino, K. (2014). Oral health initiatives of local governments aimed at minimizing health disparities. Journal of the National 22 Institute of Public Health, 63(2): 121–130. 9. Akter, S., Rahman, M. M., Abe, S. K. & Sultana, P. (2014). Prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes and their risk factors among Bangladeshi adults: a nationwide survey. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92(3): 204–213A. 10. Alexinschi, O., Chirita, R., Ciobica, A., Manuela, P., Dobrin, R., Prepelita, R., … Chirita, V. (2014). The Relevance of Oxidative Stress Status in One Week and One Month Alcohol Abstinent Patients (Važnost oksidativnog statusa kod pacijenata posle jedne nedelje i jednog meseca apstinencije kod alkohola). Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 33(3): 284–290. 11. Ali, M., Seuc, A., Rahimi, A., Festin, M. & Temmerman, M. (2014). A global research agenda for family planning: results of an exercise for setting research priorities. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92(2): 93–98. 12. Ando, Y., Iwase, T., Takazawa, M., Nakamura, M., Aoyama, H., Chou, Y., Akino, K., Moriki, D., Horie, H., Tamura, K. (2014). The profiles and business contents of administrative officers promoting oral health in Japan's municipalities and prefectural public health centers. Journal of the National Institute of Public Health, 63(2): 139–149. 13. Anđelić, S. (2013). Uticaj životne dobi partnera na zdravlje potomstva. Glasnik LKS, 5(18): 63–65. 14. Apostolović, S., Damjanović, M., Mihailović, D., & Antović, A. (2014). Unsuccessful primary PCI for postpartal dissection of all three major coronary arteries. Acta Medica Medianae, 53(1): 47–52. Apostolović, S., Damjanović, M., Mihailović, D., & Antović, A. 23 (2014). Spontana disekcija sve tri koronarne arterije kao uzrok akutnog infarkta. Acta Medica Medianae, 53(1): 52 (Abstract) 15. Arnold, L. D., Barnoya, J., Gharzouzi, E. N., Benson, P. & Colditz, G. A. (2014). A training programme to build cancer research capacity in low- and middle-income countries: findings from Guatemala. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92(4): 297–302. 16. Arsić, D. (2013). Ažuriranje personalnih dosijea. Glasnik LKS, 5(18): 15–16. 17. Asante, A. D., Martins, N., Otim, M. E. & Dewdney, J. (2014). Retaining doctors in rural Timor-Leste: a critical appraisal of the opportunities and challenges. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92(4): 277–282. 18. Aylward, R. B. (2014). Making history: from a public health emergency to a polio-free world. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92(7): 466–466A. 19. Azuma, K. (2014). Health effects and the risk factors associated with indoor environment in office buildings. Journal of the National Institute of Public Health, 63(4): 334–341. 20. B.S., A. K., Saran, G. S., Banu, F., R, H., & P.G, A. (2013). In vitro antioxidant and α-amalase inhibition activities of Panchsakar churna. Acta Medica Medianae, 52(4): 12–14. B.S., A. K., Saran, G. S., Banu, F., R, H., & P.G, A. (2013). Iv vitro antioksidacione i aktivnosti Panchsakar churna u inhibiciji αamilaze. Acta Medica Medianae, 52(4): 14 (Abstract) 21. Babić, G. S., Oros, A., Vujanović, M., & Cekić, S. (2014). Some of the risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity. Acta Medica Me24 dianae, 53(2): 5–10. 22. Babić, G. S., Oros, A., Vujanović, M., & Cekić, S. (2014). Neki od faktora rizika za prematurnu retinopatiju. Acta Medica Medianae, 53(2): 10. (Abstract) 23. Baker, P., Dworkin, S. L., Tong, S., Banks, I., Shand, T., & Yamey, G. (2014). The men's health gap: men must be included in the global health equity agenda. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92(8): 618–620. 24. Bando, M., Kim, H., & Osawa, H. (2014). Survey on indoor environment in nursing homes for the elderly. Journal of the National Institute of Public Health, 63(4): 359–367. 25. Banjari, I., Labović, S. B., & Huzjak, B. (2014). Dietetic approaches in prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Acta Medica Medianae, 53(7): 65–72. Banjari, I., Labović, S. B., & Huzjak, B. (2014). Dijetetički pristup liječenju kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Acta Medica Medianae, 53(7): 72. (Abstract) 26. Jarbas, B. S., Desiraju, K., Matsoso, P., Minghui, R. & Salagay, O. (2014). BRICS cooperation in strategic health projects. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92(6): 388. 27. Basok, B. I., Kucur, M., Kizilgul, M., Yilmaz, I., Ekmekci, O. B., Uzunlulu, M., & Isman, F. K. (2014). Increased Chitotriosidase Activities in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Possible Novel Marker? (Povećanje nivoa hitotriozidaze kod bolesnika sa reumatoidnim artritisom: može li to biti novi indikatir?). Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 33(3): 245–251. 28. Baturina, O. A., Tupikin, A. E., Lukjanova, T. V., Sosnitskaya, S. V., & Morozov, I. V. (2014). PAH and QDPR Deficiency Associated Mutations in the Novosibirsk Region of the Russian Federation: 25 Correlation of Mutation Type with Disease Manifestation and Severity (mutacije povezane sa deficitom PAH iQDPR u regiji Novosibirsk Ruske Federacije: Korelac. Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 33(4), 333–340. 29. Bejli, D. R. (2014). Stvaranje digitalne istorije - studija slučaja: projekat Dorova pobuna. Infoteka, 17(2): 37–48. 30. Belčeska, G. A.-, Jovanoska, S., & Ljušič, G. (2014). Case report: partial occlusion of superior mesenteric artery with segmental bowel infraction. Acta Medica Medianae, 53(1): 53–57. Belčeska, G. A.-, Jovanoska, S., & Ljušič, G. (2014). Prikaz bolesnika: parcijalna okluzija gornje mezenterične arterije sa segmentnom crevnom ishemijom. Acta Medica Medianae, 53(1): 57. (Abstract) 31. Belčeska, G. A.-, Petrović, S., & Ristić, L. (2014). Demographic characteristics of lung cancer. Acta Medica Medianae, 53(2): 40–48. Belčeska, G. A.-, Petrović, S., & Ristić, L. (2014). Demografske karakteristike bolesnika sa karcinomom pluća. Acta Medica Medianae, 53(2): 48. (Abstract) 32. Beletić, A., Dudvarski-Ilić, A., Milenković, B., Nagorni-Obradović, L., Ljujić, M., Đorđević, V., … Majkić-Singh, N. (2014). Alpha-1Antitrypsin Deficiency – Molecular Basis, Clinical Presentation, Therapeutic Options and an Integrative Approach in Diagnostics (Definicija Alfa-1-antitripsina - molekulske osnove, kliničke manifestacije, terapijske mogućnosti i integrativni prist. Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 33(1): 88–96. 33. Belić, B. (2014). Porodica - osnovna ćelija svakog društva. EkoMed Plus, 3(14): 15–17. 26 34. Bellini, M., & Paparella, P. (2013). Clinical Biochemistry Database Analysis: A Restricted Dialysis Cohort (Analiza kliničko-biohemijske baze podataka: ograničena grupa bolesnika na dijalizi). Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 33(2): 162–168. 35. Bellis, M. A., Hughes, K., Leckenby, N., Jones, L., Baban, A., Kachaeva, M., … Terzic, N. (2014). 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Natalia 161 Ali, Moazzam 11 Ali, Mohammad Ali, SA 184 143 Aloe, Rosalia 286 Althabe, Fernando Alvarez, Marina An, Zhijie 79 45 285 378 174 Ando, Yuichi 12, 318 Andrews, Ben 297 Anh, Dang Duc 184 Anđelić, Spaso 13 Antić, Ivana Božić 207 Antović, Aleksandra 14 Aoyama, Hithoshi 12 Apostolović, Svetlana 14, 72 Araujo, Edson Correia 273 Archkhawongs, Sibounhom Arias, M Helena Jahuira Arnold, Lauren D. 104 15 Arscott-Mills, Sharon Arsić, Dragana 16 Ašanin, Milika 306 161 Asante, Augustine D. Aslanyan, Garry Atalla, Elham 282 17 58 57 Axelson, Henrik 161 Aydin, Ozgur 91 Aylward, R. B. 18 Ayuso-Mateos, José Luis Azuma, Kenichi 209 19 B B.S., Ashok Kumar Baba, Samson P. Baban, Adriana 20 52 34 Babiarz, Kimberly Singer Babić, Gordana Stanković Babić, Momčilo Bai, Ming 21, 372 127 Badru, Abdul Razak Bahl, Rajiv 216 93 269 391 80 Bailey, Robin L. Baker, Peter 47 22 Bakiu, Argon 246 Balabanova, Dina 190 Balasegaram, Manica Banda, Hastings T. Bandali, Sarah 1 161 Bando, Michiko Banjari, Ines Banks, Ian 42 23 24 22 Banu, Firdose 20 Barber, Sarah-Louise 3 Barbieri, Massimo 239 Barnes, Andrew J. 276 Barnoya, Joaquin 15 Barreira, Draurio Baši, Marin 61 356 Basić, Dragoslav 124 Basok, Banu Isbilen 26 Bates, Imelda 58 Batinić, Bojan 393 Baturina, Olga A. 27 Bauhoff, Sebastian Bayindir, Asli 92 Bayly, Megan Beard, John 216 376 98 Beck, Charles R. Bego, Tamer 186 83 Bejli, D. Rasel 28 Belčeska, Gordana Antuleska- 29, 30 Beletić, Anđelo 31, 179 Belić, Branislava Belizan, Jose 81 32 285 Bellini, Martina 33, 239 Bellis, Mark A. 34 Bellos, Anna 184 Bellows, Ben 101 Benson, Peter 15 Bentley, Rebecca 382 Berat, Svetlana 71 Berber, Stojan 35 Betcha, Christopher Bhutta, Zulfiqar Bilić, Karmen 36 269 102 Bilve, Augustine Bishai, David 36 161 B-Lajoie, Marie-Renée Blanka, Ana 37 300 Blevins, Meridith 217, 297 Bodroža-Solarov, Marija Bojang, Ebrima 47 Bojanić, Novica 38 Bojanić, Vladmila Bokun, Jelena Boyd, Alan 268 39 Bonhoeffer, Jan Borowy, Iris 149 189 40 58 Božinović, Marija Trenkić Božinović, Nenad 72 Branca, Francesco 41 Breysse, Patrick N. 294 Brigden, Grania Brown, Joe 73 42 293 Brown, Marty Skemp Buchy, Philippe 120 282 Buckeridge, David L. 392 82 Budimirović, Dejan Buekens, Pierre Buha, Ivana 43, 44 285 300 Bukusi, Elizabeth 120 Buoro, Sabrina 45 Burke, Thomas A. 294 Burn, Samantha L. 46 Burnouf, Thierry Burr, Sarah E. 114 47 Bustreo, Flavia 251 Bweupe, Maximillian Byrnes, Joshua 55 48 C Caballero, Francisco Félix Cabrera, Lilia Z. 104 Caldwell, Amber 188 Calvete, Juan J. 114 Cao, Xiaoyuan 53 Caramani, Daniele 161 Carapetis, Jonathan 381 Carlo, Waldemar A. 285 Carmona, Mar 378 Carragher, Natacha 48 Carrera, Pricivel Melendez Caruso, Enzo 239 Cashwell, Amber Cates, Willard 50 247 Cavalcante, Solange Cekić, Snežana Cekić, Sonja 84 68 21, 372 Cervellin, Gianfranco 83 209 51 49 Chadha, Mandeep 282 Chan, Khin Nyein 118 Chan, Margaret 296 Chanda, Emmanuel 52 Chapman, Jeremy Charland, Katia 373 392 Chatterji, Somnath Chea, Manith Chea, Nora 209 180 282 Checkley, William Chen, Lucy 104 97 Chen, Tsung-Ming Chen, Yaolong 315 53 Cheng, Yvonne K.Y. 162 Chestnov, Oleg 54 Chi, Benjamin H. Chiew, May 55, 274 56 Chilopa, Batista 274 Chilton, Peter J. 46 Chirita, Roxana 10 Chirita, Vasile 10 Chittaganpitch, Malinee Chomba, Elwyn Chou, Yuko 282 285 12 Chowdhury, Sadia Ciobica, Alin 161 10 Clancy, Sarah J. 215 Clements, Archie C.A. Cobelens, Frank 84 Cochran, Susan D. Cohen, Craig R. Cohen, Robert 169 57 120 161 Colditz, Graham A. 15 84 Cole, Donald C. 58 Coomber, Kerri 376 Corbett, Elizabeth L. 176 Cordeiro-Santos, Marcelo 84 Correia, Faustino Gomes 130 Cortez, Rafael 161 Cortez-Escalante, Juan J. Corwin, Andrew 282 Costa, Alejandro 184 Coughlin, Richard Cowling, Krycia Cox, Nancy 188 59 60 Creswell, Jacob 61 Crippa, Alberto 45 Crofts, J. 218 62 Cros, Philipp du 42 Cvetić, Dragan 63, 64 Cvetković, Dragana 222 Cvetković, Predrag 154, 155 Č Čabarkapa, Velibor 149 Čanadanović, Vladimir Čaušević, Adlija Čepová, Jana 83 156 Čivčić, Miodrag Čuso, Deže 249 66, 67 Ć Ćirić, Milan 68 Ćojbašić, Irena 85 69 65 Ćulafić, Đorđe 70 Ćulafić, Jelena 149 Ćulafić-Vojinović, Violeta Ćurić, Aneta 70 71 D D'Andrea, Shawn 37 Da Rin, Giorgio 286 Dacombe, Russell 1 Daelmans, Bernadette Dajak, Marijana 162 393 Dambe, Isaias 1 Damjanović, Miodrag 14, 72 Damme, Wim Van 190 Damnjanović, Goran 73, 74 Damnjanović, Zoran 73, 74, 124 Dandalo, Leonard Dandona, Lalit 59 Dandona, Rakhi Danz, David 95 59 104 Daruši, Dragana 75 Davidović, Goran 72 Davis, Stephanie 56 Deen, Jacqueline 184 Dehne, Karl L. 295 Delić, Dragan 77 Delmonico, Francis L. Derbew, Miliard 297 Derman, Richard J. Desai, Rishi 378 286 6 Desiraju, Keshav 25 Despotović, Nebojša 363 86 Dewdney, John Dey, Aditi 17 56 Dimitrijević, Branka 78 Dimitrijević, Milana 79 Dimitrijević, Zorica 80 Ding, Chengyun 132 Dipalo, Mariella 51 Ditiu, Lucica 61 Djingarey, Mamoudou Harouna Dmitrašinović, Gordana Dobrin, Romeo 393 10 Dodoo, Alexander N. Dolan, Gayle P. 189 186 Domínguez-Gil, Beatriz Doorslaer, Eddy Van Doran, Christopher M. Dorsey, Grant Draycott, T. 378 360 48 392 62 Drescher, Jack 57 Duarte, Elisabeth C. Dubajić, Laslo 218 81, 82 Dudvarski-Ilić, Aleksandra Dujić, Tanja 173 31 83 Dunn, Alison 58 Durkin, Sarah J. 376 Durovni, Betina 84 Durski, Kara 36 Dworkin, Shari L. 22 Đ Đinđić, Boris Đinđić, Nataša 87 38, 73, 74, 85, 155, 240 85, Đikič, Davor 366 Đorđević, Aleksandra Catić Đorđević, Valentina 79 31, 86, 87 Đorđević, Vidojko 80 Đorđević, Vidosava 88 Đorđević, Vladimir V. 88 Đorđević-Radojković, Danijela Đošić-Markovska, Božidarka Đurđević, Ana 72 113 89 E Eggeling, Ferdinand Von Ekmekci, Ozlem Balci Eksi, Yunus Emre 157 El-Jardali, Fadi 215 Ellidag, Hamit Yasar Ercan, Şerif 95 93 94 Erceg, Predrag Eren, Esin 91, 92 188 Emch, Michael Ensor, Tim 26 90 El-Hadri, Latifa Elliott, Iain 142 363 91 Ergen, H. Arzu 90 Erickson, Craig 44 Erikstrup, Christian Esamai, Fabian 131 285 Escamilla, Veronica 95 Esparza-Aguilar, Marcelino Esposito, Sara Appassiti Eugster, Beatrice Evans, David B. 6 45 162 145 88 Evans, Lawrence Evans, Tim 157 251 F Falzon, Dennis 96 Fan, Victoria Y. 97 Faragher, Brian 1 Feng, Xing Lin 98 Feng, Zijian 371 Festin, Mario 11 Filipović, Karmela 99 Filipović, Novica 100 Filipović, Slavica Popović Finch, Aureliano P. Fisher, Jane 289 190 382 Fitzner, Julia 379 Fleischl, Juliet 36 Flores, Gabriela 360 for the Case-based Surveillance Evaluation Group for the Global Snakebite Initiative 379 114 for the Knowledge Translation Platform Evaluation study Team 215 Forgia, Gerard La Fouche, Tom Fox, Mary A 216 157 294 Francisco, Andres de 162 Franz-Vasdeki, Jennifer Freedman, Lynn P. Frost, Laura Fu, Qihua 89 101 161 391 Fuchs, Martina C. 217 Fukamachi, Naoko 4 162 Fukata, Satoshi 387 Fumić, Ksenija 102 Furuta, Michiko 384 G Ganatra, Bela 103 Gandhi, Gian 172 Garces, Ana 285 García-Moreno, Claudia 57 Gartland, Matthew G. Gascon, Joaquim 55 128 Gastañaduy, Paul A. Gausi, Francis 6 1 Gautam, Ghan Shyam Gawande, Atul A. 283 46 Gbedonou, Placide Ge, Junling 173 132 George, Christine Marie George, Jacob 278 Ghaffar, Abdul 105 Ghai, Megan B. 104 187 Gharzouzi, Eduardo N. Gherardi, Patrizia Giami, Alain 45 57 Giampaoli, Saverio Giavarina, Davide 281 286 Gidding, Heather F. Gifing, Ana 15 56 106, 107 Gilman, Robert H. 104 Gilmour, Stuart 283 Gimeno, David 76 Ginneken, Ewout van 276 90 Girevski, Vlatko 115 Glynn, Judith R. 176 Gobeljić, Strahinja 108 Goldenberg, Robert L. Golubović, Ivan 286 109 Golubović, Mlađan 74, 155 Golubović, Zoran 109 Gosselin, Richard A. 188 Goudar, Shivaprasad S. Gracia, Enrique 110 Grais, Rebecca F. 184 Graovac, Jelena Green, Cathy 285 130 93 Greenough, Gregg 37 Grépin, Karen A. 97 Grewal, Simrun 208 Grgić, Bojana 111 Groome, Michelle J. 112 Grozdanović, Dragutin Guebert, Jenilee 74 287 Guerrero, Ramiro 123 Gülmezoglu, Ahmet Metin 103 Guržanova-Durnev, Liljana 113 Gutiérrez, José María Gvozdenov, Maja 114 87 H Haddad, Slim 134 Hadži Vidaković, Miloš Hadži, Marija 115 Hadži-Lega, Marija Hajjou, Mustapha 91 183 157 202 Hambidge, K Michael Hamblion, Esther L. Hao, Lixin 286 116 174 Harding-Esch, Emma M. 47 Haro, Josep Maria 209 Harrison, Robert A. 114 Hart, John 47 Hayama, Hirohumi Heiden, David 117 118 Heiden, Matthew Heinmüller, Rolf 118 134 Hermosilla, Sabrina 159 Hernandez, Bernardo 271, 272 Herrera, Monica Varcher Herrman, Helen 382 Heywood, Anita E. 119 Hibberd, Patricia L. 286 Hill, David 376 Hill, Geraldine 96 Hilten, Menno Van 54 Hinić, Ljiljana Škorić Hinton, Rachael Hirth, Richard 249 162 378 Hof, Susan van den Hoffman, Irving 84 95 Holland, Martin J. 47 Hønge, Bo Langhoff Horie, Hiroshi 131 12 Horsburgh, C Robert Houben, Rein MGJ Hu, Wenbiao 128 42 176 169 Huang, Yanzhong 190 Huchko, Megan J. 120 92 Hughes, Karen 34 Hughes, Jennifer Hurt, Lisa 42 269 Husain, S Asra 121 Huzjak, Boris 24 Hyder, Adnan A. 122 I Igić, Marko 153, 160, 245 Ignjatović, Svetlana Ikeda, Nayu 123 Ilić, Katarina 300 Ilić, Nenad 70, 300, 393 124 Ilić, Slađana 125 Incekara, Kutiuhan Inić, Ivana 90 126 Inić, Momcilo Inić, Zorka 126 126 Inokuchi, Ryota 288 Ioannidis, John P.A. Ir, Por 140 360 Irić-Ćupić, Vera 72 Ismail, Norizah 282 Isman, Ferruh Kemal Ito, Kunihiko 180 Ivanović, Sunčica 129, 275 J Jacks, Susan Jackson, Yves Jacobs, Troy 93 26 162 128 162 Jafali, James 47 Jajić, Slađana 129 Jančić, Nina 38 Janić, Dragana 279 Janošević, Predrag 153 Jaramillo, Ernesto 96 Jedličková, Blanka 156 Jeng, Ya-Chung 315 Jequicene, Tito 217 Jeremić, Stevica 109 Jespersen, Sanne 131 Jeuland, Marc A. 293 Jevremović, Ivan 363 Jevtović-Stoimenov, Tatjana Jiang, Baoming Jiang, Bo 112 132 Jiang, Ying Jing, Tao 139 53 Jobe, Alan H. 286 Jocić, Maja 133 John, Joy St 54 Johnston, Heidi Bart Johri, Mira Jones, Lisa 168 116 34 Jones, Stephanie José, Eurico 103 134 Joncheere, Kees de Jones, Jane 88, 268 112 217 Joshua, Cynthia 36 Jovanoska, Sonja Jovanović, Dragana 29 135 Jovanović, Hadži Zoran Jovanović, Milan 136 73, 74, 124 94 Joyce, Catherine M. 229 Jr, Brooke R Johnson 103 K Kachaeva, Margarita Kachiza, Chifundo 34 1 Kadandale, Sowmya Kaddar, Miloud 137 Kadobera, Daniel Kagi, Naoki 145 269 138 Kaluba, Dynes 93 Kameda, Takashi 139 Kamya, Moses R. 392 Kansil, Melanie Q. 278 Kappagoda, Shanthi 140 Karaali, Zeynep Ermig Kati, Vuka 357 Kato, Nariko 141 Kato, Noriko 388, 389 Kaufmann, Roland Kaur, Simran Kazi, A.M. 142 297 143 Keenan, Jeremy D. Keo, Sokonth 118 180 Kheong, Chong Chee Khizniak, Tamara Khoja, S. 282 118 143 Khun, Kim Eam 180 Kićanović, Olga 317 Kickbusch, Ilona Kieny, Marie-Paule Kigozi, Ruth 95 90 392 144 105, 145, 158 Kim, Hoon 23 Kim, Rokho 139 King, Nicholas B. 369 Kiperova, Boriana 146 Kirkwood, Betty Kirton, John 269 287 Kismödi, Eszter 57 Kitsutani, Paul 282 Kiyohara, Yutaka 384 Kizilgul, Muhammed Klaassen, Kristel 26 313 Kljajević, Vanja 147 Knežević, Jovo 106, 107 Koch, Horst 148 Kocićs, Gordana 268 Kodkany, Bhalachandra Koen, Anthonet 286 112 Kolárová, Jitka 156 Kolarović, Jovanka 149 Kole, Alakes Kumar 150 Kole, Dalia Chanda 150 Kon, Predrag 151 Koraćević, Goran 155 Koskinen, Seppo 209 Koso-Thomas, Marion Kostić, Aleksandar 286 307 Kostić, Marko 152 Kostić, Milena 153, 160, 245 Kostić, Milica 245 Kostić, Tomislav Kotaška, Jan 154, 155 156 Kotaška, Karel Kouet, Pichenda 156 180 96 Kouvonen, Anne 76 Kovač, Mirjana 87 Kranzer, Katharina 176 Krebs, Nancy F. 286 Krech, Laura A. 157 Krech, Ruediger 158 Kruk, Margaret E. 159 Krunić, Nebojša 153, 160, 245 Kuch, Ulrich 114 Kucur, Mine 26 Kujawski, Stephanie Kulikov, Alexey 101 54 Kureya, Tendayi 93 Kuruvilla, Shyama 161 Kusanthan, Thankian 274 L Labović, Snežana Bajraktarović Lai, Shengjie 169 Laing, Richard 168 Lako, Richard L. 52 Lakshminarayanan, Rama Lal, Renu B. 282 Lalić, Katarina Lan, Yajia 249, 363 169 Lankford, Julie R. Lao, Terence T. 217 162 Larson, Elysia 159 Latham, Gary J. 44 Laursen, Alex Lund Lavis, John N. Law, Lai-Wa 97 215 162 131 286 24 Lazarević, Aleksandar M. Lazarević, Dušan 163 88 Lazarov, Sergej 187, 257, 316, 317 Lazić, Branka 164, 165, 166, 167 Leckenby, Nicola 34 Lee, Meng-Shiou 315 Lee, Meng-Shiunn 315 Legros, Dominique Leichtman, Alan 184 378 Lembalemba, Mwila K Namwinga T Chintu Leng, Henry 377 Leonardi, Matilde 209 Leopold, Christine 168 Leslie, Hannah H. 120 Leufkens, Hubert G.M. Leung, Tak-Yeung Levy, Jens Li, Li 274 118 394 174 Li, Zhongjie 169 Liang, Xiaofeng 174 Liechty, Edward A. Lilford, Richard J. Lin, Raymond 123 282 Lippi, Giuseppe Liu, Jizeng 286 46 Lim, Stephen S. Liu, Yali 168 162 Lewallen, Susan Li, Hui 55 45, 51, 286 169 53 Lončar, Zlatibor Lopez, Alan D. 170 271, 272 Lopez, Anna Lena Lopez-Acuna, Daniel 184 3 98 Lourenço, Cristina 84 Low, Constance 282 Lozano, Rafael 123 Lukić, Jasmina 171 Lukjanova, Tatyana V. Lukulay, Patrick 27 157 Luo, Huiming 174 Luquero, Francisco J. Lydon, Patrick 184 172, 173 LJ Ljujić, Mila 31 Ljušič, Gordana 29 M Ma, Bin 53 Ma, Chao 174 Ma, Jiaqi 169 Ma, Jing 174 Mabey, David C.W. 47 Macartney, Kristine K. 119 Maciel-de-Freitas, Rafael MacPherson, Peter Macut, Đuro 176 207 Macut, Jelica Bjekić Madhi, Shabir A. 207 112 Magarašević, Lidija Mahíllo, Beatriz Mahy, Lina 378 41 Mai, Le Quynh Maier, Claudia B. 99 177 282 295 175 Majkić-Singh, Nada 31, 179, 306 Maksimović, Nela 222 Malanda, Belma 191 Malenica, Maja 83 Maliqi, Blerta 162 Maloba, May 120 Mamun, Abdullah Al 282 Maningding, Ernest 118 Manojlović-Stojanoski, Milica Mantel-Teeuwisse, Aukje K. Manuela, Padurariu Mao, Tan Eang Marais, Adele Marc, Janja 181 168 10 180 57 83 Margetić, Sandra 182 Mariandyshev, Andrei 31 Markova, Ana Daneva 115, 183 Marković, Ivana Marmor, Meir 268 188 Marten, Robert 190 Martin, Nicolee 56 Martin, Stephen 184 Martinović, Aleksandar Martins, Nelson 17 Martinson, Francis 95 Masanja, Honorati 269 Mason, Elizabeth 162 Matesanz, Rafael 378 Mateus, Ana LP 186 Matić, Gordana 207 Matijević, Dušanka Matityahu, Amir Matsoso, Precious 126, 185 187 188 25 100 Matsumoto, Hiroko 180 Matysiak-Klose, Dorothea Maure, Christine G. 189 Maurer, Martha A. 121 Mayansyan, Albert 286 Mays, Nicholas 162 Mazumder, Sarmila 269 Mbaruku, Godfrey 101, 159 McClure, Elizabeth M. McGrady, Benn 285 321 McGrail, Matthew R. 229 McGready, John 294 McIlleron, Helen 42 McIntyre, Diane 273 McIntyre, Peter 56, 119 McKee, Martin 190 Medina, Candida 131 Meessen, Bruno 191 Menabde, Natela 3 Meneghello, Moira 286 Menezes, Alexandre 84 Meng, Q. 192 Mercurio, Bryan 193 Merianos, Angela 379 Mete, Rafet 359 Mhlanga, S. 62 Migliorini, Luigi 3 Mihailović, Dragan 14 Mihailović-Vučinić, Violeta Mihajlović, Nina Mihalic, Jana Mijač, Dragana Mikami, Haruka 101 319 300 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199 104 70 117 Mikkelsen, Lene 271, 272 Milanović, Snežana 200, 201 Milenković, Branislava Milenković, Tanja 31 85 Milenković, Vesko Miler, Sjekloća 202 203 Milić, Nataša 363 Milićević-Kalasić, Aleksandra Miličić, Branislava Miličić, Ljiljana Miller, Grant 365 204 216 Miller, William C. Milne, Sally 363 95 47 Milojković, Maja 268 Miloradović, Vladimir Milosavljević, Peđa Miloševic, Dragoslav P. Milošević, Verica 72 Milovanović, Branislav Milstien, Julie 205 137 Milutinović, Danijela Vojnović Milutinović, Dragana Minghui, Ren 206 25 Mingting, Chen 61 Mipando, Mwapatsa 297 Mirelman, Andrew J 208 Miret, Marta 209 Mirković, Duško 222 Mirosavljević, Sanja Mishra, Akhilesh 210 282 Missoni, Eduardo Mistry, Neeraj Mitić, Branka 207 190 50 80 102 Mitić, Gorana 211 Mitić, Nebojša R. 368 Mitnick, Carole D 42 Mitov, Vladimir 155 Miura, Hiroko 212 Mizumura, Junko 213 Mkony, Charles A 297 Mladenović, Srđan 311 Mladenović, Tanja 365 Mlinar, Barbara 83 Moat, Kaelan A. 215 Moen, Ann C. 282 Mohan, Sanjana Brahmawar Mohanan, Manoj 216 Moinuddin, Md 269 Mokdad, Ali H. 123 Molina, Joaquin Molla, Mitike 3, 218 269 Montgomery, Maggie A Moon, Sung-Sil 112 Moon, Troy D. 217 Moore, Janet 286 Morikawa, Mie 387 Moriki, Daisuke 12 Moriya, Shingo 212 Morozov, Igor V. 27 Mounts, Anthony 379 Movahed, Mehrnoosh Moyo, J. 62 Moyo, Wema 101 Mpunga, James Mrema, Sigilbert Muhe, Lulu 103 293 269 1 269 139 269 Mújica, Oscar J. 218 Mulenga, Saziso N. 55 Mundy, Catherine 1 Murray, Christopher J.L. Murray, John Murtaza, A. 123 162 143 Musa, Roberta 286 Musonda, Patrick 55 Mußbach, Franziska 142 Mustafa, Thahira Shireen Mwaba, Peter 41 274 Mwachaka, Philip M. 297 N Nagamoto, Hiroko 4 Naghavi, Mohsen 123 Nagorni, Aleksandar 73, 74, 357 Nagorni-Obradović, Ljudmila Nakamura, Munetou Nashiro, Kenji 219 Nastić, Olivera 220 Navas-Acien, Ana Ndebele, W. 12 294 62 Ndhlovu, Henry 1 Ndwiga, Charity 101 Nedin, Gorana Ranković Neira, Maria 31 202, 368 221 Neselioglu, Salim Nešić, Milkica 91 68 Nestorov, Jelena Neumann, Katrin J. 207 235 Nguyen-Van-Tam, Jonathan S 186 104 Niekerk, Nadia van 112 Nikolić, Aleksandar 246 Nikolić, Dragica Nikolić, Igor 253 320 Nikolić, Marina 207 Nikolić, Marina Đurović Nikolić, Svetlana Nilles, Eric 36 Noel, Luc 378 129, Nogareda, Francisco Norheim, Ole F. 36 236 Novaković, Ivana 222 Nuermberger, Eric Núñez, Jose R. 70 42 378 Nurković, Jasmin 223, 224, 225, 226 Nuttall, Isabelle 227 Nyang'wa, Bern-Thomas Nyasulu, Ishmael 42 1 O O'Brien, Lisa 228 O'Donnell, Owen 360 O'Leary, Michael 371 O'Sullivan, Belinda G. Obermeyer, Werner 54 Obradović, Vladimir 230, 231 Obure, Carol Dayo Odović, Jadranka Ogata, Yasuko Ogura, M. 105 229 295 232 213 233 Okada, Kosuke 180 Okuda, Hiroko 318 Okumura, Ryuichi 234 Okwo-Bele, Jean-Marie Olaya, Beatriz 172 209 Oliveira, Inés 131 Olsen, Sonja J. 282 Olusanya, Bolajoko O. 235 on behalf of the & Bissau HIV cohort study Group 131 on behalf of the Global Network Maternal Newborn Health Registry Study Investigators 286 on behalf of the Persistent Diarrhoea Research Group 269 on behalf of the Success Factors for Women's and Children's Health Study Groups 162 on behalf of the UK Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies IHR Project Group 116 on behalf of the World Health Organization Consultative Group on Equity and Universal Health Onozaki, Ikushi 180 Orçun, Asuman 94 Orgill, Jennifer 293 Oros, Ana Coverage 236 21 Osawa, Haruki 23 Ostanek, Barbara 83 Østergaard, Lars 131 Ota, Masaki 180 Otete, Harmony E. 186 Otim, Michael E. 17 Ottersen, Trygve 236 Ottomano, Cosimo Oungpasuk, Pat 45 327 Owoeye, Olasupo Ayodeji Ozawa, Sachiko Oznur, Meltem 238 208 359 106 P P.G, Archana 20 Pal, Shanthi N. 96 Pang, Mingfan 98 Pangesti, Krisna Nur Andriana Pantoja, Tomas 215 Paparella, Paolo 33, 239 Parashar, Umesh D. Park, Eun-Kee 6 139 Partridge, Jeffrey 282 Pasha, Omrana 286 Paspalj, Dalibor 363 Pasquale, Harriet Patel, Archana 52 285 Patel, Manish 6 Patel, Ronak 37 Pattamadilok, Sirima 282 Pavlović, Aleksandra 222 Pavlović, Dragan 311 Pavlović, Dragana 79 Pavlović, Dušica 268 Pavlović, Marko 240 Pavlović, Milan 27 Pavlović, Nevenka Pavlović, Sonja 313 Pekmezović, Tatjana 222 Penman, Andrew G. 278 Peou, Satha 180 Perea, William 184 Perišić, Milena 243 Perišić, Zoran 107 255 Pešić, Srđan 72, 154, 155 85 282 Pešić, Vesna 393 Petakov, Milan 70 Petrie, Dennis 244 Petrosyan, Varduhi Petrović, Branko 273 312 Petrović, Milica 153, 160, 245 Petrović, Nevena 246 Petrović, Slađana 30, 133 Petruney, Tricia 247 Phanouvong, Souly 157 Pheng, Sok Heng 180 Phillips, Patrick PJ 42 Phonekeo, Darouny Pillay, Yogan 282 61 Pittayawonganan, Chakrarat Plećaš, Bosiljka 393 Podvinec, Mihael 248 Poel, Ellen Van de 360 Pollock, Allyson M. 377 Popadić, Dušan 279 Popović, Dejana 393 Popović, Ljiljana 249, 368 Popović, Olga S. 250 Porwal, Mamta 278 Povilaitis, Robertas 34 Pratt, Beth Anne 162 Prepelita, Raluca 10 Presern, Carole 162, 251 Pribluda, Victor 157 Prnjavorac, Besim Pruner, Iva 169 83 87 Průša, Richard 156 Prvulović, Gordana 252 108 Pudule, Iveta 34 Puškaš, Nela 68 Q Qirjako, Gentiana Qiu, Enchao 34 132 Quigley, Paula 93 R R, Harshada 20 Radenković, Mirjana Radić, Smiljka 68 253 Radivojević, Dragan 254 Radivojević, Snežana 255 Radisavljević, Miša Radojević, Vesna 307 256 Radojković, Danijela Drašković Radojković, Dragica Radojković, Milan 87 74 Radosavljević, Aleksandar Radosavljević, Radoslav Radovanović, Zoran 257 258 Radosavljević, Tatjana Radović, Jelena 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265 85, 266, 267 38, 268 Radulović, Olivera 367 Raglio, Claudio FarinaAnnibale Rahimi, Asma 11 Rahman, Ahmed Ehsanur 269 Rahman, M Mizanur 9 Rahman, Mahmudur 282 Rahman, Md Mizanur 109 249 283 45 Rajasekhar, Megha Rajković, Nataša 47 249 Raković, Dejan 270 Raleva, Marija 34 Ramić, Zorica 279 Rampatige, Rasika Ramsey, Kate 271, 272 101 Ranjit, Nirju 297 Ranković, Jasmina 202, 368 Rantanen, Jorma 139 Rao, Krishna D. 273 Rasulić, Lukas 320 Rathod, Sujit D. Raza, Farrukh 274 269 Reed, Geoffrey M. 57 Remijo, Constantino D. Remme, Michelle Repić, Gordana 295 275 Rice, Thomas 276 Rich, Michael 42 Richardson, Vesta Ridde, Valéry 6 134 Rieck, Thorsten Riley, Ian 319 271, 272 Ristić, Lidija 30 Ristić, Miljko 277 Ristić, Nataša 181 Robotin, Monica C. 278 Robuschi, Fiorenza 51 Roca, Anna 52 47 Rodewald, Lance Rodić, Predrag 174 279 Rodriguez, Cristina 37 110 Rogić, Dunja 102 Rogulović, Predrag Roque, Vito 280 282 Rosenau, Pauline 276 Rose-Nussbaumer, Jennifer Ross, Lester 118 36 Ross-Degnan, Dennis Roth, Lukas 168 157 Røttingen, John-Arne Rovčanin, Branislav Roy, Rammohan Ruffini, Livia 105 222 150 51 S Saadat, Seemeen 162 Sachdeva, Kuldeep Singh Sack, David A. 184 Saha, Siddhartha 282 Sahota, Daljit S. 162 Sahu, Suvanand 61 Saint, Saly 180 Saito, Eiko 283 Saito, Keiko 284 Saito, Masaya 117 Salagay, Oleg 25 Saleem, Sarah 286 Salter, Mark 116 Saltman, Richard B 276 Salvagno, Gian Luca Samaan, Gina 51, 286 282 Sampurno, Ondri Dwi Samuels, T Alafia 111 61 287 282 Sanders, David 377 Sangrujee, Nalinee 228 Sapienza, David 123 Saraceni, Valeria 84 Saran, Gopi Setty 20 Saranchuk, Peter 118 Sarker, Intissar 162 Sato, Hajime 288 Saunders, James E. Savić, Zvezdan 235 289 Schmets, Gerard 145 Schmidt, Ashley 50 Schmitt, Sarah 137 Schwartländer, Bernhard Schweitzer, Julian 161 Scioscioli, Francesco Scollo, Michelle 51 376 Sekulović, Lidija Kandolf Semiz, Sabina 290, 291 83 Serban, Ionela Lacramioara Serbia, In 3 10 292 Setiawaty, Vivi 282 Settmacher, Utz 142 Seuc, Armando 11 Shaffer, Nathan 228 Shaheed, Ameer 293 Shakeshaft, Anthony Shand, Tim 22 Sheehan, Mary C. Shen, Gordon C. Shen, Xiping Shibuya, Kenji 48 294 97 53 283 Shrestha, Pradeep Krishna 283 112 Siapka, Mariana Sibanda, T. 295 62 Sidibé, Michel 296 Sikazwe, Izukanji 274 Sillah, Ansumana 47 Silva, Jarbas Barbosa da Silva, Zacarias José da Silvestri, David M. Sima, Laura 131 297 104 Simić, Milan 298 Simon, Greg 50 Simonović, Olivera 299 Simpson, Julie A. Singh, Kultar 376 216 Singh, Sandra 181, 249 Smrkolj, Luka 301 Sneden, Jennifer 120 Soares, Elizabeth 84 Sokolović, Dušan 73, 74, 85 Sosnitskaya, Svetlana V. Spasić, Zlatko 27 302 Spica, Vincenzo Romano Spittal, Matthew J. Squire, S Bertel 1 Stanback, John 247 Stanković, Ana 303, 304 305 Stanković, Jasna Trbojević Stanković, Marija 87 Stanković, Sanja 306 Stanojević, Dragana Stanojević, Goran Stefanović, Ivan 281 376 Stanimirov, Branislav 113 25, 218 232 154, 155 124 307 Stefanović, Milan 115, 183, Stefanović, Nikola 79 Steinbach, Eva Gabriele Stepanović, Nemanja 73 Stevanović, Kadivka Stević, Ruža 148 308 309 Stjepanović, Mihailo I. Stoiljković, Vojislav 300 311 Stojanov, Dragan 133, 307 Stojanović, Ivana 88 Stojanović, Miroslav Stojanović, Nevena 124 312 Stojanović, Svetlana 268 Stojiljković Petrović, Maja Stojiljković, Predrag 241 109 Stojković, Aleksandar 155 Stojković, Marija Mostarica Stošić, Ljubica 249 Stošić, Momčilo 314 Stringer, Elizabeth M Stringer, Jeffrey SA 274 55, 274 Sturm-Ramirez, Katharine Su, Qiru 282 174 Suarez, Pedro 1 Subin-Teodosijević, Sofija Sugamoto, Tetsuhiro Sultana, Papia Sun, Fang-Chun Sun, Jie 279 99 180 9 315 391 Suwankesawong, Wimon 96 114 Š Šalinger Martinović, Sonja Ševo, Goran 72 363 Škodrić-Trifunović, Vesna Škof, Branko 301 Štulić, Miloš 70 Šumarac, Zorica 300 179, 300 Šupić, Zorica Terzić 316, 317 T Tachinbana, Tomoko Takahashi, Ken 318 139 Takazawa, Midori 12 Takimoto, Hidemi 141 Takla, Anja 319 Tamaki, Yoh 212 Tamura, Kohei 12 Tanaka, Minori 4 Tandoc, Amado Tang, Kam Ki 282 244 Tantri, Anupama 50 Tasić, Danijela Tasić, Goran 366 320 Té, David da Silva Tediosi, Fabrizio 131 190 Temmerman, Marleen Terzic, Natasa 34 Tevi-Benissan, Carole Thiem, Vu Dinh Thow, Anne Marie 115 Tian, Jinhui 11, 103 53 173 282 321 Tieng, Sivanna 180 Tobiasz-Adamczyk, Beata Todorović, Lazar 209 154 Todorović, Milena 311 Todorović, Zoran Tojić, Predrag 322 323, 324, 325, 326 Tomanoski, Vasilije 327 Tomašević, Jasmina 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355 Tomašević, Miloje 72 Tomašević-Todorović, Snežana Tomić, Branko 87 Tong, Sengfah 22 Topcu, Birol 359 Topić, Elizabeta Touch, Sok 356 282 Trajanović, Ljiljana Trajman, Anete Tran, Nhan 88 84 105 Trenki, Marija 357 Trifunović, Danijela Tripković, Ilija Trnkić, Arija 363 358 307 Tsutsumi, Atsuro Tulubas, Feti Tun, NiNi 99 382 359 118 Tunçalp, Özge 103 Tupikin, Alexey E. 27 Turnbull, Eleanor 55 116 U Ueno, Kumiko 4 Ulukol, Betül 34 Unruh, Lynn Y. 276 Urbanek, Annett 142 Uribe, Edgar SánchezUsui, Yoshie 6 212 Uzunlulu, Mehmet 26 V Valkova, Silvia 168 Valle, Denise 175 Vandelaer, Jos 172 Varaine, Francis 42 Vasić, Bojan 361 Vasić, Jelena 70 Vasić, Milica 362 Vasović, Olga 249, 363 Vassall, Anna 295 Vázquez, Enrique 218 Vecino-Ortiz, Andres I. Velasquez, Daniel Veli, Dragana 122 112 367 Veličković, Dalibor 366 Veličković, Dragana 364, 365 Veljković, Andrej 268 Veljković, Milena 364 Venkatachalam, Pritha Vermund, Sten Vermund, Sten H. 117 162 297 217 Vieira, Elisabeth Meloni 57 Vila, Ana 129 Višnjić, Aleksandar 160 Vitošević, Biljana 202, 368 Vogler, Sabine 168 Vogli, Roberto De Voigt, Kristin 76 369 Vojinović, Jelena 268 Vojvodić, Katarina Vong, Sirenda 370 371 Vongphrachanh, Phengta Vučković, Dejan 149 Vučković, Nada 149 Vujanović, Milena 21, 372 Vujić, Tatjana Petrović Vujin, Maja 282 249 373, 374 Vukelić, Vesna 375 Vuković, Nada Suvajdžić 279 W Wagner, Anita K. Waiswa, Peter 168 269 Wakefield, Melanie A. Wang, Han 119 Wang, Huaqing 174 Wang, Huiling Wang, Jian 174 391 Wang, Liping Ward, Kim 169 377 Warrellf, David A. 114 Warren, Charlotte E. Watt, Nicola 376 101 190 Wejse, Christian 131 118 Wen, Chen-Fan Wen, Ning 315 174 Wester, C William 217 White, Sarah L. 378 Wichmann, Ole 319 Widdowson, Marc-Alain Williams, David J 282 114 Williams, Stephanie Wilson, Lucy C. 379 247 Wood, James 56 Woodward, Alistair 380 Worku, Alemayehu 269 Wright, Linda L. 286 Wyber, Rosemary 381 X Xie, Changchun Xu, K. 53 192 Xu, Yao 382 Y Yakubenko, Alexandra Yamada, Norio Yamagata, Z. 180 383 Yamashita, Yoshihisa Yamey, Gavin Yanagi, U. 22 53 Yang, Weizhong Yao, Cunshan Yao, Guoen 384 385 Yang, Kehu 119 118 169, 174 132 132 Yao, Liang 53 Yates, Robert 386 Yilmaz, Ibrahim 26 Yilmaz, Necat 91, 92 Yokoyama, Tetsuji 141, 388, 389 Yoneyama, Masatoshi Yong, L.I. 387 296 Yoshida, Honami 141, 388, 389 Yoshimoto, Teruko 213 Yoshiyama, Takashi 180 Youssouf, Brahim Oumar Yu, Hongjie 173 169 Yu, Wenzhou 174 Yu, Yongguo 391 Yücel, Nihal 94 Yusof, Mohd Apandi 282 Z Zaffran, Michel Zaidi, A.K. 173 143 Zaki, Tetsunori O. 390 Zangenberg, Mike 269 Zdravković, Snežana Ćirić Zegarac, Milan 126 Zellmer, Heike 148 Zhang, Honglong Zhang, Yan 169 174 Zhang, Yunyan 132 Zhou, Dinglun 169 Zhou, Wei 391 Zhuang, Likai Zinszer, Kate 154 391 392 120 Zipursky, Simona 173 Zisovska, Elizabeta 113 Zlatanović, Dragan 85 Zogović, Dušanka 393 Zong, Xin Nan 394 Zubanov, Živka 395 Zuber, Patrick L.F. Zühlke, Liesl 381 Zukić, Branka Zurn, Pascal 189 241 3 Zvekić- Svorcan, Jelena Ž Žarković, Milena Žikič, Olivera Živković, Milan 121 222 88 72 99