Summer 2012 corrected - National Samoyed Rescue


Summer 2012 corrected - National Samoyed Rescue
National Samoyed Rescue
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
Summer 2012
Volume 6, Issue 1
Looking Ahead To More
About Samoyed
By Jim Becklund
Samoyed rescue is about
picking up the pieces of
dogs that are forgotten,
abandoned, abused,
Rescue is complex as
each dog has special
needs from veterinary
care to socialization
Preparing Samoyeds for
adoption takes time and
money and more importantly intentional assessment, planning and training.
Rescue work gets best
results when rescue
teams work together with
common purpose, expectations and standards.
Working together means
our Samoyeds will get
the best possible support
and care.
Inside this issue:
Samoyeds Helped
Samoyeds Helped
Rescues at the
Featured Rescue: St.
Louis Samoyed Rescue
NSR Benefit: Reid
National Rescue
Parade 2010
Leash Holders: NSR
Fund Raiser
We are just starting in to the second decade of 2000. There are many things to
look forward to in the coming year, but
first I’d like to take a moment to thank all
of those of you in rescue who did such a
fine job of providing the care and hope
that have brought new lives to 131
Samoyeds in 2010. I know it hasn’t been
easy. Sometimes it’s been downright difficult, frustrating and saddening. Costs
have been up in rescue ($77,505.94
spent on care for rescues), donations
have been down and the volunteer base
has been harder than ever to maintain
and recruit, but you have all stuck in
there and provided a lot of smiling Sammie faces with a real reason to smile—a
new home. The yearend totals for Samoyeds in rescue are printed in a separate
article in this issue.
We have been working very hard to update our main website (http:// that links
with our affiliated rescues. Like other
Samoyed websites, the SCA and
SCARF in particular, we are striving to
serve Samoyeds and those people who
wish to learn about them and maybe in
the process put a rescue Samoyed in
their life. By adding more “about the
Samoyed” topics and a frequently asked
questions section we are hoping to make
the general public more aware of what
the Samoyed is all about, while at the
same time streamlining and making the
website easier to navigate.
This is so important for groups. I foresee
rescues communicating better and
quicker, videos about dogs in rescue and
rescue activities being sent out to those
who might be interested in adopting or
volunteering for rescue. I see nothing but
a win-win situation using Facebook to
We are in the midst of working on our
“Sussie Memorial Fundraiser.” Our knitters are finishing up items made out of
handspun Samoyed hair yarn. We have
amazing items like scarves, hats, a
shawl that is absolutely awesome and
many other items that will be going up for
sale later this year.
A new project we are starting and hopefully will continue each year—a Samoyed
Quilt. We have begun the process of
finding quilters and designers who might
be willing to supply their talents and efforts to bring to you, by next winter, a
quilt that can proudly grace your home.
More information coming to you as the
process progresses.
So that’s it for looking ahead to what will
be happening in rescue. In the meantime
I hope you all enjoy the stories and articles we humbly provide for you in this
By Del Goetz
Respect the elders
Teach the young
While on the internet, check out our
Cooperate with the pack
Facebook page at http://
Play when you can
Hunt when you must
samoyedrescue/. In the age of social
Rest in between
networking it has almost become a must,
Share your affections
11 even for groups, in letting people know
Voice your feelings
who you are and what you are about.
Leave your mark
National Samoyed Rescue
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
Samoyeds Helped By Rescue 2010
Totals from all affiliated rescues
Compiled by Jim Becklund
Central Florida Samoyed
Each year our rescues are asked to compile some of the totals of the Samoyeds they have worked long and hard to see that they have new families and
new lives. These are the totals for these Samoyeds and the rescues who work
so long and so hard to help them:
Samoyeds still in Rescue from 2009:
Males—21, Females—12 for a total of 33
Samoyeds that came under the care of rescue in 2010:
Males—85, Females—46 for a total of 131
Adoption Totals (Samoyeds successfully starting a new life): 107
Samoyeds who (unfortunately) passed away or euthanized while under
the care of rescue: 11
Here’s wishing them peace at the Rainbow Bridge.
Samoyeds who didn’t quite make it in what rescue thought was the right
home and returned: 4
Michigan Samoyed
Samoyeds who were either transferred to another rescue or were able to
go back to their original owner: 10
Throughout the year rescue works hard to provide the proper medical and
other care that makes it possible for rescue Samoyeds to have a great life.
Sometimes there are major medical procedures that cost a great deal, even
with compassionate veterinarians and animal hospitals. Other times it simply
has to do with using boarding kennels/training facilities/groomers to help them
along that road. In 2010 rescue spent a total of $77,505.94 to see that there
Sammies were on their way to that new life.
Deleware Valley Samoyed
[email protected]
Harnessed to Hope
Northern Breed Rescue
Minuteman Samoyed
New Mexico Samoyed
[email protected]
Northern California Sled
Northern Illinois Samoyed
Page 2
On the average rescue spent $591.65 for dogs in their system.
This total is a little misleading because some dogs required major medical attention or long term boarding/training that cost rescues hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Some dogs came in to rescue in relative good health and
easily adopted out after only needing an update of vaccinations or spay/neuter
and microchip implant. It seems that every rescue had at least one dog that
required an extra amount of medical care or training that cost much more than
the adoption fee.
Note: I am proud to be affiliated with a group of rescuers who devote a great
deal of their time and effort to seeing that Samoyeds, homeless, neglected
and in need, are able to find a new home, new life and renewed purpose in
their life.
Your expertise and knowledge is always greatly appreciated. We,
with the NSR Bulletin staff, are always looking for contributions to this
newsletter. Rescue articles are important to us but articles about the
breed and your thoughts are always welcome just send them to us.
Volume 6, Issue 1
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile At A Time
Samoyeds Helped By Rescue 2011
Totals from all 16 affiliated rescues
Compiled by Jim Becklund Samoyed Rescue Club of
Central Arizona
Number of Dogs in Rescue as of January 1, 2011:
Total-- 43 (Males 24/ Females 19)
Number of Dogs entering Rescue January 1 and December 31, 2011:
Total--112 (Males 68/ Females 44)
Total number of Samoyeds handled by Rescue in 2011:
Total-- 155
Number of Dogs gone to their forever homes in 2011:
Total-- 113
Number of Dogs who were returned to rescue in 2011:
Number of Dogs who passed away while in rescue in 2011:
Number of Dogs transferred to other rescues in 2011:
Total Expenses incurred by rescue for care of their dogs in 2011:
Average Cost per Dog: $417.18
The total of dogs entering rescue in 2011 looks to be about the same as in the
past two years. The average cost of care for these dogs has gone up slightly
over last year. The adoption fee for rescue runs from $150 to $300 each.
There are still 39 deserving Samoyeds in rescue who are looking for that new
"Isn't it cute!“ Check out the new rescue pin. Quantities are
limited so order up fast. Cost is $7 each to individuals and $3
each for rescue. Why not order some to sell to your members
or give as awards? Contact Sandy Phifer at
[email protected].
Page 3
Samoyed Rescue of
Southern California
San Francisco Samoyed
St. Louis Samoyed Rescue
Tarheel Samoyed
[email protected]
Western Canada Samoyed
Club Rescue
Wonderland Samoyed Safe
National Samoyed Rescue
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
NSR Staff
Rescues at the National
Jim Becklund
[email protected]
Recording Secretary:
Sandy Phifer
[email protected]
Marsha Hahn
[email protected]
Board Members:
Lori Chapek-Carleton
[email protected]
Tom Delaney
[email protected]
Rescue booth: (L to R) Danielle Buchheister, chair of rescue activities and booth, Mid-Atlantic Samoyed Rescue; Jackie Parchman
and Carolyn Herkstroeter, St. Louis Samoyed Rescue; and Harold
and Pat Bakken, Playing it Again Sams, Wisconsin.
Anne Gannon
[email protected]
Carol Kinne
[email protected]
Important Information
to keep on hand
Jackie Parchman
[email protected]
Bob Wackerman
[email protected]
NSR Bulletin Staff:
Jim Becklund
[email protected]
Joanne Skidmore
[email protected]
Bulletin Coordinator:
Jean Gilles
[email protected]
Page 4
Home Again (1-866-738-4324),
AKC Companion Animal Recovery (1-800-252-7894),
Avid (1-800-336-2843)
24PetWatch (1-866-957-2424)
Tattoo-a-Pet (1-800-TATTOOS), NY (718)646-8200),
National Dog Registry (800 NDR-DOGS),
I. D. Pet (1-800-243-9147, CT 203-327-3157), and Canadian
Kennel Club (416-675-5511) Breeder/Owner section as many
Canadian-born dogs are in the U.S.
Midwest Missing Pet Network:
Missing Pet Network:
Dog Detective Network:
Volume 6, Issue 1
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile At A Time
Rescues at the National
The Samoyed Club of America held its annual specialty the last week of October 2010 in Pigeon Forge,
Following are the brags for several of the rescue dogs
and owners who showed in various events at the Specialty.
The Samoyed Rescue booth was staffed and had
items to sell from NSR, Mid-Atlantic Samoyed Rescue
(represented by Danielle Buchheister), Michigan
Samoyed Rescue (represented by Lori ChapekCarleton), Playing It Again Sams from Wisconsin
(represented by Harold and Pat Bakken), Denver
Samoyed Rescue (represented by Thalia Peletis and
Pam Arnold), and St. Louis Samoyed Rescue
(represented by Carolyn Herkstroeter and Jackie
Parchman. Danielle was chairperson for the booth.
Since those of us who were there would not usually
have a chance to meet other rescue groups, we compared notes on how many dogs we had rescued in
the past year, costs for their care and in general what
procedures we use to keep our organizations running
efficiently. It was a special pleasure to get acquainted.
Sadie, CDX, owned by Pam Arnold, Denver
Samoyed Rescue, also in agility.
Margo, TT, CGC, TDI, owned by Carl Herkstoeter,
St. Louis, Rally Obedience Advanced, leg 1, third
place; Novice B Obedience, leg 1, third place.
Mindy, TT, CGC, TDI, owned by Carolyn Herkstroeter, St. Louis, Rally Novice, leg 2.
Sammy D, TT, CGC, TDI, owned by Carolyn
Herkstroeter, St. Louis. (Sammy D did not show
in obedience because he is afraid of men judges.)
Zombie,owned by Stan and Donna Niemann, St.
Louis, first place, novice weight pull, over 77 lb.
class. (Zombie’s house-mate, Spirit, took second
place in the novice weight pull in 2009 in a lower
weight class.)
Carl Herkstroeter
(St. Louis) and
rescue Margo,
who took third
place in both novice B Obedience
and Rally
Danielle had planned a rescue parade which was to
be held at noon on Friday and in which each dog
would have walked around a show ring with its owner
while its biography was being read. However, due to
time constraints, that was not possible, so Dani took
pictures of those who were still in attendance later in
the day, and gave each one a special bag of goodies
and a beautiful rosette.
Dogs who were registered to participate in the parade
were Samoyeds:
♥ Mindy and Sammy D, Carolyn Herkstroeter, St.
♥ Margo, Carl Herkstroeter, St. Louis
♥ Spirit, Jake, and Zombie, Stan and Donna Niemann, St. Louis
♥ Sammi Sue and Nancy Green, North Carolina,
♥ Rebel, a beautiful biscuit-coated boy, and Kathy
♥ Toro, a Samoyed/Finnish Lapphund mix, and
The Rescue Silent Auction was also held on Friday
closing at 5 p.m. just prior to the SCA auction banquet. There were many items for up for bidding, and I
think all the rescues that participated were pleased
with their earnings.
Page 5
Donna and Stan
Niemann (St.
Louis) with one
of their three
rescue dogs,
Zombie, who
won the novice
weight pull in his
weight class.
National Samoyed Rescue
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
Featured Rescue: St. Louis Samoyed Rescue (SLSR)
Mary C. Riggs
I believe that St. Louis Samoyed Rescue goes back
as far as the early 1980’s. At that time, as did many
rescue groups, it functioned without by-laws or a constitution and its only caveat was to “find the dogs a
loving forever home.” As the years went by, the organization grew, not so much in size, as in experience
and expertise. Now we have not only by-laws and
constitution, but adoption and foster contracts, release forms, home-check forms, vet records, and at
least a dozen other forms that allow us to run SLSR
efficiently and, we hope, effectively. Our fundraisers
have become more profitable as well: the Canine
Games with the Spirit of St. Louis Samoyed Club, gift
wrapping for bookstores at Christmas, a trivia night, a
show and go, participating in the rescue booth at most
Samoyed Club of America specialties, and smaller
events such as meet and greets and adoption days.
dog” ad, even consulting a ‘medium’ but to no avail
despite the offered reward. All the above was encouraged by this small group of white dog devotees
who were Samoyed Rescue--one of whom personally
guided me in the ways of finding lost dogs. Countless
tearful phone calls were listened to, gentled, guided
and comforted, and, after fruitless months of searching I began to face the reality that Suli was gone.
I personally became aware of St. Louis Samoyed
Rescue when I adopted Suli after the loss of my beloved 13-year-old female Samoyed, Cotton. Suli was
a household reject kept in the yard without access to
the home and the family. Only because the wife
adored him was he allowed inside--but only in the
kitchen—and that was much to the chagrin of the husband. Even contact with the kids was limited and finally the husband put his foot down, and Suli became
a “ward of the world” as it were. Luckily, I found that
world and within a short time traveled home with the 5
-year-old large male. Suli settled in quite nicely with
the already established one dog/one cat household.
When NSR asked for a blurb about our history, I did
some research of old files. I found typewritten notes
from the 1984 November 3 and December 4 meetings
of the St. Louis Samoyed and Siberian Rescue
Group. I began reading the history and was struck by
the familiarity and consistency of the group’s needs:
fundraising, foster homes, expansion of the membership/board to ensure existence and growth. Twentysix years later those same needs are high on our priority list with the added proviso that we attract
younger people to our group. I wonder if all small rescue groups are faced with the same concerns and if
there are answers we haven’t considered. One option
we hope to explore is joining with other small groups
to enhance our numbers and exposure. We’re on a
mission to host more fundraisers, to expand our membership and attract younger members to guarantee
that SLSR remains a viable part of the national picture.
All went along swimmingly until that fateful day in
March 2004 when the gate was left ajar for a tenminute window. I never saw him again. I spent days/
nights combing the neighborhood, putting up signs,
calling out his name, answering inquires to my “lost
At that point, I was asked to come to attend a meeting
of the St. Louis Samoyed Rescue group, and of
course I attended if for no other reason than to meet
my “benefactor” who had offered unstinting support
and guidance thru my travail. Within a very short time
I was attending meetings regularly and became a
member, then a Board Member, then Secretary and
ultimately to today’s position of President.
New Book Featuring Dogs from St. Louis Samoyed Rescue
(SLSR) and Northern California Sled Dogs (NorSled)!
Special news to announce, essays written by 3 SLSR members, Susan Wheeler, Carolyn
Herkstroeter, and Suzanne Devaney have been selected for publication in a new book titled,
“Lost Souls: Found! Inspiring Stories About Northern-Breed Dogs.” Happy Tails Books
shares part of the proceeds from their publications with animal rescue groups. Order your
copy through June 15, and either SLSR or NorSled will receive a double donation from the
publisher! (Mention one or the other on the order screen for the credit to be applied.)
Page 6
Volume 6, Issue 1
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile At A Time
Annie Reid Prints Benefit NSR
Annie has graciously donated her wonderful prints "The Cherished
Samoyed", "The Affectionate Samoyed", and "The Complete Samoyed" to
be sold with all the proceeds going to rescue. You not only get a wonderful
print, but you will also help a Samoyed in need. Each print is $65.
Congratulations to Annie! "The Complete Samoyed" won first prize at the
Art Show at the Samoyed Club of America 2007 National Specialty!
Credit card accepted, email first
Questions? Concerns? Please e-mail:
[email protected]
Or telephone: 860-668-7637
Shipping: usually within 3 weeks of receipt of your order,
Thank you for your order and for supporting National Samoyed Rescue.
Clockwise: Cherished Samoyed; The Affectionate Samoyed; The Complete Samoyed.
“The Welcoming Samoyed”
This newest Annie Reid print took first place at
this year’s National Specialty (Professional Division).
Congratulations to Annie and thank you for donating the proceeds to rescue.
Page 7
National Samoyed Rescue
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
2010 National Rescue Parade
Thank you for visiting our National Rescue NOT Parade. I hope you enjoy the bio's and pictures of the rescue
dogs and the wonderful people who adopted them who travelled so many miles to participate in an event that
never happened due to a very slow judge and general “bs”. I also want to extend a special thank you to those
who donated to the gift package. Those folks are listed below.
Special Thanks To:
Ron and Kathy Manor
Diane Dings
Denver Samoyed Rescue
MidAtlantic Samoyed Rescue
Helen Smith
Buckeye Samoyed Rescue
Toro is 11 years old and came from MASR and Buckeye Samoyed Rescue
Toro's story: Toro is a Finnish lapphund/Samoyed mix. He was rescued by
MASR who saved him from a collector. MASR sent him to Marietta Riley at
Buckeye Samoyed Rescue who then allowed me to adopt him. He came a long
way to be with me and I will forever be grateful to anyone who helped make that
happen! He has the most gentle heart and soul of any dog I've ever owned. One
of my favorite stories about Toro is the day I actually got him. Marietta brought
him and Kalli over to the house (Kalli was a full blooded Samoyed rescue who
was only with us 2 short years before she went to the Rainbow Bridge at the age
of 12). Both Toro and Kalli were checking their new home out and he had disappeared into another room, all of a sudden he came running down the hallway
with a new roll of toilet paper in his mouth, tail wagging, beautiful smile on his
face, ever so happy as if to say "hey mom, look what I found". My heart just
melted, he was so adorable and it was just proof of his sweet, funny and happy
Rebel is 9½ years old and came from Georgia Samoyed Rescue
Rebel's Story: Now an elder statesman, Rebel Beauregard the biscuitcoated Samoyed makes his third appearance at the Samoyed National
Specialty in 2010. This Christmas, Rebel will celebrate his 10th birthday.
Now, with a CGC and RN behind his name, this Rebel continues to work
towards his Rally Advanced and herding titles. However, with a major transition in his pack structure last year, Rebel showed his Mom, Kathy the
meaning of unconditional love. Standing by her side as they started a new
life together and continue to work towards overcoming Kathy's health obstacles, Rebel has proven himself to be a pillar of furry strength. It is hard
to believe that as a young puppy, Rebel was given away because "he
barked too much and the neighbors complained". This pup was sent to an all-breed rescue originally where
no one came to see him for four months. Now, the world has taken notice of Rebel, with his Sammy Smile,
his love to work for his people, food and of course, his facebook updates. While he may not have a multitude of titles behind his name or achieved all he could have in life, it is in his job as companion where he
truly shines. For that, Kathy feels blessed to know that she has been not just owned by a Samoyed, but by
Rebel Beauregard, the biscuit-coated Samoyed.
Page 8
National Samoyed Rescue
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
2010 National Rescue Parade
Sammy D is 7 years old and came from St. Louis Samoyed Rescue
Sammy D's story:
Sammy D was picked up as a stray, placed through Samoyed Rescue with
an elderly couple who had recently lost their Samoyed. Because Sammy D
seemed to be a quiet, gentle, wise dog, and because this couple had
Samoyeds before, SLSR deemed Sammy D the right dog for them, especially because Mr. Davis was in depression after loosing Sammy Davis Jr
the 3rd; his doctor recommended he get another dog--Sammy Davis Jr the
4th. After 6 months, Mr. Davis, age 90, had a stroke and went into a nursing home. We received a call on a cold January day that Mrs. Davis had
fallen; the paramedics had left Sammy in the back yard and that Rescue should go get him. We brought him
home to foster but sadly, Mr. Davis died and Mrs. Davis had to go into assisted living. We had recently lost
our beloved Sunny and although we did not feel ready for another dog, when Sammy D needed us, we found
that we needed him. We have had Sammy D 2 1/2 years. He brings us much joy, as he brought happiness to
Mr. Davis, and he still gets to visit Mrs. Davis.
Mindy is 7 years old and came from a shelter in Springfield, IL
Mindy's story: Mindy is the second dog we brought home to foster, 6 months after Sammy D came to us, 3
months after we lost Thumper at age 15. JUST TO FOSTER! because Carl was looking for a young female.
When Carl found the girl he was looking for I asked "what should we do with Mindy?" “Oh, we've had 3 dogs
before. We'll adopt her too!" Mindy is sweet and silly at times, gentle and tolerant of that bratty Margo, very
much a house-dog who wants to be near us, a therapy dog, drill team participant and going for a rally novice
title. She likes to steal food from counter tops, pounce at the kitty, and will nearly stand on her head for treats.
Mindy captured our hearts and we have never regretted our decision to keep her.
Margo is 3 years old and came from St. Louis Samoyed Rescue
Margo's Story: Margo came to us 2 years ago just prior to the Samoyed Nationals in Topeka. She was very
matted and had to be shaved. As part of the rescue booth team Margo was very popular, everybody wanted
to see our naked Sammy. Since then her coat as grown back and she turned out to be a very handsome
Sammy. Since living with Carl & Carolyn and her best friends Sammy D and Mindy, Margo has earned 4 titles: CGC, TDI, TT & RN.
Letters To The Editors:
We value our readers insights. If, you would like
to email a letter to us feel free to do so by
emailing us at [email protected] for
publication in the next issue. Do to space constraints, please, keep your comments brief
(maximum 100 words) and please sign your letter.
Unsigned letters will not be published.
Page 9
Want to highlight your rescue group? All
you have to do is answer a few questions
and send in a photo or two. For details,
email Joanne at
[email protected]
Note: this is a new email address
National Samoyed Rescue
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
2010 National Rescue Parade
SPIRIT, JAKE, & ZOMBIE with Donna and Stan
Zombie is 5 years old and came from St. Louis Samoyed Rescue
Zombie's Story: We picked Zombie up from St. Louis Samoyed Rescue last
November 1. He originally came to them from Memphis and had mainly been
an outside dog. Because of this he really doesn't like enclosed spaces. As
soon as a door is open, he has to go through it. But the worst example is from
last March when he dug out from under the backyard fence. It took us 90 minutes to get him back but we finally did! He also loves to chew paper. And he
jumped onto the bed with a 5 lb. dumbbell in his mouth like he had found a
new chew toy. We also suspect him of eating a candle. I don't have enough
space to list all of his adventures. Suffice it to say, he really has calmed =own
a lot since we got him. His favorite movie--Marley and Me. Update: Zombie
won his weight class at the nationals in novice weight pull.
Spirit is 6 years old and came from St. Louis Samoyed Rescue
Spirit's Story: Spirit is 6 years old. We picked her up from St. Louis Samoyed Rescue in September of 2005. She was
only 13 months old, so she was in the middle of teething and proceeded to chew everything she could get hold of. Especially wood. Stan started calling her a little termite. She enjoys lure coursing at the Canine Games each Fall and has actually caught the lure twice. Spirit has her Temperament Test title. Her favorite movie is Scooby Doo--Monsters
Jake is 12 years old and came from St. Louis Samoyed Rescue
Jake's Story: Jake is 12 years old. We picked him up from St. Louis Samoyed Rescue 7 years ago on Valentine's Day.
He stole our hearts when we sat on the couch of the lady who had been fostering him and he walked right over and put
his head in our laps. It was like he was saying, "I'm coming with you." Jake has received his Temperament Test title, Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog Certification. His favorite movie is Snow Dogs.
Sammi is 7 years old and came from Tarheel Samoyed Club Rescue
Sammi's Story: Sammi was whelped May 18, 2003 at Q D Kennel in Frankfort, Missouri. On
July 15, not quite two months old, Sammi was transferred to a transporter and trucked for seven
days ending in a Pet Land store in Florence, Kentucky. For three months that store cage was
her home. Sammi was five months old when she was finally purchased and taken to a home in
Florida. By January 2004, she was hospitalized with a back injury from a kick. Her first birthday
found Sammi in the sand hills area of North Carolina. Sammi's owner contacted Tarheel Samoyed Club Rescue saying Sammi was in terrible pain and the owner could not afford vet care.
Thankfully, Sammi was signed over to rescue and transported to our Conover, NC home for
foster care. She was a small girl, too thin and with a flat dull coat, but happy and full of bounce.
Sammi decided this was her forever home. She has taught more than 20 fosters the rules and
restored their spirits while they wait for forever homes like hers. So many fosters came named
Sammy that she is now known as Sammi Sue. She earned the nickname "Sassy" and fills my
heart with smiles every day. Now we are part of that miracle of giving fosters a second chance.
One of these is extra special! Thanks to St. Louis Samoyed Rescue and Tarheel Samoyed Club Rescue, we went to
MO. and got Sammi's mother Ginger IV, who was finally surrendered by the puppy miller in MO. Each year we are
blessed to open our yard and home to former fosters and friends in rescue. The tradition has become known as Sammi
Sue's Southern Yard Pawty. How sad there are many puppies starting on the same sad journey Sammi survived. What a
wonderful spirit Samoyeds have! And what wonderful people love and care for these unfortunate ones through rescue!
Bless you all.
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National Samoyed Rescue
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
Page 11
National Samoyed Rescue, Inc
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
National Samoyed Rescue, Inc.
3279 Hitching Post Road—#52
Dewitt, MI 48820
Phone: 517-669-3020
E-mail: [email protected]
Mission Statement The mission of National Samoyed Rescue is to provide resources, support and guidance to
assist rescuers, regional breed club, breeders and fanciers in order to promote the humane and effective rescue of
Samoyeds in need.
Central Florida Samoyed Rescue, Inc.
Delaware Valley Samoyed Rescue
Harnessed to Hope Northern Breed Rescue
Michigan Samoyed Rescue
Minuteman Samoyed Club Rescue
New Mexico Samoyed Rescue
Northern California Sled Dog Rescue
Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance, Inc.
Samoyed Rescue Club of Central Arizona Rescue
Samoyed Rescue of Southern California
San Francisco Samoyed Rescue
St. Louis Samoyed Rescue
Tarheel Samoyed Rescue
Western Canada Samoyed Club Rescue
Wonderland Samoyed Safe Haven
Come see what National Samoyed Rescue is really all about. Visit us through our website at: You are invited to chat with us on our Forums (open to the entire Samoyed Community), and get to know your regional NSR Affiliated Rescues:
If for any reason you want to contact the National Samoyed Rescue Board you may do so by email to:
[email protected].
If you know of a Samoyed in need contact [email protected]. A staff of corresponding secretaries working
on a two month rotation will transfer your concerns to the closest affiliated Rescue.
Remember that each and everyone of us are volunteering our “free” time to help the Samoyeds
so please bear with us. We will get back to you as soon as we are able.
Printing services donated by:
Allegra Print & Imaging - 510 East Northwest Highway - Palatine, Illinois 60074
Phone: (847) 963-0000 - Fax: (847) 963-0001 - E-Mail: [email protected]