1 - Listings
1 - Listings
LONGPOINTER l DEDICATION Throughout our high school years our class has united together and have grown to be the unique individuals we are today. We may be small in quantity, but we have feverishly managed to conquer quality. We are much obliged to have had positive support and constant guidance from the following people who have had significant impacts on each and every one of us. Mr. Paul Seeley has helped us, not only inside the classroom but also with many of our extracurricular activities such as all of the musicals, our Senior Class play, our two fish fries, college preparation, and, of course, this stupendous year book. We may not remember all the English lessons, but we will certainly not forget all the funny jokes he told to lighten up our days. Thanks for everything, Mr. Seeley. Mr. Michael Rathgeber did the most gracious thing of all for our class took us in as advisor-less drifters and set a mold for our junior and senior years- and although he did this with much reluctance, we will forever be thankful to him. Thanks, Mr. Rathgeber, for having faith in us and believing that we could pull together as role models for the entire school and successfully accomplish all our goals. 2 The Russells have opened the doors to their home as well as their hearts. The y have fed us, taxied us, donated money, time, supplies, space, and energy. The Prom, Round-up, Walk-a-thon, "coolbean" jars, raffles, fish fry, soda machine, and just putting up with our procrastinating teenage habits dominated their lives these past few years. Boundless thanks to the Russells! Nancy Silva, a very special person, always seemed to pop out of nowhere whenever she was needed. Sheput her creativity, spirit and soul into her every endeavor, and it showed! Many of the pictures in this year book were made possible by Mrs. Silva who even got her jeans wet to capture us at our best. She has inspired and motivated us to be original and free in life as well as with our decorations. Her kindness bears no comparison, and for that, we thank her from the bottoms of our hearts. 3 EDITORS Denise Russell, Dawn Henrique, Scott Martin, Brian RozzeUe, Samantha Weber BUSINESS MANAGERS Chico Vicente and Tony Dias From day one, each of our lives has been like a book filledwith chapter upon chapter of years, events and struggles. It is through these "chapters"that we have laughed, cried, and grown together in order to reach our "epilogue"With the help of this edition of the LONGPOINTER, we hope to capture our childhood and school years, our "chapter,"so that when we reach our adult years, our "epilogue,"we may always be able to relive our past with the simple turn of a page. Dawn, Denise, samantha, Brian, and Scot 4 SENIORS ROBERTBORGESI "ROB" Ambition: To enjoywhatever life has in store for me Pet Peeve: Boredom, pretenders Quotation: "Donot take life too seriously; you will never get out of it alive." Scholastic Letter: Computer Programming;ScholasticCertificates: Spanishu, Biology Ll, AlegebraILl, EnglishILl, Physical ScienceII Ll, Chemistry Ll, u.s. History Ll; Honor Roll 9, 10, 11; Boston College Book Award; Boston University Book Award; American HighSchoolMathematics Exam Top Scorer for P.H.S.10, 11; Class Treasurer 1 1, 12; National Honor society 10, Treasurer 11, Vice-President 12; Band 9, 10, 1 1, 12; Basketball 9, 10, 11, 12; Basketball coach's A ward 11;Prom committee; Fish Fry; Freshmen Reception; Round-up 11, 12; Walka-thon ELIZABETH MARYCOLE "BOOLIZ" Ambition: To be very happy, to have a good career, to have a farniJy and a lovinghusband Pet Peeve: Complainers Quotation: "Thebest and most beautiful thingscan't be seen or touched, they must be felt with the heart." Mt. Blue HighSchool:Honor Roll 9; Field Hockey 9, 10;Track and Field 9, 10; Band 9, 1o. 1996 varsity Baseball Manager; Fish Fry; Freshmen Reception Committee; Prom Committee; Internship; Photography; Senior Play 6 PETER JAMESTHOMAS COOK "PETE" Ambition: To have a successful career inmusic Pet Peeve: Hypocrites, styrofoam, country music Quotation: "Weare the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams cpmputerExpert Apprentice Award; Band 9, 10, 11, 12; Basketball 9, 10; Fish Fry;Freshmen Reception; Prom; Round-up 1 1, 12; Walk-a-thon; Grease; 1997 Musical ANTONIO CADILHA DIAS "TONYY Ambition: To take every opportunity that comes inlife Pet Peeve: Pretenders, liars, wanna be's, people who never fin. ish what they start Quotation: "Don't"wait for somethingto open up inlife, take one step ahead and open somethingup for yourself." soccer 9, 1o, 11, captain 12; C&I Classic 11; Basketball II, 12; Baseball 10, 11, 12; Fish Fry; Prom Committee;Freshmen Reception; Round-up 1 I, 12; Walk-a-thon; Music Man; Guys and Dolls; Oklahoma!; Hello, Dolly!; Grease; 1997 Musical 7 ERIK FREEMAN "FREEMAN" Ambition: To live happily with the one 1 love Pet Peeve: Hittingthe cross bar, spiders, fake friends Quotation: "Livelife while you can, younever know when you will die" Spccer 9, 10, 11, 12;C&1Ciassic 11, 12;1ceHockey9, 10,11, 12; C&l All-Star II, 12; C&l Classic 9, 10, II, 12; Baseball9, 10;Fish Fry;Freshmen Reception; Prom JAIMA SNOWGIAQUINTO "J" Ambition: T*C*O*B Pet Peeve: Ignorance Quotation: "Itell you, aU men are created equal but behind the triggerit's a different sequel . .. It is an epidemic and you won't fmd a cure, upper class, you could be rich, middle class, you could be poor, only the righteous won't feel insecure." 8 GABRIEL OLSEN HENNING "GABE" Ambition: Jamaica for now Pet Peeve: The strangeattraction of dirt to white clothes, s.o, cape Cod winters, tax, Provincetown all together Quotation: "weall pick herbsin fields of live" Honor Roll 1 1 DAWN HENRI QUE Ambition: To live in a world where people aren't controlled by religion, race, or politics Pet Peeve: The feeling of being alone, death Quotation: "Friendssing your song when you forget the words." ScholasticLetter:Englishm LI; ScholasticCertificate: Computer Programming.A pplications; Perfect Attendence9; Class Vice-Vice President 9; Field Hockey 9, I 0,captain I I, 12; C&I Classic II, 12; Basketball Cheering 9; Ice Hockey Cheering 9; 1994Cheering Competition; Ice Hockey Manager 10; Boys Basketball VideographerI I, 12; Softball9, 10;LONGPOINTER Editor; Fish Fry; Prom committee; Freshmen Reception committee; Round-up I 1, 12; Waik-a-thon; Music Man Crew; senior Play 9 LUKE ANTHONY JACKETT Ambition: To simply live my lifetime how 1 want to, because 1 only have one Pet Peeve: People without a sense of humor and losing Quotation: "Toachieve your dreams, focus optimistically on the light at the end of the tunnel, not on the darkness around you." Class Treasurer 9; soccer 9, 10,Captain11, 12; C&l All-Star11, 12; C&l Classic 11,12; Basketball9, captain 10, II, 12; C&l All-StarI 0,11, 12; cape COd Times All-s2nd Team 11,, 1st Team 12; The cape COdder's All-Star 1st Team 11, 12; C&l Classic 1o, 11 , 12; Baseball 1 1 , 12; Fish Fry;Freshmen Reception; Round-up 11, 12; Prom Committee; Music Man, Guys and Dolls; Oklahoma; Hello Dolly; Grease; 1997 Musical; senior Play JOSEL. LOMBA JR. "JOE" Ambition: To have as much fun as 1 can and to be rich and famous Pet Peeve: Rangers,not havinga place to partynosy people, losing Quotation: "Havefun while you can because it always comes to an end" Soccer9 , 10,captain 11,12; All-StarI 0,1I, 12; C&l Classic 10, I I, 12; Basketball9, 10, 11,12; C&l Classic 12; Baseball9, a0, I 1, 12; All-Star 11, 12; C&l Classic I I , I 2; Class President 9; Round-up 1 1, 12; Music Man; Guys and Dolls; Oklahoma; Grease; 1997 Musical; senior Play 10 scottMARTIN "DOUG" Ambition: To do the best at whatever 1 do and to be able to look at my life later and smile Pet Peeve: People who think they are so much better than others Quotations: "Hewho laughslast obviously did not get it." soccer 9, 10, 1 1, 12; Basketball 9, 10, 1 1 , 12; Baseball9, 10, 11, 12; Band 9, 10; Fish Fry; Prom committee; Freshmen Reception; LONGPOINTEREditor; Walkathon; Roundup 11;M usic Man; Guys and DoUs; Oklahoma; HelloDolly!;Grease; 1997 Musical; senior Play PATRICK F. MULLINS "PATIOFURNITURE" Pet Peeve: People who underestimate me Quotation: "iT'LLbe cool, 1 SWEAR." Alternative Student of the Year 94-95,95-96 11 REBECCA LEIGH O'TOOLE "BECK" Ambition: To be happy forever Pet Peeve: sadness, saying goodbye, liars Quotation: "There'snothingto fear but fear itself!; Scholastic Letter: EarthScience9; soccer captain 1 1, 12; AllStarII; C&IClassic II, 12; Ice Hockey 10, II, 12; Class Secretary 9; Fish Fry; Walk-a-thon; Round-up 1 1, 12; Music Man; senior Play BRIAN D. ROZZELLE "BINGO" Ambition: To be successful in the field of culinary arts Pet Peeve: People who beginto ten you somethingthen say "nevermind" Quotation: "Thosepeople who ten you not to take chances. They are au missing out on what life's about." HughO'Brian Youth Leadership; BasketbaU I I ; Baseball10,I I, 12; C&IClassic 11, 12; Class Vice-President 10; Fish Fry; Prom Committee; Freshmen Reception; LONGPOINTER Editor; Walk-a-thon; Round-up; Music Man; Guys and oons; Oklahoma!; Heno, oonyt; Grease; 1997 Musical; senior Play 12 DENISELYNNE RUSSELL Ambition: To become President of the UnitedStates Pet Peeve: cheating Quotation: "Little deeds of kindness, little words of love, help to make earth happy like the heaven above." Scholastic Letters: Algebra u Ll, Biology LI, Government Ll, French 1, u, III,English1 Ll, Physical Science u Ll, Chemistry LI, u.s. History LI; Scholastic Certificates: AP English 10, 11, Algebra 1 Ll, Chorus, Band, Advanced Math Ll; HighHonor RoD 9, 10, II; Perfect Attendance 10;Voice of Democracy 11, 12, 3rd Place I 0;The cape Codder Academic All-Star 9, 10, 1 1; Harvard Book Award; Wheaton conege Book Award; Wellesley Book Award; Smith Book Award; Bausch & Lomb Science A ward; Xerox Award; Class President 10, 11, 12; Student Council Secretary9; National Honor Society 10, 11, President 12; Chorus 9, 10, 11, 12; Band 9, 10, 11, 12; Southeastern Music Festival Chorus 9, I I , Recommended to All-State I I ; All cape & Islands Music Festival 9, 1o, 1 1; Lions All-State Band 9; National YouthLeadership Conference 1o; Field Hockey 9, 1o, II; BasketbaU 9, captain 10, II, 12; Coach's Award 10, II; C&l Classic 10, 11,12; SoftbaU 9, 10, 11,captain 12; SoftballBunting Champion 10;C&I Classic 9, 10,1 1, 12; Principal's Advisory Council 11, 12; P.H.S. Handbook Committee II; Fish Fry; Freshmen Reception Committee; Prom Committee; LONGPOINTER Editor; Round-up 1 1, 12; Walk-a-thon; Sr.Play Lights 1o, 11; Music Man; Guys and DoUs; Oklahoma!; Hello,Dolly!; Grease: 1997 Musical; senior Play ALLEN SAWYER Ambition: To be happy and to be good at what I do Pet Peeve: Waking up, people with big egos Quotation: ''The only thing I regret about my past Ufe is the length of it. If 1 had my past Ufe to do over again,I'd make aU the same mistakesonly sooner." Student councll9; Peer Mediation 9; BasketbaU 1 1, 12; Fish Fry; Round-up 11, 12; Prom; Freshmen Reception 13 ERIN KATHLEEN THOMAS Ambition: To one day appear on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Pet Peeve: Empty pockets and hypocrites Quotation: "PENSare most dangerous tools, more sharp by odds than swords, and cut more keen than whips or RODS." Honor roll 9, 1o, 1 1; Holy Cross Book Award; Hollins College Writing Program; Class Secretary 11, 12; student Council II, 12; StudentAdvisory Council II; P.H.S.Foghorn Business Manager 1 I; School SiteCouncil I I, 12; Peer Mediation 9; Fish Fry; Walk-a-thon; Round-up I I, 12; Prom Committee; Grease; 1997 Musical; SeniorPlay FRANCISCOA. VICENTE JR. "CHICO" Ambition: To succeed in life, to become an "enlightened culinarian" Pet Peeve: Boredom Quotation: "Whatdoesn't kill, cures." Scholastic Letters: SpanishI, 11, III:Honor Roll 9; Perfect Attendance 10; Class Treasruer I 0; StudentCouncil I I; Soccer9, 10, 1 1, 12; Basketball 10;I ce Hockey 12; LONGPOINTER Business Manager; Freshmen Reception; Fish Fry; Round-up 1 1, 12; Peer Mediation 9; P.H.S.Foghorn 9, 12; Music Man; Guys and Dolls; Oklahoma!; Grease; 1997 Musical; SeniorPlay 14 ADAM WACHOLDER Ambition: To find xanadu and live there Pet Peeve: Gale force winds Quotation: "Everythingis relative." Honor Roll 9, 10; Student Council 10; National Honor Society 1o; Ice Hockey 1o; Freshmen Reception; Fish Fry SAMANTHA JEAN WEBER "WEBS" Ambition: To be happy Pet Peeve: Everything Quotation: "Theearth we abuse and the living we kill will, in the end, take their revenge; for in exploiting their presence we are diminishing our future." Scholastic Certificates: computer Programming Applications, French I; Honor roll 10; Cornell Book Award; Tennis 9, 10,11, 12; Class Vice-President 1 1, 12; Student Council 9, I 0; SchoolSiteCouncil 11; Principal's Advisory Council 11 , 12; LONG POINTER Editor; Fish Fry; Freshmen Reception Committee; Round-up 1 1, I 2; Prom Committee; Drama 9, 10; Environmental Symposium Presenter 11, 12; Peer Mediation 9, 1o, I 1; Team Harmony 1 1; Guys and Dolls; Oklahoma!; Hello, Dolly!; SeniorPlay 15 JAMIE RICHARD WHITE "WHITEY" Ambition: To some day have my own successful electrical business and to always have fun Pet Peeve: Misused authority, waiting, bad refs Quotation: "ihave no yesterdays, time took them away; tomorrow may not b e, but 1 still have today." soccer 10, 11, 12; Ice Hockey 9, 10,Captain 11 , 12; C&l All-StarClassic 1 1; Baseball 12; Fish Fry; Round-up 1 1, 12; Prom; SeniorPlay 16 co L F AF S I s c E R Denise Russell, President; Robert Borgesi, Treasurer s 17 Erin 18 Jamie scott Jaima Robert Erik Gabe 19 20 , \, 22 . ~ "' ' ~· l .. l 23 24 27 29 30 32 33 35 36 37 39 l 40 41 Provincetown High School junior Class PRESENTS May 11, 1996 Saturday 8:00p.m. - 11:00 p.m. ""Through The Years" junior Prom 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 l t t I r r 51 52 53 55 57 Devil in Disguise 58 Pretty Boy The Day after the Night Before 59 Uh ... Iforgot How To Read J-DOOO 60 Bonjour Monsieur Hey Baby Aren't we Adorable Saywhat7 61 Whoa, Nice! 62 Guess Who? PUSH !!! 63 65 classof 1998 Mr. Edward Boxer, Class Advisor; Carrie Dundas-Lucca, Secretary; Aline Rodrigues, President; Kri: ta Wheeler, Vice President; Amy Tetreault, Treasurer; Mr. Paul Seeley, Class Advisor 66 Row I: Abby Morris, Jennifer Anthony, Allison Freller, Carrie Dundas-Lucca, Allison Boxer, Cheryl Meads, Halcyone Hurst Row 2: Erik Hamnquist, Fernando Fiuza, Joe Goshen, Jared Colley, Travis Costa, ScottMenangas Row I: Heather Morris, Phoebe Prada, Krista Wheeler, Mackenzie Silva,Tracy Peters, Melissa Pereira, Aline Rodrigues Row 2: Amy Tetreault, Mark Lisbon, Mike Turner, Roland Santos 67 CLASSOF 1999 Lisa Colley, Class Advisor; Lisa Kiefer, Class Advisor; Lorean Lomba, Vice President; SaraNunes Treasurer; SeannaReis, Secretary; StrefanAllen, President 68 Row 1: Elizabeth Peres, Manuela Passos, Brett Caton, Elizabeth costa, Melissa Santos,Jessica Cooke, Melissa A'Hearn Row 2: Daniel Andresen, Larry Clark, Joe Cole, Jerome Cheatham, Mike Cook, Row 3: Lorean Lomba, SaraNunes, StefanAllen, Melanie Holland Row 1: Christine Vanagre, Seanna Reis, Gui Yingling, John Tetreault, Sarah Shehab, Carmen Thomas; Row 2: Tuan Nguyen, Crystal Russell, Bonnie Wacholder, Mandy Robinson, Alissa Santos, Marie Souza;Row 3: Justin White, Alden SilvaErik Yingling, Barbara Russell 69 CLASSOF2000 Anne Jonas, Class Advisor; Jennifer Borgesi, Treasurer; Rochelle zawaduk, Secretary; Nathaniel Mayo, President; Tony Dundas-Lucca, Vice President 70 r r Row I: Rebecca Blome, Anna Henning, Eben Earnest, Chris LaBree, Asa Cabral, Todd Hnis, Ryen Bridge, Jessica A'Hearn Row 2: Jennifer Borgesi, Megan Bowen, Tony Dundas-Lucca, Lucas Colburn, Robert Dutra, Marco Barros, Francis Davis, Kyle Jackett l f Row I: Chris Russell, Christina Macara, Cid Rodrigues, Justin Smith, April Schmidt, Nathaniel Mayo, Rochelle zawaduk, Danielle Cardinal, Lucas Lambrou, Brian Hopkins; Row 2: Amanda Parris, Alison Bennett, Rachael Michael, Lacey Vail, Jessica Pazolt, Jonah Swain, Bruno Ribas, Emmett Lynn 7I CLASSOF 2001 Row I : Amanda Carreiro, SophiaHill, Amy Dinger, Melissa Costa, Dustin Burch, Melissa Arsenault Row 2: Misty Johnson, Andrea Lavenets, Morgan Clark, Amy Menangas, Der ek Pannoni, Travis Machado, Wayne Perry Row 1: James Souza,Laura SilvaAriel Tasha, Jeanne Welsh, Elizabeth Santos, Kylie SilvaRow 2: Richard Studley, Bequita watkis, Ian Kain-Amato, Arthur Reis, Bryan Williams, Ryan Peters 72 CLASSOF 2002 Row I: David A'Hearn, SarahCreech, Stephanie Johnson, Gimel Mateus, Phoebe Butler Row 2: Jarod Grosso, Patrick Harrington, casey Chmielecki, Stephanie DaRosa, Tara cooke Row 1: Peter Morris, Mike Pierce, Anthony Thomas, Ashley Vasques, Leah Miller Row 2: Brandon Motta , Joshua Ribeiro, Tasha Weber, Jessica Soares,Ashley zawaduk, Rishana Scoullar 73 ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL Jason Ribeiro, Anne Suggs,Gabe Henning, Jaima Giaquinto, Melissa A'Hearn, Jessica A'Hearn, Alicia Thomas, Jessica Cooke, Jamie Freeman, Joshua Richardson, Larry Mahan Amy Kandall, Larry Mahan, Anne Suggs 74 SUPERINTENDENT PRINCIPAL Dr. SusanFleming Dear Members of the Class of 1997, 1 How can time pass so quickly? We met in your 8th grade, and it is now five years later. It has been wonderful to see each of you mature and become young adults who convey a sense of pride and respect for yourselves, each other and our school. You have truly come together as a class which can so easily be seen as you join together in the learning center for lunch. Because of our intimacy as a school community, you will be remembered for who you are individually and for the suc cesses and contributions you hav e made as a class. There is no doubt that we have all shared joys and struggles through the years you have beenat PHSand learned from both. however, it is the good times and contributions that are remembered in our hearts and minds. Do keep . in touch and let us know about your milestones and accomplishments. Know that we are all here, cheering for you. If the situation presents itself and you need assistance, don't hesitate to contact us. (If you need a friend, we'll be there!" Yourclass has moved the school forward. Youwill be missed and we will be proud of you as PHSalumni. Work hard, play hard, but most importantly, treasure those who touch your life and become a part of your heart. You have touched our lives and have become a part of our hearts. Thank you! With fondness, Dr. Fleming Pa tric ia sawyer Princ ipal's Secreta ry Pam Med eiro Guidance Secre tary A lma w e lsh Adminis trati ve Assis tant Gwen Pratt A dminis tra tive Secre ta ry 75 Edward Boxer Dean of Curriculum Gail Holland Guidance Michael Rathgeber Assistant to the Principal Margaret Phillips English Gloria Burhoe English Jessica Waugh Reading SusanA vellar Spanish Ksenija Powers French Peter Codinha Mathematics Lee Ciliberto Mathematics Rose Abbott Mathematics 76 Paul Seeley English James Brizzi social Studies Ann Jonas SocialStudies Russell Pratt Biology/Science Eric Beck Science Robert Studley Chemistry/PhysicS/ Computer Amy Rokicki Learning Center Jonathan Roberts Learning Center Eleanora Irving Special Needs Lisa Fox Lisa Kiefer Business David Reinhardt Athletic Director Matthew Abbott Industrial Arts Art 77 Linda Squire vocal Music Brenda Caton Instrumental Music Lisa Colley SPED Teacher Assist. Dianna Morton SPED Teacher Assist. Arthur Reis Physical Education Angela Norton Adjustment Counselor NoelleSmith SPED Teacher Assist. Steve Garron SPED Teacher Assist. Peg Sheehan SPED Teacher Assist. Sallie Tighe Special Needs Secretary Megan Fates School Psychologist Rose Arsenault Special Needs 78 Linda Hayden Kitchen Staff Maria daLomba Kitchen Staff Brenda Costa Kitchen Staff Betty White Food ServiceDirector Ed Machado Custodian Robert Stone Custodian Mike Smith Custodian StanleySmith Custodian Arthur Reis Sr. Custodian Nikki Nunes SchoolNurse 79 PHSFOGHORN Row 1: Daniel Andresen, Robert Borgesi, Chico Vicente, Ring Nason Row 2: Mr. Jonathan Roberts, Advisor: Bonnie Was holder, Linsey SmithJerome Cheatham, Melanie Holland, Joe Cole, Brian Rozzelle BAND Row 1: Bryan Williams, Robert Borgesi, Denise Russell, Peter Cook, Mackenzie SilvaAmy Tetreault, Manuela Passos, B Caton Row 2: Travis Machado, Phoebe Butler Row 3: Gimel Mateus, Ashley vasque, Andrea Lavenets, Bequita Watkis, K: Silva,Christina Macara, Lacey Vail, Brenda Caton 80 HIGH SCHOOLCHORUS Row 1: Allison Freller, Tracy Peters, Halcyone Hurst, Denise Russell, Cheryl Meads, Mackenzie Silva,Manue la Passos, Christina Macara Row 2: Crystal Russell, Aline Rodrigues, Roland Santos, Melissa A'Hearn, Linda Squire, Rochelle Zawaduk, Mandy Robinson, Carrie Dundas-Lucca, April Schmidt,Barbara Russell, Jennifer Borgesi JUNIOR HIGH CHORUS Row 1: Jessica Soares,Gimel Mateus, Richard Studley, Travis Machado, Ashley Vasques, Phoebe Butler, Misty Johnson, AmandaCarreiro, Kylie SilvaStephanie Johnson, casey Chmielecki Row 2: Leah Miller,Melissa Arsenault, Melissa costa , Amy Dinger, Linda SquireElena Rilleau,Jeanne Welsh, Elizabeth Santos,Rishana Scoullar, Stephanie DaRosa 81 NATIONAL HONORSOCIETY Row 1: Carrie Dundas-Lucca, Allison Freller, Denise Russell, Mackenzie SilvaRow 2: Robert Bor gesi, Allison Boxer, Aline Rodrigues, Amy Tetrealt, Roland Santos STUDENT COUNCIL Row 1: Tracy Peters, Erin Thomas Row 2: Edward Silvia, John Tetreault, Roland Santos 82 F I E L D H O c K E y s O F T B A L L B A s K E T B A B A s E B A L L L L SOCCER TENNIS ICE HOCKEY SPORTS PHSFISHERMEN 83 GIRLSSOCCER Row 1: Phoebe Prada, Allison Boxer, Mackenzie Silva,Rebecca O'Toole Row 2: Kylie SilvaAriel Tasha, Manuela Passos, Christina Macara Row 3: Marie Souza, Elizabeth Perez, Alison Bennett, Sophia Hill Row 4: Lorean Lomba, Amy Menanges, April Schimdt, Melanie Holland, Megan Bowen BOYSsoccer Row 1: Joe Lomba, Luke Jackett, Stefan Allen, Scott Martin Row 2: Brandon Motta, Tony dUNDASLucca, Nathaniel Mayo, Chico vICENTE, Jamie White Row 3: Richard Studley, Todd Hnis, Justin White, Jared Colley, Peter Morris Row 4: Tony Dias, Scott Menangas 84 FIELD HOCKEY Row 1: Krista Wheeler, Dawn1 Henrique, Cheryl Meads Row 2: Halcyone Hurst, Aline Rodrigues, Melissa Pereira, Allison Freller Row 3: Amanda Carreiro, Morgan Clark, Barbara Russell, SaraNunes ICE HOCKEY Row 1: CoachNoelle Smith, Justin White, Michael Burrell, Jamie White, Lucas Colburn, Tony Dundas-Lucca Row 2: Rebecca O'Yoole,Michael Pierce, Joshua Ribeiro, Robert Dutra, Chico Vicente, Travis Costa Row 3: Chris Labree, Brian Hopkins, Emmett Lynn, Lucas Lambrou, Todd Hnis Row 4: Stefan Allen, Nathaniel Mayo, ScottMartin, Ryan Peters, Travis Machado 85 GIRLS VARSITY BASKETBALL Row 1: Cheryl Meads, Allison Freller, Denise Russell, Phoebe Prada, Krista Wheeler Row 2: Lorean Lomba, Alissa Santos, SaraNunes, Barbara Russell GIRLSjvBASKETBALL Row 1: Jennifer Borgesi, Rebecca Blome Row 2: Amy Menanges, Ariel Tasha, Kylie Silva Row 3: Bonnie Wacholder, Crystal Russell, Mandy Robinson 86 BOYSVARSITYBASKETBALL Row 1: Tony Dias, Luke Jackett, Scott Menangas, Scott Martin Row 2: Fernando Fiuza, Robert Bor gesi, Joe Lomba, Jared Colley, Michael Turner BOYSJVBASKETBALL Row 1: Justin Smith, Joe Cole, Larry Clark Row 2: Peter Morris, Ian Amato, Gui Yingling, Bruno Ribas Row 3: Erik Hamnquist, Jerome Cheatham 87 BOYSJR. HIGH BASKETBALL Row 1: Richard Studley, Brian Williams, Wayne Perry Row 2: Peter Morris, Brandon Motta, Jarod Grosso, Dustin Burch Row 3: Patrick Harrington, fan Amato GIRLS JR. HIGH BASKETBALL Row 1: Andrea Lavenets, Amanda Carreiro, Morgan Clark, Sophia Hill, Jeanne Welsh Row 2: Tasha Weber, Jessica Soares, Misty Johnson, Elizabeth Santos, Elena Rilleau Row 3: Rishana Scoullar, Stephanie Johnson, Bequita Watkis 88 BASEBALL Row 1: Ian Amato, Joe Lomba, Luke Jackett, Scott Menangas, Scott Martin, Michael Turner Row 2: Brandon Motta, Tony Dundas-Lucca, Tony Dias, Travis Costa, Brian Rozzelle, Larry Clark Row 3: Richard Studley, Ryan Peters, Jared Colley, Peter Morris, Fernando Fiuza, Justin Smith Row 4:Lucas Colburn, Robert Dutra, Emmett Lynn, Joe Cole, Lucas Lambrou, Cid Rodrigues, Jerome Cheatham SOFTBALL Row 1: Denise Russell, Krista Wheeler, Lorean Lomba, Cheryl Meads, Allison Freller Row 2: Amanda Carreiro, Brett Caton, Manuela Passos, Carrie Dundas-Lucca, SaraNunes, Jennifer Borgesi Row 3: Alissa Santos, Abby Morris, Ariel Tasha, Kylie Silva, Lacy Vail, Bequita Watkis Row 4: Christina Macara, Alison Bennett, Amy Menangas, Sophia Hill, Elena Rilleau, Elizabeth Santos, Morgan Clark, Rochelle zawaduk 89 GIRLSTENNIS Row 1: SamanthaWeber, Jeanne Welsh, Mrs. Powers (coach) Row 2: Misty Johnson, Andrea Lavenets, Tasha Weber. Row 3: Melissa Pereira, Mackenzie Silva BOYSTENNIS Row 1: StefanAllen, Michael Burell, Nathaniel Mayo Row 2: Brian Hopkins, Justin White, Travis Machado Row 3: Daniel Andresen, Gui Yingling 90 CHEERLEADERS Row 1: Amanda Parris, Mackenzie Silva, Carrie Dundas-Lucca, Anna Henning, April Schmidt Row 2: Rochelle Zawaduk, Elizabeth Costa, Allison Boxer, Seanna Reis, Aline Rodrigues SENIORLETTERMEN Row 1: Tony Dias, Luke Jackett, Denise Russell, ScottMartin Row 2: Robert Borgesi, Joe Lomba, Rebecca O'Toole, Dawn Henrique Row 3: Brian Rozzelle, Chico Vicente, Samantha Weber 91 DRAMA Phillip ...................... Luke Jackett Chaz Looney ........... Chico Vicente Brent Peynolds ............ Joe Lomba Candy Apples ........ Dawn Henrique Sol Weisenheimer ...... Brian Rozzell Dick Shalit ................. Scott Martin Victoria Le Pewe ..... Denise Russell Mona Monet ........ Rebecca O'Toole Constance Crawford .... ErinThomas Alabama Miller ..... Samantha Weber Row 1: Denise Russell. Mr. James Brizzi Row 2: Brian Rozzelle, Luke Jackett, Rebecca O'Toole Production Credits Director .................................................. James Brizzi Tech. Director/Stage Manager ....................... Paul Seeley Production Assistant ................................. Nancy Silva, Jessica Waugh, Bob Studley, Robert Borgesi, Ed Boxer Set Design .............................................. James Brizzi Nancy Silva, Ed Boxer Set Dressing .. .............................. Nancy Silva, Ed Boxer Costumes ................................................ Nancy Silva Light Board ......................................... Halcyone Hurst Follow Spot ........................................... Allison Boxer Publicity .............................................. Jessica Waugh Denise Russell, Heidi Dyer Sound/Special Effects ................................ Paul Seeley, James Brizzi Make-up, Wigs, Hairstyles .......................... Nancy Silva, Jo Johnson, James Brizzi Stage Crew ............... .. ....... ...... Robert Borgesi, Liz Cole 92 THANKS TO: The staff of Provincetown High School, Top Mast Motel and Restaurant, Shank Painter Printing Company, the Advocate, the Banner, the Cape Codder, Ernie Cooper and WOMOR, Ace Hardware/Conwell Lumber Co., Lands End Marine, Kim Rilleau, Family Kloset of Plymouth, Manny Santos, Joan Russell, Dennis Fonte, Gail Enos, Matt Abbott, Mark and Eleanora Irving/Atlanic Spice Co., an . . . all the other wonderful people who have contributed to this production. 93 94 95 I Most unreliable Allen Sawyer Most Reliable Denise and Robert Class Big Shots Joe and Dawn Most Talkative Reb ecca Best Looking Elizabeth and Luke ••·-t...~. ~J ~ Most Punctual Peter Cook Con Artist Erin Thomas 97 Best Buddies Jaima and Luke Best Buddies Best Smiles Tony and Elizabeth Most Likely To Succeed Denise and Robert Prettiest Eyes Luke and Elizabeth Class Demolition Team Scott,samantha, Chico, Jamie, Luke, Denise, Robert, Peter, Brian 98 Biggest Appetites Scottand Rebecca Loudest and Erin Most Dramatic Joe and Rebecca Cry Babies Samantha and Joe First To Marry Allen and Dawn First To Divorce Rebecca and Joe Typical Townie Peter Cook Class Gossips Jamie and Rebecca 99 Favorite Underclassmen Cheryl and Scott Shyest Allen and Elizabeth Dawn and Joe Most Accident Prone Rebecca and Scott Class Grouches Dawn and Joe 100 Teachers'Pets Erin and Adam 101 102 104 105 Onceu on A Time • • •• 1) An "unfortunategirl"desperate to make money "only s 1oo an hour"she claimed. 2) Then a boy, unfortunate too-low on money and love "99.22, $99.78, yes, s 100." 4) This "othergirl"was fun, easy-going, and free. 3) Itwas love so she thought until ... "Theother girl" came around - such a cutie! 6) "unfortunate girl" discovered this triangle. Her heart was crushed, her temper raging. 106 7) In the end, the boy found his true companion , started a family and lived happily ever after. 8) The girls never talked to one another again and went their separate ways. 9) Onea clown 10The other, w ell ... "only$25 an hour." 107 ~ I 108 109 110 Ill .... J, 112 113 114 115 BRIAN REBECCA Thank God it's over.LJ Down with the deuce. Bout 5 a ha l f . JL Thanks for the exp erin eel cv Youstillsmell of po tatoest RBway to k eep up du ring Prom. "stupidworthless no good .. . " lvacadi va SM Nar ghh ptthpt fuut thanks fort h e trash . Drop D ead ruled!!! ROyour pathetic. Me mbe r the NR!PC Always rem ember the q ood times! AE thanks for bei ng there. cough choke cough smooth. KC Love you Babe!! NCR BWRThanks A Lot Brost D ad + Floran Thank for every thing. Mom Thanks! 1 Love Ya We re out '97 I Love you all! DHDRl e ts go play the garnet DHFL.DHDRBFFLifesuppo n s The Prom was g reat JW I 'll a lways love ya and 1 promise no more c r y ing a t panics! LC That tic kles DHDRSharky DRthe ribbon s LJ R U MADD? All stupid pranks DHDRSat night was great hullo George I Hullo CVStop driving like an idiot Hafting JWDHJLLJit was so great DHJG Sat Sun Mon Ohno!SeniorPiay all the way DRIIIvote in 2020Good Luc k! Mom and the family Thanks and I love you always ERIN TONY cv Passa a bola , AS The Wall JW Bone, DH Math Class; RBThanks, KW Good Luck Sis, AFJuli et 4 When the parade passels by. KM 1 got a room MW Peas to fina lly Grapes, POBathroom wall b een the re done that , AK The floor, CH Oneof the girls, I Love YouTanya! WYMM? Cl ass of97 GOODLUCK! OH,AB,AF,HH,MS,LJ ,CV ,SM ,· The Musica ls!! Mom,dadThanks 4 all the H e lp. Youha ve given m e love Tony Good-bye PHS! Thanks for everything. "Alas!How swift the mome nts fly! How fl ash the year s along! Scarce h er e, yet gone already by, the burden of a song."Thank you for the m emories: DR- Thanks for allthe rides sw- The only ones left fro m TC5-Unlock the door! CS--theAlt. Progra m, PPPPia, Knuc klecrac k e r, B est Cou s ins PM- The Prom & Chi ef's Limo! "DropDead"was the greatest Mom,Oad,Ant ,Mike ,Josh ,Nana, Kylie,& the rest-I Love You! PETER jamie Class of 9 7 its been fun but it's time to move on. sm,dr,roProm was a blast cv,sm,jwDriving balls cv drive bys they Pa itFiico SM-a ka Dug-Corn+ Kidney s tone LJ,EF,TD4 best LJ-d.a bud d .a. CV,ASh ad fun during lunc h LJ, CVDrive safe l y AHThanx for h ea lth h e lp CVThanx for h e lping w ith EV 1 Love YouEmily!!! Mom ,Dad,Justin,Evan,Mallory and everybody e l se who has h elpe d Thanx and I Love you all. Cl assof97; 10-4Dave Out 118 .~ ,' . I . ,, . ~.. . ;JU , . : / ' 0 i :. .. Mom Dad Mike, Thanks for ever ything Carmen I Love You! BRAE The Tribe!CTMGMOC 86 Hulez H alloween BRRBSWProm RBKeepinupt JW good times B ack in the day JWJREFGot m e s tan ed,thanks tAE trip to MV Norm? youguysave sofaraway BR in NJ 0 2days is Kevin d ead ? JC Woodrow couldn't escape! JCJMROchillinatJoesuseatubet AEBRthe tribekilledsomany zsso m an ygoodtimeshadinthepasryea rsandsoman y intheyearstocimet hanksfor them emories LaterPHS itstimetomoveonCiassof97good luck/Rem emberlt'sAiwayS4:201 DAWN LUKE I don't no if I'll miss you Class of 97! Doubt but I'll miss the fun times! RO- best buddies life support FL rods Herring Cove Espanol LJ JL_ stupid pranks-get asense of humor! ROJGSatSunMon Bad News! JGJLLJROMt.Monadnock Moose dumps JL hunting for moose White water rafting LJ cv the ghost HHCMMPAFTPMBKW Field Hockey was great! We kicked butt!JWdolphins bite RODRin my room! Drop Dead! DR Yougot my vote! Sharky Thanks to my family! Every 1 Stayin touch!Love u Eric That's it! SMJLJC:Summer of 95= I gotta get drunk! Vodka at MP's!Sorry about the rug CV-Guns+SAThe Cheezball!U+ JW Drive Safely JW-DA Bud DA BR-Bout 5 a half GH-Saints .. . Dug-Thanx for auto work Plhh JC-May 23, '96 sucked! PDJLSM JC-Schooner's Party (Weasel) Hold on ... JR is robbing the house! JLJC_ShaIa Ia lo and The Big 0 ... India I luv U! PD-Cruisin up Cape in '94 EF Just come straight man! JL-Certain situationS/2 much more to remember/1 Luv UMom Dad and family! Good bye PHS CHICO Thanks Pal, cou ldn't done it without you . 97 Rulz, ASJG Wave hop'n,KT I luv you sist Learn to park,LJ GunstGocart in wemetary,Dunk a hoop,SA23 Drive safely,JW Drive balz + Drive by shots,5mphin late fishbox,AS&LJ Nite skooi,AS Golfing drunk, Trench dip,JW& ASPond divingDrive-in, Look fellows 8-pak,ROMovies w/ RR&DR,KT The sun is gone, JW The wall+ BushGardins!Bye fishbox, KSTwisted, White H20 Rafting-BooDrop Dead Play was best, AS&JG Look out for those trees, moron Thanks Dad SAMANTHA Goodbye PHS!!1997is the bes t. CR,VN,LC,ED,SD I'm finall y out of here. SD,mybest fr iend, Thanks for the times-Ne ver 4gotten. ED,SD the man o n the hood. CR parties at th e house. DR the coolest oft he beans. DH,JL,BR that nigh t was fun. BR We have some g ood memories. PC,RB,BR Prom night. ET TCSI want to be in the gang, pis RN. Midwest rules! TW,SC my little foil owers. Tasha, PHSis yoursno w.ILuvU Mom, Dad, Brandi Tha nk you so much, I Love You. And thats all Ihave to say! ERJK Thanks to my Elizabeth & to all the rest that supported me!ECu R the only 1 1need!Soall the rest can goto #%@*! EC all the times at your house & mine, hint hint, SkiTrip & Prom Night! EC,BW,CR & Mr. WKSGetting loaded! LJ watch out for the swamp! ML can I steal this! CR MSI never puke MR is getting u a towel! MR&JF on the sand! EC the woods! Mom,Biii,Danielle & family Thanx 4 everything. Elizabeth costa I love you and I Always will my love. DENISE 97 = CoolBeans!akleast its ov er HHCMKWiadsy PPbbal-Ugo! RN wcoastall thewayL Crelative? SrPlayYeshGrease-telmeabout it. LJMadd? SWtres interesant talks! ETrides, blkbox, AP,CV-5 MPH.chats,notes = fun!DH+ ROdid any lteluguysduh? SharkyMovics w/ A+ Cslpovr·HaHa"Whoaslowdow n"Hcove-screams=grn50s Lifes uports. RO-Hcove-588HRCShh-1 ongbrowns, Gradnite, 7stuf-fun 8 + , 8-alwaysjuicer SMprompals RB11/10-143XO!LSmyhero-thanx JLwhosaNARC?Ciass·WeRulel Mom DadBabs-UR the best!1600PAave hereIcome2020Theynk u All! 119 ELIZABETH Summer '95 w/Marita, Alanna, Kara +Marie Horde Fest 95 + 96 Flea Market 10-4over + out KR + Kl Where did you go? The corne r w/MC = the doors The Dunes don 't get los t waa Kid To Kill ya Skipping w/AI Pro Night ASTD MT JC JG VP AM c v SeniorPlay Mom, D ad , Joe , Hannah + Marita ... ILove You! ROBERT 120 joe sEEu later phso'Mout of h e re! sUMMER of 95 LJ smJC The crew igot to g et drunk MSJG Thanks 4 the parties! PD Lets g et a c iggy parts at EP House PDLJ SMThe Cops Are B ehind U MSHH TP Jimmy Buffet Getalay N ew Years96 was the BEST!Parties at my house were fun LJ PDJC ML DA Run the Cops! LJ JC guitar Guy LJ JC PDML Hold OnJR is Robbing the house LJ Best Frie nds Mom Dad Liz Thanks For Everything! Luv U Kenzi I'LLneve r forget u Class of 97 It'sb een a fun ride!!! ALLEN '9 7 , We're outta h er e. I can 't believe its over. Mom, Dad, Je n couldn't do it without you, Love yat AS 7th grade lose rs JokeShop, LandsEnd - BR, PC, SW Prom , Turn on x -mas lights RN- Fuzzy Blind Dogs for v i sual arts. CV,RODR- L ets Go to the movies. JL, LJ, SM,JC. TD MT, Dug-Hoops! DR- Phone Call, Idon't caret yOUcomfortable as,JG - ihit the stairs, you hit the trees. RN, sA,DR, DH, ro LC - w est Coast B eyatc h! N ever forge t you D enise , love you. Later. I'm finally out of h er e!/ Class of 1997rules!/ BB Neve r forge t Ya!/MThad fun, Stop Smiling!?Driveby cv. JW/Watc h the steps RB/ Abandon ship! cv, JW/ Rem e mber Prom? I don't, BB, EC, CV,MT. TD,JG, JC/Dug carrying m e around JB's/The Chaser JG/ Meeting JS<MT/Crash Kids, JG/ Thanks A Lot RO,CV/%mph.CV, JW, KT/ JAIMA GABE i'Moff like a Prom dress!!! Peace 2 the unde rground LTLE Me liss - 2 muc h **** ica nt say! ! sMRof "96ljProm cous t sz yOU corrupted m el - Wish yOUw e re h e re! 4:00 AMRxbry, T rides es sz,Boston 360 S-sff.a.n.!! iowe u$$!Hynns trps - cougar sf:M y Whte Owlz brnin knda s low! $40's$ PG thnx 4 Tanisna -Jose c. - iluv Ut Wilys Gym7777 lsLittleM, bs< BC, sz<es<PG , TP LD , sf<GR- Punks ! i Luv You!!! CheChe, Mom , Pops, Tanisa, sOOZ : lluv you! LW- Drizzedl BKzoo& j-do2 smktht wu shm on u!! JR - Muc h love Sweetie! p eace! AdamJasonBrooklynGino My Boys What's up Punks!! DaLomba!! H empfestparties BMXingimhe SreetsDrizzed 4rth was silly! the Inf'nt e Karl Kani SmokingGroovesTour 96 JRACFRGV Idid Lollapalooza with Vannoy! Life is ill, Fun i s the c uret Adam Curtis will Go to Jamaica No Doubt!! L.J. J.R. L.W . After Freshmen Reception The SaintsGo Marching On!!! Istarted 90-91,now I'mdone! !! SCOTT H e llo B est of times h e re PHSLJ Pppt TnnangFoo You Stillowe m e $1)) + l abor JC Youowe m e $20AF When are Yougoing ro get that for m e JW Mission Impossible Drive Balls How's your corn , RB? Patton SMWhere'smy Sweatshirts a nd my rape? JW2 1 forgot som ething 1 don't Know I just have to go get itBEAN 1 will always miss you GMAM AM LM FM RM CMJM you are Always There for m e t ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Since7th grade our class has come in contact with many special people who have lent us a hand or two along the way. Floran Rozzelle and Wendy Blais have contributed to many a dance, prom and other tedious fund-raisers. They quietly went about their business with patience never once complaining. John Colley, John White, David and Paul Silva, and the fishermen who donated and cut fish are the generous men behind our stressful yet successful fish fries. Without the efforts and generosity of these men, this long-standing tradition could no longer exist. John Adams of Orleans Camera and Video donated the enlargement of the photograph that is our end sheet inside the cover. Joy McNulty and the Lobster Pot Restaurant have supported every single activity our class has done both morally and financially. Their support and constant sponsorship deserve infinite , thanks from the Class of 1997. Mr. E.J. Martinez was quick to let our class "plat"on the new ladder truck fulfilling our photograph destination list and again reminding us of the community's support even with such short notice. Mr. Roberts, our class advisor for two years, endured some rough times and helped us begin our high school journey. Sorrufor our naughtiness, but look how far we've come. Thanks! Mr. Boxer, Mrs. Keifer, Mr. Brizzi, Ms. Ciliberto, Mrs. Squire, Mr. Codinha, Ms. Avellar, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Sawyer, Ms. Medeiros, and Dr. Fleming are the faculty members of special meaning to our class serving as personal mentors who have engraved an eternal impression on us all. Thanks for everything to everyone who has helped us along the way. 121 IN ME,ORYOF GLORIA MARTIN away. livingwithoutyour hearme. fromMariah Careyand Boyz II Men - 122 smile. --- The Lobster Pot Restaurant and McNultys' 150 Marketplace salute The PHSClass of 1997 As you leave the warmth and comfort of high school Realize that there is a road beyond the horizon Whether you stay on the Cape or journey off far Always push the road further beyond the horizon, Strive for the best, You are the bright stars traveling beyond the horizon The Lobster Pot McNultys' 150Marketplace A Very SpecialRestaurant Where the Locals Shop 150Bradford Street 321 Commercial Street 487-6515 FULLSERVICE TRAVEL AGENCY http://www.ptownres.com 293 COMMERCIAL STREET II fL.. . :~-~. e _t. , -dcj (.)... Fine Gold • Minerals Silver Jewelry 246Commercial Street. ProvincetownMA 02657 • 508-487-9437 26 Dock Street. Edgartown , MA 02539 • 508-627-4399 146 CircutAvenue, Oak Bluffs. MA 02557• 508-693-4169 1-800-400-9437 123 \ PaulJ. MEYER Seaside Deli \ ~ Best wishes to the classof 97 124 Congratulations To Our Community LEADERS Of TOMMORROW BEST WISHES FROM Cape Cod's Oldest Comminity BANK SEAMEMS BANK MEMBER FDIC Pete •1997 . with Graduation ' & "86" Mom, Dad, Mike, & Car armen 125 wlmar village • on capecod bay • north truro, massachusetts Kalmar Village PRIVATEBEACH PARKING The CAPE CODDER Guests Old-Fashioned Comfort in the Quiet East End 570 Commercial Street Provincetown, MA 02657 126 The Future is Yours. Make YourLife Count. Congratulations One andAll! 167 CommercialStreet PostOfficeBox553 ProvincetownMA 02657 Office:(508)487-2004 Fax:(508)487-9478 (508) 487-0131 Adams' Pharmacy, Inc. Prescriptions a Specialty BY&D InsuranceAgency, Inc. 240Commercial Street ProvincetownMass Servinq all your insurance needs In Business for your Health (508) 487-0500 Fax (508) 487-4135 Direct (508) 487-8190 Phone: 487-0069 Congratulations to the Class of 1997! Paul A. Silva Certified Insurance Counselor BOX 559, 32 HOWLANDSTREET• PROVINCETOWN,MA 02657-0559 127 Auto Safety Tips BC's AUTOMOTIVE Rt. 6. Truro, MA (508)487-4555 "Stateof The Art Diagnostic Equipment" Complete Automotive & Truck & Air Conditioning Repair 1. Tire Pressure Accurate-Including Spare 2. Brakes in Good Working Order 3. All Fluids Full & Flowing 4. Wiper Blades in Good Condition 5. Got Jumper Cables? 6. Keep Emergency Road Kit Handy 7. A First Aid Kit is a Must 8. Buckle-Up! Safe Car Seats for Babies! 9. Enjoy the Ride .. .For Life! 10.Recommend Usto Your Friends! Congratulations and Best of Luck Class of97 TRURO POLICE ASSOCIATION Town Hall Road Truro, MA 02666 349-6711 184 Commercial Street Provincetown, MA 02657 TEL: (508)487-6355 FAX: (508)487-6844 100 ShankpainterRoad Provincetown, MA 02657 (50 8 ) 487-1610 BAGEL FACTORY George FUrman 128 KathleenGribbin Congratulations ! Totheclassof 1997 ROTISSERIE PROVINCETOWN DENTAL ASSOCIATES CHICKEN RIBS Clem+ Ursie's We Deliver! Cheryl L. Andrews, D.M.D. Fellow, Academy of General Dentistry 86 HARRY KEMPWAY PROVINCETOWN• MA 02657 (508)487-9936 "Excellent" Molly O'Neill, NY Times 338 Commercial Street Provincetown John E. Medeiros C>P>A> John RESTAURANT 312 Commercial Street Provincetown.Massachusetts 02657 (508)487-2781 Call487-8303 Fax 487-8313 Telephone (508) 487-1020 E. Medeir Certified Public Accountant P>O> BOX 641 2 Harry Kemp Way Provincetown, MA 02657 129 Classic retreats on 700feet of private beach COTTAGES • HOUSES • APARTMENTS WE E KLY • MONTHLY • SEASONAL :: ··o·...J..- ••. ..... Specializing in single ,1nd dual line sport kites WHITMANHOUSE ~Established 508 " ' ' ' " Jude Maria RyderStreet ['(t Provincetown,MA 02657 OntheBeach 508 487-6133 508487-3442FAX 1894 RESTAURANT NORTHTRURO, CAPECOD MASSACHUSETTS02666 Proprietors: Bob& SallyRice • DAYS PROPANE FRANK A. DAYS &SONS, INC. PROPANE GASANDAPPLIANCES HEAT AND HOT WATER INSTALLATIONS 9 ShankPainterRoad Provincetown,MA02657 CHRISTOPHERENOS Kelly Blake Silberhorn's ROSLYNGARFIELDASSOCIATES REALTORS 508/487-1308 FAX 508/487-3086 352 CommercialStreet Provincetown, MA 02657 (508) 487- 1487 FAX(508) 487 · 6561 '" 487'.' 1-800-49909799 OFPROVINCETOWN PHYLLISTEMPLE o71 4 3860 2502 CROW'SNESTMOTEL Route 6A - P. o. Box 177 North Truro. MA 02652 lntenor Accessoriesfor the Home 115 BRADFORD ST . BOX 618 PROVINCETOWN,MA 02657 508 "' " . "' tEL (508) 487-9031 Beachfront Motel fULLY Equtpped for Housekeeptng Restdent Managers: Ralph & Barbara Deane (508)487-9025 (508)487 -2850 rOSLYN gARFIELD provvincetownFUDGE factory A TTO"NI!:Y AT LAW Butter Creme Fudge I I I John and Deirdre mAGUIRE 210cOMMERCIALsT. pROVINCETOWN,ma02657 290COMMERCIAL STREET PROVINCETOWN,MA 02657 _....,.I;MQ sTREET ~~ol•o?t'ti,.I:C-..."!•-~_..,.,o.• IHILDA NEILYGALLERY I B.H. Oyer & Co., Inc. hARDWARE pHILIPJ . Henrique 508-487-0114 173 Commercial sTREET pROVINCETOWN,Mass. 02657 TRADITIONALIMPRESSIONIST OIL PAINTINGES Sales • Commissions 336 CommercialSt . #5 • P.O> Box 1402 Provincetown . MA02657 508-487-6300or 487-0144 .... " ......... (508) 487-1726 ()~~"~ i.1' '~·· 205-209 Commercial Street (508)487-6404 1BASEBALL CAPS Copy ~ THE PENNEY PATCH 283Commercial Street, Provincetown,MA02657 508/487-2553 1-800-514-CAPS(MailOrders) mOBILTravel Guide aaa sEA gULL mOTEL route6A,NORTHTRUROMASS SpaciousPrivate Beach http://www.copycaps.com [email protected] 130 tEL.(508)487-9070 (508) 487-2766 Caps the coolestcaps on the planet. DAN& VALERIEMESYN 543 COMMERCIALST. provincetown, MASS. 02657 hOST-oWNERS PAUL ENDICH President 279 COMMERCIAL STRE ET P.O.BOX 461 PROVINCETOWN, MA 02657 The PazoltFamily P>O>Box 126 North Truro, Mass.02657 BLUE SEA MOTOR INN iPB ar~HIP'S BELL INN apartmemts studios • motel 374 COMMERCIALSTREET PROVINCETOWN,MA 02657 J AMES p. mCnulty 508-487-2990 508-487-2174 · FAX 508-487-2469 - ASSISTANT MANAGER Residence: SCOTT & DEBBIE SVU IO Ownwe• Manager EMDti:J,.'OIIOJnc@'ttat".ll~l 586commercialstreet provincetown, ma 02657 508-487-1674 (508) 487 -0205 MGM Cape Cod OilCompany DBA HIGHLAND GOLF LNKS P. O. BOX 162 PH. 508-487-9201 NORTH TRURO, MA 02652 24 Hour SERVICE Shipway Road PROVINCETOWN, ma 02657 COMPLETE HEATING INSTALLATIONS ~~§!!f! moyels• efficiencies• cottages pRIVATE bEACH• sUN dECKS• pOOL • cOLORtv P 0 bOX 84. rOUTE 6a Non h tRURO, ma 02652 jOHN & Nancy Burc h (508)487 0343 617 and 508aREA cODESONLY: I 800-773-0343 Ronald White MASTER ELECTRICIAN A 4947 65 Frankli n St. Tel. 487-1603 Provincetown, Mass. 02657 P:o~t Paine White Wind Inn Quality accommodations, quietwell-appointedrooms, air conditioningfireplaces,antiquesTVs, refrigerators privatebathssoftlycarpetedparking,continentialbreakfast Openyearroond. Broch ure on request, 174 CommercialStreet I Provincetown02657Phone487-1526 (508) 487-1726 Provincetown Business Supply, Inc. WOMEM PRINTERS fREEWEIGHTS Hmbru -(omplmlrolt!rlrnr fREE pAR INGaIRcONDITIONED mc?visa oWNERS rICK mURRAY bILL dOUGAL 1-508 487-0001 . aDMITTED Rl Bar HOURS: 9an- 5pm • Mon.- Fri. Year Round 2pm • Sat., Late Sprong - Early Fall 10am- 508/487-6750 70Shank PainterRoad FAX508/487-0534 Provincetown,MA02657 Hou rs by aPPOINTMENT mabAR Host-Owners 'I 543 COMMERCIAL sT. PROVINCETOWN, M ASS. 02657 . 508-487-4646 800-376-4646 Small Town Tax Milt o n L. iSSERLIS Attorney A t Law (508) 487-2201 (508) 487-6619 fAX 487-9478 DAN& VALERIEMESYN 167 cOMMERCIAL sT. p.o. Box 666 pROVINCETOWN, ma02657 MAILINGSADDRESS:P.O.BOX 191.PROVINCETOWNMA02657 Tax Preparation & Problems ~~~~~=r~~rvices 16 Winslow Street P.O. Box 14 35 Retirement Planning Provincetown, M A 02657 Wendy Kincaid, Ph.D. Elizabeth Wood, EA NORSEWALL HOUSE cONWELLlUMBERCo. 2 1 cONWELLst. ma 02657 pHONE:(SOB} 487-0150 pROVINCETOWN, P.O.B. 665, 145cOMMERCIAL sTREET,pROVINCETOWN,ma 02657 ROBERT A. o'malley,REALTOR ® m. office: 508-487-1397 fax:508-487-9346 residence:508-487-4649 [email protected] ace cHARLESRogers russell ZAWAOUK SHELL DESIGNS 307CommercialStreet Provincetown , MA 02657 FRAN MULDOON Bus: (508) 487-4958 Ruth Rogers ace"-' 7 Cottag e Street Provincetown, MA (508) 487-1092 DBA ZAWADUK building company p.o. bOX1155 pROVINCETOWN,MA 02657 (508) 487-02929487-0929 CANDICE COLLINS-BODEN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PROVINCETOWN ChamberOf Commerce P.O. BOX 1017• 307 COMMERCIAL ST PROVINCETOWNMA 02657 Tel: 508 487-3424 4B7 19n Fax 487-8966 131 MIKE &PAM COELHO TEL. (508) 487-9110 Cape Breeze MOTEL &COTTAGES mOTELAPARTMENTSANDCOTTAGES HOUSEKEEPINGFACILITIES PRIVATE BEACH COLORT.V. bryden & SULLIVA insurance agency Roure 6A Beach Point P.O. Box 287 North Truro, MA02652 THE LIITLE STORE 205 COMMERCIAL ST. PROVINCETOWN, MA 02657 307SHORE ROAD,BOX 848 NORTH TRURO, MASS,0265302657 TOPMAST A Distinctive Resort Motel P.O.BOX 44 NORTHTRURO, MASS 02652 Horizons Beach RESORT P.O. Box 146, Route 6A • North Truro, MA 02652 1-508-487-0042• oUTSIDE MA: 1-800-782-0742 il-. 1.. I'Jr:-:•c:r.,,n·m '" P.O. Box i'> • .,. ~~.c"""' \!I HOLIDAY INNPRROINCETOWN Route 6A-Shore Road • Provincetown M •• !IK.... SETTS 02657 • 617/487-1711 LandscapeDesigningamd Planting Quality Nursey Stock• Landscape Supplies TreeandChipper Service • StumpRemoval RONALD.\. PAVAO STEP IA ' Owner/General Manager 'Bayberry BGardens,Inc. FIESIDE INSU RANCE AGENCYINC. Broker/Representativer FRED E SATERIALE Bbroker/Representative SANTOS 1d ~l•• .... h~"'o; ROUTE 6A • P.O. BOX 157 NORTH TRURO, MA 02652-0157 •'.!l'~l~~;.<o(l-lj Fax~(•l>il ~"i-•11• !-t U!r.~';' BobcatsERVICE• GROUNDS mAINTENANCE cONSULTATIONS (508) )49-6764 Fax (508) 349-7703 P.O.Box 835 Route 6, TruroMA 02666 Donald Coiill 508-487-6153 KarnCoill 508-487-4890 ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBILES Truro cENTER MARY KELLEY JUDYPERRY O.O.Box 337 • Provincetown,MA02657 P.O. Box 346 508-349-9509 Thr ..ads Truro, MA02666 Pilgrim Colony INN 308 Commercial St. The Big bOWeOW &--pAUL&bARBARAfERRICK P.O.Box 411 N. Truro MA02652-0411 (508)487-1100 Jim Cottone Innkeeper JOHN F. NOONS INC. GeneralContractor DONALD NOONS,President SEPTIC SYSTEMS ROAD BUILDING &ROAD SURFACING MATERIAL SHELLS, SANDLOAM GRAVEL FOR HIRE ALL KINDS OF ROAD EQUIPMENT TEL 487-1199 NORTHTRURO, MASS.02652 FAX 487-7574 ShaneBurhoe Ownarrrechniclan QualityService Lic. 018049 54 BRADFORD ST. PROVINCETOWN, MA 0265 The CottonGin 26 1 CommercialSt. Heating • Cooling 487-HAIR ~J_Z____ REALESTATE BROKERS 539COMMERCIALST., PROVINCETOWN, MA 02657 • 487-1964 Home (508) 487-5821 Mobile (508) 246-0957 24 hr. Beeper638-9590 P.O.Box 174 NorthTruro, MA02652 congra tula tions Class of t 997 Marcey OilCompany HPEATINGFUELS • DIESEL FUEL HAZELWARNER SUSAN J. DAVIS JACK KOSKO BILL DOUGAL 132 (508) 487-9550 FAX(508) 487-6472 BURNER SERVICEINSTALLATIONS 406 COMMERCIALSTREET PROVINCETOWN, MA02657 Se rving Prov incetown s ince 199 37 Short Lin Fis h Co. Inc. who lesa le - Re ta il Nana Molly'sF ish Mkt. P.O . Box I 129 Tr uro. MA 02666 David J . Costa Pres. 508-487-3208 508-487-2164 ~ CCB"'l CAPE COD BANK 508=487-1048 AN' O TRUST CO. B E A C H POINTCLU B Richard L Classic Design Traditional Images Original Style Custom Artwork 349 Commercial SL Provincetown, MA 02657 Yearround TeVFAX: 508-487-9180 Christie Murphy (617) 487...0333 The Banking and lnvestment Tham of Cape Cod -- PUNCHY'S GARAGE Jane Hutchings Peters Customer Service OffiCCI'" A sENSIBLY pRICES,wATERFRONT lOCATIONio n o n cAAPECodBay A TAQWA GLASS STUDIO TH E V ILLA G E CAFE Expresso Bar • Gounnent corrcc llomemade Ice Cream • Desserts Baked Breads · Gounn c t llern s CONGRATULA. T IONSIII 4 lligllland Rei. sandy Silva Nortll T ru ro. MJ\ 02652 5 08-487 103 Shaak Pilll1ff Ro.l TOWI NG SERVI CE T(ll8001•~·5100EII.327 ProviDctlow11, MA 02657 Fn (508) 431·~1 HIGHLAND RD. N. TRURO, MA 02652 , 1-10NfiS011 ' 11· l1 16 Silva JoyceY.Silva ffm1 Lopes Square Variety, Inc. ClOTH<NG •-•~' ACTIVf~ Provincetown : 487-939S . . .. 307CommercialStreet Provincetown, MA02767-0704 (508)487-6224 'myl•~ 110N I Cf" c;,).fE Ttp Outer Cape Health Services. Inc. Comm uni[)' Health Centers Wellfleet: 349·3 131 \\'dilled ~m'~ o-Ope..tod ~Sha~kest Cottage Colony Route 6. Bolt 112 Truro. M assachusetls 02666 237 Commercial Street Provincetown, Ma..Massachsetts 02657 1 & 2 Bedroom Units (508) 349-9410 DENNIS FonteTEcHNICAL SERVICES AppleCert ified M aci ntosh and Laser PrinterTechn ician New SystwmAcquisition & Set-u p DosDOSandWindows Savvy Network Installation On-SiteServices O.O. Box 1949 • Provincetown • MA• 02657 [email protected] Office Pi1Rer 508-492-1982 508-487-8850 Rea l Es la tc S:~lcs :~ud Rc nt. .tl s . a LEN ll OWEN :-.l:m:~ Bizzotto 508-48 7-1136 23-J Commercial Stn.:l.!t ProvincetO\m, MA 02657 for the free thinker ~ ""U'~"''""""" ,,,;oftdwlllltlflt ll the class •11991! {3 0 .. ~ C0 "1"11:fl,(l ' L ~T"ttl "0\ I'"C:: TO>A .. "1A~ACMl:~TTS 02~7 r,. f,::(•tiO'ta• '"" £nr;h:nt!Hon•ttJ III}I I 800 9.12 ~J88 I IRACK ATTACK Come Woof Down One of the Besfl EVERYTHING~ ALSO AVAJLABLE FORTAKf ·OUT lneBest l!uii)I)IS' • CuoyFrenchFnes ,. "' __ :~~::~=~ (~ Sol1 5efvelceCteam Columbofro.zenVogurt anc!Lotsa'GiearMLISIC' 331 COMMERCIAl. STREET PROVINC£10WN ··":·~ • ·· 487-4749 =- --!" Oro kc r jMOJO'SI Energy is the play, Moderation is the way, Your choice can keep you from going astray. Congratulations Class of /99 7 Sfiirts R 'Us, Inc. 329 Commercial Street Provincetown, MA 02657 508-487-34 14 • Fax 508-487-6518 16~ CmnnH.:r..:I .J I Street . Pr u v111..:c lown, MA 0::!657 {50~) 4M7-·UIO~ { XOO) XJX ··WU5 II (S0 g )4it7 -:!176 LUC im T l1c Sandc as tl e WIShes the Best o r 1o I he Class o r 19971 • 0 ROUTE 6J\ PROVINCET OWN. MA 02657 ON T ilE BAY 0 " jll ;_ -- 0.: D ~ ., • w = Congratulations & Best Wishes To The Class Of 1997 C&J's 133 INTERIOR ACCENTS CONGRATULATIONS Class of 1997 Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Class of I99 7 ! ! ! Francis and Ruth Meads Congratulations and Best of Luck to the Class of 97 HILLSIDE FARMS Margie, Ronnie, Suzanne an d Ronnie II ~1-Jaryoott_:Hol(~f~ - !Inn i\1/aguire, Han·it•t (,'ordon Oumen!Managers -193 c :,>MMF. IlC/Al. STREET I' ROVIN C ETOWN, MA 0265 7 The Pr ovinceto wn Polic Association Congratulates the Ctas Congratulates the Class of 1997!!!! bodybod bodybody bodybody bodybody (508) 487-6332 295 Commercial St. (508) 487-2751 Provincetown, MA CJ2.657 9 1997! MEADS BROTHERS Congratulations! Class of 1997 Tribal Artifacts Furniture & Accessories Oriental Rugs Klllms bodybody d' 3 15 Commercial St. of Caroline MacPhee Director 155 Commercial Street Provincetown, MA 02657 (508) 487-1872 P.O. Box 1962 382 Commercial Street Provincetown, MA 02657 Phone or Fax 508 /487-2921 (5 08) 487-9 133 Congratulations! Best of Luck! JOHN'S FOOT LONG 134 !I
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