connect with us - Following Farley
connect with us - Following Farley
LOCATION OF EVENTS 1 3 4 8 7 2 6 5 MORE OF PORT HOPE Port Hope is situated on the shores of Lake Ontario an hour east of Toronto and offers both an urban and rural charm overlaid with modern vibrancy and cultural allure. The Ganaraska River runs through the heart of town and there are miles of waterfront walking and biking trails, along with serene sandy beaches. The Municipality is a tapestry of quaint villages and scenic country driving routes. Plan a Port Hope overnight getaway. Do yourself a favour. Take a day off. © Queens Printer 2016. This map is for information purposes only and should not be used for navigation. 1 CAPITOL THEATRE / VISITORS’ CENTRE 20 Queen Street 2 TOWN HALL (PUBLIC WASHROOMS) 56 Queen Street 3 PORT HOPE PUBLIC LIBRARY 31 Queen Street 4 ST. MARK’S CHURCH (BURIAL SITE) 51 King Street 5 CANADIAN FIRE FIGHTER MUSEUM 95 Mill Street 6 BOAT ROOFED HOUSE (EXISTING LOCATION) 20 Catherine Street 7 8 BOAT ROOFED HOUSE (NEW LOCATION) Eastside Ganaraska Park (Mill Street) CARLYLE INN AND BISTRO 86 John Street PORT HOPE VISITORS’ CENTRE 20 Queen Street Port Hope L1A 2Y7 905-885-2004 1-888-PORTHOPE(767-8467) [email protected] THE BOAT ROOFED HOUSE CONNECT WITH US #STAYINPORTHOPE #PORTHOPE | HELP US RELOCATE A NATIONAL MONUMENT TO A TRUE CANADIAN ICON! HELP US RE L OCAT E A N AT I O N A L M O N U M E N T TO A T R UE CA N A D I A N I CO N ! PORT HOPE IS HOME TO THE WORLD’S LARGEST MONUMENT DEDICATED TO FARLEY MOWAT. The monument is a model of a boat roofed house constructed with stone and an overturned walrus skinned sail boat. The structure was built ten years ago (2006) and is currently located on private property at 20 Catherine Street in Port Hope. On Thanksgiving weekend, the iconic structure will be ceremoniously dismantled and professionally reassembled in its new location at Eastside Ganaraska Park, across the river from the Port Hope Library, creating a public and permanent tribute to one of Canada’s greatest literary figures, a fervent environmentalist and one of Port Hope’s most distinguished and celebrated residents. ALL THINGS FARLEY CRITICAL MASS–HYDROPHOBIC FARLEY MOWAT Discover Farley Mowat quotes and imagery stenciled on sidewalks in various locations about town. They are invisible when dry, but emerge when wet. How many can you find? *Hint - There are over 10 hidden images to be found. DOWNTOWN MERCHANT DISPLAYS Visit Port Hope’s Heritage Business District to shop unique merchandise. Participate in a window display owl scavenger hunt for a chance to win a Farley prize pack. Pick up the owl scavenger hunt sheet at the Visitors Centre, Public Library or at Furby House Books (65 Walton Street). MAKE A DONATION Moving the Farley Mowat Boat Roofed House is a monumental task. Donations are being accepted at Municipality of Port Hope, Finance Department, 56 Queen Street, Port Hope, ON L1A 3Z9 or by contacting [email protected]. Reference: Farley Mowat Project FOLLOWING FARLEY PROGRAM OF EVENTS • WWW.FOLLOWINGFARLEY.COM FOR MORE DETAILS! THE WEEK LEADING UP LIBRARY KIDS CRAFTS AND GAMES • 10am-4pm 31 Queen Street (Library) Fun activities for the kids! Monday October 3 • 6pm FARLEY’S FEATURE FILM: THE SNOW WALKER • 31 Queen Street (Library) A pilot’s struggle for survival after crashing in the Arctic tundra. WHEELBARROW PARADE • 11am 20 Catherine Street (Existing location) Tuesday October 4 • 1:30pm FARLEY’S FEATURE FILM: TEN MILLION BOOKS; AN INTRODUCTION TO FARLEY MOWAT • 31 Queen Street (Library) Mowat recalls his experiences that have found their way into his work. OWLS (Ontario Falconry Association) • 1pm-2pm 31 Queen Street (Library) Live owls and other birds of prey. Wednesday October 5 • 6pm FARLEY’S FEATURE FILM: LOST IN THE BARRENS • 31 Queen Street (Library) An orphaned teen & a young tribal hunter get lost in the wilderness. A READING OF FARLEY AT THE LIBRARY • 2pm 31 Queen Street (Library) Readings by authors Anna Porter, Silver Donald Cameron, Ken McGoogan & Claire Mowat. Thursday October 6 • 6pm FARLEY’S FEATURE FILM: NEVER CRY WOLF • 31 Queen Street (Library) A government researcher learns about the positive nature of wolves. TAKING CARE OF CRUMLEY • 3pm 95 Mill Street (Canadian Fire Fighters Museum) Children’s play for ages 5-10 based on Ted Staunton’s book. FRIDAY OCTOBER 7 TH THE UNVEILING OF THE FARLEY MOWAT BUST • 3:30pm 31 Queen Street (Library) A gift from the family. Refreshments. TRUE STORIES, TOLD WELL • 7:30pm 86 John Street (Carlyle Inn) Live reading by 5 Canadian story tellers. Seating limited. SATURDAY OCTOBER 8 TH FARMERS MARKET • 8am-1pm 56 Queen Street (Behind Town Hall) Shop seasonally fresh & local products at our weekly outdoor market. LIBRARY PRINT & FURBY HOUSE BOOK SALE • 10am-4pm 31 Queen Street (Library) Farley Mowat & guest author books plus Farley Mowat signed prints. Be part of this historical event & carry a stone to the new location. SUNDAY OCTOBER 9 TH FARLEY’S FAVOURITE HIKE WITH PINE RIDGE HIKING CLUB (ALL WELCOME) • 9:30am-11am 31 Queen Street (Library) Hike along the Waterfront Trail. All are welcome. LIBRARY PRINT & FURBY HOUSE BOOK SALE • 10am-4pm 31 Queen Street (Library) Farley Mowat & guest author books plus Farley Mowat signed prints. BOAT ROOFED HOUSE REDEDICATION • 3pm NEW location - Eastside Ganaraska Park (Mill Street)