Common Core State Standards Curriculum Guide for Sixth Grade
Common Core State Standards Curriculum Guide for Sixth Grade Revised Summer 2013 Table of Contents Sixth Grade Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 Sixth Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Quarter 1............................................................... 4 Sixth Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Quarter 2............................................................... 7 Sixth Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Quarter 3............................................................... 9 Sixth Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Quarter 4............................................................. 11 Sixth Grade ELA CCSS Map ................................................................................................................................ 13 Sixth Grade Common Core Math Overview....................................................................................................... 14 ELA Resources ................................................................................................................................................... 2Ϯ Math Resources ................................................................................................................................................ 2ϯ Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 2 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Introduction This grade-level overview is a companion piece to be used in tandem with the CCSS ELA and Math Standards. Teachers should refer to the actual standards frequently to ensure full implementation, as well as using CCSS academic language when creating daily objectives, rubrics and assessments. Purpose of Grade-Level Overviews • Provides a year-long plan to guide teacher implementation of curriculum aligned to the CCSS • Assists in weekly grade-level team planning • Provides a consistent suggested sequence of instructional delivery throughout SFPS • Provides ways to check for understanding/essential learning targets that serve as the basis for assessment Organization • Series of units/quarters divided into suggested weekly and or daily increments • Series of units/quarters are based on CCSS driven skills and concepts • Embedded/Recurring Standards (e.g. those taught frequently throughout the year) listed in separate section (ELA only) • Essential learning targets serve as ways to check for understanding and provide a basis for assessment • Essential learning targets are presented as “I Can” statements or objectives • Assessment/Evidence of mastery is required, but can be customized by each grade-level team • Core instructional resources may differ by school sites or grade-level teams Time Frame • Units/Quarters encompass approximately 30 weeks of instruction per academic school year o Please Note: There are approximately 125 instructional days prior to the state mandated standardized assessment. • Recognizes time required for mandated assessments, parent-teacher conferences, and any additional non-instructional days • Additional time can be used for re-teaching, enriching, extending learning “What am I learning...Why is it important...How do I know when I know it?” Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 3 Sixth Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Quarter 1 Embedded Standards: These standards are year-long ongoing standards that should be taught to mastery by the end of the year. For Reading and Writing in each Unit Cite Evidence Analyze Content RI.6.1 W.6.8 SL.6.2 RI.6.10, RL.6.10 Study & Apply Grammar L.1 (a.-e.), L.2 (a.-b.) L.3 (a.-b.) Study & Apply Vocabulary RI.6.4, L.6.4, L.6.5, L.6.6 Conduct Discussions Report Findings SL.6.1 (a.-d.) SL.6.4, SL.6.5, SL.6.6 W.6.2, W.6.6, W.6.10 Essential Question: What’s my purpose for reading and writing, and how do I develop it? Final Product/Assessment: Narrative and expository pieces of writing that apply the writing process. Standards Week 2 Week 1 RL. 6.3 Describe how a story’s plot unfolds using a series of episodes and explain how characters respond or change as the plot advances. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • A written personal narrative in response to a prompt with appropriate academic vocabulary. A student-created story map describing a story’s plot and/or change in characters or plot An editing exercise completed by students (diagnostic) L. 6.2 Correctly spell, use punctuation, and capitalize. (year-long) • W. 6.3 Write a personal narrative based on real experience with descriptive details and effective technique. • Standards RL. 6.3 Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets RL 6.6 Explain how an author develops the point of view of a narrator or text’s characters. L. 6.1. a. W.6.3 (a., c.) Standards Week 3 Student Learning Target: RL 6.4 Describe how a story’s plot unfolds using a series of episodes and explain how characters respond or change as the plot advances. • • Use pronouns in the proper case (subjective, objective, and possessive). (year- • long) Establish a context, introduce a narrator and/or characters, and organize logical events in writing using transitional words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence. Student Learning Target: DEA Assessment A – Aug. 26 – Sept. 6 Analyze and determine the figurative and literal meaning of words and phrases based on how they are used in a text. L. 6.1. b. Use intensive pronouns (e.g. myself, ourselves). (year-long) W6.3 (b.) Use dialogue, descriptions, and pacing to develop events and characters. A graphic organizer that illustrates how a plot unfolds. Guided small group or book club discussions that describe how characters change over time A written summary of a story that includes plot development, characters, and/or sequence of events including transitional words. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • Reader’s Theater selections A written narrative using only dialogue A graphic organizer (T-chart) that identifies literal versus figurative meanings of common phrases, e.g. “water under the bridge” Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 4 Sixth Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Essential Question: What’s my purpose for reading and writing, and how do I develop it? Final Product/Assessment: Narrative and expository pieces of writing that apply the writing process. Standards Week 5 Week 4 RL 6.4 L. 6.1. (c.-d.) Week 6 Analyze the impact of specific word choice on the meaning and tone of the passage. Correct vague pronouns, and inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person. (year-long) Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • In writing, students will identify antecedents from a given passage. Activities that help create class word banks, e. g. synonyms, antonyms, etc. Graphic organizers that support vocabulary development Given a topic, students write introductory and concluding paragraphs with a focus on word choice. W. 6.3. (d., e.) Use precise words and phrases and language to convey experiences and events and provide a conclusion. • Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets RI. 6.4 L. 6.3 (a. - b.) Determine the figurative, connotative, and/or technical meaning of words or phrases in a grade 6 text. Vary sentence patterns while maintaining consistency in style and tone in writing. (year-long) W.6.2 Write an informative piece, which examines a topic and conveys ideas. Standards Student Learning Target: RI.6.5 Analyze how a sentence or chapter fits into the structure of a text and contributes to the development of the ideas. • • A cloze activity that demonstrates appropriate word meaning and usage. A written/typed three-part essay in response to an assigned, non-fiction text. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • Given pieces of text that are out of order, students will organize in a logical sequence. Given pieces of authentic texts, students will analyze and describe reasons the text is effective and informative. A student produces a digital document (e.g. presentation, slideshow) that focuses on a topic with appropriate formatting and graphics. L. 6.3 (a. - b.) Vary sentence patterns while maintaining consistency in style and tone in writing. (year-long) W.6.2 a. Introduce a topic, organize ideas with appropriate structure including formatting and graphics when useful. • Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets RI 6.7 Week 7 Student Learning Target: Quarter 1 Continued W 6.2. b. SL 6.2 Develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue using information presented in different media or formats. Use facts, definitions, details, and quotations, or other examples to develop the topic in writing. Interpret information presented in diverse formats and explain how it contributes to the topic under study. • • A student produces a piece of writing that draws information from multiple resources that are cited appropriately. In small groups, students produce and share a graphic organizer that interprets information from different formats. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 5 Sixth Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Essential Question: What’s my purpose for reading and writing, and how do I develop it? Final Product/Assessment: Narrative and expository pieces of writing that apply the writing process. Week 8 and 9 Standards RI 6.8 Student Learning Target: Trace and evaluate the argument and claims in a text. Quarter 1 Continued Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • W 6.4 Produce clear, coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to the assignment. • SL 6.4 Present claims and findings by sequencing ideas logically and using important facts and descriptions. • Students highlight selected text that identifies central ideas and supporting evidence and rank the evidence in order of importance. Students produce a self/peer edited piece of writing that is coherent, well-developed and organized. Students use editing checklist that covers the writing process. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 6 Sixth Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Quarter 2 Embedded Standards: These standards are yearlong ongoing standards that should be taught to mastery by the end of the year. For Reading and Writing in each Unit Cite Evidence Analyze Content RI.6.1 W.6.8 SL.6.2 RI.6.10, RL.6.10 Study & Apply Grammar L.1 (a.-e.), L.2 (a.-b.) L.3 (a.-b.) Study & Apply Vocabulary RI.6.4, L.6.4, L.6.5, L.6.6 Conduct Discussions Report Findings SL.6.1 (a.-d.) SL.6.4, SL.6.5, SL.6.6 W.6.2, W.6.6, W.6.10 Week 4 Week 3 Weeks 1 and 2 Essential Question: How am I sure what I’ve learned, and how do I demonstrate that learning? Final Product/Assessment: A student-produced research paper. Standards RI.6.8 Identify claims that are supported with reasons and those that are not. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • A written one-paragraph response to a read-aloud or cold prompt to identify fact versus opinion. A digital presentation on an assigned topic Produce a multi-paragraph piece of writing with effective transitions. W.6.6 W.6.2 (c.) Use digital tools to produce and publish work. (year-long) Use appropriate transitions to clarify relationships among ideas in writing. • • Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets RI.6.1 W.6.2 (c., d.) Cite textual evidence and make inferences based on the text. Use precise language and vocabulary to explain the topic in writing. W.6.8 Father relevant information from multiple print and digital sources and cite resources. Standards Student Learning Target: RI.6.2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key ideas. • • • Establish and maintain formal style in writing. Quote or paraphrase information found for a finished work. • RI.6.2 Summarize informational text while leaving out personal opinion. • • Student Learning Target: W.6.2 (e., f.) Provide a concluding statement in one’s writing. W.6.8 Provide basic bibliographic information for sources. Students will restate and answer a question with explanation, while citing evidence from the text In whole-class, small-group, and/or pair-share discussions, students will share sources that support positions on a given topic. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets W.6.2 (d., e.) W.6.8 Standards Week 5 Student Learning Target: Student paraphrases a selected piece of complex text, verbally or in writing. A student produced graphic organizer that shows main idea and supporting details. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • A typed summary of a piece of informational text. Given a piece of text, students will write a relevant concluding statement or paragraph. A student-prepared annotated bibliography from multiple sources that supports an assigned research topic. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 7 Sixth Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Essential Question: How am I sure what I’ve learned, and how do I demonstrate that learning? Final Product/Assessment: A student-produced research paper. Standards Week 6 RI.6.4 Determine the figurative, connotative, and/or technical meaning of words or phrases in a grade 6 text. RI.6.6 Determine the author’s point of view and explain how it is conveyed through the text. W.6.2 (c. – f.) Write an informative piece, which examines a topic and conveys ideas. Standards Student Learning Target: SL.6.2 Week 7 Student Learning Target: Interpret information presented in diverse formats and explain how it contributes to the topic of study. RI.6.2 Summarize informational text while leaving out personal opinion. W.6.2 (c. – f.) Write an informative piece, which examines a topic and conveys ideas. Quarter 2 Continued Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • Students will produce a response that explains the figurative, connotative, or technical meaning of selected readings. (e.g. poetry, lyrics, rap, reader’s theater, etc.) Students will verbally explain an author’s point of view with text examples. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • Students will produce a response to an assigned topic using digital media. Students write a summary of selected text. After viewing a topic in different formats, students will explain similarities and differences, such as comparing a book with a film version. DEA Assessment B – Dec. 16 –Jan. 10 Week 8 and 9 Standards RI.6.5 W.6.7 W.6.4 Student Learning Target: Analyze how a sentence or chapter fits into the structure of a text and contributes to the development of the ideas. Conduct a short research project that uses several resources to answer a specific question. Produce clear, coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to the assignment. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • A student produced graphic organizer that illustrates the structure of the main idea. Students produce a research paper that is coherent, well-developed and organized. A student-friendly rubric used by students and peers to review each others’ work. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 8 Sixth Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Quarter 3 Embedded Standards: These standards are yearlong, ongoing standards that should be taught to mastery by the end of the year. For Reading and Writing in each Unit Cite Evidence Analyze Content RI.6.1 W.6.8 SL.6.2 RI.6.10, RL.6.10 Study & Apply Grammar L.1 (a.-e.), L.2 (a.-b.) L.3 (a.-b.) Study & Apply Vocabulary RI.6.4, L.6.4, L.6.5, L.6.6 Conduct Discussions Report Findings SL.6.1 (a.-d.) SL.6.4, SL.6.5, SL.6.6 W.6.2, W.6.6, W.6.10 Essential Question: What is my position, and how do I support it with evidence? Final Product/Assessment: A typed three-part argumentative essay on an assigned topic with an annotated bibliography. Standards Week 1 RI.6.2 Week 2 Determine a central idea and summarize a text based on textual evidence. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • A written one-paragraph response to a cold prompt with appropriate academic/content vocabulary. Produce a graphic organizer that identifies details that support the central idea of a passage. A short oral presentation using content-specific vocabulary. L.6.6 Effectively use appropriate academic and content vocabulary in speaking and writing. • W.6.4 Produce a piece of clear and coherent expository writing in response to a prompt. • Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets RI.6.1 Cite textual evidence and make inferences based on the text. W.6.7 Conduct a short research project to answer a question using several resources. W.6.8 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources and cite resources. Standards Student Learning Target: RI.6.3 Week 3 Student Learning Target: Analyze how an individual or event is developed in a text. L.6.4 Appropriately use multiple-meaning words and phrases to clarify writing. W.6.5 Edit and revise work with input from peers and adults. • • • Two-column notes or note cards that summarize research from various sources. A student-prepared bibliography from multiple sources that supports an assigned research topic. A rough draft of a research paper that illustrates the writing process. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • A student-produced timeline that illustrates the development of an individual/event in a text. A self and/or peer edited three-part report for an assigned research project with appropriate vocabulary. A formal rubric used by students and peers to review each others’ work. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 9 Sixth Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Quarter 3 Continued Essential Question: What is my position, and how do I support it with evidence? Final Product/Assessment: A typed three-part argumentative essay on an assigned topic with an annotated bibliography. Standards Week 6 Week 5 Week 4 RI.6.9 Week 7 Compare and contrast information from several resources on the same topic. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • A graphic organizer that shows similarities and differences on an assigned topic. A typed three-part (introduction, body, conclusion) research paper on an assigned topic. Presentation of research highlights on an assigned topic. W.6.2 (a.-f.) Write an informative essay to examine a topic and convey ideas. • SL.6.4, 5, 6 Clearly present information to an audience using appropriate language and visuals. • Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets RI.6.8 Identify claims that are supported with reasons and those that are not. RI.6.7 Utilize media or graphics to develop coherent understanding of a topic. W.6.1 (a.) Produce a clear and coherent written claim in response to a prompt. Standards Student Learning Target: RI.6.2 Determine a central idea and summarize a text based on textual evidence. W.6.1 (b.) W.6.1 (c.) Support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. Write to clarify relationships among claims and reasons. Standards Student Learning Target: RI.6.3 Weeks 8 and 9 Student Learning Target: Analyze how an individual or event is developed in a text. • • Students differentiate between fact and opinion as demonstrated on a graphic organizer or piece of writing. Students highlight selected text to identify central ideas and supporting evidence. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • Students write a summary of selected text. Students produce outlined notes of a selected text. Use of a graphic organizer to compare and contrast relationships, claims and reasons. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • A student produced graphic organizer that illustrates the development of an argument. Students produce a written conclusion based on presented argument(s). Students produce a self/peer edited concluding paragraph. W.6.1. (e.) Write a conclusion that flows from the presented argument. • W.6.5 Edit and revise work with input from peers and adults. • Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets RI.6.1 W.6.4 Cite textual evidence and make inferences based on the text. Write an argumentative essay to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. • SL.6.3 Identify a speaker’s argument and claims that are supported by reasons/evidence and those that are not. • • Students produce three-part argumentative essays on an assigned topic with an annotated bibliography. A student prepared graphic organizer in response to a presentation Students deliver a persuasive speech on an assigned topic. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 10 Sixth Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Quarter 4 Embedded Standards: These standards are yearlong, ongoing standards that should be taught to mastery by the end of the year. For Reading and Writing in each Unit Cite Evidence Analyze Content RI.6.1 W.6.8 SL.6.2 RI.6.10, RL.6.10 Study & Apply Grammar L.1 (a.-e.), L.2 (a.-b.) L.3 (a.-b.) Study & Apply Vocabulary RI.6.4, L.6.4, L.6.5, L.6.6 Conduct Discussions Report Findings SL.6.1 (a.-d.) SL.6.4, SL.6.5, SL.6.6 W.6.2, W.6.6, W.6.10 Weeks 1 and 2 Essential Question: What makes a story great, and how can I tell one of my own? Final Product/Assessment: Students will produce and present an original literary piece (narrative, poetry, or drama). Standards RL.6.2 RL.6.9 W.6.9 (a.) Standards Week 3 RL.6.5 RL.6.1 Determine a central idea or theme and summarize a text without personal opinion. Compare and contrast texts of different forms on their treatment of the same topic. Use evidence from literature to compare and contrast themes from different genres. Student Learning Target: Explain how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot. Cite evidence from the text to support an analysis of what the text says and inferences made. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • A graphic organizer, e.g. Venn diagram, that illustrates similarities and differences A short, three-part compare-contrast essay A student-created pictorial chart illustrating the central idea or theme Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • Given a narrative poem, students will rewrite it from a different point of view. Students highlight selected text to identify transitional words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence. Given pieces of text that are out of order, students will organize in a logical sequence. In whole-class, small-group, and/or pair-share discussions, students will share evidence that supports the inferences they make. W.6.3 (a., c.) Establish a context, introduce a narrator and/or characters, and organize logical events in writing using transitional words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence. • Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets L.6.5 (c.) Distinguish among connotations and denotations of words. • W.6.3 (d., e.) Use precise words and sensory details and language to convey experiences and events, and provide a conclusion. RL.6.4 Week 4 Student Learning Target: SBA – Mar. 10 – Apr. 4 Analyze the impact of specific word choice on the meaning and tone of the passage. • • Given a piece of selected text, students will identify impactful words and describe how they contribute to the tone of the piece. After reading an editorial, students will identify the words that convey multiple meanings. Given a simple statement, students will rewrite it to convey a more complex mental image (show instead of tell) Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 11 Sixth Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Quarter 4 Continued Essential Question: What makes a story great, and how can I tell one of my own? Final Product/Assessment: Students will produce and present an original literary piece (narrative, poetry, or drama). Standards Week 6 Week 5 RL. 6.3 Student Learning Target: Describe how a story or drama’s plot un-folds using a series of episodes and explain how characters respond or change with the plot. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • A graphic organizer, e.g. a flow map, that illustrates how a character evolves over time Students will record themselves retelling a story using only dialogue Students produce a typed three-part narrative, a poem, or a drama W.6.3 (b.) Use dialogue, descriptions, and pacing to develop events and characters. • W.6.4 Produce clear, coherent writing in which development, organization, and style are appropriate for sixth grade tasks and audiences. • Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets RL.6.6 Explain how an author develops the point of view of a narrator or text’s characters. W.6.5 Edit and revise work with input from peers and adults. W.6.6 Use digital tools to produce and publish work and collaborate with peers. Standards Student Learning Target: • • Student work edited by peers utilizing a rubric developed by the class Students demonstrate effective use of a digital presentation medium to share original work DEA Assessment C – Apr. 28 – May 2 Week 8-9 Week 7 RL.6.7 Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story/drama/poem to viewing or listening to the same story/drama/poem. W.6.3 Write a literary piece with descriptive details and effective techniques. SL.6.5 Include multimedia projects of visual displays when they will be helpful in clarifying information. Standards Student Learning Target: SL.6.4 Use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. SL.6.6 Adapt my speech to a variety of tasks and contexts. SL.6.2 Interpret information presented in diverse formats and explain how it contributes to the topic under study. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • A student-produced literary piece that incorporates grade six reading and writing standards specific to the genre chosen. A student-selected multimedia presentation based on the student’s literary piece. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • A student-created drama presented through a readers’ theater. Students critique and provide feedback on presentations by peers. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 12 Sixth Grade ELA CCSS Map 6th grade ELA CCSS Standards Reading for Literature (RL) Quarter 1 6.3 6.6 6.10 Reading for Informational Text (RI) Writing (W) 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.1 6.2 6.3 Quarter 3 6.4 6.8 Quarter 4 6.1 6.3 6.5 6.7 6.1 6.4 6.6 Speaking & Listening (SL) Language (L) Quarter 2 6.2 6.5 6.8 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.9 6.1 6.3 6.8 6.2 6.7 6.9 6.2 6.6 6.8 6.1 6.4 6.7 6.2 6.5 6.8 6.3 6.5 6.2 6.2 6.4 6.3 6.5 6.2 6.5 6.6 6.4 6.6 Year-long 6.10 6.4 6.10 6.9 6.4 6.6 6.4 6.6 6.5 6.6 6.10 6.1 6.4 6.1 6.3 6.5 6.6 6.2 6.5 6.2 6.4 6.6 Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 13 Sixth Grade CCSSM Overview Essential Learning Area: Students will understand fractions and decimals - ±16 Days Week 2 Week 1 Standards Over-arching concepts and estimated number of days to achieve them. Instructional Emphases 6.NS.2 MP = 2, 4, 7, 8 1, Reinforce 6.NS.3 1, Reinforce MP = 2, 4, 7, 8 ± 2 Days Dividing multi-digit numbers Major • • • ± 5 Days Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals Major • • • • • UNDERSTAND operations INTERPRET products and quotients, sums and differences, and divisor and dividend in context. APPLY properties of operations as strategies SOLVE and ASSESS reasonableness of answers DRAW visual models UNDERSTAND operations INTERPRET products and quotients, sums and differences, and divisor and dividend in context. APPLY properties of operations as strategies SOLVE and ASSESS reasonableness of answers DRAW visual models DEA Assessment A – Aug. 26 – Sept. 6 DOK and Level of Learning Over-arching concepts and estimated number of days to achieve them. 6.NS.1 1, Develop/ Reinforce ± 6 Days Quotients of fractions (Review other operations with fractions) Major 6.NS.4 2, Develop/ Reinforce ± 3 Days Greatest Common Factor (GCF) Major MP = 2, 4, 7, 8 Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do • • Initial assessments of student knowledge Standards Week 3 & 4 DOK and Level of Learning Quarter 1 Least Common Multiple (LCM) Instructional Emphases Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do • • • • • • • • • • FIND common denominators REDUCE fractions SOLVE equations of fractions REDUCE fractions FIND reciprocals FIND least common multiple and greatest common factor USE distributive property FIND prime and composite numbers SOLVE and ASSESS reasonableness of answers DRAW visual models Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 14 Sixth Grade CCSSM Overview Essential Learning Target: Students will understand ratio concepts - ±12 Days Standards Week 5 6.RP.1 6.RP.2 DOK and Level of Learning 2, Introduce 2, Introduce Over-arching concepts and estimated number of days to achieve them. ± 1 Day Ratio terminology and quantities Instructional Emphases Major ± 3 Days Unit Rate Major ± 8 Days Make a table Major Plot Values on coordinate plane Major Find percent of ratios Major Converting measurements Major Weeks 6 & 7 MP -1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 6.RP.3.a 2, Introduce 6.RP.3.b 2, Introduce/ Develop 6.RP.3.c 1, Introduce/ Develop 6.RP.3.d MP -1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 2, Introduce Quarter 1 Continued Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • KNOW ratio as a vocabulary word and relationship COMPARE ratios DESCRIBE relationships DRAW or construct examples of ratio SIMPLIFY ratios IDENTIFY ratio relationships KNOW how to solve ratios RECOGNIZE equivalent ratios in multiple forms CONSTRUCT tables to compare ratios CREATE diagrams SOLVE unit rate problems FIND percent USE ratios to convert units of measure SOLVE missing value problems DEMONSTRATE unit rates to name the amount of either quantity in terms of the other quantity KNOW why the unit is attached to the ratios PRECISION in use of unit rates EXPLAIN the importance of unit rates in ratio Essential Learning Target: Students will understand statistics, probability and plotting data - ±20 Days Standards Weeks 8 & 9 6.SP.1 6.SP.2 MP - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 DOK and Level of Learning 2, Introduce 1, Introduce Over-arching concepts and estimated number of days to achieve them. ± 2 Days Recognize statistical questions ± 5 Days Analyze data for Distribution Spread Shape Instructional Emphases Supporting Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do • • UNDERSTAND that a statistical question results in a data set DESIGN a survey question that results in variability in the data set Supporting Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 15 Sixth Grade CCSSM Overview Quarter 2 Essential Learning Target: Students will understand statistics, probability and plotting data - ±20 Days (cont’d) Weeks 3 & 4 Week 2 Week 1 Standards DOK and Level of Learning Over-arching concepts and estimated number of days to achieve them. Supporting 2, Introduce ± 5 Days Analyze data for Mean Median Mode Range Outlier 2, Introduce ± 5 Days *Plotting data on a number line Additional ± 3 Days Summarizing numerical data sets Additional Additional Additional Additional 6.SP.3 MP - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 6.SP.4 MP - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 6.SP.5.a 6.SP.5.b 6.SP.5.c 6.SP.5.d MP - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 1, Introduce 3, Introduce 3, Introduce 3, Introduce Instructional Emphases Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do • • CREATE a frequency table and identify data landmarks CALCULTE and ANALYZE the measure of center and the measures of variation • DISPLAY numerical data on a number line • CREATE a histogram (with appropriate intervals, scale factors and labels) CREATE box and whisker plot with all appropriate labeling SYNTHESIZE the use of statistical question, performing random samples and constructing appropriate display of data, and drawn conclusion. • • Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 16 Sixth Grade CCSSM Overview Quarter 2 Continued Essential Learning Target: Students will understand expressions and equations - ±32 Days Weeks 5 - 6 Standards 6.EE.1 1, Develop 6.EE.2.a 1, Develop/ Reinforce 6.EE.2.b 1, Introduce/ Develop 6.EE.2.c 1, Introduce/Develo p Week 7 MP - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 6.EE.3 MP - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 6.EE.4 Week 8 DOK and Level of Learning 6.EE.5 MP - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Over-arching concepts and estimated number of days to achieve them. ±3 Days Expressions with whole exponents Instructional Emphases Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do Major • ± 8 Days Variables PEMDAS Translating expressions into equations Evaluating given values for variables Major • • • ±4 Days Distributive Property Commutative Property Major 2, Introduce/Develo p ±1 Day Equivalent expressions with variables Major 2, Introduce ±3 Days Inequalities 2, Introduce/Develo p KNOW the difference between associative, commutative, and distributive properties SIMPLIFY expressions using the properties EXPLAIN the properties COMPARE the expressions for equivalency Major Major Major • KNOW the difference between associative, commutative, and distributive properties • SIMPLIFY expressions using the properties • EXPLAIN the properties • COMPARE the expressions for equivalency • KNOW the difference between associative, commutative, and distributive properties • SIMPLIFY expressions using the properties • EXPLAIN the properties • COMPARE the expressions for equivalency DEA Assessment B – Dec. 16 – Jan. 10 Week 9 6.EE.6 MP - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 3, Introduce ±6 Days One-step linear equations Major • KNOW the difference between associative, commutative, and distributive properties • SIMPLIFY expressions using the properties • EXPLAIN the properties • COMPARE the expressions for equivalency Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 17 Sixth Grade CCSSM Overview Quarter 3 Essential Learning Area: Students will apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers and reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities - ±16 Days DOK and Level of Learning 3, Introduce Over-arching concepts and estimated number of days to achieve them. ±7 Days Writing and solving equations 6.NS.6.a 1, Introduce /Develop 6.NS.6.b 2, Introduce /Develop ±5 Days Integers on a number line Opposites Coordinate pairs/plane Week 3 Week 2 Week 1 Standards 6.EE.7 Instructional Emphases Major MP - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 6.NS.6.c MP - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 1, Introduce /Develop 6.NS.5 2, Introduce / Develop MP - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Major Major Major Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do • KNOW the difference between associative, commutative, and distributive properties • SIMPLIFY expressions using the properties • EXPLAIN the properties • COMPARE the expressions for equivalency • • • • • • ±4 Days *Integers in real-world contexts Major • • • • • • Locate positive and negative numbers on a number line Apply positive and negative numbers to real world contexts Extend the understanding points on a line to ordered pairs on a coordinate plane Understand that the distance from zero is the absolute value Recognize absolute value in real-world context (temperature, depth, debt, elevation, etc.) Graph ordered pairs on a coordinate plane related to real-world contexts (maps) Locate positive and negative numbers on a number line Apply positive and negative numbers to real world contexts Extend the understanding points on a line to ordered pairs on a coordinate plane Understand that the distance from zero is the absolute value Recognize absolute value in real-world context (temperature, depth, debt, elevation, etc.) Graph ordered pairs on a coordinate plane related to real-world contexts (maps) Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 18 Sixth Grade CCSSM Overview Quarter 3 Continued Essential Learning Area: Students will apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers and reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities Continued - ±16 Days Standards Week 4 6.NS.7.a 6.NS.7.b 6.NS.7.c 6.NS.7.d Week 5 MP - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 6.EE.8 MP - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 DOK and Level of Learning 1, Introduce /Develop 2, Introduce /Develop 2, Introduce /Develop Over-arching concepts and estimated number of days to achieve them. ±3 Days Absolute value with regard to zero Reading inequalities on a number line Expressing inequalities using real-world scenarios Instructional Emphases Major Major Major Major Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do • • • • • • Locate positive and negative numbers on a number line Apply positive and negative numbers to real world contexts Extend the understanding points on a line to ordered pairs on a coordinate plane Understand that the distance from zero is the absolute value Recognize absolute value in real-world context (temperature, depth, debt, elevation, etc.) Graph ordered pairs on a coordinate plane related to real-world contexts (maps) 2, Introduce /Develop 3, Introduce ±4 Days Graphing inequalities on a number line Major • • • • • • Locate positive and negative numbers on a number line Apply positive and negative numbers to real world contexts Extend the understanding points on a line to ordered pairs on a coordinate plane Understand that the distance from zero is the absolute value Recognize absolute value in real-world context (temperature, depth, debt, elevation, etc.) Graph ordered pairs on a coordinate plane related to real-world contexts (maps) Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 19 Sixth Grade CCSSM Overview Quarter 3 Continued Essential Learning Target: Students will understand coordinate planes and relationship of variables - ±7 Days Week 7 Week 6 Standards 6.NS.8 MP - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 6.EE.9 DOK and Level of Learning Over-arching concepts and estimated number of days to achieve them. 2, Introduce / Develop 3, Introduce / Develop MP - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 ±5 Days Function tables Graphing functions Rate of change Distance=Rate*Time (d=rt) Instructional Emphases Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do Supporting • • • WRITE an equation SOLVE for different values of that equation (know which is x and which is y) GRAPH coordinate points on a Cartesian plane Major • • Use variables to represent quantities to solve real world problems. Use function tables to solve problems. Essential Learning Area: Geometry - ±17 Days Week 8 Standards 6.G.1 MP - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 6.G.2 Week 9 DOK and Level of Learning 6.G.3 MP - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 2, Introduce / Develop 2, Develop 2, Develop/ Introduce Over-arching concepts and estimated number of days to achieve them. ±4 Days *Area and perimeter of triangles and quadrilaterals *(Good time to teach triangle types) ±3 Days *Volume of rectangular prisms ±2 Days *Polygons on the coordinate plane Instructional Emphases Supporting Major Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do • Use the formulas to solve area, perimeter, and volume problems. • Decompose and transform polygons into quadrilaterals and triangles. • Label with units. • Use the formulas to solve area, perimeter, and volume problems. • Graph polygons on a coordinate plane. • Label with units. Supporting Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 20 Sixth Grade CCSSM Overview Quarter 4 Preview SBA – March 10 – April 4 DOK and Level of Learning 6.G.4 MP - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Over-arching concepts and estimated number of days to achieve them. Instructional Emphases Supporting • Draw nets of 3D shapes. • Use nets to solve problems. Introduce Ratios and Proportional Relationships Preview • Analyze proportional relationships and sue them to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Introduce The Number System Preview • Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers. Introduce Expressions and Equations Preview • Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. • Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations. Introduce Geometry Preview • Draw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them. • Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface areas, and volume. Introduce Statistics and Probability Preview • Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population. • Draw informal comparative inferences about two populations. • Investigate chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability models. Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do ±8 Days *3D nets *Surface area of 2D and 3D figures 3, Develop Week 2 Week 1 Standards DEA Assessment C – April 28 – May 2 Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 21 Resources for Sixth Grade ELA/CCSS Print resources: • Treasures/Tesoros • Benchmark Leveled Reader Series • Newspapers (Local and online) • Step Up to Writing • Literature Circles: Voice and Choice in Book Clubs and Reading Groups • Crosswalk Coach for the Common Core Standards; ISBN: 978-0-7836-7880-1 Web based resources: • State Library ( • Smart Exchange ( • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Check if your site has a site license with your librarian! • • – SFPS library catalog for CCS searching collection materials, web searching, citation creation Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 22 List of Suggested Resources for Mathematics Pre-CCSS Post-CCSS Everyday Math Everyday Mathematics is a comprehensive Pre-K through 6th grade mathematics curriculum developed by the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project and published by McGraw-Hill Education. DEA Discovery Education Assessment provides educators with tools needed to inform instruction and drive student achievement. Investigations Investigations is a K-5 mathematics curriculum, developed at TERC in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is designed to help all children understand fundamental ideas of number and operations, geometry, data, measurement and early algebra Common Core Coach Scott Foresman/Addison Wesley Glencoe Connected Math Connected Mathematics . The next generation of your favorite NSFfunded middle school program provides students with an investigative approach to learning mathematics. DynaMath DynaMath magazine makes math meaningful and accessible to students by applying core math concepts to high-interest, real-world topics. Holt Pictorial Math Meaningful Learning, the parent company of Pictorial Mathematics is dedicated to providing teachers, schools, districts and parents with the best active learning tools to teach and learn mathematics. Our philosophy is grounded on the latest research on how students best learn mathematics. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 23 Online Resources for Math Instruction 1. Math Goodies is your free math help portal featuring interactive lessons, worksheets, and homework help. 3. Teacher Created Materials publishes quality research-based educational resources for teachers and students. (For purchase) 5. An extensive collection of free resources, math games, and hands-on math activities aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. 2. Approach each math concept from all angles, offering visual representations, word problems, interactive activities, and more. (Subscription required) 4. Printable informal math assessments 6. Math terminology, practice and exemplars. 7. Math worksheets, videos & practice. 9. 800 Worksheets for Children 11. Videos for Math Instruction. 8. Free online tutorials for students K-12 10. Provides teachers with resources and information 12. Printable math worksheets 13. Teaching videos and interactive lessons. 14. Activities, standards, lessons and web links 15. Game-style activities ensure that students engage in active practice required for skill retention. (Subscription required) 16. Features a comprehensive set of thousands of interactive arithmetic lessons grades K-8. 17. An animated interactive online math dictionary which explains over 600 common mathematical terms. 18. Algebra Story and Word Problems. 19. Online interactive math lesson-geometry, data, numbers, algebra, puzzles. 20. Flash cards, math games and homework help. 21. Develop mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills. 22. Lesson plans, resources and links. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 24 Online Resources for Math Instruction 23. A website designed to help students enjoy their “maths” a bit more. 24. A comprehensive list of resources for teaching math in Spanish or English. 25. Free worksheets and games for children of all ages. 26. Each field trip provides quick suggestions for using targeted websites to teach math subjects. This site is designed as a lesson planning tool for teachers. 27. Fostering cooperative learning, discussion and critical thinking in elementary math. 28. Activities, lesson plans, and links to text books. (Marilyn Burns) 29. Everyday Mathematics is a comprehensive Pre-K through 6th grade mathematics curriculum developed by the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project and published by McGraw-Hill Education. 30. Kathy Schrock As an educational technologist, I keep learning each day. As I develop new presentations or interests, I create a page of support resources. 31. Develop schedules, view and print lesson, create class templates, allow students to view plans online and share your plans with other teachers. (subscription) Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 25 Online Math Resources-Spanish 1. Online math dictionary and games. Geared towards higher level math. (Spain) 2. Mathematics Enhancement Programme Primary Extension Spanish Translated Version (Chile) 3. AAA Math presenta una amplia variedad de lecciones interactivas de aritmética. La práctica ilimitada en cada tema facilita alcanzar un amplio dominio de los conceptos. La variada gama de lecciones (de jardín de infantes a octavo grado) posibilita el aprendizaje o la revisión para cualquier alumno en su propio nivel. Respuestas inmediatas previenen la práctica y el aprendizaje de métodos incorrectos, algo que sucede frecuentemente con las tradicionales hojas de ejercicios o deberes para la casa. 4. A comprehensive list of resources for teaching math in Spanish or English. 5. Spanish language booklet that is made up of fun activities that parents can use with children from preschool age through grade 5 to strengthen their math skills and build strong positive attitudes toward math. 6. Math tricks, riddles, magic squares, Natural numbers, and many more fun math activities for young children. 7. This on line exercise tests for geometry vocabulary, giving the initial word in English and 5 different options in Spanish. This quiz has 21 questions. 8. WIDA advances academic language development and academic achievement for linguistically diverse students through high quality standards, assessments, research, and professional development for educators. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 26 Publishers of Spanish Language Materials Carson-Dellosa Publishing The Spanish Home Workbooks series for Pre K – grade 4 are activity books for use at home or school that reinforce basic skills including math skills. Also available are Spanish posters, bulletin board sets, and workbooks to build and reinforce Spanish vocabulary. Math vocabulary is limited to numbers and basic shapes. Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications COMAP Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications, is an award-winning nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve mathematics education for students of all ages. Since 1980, COMAP has worked with teachers, students, and business people to create learning environments where mathematics is used to investigate and model real issues in our world. Globe Fearon Globe Fearon publishes the Pacemaker® series which targets special education and ESL/ELL students. Currently Practical Math for Consumers is the only mathematics text in the Pacemaker series for which a ESL/ELL teacher’s guide is available. No Spanish materials are available for any of the pacemaker mathematics texts; although Spanish supplements are available for other subject area books in the series.New Jersey 07054 (800)526-9907 Great Source The Every Day Counts® Math Kits for grades Pre K–6 are calendar activity kits used to provide supplementary instruction. The calendar and bulletin board elements are provided in English and Spanish. The ACCESS Math program is a student text and supplementary materials all in English that are designed to make math accessible for ELL and build language skills. The program is designed for grades 5-12. A workshop titled ACCESS: “Building Literacy Through Learning”, is also available. The Summer Success® Math Series is a summer school math program. Student books, pre- and posttests, and CD-ROMs are available in Spanish. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 27 Publishers of Spanish Language Materials Grupo Editorial Iberoamerica Geometer Sketchpad software program in Spanish that is used for exploring geometry; developed by Key Curriculum Press in the U.S.A. Grupo Patria Cultural Math text books in Spanish for grades K-16. These textbooks are intended to be used with the Mexican National Curriculum Standards. Hampton-Brown Seven Spanish language storybooks for math content areas are available for grades PreK-3. Harcourt School Publishers Harcourt Matemáticas is a K-6 Spanish math program. Student and teacher editions, Workbooks, Assessment Guides, and Teacher Resource Books are available. For grades K-2, math literature and manipulatives can be purchased. Electronic resources in Spanish include math CD-ROMs for grades 1-6 and math newsroom videos for grades 3-6. Houghton Mifflin The Houghton Mifflin Matemáticas series is a Spanish math program for grades K-6. The instruction and resources parallel the Houghton Mifflin Mathematics English program. The student book, ancillary materials, and teacher’s guide are all available in Spanish. An English Language Learners handbook, written in English, can also be purchased. Libreros de Matemáticas are classroom sets of children’s literature that link to mathematics content. Sets are available for each grade level 1-6. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 28 Publishers of Spanish Language Materials Lectorum Lectorum is a U.S. Spanish-language book distributor. For grades 9-12, three Spanish mathematics textbooks by Dr. Aurelio Baldor are available: Aritmética, Álgebra, and Geometría y Trigonometría. For grades K-8, math literature and activity books can be purchased. Pearson Longman Pearson Longman publishes texts and dictionaries for middle school, high school and adult ELL classrooms. The text, Longman Mathematics, is designed for students in grades 6-12 as an introduction to understanding mathematical concepts in English. The text includes eight units: Base-ten Number System, Operations with Whole Numbers, Number Theory, Operations with Decimal Numbers, and Operations with Fractions, Ratios, Operations with Integers, and Geometry and Measurement. Santillana USA Spanish mathematics programs for elementary, middle school, and secondary and Spanish classroom literature that highlight math topics are available. Mundo Matemático is the K-6 program, Estructuras Matemáticas is the middle school program, and Matemáticas Serie 2000 is a high school program. The books are in Spanish, with English versions available for K-6 and middle school. The K-6 and middle school books are aligned to NCTM standards. Levels 1 and 2 are available for middle school and levels 1-3 are available for high school. For grades K-6 there are several classroom literature books that highlight math concepts. Books are available individually or, for K-2, a 17-book math thematic library can be purchased. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 29
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