Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview
Common Core State Standards Curriculum Guide for Seventh Grade Revised Summer 2013 Table of Contents Seventh Grade Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Unit 1 ............................................................... 4 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Unit 2 ............................................................... 6 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Unit 3 ............................................................. 10 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Unit 4 ............................................................. 13 Seventh Grade Common Core Math Overview.................................................................................................. 15 ELA Resources ................................................................................................................................................... Ϯϯ Math Resources ................................................................................................................................................ Ϯϰ Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 2 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Introduction This grade-level overview is a companion piece to be used in tandem with the CCSS ELA and Math Standards. Teachers should refer to the actual standards frequently to ensure full implementation, as well as using CCSS academic language when creating daily objectives, rubrics and assessments. Purpose of Grade-Level Overviews • Provides a year-long plan to guide teacher implementation of curriculum aligned to the CCSS • Assists in weekly grade-level team planning • Provides a consistent suggested sequence of instructional delivery throughout SFPS • Provides ways to check for understanding/essential learning targets that serve as the basis for assessment Organization • Series of units/quarters divided into suggested weekly and or daily increments • Series of units/quarters are based on CCSS driven skills and concepts • Embedded/Recurring Standards (e.g. those taught frequently throughout the year) listed in separate section (ELA only) • Essential learning targets serve as ways to check for understanding and provide a basis for assessment • Essential learning targets are presented as “I Can” statements or objectives • Assessment/Evidence of mastery is required, but can be customized by each grade-level team • Core instructional resources may differ by school sites or grade-level teams Time Frame • Units/Quarters encompass approximately 30 weeks of instruction per academic school year o Please Note: There are approximately 125 instructional days prior to the state mandated standardized assessment. • Recognizes time required for mandated assessments, parent-teacher conferences, and any additional non-instructional days • Additional time can be used for re-teaching, enriching, extending learning “What am I learning...Why is it important...How do I know when I know it?” Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 3 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Quarter 1 Essential Question: How do I communicate my ideas using narrative structures? Final Product/Assessment: Narrative Essay Standards Week 1 W.7.3 RL.7.2/ RI.7.2 RL.7.9 L.7.2, SL.7.1.b Standards Week 2 W.7.3.a RL.7.2, SL.7.1.b, RI.7.3 L.7.2a Student Learning Target: Identify a narrative structure. Identify themes and central ideas of various types of texts. Differentiate between fiction and non-fiction texts. Compare and contrast a fictional portrayal of an event to an historical account of the same event to understand how authors of fiction use history in their writing. Identify the conventions of standard English Student Learning Target: Write a narrative that engages the reader and establishes a clear point of view, introduces a narrator and/or characters, and event sequence. Analyze the development of the theme over the course of a text. Unit 1 Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • • • • Graphic organizers Short answer and constructed responses Verbal responses Grammar/Language Games Quizzes Example Sentences Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • • • Graphic Organizers Class Discussions/Written Evidence Quizzes Peer Editing Games Use commas correctly, including the use of commas to separate coordinate adjectives. DEA Assessment A – Aug. 26 – Sept. 6 Standards W.3.b Week 3 W.3.c RL.7.2, SL.7.1.b L.7.4.a RL.7.1 RL.7.5 L.2.b Student Learning Target: Use dialogue, pacing, and description in order to develop a narrative. Use a variety of transition words and phrases to convey sequence and setting shifts in a narrative. Objectively summarize a text. Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • • • Rough Draft with rubric Word Games Short Answer/Constructed Responses Graphic Organizers Summary Paragraphs Use context clues to figure out word meanings. Cite textual evidence that strongly supports reader’s inferences and analysis of the text. Analyze how the form or structure of a text contributes to its meaning. Spell correctly. Language conventions, vocabulary, and computer/technology skills and practices are considered to be ongoing within each lesson. Common Core Standards R.L.7.1, R.L.7.2, R.L.7.3, R.L.7.4 and L.7.4 should also be embedded throughout the academic year. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 4 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Essential Question: How do I communicate my ideas using narrative structures? Final Product/Assessment: Narrative Essay Standards Week 4 W.3.d RL.7.3, SL.7.1 L.4.c, RI.7.1 Standards Week 5 W.4 RL.7.3, SL.7.1 L.4.c, RI.7.1 Standards Week 6 W.6 RL.7.4, SL.7.1, RI.7.4 L.6 Student Learning Target: Unit 1 Continued Assessments of Essential Learning Targets Use precise words, including descriptive details and sensory language, to capture the action. Analyze how the elements of a narrative interact. Use reference materials (print and digital) to find the pronunciation, meaning, and part of speech of a word • • • • • • Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets Graphic Organizers Cloze Written Evidence Class Discussions Quizzes Games Produce clear and coherent writing that is appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Analyze how the elements of a narrative interact. Use reference materials (print and digital) to find the pronunciation, meaning, and part of speech of a word • • • • • • Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets Use technology, including the internet, to produce and publish writing that includes links to citations and sources. Understand the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative language. Acquire and use appropriate vocabulary. • • • • • • Language conventions, vocabulary, and computer/technology skills and practices are considered to be ongoing within each lesson. Common Core Standards R.L.7.1, R.L.7.2, R.L.7.3, R.L.7.4 and L.7.4 should also be embedded throughout the academic year. Constructed Responses Think/pair/share Dictionary Practice; print and online Word(s) of the week Word Wall Peer Teaching Activity Use technology to type final draft/narrative essay Publish essay to blog Class Discussions Written Evidence Cloze Graphic Organizers Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 5 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Unit 2 Essential Question: How do I write an Expository Essay and create a multi-perspective multi-media presentation? Final Product/Assessment: Portfolio-Expository Essay process and Presentation; Compare/Contrast Multi-Media Presentation Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets Week 1 RL.7.2 RL.7.3 RI.7.5 RI.7.2.c SL.7.1-6 Determine two or more central ideas and analyze their development over the course of a text. Analyze interactions amongst individuals, events, or ideas in a text Analyze the structure an author uses to organize text. Provide an objective summary of an informational text. Engage effectively in class discussions on relevant topics, texts, and issues. Standards Student Learning Target: Week 2 W.7.7 W.7.8 RL.7.1 and RI.7.1 SL.7.1-4 & 6 Standards Week 3 W.7.7 W.7.2.a SL.7.1-4 & 6 Conduct short research projects that use several sources to answer a specific question. Gather information from multiple sources (digital and print) and assess credibility and accuracy of the sources. Quote or paraphrase information found for a finished work. Follow a standard format for citation in a written work. Cite textual evidence to support analysis of narrative and informational texts. Engage effectively in class discussions on relevant topics, texts, and issues. Student Learning Target: Generate additional focus questions during research. Introduce a topic and organize ideas to write an informative piece/expository essay Engage effectively in class discussions on relevant topics, texts, and issues. • • • • Graphic Organizers Short Answer Response Class Discussions Written Evidence Games Teacher Observations Teacher/Peer Editing • • • Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • • • • • Multimedia scavenger hunt Library trip with an exit slip Written List of Credible Sources Written Citations At least two quotes of paraphrased information from each source Teacher/Peer Self Rubric Teacher Observation Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • • • Language conventions, vocabulary, and computer/technology skills and practices are considered to be ongoing within each lesson. Common Core Standards R.L.7.1, R.L.7.2, R.L.7.3, R.L.7.4 and L.7.4 should also be embedded throughout the academic year. Writing Assignment Think/Pair/Share Expository Essay/Pre-writing graphic organizer/Outline Teacher/Peer Self Rubric Teacher Observation Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 6 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Quarter 2 Unit 2 Continued Essential Question: How do I write an Expository Essay and create a multi-perspective multi-media presentation? Final Product/Assessment: Portfolio-Expository Essay process and Presentation; Compare/Contrast Multi-Media Presentation Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets Week 4 RI.7.4 W.7.2.c L.7.1b Determine figurative, connotative, and technical meanings of words or phrases in the text. Use facts, definitions, details, and quotations, or other examples to develop a topic. Use transitions to create cohesion in writing. Use different types of sentences, phrases, and clauses. • • • • • • • Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets W.7.2.b Week 5 W.7.2.d-f L.7.3.a RI.7.4 SL.7.1.a Standards W.7.5 Week 6 RI.7.5 L.7.5.a-c L.7.6 Use precise language and vocabulary, maintain a formal writing style, and provide a conclusion to an essay. Choose language to express ideas in a precise and concise manner. Determine the figurative, connotative, or technical meanings of words or phrases. Analyze how the words the author chooses affect the meaning or tone of the text. Prepare for a class discussion and participate by referring to findings during discussion. Student Learning Target: Use guidance from peers and adults to plan, edit, and revise writing. Analyze the structure an author uses to organize text. Explain how major sections of the text contribute to the whole. Interpret figures of speech in context Use the relationships between words .to better understand each word’s meaning. Distinguish among connotations and denotations of words. Use vocabulary appropriate to 7th grade topics Use resources to gather word knowledge when needing a word important for comprehension and/or expression. • • • • • • • Cloze Quiz Games Short Answer Expository Essay/Rough Draft Short Answer/Paragraph Teacher/Peer Review Rough Draft: Rubric/Teacher Review Cloze Quiz Games Short Answer Teacher Observation Teacher/Peer/Self Rubric Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • • • • • • Language conventions, vocabulary, and computer/technology skills and practices are considered to be ongoing within each lesson. Common Core Standards R.L.7.1, R.L.7.2, R.L.7.3, R.L.7.4 and L.7.4 should also be embedded throughout the academic year. Peer-editing rubric using standard editing marks, Peer review and discussion Class Discussion Written Evidence Art Activities Dictionary Activities Quizzes Cloze Activities Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 7 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Unit 2 Continued Week 7 Essential Question: How do I write an Expository Essay and create a multi-perspective multi-media presentation? Final Product/Assessment: Portfolio-Expository Essay process and Presentation; Compare/Contrast Multi-Media Presentation Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets W.7.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to the audience. W.7.5 Try new approaches and focus on addressing purpose and audience in writing. W.7.6 L.7.1 Use technology to produce and publish work. Explain the function of phrases and clauses. Choose among various types of sentences to show different relationships among ideas. Use phrases and clauses appropriately in a sentence. Use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives. Spell correctly. Choose language to express ideas in a precise and concise manner. Standards Week 8 SL.7.4.a-b SL.7.5 (optional) SL.7.6.a-b Student Learning Target: Present important findings in a coherent manner using descriptions, facts, details, and examples. Use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. Include multimedia or visual displays. Adapt speech to a variety of tasks and contexts. Demonstrate a command of formal English. • • • • Application of peer/teacher/self-editing results Final Draft revisions Portfolio includes: Graphic Organizer/outline • List of sources • Peer-editing rubric • Teacher rubric • Final draft with revisions Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • • • • • Language conventions, vocabulary, and computer/technology skills and practices are considered to be ongoing within each lesson. Common Core Standards R.L.7.1, R.L.7.2, R.L.7.3, R.L.7.4 and L.7.4 should also be embedded throughout the academic year. Class Discussions Written Evidence Venn Diagram Short Answer Response Cornell Notes Short Answer Response Student Reflection. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 8 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Unit 2 Continued Essential Question: How do I write an Expository Essay and create a multi-perspective multi-media presentation? Final Product/Assessment: Portfolio-Expository Essay process and Presentation; Compare/Contrast Multi-Media Presentation Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets Week 9 RL.7.7 and/or RI.7.7 SL.7.1.b-c SL.7.1.d SL.7.2 SL.7.3.a-b Compare and contrast a written text to its audio, staged, or multi-media version, and analyze the effects of techniques that are used to portray various types of media. (And/or) compare and contrast a text to a multi-media version, and analyze how the medium effects the portrayal of the subject. Follow agreed-upon class rules for discussions, ask questions to respond to others, elicit elaboration, or bring the discussion back to topic. Acknowledge new ideas expressed in discussion and modify views as needed. Analyze the main idea/supporting details in information presented in diverse formats. Identify a speaker’s argument, specific claims, and evaluate the relevance of the evidence and soundness of the reasoning. • • • • Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets Class Discussions Written Evidence Short Answer Response Cornell Notes DEA Assessment B – Dec. 16 – Jan. 10 Week 10 Standards RL.7.7 and/or RI.7.7 SL.7.4.a Compare and contrast a written text to its audio, staged, or multi-media version and analyze the effects of techniques that are used to portray various types of media. (And/or) compare and contrast a text to a multi-media version, and analyze how the medium effects the portrayal of the subject. Present important findings in a coherent manner. • • • Language conventions, vocabulary, and computer/technology skills and practices are considered to be ongoing within each lesson. Common Core Standards R.L.7.1, R.L.7.2, R.L.7.3, R.L.7.4 and L.7.4 should also be embedded throughout the academic year. Short Answer Art Activity Venn Diagram Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 9 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Quarter 3 Week 1 Essential Question: How do I best persuade others to my opinion or prove my points? Final Product/Assessment: Persuasive Essay, Debate Standards Student Learning Target: RL7.4, SL 7.1, RI 7.4 Understand the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative language. RL 7.2 Determine the theme of a text, analyze its development, and provide an objective summary. Determine two or more central ideas, analyze their development over the course of a text and provide an objective summary. RI 7.2 Standards Student Learning Target: RI 7.6 Determine the author’s POV and purpose. W 7.1.a State a claim and support it with reasons and evidence, as well as acknowledge alternate and opposing claims in order to develop an argument. Identify a speaker’s arguments and specific claims. Use internet to interact and collaborate with peers. Week 2 RL 7.6 SL 7.3 W 7.6 Standards Week 3 RL/RI 7.1 W 7.1.b W 7.7 SL 7.1-4 & 6 Standards Week 4 W 7.8 RI 7.8 L 7.3.a Analyze how an author develops and/or contrasts the point of view (POV) of a narrator or character. Unit 3 Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • • • • Cloze Graphic Organizer Example Sentences Crossword Puzzle Writing analysis/sentence or paragraph Class Discussion with written evidence Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • • • • • Cloze Graphic Organizers Writing Analysis/Sentence/Paragraph Class discussion with written evidence Structured paragraphs Share Scavenger Hunt Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets Cite textual evidence that strongly supports reader’s inferences and analysis of the text. Support claims with logical and relevant reasons using credible sources. Conduct short research projects that use several sources. Identify a speaker’s arguments, specific claims, and evaluate for the soundness of reasoning and relevance of evidence presented. • • • • • • Gather information from multiple sources and assess credibility and accuracy of those sources. Quote or paraphrase information found in evidential support (print and digital). Trace and evaluate the argument and claims in a text, and assess the author’s reasoning to determine if he/she has enough evidence to support his/her claims. • • • Choose language to express ideas in a precise and concise manner. Language conventions, vocabulary, and computer/technology skills and practices are considered to be ongoing within each lesson. Common Core Standards R.L.7.1, R.L.7.2, R.L.7.3, R.L.7.4 and L.7.4 should also be embedded throughout the academic year. Citation Sources scavenger hunt Written opinions with citations and sources Pre-writing persuasive essay Graphic Organizer to create an outline In-class debate with rubric Rough Draft: Student locates and uses primary and secondary sources for evidential support, including written documentation of sources Rough Draft includes quotes and/or paraphrases of information, with appropriate citations Short answer Class discussions with written evidence Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 10 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Essential Question: How do I best persuade others to my opinion or prove my points? Final Product/Assessment: Persuasive Essay, Debate Standards W 7.1.c-d Week 5 W 7.1.e L 7.5.b L 7.6 W 7.5 Week 6 Standards W 7.6 W 7.8 Student Learning Target: Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion; clarify relationships; and establish and maintain a formal style. Provide a concluding statement or section that flows from the presented argument. Use the relationships between words to better understand the meaning of each word. Use vocabulary appropriate for 7th grade and use resources to gather word knowledge. Try new approaches and focus on addressing purpose and audience in writing. Use guidance from peers and adults to plan, revise, and edit writing. Student Learning Target: Use technology to produce and publish work, and link to sources. Follow a standard format for citation in written work. W 7.1 Write an argument with clear reasons and relevant evidence. SL 7.4 & 6 Use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation; adapt speech to a variety of tasks and contexts; and demonstrate a command of formal English. Include multimedia projects or visual displays. SL 7.5 Unit 3 Continued Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • Rough Draft: self-editing (rubric) Rough Draft contains conclusion Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • • • • Language conventions, vocabulary, and computer/technology skills and practices are considered to be ongoing within each lesson. Common Core Standards R.L.7.1, R.L.7.2, R.L.7.3, R.L.7.4 and L.7.4 should also be embedded throughout the academic year. Typing Final Draft Final Draft contains correctly formatted citations Final Draft complete and published Presenting of Persuasive Argument Small group sharing: Final Draft of Persuasive Essay Multimedia Project Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 11 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Essential Question: How do I best persuade others to my opinion or prove my points? Final Product/Assessment: Persuasive Essay, Debate Standards Week 7 W 7.8 W 7.9.a & b Student Learning Target: Gather information from multiple sources (print & digital). Use evidence from literature and informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. RL 7.9 and/or Compare and contrast the fictional and non- fictional portrayals of an event. RI 7.9 Analyze differences in two or more authors’ presentations on the same topic in order to compare and contrast. SL 7.1-6 1.a- Prepare for and participate in a class discussion. 1.b- Follow rules for discussion/ debate and define individual roles. 1.c- Ask questions to respond others, elicit elaboration, and bring the discussion back to topic. 1.d- Acknowledge new ideas expressed in discussion and modify views if needed. 4- Present important findings in a coherent manner using descriptions, facts, details, and examples; using appropriate eye contact, volume, and pronunciation. 6- Adapt speech to a variety of tasks and contexts while demonstrating a command of formal English. Unit 3 Continued Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • • • • Graphic Organizers Lists Teacher generated questions Class Discussions with evidence • Fiction vs. Fiction • Fiction vs. Non-fiction • Non-fiction vs. Non-fiction • Debate Options • Whole class split (single issue) • Small groups (single or multiple issues) • One-on-one (single issue) • Teacher/peer rubric Language conventions, vocabulary, and computer/technology skills and practices are considered to be ongoing within each lesson. Common Core Standards R.L.7.1, R.L.7.2, R.L.7.3, R.L.7.4 and L.7.4 should also be embedded throughout the academic year. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 12 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Quarter 4 Unit 4 Week 2 Week 1 Essential Question: How do I properly read a Drama aloud? How do I create and present poetry? Final Product/Assessment: Rubric based oral presentation of a Drama. Rubric based presentation of a student written and chosen poem from a portfolio. SBA – Mar. 10 – Apr. 4 Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets RL.7.2 Determine and analyze the development of the theme throughout a text. • Class discussion with Written Evidence (CD/WE) RL.7.3 Analyze how the elements of a drama interact. • Short answers • Teacher generated questions SL.7.2 Analyze the main idea/supporting details in a drama. • Art activity • Short answers • Teacher generated questions Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets RL.7.5 Analyze how the form and structure of a text contributes to its meaning. RI.7.5 SL.7.6 Analyze the structure of a text and explain how major sections contribute to the development of the whole. Analyze how the author develops the point of view (POV) of a narrator or characters of a text. Adapt speech to a variety of tasks and contexts. • • • • • • • • • Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets RL.7.6 Week 3 RL.7.7 Class discussion with written evidence (CD/WE) Short answers Teacher generated questions Graphic organizers T-Chart Venn diagram Constructed response Art activity Reading a drama aloud Compare and contrast a written drama to its staged or multimedia version and analyze the effects of techniques that are unique to portraying drama. • RL.7.9 Compare and contrast a fictional portrayal of an event to an historical account of the same event to understand how authors of fiction use history in their writing. • • Graphic Organizers T-Chart Venn Diagram Constructed Response Art Activity SL.7.6 Adapt speech to a variety of tasks and contexts. L.7.4.a Use context clues to figure out word meanings. • • Dictionary Activity Matching Game Language conventions, vocabulary, and computer/technology skills and practices are considered to be ongoing within each lesson. Common Core Standards R.L.7.1, R.L.7.2, R.L.7.3, R.L.7.4 and L.7.4 should also be embedded throughout the academic year. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 13 Seventh Grade Common Core English Language Arts Overview Unit 4 Continued Week 5 Week 4 Essential Question: How do I properly read a Drama aloud? How do I create and present poetry? Final Product/Assessment: Rubric based oral presentation of a Drama. Rubric based presentation of a student written and chosen poem from a portfolio. Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets RL.7.2 RL.7.4 L.7.4 Determine the theme of a text and determine its development. Determine the figurative and connotative meaning of words and phrases based on how they are used in a text. Use context clues to figure out word meanings. Standards Student Learning Target: RI.7.4 Week 6 • • Cornell notes: reviewing previous lessons to link to poetry Graphic Organizers Comprehension questions Assessments of Essential Learning Targets • Analyze how the words the author chooses affect the meaning or tone of the text. • • • Cornell Notes Word game/activity Poetry portfolio Writer’s Notebook Write a poem W.7.4 Produce clear, coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate for seventh grade tasks, purposes, and audiences. Standards Student Learning Target: • Assessments of Essential Learning Targets W.7.10 Write for a range of time, tasks, purposes, and audiences. L.7.3 Choose language to express ideas in a precise and concise manner. • L.7.4 Use context clues to figure out word meanings. W.7.10 Write for a range of time, tasks, purposes, and audiences. RL.7.4 Analyze the impact of rhyme or sound devices on a particular part of a text. DEA Assessment C – Apr. 28 – May 2 • • • • • • Comprehension questions Students will write poetry using rhyme or sound device In a peer editing group students will analyze aforementioned poems Poetry Portfolio Writer’s Notebook Write a Poem Presentation of Poetry Standards Student Learning Target: Assessments of Essential Learning Targets Spell correctly. Use eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. • • SL.7.6 Adapt my speech to a variety of tasks and contexts. L.7.4 Use context clues to figure out word meanings. • W.7.10 Write for a range of time, tasks, purposes, and audiences. L.7.2 SL.7.4 Week 7 • • • • • Language conventions, vocabulary, and computer/technology skills and practices are considered to be ongoing within each lesson. Common Core Standards R.L.7.1, R.L.7.2, R.L.7.3, R.L.7.4 and L.7.4 should also be embedded throughout the academic year. Comprehension questions Students will write poetry using rhyme or sound device In a peer editing group students will analyze aforementioned poems Poetry Portfolio Writer’s Notebook Write a Poem Presentation of Poetry Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 14 Seventh Grade CCSSM Overview Essential Learning Area: Operations with rational numbers (addition/ subtraction) - ±19 Days Week 1& 2 Standards DOK and Level of Learning 7.NS.1 DOK 1, 2 LL 2, 3 7.NS.1.a DOK 2, 3 LL 2, 3 7.NS.1.b DOK 1,2,3 LL 1,2,3 MP 1,2,3,4,6,7 Instructional Emphasis Major Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do Overarching Concepts Integers and the number line Working with integers Absolute Value Solving integer expressions and equations Properties of addition Adding Integers • • • • • • • • 7.NS.1.c Week 3 7.NS.1.d DOK 1,2 LL 1,2,3 DEA ASSESSMENT A – AUG. 26 – SEPT. 6 Major MP 1,2,7,8 Integers and the number line Working with integers Absolute Value Solving integer expressions and equations Properties of subtraction and assigning the signs properly to answers • • • • • • Subtracting Integers 7.NS.3 Week 4 MP 1,2,4,6 DOK 2,3 LL 2,3 Major Solving word problems, Understanding the properties of addition and subtraction, Solve real-world problems Quarter 1 • • • • • • • • ADD and SUBTRACT (rational numbers) DESCRIBE (opposites quantities) INTERPRET (sums in context) SHOW (absolute value) APPLY (absolute value principle in context) APPLY (properties of operations as strategies) SOLVE (with and without context) o APPLY (properties of operations to calculate) o CONVERT (between equivalent forms) o ASSESS (reasonableness of answers) USE (mental computation and estimation strategies) DESCRIBE (opposites quantities) SHOW (additive inverses) SHOW (absolute value) APPLY (absolute value principle in context) APPLY (properties of operations as strategies) SOLVE (with and without context) o APPLY (properties of operations to calculate) o CONVERT (between equivalent forms) o ASSESS (reasonableness of answers) USE (mental computation and estimation strategies) UNDERSTAND (positive or negative direction) UNDERSTAND (subtraction as additive inverses) SHOW (absolute value) APPLY (absolute value principle in context) APPLY (properties of operations as strategies) SOLVE (with and without context) o APPLY (properties of operations to calculate) o CONVERT (between equivalent forms) o ASSESS (reasonableness of answers) USE (mental computation and estimation strategies)\ Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 15 Seventh Grade CCSSM Overview Essential Learning Area: Number Systems/ Expressions & Equations - ±25 Days Week 5 Standards 7.NS.2 7.NS.2.a Week 6 Week 7 Major MP 1,2,4 DOK 1,2 LL 1,2,3 DOK 1,2 LL 1,2,3 Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do Overarching Concepts Understanding the rules of Multiply Integers • • Assigning signs appropriately • Understanding the rules of Division of Integers Assigning signs appropriately • • • 7.NS.2.c Week 8 Major Instructional Emphasis MP 1,2,4,7 7.NS.2.b Major MP 1,2,7 DOK 2,3 LL 1,2,3 Apply and understand the Properties of Multiplication and Division • • • 7.NS.2.d Major DOK 1,2 LL 1,2,3 Major DOK 1,2,3 LL 1,2,3 MP 1,8 7.NS.3 7.EE.2 Week 9 DOK and Level of Learning 7.EE.3 MP 1,2,4,6,7,8 Conversion of Decimals to Rational Numbers Dividing integers with zero and non-zero divisors Solve Problems with Four Operations Write Expressions and equations Quarter 1 Continued MULTIPLY and DIVIDE (rational numbers) UNDERSTAND/DEVELOP (rules for multiplying signed numbers) INTERPRET (products & quotients in context) MULTIPLY and DIVIDE (rational numbers) UNDERSTAND (every quotient of integers (with nonzero divisor) is a rational number) INTERPRET (products & quotients in context) UNDERSTAND/DEVELOP (rules for multiplying signed numbers) UNDERSTAND (every quotient of integers (with nonzero divisor) is a rational number) INTERPRET (products & quotients in context) • UNDERSTAND (every quotient of integers (with nonzero divisor) is a rational number) • • • • MULTIPLY and DIVIDE (rational numbers) INTERPRET (products & quotients in context) APPLY (properties of operations as strategies) SOLVE (multi-step problems in context) o APPLY (properties of operations to calculate) o CONVERT (between equivalent forms of rational numbers) o UNDERSTAND (the relationship between equivalent forms of an expression) o ASSESS (reasonableness of answers) USE (mental computation and estimation strategies) Multi-step Problems using all properties and operations Solving and creating word problems with all four • Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 16 Seventh Grade CCSSM Overview Quarter 2 Essential Learning Area: Ratios & Proportions - ±25 Days Weeks 4-5 Weeks 1-3 Standards DOK and Level of Learning Instructional Emphasis Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do Overarching Concepts 7.RP.1 Major DOK 1,2 LL 1,2,3 Rates and Ratios – Fractions, Lengths, & Areas • • 7.RP.2 7.RP.2.a Major DOK 1,2 LL 1,2,3 Proportions, compare quantities, unit rates, preform unit conversions • • 7.RP.2.b Major DOK 1,2 LL 2,3 Explore rates and ratios through unit analysis MP 1,3,4,7 Work with fractions using all operations, comparing, equivalent fractions, multiplying, and dividing 7.RP.2.c Major DOK 1,2, LL 1,2 7.RP.2.d Major DOK 1,2 LL 1,2 7.RP.3 Major DOK 1,2,3 LL 1,2,3 7.G.1 Supporting DOK 2,3 LL 2,3 MP 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 RECOGNIZE (proportional relationships) REPRESENT (proportional relationships in a variety of ways) IDENTIFY (constant of proportionality) COMPUTE (unit rates) Proportional relationships Graph proportions Multi-step ratios and proportion tables Scale factors Applying Scale factors mathematically and through Scale drawing • • • • • • • RECOGNIZE (proportional relationships) REPRESENT (proportional relationships in a variety of ways) DECIDE (proportional relationship) o TEST (equivalent ratios) o OBSERVE (graph) IDENTIFY (constant of proportionality) EXPLAIN [point (x,y)] SOLVE (multi-step COMPUTE (actual lengths/areas from scale drawings) REPRODUCE (a scale drawing at a different scale) Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 17 Seventh Grade CCSSM Overview Quarter 2 Continued Essential Learning Area: Expressions and Equations - ±30 Days Standards Week 6 7.EE.1 MP 1,6,7 DOK and Level of Learning DOK 2 LL 2,3 Instructional Emphasis Major Expand linear expressions DOK 3,4 LL 2,3 Major Week 7 MP 1,2,7 Rewriting expressions from Verbal mode Numerical representations Check solutions for reasonableness Explain the terms of the expression 7.EE.4 7.EE.4a MP 1,4,7 Week 8 & 9 Properties of Operations Identify coefficients, and variables. 7.EE.2 DOK 3 LL 2,3 Major Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do Overarching Concepts • • • • • • USE (variables) REASON (about quantities) APPLY (properties of operations) FACTOR (Linear expressions with rational coefficients) EXPAND (Linear expressions with rational coefficients) WRITE (an expression in different forms) • • • • • • • USE (variables) REASON (about quantities) COMPARE (solutions) FACTOR (Linear expressions with rational coefficients) EXPAND (Linear expressions with rational coefficients) WRITE (an expression in different forms) UNDERSTAND (how rewriting an expression in different forms can show how the quantities in a problem are related) • • • USE (variables) CONSTRUCT (simple equations and inequalities) SOLVE (problems in context) o Simple equations o Simple inequalities COMPARE (solutions) GRAPH (inequality) INTERPRET (inequality) EXPAND (Linear expressions with rational coefficients) WRITE (an expression in different forms) UNDERSTAND (how rewriting an expression in different forms can show how the quantities in a problem are related) DEA Assessment B – Dec. 16 – Jan. 10 Explore inequalities through Number line graphing Compare and contrast expressions, equations, and inequalities. Solve inequalities Equations and Inequalities Solve equations in word problems • • • • • • Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 18 Seventh Grade CCSSM Overview Quarter 3 Essential Learning Area: Expressions and Equations - ±30 Days Continued Standards DOK 3 LL 2,3 Instructional Emphasis Major Weeks 1 & 2 7.EE.4b MP 1,4,6,7,8 DOK and Level of Learning Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do Overarching Concepts Solve word problems with inequalities with and without variables. • • • Graph inequality solutions • • • • • Essential Learning Area: Probability - ±25 Days Week 6 Week 5 Week 3 & 4 Standards DOK and Level of Learning Instructional Emphasis 7.SP.5 7.SP.6 DOK 1,2 LL 1,2,3 Major 7.SP.7 7.SP.7.a DOK 4 LL 2,3 Major DOK 4 LL 2,3 Major Overarching Concepts Probability Chance of Event Estimate Probabilities Collect Data Probability of Events Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do • • • MP 1,2,4,8 7.SP.7.b MP 1,4,8 7.SP.8 7.SP.8.a MP 1,2 DOK 1,2 LL 1,2 Major Model Probability Create can conduct experiments of probability and represent the results in multiple formats. • Organize lists, tables, tree diagrams, and simulations • • Analyze data USE (variables) CONSTRUCT (simple equations and inequalities) SOLVE (problems in context) o Simple equations o Simple inequalities COMPARE (solutions) GRAPH (inequality) INTERPRET (inequality) WRITE (an expression in different forms) UNDERSTAND (how rewriting an expression in different forms can show how the quantities in a problem are related) • DEVELOP/USE o (a uniform probability model) o (a probability model which may not be uniform) FIND (probabilities of simple events) UNDERSTAND (probability of a chance event is a number between 0 and 1) REPRESENT (sample spaces for compound events using various methods, e.g., organized lists, tables, tree diagrams) DESIGN/USE (simulation EXPLAIN (possible sources of the discrepancy) FIND (probability of compound events using organized lists, tables, tree diagrams and simulation) Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 19 Seventh Grade CCSSM Overview Quarter 3 Continued Essential Learning Area: Probability - ±25 Days Standards 7.SP.8.b DOK 2 LL 2 7.SP.8.c Week 7 DOK and Level of Learning MP 1,3,4,5,8 DOK 3,4 LL 3 Instructional Emphasis Major Major Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do Overarching Concepts Compound events Frequencies • • Explain discrepancies • • • Represent compound events Analyze data and make predictions and estimations • FIND (frequencies for compound events) COMPARE (probabilities from a model to observed frequencies) EXPLAIN (possible sources of the discrepancy) OBSERVE (frequencies in data) UNDERSTAND probability of a compound event is the fraction of outcomes in the sample space) PREDICT (approximate relative frequency) Essential Learning Area: Geometry - ±25 Days Week 8 Standards 7.G.1 MP 1,3,5,8 DOK 2,3 LL 2,3 Instructional Emphasis Additional Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do Overarching Concepts Scale drawings of geometric figures Apply scale factor • • SOLVE (with and without context) DRAW/CONSTRUCT (geometric shapes with given conditions) • • USE (ruler, protractor, technology) WRITE/SOLVE (problems using equations to find an unknown angle in a figure) Dilation and scaling 7.G.2 Week 9 DOK and Level of Learning 7.G.3 MP 1,3,5 DOK 1,2 LL 1,2 Additional Solving for the unknown side, and angle Understanding and using ruler and protractor Comparing the measure of angles and their sums for polygons Triangles 2D figures Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 20 Seventh Grade CCSSM Overview Quarter 4 SBA – March 10 – April 4 Essential Learning Area: Geometry - ±25 Days Continued Standards Weeks 1-2 7.G.4 DOK 1,2 LL 1,2,3 7.G.5 Instructional Emphasis Additional MP 1,2,3,6,7 7.G.6 Week 3 DOK and Level of Learning MP 1,4,8 DOK 2,3 LL 2 Additional Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do Overarching Concepts Formulas of geometric figures Area circumference Supplementary and complementary vertical angles Interior and exterior angles Finding the unknown portion of the figure • • • Solving word problems involving geometric formulas Create word problems that require finding the unknown of a polygon or set of angles. Real world area Volume surface area • • • • • KNOW/DEVELOP (formulas) SOLVE (problems using formulas) GIVE/DERIVE (informally the relationship between circumference and area of a circle) DESCRIBE (two-dimensional figures that result from plane sections of three-dimensional figures) WRITE/SOLVE (problems using equations to find an unknown angle in a figure) KNOW/DEVELOP (formulas) SOLVE (problems using formulas) WRITE/SOLVE (problems using equations to find an unknown angle in a figure) Essential Learning Area: Inferences about Populations - ±20 Days Week 4-5 Standards DOK and Level of Learning Instructional Emphasis 7.SP.1 DOK 1,2 LL 1,2 Supporting 7.SP.2 DOK 3 LL 2 Supporting MP 1,2,3,4,8 Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do Overarching Concepts Statistics Draw inferences Analysis of Data tables Look for and explain discrepancies • • • • Understand compound events and represent them in various ways • DEVELOP/USE o (a uniform probability model) o (a probability model which may not be uniform) FIND o (probabilities of simple events) EXPLAIN (possible sources of the discrepancy) UNDERSTAND o (probability of a chance event is a number between 0 and 1) o (probability of a compound event is the fraction of outcomes in the sample space) REPRESENT (sample spaces for compound events using various methods, e.g., organized lists, tables, tree diagrams) Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 21 Seventh Grade CCSSM Overview Quarter 4 Continued Essential Learning Area: Inferences about Populations - ±20 Days Continued Weeks 6-7 Standards DOK and Level of Learning Instructional Emphasis 7.SP.3 DOK 1,2 LL 1,2 Additional Plan and preform experiments of simple and compound events 7.SP.4 DOK 2 LL 1,2 Major Compare frequencies from a graph and experiment preformed MP 1,2,3,4 Assessed learning targets that students will know and be able to do Overarching Concepts Data distribution Measures of center DEA Assessment C – April 28 – May 2 • • • • • • • FIND o (probabilities of simple events) o (probability of compound events using organized lists, tables, tree diagrams and simulation) o (frequencies for compound events) COMPARE (probabilities from a model to observed frequencies) EXPLAIN (possible sources of the discrepancy) OBSERVE (frequencies in data) PREDICT (approximate relative frequency) REPRESENT (sample spaces for compound events using various methods, e.g., organized lists, tables, tree diagrams) DESIGN/USE (simulation) Time is buffered throughout for various assessment purposes. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 22 Resources for Seventh Grade ELA/CCSS Print resources: • • • • • Benchmark Leveled Reader Series Newspapers (Local and online) Step Up to Writing Literature Circles: Voice and Choice in Book Clubs and Reading Groups Crosswalk Coach for the Common Core Standards; ISBN: 978-0783678818 Web based Resources: • • • • • • • • • • • • State Library ( Smart Exchange ( • • • • • • • • • • • Check if your site has a site license with your librarian! – SFPS library catalog for CCS searching collection materials, web searching, citation creation Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 23 List of Suggested Resources for Mathematics Pre-CCSS Post-CCSS Everyday Math Everyday Mathematics is a comprehensive Pre-K through 6th grade mathematics curriculum developed by the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project and published by McGraw-Hill Education. DEA Discovery Education Assessment provides educators with tools needed to inform instruction and drive student achievement. Investigations Investigations is a K-5 mathematics curriculum, developed at TERC in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is designed to help all children understand fundamental ideas of number and operations, geometry, data, measurement and early algebra Common Core Coach Scott Foresman/Addison Wesley Glencoe Connected Math Connected Mathematics . The next generation of your favorite NSFfunded middle school program provides students with an investigative approach to learning mathematics. DynaMath DynaMath magazine makes math meaningful and accessible to students by applying core math concepts to high-interest, real-world topics. Holt Pictorial Math Meaningful Learning, the parent company of Pictorial Mathematics is dedicated to providing teachers, schools, districts and parents with the best active learning tools to teach and learn mathematics. Our philosophy is grounded on the latest research on how students best learn mathematics. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 24 Online Resources for Math Instruction 1. Math Goodies is your free math help portal featuring interactive lessons, worksheets, and homework help. 3. Teacher Created Materials publishes quality research-based educational resources for teachers and students. (For purchase) 5. An extensive collection of free resources, math games, and hands-on math activities aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. 2. Approach each math concept from all angles, offering visual representations, word problems, interactive activities, and more. (Subscription required) 4. Printable informal math assessments 6. Math terminology, practice and exemplars. 7. Math worksheets, videos & practice. 9. 800 Worksheets for Children 11. Videos for Math Instruction. 8. Free online tutorials for students K-12 10. Provides teachers with resources and information 12. Printable math worksheets 13. Teaching videos and interactive lessons. 14. Activities, standards, lessons and web links 15. Game-style activities ensure that students engage in active practice required for skill retention. (Subscription required) 16. Features a comprehensive set of thousands of interactive arithmetic lessons grades K-8. 17. An animated interactive online math dictionary which explains over 600 common mathematical terms. 18. Algebra Story and Word Problems. 19. Online interactive math lesson-geometry, data, numbers, algebra, puzzles. 20. Flash cards, math games and homework help. 21. Develop mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills. 22. Lesson plans, resources and links. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 25 Online Resources for Math Instruction 23. A website designed to help students enjoy their “maths” a bit more. 24. A comprehensive list of resources for teaching math in Spanish or English. 25. Free worksheets and games for children of all ages. 26. Each field trip provides quick suggestions for using targeted websites to teach math subjects. This site is designed as a lesson planning tool for teachers. 27. Fostering cooperative learning, discussion and critical thinking in elementary math. 28. Activities, lesson plans, and links to text books. (Marilyn Burns) 29. Everyday Mathematics is a comprehensive Pre-K through 6th grade mathematics curriculum developed by the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project and published by McGraw-Hill Education. 30. Kathy Schrock As an educational technologist, I keep learning each day. As I develop new presentations or interests, I create a page of support resources. 31. Develop schedules, view and print lesson, create class templates, allow students to view plans online and share your plans with other teachers. (subscription) Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 26 Online Math Resources-Spanish 1. Online math dictionary and games. Geared towards higher level math. (Spain) 2. Mathematics Enhancement Programme Primary Extension Spanish Translated Version (Chile) 3. AAA Math presenta una amplia variedad de lecciones interactivas de aritmética. La práctica ilimitada en cada tema facilita alcanzar un amplio dominio de los conceptos. La variada gama de lecciones (de jardín de infantes a octavo grado) posibilita el aprendizaje o la revisión para cualquier alumno en su propio nivel. Respuestas inmediatas previenen la práctica y el aprendizaje de métodos incorrectos, algo que sucede frecuentemente con las tradicionales hojas de ejercicios o deberes para la casa. 4. A comprehensive list of resources for teaching math in Spanish or English. 5. Spanish language booklet that is made up of fun activities that parents can use with children from preschool age through grade 5 to strengthen their math skills and build strong positive attitudes toward math. 6. Math tricks, riddles, magic squares, Natural numbers, and many more fun math activities for young children. 7. This on line exercise tests for geometry vocabulary, giving the initial word in English and 5 different options in Spanish. This quiz has 21 questions. 8. WIDA advances academic language development and academic achievement for linguistically diverse students through high quality standards, assessments, research, and professional development for educators. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 27 Publishers of Spanish Language Materials Grupo Editorial Iberoamerica Geometer Sketchpad software program in Spanish that is used for exploring geometry; developed by Key Curriculum Press in the U.S.A. Grupo Patria Cultural Math text books in Spanish for grades K-16. These textbooks are intended to be used with the Mexican National Curriculum Standards. Hampton-Brown Seven Spanish language storybooks for math content areas are available for grades PreK-3. Harcourt School Publishers Harcourt Matemáticas is a K-6 Spanish math program. Student and teacher editions, Workbooks, Assessment Guides, and Teacher Resource Books are available. For grades K-2, math literature and manipulatives can be purchased. Electronic resources in Spanish include math CD-ROMs for grades 1-6 and math newsroom videos for grades 3-6. Houghton Mifflin The Houghton Mifflin Matemáticas series is a Spanish math program for grades K-6. The instruction and resources parallel the Houghton Mifflin Mathematics English program. The student book, ancillary materials, and teacher’s guide are all available in Spanish. An English Language Learners handbook, written in English, can also be purchased. Libreros de Matemáticas are classroom sets of children’s literature that link to mathematics content. Sets are available for each grade level 1-6. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 24 28 Publishers of Spanish Language Materials Lectorum Lectorum is a U.S. Spanish-language book distributor. For grades 9-12, three Spanish mathematics textbooks by Dr. Aurelio Baldor are available: Aritmética, Álgebra, and Geometría y Trigonometría. For grades K-8, math literature and activity books can be purchased. Pearson Longman Pearson Longman publishes texts and dictionaries for middle school, high school and adult ELL classrooms. The text, Longman Mathematics, is designed for students in grades 6-12 as an introduction to understanding mathematical concepts in English. The text includes eight units: Base-ten Number System, Operations with Whole Numbers, Number Theory, Operations with Decimal Numbers, and Operations with Fractions, Ratios, Operations with Integers, and Geometry and Measurement. Santillana USA Spanish mathematics programs for elementary, middle school, and secondary and Spanish classroom literature that highlight math topics are available. Mundo Matemático is the K-6 program, Estructuras Matemáticas is the middle school program, and Matemáticas Serie 2000 is a high school program. The books are in Spanish, with English versions available for K-6 and middle school. The K-6 and middle school books are aligned to NCTM standards. Levels 1 and 2 are available for middle school and levels 1-3 are available for high school. For grades K-6 there are several classroom literature books that highlight math concepts. Books are available individually or, for K-2, a 17-book math thematic library can be purchased. Summer 2013 DRAFT SFPS CCSS Collaborative Initiative Page 25 29
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