Steiff 2016


Steiff 2016
Collection Spring/Summer 2016
Collectors Collection
Steiff Manufacturing
Best materials
Perfected unique specimen
135 years of Margarete Steiff toys
Limited Editions
Licensed pieces 2016
Steiff Club
Country Exclusives
Classic Collection
Studio animals
Personalised Teddy bears
Child Collection
Steiff’s purity law
Teddy bears
Magnetic animals
Giant sized and cuddly
Riding animals
Pets and farm animals
Forest and meadow animals
Wild animals
Arctic and marine animals
Fantasy animals
Happy Friends
Little Floppies
Heat cushions
Knopf and Frieda
Baby Collection
POS material188-194
In keeping with tradition
Some things may be thousands or several hundred years old – but they
cannot be significantly improved. However, they can be continued at
the highest level: That’s why we like Steiff’s manufacturing concept so
much. “Manufacture” as an old Latin term: “manus”, the hand, “facere”
to do, build or produce something. And if this thought, this concept
hadn’t already existed, we at Steiff would surely have invented it.
Creating something with your hands. Allowing skill, experience and
craftsmanship to flow into the creation process. Bringing in passion,
commitment and lots of love for detail into the creative process – in
order to bring something extraordinary and unique to life. But that’s
what it is: For us, manufacture is far more than just a fashionable
word. Because, true to the spirit of our founder Margarete Steiff, we
are fully committed to not only honour the tradition of manufacture,
but to continually imbue it with new life. Day after day. With every
animal leaving our company so steeped in tradition.
Millimetre by millimetre and
thread for thread: simply the best.
Those wanting to create something special and unique of lasting value
will need nothing less than the perfect “ingredients”. This not only
applies to many other areas but especially to our Steiff manufacture,
where we only use “ingredients” of the highest quality: for every Steiff
animal, from head to paw. Starting with the thread, the filling material,
buttons, eyes and accessories and right up to what is so characteristic
for every Steiff animal: it’s “coat” or “fur”, which gives character and
form to its appearance. So since 2009 we have been particularly
happy to be able to call ourselves the world’s only manufacturer of
stuffed toys with its own fabric factory.
Alpaca – soft, silky, opulent
Although the number of alpaca animals in the Steiff range has increased in recent years, the company discovered the material many
years ago. Its resurgence in popularity is due to its wonderful feel and
tremendous versatility. Alpaca can be used to create both soft Teddy
bears and ultra-realistic animals.
Mohair – lustrous, shiny and sleek
This natural material from the wool of the angora goat is the classic
Teddy b
­ ear material. In fact, it was used for the first Teddy bear ever
created. The fiber is both beautiful and durable, which a
­ ccounts for
the amazing number of v­ intage Steiff creations that appear today in
superb condition.
Woven fur – cuddly, velvety, robust
Amazingly soft and natural-feeling, this beautiful fabric is quite valuable.
It is created through a unique three-dimensional weaving technique
that involves inserting threads into cotton backing ­perpendicularly. The
result is especially appropriate for huggable toys, though this sumptuous fabric is also used in our Studio range of near life-size creatures.
Plush – fluffy, versatile, soft
Plush Steiff animals are fluffy and feel particularly soft and gentle. A
special finishing technique gives Steiff’s knitted plush fabric a unique
combination of soft feel and high durability. Plush can be used for a
multitude of applications and its functionality makes it the ideal choice
for the special demands of children’s sensitive skin.
Perfected unique specimen
Perfected unique specimen
Characteristics which turn a brand into a legend.
We at Steiff also have good reasons to be proud and happy: after
all, the Steiff “Button in Ear” is one of the world’s most renowned
trademarks. This world renowned trademark, our “Button in Ear”
with the Steiff ear tag, stands for something special, so rare in the
hectic days of today: Craftsmanship and creativity, which have firmly
established roots and can paint a smile for the future with incomparable
designs and innovative products. All Steiff animals from our range are
creations of the highest standard, and recognizable by the immaculate
workmanship, the quality of the materials, the love for minute details
and the legendary trademark: the Steiff “Button in Ear”.
The Teddy bears and animals of the replica series by Steiff are a very
special and extraordinary species. This means that these true-to-original
animals are reproduced exactly according to their historic role models
from the Steiff Archives. All Steiff replicas have a white ear tag with
black writing to document their special status and the true-to-original
“Button in Ear” from the respective year of production.
Limited Editions
All the animals and Teddy bears at Steiff are very pleased to receive
the extraordinary distinction of the white ear tag with red writing
because these are produced in a limited edition. This means that
only a limited number is available and some are available only in
certain countries.
Classic Collection
Every original Steiff animal with the world-famous trademark, the Steiff
­“Button in Ear”, shows that it comes from one of the best families –
and every Steiff Teddy bear and Steiff ­animal proudly wears an ear
tag as a clearly recognisable identification. Both big and small Steiff
fans immediately recognise the yellow Steiff ear tag with red writing.
Child/Baby Collection
This ear tag marks all of our child and baby products. For better
differentation between the child/baby assortment and the Classic
Collection this ear tag shows additionally our bear head.
135 years of Margarete Steiff toys
How it all began…
Margarete establishes
her own felt clothing
The first soft toy –
the little elephant –
is created.
Margarete Steiff is born in
Giengen an der Brenz;
she contracts polio at the age
of 18 months.
Construction of the
east wing in double
steel design
Franz Steiff (Margarete’s
nephew) develops the
“Button in Ear” as the
legendary trademark
Teddy Clown and
other colourful products
are introduced.
Relaunch after the
2nd World War
The famous character,
Mecki, appears.
Founding of the Steiff
Club for enthusiasts and
135 years of Margarete Steiff toys
100th birthday of the Teddy bear
and world premiere of the musical “Teddy
– a Musical Dream” by Uli Brée
135 years of Margarete Steiff toys
New construction of the
1st factory building
Entry into the
commercial register.
Richard Steiff (Margarete’s nephew)
develops the 55 PB, which is later
renamed Teddy bear after Theodore
“Teddy” Roosevelt.
Establishment of
Margarete Steiff GmbH
on 30th May 1906
Teddy bear boom
– 973,999 Teddy bears
are produced.
Margarete Steiff dies
on 9th May 1909.
Richard Steiff (Margarete’s
nephew) constructs the
“Roloplan” kite
The first replicas for the
collectors’ market appear.
Petsy – the first
machine-washable Teddy
bear – is created.
125th anniversary of the
company and opening of
the Steiff Museum.
1st Steiff Summer
135 years
of Margarete Steiff toys
135 years of Margarete Steiff toys
A past to touch, experience and love.
It is a fascination which has already made history. A fascination of
the here and now – and a fascination with which each and every
Steiff friend and collector is continued into the future: the fascination
of Steiff replicas. Each and every Steiff animal and Teddy bear has
its very own personality, which has its very own story behind it. And
this story it would like to tell to its owner and share it with them.
Each Steiff Teddy bear of the limited replica edition is a fascinating
entity, an ­entity which brings the flair of the past into the now: because
each replica Teddy bear, from head to paw, fibre for fibre, seam for
seam is a faithful recreation of the very first Teddy bear from the very
first day. The Teddy bear is lovingly handmade and decorated with
traditional tools and in accordance with the ­original design – as only
in this way can nothing but perfection be the result.
Caution! The following items are not a toy
and are intended for adult collectors only.
Opgelet: Deze producten zijn geen speelgoed.
Deze artikels zijn bedoeld voor volwassen verzamelaars.
Achtung! Die nachfolgenden Produkte sind kein Spielzeug.
Die Artikel sind ausschließlich für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt.
Attenzione: I prodotti raffigurati non sono giocattoli.
Gli articoli sono esclusivamente destinati a collezionisti adulti.
Attention ! Ces articles ne sont pas un jouet.
Ils sont destines exclusivement aux collectionneurs adultes.
Teddy Clown replica 1926
Between 1926 and 1928, 30,000 Teddy Clowns left our workshop
– all of them with black pompons and ruffs of blue, red, orange or
purple. Really all of them? A good 90 years later a Teddy clown with
black pompons and a black ruff pops up in Southern Germany! So we
are rewriting a bit of Steiff history – and are showcasing the Teddy
clown replica 1926. The bear is made out of delicately sculpted,
decorative mohair features and is stuffed with soft wood shavings.
The back of his glass eyes are painted dark brown. To match his felt
hat with handmade pompoms he is wearing a pleated ruff. In his ear
an “underscored-button” made of patinated steel. And he beguiles
you with his clownish behaviour, just as before.
Teddy Clown replica 1926
with squeaker
made of finest mohair
delicate tipped
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 926 pieces
stuffed with wood shavings
with glass eyes
with “underscored button” made of patinated steel
25 cm, item no. 403279
MQ 1 piece
Teddy bear replica 1922
The original version of this 80 year old Teddy measures over 70 cm – it
was created at Steiff in the 1920’s and is now owned by an American
collector. We have reinterpreted this characterful companion and
present him as Teddy bear replica 1922, but this time in a size of
35 cm. He features a shorn muzzle and wears a shiny, curly coat
made of finest caramel tipped mohair. Everything has been made
as in the past: head loosely fixed to his body, a sincere expression,
glass eyes, a growler and excelsior stuffing. The Replica is released
in a limited edition of 922 pieces with “underscored button” made
of patinated steel. Do you want to admire this bear every day? He is
looking forward to you meeting you.
Teddy bear replica 1922
with growler
made of finest mohair
caramel tipped
5-way jointed, head is loosely attached to the body
surface washable
limited edition of 922 pieces
stuffed with wood shavings
with glass eyes
with “underscored button” made of patinated steel
35 cm, item no. 403248
MQ 1 piece
Limited Editions
Teddy bear‘s picnic
“Do you see the beautiful rays of the sun? Dew is still on the grass,
but soon its warmth will have dried it. And then a glorious spring
day awaits us!” Picnic Dad, Mum and kids have already prepared
everything. Now it is about taking the basket and enjoying nature...
Their walk takes them through woods and fields which are giving off
the scent of canola and fresh grass. Once they have reached their
picnic meadow, they spread out the tablecloth – and can hardly
believe their eyes: Mommel rabbit! How did you work this one out,
Caution! The following items (except item no. 021596) are not a toy and are
intended for adult collectors only.
Opgelet: Deze producten zijn geen speelgoed (uitgezonderd Art.-Nr. 021596).
Deze artikels zijn bedoeld voor volwassen verzamelaars.
Achtung! Die nachfolgenden Produkte sind kein Spielzeug (ausgeschlossen
Art.-Nr. 021596). Die Artikel sind ausschließlich für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt.
Attenzione: I prodotti raffigurati non sono giocattoli (escluso articolo n° 021596).
Gli articoli sono esclusivamente destinati a collezionisti adulti.
Attention ! Ces articles ne sont pas un jouet (à l’exception de l‘article réf. 021596).
Ils sont destines exclusivement aux collectionneurs adultes.
Limited Editions
Picnic Mama
“Have you got everything?” Mum is always busy before they go on a
picnic. Her darlings - Picnic Papa, Boy and Girl – seem to forget the
simplest of things out of sheer excitement about their trip! She herself
really likes fruit in the countryside: lying in the basket are half a melon,
strawberry and pear all made of wood. Mother Bear is wearing a
plaid shawl, with red laced edging. Her hand embroidered nose in
pale pink, makes a nice contrast to the fine, vanilla-coloured mohair.
Like all bears in the Picnic family she is limited to 1,000 pieces. And
one thing is certain: without her, Picnic Papa would not travel to
Provence, not even in his dreams.
Picnic Mama
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 1,000 pieces
with gold-plated „Button in Ear“
30 cm, item no. 021480
MQ 1 piece
Picnic Papa
O la la….When Picnic Papa is out and about he cannot be without
his bottle of red wine. With that a baguette, some cheese – he already
feels as if he were surrounded by the lavender scented summer breeze
from his favourite landscape in Provence. He can really not get enough
of it! Picnic Papa is made from the finest auburn mohair, wearing a
straw hat with a burgundy satin ribbon, a beige linen vest and has a
wooden wine bottle (because it lasts longer). He invites his family to
a picnic and everybody else who want to join in. Don’t miss out on
this piece of French lifestyle!
Picnic Papa
made of finest mohair
reddish blond
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 1,000 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
32 cm, item no. 021473
MQ 1 piece
Picnic Boy
“Just look!” Whilst the adults are sitting in the grass, chatting and
eating, the Picnic Boy does not hang around for long. He loves it when
the wind swirls the warm air and lifts his kite high up... The Picnic Boy
in old gold coloured mohair is a friendly, enterprising cuddly bear.
He wears a white cotton collar with his colourful kite with blue satin
ribbon and of course a gold-plated “Button in Ear”. He is part of the
Picnic Series for spring 2016 – and prefers to be in the company of
Picnic Mama, Papa and Girl. He is also happy to picnic on his own,
provided he is in nice company.
Picnic Boy
made of finest mohair
old gold
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 1,000 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
26 cm, item no. 021510
MQ 1 piece
Picnic Girl
“Do you see the poppies over there? And there is larkspur too!” No
sooner has the Picnic Girl, made of cream-coloured finest mohair,
discovered the summer meadow, then there is no holding back.
She sniffs the flowers, spreads out her arms and lays herself down
comfortably in the middle of the meadow. The stylish little bear is
Picnic Girl
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 1,000 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
24 cm, item no. 021527
MQ 1 piece
wearing a lace collar tied with a bow and a gold-plated “Button in
Ear”. For hot days she has with her an umbrella of white cotton lace.
It can be opened and closed easily – unfortunately it does not keep
out the summer rains completely. This does not bother our Picnic Girl...
Bring on the summer!
Pixi mouse
Who’s that stretching out of his delicious home? During the last
cool days Pixi Mouse has indeed been eating his fill in the pantry.
Originally there were only a few small holes airbrushed onto the felted
wool piece of cheese. Since then a pretty big one has appeared…
and the question is… will the mouse’s big round tummy still fit through?
The brown/beige, 9 cm tall Pixi Mouse made of high quality alpaca
is a small work of art – he has been lovingly decorated with a nose,
muzzle and delicate little paws. Ears, tail and paws are made of
wool felt and glistening in his left ear is ‘a golden “Button in Ear”. He
desperately wants to go out onto the green lawn for a spring picnic.
Who can help Pixi?
Pixi mouse
made of high quality alpaca
brown/beige, sitting up
surface washable
limited edition of 1,000 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
9 cm, item no. 021497
MQ 1 piece
Mommel rabbit
When spring is on its way, you cannot do without the rabbit. At least,
that’s what Mommel is convinced of. With the first rays of sunshine
he sets off to look for fresh grass. He has taken a carrot to nibble just in case. You never know if there will be enough fresh fodder…
On a satin band around his neck Mommel rabbit is wearing a felt
Mommel rabbit
made of high quality alpaca
brown, sitting up
surface washable
limited edition of 1,000 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
14 cm, item no. 021534
MQ 1 piece
carrot complete with its greenery. Made from soft brown alpaca, he
can hide himself wonderfully in fields and forests. He then appears
completely unexpected as a surprise guest at his friends’ picnic – with
the gold-plated “Button in ear” of course. Like the other picnic guests,
Mommel is limited to 1,000 pieces.
Limited Editions
Crispy Teddy bear
There are guys who just can’t be pigeonholed. For example our
friendly Crispy... With his glistening eyes and a mischievous grin
on his bearlike face he is game for anything. Just like his friends
Rascal and Tramp - Crispy will go all out to maintain his own style:
he opted for novel mohair, with a slightly spiky appearance. High
quality felt soles and a mottled cotton ribbon in grey-beige match his
embroidered nose, and he wears the light shadows on his nose and
ears with dignity. Crispy has five articulated joints and thanks to his
softly stuffed body is sitting bent slightly forwards. Our daily routine
needs “crispy” moments.
Crispy Teddy bear
with squeaker
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 1,360 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
28 cm, item no. 021596
MQ 1 piece
Vinzenz Teddy bear
This bear really gets your imagination going. He comes across as
somebody with the weight of decades on his shoulders. And why
should I not show my age, he thinks: worn out patches and airbrushed
shadows are evidence of hard work, of unforgettable events and
encounters. His disc-jointed head hangs loosely to one side, arms and
legs are slightly curved. With Vinzenz we want to introduce you to a
mohair Teddy bear in a novel rugged style. As a mature companion
he is a good listener. He has time for dreams, memories and everyday
stuff – taking the rough with the smooth. When it pleases him, he
hums appreciatively. And his gold-plated “Button in Ear” tells us: the
distressed look is precious!
Vinzenz Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
antique brown
5-way jointed, head is loosely attached
to the body, surface washable
limited edition of 750 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
35 cm, item no. 021589
MQ 1 piece
Cinny Teddy bear
Whatever Bear Collections you go to look at – you will never quite
see a lady like Cinny Teddy bear. The reason: Cinny is made of long
pile Batik mohair. This lavish Batik technique is very, very rare. That
is why each one of them shimmers in its own individual way. For this
reason we cannot say today, how your Cinny will end up looking
exactly. One thing is certain however: you will be very proud of her!
This Batik-Mohair is adorned with a silk ribbon bow, studded with
six Swarovski® crystals. Her soles made of short mohair are a perfect
colour match. Furthermore, we recommend that you share the pictures
of your distinctive bear with other Cinny-friends worldwide.
Cinny Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
brown batik
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 1,360 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
30 cm, item no. 021404
MQ 1 piece
Nodding bear
Warning - this photo does not show you the whole truth! Although the
little friend is what you take him for, a darling bear with an expressive
gaze, a characteristic little nose, artistically created airbrush details
made out of wonderfully cuddly alpaca plush. The actual secret of
the nodding bear is only revealed in real life. For he can nod his
Nodding bear
made of high quality alpaca
brown, sitting
4-way jointed (arms and legs)
surface washable
limited edition of 750 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
24 cm, item no. 021466
MQ 1 piece
head, vertically and horizontally, regulated by an adjustable weight.
Some may know this from the back ledges of cars in the 50’s and
60’s. However, until now, there has never been a nodding mohair
bear made by Steiff. No question: this première should be shared.
Limited Editions
Little Tina Teddy bear
Little Tom looks at his girlfriend with admiration - at the fluffy ears that
he could cuddle all over again, her apricot-coloured coat and her
matching embroidered nose. No doubt, he is completely love-struck:
since he met Tina he prefers to spend every minute with her. Who
would be surprised? With her feathery, gently shining mohair she is
definitely a bear to fall in love with. She is tall and yet graceful. She
loves to be alive and lets others enjoy it with her.... Our collectors
tip: Little Tina is limited to 500 pieces. Just follow Tom’s example and
cuddle up to her too!
Little Tina Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
apricot tipped
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 500 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
56 cm, item no. 021367
MQ 1 piece
Designer‘s Choice “Candy”
Candy is part of the new series “Designer´s Choice”. The idea: our
designers create new classics, by freely changing life-like animals,
whilst remaining faithful to our traditional standards. Candy is made
out of high-quality turquoise coloured Mohair and white pure wool
plush and really enjoys life! In the Chinese Year of the sheep is a
wonderful symbol for bringing us closer to love, compassion, caring
and all other aspects of humanity. And let’s remember to make a
contribution ourselves... Let yourself be inspired by our peace-loving,
joyful Candy lamb. It will be released in a limited edition of 1,000
pieces, wearing a gold-plated “Button in Ear” and a black velvet
ribbon with bells. Candy loves to spend her days together with Pinky
- the pretty sheep from the same series.
Designer‘s Choice “Candy”
made of finest mohair
turquoise/white, standing
surface washable
limited edition of 1,000 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
14 cm, item no. 021626
MQ 1 piece
Licensed pieces 2016
Diversity and imagination characterises the Steiff range and similarly in
the field of licensed products. Licenses entitle us to interpret individual
figures- for example, the heroes of famous cartoons who then become
unique characters in our range. The result: Enthusiasts recognise their
heroes at first glance. They are fascinated by how authentic Steiff
figures represent the original. And the world of Steiff is enriched by
the combination of countless impressions of the heroes of comic books,
fairy tales and stories. The result is a winning one! We are pleased
to be able present special licensed products again this year.
Caution! The following items are not a toy and are intended for adult collectors only.
Opgelet: Deze producten zijn geen speelgoed. Deze artikels zijn bedoeld voor
volwassen verzamelaars.
Achtung! Die nachfolgenden Produkte sind kein Spielzeug Die Artikel sind
ausschließlich für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt.
Attention ! Ces articles ne sont pas un jouet. Ils sont destines exclusivement aux
collectionneurs adultes.
Attenzione: I prodotti raffigurati non sono giocattoli. Gli articoli sono esclusivamente
destinati a collezionisti adulti.
Licensed pieces
Bugs Bunny
Bugs Bunny is part of the Looney Tunes - the quintessential evergreen
entertainment brand whose classic characters’ boisterous and
outrageous personalities have attracted fans for decades. Bugs was
created in 1938 and has appeared in over 50 animation episodes.A
cool, collected, carrot-chomping hare. He is inordinately brainy and
dangerously clever, relaxed in the face of adversity and has an unique
ability to outsmarts his rivals.
Bugs Bunny
made of finest mohair
3-way jointed (arms and head), surface washable
limited edition of 2,000 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
26 cm, item no. 355042
MQ 1 piece
LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements
© & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s15)
Tasmanian Devil
The Tasmanian Devil is an animated cartoon character featured in
the Warner Bros. “Looney Tunes” and “Merrie Melodies” series of
cartoons. As the youngest of the Looney Tunes characters, Taz is
generally portrayed as a ferocious albeit dim-witted omnivore with
a notoriously short temper and little patience. He will eat anything
and everything, with an appetite that seems to know no bounds. He
is best known for his speech consisting mostly of grunts, growls and
rasps, and his ability to spin like a vortex and bite through just about
anything. Our Tasmanian Devil is made from finest mohair and limited
to 2,000 pieces.
Tasmanian Devil
made of finest mohair
4-way jointed (arms and legs), surface washable
limited edition of 2,000 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
25 cm, item no. 355059
MQ 1 piece
LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements
© & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s15)
Premiering in 1930 - Pluto is fun-loving, curious, playful, and has the
heart of a puppy. He´s Mickey´s very loyal pet and best pal. Pluto,
also known as Pluto the Pup, is a mixed-breed dog with an enormous
heart. Together with Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Donald and Daisy
Duck, and Goofy, Pluto is one of the „Sensational Six“ - the biggest
stars in the Disney universe. Pluto appeared in 24 Mickey Mouse
cartoons before receiving his very own series of shorts in 1937. He´s
quite simply everyone´s favourite hound. Our Pluto is made from finest
mohair in the colour of dark yellow and limited to 2,000 pieces.
made of finest mohair
orange, standing
1-way jointed (head), surface washable
limited edition of 2,000 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
19 cm, item no. 354557
MQ 1 piece
© Disney
Donald Duck
Premiering in 1934 - Donald Fauntleroy Duck is one of the most
popular Disney characters and was included in TV Guide´s list of
the 50 greatest cartoon characters of all time in 2002. Donald is
most famous for his semi-intelligible speech and his mischievous and
temperamental personality. He can be happy, he can be angry, he
can be short tempered yet positive. Whenever scared, his fear is
Donald Duck
made of finest mohair
white, standing
surface washable
limited edition of 2,000 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
25 cm, item no. 354984
MQ 1 piece
© Disney
Image is not final, prototype
has been photographed.
replaced by anger. And he never backs down from a fight - whether it
be with ghosts, sharks, mountain goats, giant kites, or even the forces
of nature. And, more often than not, when he fights, he comes out on
top. The Steiff version of Donald is made of finest white mohair and
limited to 2,000 pieces.
Licensed pieces
Daisy Duck
Daisy is the beautiful girlfriend of Donald Duck and best friend of
Minnie Mouse. She first appeared in the short Mr. Duck Steps Out
in 1940. Like Donald, she is capable of getting angry when upset.
Despite this, she manages to keep her temper in check. Daisy is a
loving girlfriend, always there for Donald, but she´s also not afraid
to speak her mind or try to change Donald´s way for the better. She
has faith in her boyfriend, recognizes her importance to him, and
uses this to help handle Donald´s explosive temper. She often wears
a hair bow, blouse, and shoes. Our beautiful Daisy is made of finest
white mohair and limited to 2,000 pieces.
Daisy Duck
made of finest mohair
white, standing
surface washable
limited edition of 2,000 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
25 cm, item no. 354991
MQ 1 piece
© Disney
Image is not final, prototype
has been photographed.
Winnie the Pooh
This enduring character is widely known as just a „Silly Old Bear“. But
there‘s nothing trivial about the genuine affection that millions of adults
and children feel for this classic figure. Steiff is pleased once again to
present a mohair Pooh with music box for a new generation of fans.
Winnie the Pooh
with melodie “Winnie the Pooh”
made of finest mohair
3-way jointed (arms and head)
surface washable
limited edition of 2,000 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
20 cm, item no. 355004
MQ 1 piece
© Disney and Based on the „Winnie the Pooh“
works by A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard
Feel welcome among friends!
This club has a lot to offer: you can enjoy many advantages
and the exchange with Steiff collectors.
The Steiff Club is something really special: Here innumerable
enchanting animals can meet people who have kept young at heart.
The Steiff Club is unique, because here the pleasure in something
special is tended and maintained with so much enthusiasm. Because
the exchange of experience, personal memories and stories is so
contagiously happy and alive. Yes, there is only one Club in the world
where everything is all about Steiff animals.
Caution! The following items are not a toy and are intended for adult collectors only.
Opgelet: Deze producten zijn geen speelgoed. Deze artikels zijn bedoeld voor
volwassen verzamelaars.
Achtung! Die nachfolgenden Produkte sind kein Spielzeug Die Artikel sind
ausschließlich für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt.
Attention ! Ces articles ne sont pas un jouet. Ils sont destines exclusivement aux
collectionneurs adultes.
Welcome to the Steiff Club! Become a club member now and enjoy
great benefits! Register online now at
Attenzione: I prodotti raffigurati non sono giocattoli. Gli articoli sono esclusivamente
destinati a collezionisti adulti.
Steiff Club
Steiff Club edition 2016
Exclusive for Steiff Club members.
made of finest mohair
yellow tipped,
5-way jointed, surface washable
production limited to the year 2016
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
27 cm, item no. 421389
Event Teddy bear 2016
This item is only available
at Club Events.
made of finest mohair
golden brown
5-way jointed, surface washable
production limited to the year 2016
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
21 cm, item no. 421365
Steiff Club
Annual gift 2016
This item is part of the membership.
It isn´t available for sale.
made of finest mohair
blond tipped
5-way jointed, surface washable
production limited to the year 2016
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
10 cm, item no. 421372
Country Exclusives 2016
Hallo! Hello! Bonjour! Grüezi! Ciao!
You can travel the world, to faraway countries and foreign cities to
get a taste of the big wide world. Every country, every culture has it’s
very specific characteristics such as customs, culture, history or
landscapes that leave everlasting impressions behind on travelers and
visitors. Another way of seeing the diversity of cultures with curious
eyes are the Steiff Country Exclusives: they were created to offer
collectors something uniquely specific to different countries. These
exceptional Steiff animals are depicted with their respective national
flags and are only available in Steiff specialist shops in these countries.
Caution! The following items are not a toy and are intended for adult collectors only.
Opgelet: Deze producten zijn geen speelgoed. Deze artikels zijn bedoeld voor
volwassen verzamelaars.
Achtung! Die nachfolgenden Produkte sind kein Spielzeug. Die Artikel sind ausschließlich für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt.
Attention ! Ces articles ne sont pas un jouet. Ils sont destines exclusivement aux
collectionneurs adultes.
Attenzione: I prodotti raffigurati non sono giocattoli. Gli articoli sono esclusivamente
destinati a collezionisti adulti.
Country Exclusives
Medal Teddy bear
Every Steiff bear tells a story. And what story is as compelling as
that of Margarete Steiff, the founder of our company? It is with great
pride that we offer a series of special Teddy bears, accompanied by
commemorative medals, to honour her memory and legacy. Available
in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, these limited editions will
appeal to both arctophiles and numismatists – collectors of Teddy
bears and precious coins respectively. The series began in 2014
with the introduction of the Teddy bear with a copper-nickel medal
(production limited to three years) and with a bronze medal (limited
edition of 1,000 pieces), both sewn from the finest alpaca plush.
They were followed in 2015 by the Teddy bear with a silver medal
(limited edition of 1,000 pieces) and are now joined by the Teddy
bear with a gold medal (limited edition of 1,000 pieces) in 2016.
All the bears feature a unique metallic-coloured cross-stitch on their
noses that matches their commemorative medals. Why not join us in
paying tribute to the heritage of Margarete Steiff with this rare and
valuable collectible series?
Front side:
Medal Teddy bear
with medal made of gold
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 1,000 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
32 cm, item no. 674068
MQ 1 piece
Back side:
Image source:
State Mints of
Medal Teddy bear item no. 673801
with medal made of bronze
of the spring 2014 collection.
Medal Teddy bear item no. 673795
with medal made of copper-Nickel
of the spring 2014 collection.
Medal Teddy bear item no. 674051
with medal made of silver
of the spring 2015 collection.
50th anniversary IDEFIX - DOGMATIX
DOGMATIX, the cute little friend of Obelix has first appeared in the
album “Asterix and the Banquet” in 1965. Dogmatix has celebrated
in 2015 his 50 Anniversary! He owes his name to a contest in the
magazine Pilote (chosen by the authors from among suggestions such
as “Patracourcix” or “Papeurdurix”), Dogmatix plays an important part
starting with Asterix and Cleopatra, his infallible sixth sense allows
him to save our heroes from certain death in a pyramid (true, there are
worse places to be entombed, but nonetheless!). He later becomes
famous for his environmental concerns which are very much ahead of
their time (he can´t bear the thought of anyone harming a tree). And
his success seems to know no bounds since Albert Uderzo, who has
never disguised his pleasure in drawing Dogmatix, has given him a
regular role in the albums for which he writes the scripts. Much to
Asterix´s surprise, he even gave Dogmatix the gift of speech in the
2003 story Chanticleerix, which can be found today in the Asterix
and the Class Act album.
50th anniversary IDEFIX - DOGMATIX
made of finest mohair
white, standing
1-way jointed (head), surface washable
limited edition of 1,965 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
17 cm, item no. 674167
MQ 1 piece
Asterix® Obelix®/© 2015 Les Editions Albert René/Goscinny - Uderzo
Not available in Germany, UK and Ireland.
British Collectors´ Teddy bear 2016
Embracing tradition and timeless values our British Collectors´ Teddy
bear is bursting with nostalgia and fond memories of yesteryear yet
snuggles a huge spoonful of contemporary magic. He is sunshine
and smiles, merriment and laughter all wrapped up in a joyful bear.
Extremely proud of his past yet excited about his future this bear is
certain to fill your home with hilarity and hopefulness, gaiety and
British Collectors´ Teddy bear 2016
with growler
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 2,000 pieces
with gold-plated „Button in Ear“
36 cm, item no. 664953
MQ 1 piece
gladness, so be sure to let him in! His striking fresh yellow mohair
is exceptionally produced and skilfully woven. His deep-set eyes
overflow with warmth, playfulness and never ending friendship. He
is a Steiff gentlebear of yesteryear enjoying the delights of today. A
bear that is immensely proud to join the celebrated series known as
the „Jewell in the crown“ of the collectors´ world.
Country Exclusives
Willy Wonka
“Mr Willy Wonka is the most amazing, the most fantastic, the most
extraordinary chocolate maker the world has ever seen!”
Willy Wonka is a chocolate-making genius who relishes nonsense
and cannot abide ugliness in factories. But he is not just a genius
with chocolate. Mr Wonka is also a very well-travelled man, having
been all the way to Loompaland and to the further reaches of outer
space. He is a thoughtful man, who knows that only a child like
Charlie Bucket could ever be the right person to take over his beloved
Chocolate Factory. And he is a clever man, with a knack of getting
the right people to do the right things at the right time. In short, Mr
Willy Wonka is a man who knows a thing or two. Inspired by Quentin
Blake’s original illustrations, Steiff bring their scrumdiddlyumptious style
to the beloved Roald Dahl classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
with this delicious eccentric candy-maker Steiff Willy Wonka who is
guaranteed to draw you to the delicious world of an enduring story.
Willy Wonka
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 1,916 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
28 cm, item no. 664939
MQ 1 Stück
© Roald Dahl Nominee Ltd / Quentin Blake 2015
Roald Dahl is a registered trademark of Roald Dahl
Nominee Ltd.–
Big Timmy Teddy baer
He’s Delightful. He’s Delicious. He’s De-lovely!
He’s our delectable Big Timmy who may be small in stature but he has
a super-duper helping of sugar-coated yumminess. Cradle Big Timmy
in your hands and he’s guaranteed to put a huge smile on your face
and a warm glow in your heart. He will fill you with dreamy thoughts
and wash away any worries. He is a true darling of a bear. He’s just
too adorable and a must in everyone’s home.
Big Timmy Teddy bear
made of high quality artificial silk plush
5-way jointed, head and arms are loosely
attached to the body, surface washable
limited edition of 1,500 pieces
with gold-plated „Button in Ear“
23 cm, item no. 663994
MQ 1 piece
Mini Wicked Witch
“What are you going to do with my dog? Give him back to me!“
“All in good time, my little pretty, all in good time.“
“Please, give me back my dog! “
“Certainly, certainly...”
With these famous lines we conjure up one of the greatest antagonistic
villains of all times - Wicked Witch of the West. Over the decades,
audiences have grown to love this colourful character -- making her
second only to Dorothy in terms of popularity. As part of the hugely
popular series which celebrated MGM’s 1939 film classic “The
Wizard of Oz”, by far the most famous adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s
novel, Steiff are delighted to offer all Oz fans a wonderful Wicked
Witch who flies in the villainous footsteps of her predecessor. Allow
her to cast her spell on you, you won’t regret it!
Mini Wicked Witch
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 1,939 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
14 cm, item no. 661860
MQ 1 piece
TM und © Turner Entertainment Co.
Little Boy Blue
Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn,
The sheep’s in the meadow, the cow’s in the corn…
Almost every child can recite this famous nursery rhyme, which dates
back to the eighteenth century. Now Steiff is pleased to present a
timeless Teddy bear interpretation of the immortal verse. “Little Boy
Blue” is an endearing young boy bear who is sewn from finest quality
Little Boy Blue
made of high quality alpaca
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 1,500 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
30 cm, item no. 683077
MQ 1 piece
russet alpaca and holds a tiny, handmade sheep puppet. Around his
neck, he wears a satin ribbon that perfectly matches the colours of
the sheep’s blue eyes. Both the Teddy and the puppet feature handstitched detailing. “Little Boy Blue” is the perfect heirloom gift or nursery
decoration – in the inimitable Steiff style.
Country Exclusives
Our new Mini Wicked Witch and
her predecessor (already sold out).
Mr. Winter
When the first snow falls, “Mr. Winter” begins planning his holiday
ski getaways. And when Christmas finally arrives, he knows the time
has come! Dressed in a black felt hat and wearing a red scarf, this
delightful snowman ornament will grace your holiday tree for years
to come. Made of finest snow white mohair, he has a carrot nose
and holds two wooden ski poles. “Mr. Winter” makes an ideal gift
for anyone on your list – he’s a keepsake that will be treasured for
Mr. Winter
made of finest mohair
surface washable
limited edition of 1,500 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
12 cm, item no. 683091
MQ 1 piece
Uncle Sam
Although best known for being the face of historic recruiting campaigns
for the U.S. military, the origins of “Uncle Sam” date back even further.
The name is linked to Samuel Wilson, a meat packer from Troy, New
York, who supplied barrels of beef to the United States Army during
the War of 1812. Wilson stamped the barrels with “U.S.” for United
States, but soldiers began referring to the meat as “Uncle Sam‘s.” To
bring this historic figure to life, Steiff is pleased to present a patriotic
bear. This brass curly mohair Teddy bear wears a handmade felt hat,
an “Uncle Sam” pin, and a wild silk bow tie, all of which have been
airbrushed for an antique effect. It’s a fitting tribute to this enduring
American symbol.
“Uncle Sam” pin
Uncle Sam
with music box “America, the beautiful”
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 1,500 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
31 cm, item no. 683107
MQ 1 piece
Country Exclusives
Mittens Teddy bear
When it is a winter wonderland outdoors, our Mittens Teddy bear is
ready for whatever Mother Nature has in store. As the temperature dips
below 32 degrees, he dons his warm mittens and makes the best of
his time in the cold. Mittens Teddy is sewn from snow white mohair,
has hand-stitched features, and wears a rich satin ribbon around his
neck to the side. His mittens are sewn from finest dark red mohair and
embroidered with a traditional Christmas snowflake pattern. They are
suspended on a festive woven cord around his neck. Wind „Mittens“
up and hear his favourite song: „Winter Wonderland,“ of course!
Our beloved series of musical Christmas bears continues in 2016
with another beautiful addition to the collection, our charming and
enchanting „Mittens“ Teddy. And there are still more to come in the
series, so be sure to add this edition to your collection and plan to
collect the entire set!
Mittens Teddy bear
with melody „Winter Wonderland“
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
limited edition of 1,500 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
30 cm, item no. 682872
MQ 1 piece
Keyring “Year of the Monkey”
A scrutinizing look, a quick weighing-up of the odds – and reaching
the target with a skillful leap. People born under the Chinese Zodiac
sign of the monkey, know how to help themselves. They navigate life
flexibly and self-assured, they are considered to be imaginative, casual
and witty. In this way they also cope effortlessly with their “own kind”.
2016 is again a year that will bring forth such people! The keyring
“Year of the Monkey” is dedicated to them and all those whose year
of birth is divisible by 12. The grey beige little friend is made of soft
alpaca with gold-plated ”Button in Ear” and would like to be your
life’s companion. He swings elegantly from any bag into your hand.
And cheers you up in sad moments. And when it is difficult to make a
decision, it is enough just to look into his friendly eyes – he will point
you in the right direction.
Keyring “Year of the Monkey”
made of high quality alpaca
grey beige
surface washable
limited edition of 1,500 pieces
with gold-plated “Button in Ear”
12 cm, item no. 678127
MQ 1 piece
Classic Collection
Faithful companions in all walks of life.
You can see whether a cuddly toy is a member of the big Steiff family
or not from the famous trademark „Button in Ear“. The yellow tag shows
that it is one of the many wonderful animals and Teddy bears from the
wide, unlimited Steiff range. Our Classic Collection is made of the
best and highest quality materials - mohair and alpaca.
Caution! The following items (except item no. 036255, 035654, 036156) are not a
toy and are intended for adult collectors only.
Opgelet: Deze producten zijn geen speelgoed (uitgezonderd Art.-Nr. 036255,
035654, 036156). Deze artikels zijn bedoeld voor volwassen verzamelaars.
Achtung! Die nachfolgenden Produkte sind kein Spielzeug (ausgeschlossen
Art.-Nr. 036255, 035654, 036156). Die Artikel sind ausschließlich für erwachsene
Sammler bestimmt.
Attenzione: I prodotti raffigurati non sono giocattoli (escluso articolo n° 036255,
035654, 036156). Gli articoli sono esclusivamente destinati a collezionisti adulti.
Attention ! Ces articles ne sont pas un jouet (à l’exception de l‘article réf. 036255,
035654, 036156). Ils sont destines exclusivement aux collectionneurs adultes.
We celebrate: 10 years Fynn, Charly and Lotte
- celebrate with us!
Classic Collection
Fynn Teddy bear
Charly Teddy bear
Lotte Teddy bear
Mouse Ted
with growler
made of finest mohair
light beige
5-way jointed, surface washable
28 cm, item no. 028960
MQ 1 piece
with growler
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
28 cm, item no. 000904
MQ 1 piece
with growler
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
30 cm, item no. 000973
MQ 1 piece
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
8 cm, item no. 001086
MQ 1 piece
Nils Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
light brown
5-way jointed, surface washable
26 cm, item no. 026829
MQ 1 piece
Teddy Baby
made of finest mohair
light blond
5-way jointed, surface washable
26 cm, item no. 027789
MQ 1 piece
Camillo Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
32 cm, item no. 026805
MQ 1 piece
Matti Teddy bear
made of high quality alpaca
5-way jointed, surface washable
25 cm, item no. 000287
MQ 1 piece
Classic Collection
Adoni Teddy bear
Frederic Teddy bear
Classic Teddy bear
Classic Teddy bear
made of high quality alpaca
5-way jointed, surface washable
27 cm, item no. 039379
MQ 1 piece
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
25 cm, item no. 000867
MQ 1 piece
with growler
made of finest mohair
caramel tipped
5-way jointed, surface washable
42 cm, item no. 000478
MQ 1 piece
with growler
made of high quality alpaca
5-way jointed, surface washable
30 cm, item no. 027000
MQ 1 piece
Classic Teddy bear Honey
Classic Teddy bear Linda
Classic 1920 Teddy bear
Classic 1920 Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
light brown
5-way jointed, surface washable
15 cm, item no. 040146
MQ 1 piece
made of finest mohair
light brown
5-way jointed, surface washable
25 cm, item no. 000713
MQ 1 piece
with growler
made of finest mohair
pale pink
5-way jointed, surface washable
30 cm, item no. 000331
MQ 1 piece
with growler
made of finest mohair
light brown
5-way jointed, surface washable
35 cm, item no. 000737
MQ 1 piece
Classic Collection
Classic 1909 Teddy bear
with growler
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
35 cm, item no. 000379
MQ 1 piece
Mini Teddy bear crocus
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
10 cm, item no. 040191
MQ 1 piece
Fabian, the
love messenger Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
27 cm, item no. 000164
MQ 1 piece
Mini Teddy bear champagne bottle
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
10 cm, item no. 028908
MQ 1 piece
Mini Teddy bear present
Mini Teddy bear heart
Mini Teddy bear lucky charm
Mini Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
light gold
5-way jointed, surface washable
10 cm, item no. 028892
MQ 1 piece
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
9 cm, item no. 039836
MQ 1 piece
made of finest mohair
pale pink
5-way jointed, surface washable
10 cm, item no. 028915
MQ 1 piece
made of finest mohair
brown tipped
5-way jointed, surface washable
10 cm, item no. 040023
MQ 1 piece
Classic Collection
Mini Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
10 cm, item no. 040009
MQ 1 piece
Silvo dog
made of cuddly soft plush
white, standing
1-way jointed (head), hand washable
34 cm, item no. 035654
MQ 1 piece
Mini Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
wheat blond
5-way jointed, surface washable
8 cm, item no. 039089
MQ 1 piece
Lielou pug
made of high quality alpaca
white, standing
1-way jointed (head), surface washable
30 cm, item no. 045042
MQ 1 piece
Foxy Fox Terrier
Bully bulldog puppy
Sam West Highland Terrier
Molly dog
made of finest mohair
white/brown/black, standing
surface washable
35 cm, item no. 031717
MQ 1 piece
made of finest mohair
white, standing
1-way jointed (head), surface washable
21 cm, item no. 033513
MQ 1 piece
made of high quality alpaca
grey, standing
machine washable at 30° C
without leather collar washable
24 cm, item no. 036156
MQ 1 piece
made of finest mohair
dark grey/white, standing
surface washable
14 cm, item no. 031434
MQ 1 piece
Classic Collection
Fluffy cat
Chari cat
Clicki chick
made of finest mohair
dark grey/white, sitting
surface washable
14 cm, Art.-Nr. 031816
MQ 1 piece
made of finest mohair
surface washable
7 cm, item no. 032790
MQ 1 piece
made of high quality alpaca
5-way jointed, head and limbs
are loosely attached to the body
hand washable
26 cm, Art.-Nr. 036255
MQ 1 piece
made of high quality alpaca
delicate yellow
surface washable
9 cm, item no. 033094
MQ 1 piece
Franzi parakeet
Hansi parakeet
Piccy blue tit
Kecki chipmunk
made of finest Trevira velvet
blue, standing
surface washable
12 cm, item no. 033520
MQ 1 piece
made of finest mohair
yellow/blue/white, standing
surface washable
10 cm, item no. 033360
MQ 1 piece
made of finest Trevira velvet
green, standing
surface washable
12 cm, item no. 033490
MQ 1 piece
made of finest mohair
striped russet, sitting up
surface washable
10 cm, Art.-Nr. 070075
MQ 1 piece
Classic Collection
Greta giraffe
made of finest mohair
beige/brown, standing
surface washable
22 cm, Art.-Nr. 068058
MQ 1 piece
Najumo monkey
made of finest mohair
brown tipped
5-way jointed, head and limbs are
loosely attached to the body
surface washable
32 cm, item no. 035128
MQ 1 piece
Siro panda
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
27 cm, item no. 035753
MQ 1 piece
Studio animals
Characters that love being in the spotlight.
They are accustomed to attracting attention, being in the spotlight
and being photographed: the largest of all the Steiff animals – the
studio animals. As both sought-after as well as beloved models of
great proportion, they know what is important: an impressive, absolute
realistic stature, a charming character and great charisma. The highquality, hand-stuffed giants are always decorative highlights at events,
parties or in commercial and private premises. They attract people’s
attention with lots of enthusiasm. Guaranteed.
Caution! The following items are not a toy
and are intended for adult collectors only.
Opgelet: Deze producten zijn geen speelgoed.
Deze artikels zijn bedoeld voor volwassen verzamelaars.
Achtung! Die nachfolgenden Produkte sind kein Spielzeug.
Die Artikel sind ausschließlich für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt.
Attenzione: I prodotti raffigurati non sono giocattoli.
Gli articoli sono esclusivamente destinati a collezionisti adulti.
Attention ! Ces articles ne sont pas un jouet.
Ils sont destines exclusivement aux collectionneurs adultes.
In particular cases delivery of the following items may last from 3 to 4 months.
Kindly contact us for availability information.
Studio animals
Studio king penguin
Studio arctic fox
Studio cockerel
Studio bald eagle
made of cuddly soft woven fur
white/black, standing
surface washable
65 cm, item no. 505010
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
multicoloured, standing
surface washable
40 cm, item no. 502347
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
white, sitting
surface washable
40 cm, item no. 501401
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
white/black, standing
surface washable
62 cm, item no. 505232
MQ 1 piece
Studio giraffe
made of finest mohair
surface washable
stuffed with wood shavings
255 cm, item no. 502309
MQ 1 piece
Studio giraffe
made of finest mohair
surface washable
150 cm, item no. 502200
MQ 1 piece
Studio animals
Studio giraffe
made of cuddly soft woven fur
spotted blond, standing
surface washable
110 cm, item no. 502170
MQ 1 piece
Studio elephant
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey, standing
surface washable
95 cm, item no. 500725
MQ 1 piece
Studio elephant
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey, standing
surface washable
75 cm, item no. 501470
MQ 1 piece
Studio lion
made of cuddly soft woven fur
blond, standing
surface washable
80 cm, item no. 502613
MQ 1 piece
Studio animals
Studio lion
made of cuddly soft woven fur
blond, standing
surface washable
110 cm, item no. 502651
MQ 1 piece
Studio bear
made of cuddly soft plush
brown, sitting up
surface washable
160 cm, item no. 500558
MQ 1 piece
Personalised Teddy bears
Giving is as much a pleasure as receiving!
A Steiff Teddy bear or animal lasts for ever and so it will always be
remembered by its recipient. And because special occasions call
for special gifts, Steiff has come up with some wonderful gift ideas.
These Teddy bears’ paw pads are embroidered according to your
specifications – gifts for weddings and birthdays, but also to celebrate
a child’s first day at school or the birth or baptism of a baby.
Caution: The following items (except item number 014208) are not a toy and are
intended for adult collectors only.
Opgelet: Deze producten zijn geen speelgoed (uitgezonderd Art.-Nr. 014208).
Deze artikels zijn bedoeld voor volwassen verzamelaars.
Achtung! Die nachfolgenden Artikel sind kein Spielzeug (ausgeschlossen
Art.-Nr. 014208). Die Artikel sind ausschließlich für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt.
Attenzione: I prodotti raffigurati non sono giocatcattoli (escluso articolo n° 014208).
Gli articoli sono esclusivamente destinati a collezionisti adulti.
Attention ! Ces articles ne sont pas un jouet (à l’exception de l‘article réf. 014208).
Ils sont destinés exclusivement aux collectionneurs adultes.
Personalised Teddy bears
Celebration Teddy bear
personalised Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
with individual embroidered foot pads
27 cm, item no. 001772
MQ 1 piece
Production time is usually 4 weeks + delivery time
Examples for embroideries foot pads
Teddy bear birth
personalised Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
with individual embroidered foot pads
with pink or blue bib
27 cm, item no. 001758
MQ 1 piece
Production time is usually 4 weeks + delivery time
Teddy bear birth
personalised Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
with individual embroidered foot pads
with pink or blue bib
27 cm, item no. 001765
MQ 1 piece
Production time is usually 4 weeks + delivery time
Teddy bear birth*
personalised Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft woven fur
machine washable at 30° C
with pink or blue bib (embroidered)
30 cm, item no. 014208
MQ 1 piece
*This item is only available in Europe and in German, English and French languages.
Embroidery: Name (max.12 letters), birth date and time. The embroidered bib will be sent
to the customer within 10 workdays.
Personalised Teddy bears
Guardian angel Teddy bear
Guardian angel Teddy bear
Production time is usually 4 weeks + delivery time
Production time is usually 4 weeks + delivery time
personalised Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
with individual embroidered foot pads
27 cm, item no. 001734
MQ 1 piece
personalised Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
with individual embroidered foot pads
27 cm, item no. 001710
MQ 1 piece
Guardian angel Teddy bear
personalised Teddy bear
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
with individual embroidered foot pads
27 cm, item no. 001741
MQ 1 piece
Production time is usually 4 weeks + delivery time
Steiff’s purity law
Steiff’s purity law
For children, only the best is good enough.
When we say that “for children, only the best is good enough” then
that’s no empty promise but rather a creed we have been living
for generations: children are our p
­ resent and our future. All cuddly
animals we produce and sell must therefore more than comply with
the highest of demands with regard to quality, safety, processing
and material characteristics. We place this standard above all other
specified international controls and tests. Steiff’s purity law is a fixed
component of Steiff’s corporate culture and is the basis for the trust
our customers have bestowed in us for many years: that’s what the
Steiff seal stands for.
The CE mark
All of our Child and Baby products bear the CE mark.
The ”spiel gut“ Award
The Children’s Toys Working Committee awarded Steiff the “spiel gut”
award for outstanding toys. Above all, the material, production and usage
of these toys were examined.
The NOS mark
NOS means Never Out of Stock – so the item is always available.
Steiff’s purity law
Here you can read what we mean by the Steiff purity law and how we act accordingly. Not only, because
the ­legislators specify it but rather because we want to.
1. No harmful substances
6. Highest-Quality seam workmanship
2. No harmful dyes or colours
7.Hygienic production
3. Highest-Quality materials
8. Independent inspection
We voluntarily go far beyond the legally-required
standards and even surpass them. Because we are
convinced that only animals which pose no health
hazard deserve the good name Steiff.
We have voluntarily imposed stricter r­egulations than
required by law for all our dyes and colours. Children can put Steiff products in their mouths without
any misgivings.
Only the finest natural fibres,such as mohair and
alpaca or woven fur made of synthetic fibres, are
woven in our own weaving manufactory, Steiff
Schulte in Duisburg. Further more, we use only carefully-selected, inspected materials by wellknown
4. Lint-Free plush
The plush of a Steiff animal has always been something special. It is extra-ordinarily true-to-nature, soft,
long-lasting and loses nearly no hair. We use ­only
uppers made of the highest q
­ uality.
5. No harmful fillings
We use exclusively new and nonharmful materials
from the factory for the fillings of our Teddy bears
and animals.
This is ensured by the standardised Steiff seam width
as well as the high density of seams, which is typical
only for animals from our company. A Steiff animal
will last a lifetime.
For the production of our animals, we pay careful
attention that we adhere to all hygiene and cleanliness standards. For example, that is why we use
metal detectors during all the production p
­ rocesses.
For decades we have had our products checked by
independent institutions and work intensively with
further independent institutions such as TÜV and
Dekra. In our laboratory at Giengen an der Brenz
we additionally carry out over 12,000 tests per
year. The Steiff quality management system is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001.
9. Unrivalled quality since 1880
Throughout the various production steps, we produce
continuously environmentally-friendly as well as in
view of the flaw-less quality and longevity of our
products. A Steiff animal can be a companion throughout a whole childhood and still be a source of
joy even as an adult.
Teddy bears
For wonderful friendships which begin on four paws.
Good day! The Steiff Teddy bears introduce themselves, and look
forward to making their way to their new little owners. Lara and Luis
are quite excited about which children’s room they are going to move
into. The lively bears can hardly keep their arms and legs still because
of their excitment. The Steiff Bobby Teddy bears take a curious look
around with their big bear eyes and think about what wild adventures
they will soon be having with their children. The Elmar and Petsy Teddy
bears are already telling each other stories about how they would
like their new homes to look. And the Teddy bears Charly, Fynn and
Lotte, have already packed their suitcases with all their belongings:
ready for the great journey to their children. Finally, all the enchanting,
cuddly soft Steiff bears raise their paws in greeting, wave their Steiff
home in Giengen goodbye for the last time – and open up their arms
in a hearty hug for their new little owners.
Teddy bears
Kimba and Kai
Marie and Lisa
Lucky Teddy bear
Cosy Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
21 cm, item no. 113703
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
27 cm, item no. 109867
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
32 cm, item no. 113697
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
reddish blond, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 023613
MQ 2 pieces
Growling bear
Paddy Teddy bear
Luca Teddy bear
Cosy Year bear 2016
with growler
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
33 cm, item no. 011566
MQ 1 piece
made of finest mohair
5-way jointed, surface washable
35 cm, item no. 027475
MQ 1 piece
made of finest mohair
light brown
5-way jointed, surface washable
28 cm, item no. 027178
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
35 cm, item no. 664847
MQ 1 piece
not available in Germany
Teddy bears
Kim Teddy bear
Kim Teddy bear
Theo Teddy bear
Theo Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 013577
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
30 cm, item no. 023507
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
65 cm, item no. 013584
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
23 cm, item no. 023491
MQ 2 pieces
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Teddy bears
Wish Bear Clover
Wish Bear Sun
Wish Bear Heart
Julian Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with personalisable hangtag
28 cm, item no. 113567
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with personalisable hangtag
28 cm, item no. 113574
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with personalisable hangtag
28 cm, item no. 113581
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
26 cm, item no. 023514
MQ 2 pieces
Lotta Teddy bear
Lotta Teddy bear
Mr. Honey Teddy bear
Mr. Honey Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 022944
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 022142
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
24 cm, item no. 022951
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
20 cm, item no. 022159
MQ 2 pieces
Teddy bears
Carlo Teddy bear
Bobby dangling Teddy bear
Bobby dangling Teddy bear
Bobby dangling Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
30 cm, item no. 109980
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
40 cm, item no. 013478
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
machine washable at 30° C
30 cm, item no. 013461
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
50 cm, item no. 013492
MQ 1 piece
Bobby dangling Teddy bear
Bobby dangling Teddy bear
Bobby dangling Teddy bear
Hannes Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft woven fur
brown tipped
machine washable at 30° C
30 cm, item no. 013508
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
brown tipped
machine washable at 30° C
50 cm, item no. 013539
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
brown tipped
machine washable at 30° C
40 cm, item no. 013515
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
5-way jointed, machine washable at 30° C
32 cm, item no. 022586
MQ 1 piece
Teddy bears
Lilly dangling Teddy bear
Lilly dangling Teddy bear
Molly Teddy bear
Molly Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 111556
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
light brown tipped
machine washable at 30° C
24 cm, item no. 019593
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
40 cm, item no. 111945
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
24 cm, item no. 019272
MQ 2 pieces
Petsy Teddy bear
Petsy Teddy bear
Petsy Teddy bear
Petsy Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft woven fur
5-way jointed, machine washable at 30° C
35 cm, item no. 012440
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
5-way jointed, machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 012266
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
5-way jointed, machine washable at 30° C, in a
laundry bag/net
28 cm, item no. 012402
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
5-way jointed, machine washable at 30° C
35 cm, item no. 012273
MQ 1 piece
Teddy bears
Lenni Teddy bear
Elmar Teddy bear
Elmar Teddy bear
Happy Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
40 cm, item no. 109508
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
golden brown
5-way jointed, machine washable at 30° C
40 cm, item no. 022463
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
golden brown
5-way jointed, machine washable at 30° C
32 cm, item no. 022456
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
light brown
machine washable at 30° C
20 cm, item no. 012648
MQ 2 pieces
Happy Teddy bear
Happy Teddy bear
Charly dangling Teddy bear
Charly dangling Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
light brown
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 012662
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
russet tipped
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 113345
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
light brown
machine washable at 30° C
40 cm, item no. 012617
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 012754
MQ 1 piece
Charly dangling Teddy bear
Charly dangling Teddy bear
Charly dangling Teddy bear
Charly dangling Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 012846
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
30 cm, item no. 012914
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
23 cm, item no. 012891
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
40 cm, item no. 012853
MQ 1 piece
Teddy bears
Charly dangling Teddy bear
Charly dangling Teddy bear
Charly dangling Teddy bear
Fynn Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 012822
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
30 cm, item no. 012808
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
23 cm, item no. 012815
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
24 cm, item no. 110795
MQ 2 pieces
We celebrate: 10 years Fynn, Charly and Lotte
- celebrate with us!
Teddy bears
Fynn Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
18 cm, item no. 111372
MQ 3 pieces
Fynn Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
40 cm, item no. 111679
MQ 1 piece
Fynn Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 111327
MQ 2 pieces
Fynn Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
hand washable
80 cm, item no. 111389
MQ 1 piece
Teddy bears
Lotte Teddy bear
Lotte Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
18 cm, item no. 111365
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 111310
MQ 2 pieces
Lotte Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
40 cm, item no. 111778
MQ 1 piece
Teddy bears
Fynn Teddy bear in suitcase
Fynn Teddy bear in suitcase
Fynn Teddy bear in suitcase
Lotte Teddy bear in suitcase
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
suitcase not washable
24 cm, item no. 114007
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
suitcase not washable
28 cm, item no. 111471
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
suitcase not washable
23 cm, item no. 111730
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
suitcase not washable
28 cm, item no. 111563
MQ 1 piece
Lotte Teddy bear in suitcase
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
suitcase not washable
28 cm, item no. 111464
MQ 2 pieces
Sweetheart Teddy bear in heart box
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
heart box not washable
22 cm, item no. 109904
MQ 2 pieces
Charly dangling
Teddy bear in suitcase
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
suitcase not washable
30 cm, item no. 012938
MQ 1 piece
Lenni Teddy bear in suitcase
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
suitcase not washable
22 cm, item no. 111211
MQ 2 pieces
Magnetic animals
Climbing fun!
Wow! Jocko chimpanzee swings from the shelf in the children’s room
and hops onto his friend Marko’s shoulders. “Come on, let’s go to
the fridge!” And in the blink of an eye, he’s hanging from the fridge
door watching Marko’s mum from a lofty height as she cooks. “Can
you help me, Jocko?” she asks. Marko grabs Jocko’s favourite spoon
and puts it in Jocko’s hand who supports himself on the oven door
and helps Marko stir. How does he do that? Quite simply. Jocko the
chimpanzee also has magnetic hands just like Lommy the dangling
magnetic ring-tailed lemur and Eric the magnetic sloth from the new
Steiff range. Together the three acrobats at 50 cm, 70 cm and 45 cm
are fantastic playmates, even for big kids. Wherever there is metal,
they are almost invincible. And our ideas haven’t run out just quite yet...
Clack! And Lommy is already sitting on Lisa’s bicycle rack. It’s a short
ride over to the playground and then it’s over to the swings, then the
climbing frame: “Hello Lisa! I’m already up here!” And then onto the
slide. “Now you’re stuck!” laughs Lisa, putting Lommy in her lap.
Down they go and onto the next adventure...
Magnetic animals
Mungo the magnetic monkey
made of cuddly soft woven fur
machine washable at 30° C
40 cm, item no. 060199
MQ 1 piece
Eric the magnetic sloth
made of cuddly soft woven fur
brown tipped
machine washable at 30° C
45 cm, item no. 056277
MQ 1 piece
Lommy the dangling magnetic
ring-tailed lemur
made of cuddly soft plush
1-way jointed (head), machine washable at 30° C
70 cm, item no. 075858
MQ 1 piece
Jocko the magnetic chimpanzee
made of cuddly soft woven fur
dark brown
machine washable at 30° C
50 cm, item no. 060212
MQ 1 piece
Big friends for big cuddles
Here come the favourites of all children and parents...
It’s wonderful to have good friends. A loyal, understanding companion
for all everyday situations is just as great. That’s why there’s the elaborately crafted Steiff animals in great detail, which are modelled in a
deceptively authentic and life-size way, for children and all those young
at heart. As a result, the child-friendly soft Steiff animals are a popular
In particular cases delivery of the following items may last from 3 to 4 months.
Kindly contact us for availability information.
purchase with parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and good friends
so that they can find a new home with a little Steiff friend. As one thing
is and remains undisputed: a Steiff animal is a constant companion for
life. Day in, day out. Over years and even decades. It’s wonderful that
there are these kinds of fantastic friendships.
Big friends for big cuddles
Leonie lioness
made of cuddly soft plush
blond, lying
hand washable
100 cm, item no. 075735
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
beige/brown, lying
hand washable
80 cm, item no. 075667
MQ 1 piece
Petsy Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft woven fur
5-way jointed, hand washable
80 cm, item no. 012037
MQ 1 piece
Big friends for big cuddles
Pummy panda
made of cuddly soft woven fur
black/white, sitting
hand washable
70 cm, item no. 075803
MQ 1 piece
Snorry wolf
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey, sitting
hand washable
60 cm, item no. 075759
MQ 1 piece
Studio Bobby
made of cuddly soft plush
hand washable
120 cm, item no. 500411
MQ 1 piece
Urs brown bear
made of cuddly soft plush
mottled brown, lying
hand washable
120 cm, item no. 069635
MQ 1 piece
Big friends for big cuddles
Arco polar bear
made of cuddly soft woven fur
white, sitting
hand washable
60 cm, item no. 075681
MQ 1 piece
Flaps penguin
made of cuddly soft woven fur
black/white/grey, standing
hand washable
70 cm, item no. 075711
MQ 1 piece
Arco polar bear
made of cuddly soft plush
white, lying
hand washable
120 cm, item no. 063060
MQ 1 piece
Studio baby penguin
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey/brown, standing
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
37 cm, item no. 504976
MQ 1 piece
Big friends for big cuddles
Studio seal
made of cuddly soft plush
grey, lying
machine washable at 30° C
60 cm, item no. 501302
MQ 1 piece
Studio arctic hare
made of cuddly soft woven fur
white, sitting
hand washable
40 cm, item no. 501203
MQ 1 piece
Riding animals
I wish for an animal to ride on!
The familiar children´s nursery rhyme ”Horsey Horsey…“, still makes
children giggle with glee today just as it has in days gone by.
Experiencing the world from a whole different perspective on the back
of an animal has always had a special kind of magic. Therefore, the
riding horse has long been one of the most beloved items on children´s
Christmas lists. We at Steiff have provided a few comrades on a
par for the classic riding horse. All of them have an im­proved design
and especially high-quality woven fur. And so that our smallest riding
enthusiasts can mount up and go on adventures comfortably and safely
on the backs of their favourite animals, the rockers of the Steiff riding
animals are made of solid beech and the inner frame is handmade
of stainless steel that can hold up to 150 kilograms.
Riding animals
Rocky riding dragon
Franzi riding pony
Urs riding bear
Leo riding lion
made of cuddly soft woven fur
surface washable
saddle height ca. 45 cm
70 cm, item no. 048890
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
mottled brown
surface washable
saddle height ca. 45 cm
70 cm, item no. 048920
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
surface washable
saddle height ca. 45 cm
70 cm, item no. 048906
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
golden blond
surface washable
saddle height ca. 45 cm
70 cm, item no. 048982
MQ 1 piece
Pets and farm animals
Bring life to life. And lots of joy.
Horse, dog, cat, rabbit. Interacting with animals enriches our lives
and makes them more colourful too. And although a real pet brings an
abundant amount of happiness, it is also a lot of work. That is why
the pets and farm animals by Steiff are very easy-care companions
that are happy and content with a little attention; a cosy, warm spot
at home and a large portion of affection. And the best thing: at first
glance, you can hardly tell the difference between them and their
role models in real life. Whether large or small, the pets and farm
animals by Steiff are just as exciting and cuddly as a real animal.
Yet they are much more patient and forgiving when little hands stroke
their fur and cuddle them with a bit too much childlike enthusiasm.
Which of the lovingly and realistically created Steiff pets will win
over your heart? A fluffy kitten or a budgie with a strong character?
Or perhaps one of the charming and sprightly farm animals such as
the Steiff rabbits, lambs, mice or chicks? And if you and your little
family members have always wanted to go canine crazy: you will
certainly find your favourite family dog among the enchanting fourlegged friends by Steiff. And your Steiff dog has another advantage,
he doesn’t need quite as much exercise as the real thing. There is
only one absolute necessity: lots of affection. All of the Steiff animals
are in agreement on that.
Pets and farm animals
Dani dalmatian
Bernie husky
Sigi Bernese mountain dog
Moritz dachshund
made of cuddly soft plush
white/black, lying
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 083785
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
black/brown/white, lying
machine washable at 30° C
45 cm, item no. 079528
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
grey/white, standing
machine washable at 30° C
17 cm, item no. 104985
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
dark grey tipped, standing
machine washable at 30° C
30 cm, item no. 076985
MQ 1 piece
Lenni Golden Retriever
made of cuddly soft plush
blond, lying
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 076961
MQ 1 piece
Little Sammy puppy
made of cuddly soft plush
white, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
17 cm, item no. 083549
MQ 2 pieces
Little friend
Lumpi Golden Retriever puppy
made of cuddly soft woven fur
golden blond, lying
machine washable at 30° C
22 cm, item no. 280160
MQ 2 pieces
Little Bonny puppy
made of cuddly soft plush
golden brown, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
17 cm, item no. 083556
MQ 2 pieces
Little Tommy puppy
Little Timmy puppy
Lizzy kitten
Minka kitten
made of cuddly soft plush
grey/white, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
17 cm, item no. 083532
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
red tabby, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
17 cm, item no. 084027
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
brown, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
17 cm, item no. 083525
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
grey tabby, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
17 cm, item no. 084010
MQ 2 pieces
Norwegian Forest Cat
Mimmi cat
Mizzy cat
Little friend Mizzy cat
made of cuddly soft plush
black/white, lying
machine washable at 30° C
45 cm, item no. 035852
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
blond tabby, standing
machine washable at 30° C
25 cm, item no. 099342
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
red tabby, lying
machine washable at 30° C
24 cm, item no. 099434
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
blond, lying
machine washable at 30° C
22 cm, item no. 281563
MQ 2 pieces
Pets and farm animals
Kitty cat
made of cuddly soft plush
grey/beige, standing
machine washable at 30° C
25 cm, item no. 099335
MQ 1 piece
Mimmi dangling cat
Happy rabbit
Hoppel rabbit
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
25 cm, item no. 080289
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
black/white, lying
machine washable at 30° C
30 cm, item no. 099366
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
brown tipped, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
14 cm, item no. 080081
MQ 2 pieces
Hoppi dangling rabbit
Hoppi dangling rabbit
Hoppi dangling rabbit
Dormili rabbit
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
26 cm, item no. 280344
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
45 cm, item no. 122637
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
35 cm, item no. 122620
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
brown, lying
machine washable at 30° C
32 cm, item no. 080050
MQ 1 piece
Pets and farm animals
Mr. Cupcake rabbit
Mr. Cupcake rabbit
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 080265
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
22 cm, item no. 080241
MQ 2 pieces
Happy rabbit
Meiko rabbit
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey tipped, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
18 cm, item no. 080036
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
beige, sitting up
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 080272
MQ 2 pieces
Tapsy grey goose
Pilla duckling
Fanny pony
Fenny dangling Holsteiner
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey/white, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
32 cm, item no. 074073
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
brown, standing
machine washable at 30° C
30 cm, item no. 070655
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
yellow, standing
machine washable at 30° C
14 cm, item no. 073335
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
russet, lying
machine washable at 30° C
35 cm, item no. 070082
MQ 1 piece
Ricky dangling Gypsy horse
Little friend Hanno Hanoverian
Hanno dangling Hanoverian
Lischen cow
made of cuddly soft woven fur
white/black, lying
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 070181
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
brown, lying
machine washable at 30° C
35 cm, item no. 070716
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
brown, lying
machine washable at 30° C
22 cm, item no. 280351
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
spotted white/black, standing
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 103377
MQ 2 pieces
Pets and farm animals
Fritzi donkey
Little friend Issy donkey
Roserl minipig
Sissi piglet
made of cuddly soft plush
mottled grey, standing
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 072819
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
white/black, standing
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
26 cm, item no. 071720
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
grey/beige, lying
machine washable at 30° C
24 cm, item no. 280337
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
pink, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
15 cm, item no. 071898
MQ 2 pieces
Little friend Sissi piglet
Flocky lamb
made of cuddly soft woven fur
pink, lying
machine washable at 30° C
22 cm, item no. 280016
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
24 cm, item no. 103117
MQ 1 piece
Linda lamb
Boeky lamb
made of cuddly soft plush
white, standing
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 073397
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
cream, lying
machine washable at 30° C
40 cm, item no. 103490
MQ 1 piece
Pets and farm animals
Little friend Linda lamb
Abraxas dangling raven
Piff mouse
Pilla mouse
made of cuddly soft plush
wool white, lying
machine washable at 30° C
22 cm, item no. 280030
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey, sitting up
machine washable at 30° C
10 cm, item no. 056222
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
33 cm, item no. 064593
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
white, sitting up
machine washable at 30° C
10 cm, item no. 056215
MQ 2 pieces
Forest and meadow animals
You will be glad to give these nature lovers a new home!
They bound joyfully over hill and dale. Dash across meadows. Rustle
through the forest leaves. Or sit in the treetops cheekily and curiously.
They keep a watchful eye out for little Steiff fans who might give them
a new home. And even if the little ones have never seen these reallife animals playing and romping outside while out for a stroll: the
Steiff forest and meadow animals look amazingly similar to the living
originals so that children can get a good first impression of these
charming animals that are at home here in our region. Yet one thing
is clearly different about the lovable Steiff animals and their real-life
role models: with their incomparably fluffy fur or feathers made of
soft woven fur they are much cuddlier and softer than the real-life
species. And they are also much tamer and more affectionate. Thus,
it is simple to strike up a friendship with a bear, fox, owl, squirrel and
mole. It has never been easier or more pleasant to stroke and hug a
hedgehog or a wild boar!
Forest and meadow anmimals
Nagy beaver
Diggy mole
made of cuddly soft woven fur
brown, sitting up
machine washable at 30° C
27 cm, item no. 071065
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
brown, sitting up
machine washable at 30° C
18 cm, item no. 071164
MQ 2 pieces
Joggi hedgehog
Snorry dangling wolf
made of cuddly soft woven fur
mottled brown, standing
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 070792
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey/brown, lying
machine washable at 30° C
40 cm, item no. 069284
MQ 1 piece
Fuxy fox
Fuxy baby fox
made of cuddly soft woven fur
brown/white, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
25 cm, item no. 070129
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
brown, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
18 cm, item no. 070136
MQ 2 pieces
Browny bear
Rieke dangling fawn
made of cuddly soft plush
brown, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
17 cm, item no. 084041
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
brown, lying
machine washable at 30° C
35 cm, item no. 070433
MQ 1 piece
Rieke dangling fawn
lying, brown, 35 cm
very good
Öko Test magazine 11/2014
Forest and meadow anmimals
Wittie owl
Wittie owl
Urs brown bear
Niki squirrel
made of cuddly soft woven fur
cream, standing
1-way jointed (head)
machine washable at 30° C
14 cm, item no. 045622
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
brown, lying
hand washable
60 cm, item no. 075698
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
grey brindled, standing
machine washable at 30° C
12 cm, item no. 045608
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
russet, sitting up
machine washable at 30° C
21 cm, item no. 045141
MQ 1 piece
Urs brown bear
made of cuddly soft plush
mottled brown, lying
hand washable
90 cm, item no. 070068
MQ 1 piece
Urs brown bear
made of cuddly soft woven fur
mottled brown, lying
machine washable at 30° C
45 cm, item no. 070037
MQ 1 piece
Urs brown bear
made of cuddly soft woven fur
mottled brown, lying
hand washable
60 cm, item no. 070044
MQ 1 piece
Wild animals
Now the wide, wild world of animals is coming to your home.
They are wild. They are fascinatingly elegant – and only few animal
enthusiasts are lucky enough to experience these breathtakingly
beautiful, exotic wild animals from all over the world in their natural
habitats. And what makes these creatures even more fascinating for
animal lovers is the sense of the unattainable. We have succeeded
in taming many of these wonderful exotic animals from the various
continents and bringing them home to big and small animal lovers as
adorable Steiff animals in fascinatingly realistic quality and optical
perfection. Experience your own personal safari with rare rhinoceroses,
giraffes and lions. Sense the fascination of distant lands eye-to-eye
with turtle, chimpanzee and elephant. Or experience your own wild
jungle adventures in the playroom with your little ones – and enjoy the
look of wide-eyed wonder and excitement on your child’s face. And
every­one is welcome to get as close as they like to these magnificent
creatures. In contrast to the real animals in the wild, you can cuddle
the wild animals by Steiff without any danger and stroke their beautiful
fur as long as you like. It is a promise! These are just a few of the
advantages that Steiff animals have over the originals in the wild.
Wild animals
Kecki chipmunk
Bendy Red Panda
Ronny racoon
Lori parrot
made of cuddly soft woven fur
brown/beige, sitting up
machine washable at 30° C
15 cm, item no. 070945
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
mottled brown, standing
machine washable at 30° C
32 cm, item no. 071188
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
machine washable at 30° C
32 cm, item no. 066108
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
blue/yellow, standing
machine washable at 30° C
26 cm, item no. 063879
MQ 1 piece
Eusebia tarantula
Koko tarsier
Sancho meerkat
Pummy panda
made of cuddly soft woven fur
machine washable at 30° C
18 cm, item no. 061738
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
brown tipped, sitting up
machine washable at 30° C
29 cm, item no. 070280
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
dark brown tipped
machine washable at 30° C
17 cm, item no. 067334
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
black/white, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
45 cm, item no. 075780
MQ 1 piece
Wild animals
Womby Wombat
Slo tortoise
Slo tortoise
Kango kangaroo with baby
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey/beige, standing
machine washable at 30° C
34 cm, item no. 064951
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
hand washable
70 cm, item no. 068478
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
machine washable at 30° C
20 cm, item no. 068485
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
beige tipped, standing
machine washable at 30° C
40 cm, item no. 064623
MQ 1 piece
Wild animals
Jamila snake
Trampili elephant
Trampili elephant
Trampili elephant
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
210 cm, item no. 075827
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey, standing
machine washable at 30° C
45 cm, item no. 064043
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey, standing
machine washable at 30° C
18 cm, item no. 064487
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey, lying
machine washable at 30° C
55 cm, item no. 064364
MQ 1 piece
Goran gorilla
Gora baby gorilla
Koko chimpanzee
Jocko chimpanzee
made of cuddly soft plush
black, standing
machine washable at 30° C
39 cm, item no. 062131
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
20 cm, item no. 060380
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey tipped
machine washable at 30° C
25 cm, item no. 062292
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
hand washable
70 cm, item no. 064685
MQ 1 piece
Wild animals
Koko chimpanzee
made of cuddly soft woven fur
dark brown
machine washable at 30° C
35 cm, item no. 064722
MQ 1 piece
Bendy giraffe
made of cuddly soft plush
beige/brown, standing
machine washable at 30° C
in a laundry bag/net
45 cm, item no. 068041
MQ 1 piece
Little friend Koko monkey
made of cuddly soft woven fur
dark brown
machine washable at 30° C
25 cm, item no. 280122
MQ 2 pieces
Nero dangling panther
made of cuddly soft woven fur
black, lying
machine washable at 30° C
40 cm, item no. 084072
MQ 1 piece
Paddy panther
Aslan lion
Mizzy lynx
Baby dangling cheetah
made of cuddly soft plush
black, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
17 cm, item no. 084034
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
striped beige/brown, lying
machine washable at 30° C
35 cm, item no. 102585
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
blond, sitting
machine washable at 30° C
17 cm, item no. 084058
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
striped beige/brown, lying
machine washable at 30° C
26 cm, item no. 064647
MQ 1 piece
Wild animals
Pancho puma
made of cuddly soft plush
blond, lying
machine washable at 30° C
55 cm, item no. 066054
MQ 1 piece
Paddy snow leopard
made of cuddly soft plush
spotted light grey, lying
machine washable at 30° C
42 cm, item no. 061684
MQ 1 piece
Bharat, the white tiger
made of cuddly soft plush
striped white, lying
machine washable at 30° C
43 cm, item no. 066153
MQ 1 piece
Radjah baby dangling tiger
made of cuddly soft plush
striped, lying
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 066269
MQ 1 piece
Radjah tiger
Timba lion
Leo lion
Leo dangling lion
made of cuddly soft woven fur
striped blond, lying
machine washable at 30° C
45 cm, item no. 064463
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
blond, lying
machine washable at 30° C
45 cm, item no. 064135
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
white, lying
machine washable at 30° C
42 cm, item no. 065637
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
blond, lying
machine washable at 30° C
34 cm, item no. 065668
MQ 1 piece
Wild animals
Leo baby dangling lion
Leo lion
Little friend Leo lion
Manni mammoth
made of cuddly soft plush
blond, lying
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 065651
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
blond, lying
machine washable at 30° C
22 cm, item no. 280092
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
beige, standing
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 066658
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
brown, standing
machine washable at 30° C
18 cm, item no. 082412
MQ 2 pieces
Arctic and marine animals
Here come the heroes from the frozen wilderness and the oceans.
Penguins, polar bears and seals are normally at home in the distant
regions of the Arctic: ice and freezing, cold temperatures are their
daily compan­ions. The Steiff Arctic animals are looking for­ward to
a trip to a warmer climate and are happy to find a new home with
Steiff friends both big and small. The fascinating dolphins will also
gladly trade their usual surroundings in the depths of the oceans and
come up to peer at their new friends and owners.
Arctic and marine animals
Arco polar bear
made of cuddly soft plush
white, standing
machine washable at 30° C
18 cm, item no. 062957
MQ 2 pieces
Arco polar bear
made of cuddly soft woven fur
white, lying
machine washable at 30° C
45 cm, item no. 115110
MQ 1 piece
Arco polar bear
made of cuddly soft woven fur
white, lying
hand washable
60 cm, item no. 115127
MQ 1 piece
Arco polar bear
made of cuddly soft plush
white, lying
hand washable
90 cm, item no. 115134
MQ 1 piece
Renny dangling reindeer
Wotan walrus
Robby seal
Niklas arctic hare
Marny manatee
Cappy dolphin
made of cuddly soft woven fur
brown/beige, lying
machine washable at 30° C
32 cm, item no. 113154
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
white, sitting
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
32 cm, item no. 077968
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
machine washable at 30° C
60 cm, item no. 0621488
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey, lying
machine washable at 30° C
50 cm, item no. 075704
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
machine washable at 30° C
22 cm, item no. 063114
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
grey/white, lying
machine washable at 30° C
35 cm, item no. 063183
MQ 1 piece
Arctic and marine animals
Flaps penguin
Flaps penguin
Flaps baby penguin
Charly emperor penguin
made of cuddly soft plush
black/white, standing
machine washable at 30° C
17 cm, item no. 063626
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
black/white/grey, standing
machine washable at 30° C
20 cm, item no. 057090
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
black/white/grey, standing
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 057144
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
black/white, standing
machine washable at 30° C
32 cm, item no. 057106
MQ 1 piece
The past is now coming to life!
The new Steiff Dinosaur Clan welcomes all the little as well as big
reptile fans to the exciting prehistoric period! Whether on land or in the
water – sometimes dangerous or sometimes quite peaceful: millions of
years ago, the Tyrannosauros Rex, Stegosaurus and Triceratops were
up to mischief and experienced exciting adventures every day. Now
Steiff friends can go back into the past with these fascinating and
cuddly-soft primordial beings on an equally exciting adventure tour!
Trixi Triceratops
Sharptooth Tyrannosaurus Rex
Siggi Stegosaurus
made of cuddly soft woven fur
brown tipped, standing
machine washable at 30° C
30 cm, item no. 066870
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
brown/yellow, standing
machine washable at 30° C
30 cm, item no. 066863
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
green, sitting up
machine washable at 30° C
24 cm, item no. 066887
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft woven fur
blue grey, standing
machine washable at 30° C
32 cm, item no. 015168
MQ 1 piece
Fantasy animals
Straight from the imagination and into your heart!
You will find them in books, in dreams, in films, and in fantasies.
Until now, they existed only in the mind and imagination. But now
Steiff has brought them to life – a mythical dragon and two unicorns,
unique species making their debut this year. It’s difficult to imagine a
less ferocious dragon. He’s soft and cuddly and ready to be friends –
even with knights and damsels! And our unicorns, one dangling and
one standing, are ready to bring a bit of whimsy to playtime or your
collection. Plus, unicorns have a special significance for our company –
the unicorn is the official symbol of the city Giengen, the home of
Steiff! Regardless of which character you choose, we guarantee you’ll
have more fun than you can imagine!
Fantasy animals
Starly dangling unicorn
made of cuddly soft plush
white, lying
hand washable
70 cm, item no. 015090
MQ 1 piece
Starly dangling unicorn
made of cuddly soft plush
white, lying
machine washable at 30° C
35 cm, item no. 015045
MQ 1 piece
Starly unicorn
made of cuddly soft plush
white, standing
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 015106
MQ 2 pieces
Rosali baby dragon
Kian baby dragon
made of cuddly soft plush
white/pink, standing
machine washable at 30° C
20 cm, item no. 015113
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
green, standing
machine washable at 30° C
20 cm, item no. 015120
MQ 2 pieces
Raudi dragon boy
made of cuddly soft woven fur
green, standing
machine washable at 30° C
17 cm, item no. 015076
MQ 2 pieces
Happy Friends
Come and play with us!
“Psst! Are you awake? I need to show you something ...” That’s what
it sounds like when Steiff’s Happy Friends start a new day. And of
course they don’t need to ask their owners twice: A new day of fun
and adventure starts. Inseparable and always together – how else
should it be!
Happy Friends
Happy Friend Manni rabbit
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 282201
MQ 1 piece
Happy Friend Scotty monkey
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 282249
MQ 1 piece
Happy Friend Knuffi Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 282232
MQ 1 piece
Happy Friend Poppy elephant
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
26 cm, item no. 282218
MQ 1 piece
Happy Friend Hippi frog
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
28 cm, item no. 282225
MQ 1 piece
Little Floppies
The Beginning of a Great Friendship.
To know them is to love them! These cute, little floppies by Steiff are
made of cuddly soft plush and are guaranteed to put a joyful spark
in children’s eyes for many years. If you own one or even several
of the unbelievably soft, cuddly Little Floppies, you can really count
yourself lucky. The only problem ever experienced by their owners
is the fact that no one ever really wants to let go. But then they don’t
have to – only ­some­times. Maybe for a tiny little moment or two…
Little Floppies
Little Floppy Cappy frog
Little Floppy Sissi pig
Little Floppy Hoppel rabbit
Little Floppy Trampili elephant
Little Floppy Lumpi Golden Retriever
Little Floppy Linda lamb
made of cuddly soft plush
green, lying
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 281235
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
grey, lying
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 281259
22 cm, item no. 281174 (no NOS)
MQ 3/2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
pink, lying
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 281266
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
beige, lying
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 281297
22 cm, item no. 281105 (no NOS)
MQ 3/2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
light brown, lying
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 281273
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
cream, lying
machine washable at 30° C
16 cm, item no. 281280
22 cm, item no. 281129 (no NOS)
MQ 3/2 pieces
Heat cushions
Warmth does good!
“Caution – use!” The frog hops off the shelf and the cherry stones in
his tummy can be warmed quickly in the kitchen. Frog’s little friend
goes off to bed, but she is crying – “my dear little friend, what is the
matter?” “Oh Frog, my tummy aches” “Then let me help your aches
and pains go away”. He smiles at her, slips under the blanket and
lies down on her aching tummy. She feels the wonderful warmth on
her tummy. A little smile: “Mummy, my frog is magic!” “Of course I
am,” the frog thinks, and both the little girl and her frog friend sleep
happily: warmth and cuddling are among the nicest experiences in
To make sure they are always fresh for cuddles, they can enjoy a
bath in the washing machine if the cherry stone pillow is removed.
The heat cushions are only available in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, France,
Monaco, Holland, USA, UK, Ireland, Australia, South Africa, Taiwan, China, Singapore and Hong Kong.
Heat cushions
Heat cushion Charly Teddy bear
Floppy Trampili elephant heat cushion
Floppy Linda lamb heat cushion
Floppy Cappy frog heat cushion
Floppy Hoppel rabbit heat cushion
Floppy Lumpi Golden Retriever heat cushion
with removable cherry pit pillow
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
cherry pit pillow not washable
28 cm, item no. 116001
MQ 1 piece
with removable cherry pit pillow
made of cuddly soft plush
green, lying
machine washable at 30° C,
cherry pit pillow not washable
22 cm, item no. 239120
MQ 2 pieces
with removable cherry pit pillow
made of cuddly soft plush
grey, lying
machine washable at 30° C,
cherry pit pillow not washable
22 cm, item no. 238987
MQ 2 pieces
with removable cherry pit pillow
made of cuddly soft plush
light brown, lying
machine washable at 30° C,
cherry pit pillow not washable
22 cm, item no. 239144
MQ 2 pieces
with removable cherry pit pillow
made of cuddly soft plush
cream, lying
machine washable at 30° C,
cherry pit pillow not washable
22 cm, item no. 239137
MQ 2 pieces
with removable cherry pit pillow
made of cuddly soft plush
beige, lying
machine washable at 30° C,
cherry pit pillow not washable
22 cm, item no. 239199
MQ 2 pieces
These little friends just want to hang around!
It must be in their blood. They simply cannot help themselves. The little
Steiff keyring animals just have to be around wherever you are. Their
thirst for knowledge is so unbridled. They are so curious. They are so
full of energy and endurance that every day is a great new adventure.
And these little animals with fluffy-soft fur have an incomparable love
of travel. Their good mood is contagious and you simply cannot resist
their friendly, inviting expression. These cute Steiff miniatures go along
day after day on great, new adventures on the secure and practical
keyring. After all, there is nothing more exciting for these animals than
to experience their little owners’ turbulent everyday lives on a bunch
of keys, on a bag, on a rucksack, on a pencil case or a school bag!
Keyring lamb
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
10 cm, item no. 112386
MQ 3 pieces
Pendant monkey
made of cuddly soft plush
dark brown tipped
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
12 cm, item no. 112263
MQ 3 pieces
Pendant Mr. Cupcake rabbit
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
13 cm, item no. 112416
MQ 3 pieces
Keyring penguin
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
8 cm, item no. 112409
MQ 3 pieces
Keyring panda
Keyring raven
Keyring Strolch dog
Keyring Teddy bear
Keyring Charly Teddy bear
Keyring Lotte Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
9 cm, item no. 112102
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
11 cm, item no. 112300
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
9 cm, item no. 112355
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
12 cm, item no. 111884
MQ 4 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
10 cm, item no. 112362
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
12 cm, item no. 111785
MQ 4 pieces
Keyring Fynn Teddy bear
Keyring lucky charm Teddy bear
Keyring ladybird
Keyring Fynn Teddy bear
Keyring Frosty snowman
Keyring Charly Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
12 cm, item no. 111600
MQ 4 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
12 cm, item no. 112348
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
golden brown
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
12 cm, item no. 111877
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
10 cm, item no. 112331
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
7 cm, item no. 112379
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
12 cm, item no. 112393
MQ 3 pieces
Just the right thing for each and every pleasure...
Hand on heart: it is that little decorative something, that personal
favourite accessory - which provide the most joy in everyday life. And
allow small moments of play, dressing up and exuberance to become
a great joy. This is also the case with the new Steiff accessories:
they are really fun even to look at - and even more so when they are
used to play, discover, celebrate, travel, chat and frolic. Small, fine
all-rounder, which will very quickly become favourite companions in
everyday life. For young and young at heart Steiff fans alike. You bet!
Lotte travel neck pillow
Charly travel neck pillow
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
22 cm, item no. 606052
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
22 cm, item no. 606069
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft woven fur
machine washable at 30° C
15 cm, item no. 205286
MQ 2 pieces
Teddy bag
multicoloured, 15 cm
very good
Öko Test magazine 03/2015
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
21 cm, item no. 600999
MQ 2 pieces
Welcome to my world!
Let me introduce myself: I am TABALUGA.
A long time ago I hatched from a dragon’s egg in the fictional province
of Greenland and I am about 7 dragon-years old (700 human years,
as one year for a dragon is 100 for a human). My Father, the great
Tyrion, died when I was six, following his death, I became the last
of the dragons and styled the crown-prince of Greenland, a place
inhabited by talking animals of many different species. But I have many
other daddies too, or rather creators: Peter Maffay, Gregor Rottschalk
and Rolf Zuckowski, a musician, an author and a song writer, how
lucky am I? And then we have – Helme Heine – who has drawn me
as I look today. My task - to defend my home from two rival kingdoms
© 2015 Tabaluga Enterprises GmbH. TABALUGA basiert auf einer Idee von Peter Maffay, Gregor Rottschalk und Rolf
Zuckowski. Bilder von Helme Heine.
on either side of Greenland; a frigid arctic tundra, ruled by the evil
snowman Arktos and a searing desert, ruled by an evil sand-spirit
named Humsin. And in performing my task so my adventures become
many. Gifted with Luck and Love I fall in love with Lilli and gift my luck
to many. But this was not my last adventure!
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
18 cm, item no. 024245
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
25 cm, item no. 024252
MQ 2 pieces
Tabaluga pendant
Tabaluga bag
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
with embroidered eyes
14 cm, item no. 024344
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
19 cm, item no. 024283
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
55 cm, item no. 024276
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
17 cm, item no. 024290
MQ 2 pieces
Keyring ladybug
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
with embroidered eyes
11 cm, item no. 024306
MQ 3 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
35 cm, item no. 024320
MQ 1 piece
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
25 cm, item no. 024313
MQ 2 pieces
Knopf and Frieda
Our heroes from the Steiff museum.
Discover an unusual destination full of surprises, experiences and
emotions, and immerse yourself into the world of Steiff with Knopf the
Teddy bear and Frieda the doll - the Steiff Museum in Giengen an
der Brenz is awaiting your visit!
Knopf and Frieda
Keyring Knopf Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
golden brown
machine washable at 30° C,
in a laundry bag/net
11 cm, item no. 014475
MQ 3 pieces
Frieda doll
made of high quality cotton
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
38 cm, item no. 014741
MQ 1 piece
Knopf Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
golden brown
machine washable at 30° C
25 cm, item no. 014444
MQ 1 piece
My first Steiff Teddy bears
The first real Steiff friend.
What better way to start life than with your very own, very first Steiff
Teddy bear. He´ll keep you warm, he´ll keep you safe and he will
always keep your secrets. What better gift to give a newly born?
Why not give them the best start in life with a best friend for life?
Baby - My first Steiff
My first Steiff Teddy bear
My first Steiff Teddy bear
My first Steiff Teddy bear
My first Steiff Teddy bear
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
with “My first Steiff” embroidered on foot pad
24 cm, item no. 240911, on card
24 cm, item no. 664717, without card
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
with “My first Steiff” embroidered on foot pad
24 cm, item no. 240935, on card
24 cm, item no. 664021, without card
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
light blue
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
with “My first Steiff” embroidered on foot pad
24 cm, item no. 240928, on card
24 cm, item no. 664724, without card
MQ 2 pieces
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
with “My first Steiff” embroidered on foot pad
24 cm, item no. 240942, on card
24 cm, item no. 664120, without card
MQ 2 pieces
Steiff organic cotton
Eco-quality of the highest level.
The Steiff Bio-Baby series is made of pure organic cotton from
controlled organic cultivation. Our organic cotton, woven in our own
weaving mill Steiff Schulte in Duisburg, is certified according to GOTS
(Global Organic Textile Standard) and complies with IVN guidelines
(Internationaler Verband der Naturtextilien [International Association of
the ­Natural Textile Industry]). This allows us to achieve incomparable
product quality, which stands for all-round unspoilt nature: ecological
cultivation without pesticides, no application of optical brighteners,
colouring without allergenic components as well as fair working
conditions for all those involved. Feeling, touching, smelling and
tasting – that’s how our little ones ­discover their big world. And are
now joined by their Steiff friends made of purely organic materials.
Baby – Bio series
Basti bear comforter
Basti bear
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
30 cm, item no. 237621
MQ 2 pieces
Basti bear music box
with removable music box
(Weißt du wie viel Sternlein stehen –
German Folk song)
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C,
without music box
with embroidered eyes
20 cm, item no. 237676
MQ 1 piece
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
20 cm, item no. 237607
MQ 2 pieces
Basti bear grip toy
with rattle
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
12 cm, item no. 237690
MQ 3 pieces
Basti bear grip toy with rustling foil
with rattle
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
13 cm, item no. 237744
MQ 2 pieces
Hoppel rabbit
Hoppel rabbit
Hoppel rabbit grip toy with rustling foil
Hoppel rabbit grip toy with rustling foil
Hoppel rabbit comforter
Hoppel rabbit comforter
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
20 cm, item no. 237577
MQ 2 pieces
with rattle
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
15 cm, item no. 240140
MQ 2 pieces
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
20 cm, item no. 237508
MQ 2 pieces
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
28 cm, item no. 237546
MQ 2 pieces
with rattle
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
15 cm, item no. 240157
MQ 2 pieces
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
28 cm, item no. 237478
MQ 2 pieces
Baby – Bio series
Hoppel rabbit grip toy
Hoppel rabbit grip toy
Hoppel rabbit music box
Hoppel rabbit music box
with rattle
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
12 cm, item no. 237522
MQ 3 pieces
with removable music box
(Sleep, my little prince)
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C,
without music box
with embroidered eyes
20 cm, item no. 237515
MQ 1 piece
with rattle
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
12 cm, item no. 237591
MQ 3 pieces
with removable music box
(Sleep, my little prince)
made of fluffy cotton
(certified organically grown)
machine washable at 30° C,
without music box
with embroidered eyes
20 cm, item no. 237584
MQ 1 piece
The first year
With ideas from Steiff.
Hello little one, welcome… to your new life! It will be exciting – and
we baby toy animals want to be your friends! You can watch us on
the pushchair – every day. If you give us a push, we sway a little. You
know us and you can sense: I like them. You smile, you laugh and
soon you learn to grip. Aha! You notice: “I can move things!” Great
if it also crackles and rattles… If you need comforting then we toy
animals snuggle up with you – just like Mummy and Daddy. With a
warm Steiff Baby cherry stone pillow on your tummy too, the world is
soon a better place.
The heat cushions are only available in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, France,
Monaco, Holland, USA, UK, Ireland, Australia, South Africa, Taiwan, China, Singapore and Hong Kong.
removable cherry
pit pillow
Sleep well bear heat cushion
Sleep well bear heat cushion
Bear head heat cushion
Rattle ball with rustling foil
with removable cherry pit pillow
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
cherry pit pillow not washable
with embroidered eyes
25 cm, item no. 239885
MQ 2 pieces
with removable cherry pit pillow
made of plush for baby-soft skin
reddish blond
machine washable at 30° C,
cherry pit pillow not washable
with embroidered eyes
20 cm, item no. 240065
MQ 2 pieces
with removable cherry pit pillow
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
cherry pit pillow not washable
with embroidered eyes
25 cm, item no. 239878
MQ 2 pieces
with rattle
made of cotton for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
fastening clip not washable
9 cm, item no. 205309
MQ 2 pieces
Rattle ball with rustling foil
Rattle ball
Sleep well bear
Sleep well bear comforter
with rattle
made of cotton for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
fastening clip not washable
9 cm, item no. 205293
MQ 2 pieces
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
25 cm, item no. 239526
MQ 2 pieces
with rattle
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
12 cm, item no. 239984
MQ 2 pieces
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
30 cm, item no. 239533
MQ 2 pieces
Sleep well bear music box
Sleep well bear grip toy
Sleep well bear 3-in-1
Sleep well bear
with removable music box
(Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf –
German Folk song)
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
without music box
with embroidered eyes
20 cm, item no. 239540
MQ 2 pieces
with rattle
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
wooden ring not machine washable
with embroidered eyes
item consists of 3 components
16 cm, item no. 240119
MQ 2 pieces
with rattle
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
12 cm, item no. 239557
MQ 3 pieces
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
25 cm, item no. 239571
MQ 2 pieces
Sleep well bear comforter
Sleep well bear music box
Sleep well bear grip toy
Sleep well bear 3-in-1
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
30 cm, item no. 239588
MQ 2 pieces
with rattle
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
12 cm, item no. 239601
MQ 3 pieces
with removable music box
(Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf –
German Folk song)
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
without music box
with embroidered eyes
20 cm, item no. 239595
MQ 2 pieces
with rattle
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
wooden ring not machine washable
with embroidered eyes
item consists of 3 components
16 cm, item no. 240102
MQ 2 pieces
Sleep well bear
Sleep well bear comforter
Sleep well bear music box
Sleep well bear grip toy
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
25 cm item no. 239908
MQ 2 pieces
with removable music box
(Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf –
German Folk song)
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
without music box
with embroidered eyes
20 cm, item no. 239922
MQ 2 pieces
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
30 cm, item no. 239915
MQ 2 pieces
with rattle
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
12 cm, item no. 239939
MQ 3 pieces
Sun, moon and star bear
Sun, moon and star comforter
Sun, moon and star bear
music box
Sun, moon and star bear grip toy
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
24 cm, item no. 239946
MQ 2 pieces
with removable music box
(Weißt du wie viel Sternlein stehen –
German Folk song)
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C,
without music box
with embroidered eyes
20 cm, item no. 239977
MQ 2 pieces
with squeaker
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
28 cm, item no. 239953
MQ 2 pieces
with rattle
made of cuddly soft plush
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
13 cm, item no. 239960
MQ 3 pieces
Leon lion comforter
Leon lion 3-in-1
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
28 cm, item no. 240621
MQ 2 pieces
Leon lion
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
22 cm, item no. 240904
MQ 2 pieces
with rattle
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
wooden ring not machine washable
with embroidered eyes
item consists of 3 components
20 cm, item no. 240645
MQ 2 pieces
Leon lion music box
with removable music box
(Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf –
German Folk song)
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
without music box
with embroidered eyes
20 cm, item no. 240614
MQ 2 pieces
Leon lion grip toy
with rattle
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
14 cm, item no. 240638
MQ 3 pieces
Fabio frog
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
26 cm, item no. 240430
MQ 2 pieces
Fabio frog comforter
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
26 cm, item no. 240447
MQ 2 pieces
Fabio frog music box
with removable music box
(Weißt Du wieviel Sternlein stehen –
German Folk song)
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
without music box
with embroidered eyes
23 cm, item no. 240454
MQ 2 pieces
Rattle ball with rustling foil
Fabio frog grip toy
Fabio frog bib
Fabio frog bib
with rattle
made of cotton for baby soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
fastening clip not washable
9 cm, item no. 240461
MQ 2 pieces
made of cotton for baby soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
27 cm, item no. 240379
MQ 3 pieces
with rattle
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
13 cm, item no. 240478
MQ 3 pieces
made of cotton for baby soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
29 cm, item no. 240898
MQ 3 pieces
Trampili elephant
Trampili elephant comforter
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
24 cm, item no. 240256
MQ 2 pieces
Trampili elephant grip toy
with rattle
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
12 cm, item no. 240270
MQ 3 pieces
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
24 cm, item no. 240263
MQ 2 pieces
Trampili elephant grip toy
with rustling foil
with rattle
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
14 cm, item no. 240294
MQ 2 pieces
Trampili elephant music box
with removable music box
(Guter Mond – German Folk song)
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
without music box
with embroidered eyes
22 cm, item no. 240287
MQ 2 pieces
Jocko monkey grip toy
Jocko monkey comforter
Jocko monkey music box
Jocko monkey
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
26 cm, item no. 240201
MQ 2 pieces
with rattle
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
12 cm, item no. 240171
MQ 3 pieces
with removable music box
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
without music box
with embroidered eyes
22 cm, item no. 240188
MQ 2 pieces
Jocko monkey music box
brown/beige/green, 22 cm
very good
Öko Test magazine 12/2015
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
25 cm, item no. 240195
MQ 2 pieces
Sweet dreams lamb comforter
Sweet dreams lamb
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
30 cm, item no. 239632
MQ 2 pieces
Sweet dreams lamb pendant
with rattle
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
fastening clip not washable
with embroidered eyes
14 cm, item no. 240126
MQ 2 pieces
made of plush for baby-soft skin
cream, lying
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
48 cm, item no. 239663
MQ 1 piece
Sweet dreams lamb
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
28 cm, item no. 239625
MQ 2 pieces
Sweet dreams lamb music box
with removable music box
(Weißt du wie viel Sternlein stehen –
German Folk song)
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
without music box
with embroidered eyes
25 cm, item no. 239649
MQ 2 pieces
Good night dog
made of plush for baby-soft skin
beige, lying
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
48 cm, item no. 239724
MQ 1 piece
Good night dog
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
28 cm, item no. 239687
MQ 2 pieces
Good night dog comforter
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
30 cm, item no. 239694
MQ 2 pieces
Good night dog music box
with removable music box
(Guter Mond – German folk song)
made of plush for baby-soft skin
blue, lying
machine washable at 30° C,
without music box
with embroidered eyes
22 cm, item no. 239700
MQ 2 pieces
Good night dog pendant
with rattle
made of plush for baby-soft skin
machine washable at 30° C,
fastening clip not washable
with embroidered eyes
12 cm, item no. 240133
MQ 2 pieces
Issy donkey music box
Issy donkey comforter
Issy donkey grip toy
Issy donkey
with removable music box
(Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf – German folk
made of plush for baby-soft skin
grey/petroleum blue/blackberry
machine washable at 30° C,
without music box
with embroidered eyes
20 cm, item no. 238628
MQ 2 pieces
with rattle
made of plush for baby-soft skin
grey/petroleum blue/blackberry
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
13 cm, item no. 238635
MQ 3 pieces
made of plush for baby-soft skin
grey/petroleum blue/blackberry
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
28 cm, item no. 238611
MQ 2 pieces
made of plush for baby-soft skin
grey/petroleum blue/blackberry
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
20 cm, item no. 238604
MQ 2 pieces
Benny bear
Hannes bunny
made of plush for baby-soft skin
with rotating bandana
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
24 cm, item no. 240225
MQ 2 pieces
Lenchen lamb
made of plush for baby-soft skin
with rotating bandana
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
22 cm, item no. 240218
MQ 2 pieces
made of plush for baby-soft skin
with rotating bandana
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
22 cm, item no. 240232
MQ 2 pieces
Little baby lamb Linda
made of plush for baby-soft skin
cream, standing
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
15 cm, item no. 240058
MQ 2 pieces
Trampili elephant
made of plush for baby-soft skin
with rotating bandana
machine washable at 30° C
with embroidered eyes
22 cm, item no. 240249
MQ 2 pieces
Caution! The following items are not a toy
and are intended for adult collectors only.
Opgelet: Deze producten zijn geen speelgoed.
Deze artikels zijn bedoeld. voor volwassen verzamelaars.
Achtung! Die nachfolgenden Produkte sind kein Spielzeug.
Die Artikel sind ausschließlich für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt.
Attenzione: Gli prodotti raffigurati non sono giocattoli.
Gli articoli sono esclusivamente destinati a collezionisti adulti.
Attention ! Ces articles ne sont pas un jouet.
Ils sont destines exclusivement aux collectionneurs adultes.
Paper bag
Paper, with cotten cord
MQ 50 pieces
16 x 10 x 22 cm, item no. 924071
34 x 14 x 29 cm, item no. 924088
MQ 20 pieces
36 x 22 x 37 cm, item no. 924095
Folding box
MQ 20 pieces
8 x 12 x 5 cm, item no. 925078
12 x 12 x 12 cm, item no. 925085
20 x 14 x 8 cm, item no. 925092
32 x 18.5 x 13 cm, item no. 925108
MQ 10 pieces
39 x 24 x 16 cm, item no. 925115
44 x 29 x 16 cm, item no. 925122
Gift box
foldable, with slip lid
MQ 20 pieces
8 x 12 x 5 cm, item no. 925153
12 x 12 x 12 cm, item no. 925184
20 x 14 x 8 cm, item no. 925252
32 x 18.5 x 13 cm, item no. 925283
MQ 10 pieces
39 x 24 x 16 cm, item no. 925313
44 x 29 x 16 cm, item no. 925344
Gift box
foldable, with slip lid
MQ 20 pieces
8 x 12 x 5 cm, item no. 925139
12 x 12 x 12 cm, item no. 925160
20 x 14 x 8 cm, item no. 925238
32 x 18.5 x 13 cm, item no. 925269
MQ 10 pieces
39 x 24 x 16 cm, item no. 925290
44 x 29 x 16 cm, item no. 925320
Gift box
foldable, with slip lid
pale pink
MQ 20 pieces
8 x 12 x 5 cm, item no. 925146
12 x 12 x 12 cm, item no. 925177
20 x 14 x 8 cm, item no. 925245
32 x 18.5 x 13 cm, item no. 925276
MQ 10 pieces
39 x 24 x 16 cm, item no. 925306
44 x 29 x 16 cm, item no. 925337
Tissue paper
One package includes 50 sheets
75 x 100 cm, item no. 924002
Gift wrap paper
One package includes 50 sheets
75 x 100 cm, item no. 920226
POS materials
POS material
Felt basket
30 x 29 x 15 cm, item no. 913921
CAUTION! This article is only for decoration
and is not a toy. Keep away from children
and babies.
Shelf decollator
38.5 x 12 cm, item no. 926426
Shelf decollator rail
To fix the shelf decollators onto your shelf, you
need to order two shelf decollator rails for every
100 cm, item no. 926433
POS materials
made of acrylic glass
for Steiff mini catalogues
15 x 3,2 x 21 cm, item no. 926440
Display A4
made of acrylic glass
21 x 30 cm, item no. 926457
Shelf label
for special Steiff shop furniture
10 x 15 cm, item no. 926464
Shelf label
for special Steiff shop furniture
10 x 15 cm, item no. 926471
POS materials
Banner Original Easter
80 x 120 cm, item no. 904875
Banner Original Tabluga
80 x 120 cm, item no. 904868
Banner Original Birthday
80 x 120 cm, item no. 904851
(image not final)
Banner Original
Hubert Teddy bear
80 x 120 cm, item no. 905193
Banner purity law
80 x 120 cm
item no. (German) 905377
item no. (English) 905384
item no. (French) 905391
Banner Collectors Teddy bears
80 x 120 cm, item no. 904950
Banner Baby Fabio frog
Banner Baby
Banner Original Boy with lion
Banner Baby Sun, Moon and Star
80 x 120 cm, item no. 904844
Banner Original magnetic
ring-tailed lemur
80 x 120 cm, Art.-Nr. 905186
80 x 120 cm, Art.-Nr. 909061
80 x 120 cm, item no. 904769
80 x 120 cm , item no. 905308
POS materials
Highlight stand
consisting of display A5 and inlay motif
Display A5 made of acrylic glass
Inlay motif Teddy Clown replica 1926
Inlay motif Teddy bear replica 1922
Inlay motif Picnic Papa
Inlay motif Picnic Girl
Inlay motif Cinny Teddy bear
item no. 925221
bilingual German/English, item no. 915123
bilingual German/English, item no. 915109
bilingual German/English, item no. 915130
bilingual German/English, item no. 915116
bilingual German/English, item no. 915147
POS materials
Post cards
Set, 5 pieces each
fox, item no. 946714
bear, item no. 946721
donkey, item no. 946738
pig, item no. 946707
Greeting cards
105 x 148 mm
cream, item no. 946660
10 cartons, 6 pencils each
item no. 946943
POS materials
Logo Sticker
Logo sticker
Logo sticker
Logo sticker
Logo sticker
Logo sticker
Logo sticker
matt black, 10 x 3.8 cm
outdoor, item no. 925993
inside, item no. 925955
matt black, 20 x 7.5 cm
outdoor, item no. 925986
inside, item no. 925948
matt black, 40 x 15 cm
outdoor, item no. 925696
inside, item no. 925726
white, 10 x 3.8 cm
outdoor, item no. 925979
inside, item no. 925931
white, 20 x 7.5 cm
outdoor, item no. 925962
inside, item no. 925924
white, 40 x 15 cm
outdoor, item no. 925719
inside, item no. 925733
Wall logo
3D, black, 600 mm
item no. 925887
Wall logo for individual requests available.
POS materials
Visual Merchandising
Logo display
3D black on cream base
25 cm
item no. 925863
Price tags
to inscribe yourself
50 pieces, 8.5 x 3 cm folded
item no. 925894
Teddy bear stand
cream, with black logo,
height adjustable 16 - 29 cm
base: 11.5 cm
item no. 925917
The assortment
are consecutively numbered
with the item no. codes
Charly dangling Teddy bear
item no. 012846
Pixi mouse
item no. 021497
Luca Teddy bear
item no. 027475
Wittie owl
item no. 045622
Charly dangling Teddy bear
item no. 012853
Picnic Boy
item no. 021510
Teddy Baby
item no. 027789
Rocky riding dragon
item no. 048890
Mini Teddy bear present
item no. 028892
Franzi riding pony
item no. 048906
Urs riding bear
item no. 048920
Leo riding lion
item no. 048982
Pilla mouse
item no. 056215
Piff mouse
item no. 056222
Fabian, the love messenger
Teddy bear
item no. 000164
Charly dangling Teddy bear
item no. 012891
Picnic Girl
item no. 021527
Matti Teddy bear
item no. 000287
Charly dangling Teddy bear
item no. 012914
Mommel rabbit
item no. 021534
Classic Teddy bear Linda
item no. 000331
Vinzenz Teddy bear
item no. 021589
Classic 1909 Teddy bear
item no. 000379
Frederic Teddy bear
item no. 000478
Bobby dangling Teddy bear
item no. 013461
Bobby dangling Teddy bear
item no. 013478
Bobby dangling Teddy bear
item no. 013492
Classic 1920 Teddy bear
item no. 000713
Classic 1920 Teddy bear
item no. 000737
Classic Teddy bear
item no. 000867
Lotte Teddy bear
item no. 000904
Charly Teddy bearr
item no. 000973
Mouse Ted
item no. 001086
Guardian angel Teddy bear
item no. 001710
Guardian angel Teddy bear
item no. 001734
Guardian angel Teddy bear
item no. 001741
Teddy bear birth
item no. 001758
Teddy bear birth
item no. 001765
Celebration Teddy bear
item no. 001772
Growling bear
item no. 011566
Petsy Teddy bear
item no. 012037
Petsy Teddy bear
item no. 012266
Petsy Teddy bear
item no. 012273
Petsy Teddy bear
item no. 012402
Petsy Teddy bear
item no. 012440
Happy Teddy bear
item no. 012617
Happy Teddy bear
item no. 012648
Happy Teddy bear
item no. 012662
Charly dangling Teddy bear
item no. 012754
Charly dangling Teddy bear
item no. 012808
Charly dangling Teddy bear
item no. 012815
Charly dangling Teddy bear
item no. 012822
Charly dangling Teddy bear
in suitcase
item no. 012938
Bobby dangling Teddy bear
item no. 013508
Bobby dangling Teddy bear
item no. 013515
Bobby dangling Teddy bear
item no. 013539
Kim Teddy bear
item no. 013577
Kim Teddy bear
item no. 013584
Teddy bear birth
item no. 014208
Knopf Teddy bear
item no. 014444
Keyring Knopf Teddy bear
item no. 014475
Frieda doll
item no. 014741
Starly dangling unicorn
item no. 015045
Raudi dragon boy
item no. 015076
Starly dangling unicorn
item no. 015090
Starly unicorn
item no. 015106
Rosali baby dragon
item no. 015113
Kian baby dragon
item no. 015120
item no. 015168
Molly Teddy bear
item no. 019272
Molly Teddy bear
item no. 019593
Little Tina Teddy bear
item no. 021367
Cinny Teddy bear
item no. 021404
Nodding bear
item no. 021466
Picnic Papa
item no. 021473
Picnic Mama
item no. 021480
Mini Teddy bear
champagne bottle
item no. 028908
Crispy Teddybär
item no. 021596
Mini Teddy bear heart
item no. 028915
Designer‘s Choice “Candy”
item no. 021626
Fynn Teddy bearr
item no. 028960
Mr. Honey Teddy bear
item no. 022142
Molly dog
item no. 031434
Mr. Honey Teddybär
item no. 022159
Foxy Fox Terrier
item no. 031717
Elmar Teddy bear
item no. 022456
Fluffy cat
item no. 031816
Elmar Teddy bear
item no. 022463
item no. 032790
Hannes Teddy bear
item no. 022586
Clicki chick
item no. 033094
Lotta Teddy bear
item no. 022944
Piccy blue tit
item no. 033360
Lotta Teddy bear
item no. 022951
Hansi parakeet
item no. 033490
Theo Teddy bear
item no. 023491
Eric the magnetic sloth
item no. 056277
Flaps baby penguin
item no. 057090
Charly emperor penguin
item no. 057106
Flaps penguin
item no. 057144
Mungo the magnetic monkey
item no. 060199
Jocko the magnetic
item no. 060212
Sam West Highland Terrier
item no. 033513
Koko chimpanzee
item no. 060380
Theo Teddy bear
item no. 023507
Franzi parakeet
item no. 033520
Paddy snow leopard
item no. 061684
Julian Teddy bear
item no. 023514
Najumo monkey
item no. 035128
Eusebia tarantula
item no. 061738
Cosy Teddy bear
item no. 023613
Silvo dog
item no. 035654
Goran gorilla
item no. 062131
item no. 024245
Siro panda
item no. 035753
Wotan walrus
item no. 062148
item no. 024252
Norwegian Forest Cat
item no. 035852
Gora baby gorilla
item no. 062292
item no. 024276
Bully bulldog puppy
item no. 036156
Arco polar bear
item no. 062957
Tabaluga bag
item no. 024283
Chari cat
item no. 036255
Arco polar bear
item no. 063060
item no. 024290
Keyring Mini Teddy bear
item no. 039089
Robby seal
item no. 063114
Keyring ladybug
item no. 024306
Adoni Teddy bear
item no. 039379
Cappy dolphin
item no. 063183
item no. 024313
Mini Teddy bear lucky charm
item no. 039836
Flaps penguin
item no. 063626
item no. 024320
Mini Teddy bear
item no. 040009
Lori parrot
item no. 063879
Tabaluga pendant
item no. 024344
Mini Teddy bear
item no. 040023
Trampili elephant
item no. 064043
Classic Teddy bear Honey
item no. 040146
Leo lion
item no. 064135
Camillo Teddy bear
item no. 026805
Nils Teddybär
item no. 026829
Mini Teddy bear Krokus
item no. 040191
Trampili elephant
item no. 064364
Classic Teddy bear
item no. 027000
Lielou pug
item no. 045042
Radjah tiger
item no. 064463
Paddy Teddy bear
item no. 027178
Niki squirrel
item no. 045141
Trampili elephant
item no. 064487
Wittie owl
item no. 045608
Abraxas dangling raven
item no. 064593
Kango kangaroo with baby
item no. 064623
Sancho meerkat
item no. 070280
Dormili rabbit
item no. 080050
Fynn Teddy bear
item no. 110795
Renny dangling reindeer
item no. 113154
Baby dangling cheetah
item no. 064647
Rieke dangling fawn
item no. 070433
Hoppel rabbit
item no. 080081
Lenni Teddy bear in suitcase
item no. 111211
Charly dangling Teddy bear
item no. 113345
Jocko chimpanzee
item no. 064685
Fanny pony
item no. 070655
Mr. Cupcake rabbit
item no. 080241
Lotte Teddy bear
item no. 111310
Wish Bear Clover
item no. 113567
Koko chimpanzee
item no. 064722
Hanno dangling Hanoverian
item no. 070716
Mr. Cupcake rabbit
item no. 080265
Fynn Teddy bear
item no. 111327
Wish Bear Heart
item no. 113574
Womby Wombat
item no. 064951
Joggi hedgehog
item no. 070792
Meiko rabbit
item no. 080272
Lotte Teddy bear
item no. 111365
Wish Bear Sun
item no. 113581
Timba lion
item no. 065637
Kecki chipmunk
item no. 070945
Happy rabbit
item no. 080289
Fynn Teddy bear
item no. 111372
Marie and Lisa
item no. 113697
Leo baby dangling lion
item no. 065651
Nagy beaver
item no. 071065
Manni mammoth
item no. 082412
Fynn Teddybär
item no. 111389
Kimba and Kai
item no. 113703
Leo dangling lion
item no. 065668
Diggy mole
item no. 071164
Little Timmy puppy
item no. 083525
Lotte Teddy bear in suitcase
item no. 111464
Fynn Teddy bear in suitcase
item no. 114007
Pancho puma
item no. 066054
Ronny racoon
item no. 071188
Little Tommy puppy
item no. 083532
Fynn Teddy bear in suitcase
item no. 111471
Arco polar bear
item no. 115110
Bendy Red Panda
item no. 066108
Roserl minipig
item no. 071720
Little Sammy puppy
item no. 083549
Lilly dangling Teddy bear
item no. 111556
Arco polar bear
item no. 115127
Bharat, the white tiger
item no. 066153
Sissi piglet
item no. 071898
Little Bonny puppy
item no. 083556
Lotte Teddy bear in suitcase
item no. 111563
Arco polar bear
item no. 115134
Radjah baby dangling tiger
item no. 066269
Fritzi donkey
item no. 072819
Dani dalmatian
item no. 083785
Keyring Fynn Teddy bear
item no. 111600
Leo lion
item no. 066658
Minka kitten
item no. 084010
Pilla duckling
item no. 073335
Heat cushion Charly
Teddy bear
item no. 116001
Linda lamb
item no. 073397
Lizzy kitten
item no. 084027
Tapsy grey goose
item no. 074073
Paddy panther
item no. 084034
Sharptooth Tyrannosaurus Rex
item no. 066887
item no. 075667
Browny bear
item no. 084041
Koko tarsier
item no. 067334
Arco polar bear
item no. 075681
Aslan lion
item no. 084058
Urs brown bear
item no. 075698
Nero dangling panther
item no. 084072
Marny manatee
item no. 075704
Flaps penguin
item no. 075711
Leonie lioness
item no. 075735
Snorry wolf
item no. 075759
Pummy panda
item no. 075780
Pummy panda
item no. 075803
Jamila snake
item no. 075827
Siggi Stegosaurus
item no. 066863
Trixi Triceratops
item no. 066870
Bendy giraffe
item no. 068041
Greta giraffe
item no. 068058
Slo tortoise
item no. 068478
Slo tortoise
item no. 068485
Snorry dangling wolf
item no. 069284
Urs brown bear
item no. 069635
Urs brown bear
item no. 070037
Urs brown bear
item no. 070044
Urs brown bear
item no. 070068
Kecki chipmunk
item no. 070075
Fenny dangling Holsteiner
item no. 070082
Fuxy fox
item no. 070129
Fuxy baby fox
item no. 070136
Ricky dangling Gypsy horse
item no. 070181
Fynn Teddy bear
item no. 111679
Fynn Teddy bear in suitcase
item no. 111730
Hoppi dangling rabbit
item no. 122620
Lotte Teddy bear
item no. 111778
Hoppi dangling rabbit
item no. 122637
Keyring Lotte Teddy bear
item no. 111785
item no. 205286
Keyring lucky charm
Teddy bear
item no. 111877
Rattle ball with rustling foil
item no. 205293
Rattle ball with rustling foil
item no. 205309
Hoppel rabbit comforter
item no. 237478
Kitty cat
item no. 099335
Keyring Charly Teddy bear
item no. 111884
Hoppel rabbit
item no. 237508
Mizzy cat
item no. 099342
Lilly dangling Teddy bear
item no. 111945
Hoppel rabbit music box
item no. 237515
Mimmi dangling cat
item no. 099366
Keyring panda
item no. 112102
Hoppel rabbit grip toy
item no. 237522
Mimmi cat
item no. 099434
Pendant monkey
item no. 112263
Hoppel rabbit comforter
item no. 237546
Mizzy lynx
item no. 102585
Keyring Teddy bear
item no. 112300
Hoppel rabbit
item no. 237577
Flocky lamb
item no. 103117
Keyring Frosty snowman
item no. 112331
Hoppel rabbit music box
item no. 237584
Lischen cow
item no. 103377
Keyring Fynn Teddy bear
item no. 112348
Boeky lamb
item no. 103490
Keyring raven
item no. 112355
Hoppel rabbit grip toy
item no. 237591
Bernie husky
item no. 104985
Keyring Strolch dog
item no. 112362
Basti bear
item no. 237607
Lenni Teddy bear
item no. 109508
Keyring ladybird
item no. 112379
Basti bear comforter
item no. 237621
Lucky Teddy bear
item no. 109867
Keyring lamb
item no. 112386
Basti bear music box
item no. 237676
Sweetheart Teddy bear
in heart box
item no. 109904
Keyring Charly Teddy bear
item no. 112393
Basti bear grip toy
item no. 237690
Keyring penguin
item no. 112409
Pendant Mr. Cupcake rabbit
item no. 112416
Basti bear grip toy
with rustling foil
item no. 237744
Issy donkey
item no. 238604
Lommy the dangling
magnetic ring-tailed lemur
item no. 075858
Lenni Golden Retriever
item no. 076961
Moritz dachshund
item no. 076985
Niklas arctic hare
item no. 077968
Sigi Bernese mountain dog
item no. 079528
Happy rabbit
item no. 080036
Carlo Teddy bear
item no. 109980
Issy donkey comforter
item no. 238611
Sun, moon and star bear
item no. 239946
Issy donkey music box
item no. 238628
Issy donkey grip toy
item no. 238635
Floppy Trampili elephant
heat cushion
item no. 238987
Rattle ball with rustling foil
item no. 240461
Happy Friend Manni rabbit
item no. 282201
Studio king penguin
item no. 505010
Sun, moon and star comforter
item no. 239953
Fabio frog grip toy
item no. 240478
Happy Friend Poppy elephant
item no. 282218
Studio bald eagle
item no. 505232
Sun, moon and star bear
grip toy
item no. 239960
Leon lion music box
item no. 240614
Happy Friend Hippi frog
item no. 282225
Teddy bag
item no. 600999
Sun, moon and star bear
music box
item no. 239977
Leon lion comforter
item no. 240621
Lotte travel neck pillow
item no. 606052
Rattle ball
item no. 239984
Leon lion grip toy
item no. 240638
Charly travel neck pillow
item no. 606069
Leon lion 3-in-1
item no. 240645
Happy Friend Scotty monkey
item no. 282249
Fabio frog bib
item no. 240898
item no. 354557
Leon lion
item no. 240904
Donald Duck
item no. 354984
My first Steiff Teddy bear
item no. 240911
Daisy Duck
item no. 354991
My first Steiff Teddy bear
item no. 240928
Winnie the Pooh
item no. 355004
My first Steiff Teddy bear
item no. 240935
Bugs Bunny
item no. 355042
My first Steiff Teddy bear
item no. 240942
Tasmanian Devil
item no. 355059
Little friend Sissi piglet
item no. 280016
Teddy bear replica 1922
item no. 403248
Little friend Linda lamb
item no. 280030
Teddy Clown replica 1926
item no. 403279
Event Teddy bear 2016
item no. 421365
Steiff Club Annual gift 2016
item no. 421372
Steiff Club edition 2016
item no. 421389
Studio Bobby
item no. 500411
Studio bear
item no. 500558
Studio elephant
item no. 500725
Studio arctic hare
item no. 501203
Floppy Cappy frog heat cushion
item no. 239120
Floppy Linda lamb heat cushion
item no. 239137
Floppy Hoppel rabbit
heat cushion
item no. 239144
Floppy Lumpi Golden Retriever
heat cushion
item no. 239199
Sleep well bear
item no. 239526
Sleep well bear comforter
item no. 239533
Sleep well bear music box
item no. 239540
Sleep well bear grip toy
item no. 239557
Sleep well bear
item no. 239571
Sleep well bear comforter
item no. 239588
Little baby lamb Linda
item no. 240058
Bear head heat cushion
item no. 240065
Sleep well bear 3-in-1
item no. 240102
Sleep well bear 3-in-1
item no. 240119
Sweet dreams lamb pendant
item no. 240126
Good night dog pendant
item no. 240133
Hoppel rabbit grip toy
with rustling foil
item no. 240140
Hoppel rabbit grip toy
with rustling foil
item no. 240157
Jocko monkey grip toy
item no. 240171
Little friend Leo lion
item no. 280092
Little friend Koko monkey
item no. 280122
Sleep well bear music box
item no. 239595
Sleep well bear grip toy
item no. 239601
Jocko monkey music box
item no. 240188
Jocko monkey
item no. 240195
Little friend
Lumpi Golden Retriever puppy
item no. 280160
Jocko monkey comforter
item no. 240201
Little friend Issy donkey
item no. 280337
Hoppi dangling rabbit
item no. 280344
Little friend Hanno Hanoverian
item no. 280351
Sweet dreams lamb
item no. 239625
Sweet dreams lamb comforter
item no. 239632
Sweet dreams lamb music box
item no. 239649
Sweet dreams lamb
item no. 239663
Good night dog
item no. 239687
Good night dog comforter
item no. 239694
Good night dog music box
item no. 239700
Good night dog
item no. 239724
Sleep well bear heat cushion
item no. 239878
Sleep well bear heat cushion
item no. 239885
Sleep well bear
item no. 239908
Sleep well bear comforter
item no. 239915
Sleep well bear music box
item no. 239922
Sleep well bear grip toy
item no. 239939
Lenchen lamb
item no. 240218
Benny bear
item no. 240225
Hannes bunny
item no. 240232
Trampili elephant
item no. 240249
Trampili elephant
item no. 240256
Trampili elephant comforter
item no. 240263
Trampili elephant grip toy
item no. 240270
Trampili elephant music box
item no. 240287
Happy Friend Knuffi
Teddy bear
item no. 282232
Little Floppy Lumpi
Golden Retriever
item no. 281105
Little Floppy Linda lamb
item no. 281129
Studio seal
item no. 501302
Studio arctic fox
item no. 501401
Studio elephant
item no. 501470
Studio giraffe
item no. 502170
Studio giraffe
item no. 502200
Little Floppy Trampili elephant
item no. 281174
Little Floppy Cappy frog
item no. 281235
Little Floppy Trampili elephant
item no. 281259
Little Floppy Sissi pig
item no. 281266
Little Floppy Hoppel rabbit
item no. 281273
Studio giraffe
item no. 502309
Fabio frog bib
item no. 240379
Little Floppy Linda lamb
item no. 281280
Studio cockerel
item no. 502347
Fabio frog
item no. 240430
Studio lion
item no. 502613
Fabio frog comforter
item no. 240447
Fabio frog music box
item no. 240454
Trampili elephant grip toy
with rustling foil
item no. 240294
Little Floppy Lumpi
Golden Retriever
item no. 281297
Studio lion
item no. 502651
Little friend Mizzy cat
item no. 281563
Studio baby penguin
item no. 504976
Mini Wicked Witch
item no. 661860
Big Timmy Teddy bear
item no. 663994
My first Steiff Teddy bear
item no. 664021
My first Steiff Teddy bear
item no. 664120
My first Steiff Teddy bear
item no. 664717
My first Steiff Teddy bear
item no. 664724
Cosy Year bear 2016
item no. 664847
Willy Wonka
item no. 664939
British Collectors´
Teddy bear 2016
item no. 664953
Medal Teddy bear
item no. 674068
50th anniversary
item no. 674167
Keyring “Year of the Monkey”
item no. 678127
Mittens Teddy bear
item no. 682872
Little Boy Blue
item no. 683077
Mr. Winter
item no. 683091
Uncle Sam
item no. 683107
Banner Baby
item no. 904769
Banner Baby Fabio frog
item no. 904844
Banner Original Birthday
item no. 904851
Banner Original Tabaluga
item no. 904868
Banner Original Easter
item no. 904875
Banner Collectors
Teddy bears
item no. 904950
Banner Original
magnetic ring-tailed lemur
item no. 905186
Banner Original
Hubert Teddy bear
item no. 905193
Banner Baby Sun, Moon and Star
item no. 905308“
Banner purity law
item no. 905377
Gift box
item no. 925269
Post cards
item no. 946707
Banner purity law
item no. 905384
Gift box
item no. 925276
Post cards
item no. 946714
Banner purity law
item no. 905391
Gift box
item no. 925290
Post cards
item no. 946721
Banner Original Boy with lion
item no. 909061
Gift box
item no. 925306
Post cards
item no. 946738
Felt basket
item no. 913921
Gift box
item no. 925313
item no. 946943
Gift box
item no. 925320
Gift box
item no. 925337
Inlay motif
Teddy Clown replica 1926
item no. 915109
Inlay motif
Teddy bear replica 1922
item no. 915116
Inlay motif Picnic Papa
item no. 915123
Gift box
item no. 925344
Inlay motif Picnic Girl
item no. 915130
Logo sticker
item no. 925696
Logo sticker
item no. 925719
Logo sticker
item no. 925726
Inlay motif Cinny Teddy bear
item no. 915147
Gift wrap paper
item no. 920226
Tissue paper
item no. 924002
Logo sticker
item no. 925733
Paper bag
item no. 924071
Logo sticker
item no. 925863
Paper bag
item no. 924088
Wall logo
item no. 925887
Paper bag
item no. 924095
Price tags
item no. 925894
Folding box
item no. 925078
Teddy bear stand
item no. 925917
Folding box
item no. 925085
Logo sticker
item no. 925924
Folding box
item no. 925092
Logo sticker
item no. 925931
Folding box
item no. 925108
Logo sticker
item no. 925948
Folding box
item no. 925115
Logo sticker
item no. 925955
Folding box
item no. 925122
Logo sticker
item no. 925962
Gift box
item no. 925139
Logo sticker
item no. 925979
Gift box
item no. 925146
Logo sticker
item no. 925986
Gift box
item no. 925153
Logo sticker
item no. 925993
Gift box
item no. 925160
Shelf decollator
item no. 926426
Gift box
item no. 925177
Shelf decollator rail
item no. 926433
Gift box
item no. 925184
item no. 926440
Display A5
made of acrylic glass
item no. 925221
Display A4
item no. 926457
Shelf label
item no. 926464
Gift box
item no. 925238
Shelf label
item no. 926471
Gift box
item no. 925245
Greeting cards
item no. 946660
Printed in Germany 4.700 EN 12/2015 – Subject to alterations – item no. 915048
Margarete Steiff GmbH
Richard-Steiff-Straße 4 – 89537 Giengen an der Brenz, Germany