Easter Vigil - Catholic Diocese of Auckland


Easter Vigil - Catholic Diocese of Auckland
Easter Vigil
26th March 2016
Make sure that it is dark
outside before beginning
your Vigil.
The blessing of the fire
The blessing and lighting
of the Paschal Candle
Solemn procession into
the darkened church.
The Exsultet
The Rite insists that the
Vigil be started in
darkness and it is
important to explain the
symbolic significance of
celebrating Christ as the
Light that shatters the
darkness. In Australia,
some of the eastern
States are still in the
period of Daylight Saving
Time, so it is best to check
that the Vigil commences
well after sunset.
The Exsultet is one of the
most ancient and
beautiful songs of the
Church’s liturgy, dating
from as early as the 5th
century and appearing in
some sacramentaries in
the 7th century. Also
known as the Easter
Proclamation, it is sung
just after the procession
of the Easter Candle in
the church lit only by
Entry into darkened church
Chant: The Light of Christ!
All: Thanks be to God!
OR Lumen Christi! Deo Gratias!
CWB 264 /GA 338
Receive the Light of Christ (AOV1)
Preferably this is proclaimed in song. Your
priest, deacon or Cantor may be able to
sing this most ancient of prayers. It is
proclaimed from the lectern.
The sheet music and mp3 audio of the
chant in the Roman Missal (3rd Ed) can be
accessed from this website:
or from ICEL
The full chant is also found in Become One
Body One Spirit in Christ DVD
Exsultet setting by Br Colin Smith from
The Light of Christ/Exsultet by Marty
Exsultet/Easter Proclamation by Robert
Exsultet by Liam Lawton & John McCann
Several Settings from OCP by Paul
Hillebnrand, Tom Kendzia, Leon Roberts,
John Repulski and Christopher Walker
Easter Litany – Anne Quigley (OCP)
A minimum of 3 readings
from the Old Testament
is required. The 3rd
reading from the Book of
Exodus is compulsory.
There are 7 OT readings
in all, each followed by a
period of silence,
responsorial psalm and a
Use separate psalm responses after each
psalm or use a common refrain with
separate verses following each reading.
Common refrains:
Blest be the God (GA 342)
On This Most Holy Day (D Schutte in GIC)
Check the Missal for chant versions of
psalm responses
Sing the Psalms
Music for Mass Psalms
If it’s not possible to sing the whole psalm,
try, at least, to sing the responses.
Reading 1: Gen 1:1 –2:2
God created the world
and it was good.
After 1st Rdg: Psalm 104:
Lord, send out your Spirit
and renew the face of the
After 1st Rdg: Ps. 103/104:
Lord Send Out Your Spirit (CWB 267/GA 63/
STRP 63)
OR Ps. 32/33 The Earth Is Full Of The
Goodness of the Lord (GA31/CWB 268/LYPS
Reading 2: Gen 22:1-18
Abraham offers his son
Isaac in sacrifice
After 2nd Rdg: Psalm 16
Keep me safe O God; you
are my hope
After 2nd Rdg: Ps. 15/16:
Keep Me Safe O God, You Are My Hope (GA
30/ CWB 269/ RM 52/SS 53/PET/RPC
30/STRP 65)
Centre of My Life (GA 444/ AOV1)
Reading 3: Exodus 14: 15
– 15:1 Israel marched
through the Red Sea
After 3rd Rdg: Psalm (Ex
15) Let us sing to the
Lord: he has covered
himself in glory
After 3rd Rdg: Ex. 15: Let Us Sing to the
Lord, He Has Covered Himself in Glory
(CWB 270/GA 340/LYPS 42/RPC
31/PET/STRP 66)
The Lord Has Done Great Things (RM 48/GA)
Lift Up Your Hearts to the Lord (GA 416/G
Reading 4: Isaiah 54:5-14
God’s love and peace will
keep the people safe
After 4th Rdg: Psalm 30:
I will praise you, Lord, for
you have rescued me
After 4th Rdg: Ps. 30: I Will Praise You Lord,
for you have rescued me (GA 29/CWB
271/LYPS 46/RM 26/RPC 32/PET/STRP 67)
Reading 5: Isaiah 55:1-11
Come to the water, all
who are thirsty.
After 5th Rdg: Psalm (Is
12) You will draw water
Reading 6: Baruch 3:915, 32 –4:4 All who cling
to God’s law will live
After 5th Rdg: Is 12: You Will Draw Water
(GA 341/CWB 272/LYPS 49/PET /RPC
33/STRP 68)
Springs of Salvation (EW 24)
After 6th Rdg: Psalm 18
Lord, you have the words
of everlasting life
After 6th Rdg: Ps 18 Lord, you have the
words (CWB 273/ GA 21/LYPS
Your Words Are Spirit and Life (SS 56)
The Precepts of the Lord (CWB 425)
Reading 7: Ezekiel 36:1628 God will give his
people a new heart
After 7th Rdg: Ps 41
Like a deer that longs for
running streams
Use Psalm 50 (51) if
there is a Baptism
Psalm 51 Create a clean
heart in me, O God
Opening Prayer
Ps 50/51: Create a Clean Heart
(CWB 275, 596 v 6,7,9/ COJ/GA 41/ 42/ G
Grant To Us O Lord (CWB 698/GA 303/AOV)
Create A New Heart (FIWS)
Gloria: On this night of
nights, the Gloria should
be sung. Use your most
joyous setting for this
holy night.
Gloria settings: use your most festive and
joyful setting
CWB / GA / G/ AOV etc or other MASs
Or use Roman Missal Chant
Psalm 117 (118) is sung
prior to the Gospel:
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Psalm 117 (118): Easter Alleluia
Traditional Plainchant (CWB 277)
Celtic Alleluia GA 141 (Easter verses 7-9)
Easter Alleluia (AOVK/CBL/RPC 38/STRP 71)
Melchizedek Alleluia (GP II)
This Is the Day (BTD/LYPS, PFAT/ PET/ PFS/
Other settings: CWB 289a,b/GA 70, 356
Other choral settings of Ps 117 (118) are
If there is a baptism or if
water is to be blessed,
the Litany of Saints is
For ritual music in the Liturgy of Baptism,
refer to collections for the Rite of Christian
Initiation (see last page). They include
specific music for various ritual moments.
Use simple chant settings
of the Litany of Saints.
Settings for Litany of the Saints:
Roman Missal Chant
CWB 280/ GA 343 /GA 552/SS 47;
Litany of the Saints (Chris Willcock in God
Here Among Us)
Epistle Rom 6:3-11
Christ died once, for all.
Gospel Acclamation
(Psalm 117)
After 7th Rdg: Ps 41/42: Like a Deer (CWB
274/ GA 37, 38/ LYPS 54/PET/ RPC 35-36/
STRP 70)
Gospel Luke 24:1-12
The resurrection of Jesus
Why look among the
dead for someone who is
Litany of the Saints
-Blessing of the Water
-Renunciation of Sin &
Baptismal Promises
-Baptism of
Catechumens /
Reception of Candidates
Various short
Blessing of Water:
Roman Missal Chant
GA 344/ CWB 281, 282
Springs of Salvation (EW) Water of Life (GA)
Song Over the Waters (GA)
There Is One Lord (AOV2-use refrain)
Baptism Acclamation (Erica Marshall
Baptized in Water (GA 179)
Blessed Are You (GIC)
Blessed be God (CWB 283 a -f//GA)
You Have Put on Christ (CWB 283 c-f /GA
345) New Life (GP 2)
Rite of Reception (GA 346)
People of God / Celtic Alleluia (GA 178)
There Is One Lord (AOV2/GA)
Up From the Waters (UFW)
Within This Community (CS)
We Are God’s Work of Art (WL)
Renewal of Baptismal
Promises (Assembly)
Sprinkling with
Baptismal Water
General Intercessions
Preparation of Gifts
For the whole assembly
(The Creed is omitted)
Anointing with Chrism (GA 347)
Bring Forth the Kingdom (GA/AOV2 v1,7
The assembly is sprinkled
with the blessed water
CWB 286 a-c/ / GA 348 ;
Chant for the Rite of Sprinkling (E Marshall
www.asonevoice.com.au )
Springs of Salvation (EW)
Water of Life (GA 176)
River of Glory (GIC)
Baptized in Water (GA 179)
Blessing and Sprinkling (GA 87)
There Is A Well (SS)
The Neophytes may
prepare the altar or bring
up the gifts of bread and
Prep of Gifts: Play an instrumental piece, or
have silence or sing a hymn. If you have had
a lot of singing already during the liturgy,
silence may be appropriate. An Easter song
could be used here – sung either by
assembly or just by your choir.
Holy, Holy
Memorial Acclamation
Lord’s Prayer
Lamb of God
Memorial Acclamation #1
Amen – see settings
Any appropriate
Communion hymn or
Mass Settings
Roman Missal Chants
If singing the Lord’s Prayer use the
plainchant version which is known by most
people (GA/CWB/Roman Missal)
Communion: Adoramus Te Christe (GA) All
That Is Hidden (AOV2)
Alleluia Give Thanks (GA 360)
song with the Easter
Blessing and Dismissal
Your priest may try
singing the traditional
solemn Easter Dismissal.
Ensure that you have a
Cantor/Choir who can
lead the singing of the
Assembly’s response
Thanks be to God Alleluia,
Behold the Glory of the Lord (AOV1) Bread
of Life (GA)
By Your Kingly Power (GA/ CWB)
Christ Be Our Light use Easter verses
(GA/CBL) Come to the Feast use Easter
verses (AOV/GA)
Christ the Lord is Risen Again (GA/CWB)
Easter Alleluia (GA)
Easter People (AOV2/AOVK)
Easter Song (LC)
Glory and Honour (WM)
Goodness Is Stronger than Evil (Iona)
I am the Bread of Life
In Memory of You (MB)
In Remembrance of You (GA)
In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful (GA/AOV)
Laudate Dominum (GA)
Lift Up Your Hearts to the Lord (GP 3/
Now the Green Blade Rises/ Love is Come
Again (CWB /GA/ AOV2)
Now We Remain (GA/AOV)
O Sons & Daughters (CWB /GA)
Regina Caeli (CWB /GA) Risen Today (LC)
Sing to the Mountains (GPI/GA/ AOV) Song
of the Body of Christ (AOV1/ GA / SS)
Surrexit Christus (GA /G)
The Light of Christ (AOV 1)
There Is a Light (SS)
This Body (GA) This Day Was Made (AOV1/
GA) Through the Red Sea(NLP)
We Are God’s Work Of Art (SS/WL)
We Have No Other Boast (GA)
Worthy is the Lamb (BTD)
Choral Works:
Jerusalem (The Holy City);
Praise the Lord, You Heavens Adore Him
Blessing & Dismissal
See the Roman Missal Chant
Sending Forth
The music of Easter calls
for festive settings of the
Mass, joyous Alleluia
settings and exultant
Easter songs. See if you
can recruit some
additional musicians to
play flute, clarinet and
particularly brass.
Sending Forth
Behold the Glory of God (AOV1)
Bring All You Dear Bought Nations (CWB)
By Your Kingly Power, O Risen Lord
Christ is Alive! With Joy We Sing (GA /CWB)
Christ the Lord is Risen Again (CWB)
Christ the Lord is Ris’n Today, Alleluia
(CWB) City of God (GP 3/GA/AOV1)
Easter Glory Fills the Sky (GA)
Glory and Honour (WM)
Glory Be to God in Heaven (CWB/GA)
Glory in the Cross – Easter Hymn (GIC)
Jesus Is Risen (ANG 82)
Jesus Christ is Risen Today (GA)
Join in the Dance (GIC)
Let Heaven Rejoice (v. 1-4) (GP 1)
Lord of Glory (GP1)
My Lord He Died for A Kingdom (MMS)
Out Of Darkness (AOVI /GA)
People of God Alleluia (GA)
Praise the Lord You Heavens Adore Him
Shine Jesus Shine /Lord the Light of Your
Love (AOV2)
Sing Alleluia (AOVK) Sing A New Song
Sing to the Lord(AOVK)
Sing to the Mountains (GPI/GA /AOV1)
Sing Your Joy (AOVII/SJ/CL)
Singing Hallelujah! (AOVK)
Siyahamba /We Are Marching (AOV2)
Yours Be the Glory (SNC)
Resurrection by Marsel van Oosten. Deadvlei, Namibia.
Easter Sunday
27th March 2016
As a reminder of our
Baptism and new life in
Christ, the Rite of
Sprinkling is
recommended for the
Sundays of the Easter
The 50 days from Easter
Sunday to Pentecost are
celebrated in joyful
exultation as one great
feast day. Above all
others, these days are
the days for singing the
Alleluia. The first 8 days
of the Easter season
make up the octave of
Easter and are celebrated
as Solemnities of the
Lord (General Norms for
the Liturgical Year and
the Calendar #22-24)
Acts 10:34a,37-4
We have eaten and drunk
with him after his
resurrection from the
Col 3:1-4 When Christ
appears, then you shall
appear with in glory
1Cor 5: 6-8: Make
yourselves into a new
bread of sincerity and
Sequence: read or sing
after 2nd reading,
followed by Gospel Acc
(see GA 357)
All the Earth Proclaim (AOV1/ CWB/GA)
Allelulia! Love Is Alive (SS/
Jn 20:1-9 Mary
Magdalene and the
disciples went to the
tomb and found it empty
Prep Gifts:
Easter Alleluia (GA)
Easter Sequence (Erica Marshall
Children of the Light (COL)
Lord of the Dance (AOV1/TIS)
O Sons and Daughters (GA)
Peace I Leave With You (GA)
With You in The Morning (Chinn)
Water of Life (GA)
Or at Sunday evening
Lk 24:1-12
Why look among the
dead for someone who is
Ps 117 (118) This is the
day that the Lord has
made; let us rejoice and
be glad.
Or Alleluia!
Psalm settings
Celtic Alleluia GA 141
(use the Easter verses)
Easter Alleluia
CWB 277
CWB 289 a-b
GA 70, 71, 356.
G 50;
PET 29
Behold the Glory of Go (AOV1)
Christ the Lord is Risen Again (CWB)
Jesus Christ is Risen Today (GA)
Let Heaven Rejoice (AOV1/GP1)
Morning Has Broken (AOV1/GA)
This Day Was Made (GA/AOV)
This Is the Day (AOVK /FIWS)
Yours be the Glory (SNC)
Rite of Sprinkling
Chant for the Rite of Sprinkling (E
Marshall www.asonevoice.com.au )
Dona Nobis Pacem (AOV1/TIS) Christ Is
Our Lord (CWB)
Easter People (AOV2)
Eat This Bread (GA/CWB/AOV1) Song of
the Body of Christ (GA/AOV1)
God of Peace (GA)
Lord the Light of Your Love /Shine Jesus
Shine (AOV2)
Love is Never Ending (GA78/AOV2)
Seek O Seek the Lord (GA /CWB)
The Song of the Supper (GA)
Alleluia, Alleluia Give Thanks (GA/AOVI)
By Your Kingly Power (GA/ CWB)
This Is the Day
This Is the Day (FIWS)
Sing the Psalms
Music for Mass Psalms
Easter Sequence
This text is an ancient
song and is said or sung
after the second reading
and before the Gospel
Easter Sequence (Erica
Gospel Acc: (I Cor 5:7-8)
Christ has become our
paschal sacrifice; let us
feast with joy in the Lord.
Australian Easter Alleluia
.au/easter-yr-a/ )
Celtic Alleluia GA 141
(use Easter v. 7-9)
Alleluia no.1/Alleluia,
Alleluia (AOV1/GA)
Easter Alleluia
(AOVK/RR)Halle Halle,
Halle (AOV/GA 107)
Melchizedek Alleluia
This is the Day FIWS
Renewal of Baptismal
Promises Sung settings:
We Believe (COTL)
Yes, Lord I Believe! (CS)
We Believe (GP2 / AOV1)
Christ Is Alive (CWB /GA)
Christ the Lord is Risen Again (CWB)
Glory and Honour (WM)
He’s Alive! (ANG)
Jesus Is Risen (ANG 82)
Jesus Lives! (AOV2 )
Sing to the Mountains (GPI/AOV /GA)
See Easter Vigil Music list for
further options
ANG –As One Voice Next Generation (Willow)
AOV – As One Voice (Vol. 1 & 2) (Willow)
AOVK – As One Voice for Kids (Willow)
BTC – Behold the Cross – Bob Hurd (OCP)
BTD – Beyond the Days – Ricky Manolo (OCP)
CAYP – Come All You People (Wild Goose /Iona)
CBL - Christ Be Our Light -B Farrell (OCP)
COL – Children of the Light –M. Mangan (Litmus)
CS Christmas Star – John Burland (Ovation Music)
CTG – Cry the Gospel - Tom Booth (OCP)
CTS – Celebrating the Sacraments -John Burland
CTT (A,B,C)- Come to the Table – M. Herry (Willow)
COW – Christ Our Way – Colin Smith cfc (Willow)
CPR – Christ We Proclaim (3 vol) Music for RCIA (OCP)
CWB 1 -Catholic Worship Book –(1985 E J Dwyer)
CWB 2 – Catholic Worship Book (2016 Morning Star))
DOM – Doors of Mercy – M. Mangan (Litmus)
EW – Eagle’s Wings – Frank Andersen
FUR – Find Us Ready – Tom Booth (OCP)
G – Gather (USA edition) – (GIA Publications)
GA – Gather Australia (GIA/NLMC)
GIC – Glory in the Cross- Dan Schutte (OCP)
GNS – God Never Sleeps (John Bell/Wild Goose)
GP – Glory & Praise (Vol. 1, 2 & 3) (OCP)
GS – God of Surprises – Br Michael Herry fms http://www.maristmusic.org.au/god-of-surprises/
HAU – Here Among Us -Marty Haugen (GIA – available from http://www.asonevoice.com.au
HSW – Heaven Shall Not Wait-J Bell (Wild Goose Pub.) http://www.asonevoice.com.au
LC – Let’s Celebrate! By John Burland (Ovation Music)LCT – Let’s Celebrate Too! - John Burland (Ovation Music)
LEW – Lifted – Emmanuel Worship, Brisbane
LGO – Love Goes On. B Farrell (OCP www.ocp.org)
MB – Monica Brown’s music collections
MMS- Medical Mission Sisters
MROJ – Many Roads One Journey-Andrew Chinn
NLP – New Living Parish Hymnal
OF – One Family – John Burland (Ovation Music)
OP – Ordinary People -Jane Mitchell
NTY-Never Too Young (OCP)
RIH – Restless is the Heart – B. Farrell (OCP)
RM – Rising Moon, Scripture in Song – F. Andersen RR – Renew and Rejoice - Michael Mangan (Litmus)
SHOF – Setting Hearts on Fire - Michael Mangan
SJ - Sing Jubilee – Michael Mangan (Litmus)
SM – by D Simmons/K Morehu (Eclipse Music)
SNC – Sing A New Church- Dolore Dufner (OCP)
SSSL – Sing Spirit, Sing Life – Br Michael Herry fms (http://www.maristmusic.org.au/sing-spirit-sing-life/)
SS – Spirit and Song – Vol 1 &2 (OCP)
STAR – The Star – M Mangan (Litmus)
STL –Sing to the Lord – Colin Smith cfc (Willow)
SYJ – Sing Your Joy – Michael Mangan (Litmus)
TCS – True Colours Shine – M Mangan (Litmus)
TH – These Hands by A Chinn (Butterfly Music)
TIS – Together in Song (Harper Collins)
TTT – This Is The Time -Michael Mangan (Litmus)
TWB – This We Believe -Michael Mangan (Litmus) UFW – Up From the Waters. Marty Haugen (GIA)
WCN – Who Calls You By Name. David Haas (GIA)
WIG – Wherever I Go by A Chinn (Butterfly Music)
WL – Wondrous Love. Marty Haugen (GIA)
WM – We Contemplate the Mystery – Joncas (GIA)
*COJ (A,B,C)
Cry Out with Joy- David Haas. Kathleen Harmon et al (GIA/Willow Publishing)
Catholic Worship Book
Forever I Will Sing – Michael Mangan (Litmus Productions)
Gather (USA edition) – (GIA Publications)
Gather Australia (GIA/NLMC)
Lectionary Psalms - Joseph Gelineau / Michel Guimont (GIA)
Lyric Psalter - M Haugen/T Alonso (GIA/Willow Publishing)
Lyric Psalter FOR Solemnities, Feasts and Other Occasions- M Haugen/T Alonso
(GIA/Willow Publishing) http://www.asonevoice.com.au
Psalms for Easter Triduum & Other Feasts. Jenny O’Brien
([email protected])
Psalms for All Time – Paul Mason (Willow) http://www.asonevoice.com.au/
Psalms for Feasts and Seasons – Fr Christopher Willcock SJ (OCP)
Praise the Lord My Soul –Richard Connolly (Willow) http://www.asonevoice.com.au/
Psalms for Lit Year C - Jenny O’Brien [email protected] )
Praise the Lord, My Soul – Richard Connolly (Willow Publishing)
Respond and Acclaim – Resp. Psalms & Gospel Acclamations Year C – Owen Alstott
(OCP http://www.ocp.org/ra)
Psalms Year C – Br Colin Smith cfc (Willow Publishing)
Sing the Responsorial Psalms – Amanda McKenna (Willow Publishing)
* Revised Grail translation approved for use in Australia
Music for the Mass
composed by Kate Keefe. Settings of the Responsorial Psalms and
Canticles for use in Australian and New Zealand churches. Free download.
Please include copyright acknowledgements.
Sing the Responsorial Psalms –Purchase and print Psalm responses by Amanda McKenna .
Mp3 sample tracks.
Forever I Will Sing – Michael Mangan (Litmus Productions)
Simple Psalms – from the Children’s Lectionary – Patricia Smith (Willow Publishing)
Chant Music from the Roman Missal
Since the Easter Triduum has a special solemnity unlike any other time of year, it is always desirable
to sing the chants of the Roman Missal on these days.
Sheet music (pdf files) can be downloaded from ICEL (International Commission for English in the
Liturgy) http://www.icelweb.org/musicfolder/openmusic.php
Mp3 audio files are available form National Pastoral Musicians (USA) website
http://www.npm.org/Chants/proper.html for mp3 audio file.
Music for Easter Triduum
Beyond the Days – Ricky Manalo (OCP www.ocp.org )
Drawn By A Dream – Dan Schutte (OCP)
Glory in the Cross – Dan Schutte (OCP)
We Contemplate the Mystery – Michael Joncas (OCP)
Wondrous Love – Marty Haugen (GIA www.giamusic.com)
Music for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
It is worth exploring these collections for appropriate music for Easter, regardless of whether or not
you have catechumens and candidates being initiated into the Church.
Christ We Proclaim
Collection of music from various composers. 3 volume set of music books and CDs covering all the
rites including Mystagogia. OCP Publications
Who Calls You By Name
Music by David Haas – 2 volumes of music for the rites. (Music book and CD)
GIA Publications
Up from the Waters
Music by Marty Haugen. (Octavo collection of sheet music plus CD) GIA Publications
Colours of the Season
Holy Thursday: white. Keep floral arrangements simple. The time for more
outstanding floral arrangements and décor is the Easter Vigil and the rest of the
Easter Season.
Good Friday: red. The altar is bare and is dressed with a simple, plain white cloth
for Communion. The altar is laid bare again after the ceremonies. The sanctuary
should be bare and free of flowers and unnecessary adornment. Some parishes
use plain red pennants to good effect. The other areas of devotion in the church
should also be sparse in adornment at this time.
Easter Vigil and the Easter Season: White or white with gold. You may choose to
have a grouping of 5 or 6 large candles at one side of the altar. They can be
encircled by a wreath or fresh circlet of flowers and greenery in season.
Easter Season: continues until Pentecost Sunday. Keep your resurrection
banners up until then.
Further Resources
St Pauls Holy Week Missal with the Order of Mass from the 2010 (3rd) edition of the Roman Missal.
St Pauls Publications. The people’s edition is ideal for participation in the celebration of Holy Week
and the Easer Triduum. $17.95 online price.
Web: http://www.stpauls.com.au/product/7204
Phone: 02 9394 3400 Email Sales: [email protected]
Living Liturgy
is a publication of the Catholic Diocese of Sale, Victoria, Australia.
It can be downloaded in pdf format from the diocesan website.
Editor: Sophy Morley, Diocesan Pastoral Coordinator, PO Box 1410 Warragul Victoria 3820.
P: (03) 5622 6677 Email: [email protected]