Steeple Run Elementary School - Naperville Community Unit School
Steeple Run Elementary School - Naperville Community Unit School
Super Star News! Steeple Run Elementary School May 2014 From The Principal Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever does.” As I sat reflecting on how to write my last Steeple Run newsletter, the idea of change came to mind. Thinking about the past six years at Steeple Run, I can honestly say that together; students, parents and staff have brought about some wonderful changes in Steeple Run. First, the physical appearance of our school has changed, especially in the last year! Construction on our new multi-purpose room and office space is well under way and scheduled to be completed by September of 2014! This new construction will provide flexible learning spaces for all learners. It will allow for all day kindergarten, a change we are welcoming in the 2014/15 school year. Our new office space will provide direct line of sight to the front entrance and added security. In addition to our current project, thanks goes also to Home and School and District 203, as our beautiful new playground was dedicated last year, bringing a splash of color, joy and fun to the children of Steeple Run. A new marquis was also supported by Home and School and is an important communication tool for our parents. Our student population has changed over the past six years, and will continue to change in the coming years. We welcomed the addition of Beebe School students. After many welcoming events such as Family Tours, Family Picnics, and pen pals, our former Beebe students are now Steeple Runners at heart. Dual Language opened in our school to assist our native Spanish speakers in their learning. Next year we will begin to see students joining us from Arbor Trails, a new subdivision across Maple Avenue. We look forward to meeting our new families and helping them to be part of our wonderful school community. Curriculum and programming have changed with a new literacy and math curriculum centered on Common Core Standards (CCS). Our teaching staff is strong and they welcomed the changes and have embraced CCS and the rigor of learning that will prepare students for college and careers. Family Reading and Math nights, supported by our SFCP involved parents in learning about the new curriculum and standards. Clubs were started to enhance the curriculum including Chess Club, Math Club, Study Stars, Math Stars, Spark, and Student Council to give students a voice in our school. As well we implemented Title One Jump Start Program last year and created a Title 1 Morning Math Support Program. To address students’ social emotional needs, Steeple Run became a Nurtured Heart School, making expectations clear for students and recognizing the strengths of our students and bringing out their inner wealth. Second Step, a research based program was implemented to explicitly teach social emotional skills and competencies. Home and School helped to fund the purchase of Second Step kits for classrooms. There are changes coming in how we use assistants, moving assistants closer to the actual learning taking place in the classroom and allowing all students to receive enrichment or remediation just in time as shown by their learning progress and needs. It will be exciting to see how this change benefits all students. All of these occurred as we maintained a balance of activities and experiences that help to build a strong cohesive learning community. (Continued on page 2) Our track was built and dedicated to a past much loved PE teacher and we enjoyed many Turkey Trots on that track. Birthday books purchased by Home and School allowed me to get to know each student in a more personal way. Two All School Books brought our community together as we read and enjoyed the books about Humphrey and Tia Lola! Tia Lola taught our students about Spanish language and culture that is a an important part of our school. Home and School bought every teacher and child a spirit wear t shirt and we proudly wear them to this day. Family Picnics brought many families out to meet and greet one another. Cultural Fairs and World Performances brought our beautifully diverse school together as we celebrated our talents and skills from our own backgrounds. I could go on and on about our welcoming community events. There are many! innovative programs and materials that have benefitted our students. NEF support has enriched our school in many ways. Change and innovation have been prevalent at Steeple Run School as we have collaborated to create a school environment that supports students and their families. Together we have brought about these changes and we can be proud of all we have accomplished! I can’t wait to hear more about the future of Steeple Run as we are lead into a new beginning for our school. Thank you for a great six years and the privilege of leading change and working with the most wonderful students and families in all of Naperville! It has been a great six years and I will be forever grateful to end my career in such a positive way at Steeple Run. The Naperville Education Foundation has provided over $30,000 for grants written by our staff members. These grant were initiated by staff and parents and brought us IPads, Coaching for Nurtured Heart, classroom books, a Parent library, Parent Education Program for ELLs, materials for social emotional learning, and a variety of other Fondly, Karen Currier Principal Month At A Glance. . . . 5/2: HALF DAY! NO PM Kindergarten Classes AM Kindergarten attends 8:15 – 10:45 D/L Kindergarten & 1st – 5th grade attends 8:15 – 11:35 5/2: 5/5 – 5/9: 5/7: 5/8: 5/8: 5/8: 5th Grade Endurance Challenge Climbing Wall. SFCP Meeting at 3:00 pm in the LRC. Children welcome to come. School Nurse Day. Take a moment to thank our wonderful nurse, Pam Breslin, and our Health Tech, Kathy Oliver for taking care of our students. 5th Grade Parent Orientation Night at the Jr. Highs. Market Day pick up. Please use door #15 located off of the service drive behind the gym. 5/9 5/14: Ice Cream Social from 6 – 8:30 behind the school. District Orchestra Festival at Kennedy Jr. High at 7:30 pm. 5/15: 5/19: 5th Grade Music Program. 6:30 pm H&S Meeting at 9:30 am on the stage. All parents welcome. Principal and President to give school and District updates. Voting on Budget and Wish List items for next school year. 5/20: 5/21: 5/26: 5/27: 6/5: Olympic Day – 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade (Rain date 5/22). Olympic Day – K and 1st grade (Rain date 5/23). Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL. 5th Grade Party. (Rain Date 5/28). Last Day of School! Full Day. H&S President’s Letter Thank you! Eight years, 2 children, 6 committee chairs, 1 year Secretary, 1 year Vice-President, 2 years President, 2 Principals, 4 Assistant Principals, numerous benefits, fundraisers, and meetings… all coming down to my final months as President and one more year at Steeple Run. They say that it takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to run a school. Steeple Run has been an amazing village that has helped me to raise my children and to excel as a community contributor. Every parent that has volunteered, come to a meeting, donated to the school, or even sent a note of thanks to a teacher or staff member, has helped to make Steeple Run the amazing school it is today. Every one of those people has propelled me forward to want to do my best for our children’s school. It has not always been easy, it has not always been fun, but it has been a wonderful, wonderful journey; one that I will miss. Thank you all for your support and input over the years. the help of Ms. Currier and Ms. VanNess. The work that they do for our students and the school goes far above and beyond! Thank you both for all of your support and encouragement. I would also like to thank my wonderful husband, Paul Rosenberg. Without his support and encouragement over the last 4 years, I would not have been able to give all that I have given. (And these newsletters might have had a lot more typos.) Each month, you get a newspaper full of information thanks to the hard work of Victoria Kosirog. We have three ongoing fundraisers throughout the year that brought in money as well as provided services to the community. Joy Cleary and Sherri Petrucci kept us in a variety of foods with the Market Day program. Erin LaPointe and Kathy Wirsing kept us in fresh fruits and veggies with our first year trying out Door to Door Organics. And I don’t think that most people know how much time Heather Stade coordinated Benefit Nights, many the Executive Board puts in each month to help with a healthy or activity based twist. Thank you all Home & School run effectively and seamlessly. for your monthly hard work! Each of these individuals has worked tirelessly Many of you have come out weekly over the year to throughout the year, not only on their assigned dube Partner Readers, Math Stars, and LRC helpers. ties, but on other projects as well. Their hard work, There are too many to list, but you know who you dedication, and willingness to step up to the plate are and what a valuable service you provide, not whenever needed, has made my time as President just to the school, but to the individual students not only easier, but a lot of fun! Thank you, that you work with. Jennifer Norbut, Joy Szymczak, and Michelle Banas. Thank you to Dora Kolody and Liz Hall for And finally, two people who do not get enough credit for all that they do for the school, as well as stepping into the role of President and VicePresident next year and to Joy and Michelle return- Home & School, Ms. Jacobs and Ms. Gossler. In ading to their positions; I know that I am leaving Exec dition to helping manage the school, they offer an unending supply of support to the Home & School in good hands. Association. I want to take this moment to thank Jeanne As we wrap up the school year, I will have to thank Zabel and her Nominations committee (Lisa Reid, everyone that helped out at school in April along Heather Stade, Fontaine Nordman, and Tana with everyone that will be helping in May. I will do Williams) for helping us nominate our new Executive Board. Jeanne also worked very hard to help us my best to catch you all, but as many of the activities are still in the early planning stages… well, I fill our open committee chair positions for next thank all of you in advance for any help that you year. Thank you, in advance, for all 2014 – 2015 will be giving. chair-people for returning or stepping into new positions! (Continued on page 4) I wish I could thank each and every person that has helped out at the school in any way, but I think that my article would be longer than the whole paper if I did that. Instead, I will start with thanks to some people that help me every month, but never make it to the Thank You portion of my column. I would not have had such a wonderful year without The Volunteer Breakfast was once again a great success thanks to the efforts of Debbie Rembis and Anne Gasperec. band or orchestra next year, or if you or someone you know is looking to buy or sell an instrument, please come! Details will be coming home shortly. Teacher Appreciation Week was a ton of fun for the teachers thanks to Anne Gasperec and Dora Kolody as well as their team; Beth Sauders, Karen Lindflott, Julie Krueger, Christie Roos, Jami Jewitt, Tara Holman, Nicole Rorke, Christina Tian, Theresa Brady. Special thanks to Karen Lindflott for organizing the Teacher Lunch sponsored by the 5th grade parents. And last, but certainly not least, our annual Ice Cream Social! Our committee chairs, Sandy Gonzales and Kylee Loatman, along with help from Joy Szymczak, have been working hard for months to make this a great event. It will take 100 volunteers to make this evening run smoothly; so if you can, please volunteer to help out for a shift at this event! The Yearbook will be coming home soon with the help of many hands. A big thank you to our chair person, Tara Holman. Next Meeting As we have our last Climbing Wall of the year, I would like to thank the dad’s that coordinated all of the volunteers; Scott Gray, Tom Wirsing, and Brian Duewel. And of course, thank you to all of the parents that helped the students belay throughout the year. Our final meeting of the year will be May 19 at 9:30 am. There will be voting for next year’s budget and teacher Wish List items. Thank you ALL! Have a great summer! Karen Rosenberg School Supply and Star Dollars (MANNA) are both run by Tammy Sullivan and Tracy Sciabica. They have been working hard to help provide these end of the year services. The 5th grade party is coming up, thanks to Karen Lindflott, Michele Blomquist, and Kristin Wilson and a whole lot of 5th grade parents! The Used Instrument sale is happening May 21st thanks to Theresa Brady and Barb McCarthy. If you have a third grader that will be playing in the Home & School Executive Board Karen Rosenberg, President (630) 778-9862 [email protected] Jennifer Norbut, Vice President (630) 548-0230 [email protected] Joy Szymczak, Treasurer (630) 428-9330 [email protected] Michelle Banas, Secretary (630) 548-3992 [email protected] "2014-2015 School Supplies" The forms will be sent home via backpack mail the week of Monday, May 12th. If you wish to place an order please return your order forms by Friday, May 30th. Extra forms will be in the lobby Kiosk and the Steeple Run Web Site. If you choose to shop on your own for your school supplies, and have a child going into grade(s) 3-5, you will need to purchase an assignment notebook at supply pick-up, or the first week of school. * Individual supplies, such as pencils and folders, will no longer be available at the school store * Contact: Tammy Sullivan - email [email protected] or 630-428-3742 Volunteers are still needed to make sure the Ice Cream Social on May 9th is a success! Please complete the sign up form and send it in! Or email Sandy Gonzales [email protected] or Kylee Loatman, [email protected]. THANK YOU to all who have volunteered already. Food, Game, and Raffle Tickets will be on sale at the event for those who did not preorder tickets. • Lisle Park District/Sea Lion Aquatic Park for the raffle basket donation, • Prizm Financial Services in Wheaton for the White Sox ticket donation, • Kennedy Junior High School Home and School Assocation for the spiritwear donation, • Badger Sporting Goods for the Jefferson Junior High spiritwear donation, and to • Dairy Queen and Jet’s Pizza for offering discounted food pricing to help H&S raise funds for our many H&S sponsored programs. THANK YOU to: • Sodexo for the donation of hot dog buns and condiments, • the Crew Family and Hebrew National for the hot dogs donation, • the Wilson Family for the American Girl Doll raffle basket donation, • Brownie Troop 50627 for the rain barrel raffle basket donation, • Cub Scout Pack 504 for the Scouting raffle basket donation, An extra special THANK YOU to all Steeple Run Staff and to all Steeple Run Families, Friends, and Alumni for donating your time at the event and for the baked goods donations. We welcome any feedback that you have from the event to help us plan for next year; please send feedback to Joy Szymczak, H&S Treasurer, via backpack mail or [email protected]. ICE CREAM SOCIAL Updates On Art from Ms Dostal To learn more about what students are studying in art, please follow me on twitter @msdostal. Please remember that this is just for parents to see what students are doing, and that kind comments are welcome! Fifth Graders Rock! Come celebrate the end of their time at Steeple Run at the Fifth Grade Party, Tuesday, May 27th! Lunch, games and a lot of fun will be on the agenda for the afternoon. Parent volunteers are needed to help plan and run the party. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Karen Lindflott at [email protected], Michele Blomquist at [email protected] or Kristin Wilson at [email protected]. Orchestra News All Steeple Run orchestra students will be participating in one more concert this school year. The District 203 Elementary orchestra festival , which includes 4th and 5th grade students from Steeple Run, Meadow Glens, Ranch View, Highlands, and River Woods schools, along with the 6th graders from Kennedy and Madison, will be held on Wednesday, May 14, at 7:30 p.m. at Kennedy Junior High School. Students need to arrive at 6:15 for a brief rehearsal. They should bring their instrument, music, and a folding music stand and should wear their Steeple Run school orchestra uniform (blue Steeple Run Music polo shirt, black pants/skirt, black shoes and socks). Summer is coming soon, and District 203 provides the opportunity for all orchestra students to continue their music education and have fun during summer orchestra. All students are encouraged to sign up, and registration is done by mail. The program runs from June 9 to July 2 for one hour each day, and there is a concert for families on the final day. For more information about times and fees, please go to and click on “Music”. Steeple Run Annual Band and Orchestra Instrument Sale Sponsored by Steeple Run Home and School Held at Steeple Run Elementary School 6S151 Steeple Run Drive Naperville, IL 60540 Telephone: (630) 420-6385 Due to Construction at Steeple Run Elementary we are asking visitors to park in the side lot at the east side of the school and enter through door number 8. There will be signs posted For further information: visit our sale website: Seller Sign Up: Monday, May19 Wednesday, May 21 6:00PM – 7:30 PM 4:00PM – 5:30 PM Instrument Sale: Wednesday, May 21 6:00PM – 7:30 PM Seller Pick Up: Wednesday, May 21 7:30 PM – 8:00 PM Sellers: Band or orchestra instruments no longer being used? Bring in your instruments, set your price with the help of our historic price list, and pick up your check or your unsold instrument on Wednesday. Instrument Must be in playing condition Buyers: Looking for an instrument for a student just starting band or orchestra, or looking for a spare? Stop by Wednesday night and band and orchestra directors from District 203 will be on hand to help you make a good buy. Come early for the best selection. Numbers for buyers are handed out starting at 5:30 Wednesday. Checks only- made payable to “Steeple Run Home and School”. Sellers Receive 75% - School receives 25% Sponsored by Steeple Run Home and School Music updates from Ms. Derybowski Musical Form is the pattern of how sounds are put together to create a larger piece of music. This usually refers to several different chunks of music and what order they are put in to create a song. Again this concept is spiraled from being very simple, to very complex as students progress. In Kindergarten and First Grade, students learn how to recognize musical sounds that are the same and those that are different. For example, first they will sing a song out loud with hand motions, and then they will think it inside their heads with the hand motions. The children recognize that the two parts of the song are different because one is sung, and one is silent. Later they label the different parts as the “A section” and the “B section.” Then they can start to make patterns with their songs, such as A-singing the song B-thinking the song A-singing the song. In Second Grade, students will learn about songs that have a “Call and Response” form. This means that there is a leader who sings the “Call” part of the song, and the group sings the “Response.” An example of this is “The Green Grass Grows All Around” which all of the second graders know! In Third Grade, students learn about “Elemental Form” this is where they will label the order of smaller rhythmic and melodic phrases. Elemental forms include “a-a-b-a” or “a-b-c-a.” Here the students are looking and analyzing in a more detailed way. Third Graders also learn about the “Introduction” which is a little bit of music that comes at the beginning of a song. The “Interlude” which comes in the middle of the song. And the “Coda” which comes at the end of the song. In Fourth Grade, students start to make music using the “Question-Answer” form. This is an excited step because now the students are interacting with one another. One student will create a “Question” rhythm or melody, and the other has to listen and respond with a new rhythm or melody that uses a little portion of what the first students plays. It forces the kids to be listening, analyzing, improvising, and composing all at the same time. This is quite high level thinking! Finally in Fifth Grade, students perform music in a “Rondo” form which is when the A section returns over and over again during the course of a song. For example, A-B-A-C-A-D-A -E… and so on. They also start to learn about “Theme and Variations” where a “Theme” melody is played and then is changed slightly or “Varied” on every repeat. I hope you were given a little insight into another corner of the music classroom!
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