Summer 2003 - Canadian Music Centre
Summer 2003 - Canadian Music Centre
Newsletter of the Canadian Music Centre • British Columbia Region Centregramme Summer 2003 New Website Launched Launched this spring, the Canadian Music Centre’s innovative new website ( is enjoying great success. More than just familiar content with a fresh face, the website contains new technology that will help bring Canadian music to computers, homes and lives worldwide. The CMC’s online library catalogue is a gateway to an immense collection of scores and resources. Audio and score samples, currently available for a selection of works, will eventually become a feature of every listing in the catalogue. This means that users can browse the library online, any time and anywhere. “The new CMC site offers extensive content and easy-to-navigate functions that promote Canada’s composers and their music worldwide, as well as help educators and life-long learners to become more familiar with Canadian composers and their work,” says Elisabeth Bihl, CMC Executive Director. For those new to Canadian music, the site introduces an online tutorial available in two versions: Flash (which requires the installation of Flash 6 to view animations) and text-only (for users who prefer not to see the animations). Entitled Sound Progressions, this presentation exhibits an overview of 20th Century Canadian composition. A comprehensive list of recent or current musical trends provides an introduction to all aspects of contemporary music; here, users will nd denitions of each musical genre, names of some composers commonly associated with the genre, a selection of representative Canadian works employing the genre’s compositional techniques, and a summary of related or concurrent historical events. Audio and score samples are included to bring the presentation to life. The site’s easy-to-use search function guides the user through the vast repository of information in the CMC library. Biographies and score samples can be located through the “Find a Composer” option, whereas “Find a Score” provides access to the thousands of scores available at the CMC. This search tool is linked directly to the CMC library and will help users order those scores which they would like to borrow or purchase. Additional features of the new site include a forum for communication and interaction for the new music community, a calendar of Canadian new music events, and a comprehensive international selection of web links. CDs, books and published works can also be purchased online using the “Buy a Recording” option. Services for Associate Composers are also provided. The digitization project and new database-driven website were made possible by the generous support of The Canada Council for the Arts and the Department of Canadian Heritage, through the Canadian Culture Online Program (CCOP). Partners in the CCOP project include: ecentricarts inc., Ingraham Cultural Resources Management Corp., Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, E-Encyclopedia of Music in Canada, International Association of Music Information Centres, OnDisC Alliance, and Blast Radius Inc. - CMC Staff Canadian Music Centre, BC Region • A free circulating computer-catalogued library of 15,000 scores • A free listening library of CDs, tapes, and vintage vinyls • A major resource for reference materials on Canadian composers • A selection of CDs and books for purchase Open Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm Centregramme ISSN 0227-3233 is the newsletter of the B.C. Regional Ofce of the Canadian Music Centre / Centre de musique canadienne editor: Colin Miles copy editors: Colin Miles, Christine Donkin, Greg Newsome, Tara Matsuzaki production & design: Christine Donkin Published by the Canadian Music Centre, British Columbia Region; 837 Davie Street; Vancouver, B.C.; V6Z 1B7 Phone: 604.734.4622 Fax: 604.734.4627 E-mail: [email protected] The CMC is an independent non-prot, non-government agency which promotes and disseminates the music of Canada’s composers. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Canadian Music Centre. CMC Offices National Office Ontario Region Chalmers House / Maison Chalmers 20 St Joseph Street Toronto, ON M4Y 1J9 Phone/fax: 416.961.7198 [email protected] Same address as National Ofce Phone: 416.961.4057 Fax: 416.961.7198 [email protected] Atlantic Region Prairie Region Mount Allison University 134 Main Street Sackville, NB E4L 1A6 Phone: 506.536.4263 Fax: 506.364.2617 [email protected] 911 Library Tower 2500 University Drive NW Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Phone: 403.220.7403 Fax: 403.289.4877 [email protected] Région du Québec British Columbia Region 416, rue McGill Montréal, PQ H2Y 2G1 Phone: 514.866.3477 Fax: 514.866.0456 [email protected] 837 Davie Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1B7 Phone: 604.734.4622 Fax: 604.734.4627 [email protected] Honourary Members/Membres honoraires Patron / Presidente d’honneur Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson C.C., C.M.M., C.D., Governor General of Canada Son Excellence la tres honorable Adrienne Clarkson C.C., C.M.M., C.D., Gouverneure Générale du Canada † Dr. Murray Adaskin, O.C. Mr Hugh Anson-Cartwright † Louis Applebaum, C.C.O. ON † Dr. Violet Archer, C.M., Hon. Fellow, RCCO † Mr. Louis Audette, O.C., C.R. † M. Paul Baby, Pres. hon. a vie, CMCM. Victor Bouchard, O.C. Dr. Alexander Brott, C.M., C.Q. † Mr. Floyd S. Chalmers, C.C., O. ON Ms. M. Joan Chalmers, C.C., O. ON † Dr. Jean Coulthard, O.C., O.B.C. Dr. Victor Feldbrill, O.C. † Dr. Lyell Gustin Mr. Otto Joachim, C.Q., U.D.h.c. † Dr. Richard Johnston, C.M. Maryvonne Kendergi, O.C., C.Q., O. des A. et L. (Fr) † M. Gilles Lefebvre, O.C., C.Q., O. des A. et L. (Fr) † Mr. Keith MacMillan † M. Jean Papineau-Couture, C.C., G.,O.Q., D.h.c., SA † Dr. Barbara Pentland, C.M., O.B.C. † M. Gilles Potvin, C.M., S.R.C. Mr. Horst A. Schmid Ms. Ann Southam Ms. Barbara Chilcott Somers † M. Claude Vivier Dr. John Weinzweig, O.C., O. ON † Mr. Peter Wright † deceased CMC Info Page 2 CMC Info ! "#$%&'!(!)%%*+%,$-$%&' "nside this "ssue SOCAN Professional Reading Session Co$er ' Feature Article( )New Website Launched8 9: ; ' ,vents 0 Announcements 9: < ' New Associate Composers 9: = ' Composer News 9: > ' Obituaries 9: ?@ ' Feature Article( )Com9osers and Music Cd$ocates WorDing Fogether8 GHIena JrsuK 9: ?L ' 2::3 Calendar 9: ?M ' New Acquisitions 9: L; ' Donors to the BC Region FhanDs to the V`CCN eoundation with the su99ort oT the Canada Music eundN the Canadian Music Centre is coordinat' ing a 9roTessionaI reading session oT Tour 9re$iousIy un9erTormed sym9honic worDs by dC com9osers: Crtistic ^irec' tor oT the SroTessionaI _eading VessionsN Maestro dramweII Fo$ey wiII conduct the Uancou$er Vym9hony `rchestra in the `r9heum Fheatre Tor this Tree 9ubIic e$ent: Fhe Tour worDs wiII be chosen by the conductor and a Oury oT non'9artici' 9ating Cssociate Com9osers: ,-.-- a/ 0 ,1.+- 2/ Thu6'da8 O:t; ,< China?Canada ComAoser BCchange CMC "nternational Music Da7 Celebration cnternationaI Music ^ay wiII be ceIe' brated earIy at the CMC this year: C rece9tion and recitaI is scheduIed Tor Ve9tember L\N L@@; at the CMC oT!ces: Ve$eraI im9ortant e$ents are on the 9ro' gram( ] Fhe oT!ciaI dedication oT the darbara SentIand Library ] Fhe Iaunch oT two Centrediscs Com' 9oser Sortrait C^s Gdarbara SentIand and Norma deecroTtK ] Fhe west coast Iaunch oT the new CMC website ] C mini'recitaI CMC staTT Trom across the country wiII be attending this e$entN which starts at =(@@9m: "#ent' Fhe !rst e$er China'Canada Com9oser HfchangeN s9onsored by the Chinese ConsuIateN is scheduIed Tor No$ember M' ?MN L@@;: Com9osers Mark Armanini, Lhuo Rui Shi and Stephen Chatman wiII $isit deiOing and Vhanghai to hear 9erTormances oT their orchestraI and choraI worDs: Fara WohIbergN writer Tor the Uancou$er VunN wiII aIso go on the tri9 to deIi$er a 9a9er on Canadian 9iano music: cn L@@<N Uancou$er Sro Musica wiII host the Chinese com9osersN whose $isit wiII be s9onsored by the Chinese MusiciansX Cssociation: OAera Readings Fhe dC Com9osers WorDsho9 is a 9ro' Oect oT Uancou$er `9era through `9era:ca with the su99ort oT the Cana' dian `9era Creation Srogram: cn co' o9eration with the CMC'dC CentreN Uancou$er `9era seIected Tour com9os' ers( Janet Danielson, Ramona Luengen, David MacIntyre and Neil Ieisensel: C short worD or efcer9t by each oT the com9osers was read and rehearsed o$er a two weeD 9eriod cuImi' nating in a semi'staged showcase 9resen' tation on guIy L<: `ne oT the com9osers may be commissioned to write a worD to be showcased in L@@< and then 9er' Tormed in dC schooIs by the Uancou$er `9era Fouring HnsembIe: (a*e + +ree Adas/in Catalogue C new cataIogueN entitIed Murray AdaskinF An Annotated Catalogue of his MusicF A Unison of Life, Music, and the ManN has Oust been com9Ieted by Qordana LaRare$itchN SroTessor oT Musi' coIogy at the Jni$ersity oT Uictoria: VhortIy beTore his death in L@@?N CdasDin reWuested that this cataIogue be com9iIed as an u9date to the inTormation 9ubIished in LaRare$itchXs booD The Musical Iorld of Frances James and Murray Adaskin YJni$ersity oT Foronto SressN ?>ZZ[: Fhe cataIogueN >> 9ages in Iength with some \@ iIIustrations and $arious archi' $aI materiaIN is a$aiIabIe in three Tormats( ] 9a9er ] C^'_`M ] eIectronic TormatN soon to be 9osted in the eIectronic Iibrary oT the NationaI Library oT Canada( htt9(//coIIection:nIcbnc:ca/?@@/L@@/;@@/ doIceb9ubIicationsmurraybadasDin/ CdasDinbcataIoguebweb:9dT Fhe CMcCJV No: is LZLLM;<: C Iimited number oT C^'_`M $ersions oT the cataIogue are a$aiIabIe Tree oT charge Trom the CMC'dC _egionaI `T!ce: Fhe C^ and eIectronic $ersions may be co9ied by 9ros9ecti$e users: "#ent' ! "#$!%&&'()*+#!,'-.'&#/& and is an accom&/ished com&oser: most recent/y winning the 1uno 5or <est C/as? sica/ Com&osition 3[[\ 5or his <eHuie7o/ a Cha//ed SIu88I Zn _``\: he was awarded an Honorary "ssociateshi& o5 the Goya/ "cademy o5 Music: where he was 5ormer/y a studentI His conducting career continues to thriBe on both sides o5 the "t/antic: becoming Music @irector o5 the NancouBer Hym&hony ^rchestra in 3[[[ and attaining the same &osition with /a^rchestre Thi/harmoniRue du LuMembourg in 3[[3I Catalin 5rsu The ne$ A&&o(iate Co-.o&e/&6 7/o- 8e7t to /i1ht9 :huo <ui Shi6 Cata8in >/&u6 Co8in ?a(@ona8d6 Nei8 Bei&en&e8C ?i&&in19 D/a-$e88 ToEeF " rece&tion was he/d on 1une 34 in honour o5 the CMC8s new "ssociate Com&osers: &articu/ar/y those who reside in <ritish Co/umbia> Co/in Mac? @ona/d: <ramwe// AoBey: Cata/in Crsu: Nei/ Weisense/: and Fhuo Gui HhiI "bout JK &eo&/e were in attendance to we/come the new associates: whose biogra&hica/ in5ormation is inc/uded be/owI Colin MacDonald Co/in Mac@ona/d is a 5ree/ance saMo? &honist: com&oser: and arranger /iBing in NancouBerI He is a 5ounding member and co?artistic director o5 Pnsemb/e Hym&osium: a chamber ensemb/e dedi? cated to cham&ioning the eM&erimenta/ worQ o5 young Canadian com&osersI "s a &er5ormer: he is a/so a member o5 the HaMo&hi/ia saMo&hone Ruartet: and &ro? duces concerts o5 his own music as a so/oistI His own com&ositions: se/5?&ub? /ished under the name Cry&tic Music: Ne$ A&&o(iate Co-.o&e/& haBe been &er5ormed across Canada: 5rom Nictoria to MontrSa/I Trimari/y se/5?taught as a com&oser: Co/in has studied UaVV arranging with Wred Htride: wor/d rhythms with X/en Ne/eV and Arichy HanQaran: and <a/inese game/an with Michae/ AenVer and @ewa Yetut "/itI Zn 3[[\ he wi// be worQing on a score 5or Fero XraBity> The Sta/dan(e/G& @/ea-: a te/eBision documentary on the /i5e o5 choreogra&her 1eanne Gobinson: to be broadcast on the H&ace Channe/ and WANI Bramwell 1o2e3 <ritish?born conductor/com&oser/&ianist <ramwe// AoBey became we// Qnown to Canadians during his tenure as Music @irector o5 the Winni&eg Hym&hony ^rchestra: where he co?5ounded the du Maurier Music WestiBa/: an annua/ nine? day eBent attracting wides&read attention and un&recedented &o&u/ar su&&ortI He has conducted numerous wor/d &re? mieres o5 Canadian contem&orary music 0a1e 2 Cata/in Crsu was born in _`c[ in <ucha? rest: Gomania: where he studied com&o? sition with Aiberiu ^/ah at the CniBersity o5 Musica/ HtudiesI He has written !Be string Ruartets: 5our sym&honic &oems: a sym&hony: stage music: an o&era: e/ec? tronic music: and numerous chora/ &iecesI "/most a// o5 his worQs are recorded and &art o5 the Nationa/ "rchiBes o5 the Gomanian <roadcasting Cor&orationI His music is &/ayed o5ten in Gomania: Xermany: Zta/y: <u/garia: and H&ainI He is the reci&ient o5 many music awards: such as the "ward o5 the Gomanian League o5 Com&osers and Musico/ogists: the @inu Li&atti "ward 5or Com&osition: the "ward o5 the Nationa/ Contest 5or doung "rtists: and the Xrand TriM 5or a Boca/?sym&honic com&ositionI Neil 9eisensel Nei/ Weisense/ is a NancouBer?based com&oser and conductorI He has written !Be o&eras and a musica/: as we// as songs: chamber music: chora/ &ieces: and worQs 5or orchestra and big bandI Zn addition: he has com&osed and &roduced a wide Bariety o5 music 5or 5eature !/m and documentaries: with networQs such as AHN: WAN: <G"N^e and CAN H&ortsnetI Ne$ A&&o(iate Co-.o&e/& ! Ne$ A&&o(iate Co-.o&e/&3 (ont555 "nternationall+, he has /roduced music for large6scale multimedia installations, including the 7erman /a8ilion at 9:/o 2000 in =anno8er, 7erman+> ?he Can6 ada Council for the Arts awarded him a maCor grant in 2000 to com/lete his latest worD, a full6length comic o/era about golf entitled The 8a&te/ St/o:e> Recent commissions include arranging music for the new mega6musical The 8a&;ue A==e(t and a grant from the BC Arts Council for a new /iece of chamber music> Other career highlights are a 2000 7enie Award nomination in the Best Song categor+ and the /roduction of his !rst o/era b+ OttawaJs O/era K+ra in 200L> Meisensel holds a Master of Music in Com/osition degree from the Oni8ersit+ of British Columbia> "huo Rui Shi Phuo Rui Shi holds a Master of Music in Com/osition degree from the Oni8ersit+ of British Columbia, where he studied with Ste/hen Chatman and Qeith =amel> =e also holds a Bachelor of Music degree from the Shanghai Conser8ator+ RLSSTU> =e has recei8ed commissions from the Canada Council for the Arts, com/osed music for an animated !lm RNWBU, and undertaDen a residenc+ with the Xancou8er Chinese Music 9nsemble> =e has /ublished the CDs >/a1on& F@AB in1 and Con1in1& o= the Dea/t, and com6 /osed and /ublished music for the CD6 ROM game Cotu& S./in1> New Associate Composers from Other Regions B Prairies Don Ross ZaceD SobieraC Zonathan Mard Ontario Reinhard Berg Martha =ill Duncan Colin 9atocD Christien Kedroit ?on+ Q> ?> Keung :u;bec Dora CoCocaru Sean Werguson Nicolas 7ilbert "brahim 7urel Marc =+land Rosemar+ Mountain André Ristic Kori Wreedman Zoane =étu Diane Kabrosse Christian Calon Chantal Dumas Arturo Parra ]ric Rocheleau Ro:anne ?urcotte Scott 9dward 7odin Nicole Ki^ée Zustin Mariner _annicD Plamondon PatricD Saint6Denis Michel Wrigon Atlantic Peter Allen M> K> Altman 9mmanuel Serra "#$%#&'(!)'*& Orchestra, conducted b+ Zohn PolteD> A ?he worDs recorded were >an(e o= Pe$er &''en is the reci/ient of the 2003 Keo Award for aBest Musical Score in a Weature Kength Dramab, for F@o$e/ and Fa/net5 8anA Co@ou/&, Con(e/to =o/ G/hu Rwith soloist Zi Rong =uangU, Con(e/to =o/ Han1;in Rwith soloist Xi8ian ciaU and In(en&e and F@o$e/& Rwith soloists Xi86 ian cia and =eidi Qrut^enU> Wour worDs b+ )*r+ &r,*nini were recorded b+ the Kat8ian S+m/hon+ Armanini is also /artici/ating in the China6Canada Com/oser 9:change with Ne$ A&&o(iate Co-.o&e/& O= Kind and Kate/ and Con(e/to =o/ Han1;in> 0a1e 2 )i./*e' 0on2*3 4*+er recei8ed the Queenes 7olden Zubilee Medal on Webru6 ar+ 2f, 2003 as an outstanding Canadian> As guest /erformer, BaDer "ew to Za/an to /la+ the /iano /art of his worD g?he Mountainsg for an audience of f,000 at the Wunabashi Westi8al in Webruar+ 2003> A 8ersion of g?he Mountainsg for con6 cert band and /iano was commissioned b+ the Za/anese ?aDanawadai Band> =e has com/leted a !lm score for a"n8enting 7race ?ouching 7lor+b> ?his !lm will be featured in the o/ening e8ent of this +earJs Xancou8er Wilm Westi8al in Se/tember> =e has com/leted Canti(@e Fo/ LAan for 8iolin and /iano, commissioned for R+an Qarchut, and the orchestral 8ersion is in /rogress> =e has also !nished 0/eB @ude M S(he/No Fo/ T$o 8a/i-Oa&, a commission from Za/an> "n March Pe$er 4erringJs CA(@e& for four cellos and /iano was /remiered at a cello worDsho/ at the Kangle+ Commu6 nit+ Music School> "t was a combined commission b+ the KCMS and the Xan6 cou8er Cello Club> Berring is currentl+ worDing on a huintet for /iano and strings, commissioned b+ the same organisation, and set to be /re6 miered in Xictoria b+ the onl+6 rumoured6to6be6retired Purcell Quartet, with /ianist Kinda 7ould> =e has also been commissioned b+ the Xancou8er Chamber Choir to com/ose a carol for unaccom/anied chorus, entitled DeaPB en@A Son1> "t will be /remiered, along with submissions from three other com6 /osers, in December> ?he National Arts Centre Orchestra and Massed Choir, under the direction of Pinchas PucDerman, /erformed Ber6 ringJs A Canadian Lha.&odA as /art of a Canada Da+ concert at the NAC> "n Ma+, Berring recei8ed the Keo Award for best !lm score, documentar+, for Fuinea 0i1 C@uO, along with co6com6 /oser 9d =enderson> Co-.o&e/ Ne$& "o$n &ur)e will be 'ro*ect manager again this 3ear for the inno5ati5e en5i6 ronmental e5ent that he inaugurated last 3ear at the Sacred :orld Music <esti5al in =ancou5er> Based on the contem'la6 ti5e 'ractice of wal@ing the classical lab6 3rinthA the e5ent features continuous de5otional :orld Music throughout the afternoon and e5ening on No5ember C0 and CC> On No5ember CC at 3G00 'mA his /a01(inth$u&i7 for 'iano and strings will be 'remiered on the festi5al main6 stage b3 Hnsemble =i5antA with Cathe6 rine :ilson as the 'ianist and artistic director> All e5ents will be held at the Croatian Cultural Centre in =ancou5er> +$ris.o/$er &!e0dKs u'coming 'ro*ects include tra5elling to Bratisla5aA Slo5a@ia in No5ember for the H5enings of New Music <esti5alA where he will be s'ea@ing about Canadian music and 'er6 forming some of his own songs> On December MA Butter!eldKs audio installa6 tion entitled +a8i9ion o: ;ea8en91 T(ou= &e(& o'ens in the Nab at the Art Oaller3 of Oreater =ictoria for siP wee@s> Other 'ro*ects include a commission from MontrealKs <ibonacci Qrio for a 5er3 long RSC2 hourU 'iano trioA to be 'remiered sometime in the nePt two 3earsV settings of WacXues Pré5ertKs Con= te& %ou( en:ant& %a& &a-e& for =ancou6 5erKs Musica [ntima choir and Standing :a5e ensembleV and a 'iano 'iece for Q\en@a Diano5a6Hdwards> On Wune ]A 200^A the ]0th anni5ersar3 of D6Da3A Butter!eld will conduct the Orchestre Métro'olitain and the St> Nawrence Choir in Montreal> Qhe3 will 'erform his wor@ Con8o1 +>?@A which recei5ed its 'remiere in St> PetersburgA Russia in 200C> C Qhe =ancou5er S3m'hon3A conducted b3 Bramwell Qo5e3A will gi5e the 'rofes6 sional Canadian 'remiere of S.e/$en +$3.43n`s O8e( Tho(n& to Sta(& on No5ember 22 and 2^> Qhis is the orches6 tral 5ersion of +e( a&%e(a ad a&t(aA which was commissioned b3 the CBC for li5e broadcast on the !rst anni5ersar3 of the Se'tember CC attac@s> Co$%o&e( Ne*& Ju$a9i&ten Kou7LoA for SAQB and drumA was 'remiered December ChA 2002 and recorded for CBC Records in Wanuar3A 2003> Chatman`s Canada Council com6 mission Ca(o9& o: the Nati8it1 was 're6 miered b3 the PhoeniP Chamber Choir on December 2C and 22A 2002> Ti$e +ie7e&M for SAQB chorusA was released b3 HCSA Boston in MarchA 2003> Qwo boo@s of 'iano 'ieces were commis6 sioned in Wul3A 2003 b3 <rederic@ aarris Music> Chatman`s /a*(en SN ;a((i& Suite for 'iano XuintetA commissioned b3 the CBCA will be 'remiered at the Ottawa [nternational Chamber Music <esti5al on August ^A 2003> Qhe Oriana SingersA directed b3 :illiam BrownA will be 're6 miering a wor@ for SSA and 'iano on Ma3 iA 200^ in Qoronto> ae has also recei5ed a commission from the Missis6 sauga ChildrenKs ChoirA OntarioA for SSAA 'ianoA and 'ercussionA to be 're6 miered in Mississauga in Ma3 of 200^> Another Ma3 200^ 'remiere will be 're6 sented b3 the c''er Canada Choristers in Qoronto on the choir`s tenth anni5er6 sar3> [n No5emberA Chatman will be 'artici6 'ating in the China6Canada Com'oser HPchange> D 8os$e =en>urg is the reci'ient of a Canada Council Pro*ect Orant Award to com'ose a set of inter6cultural etudes> ae was the co6leaderjmanagerA along with :3nd@ :3ineA:eusB$A of the =an6 cou5er :orld Music Collecti5eKs kMusic for a New :orldl 'resentation at the =ancou5er <ol@ <esti5al> DenburgA Reusch and C0 other com'osers created the wor@ collaborati5el3V the 'ro*ect is being !lmed as a documentar3 to be screened internationall3> =3Cid =u)e has resigned as aead of the Music De'artment at =ancou5er Com6 munit3 CollegeA and will be on sabbati6 cal until 200^> ae has *ust !nished editing the notes for the Centrediscs recording of Barbara Pentland`s Com'oser Portrait 36CD set> +a-e . ais essa3 on Wean Coulthard`s Cello SonataA 2nd mo5ementA will be 'ub6 lished in The Antho9o-1 o: Eu&i7 01 Fo$en Co$%o&e(& b2nd editionA ed> Wames BriscoeA cni5ersit3 of [ndiana Pressd> ais new set of +iano Guet&A 'ublished b3 Ma3fair MusicA is scheduled to be released this summer> ae has com'osed +a&to(a9e nottu(no for double 'iano duet at the reXuest of Chin een NeeA and is !n6 ishing a set of guitar 'ieces> F 5ordon 6i.7e00`s wor@ 8io9en7e was 're6 miered b3 eighth blac@bird at the Nor6 fol@ Chamber Music <esti5al in Connecticut> Qhe grou' will also 'er6 form the wor@ across the cnited States during their 20036200^ concert season> One Canadian sto' is 'lanned for Octo6 ber 2CA 2003A courtes3 of the =ancou5er Chamber Music Societ3> G 5o.9ri.Ks a''lication for a solo CD of what he refers to as fnarrati5e electroacoustic musicf has been acce'ted b3 the Centrediscs Artists and Re'ertoire Committee> ae has com'leted a new li5e 'erfor6 mance wor@ for interacti5e s3stems which is eP'ected to be 'remiered in the u'coming season> K Qhe Qurning Point HnsembleA conducted b3 Owen cnderhillA is 'resenting a con6 cert in which half the re'ertoire is b3 :udo09 ;o4orous< including a new wor@ entitled St(an-e S%he(e> ais hour6 long electroacoustic 'iece /i&tenin- to the Hain was featured in the <ree Radi6 cals <esti5al in Montreal this s'ring> Qhe re'ertoire will be recorded for a CD> Qhe Montreal ensemble gore is 'resent6 ing a half6'rogram of gomorous` musicA including the o'era /ad1 I9an7a Ho&a and the new 'iece +oint no +oint> Pianist H5e Hgo3an is recording the hour6long wor@ Fu> Co$%o&e( Ne*& " "he Chamber Choir di-ision o0 "he 1an2 cou-er Chi5dren6s Choir 7remieres Rupert Lang6s +i0-(i$ Son- at 9esti-a5 1ancou-er6s :;a5ute to <C Com7osers= concert> on ?ugust A at ;tB ?ndrew6s2 Wes5ey Fnited ChurchB 9rom ?ugust GA to GH> in ;anta CruI> Ca5i0ornia> the Crysta5 Chi5dren6s Choir o0 ;an 9rancisco wi55 be worJing on some o0 LangLs com7ositions MCantate 4o$ino5 +i0-(i$ Son-5 Su(&u$ Co(da and 89i Ca(ita&N in their summer music cam7 and worJsho7 0or teachersB ?s 7art o0 its OPth anni-ersary season ce5ebrations> the 1ancou-er Chi5dren6s Choir wi55 sing Lang6s S%i(it o: the Chi0d on No-ember R at West 1ancou-er Fnited Church> where the choir was origina55y 0oundedB Jacqueline Leggatt is current5y com2 7osing a new worJ which wi55 be 7re2 miered by the 1ancou-er Chinese Music Tnsemb5eB Ramona Luengen was one o0 0our com2 7osers in-o5-ed in 1ancou-er U7era6s Com7oser WorJsho7B ;he directs the VhoeniW Chamber Choir> whose newest CX> <i=e :(o$ >u(o%e> was recorded 5ast year during a tour o0 Yermany and LuW2 embourg> and re5eased Zust be0ore Christmas OPPOB "he doub5e CX set inc5udes O &@&&e& <iAht by Luengen> A-neau de 4ieu by Rupert Lang> and worJs by [arai> Nystedt> Ligeti> Mawby> M\ntyZ\r-i> ;choenberg> 1i55ette> ]ath2 bone and TdenrothB Leila Lustig was one o0 three com7osers who 7artici7ated in the OPP^ Com7oser2 Librettist Laboratory> a co55aboration between Vaci!c U7era 1ictoria and "a72 estry New U7era WorJs M"orontoNB WorJing with three west coast 75ay2 wrights> each com7oser wrote an aria and recitati-e> a duet and a _uartet based on 0ront 7age news7a7er storiesB "he Co$%o&e( Ne*& resu5ting music was rehearsed and 7er2 0ormed by 7ro0essiona5 singers and re7e2 titeursB M "he Colin MacDonald VocJet Urches2 tra MCo5in MacXona5d> so7rano saWo2 7hone` "ony <erna5> -io5in` ;arah WestwicJ> -io5in` Manti Voon> -io5a` 9inn Manniche> ce55oN wi55 be 7er0orm2 ing at the 1ancou-er ?rt Ya55ery on "hursday> No-ember A> OPP^ at abPP 7m> as 7art o0 the Western 9rontLs Fnder TW7osure seriesB "hree com7ositions by MacXona5d wi55 be inc5uded on the 7ro2 gramb F0o* <iDe Eate( and FeaAhin- :o( G$$o(ta0itH 0or so7rano saWo7hone and string _uartet> and +aD A0it 0or unaccom2 7anied so7rano saWo7honeB MacXona5d6s current 7roZects inc5ude a set o0 -ariations 0or chamber ensemb5e based u7on characters 0rom <ritish author Nei5 YaimanLs gra7hic seria5 The Sand$an> entit5ed The >nd0e&& Ja(iaK tion&B "his worJ wi55 be 7remiered by Tnsemb5e ;ym7osium in ?7ri5 OPPcB MacXona5d is creating a chora5 setting o0 7oems 0rom Norman 9ischerLs O%eninto LouM A NenKin&%i(ed T(an&0ation o: the +&a0$&> 7remiere "<?B "his year wi55 marJ the retirement o0 Ian McDougall 0rom the Fni-ersity o0 1ic2 toria` he continues to be a0!5iated with the Music ;choo5 as Vro0essor TmeritusB Un the e-ening o0 March H> OPP^> the 0acu5ty and students o0 the music schoo5 7resented an e-ening o0 McXouga55Ls com7ositions> which 0eatured a 7remiere 7er0ormance o0 the duo 0or tenor trom2 bone and bass trombone> entit5ed Th(ee Ji-nette& and a Ja(iationB 9or this 7er2 0ormance> the 7art o0 the bass trombone was 7er0ormed on the tuba by Tugene Xow5ing> with McXouga55 on tromboneB "he West Coast ?mateur Music ;ociety recent5y commissioned McXouga55 to write a concert 7iece 0or themB "he 7re2 miere 7er0ormance o0 the new worJ> entit5ed Ce0e9(ation and Son-> tooJ +a-e . 75ace at "rinity Western Fni-ersity on du5y OAB Un Uctober ^ and c> at the Ce55ar in 1an2 cou-er> there wi55 be a CX re5ease e-ent o0 the new ean McXouga55 ;eWtet CXB ? new com7osition o0 McXouga55Ls is inc5uded on this CX> entit5ed Oa(9P& O0ue&B McXouga55 has begun worJ on a con2 certo 0or saWo7hone and orchestra> com2 missioned by du5ia No5an and the C<C 1ancou-er UrchestraB O John Oliver attended the Wor5d ;aWo2 7hone Congress in du5y to hear two 7re2 mieresb Cha&e the QoneH 0or a5to saWo7hone> and Rot Su$$e( Ni-ht& 0or so7rano and so7rano saWo7honeB His o7era A0te(nate Ji&ion& wi55 be 7roduced by Montrea5Ls Lyric U7era com7any> Chants Libres> in OPPcB "he <orea5is ;tring guartet and Iheng 75ayer Mei Han ha-e commissioned a worJ 0or Iheng and string _uartet which wi55 be 7re2 miered at the 1ancou-er Chamber Music 9esti-a5 in the summer o0 OPPcB "he 1ancou-er ;ym7hony has commis2 sioned a new worJ> which wi55 be 7re2 miered by the orchestra in ?7ri5 OPPcB Music in the Morning has commissioned a worJ 0or c5assica5 guitar and Iheng to be 7remiered by U5i-er Mon guitarN and Mei Han at their Com7osers and Co00ee series on ?7ri5 OG> OPPcB "he 1ancou-er Yuitar guartet commissioned a new worJ to be 7remiered in OPPc and recorded 0or an a552Canadian CXB 1icto2 ria guitarist ?5eWander Xunn commis2 sioned a new concerto 0or guitar and string orchestraB "he 1ancou-er <ach Choir commissioned two short chora5 worJsB "he 5atter three worJs are await2 ing !rst 7er0ormanceB R Imant Raminsh was a 75enary s7eaJer on :Tarth Chant> ;ong o0 the ;tars h Une Co$%o&e( Ne*& Com%oser)s *ttem%ts to ,ring 0ogether 2arth and Hea6en7 at the 8henomenon o9 :inging :ym%osium in :t= >ohn?s@ NewC 9oundDand@ in Date >une= :eDections 9rom his song cycDes@ Th(ee S%ani&h 45(i6&7 O9 :othe(& and Chi=d(en7 and $o&t thi& a$a>in- da5 were %er9ormed by Gr= >ane LeibeD Iso%ranoJ and Gr= 0om Kordon I%ianoJ= Lther recent %er9ormances incDude ?4O@ ABA at a church music sym%osium in Mandung@ West >a6a@ OndonesiaP Bn the Ni-ht De Sha== ?o Bn@ %er9ormed by the Qansas City ChoraDe at the Chorus *merica con6ention in Qansas City in earDy >uneP and another %er9ormance o9 ?4OABA by the West Coast *mateur Musicians :ociety at 0rinity Western Sni6ersity in >uDy= Maminsh recentDy com%Deted a string Tuartet commissioned by the QeDowna Chamber Music :ociety@ which wiDD be %remiered by the ,oreaDis :tring UuarC tet= *nother recentDy !nished worV@ The She%he(d&E Ca(o=@ was com%osed in ceDC ebration o9 8hiDi% ,runeDDe)s WX years with the 8Dymouth Music :eries in MinC nea%oDis= Maminsh is currentDy writing a worV entiC tDed Sin-in- Son-& o9 So((o*7 Son-& o9 Fo5 9or the :eiDer :trings= He has been commissioned to write a worV 9or the Lrianan :ingers o9 0oronto@ based on %oetry by schooD chiDdren= His chiDdren)s o%era The Ni-htin-a=e is stiDD in %rogress= Robert Rosen and !6e other Canadian com%osers ha6e been commissioned by the Windsor :ym%hony Lrchestra to write worVs based on the %oetry o9 CanaC dian author MichaeD LndaatYe= Mosen)s worV Dhi&%e(& o9 Date( was recentDy reDeased on a new CG by HornC bDower Mecordings= 0he %er9ormance 9eatures 8armeDa *ttariwaDa on 6ioDa@ >ames Cam%beDD on cDarinet and 2d HanC Dey on tabDa= He has recei6ed a commisC sion to create a worV 9or 2nsembDe MesC onance= Ot wiDD be 9or so%rano@ bass cDarinet@ 6ioDin@ %iano and eDectronics= Co$%o&e( Ne*& 0he CaDgary Zouth Lrchestra wiDD be %erC 9orming Mosen)s 4e Sa6(e de Ge%hae&tu& on their tour to New [eaDand this coming season= :e6eraD o9 his worVs wiDD be %erC 9ormed at the Cantai \esti6aD in 0aiwan= Jeffrey Ryan is continuing as com%oserC inCresidence with the ]ancou6er :ymC %hony Lrchestra= Ln March ^_@ ^``W@ the ]:L and ,ramweDD 0o6ey ga6e a %ubDic reading session o9 se6eraD o9 his orchestraD worVs= S%coming commisC sions incDude a string Tuartet@ commisC sioned by Music 0oronto 9or the *rditti :tring UuartetP a worV 9or choir and string Tuartet@ commissioned by the *D9red Chamber :ingersP and another worV 9or the ]:L as %art o9 his resiC dency= S Rodney Sharman has been named ^``W 8auD \DecV \eDDow in Music at Leighton :tudios@ ,an99 Centre 9or the *rts= Frederick Schipi7ky was the com%oser in residence o9 the a8innacDea summer strings %rogram at Carson Kraham :ecC ondary :chooD in North ]ancou6er 9rom >uDy bc to bd= :chi%ieVy teamed u% with 9acuDty member and ceDDist Heather Hay@ to %er9orm his FiJe Ki-nette& 9or ceDDo and bass on >uDy bdth= His :editation and Lan6e was %er9ormed by seDected students= Tobin Stokes had a new choraD worV@ Sa=i&h Suite@ %er9ormed by the Lrebro Chamber Choir on tour in :weden durC ing May and >une= He was the reci%ient o9 a >esse *ward 9or Lutstanding ComC %osition and :ound Gesign 9or his music 9or the %roduction o9 fMary)s Wedding7 at the ]ancou6er 8Dayhouse and the ,eDC 9ry 0heatre in ]ictoria= Gea( M& Sin-@ a choraD commission by the ,C ChoraD \ederation@ was sung by choirs aDD around the %ro6ince as %art o9 the cuDC turaD com%onent o9 ]ancou6er)s ^`b` LDym%ic ,id= +a-e . :toVes is now in the midst o9 com%osing music 9or a !Dm 9or the Gisco6ery ChanC neD@ as weDD as 9or the third !Dm in a series o9 !Dms 9or the NationaD \iDm ,oard= # Barry Trua;)s music is to be 9eatured in an octo%honic concert at the Musica ]i6a 9esti6aD in Coimbra@ 8ortugaD@ this :e%C tember= $ Owen >nderhill has been commisC sioned by 0oronto)s *MM*ZMS:OC ensembDe 9or a new worV which wiDD be %remiered on Lctober bg in 0oronto= He wiDD be conducting the 9uDD %rogramme= % Hildegard Besterkamp reDeased her new CG Bnto BndiaN a Co$%o&e(E& Fou(@ ne5 on the earsay DabeD at a s%eciaD Daunch %arty at the Western \ront on No6ember bst@ ^``^= Charles Bilson is com%Deting a triDogy o9 8assion cantatas= 0he cantatas 9or 8aDm :unday and Kood \riday are !nC ished and he is currentDy worVing on The Ae&u((e6tion@ an 2aster cantata= He is re6ising his oratorio The An-e=& o9 the Oa(th and other worVs 9rom the b_h`s= & Dhuo Rui Shi was nominated 9or a Leo *ward 9or eiceDDence in the category o9 fMusicaD :core *nimation 8rogram or :eries7 by the Motion 8icture *rts and :ciences \oundation o9 ,ritish CoDumC bia= 0he nomination is 9or The Chine&e Kio=inP [huo is aDso %artici%ating in the ChinaC Canada Com%oser 2ichange= Co$%o&e( Ne*& "#ituaries Euphrosyne ,ee-er .une /0 1/1/ .anuary 340 3554 !!"#$%&'()*+!,++-+&!$.((+/!.0.)!1*! !!%'($12.3!.-2+&!.!(%'&2!133*+((4!! !!"#$%&'()*+5!.*!6(('71.2+!8'9: !!$'(+&!'-!2%+!8.*./1.*!;#(17!8+*2&+5!! !!0.(!.3('!.!$1.*'!.*/!2%+'&)!2+.7%+&4 !!".&31+&!1*!31-+!(%+!0.(!.!(1*<+&!.*/ !!1*(2	+*2.31(25!.*/!$#&(#+/!7'9$'(1: !!!21'*!.-2+&!&.1(1*<!.!/1(21*<#1(%+/!-.913)4!! !!=%+!0.(!.!>++*!-'33'0+&!'-!9#(17.3! !!.*/!.&21(217!%.$$+*1*<(!1*!?.*7'#@+& !!.*/!.!<&.71'#(!-&1+*/!2'!9.*)!$+'$3+4! !!A+.*!8'#32%.&/!./91&+/!%+&!3)&17.3 !!(+*(+!.*/!2%+!B+.#21-#3!('*<(!(%+! !!0&'2+4!! !!C+7+*2!.721@121+(!1*73#/+/!$.&2171$.: !!21'*!1*!2%+!D8!EFFF!;133+**1.3!=+&1+( !!0'&>(%'$!.2!2%+!8+*2&+5!0%+&+!20' !!0''/01*/!/#'(!$&+91+&+/!%+&!7'9: !!91((1'*+/!0'&>!.o0di0oc3s4 5oun, "ffender4! !!G"#$%&'()*+G!1(!2%+!H&++>!0'&/!-'&! !!I')5!.*/!1*/++/!(%+!B&'#<%2!I')!2'!9.: !!*)!$+'$3+!012%!%+&!3)&17.3!9#(17!.*/ !!+*2%#(1.(94!!J2!1(!%.&/!2'!B+31+@+!%+& !!1&&+$&+((1B3+!($1&12!1(!*'!3'*<+&!012%! !!#(4!=%+!0133!B+!91((+/4 "bituaries 6rthur 8ud:ig Polson ?arch 30 1/4A February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Pa,e 9 Patricia Elom-ield Golt Heptember 1I0 1/15 .une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bituaries ! Com%osers and Music 0d1ocates 3or4ing 6oget7er A note from Colin Miles, Regional Director -n /0 opinion4 in B#C#4 t7ere is a need to i/prove t7e <eve< of discourse betAeen co/posers and a<< t7ose A7o 7o<d up a /irror to t7eir creative AorBC critics4 Dourna<ists4 sc7o<ars4 /usic 7istorians4 /usic t7eorists4 perfor/ers4 broadcastE ers4 /usicE<overs and /usic advocates4 etc# - Aas de<i)7ted t7at F<ena "rsu accepted our invitation to describe t7e discourse betAeen co/posers and /usiE co<o)ists in &o/ania# - be<ieve t7is /ode< cou<d be adapted for use in a Canadian co//unit0 Ai<<in) to create a foru/ for discussion betAeen t7ose A7o create and t7ose A7o stud0 and advocate /usic# - 7ope t7is artic<e Ai<< sti/u<ate discussion# The Romanian League of Composers and Musicologists b0 F<ena "rsu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ain objectives!(H7e Statute of t7e "#C#%#&4 C7apter 24 Krt#2)C! 1.!"&!02&'&7$!&2*,*)(6!'-1*5(6!()3!'-1*< 5&6&,*5(6!>(6-$1=!*)!7#$!5&-)72D!()3! (C2&(3: 2. "&!02&7$57!7#2&-,#!*71!&@)!'$()1!7#$! '&2(6!()3!'(7$2*(6!*)7$2$171!&.!*71!'$'< C$21: 3.!"&!(3>&5(7$=!&2!172*>$!.&2=!7#$!1&5*(6! 17(7-1!&.!7#$!5&'0&1$21!()3!'-1*5&6&< ,*171=!(55&23*),!7&!7#$*2!5&)72*C-7*&)!7&! 7#$!3$>$6&0'$)7!&.!7#$!%&'()*()!/-6< 7-2$: 4. "&!02&'&7$!7#$!5-67-2(6!0(72*'&)D=!7&! $)5&-2(,$!7#$!(-7#$)7*5!52$(7*>$!*))&>(< "#C#%#&# tion in all the musical genres and to su12 1ort the musicological research in its man3 areas4 "# 5o encourage the creation of im1ortant wor8s through ac9uisitions :the ;4C4M4R being the bu3er of these wor8s@A 1riBesA contests for musical com2 1osition and 1erformanceA through 1ro2 Ciding 1rofessional su11ort to national and international musical festiCals4 $# 5o 1romote relationshi1s with similar 1rofessional organiBations from other countries4 %# 5o as8 the Romanian goCernment for subCentions and commissionsA for schol2 arshi1sA and for the right to wor8 within the frame of its cultural conCentions with other countries4 Statute and to su11ort ;4C4M4R4Ls actionsE to contribute through creation and moral behaCior@ as the life membersA eMce1ting the right to be elected in the Council and as the SectionsL leaders4 Also the3 donLt haCe the right to Cote4 also recommendA in writingA musicians who want to become members of the ;4C4M4R4 5he honorar3 members are 1restigious 1ersonalities from Romania and other countriesA who 1romote Romanian musi2 cal and musicological CaluesA and are a11roCed b3 the CouncilA indiCiduall3A with two thirds of the Cotes of the total members4 >unds and assets ,The Statute o4 the "#C#%# Cha6te7G 88 D :9 Members, rights and duties ,The Stat1 ute o4 the "#C#%# Cha6te7 8889 5he actiCit3 of both the members in good standing and the members on 1robation ta8es 1lace within !Ce SectionsD 5here are three categories of ;4C4M4R4 membershi1sD 5# Members on good standing :life mem2 bers@E 6# Members on 1robationE 7# Fonorar3 members4 5he good standing :life@ membershi1 is granted b3 the ;4C4M4R4 Council onl3 to members who haCe reached the end of the minimum 1eriod of 1robation :from two to !Ce 3ears@4 Gife membershi1 must be recommended in writing b3 the Sec2 tion in which the members of 1robation are actiCe :Com1osition andIor Musicol2 og3@45he members on 1robation haCe to be a11roCed b3 the Council with a sim2 1le maJorit3 of the attending members4 5he3 are currentl3 recruited from the graduate students in Com1osition and Musicolog3 and haCe to 1resent original wor8s created after the com1letion of their academic studies4 Kraduate stu2 dents from other Musical Sections of Romanian ;niCersitiesA as well as gifted indiCiduals without adCanced or com2 1leted musical studies are also wel2 comedA when the3 1roCe a sustained interest in a s1eci!c area and 1roduce Caluable wor8s4 5he members on 1robation haCe the same rights :to bene!t from !nancial su11ort before and after retirement@ and the same duties :to obserCe ;4C4M4R4Ls "#C#%#& 8rgani9ation and ;unctioning ,The Statute o4 the "#C#%# Cha6te7 8:5 A7t#+<9 5# S3m1honicA chamberA o1eraA balletA and instrumental theater4 6# Po1A JaBBA and roc8 musicA musical and o1eretta4 7# ChoralA educational and sacred music4 =# Band music :organiBed within the !rst Section mentioned aboCe@4 "# Musicolog3A critic of artA and ethno2 musicolog34 ,The Statute o4 the "#C#%# Cha6te7 8:1 O7)ani@ation and FunCtionin)5 A7t#+<9 5he actiCit3 within each Section is co2 ordinated b3 a Secretar3A who is elected from the CouncilLs members through ballotA and with absolute maJorit3 of the SectionLs members4 Qn order to accom2 1lish hisIher tas8sA the Secretar3 co2 o1erates with the SectionLs members4 5hese elected members haCe to discuss and establish in writing the artistic Calue of the musical and musicological wor8s :eMce1ting the stage and !lm music@ that are 1resented to them4 De1ending on their conclusionsA the3 can recommend remunerationA 1ublishingA and 1riBes to be awarded b3 the ;4C4M4R4 or b3 other Romanian institutions4 5he Sections can recommend that other institutions :related to the entertainment industr3 and to media@ 1romote what the3 consider to be master1ieces4 5he3 'a)e ++ ,The Statute o4 the "#C#%# Cha6te7 8:1 O7)ani@ation and FunCtionin)5 A7t +< D EF9 Qn order to stimulateA 1ublish and mar8et the musical and musicological wor8sA to grant awards and 1ensionsA to adCertise its actiCit3 in Romania and abroadA and to su11ort other actiCities recommended b3 the CouncilA ;4C4M4R4 gets funds fromD 5# Dues 1aid b3 life members and mem2 bers on 1robation and established b3 the CouncilE 6# Pro!ts from ;4C4M4R4Ls 1ublications :the magaBines SMuBicaT and SActuali2 tatea muBicalaS@E the editorshi1 is rec2 ommended b3 the Musicolog3 Section and named and reCo8ed b3 the CouncilE 7# Pro!ts from subordinated economic units such as the store chain SMuBicaTA MuBica Publishing FouseA ;4C4M4R4 Printing Fouse and the Ulectroacoustic StudioE =# Donations and s1onsorshi1sE "# Vunds from ;4C4M4R4 W A4D4A4 :;4C4M4R4Ls own Association for Co132 right@E o1en to $# Romanian and foreign authorsE in charge with the collecting and the 1a32 ment of the ro3alties@4 Qn XYY2A ;4C4M4R4 became againA after !Ce decades of forced communismA a mem2 ber of the C4Q4S4A4C4 :Qnternational Con2 federation of the Societ3 of Authors and Com1osers@ as it was in XY30E %# X0] from the gross amount 1aid b3 ;4C4M4R4 :Com1osers and Musicolo2 gists@ to authors2members for eCer3 wor8 recommended for ac9uisition within its SectionsE ?# SubCentions from the State budget4 After the Romanian ReColutionA :December XYY0@A ;4C4M4R4 became af!liated with S4Q4M4C4 Qts Section W S4N4R4IS4Q4M4C :Q4S4C4M4@W is an eMam2 1le of how the com1osersA musicologistsA broadcastersA Journalists and editors :all ;4C4M4R4Ls members@ coo1erate to 1ro2 mote contem1orar3 music4 "#C#%#&# Ca$endar 200+ This calendar highlights performances of Canadian music in B.C. and performances of music by B.C. composers wherever they occur. It is not comprehensive. "#nu#r' 14 - "ob Mc'en*ie /ndi-o for solo trombone ,red /tride 2$ue4 56i4ode4 1wen 3nderhi55 T(o89one :uintet new wor- b. 6ohn 15i7er for trombone/ string 2uartet/ fretless guitar and elec7 tronics PR:M<:R: =erem. Ber-man/ trombone? Sheila McDonald C Rebecca Dhitling/ Eiolins? Reg Quiring/ Eiola? Pegg. Gee/ cello? =ohn OliEer/ guitarI JancouEer Communit. College <(e6eated =anua(> .? at @2C SBhoo$ oD Eu4iBF =anua(> .G at Han-$e> Co88uI nit> Eu4iB SBhoo$J 29 - "odney /harman The An-$o 8 - 6ohn 15i7er `aVen Stea$4 the Hi-ht 31 - 6e88rey "yan The Hau(e$4 Din7 8 - /te>hen Chatman ]a(iation4 on niLeg New Music NestiEal? Charlene Pauls/ soLrano? Mel Braun/ baritone? members of the DinniLeg S.mLhon. Orchestra/ Michelle Mourre/ conductorI DinniLeg/ MB aTo8e on the `an-eb Borealis String QuartetI Nelson <(e6eated Fe9c .+ at [un9a( Co88unit> Cent(eF ]anBouVe(F and Fe9c .R at @2CF ]anBouVe(J 8 - Michae5 Conway Fa@er _Vhe 31 - /te>hen Chatman The @(BhinU4 Mountains_ from Th(ou-h the Hion4 Mate Michael Conwa. Ba-er/ Liano? Nunabashi NestiEal Orchestra/ Mr` \a.o/ conductorI Nunabashi/ =APAN [anBe TniEersit. of AriYona Choir/ Bruce Chamberlain/ directorI PhoeniZ/ AriYona/ TSA <(e6eated Fe9(ua(> . in SBott4da$eF A(i\onaJ 15 - 6e88rey "yan eBBe ho8o S.m7 Lhon. New Brunswic-/ DaEid Nallis/ conductorI Saint =ohn/ NB OreLeated =an7 uar. PQ in Moncton/ NBR 18 - 6oan Hansen TKo SundanBe4 Canadian ReLertoire Concert? Rosal.n Soo Mauldin/ LianoI =ac-son/ Seorgia/ TSA 21-24 1wen 3nderhi55 The Lidenin- M>(e PR:M<:R: Vurning Point :nsembleI JancouEer 24 - "odney /harman Sti$$ Hi-ht I FanI Da(e Do( Chihu$> DinniLeg New Music NestiEal? DinniLeg S.mLhon. Orches7 tra/ Andre. Bore.-o/ conductorI Centen7 nial Wall/ DinniLeg/ MB 23 - 6e88rey "yan ADte( Sto(8 and An-e$ine on O44a9aK Canadian Cham7 ber Choir/ <wan :dwards/ conductorI Earious locations/ MB <(e6eated =anua(> )QF )R and )?J (e*ru#r' 1 - 6e88rey "yan ,an-aea DinniLeg New Music NestiEal? DinniLeg S.m7 Lhon. Orchestra/ Andre. Bore.-o/ con7 ductorI DinniLeg/ MB 8 - Michae5 Conway Fa@er 3rd moEe7 ment _Siguiri.as_ from Ta(6 ConBe(to Rita ConstanYi/ harL? Regina S.mLhon./ Jictor Sawa/ conductorI Regina/ S\ 14 - Farry IruaJ Te86$eI Concordia TniEersit./ Montréal/ PQ 14 - Michae5 Conway Fa@er _Vhe Moshe Benburg Ani EaIa8in =in [hang The Ci(B$in- JancouEer <ntercul7 tural Orchestra/ =in [hang/ conductorI CaLilano College/ North JancouEer Mountains_ from Th(ou-h the Hion4 Mate Michael Conwa. Ba-er/ Liano? \wantlen College BandI Surre. 5-8 Eeter Hannan The [iana Cantata Mod7 ern Baro2ue OLera/ \ate Wutchinson/ directorI JancouEer :ast Cultural Cen7 tre/ JancouEer 6 - 6e88rey "yan ]io$et C(u89$e Din7 niLeg S.mLhon. Orchestra/ Michelle Mourre/ conductorI Centennial Concert Wall/ DinniLeg/ MB 6 - Michae5 Conway Fa@er ,(e$ude ^ SBhe(\o Do( TKo Ea(i89a4 PR:M<:R:I Nunabashi/ =APAN 7 - /te>hen Chatman Eu4iB Do( TKo 26 - "on Hannah Tund(ed4 and ThouI 8 - 6oce5yn Mor5oc@ `eVenant Burne. Ca$enda( )**+ Vhunder Ba. S.mLhon./ StéLhane Gaforest/ conductorI Vhunder Ba./ ON 2 - Mar@ Armanini SaB(ed F$oKe(4 25 - "odney /harman Anthe8S ,a44I in- oD the C$ai8ant Canadian Chamber Choir/ <wan :dwards/ conductorI Cen7 tennial Wall/ DinniLeg/ MB 4and4 Susan Xoung/ soLranoI TniEersit. of Jictoria/ Jictoria ] 7 G55iot Weisgarber No(thu89(ian 5$e-> \amlooLs S.mLhon./ Bruce Dunn/ conductorI \amlooLs Tan-o Vhalia M.ers/ LianoI Dilfrid Gaurier TniEersit./ Daterloo/ ON <(e6eated =anua(> +. at :ueenU4 @niVe(I 4it>F Win-4tonF ONY Fe9(ua(> Q at @niI Ve(4it> oD To(ontoF ONY Fe9(ua(> G at EBMi$$ @niVe(4it>F Eont(Za$F ,:J A$to Sa_o6hone4 Woll. DeCaign. and Gena Cuglietta/ saZoLhonesI TBC/ Jan7 couEer :nsembleI TBC Recital Wall/ JancouEer ,a-e .) 16 - 6acKue5ine Leggatt 2> a(e in Ve(> nod PR:M<:R: Standing DaEeI Jan7 couEer :ast Cultural Centre/ JancouEer 21 - Mar@ Armanini 2$ue M(een CanI >on4 JancouEer Suitar QuartetI Point Sre. Tnited Church/ JancouEer 22 - "u>ert Lang ,i$-(i8 Son- Jan7 couEer Cantata Singers/ :ric Wannan/ conductorI R.erson Tnited Church/ Jan7 couEer <(e6eated Fe9(ua(> )+J 22 - 6ean Cou5thard A Linte(U4 Ta$e \amlooLs Chamber S.mLhon./ Bruce Dunn/ conductorI \amlooLs 26 - Farry IruaJ /4$and/ and wor-s b. Martin Fart5ett/ 'eith Hame5/ Siorgio Magnanensi/ "obert Eritchard Sonic Boom NestiEalI Scotiaban- Dance Cen7 tre/ JancouEer Ca$enda( )**+ 28 - "y$%ia (ic*ard /o(oth3 ,a(4e( Son-6 Barbara &bbeson+ me--o so.rano/ Rachel 4waasa+ .iano7 Round: house+ ;ancou<er 12-20 27 - ;e<<rey (yan A>te( Sto(P Canadian "te:hen Chatman /ue No(th ;al: .araiso Ini<ersitD Chorale+ Horraine Brugh+ director7 <arious locations+ ISA Chamber Choir+ 4wan &dwards+ conduc: tor7 <arious locations+ PQ 8(e:eated ;a(Bh )WK )X= 28 - Michae$ Conway 4a*er Contou(6 14 - 4arry CruaD TeP:$e7 Simon Uraser 29 - =in ]hang Gea(t 9h3Pe PR&: =oel Quarrington+ contrabass7 Orleans+ ON 89e:eated ;a(<)= Ini<ersitD+ BurnabD 28 - Michae$ Conway 4a*er Sonata Ge(e &leFtra QomenTs Choir7 RDerson Inited Church+ ;ancou<er >o( F$ute @ ,iano CathrDn CernausFas+ !ute7 Ca.ilano College+ North ;ancou: <er 28 - worF bD Murray 6das*in Sonic Hab7 Ini<ersitD of ;ictoria+ ;ictoria 28 - (odney "harman SBa($attiana ;ictoria SDm.honD+ Alain Lrudel+ conductor7 Qualicum Beach Ci<ic Cen: tre+ Qualicum Beach "#r%& 2 - Mar* 6rmanini PR&M4&R& FiCe Son-6 o> DnnoBenBe OtePt7 Qilliam BlaFeR CCD Lrio7 Queens A<enue Inited Church+ New Qestminster 2 - "te:hen Chatman The(e D6 SFeet ;u6iB Ge(e Lhe Butler Chorale7 4ndia: na.olis+ 4ndiana+ ISA 5 - ;e<<rey (yan Hi6ion6 o> Io3 ;ancou: <er SDm.honD Orchestra+ Bramwell Lo<eD+ conductor7 ;ancou<er 8(e:eated ;a(Bh JK .)K and .+= 7 - ;oan Hansen TFo SundanBe6 Music &ducatorsT National Conference7 Pro<i: dence+ Rhode 4sland+ ISA 7 - "te:hen Chatman The(e D6 SFeet ;u6iB Ge(e Omaha Chamber Singers+ Da<id Batter+ director7 Omaha+ NebrasFa+ ISA 8 - (udo$< >omorous Li6tenin- to the 9ain OMBI Uree Radicals Uesti<al7 Montréal+ PQ 15 - Erederic* "chi:iF*y S:(in- i6 15 - "te:hen Chatman Q$aB4 and Rhite Fanta63 Christine WoshiFawa+ .iano7 Ca.:de:la:Madeleine+ PQ 15-17 worFs bD >eith Hame$+ 4ruce GennyH coo*+ 4rent Lee and others/ X&MS7 McXill Ini<ersitD+ Montréal+ PQ 16 - ;ohn J$i%er /(iCen PR&M4&R& &nsemble SDm.osium/ =ohn Oli<er+ guest .erformerYcom.oser7 Qestern Uront+ ;ancou<er 22 - (odney "harman The Sa(den Rachel 4waasa+ .ianoY<oice7 Lhe Qestern Uront+ ;ancou<er 22 - 4arry CruaD D6$and+ Melbourne SDm.osium on Acoustic &cologD7 Mel: bourne+ AISLRAH4A 22 - ;e<<rey (yan ,(o$o-ueT TFo Gou6eho$d6 "te:hen Chatman CuB4oo Aere* Ho$man O ;i6t(e66 ;ine (obert E$eming The ;e(Bhant o> HeniBe >eith 4isse$$ TFo Son-6 >(oP Sha4e6:ea(e Harry Ereedman CoPe AFa3K /eath and Si-h No ;o(e Ladie6 and Dt Fa6 a LoCe( and hi6 La66 and O ;i6t(e66 ;ine and The Rind and the 9ain/ Ini<ersitD of ;ictoria Chamber Singers+ Bruce More+ director7 StZ AndrewTs Cathedral+ ;icto: ria 24 - Michae$ Conway 4a*er [Lhe M4&R& BC Chinese Orchestra+ =in ]hang+ conductor7 Chan Centre for the Performing Arts+ ;ancou<er 29 - "te:hen Chatman The(e i6 6Feet Pu6iB he(e Lhe Ini<ersitD College of the Cariboo/ Bruce Dunn+ director7 ICC Acti<itD Centre+ Camloo.s 29 - "te:hen Chatman TFo 9o66etti Son-6 Ini<ersitD of Hethbridge Singers+ Xeorge &<elDn+ director7 Hethbridge+ AB 29 - Michae$ CL Maguire Sot that B(aY3 LatinZ;eta$ >ee$in[ Howard 4ashaw The C3B$e o> St(en-th 4rent Lee Ci(Badia/ Xiorgio Magnanensi+ con: ductor7 ;ancou<er PlaDhouse+ ;ancou<er 30 - ;ose M%ange$ista S3P:honie ;inute Manitoba Chamber Orchestra+ RoD Xoodman+ conductor7 Chan Centre+ ;ancou<er 30 - ;e<<rey (yan Hi6ion6 o> Io3 ;an: cou<er SDm.honD Orchestra+ Bramwell Lo<eD+ conductor7 ;ancou<er 30 - (odney "harman SBa($attiana+ ;ictoria SDm.honD Orchestra+ Alain Lrudel+ conductor7 Ini<ersitD of ;icto: ria+ ;ictoria 8(e:eated ;a(Bh +.= '(ri* 2 - ;oan Hansen He(tiBa$ Land6Ba:e6 RosalDn Soo Mauldin+ .iano7 School of Music+ Ini<ersitD of ;ictoria+ ;ictoria 2 - Erederic* "chi:iF*y S3P:hon3 \) Orchestra Hondon Canada+ WannicF Ne-et:Seguin+ conductor7 Centennial ^all+ Hondon+ ON 8(e:eated A:(i$ += dian /anBe6 Camloo.s SDm.honD+ Bruce Dunn+ conductor/ Camloo.s Mountains\ from Th(ou-h the Lion6 Sate Michael ConwaD BaFer+ .iano/ LaFanawadai Concert Band/ MrZ LaFanawada+ conductor7 Ca.ilano Col: lege+ North ;ancou<er 8 - @an McAouga$$ se<eral worFs 27 - ;oan Hansen He(tiBa$ Land6Ba:e6 6 - "te:hen Chatman _MD S.irit Sang including Th(ee Hi-nette6 and a Ha(iaN tion &ugene Dowling+ tuba/ 4an McDou: gall+ trombone7 Ini<ersitD of ;ictoria PR&M4&R& RosalDn Soo Mauldin+ .iano7 Xeorgia State Ini<ersitD+ Atlanta+ Xeorgia+ ISA All DaD_ from Canadian Fo$4 Son-6 ^art ^ouse Chorus+ =ohn Luttle+ direc: tor7 ^art ^ouse+ Ini<ersitD of Loronto+ ON 8 - ?raham Co$es Suite o> Ma($3 CanaN Ca$enda( )**+ ,a-e .+ 4 - (odney "harman SBa($attiana Qin: SDm.honD Orchestra+ Lania Miller+ conductor7 Centennial Lheatre+ MB Ca$enda( )**+ 9 - !ru$ &r'ing +$ic- The 2ou' ha5 18 - Michae$ Conway Ba-er Con>e'to 4 - !te>hen Chatman Cue No'th and Co6e "ictoria S*m,hon* Orchestra2 Michael 5ormle*2 conductor8 9ni:ersit* of "ictoria2 "ictoria 7'e8eated A8'i# .*< Bo' 2a'8 and O'>he5t'a and ;oug$as !chmidt O6ie5 ?Y>Zen5>h6e'Ken2 JliL= abeth "ol,e2 har,G Shauna Rolston2 celloG "ancou:er S*m,hon* Orchestra2 Bram= well Ho:e*2 conductor8 Chan Centre2 "ancou:er 7'e8eated A8'i# .[< Cue De5t Horonto Camerata Chamber ChoirG Mel:a Href!nger 5raham2 direc= tor8 5race Church on=the=Nill2 Horonto ON 9 - .odney !harman S>a'#attiana <itchener=>aterloo S*m,hon* Orchestra2 Daniel >arren2 conductor8 Ri:er Run Centre2 5uel,h2 ON 10 - +race 6ong7eun Lee The ?e@o#uA tion oB the Cha'6a Dhee# 5race Cong= eun Eee2 Fa*agumG Ean Hung2 erhuG Conathan Bernard2 ,ercussion8 Seoul2 <ORJA 10 - Co$in Mac;ona$d St'an-e' in a St'an-e Eand SeFaha 5ong 5ita Asmara2 Michael HenLer2 director8 "an= cou:er Art 5aller*2 "ancou:er 7'e8eated A8'i# .) at ?oF5on SGua'e and A8'i# .+ at Ca8i#ano Co##e-e< 11 - 6e<<rey .yan ,'o#o-ueH TIo The A't oB Ce>#en5ion Montreal S*m= ,hon*2 Moisan2 conductor8 Montreal2 PQ worFs b* Bengt HambraeusN Irancis ;homontN Hugh LeCaineN and @$ain Khibau$tN Musica Nue:a de Monte= :ideo8 Monte:ideo2 9R959A] 26 - !te>hen Chatman T'io for clari= 7-11 24 - 6e<<rey .yan WHo Boldl* 5oX from net2 :iolin2 and ,ianoG ARA Jnsemble8 Centre for Modern Art YSol:a*Y Cracow2 POEAND 26 - Mar- @rmanini F#oatin- on the Sea oB Se'enitO and worF b* Chuo .ui !hi "ancou:er Chinese Music Jnsem= ble8 "ancou:er Jast Cultural Centre2 "ancou:er 27 - !te>hen Chatman TIo ?o55eti 2ou5eho#d5 9ni:ersit* of "ictoria Chamber ChoirG Bruce More2 director8 Jm,ress Notel2 "ictoria Son-5 Hhe 9ni:ersit* of Hulsa Chorale2 >illiam McConnell2 director8 H*rrell Nall2 School of Music2 Hulsa2 OFlahoma2 9SA 12 - !te>hen Chatman An J#iKaFethan 27 - ;oug$as !chmidt O6ie5 ?Y>ZenA Su66e' Cohn Eaing Singers2 Cohn Eaing2 director8 ChristOs Church Cathedral2 Namilton ON 12 - worFs b* !ru$ &r'ing +$ic- and &mant .aminsh Surre* ChildrenQs Choir2 Ste:en Norning2 conductor8 Church of the 5ood She,herd2 Surre* 13 - @$$an +i$$i$and Do'd5 Bo' Lu5i> ,e'ha85 Fou' Son-5 Bo' So8'ano and Nua'tet on ,oe65 FO DPQP Reat5 MarMitche$$ Th'ee Son-5 Bo' So8'ano and Nua'tet Neather Pawse*2 so,ranoG Pro No:a Quartet8 Mount Se*mour 9nited Church2 North "ancou:er 7'e8eated A8'i# .S at No'th Sho'e Unita'ian Chu'>hV De5t Wan>ou@e'< 14 - ;enis +ougeon ,'i6u5 Te68u5 "ictoria S*m,hon* Orchestra2 Cean= Trancois Ri:est2 conductor8 9ni:ersit* of "ictoria2 "ictoria 18 - !te>hen Chatman The'e i5 5Ieet 6u5i> he'e Eewis=ClarF State College Concert Choir2 Coel DU Pals2 director8 Sil= :erthorne Hheatre2 Eewiston2 Vdaho2 9SA Ca#enda' )**+ 7 - Barry KruaL So#a' J##i85e2 and 5>h6e'Ken "ictoria S*m,hon* Orches= tra2 Charles Oli:ieri=Munroe2 conductor8 9ni:ersit* of "ictoria2 "ictoria 7'e8eated A8'i# )\< 27 - Chris Dau$ Harman ]n>i8it5 PRJ= MVJRJ and ]n>ident5 in T'an5ition Standing >a:eG "ancou:er Jast Cultural Centre2 "ancou:er !"# 2 - 6ohn F$i'er Cu5t for clarinet and ta,e PRJMVJRJ TranZois Noule2 clari= net8 Hhé\tre Ea Cha,elle2 Montréal2 PQ 2 - Fwen Gnderhi$$ and Michae$ Bush7 ne$$ T'i5tan and ]5o#de PRJMVJRJ National Ballet of Canada2 Cohn Alle*ne2 choreogra,her8 Horonto2 ON 75i^ 8e'Bo'A 6an>e5< H 7 Irederic- !chi>iJ-y SO68honO _) and FanBa'e to the ?oOa# Wi5it "ancou:er S*m,hon* Orchestra2 Hania Miller2 con= ductor8 Or,heum Hheatre2 "ancou:er 7'e8eated LaO / at Centennia# Theat'eV No'th Wan>ou@e'< ,a-e ./ Christo>her Buttere$d Cad ^ambient sound installation_ O,en Jars Testi:al8 <itchener2 ON 9 - .O Murray !cha<er Fe#i^`5 ai'#5 "ancou:er Chamber Choir and Coastal Sounds ]outh Chamber Choir2 Con >ashburn2 conductor8 R*erson 9nited Church2 "ancou:er 10 - Michae$ Conway Ba-er YHhe MountainsY from Th'ou-h the Eion5 aate Michael Conwa* BaFer2 ,ianoG Burnab* S*m,hon*2 Eeonard Cam,lin2 conductor8 Herr* To` Hheatre2 Port Coauitlam 7'e8eated LaO .. at Li>hae# bP Fo^ Theat'eV Qu'naFO< 17 - Michae$ Conway Ba-er The F#i-ht oB A8h'odite Patricia Shih2 ,ianoG Sinfonia Orchestra of the North Shore2 Cl*de Mitchell2 conductor8 Centennial Hheatre2 North "ancou:er 20 - 6e<<rey .yan Qe##at'i^ Sté,hanie Me*er2 celloG Basel2 S>VHbJREAND 21 - 6acPues HQtu Nuintette 9BC Bac= calaureatesG 9BC Recital Nall2 "ancou= :er 23 - .odney !harman Anthe6H ,a55A in- oB the C#ai6ant Ne`a,honeG StU Cohn the Di:ine2 "ictoria 29 - @nita Derry The aiBt oB the Sta' Nueen2 Penticton School of Dance8 Cle= land Hheatre2 Penticton 7'e8eated LaO +*V +. and bune .< 29 - Kobin !to-es J# So# Ce# Su'2 Michael <ahlig2 marimba and ,ercus= sionG <e:an Heherani2 marimba and ,er= cussionG Jduard <utrowatL2 ,ianoG Cohannes <utrowatL2 ,iano8 Schlaining Castle2 Burgenland2 A9SHRVA Ca#enda' )**+ ! !!!! !! !!!!!! !! !! !!! !! !!! !!!!!!!!!! !!! !! !! !! !!!!! !! !!!!! !!! !!! ! 30 -!Nikolai Korndorf!0u$$ab3!"#$! 4ript3c9!%&'()!*"&#(+,!-())./!0"#(!1"2(+,! 3'"#./!%##"!4(52,!3'"#.6!78"$9.):!;(#< :&(!=.&!:8(!%&:+,!*>&#"92 31 - Stephen Chatman!Son-s =f ? Prospector ?"#-.>5(&!;':2!7'#@(&+,! 0.8#!A&.::(&,!$'&(-:.&6!?"#-.>5(& June 1 - Michael Conway Baker!DA8(! I.>#:"'#+G!=&.H!49rou-9 t9e 0ions @ate!I'-8"()!;.#J"2!*"F(&,!3'"#./! R().J#"!V.3+!L-8(+:&",!4(.#"&$!;"H3< )'#,!-.#$>-:.&6!R().J#" 27 - Stephen Chatman!SWide-ate "#$ Fo9n XanaWa!"#$!@rand Oote$!"#$! Mountains!"#$!MosYuistoes!"#$!DeLeLV ber!P).&"!O(+:'5")!7'#@(&+,!M.()!P$'+.#,! -.#$>-:.&6!7:!I"&2]+!;8>&-8,!P).&",!LM 4 - Anita Sleeman!Canti-as!U>":>.&! 28 -!Douglas Schmidt!Ce-etab$es on %&:8>&!4(*)"#-6!I.#-:.#,!M* Parade6!;"#H.&(,!%*!(repeated Fu$3 +0 in BanffE ?B) 5 - Rodney Sharman!4Qo etudes!VQP< 6 -!Brian Tate!@ent$3!"#$!0ift Ap Bour INPQP!I(&&'++"!X"&'#+,!8"&36!1'@8)"#$+! B#':($!;8>&-8,!M.&:8!?"#-.>5(& Coice!"#$!Do$$E FordanE Do$$!"#$!G @ot Fo3!B#'5(&+")!C.+3()!;8.'&,!*&'"#!A":(,! $'&(-:.&6!B#':"&'"#!;8>&-8,!?"#-.>5(& 10 -!John Oliver!C9ase t9e Mone3! 9 - Rodney Sharman!D%:!E>+FG!=&.H! 0oveE Beaut3E Jesire!I'-8"()! 7J((#(2,!+.).!9"++..#/!?'"!7")K9>&@! L&-8(+:&"6!C)(##!C.>)$!7:>$'.,! A.&.#:.,!LM 11 - Jeffrey Ryan!KuantuL Mec9anics ;.))"9.&":'.#+6!A.&.#:.,!LM 12 -!Barry Truax!SteaL!N#:(&#":'.#")! O(+:'5")!.=!P)(-:&."-.>+:'-!I>+'-6! *.>&@(+,!OQ%M;P 14 - Stephen Chatman!Jue Nort9! DR((3!':!C"2SG!7'#@'#@!LBA,!T'))'"H! *&.J#,!$'&(-:.&6!0"#(!I"))(::!A8(":&(,! A.&.#:.,!LM 18 - Sylvia Rickard Son-s of t9e 0oon!! William Pura!Jer Oo$PQe-!M(J!I>+'-! M.&:8!O(+:'5")/!;.##'(!C':)'#,!-)"&'#(:/! I"&F!Q>$.==,!-()).6!1'))$")(!4>:8(&"#! ;8>&-8,!A8>#$(&!*"2,!LM 22 -!Brian Tate!Ror$d of Ronder!"#$! P$aced Apon t9e OoriPon (CastinS9adoQs) "#$ B$ues for t9e Bone "#$ Gn Oavana "#$ NoQ9ereE JonUt Care!*&'"#! A":(!U>"&:(:6!?"#-.>5(& 24 -!Barry Truax!?ndro-3neE Mon ?Lour!V&'$(!T((F!;.#-(&:6!I>+'-!C")< )(&2,!A.&.#:.,!LM 28 -!Gordon Fitzell!vio$ence!('@8:8! 9)"-F9'&$6!;.##(-:'->:,!B7% July 1 - Peter Berring!? Canadian D9apV sod3!M":'.#")!%&:+!;(#:&(!L&-8(+:&"!W! I"++($!;8.'&,!V'#-8"+!X>-F(&H"#,!-.#< $>-:.&6!L::"J",!LM Ca$endar 200+ !! !!!!!!!!!! ! !!!! !! !!! !! !! !! VQPINPQP,!E"5'$!*&"#:(&,!"):.!+"Y.< 38.#(/!T.&)$!7"Y.38.#(!;.#@&(++! L&-8(+:&",!C)(#!;.&:(+(,!-.#$>-:.&6! I'##("3.)'+,!I'##(+.:",!B7% 12 - John Oliver!Oot SuLLer Ni-9ts! VQPINPQP!+.3&"#.!"#$!+.3&"#.!+"Y.< 38.#(!5(&+'.#/!0.Z)!?(&+"5">$,!+.3&"#.! +"Y.38.#(/!I"&'.#!O&'9.>&@,!+.3&"#.6! I'##("3.)'+,!I'##(+.:",!B7% 14 -!Stephen Chatman!B$oQE B$oQ 49ou Rinter Rind!L&(@.#!78"F(+3("&(! O(+:'5")/!7.>:8(&#!L&(@.#!Q(3(&:.&2! 7'#@(&+,!V">)!O&(#-8,!$'&(-:.&6!P)'K"9(< :8"#!A8(":&(,!%+8)"#$,!L&(@.#,!B7% August 4 -!Stephen Chatman 0aQren SZ Oarris Suite for piano Yuintet!VQPINPQP!! DI>+'-!.=!L>&!A'H(!NNN6!;"#"$'"#!?.2< "@(G!L::"J"!N#:(&#":'.#")!;8"H9(&! I>+'-!O(+:'5")/!%#$&(J!E"J(+!W! 0.#":8"#!;&.J,!5'.)'#+/!C>2)"'#(! 4(H"'&(,!5'.)"/!0>)'"#!%&H.>&,!-())./! V">)!7:(J"&:,!3'"#.6!7:^!0.8#_+!;8>&-8,! L::"J",!LM 6 -!Ian McDougall!4ransitions!O(+:'5")! ?"#-.>5(&/!4"="2(::(!7:&'#@!U>"&:(:6! O'&+:!*"3:'+:!;8>-8,!?"#-.>5(& 6 - Rupert Lang, Bruce Sled, David 24 - .3(&"!(Y-(&3:+!92!Janet Danielson, Ramona Luengen, David MacIntyre, Neil Weisensel!?"#-.>5(&!L3(&"! J.&F+8.3[+8.J-"+(/!4(+)'(!B2($",! H>+'-!$'&(-:'.#/!%##(!1.$@(+,!:8(":&(! $'&(-:'.#6!;"#"$'"#!I(H.&'")!;8>&-8! ;(#:&(!=.&!V("-(,!?"#-.>5(& MacIntyre, 7:(38(#!7H':8, Ramona Luengen,!0.#":8"#!U>'-F,!R(#!R.&H'(&! D7")>:(!:.!*;!I>+'-G!!O(+:'5")/!;8.&! 4(.#'!I(#]+!;8.'&,!E'"#(!4..H(&,!-.#< $>-:.&/!P)(F:&"!T.H(#]+!;8.'&,!I.&#"! P$H>#$+.#!"#$!E'"#(!4..H(&,!-.<-.#< $>-:.&+/!?"#-.>5(&!;"#:":"!7'#@(&+,!P&'-! 1"##"#,!-.#$>-:.&/!?"#-.>5(&!;8')< $&(#]+!;8.'&,!Q>3(&:!4"#@,!-.#$>-:.&6! 7:^!%#$&(J]+<T(+)(2!;8>&-8,!?"#-.>5(& 18 -!Sylvia Rickard!DuLVBaVBa! 9 -!Barry Truax!4eLp$e!7.>#$!A&"5()+6! ;"3())"!$'!7"#:"!;8'"&"!;"+")H"@@'.&(/! 0.&$"#!?.()F(&,!5'.)"/!1"##"8!78"J,! 5'.)"/!Q(9(--"!1>9(&,!5'.)"/!%)(Y"#$&"! ?.):+',!5'.)"/!!7")5"$.&!V($&"K",!$.>9)(< 9"++6!4.H9"&$2,!NA%4\!(repeated Fu$3 22) 19 - Rudolf Komorous!=$3Lpia6!?'-< :.&'" 24 -!Kelly-Marie Murphy ?not9er $itV t$e piece of L3 9eart!?"#-.>5(&!;8"H9(&! I>+'-!O(+:'5")/!*.&(")'+!7:&'#@!U>"&:(:6! %$$'+.#!%>$':.&'>H,!;&.=:.#!1.>+(! 7-8..),!?"#-.>5(& 26 - Imant Raminsh @0=DG? "#$!#(J! J.&F!92 Ian McDougall!T(+:!;."+:! %H":(>&!I>+'-'"#+!7.-'(:2/!A&'#':2! T(+:(&#!B#'5(&+':2 Pa-e 15 7:^!%#$&(J+<92<:8(<4"F(,!A.&.#:.!;(#< :&(!N+)"#$,!LM 11 - David MacIntyre!Because of 0ove! `:(Y:!92!Q.9'#!7F():.#a!VQPINPQP! O(+:'5")!?"#-.>5(&/!%)(Y"#$&"!4'(9'-8< A"':,!+.3&"#./!0.#":8"#!4'(9'-8,!9"&'< :.#(/!R"&(#!4((<I.&)"#@,!3'"#.6!O'&+:! *"3:'+:!;8>&-8,!?"#-.>5(& 12 -!I>+'-!.=!Grace Jong-eun Lee,! O(+:'5")!?"#-.>5(&,!C&"-(!0.#@<(>#!4((,! F"2"@>H/!V":&'-'"!78'8,!5'.)'#6!7:>$'.! bc,!bded!T(+:!f:8!%5(#>(,!?"#-.>5(&,! bb6gg!3H^ 14 - David MacIntyre!?ve Maria!O(+:'< 5")!?"#-.>5(&/!4">$":(!7'#@(&+,!4"&+! R""&'.,!-.#$>-:.&/!E(#'+!*h$"&$,!.&@"#6! 1.)2!Q.+"&2!;":8($&"),!?"#-.>5(&,!i6jg Ca$endar 200+ !!!!!!!! !! !!!!! September 1 - Michael Conway Baker!01e F$i-1t of 7p1rodite!"#$%&'%&!()$*+%&)! ,-.+/0'-12!3145#!6%)'2!.%.'%-8!"#$9 %&'%&2!:; 12 -!Frederick Schipizky!9uo Caprice! </''1!=%&./-'!(/-5/0>!<5.'%-!=%0'1&?52! 45%@5&>!A1$/@1!A17@2!*51&%8!B/0'!A%5&'! C-/)!D&5'/#!=+7-.+2!<1&.%74/-! 19 -!Mark Armanini!<reen and <o$d= 12 -!Nikolai Korndorf Qari$o!1&#!7re 14 - Jana Skarecky!Cove is coGe a-ain Pou readP= Brot1erR!;/-@5&/-!I/0'9 Q%.+/&!RSST>!"&0/$L@/!M&'^G-1@/08! E1$$/-$705P011@!A+5@+1-$%&5/2! ;/-@5&2!C"UN:JV Ruth Watson Henderson!Co$ours!<1&9 .%74/-!=+1$L/-!=+%5-2!Z%&!B10+L7-&2! .%.'%-8!U)/-0%&!=+7-.+2!<1&.%74/- @1ite FantasP!=+-50'5&/!V%0+5P1Q12! *51&%8!(1@@/!=-/$1?5/2!('W!"$5@@/2!A_ 16 -!B%-P0!L)!Linda Catlin Smith, Rodney Sharman, Paul Steenhuisen, Micheline Roi =%&'/$*%-1-)!N705.! I/0'541@2!"-G%!"&0/$L@/8!OMK6D:JM: 15 -!!Rodney Sharman!Sn a rooG! 16 -!Bob Pritchard!Postcards FroG 13 -!Stephen Chatman!B$ac? 7nd N5.+1/@!('-7''2!G75'1->!:@/`1&#/-!37&&2! G75'1-8!D;=!U/.5'1@!61@@2!<1&.%74/- B$ac? and @1ite= Aed!6/5#5!E-7'?/&2! +1-*>!<5451&!F512!)1&GH5&>!I7-'+/-!"10'2! I7-'+/-!B/0'8!=1*5@1&%!=%@@/G/2!J%-'+! <1&.%74/- 18 - Marjan Mozetich!Postcards froG 23 -!Rudolf Komorous!Stran-e Sp1ere! 18 -!Stephen Chatman!0Eo Aossetti 1&#!0an-!1&#!Aitratto di Caura Battiferri 1&#!Curid Bride!K7-&5&G!A%5&'!"&0/$9 L@/8!<1&.%74/-!"10'!=7@'7-1@!=/&'-/2! <1&.%74/- Son-s!Jon Washburn!Ba$G in <i$ead! <1&.%74/-!=+1$L/-!=+%5-2!Z%&!B10+9 L7-&2!#5-/.'%-8!=+1&!=/&'-/2!<1&.%74/- 27 -!Keith Hamel!Aefraction!M(=N! t1e S?P!E1$@%%*0!()$*+%&)!=+1$L/-! ,-.+/0'-12!;-7./!37&&2!.%.'%-8! E1$@%%*0 19 -!Stephen Chatman!Tira-e A-5&./! B%-@#!N705.!31)08!A5-1&2!(O,<"JM: "#Q1-#!M0@1&#!()$*+%&)!,-.+/0'-18! =+1-@%''/'%Q&2!A"M 27 - Harry Somers!01ose Si$ent= 7EeF 19 - &/Q!Q%-P!L)!Rodney Sharman! $$ed Spaces!E1$@%%*0!()$*+%&)2! ;-7./!37&&2!.%.'%-8!E1$@%%*0 AU"NM"U"!6/@5P%&!"&0/$L@/2!O/0@5/! 31@12!.%.'%-8!<1&.%74/-!"10'!=7@9 '7-1@!=/&'-/2!<1&.%74/- 28 - (%7&#!B1@P!Q5'+!Hildegard Westerkamp!<1&.%74/-!J/Q!N705.8!$//'!1'! /&'-1&./!'%!A@1&/'1-57$2!R8SS*$ 30 -!Nikolai Korndorf!Confessiones! 1&#!7Goroso!1&#!Cet t1e Hart1 BrinFort1!;/-@5&/-!I/0'Q%.+/&!RSST>!N%09 .%Q!=%&0/-41'%-)!=%&'/$*%-1-)! "&0/$L@/2!MG%-!3-%&%42!.%.'%-8! E1$$/-$705P011@!A+5@+1-$%&5/2!;/-9 @5&2!C"UN:JV October 25 - Moshe Denburg!01e Uin- is 9ancF in-!<1&.%74/-!M&'/-.7@'7-1@!,-.+/0'-18! =1*5@1&%!=%@@/G/2!J%-'+!<1&.%74/- 22 – 25! Peter Hannan, Henry Kucharzyk! =+-50'5&/!37&.1&!a31&G/-%70!=7--/&'02! <1&.%74/-!J/Q!N705.!I/0'541@b8!(.%'519 L1&P!31&./!=/&'-/2!<1&.%74/- Hatch!<at1ered Hvidence!<1&.%74/-! J/Q!N705.>!A/&#/-/.P5!('-5&G!_71-'/'8! U)/-0%&!D&5'/#!=+7-.+2!<1&.%74/- 29 -!Stephen Chatman Proud Tusic If 01e StorG!<1&.%74/-!;1.+!=+%5-2!D;=! (5&G/-02!D;=!()$*+%&)!,-.+/0'-12! ;-7./!A7@@1&2!.%.'%-8!=+1&!=/&'-/2! <1&.%74/-! December 3 - Jeffrey Ryan [esica Piscis!AU"9 NM"U"!N1&5'%L1!=+1$L/-!,-.+/0'-12! U%)!C%%#$1&2!.%.'%-8!B5&&5*/G2! N; 4 -!Ernest MacMillan!0Eo S?etc1es! ;%-/1@50!('-5&G!_71-'/'8!D;=!U/.5'1@! 61@@2!<1&.%74/of Xeaven$P 0rousers![17#5%!5&0'1@@19 '5%&]8!:-'!C1@@/-)!%Y!C-/1'/-!<5.'%-51 7-17 Stars!Y%-!0'-5&G!%-.+/0'-12!AU"NM"U"! D;=!()$*+%&)!,-.+/0'-12!Z/00/!U/1#2! .%.'%-8!=+1&!=/&'-/2!<1&.%74/-! [\R8SS*$]!(repeated Ictober += MN00pG) Mark Armanini If @ind and @ater!1&#! Concerto for Qan-Vin!Stephen Chatman!Proud Tusic of t1e StorG!1&#! Q%-P0!L)!Zhuo Rui Shi8!;/5c5&G!d! (+1&G+152!=6MJ: Ca$endar 200+ 22 -!John Burke!Strin- Zuartet!Peter 6 - Colin MacDonald!F$oE Ci?e @ater! 2 -!Stephen Chatman!Iver 01orns 0o AU"NM"U"!<1&.%74/-!()$*+%&)! ,-.+/0'-12!;-1$Q/@@!K%4/)2!.%.'%-8! <1&.%74/-!(repeated Ictober /) Stephen Chatman!Iver 01orns to Stars!! <1&.%74/-!()$*+%&)2!;-1$Q/@@!K%4/)2! .%.'%-8!,-*+/7$!K+/1'-/2!<1&.%74/- 5 -!Christopher Buttereld!Pavi$ion 1&#!Aeac1in- for SGGorta$itP!1&#!Pa? 7$it!K+/!=%@5&!N1.3%&1@#!A%.P/'! ,-.+/0'-18!<1&.%74/-!:-'!C1@@/-)2!<1&9 .%74/-2!X8SS*$ 4 -!Jeffrey Ryan!01e CinearitP of Ci-1'! 22-24 November erkamp!<1&.%74/-!J/Q!N705.8!$//'!1'! =%-#%41!('W!/&'-1&./!'%!%@#!=AU!('1'5%&2! X8SS!*$ 1 - (%7&#!B1@P!Q5'+!Hildegard West- Iur Future0!;1-L1-1!A-5'.+1-#2!0%@%50'8! N%7&'!:@@50%&2!J;!(repeated WoveGber 22 in Xa$ifaY WS) 9 -!Rupert Lang!Spirit of t1e C1i$d!<1&9 .%74/-!=+5@#-/&e0!=+%5-2!U7*/-'!O1&G2! #5-/.'%-8!B/0'!<1&.%74/-!D&5'/#! =+7-.+2!<1&.%74/Pa-e 1/ 13 - William McCauley!C1ristGas Caro$ Fantasia!François Morel!ParaF p1rase!E1$@%%*0!()$*+%&)2!;-7./! 37&&2!.%.'%-8!E1$@%%*0 19 -!Nancy Telfer!Woe$\ !Q%-P0!L)! Peter Berring!1&#!Brian Tate!O%-&1! N.C//2!7'/>!6/5#5!E-7'?/&2!+1-*>!<1&9 .%74/-!=+1$L/-!=+%5-2!Z%&!B10+L7-&2! .%.'%-8!U)/-0%&!D&5'/#!=+7-.+2!<1&9 .%74/-!(repeated 9ec 21 at +N00 pG) 22 -!Rupert Lang!Can Qou SGa-ineR! <1&.%74/-!=+5@#-/&e0!=+%5-2!U7*/-'! O1&G2!#5-/.'%-8!=+1&!=/&'-/2!<1&.%74/Ca$endar 200+ ! "#$!%&'()*)+),-* Wor%s de)osited since .e)tember 1221 in the 4ibrary o7 the Canadian Music Centre ;in ca44 number order<= >44 scores are in manuscri)t 7orm un4ess otherwise indicated by a )ub4isher name= -u,, /r01es2r# @ MA BB22 M1BW%a M>Ad>NAIK _ictoriaKBL[LN Ia4eidosco)e ;1222< 22PBLP22 E;)icca4N to!<E;GngHn<E;CassC4<E;cnbsn</DEEB/ )erc;E<K har)K )iano;ce4esta</strings ;B[N B1NB2NFN[<= @ MA BB22 CDE1syF CGLIANK >4anKBLMBN .ym)hony no F ;1221< enO= 12P22 @ MA BB22 MEBDto M>QCGLK LucKBL[1N Sour ^enoise ;1221< 22PBEPE2 @ MA BB22 CEBBdr C>QQ>CQRK S= Tatric%KBLMFN She dragonVs tai4 ;BLLW< 1)icc111/DEEB/tim)K )erc;1<K har)K )iano/strings= @ MA BB22 TE1Eec T>]IK >4efKBLDMN Gcho s)irit is4e ;BLFE< 22PBWP22 "#rge 'nse*+,e @ MA BB22 GWL7r G.S>CAYK ZohnKBL[[N \renergy ;BLLF< 22P2DPE2 1111/DEEB/tim)K)erc;E<K )ianoK har)/ strings= @ MA BB22 \LFBCL \]N^K _iOianKBLWMN C4a`e ;BLLF< 22PBEP22 @ MA BB22 HLLWth HbNG.K Michae4KBL[2N ShereVs cust godK when heVs drun% ;1221< 22P2P22 @ MA BB22 HLLWthr HbNG.K Michae4KBL[2N Shree )ieces 7or chamber orchestra ;BLLB< 22PBMP22 @ MA BB22 I[Dch ILGANK LotharKBLE1N ChariOari ;BL[M< 22PB1P22 1)icc111/D112/tim)K )erc;1</strings= Ne$ A&'ui*ition* @ MA BB22 W1WBan W>QGK TeterKBLMBN .ym)hony no= B ;122B< 22PDMP22 E;)icc<111/D1EB/B122/strings= 31#*+er /r01es2r# @ MA B122 CEBBch C>QQ>CQRK S= Tatric%KBLMFN Chase the sun ;BLLDK BLL[< 22P2DP[2 BBBB/BBB2/)erc/strings= @ MA B122 CMM1ea CHY]AN>QdK dianeKBLDDN Les eauf chantantes de Meshteme% ;BLLE< 2122/1222//strings= @ MA B122 LFMW4e LYN^SANK Miche4KBLD[N Lettre )osthume de Conrad ;1222< 22P1WP22 enO= 1WP22 @ MA B122 SLM1ni S]QNGQK .ara .cottKBL1[N Nish%a onggamon ;BLLM< 22PB1P22 \or string orchestra and )ercussion= .a0e 12 /r01es2r# 4i21 so,ois27s8 @ MA BEB1 IFEco IYTQYW.IAK Teter Tau4KBLDWN Concerto 7or Oio4a and orchestra 22P11P22 @ MA BEBM LE[[se L>]CGQK >nneKBLDEN .erenata Gs)aha4 ;1221< 22P1MP22 @ MA BE1B HE[Wco H>SiA.K ChristosKBLMEN Concerto 7or !ute and chamber orchestra \or !ute and chamber orchestra @ MA BE1M MLWF7a M]QTHbK Ie44yNMarieKBL[DN \a44ibi4ityK 4ogicK and the return o7 wonN der ;1221< 22PBEP22 Concerto 7or safo)hone in GN!at and orchestra= @ MA BE[B MDEBMco M>SHAG]K >ndreK BL1LNBL[F= Concerto de juebec ;BLDW< 22P11P12 Tour )iano et orchestre 11;cor ang4=<1B/ 111B/)erc ;1< har)e/cordes @ MA BE[B TEDEco T>bGSSGK >4ainKBLMEN Concerto )our )iano Les Rdtitions >4ain TayetteK 1222= 22P1FP22 Tour )iano et orchestre ;reduction )our deuf )ianos< @ MA BDBB C[LMco CYL^Q>..K Michae4KBLE1N Concertmasters 7or three so4o Oio4ins and orchestra Car4 \ischerKBLWFK BLLM= 22P11P22 E so4o Oio4ins /1)icc11bassC41cbsn/ D1EB/)erc=K har)s;1<K ce4esta/strings= Ne$ A&'ui*ition* " M$ %&'( W&*&+y W-$N/01N2-L4 /asha4%8&9: Lyric concertino B%88%C ((D*ED(( For !ute4 Hio+a4 harI and string orchestraL " M$ *%%( C&8&Ir CH10M1N4 /teIhen4%8'(: Ore+udes Wor IianoD boo` % Frederic` Harris4 *((*L d-+ementary Iiano so+osdL " M$ *%%( N&&*`a N-QV1N04 [a+e4 %8*R: ]a+eidoscoIe Frederic` Harris4 *((*L Late e+ementary Iiano so+osL S#ring (r)*es#r- " M$ *%%( C&8&Ir* CH10M1N4 /teIhen4%8'(: Ore+udes Wor IianoD boo` * Frederic` Harris4 *((*L dLate -+ementary Oiano /o+osdL " M$ *%*& [R8%aL [YYL$00L-4 guenten4%8*': 1++ and sunder B*(((C ((D%'D(( " M$ %'(( M%'*'re Mc$N0MN-4 Oau+4%8E%: NePuiescant in Iace B*((%C " M$ %'(( 08'*ce 0QNN-N4 /ara /cott4%8*R: Ce+ebration B%88*C For string orchestraL " M$ %R&( 1R9'ar 1NCQN$4 /erge4%8'&: 1rborescences B%88*C ((D%*D(( .on)er# 0-nd23-rge 4ind 5nse678e " M$ %U(( VE&&sa V1Q-N4 Nobert4%8'(: /anctus Wor symIhonic band CMC 1t+antic Negion4 *((%L For symIhonic bandL " M$ %U(( CR8'oL CYL2N1//4 Michae+4%8E*: Y+d churches Ha+ Leonard4 distributor4 *((* ((D(RD(( For midd+e +eHe+: bandL 9e:7o-rd Pi-no " M$ *%%( V9'*ro VYQCH1N[4 Nemi4%8ER: Nomances sans Iaro+es For IianoL " M$ *%%( V8*Ree VQC\MN/]$4 Wa+ter4%8EE: -ight eIigrams Wor young Iianists Voosey ^ Haw`es Canada4 %8R8L %( Iages oW musica E( cmL For so+o IianoL " M$ *%%( CE%%Wu C1NN1VNb4 0L Oatric`4%8'U: Funcrai++es B*((%C Ne$ A&'ui*ition* " M$ *%%( C&8&IrE CH10M1N4 /teIhen4%8'(: Ore+udes Wor IianoD boo` E Frederic` Harris4 *((*L d$ntermediate Oiano /o+osLd " M$ *%%( [%E%ho [1HL2N-N4 [aHid4%8&9: Hoedown on a night train CMC Orairieedistributorf4 *((%L " M$ *%%( [R8%Pu [YYL$00L-4 guenten4%8*': 0he Pueens oW 1+ice B*((%C ((D(9D(( (rg-n " M$ *%*& N*&RWas N1QM4 -+ijabeth4%8&': Fast +ane B*((%C ((D(ED(( For organL " M$ *&%( [*&RPu [1i-LQM4 Naymond4%8*R: guatrikme sonate Iour orgue B%8U&C ((DE%D%& Oour orgueL " M$ *%%( H*&8He H1N/-N4 hoan4%8&%L iertica+ +andscaIes " M$ *&%( [*&Rtr [1i-LQM4 Naymond4%8*R: 0roisikme sonate Iour orgue Les bditions hacPues Ystiguy $ncL4 %8UE ((D**D'E Oour orgue " M$ *%%( H9'Umo HYL04 Oatricia V+om"e+d4%8%(:*((EL Moments in time e*((*f For so+o IianoL " M$ *&*& C'89du CL1N]-4 FLNLCL BFrederic` Nobert Char+esC4%8E%: [uet Wor organ B%8'&4 reHL %8884 *((*C " M$ *%%( L&9U!o L--4 HoIe4%8'E: F+ower drum dance CMC Orairie Negionedistributorf4 *((%L 0o<ed S#rings " M$ *%%( M%REIe MacL-1N4 1+asdair4 %8'': OerIetua+ b+ue state B%88&C ((D%RD(( Oiano so+oL " M$ *%%( M&E%'co M10H$-Q4 1ndrc4 %8*8:%8RUL Concerto de gucbec B%8&UC " M$ *%%( M'*9ru M-LNM]4 Lubomyr4%8&U: Nunway E:c CMC Orairie Negion4 *((%L For Iiano .a0e 12 " M$ E%%% H889so HMN-/4 Michae+4%8R(: 0he soWtest mourning B%88RC ((D(RD(( " M$ E%%* L&99iw L--4 Vrent4%8R&: $ wait Wor you in the gathering +ight CMC Orairie Negionedistributorsf4 *((%L For so+o Hio+a " M$ E%%* M&&%wo M100H-W/4 Michae+4%8'(: Wondering For so+o Hio+a Ne$ A&'ui*ition* • M$ 3&&2 ()*2re (-RN0R1 Sara Scott1&)278 Re!ections $ < $$ =&))0? @or solo BiolaC • M$ 3&3V ()*2st (-RN0R1 Sara Scott1&)278 String cuartet =&)NN? @or string cuartetC • M$ 32&3 C3&&da CARRABRe1 (C Patric\1&)*N8 Dar\ moon @or Bioloncello and RianoC • M$ 3&&3 C7)*wo COGHRASS1 Michael1&)328 Kolf Carl @ischer1 c&)MNC 00O&MO00 @or unaccomRanied cello • M$ 32&& B3)MRo B0CZK$(T1 Uohn1&)2M8 (he PoRe dances =200&? @or Biolin and RianoC • M$ 32&3 R2V7ba RA-M1 0likabeth1&)V*8 Ballad and dance @or Bioloncello and Riano • M$ 32&& BM*&so BO((0NB0RH1 Kolfgang1&)308 Sonata for Biolin and Riano =2002? 00O&MO00 enBC O &MO00 • M$ 3233 BM*&Ri BO((0NB0RH1 Kolfgang1&)308 Piano (rio in Db =200&? 00O&7O00 • M$ 3&&3 T7M3ho T$SCO((1 Uames1&)VN8 Tomage @or solo BioloncelloC • M$ 3&&* S337me SCT$P$YZ[1 @rederic\1&)*28 Meditation and dance =200&? 00O02O00 • M$ 3&2& B)*Vta B-RH01 Uohn1&)7&8 (ag for two Biolins and Riano CMC1 2000 ^distributor` 00O0*O00 @or two BiolinsC • M$ 3&2V T))Mth T[N0S1 Michael1&)708 3 "ngers =2002? 00O02O30 • M$ 3&3& D7)&tr DOOG$((G01 Quenten1&)2*8 (rio @or Biolin1 Biola1 BioloncelloC • M$ 3&3V HN2*eu HR0GGA8MOY0UZO1 Piotr1&)7&8 0uRhonia ^@or string cuartetC` • M$ 3&3V T37Mst2 TA(Y$S1 Christos1&)*38 String Quartet NoC2 =&)))? • M$ 3&3V M23*fo MAZS$MOd$C1 SBetlana1&)VN8 @our eights CMC1 2000 ^distributor` @or string cuartetC Ne$ A&'ui*ition* • M$ 32&& C3&&so CARRABRe1 (C Patric\1&)*N8 Sonata noC & ^@or Biolin and RianoC` • M$ 3233 BM73cu BO-G$AN01 Dengs1&)**8 Qualia sui =200&? 00O2)O00 enBC 2)O00 • M$ 32&& T7))sa TO@@MAN1 Gaura1&)ff Sags whoh =&)N)? • M$ 3233 S7*V*ri SM$(T1 Ginda Catlin1&)*M8 Ribbon =200&? • M$ 32&& T))M&V T[N0S1 Michael1&)708 (he &Vth wag =&))*? 00O0MO00 • M$ 3233 SM&*me SOSA1 Raoul1 &)3)8 Meisho =2002? 00O07O00 • M$ 32&& MN7*i MORGOCZ1 Uocelgn1&)7)8 j =&))7? @or Biolin and RianoC • M$ 3237 BM*&Ri BO((0NB0RH1 Kolfgang1&)308 Piano Quartet in Bb =2002? 00O2&O30 • M$ 32&& P&3V*on MacDONAGD1 Andrew PC1&)*N8 On the Kine8Dar\ Sea =200&? 00O37O00 Pour Biolon et Riano • M$ 32V* G)VNce G-0D0Z01 Ragmond1&)VV8 Ceremonial dances =&)))? 00OV0O00 @or Riano and string cuartetC • M$ 32&2 B&2Vam BACTMANN1 Arthur Marc1&)7&8 Amongst the leaBes of fall @or Biola and Riano Plectral Strings • M$ 32&2 G777Gu G0dZOd$CT1 Aleiander1&)*28 Gullabg for Biola and Riano CMCOntario Region ^distributor`1 200& • M$ 32&3 A*M3fa ANDR$j1 Heorge1&)328 @ade to blue @or Bioloncello and Riano .a0e 12 • M$ V&&& C)&2an CR0AHTAN1 UCAC =Uohn Andrew?1 &)*38 Andante @or guitarC • M$ V&&& T))Man T[N0S1 Michael1&)708 (he angells share =&))7? 00O0)O30 Ne$ A&'ui*ition* • M$ %&&& '%3)*+ ',ARO0 Norman0&78&9 P+ramid te?ts Aor solo guitarE • M$ 8&%8 C2U7*e CARD_0 Patric`0&7839 Peregrine J200&L Aor sa?o*hone QuartetE • M$ %&&& '%3)s+ ',ARO0 Norman0&78&9 S+nchronic Iariegation J&7)KL Aor solo guitarE • M$ 8&%8 A)83sa AR,,DMAN0 Sarr+0&7229 Sa?tet J&778L 00P&2P30 Aor sa?o*hone QuintetE • M$ %2&2 '%3)si ',ARO0 Norman0&78&9 Silent af!rmations Aor guitar duetE • M$ %2&% '%3)im ',ARO0 Norman0&78&9 $mages of Africa J&7)8L 00P0KP00 Aor guitar QuartetE • M$ %2&% '%3)th ',ARO0 Norman0&78&9 3 *assages J&7)KL 00P0)P00 Aor guitar QuartetE • M$ %322 M%2Ksa MARS,R0 Bruce0&7379 Sancerre J&7U0L 00P&0P00 enIE &0P00 "oodwinds • M$ 8&&& CU78wi CO'XRASS0 Michael0&7329 Yild riot of the shamanZs dreams Carl Aischer0 distributorE Aor solo "uteE • M$ 8&&& ,&&en ,AX',0 DaIid0&7889 ,ncounters Aor "uteE • M$ 8&&& X%%7ni X$BSON0 Richard0&7839 Nightingales J&7)2L ]Aor solo "uteE^ • M$ 8&&& S77Ksi S_N,S0 Michael0&7U09 &U wa+s J2000L 00P03P30 enIE 3P30 Ne$ A&'ui*ition* • M$ 8&%8 P3))de P,'',R$,R0 Marie0&7879 DehorsaDedans J200&L 00P20P00 • M$ 82&& X)28mo XR,''A9MOb,cdO0 Piotr0&7U&9 ]Moon^ J200&L ]Aor "ute and *iano^E • M$ 82&3 S77Kmo S_N,S0 Michael0&7U09 moeEartE &738 J&77)L indéterminée0 moins de 20P00 • M$ 82&3 d&Ksc dAP'AN0 DaIid 'E0 &7239 Schereo CMC Prairie Region]distributors^200&E • M$ 82&3 NU&7ta N$CSO'S0 denneth0&73U9 Rales from the carberr+ sandhills Aor clarinet and *ianoE • M$ 82&8 X)28an XR,''A9MOb,cdO0 Piotr0&7U&9 An+aZs dream Aor alto sa?o*hone and *ianoE • M$ 8228 dU%*a d',$N0 'othar0&7329 Pas de deu? J2002L • M$ 822U Y787ci Yg,NSCS0 Xerhard0 &7289 CinQ *our trios J2002L 00P&0P88 h*our Clarinette en si9bémol Basson et PianohE • M$ 82U0 S2%3ra SANNAS0 Ronald0&7%89 Rag9se?tet J&7K2L Aor "0 ob0 clar0 hn0 bsn0 *no .a0e 12 Brass • M$ U&23 M&8Ksi Mcd,Nb$,0 Robert0 Xeorge0 &7839 Si? sac`but scintillations Yarwic`0 2000E • M$ U&%U CUU7mi COD,0 cames Xrant0&7%29 Misterioso CMC Atlantic Region0 200&E Aor brass QuintetP trum*etsJ2L0 trombone Jor hornL and tubaE • M$ U&8& S77Kbe S_N,S0 Michael0&7U09 Beaut+ touched m+ e+es J&773L 00P03P30 Pour Quintette de cuiIresE • M$ U&K0 R2K&fa R,'A,R0 Nanc+0&7809 Aanfare and introit CMC Ontario Region0 2000E Aor brass ensemble JArench SornsJ%L0 Rrum*etsJ3L0 RrombonesJ3L0 Baritone0 Ruba0 Rim*ani and C+mbalsE • M$ U2&8 PU%3en P$'ON0 Daniel0&78K9 ,ntre le )9898 et le &%) J200&L 00P02P30 Pour eu*honium et *ianoE Percussion • M$ K&&0 CU78te CO'XRASS0 Michael0&7329 Re tuma te *a*a Colgrass Music0 200& i New _or` PCarl Aischer ]distributor^ 00P&%P00 Aor solo *ercussionistE • M$ K&&0 P7)8sc PgRA0 Yilliam0&7%)9 SchereoP Quic`silIer Aor Iibra*honeE • M$ K2&0 S%3%en S,A',_0 Dere`0&73U9 ,nglish dances J&7)KL 00P&KP00 Aor *ercussion se?tetE Ne$ A&'ui*ition* Mi$ed Chamber -nsembles " M$ %&'' H))*% H+N-./ Michae5/&)6'7 % cameras ;<''<= ''>?'>'' " M$ %&'' H))*be H+N-./ Michae5/&)6'7 Ae5ieBe eBerything you hear ;<''<= ''>6'>'' enBI > 6'>'' " M$ %&'' H))*si H+N-./ Michae5/&)6'7 .iJteen Ways ;<''&= Lor any Mermutation oN instruments uM to 6 " M$ %<'6 OP%ta OQRSL-UU/ Oan/&)VP7 Warante55a ;&))6= Lor Bio5in and guitarI " M$ %<&P M)P)du MYZ-W$CH/ Mar\an/&)?%7 ]uet CMC/ <''& ^distributor_ " M$ %<V' `%<Vai `R-LLQ7MYZ-ObY/ Uiotr/&)6&7 binneret ;&))67&)))= ''>'?>P' Mer c5arinetto ;o saJoNono soMrano= e BibraNon'I " M$ %P&P O6<Me OYQCH$M/ Ytto/&)&'7 Uetite oeuBre Mour !cte/ a5to et Bio5on7 ce55e ;<'''= " M$ %P&V H))*si H+N-./ Michae5/&)6'7 Whe si5ence to say good bye ;&))P= ''>&P>'' Uour c5arinette/ Bio5once55e et MianoI " M$ %P?P U6?Ptr U$LYN/ ]anie5/&)V*7 Wrio Mour duatuor ;<''<= ''>'V>'' " M$ %?V' C<6&Mi CQRQ.WQWH$./ Qris/&)V*7 Uirouette CMC/ <''' ^distributor_ ''>'V>'' Lor ! ;or ob=/ c5ar ;or a5to saJ=/ mar ;or Jy5= and Mercussion ;susI cym/ triang5e and bass drum=I Ne$ A&'ui*ition* " M$ %6P6 A*V&Vsc$$ AYeCHQR]/ Linda/&)V*7 Le .canda5e $$ ;<''<= ''>&<>'' " M$ %6*V `6P)a5 `YNN-S$LL-/ Miche5/&)V'7 Q5onetogethera55 ;&))<= ''>&%>'' " M$ %*&& LV?)om L-MQ+/ Robert/&)6'7 Ymbres dfautomne et de 5une ;<''&= ''>&%>'' " M$ %%VV H<&<wi HQM-L/ beith/&)V67 Wings oN Mercury ;&))6= ''>&<>'' Lor !ute/ oboe/ c5arinet/ Mercussion/ Miano/ Bio5in/ ce55o/ doub5e bassI " M$ %%VV H))*es H+N-./ Michae5/&)6'7 -ssence ;&))&= ''>&'>'' " M$ %)'V .6%Pno .YbYLYS$C/ Qna/ &)6%7 Nonet ;<''&= ''>'6>'' 1or3s 1ith -lectronics Or Multimedia " M$ )&'& ]<&&en ]QYe.W/ +Bes/&)?67 Lf-ntreBue ;&))&= ''>')>&& " M$ )&'& ]<&&Me ]QYe.W/ +Bes/&)?67 Uetite musidue sentimenta5e ;&)%?= ''>&'>'' " M$ )&&' H<&<tr HQM-L/ beith/&)V67 Wraces ;&))V= ''>'%>'' " M$ )<'& O<<du OQ-`-R/ ]aBid/&)?*7 huiBi sosMiri ;&)*)= ''>&P>'' Lor Miano and synthesiiersI " M$ )<'< ]66<Be ]YL]-N/ Uau5/&)V67 Whe Bertigo oN ritua5iied Nreniy ;&))6= ''>&P>'% Lor two e5ectric guitars and taMeI " M$ )<'P ]66<tw& ]YL]-N/ Uau5/&)V67 Wwi5ight j& ;&)))= ''>')>&V " M$ )<V' W)V<cr WeRN-R/ .ara .cott/&)<67 Cross ta5a ;&))'= Lor marimba/ !ute/ c5arinet and MreMared taMe oN heartbeatI " M$ )P?' ]66<he ]YL]-N/ Uau5/&)V67 Whe heart tearsk Nor brass and saJes ;&))%= ''>&?>PV " M$ )?'' ]66<re ]YL]-N/ Uau5/&)V67 Resonant twi5ight ;&))%= ''><&>?< <;Micc=<<</<<''/taMe/strings ;6767?7?7<= " M$ )?'' -*)bo -.WQC$Y/ Oohn/&)667 Aorea5is ;&))*= ''>&'>'' <;Micc=<;-ngHn=<</?PP&/timM/ Merc;P=;with digita5 de5ay=/ Miano/ harM/ strings 8ocal " MS &&'& Q6?%mu QUUL-AQeM/ Louis/&)&%7<'''I Music Nrom the .tratNord LestiBa5 .tratNord LestiBa5/ <''&I Lor Boice and MianoI " MS &&'& A*V&bi AYWW-NA-R`/ Wo5Ngang/&)P'7 Q Airthday ;&))*= ''>'&>P' " MS &&'& A*V&bir AYWW-NA-R`/ Wo5Ngang/&)P'7 Q Airthday ;&))*= ''>'&>P' " MS &&'& A*V&bir AYWW-NA-R`/ Wo5Ngang/&)P'7 Q Airthday ;&)6'= ''>'&>P' .a0e 12 Ne$ A&'ui*ition* " M$ %%&% '()%*i ',--.N'.012 Wo*5gang2%9:&; Liebes*ied AB&&BC &&D&BD:& Eour HoiI AaiguJC et LianoM " M$ %%&% '()%sc ',--.N'.012 Wo*5gang2%9:&; Oer Pcherensch*ei5er A%9(RC &&D%&D&& " M$ %B)) S:%BLo S.LOM`N2 'arbara MonW2%9):; -he *oHe shards o5 PaLLho AB&&%C &&DB&D&& " M$ %B(& 0R9:*i 0,_`Na,$TC2 `nthony2%9UB; Liens " M$ %%&% S)9Rsa SL.MTN12 0obert2%9B%;%9(UM VParah 'inWs songsX A%9)B;%9)YC Sor Hoice and LianoM " M$ %Y&& H:U(Li H`-_TP2 Christos2%9):; Light 5rom the cross &&DYRD&& Sor mebbo;soLrano and chamber orches; tra " M$ %%&% SU995r S,0O2 C*i55ord2%9Y(; Srom the Sour Peasons A%9(%C &&D&9D:& Sor Hoice and LianoM " M$ %(&) LUU)se L.$TN2 1regory2%9Y:; ( songs 5rom WoybecW A%9(RC Sor Hoice2 oLtiona* chorus2 oLtiona* chi*; dren^s chorus2 Liano and Hio*inM " M$ %%&% M%)B(yo McTN-]0.2 OaHid LM2%9)&; ]ou^** be sorry Sor Hoice and Liano " M$ %R&& SR(Rme S0.N.--.2 C*aude2%9)); Les merHei**euI nuages A%99YC &&D%UDBU Eour comfdien et bandeM " M$ %%&% 0R9:oL 0,_`Na,$TC2 `nthony2%9UB; ,Leramadeo A%99%C Eour mebbo;soLrano et LianoM " M$ %%&% P):%cr PH`0M`N2 0odney2%9)R; Cabaret songsD crossing oHer AB&&%C &&D&:D:& Sor *ow Hoice and LianoM " M$ %%&% P):%Li PH`0M`N2 0odney2%9)R; Cabaret songsD *iebes*eid A*oHe LainC AB&&%C &&D&BD:& "oice with *nsemble " M$ %BY) E:RRni E.LL.-T.02 Marie2%9)9; Ni*bud AB&&BC &&D%&DY& " M$ %B)& $RUBoe $T$T.02 C*aude2%9YR;%9R:M ,eiWawa A%9URC &&D%YD&& Eour HoiI soLrano2 Lercussion et c*ari; nette si bfmo* Ne$ A&'ui*ition* " M$ U&&& $RUBmu $T$T.02 C*aude2%9YR;%9R:M MusiW 5jr das .nde " M$ U%&% ':R)tw '.`h$`TP2 Wi**iam2%9)U; -wo re!ections CMC2 B&&& VdistributorX Sor unison Hoices and LianoM " M$ U%&% HY:Yan H.`L.]2 OereW2%9:U; `nge*us domini descendit de cae*o AB&&BC &&D&9D&& Sor choir APP``--''C with organ Aad *ibCM " M$ U%&% kUBdi k,`CHTM2 ,tto2%9%&; Oies irl AB&&%C Eour orgue et chmur d^hommes ad *ibi; tumM " M$ U%&% L9(BLg: LhP-T12 Lei*a PM2%9YY; Eraise 1od AB&&%C " M$ B%&% HY9(tw H.NO.0P,N2 0uth Watson2%9:B; -wo duets 5or soLrano and a*to gCMC2 %999 VdistributorX &&D&YD&& Sor soLrano2 a*to and LianoM " M$ UB() 'BU%do '`0N.P2 Mi*ton2%9:%;B&&%M Oos Naye Lid Vn ` New PongX AB&&&C &&D%YD&& Sor P`-' chorus2 c*arinet2 trumLet2 Hio; *in2 ce**o2 Liano and traL drumsM " M$ B)&& 0)Y(es 0TO,h-2 1od5rey2%9%R;%9RYM .sther A%9)BC Sor baritone2 soLrano2 chorus and orchestraM " M$ UY&& HY9(5r H.NO.0P,N2 0uth Watson2%9:B; Srom darWness to *ight 0oger Oean ALorenb CorLC2 B&&:M Cantata 5or baritone2 mebbo;soLrano and P`-' chorus with org2 hL2 B tLt2 timL and strM " M$ :(:& H:U(eH H`-_TP2 Christos2%9):; .Her*asting *ight A%999C Sor countertenor2 tenor2 baritone2 PM`M-M'M choir2 Lercussion Amarimba2 be**sC and crysta* g*assesM Choral " M$ U&&& HB%Bde H`M.L2 aeith2%9)U; OeeL in the hearts is where we are one Sor choir AP`-'CM " M$ U&&& HY:Yha H.`L.]2 OereW2%9:U; HarW2 how the Hoice is echoed ^round 1ordon $M -homLson/Warner2 B&&&M Sor P`-' chorus with oLtiona* organM .a0e 11 O4eras 5 stage wor7s " M$ (%%& E%9Yar E`NN.LL2 0aymond2%9:); `ria da caLo A%9U:C Chamber oLeraM " M$ (%B& L9YRos Lh.O.a.2 0aymond2%9YY; ,scar eIcerLts A%99UC " M$ ()&& CU9)so C,L10`PP2 Michae*2%9:B; Pomething^s gonna haLLen 5or chi*dren^s musica* theatreM Ne$ A&'ui*ition* Donors to the CMC BC Region The British Columbia Regional Ofce of the Canadian Music Centre gratefully acknowledges the nancial support of the Canada Council for the Arts; Government of British Columbia through the Ministry of Small Businesses, Tourism & Culture; British Columbia Gaming Commission; The Barbara Pentland Trust; City of Vancouver; ArtsFACT; The Martha Lou Henley Charitable Foundation; SOCAN Foundation; Vancouver Foundation; The Leon and Thea Koerner Foundation; Employment & Immigration Canada; Department of Canadian Heritage; Government of Canada. B e n e f a c t o r (over $1000) Phyllis Mailing P a t r o n ($500 to $999) Ian Hampton Harry Locke Colin Miles Norma Selwood Owen Underhill David Van Berckel S u s t a i n e r ($250 to $499) James Bray Kathryn Cernauskas Ernest Collins Pamela Dalziel June Goldsmith Dorothea Adaskin Mr. & Mrs. Michael Conway Baker Denise Ball BCRMTA/Provincial Council John Beckwith Wallace T. Berry Harold Brown William Bruneau Larry H. Burr Lloyd Burritt Campbell River Friends of Music Carol Jutte George Laverock Hans-Karl Piltz Dale Reubart C o n t r i b u t o r ($100 to $249) Lynda M. Catchpole George Corwin Victor and Rita Costanzi Helen Dahlstrom Andrew Dawes Jean Ethridge Diana Filer Rosalie Frampton Sandra Friesen Bryan N.S. Gooch Sherrill E. Grace Hilda Gregory Gillian Guy Keith & Liz Hamel Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hames Joan Hebb Ronald Holgerson Mary Ingraham Don James Linda Johnston Euphrosyne Keefer Sharman King Rudolf Komorous Sylvia L'Ecuyer Elizabeth Lane Jean Lyons Nancy Macdonald Paddy Macleod Ernst Schneider Bramwell Tovey Barry Truax Robert & Sara Turner Eric Wilson Barbara McLean Winifred Nowell David Owen Heather E. Pawsey Anne F. Pearson Digby Peers Arthur Polson Robert Rogers R. Murray Schafer Stanis Smith Gerald & Mary Stanick Grant Strate Ronald & Wendy Stuart Leslie G. Uyeda Vancouver Musicians' Association Jose Verstappen Kirsten Walsh Jon Washburn Bethiah Weisgarber Dr. & Mrs. James V. Whittaker in memory of Smyth Humphries Karen Wilson Richard E. Woods William Zwozdesky Arlene McIntyre Laura McPheeters William J. McQuay Jr Brenda Campbell & Brian Mix Ron Napier Ellie O'Day Okanagan Music Festival for Composers Susan & James Olsen David Pay Harold Pretty Peggy Prior Jocelyn Pritchard Margaret Purdy Sylvia Rickard Robert Rosen Arne Sahlén Dr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Schipizky Rodney Sharman Wendy Soobis Judy Specht Glenn Sutherland Michel Szczesniak Morgan Tanner Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Temple Sigrid-Ann Thors Dale Throness Jan Trerise Hildegard Westerkamp Morris J. Wilson Helen M. Woolley James Wright Ailsa Zaenker F r i e n d (up to $99) Lorraine Ambrose Keiko Araki Elizabeth Atchison Michael Aze BCRMTA: Chilliwack Branch, Coquitlam/Maple Ridge Branch Mid-Island Branch Mission Branch Nelson Branch North Island Branch Penticton Branch Salmon Arm Branch Jack Behrens Dennis Berryman Kathleen Bowles Ross Braes Donors to the CMC BC Region Hornby Festival Society Elizabeth Brodovitch Vance C. Hoy Ka Nin Chan Anne Hunter Stephen Chatman Jean Lyons School of Music Cecilia Chueh Mr. & Mrs. Lars Kaario Ross Clouston Kelly Kirby Mr. & Mrs. Donald Coates Teachers’ Association Mr. and Mrs. Greg Constable Dianne Kennedy Rita & Victor Costanzi Irene Leviton Janet Danielson Barbara & Carl Little Cynthia J. Davies Jim and Holly Littleford Terence Dawson Virginia Lowrie Roger de la Mare Ramona Luengen Charles E. Dool Elizabeth Mabee Annette Dorrepaal Keith & Jennifer MacLeod Jack & Ruth Downs Judith and Richard Marcuse Judith Forst J. P. McCrum Judith Fraser Jane McDonald Mary H. Fraser Page 23 Donors to the CMC BC Region The SOCAN Foundation